How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain and why men and women need it: useful tips and exercises. How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain? Don't be afraid to try new things and discover your talents

Effective gymnastics for brain development will help improve the body and develop the left and right hemispheres.

  • Man is a rational being. He perceives the world around him differently than, for example, animals, and has special thinking and logic. To understand how to develop your brain, you need to know its functions.
  • The brain can be called a computer, because its possibilities are endless. Throughout the entire span of life, a person learns something new, a lot of information can be stored in his head. He remembers only what he needs, and what is never useful is "removed" forever
  • The brain consists of two hemispheres - right and left. Each side has its own functional features - everything is analyzed in a strict order, remembered or deleted

How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain?

The left side is responsible for logic. Language skills, solving logic circuits, mathematical operations, calculating whole numbers and fractions, keeping track of time - all this is the work of the left side of the brain.

Therefore, in order to improve children's performance in school or to improve overall development, we must develop the left side of our "computer".

So, how to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? You need to do the following:

  • Work on the development of logic - study mathematical algorithms, practice logical thinking
  • Solve complex geometric problems. The study of such a science as mathematics is impossible without a well-developed left half of our brain
  • Solve puzzles and crosswords - analyzing actions and making up words, the left hemisphere works better than the right
  • A left-handed person needs to do everything with his right hand: write, draw, eat. It is necessary to use the right side of the body
  • Take to Improve Brain Function

Important: Try not to get hung up on the development of one of the halves of the brain. It is the work of both halves of our brain "computer" that is valuable. Develop the left and right hemispheres of the brain at the same time.

How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain?

Above, we figured out what the left half of the brain is responsible for, now we need to work on the development of intuitive abilities and creative thinking.

The right side of the brain processes the data that comes from the senses. It allows you to synthesize the available data in your head, so a person can solve puzzles and act according to his plans, and not according to the patterns.

Developing the right half, we bring up in ourselves a holistic view of the world and reality. How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain? Do the following:

  • Listen to music - it should be classical music, not rock or pop
  • Dream, meditate alone. It is better to do meditation on the seashore or in the forest, where there is a connection with nature.
  • Draw, write poetry, compose music. Any creativity helps the development of the right half of the brain

Tip: Tune in to creativity, believe in your abilities, and the result will not be long in coming.

The brain of a baby from birth is set to learn something new. Therefore, even such ordinary activities as feeding, walking and changing diapers are educational.

Tip: Do not invent anything new in order to develop the brain of your crumbs. Don't get hung up on doing any particular activity.

In order to properly develop the brain of a child, it is necessary to provide him with only proper care.

Important: Talk to your baby even when you are picking up mail from the mailbox or making tea. Such comments help to interest the child, which means that he begins to think and develop.

Joint reading of books, games, mother's songs, dancing with a baby in her arms helps well in development. Even the usual massage and swaying before going to bed will be developing for the child's brain.

Psychophysiologists are working hard on creating methods for harmonizing and developing the brain.

Each hemisphere is responsible for its own hand, so musicians and pianists will improve both hemispheres of the brain. After all, they play musical instruments with both hands, which helps to develop the two halves of the brain well.

Brain exercises for adults and preschoolers that involve two hands are very effective:

AN EXERCISE: Grab the tip of your nose with your left hand and the left earlobe with your right hand. Then lower your hands and clap your hands. Change hands and repeat the exercise

AN EXERCISE: Sit at the table and put a piece of paper in front of you. Take a pencil in both hands, and begin to draw symmetrical mirror drawings. Let them be simple at first, like letters or numbers. If it is difficult to do this with both hands, you will first have to perform the exercise with each hand separately.

AN EXERCISE: Take a sheet of paper with both hands and wave it, using not only the hands, but also the elbows and shoulders

AN EXERCISE: Put your left hand on your right shoulder, turn your head in this direction, focusing your eyes on some object. Slowly turn your head towards your left shoulder and look over it. Repeat the exercise with your right hand on your left shoulder.

AN EXERCISE: Place your hands on the back of a chair for support. Step one foot back. Move the body forward by bending the other leg. Shift your body weight onto it. Slightly lift the heel behind the standing leg. Now smoothly shift all your weight onto the leg that is behind you. Lower her heel and lift the toe of the other leg. Repeat 5 times, then switch legs.

AN EXERCISE: Write words on paper in different colors. Repeat them as quickly as possible, and without hesitation

Chess, checkers, puzzles, Rubik's Cube, puzzles and crossword puzzles help in the development of the brain.

Gymnastics for the brain - Olga Troitskaya

The exercise systems program was developed back in the 70s. Scientists of that time conducted research with their students, each of whom performed gymnastics every day. Since then, the system has been spreading all over the world with excellent results.

Olga Troitskaya is a successful psychologist. She pays great attention to the development of the brain, because thanks to a clear mind, a person can be happy and successful.

Important: Exercises increase the tone of the cerebral cortex, and massage of biologically active points allows you to make both halves of the brain work.


  • Crawl on the floor like a child. You can just march when you're lethargic and don't feel like doing anything. The feeling of cheerfulness will come instantly


  • Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart
  • Bend over, carrying shoulder to hip, not elbow to knee
  • The head turns slightly as the action progresses.
  • The mouth is not clamped, the lips are free. Only all muscles and the lower part of the face are clamped


  • Place two fingers under the collarbone (there are 2 holes in that place). The second hand is located on the navel
  • Gently massage the pits
  • Change hands
  • You also need to massage the dimples located between the 1st and 2nd ribs under the collarbones. This is a powerful neuro-lymphatic zone with large vessels coming from the heart.


