How to overcome Fear? Really working methods. Methods to help in stressful situations

There are probably no people in the world who do not have their own fears: even the strongest personalities are afraid of something, but the secret of their success is that they know how to overcome those negative emotions, which causes a feeling of fear inside.

If you understand that any fear (fear of the dark or dogs, fear of losing loved one etc.) prevents you from living peacefully, constantly reminding you of yourself and preventing you from focusing on important matters, interferes with the development of your career or personal relationships, then you need to learn how to deal with it.

As a result, instead of honestly confessing to the teachers and finding help, she simply wasted precious time until she fainted on the stairs of the university (she was afraid of heights). This happened on the day when she went up to the classroom to show her “written” diploma to the supervisor.

As soon as, as a result of working with a psychologist, she was able to tell the teachers that she had not yet started and ask for help, they together compiled new plan, and the fear of heights disappeared “on its own.” She was scared to go up to the classroom that day, and back, I quote, “I was just flying up the stairs.”

The fight can take a lot of effort and precious time. It is much more effective to consult with fear and understand what signal it brings to us. Imaginary fears carry a signal that we have suppressed some real fear. And our task is to find out which one.

The second reason why fighting irrational fears doesn’t work is secondary benefit. Remember when the student fainted on the stairs “from fear of heights”? It was at that moment when she needed the courage to admit the unfinished work. Her fear of heights very successfully saved her from such a confession. That is, the fear of heights was to some extent beneficial to her.

It is impossible to fight secondary benefit, since winning means losing this benefit. Once she stops fainting on the stairs, she has to go confess. The unconscious logic of secondary gain is something like this: “I’d rather be afraid of heights than of teachers. It’s not so scary to be afraid of heights, I can just avoid climbing on stools and not going near the window. I don’t know what to do with an unwritten diploma, it’s too scary. I’d rather not think about it, but rather be afraid of heights.”

Fighting fear leads to its suppression. But this does not mean at all that it has passed. He just hid in the unconscious and manifests himself in a different way. There are several options for this manifestation:

  1. Increased anxiety, imaginary fears, phobias, panic attacks.
  2. Inability to adequately and timely respond to real danger.
  3. Psychosomatic diseases associated with fear suppression.

Let's sum it up

  1. Fear is our ally, it helps us survive and signals danger. Problems arise precisely because we do not know how to use it (consult with it), but instead suppress it and try to figure out how to get rid of fear and anxiety.
  2. It is important to distinguish between real fears, which warn of real danger, and imaginary ones, when there is no danger.
  3. It is with real fears that the option proposed in the article works great: “take a pen and write down what I’m afraid of and what I should do.” Because this is exactly what fear requires of us - to consult with it. However, it is important to understand that this is not a struggle, but cooperation with fear! As soon as we accept fear as an ally and advisor, problems with it disappear. This does not mean that we stop being afraid, it means that we now know what to do with this fear.
  4. With irrational (imaginary) fears, another stage is added. First you need to understand what suppressed real fear is hidden behind the imaginary one. This can be difficult to do on your own, and may require special knowledge from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Psychotherapist, consulting psychologist Alexander Musikhin

Even the bravest people often experience fear. It doesn’t matter what exactly scares them: spiders or injections, dating people and fights, heights or darkness. The most important thing is that these fears can and should be fought. We can't let them hold our lives back. Remember, there are no people who are not afraid of anything, there are only fools.

To learn how to overcome fear, you must first acknowledge it. Many people deny obvious things and suffer greatly as a result. For example, a person may be afraid to drive a car, but will stubbornly deny it, often creating obstacles on the road for other vehicles.

You will take the first step on the path as soon as you acknowledge the existence of fears. To do this, you can use two simple techniques:

  • Write down your fear. This will be enough to understand how to overcome the fear of death. The point is that the recording officially acknowledges that you are afraid of something. You will also be able to more specifically express the problem you want to solve. You can use this method to solve any problem. Be sure to write that you will be able to get rid of it soon.
  • Name it. It happens that it is quite difficult to determine what exactly we are afraid of. Just some Strange feeling eats us from the inside. Spend a few hours in quiet meditation to determine what exactly is causing the imbalance.

Describe your fear as fully as possible

You need to explain the reason for your fears in as much detail as possible. Every thing in this world has a beginning and an end. In psychology, everything happens exactly the same. Fears rarely appear on their own, so it would be nice to remember where it all started. If you can understand in detail how it affects you and what methods of dealing with it have been most effective, then you will move very far forward.

Give yourself half an hour or an hour of time. Of course, the more the better, but it’s also not worth wasting time. Take a white sheet of paper and a pencil. Find a secluded place where nothing can distract you. You can also turn on your favorite music that gets you in the mood for work. Answer the following questions:

  1. Is the source of fear really dangerous for you? This is very important, especially if you want to understand how to overcome childhood fears. Of course, fear is absolutely healthy emotion, which is designed to protect us from various troubles, but in modern world this feeling can appear without the threat of danger. Try to find out if it is really dangerous. Lay out these thoughts on paper in as much detail as possible.
  2. How does fear affect you? Maybe he makes you mumble when you're trying to meet a cute girl. Or maybe you decide to stay in bed two hours longer so as not to go to see your unloved teacher ()?
  3. What exactly causes the feeling of fear? Maybe it's just a representation of how you stand on top. Or the approach of a person towards whom you have a strong dislike. This will determine how strong he is and how you can fight him.
  4. Where did this fear come from? Does this have anything to do with your childhood or past? How long have you been under its influence and how often does it appear?

