Strong medicine to restore the menstrual cycle. How to normalize the menstrual cycle without the use of hormonal drugs

It is arranged quite differently than the male. One of these differences is menstruation. How to restore them if some kind of failure occurs? You will learn about this and much more from this article.

Danger of cycle failure

Why do we need menstruation? Well, if it weren’t for her, life would be easier!” - so argue those who have absolutely no idea how important menstruation is for the female body. First, the presence of menstruation is one of the signs of fertility. This means that the fair sex is capable of fertilization, if everything is in order with the pelvic organs. Secondly, the uterus is cleansed monthly due to this natural bleeding. In addition, the ovaries are responsible for the presence or. They help you do quality work. thyroid gland. With their long absence, a serious one occurs. Therefore, if you notice that there is no menstruation for a long time, you should contact a gynecologist.

It is believed that as long as the so-called woman is present, she remains young and fertile. Not without reason, by the age of fifty, wilting occurs and menstruation stops. This is a kind of indicator that a new period of life is coming.

Causes of failure

There are situations when menstruation is absent for a long time. How to restore them? To do this, you need to know the reasons why they are not there:

  1. Stressful situation. When a woman is in a state nervous tension for a long time, it may be delayed. As a rule, it is short-lived and does not entail any problems. This happens because the body includes its protective function: while there is stress, you can not give birth.
  2. Sleep deprivation, strong physical exercise. If you are a workaholic and do not rest at all, then you may soon experience amenorrhea, or prolonged menstruation is considered quite difficult physiological process, and therefore the body thus saves your strength. As practice shows, professional athletes often suffer from an irregular cycle. It's all because of the intense physical stress.
  3. Change of climate zone. Perhaps you have come to rest where temperature regime not at all the same as in your area This problem is faced by the fair sex, going on vacation abroad, especially those who travel from the cold north to the hot south. The body perceives such travel as stress.
  4. Sudden weight loss. Those who are on strict diets know that sudden loss weight is almost always accompanied by a long delay. But girls suffering from anorexia lose their periods for a very long time which can cause infertility.
  5. Reception medicines. Be careful when taking certain medications. The instructions may indicate a side effect - a possible
  6. And finally, pregnancy. Not always tests show it from the first days.

Can menstruation be restored?

If the cause is not a recent birth, then it is quite possible to return them.

First, you should consult a doctor if the delay is prolonged. It is dangerous to use self-medication and advice from friends. What a doctor prescribes for one patient may not work at all for another. If you know that amenorrhea has come as a result of a rigid diet, then switch to quality nutrition. For normal life, the body needs at least three meals a day.

Do not try to look for illnesses on the Internet. Even if it seems to you that you have all the signs of some kind of sore, because of which menstruation has disappeared, do not rush to buy yourself unfamiliar pills. Remember: experimenting on yourself is dangerous! Don't be afraid to visit a doctor to learn how to get your period back.

Important progesterone

Today, there are many ways to adjust the cycle. If the delay was due to a hormonal failure, then the first medicine that you will probably be prescribed will be Duphaston. These are pills that restore menstruation. Since one of the most common causes is a lack of progesterone in the body, this drug is the best suited to compensate for its deficiency. You need to take it according to a certain scheme from the eleventh to the twenty-fifth day of the cycle. During this period, the amount of progesterone reaches the optimal level, and after a couple of days, menstruation will begin.

Remember: Duphaston is a hormonal remedy. It must be taken at the same time, without missing a single tablet. Otherwise, bleeding may occur. Do not be alarmed if the discharge is Brown. Just after long delay the uterine mucosa does not have time to recover.

Usually it is prescribed for a period of up to three months. After that, the gynecologist will necessary examination and decide whether it is time to cancel it or not.

As an alternative, the doctor may suggest piercing a course of progesterone, rather than taking pills. This will cause delayed periods. However, this is a temporary measure. A single replenishment of this hormone may not be enough.

Other medicines

Another drug that helps restore the cycle is Utrozhestan. He suppresses a large number of estrogen, which interferes with the normal production of progesterone. It is noteworthy that this medicine has two different forms release: conventional tablets and vaginal suppositories. The latter may be convenient for overnight use.

Homeopathic medicines that are popular today can be an alternative. One of these is Pulsatilla. It will help bring back your period. How to recover critical days with it, the instructions will tell. These lozenges are taken for only seven days in a row. Menstruation after them is expected in the next day. If you suffer from allergies, be careful: homeopathy often causes an ambiguous reaction in the body.

