When massaging the neck, transparent dots appear in the eyes. Various massage techniques around the eyes against wrinkles

Massage in the area of ​​vision organs is considered by many people as a procedure that can improve their condition. skin And appearance. Correctly selected methodology is the main component in complex treatment numerous pathologies. Massage of the organs of vision will not only stabilize the condition, but also stop further deterioration of visual function. Daily sessions of 10 minutes will benefit the eyes, helping to strengthen and relax tense eye muscles, improving visual acuity.

What does massage do for myopia?

Massage of the organs of vision for myopia, together with the main methods of treatment, can restore visual acuity. Eye massage improves:

  • circulation;
  • metabolic processes in tissues;
  • strengthens eye muscles.

Also providing massage:

  • promotes relaxation of the eye muscles, having a beneficial effect on the course of myopia;
  • income increases nutrients to the organs of vision;
  • reduces pain sensitivity and intraocular pressure due to irritation of nerve endings.

For better blood supply during the progressive stage of myopia, a classic massage of the cervical spine is performed. The procedure should not provoke any painful sensations. The duration of sessions is prescribed individually by the doctor depending on the degree of pathology. It is very important to reduce during treatment physical exercise, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat impeccably.

Existing techniques

The treatment procedure for myopia is carried out by a medical massage therapist, taking into account all the indications and contraindications for this procedure. Treatment of myopia involves the use classic massage, which is effective for many pathologies:

  1. Begin the session with light stroking. At the same time, the eyeballs are massaged, soft tissues face and periorbital region;
  2. The massage is carried out along the lines of the sub-brow and superciliary arches, on the temples. The basic techniques are used: stroking, kneading, rubbing, effleurage. They are performed in various variations, the main thing is to follow a certain sequence;
  3. They finish the session, just as they started, with light stroking.

After the procedure, the patient feels relaxed and his condition improves. Classic massage has a number of contraindications:

  • increased body temperature;
  • severe pain (relieved only with medications);
  • any skin diseases;
  • blood pathologies and tendency to bleeding;
  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • mental illness.

Treatment of myopia can be supplemented with a back massage. Massage your back at the level of the cervical and thoracic spine. Sessions are carried out in a lying or sitting position. Massage must be carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. Start with stroking;
  2. Then continue rubbing;
  3. End with kneading;
  4. For better effect eyes make 10 circular rotations counterclockwise and clockwise.

The procedure to improve visual function is prescribed 3-4 times a week.

Head massage has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision in case of myopia. It helps relieve general tension and improve blood supply to the eyes:

  1. Start from the neck and back of the head - this improves blood flow from the head to the eyeball;
  2. Then they tilt their head down, slowly lift it up and bend it back plastically;
  3. Repeat the task 5 times;
  4. Next, gently massage the skin around the eyes with your fingertips in a clockwise direction.

How to do an eye massage for myopia yourself

For self-massage necessary:

  1. First of all, prepare your hands, wash them diligently and then warm them. To do this, rub them intensively for 30-40 seconds, improving blood circulation.
  2. Next, you need to take a comfortable position, sitting or standing. It is better to bend your head to your chest.
  3. The eyebrows and areas above the eyes are massaged a little more intensely. Then press on the point on the outer edge of the eye for 20 seconds. Repeat 4-5 times.

Palming and massage

Do simple exercises:

  1. The procedure itself should begin with palming. Palming is special exercise for the organs of vision. The essence of the exercise is to cover your eyes with your palms, without pressing, and relax facial muscles. Sit in this position for 1-2 minutes, then repeat the exercise a few more times. During the exercise, a person should not experience any discomfort; there should only be a feeling of relaxation.
  2. The next exercise is carried out according to the same scheme, only slight pressure is applied to the eyeball. Repeat 5-7 times. It is necessary to monitor the pressure applied; there should be no pain.
  3. They clench their hands into fists and rub their organs of vision with them. Rubbing should be light and not painful.
  4. The middle and index fingers massage both simultaneously eyeballs A. It is necessary to observe the correct movements: the lower edge is massaged towards the nose, the upper edge - along the superciliary part.
  5. Cover both eyes and stroke them with the back of them middle phalanx thumb light pressure. The exercise is repeated 20 times. The movement is directed from the bridge of the nose to the temple.
  6. The procedure is completed with 5-minute palming.

To improve vision, you need 10-15 minutes a day for self-massage.

Massage technique according to Zhdanov’s method

Zhdanov’s technique involves performing a massage both on the organs of vision and over the entire face. This technique is suitable not only for myopia, but also for other pathologies of the visual organs.

It must be performed by observing the alternation of exercises:

  • Massage the forehead with the index, middle and ring fingers. Then they stroke it lightly.
  • A similar technique is used to massage the eyebrows, paying special attention to the hollow between the eyebrows.
  • Massage the temporal area using two fingers.
  • Stroking the upper area of ​​the cheekbone under the eyes.
  • With the help of pillows index fingers massage the part of the face above the sinuses of the nose.
  • Rub and stroke the depressions located on both sides between the ear and cheek.
  • Massage the back of the neck.
  • Vibrating movements of the index and middle fingers will massage upper eyelid.
  • Massage the eyeballs with the middle fingers. Movements are carried out from the corners to the middle.
  • They do an eye massage using four fingers.
  • Cover the organs of vision, massage the inner corners with the index finger. These are the so-called astigmatic points.
  • The procedure is completed with the following exercise: the eyelids are tightly squeezed 3 times and the corners of the eyes are slightly stretched.

Acupressure and shiatsu massage

This technique is based on influencing biologically active points that are responsible for the state of visual function. With acupressure you can:

  • reduce visual fatigue;
  • improve visual acuity;
  • normalize intraocular pressure;
  • reduce eye muscle tension.