  • Grasp the top of the ear, and gently massage, as if stretching back and twisting each point of the ear
  • Turn your head all the way to the left. Massage your ears, letting your head look back, go further and further away. Massage from top to bottom. When the head turns to the limit - stop doing the exercise
  • Turn your head to the right and repeat all the steps again, as with turning your head to the left


  • Grab your left shoulder in the middle with your right hand
  • Turn your head slightly to the left
  • Start kneading - as you exhale, squeeze your fingers and say "UH". Open your eyes and look like an owl
  • Turn your head slightly from side to side
  • Then grab your right shoulder with your left hand and repeat the exercise.

EXERCISE №6 "LAzy Eights":

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, knees straight and slightly bent. The body is relaxed
  • Bend one arm at the elbow and point forward. The thumb is pointing up. Fix your eyes on it. The thumb is in the midline of the body.
  • Imagine a circle in front of you in which draw a lying eight
  • Change hands and repeat the exercise
  • Then do it with both hands together - to the left and up


1 part exercise:

  • Legs intertwine
  • Extend your arms forward with your palms out
  • Put your palms together, interlacing your fingers and twisting your arms to your chest
  • Raise your tongue and press it to the sky
  • Raise your eyes up. You need to do the exercise for as long as you feel comfortable

2 part exercise:

  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart
  • Lower your hands down and clasp the boat at the level of the lower abdomen
  • Lower your eyes, press your tongue to the sky

Below is a video with gymnastics for the brain of Olga Troitskaya. It contains only the exercises themselves.

Video: Brain gymnastics - become successful at any age! Olga Troitskaya. Only exercises

The brain fitness system is a specially designed exercise that helps develop and synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain and develop hand motor skills.

Finger gymnastics for the brain brings many benefits. It must be done daily.

Video: What is Brain Fitness and Finger Gymnastics?

Video: Brain Fitness

Video: Fitness for the brain. Exercise #2 Money Cards Two Barrels

Video: Fitness for the brain. Exercise #3 Crazy Crocodiles

Video: Fitness for the brain. Exercise #4 Tie your fingers in a knot

Gymnastics for the vessels of the brain - Nishi

Japanese healer Katsuzo Nishi created a system of exercises to improve the body. This is done through capillary training.

Gymnastics for the vessels of the brain Nishi:

  • The simplest exercise to improve the condition of capillaries and blood circulation is called "Vibration". In the morning, without getting out of bed, lift your legs and arms up and shake them for 2 minutes. This kind of capillary massage also helps to redistribute the lymphatic fluid, which allows you to cleanse the body of toxins.
  • An exercise "Gold fish". Lying on a flat surface, place your hands under your neck, at the level of the fourth cervical vertebra. Pull your toes towards you. Tighten up strongly and reproduce vibrating movements with your whole body, like a fish

Such exercises help to reduce the tone of the nervous system, and raise the tone of blood vessels. Active blood circulation begins in the whole body, the vessels actively work and become stronger.

Here are some more effective exercises to strengthen blood vessels and improve brain function:

Video: Exercises to strengthen blood vessels

  • Older people also need a lot of their body if they want to live a healthy life.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to start doing gymnastics for the brain and exercises for the elderly today. The exercises from Olga Troitskaya, which are presented above, work very well on the work of the brain.
  • Elderly people are suitable for all exercises that younger people and children. Just do them slowly and do as many reps as you can.
  • Thanks to constant exercises, lethargy, laziness will disappear, the vestibular apparatus is activated. The elderly will be able to achieve the full functioning of the brain

Brain Synchronization - 25 Exercises

To start developing your brain, follow these tips:

Advice: Get rid of hypodynamia - this is a problem of sedentary people. Move more - do not spend a lot of time at the computer and TV. If you do not move, the vessels become clogged with cholesterol plaques, which leads to problems in brain activity.

Advice: Refrain from drinking alcohol. Alcohol kills neurons. But, if you choose between vodka, wine and beer, then beer does much less harm to our brain.

Advice: Drink 2 liters of water per day. People who are overweight should drink up to 4 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. It helps to remove waste and toxins.

Advice: When doing any homework, do it with fun and irony! The brain loves good emotions.

We have fun cleaning - both hemispheres of the brain work

As a person works on the development of muscles, so he must develop his brain. If the brain is not given daily work, it will become decrepit.

Important: If there are daily loads, then the number of gray cells increases, new capillaries appear and new synapses are formed between neurons.

By following these tips, you will help your brain: it will not get bored and will constantly develop:

  1. Walk around the house with your eyes closed - this helps develop coordination of movements
  2. By touch, determine the denomination of the coins that are in your pocket
  3. Learn Braille - Reading and Writing for the Blind
  4. Write with your left hand if you are right-handed, and with your right hand if you are left-handed.
  5. Buy unusual clothes for yourself and wear them
  6. Change your hair color or cut it short if you've had long hair before.
  7. Travel, discover new cities and countries
  8. Change the interior of your home and office more often
  9. Come up with new phrases to answer questions: how are you, what's new?

Important: Why do this? Habits bother the brain, and it gets tired of the routine. Everything new is interesting to him: emotions, words, actions and places.

WARM-UP FOR THE BRAIN: Do exercises with your eyes closed:

  • Calmly and deeply inhale 10 times
  • Slowly count out loud from 1 to 100, and vice versa, from 100 to 1
  • Imagine a pink circle in your head, then, with the help of a turn, mentally remake it into a square, triangle, trapezoid and rhombus
  • Speak the alphabet, coming up with a word for each letter, for example, "A - watermelon"
  • Mentally look at yourself from the outside. Look at all the details of clothing and accessories. Think about the way you smile
  • Read any text backwards

Brain Sync Warm Up

EXERCISE "AMBULANCE": Write the letters of the alphabet on a piece of paper, and under them L, P or V. Letters from the upper lines are spoken aloud, and from the lower lines they are performed by hands (L - the left hand rises up, P - the right hand rises up, B - both hands rise up). It is difficult to do all this at the same time, although it seems simple at first glance.











