"Dufaston": side effects. "Dufaston": description, instructions, use, contraindications, composition, storage

Duphaston is a hormonal drug used by swallowing. The basis is dydrogesterone, an analogue of the natural sex hormone progesterone. Progesterone prevents hyperplasia, ensuring regularity menstrual cycle prepares the uterus for pregnancy. Progesterone deficiency can lead to infertility, threatened miscarriage, and uterine bleeding. Duphaston is prescribed for premenstrual syndrome, painful menstruation, in order to replace the hormone during menopause.

Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the components. Breastfeeding should be avoided during use, dydrogesterone is found in milk during this period. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor depending on the disease. According to the instructions, no cases of overdose were reported.

The instructions say: a side effect from Duphaston has been detected in rare cases. Possible headache allergic manifestations on the skin, edema, mastodynia, slight liver dysfunction and jaundice. Attention should be paid to compatibility with hormonal drugs.

Use before and during pregnancy

Usually a woman takes Duphaston in preparation for pregnancy for the treatment of infertility, after miscarriages. The drug is prescribed for clinically identified deficiency of the hormone progesterone in the blood. This hormone prepares the uterine mucosa for the attachment of the embryo, the subsequent development of the fetus. In case of its deficiency, the risk of spontaneous abortion increases.

Blood is taken for analysis in the second phase of the cycle, after ovulation. In order not to be mistaken with the timing, it is recommended that a woman first track ovulation for several cycles. For complete certainty, it is better to do an analysis in different laboratories. The amount of the hormone may decrease due to a cold or stress. To exclude an incorrect diagnosis, it is advisable to re-analyze after some time.

Take Duphaston as prescribed by a specialist. According to the instructions, one tablet from the 14th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle for at least six cycles. Depending on the duration of the cycle, the scheme of admission may vary. You need to take Duphaston in strict accordance with the cycle, after ovulation. Otherwise, the drug will give a contraceptive effect. If the treatment has led to conception, it is necessary to continue drinking Duphaston in order to avoid the threat of miscarriage due to a sharp change in the level of the hormone in the blood.

The reception of Duphaston should be approached responsibly. Improper use of hormonal drugs can harm health, disrupt the menstrual cycle, metabolism. The doctor prescribes Duphaston after a complete examination and based on the results of the hormone analysis. Be sure to tell the gynecologist what medications have been taken recently. Especially about birth control. The course of treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist with periodic checks of progesterone levels. It is impossible to adjust the dosage, the regimen of administration, to cancel the drug on your own.

Side effects: nausea

In the instructions, nausea is not listed as a side effect, but is mentioned in the reviews along with general weakness and an allergic reaction. The reason is the appointment without proper examination, deviation from the regimen. Don't forget about individual characteristics organism, reactions to drugs.

There are several possible causes such a reaction of the body:

How to get rid of nausea: causes and actions

It is necessary to establish what causes nausea. Depending on the situation, the actions will be different. Some causes will not harm the body, others are dangerous.

Impact on the gastrointestinal tract

When influencing digestive system possible nausea, vomiting, pain, bloating. If pain occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor so as not to harm your health.

It is advisable to adhere general rules treatment. When taking medication, do not drink alcohol or smoke. Reduce your intake of fried, salty, spicy foods. Beware of expired food, reduce the load on the stomach to avoid exacerbation of diseases gastrointestinal tract, nausea. Proper nutrition will help reduce the risk of unpleasant symptoms.

Dydrogesterone intolerance

Signs of intolerance to the active substance of the drug appear after the start of administration. If symptoms appear, immediately stop treatment, continue the course is life-threatening. When it starts not just to feel sick from Duphaston, vomiting appears and the condition worsens, call ambulance. When dydrogesterone intolerance is confirmed, Duphaston is replaced with suitable for the body analog.

Wrong dosage

A similar condition causes an overdose. This is rare and usually resolves without intervention as the body gets used to the drug. If the morning begins with nausea before eating, but toxicosis is excluded, it is worth checking the dosage and adherence to the regimen. The first thing to do when severe nausea- wash the stomach. If there is no improvement, call a doctor.