Set yourself a bold goal

Nothing motivates action like a truly bold goal. This will even allow you to understand how to overcome the fear of fighting. You need to specifically and measurably define what you want to change and what to achieve. Certainly, the main objective is to conquer fear, but it is far from specific. It is best to perform decomposition, that is, break the goal into several small ones. They should help achieve the main goal.

I'll tell you how to do this using my example. I was very afraid of heights. Not far from my house there was an abandoned construction site, where other boys were constantly climbing, but because of my fear of heights, I could not fully play with them. Then I decided on the first day to just walk nearby. Then I went over the thickest areas on the not so high altitude. Each time I climbed higher and tried to climb into more dangerous areas. In the end I could calmly run on maximum speed along a beam two feet wide at a height of several meters.

But you may have other situations:

  • Fear of spiders can be easily treated with the help of Internet videos. You can also try picking up a regular house spider (if you find one), they are really harmless. Of course, it is better not to use this method with large poisonous individuals.
  • To understand how to overcome anxiety and fear of relationships, then try to first meet people via the Internet, then use Skype, and then move on to real life.
  • If you are afraid of the dark, then start by using night lights and reducing the amount of light.

Start a confrontation

As is known, The best way to overcome fear is to look it straight in the eye. Of course, for this you need to be a very brave person, but it is precisely such people who, as a rule, achieve the greatest success. This is especially true if there are specific events or circumstances that make you feel afraid.

My friend Kostya was very afraid to start relationships with girls. In the company of friends, he was the life of the party, but as soon as a representative of the fair sex appeared nearby, he became a completely different person: timid, quiet and completely inconspicuous. Of course, he didn’t like this very much, and he enrolled in pickup school. They didn’t help him much there, and at the next meeting together, I suggested that he just “come up like a man and start a conversation.” The next time he did everything according to plan and his dating practice had its first success. Of course, this was far from ideal (I won’t go into details), but it was clear that he began to overcome his fears.

I can also advise you to use two simple practices:

  1. Immediately imagine the worst of possible options and evaluate it adequately. Well, let’s take the example of Kostya. If he approaches a girl, the most she can do is turn him away. Of course, this is unpleasant, but people do not die from this, they only gain experience. This will allow you to understand that even under the worst circumstances, it is unlikely that anything really bad will happen.
  2. Repeat over and over again. Let's say you seriously intend to approach a girl today and get to know her. You may not succeed - after all, fear was developed long time, but this is not a reason to give up or stop. Try again and you will definitely succeed. I believe in it.

Create the ideal conditions to combat fear. There will always be circumstances that will tell you: “Stop, don’t do this, it’s better to do everything next time.” But you yourself understand perfectly well that this is wrong. Let's say you dream about restaurant business, but every time you put off this activity. However, if you don't try, you will never be able to understand.

And you should not associate your failures with fate or with any other higher powers. This is a very good excuse because it makes you believe that not everything is in your hands. In reality, you control the future, and it is your choices that determine what results you can achieve.

If possible, surround yourself with people who also want to learn how to overcome fear and depression. Imagine being surrounded by those who simply do not want to develop. In such conditions it will also be difficult for you to reach new level.

Try to change your views on the subject of fear

Remember that fear is not only negative, but also often positive emotions. Think about people who engage in extreme sports. They are literally bursting with adrenaline, but they still continue to do it and get unprecedented pleasure. Also, people often prefer to watch horror films, because they really allow you to get new emotions (especially compared to modern Russian comedies).

So the next time you want to really conquer your fear, try looking at it from a different angle. There is even a book called “Change Your Approach” that helps you look at certain phenomena differently. For example, if you are afraid of heights, then you should watch enough videos about parkour to at least ease your fear a little. This may even be your biggest advantage because you will experience real emotions.

This is also one of the recommendations. Fear is a great tool for effective solution many problems. It serves as a kind of signpost to which you react in any situation. After the first wave of discomfort has passed, try the following:

  • To find out how to overcome fear, try to get to know her better. This is especially true when you have this feeling due to the unknown.
  • If this is due to any obligations (fear of delivering projects), then try to use fear as the main incentive for good preparation and thorough rehearsal.
  • You can also think about the opportunities that will open up for you if you can overcome your fear. Well, let's say you are afraid of water. If you manage to overcome fear, then you will be able to swim a lot, go boating with friends and significantly enrich your life with useful emotions.

How to overcome fear if nothing helps

It also happens that fear cannot be overcome even after several visits to a psychologist. This is nothing to be ashamed of (even if you are a healthy man and afraid of little mice). This is the same emotion as sadness or joy, that is, it is impossible to completely get rid of the feeling of fear, it just takes on more vivid forms in some people.

Understand that fear is an absolutely natural situation for our body. All living beings are afraid, so don't be too hard on yourself. Of course, when you came to the page about how to overcome fear, you expected that you would be able to completely get rid of it, but this really can be impossible, so don’t reproach yourself.

There are also situations when you are VERY AFRAID of something. And all attempts are in vain, and can even cause harm. You shouldn’t rush into another attempt with all your might, especially if the consequences could be dire. Do not give in to stress due to unsuccessful attempts, you will only harm your health.

But if you have at least small victories, then start enjoying them. They really cost you a lot and took you to the next level. Let's say you decided, but were afraid to film yourself. After you've made your first video, just pat yourself on the back (literally) and tell yourself how great you are.

Of course, the most important thing, if your fears are really serious, is to seek help from specialists. They are truly experienced people who will help you deal with this difficult situation. And while fighting your fears, don’t forget about safety. Don't iron poisonous snakes without special protection.

This concludes the article about how to overcome the feeling of fear. If you have any questions, welcome to the comments. And don’t forget to subscribe to new interesting articles. Bye!