Now let's remember physical education exercises, which, as it turned out, help develop the brain and make it work synchronously:


  • Reach with the elbow of the right hand to the knee of the right leg, and with the elbow of the left hand to the knee of the left leg - repeat 12 times


  • Reach with the elbow of the right hand to the knee of the left leg, and with the elbow of the left hand to the knee of the right leg

It will take only 2 minutes to complete these exercises, and the effect will be felt immediately - the head will become “fresh” and “brightened”.

Specialists and experts in the field of brain development give very valuable advice to those people who are working to synchronize their brains. If you do them at least once a week, progress will definitely appear.

Brain Sync - Clock on the other hand
  • Advice: Finger gymnastics helps to develop the neural work of the brain. Unclench and connect your fingers, complicating the task and doing the exercise through one finger
  • Advice: Swap items on your desktop. This will force the brain to look for new solutions. But don't do it too often so your brain doesn't get used to it.
  • Advice: Say aloud twenty female or male names. Mentally imagine these people and how they smile at you. Wish them all a good day
  • Advice: Once a week, go to bed with your head to the other end of the bed. This is unusual for the brain and it will not be able to fall asleep quickly, but we must try.
  • Advice: Change the hand on which you wear the watch. At first you will experience inconvenience, but then you will no longer notice it. Change hands again after 7 days
  • Advice: When cleaning the house, fold things nicely, but out of place. After that, the brain will have to work and remember where things and objects lie after cleaning.
  • Advice: Solve various logic puzzles. They can be found in collections, children's magazines or online.
  • Advice: Once a week, think about what you have achieved in a week. Make plans for the next week, highlighting the main events
  • Advice: Sometimes write letters to yourself, which will talk about the mistakes made during the week. Do not feel sorry for yourself, write down even small troubles so that next week you will be even better.


  • Sit on a chair and cross your legs
  • With the foot that is on top, draw circles in the air in a clockwise direction
  • After that, draw a circle counterclockwise with the finger of your right hand - the leg continues to move clockwise


  • Take a blank sheet of paper and paint it with a felt-tip pen or pencil to decorate it completely in one color.
  • List all the associations that you have with this color. For example, red - cherry, watermelon, flag and so on


  • Count to 20 and back, but skipping a number that contains, for example, 3 or that is divisible by 3


  • Pick up a newspaper and read any first word that comes across
  • Make ten different sentences with this word, quickly and without hesitation
  • Place both palms on your stomach - left hand on right
  • Exhale as if blowing out a candle
  • You need to perform this exercise for one minute.


  • Sit on the floor and spread your legs wide
  • Now get up sharply without using your hands
  • During this exercise, both hemispheres of the brain begin to work in concert. A sense of balance is important. CAUTION: You may fall during this exercise.


  • Close your eyes and imagine any letter in your head
  • Name up to twenty items out loud with this letter, for example: one is a tank, two is a tractor, three is a throne, four is oatmeal, and so on. The faster you name the words, the better.


  • Stretch one hand forward, straighten your thumb and draw in the air 8
  • Do 4 of these repetitions. Change your hand
  • At the end, do gymnastics with both hands


  • Raise both hands up
  • Draw in the air - a square with one hand and a star with the other
  • As soon as the exercise starts to work out, change hands. To complicate it, come up with drawings of other shapes.

Now let's learn how to do physical exercises to synchronize the brain. After performing such gymnastics, both hemispheres of the brain will learn to work simultaneously.


  • Sit on a high table with your legs swinging freely
  • Spread your fingers apart and place your fingertips together, keeping your hands in front of you.
  • Perform swinging movements with your hands. Fingertips should meet each other

Important: If you want to complicate this exercise, connect your toes. Make swings with your hands and bringing your fingertips together, spread your legs. With your arms apart, bring your legs together.

Brain Sync - Crossing Arms and Legs


  • First, swing your arms in front of your torso at shoulder level. Palms should be facing the floor
  • After a while, start swinging and crossing behind the body - at the level of the buttocks
  • Keep doing the exercise, joining the movement of the legs
  • When moving to the right, bring the left foot in front of the right, and the right foot in front of the left when moving to the left

Another similar exercise:

  • Do a cross leg as you move
  • Step to the side - cross your left foot over your right
  • One more step with the right and put the left foot
  • Repeat the movement in the opposite direction


  • Stand up straight with your feet together. Place your hands over your head. Jump and swing your arms back to the sides, spreading your legs. Jump back to starting position
  • Follow the previous movements with your legs, and stretch your arms in front of the body, moving them up and down
  • Move your arms to the sides, legs - jumping back and forth from foot to foot, as while walking


  • Turn on any classical music
  • Position yourself as a conductor stands in front of the orchestra
  • Raise your arms at shoulder height with one arm higher than the other
  • Draw eights lying in the air: the left hand writes to the left, the right hand to the right
  • After that, draw an inner arc and repeat all the exercises in the opposite direction.


  • Right hand on head, left hand on stomach. Pat your head and stroke your belly in circles at the same time
  • Stroke your stomach with your left hand clockwise, and with your right hand stroke the left collarbone in the opposite direction


  • Imagine a pencil on the tip of your nose
  • Draw figure eights in the air
  • When this exercise succeeds, write names and surnames in the air


  • Prepare a lemon and a chair
  • Lie on your back, place a chair behind your head. squeeze a lemon between your feet
  • Raise your legs so that you can put a lemon on a chair
  • Lower your legs, then lift them up, and take the lemon from the chair, returning to the starting position.