In the case when a woman forgot to take a pill at the appointed time, side effects include uterine bleeding, violation of the menstrual cycle, the effectiveness of treatment decreases. Of particular danger is a missed dose during pregnancy, as a hormone drop increases the risk of miscarriage. A change in the state then requires constant monitoring and consultation by a gynecologist.


If the source of the ailment is toxicosis, its causes must be treated. Toxicosis occurs due to the adaptation of the woman's body to a new state. This phenomenon is strongly manifested in the first half of the term. The 16th week of pregnancy is usually the last. Often the cause of toxicosis is the body's rejection of meat, fish and dairy products, eggs. Another reason is a decrease in blood glucose levels. A light snack like nuts, fruit, and a glass of mint or ginger drink. Eat more fluids and produce from the garden.

General weakness

After Duphaston, a slight feeling of malaise, fatigue, changes in mood is possible. To make it easier to endure changes, prepare for pregnancy in advance. Avoid stress and anxiety. They affect the body, weakening it and making it vulnerable to infections. Also pay attention to immunity. To improve your condition, spend more time in nature, drink vitamins.

Is the drug dangerous?

Like any hormonal drug, Duphaston is taken with caution. With the wrong appointment and use, a woman can become ill. However, to refuse tablets without obvious reasons not worth it. In many cases, pregnancy occurs due to Duphaston. If a woman is sure that she is sick of the drug, it is necessary to discuss this issue with a gynecologist. However, when taken in accordance with the results of the analysis and according to the developed scheme, Duphaston will not cause discomfort.

For problem solving female infertility modern medicine successfully uses the drug Duphaston, containing active substance dydrogesterone. By its properties, this component is close to natural female hormone in charge of women's health.

Is Duphaston so harmless and is it worth taking it? We will talk about side effects and possible dangers when taking the drug in our article.

Indications for use

Duphaston tablets are prescribed for shortage natural hormone, as well as for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • uterine bleeding.
  • secondary amenorrhea
  • endometriosis;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • habitual or threatened miscarriage;
  • dysmenorrhea, ;
  • infertility.

In the instructions for this drug described main types side effects from the side:

  • immune system: hypersensitivity reactions (very rare).
  • hematopoietic systems: hemolytic anemia(rarely).
  • uterine bleeding; sensitivity of the mammary glands.
  • minor liver dysfunction.
  • skin and subcutaneous tissue: allergic reactions,
  • CNS: headache, migraine.
  • other: peripheral edema (rare).

Numerous reviews of women who took the drug give a very controversial picture of its effect on the woman's body. Some women claim that taking the drug was not accompanied by any side effects, while others, on the contrary, speak negatively about it.

Women are concerned about rumors that this drug can cause digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), pain and heaviness of the abdomen in the uterus, abundant bloody issues and also cause weight gain.

  • Anastasia: “I drank Duphaston for two months, my weight increased by several kilograms.”
  • Guest: “I took Duphaston tablets in several courses for three months. And there were absolutely no side effects. My weight has not increased at all. There were no other problems either."

Do you get fat from Duphaston? Many women mistakenly believe that the use of Duphaston can negatively affect the figure. The medical community unanimously assures that all fears about weight gain are groundless. The drug, according to doctors, does not in any way affect weight gain - if you follow the rules of nutrition.

Weight gain may be due to the onset of pregnancy, as well as the growth and development of the embryo, which is a natural state during pregnancy, and cannot and should not cause any concern for a woman.

Can Duphaston make you sick?

  • Kitten: “I take Duphaston as directed, it became very nauseous. Should I stop drinking it or is it supposed to be like that?

Nausea does not appear on the list of side effects, however, many women claim that taking the drug can cause it. Perhaps its occurrence is influenced by the wrong dosage or the wrong regimen for taking the drug.

Nausea is also possible as a manifestation of toxicosis of pregnant women, which is mistakenly associated with taking the drug. To solve the problem, you need to consult a specialist.

