Gymnastics for the eyes for children 7 years old. Causes of diseases of the organs of vision

Thanks to the development of computer technology, children from the very early age become regular users of tablets, computers, smartphones and many other modern devices.

That is why it is very important to do eye exercises every day in kindergarten, at a time when the body is just developing.

Goals and objectives of visual exercise

In addition to the fact that gymnastics for the eyes with early childhood teaches a child to take care of his vision, regular exercises will help solve many serious problems:

Gymnastics for the eyes from early childhood teaches the child to take care of his vision

protect the eyes from overwork and fatigue by relieving stress from them;

increase efficiency visual system;

stop the deterioration of vision;

correct violations and;

soothe and relax nervous system baby;

improve blood circulation of the organs of vision;

to prevent the development of many (for example,);

strengthen the muscles of the eye.

Gymnastics for the eyes in kindergarten is also important for proper development vision in preschoolers. How well the baby will see in the future can depend on a simple daily exercise.

Gymnastics for the eyes in kindergarten: types

Eye exercises are usually performed for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. At the same time, the eyes of children should not overwork, therefore, after the training, special relaxing exercises are practiced.

Eye exercises are usually performed for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. At the same time, the eyes of children should not overwork, therefore, after the training, special relaxing exercises are practiced.

There are several types of vision exercises:

1. With verbal instructions, without the use of additional items. For greater clarity, the teacher on himself shows the sequence and correctness of the movements. The most interesting for children are classes in poetic form, when all movements are accompanied by cheerful quatrains.

2. With the use of visual simulators. Posters with multi-colored figures, spirals and labyrinths serve as simulators, which the kids follow with their eyes. Such fields should be placed above eye level, in the center of the room.

3. FROM various subjects (toys, images, cards with letters and numbers of various sizes).

4. In the form of a game(using presentations, musical accompaniment).

All trainings are held with a motionless head, and the classes themselves are selected taking into account the age and state of vision of the children.

Basic set of classes

Gymnastics for the eyes for children 2-3 years old in kindergarten, the card file of which consists of many trainings, is based on the repetition of the simplest movements that are understandable to all kids.

Over time, the exercises will become more complicated, but it is better to start gymnastics from the basics:

1. First, it is recommended to do a preparatory warm-up, during which you need to rub your palms against each other, and lean them against your eyes. At this time, move the eyeballs up and down, to the sides, and in a circle. Continue moving your eyes for 30 seconds, then remove your palms and rest a bit.

2. After warming up, you can do the same exercise, but with open eyes and double the execution time.

4. Close your eyes tightly for 10 seconds. After, slowly, without straining, open them. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

5. Draw various shapes on the board or poster (circle, square, heart, inverted figure eight) and ask the children to circle their eyes. Complicating the task, you can draw more complex shapes (snail, flower, envelope).

6. Put your palm in front of you at a distance of 30 cm from your eyes, concentrating your attention on it for 5 seconds. After shifting your gaze to an object that is in the distance. Perform the training 5-6 times, alternately stopping either on the palm or on the object.

An example of a set of exercises for charging the eyes, carried out in kindergarten

For best result it is important to create a calm, wholesome environment so that the children are passionate and interested in the proposed exercises.

Visual exercises in verse

All children absorb information better if it is presented in rhyming, unobtrusive stories. Therefore, most of the complexes for preschoolers are composed in the form of poems and nursery rhymes. Some of the most common rhymes for the development of vision:

Watchmaker screwing up his eye(one eye closed)
Repairs watches for you(squint both eyes, then open).

The cat came out on the ledge,
The cat looked down.
Turned her eyes to the right
I looked at the cat.
Smiled, stretched
And turned left.
She glanced at the fly
And narrowed her eyes.

Such rhymes develop in the child the habit of doing small five-minutes during the day on their own. Thus, the baby himself learns to take care of the health of his eye.

Educational exercises for a child 3-4 years old

Gymnastics for the eyes for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten (file file Naydenova A.A.):

In the photo: a color spectrum to reduce stress and relax the eyes

Training #1
As a relaxing exercise, a poster of the spectrum is hung in the center of the room. Kids examine the multi-colored sections of the poster for 1-2 minutes, while stress is relieved from eye muscles.

Training №2
1. Without moving your head (counting up to 4), look up. After, count to 6 and look straight ahead. By the same analogy, look to the right and straight, down and straight, left and straight.
2. Relax your eyelids, and cover your eyes on the count of 4. Count up to 6, sharply look as far as possible. Do this movement 5-7 times.
3. Close your eyes with all your might, sharply open your eyes and immediately look into the distance. Do 5 such repetitions.