Tip: Young people in good physical shape can put a lemon on the floor behind their heads instead of on a chair.

Important: It is good to perform a “birch tree” and a headstand along with this exercise. Such gymnastics will help stimulate cerebral circulation.


  • Sit in a chair and relax with your back straight. Place the index and middle fingers of the right hand on the bridge of the nose
  • Lightly close the left nostril with the ring finger and inhale slowly through the right nostril to the count of 8.
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Then press down with your thumb and close the right nostril, exhaling slowly through the left nostril, counting to 8
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds, and inhale again, counting to 8, but now through the left nostril


  • Sit on the floor in Turkish style and close your eyes
  • Take a few breaths, directing the air flow deep down the abdomen. Aperture should work
  • Concentrate on your breathing. Say “OM” as you inhale, and “AH” as you exhale.

We strengthen memory - we yawn widely


  • Close your eyes and yawn wide
  • Massage tense areas in the lower and upper jaw at the same time
  • The yawn should be long and loud. Repeat exercise 3-6 times


  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees, feet on the floor. Put your hands under your head and interlace your fingers. Without unclenching your arms, rise and at the same time turn around, resting your elbow on the floor
  • Left elbow to right knee, right elbow to left knee. Repeat this exercise 5 times on each side.

EXERCISE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MENTAL POWER(helps to increase the accuracy of movements):

  • Find depressions on the forehead, above the eyebrows
  • Apply light pressure with your fingertips for one minute. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times

Be healthy, and do not forget to share useful information with your friends and relatives. After all, perhaps this will help them prolong their life, and live it happily and successfully!

Video: 3 minutes lesson for life! Harmonization of the right and left hemispheres of the brain

Video: How to develop the brain?! How to become much smarter than others?!

For normal functioning, the brain, like the whole body as a whole, needs to be trained. Especially with age. As you know, the human brain uses its working potential by a maximum of 10%. People often notice that it becomes more difficult to assimilate the information they receive over time.

But there are a lot of situations when it is necessary. For example, duties at work or a completely new position, specialty, moving to another country, which requires mandatory knowledge of the local language, and so on. All these changes sometimes require turning on the brain to the fullest. However, often a person notices that, apart from stupor and fatigue, his attempts lead to nothing. What to do in such a situation? How to develop the brain, or rather, increase its potential?


As you know, every person has two hemispheres - left and right. There are general methods for development, as well as special exercises aimed at training a certain part of it. How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? Reading is the easiest and most accessible way. Thanks to the book, visual memory develops, vocabulary replenishes, the nervous system calms down, and the ability to concentrate increases. In addition, the horizons are expanding and literacy is improving qualitatively. Since the left hemisphere is responsible for the ability to read, this can be considered an excellent exercise for training it.

Learning languages

How to develop the brain? You can study a foreign language. This knowledge not only activates the "main computer" of the body, but also contributes to the expansion of personal abilities.

For example, knowing the language even a little, you can visit the corresponding country, get acquainted with its culture, make interesting acquaintances. By the way, people who are able to speak even in different dialects are less likely to develop diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and others.

Unusual ways of doing ordinary activities

How to develop the brain? It is good for the organism as a whole to do ordinary things in an unusual way. For example, reading text upside down. At first this will puzzle the brain, but after a while it will seem not so difficult. It is also useful to add variety to absolutely everything that surrounds a person. You should often change the route from home to work, make a rearrangement in the house. Explore new places.

How to develop the brain in the usual ways? Now we'll tell you. As it turned out, this is not difficult. The next level of training contains special exercises that have a specific effect on the hemispheres of the brain. But first you need to figure out who is responsible for what, as they say. The right hemisphere perceives data in the form of images and symbols, and is responsible for fantasy, musical ability, creativity, and sexual activity.

To train him, there are simple and fun exercises that even children can do. The first is to alternately grab the lobe of the opposite ear with the left hand, and the nose with the right, then vice versa. Here's how to develop the right hemisphere of the brain. If this method turns out to be too easy, you can complicate the task. To do this, you need to clap your hands between the change of sides.

Drawing with both hands

Now let's look at how to develop the brain, and both hemispheres at once.

We will describe the second exercise. All you need is a piece of paper and a pencil. If a person is right-handed, then drawing should be started with the leading hand. You can write letters, print patterns and anything. The second hand should almost simultaneously repeat the pattern in a symmetrical reflection. It is better to start with simpler options and gradually complicate the task.


How to develop the hemispheres of the brain with the help of games aimed at coordination? A simple exercise is familiar to many from childhood and is called the “ring”. To do this, you need to connect the thumb of one hand with the index finger of the other. And vice versa. Fingering in this way, the speed should be gradually increased. This is an easier version of the exercise.

If it seems easy, you can try to complicate it. To do this, it is necessary to alternately attach the index, middle, ring and little fingers to the thumb of one hand, forming a ring. Games that develop the brain not only contribute to the activation of the thought process, but also serve as a variety during leisure time. After all, there is nothing difficult in performing such exercises.

fun activity

How to develop the brain? Also a fun entertainment, and at the same time an effective movement, is the simultaneous stroking of the abdomen with one hand and tapping on the head with the other, familiar to many from childhood.

This is another way of developing the brain, designed for the child. You can perform this movement at speed by arranging fun competitions. By the way, laughter and humor is an excellent and effective way to improve brain activity, as well as the general condition of the body. It turns out that useful is simple and pleasant.

Developing the left hemisphere

How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? This topic should be considered in more detail. To begin with, a brief excursion into what this area is responsible for. The left hemisphere is actively involved in the processing of information received in the form of numbers and signs. Further, this information is subject to a phased analysis. Most people on the planet write with their right hand. So the left lobe of the brain is responsible for this order of things.