When choosing medications, be sure to consult your doctor. Without it, it is unlikely that it will be possible to return the cycle on its own.

How to restore menstruation folk remedies

Of course, the effectiveness of using such methods has not been proven. However, some of them have their right to exist.

  • Infusion This herb has become very popular thanks to good reviews those who used it. If you are thinking about how to restore the cycle of menstruation with the help of herbs, then you should start with it. 1 st. l. dried plants are poured with boiling water, steamed in a water bath for 20 minutes, and then infused for 3 hours. Strained broth is taken four times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon. The course of treatment is at least twenty days.
  • Decoction of wormwood. A third of a spoonful of this herb is poured with 1 cup of boiling water and insisted for four hours. Drink a quarter cup 4 times a day. Be careful: this herb is dangerous if used for a long time.
  • Fuck root. Can be consumed Fresh Juice of it, one teaspoon, washed down with water, no more than three times a day.
  • Bay leaf. A decoction from it turns out to be very unpleasant in taste, but, according to the girls' reviews, it helps to restore the cycle. For 10 g of lavrushka, 0.4 liters of boiling water is required. The mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for about 5 minutes with the lid open. Such a drink is infused in a thermos for three hours, then a quarter cup before meals is drunk throughout the day.

Now you know how you can restore your period. However, it is better not to create a problem so that you do not have to solve it.

For this:

  1. Keep active and healthy lifestyle life.
  2. Eat right and regularly.
  3. See a doctor if you have problems in the female part.
  4. Keep a daily routine and get enough sleep.
  5. Give up bad habits.


The most important role in the life of women is played by menstruation. How to restore them, you will learn from our article. However, remember that all information is for informational purposes only. Do not experiment on yourself if you have persistent problems with cycle. In this case, only a doctor can help, who carefully examines you, makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

At a certain period of life, violations of the cycle occurred, probably, in every woman. Violation of menstruation , which many ladies are accustomed to consider as something ordinary, are actually a signal of problems with women's health.

What is NMC in gynecology? It's disturbed menstrual cycle what happens to women in different periods their lives.

Irregular menstruation - delays or a shorter cycle, indicate violations of the physical or mental state women. The monthly cycle is a kind The biological clock organism. Failure of their rhythm should alert and cause a visit to the doctor so that the diseases are detected in a timely manner. Below we will talk about why the menstrual cycle fails, and what a woman should do in such a situation.

What is the menstrual cycle

It is important to clearly know what is the menstrual cycle in women, and what should be menstrual function fine.

menarche , that is, the first menstruation, in girls occurs in the period from 12 to 14 years. At what age girls begin menstruation depends on their residence. How lives south adolescent, the earlier menarche occurs. It is important for parents to monitor when girls begin menstruation in order to understand whether the body develops normally.

Ages 45 to 55 menstrual period ends. This period is called premenopausal.

During the period of menstruation, the functional layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus is rejected as a result of a decrease in production in the body. The monthly cycle of a woman is divided into three phases.

  • 1 phase , follicular, characterized by the production, under the influence of which ripen follicles . From all follicles, subsequently dominant follicle from which a mature egg is released.
  • 2 phase menstrual cycle- This is the shortest phase, which lasts approximately 1 day. At this time, the follicle ruptures and the egg is released from it. It is important to understand, speaking about what distinguishes the second phase of the menstrual cycle, that this is the time when the egg is ready for fertilization. This is the fertile phase when conception can occur.
  • 3 phase , luteal - the period when synthesis begins progesterone a yellow body that arose at the site of a ruptured follicle. Progesterone prepares the endometrium for the subsequent implantation of a fertilized egg. But if there was no conception, it happens gradual death corpus luteum, progesterone production decreases, and the endometrium is gradually rejected, that is, menstruation begins.

If progesterone deficiency is noted, estrogen production is activated again, and the cycle repeats again. For ease of perception, a phase diagram by day is useful, where all phases of the cycle and the names of these phases are indicated.

Thus, the menstrual cycle is cyclical changes that occur after a certain period of time. The duration of a normal cycle should be from 21 to 35 days. If there is a deviation in a certain direction for 3-5 days, this cannot be considered a pathology. However, if more significant shifts are noted, then the woman should be alerted to why the menstrual cycle is shortened or it becomes longer.