Training #3
1. Put your hands on your sides, while exposing your elbows. Turning your head to the left, then to the right, focus on the tip of the left, and after the right elbow.
2. Stretch forward the brush of one hand. Without taking your eyes off your index finger, smoothly move your hand up and down and left and right.
3. Blink as quickly as possible for 10-15 seconds.
4. Calmly lower your eyelids, and with the help index fingers, with light circular movements, massage the upper, and then the lower eyelid.

Training №4
1. Give each child a toy (or a card with a picture). Watch carefully for 3-4 seconds. on the toy in their hands, then look at the object in the hands of the educator (also for 3-4 seconds). Repeat the training 4-5 times.
2. In the form of a game, tell the children how much fun the character in the hands of the teacher loves to jump and run (up and down, in a circle, left and right). At the same time, children should carefully monitor all movements of the toy.
3. Ask the kids to close their eyes tightly for 4-5 seconds. At this time, hide the toy in a place accessible to the eye. Then offer to find the item without getting up. Repeat the game of hide and seek 4-5 times.

Training number 5. Draw a nose
For such a charge, you need to prepare several geometric shapes or outline drawings. Ask the children to remember the card shown to them, and eyes closed, try to draw it in the air.

Training number 6. labyrinth
All sorts of multi-colored spirals, lines and stripes are drawn on a poster or board. With the help of a pointer, the teacher shows which of the lines, and in which direction to follow.

Training number 7. Color spectrum

1. Close your eyes and slowly, first take them to the right, then straight, then up, and then switch your gaze down. Do the movements 3-4 more times, the child's head at this time remains motionless.
2. With a score of 6, move your eyes from corner to corner diagonally for 30 seconds.
3. Extend your index finger to a distance of 30 cm, and slowly, without taking your eyes off it, touch the tip of your nose. After quickly look far ahead, and repeat the lesson 4-5 times.

The regularity of performing sets of exercises for the eyes in preschool, their diversity and playful form of conducting provide positive results of the work of teachers.

Exercises for older groups

In the photo: doing gymnastics for the eyes in kindergarten

Gymnastics for the eyes for children 4-5 years old in kindergarten, the card file of which is complicated by certain topics, can train not only visual functions, but also memory, imagination and develop the thinking of a preschooler as a whole.

Following the example of various cards with figures, exercises with closed eyes can be complicated by using numbers and letters.

You can offer to count the multi-colored rings on the pyramid, and then circle only the given colors with your eyes. The most popular are workouts on the days of the week (“Merry Week”), with clock hands (“Running Hands”) and exercises with the help of fruits and vegetables (“Harvesting”).

Regular visual gymnastics can improve blood circulation, promote fast, and within a few minutes reduce fatigue from the oculomotor muscle.

By spending daily, you can avoid many ophthalmic problems at school age, when the load on the eyes will be much higher.

Article last updated: 03/23/2018

AT modern world when outdoor games are on fresh air have lost their popularity, and computer ones have gained, more and more children are experiencing vision problems. Restriction of high loads, balanced diet, increased motor activity and exercises for the eyes are effective methods prevention. Contraction and relaxation of muscles under the influence of special sets of exercises improve blood circulation in the tissues of the eye, reduce the amount of time spent on adaptation when conditions change environment(transition from a dark to a bright room, and vice versa), increase the endurance of the body during prolonged loads.


Constant training helps to strengthen the muscular apparatus, which makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of refractive errors that occur against the background of accommodation spasm.

The main stages of creating visual gymnastics

  1. The development and formation of the method is based on the work of William Bates, who noted positive influence sets of exercises for the eyes on vision. He believed that it was important to relieve psychological stress. His techniques were based on palming, memories and mental representation objects needed for repetition.
  2. For training according to the Norbekov method, the main one is a complex aimed at strengthening the oculomotor and oblique muscles, stimulating accommodation, breeding the axes of the eye, followed by relaxation.
  3. Gymnastics, proposed by Zhdanov, has two directions of tasks. So, exercises for myopic combine stimulation visual analyzer both far and near. In farsighted people, all training processes take place at a working distance and near.
  4. The complexes of preventive and therapeutic exercises developed by Avetisov are aimed at improving blood circulation and intraocular fluid circulation along with strengthening the eye muscles and working on the accommodative reserve.
  5. Achieving muscle relaxation when working with special opaque screens, using weaker ones spectacle lenses(for patients with very low vision) or frames without glasses and with alternating eye work - unique technique Utekhin, combining the basics of pleoptics with the latest technological techniques.
  6. Rosenblum, Matz and Lokhtina created an accommodative trainer to relax the accommodative muscles.
  7. Margaret Corbet offered to change focal length by moving the book while reading or by frequently changing the position of the body. She was a supporter of active mimic charging (especially for the eyelids and eyebrows).