To develop it, you should solve daily mathematical or logical problems. As an alternative, stop using a calculator and do mental arithmetic. By the way, representatives of past generations were deprived of all kinds of creations of computer technology, so until old age they had a clear mind and excellent memory. What was worth remembering the intercity numbers of all relatives, and after all, a notebook was not always at hand.

Crossword puzzles and games

Also a good way is to solve crossword puzzles, especially since it perfectly activates memory. Further, it is good to do the usual things with the help of the right hand and foot. For left-handers, this may seem difficult, but this is the essence of the exercise.

There are also games that develop the brain. And many of them can be taken from a number of familiar ones. This technique is perfect for left-handers, as it will be more effective due to the unusual position. For example, a great game is badminton. The racket should be taken in the right hand and only work with it. At first it may seem difficult, but after a while the brain will get used to it and will begin to follow the commands. The movements will be more coordinated. Suitable games will also be table tennis, bowling and others.

Chess is an excellent game that also perfectly develops brain activity, especially the left hemisphere. Thinking over a strategy, calculating probable moves effectively activate the work of the "main computer".


How to develop the brain of a child and an adult? There are several more methods. These include:

In order for the brain to work well, do not forget about good nutrition and proper drinking regimen. Also, for productive activities, quality rest, 7-8 hours of sleep is important.


Now you know how to develop the brain. As you can see, there are many methods. Therefore, do not forget to engage in its development. Good luck!

Dear friends, we are glad to welcome you!

If you want to expand your skills and discover new talents in yourself, then you should find out how to develop the right hemisphere. In this article, we have prepared for you the most effective techniques that are easy to perform in everyday life.

Remember that the right hemisphere is useful to develop in order to improve creative thinking and start thinking creatively.

An interesting fact is that the right lobe of the brain is responsible for the work of the left side of the body. It affects human emotions, helps to think figuratively, and is also responsible for our intuition.

Most often, people from birth have a better developed right hemisphere, however, over time, the left lobe of the brain occupies a leading position. It is the left hemisphere that is responsible for logical and stepwise thinking.

In real life, the right hemisphere affects such features of human behavior as:

  • the ability to dream and fantasize
  • the ability to perceive individual sounds as a holistic melody
  • sexual fantasies and desires
  • left body coordination
  • high-quality and holistic perception of visual pictures and actions
  • creative skills
  • ability to navigate in space

In our article you will find the most effective techniques in order to use the necessary part of the brain and develop new talents in yourself.

1. Audio exercises

You can develop the desired skills by working with sound. To do this, for better concentration, you need to choose a quiet place. Close your eyes and imagine that someone is calling you. Determine as accurately as possible which of your friends or relatives the voice belongs to.

Listen carefully to what the person is trying to tell you. Now remember your favorite song. Try to hear the melody and words of the song accurately. Such audio exercises will help you develop the right hemisphere and improve its functioning.

2. Visual images

You will be able to influence the functioning of the brain with the help of effective visualization. In order to develop creative thinking, you need to close your eyes and focus on the image. Imagine that you have a white sheet of paper in front of you.

Try to mentally write your name on paper. Then imagine the letters changing from green to blue to red later. It will be much more effective to improve the functioning of the brain (right hemisphere) if you mentally change the background of the sheet and clearly imagine such a change.

3. Tactile senses

Another effective way to develop the right hemisphere is to use tactile sensations. You can imagine absolutely any images during the exercise.

For example, try to feel that you are eating a certain dish, what it tastes like, what you associate with it. To develop creative skills, the same can be done with the smell or in any way.

4. Mirror painting

It is possible to develop both hemispheres equally with the help of this exercise. Take a piece of paper and two pencils or pens. Draw the same shapes with both hands at the same time.

It can be circles, squares, hearts, etc. Such an exercise helps to effectively develop creative thinking and normalize the work of both lobes of the brain.

5. Closer to art

The easiest and most effective way to develop the right brain is to start devoting more time to creativity. Try to visit the gallery more often, go to the museum or the theater. Develop the habit of listening to beautiful music and reading fiction.

Find like-minded people and attend cultural events together. Discussing the works of great personalities, it will be easier for you to get closer to their worldview. In this way, you can develop new skills and improve the functioning of the right hemisphere.

6. Performance exercises

Try to develop your right hemisphere by doing different exercises every day. The most effective ways to improve the functioning of the right lobe of the brain are:

  • Finger work. Such gymnastics will help develop creative thinking. Try clenching both palms into fists at the same time. After that, straighten the thumb on the right hand and the index finger on the left. Then straighten the index finger on the right and thumb on the left hand. Repeat this exercise several times, picking up the pace. Alternate and throw other fingers;
  • Infinity sign. This exercise also helps to effectively develop the right hemisphere and improve creative skills. To do this, you need to press your left ear to your shoulder and stretch your left hand forward. Then all attention should be concentrated on the index finger. Draw a figure eight with your hand, starting from the center - up and from the center - to the left. Perform the exercise with the left hand 8 times, and then do the same for the right hand;
  • Parallelism in motion. Place a drawing in front of you (at eye level), which will show two parallel lines. During the step, touch with your left hand to the left knee, and then with your right hand to the right knee. All this time, look at the picture. There are 12 steps you need to complete in this creative thinking exercise.

Remember that developing the right hemisphere is actually not that difficult. Get ready to exercise regularly to achieve results. Invite your friends on the social network to read our article.

Such information will help them develop their right brain and succeed in life. We say goodbye to you dear readers!

Don't be afraid to try new things and discover your talents!
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In this article:

The fact that the human brain is divided into right and left parts and what each of them is responsible for has been known for a long time. But detailed research in this direction began to be conducted relatively recently by historical standards. And hitherto ordinary facts shone in a completely different light. However, first things first.