If a woman has a normal menstrual cycle, how many days do menstruation last? individual indicator. The normal duration of menstruation is from three to seven days. It is important to consider, paying attention to the duration, that this condition should not be a very difficult period for a woman. After all, an important characteristic is not only the norm of duration, but also the fact that menstruation should not deliver very strong discomfort. During this period, there is a loss of about 100-140 ml of blood. If there is profuse blood loss or a woman notices that the delay norm is violated, it is important to immediately contact a gynecologist.

The regulation of the cycle occurs at 5 levels.

The first level is the cerebral cortex If the cycle of menstruation has gone astray, the reasons may be related to emotions, stress, feelings.
The second level is the hypothalamus. It is the synthesis of releasing factors that affect the third level.
The third level is the pituitary gland. It produces follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones or gonadotropic hormones that act on the fourth level.
Fourth level - ovaries Under the influence of pituitary hormones, depending on the phase of the cycle, the synthesis of estrogens or progesterone occurs.
Fifth level - female genital organs There are changes in the endometrium in the uterus, the epithelium in the vagina is updated, peristalsis is noted in fallopian tubes which facilitates the meeting of sperm and egg.

In fact, the causes of menstrual irregularities are very diverse, and there are many of them. Conventionally, the causes that provoke a violation of the menstrual cycle can be divided into three groups:

  • First - This external factors that affect the normal cycle. That is, the cerebral cortex is affected etiological factors. A woman may note that the cycle has decreased or, conversely, it is longer if she has dramatically changed the climate, was in a state of prolonged stress, "sat down" on a strict diet, etc.
  • Second - consequence pathological conditions relating not only to the reproductive system, but also to the organism as a whole. So, the reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle after 40 years are often associated with the onset of the menopause. However, it is possible that the reasons for the failure of the menstruation cycle after 40 years are due to the presence of health problems in a middle-aged woman.
  • Third - Influence of medicines. Often the answer to the question of why the menstrual cycle fails is treatment with a number of drugs. A delay or other failure is possible both after the start of taking certain drugs, and after they are stopped. This is about hormonal contraceptives, anticoagulants, antiaggregants, glucocorticoids, etc.

Factors associated with pathological conditions

  • Ovarian pathologies we are talking about a violation of the connection between the ovaries and, oncological diseases ovaries, drug stimulation of ovulation, insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle. Also, irregular periods associated with ovarian pathology can be the result of negative professional influences, radiation, vibration, and chemical influences. The reasons for the irregular cycle of menstruation may be associated with surgical interventions on the ovaries, trauma urinary organs and etc.
  • Impaired communication between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland irregular cycle may be associated with too active or insufficient release of gonadotropic hormones and releasing factors. Cycle disorders are sometimes the result of a pituitary or brain tumor, pituitary hemorrhage, or necrosis.
  • - if a woman develops endometriosis, both genital and extragenital, the hormonal nature of this disease leads to an imbalance of hormones.
  • Violation of the process of blood clotting - hemophilia, other genetic pathologies.
  • Curettage of the uterus - the endometrium is damaged if curettage is performed after an abortion or for the purpose of treatment. As a result, complications can develop - inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages. There are also irregular periods after childbirth.
  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder .
  • The appearance of hormone-dependent tumors oncological processes in the uterus, adrenal glands, mammary gland, thyroid gland.
  • V chronic form - there is no formation of a full-fledged endometrium.
  • Polyps of the uterine mucosa .
  • Sudden "jumps" in body weight - both weight loss and provokes irregular periods in adolescents and adult women, since adipose tissue produces estrogen.
  • Infectious diseases - can provide negative impact on the ovaries. Moreover, both infections that were transferred in childhood (for example, or), and sexual infections can provoke a failure of menstruation.
  • Presence of uterine abnormalities - septum in the uterus, sexual infantilism, etc.
  • Endocrine pathology - often associated with it are the causes of irregular periods after 40 years.
  • Pathology of the uterus tumors, hyperplasia.
  • mental illness - epilepsy, etc.
  • Having bad habits .
  • , hypovitaminosis .
  • Chromosomal abnormalities.

What to do with this or that health problem, and how to normalize the cycle, the gynecologist will tell you, who must be visited if the menstruation has “lost”.

How can a cycle disorder manifest itself?