Impact points are not only located in the eye area, they can be found throughout the head. Apply pressure to these points with your fingertips for one and a half minutes. Prolonged pressure is not recommended. To carry out the procedure, take a comfortable sitting position. Six points are stimulated, which are located:

  1. at the base of the skull there is a depression, it is easy to find - it is located 3 cm above the hairy part of the head;
  2. behind both ears along the edge of the head, under the hair;
  3. the place of articulation of the bones of the forehead and crown. Located 1.5 cm from the hairline;
  4. in the middle of the gap from the scalp to the center of the eyebrow on both sides;
  5. in the center of the forehead;
  6. at the midpoint of the right and left eyebrows.

Shiatsu massage is performed using the following exercises:

  1. Synchronously place the index, middle, and ring fingers along the upper part eye socket. Apply light pressure for 7 seconds without touching the eyeball. The same is done with the lower eyelid, applying downward pressure.
  2. Alternately for 7 seconds they influence the outer and inner corners of the eyes.
  3. The second exercise is performed separately for each eye for 7 seconds.
  4. For 10 seconds, press the eyelids of both eyes internal part thumbs.
  5. For 7 seconds, squeeze the cheekbone or temples using three fingers.

Before performing acupressure, you should consult your doctor, as incorrect technique may impair visual function. It is not recommended to carry out this technique with low blood pressure and infectious eye lesions. Movements should be carried out easily, without strong squeezing.

Hardware eye massage

Hardware massage is carried out in medical institution. The main thing is to carry it out professional massage therapist and on safe equipment. The duration of the session is determined individually by the attending physician. At the same time, they influence the organs of vision using an alternating vacuum. Positive influence:

  • has a positive effect on blood flow to the eyes;
  • promotes eye fluid circulation;
  • reduces visual fatigue in myopia;
  • this method of therapy accelerates the recovery process after surgery;
  • this procedure is painless.

The procedure proceeds as follows: vacuum glasses are put on the patient and the device is connected. One session lasts 7 minutes, and full course therapy takes 10 days.

Hardware massage is very effective for myopia. It increases visual acuity and reduces myopia. Asthenopic complaints disappear after 3-4 sessions. The effect of the procedure can last for 6 months. After this, without proper treatment, the indicators may decrease.

But it can be applied hardware treatment and at home with the help of special glasses and devices. The glasses are put on and plugged in.

  • relieves nervous tension;
  • the work of the eye muscles is activated;
  • visual acuity improves;
  • the functioning of tissue structures is improved.

Contraindications, prohibited use:

Shiatsu massage can be one of the methods to maintain vision in good condition and even improve its quality.

The shiatsu acupressure system has its origins in Japan and is associated with the name of Tokuiro Namikoshi, who created in 1912 own view therapy.

Shiatsu is a method of influencing various points of the human body using pressure with the fingers or palm, in order to activate processes that contribute to the maintenance and restoration of health.

A distinctive feature of the shiatsu method is the use of only the fingers and palms in diagnosis and treatment, medications are not applied.

Around each human eye there are about 10 active shiatsu points. Pressing your fingers on these points can improve visual acuity, reduce eye fatigue and normalize intraocular pressure.

There are several basic eye exercises using the Shiatsu method:

  • Place three fingers at the same time: index, middle and ring along the upper edge of the orbital socket, gently press with your fingers for 7 seconds towards the eyebrow, without touching the eyeball. Using the same technique, make pressing movements on the lower edge of the orbital socket;
  • Place the index and ring fingers along the edges of the eyebrows, and middle finger– in the center of the eyebrow, press on the eyebrow for 7 seconds;
  • Press with your fingertips on the inner and outer corners of the eyes separately for 7 seconds;
  • With the inside of the thumbs, it is easy to press for 10 seconds on the eyelids of both eyes;
  • Using three fingers, press on the cheekbone or temples for 7 seconds.

It is important to remember that rough and sharp pressure in this technique is unacceptable, massage should be done gently so that it does not cause discomfort.

The secret of the shiatsu system and its positive effect on vision lies in the fact that as a result of pressure on certain points around the eyes, stimulation occurs. blood vessels, as a result, blood flow to the organs of vision improves, such an effect has a beneficial effect on the optic nerves. Properly performed massage will help get rid of fatigue in the eye area, improve vision, and reduce eye muscle tension.

If you have diseases such as glaucoma, infectious lesions eye, low blood pressure, use of the shiatsu system is not recommended.

Shiatsu acupressure method is currently available to everyone, but treatment with this method requires an understanding of all vital important processes human body, therefore it is important to learn how to apply it correctly, and inept use of theoretical knowledge can lead to negative consequences for human health.

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Acupressure (acupressure) is based on the mechanical action of hands on biologically active points that have a reflex connection with various bodies and their systems. Before you begin acupressure, clearly understand the location of biologically active points, for which feel them with the tips of your index or thumb.

The required points are shown in Figure 38.

Rice. 38.

This bony tubercles or pits, muscle ridges of tendons and other anatomical and topographical points.

The first point is asymmetrical, located along middle line between occipital bone and the first vertebra.

The second point is symmetrical, located at the level of the first point, 3–5 centimeters outside it at the lower edge of the occipital bone.

The third point is symmetrical, located at the junction of the frontal and parietal bones at the level of the tubercle of the frontal bone.

The fourth point is symmetrical, located at the level of the lower edge of the eyebrow, 1–1.5 centimeters outward from the upper edge of the orbit.

The fifth point is asymmetrical, located along the midline in the center of the bridge of the nose in the depression between the eyebrows.