Left - Right, or Changing of the Guard

A little about how the brain works. Scientists have proven that the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for synthesis and creativity, and the left - for analysis and logical thinking. For the last millenniums, the emphasis in the development of children has been placed mainly on the left hemisphere. For that period of time, this was completely justified: the ancient man had to understand the nature of things deeper than the hallucinations of a shaman who had eaten fly agarics suggest.

And now the majority of parents out of inertia teach their offspring according to programs that develop precisely the left, logical hemisphere. And they almost completely forget about the same importance of the right one, believing that it is absolutely not necessary to fly in the clouds and build castles in the air. Basically, it is. But this process has a downside: modern children grow up very early and even grow old precisely in this mental plane.

A disabled or almost completely suppressed imagination creates a gray cog in the global mechanism instead of a creative personality. This can be compared to if a person went to the gym and trained only one half of the body. How this will end is not difficult to guess. But in education, this pathology, unfortunately, has long become the norm.

From real life, we can give such an example: in the USA, scientists tracked children with a very high IQ, and when these children grew up, they were gathered into one group and set tasks for fundamental developments in various industries, but this idea suffered a complete collapse. And the secret is simple and complex at the same time: the left hemisphere of the brain can only work with already known information and will never replace the right, creative one. What was not there before is inaccessible to him.

However, with the development of the information age, the situation began to change for the better. And specialists in pedagogy and psychology began to pay more and more attention to the development of the functions of the right hemisphere of the brain in children. A breakthrough can be considered the introduction of a scale of the so-called emotional intelligence - EI (Emotional Intelligence). Not the last example in this regard are people who have been successful in terms of scientific discoveries in various fields.

Tame Inspiration, or Find Your Balance

Doing the same thing in the hope of getting a different result is a sure sign of schizophrenia, but this is exactly what the majority of people do in matters of raising and developing their children. And, remarkably, from the best of intentions. The modern education system is designed specifically for the development of the left hemisphere of the brain. But if you want your child to have better performance than the average child, then look for appropriate approaches.

As already mentioned, the left hemisphere works only with what is already known. The functions of the right one are work with the unknown. There is a hypothesis that all solutions already exist in some virtual information bank of the Universe. And our brain is a supercomputer that can connect to this bank and choose the best option. The right hemisphere is responsible for this in children and adults. Those. the right one is engaged in fundamental developments. And the left - applied, as well as the final release of the "finished product" into life.

The connection process usually occurs spontaneously and is called inspiration. Previously, it was believed that it was completely impossible to tame it, that it comes when it pleases. But in the 21st century it became clear that inspiration is nothing but a state of harmony of the soul and mind. However, for those who decide to fully train, at the first stages, logic and analysis will need to be turned off or redirected in another direction.

But don't go to extremes. People with a too developed right hemisphere to the detriment of the left are usually mentally unhealthy.
They live in their virtual world according to their own laws. Creative people who live among us often have a reputation for eccentrics, which does not prevent them from creating masterpieces.

Businessmen who have managed to achieve success and recognition, especially in the field of innovation, are the most ideal example of balance and development of both hemispheres of the brain. They are their own bosses and performers. And most of their time is spent not on monotonous work, but on thinking about what can be improved, or, even better, how to create something that did not exist before. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Sergey Brin, Elon Musk - the list goes on and on.

From an Idea Generator to Always the Right Choice, or Looking Ahead

By developing the right hemisphere of the brain in children, over time, parents come to the conclusion that the development of the pineal gland, or pineal gland, gives an even greater effect. And if the first is responsible for creativity in general, then the development of the second will make it possible to always choose the most advantageous option from all possible ones. Imagine what heights you can reach, always knowing, figuratively speaking, under which glass the ball is. This is what is called intuition. To train the pineal gland, many authors have developed various systems of exercises that are aimed at the same goal.

Program minimum

The efficiency of the brain is restored faster if it switches from one job to another at certain intervals. All the exercises described below can be used as a separate program for appropriate development, as well as in short brain warm-ups.

  • Ear massage.

There are many points on the auricle that directly affect the functioning of the brain. At a deeper level, master acupuncturists use this, but ordinary rubbing is enough for non-specialists. Using your index and thumb, start by kneading your earlobes, as if testing dough for firmness. Then, with the base of your palm, rub your ears inside and out. This is considered a warm-up for the main exercises.

  • Rings.

Make a ring by joining your thumb and index finger. Then the middle one with a large, nameless, little finger and vice versa. Start slowly, gradually increasing the speed. First, the exercise is done with one hand with low speed forward and backward. Then do the same with the other hand. Then immediately two in both directions.

  • Fist-rib-palm.

The exercise is performed at the table. Three positions of the hand are shown on the tabletop, which alternate in turn. The first is a hand clenched into a fist, the second is a palm perpendicular to the tabletop (with an edge), the third is a palm straightened on the plane of the table. At first, together with the mentor, the child must slowly do 8-10 repetitions with one hand, then with the other, then with both at once. It is allowed that the baby helps himself with words-commands (fist-rib-palm) out loud or quietly to himself.

  • Lezginka, or ladder.

The left hand is gathered into a fist and turned to the chest (fingers to the body), the thumb is laid up. The palm of the right hand is straightened in a horizontal position so that its little finger touches the thumb of the left. Then the position of the hands changes. Start slowly, then pick up the pace. Do 6 to 10 repetitions.

  • Ear-nose.

With the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, grasp the tip of the nose, with the same fingers of the right hand, grasp the left ear. Change of position (right - behind the nose, left - behind the right ear), etc.
Each shift happens through a clap of hands. This exercise is considered an advanced task.

  • Snake, or deceive the brain.

