Therefore, most often doctors resort to the simplest method of diagnosis - the study of feces. Signs and symptoms of giardiasis in children

Hundreds of thousands of microorganisms have been identified in the world, and only some of them are capable of causing significant harm to a child's body. Since children are especially active, mobile and learn about the world, they are most often exposed to contact with the environment. At the same time, they do not have clear knowledge of how to observe personal hygiene. From this article you will learn everything about giardiasis, what are the symptoms and treatment of this disease, how to identify the signs of pathology and what are the causes of the development of the disease.

What is giardiasis

You should learn everything about Giardia in order to know your enemy in person. This microorganism is able to live in two forms:

  • mobile living individual;
  • immobile cyst.

Live Giardia (photo can be seen below) has the shape of a pear. It has 4 pairs of flagella, thanks to which it moves, and a special disk, with which it is fixed on the intestinal mucosa. The size of Giardia is from 9-20 microns.

Since mobile Giardia live in the environment for only about half an hour, diagnosing the disease can be difficult. Although they are excreted along with the feces, they soon die and cannot be detected.

Cystolamblia are able to stay in the environment for a long time, outside the body of a person or animal. This form of life is formed when a microorganism is exposed to unfavorable conditions in which an ordinary mobile individual does not live.

You can destroy Giardia of all forms in the following way:

  • after 10 minutes of boiling;
  • exposure to temperatures from -20 to -25 degrees.

The microorganism is well tolerated by any household disinfectants. However, for lamblia, the sun's rays, ultraviolet and quartz are detrimental.

You can get Giardia by mouth as follows:

Note! It is rare, but possible, that infection will occur through the mother's breast milk.

The source of Giardia can be earth and dust, which contains particles of animal excrement, contaminated water, and fruits and vegetables growing close to the ground.

The mechanism of the development of the disease

Giardia in children adversely affect their well-being and health. It is believed that infection will begin if 10 or more individuals have entered the body at a time.

Note! A child suffering from Giardia has an increased risk of developing bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and chronic bronchitis.

Identifying Giardia in a child can be extremely difficult. Symptoms can resemble many different pathologies. Many doctors prescribe treatment for other diseases, but the clinical picture persists, as the true cause does not disappear.

Clinical picture of the disease

A good doctor should determine the symptoms and treatment of Giardia in children, since there is always a risk of misdiagnosis. Signs of giardiasis in children are usually pronounced. If, during the initial infection, a lot of cysts got into the body of the crumbs at once, the development of the disease will be rapid, and the course will be acute.

The main symptoms of lamblia in children are as follows:

  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • sticky stool;
  • fetid odor of feces;
  • prolonged nausea and vomiting;
  • weight loss;
  • fever;
  • rapid rise in temperature;
  • pink rash accompanied by itching;
  • dry allergic cough.

In severe cases, in a child with giardiasis, the skin turns pale. The tongue may become yellowish.

Giardia in the blood of a baby can lead to a decrease in the overall tone of life. The child becomes less active, lethargic, learning ability decreases. Children with such a diagnosis at school do not absorb information well, weakly concentrate attention.

Note! Giardiasis in children may be accompanied by pain localized around the navel.

If Giardia is localized in the liver, the baby may complain of pain in the right hypochondrium. When diagnosed, it may turn out that the lymph nodes, liver and spleen are enlarged.

Features of the disease in infancy

If Giardia appeared in a baby who was recently born, the symptoms may be as follows:

  • periodic increase in body temperature to 38 degrees;
  • severe watery diarrhea;
  • signs of dysbacteriosis;
  • giving up your favorite food.

At an early age, the development of giardiasis is especially dangerous, since the body lacks the necessary substances for the full development of the crumbs. Children can noticeably lag behind in development from their peers, be very capricious. Many parents noted causeless crying.

Features of the disease in children older than a year

Treatment of Giardia in children older than a year old can begin after the appearance of such symptoms:

  • fever;
  • allergic rash, as with hives;
  • shortness of breath, as after a run;
  • bruises under the eyes;
  • general weak appearance and well-being;
  • decreased physical activity.