Fear is considered the only reaction that is determined by a person’s environment. Each of us is born practically devoid of this feeling. The only fear that babies may experience is the fear of falling from a height and loud sounds. All other reactions awaken in them later, as a result of certain events. The reason for all the fears that arise with age is a person’s belief in his inability to cope with life’s ups and downs. And this feeling does not make it possible to achieve heights, even insignificant ones. At the same time, we are not talking about significant successes or the realization of dreams at all. Any person should be able to and know how to overcome fear. There are many ways to do this. Below are described techniques for overcoming any fears. They are very effective and produce amazing results.

Do you want to overcome fear? Just do it!

It is necessary, despite fear, to develop the habit of acting in any situation. We must understand what this feeling is usual reaction, which arises from attempts to carry out actions that are unusual for you. Fear can also arise as a result of steps that are aimed at overcoming one’s own beliefs. Each person receives a certain experience and worldview over a long period of time. At the moment when he tries to change it, he is faced with the question of how to overcome fear. Depending on the level of belief, fear of the situation can be either weak or strong.

If, for example, you don’t know how to overcome your fear of driving, you need to instill confidence in yourself that you will certainly be able to drive onto a busy highway. While a person hesitates, fear becomes stronger. The longer the pause before action, the more the brain fills with fear. At the first attempt to accomplish the plan, the fear disappears.

How to overcome fears? Worst case evaluation

If the question arises about how to overcome fear, you can try to overcome it in a logical way. When a feeling of fear arises, you need to imagine the worst possible outcome of what you cannot decide on. Usually after this the fear disappears. Why is this happening? Even the worst case scenario is not as scary as the unknown and the very feeling of fear. As soon as a phobia acquires a concrete picture of what is happening, it ceases to be a threat. After all, the strongest weapon of fear is the unknown. In a person’s mind, they are so great that it often seems as if it will be impossible to survive the result of what happened.

In the case where, even after assessing the worst case scenario, it is still scary, this means that the worst outcome of the situation is actually terrible. Then it’s worth thinking about whether it’s really worth doing. After all, fear is a defensive reaction. Perhaps you just need to give up on implementing your plans.

Do you want to conquer your fear? Make a decision!

It is making a decision that will force you to gather strength and ultimately do what makes you afraid. If you set yourself up for real action, the fear will disappear. The presence of fears is only possible in the presence of uncertainty and emptiness. They are inseparable companions of doubt. You can't do without making a decision.

However, when thinking about how to overcome fear, the question also arises: “Why is it so strong?” Horror of upcoming events paints in a person’s mind unpleasant pictures of unwanted actions and situations in which he is uncomfortable. When fear arises, options for failure and failure are scrolled through the mind. Such thoughts instantly have an effect on emotional condition Negative influence. If there is not enough positive energy, the determination to take action is lost. At this time, confidence in one’s own worthlessness strengthens. It is determination that influences the ability to overcome fear.

How to overcome fear: step-by-step actions

So, if you know what exactly you are afraid of, then this is half the battle. Therefore, it is possible to prepare to overcome a phobia. There are two stages to go through: analysis and presentation of fear.


At this stage, you need to carefully analyze your fear of the upcoming action. The questions that need to be answered are:

1. What am I afraid of?

2. Does my fear have a rational basis?

3. Should we be afraid in this case?

4. Why did my fear arise?

5. Fear of what is greater - the execution of the action itself or the unattainability of the goal in the end?

You can ask yourself other various questions that you deem necessary. It is necessary to study fear in more detail. Fear is an emotion, and its analysis is a logical action. After completing the first stage, you can understand that fear actually has no meaning. But the fear of action may continue. After all, emotions always defeat logic. This often happens when you need to decide how to overcome your fear of driving. Then we move on to the second stage.


How to overcome fear and uncertainty using emotions, not logic? Imagining your own fear is its visualization. If you know exactly what you are afraid of, calmly scroll through pictures of this action being performed in your mind. The human mind does not distinguish between imagined and real events. Once the phobia has been repeatedly overcome in your imagination, doing the same in reality will be much easier. This is explained by the fact that in the subconscious the model for performing the action is already fixed. Self-hypnosis - enough effective method fighting fears. It can be applied in any situation with unambiguous success.

How to get rid of fear? Train your courage!

Imagine that you could train courage in the same way that you train muscles in gym. First, a projectile with a small weight is lifted - if possible. Over time, when it becomes easy, the mass of inventory increases. With each new load, attempts are made to lift the projectile with greater force. You need to do the same with fears - first train your mind against small ones, then fight fears of a larger degree. Let's give specific options.

Example one

How to overcome your fear of people if you are afraid to speak in front of a large audience? To begin with, you should invite friends to a meeting and demonstrate your skills in front of them. Let's say ten people. Speaking in front of a small audience is not as scary as speaking in front of several dozen or hundreds of spectators. Then gather about 30 people and complete the task assigned to them. If this stage is problematic for you, and fear still arises (you forget what you need to say, you get lost), then you need to train with exactly this number of spectators until the situation becomes familiar and calm. Then you can perform in front of an audience of 50, 100 or more people.

Example two

If you are shy and don’t know how to overcome your fear of people, then you should make it a habit to talk to them more often. You can start by simply smiling at passers-by on the street. You will be pleasantly surprised, but people will start doing the same in return. Of course, there will also be a person who will decide that you are laughing at him. But it's not a problem.

Next, you need to start saying hello to passers-by. They will answer, thinking that you know each other, and remember where they met before. The next stage is to try to start a casual conversation with people. For example, while standing in line, you can say some phrase on a neutral topic. This will provoke someone to respond to you. There are many reasons to start a conversation - weather, sports, politics, etc. Thus, having conquered small fears, you can cope with big ones.