The sixth point is symmetrical, located at the base of the inner edge of the eyebrow.

The seventh point is symmetrical, located in the area of ​​the supraorbital foramen approximately in the middle of the eyebrow.

Perform acupressure with the tips of your index finger or thumb while sitting or lying down at least once a day after intense visual work, when a feeling of heaviness and other unpleasant sensations appear in the eyes. The movements of the fingers are rotational or slightly vibrating, the pressure on the point is light at first, then increases to moderate, then gradually weaken the pressure until you feel a touch.

The effectiveness of acupressure largely depends on the strength and intensity of the impact on biologically active points and is selected individually. The duration of exposure is from several seconds to 1–1.5 minutes. After acupressure, relaxation of the oculomotor and accommodative muscles occurs, which leads to the removal of visual fatigue and improved vision.

But acupressure should not be recommended to everyone in a row, since there are a number of contraindications: an increase in body temperature, regardless of the cause; acute and chronic inflammatory processes in organism; mechanical damage, neoplasms, pustules and other skin lesions; fungal diseases nails and scalp; It should not be used during pregnancy either.

There is also the following technique for performing acupressure:

1. With three fingers of both hands (index, middle and ring) in a circular motion, rub the forehead along the entire height from the bridge of the nose to the temples, then stroke. We repeat the movement 2-3 times.

2. Using three fingers of both hands, press on the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Repeat 3-5 times. Stop at the highest part of the eyebrow and massage this point. Is she painful? This is the eye point. Do not move the skin, but only press the eyebrows to the bone!

3. With thumbs and forefingers, grab the eyebrows and, slightly pulling them, squeeze between the fingers, and then release. We begin the movement near the bridge of the nose and continue to the temples.

Repeat 3-5 times.

4. Massage the temples in a circular motion with two fingers (index and middle) in one direction or the other 9 times.

5. With three fingers of both hands, with pressing movements, go along the upper edge of the cheekbone from the bridge of the nose to the temples 3-5 times. Pressure must be applied from bottom to top.

6. Do the same with the lower edge of the cheekbone, directing the movement from the temples to the bridge of the nose.

7. Use your middle fingers to press lateral surface cheekbones from the inside. Repeat 5-6 times.

8. Massage the points at the inner edge of the incision of the eyes (near the bridge of the nose) with circular movements 7-9 times in both directions.

9. Three fingers on top and thumb Gently grab the eyeballs from below and make vibrating movements. Repeat 3-5 times.

10. Massage the pits of the tragus of the ears 9 times in one direction and 9 times in the other direction.

11. Using a fork from the index and middle fingers of both hands, rub well in front and behind the ears (index fingers behind the ears, and middle fingers in front of the ears).

12. Carefully knead the earlobes with your thumbs and forefingers, and then rub the edges of the ears well from bottom to top.

13. Using your index fingers, rub the upper curls of the ears.

14. Using your index fingers, use a vibrating motion to massage your ear canals.

15. Using your index finger and thumb, rub the inner surface of the ears below the ear canal. We rub the inside with the index finger, the thumb supports the ear from the outside and also helps in rubbing.

16. Pull your ears down, then up and close the ear canals with the shell of your ears several times.

17. Using three fingers, rub your ears in a back-and-forth motion up and down.

18. Massage in a circular motion (9 times in one direction and 9 times in the other) a point located on the back of the hand between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones of the thumb and index finger. The thumb massages the point from the back side, and the index finger from the side of the palm (the point is symmetrical).

A special complex of acupressure helps prevent myopia and stop its progression in both children and adults.

Point 1 – on the inner surface of the forearm at a distance of 3 fingers above the crease of the wrist.

Point 2 – on the back of the neck between the muscles and the occipital bone.

Point 3 – at a distance of 0.3 cm from the inner corner of the eye.

Point 4 – on the lower edge of the eye at the level of the pupil.

Point 5 – at a distance of 0.5 cm from the outer corner of the eye.

Point 6 - at a distance of 0.5 cm from the outer end of the eyebrow in the recess.

The massage begins with points 1 and 2. Simultaneously massage the points located on the right and left with the tips of your index fingers or thumbs for 2-3 minutes.

The movement of the fingers is rotational or slightly vibrating. The pressure should be moderate with slight increases and subsequent decreases!

Then start massaging points 3, 4, 5, 6. Massage in the same way for a minute.

An adult can repeat the massage two to three times a day; a child needs only once. The course is 2-3 weeks. Then a week break, and again conduct a massage course.

For an adult, if your eyes are very tired, before the massage you need to apply a towel moistened with cold water to your eyes for a minute or two.

Next chapter >

Eye massage, which is quite easy to do, is effective method to improve vision and even restore it. In the modern age of computer technology, poor environmental situation and other adverse factors, a person’s vision can rapidly deteriorate. Eye problems occur not only in adults, but also in children, especially with the onset of schooling. Overloading the eyes is detrimental to vision. Each of us can help ourselves and our loved ones by learning to perform a special massage of the visual organs.

What is the power of massage?

Nowadays, ophthalmology has a wide range of correction methods. poor eyesight: pharmacological drugs for local and systemic use, physiotherapy, treatment with laser device etc. In some cases, radical steps cannot be avoided. Moreover, massage is contraindicated in some situations. It's about, for example, about serious damage to eye tissue due to mechanical or chemical injuries.

If vision deterioration is observed due to prolonged overload, eye fatigue (working with a computer, small parts), poor reading hygiene and other factors, you can help your eyes restore visual ability with the help of massage.

It is used for the following purposes:

  • security good rest eyes, their relaxation;
  • improvement of visual acuity;
  • training of eye muscles;
  • stimulation of local blood flow, metabolic processes;
  • effective prevention of various ophthalmic diseases (cataracts, glaucoma, myopia, hyperopia).