If blood has not been donated for Giardia, the signs of the disease can be confused with the onset of bronchial asthma. Undoubtedly, any treatment in this case will be ineffective.

Features of the disease in adolescents

It is possible to determine whether Giardia lives in the human body in adolescence or not by the presence of such symptoms:

  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • motion sickness in transport;
  • the presence of vasomotor rhinitis;
  • dizziness;
  • spontaneous cramping pain in the abdomen.

Sometimes giardiasis with such a course is confused with appendicitis, gastroduodenitis and biliary dyskinesia.

Diagnostic measures

Several methods are used to diagnose giardiasis:

  • stool analysis;
  • analysis of the contents of the duodenum;
  • immunological analysis.

Important! In order for the diagnosis to be accurate, with a negative result, the study should be repeated after a while.

Cysts do not form constantly, this process takes place periodically. If the first test result is negative, the procedure should be repeated after a few days and then after a week.

The study of the secret from the duodenum is extremely rare. In our state, this is an expensive procedure and rarely used. The patient swallows a special capsule with reagents, it is fixed on a nylon thread, and then the data obtained is analyzed.

Taking a blood test without conducting a stool test may turn out to be uninformative. When a small amount of Giardia enters the body, the immune system copes with them on its own. At the same time, antibodies remain in the blood, which can be seen on the analysis. In this case, the body itself is no longer infected. A different picture is also possible: a person has just received an infection, cysts are present in the feces, but antibodies have not yet been developed in the blood.

Is therapy always required?

Opinion differs as to when to treat giardiasis. Some doctors believe that this is not necessary and the body will cope on its own, others conduct intensive therapy even if a small number of cysts are found in the feces.

Treatment of giardiasis in children is usually long-term. The most effective remedy can only be prescribed by the attending physician after the examination, so you should not self-medicate.

Most young patients tolerate both the disease itself and the treatment used well. However, stable immunity is not developed to the disease, so the risk of re-infection is quite high.

The treatment regimen for giardiasis includes several stages. It is noteworthy that therapy does not begin with the use of drugs.

To begin with, it is important to normalize the functioning of the digestive system. For this, enzyme preparations, sorbents (such as "Polysorb") can be prescribed to the child. It is extremely important at this stage to follow a diet for giardiasis.

The diet during treatment lasts 10-14 days and includes the following features:

  • refusal of fatty, fried foods;
  • elimination from the menu of whole milk, sweets;
  • refusal to bake;
  • the menu should be focused on the use of cereals;
  • you can eat dishes with vegetable oil;
  • lingonberries and cranberries have a beneficial effect.

After 2 weeks, you can start using drugs for Giardia. These can be such medicines:

  • skin rashes;
  • acne;
  • diarrhea;
  • intense pain in the abdomen.

The total duration of drug therapy is about a week. Means that have a choleretic effect can be prescribed, for example, "".

It will take about two more weeks to treat Giardia after this. This time is allotted for the use of enzymes, probiotics and immunomodulators. It is important to help the child's body fully recover from the disease.

In agreement with the attending physician, you can use folk remedies for Giardia. The following home remedies are used:

  • bergamot oil on a piece of sugar;
  • decoction of leaves and twigs of aspen;
  • tincture of cucumber seeds;
  • decoction of dandelion roots;
  • tincture of celandine.

Any therapy must be agreed with the attending physician.


Prevention of giardiasis in children can be carried out with the help of walnuts. They can be consumed raw. It is important to do this regularly, at every meal. Prophylactic reception should last at least three days.

It is also important to observe the following measures:

  • always thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before serving;
  • teach your child to wash their hands often with soap;
  • wean the baby from bad habits such as biting nails or other objects;
  • avoid close contact with pets, as they can carry infectious diseases

It is necessary to teach the child how to keep himself clean and explain why eating outside the home can lead to infection.

Compliance with all these rules will prevent infection with Giardia. If unpleasant symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible and take feces for analysis.

Watch the video:

Usually, the treatment of giardiasis consists of the following steps:

  • preparatory
  • Medical
  • Immunostimulating therapy.