A step-by-step plan to get rid of fear

Identify your biggest worry (for example, you don't know how to overcome your fear of the dentist). Next, complete all of the following steps:

1. Divide your fear into several small ones. There must be at least 5 of them.

2. Start by training to overcome the smallest fear of them.

3. If there is fear even of him, then you need to break it down into several more.

4. Overcome all minor fears one by one.

5. You need to train on an ongoing basis.

This method will allow you to learn how to deal with fears. If there are breaks between such workouts for a long time, you will soon have to start all over again. The process is similar to that if you stop working out in the gym for a long time - the muscles become unaccustomed to heavy loads, and you have to take up light exercises. As soon as you stop training, the fear that lives in your mind will take over. Emotions will win over logic.

Other methods to help overcome stressful situations

It is worth noting that any positive emotions help to overcome fears, while negative ones, on the contrary, hinder.

Increase your own self-esteem

There is a pattern - the better your opinion of yourself, the less fear of anything you experience. In this case, self-esteem protects against excessive fear and stress. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s false or adequate. That is why an inflated positive opinion of oneself often gives a person the ability to commit a more courageous act than the real one.


If you don’t know, for example, how to overcome the fear of airplanes, then faith in God, an angel or another higher being will help get rid of this feeling. When you have confidence that one of the listed images will be able to take care of you in critical situation, your negative emotions become less strong. Light from any higher power seems to dispel the darkness of fear.


Men are able to cope with any fears for the sake of the women they love. The same can be said about mothers. They will overcome any obstacle to raise healthy children. Therefore, by remembering your loved one, you can overcome any fear in order to be close to him.

How to overcome fear of heights: an effective physical method

In order to really overcome the fear of heights, you will need a consultation with a psychologist, a pen, a notebook and a balcony located in a multi-story building.

First you need to understand yourself - how strong is your fear of heights. In the case when fear appears from the view from the 20th floor balcony, we can talk about a necessary sense of self-preservation. Without this defensive reaction the person would not have survived. But if fear arises when climbing several steps of a stepladder, we can already talk about a phobia. The first option requires learning to control and curb your own emotions. The second case involves visiting a psychologist and solving the problem with him.

Let's take action

You don’t know how to overcome your fear of heights, but the help of a specialist did not help you or you don’t want to contact him? Then you should learn to stand calmly to begin with, for example, on the balcony of the 5th floor, if this is too difficult, then you should start from the second or third, gradually increasing the height. It is recommended to keep a diary and record in it all your feelings, thoughts and - most importantly - achievements. When you read it periodically, it will give you additional confidence and strength. When you have completely conquered your fear, burn the diary. Thus, you can put an end to the fight against the fear of heights.

How to overcome the fear of fighting?

Fear of a fight is most often caused by a simple lack of experience and skills, and a physical inability to fight. In this case, you urgently need to go to self-defense courses. At the same time, their focus is not important, the main thing is that the mentor is a professional in his field. Knowledgeable, authoritative, experienced trainer will teach you how to make shots correctly, place protective blocks and instill confidence in you.

Self improvement

Those who like to idly wave their fists at a subconscious level sense a potential “victim” - a frightened, notorious, fearful person. To become a strong personality, you can turn to the method of psychological relaxation, concentration, and self-hypnosis. Thanks to this technique, you will learn not only to react to provocations with almost lightning speed, but also begin to do it clearly and confidently.

There is another, perfect method - stopping mental, emotional thinking, imagining a possible fight. If you learn to treat her with composure, your condition will change. The acuity of perception, the reaction will increase, and the body will have the opportunity to mobilize forces in in full to win victory.

Psychologist or training?

The most successful effect in overcoming the fear of fighting will be if you address the problem to a psychologist. If this option is unacceptable for you, then excellent results can be achieved by attending training aimed at personal growth. It does not have to be devoted to the topic: “How to overcome the fear of fighting.” Any quality training that helps develop self-confidence can definitely help cope with this problem.

Fighting the fear of driving a car

If you don’t know how to overcome your fear of driving a car, and even if you have little driving experience vehicle, you should choose not very popular and quiet routes that have the lowest possible traffic flow. At the same time, your path to your destination will become longer, but at the same time you will be able to kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, you will be able to gain experience of real driving, and not standing idle in traffic jams on the main streets of the city, especially during rush hour. Secondly, you will learn to quickly and correctly assess the situation on the road when driving without nervousness. After a month or two of this practice, your fear of both the car and maneuvers and difficult situations along the way will disappear.

Nervousness away!

How to overcome the fear of driving? The main rule is not to be nervous under any circumstances! Even if you took off in your car unsuccessfully, stalled at a traffic light or blocked a couple of lanes. This happens to every driver. And if they shout, honk and swear at you, try to minimize your nervousness. Think about the fact that no one was hurt in this situation, and it would be much worse if, out of fear, you suddenly pressed the gas pedal and collided with another car.

Fighting the fear of flying

Are you planning to travel by air, but you don’t know how to overcome your fear of flying? Try to keep yourself busy while waiting for your flight. Shift your attention to things that have nothing to do with your future flight. Don't go into the air feeling hungry, but don't eat a lot of sweet or fatty foods first. You should not get carried away with drinks containing caffeine, which can increase anxiety. To avoid unnecessary anxiety, arrive at passenger check-in on time.