  • Amenorrhea - Menstruation is absent for six months or more. At primary amenorrhea violations are noted from the moment when the onset of menstruation occurred in girls; in the secondary - violations appeared after a certain period of normal cycles.
  • Oligomenorrhea menstruation occurs once every few months (3-4). After 45 years, such manifestations may be associated with.
  • Opsomenorrhea - meager periods, lasting no more than 1-2 days.
  • Polymenorrhea - prolonged menstruation (more than 7 days) with a normal cycle.
  • Hyperpolymenorrhea - noted copious discharge but the cycle is normal.
  • menorrhagia - plentiful and prolonged menstruation(more than 10 days).
  • metrorrhagia - irregular bleeding, sometimes they can appear in the middle of the cycle.
  • Proyomenorrhea - frequent menstruation, in which the cycle is less than three weeks.
  • Algomenorrhea - very painful periods, in which a woman becomes unable to work. Algomenorrhea can also be primary and secondary.
  • - this is the name of any violation of the cycle, in which there is pain during menstruation and unpleasant autonomic disorders: unstable mood, vomiting and nausea, etc.

The cause of frequent menstruation, as well as other disorders described above, can be associated with a wide variety of pathologies. A woman should be alerted to any violations. For example, very frequent periods after the age of 40 may indicate the development of serious diseases.

Often, violations of the cycle are noted in adolescents when the formation of menstruation occurs. This phenomenon is associated with physiological reasons. Girls are becoming hormonal background, and are related to this as causes short cycle monthly, and the reasons for delays. In adolescents, the length of the cycle can be different each time.

The process of formation can continue for 1-2 years. But the girl must clearly know how to count the duration of the cycle of menstruation in order to track how many days the cycle lasts and whether it is gradually becoming. This is important not only for those who are already sexually active, but also for girls who need to know the duration of the cycle and for hygiene purposes, and to track their health status. Mom must definitely explain to her daughter how to correctly count the cycle of menstruation. An example of such a calculation is also important for a teenager.

There are the following pathological factors that affect the regularity of menstruation in adolescents:

  • infections of the brain and membranes;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • frequent colds;
  • genital infections;
  • sclerocystic ovaries.

Negative for becoming monthly cycle the fact that young girls practice strict diets also affects, as a result of which not only excessive weight loss is noted, but also hypovitaminosis, menstruation disorders.

Interestingly, the regularity of menstruation is influenced by the nature of adolescents.

Doctors identify a few more important factors that can affect the formation of the cycle:

  • early onset of sexual activity, promiscuous contacts;
  • anomalies in the development of the reproductive system;
  • having bad habits.

Due to a disturbed menstrual cycle in a teenage girl, the so-called juvenile uterine bleeding . This condition is characterized by prolonged periods. As a rule, long and heavy periods last more than a week. This leads to anemia and serious deterioration in the adolescent's condition. As a rule, the causes of prolonged periods are associated either with moral overstrain or with infections.

Disrupted cycle in premenopause

Treatment of menstrual disorders in adolescents

If a teenage girl has a menstrual cycle, and at the same time the condition is complicated juvenile bleeding, two-stage therapy is carried out.

With prolonged severe bleeding, when the girl is worried about weakness, dizziness, and at the same time she has a lower blood pressure (up to 70 g / l), the doctor decides to perform curettage. Next, carry out histological examination scraping.

Provided that the hemoglobin index is from 80 to 100 g / l, appoint hormonal pills ( , ).

Also, if necessary, carry out antianemic therapy (blood transfusion, erythrocyte mass, infucol, rheopolyglucin). Iron preparations are also prescribed in the treatment regimen.

A teenager is prescribed hormonal drugs for a period of not more than three months. Treatment of anemia lasts until hemoglobin levels rise to normal.

Treatment of cycle disorders in women of childbearing age

The treatment of menstrual disorders in this case is similar to the treatment regimen for such disorders in adolescents. Both at the age of twenty, and the treatment of menstrual irregularities at the age of 40 with bleeding is carried out by scraping. It is carried out for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

It is important to replenish the volume of circulating blood, for which they are used colloidal solutions. Antianemic treatment and symptomatic hemostasis are also practiced. Provided that curettage did not work, the doctor may decide on hysterectomy or ablation (burning out) of the endometrium.

It is also important to properly treat those concomitant diseases that could provoke a cycle disorder. So, with hypertension, it is important to take prescribed medications, limit the intake of salty, as well as fluids. In case of liver pathology, one should adhere to proper diet, take hepatoprotectors.

Some women also practice treatment folk remedies. However, such methods must be practiced very carefully, since without consulting a doctor there is a risk of missing a serious pathology. And even the violation of the menstrual cycle after 45 years, perceived by a woman as the beginning of menopause, is the basis for visiting a doctor.

Since cycle failures can be the cause, women in childbearing age appoint if necessary Choriogonin And Pergonal - drugs to stimulate the development of active follicles. In order to stimulate ovulation should be taken.