Stage #1: Eating a Balanced Diet

Diet: plenty of protein (proteins inhibit the growth of Giardia), sour juices and berries are recommended

Doctors also recommend daily drinking of mineral water. At the same time, once a week you can carry out tubazh. In this case, the child is given to drink 100 ml of warm mineral water to which a teaspoon of sorbitol or xylitol is added.

It is unacceptable to eat during the entire preparatory stage of milk-containing products, as well as those in which there are easily digestible simple carbohydrates.

If necessary, the attending physician may prescribe the child to take medications containing pancreatin. Do not skip this stage and immediately proceed to the medication. Since this is fraught with a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment and can lead to complications.

Stage #2: Medical treatment

The medical stage lasts 20 days. During this period of time, the patient takes the following drugs in sequence:

Most often, doctors prescribe treatment according to the following scheme:

  • The first 10 days of taking Flamin and No-shpa
  • Then Intetrix or Macmirror.

  • Gepabene or Odeston - to restore the normal functioning of the biliary tract
  • Smecta or Laktofiltrum - to reduce intoxication.

Stage 3: Immunostimulating therapy

How to choose tablets from lamblia?

  • Metronidazole
  • Tinidazole
  • Ornidazole
  • Albendazole.

When choosing one of the drugs, pay attention to the following properties:

  • high activity;
  • Safety for the child;
  • Few side effects;
  • Individual intolerance.

But you should not decide on your own which medicine to use in the treatment process. It is better to seek the advice of a specialist.

How and how to treat giardiasis: a description of the drugs

Medicines and the way they are taken is determined by the doctor specifically for each case. And as the main drugs can be used:


During treatment with this drug, the use of alcohol is unacceptable. In addition, it has quite a few side effects, including vomiting, headaches, and skin rashes.

One of the most effective drugs that is often prescribed to children. Its main difference is the minimum set of side effects. The course of taking Nemozol is 5 days and, according to medical data, this is enough to completely cure a child from giardiasis.

broad-spectrum drug. It not only has a negative effect on Giardia, but also has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. In the patient's body, the drug does not linger and is therefore approved for use in the treatment of children. Excreted with urine.

And although there are many different drugs for the treatment of this disease, only a doctor should prescribe them. Self-treatment can lead to complications.

Useful video: How to treat giardiasis in a child?

Folk remedies in the fight against giardiasis

No matter how safe it may seem, herbal preparations should not be used on their own. Do you want to save your child from Giardia folk remedies? Then proceed to treatment only after consulting a doctor. Many doctors themselves recommend starting the fight against Giardia with the use of ginseng or echinacea tincture, as drugs that increase immunity.

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Along with this, this disease often provokes the development of severe allergic reactions. Babies infected with Giardia develop dermatological diseases, pathologies of the respiratory system, frequent colds and other diseases.

The main ways of infection with giardiasis include:

Along with this, flies, cockroaches, domestic ants and pets are carriers of Giardia. Doctors note that in children living in unsanitary conditions, this disease is detected much more often.

Symptoms of the disease

Parents are often interested in the question of what signs can be used to find out if a child has Giardia. As a rule, giardiasis does not manifest itself for a long time. In childhood, the disease occurs mainly in an acute form.

acute form

Chronic form

At this stage, giardiasis can be detected by the following signs:

In infants, the disease often manifests itself in the form of episodic hyperthermia while maintaining normal health. When infected with Giardia, the baby practically does not gain weight, its physical development slows down. The baby suffers from frequent diarrhea, the appearance of a rash on the skin. With giardiasis, infants may experience shortness of breath, which pediatricians often mistake for a manifestation of asthma.

Varieties of Giardia and forms of Giardiasis in children

For this reason, it is wrong to call these unicellular microorganisms worms.

The disease can manifest itself in 2 forms:

  1. Carrier pathology. Implies asymptomatic course. The danger of the child to others lies in the fact that he releases the pathogen into the external environment.
  2. Pronounced giardiasis, which is characterized by a clear clinical picture.

Along with this, the disease is:

  1. Primary, when there is an acute form of pathology. As a rule, this type is found in infants and toddlers of preschool age.
  2. Secondary, or protracted. In this case, we are talking about the chronic form of the disease, which is usually diagnosed in schoolchildren and adult patients.