Overcoming the fear of flying in the air

How to overcome the fear of flying at altitude? Once in the air, do not look at the passengers to determine their condition. It’s clear that you can easily find more than one person who is as afraid of flying as you are. This will increase the feeling of panic. To reduce the fear of flying to a minimum, you should keep your legs with your feet flat on the floor; women wearing high-heeled shoes should take off their shoes. This will help you feel supported and reduce your fear. Also, you should not listen to the sound of an airplane engine and mentally imagine scenes of disasters. On the contrary, you need to remember something pleasant, chat with the person in the next chair, or get distracted by solving a crossword puzzle.

The main principle of dealing with fears is to never fight them.

The article lists many options for dealing with fears. But you never actually have to fight them. When you try to overcome fear, it only intensifies and completely takes over your mind. When a fear of something arises, it is enough to simply acknowledge it. For example, how to overcome the fear of death? Recognize that this is inevitable. And come to terms with it. This doesn't mean you will become weak. It is not the absence of fear that is considered courage, but the ability to act. Despite everything. The only way to destroy fear is to ignore it. This way you can focus your attention and energy on your ability to take action.

Before a public speaking event or before a date with the girl of your dreams? The concept of fear is familiar to every person. It is an integral part of life, it is one of the basic natural reactions. From birth to death, a person is filled with fears, and the quality of life is determined by how quickly and how successfully he fights them. How to get rid of fear?

You can turn to a specialist for help, because sometimes problems are much deeper and more multi-layered than they seem at first glance. But in most situations it will be possible to do this without the help of psychologists. They suggest how you can get rid of phobias on your own, and these methods really work. Universal remedy out of fear does not exist. But there are a number of techniques that can effectively solve the problem.

Where does fear come from?

Surely you have noticed that young children do not experience fear, as teenagers and adults do. They are the lucky ones, but why? Getting rid of common fears is irrelevant for them due to the lack of them. This is due to the fact that this reaction occurs under the influence environment. It is she who forms the attitude towards certain objects, events, situations. After a child first falls out of the crib and experiences pain, he acquires the first reaction to experience pain again.

With every day of growing up and socialization, more and more such situations accumulate, the collection of reactions grows, fears are formed, united, merged. One is born from the other, becomes stronger or weaker. Children do not know how to deal with phobias, and the latter spill over into adulthood. Doesn't happen at all successful person in everything and always, some failures and fatal coincidences are present in everyone’s life. After a bad public speaking experience, some people never step up to the microphone again to avoid experiencing those emotions again. Fear is born, how to deal with it, how to overcome it?

What to do? To live well and happily, you need to get rid of anxiety and worries. This will improve your quality of life and gain confidence. What is needed for this? How to overcome fear? Exist various techniques struggle, they are used by millions of people, overcoming the most difficult situations. It is necessary to consider several of the most common and universal ones. It is important to understand that to achieve results you need not only to know about the technique, but also to want to remove the fear and anxiety that prevent you from living better. Want and do. Cope with the feeling that prevents you from living and stop worrying.

Fear is a reaction to the world around us

How to get rid of bad thoughts? First you need to analyze and realize that you have feelings of anxiety and fear. No matter how trivial it may sound, recognizing a problem often takes no less time than solving it. Instill in yourself the ability to act contrary. Awareness and analysis of the problem will allow you to take a broader view. Fear can be small, big, strong, weak. But as long as it is there and growing in your body, you will not be able to move on. Find the reason and analyze where everything came from and after what events it appeared. Convince yourself that it is just a reaction and you can control it. This is the first and main remedy for fear - awareness of the problem.

No need to focus on age. You can work on yourself at any time; it’s never too late to change your life for the better. How to overcome fear if you are no longer young? Over the years, it becomes more and more difficult to overcome fears, since a certain picture of the environment, a worldview, is formed, and going beyond its limits is not only uncomfortable, but also scary. People are not born successful, they become them. The costs of education also play an important role in the development of personality. For a child's fragile mind, minor situations can grow into big fears in the future.

How to get rid of fear from childhood? If you clearly understand that you are afraid, for example, of riding in an elevator, because as a child you were stuck in it and sat in the dark for half a day, then you can overcome the fear yourself through an effort of will. Say out loud: “Yes, it’s scary now, but this feeling exists only in my head, I can and I know how to overcome it.” Do it quickly, get into the elevator, without giving your consciousness the opportunity to trap you, shrouding you in a veil of fear. The longer you wait, the more tension builds. Don't let your imagination run wild, as it is more difficult to get rid of fears and anxieties by standing face to face with them for too long.

Imagine your fear as a high wall that blocks the path to happiness. You can't see what's behind this wall. You just need to go through it. Fear is a wall, an illusion, it doesn’t really exist, it’s only in your head. Just open the door and go through the wall. Accept, respect fear and overcome, passing through it like through a foggy wall. The method is acceptance, not denial. There is no need to fight and reject it in yourself, you need to recognize it as part of consciousness, because fear can only be overcome in this way. Act without letting your brain come to its senses. Whenever you find yourself in a scary situation, just walk through that door.

Fight fear like a samurai

How to manage fear, and is it possible? Logic is yours best weapon in such a fight. Take your imagination to your side, make it your ally. Let it show the worst-case scenario for the situation. You are afraid to ride in an elevator because you might get stuck, like you did when you were a child. How to overcome fear? Standing in front of the door, imagine that you are already inside and really stuck. It’s dark, you’re hanging between the fifth and sixth floors, and there’s no way to get out on your own, your phone can’t pick up the network, no one will come to help, and you won’t be discovered until the morning. You can hardly breathe from excitement. A bleak picture? Experience this feeling as if it were real. Open your eyes. You just went through a nightmare and survived. Now you know what you will experience in the worst case scenario and survive. It's not so scary anymore, is it? Most often, people are scared by the unknown. What happens as soon as the elevator slams behind you? How will the rescuers work? How quickly do they arrive to help? Try to find the answers, use logic. She will tell you how you can get rid of the feeling of fear.