Gymnastics is carried out without haste in a calm environment under the supervision of parents. The child must be relaxed. In the future, it is possible to independently perform a complex aimed at preventing and restoring visual functions.

Classical instrumental music is best suited as visual exercise music.


Eye exercises are shown:

  • children with refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism). It is carried out at least 4 times a day, and in the case of working at a computer or tablet - every 45-50 minutes. In this situation, the main goal is not to prevent visual impairment, but to reduce visual strain, which is actively used in complex treatment such patients, allowing to stop the progression of the disease;
  • with a hereditary predisposition (when one or both parents suffer from vision problems) permanent application gymnastics techniques can reduce the frequency of accommodation spasm, which, in turn, ensures the absence of physiological cause visual impairment;
  • in case of complaints of eye fatigue or the appearance of double vision after prolonged exercise. Before starting exercises for vision, in this case, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist for examinations in order to early detection eye pathology;
  • children with high visual load, as well as using for study or games computer equipment or Cell phones, combined with limiting the time of using gadgets and increasing physical activity through outdoor games.


Eye charger has and contraindications to conduct:

  1. Exercises are prohibited after operations on the muscular apparatus of the eye due to dysfunction of the operated muscle and an increase in the tone of the antagonist muscle.
  2. AT postoperative period in patients with retinal detachment, gymnastics is not performed.
  3. At high degrees, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist for selection correct complex tasks that do not jeopardize complications.
  4. If there is a risk of corneal perforation, exercises should not be performed.
  5. Palming ( special kind massage of the eyeballs, used in adults) is not recommended for children due to the high risk of causing traumatic injuries.

Types of visual gymnastics

There are a great many exercises for the eyes, which are conditionally subdivided for the following types:

  • performance of trainings under poetic forms (rhymes, jokes, nursery rhymes) or without them;
  • by availability additional materials: With additional items(bright toys, pens, balls), with demonstration posters and drawings, without any additional objects.

  1. "Zhmurki". Close your eyes, count to five, open your eyes. Repeat 7 times. You should carefully monitor the execution, as fast execution leads to muscle fatigue and does not have any positive effect.
  1. "Far close". It is recommended to perform in front of a window. essence this exercise for the eyes is to alternately look at a nearby object with a further translation of the gaze to an object that is far away. For small children this method it is convenient to carry out, standing directly at the window, since you can choose the most distant object of observation, and stick, for example, a picture on the glass. For older children, you can complicate the task by offering to count some objects certain color or forms. Up to 10 seconds are allotted for each target. Run 7 times.
  1. "Eights". Let the child mentally imagine the number eight, if the baby is small, show how it looks. Have a look at this number. Pay close attention to eye movement. To facilitate the task, you can use the drawing with arrows. Rotate the picture so that you get an infinity sign or a figure eight on the side, invite the child to draw a figure with a glance. Exercise to do 7 times.
  1. "Tic-tac-toe". From the upper right corner of the room, we move our gaze to the lower left corner, then from the upper left to the lower right. We make a circular motion with our eyes. We are closely monitoring the implementation of this exercise, since children very often perform movements not with their eyes, but with their heads. We make five crosses, five zeros. This complex can be performed with closed eyes.
  1. "Watch". We imagine a large clock face or use an image with a painted one or, if not possible, use a real watch. The movement of the eyes coincides with the movement of the second hand. We stop at each digit for 1-2 seconds. We perform 5-6 times.
  1. "Approximation". Starting position: the arm is stretched forward as much as possible, in the hand is a pen with a bright cap, to which our attention is riveted. We begin to slowly move the object towards the tip of our nose, we do not translate our gaze from the tip to anything. As soon as the cap becomes just a bright spot, we stop the movement. We make a 5 second break, then another 5 such approximations.
  1. "Easy rest". Close your eyes, count with your eyes closed to 15, open your eyes. Repeat 6 times.
  1. "Find a thing." Best done next to a bookcase or computer desk. The parent gives the task to look for some thing or book, and say where it is.
  1. "Here and there." Make 7 vertical eye movements, alternating with horizontal movements. For young children, a brightly colored toy or object to keep an eye on as the parent moves it can help with this exercise.
  1. "Fast, fast." Blink intensively, counting up to 5, take a break for 1-2 seconds, then perform 5 more times.

Forming a complex visual gymnastics for a child, it should be remembered that the use of more than five exercises is tiring, therefore, the quality of performance will be worse.

Modern specialists have developed many methods aimed at significantly improving vision in nearsightedness and farsightedness, as well as correcting or reducing astigmatism if these two anomalies are not very pronounced (unfortunately, when they are high degree only helps surgical intervention). How to do exercises to improve vision yourself and teach them to your child, says ophthalmologist Marina Ilyinskaya.

