Why have my periods become less heavy than usual? Scanty discharge during menstruation Very scanty

A regular and stable menstrual cycle indicates women's health. If menstruation is interrupted, if the amount of discharge decreases, then this may be a sign of some disease, the development of internal pathology or the influence of external negative factors. Almost all causes of scanty periods - hypomenorrhea - require therapy, therefore, if the amount of bleeding during menstruation changes, a woman should be examined by a specialist.

Scanty periods: natural process or pathology

Menstruation, an integral part of the cycle in the female body, accompanies the fair sex most of their lives. From the age of 11-15 years until menopause, menstruation becomes an attribute of puberty and a sign of a woman’s reproductive health.

Cycle disturbances and absence of menstruation can be both normal and a sign of pathology. One cannot ignore such an alarming factor as very scanty periods, the causes of which often lie in disorders and diseases of the internal organs.

Therefore, if a woman notices that her periods have become less abundant, this is a reason to consult a doctor and determine the factors that influenced the volume of blood released.

Menstruation is a natural occurrence for a properly functioning female body. In the absence of conception, monthly rejection of the endometrium, its upper layer, occurs in the uterus, which leads to bleeding.

Typically, menstruation lasts 3-7 days, is not characterized by pain and ailments, and recurs regularly. In this case, blood loss during menstruation does not exceed 150 ml of blood.

Natural causes

The menstrual cycle is quite complex, and failure in it does not always mean pathology and is an alarming signal:

  • A stable, repeating cycle may be absent during the first year after a girl’s puberty; this is considered normal. During this period, the body gradually adjusts to cyclicity, this takes time. In this case, both scanty menstruation and long cycles can be observed.
  • The absence of menstruation does not cause concern after delivery, and this period can last up to one and a half, even two years. This depends on the duration of lactation. Even if the woman who gave birth to a child does not breastfeed, milk is not produced, the restoration of the previous hormonal levels occurs gradually, this takes time, so at first the periods come scanty and irregular. The same thing happens after the cessation of lactation in those patients whose children were breastfed. Cycle recovery usually lasts from 2 to 4 months.
  • A disruption in the cycle may foreshadow menopause, which occurs between 45-55 years. The activity of the body during this period decreases, the hormones that regulated the functioning of the reproductive system gradually reduce their presence in the woman’s body and disappear, which causes changes in the cycle and characteristics of discharge during menstruation.

If there are no such “excuses” for disruptions in menstruation, then it is best for the woman to visit a gynecologist.


A frequent cycle disorder is hypomenorrhea, or scanty periods, when blood discharge becomes weak. It is most often accompanied by another pathology - oligomenorrhea, when menstruation lasts fewer days than usual, the duration of bleeding during menstruation is noticeably reduced. Menstruation is considered scanty if the blood loss during all days of menstruation is no more than 50 ml.

For scanty menstruation:

  • change color: either too light or dark, brown in the form of strokes;
  • can last the usual number of days, but more often they last a shorter period, 1-2 days.

Hypomenorrhea is most often caused by some disease; there are many reasons for scanty periods, and most of them require therapy, since they provoke dysfunction of the reproductive organs and other systems in the body.

Reason No. 1: Underweight and overweight

One category of women carefully looks after themselves and tries to stay in shape. Diets, exercises in fitness centers, gyms and swimming pools are used. The flow of physical activity on an organism exhausted by diets forces it to save energy on everything, including the production of hormones. As a result, menstruation lasts for few days, and they are very scanty. This is a kind of body response to shock from exercise and changes in diet.

Experts have proven that the menstrual cycle and muscle mass in women are connected: muscular representatives of the fair sex often experience scanty periods.

The reason that little blood is released during menstruation and that they have become very short may be excess weight. This is a different category of women - those who are accustomed to eating improperly or who are prone to excess weight due to any concomitant diseases. Fat tissue accumulates estrogen, which disrupts the cycle, leading to scanty menstruation: they become weak, in the form of rare spotting.

Reason #2: Polycystic and other ovarian diseases

One of the most common reasons why little blood is released during menstruation is disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries. It is quite easy to establish this etiology using a blood test, including determining the level of hormones secreted by the body. Typically, the doctor checks the amount of thyroid hormone, insulin, estrogen, androgens, and progesterone. Based on the results, the specialist will determine the likelihood that the woman has a disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome, which is characterized by irregular and scanty periods.

To accurately establish the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound, which will determine the size of each ovary, the thickness of the endometrium, the condition of the follicles and the presence of their growth, the presence or absence of ovulation, and other pathologies of the reproductive organs caused by disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland. If this pathology is not diagnosed in time, the disease can lead to infertility.

With polycystic disease and other hormonal imbalances, in addition to scanty periods, increased oily skin and acne, excess body hair, and weight gain are observed.

This same group of reasons that cause changes in the amount of blood released during menstruation includes disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland.