Drawing pains in the abdomen

  • Guest: “I have terrible back pain from Duphaston and pulls in my lower abdomen, Has anyone experienced the same symptoms?”
  • Anna: “And I mostly have lower abdomen pain, by the end of the day it’s generally very bad. And the breasts are sensitive too! This is from Duphaston tablets, there is a hormone that causes this.

Often women taking Duphaston complain of pain in the lower abdomen. In the description of the drug, this side effect is again not recorded. There can be several reasons for discomfort.

First, the “pull on the stomach” will be due to the growth of the uterus and the increase in the size of the fetus. Secondly, most women who are prescribed the drug experience a threat of termination of pregnancy, pain is associated with low level progesterone.

Pain can also be due to postoperative adhesions. In the event of any pain a woman should visit a gynecologist in order to clarify the cause and choice of treatments.

If the chest hurts from Duphaston

  • Guest: “I have been taking Duphaston for 2 weeks. My nipples started to hurt. Do you think this is related to the drug?

Soreness of the mammary glands is one of the described side effects of the drug. It occurs due to the hormone contained in Duphaston. You may need to consult your doctor and change the dosage of the drug.

Discharge and bleeding

  • Guest: “The doctor prescribed Duphaston to restore the cycle of menstruation, the instructions say about breakthrough bleeding. Have you had a similar experience and is it dangerous?

The appearance of secretions is also one of the side effects of the drug. Data side effects require medical attention. Sometimes it is enough to increase the dose of the drug to get rid of them. But the decision to increase the dose or cancel the drug can only be made by a specialist.

The modern drug Duphaston is excellent tool solutions to many unpleasant women's issues. He is able to restore, defeat infertility, save the desired pregnancy. The drug should be taken under the supervision of a physician in strict accordance with the dosage and regimen of use. Only in this case a positive result is guaranteed.

The drug Duphaston is considered an artificial substitute for the female sex hormone progesterone. It is basically considered important hormone for bearing a child. Doctors recommend using Dufaston for women who have slightly reduced production of the natural hormone progesterone. If this hormone is not produced, then this often leads to such an unpleasant result as intermittent periods or their absence at all, inability to bear a child, very severe pain before the onset of menstruation and the like.

Duphaston contains, of course, not very many side effects, but they are still present. The drug has practically no effect on ovulation, so pregnancy can occur while taking this drug, for the most part it is prescribed to maintain and develop pregnancy. However, it is not necessary to say with complete conviction that the drug Duphaston is completely safe and does not contain any harmful effects. Of the more common side effects after taking Duphaston, there is bloating, pain in the head and frequent dizziness feeling of nausea and even in some cases vomiting.

At medicinal product present and hormonal effects. As a result hormonal disorders in female body increased sensitivity in the area chest may become inflamed sebaceous glands (acne) , changes sexual attraction to the opposite sex (both upward and downward), small bloody or slightly brownish discharge may occur before the onset of menstruation. Also, in some cases, slight increase woman's weight. Sometimes, but not often, Duphaston causes anemia and a disorder in the main function of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, which is accompanied by weakness or deterioration general condition health, in rare cases, jaundice or pain in the abdomen.

Also, you should be careful with this medicine if there are various allergic reactions to the drugs that make up Duphaston. allergic reactions possible to a greater extent on the components of the drug itself, namely didrogestron. Allergy manifests itself in the form of an itchy rash on the body, hives and angioedema. Duphaston is contraindicated in those patients in the history of the disease who have diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, breast and ovarian cancer.

So, from the side effects after taking Duphaston, bleeding from the uterus and increased sensitivity in the mammary glands can occur. Also, in addition to this, migraines and severe headaches can occur. Homolytic anemia sometimes occurs. Not often, but sometimes it occurs - peripheral edema, Quincke's edema. The drug Duphaston can not be taken with individual intolerance to the components contained in the drug, when breastfeeding a child, because it manifests itself in breast milk. It also cannot be taken various types enzymatic deficiency and the presence of malabsorption syndrome ( given state, in which many of nutrients are not absorbed and do not penetrate into the blood from small intestine) .