IMPORTANT! If by the time the treatment started your child was already wearing glasses, then with any type of visual gymnastics, you use glasses with lenses one or two diopters weaker than those that he was prescribed. If their strength initially does not exceed 1 diopter, all exercises must be performed without glasses!

Method 1. "Step gymnastics"

Quickly turns the accommodative apparatus into active work, trains all its elements and thereby significantly improves vision in short time. How is it performed?

To begin with, do the exercise yourself, so that later you can explain in detail to the child the technique of its implementation.

  1. Move 1 meter away from the window.
  2. Stretch one arm forward, palm facing you, and carefully examine the pattern of skin on the palm.
  3. Now look at the window frame and examine its small details just as carefully.
  4. Next, look out the window, but at a distance of no more than 50 meters. If there is a tree standing there, take a good look at its branches.
  5. Then move your gaze 100 meters into the distance. If there is a house, consider its windows and balconies.
  6. And only after that look far into the sky - as if looking beyond the horizon, into infinity.
  7. Gradually return your gaze to the palm, looking in reverse order house, tree, frame.

Repeat the exercise: palm, frame, tree, house, sky. And back: sky, house, tree, frame, palm. Each time for 5-10 seconds, fix your eyes on the object, forcing the accommodative apparatus to turn on at the required distance. Then they “jumped over the step”: the palm is a tree, the frame is a house, the sky is a tree, the house is a frame and back. The movement of the eyes smoothly along the “steps” is carried out for 3 minutes, and the eyes should move about the same amount in leaps and bounds through the “step”. But it is necessary to finish the gymnastics smoothly: the sky, the house, the tree, the frame, the palm.

Exercise to obtain a lasting effect of improving vision must be done every hour with prolonged visual stress, for example, doing homework, working with a computer.

Gymnastics fit for children from five years old. But what younger child, the more help he will need from an adult to master the exercise. For older children, it is enough to explain that the exercise will help improve vision and allow you to never wear glasses again, and then on own example show how gymnastics is performed.

Method 2. "Digital gymnastics"

To begin with, rub your palms vigorously against each other until you feel that they are well warmed up. Next, close both eyes with either one palm or two (it does not matter to achieve the result). Covering your eyes with your eyelids and without removing your palms, begin to draw numbers from 1 to 10 and back in space with your eyes, and the range of eyeball movements should be maximum.

In total, such gymnastics will take no more than 2 minutes. But after its completion, removing your palms from your face and opening your eyes, you will be pleasantly surprised at how clear, contrast and color the world around you has become.

After mastering the exercise, explain to the child how to perform it correctly. At first, I advise you to do gymnastics with your child, and then it will be enough just to remind you of it.

"Digital gymnastics" is necessary first of all in the presence of large visual loads, especially for schoolchildren who have eye problems. For example, if you sit for many hours at home in the evenings, you need to do the exercise every hour. For adults, I’ll add: due to the fact that “Digital Gymnastics” significantly improves the blood supply to the eyes, it is very useful for cataracts, glaucoma, retinal diseases as part of complex therapy. And in combination with "Step Gymnastics" it perfectly removes the so-called computer visual syndrome.

Method 3. "Point gymnastics"

Designed to improve visual acuity.

Take a regular sheet of paper and with a sharpened black pencil draw 10 black dots on one line with intervals of about 5 mm between them. At very poor eyesight the interval can be increased to 7 mm, but no more. Place the sheet in front of your eyes at a distance of 40 cm. You should clearly see all the points and be able to count them. Now ask an assistant to slowly move the sheet of dots away from your eyes, stopping every 20 cm. Once you can no longer see all the dots clearly and they have merged into a solid line, you do not need to move the sheet further away. Measure the distance from your eyes to a sheet of paper and write it down. After that, for some time move the sheet with dots either closer or further away from the eyes, but do not exceed the recorded distance so far. It is useful to perform gymnastics for 3-5 minutes at least 3-4 times daily.

This exercise in complex therapy effectively and quickly improves visual acuity.

Educate a child correct execution exercises and make it a must-have. It must be done at least three times a day. The distance from the eyes to the confluence of points into one solid line must be measured no more than once every 7-10 days, noting achievements.

"Point gymnastics" also helps to improve near vision for all people over 40 who suffer from reading difficulties. The execution technique is the same, but you need to start counting the points not from a distance of 40 cm from the face, but from the one where you can see them (say, 50-70 cm). Next, try to count the points at a distance less than the one at which you saw them clearly at the beginning of the exercise. Gradually, you will notice that you are no longer tired when working with plain text.