Forms of giardiasis are also classified into:

  • clinical intestinal, which is characterized by the development of duodenal dysfunction, duodenitis, enterocolitis and enteritis;
  • hepatobiliary, proceeding in the form of cholecystitis, cholangitis and impaired motility of the biliary tract.

Depending on the prevailing symptoms, the disease can take one of the following forms:

Diagnosis of giardiasis

Coprological examination of feces

In order to achieve reliable results, in most cases, the analysis of feces is taken repeatedly with certain interruptions. As a rule, 3-4 donation procedures are required with a three-day interval. Only such a scheme provides 90 percent accuracy.

Serological study

2 weeks after infection, antibodies begin to be produced in the child's body, which can be detected in blood taken from a vein. In the chronic form of the disease, this diagnostic method does not give objective results. Recently, a serological study is not recommended for conducting on the territory of the Russian Federation.

duodenal sounding

Until recently, this method made it possible to determine Giardia in the bile ducts. However, scientists have proven that these unicellular microorganisms affect only the upper part of the small intestine, since bile is fatal for them. In addition, duodenal sounding is prescribed for children only in exceptional cases, since they are difficult to tolerate this procedure.

Additional Methods

Additional methods for diagnosing giardiasis include:

  • duodenal biopsy;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • immunoelectrophoresis.

These methods are prescribed in cases where blood and stool tests have shown a negative result, but the symptoms of the disease are obvious. Only after the diagnosis is made, the doctor begins to develop a treatment plan.

Treatment of the disease

Babies are also prescribed antispasmodics and pills that increase the body's defenses. Nutrition at the preparatory stage implies the rejection of carbohydrate foods, the inclusion of cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, drinks from sour berries, and mineral water in the menu.

At the second stage of treatment, measures are taken to increase the body's defenses and minimize the consequences of the disease. For this purpose, the child is prescribed drugs that improve intestinal motility, enzyme agents and drugs to eliminate dysbacteriosis. The diet during the rehabilitation period involves the use of lean boiled meat, lean fish, dairy products, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. At the same time, sweets, flour products, dishes high in carbohydrates should be excluded from the menu.

The child should be provided with plenty of drink in the form of mineral water, fruit drinks and compotes from sour berries and fruits, tea with lemon. In addition, the baby needs to make decoctions of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory, wound healing and choleretic properties. At the final stage, vitamin complexes are necessarily prescribed for a small patient.

Folk remedies in the treatment of the disease

Before using any of these methods, you should consult your doctor. Despite the fact that folk remedies are based on the use of components of natural origin, they may have side effects.

Preventive measures

To avoid this disease and exclude its re-development will follow the following simple rules:

  • instilling hygiene standards in children;
  • thorough washing of vegetables and fruits;
  • boiling water;
  • timely anthelmintic treatment of pets;
  • exclusion of bathing a child in open water.

giardiasis, giardiasis, giardiasis

For the first time, the causative agent of giardiasis - Lamblia intestinalis - was described by the professor of Kharkov University D.F. Lyamble in 1859. Only in Russia and the former countries of the USSR, the disease was called giardiasis - in honor of the discoverer. All over the world it is called differently - giardiasis, giardiasis. Giardia have two forms: the lamblia itself is live, active, and the cyst is a fixed form. Infection most often occurs when cysts enter the body.

Why is giardiasis so common in Russia

Giardiasis is a disease of low sanitary culture. This does not mean that Russians wash their hands worse or less often than the British or Germans. It's just that in Russia and the countries of the former USSR Giardia in the external environment is much larger. According to the degree of infection, Russia is considered an endemic country, that is, the probability of getting Giardia here is very high. Why?