During the massage, tense muscles relax, rest, spasm and pain in the eyes go away. Your eyeballs become less tired and your visual acuity improves.

Under the influence of mechanical irritation, the viscosity of the protoplasm increases, the capillaries expand (including reserve capillaries). A procedure is applied to improve diffusion biological fluids(lymph, blood), tissue trophism. Even short sessions can stabilize the condition of the visual organs and help avoid problems in the future.

Has a good effect on the condition of the visual organs and general massage: neck, head (if there are no individual contraindications to it). It improves blood microcirculation, promotes its flow to eye organs, eliminates nervous tension.

Contraindications to massage

Despite high efficiency massaging the eyes in improving the ability to see perfectly, there are still some contraindications to it. They cannot be ignored, because instead of benefiting health, they can cause significant damage to it.

When starting a course of eye massage, it is advisable to consult with an ophthalmologist who will conduct a thorough examination to rule out the presence of pathological conditions.

It is prohibited to apply mechanical force to the eyes:

  • during the recovery period after laser correction vision or other invasive interventions on the visual organs;
  • with local or general purulent processes;
  • with perforated wounds of the eye, increased fragility of blood vessels, ulcerations of the corneal layer;
  • in case of high degree of myopia, decompensated glaucoma, malignant formations in the eye and head area.

Diseases are contraindications for massage of cardio-vascular system, hypertension, hyperthermia, tuberculosis, increased mental excitability, skin diseases at the site of massage, etc.

Zhdanov's technique

Before starting an eye massage, you should thoroughly wash your hands, warm them by rubbing your palms or hold your hands under the stream. warm water A couple of minutes. This massage technique is considered one of the most popular and is often used to restore visual function in cases of myopia and astigmatism.

Apply stroking, light rubbing, then stroking again.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Forehead massage. Using three fingers (ring, middle, index) make light stroking movements from the center of the forehead to the temporal region.
  2. Brows. It works the same way. You need to find a dimple located in the center of the eyebrow arch - optic nerve- stimulate her.
  3. Massaging the temples (do it with two fingers).
  4. Cheekbones (using three fingers) – stroking the cheekbone area under the eyes.
  5. Stimulation of the sinus area near the nostrils with the index finger.
  6. Massaging the bridge of the nose and the surface of the nose (middle finger).
  7. Ear dimples (located at the end of the cheeks).
  8. Back neck massage.
  9. Massaging the eyelids - with two fingers, lightly press on closed eyes. Start from the corners of the eyes. The eyeball is massaged with 4 fingers. Pay attention to the astigmatic point.
  10. The procedure ends with intense squeezing of the eyes (three times).

Since the massage is performed not only on the eye area, but also on the entire face, the manipulation has a positive effect on the overall physiological and emotional state person. Simple exercises can improve the quality of vision if done regularly.

Shiatsu technique

The Japanese technique of "shiatsu" involves acupressure for recovery visual functions. This is the stimulation of certain points on the body by pressing on them with your fingers or palm. The method promises to reduce eye fatigue, is used to improve visual acuity, and normalizes intraocular pressure. The massage program is contraindicated for glaucoma, hypotension, and infections of the visual organs.

All movements must be gentle. They should not cause discomfort.

Impulsive or too intense pressure is prohibited.


  1. The index, middle, and ring fingers are placed along the upper edge of the eye socket, gently pressing in the direction of the eyebrow (7 seconds). The eyeball is not involved. Do the same along the lower edge of the eye socket.
  2. Place the ring and index fingers along the edges of the eyebrows, and the middle finger at the same time on the center of the eyebrow arch. The impact lasts 7 seconds.
  3. Press on the inner corners of the eyes and the outer ones with your fingertips (7 sec.).
  4. Pressure inner surface thumb on the eyelids (10 sec.).
  5. Impact on the cheekbones or temples - pressure with three fingers (7 sec.).

You need to consult a doctor before performing the shiatsu system and other massage manipulations. The doctor will give precise instructions on the use of techniques to restore the ability to see clearly and improve the condition of the visual organs. Improperly conducting a session can lead to problems with visual organs and health in general.

Do-in acupressure self-massage can be performed at home, in the office or in an airplane cabin, standing or sitting. Here are seven simple and effective techniques, which will help relieve fatigue and tension in any conditions.

From Tokyo to Paris it is an 11 hour flight. On the plane they show a film that is unusual for European viewers: charming flight attendants demonstrate the location of active points on the legs, arms and head, which can be massaged in order to relieve fatigue from sitting in a seat for a long time. Giving yourself a massage is a great way to relieve stress. “The Japanese know this very well: Zen Buddhist monks practice this massage every day,” says Anne Dorian, a specialist in bodily practices Anne Sémonin Beauty Institute in Paris.

Switch the channel

Do-in is based on the same principles as acupuncture. 12 main channels (meridians) permeate our body; circulating through them Vital energy qi washes over it like water. “Do-ying allows the chi energy to do this unhindered,” explains Anne Dorian. - When a meridian is blocked (obstruction of the flow of energy at any point leads to an excess of qi), the corresponding organ weakens and cannot fully perform its functions. Self-massage provides a flow of energy to the organ or eliminates its stagnation in it, restoring harmony.” Unlike classical acupressure (acupressure of acupuncture points), the do-in method can use pressure, stroking or finger tapping along the entire length of the meridian. This is its advantage: it does not require extreme precision and allows you to massage even through clothing. Do-in equally well relieves both fatigue and muscle tension, which can be caused by lack of movement or staying in one position for a long time. This will not take much time - five minutes of self-massage right at your workplace will be enough. Massage of active points improves not only metabolic processes in our body, but also helps eliminate toxins. Moreover, self-massage increases the production of endorphins (endogenous morphines), which relieve pain, reduce anxiety, and improve mood.