In order to start taking Duphaston, you must pass full examination to exclude the influence of side effects. Also, it should be taken only when prescribed by a doctor. Because it determines the required dosage and duration of the course of taking the drug.


If at hormonal imbalance, the attending gynecologist prescribes Duphaston, many women wonder if it is possible to recover from Duphaston. For the fair sex, the answer to this question is very important, because no one wants to harm their health or gain excess weight, as a result of the impact adverse reactions from the drug.

Duphaston is a hormonal drug or not?

Duphaston - synthetically created hormonal drug, the effect of which is similar to progesterone. However, it does not have side effects that are characteristic of other similar drugs.

The release form of the drug is round tablets, white color. 1 Duphaston tablet contains 10 g of the main active ingredient. In addition, the composition of the drug includes: silicon oxide, corn starch, magnesium salt of stearic acid, hypromellose and lactose.

How the drug affects the health of women

To answer the question of whether they get fat from Duphaston, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for the drug and the reviews of women who took this medicine.

The attending physician prescribes hormone therapy in exceptional case when there are all indications for this.

Indications for prescribing the drug:

  • endometriosis;
  • infertility, the cause of which is a violation of the functions of the ovaries;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • violation of PMS;
  • infertility caused by uterine endometritis;
  • infertility of endocrine etiology;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • dysmenorrhea and other menstrual cycle disorders;
  • the threat of spontaneous abortion due to progesterone deficiency.

With the help of Duphaston, the functioning of the reproductive system is normalized and all of the above symptoms are eliminated.

The action of the drug

In order to figure out whether they are recovering from Duphaston or not, it is necessary to understand the effect of the drug. His influence is directed towards the following systems:

Temporary gland of the endocrine system

Responsible for the production of progesterone small gland, which is part of the ovaries, covered with a cortical substance with primordial follicles. It is called the corpus luteum. To synthesize the hormone progesterone is necessary to keep the uterus in a relaxed position, excluding contractions. Only in this case, a fertilized egg can attach to the uterine endometrium.

With a deficiency of the endometrium, the synthesis of which produces the corpus luteum, the body of the uterus contracts and the menstrual cycle begins. In the event that the uterine cavity has already fixed the fertilized egg, it is ejected, i.e. miscarriage.

As additional function, progesterone is responsible for immunosuppression (suppression of immune activity) of the uterine cavity. The immune system is responsible for the functioning of the organs located further than the uterus, but if the functionality of these cells increases, the egg is rejected.

It is progesterone that affects the functioning of the glands located near the uterus, which helps to fix the egg and eliminate pernicious influence immune system to spermatozoa. A lack of progesterone can cause wrong work system in any trimester of pregnancy, its enough determines the viability of the fetus.

Placental barrier

Statistically, largest number miscarriages and spontaneous abortions falls on the first cycle of pregnancy. In most cases, pregnancy ends at the fourth week, or from 8 to 12 weeks. Around week 12, the corpus luteum begins to disappear and a membrane forms in its place. The placenta takes over the synthesis of progesterone, which maintains the uterus at rest and provides beneficial effect on the growth and proliferation of milk ducts in the breast.

Progesterone deficiency affects the inability to replace corpus luteum which ultimately leads to fetal rejection.

Violation of the cycle of menstruation

For women who are not planning a pregnancy, but who have problems with the menstrual cycle, doctors can also prescribe Duphaston. The drug helps to normalize the hormonal background, as a result of an imbalance of which protracted and painful menstruation occurs, as well as a violation of regularity.

The hormones of the reproductive system are responsible not only for the regulation of reproductive functions, but also affect the pressure in the vessels.

The instructions for the drug clearly indicate that they recover from Duphaston only if the rules of admission and the required dosage are not followed, but reviews and studies show the opposite. But even here there are exceptions, because. there are certain categories of women who fall under negative impact drug.