You need to imagine a situation in which a man is going to propose marriage to the woman of his dreams. He is afraid that she will refuse, and these phobias in adults cloud the mind. In this situation, the samurai method will help. You need to concentrate and imagine that day X has arrived: so you take the ring out of your pocket and get down on one knee, saying cherished words. The girl refuses. What happens after this? Will the world collapse? No. Getting rid of fears comes through awareness. You will suffer, but over time the pain will subside and everything will return to normal. You will realize that the person next to you was not the same. You will be glad that you did not live months and years next to someone who is not your match. You will open the way for new relationships.

Overcoming fear is not always useful or necessary. After all, this is a natural reaction, including part of the instinct of self-preservation. It is always important to turn on your head and analyze the situation, since removing fear while standing on the edge of an abyss is fatal. You need to imagine that for the first time in your life you came to the skating rink and started skating. People confidently rush around at high speed, they maneuver easily and confidently stay in the general flow. You are scared, because, having found yourself in such a whirlpool of people, you will have to move in the same rhythm and at the same speed. The brain tells you that it is better to stay at the side and learn basic movements. And in this moment He's right. Distinguish the instinct of self-preservation from phobias and know when taming fear will be beneficial and not harmful.

Evaluate anxiety from a logical perspective, discarding emotions. Sometimes it's okay to be afraid.

Determination is the enemy of fear

No one succeeds in not being afraid of anything. The most successful people worked on their consciousness to achieve heights. How to lose fear to live better? Leave it outside your boat happy life. By being a determined person, you can defeat him. Tune in to solve the problem, plan, think through a plan within yourself. Dealing with fear will be your decision. Fill your mind not with uncontrolled emotions, but with a specific plan for victory. The feeling of fear and anxiety is friends with emptiness and uncertainty, this is his best friends. Fill the air with the words: here is the plan for victory, the decision has been made and cannot be changed. There is no turning back, because you have agreed with your consciousness. Self-esteem is an important thing.

How to stop being afraid? Don't let your emotions take over, don't overthink it. Images of failure and failure can be terrifying. Remember: the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. Be a purposeful person. Even if it doesn't work out, you will keep your word to yourself. What pride there will be in a kept promise! And if you manage to overcome fear, then it will double. Think positively, look positive points even in the fight against anxiety and phobias. Victory over fear will open up new horizons. To fight phobias and fears on your own, you need to bring out your inner hero. Realize, decide that you need it. How to learn? Predict the success that will happen when you achieve your goal. Remember to praise your own determination and strength.

Treating phobias and fears on your own is possible for everyone, the main thing is to find a suitable method.

Become a psychologist

You can learn not to be afraid of anything! Knowing you have fear is half the battle. Realizing and accepting it means taking a big step towards success. Psychologists know how to treat phobias and share information that you can use yourself for your work. Preparation begins with analysis. Key issues to be disclosed:

  • why is it scary?
  • what exactly is scary;
  • we need to continue to be afraid of this;
  • worry is rational;
  • whether I am afraid of the action or the consequences.

Write down your arguments on paper and hang them in a visible place. Think about it and add to it as needed. Once you break fear down into molecules, it will become understandable to you. And people are less afraid of clear things than unknown ones. Fear will become an old acquaintance for you, you will switch to “you”. How to stop being afraid of cars? Explore this complex mechanism, get under the hood, talk to the mechanic, find out everything about this iron monster. Taming the feeling of fear starts small. How not to be afraid of the dark? Study it. Walk around the room at night.

The problem of overcoming fear is solved with the help of visualization. Spend several sessions imagining in detail what you would do in a scary situation. So you enter the entrance and head to the elevator, you press the call button, you are calm and confident. Doors open, you step firmly inside, etc. The more details in your visualization, the better. Your consciousness will accept this version of the scenario, and all that remains is to implement it. Self-hypnosis in this case will work like hypnosis. This is a very powerful thing, it is practiced with success for the most complex phobias. The main rule is regularity of visualization. Schedule sessions with consciousness. How to stop being afraid with the help of such sessions? The amount depends on the circumstances, but often 5-8 times are enough. How to remove fear forever? Reinforce your success several times.

Knightly courage in the fight against fear

If you are afraid of spiders, then the object is a reflex in your head. As soon as your eyes see a spider, an impulse is sent to your brain and you are terribly scared. Although the spider itself is not dangerous and does not pose a threat to life. How to stop being afraid, for example, of spiders? The task is to overcome fear so that it does not become an obstacle to a happy life. You need to win intellectually and start thinking clearly and clearly. Practice being brave.

What is the fastest way to get rid of fear? This works well in an emergency. Imagine yourself saving small child from a spider. Could you do this for someone else? Probably yes. So why not do it for yourself? Become your own brave knight. Taming fear is like taming a dragon.

Self-confidence can be trained. All successful speakers started with small speeches while practicing. In the case of fear, you can train yourself to be courageous. Win gradually, start small and go big. Approach the elevator and watch it go up and down. Watch people come and go. Do you see that there is no reason to be afraid? Treating fear is not a quick process. Work at your own pace, don't look at others. For some, just reading a book on the topic of overcoming helps, while for others it takes months or years. It's individual. The main thing is the result. If you have found how to get rid of a phobia on your own, work hard and everything will work out sooner or later.