A child receives a large amount of information through the organs of vision, which is why even preschoolers may experience visual impairment. Gymnastics for the eyes for children will help to avoid visual impairment, which affects physical and intellectual development. Charging well trains the oculomotor muscles.

Specially selected complexes help to calm the nervous system of the baby, relieve fatigue and ease the load. Eye exercises for children can slow down or even stop the decline in vision. As a result, it is easier for the brain to process the information that it receives from the organs of vision.

In the first ten years of life, there is an intensive development of the organs of vision. During this period, the eyes are vulnerable to negative impact different kinds of factors: computer, TV, infectious processes, unfavorable ecology and more. It is not surprising that in this age of technology, vision is deteriorating, which is why the eyes need rest and relaxation.

Children's gymnastics for the eyes is very simple. In some cases, it is enough to count together with the child the fruits growing on the tree or the cars passing by. This does not take too long. One such warm-up can last from three to five minutes.

A warm-up for the eyes for children has been shown since two or three years. Experts recommend daily exercises and pay attention to the fact that vision is formed before the age of twelve.

The purpose of visual training

Eye exercises for children not only increase visual acuity, they can relieve spasm of the oculomotor muscles, maintain general tone and relieve fatigue. Moreover, such exercises even remove bags under the eyes, enrich the eyeball with blood flow. Experts say that if you do exercises for the eyes in the morning and evening every day, then in a month you will feel the result.

Do not forget that any physical activity help your child's eyes work better. Encourage your child to move more, run, jump, play outdoor games. It is important to monitor the posture of the child. Improper seating at the table can lead to disruption of the blood supply to the brain, which in turn leads to vision problems. It is also important to control the child's pastime in front of the TV or computer screen. Do not allow him to use gadgets for a long time without stopping. Experts do not recommend watching TV in a dark room. Because of this, the organs will overstrain in order to adapt to the light.

You should not self-confidently believe that if your child does not have vision problems, then he does not need gymnastics. Charging is used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it will help prevent vision problems.

A set of exercises for children who go to Kindergarten, can be played in a playful manner

  • myopia - myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • complaints of eye fatigue;
  • amblyopia;
  • hereditary predisposition - someone in the family has vision problems;
  • serious internal pathologies;
  • strabismus;
  • astigmatism. Children complain that the picture is blurry and doubles.

A set of exercises

Consider a series of exercises that relieve fatigue from the eyes and strengthen the muscles of the organs of vision. It is extremely important to create a calm atmosphere, you do not need to force the child to do these exercises, you need to interest him. Don't forget regularity. One month you can do one complex, and then try other options for a change.

Exercises for children with visual impairment are selected by an ophthalmologist

Let's highlight the most effective methods:

  • the child's head must be fixed. To do this, he must put his chin on his hands. Then eyeballs should be raised as high as possible to the ceiling, and then down. It is necessary to do four sets and rest a little. Next, a similar exercise is done, only the eyes are directed along horizontal axis to the left and right side;
  • in case of strabismus, it is recommended to dilute the pupils in different sides, and then reduce them to the nose;
  • look out the window with your child and find a nearby and distant object. The task of the child is to alternately fix his gaze on one or another object;
  • the “Corners” exercise consists in the fact that the child alternately looks at the upper left corner of the room, then shifts his gaze to the lower right corner. Further, he looks to the upper right and lower left corner;
  • the child can close his eyes and stroke them with gentle movements. It is necessary to explain that it is not necessary to press on the eyes;
  • To relax your eyes in a dark room, you should close your eyes and try to imagine a dark or even black surface. Such an exercise removes excitement from the retina and relaxes the oculomotor muscles;
  • exercise "Imaginary gymnastics" develops perception and imagination, it is performed with closed eyes. The child should sit down, calm down and present a pleasant picture. It could be beautiful island with palm trees, seagulls and deep ocean. It is necessary to imagine that you are sitting on the shore and looking into the distance without glasses. Mentally shift your gaze from one object to another.

It is good to combine gymnastics in a preschool educational institution with home exercises

Other tips will help relieve eye strain. Stand in a straight position and lift your shoulders up, and then take them as far back as possible, and then return to their original position. It is necessary to do ten such repetitions. You can also complicate this exercise by the fact that after pulling back you do not return to the starting position, but take your shoulders forward.

You can also put selections on chest, while relaxing the neck, after which the head is thrown back as far as possible. Make this task more difficult by doing it in sitting position. First, the chin falls on the chest, then the head must be taken to the side and thrown back.

The child should sit up straight and relax as much as possible. Then he takes two palms and rubs them one against the other. Then right palm should be applied to the right eye and, accordingly, the left hand is located near the left eye. It is necessary to explain to the child that it is not necessary to press the palms to the eyes strongly, palming should not cause any discomfort. The main point is that there should be no slits between the fingers that would let light through.