When and how

In the morning, to tone up, massage with the pads of your thumbs by applying strong, deep and quick pressure on the active zones. In the evening, in order to relax, on the contrary, perform soft, long (but no more than a minute) pressure. “Mastering do-in means learning to listen to your feelings,” explains Anne Dorian. As you work on the desired area, don't be surprised if you feel some soreness. Just a few massaging movements - and this the feeling will pass. Traditionally, massage is performed with three fingers: the pads of the thumb, index and middle fingers. But some experts recommend doing a massage by pressing the entire palm - this gives a more relaxing, pleasant effect.

Increase tone

Place your hands clenched into fists behind your back as high as possible, towards your shoulder blades. As you exhale, smoothly and gently tapping your fists on both sides of the spine, lower them down to the sacrum (meridian Bladder). Then walk in the opposite direction. This massage improves the tone of the body.

Improve metabolism

Pull right hand palm up. Using the thumb of your left hand, apply pressure to your right hand - from the shoulder to the hand, first on its inner (back) side, then on its outer side. This stimulates the circulation of energy in the meridians of the heart and lungs, which are responsible for the exchange of energy between us and the outside world, as well as for our emotional state.

Strengthen drainage

With the thumb of your right hand, press on inner side legs from ankle to knee (liver meridian). Then massage the inner thigh to the groin in the same way. Repeat the same in the opposite direction, but with outside thighs and further along the outer edge of the lower leg. Then do a full “drainage circle” on the other leg. This technique is perfect for those who are prone to swelling and heaviness in the legs.

Relieve tension

Using the tips of your index and middle fingers, apply five to six pressures from the middle of the chin to the periphery of the face. In the same way, massage the cheek area, the central area of ​​the face, then the area around the eyes. Repeat three to four times; finish the massage with light pressure on the temples. This massage affects several meridians simultaneously: it relieves nervous and physical stress, accelerates blood and lymph microcirculation and improves complexion.

Relieve fatigue

Place your right hand on the back of your head. Use the heel (“ball”) of your palm to press on the base of the skull and move toward the shoulder area. This relieves tension in cervical spine and reduces the load on the gallbladder meridian, which is responsible for our good mood.

Restore balance

Place your palm on your stomach just above your navel, then your other hand on top of the first. As you inhale and exhale, feel your stomach rise and fall. Then, pressing lightly on your stomach, make circular movements with your palms in a clockwise direction. This massage movement relieves tension in this area, benefits digestion and helps restore peace of mind, it is better to "digest" the environment.


Take the foot with both palms and massage it by pressing your thumbs on it. back side in the direction from the fingers to the ankle. Press often, quickly and shallowly. Then firmly grasp and pull each toe to release excess energy. The relaxing effect of this technique will have an immediate effect.

Popova Marina Eduardovna

Reading time: 5 minutes


Eye massage is the most affordable way restoration of vision. It is not difficult to learn the basic rules, and the presence of a specialist is not necessary to perform it..

Most techniques can be easily performed by the patient himself (self-massage), and the result is not just a short-term improvement in vision and treatment of ophthalmological diseases in mild degree, but also complete relief from ailments.

Massage appeared several thousand years ago, and during this time the techniques of this method of treatment were improved and developed.

Today eye massage - an effective and painless treatment method that can be combined with traditional treatment.

How is eye massage useful for restoring vision?

Practice shows that when correct execution of exercise for just ten minutes a day, results can be seen within a month.

Not only a relaxing and tonic effect is observed, but also the cure of a number of diseases.

It’s all about activating the circulatory system in the process of targeted impact on the eye area: the better the blood circulation system works, the more intense the saturation of the capillaries of the eye with oxygen, and this is one of the most important conditions for the stable and proper functioning of any human organ.

Important! But the best treatment for diseases is prevention, and in the case of the eyes, constant training, which normal conditions Few people devote enough time.

As a result of neglect of the organs of vision, the eye muscles begin to weaken from the age of 35-40, and in advanced cases this leads to their atrophy.

Even unprofessional self-massage in such cases helps to stop these processes, and professional procedures not only help relieve symptoms of tension and fatigue, but also, thanks to the targeted effect on receptors, prevent age-related changes in the muscles of the eyeball.

Therapeutic and health-improving eye massage, with the right technique, promotes:

But eye massage to restore vision is not suitable for everyone, despite the fact that in general this procedure is harmless.


Like any other species, Wellness massage for the eyes is not recommended for people with a general serious condition, which can be triggered by chronic, colds and viral diseases.

Also eye massage contraindicated for the following disorders and diseases:

  • trauma to the skin in the eye area;
  • high body temperature;
  • severe chronic pain that can only be relieved with medication;
  • any dermatological diseases that appear in the eye area;
  • tendency to bleeding due to blood diseases;
  • oncological tumors (both malignant and benign).

Attention! These exercises are contraindicated in severe cases arterial hypertension and a tendency to rapid mental fatigue.

For these reasons, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting a massage to improve your vision.

Rules for performing massage

Massage involves four forms of influence:

  1. Massaging the eyes with your palms.
  2. Light stroking.
  3. Vibrating movements.
  4. Light kneading movements.

Before starting exercises it is necessary to warm up your palms by rubbing them together, then apply them with the inner surface to the eyes for a few seconds: the eyelids should be comfortable, and the touch should not feel cold.

Regardless of the selected technique, all pressure and rubbing should be noticeable, but soft so as not to damage the eyes or cause pain.