The hands are brought together crosswise with the palms to each other, the fingers are gathered into the castle. Further, the hands are twisted towards themselves, i.e. fingers point up. The task is to move the finger that the coach points out. At first, the child is confused about where the left is and where the right is, but then he usually quickly understands what's what.

  • Mirror and symmetrical drawing.

Or two-handed drawing. Put a blank sheet of paper and two pencils of any color in front of the baby. The task is to learn how to draw with two hands, first symmetrical drawings, and then asymmetrical ones, in a “mirror” order.

The effect of the above exercises will be only if they are performed systematically. The result in children will be an improvement in memory, attention, speech will become clearer, spatial imagination, hand motor skills will develop. But the main thing is to reduce fatigue and increase self-discipline and self-control.

AT Perhaps no one has ever told you this in your life, but I just have to do it. To say one simple and at the same time important thing that will allow you to reach a new level of awareness. So, understand that you are the real creator! Yes, You are the Creator! And within you lies boundless creativity. And one of the very important components for its disclosure is the development of your brain. Therefore, I would like to tell you about how to develop creativity and increase your personal effectiveness through the development and synchronization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

How to develop the brain so that it works at 100%

The starting point in brain development is usually growing dissatisfaction with one's success in school, work or business. Most begin to think about how to develop their intellectual and creative abilities when they encounter real difficulties in one of the areas of life. A person lives most of his life and only in his mature years realizes the importance of self-development. For this reason, there is a higher percentage of happy, successful and wealthy people among mature people than among young people, even though young people have more energy and enthusiasm.

For some reason, we are also taught to pay more attention to the external, forgetting about the internal. Although the outer is just a mirror reflecting the inner. And this also applies to the brain. You just know that you have it from your high school biology course. But you do not realize that it needs to be developed. But this is our main computer with 86 billion neurons! According to research, on average, a person uses the potential of the brain by only 3-5%! Imagine if your computer or laptop worked with such power. I think you would have broken it on the third day or went to "upgrade" immediately to the nearest store.

Therefore, unfortunately, it must be said that most of the abilities for people remain beyond the bounds of the possible, something from the realm of fantasy. And the reason for all this is simple: the brain works as it should.

I would immediately recommend watching a very exciting film on this topic, which is called "Regions of Darkness". The protagonist Eddie is a New York writer, wanting to overcome the black streak in life, begins to take a secret drug called NZT. This creative drug allows him to develop the brain to unrealistic power. In a short period of time, his whole life changes. He writes a book, earns a lot of money and becomes successful. But soon begins to suffer from the side effects of the drug.

By the way, a lot of people do this. They resort to drugs from the inability to realize their creative potential. I also write a lot and there are really stagnations when you can’t even tie two lines. But it never occurred to me to start using drugs for this purpose. I think this is the path of weak people who did not bother to just take and figure out how our brain actually works and what is necessary for intellectual and creative development. I already have my own experience, thanks to which I have withdrawn my safe NZT and swallow it every day! We will talk about it, but a little later.

First, let's be clear that brain development is not an easy task! It is necessary to do the following chain of actions:

1. Determine the dominant hemisphere

2. Develop the lagging hemisphere

3. Synchronize and increase the speed of switching work between them

It is necessary to develop the brain harmoniously!

Left and right hemisphere. Who dominates you?

The basic knowledge that we need is the understanding that the brain has two hemispheres: left and right. So it turns out that 80% of people are "left hemisphere" and the reason for this is again our education, which is more aimed at developing the left hemisphere than the right one. And when adulthood begins, a person has problems with the realization of creative potential. He just wasn't taught how to think creatively!

It should also be mentioned that women have a better developed right hemisphere, while men have a better left one. A pronounced right-brained woman is just a disaster that looks like a storm. She obeys her emotions and her mood in a second can change from boundless joy to the deepest depression. And in order to somehow organize this chaos, she needs to learn to turn on the left hemisphere. For men, it's the other way around. The dominance of the left hemisphere makes them logical, inflexible and insensitive. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the right hemisphere in order to add vivid emotions to your life.

Functions of the cerebral hemispheres

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for:

Language abilities - it controls speech, reading and writing abilities, remembers names, dates and their spelling.

Analytical thinking - primarily the left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis. It builds cause-and-effect relationships and analyzes all the facts. Numbers and mathematical symbols are recognized by the left hemisphere.

Sequential processing of information - the left hemisphere processes information sequentially in stages.

Mathematical ability - symbols and numbers are recognized by the left hemisphere. The logical approach that is needed to solve various mathematical problems is also a product of the work of the left hemisphere.

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for:

Dreams - many people do not know how to dream because of the underdeveloped right hemisphere.

Imagination - such a thing as imagination is immediately associated with dreams.

Intuition is a way of non-linear selection of information.

Processing of non-verbal information - information is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images.

Artistic abilities - the right hemisphere is responsible for a person's ability to fine arts.

Musicality - this also includes the ability to perceive and compose music.

Sex and Mysticism are also included in the work of the right hemisphere!

As for me, I am an “analyst” and a “writer” rolled into one. I am very good at combining intuition and analytical mind. Exactly in that order. Now I will explain why. Equally developed hemispheres and their synchronization are one thing, and understanding which hemisphere should be the leading one is another matter. By definition, there cannot be two, only one. And so is the right hemisphere.

To become happy, successful and rich, you need to establish a connection with your Higher Self, which will intuitively tell you your purpose in life. First of all, it is important for any person to find their own path in life and see how to move along it. The right hemisphere is responsible for this. But how to go along this path, what goals to set and how to move, the logical left hemisphere already answers. Therefore, we have so many unhappy "left-brained" people who cannot decide in life.