During palming, the neck and spine should be in a straight line. Elbows are best placed on the table. This exercise can be done at recess between lessons to relieve tension. Do not abruptly remove your palms from your eyes. You can gradually open them slightly so that your eyes get used to the light.

Palming can be done before each set of exercises

Exercises for preschool children

From about the age of three, the organs of vision begin to experience significant stress, so charging will serve as a good preventive method to prevent visual disturbances. If the child wears glasses, then during visual training it is necessary to wear glasses with weaker diopters.

Consider an effective complex:

  1. cut out two circles from cardboard and attach them to two corners on the ceiling. In order for the child to pay attention to them, you can use colored cardboard. The essence of the task is that the child must fix his gaze on one circle for ten seconds, and then on another. All movements should be carried out with the eyeballs, it should be explained to the child that the head cannot be turned. The child should do five approaches, after which a fifteen-second break is taken;
  2. For this exercise, parents should prepare in advance. You will need a bright pattern, it can be a snake, a spiral or a chessboard. The picture is attached to the ceiling. The task of the child is to go all the way from beginning to end. Parents themselves can determine the trajectory of movement;
  3. to improve blood supply and develop the oculomotor muscles, an exercise with a pendulum is used. It is recommended for children whose relatives suffered from strabismus. It helps to synchronously fix moving objects and is a good prevention of strabismus. As a pendulum, you can use buttons on a thread, a ball or a bead. The parent should stand behind the child and place the pendulum at a distance of about 40 cm. His task is to follow the movement of the pendulum, while the head should remain motionless. After that, the child should look at distant objects outside the window and try to describe in detail everything that he sees. Experts say that as visual acuity improves, the child will begin to describe more and more details;
  4. to improve vision at close range, take ordinary wrist watch with a large dial. The child must say what time it is when the clock is located 30-40 cm from him, then you step back a meter and finally one and a half meters. After that, in the same order, bring the clock closer to the child's face.

No need to force the child to conduct visual training, he must do it with pleasant emotions

Eye training for school children

Schoolchildren experience tremendous stress, so at this age the importance of visual training cannot be neglected. After each exercise, close your eyes for a few seconds. All movements are performed effortlessly.

Consider a quick complex for children school age:

  1. this exercise is called "first aid", as it relaxes the oculomotor muscles, improves visual acuity and improves image clarity. It is very important to perform the exercise correctly, and for this you must first master the technique yourself. Place a chair about a meter from the wall. The face should be as relaxed as possible, and the head should be motionless. Eyeballs need to draw the Latin letter V. To do this, you raise your eyes to the upper right corner and lower them down. Then close your eyes for five seconds. Then you look to the upper left corner and lower them down;
  2. look at the area between the eyebrows and hold your gaze for a few seconds. Over time, the delay in the upper position can be gradually increased;
  3. This exercise is done with your eyes open. Imagine a dial in front of you and draw all the numbers with your eyeball, first clockwise and then counterclockwise;
  4. to relax the muscles, it is necessary to close your eyes tightly, and then open and relax;
  5. another exercise in the form of a game will help restore vision and relax the neck. To do this, your child must imagine that his nose is a river or a pointer, and he must draw a number, letter or something else with it, and others will guess.

With the help of visual gymnastics, children will see much better

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Avetisov

Edyard Sergeevich Avetisov is an authoritative professor of medicine in the field of ophthalmology. Long years he worked on improving vision and proved that the problem is much easier to prevent than to cure. Moreover, ophthalmic diseases tend to chronicize the process.

The professor believes that it is necessary to take care of vision from an early age. childhood. He developed a set of simple exercises that parents should pay special attention to, whose children suffer from myopia and stay in front of the computer for a long time.

The professor assures that positive dynamics can be seen in a few days. The load should be gradually increased. Avetisov proposed three training complexes.

Consider what is included in the first complex:

  • squeeze the eyelids for three seconds, after which they should be unclenched. It is recommended to do six to eight such approaches;
  • blink actively for twenty seconds, then take a break for a few seconds. Massage your eyes through closed eyelids with your fingertips;
  • lightly press the eyeball with your fingertips;
  • Use your index fingers to press down on the area between your eyebrows.

Strengthen internal muscles the second training complex will help the eye:

  • look from the floor to the ceiling without moving your head. Do ten sets;
  • lower your eyeballs from the ceiling to the floor along a diagonal axis;
  • move your gaze along the horizontal axis;
  • rotate your eyes in a circle, first in one, then in the other direction. Try not to lose sight of falling objects.