  • Poor water disinfection. Water is the main source of Giardia infection. Chlorination does not kill these protozoa. And other methods of disinfection in Russia do not work. Studies have shown that Giardia die during ozonation, but not all.
  • Dog excrement on the street. Abroad, dog owners clean their pets' feces in bags; this “cultural tradition” has not yet taken root in our country. Giardia cysts live in the feces of animals and "come" into our homes along with dirty shoes. Also, excrement is washed away by rains, gets into groundwater, then into water bodies.
  • Non-compliance with sanitary standards in the villages. Pit latrines predominate in rural areas. Feces penetrate into groundwater, are washed away by rains, and with melt water enter the reservoirs that feed large cities.
  • Fecal drains. Illegal diversion of fecal effluents and dumping of feces into water bodies leads to infection with Giardia and their wide distribution.

Now it becomes clear why foreigners in Russia often have "traveler's diarrhea". In most cases, it is provoked precisely by the abundance of Giardia in our environment. It becomes clear why children are so often infected. This is due not only to age-related physiology, but also to the method of infection - through dirty hands. After all, it is not always possible to control the behavior of children on the street. Many people have a habit of putting their hands in their mouths, biting their nails, licking their fingers, digging in sandboxes with dubious sanitary standards, etc.


Diagnosis of giardiasis in children in modern medicine can be carried out by several methods.

Neither blood, nor the now popular computer diagnostics, nor all kinds of swabs from the throat provide reliable and accurate information. Therefore, the most reliable and effective diagnostic method in children of different ages is a repeated analysis of feces.

Is it necessary to treat

The opinions of doctors on this matter were divided. And in the end, parents have to take responsibility for choosing a doctor with a specific point of view on this disease and principles of treatment.

  • Do not treat. Some doctors do not consider giardiasis a disease and say that the body itself can cope with the protozoa that have settled in the small intestine. True, there is no permanent immunity to this disease. If the baby has had the disease, and even been treated, there is no guarantee that the cysts will not enter the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in an hour, a day or a week again. By the way, the treatment of giardiasis in Europe and the United States is prescribed much less frequently than in Russia.
  • Treat always and in a variety of ways. Other doctors insist on immediate treatment. Some of the methods act like a placebo. It has been proven that the treatment of giardiasis with ultrasound or dietary supplements is ineffective. But people believe it.
  • Treat only if there are symptoms. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), giardiasis should be treated when there are symptoms. Alas, in Russia this is not always taken into account: they treat with positive tests.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of giardiasis in children can manifest themselves in different ways, some of them may be absent altogether:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • digestive disorders: diarrhea is more common, sometimes diarrhea is replaced by constipation;
  • constant nausea;
  • bloating;
  • poor appetite;
  • irritability, restless sleep, weakness;
  • weight loss.

The main symptom of giardiasis is prolonged (more than 10 days) diarrhea. At the same time, there are no typical symptoms of AII - no vomiting, no temperature, and giardia was found in the analysis of feces. In this case, treatment is required. If the diarrhea went away after three days, this means that the child's body coped with the problem on its own. In this case, no treatment is needed.

Treatment of giardiasis

The goal of treatment is to eliminate Giardia from the small intestine. In general, children tolerate giardiasis more easily. The prognosis of the disease is favorable, but long-term treatment. However, the risk of reinfection is high. The treatment regimen for giardiasis in children includes three stages.

Anti-lamblia drugs are prescribed by a doctor. The following important points are taken into account: effectiveness, safety (the medicine is suitable for the child by age), good tolerance by the child's body, the presence of concomitant diseases. In case of any side effects, you should immediately consult a doctor. With severe sensitivity to the drug, the doctor will prescribe another medicine.

Separately about antigiardia drugs

Some doctors believe that no schemes, stages, stages of treatment are needed. It is enough to use an anti-infective medicine that will destroy Giardia and cysts.

Table - Overview of drugs used in the treatment of Giardia in children

Drug groupNames of medicinesCommon Side Effects
NitroimidazolesAlbendazole, Ornidazole, Tinidazole, Tibiral, Fasigin, Metronidazole, Flagyl, Klion, Trichopolum, Metrogil, NiridazoleNausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, metallic taste in the mouth
NitrofuransFurazolidone, Nifurozide, Nifuroxazide, Nifuratel, Furadonin, FuraginDecreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, skin rash, abdominal discomfort
Preparations based on acridineQuinacrine, MepacrineHigh degree of toxicity, many side effects, not usually given to children

Unfortunately, due to the frequent use of antimicrobial drugs, lamblia become "addicted" to drugs. You have to change the drug several times in order for it to work. In chronic forms of giardiasis, several courses of drug therapy are prescribed.