Bleeding during menopause

With bleeding during menopause, the patient must be prescribed a curettage of the uterine cavity. After all, bleeding can indicate serious pathologies, in particular the development atypical hyperplasia or endometrial adenocarcinomas . Sometimes the doctor may decide to hysterectomy .

Sometimes a patient during menopause is prescribed gestagens: Depo Provera , , 17-OPK .

In the course of treatment, antiestrogenic drugs can also be prescribed - Danazol , Gestrinone , 17a-ethynyl testosterone .


In case of violation of menstruation, the question of how to restore the cycle of menstruation must be immediately addressed by a woman of any age. Those who are interested in how to restore the menstrual cycle with folk remedies should remember that such manifestations are just a symptom of the underlying disease, which must be treated correctly, according to the scheme prescribed by the specialist.

It is not always necessary to take hormonal pills to restore menstruation to eliminate such problems. Sometimes a woman for whom the question is how to restore the menstrual cycle without hormones is even helped by changing the daily routine and eating habits. For example, women who are obese can help normalize their weight. And for those who practice very strict diets, it is enough to increase the calorie content of the diet and overcome the depletion of the body. In any case, in case of “malfunctions” of the cycle, it is important for both young girls and women with menopause to consult a gynecologist who will tell you how to proceed.

Violation of the menstrual cycle is a consequence of hidden diseases and hormonal disorders. You can restore the cycle with folk remedies, but do not forget that it is better to stay in the gynecological chair for five minutes than long years be treated for possible problems associated with self-medication.

Amenorrhea and delayed menstruation are different concepts and should not be linked together. The diagnosis of amenorrhea is made when there is no menstruation for six months or more, and a delay in menstruation is a cycle failure, characterized by scant discharge or their complete absence during the period when menstruation should begin and there is no pregnancy. Violations of the menstrual cycle may be accompanied by copious discharge or very scanty, menstruation begins with a delay or its complete absence.

Causes of menstrual cycle failure

  • Diet. Often, debilitating diets can cause menstrual irregularities. A sharp decrease in body weight, as well as a sharp increase, can cause a violation of the cycle.
  • Active sports. The body does not produce the enzyme leptin due to the absence or small number of fat cells.
  • Nervous disorders, which generally affect the mental and physical state women.
  • Colds and chronic diseases cause hormonal imbalance.
  • Metabolic disorders negatively affects hormonal system organism.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body. Most often, the menstrual cycle is disturbed for this reason in early spring, so it is recommended to take vitamins that can be bought at the pharmacy.
  • Childbirth and artificial termination of pregnancy. Often, after an abortion, miscarriage or childbirth, the cycle is restored by itself, it only takes some time for the body to debug the functions itself.

We restore the menstrual cycle at home

To restore and stabilize menstruation with folk remedies, an infusion of angelica roots and rhizomes is used: take one tablespoon of dry crushed angelica roots and rhizomes and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for a couple of hours. Take half a glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Sudden menstrual disorders are recommended to be treated with freshly squeezed carrot juice. Add a little cream to the juice for intestinal digestibility of beta-carotene. Also, in case of disorders, it is recommended to drink mint tea and eat bread from sprouted grains.

To return menstruation and establish a regular menstrual cycle will help ordinary wormwood, which is a good folk remedy for the treatment of female diseases. To induce menstruation, you should drink a tincture of red stalks of wormwood. Green plants, on the contrary, will help stop heavy menstruation. We take one tablespoon of dry herb wormwood and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Wrap and leave for four hours. Strain and consume 3-4 times a day before meals for ¼ cup.

It is possible to restore the menstrual cycle with folk remedies, but the most basic rule recommended by doctors and traditional medicine is good nutrition, healthy lifestyle and active movement. Before you decide to restore the menstrual cycle with folk remedies, consult your doctor.

In women, when menstruation stops (amenorrhea), the question arises of how to restore menstruation. Menstruation (menstruation) is the first part of the menstrual cycle in a woman's body, in which the endometrial layer is shed every month, accompanied by bleeding. The onset of menstruation marks the start of the menstrual cycle. At healthy girls and women, the duration of such a cycle ranges from 25 to 35 calendar days. The regulation of the cycle depends on special hormones produced in the female ovaries and in the brain. Thanks to the action of these special hormones, at the beginning of the cycle, the egg matures in the female ovaries, the mucous membrane of the walls of the uterus thickens, preparing to receive future pregnancy. In the middle period of the cycle, the egg leaves the follicle and, fertilized by the sperm, attaches to the wall of the uterus. This is how pregnancy occurs.