The final stage contributes not only to strengthening vision, but also to improving accommodation:

  • shift your gaze from your finger outstretched hand to a distant object;
  • bend your arm at the elbow and place your index finger at the tip of your nose. Gradually straighten your hand, and with your eyes follow the direction of the finger;
  • the exercise is similar to the previous one, only now, if you take your right hand away, then close your left eye. Only the right eye should follow the index finger right hand. Then you need to close the right eye;
  • draw a dot on the window pane. Fix your gaze first on him, and then on some street object.

So, visual gymnastics for children is a good way to prevent many ophthalmic disorders, as well as get rid of existing problems. It doesn't take long to complete the above exercises. The main thing is good organization and willpower. It is important to interest the child, you do not need to force him to do exercises. If you think about how to do exercises in the form of a game, your child will ask you to play and at the same time strengthen the muscles of the eyes. Before you start gymnastics for the eyes, take your child to an ophthalmologist and consult on which complex will be most effective in your particular case.

Gymnastics for the eyes gives a kind of "rest" to the strained organs of vision. In conditions modern life both adults and children are faced with such a problem as excessive stress on the oculomotor muscles. That is why ophthalmologists recommend not to be lazy and do exercises for the eyes every day.

This is especially true for children who are susceptible to high risk development of visual impairment.


Many parents are wondering what is the purpose of gymnastics for the eyes, what is the use of similar procedure. To begin with, it is worth clarifying that the training data of the organs of vision are in a good way prevention of the development of various ailments at an early age. This mainly applies to diseases such as myopia and hyperopia. Astigmatism, which often worries school-age children, is no exception.

The children daily receive and assimilate a large amount of information, and the organs of vision are in constant tension. It is for this reason that the child begins to experience fatigue, which provokes the appearance of eye problems.

Even with perfect vision, one should not forget about simple methods relaxation. So, taking into account all of the above factors, physicians have developed many useful exercises. In addition, gymnastics improves vision even with regular overstrain. It is best to choose complexes that include elements of the game, as well as poems and sayings. This is especially true in cases where exercises are selected for a baby or preschooler.

An important goal of doing gymnastics for the eyes is restoration of vision. It is recommended to use such methods even in advanced cases, when the only possible solution vision correction surgery. Training will require a large number time and effort. Parents need to take into account that a set of exercises for a child is selected depending on vision problems. If there are no violations, gymnastics will be excellent method for the prevention of various diseases. Before choosing a set of exercises, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.

Fizminutka for children of preschool age and elementary school

Many experts in the field of medicine note that even attending a kindergarten or primary school, the child is faced with prolonged stress on the organs of vision. This mainly happens in the lessons of drawing, modeling or design. It is known that these species require constant voltage because the focus is on one point. When a child goes to school, the workload only increases. Children 6-7 years of age face twice the visual load compared to preschoolers 5 years old.

In any case, simple and interesting exercises that will take minimal amount time.

  • It is best to start with eye movements to the right and left.. If classes are held with preschool children, the teacher must first demonstrate all the actions at a slow pace. It is recommended to conduct training in the form of a game. For example, you can invite children to imagine themselves as a cunning fox, who looks out for a bunny with similar eye movements. Gradually, it is recommended to increase the pace. At the end of the exercise, the children should close their eyes.

  • Next, you need to offer the guys such a way as squinting and opening eyes. Previously, the teacher should show an example, especially if classes are held in a preschool group. The child closes his eyes for 5 seconds, after which he opens them wide. You can invite children to portray surprise - it will be clearer to them.
  • One more interesting exercise for preschoolers - nose scratching. Children should stretch their arms forward. Place your index finger in front of your nose. The gaze must be focused on the finger approaching from afar. The child should lightly scratch his nose. After performing this action, the finger must be slowly removed.

If such a physical minute is selected for children 9-10 years old, it is best to use special teaching aids in the process.

  • One of effective ways relax your eyes is eye tracing of a geometric figure. During the exercise, the gaze must be stopped at the corners. In the process, you can use different shapes: triangles, rectangles or circles.
  • Another interesting exercise is called "Show with your eyes." To do this, you need to fix several geometric shapes on the board. The child should use his eyes, without turning his head, to depict the form chosen by the teacher.

Charging for visual impairment

Various complex exercises are recommended for use in the development of certain disorders. Quite often, visual gymnastics is used for myopia in children. It is known that such a disease is characterized by a blurry vision of objects that are far from the child.

Myopia can be both congenital and acquired, so it is recommended to turn to a complex that will not only help in the fight against the disease, but also stop its further development.

So, you need to start training with fixing the lower eyelid. For this, the index finger is placed on the outer corner of the eye, the middle finger on the center of the eyelid. ring finger should be located on the inner corner of the visual organ. It is necessary to hold the eyelid in such a way that a kind of resistance arises. At this time, the child should open and close his eyes, adhering to a slow pace. Gymnastics for myopia can be done even while walking.