Among the most popular methods are the Zhdanov technique, shiatsu massage, Taoist massage and classic. We will talk about some of them below.

Eye massage to improve vision according to Zhdanov

Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov developed a special technique that affects not only the eyes, but also other areas of the face.

This technique allows you to get rid of myopia and mild astigmatism. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Center of forehead(a point just above the junction point of the eyebrows) Massage easily with the tips of three fingers folded together for 20-30 seconds, after which this area must be lightly stroked with the palm of your hand.
  2. This is followed by massaging the eyebrows themselves with the tips of the middle fingers.. Massaging occurs until warmth is felt in the eyebrow area.
  3. In the same way for half a minute, whiskey is massaged with the tips of the index fingers, after which the upper (under the eye) cheekbones, the bridge of the nose and the area above are massaged upper lip in the order listed.
  4. After that with two palms you need to knead and massage the neck, then you can go directly to the eyes.
  5. Light pressure is applied to the center of the closed eyes with your fingertips., while it is necessary to create a slight vibration.
  6. Soft massaging movements are made with a gradual moving from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones.
  7. Using the tips of four fingers folded together in a pinch, the surface of each eye is completely massaged in a circular motion.

Attention! At the end of the exercises, close your eyes tightly three times and open your eyes as wide as possible three times. This complex is performed three times a day.

Classic eye massage

The result of a classic back massage is relief from diseases different systems and organs, including this procedure helps with ophthalmological diseases.

There are four techniques of classical massage, which can go in any order, but must begin and end with stroking:

Stroking is done with the surface of open palms, which move from the lower border of the chest up to the base of the neck, and ends in the shoulder area.

The stroking movements should also be directed upward and to the sides, away from the spine. When massaging the cervical spine, the direction of stroking is the opposite (toward the spinal column).

This technique is performed with noticeable force, but should not be too strong so that the skin does not gather in folds.

Then it is produced rubbing, in which forces are acceptable that lead to the formation of folds under the massage therapist’s hands.

This technique can be performed in different directions, while each hand can move separately from the other, without maintaining symmetry and uniformity of movements.

Important! When kneading, the deepest effect on the body occurs. To do this, not the entire palm is used, but only the fingers, which apply deep pressure.

After several such movements, kneading can be done with both the palm and fists, pressing several times on each area.

One pressure should take from one to three seconds. The direction of movement of the hands when kneading is from the spine to the sides.

Are ending light exercises pats that should cover the entire back, and the patient at the end of the procedure must perform ten circular eye movements clockwise and counterclockwise.

This massage has the effect of improving visual acuity after a month, during which the exercises are performed three times a week.

Shiatsu massage

Shiatsu massage ( acupressure eye massage to improve vision) appeared about a hundred years ago in Japan and based on the principle of pressing on various key points of the body(acupuncture).

During the process of such influences, metabolic processes in the body are activated, and when working with the facial area, the blood flow of the eye vessels begins to improve.

According to the theory of Takuhiro Nakimoshi, the creator of this massage, There are ten points on a person’s face, massaging which helps improve vision..

In addition to improving vision, such exercises can normalize eye pressure, tone the eye muscles and relieve fatigue.

Shiatsu massage is performed like this::

  1. The tips of the ring, middle and index fingers must be placed on the upper edge of the eye socket (this is where the upper eyelid begins), but so that the fingers rest against the bone above the eye itself. For seven seconds, it is necessary to press the bone from bottom to top, without touching the eyeball. Then the same pressure is applied to the lower part of the eye socket.
  2. The ring, middle and index fingers are positioned so that all three fingers are on three points of the eyebrow: at the beginning, end and middle. In this position, pressure is applied for seven seconds.
  3. Place your index finger on the outer corner of your eye, and your middle finger on the inner corner. With two fingers, alternate pressure is applied to the corners of the eyes for seven seconds., after which the procedure is repeated for the second eye.
  4. At the end, with the tips of three fingers folded together for seven seconds, press on the temples.

Important! Pressure on all points should be strong, but smooth and not cause pain.

Before performing such a massage on your own, you need to consult a doctor., since the shiatsu technique is contraindicated in infectious ophthalmic diseases, glaucoma and low blood pressure.

Useful video

From this video you will learn how to do it correctly Taoist massage to restore vision:

Any massage requires prior consultation with a specialist, since, firstly, the full effectiveness of such treatment has not been proven today, and secondly, incorrect positioning of hands, fingers and improper performance of techniques can lead to the opposite effect, and instead of quick treatment Massage can lead to blurred vision.

In contact with

Hello again, dear readers! According to statistics, from year to year everything more people become carriers of various diseases of the organs of vision. One of the most common eye pathologies is myopia, characterized by poor distance vision.

To date, there are many ways by which it is possible to successfully deal with this problem. These include massotherapy, which is a key component complex therapy many diseases. Now I will tell you about the benefits of massage for myopia.

The main advantage of massage for myopia is that it helps not only to stabilize the condition, but also to prevent the progression of vision deterioration. Daily 10-minute sessions have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease in children and adults, helping:

  • strengthen and relax tense eye muscles;
  • improve visual acuity;
  • improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in eye tissues;
  • increase the amount of nutrients supplied to the organs of vision;
  • reduce IOP (this is achieved due to the fact that the nerve endings are irritated during the massaging process).

During massaging there should be no painful sensations - if they do, it means you are doing something wrong. As for the duration of sessions, it is selected by the attending physician in accordance with individually taking into account the severity of the disease.

It is important to consider that neck massage for myopia will be ineffective if a person neglects in a healthy way life and proper nutrition.