Myths and legends about Giardia

In modern medicine, many accurate, informative research methods and scientific discoveries have appeared. Therefore, some diagnoses and hypotheses associated with Giardia were not confirmed in any way, remained at the level of myths and legends.

  • Giardia in the liver in children. Back in the middle of the twentieth century, it was proved that Giardia die from bile. Despite this fact, the myth of their presence in the liver and gallbladder is firmly established in the minds of people. Therefore, the "terrible" diagnosis - Giardia in the liver - should not be taken seriously. These protozoa can only live in the small intestine.
  • Giardia is the cause of atopic dermatitis. Infants and children under 4 years of age are often diagnosed with atopic dermatitis. It is associated with the immaturity of the digestive system, often hereditary. Giardia can increase the manifestation of dermatitis, but cannot be the cause of it.
  • Cough with giardiasis in children. In some sources, you can find a statement: the appearance of a cough is due to an allergy to Giardia. Allergic cough and shortness of breath - a protective mechanism of the body, a reaction to the presence of lamblia in the small intestine. This view is more of a hypothesis. Often, with a prolonged cough, the cause of which is difficult to establish, the doctor prescribes a variety of examinations, including an analysis for Giardia. The latter are often found in the stool of a child. And it turns out that Giardia is to blame for everything, even for coughing.

On the Internet you can find a huge number of articles on the topic "giardia in a child." There is no need to rush to diagnose them. It is important to find a doctor you trust much more than online materials.

How nutrition can help: 9 requirements

A diet for giardiasis in children helps to alleviate the condition or even get rid of the disease. A properly selected menu will not only help stop diarrhea, reduce flatulence, remove inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, but will also be aimed at combating the pathogens themselves - Giardia.

It is possible to cure giardiasis in children with a diet, but it takes a long time, patience and consistency. You can’t ban sweets today, give them tomorrow, and start all over again from Monday. The diet can last up to 3 months.

Giardia treatment in children is required only when there are symptoms. The main signs are prolonged diarrhea without signs of AII, weight loss, abdominal pain. During examination, cysts can be detected in the feces, but the baby will be healthy. This means that he is a carrier of the disease. According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, such children should not be allowed into the children's team, even without symptoms they must be treated.


- protozoan parasites. The defeat of this microorganism is called giardiasis and in 20% is the cause of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This microorganism was discovered and described in the 19th century by the scientist Lamblius, after whom this parasite was named.

Unwashed hands - Giardia infection.

Giardia is a flagellated protozoan creature consisting of 2 cells. The anterior end of the microorganism is wide and rounded, the posterior end is narrowed and pointed.

In addition, Giardia has a suction disc, with which it is attached to the epithelium and villi. The dimensions of lamblia are negligible - from 10 to 18 microns. There is a microorganism in 2 forms:

  1. vegetative - we live, chew and reproduce;
  2. cyst - in this phase, lamblia experiences unfavorable living conditions for it.

Infection occurs by the oral-fecal route. That is, a child can play in the sand, stroke a cat, pick a flower or a leaf, and, without washing his hands, eat a pie - and swallow Giardia cysts. Enough 10-15 individuals and have to treat giardiasis.

Symptoms of giardiasis

Giardiasis in children causes abdominal pain.

The disease in children manifests itself in different ways. Therefore, parents often turn to neurologists, allergists, and only after that they turn to them with suspicion of giardiasis. Symptoms of the disease:

  • dyspepsia - pain in the abdomen, under the ribs, diarrhea, periodic;
  • enteritis and duodenitis develop;
  • pallor, high fatigue;
  • allergic reactions - neurodermatitis, urticaria, angioedema, asthma symptoms;
  • hyperkinesis - an obsessive repetition of the same actions - shoulder movement, blinking, facial expressions;
  • in infants - crying, complete refusal of food, slowing down the development of the baby.