The child should look away from separately located objects: for example, from objects near the road to the area under his feet. Such an exercise will be especially useful for mild myopia in adolescents.

Another common problem among both adults and children is farsightedness (hypermetropia). Even at an early age, babies are faced with fatigue eye. In the presence of similar problem can also be used effective complexes exercises. One of the interesting and useful options is a workout "Palming". The essence of the exercise is that the child closes his eyes with his hands. The palms should not press on visual organs on the contrary, complete relaxation is required.

The exercise can be performed in any position. If the training is carried out with a preschool child, it is best to read a fairy tale. After a few minutes, you need to slowly move your hands away from your face so that your organs of vision are reconfigured to room lighting.

Also, experts have developed exercises with strabismus in a child. It is worth noting that such a violation in a newborn baby does not belong to the category of diseases. it normal phenomenon but only up to 6 months. If the strabismus has not gone away after six months, you should consult a doctor. In addition, experts recommend performing convergence exercises.

One of the effective ways is pencil use. The object is placed 20-30 cm from the eyes, the child is asked to look past it. The result should be two images of the same object.

Fix the violation in preschool age can be done with various interesting exercises.

You can invite the baby to close his eyes with his hands and ask him to say the name of various favorite toys. In this case, the child should talk about their shape. One of the complex diseases in children is astigmatism. Basically, the treatment regimen for the disease is selected on early stages its development. In this case, you can completely eliminate the disease without using radical measures. Oscillatory movements, intense squeezing and unclenching the eyelids will help restore vision.

Children with amblyopia are also encouraged to do eye exercises every day. It is worth noting that treatment this disease effective only in the early stages of development. A prerequisite is the strengthening of the muscles of the organs of vision with the help of various complexes. Special attention should be given to the treatment of nystagmus in a child. One of the methods to eliminate uncontrolled eye movement is to perform various exercises.

A set of exercises according to Avetisov

Data uniqueness complex exercises is that training is used both for the treatment and for the prevention of ailments. Classes according to this scheme will help return the child normal vision. It is worth noting that the technique includes three categories of exercises.

All actions included in the first group contribute to the improvement of blood circulation. To begin with, the child should take a sitting position. The eyes are closed for 5-6 seconds, after which they are opened. It is necessary to remain in this position for several seconds. You need to repeat the exercises 6 to 8 times.

After that, it is necessary to invite the child to blink for 60 seconds. It is best to use a watch for this exercise. Then you need to take a short break and repeat the action again. Next, you need to sit with your eyes closed, gently press on the eyelid. The impact must be performed with three fingertips, after putting them together. Pressing should be performed no longer than 3 seconds. Similar actions you need to repeat with the second eye.

The second group includes exercises that help strengthen muscle components. At the first stage, the child should alternately look either at the carpet or at the chandelier. During execution, the head should not move to the sides. The gaze must be alternately translated from the top to the bottom. Keeping the position of the head, the child should look to the left and right sides alternately. After that, you need to look up and down.

At the last stage, the child should rotate the pupils, performing circular movements.

Exercises from the third category restore accommodation. To begin with, the child should look into the distance for a few seconds. After that, the gaze is gradually transferred to the index finger, which must be placed 20-30 cm from the face. Then the child should take a standing position. The hand is extended in front of you, the index finger is raised so that it is at the level of the middle of the face. The gaze is focused on the tip of the finger, which should be slowly brought closer to you. It is necessary to repeat the action until the image begins to double.

4 most effective exercises to restore vision

There are many different exercises that are aimed at recovery. visual function The child has. It is worth paying attention to special techniques used even in advanced cases.

"Step Gymnastics"

The first type is called "Step Gymnastics". The action of all exercises is aimed at activating the functions of the accommodation apparatus. The advantage of this technique is that it involves all the elements at the same time. The peculiarity of the exercises is that the child gradually shifts his gaze from near objects to distant ones. The gaze must be fixed on each object for about 5 seconds in order for the accommodative apparatus to function properly.

"Digital Gymnastics"

The second technique is called "Digital Gymnastics". The child should cover his eyes with his hands, while closing his eyes. In this position, you should “draw” with your eyes the numbers from 1 to 10. Then the exercise must be repeated, “drawing” the numbers in reverse order. The advantage of this gymnastics is that it takes no more than 2 minutes. If the exercises must be performed Small child, at the initial stages you need to deal with him.

Often, "Digital gymnastics" is performed with heavy loads on the organs of vision. It is mainly recommended for schoolchildren who suffer from vision problems from an early age. When doing these daily simple exercises improves blood circulation in the eyes.

Often the technique is used for cataracts and glaucoma.