How to properly massage the cervical spine with myopia?

Massage of the collar area is considered the most effective when. It provides stimulation to the nerve endings located in the cervical spine, which are interconnected with the optic nerves. Improving blood circulation and metabolic processes in the tissues and muscles of the eyeballs has a positive effect on the condition visual analyzer, which is very important for such a disease as.

Neck massage for myopia is performed in sitting position. You must first wash your hands with soap. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Evenly and smoothly stroke the neck with the entire plane of the palm, moving from the chin to the chest.
  2. Knead with fingertips collar area, making pressing, stretching and pinching movements.
  3. At the end of the massage, spiral rubbing is performed using stroking movements.

To collar massage brought maximum benefit, all manipulations from the back of the neck must be performed from top to bottom, and from the front - from top to bottom.

Eye massage according to Zhdanov

Children and adults suffering from myopia are strongly recommended to regularly perform massage according to the professor's method, which involves massaging the entire face. This is very efficient technique, aimed at eliminating various refractive disorders, including myopia. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of satisfied patients who managed to partially or completely get rid of myopia with its help.

Here is what the sequence of actions looks like (each movement should be performed within 1-2 minutes):

  1. The forehead is massaged with fingertips (index, middle and ring), after which they gently stroke it.
  2. Eyebrows are massaged in the same way.
  3. The temporal area is massaged with the index and middle fingers.
  4. Upper part The cheekbones under the orbit of the eye are massaged, making stroking movements.
  5. The grooves between the cheek and ear are massaged with stroking movements.
  6. Massage the back of the neck.
  7. The upper eyelid is kneaded with the index and middle fingers, making tapping movements.
  8. They close their eyes and massage the eyeballs with the pads of their middle fingers in the direction from the inner corners to the middle.
  9. The eyes are closed and the inner corners are massaged with the pads of the index fingers.
  10. The eyelids are tightly closed and the outer corners are carefully stretched. Repeat 3 times.

Before you start massaging your face according to the technique, I suggest you watch the video in order to avoid mistakes. You can also look for massage techniques for children with pictures.

Eye massage for myopia: how to do it?

Before starting an eye massage, it is important to increase blood circulation in the palms - for this they should be rubbed against each other for half a minute. Massaging is performed using classic massage techniques, involving stroking the eyelids, kneading and rubbing. So, the algorithm of actions looks like this:

  1. Close your eyes and do palming to relax your eyes. Cover them with your palms to prevent light from entering, and try to relax all your facial muscles as much as possible. The duration of the exercise is 2-3 minutes.
  2. Repeat the previous manipulation, increasing the pressure of your palms on your eyes (but do not overdo it!).
  3. Make fists with your hands and rub your eyeballs without applying too much pressure.
  4. Close your eyes and massage them with the back of the 2nd phalanges of your thumb, applying slight pressure. Move in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Repeat 15 times.

Please note that your eyes should not get tired during the massaging process. Upon completion of simple exercises, perform 5 minutes of palming or blinking for 30 seconds.

How to properly massage your head for myopia

Now let's figure out how to properly massage the head to improve myopia. It has a beneficial effect on the eyes for any refractive error, relieving general tension and improving blood supply to the visual organs. So here it is:

  1. They perform a neck and occipital massage, which I wrote about above. This helps improve blood flow from the head to the eyes.
  2. Tilt your head down, then smoothly lift it up and gently tilt it back. Do 5 reps.
  3. For 3 minutes, massage the skin around the eyes with the pads of your index and middle fingers, moving clockwise and then counterclockwise.

Video on how to properly massage for myopic eyes

The video explains how to massage the eyes and certain points to restore vision. First, you need to warm up your hands so that they are warm. Next, close your eyes and easily begin to massage the area around your eyes with your hands. Then everything happens according to the instructions.

I advise you to start doing a light massage yourself at home. Also, you can do such light movements for children to restore visual vision.


By devoting 10-15 minutes to massage daily, after 3-4 weeks you will feel changes in your better side: eyes will begin to get tired much less, disappear discomfort in the form of dryness and pain, which often accompanies myopia, will improve visual acuity and clarity.

The most important thing is to set a goal and not be lazy! Also, you can always leave comments with questions to clarify this or that information on this issue. I wish you success in your endeavors! Best regards, Olga Morozova!

In a world where computers reign and Cell phones, A bad habits have long been considered the norm; one of the most common ailments is visual impairment. Many factors influence the decline in eye performance. It could be long-term use mobile phones and laptops without interruptions, reading in poor lighting, eating fatty foods, smoking or regular stressful situations. More serious reasons for poor vision are malfunction of the brain due to various injuries, some forms of osteochondrosis, or diabetes. A simple massage for the eyelids and eyeballs can often solve this problem and restore vision.

The eye massage method for restoring vision is becoming popular due to its effectiveness. Proper massage eye, performed with regularity, can prevent various diseases of the eyeballs or restore good vision in case violations have already appeared. Any massage technique for vision does not cause any painful or unpleasant sensations during the procedure and is done quite quickly.

The effect of massage on the body

Acupuncture is an oriental technique where, during an eye massage, certain points are used to improve vision, which helps oxygen flow into the circulatory system. Normalizing blood circulation helps restore and nourish retinal tissue. As a result, vision is corrected, discomfort is eliminated, and specifically the feeling of dryness - the eyes are less tired.

Massaging the points responsible for the flow of energy leads to improvement general condition body, makes the skin more elastic and toned, strengthens the immune system.

Indications and contraindications

Although doctors often prescribe eye massage to restore vision, this medical procedure may have contraindications. Before starting a correction course, you must first consult with an ophthalmologist.