The dynamics of the severity of symptoms after 3 cycles of taking Duphaston


Total patients

Relief of symptoms

Without changes

Disappearance of symptoms






mood instability





Soreness / tenderness of the mammary glands


Weight gain


Stomach ache


allergic rhinitis

Bronchial asthma


Pain in knee joint

Worsening of the course of diabetes

Duphaston: reviews, impact on weight

After examining the reviews of women taking the drug Duphaston, we can confidently say that you can recover from it in the following categories:

  • become pregnant at the time of the start of the drug;
  • having a tendency to be overweight before using the remedy.

Based on today's realities, the population is extremely negative about drugs containing hormones. However modern means does not tend to cause side effects, as, for example, in medicines produced 20 years ago.

What you should not be afraid of when taking Duphaston:

  • body hair does not begin to grow more intensively;
  • hair on the head does not fall out;
  • nails do not become brittle;
  • appetite does not increase, with the exception of people from the indicated risk category;
  • no increase in weight was observed.

Reasons why women gain weight

Duphaston can you recover from it? Some patients have negative reviews, but there are also positive recommendations. The reasons for this difference of opinion are the following factors:

Women suffering from progesterone deficiency, against the background of physical inactivity and insufficient physical activity, could consume any food without limiting themselves in quantity and at the same time not gaining weight. However, the normalization of the hormonal background contributes to natural cycle fat deposits depending on the type of obesity:

  • fat is debugged in the hips and buttocks;
  • increase in the volume of the mammary glands;
  • fat is slightly deposited on the face, neck and shoulders.

The result of the stabilization of the natural hormonal background is the return of a woman to her standard parameters. Perhaps these parameters do not correspond to the idea of ​​a woman about perfect figure, but they are proof of fertility and the ability to bear children.

Is a diet necessary?

Define true reason whether they are getting fat from Duphaston or the factor of weight gain is the normalization of hormones in the body and insufficient physical activity against the background of excessive calories, only a nutritionist can.

  • starvation;
  • the use of monotonous food;
  • complete exclusion from the diet of salt and sugar;
  • usage vegetarian diets or a raw food diet;
  • refusal to eat when hunger is felt;
  • restriction of fluid intake.
  • daily use fruits rich in vitamin C (tea with lemon, vitamin C);
  • while taking Duphaston, for the first 1 - 6 months, choose a comfortable physical activity.

The last point is important in the process of adapting the body to the normal synthesis of hormones. If a woman with a tendency to obesity, while using Dufastan, began to gain weight sharply, it is necessary to contact the attending gynecologist. However, even after weight gain is prohibited:

  • independently stop the prescribed course;
  • transition to analogues of Duphaston;
  • give in to panic.

Whether a woman recovered from Duphaston or as a result of an incorrectly chosen diet - to determine the true cause is solely within the competence of a specialist.

How can you not get better?

If the patient was prescribed a long or short course of taking Duphaston, it is necessary to select workouts that will provide the necessary dose of load. Reasons for exercising:

  • along with balancing the synthesis of hormones, the normalization of metabolic processes in the body is also produced;
  • the positive effect of sports on strengthening blood vessels will serve as a prevention of possible side effects of the drug;
  • the work of the liver and kidneys improves, as a result of which the remnants of the drug are more quickly excreted from the body;
  • efficiency hormonal agent will be fixed even after the abolition of replacement therapy.

Reasons for the increase in volumes

The basis of the diet for everyone is individual, some prefer fatty foods, and some spicy. And in each of them there is a benefit to the body, but in moderation.

When following a diet, fats cannot be completely excluded from the menu, because. they contribute to the absorption of many vitamins and minerals from the incoming food.

If, before taking Duphaston, a woman had problems with metabolism, in order not to get better, along with hormone therapy you need to contact a nutritionist who can prescribe the right nutrition program.

It may also be necessary psychological help, after all, there are often cases of legitimate avoidance of sexual intimacy against the background of a painful menstrual cycle, fullness or infertility.