All current speakers know how to cope with the fear of public speaking. Are there natural talents who can win over a crowd of a thousand people the first time? Yes, but these are just a few. And hundreds of people perform every day. In case of public speaking An example of working on yourself is much more illustrative. How to get rid of anxiety about giving a speech? Start fighting fear by putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Call a few people and give a speech around the table. Be brave. If you take a book about success stories famous person, be surprised at what he was faced with at first. Everyone is afraid.

Take the experience of the best and apply it to your story. This method works well with social phobias. Some are afraid to talk on the phone because they don’t see the person, some cannot address a stranger on the street, while others refuse to go to interviews to strangers. How to stop being afraid of all this? The problem is only in the head. Be brave, step out of your comfort zone, make fear control a habit! Start small, make eye contact with strangers on the street, smile at your child, say hello to the waiter before you order.

How to get rid of fear and anxiety gradually? The technique of breaking it down into components and working on each part separately works well. You can try the following script:

  • there is a lot of fear, how to get rid of it is not yet clear;
  • break it into 3 small components, divide into blocks;
  • practice how to conquer fear in each of the three parts;
  • go from anxiety and fear to victory.

There is no need to give up if things don’t work out right away. Avoid negative opinions of others. Overcoming fears requires concentration and sometimes takes a long time. But this is an investment that will pay off handsomely. Try it different techniques, come up with own ways overcome fear, test. Even if it takes a year to get into the damn elevator, you'll have a great way to move up floors for the rest of your life. Before you fight fear, evaluate the positive effect of overcoming it, understand the value. This will be an additional incentive.

Supporting practices

How to control fear or defeat it completely and irrevocably? In the fight against severe anxiety self-confidence helps. Start by recognizing your strengths, praise yourself daily. Cultivate strength, and then taming fear will go like clockwork. You've probably noticed that people with unreasonably high self-esteem achieve more. They are simply less afraid, since the awareness of their own coolness does not allow them to succumb to phobias too often. They do not depend on other people's opinions. Why are you worse? Try to build self-confidence and keep your anxiety under control.

Here are some ways to work with fears through auxiliary practices:

  • praise yourself for completing difficult tasks;
  • praise your virtue;
  • act honestly and correctly;
  • help others, get praise.

The listed simple practices will not require much effort, but with a cumulative effect they will help heal fear and give an incredible result, it will be quite stable and will feed constantly. Strength and confidence are formed within. She will tell you how to cure your phobia. How to overcome fear? Try to fill your life positive emotions, is a creative force that helps you achieve your goals. Psychology allows you to model life.

How to get rid of phobias and fears on your own if none of the above helps? Another technique for dealing with fear involves auxiliary emotions. Faith (for example, in a higher power), love (for the sake of those they love, people are ready to do great deeds), virtue (for the sake of saving lives, people immediately cross the threshold of phobia) help a lot.

When choosing a way to treat fear, do not be afraid to try more and more new methods until you achieve results. However, if you have severe anxiety and fear that interferes with your life, treatment can be carried out with the involvement of specialists. For each person it will be possible to choose individual course, work both with children's problems and with post-traumatic syndrome. Doctors know how to get rid of them in difficult cases.

Everyone experiences a fear or phobia from time to time, and in some cases, fear provides security. But sometimes self-doubt interferes with everyday life.

To cope with your problems you need to know ways to overcome fear. It is important to take action in time if self-doubt has turned into an obsession or phobia.

It is quite normal for a person to be afraid of something. Most likely, many people were afraid to ride a bicycle as a child. But when fears begin to control life, they negatively affect a person’s character, and this becomes a problem. When fear turns into a phobia, it causes severe stress, which affects a person’s functioning, and may cause nervousness and anxiety.

In this case, you need to focus on your fears, try to understand how much they influence your life. You also need to understand for yourself what fears prevent you from moving towards achieving your goal. Signs that a phobia is developing into a serious problem:

Identifying the Symptoms of a Phobia

Very often, types of phobias are identified that involve specific situations. For example, this includes fear of public speaking, of animals: spiders or snakes, and so on. Many people are afraid of injections and the sight of blood. When a feeling of fear is experienced, various emotional, intellectual and physiological reactions appear, among which are:

If a car accident has occurred in the past, then driving a car can become a frightening and scary activity that a person tries with all his might to avoid. Maybe there was a robbery on the way home, and now the thought of returning after work automatically causes fear. There are many ways to overcome your fear, laziness and self-doubt. These include avoiding any traumatic events. Fear is the body's adequate response to a variety of traumatic events and situations, but some of them cannot be avoided. We must admit that the phobia is real and we need to fight it.

The emergence of fears in childhood

Perhaps a person is very afraid of snakes, but he cannot understand where this fear came from. Many studies suggest that fear appears in childhood. Some children inherit biological fear from their parents. And other sources say that children process information about the world around them, as a result of which certain fears and fear arise.

For example, Small child observes various events that pose a threat to him. By observing how parents interact with some situation or object, the child begins to create associations. Among them, situations appear that are fixed in the brain as potentially dangerous or scary. These feelings are consolidated and appear in adult life, regardless of the actual risk.

We must admit that a phobia is quite normal, only after this acceptance can we solve the problem of how to overcome a phobia. Fear is an adaptive trait human body which prolong his life. As a rule, fear is experienced when a person is on the edge of a cliff. This fear is an adaptive response. It prepares a person for defensive actions. Fear can be quite beneficial; it is important to remember its positive protective role.

How to Deal with Fear

Negative emotions are easy to ignore or deny to yourself. But courage does not arise on its own when facing a phobia. You need to learn to overcome your feelings. This is the first step towards controlling the situation. How to overcome fear:

  1. You need to understand your phobia.
  2. Sometimes fear arises instantly and completely unexpectedly, but there are situations when it is difficult to deal with your anxious feelings that are hidden in the depths of the mind.
  3. In this case, you need to try to draw out the phobia and define it.