  • severe retinal dystrophy;
  • chalazion;
  • the appearance of dry eye syndrome;
  • barley.

You should refrain from massaging the eye area if:

  • recovery after laser correction is underway;
  • damaged skin around the eyeball;
  • the patient suffers from myopia;
  • a tumor has appeared in the eye or brain area;
  • stage 3 hypertension developed;
  • Migraine attacks occur frequently;
  • lack of sleep in a constant form;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • there were mechanical damage to the retina or cornea.

If there is no reason to refuse massage sessions and eye exercises, you can begin to undergo a course of treatment.

Massage techniques and techniques

There are many massaging techniques, each of which is effective in its own way. Using any of these techniques on a regular basis, eyelid massage will bear fruit in the near future.

Zhdanov massage

Following this technique, massaging must begin at the point where the eyebrows meet. With the middle and index fingers, with light pressure movements, you need to act on the center of the forehead for 30 seconds, after which you need to rub it well with your palm in the same place. Next, with the fingers of both hands, massage the eyebrow line directly until the moment when warmth begins to be felt. Then, with the tips of the middle fingers, they begin to massage the temporal lobe. The massage is performed for about 45 seconds. Then the area under the eyeballs, the bridge of the nose and the dimple above the patient's upper lip are worked out.

Next, you need to stretch your neck with both palms. After 3 minutes, light stroking begins with warm palms, which develops into gentle pressure on the eyelids. The pressure time is only a few seconds. After that, with movements resembling vibration, they continue to act on the eyelids in the direction from the eyebrows to outer corner eye. The procedure is completed by exposing the entire surface of the closed eyelid with four fingers. Zhdanov massage effectively combats overwork of the eyeballs. This technique is often used for diseases and glaucoma.

Classical technique

Classical massage techniques help to overcome myopia and are used to treat the eyes. They begin health-improving gymnastics with pressing and rubbing movements with warm palms on the eyelids with increasing intensity. After this, the eyelids are rubbed with fists for a minute. Then, with the pads of the fingers, gently press the line of the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the edges.

Then they press harder on the lower parts of the eye sockets, move clockwise in the corners of the eyes, after which they proceed to massaging the bridge of the nose. Movements in this part of the face should resemble a slight vibration. This will help with blockage of the eye channels and normalize the blood circulation in the sinuses. Next step 15 times press on each eyelid with the thumb, and then in a circular motion to the right and left, touching the inside of the hand with the closed eyelids, complete the procedure.

Charging for good vision

Often used in addition to massage gymnastic exercises for the eyes, because for a good, sharp look, 6 muscles are involved. This treatment method, consisting of 6 exercises, involves strengthening the core muscles. They begin the gymnastics by moving the eyes up and down, then to the right and left, 10 approaches in each direction. Then they draw a diagonal with their eyes from the lower corner to the upper corner of the opposite side and vice versa. This action must be performed 12 times. After this, draw a rectangle and, after blinking well, repeat the same movement in the other direction. Next, draw a bow, and then a figure eight. The last exercise is to draw a circle clockwise with your eyes. It is important to remember that while doing exercises, the head should not move following your gaze. After each exercise, you need to give your eyes a little rest.

Bates massage

The Bates Method helps improve blood circulation, which helps rapid recovery eye tissues. The massage begins by applying light movements to the forehead with the pads of the index, middle and ring finger. Then these fingers are moved to the bridge of the nose and to a point in the center of the eyebrows, after which they simultaneously press on these areas for 30 seconds. Next, begin massaging the temples, gradually moving to the inner corners of the eyes.

The next step is to massage the ears over the entire surface with rubbing and pressing movements. After this, they work on the neck, stroking it forcefully and moving down from the back of the head. Then they turn the palm with an edge and press it along the same line. Only after this do they move directly to eyelid massage. Using two fingers, carefully so as not to cause pain, press on the closed eyes for 5 seconds 4 times.

Next, the optometrist should examine each eye for deformities. To do this, you need to look at the object chosen by the doctor for 30 seconds without blinking. After which the patient lowers his eyelids, and the doctor presses his fingers on the upper eyelid exactly until the previously examined object acquires a clear outline. Then you need to blink quickly for half a minute, relieving tension.

Qigong technique

Massage using this technique is performed before bedtime in a room with a comfortable air temperature and dim light. The exercise begins with strong pressure on the eyelids 8 times each, but so as not to cause discomfort to the eyes. After this, use your index fingers to press on the corners of the eyelids, on the center between the eyebrows and on the hollow under the eye sockets. Then lightly pinch the tip of each eyebrow 8 times. Finish the session with gymnastics.

It is necessary to repeat circular rotations of the eyes to the right and left 18 times, move the gaze up and down in a straight line, and then to the sides. Next, focus on the pillow of the index finger, located 30 centimeters from the nose. After that, they move their eyes behind the finger for a couple of seconds and again fix their eyes on it.

How often should you massage?

If the specialist has prescribed you exercises or eye massage, then you can perform it every day. Some exercises even several times a day. Each vision technique requires 10 minutes a day. It should be remembered that the result can be achieved only when the exercises are carried out regularly.

Exercises can be done both in the morning and in the evening. In the first case, gymnastics will help prepare the eyes for future work, and in the second, they will help them relax.

Eyelid massage is a simple and accessible technique that does not require large quantity time. You can do eye gymnastics and massage your eyelids anywhere and at your convenience. Each technique helps improve vision, cope with some eye diseases and gives them the opportunity to relax after a hard day. To increase the effect of the massage, you can make a compress on the eyelids from cotton wool soaked in a decoction of chamomile or any other healing herb and then lubricate the skin around the eyes special cream. This will also help avoid early appearance facial wrinkles.