When fertilization has not occurred, at the beginning of the next cycle, the uterine inner layer completely rejected and comes out in the form of bleeding (menstruation). A delay in the onset of menstruation up to 10 days is not considered a pathology. Normally, the absence of menstruation occurs during pregnancy, during breastfeeding and in menopause. The first menstruation occurs in girls in adolescence(12-14 years) with a spread of one to two years. Duration normal menstruation 4-7 days. usually scanty, irregular. normal cycle installed after 2-3 years. menopause in female body occurs at the age of 40-55 years. In medicine, it is believed that full menopause occurs when menstruation does not occur within a year. For any deviation in the duration or nature of menstrual flow, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Possible menstrual irregularities:

  1. Amenorrhea is the cessation or complete cessation of menstruation.
  2. Temporary deviation from the norm in any direction.
  3. Menorrhagia - increased discharge in the form of bleeding.
  4. Dysmenorrhea is painful menstruation.

Reasons for delayed menstruation

If your period is delayed by 10 days or more, you must come to women's consultation to inspect and identify the reasons for the stop. If the delay is not caused by pregnancy, then the doctor prescribes an examination and the necessary therapy to restore the cycle, depending on the duration and age of the patient.

The classification of delayed menstruation contains 4 points:

  1. Reducing the cycle to 1-2 days and meager discharge called hypomenorrhea.
  2. The delay of menstruation for 2-3 months is called oligomenorrhea.
  3. Delaying menstruation for 4-6 months is called opsomenorrhea.
  4. The complete absence of menstruation for more than 6 months is called amenorrhea.

Pathological delay in menstruation can cause:

  1. Stress and other emotional upheavals.
  2. Transferred infectious and other serious diseases.
  3. Endocrine pathology.
  4. Strict diets and other eating disorders.
  5. Excessive physical activity (professional sports, dancing, hard physical labor).
  6. Radical climate change.
  7. Abrupt cessation of hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.
  8. Wrong position intrauterine device, abortion.
  9. Various gynecological diseases- adnexitis, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis.
  10. The absence of menstruation in women at the age of forty can be a harbinger of the onset of menopause (premenopause).
  11. The absence of normal menstruation can be the first "bell" warning about the presence of serious diseases in a woman's body.

Diagnosis of the causes of amenorrhea

The causes of menstrual irregularities are pathological changes in the formation and action of hormones that regulate the functioning of the ovaries. To diagnose the causes of delayed menstruation in a woman, the following methods are used:

  1. Consultation and examination by a specialist endocrinologist-gynecologist.
  2. Intravaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and, if necessary, of all internal organs.
  3. Laboratory examination for the presence of STDs various methods diagnostics, PCR.
  4. A full hormonal panel is examined (FSH, PRL, LH, progesterone, estrogen, hormones thyroid gland and adrenals).
  5. Examination of the pituitary gland using modern computer technologies - CT and MRI.
  6. Electroencephalography.
  7. Hysteroscopy is performed - the uterine cavity is examined with a special apparatus, followed by scraping of the diagnostic material from the cavity and cervix.
  8. The resulting material must be sent for histological examination.

Recovery and treatment

Treatment aimed at restoring the menstrual cycle takes place under the mandatory supervision of a doctor and is associated, first of all, with the elimination of the very cause of amenorrhea.

When a woman is not planning a pregnancy, the doctor selects special combined oral contraceptives individually for each woman. The use of such drugs helps both restore menstruation and prevent the development of such serious diseases as malignant tumors uterus, ovaries, mastopathy. The duration of treatment with hormonal drugs depends on the diagnosis. For some patients, it is prescribed as a course, for others - constantly until the onset of natural menopause. In accordance with the cause of amenorrhea, its treatment is aimed at eliminating the disease:

  1. Hormone therapy for the correction of endocrine disorders.
  2. Anti-inflammatory antibiotic therapy in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. Lifestyle changes (appropriate nutrition, good sleep, dosed physical activity).
  4. Vitamin therapy (A, E, B), supplements.
  5. According to indications - acupuncture, physiotherapy, massage.

If amenorrhea occurs against the background of disorders in the hypothalamic-pituitary system, then GnRH analogues (Cyclamat) are used in the treatment. In the treatment of primary and secondary amenorrhea, gestagens are used - Duphaston, Pregnin, Utrozhestan.