Ideally, everyone needs to become both a Leader and a Manager in one person. The leader always knows WHERE to go, and the Manager always knows HOW to go more efficiently. This is a very simple knowledge that needs to be passed through your understanding. It is people with a well-developed right hemisphere who achieve more in life. They become leaders in life, and those who have a developed left hemisphere remain clerks or middle managers who work for ..., as the song of the Leningrad group sings.

Therefore, the right hemisphere must first be included in the work and, with the help of intuition and imagination, put a point of improvement on the map of life, and then the left hemisphere, which will get to this point. One left hemisphere, no matter how developed it is, will not help you change your life. It can be said to be just an assistant to the right. Therefore, later in the article I will focus on the development of the right hemisphere, because if the majority is more or less okay with the left, then it’s just a disaster with the right.

7 Ways to Develop Your Right Brain

In fact, everything is very simple. You need to know how the brain functions in general. And it works at 4 different frequencies: beta waves, alpha waves, theta waves and delta waves. These frequency responses are constantly changing as the brain emits waves in all of these ranges. Depending on the activity that is being carried out at the moment, the predominance of some waves over others will envy.

In the state of beta waves, a person is very active, his attention is directed to the world around him. Alpha waves are a kind of transitional bridge between beta and theta frequencies. This state is characterized by a very relaxed, meditative state of mind. Theta waves are already a state of deep relaxation. And delta waves are being in a state of deep sleep.

The whole problem lies in the fact that modern man has forgotten what it is to relax. Now the pace of life is so fast that some even forget to sleep. And where will creative inspiration and insights come from then? Those. a person spends most of his time in two borderline states: beta and delta. Either he thinks logically at work, or he sleeps sweetly in the crib. Alpha - and theta waves drop out of his life completely.

In the beta state, the left hemisphere with its logic, analysis, and information processing just works for us. When we close our eyes, our mind begins to relax. The left hemisphere slows down its activity, and the activity of the right hemisphere begins to increase. Those. alpha state is a way to switch between hemispheres. But already in the theta state, the left hemisphere completely gives the baton to the right. From all this knowledge, a very simple conclusion can be drawn. The left hemisphere works when we are tense, and the right when we relax.

Therefore, in order to develop the right hemisphere, it is necessary to relax as much as possible. Everything is as simple as always!

If we consider how a person’s normal day goes, we can see that after sleep (delta waves), a person jumps up to the alarm clock and instantly starts getting ready for work, immediately activating the left hemisphere (beta waves). Then at work he simply processes tons of information and, when he comes home, he again sits down at the computer or turns on TV with movies (beta waves). And very late at 12 or 1 am to go to bed (delta waves).

From this picture, it is easy to see that the alpha and theta states are skipped. Ideally, all 4 states should change alternately and smoothly, like the speeds on a gearbox in a car. We do not switch from 1 to 4 at once. No! Why then do we allow ourselves to “rape” our brain like that! After waking up, you need to lie in bed for 30 minutes and be in the theta state. Then meditate in the alpha state for 30 minutes and then turn on your imagination - imagine the life you want to live, your favorite business and the value that you give to people.

From 8 to 12 noon, the left hemisphere is active. Information is best processed, increased concentration, high level of memorization. Then a short break for lunch and a light rest with closed eyes, which will allow you to switch to the right hemisphere. And somewhere between 14:00 and 18:00, it is better to engage in creative activities: draw, play the guitar, dance, and so on. And after 18, you need to slow down your waves by walking through the forest and taking a bath with relaxing music. At 9 o'clock again meditation and by 10 it is necessary to go back to sleep.

In principle, I have already described how my day goes and in what ways you can develop the right hemisphere!

Meditation- this is where you need to start. We need to teach the brain to produce alpha frequency. In the morning and evening, at least 10 minutes to start. Then the duration should be increased. By sitting in silence with your mind turned off, you will begin the process of activating your intuition and gaining access to limitless creativity.

Imagination is a powerful tool of the right hemisphere, which is used by 5% of people. After reading the series of books “Reality Transurfing” by Vadim Zeland, every day I turn on my projector inside, thereby choosing the picture of life that I want to live from an infinite number of options for the quantum field.

Music- every day you need to sing, and even better to play an instrument. I love the guitar. With the help of music, you will develop a different range of emotions, thus activating the right hemisphere.

Painting- the most "colorful" way to finally understand that you are a creator. You take a blank A4 sheet, felt-tip pens and start drawing everything that your right hemisphere produces. Just don't include your logic here. No need to start evaluating your work of art. Just a free flight of fancy!

Walks in the woods- a very good way to activate the right hemisphere, because nature is very relaxing. As soon as there are free 1-2 hours, the battle needs to get out into the forest. If possible, then to the sea or to the mountains. It is necessary to accustom yourself to be more in nature!

Bath This is one of my favorite ways to relax. Previously, I could not be dragged into the shower, but now I take hot baths 2-3 times a week. Water is very relaxing, besides it is an information conductor. In the bath, I got a lot of insights. All the brightest ideas came to Einstein when he stood in the shower and to many other scientists. I once received the lyrics of a song in 5 minutes. Just line by line! All in all, it's amazing!

Relax music– during or after the bath, you should use relaxation music to help activate the right hemisphere even more. There are special tracks that will help you enter the theta state, lowering the frequency of the brain even more. I use audio meditation every day for 30-45 minutes.

Results?! They simply cannot be described. By activating the right hemisphere, a large number of insights will flow to you. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and images begin to come to me that are not the questions that I constantly think about. Well, and probably the most important thing is that you can probably understand Who you are, What is your mission and How will you fulfill it. This understanding allows me to be happy, enjoy the process of creativity and every minute of my life I am really in some kind of nirvana. I wish you such a state! Good luck!