There is no need to suppress your fears. It is necessary to recognize internal feelings and complexes, without dividing them into good and bad, this will help in the problem of how to overcome your fears.

Awareness of triggers

You need to find out what exactly causes the phobia. The better you understand and realize your fear, the easier it is to fight it. You need to ask yourself: how much does fear hold back and control my life? Once the problem is defined, the desired outcome needs to be presented. If the phobia is conscious, then you need to think about what exactly needs to be changed. It is important to imagine what life would be like without fear, and how a person would feel. Examples of dealing with fear:

  1. If you have a phobia of spiders, then you need to imagine them as if they were in front of a person, but he took it calmly.
  2. If you have a phobia of heights, then you need to imagine as if the person is at a height. At this time, you need to feel a sense of accomplishment.
  3. If commitment is a concern, then you need to imagine a happy relationship with your partner.

Many phobias are based on false beliefs or catastrophic thinking. When a person sees a spider, he thinks that it will definitely harm him. We need to learn to distinguish such patterns of thinking and question them. You need to try to find more information regarding your fear, and understand that the actual risk is much less than it seems. It must be admitted that even worst case scenario unlikely.

We need to start restructuring our thoughts so that catastrophic thinking does not appear. To do this you need to interact with your thoughts. If fear appears, then you need to pause and think about the actual risk. It is necessary to return to negative thoughts and false beliefs, to say to yourself: “I admit the fact that dogs are aggressive, but most of them are kind and affectionate animals. It’s unlikely they’ll bite me.” Once you become aware of your own fears and false beliefs, you need to begin to intentionally confront your phobia.

Practice gradual interaction

Often fear arises because a person has never encountered his phobia. This is called fear of the unknown (a commonly used phrase that neatly describes how people feel when faced with something new). For example:

  1. If a person is afraid of dogs, then you should start small. Need to find a picture of a dog on the Internet. And look at the picture until the fear goes away. Then you need to look at photographs of real dogs. Then you can watch the video. Different images of animals are studied until the feeling of awe passes.
  2. You can go to a park where dogs are often walked, watch them. This must be done until the fear of animals passes.
  3. For example, you can visit a friend who has a dog. You need to observe his interaction with his pet until a feeling of calm comes.
  4. Can pet the pet so that the feeling of anxiety goes away. The final step: you need to be alone with the animal, spend the whole day with it.

It is necessary to face your fear as often as possible in order to learn how to overcome fear and self-doubt. The power that brings awareness to emotions matters for understanding own feelings and feelings. Exposing yourself to a phobia, deliberately verbalizing your own fears gives enormous strength. This helps fight fear. At this time, control of emotions occurs.

Scientists have conducted studies looking at cases of fear of spiders. Participants who recognized their fears and told themselves, “I'm afraid of that spider,” and interacted with it once, showed significantly less fear when they saw the insect the following week. Running away from your phobia does not help you get rid of it. The next time you feel fear, you need to delve into it, using words that help you describe your anxiety and fear.

Overcoming fears with relaxation

When a person experiences fear, a natural reaction occurs to leave the place where the phobia arose. You need to learn to resist this feeling by using relaxation techniques. This will help you understand that the person is safe and is not in danger. Relaxation is great for managing stress and anxiety. Relaxation rules:

  1. You can also try breathing exercises . To do this, you need to focus on your breathing, count each inhalation and exhalation. You need to inhale for four seconds, and then exhale for five seconds. As soon as the person feels comfortable, the exercise should be carried out for 6 seconds. This will help you overcome your phobia.
  2. If you notice that your muscles are tense, you should focus on relaxing them. How to do it: you need to tense all the muscles of your body for 4 seconds, and then relax them. This action is performed 3 or 4 times until the whole body relaxes.

You need to try to turn fear to your advantage. Some people engage in extreme sports, swim with sharks, and watch horror movies. You need to try to look at your phobia from the other side, think about what thrills it can offer. When a person can consider the source of energy and motivation in his anxiety, then fear can play a positive role.

Reducing the power of fear

A phobia can be powerful different situations that concern life or death. People who experience this type of fear report a feeling of time slowing down. At these moments they felt a special surge of energy and intuitively knew what to do in dangerous situation. Scientists have proven that fear drowns out the feeling of pain.

Understanding the positive aspects of fear will help you use fear to your advantage.. For example, many people have stage fright, but this fear helps improve productivity and focus on what is in front of the person at that moment. You need to learn to recognize and acknowledge your phobia., direct it to where it will be most useful.

Thus, you can cope with the problem of how to overcome your fear, laziness and self-doubt. Most people, having experienced a phobia before an event, but once in this situation, are no longer susceptible to panic. Fear enhances all human feelings, so you can perform certain tasks more efficiently and effectively.

How to See Opportunity in Fear

You can use your phobia as a tool to help identify the problem and solve it effectively. When the discomfort from the initial manifestations of the phobia passes, you need to try to understand your fear. This will help you find out the reason where the fear comes from. Thanks to the fear of something, you can learn to control yourself and suppress fear:

  1. If you experience fear of something unfamiliar, then the situation should be perceived as if the person wants to get to know the situation better.
  2. If there is an outbreak of fear due to an upcoming event, then you need to determine a plan of action for yourself in order to be fully prepared for the situation.

If you can’t cope with your fear on your own, you can make an appointment with a psychologist. Qualified specialist will help you understand the sources of fear and come up with methods to combat them. If a phobia literally takes over a person's life, then you can try to use your imagination to calm yourself down, and not become even more scared.

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