Clomiphene, a drug that causes ovarian hyperstimulation, is used in women with secondary amenorrhea. The entire course of treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician and under mandatory ultrasound control. Surveillance includes monitoring the maturation of the follicle. The possible onset of ovulation is also controlled by measuring the temperature in the rectum, the size of the follicle and the degree of thickness of the endometrium (according to the results of ultrasound once a month, when the doctor prescribes). After the cycle is restored, a woman has a chance to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.

Homeopathic medicines are widely used to restore menstruation. They are used both independently and in combination with hormonal drugs. These are tablets Mastodinon, Klimaktoplan, Remens. These drugs gently regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary system and contribute to the normalization of the menstrual cycle. no contraindications and side effects allows you to use these drugs for a long time. Surgery carried out with amenorrhea caused by various neoplasms and pathological adhesions in cervical canal and mother.

Treatment of amenorrhea for pregnancy planning consists of methods aimed at how to restore menstruation to stimulate the ovulation process. To do this, the treatment uses means that restore the normal menstrual cycle, stimulating the process of ovulation. Women with ovarian diseases of an endocrine nature are prescribed estrogens - Follikulin, Estrofem, Proginova. With amenorrhea, which arose against the background of an unhealthy lifestyle, constant stress, it is recommended to adjust your lifestyle, observe correct mode nutrition, sleep and rest, in some cases, a consultation with a psychotherapist is indicated. In the period of rehabilitation and recovery, it is possible to combine the use of hormonal drugs with physiotherapy. Use endonasal electrophoresis with solutions of thiamine, novocaine, zinc. Very useful in rehabilitation is electrophoresis with vitamins on the region of the collar zone for a direct effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary region.

Among women different ages often the question arises, how to restore the menstrual cycle . Monthly bleeding should occur in the fair sex with a certain frequency. If the reproductive and reproductive systems function smoothly, there will be no menstrual irregularities.

However, in some patients, there is a delay in discharge, or vice versa, menstruation goes more often than expected. This may signal the development of rather dangerous gynecological pathologies. To properly restore the cycle, the first step is to find out the cause of such violations and eliminate it.

The menstrual cycle in different patients can range from 21 to 35 days. Bloody issues from the vagina disturb women for 3-7 days a month. Violation of the menstrual cycle can be accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. It is worth contacting a gynecologist and going through full examination reproductive system, if you find the following disorders:

  • Menstruation occurs with a significant delay or is completely absent;
  • Allocations during menstruation significantly increased or decreased in volume;
  • menstrual cycle without any obvious reasons became a few days shorter or longer;
  • In the interval between periods, you have dark spotting discharge.

The restoration of the menstrual cycle begins with the definition exact reason the occurrence of such a breach. If such changes provoked any gynecological diseases, it is necessary to treat them, and the cycle will recover on its own.


In some cases, you can try to normalize the frequency and duration of menstruation at home. For this, the following correction methods are used:

  • Development of a special diet;
  • Therapeutic exercise and active sports;
  • Compliance with a certain daily routine;
  • Reception of decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs;
  • Medical therapy.

In order for the result of the restoration of the menstrual cycle to be positive, it is important to correctly combine several methods of treatment. The most suitable option complex therapy should be prescribed by a qualified physician, after a preliminary examination and study of the test results. If long-term treatment at home and in the hospital does not give results, the patient may be prescribed a surgical operation.


It is possible to restore the menstrual cycle not only with special potent medications. If the violations are minor and have nothing to do with gynecological pathologies, to normalize the situation will help the correct diet.

It is important to include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in the daily menu. The optimal ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates will speed up metabolism, get rid of excess weight, strengthen the body's immune defenses. For each person, this ratio is different, and it depends on individual characteristics, mobility during the day.

  • The basis of your diet should be foods with high content squirrel. There is a lot of such a substance in cereal cereals, dairy products, chicken and meat. Legumes, sea fish are also useful.
  • Fat is essential for normal functioning reproductive system And quick recovery cycle. Menstrual disorders often occur in women who are on a strict diet. Fat can be obtained from vegetable oil, fish, meat, nuts. Include a small amount of sunflower seeds in your diet, because they also contain vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect and favorably affects the menstrual cycle.
  • Natural flavonoids can in some cases replace hormonal preparations. Such a substance is found in dark chocolate, cocoa. Flavonoids act on the female body like the hormone estrogen, so they allow you to quickly adjust the menstrual cycle.