Diagnosis of giardiasis

A blood test will help diagnose Giardia infection.

The survey is carried out as follows:

The complex of measures is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, restoring the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Do not stop treatment - this is a normal reaction! All medicinal products intended for the treatment of children must comply with the following principles:

  • high anti-lamblia activity;
  • security;
  • minimum side effects.

General principles of treatment:

In addition, bed rest is also indicated. Treatment with protozoal drugs is indicated for all family members in contact with the baby.

About Giardia in children and adults - in the thematic video:

Metronidazole, Trichopolum for giardiasis

Metronidazole - inhibits the DNA of the microorganism.

The main active ingredient of the drug - metranidazole - inhibits the DNA of the microorganism. The drug is produced in tablet form.

Tablets have a bitter unpleasant taste, so it is not recommended to chew them. The drug is completely absorbed in the small intestine and excreted within 10 hours. Contraindications to prescribing the drug to children:

  • individual intolerance;
  • epilepsy and other organic disorders in the nervous system;
  • liver disease.

Effective dosages of the drug depend on the age of the child:

  1. Children from 0 to 12 months - 0.5 tablets per day.
  2. Children 2 to 4 years old - 1 tablet daily.
  3. From 4 to 8 years - 1.5 tablets per day.
  4. From 8 and older - 2 tablets 2 times a day.

The duration of treatment is 5 days. Tablets are taken with food, washed down with water or milk. Side effects of the drug:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • defecation disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mouth;
  • , hallucinations;
  • weakness and increased excitability;
  • insomnia.

If side effects of a neurological nature occur, treatment should be stopped immediately. Other side effects - does not require discontinuation of therapy. The drug affects the color of urine. This is not an indication to stop treatment.

Tinidazole, ornidazole for giardiasis

Tinidazole - is prescribed for children over 12 years old.

The main active ingredient of "Tinidazole" is tinidazole, in "Ornidazole" - ornidazole. Available in tablet form. Effective dosages depend on the age and weight of the child. Ornidazole is prescribed as follows:

  1. Children from 12 kg of weight to 35 kg - the dose is calculated at 40 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight per day.
  2. From 35 kg and above - 1.5 g per day one time.
  3. The duration of treatment is 1, maximum 2 days. For children below 12 kg of weight, the drug is not prescribed. It is recommended to repeat the treatment after 10 days.

Similar to "Trichopolum" and "Metranidazole". When neurological symptoms appear, treatment is stopped. There is no specific antidote; treatment is aimed at suppressing unpleasant symptoms.

Tinidazole is prescribed for children from 12 years of age and older - 4 tablets once a day once a day. Contraindications to taking "Tinidazole" in children:

  1. organic diseases of the central nervous system;
  2. age up to 12 years;
  3. changes in the composition of the blood;
  4. individual intolerance.

These drugs should be taken with caution, not exceeding the recommended doses, and only as directed by a doctor.

Nifuratel with giardiasis

Macmirror is the best drug for the treatment of giardiasis in children.

This drug is known under the trade name Macmirror. Available in tablets and has a powerful antibacterial and protozoal effect.

The drug has low toxicity, is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and is completely excreted through the urinary system. Currently, "Macmirror" is considered the best choice in the treatment of giardiasis in children.

Contraindication - only individual intolerance to the components of the drug. For children, the dosage is calculated according to the formula - for 1 kg of weight 15 mg of the drug. Tablets are taken 2 times a day for 1 week.

There are few side effects - these are dyspeptic symptoms and allergic reactions to the drug. Cases of overdose are not described.

In addition to treatment, it is prescribed. A specialized diet for giardiasis is not provided. It is enough to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet - light low-fat food, a sufficient amount of drink.

To prevent giardiasis, you need to wash vegetables and fruits before eating.

Preventive measures are reduced to instilling the necessary hygiene skills for the baby. The child should know that either vegetables should be washed with water.

After going to the toilet, walking, after visiting school or kindergarten, mass events, public transport, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

Do not kiss cats, dogs, other flora or fauna. Parents are also obliged to monitor the health of the baby and provide a water filtration system that is supplied to the apartment.