To correct the menstrual cycle, doctors recommend that patients give preference to fractional nutrition. The interval between the next full meals and snacks should be no more than 3 hours. Try to diversify your daily menu as much as possible. The more vitamins and beneficial trace elements you will receive with food, the faster you will be able to normalize the functioning of the reproductive system.

Start your morning with a hearty breakfast. Do not worry that this will affect your figure, because you can successfully use all the calories during the day. For breakfast, it is best to eat foods high in carbohydrates. But after 17-18 hours, carbohydrates are already under strict prohibition.

Menstrual irregularities often occur in patients with overweight. As soon as a woman gets in shape and gets rid of fat accumulations, her cycle will also be restored. It is important to eat properly and nutritiously. A strict diet will not only not help you normalize the functioning of the reproductive system, but will most likely exacerbate the problem.

The woman's body must in full receive vitamins and minerals necessary for the production of sex hormones. Fractional nutrition and small portions will allow you to feel comfortable, forgetting about the feeling of hunger. Overweight will leave on their own.

It is very important to drink 2-2.5 liters during the day clean water. Fluid is needed for normalization metabolic processes in the body, accelerated weight loss and the breakdown of body fat.


Most often, the cause of menstrual irregularities is the wrong balance of hormones in the female body. If the physician, after a thorough examination, has determined that the patient has a deficiency of one or another hormone, he can select special hormonal preparations for her. Also, the specialist will advise which contraceptives best to use and how to take them correctly.

Consider several options for restoring the menstrual cycle with the help of medications.

  • Lack of progesterone in the body can cause cycle failures. The drug Duphaston will help to compensate for the production of such a substance. As a rule, doctors recommend taking it from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle. This period is quite enough for cyclic discharge to form in the female body.
  • If there is too much progesterone and estrogen in the body, the drug Utrozhestan is prescribed. It normalizes the production of these hormones. Medication available in the form of capsules, tablets and vaginal suppositories. You can choose the option that suits you the most. Tablets are taken, as a rule, in the morning and afternoon, and candles are placed in the evening before bedtime.

Apart from hormone therapy You can normalize the cycle with the help of a special complex of vitamins. These supplements should be taken regularly for several months. In the first half of the cycle, it is better to drink B vitamins, and in the second - vitamins E, C, A. As a supplement, you can also drink ascorbic acid daily.

Some prefer to treat menstrual irregularities with homeopathic medicines. One of the most effective means of this group is Pulsatilla. You need to take the medicine daily for a week. Combining homeopathy and hormonal medicines is strictly prohibited.


There are many recipes for herbal decoctions and tinctures that allow you to quickly restore the menstrual cycle at home. However, use the traditional medicine without prior consultation with a gynecologist is strictly prohibited. An incorrectly selected course of treatment can only aggravate the situation and cause serious disturbances in the reproductive system.

It is recommended to take a decoction of medicinal herbs and use external agents for no longer than 2 weeks. To prepare the medicine, it is best to use water pepper, wormwood, tansy, mint and lemon balm, parsley and other herbs.

Consider a few effective recipes traditional medicine to restore the menstrual cycle at home.

  • Take 3 tbsp. dried bitter wormwood. Fill the herb with 200 ml. boiling water, let cool and infuse for 3 hours. Strain the decoction, and take 50 ml, 2-3 times a day. If the bitter taste of wormwood is not to your liking, you can use dry tansy flowers instead. The decoction is prepared according to the same recipe, the course of treatment is similar.
  • Prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. mint and 3 tbsp. dried parsley. Boiling water you will need 500 ml. When the broth is infused, be sure to strain it. Take the medicine for 2-3 weeks to restore the menstrual cycle.
  • If you have too much discharge during your period, accompanied by pulling pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, take a tincture of water pepper. You can buy a ready-made remedy in a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. 200 gr. dried water pepper pour 200 ml. vodka. We insist in a cool dark place for 3 weeks. The medicine must be taken on time heavy menstruation 3 times a day, 20 drops.

If you often experience delays, regularly drink tea with the addition of mint and lemon balm. Such herbs have a pleasant taste and aroma, have a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system and also contribute to the normalization of the cycle. For the most effective treatment, combine it with medication prescribed by a qualified doctor.

exercise therapy

It is possible to restore the menstrual cycle without medication if the cause of the violation is a deterioration in immunity, climate change and other non-dangerous factors. Even with the change of seasons, some women experience irregular periods.

If the reasons are endocrine disease, inflammatory process, oncological pathology, then doing exercises is strictly contraindicated.

Exercise therapy during rehabilitation.