Reason #3: Tuberculosis and other infections

Another very serious reason why menstruation became scanty and began to last several days less is tuberculosis, which affected the patient’s genitals. In addition, other infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the body, especially in the genitourinary system, can affect the menstrual cycle and significantly harm it. They entail inferiority of the uterine mucosa, which leads to scanty menstruation. Therefore, if a woman notices scanty discharge instead of menstruation, it is important to consult a doctor in order to diagnose such diseases and receive timely treatment.

Reason #4: Abortions and other surgeries

Scanty discharge once a month can be caused by problems with the ovaries. Frequent abortions can easily provoke their improper functioning, since they wreak havoc on the production of hormones in the body, interfering with proper blood circulation in the uterus. Curettage to terminate a pregnancy injures this organ, which also disrupts the menstrual cycle and leads to scanty periods.

The functioning of the reproductive system can also be damaged after other surgical procedures: after operations to remove polyps and fibroids, the quality of the endometrium changes significantly and for the worse; it is damaged, which affects the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of menstruation.

Reason #5: Gynecological diseases

When scanty periods appear, it is imperative to pay attention to the condition of the body, since they can be symptoms of other gynecological pathologies that require treatment and sometimes surgical intervention: these are diseases of the pelvic organs, the formation of polyps or fibroids in the uterus, the development of diseases transmitted through sexual contact .

Reason No. 6: Harmful and hard work

Hypomenorrhea can also occur in completely healthy women whose work involves:

  1. with heavy physical labor, heavy loads;
  2. with toxic, harmful substances;
  3. with radioactive radiation or chemicals.

These working conditions interfere with the proper functioning of the hormonal system to such an extent that they can prevent the onset of ovulation, increasing the concentration of hormones in the body that interfere with the proper functioning of the reproductive organs. This leads to scanty and short periods.

Reason #7: Incipient miscarriage

A woman may not know that she is pregnant, so the onset of menstruation will not alert her, but the arrival of scanty menstruation should be a signal of alarm: small spotting during pregnancy, which can be confused with menstruation, is a symptom of spontaneous abortion, placental abruption , which is very dangerous for the fetus. Such bleeding is an indication for urgent hospitalization of a woman for pregnancy-preserving therapy.

Reason #8: Nervous condition

Frequent stress and being under constant tension can easily cause hypomenorrhea, because such conditions overwork the body and deplete its strength. Other diseases of the nervous system can also cause scanty periods.

Mental trauma, strong emotional experiences and disorders affect the quantitative characteristics of menstruation. Climate changes and prolonged severe pain, which affect the general condition of the body, lead to scanty periods.

Reason #9: Drugs

Scanty periods appear in women who have chosen the wrong hormonal medications, for example, contraceptives, which should only be done with a doctor. Taking any contraceptives entails a decrease in bleeding during menstruation.

Reason #10: Immunity

Although not common, the cause of hypomenorrhea is anemia and a lack of vitamins in a woman’s body, especially iron. Irregularities in the functioning of the immune system can also lead to scanty periods.

Reason #11: Anomalies

Scanty menstruation is not uncommon in teenage girls who have a delay in sexual development, and they may also be diagnosed with a delay in general development. This leads to abnormalities in the functioning of the reproductive system, which becomes the cause of hypomenorrhea.

Reason No. 12: Heredity and only

This is one of the most harmless reasons why a woman may have scanty periods, and such a phenomenon becomes the norm, since hypomenorrhea is genetically embedded in the body. A hereditary tendency to scanty menstruation is not a pathology and is most often observed in other women in the patient’s family: mother and sisters.

Each cause has its own therapy

There are many reasons for scanty periods, and if they are not natural (this is not the first stage of puberty, not a harbinger of menopause, and not the body’s recovery after pregnancy and lactation), then a woman should consult a doctor to determine the factors influencing the disruption of the menstrual cycle.

  1. Natural causes of scanty periods do not require any treatment.
  2. If the issue is a hormonal imbalance, disruption of the thyroid gland, ovaries, or pituitary gland, then the doctor, after conducting tests, will prescribe hormonal therapy.
  3. When neurological and psychological problems are identified, the specialist will help the woman understand the reasons in order to return her to emotional calm and a healthy lifestyle.

Almost every female representative knows firsthand what menstruation is (menstruation). Women also know that this biological process is characterized by cyclical changes that occur throughout the month in the body of all sexually mature women. Such changes usually result in bloody discharge from the genitals. The first menstruation begins in girls at the age of 11-15 years, and menstruation ends in women aged 45-55 years, during menopause.

Scanty and heavy periods

If the menstrual cycle does not cause pain and deviations in duration (no shorter than 20 and no more than 35 days), amount of discharge (no less than 50 and no more than 150 ml) and cyclicity, then it is considered normal. Usually during menstruation, a woman feels aching and pulling pain in the lower abdomen, but this is normal for this process.

According to doctors, every woman should know the frequency of her menstrual cycle in order to promptly respond to any changes in the normal functioning of the body. To do this, you need to keep a calendar, where you should mark the start and end dates of menstruation, the degree of bleeding.

Scanty and infrequent discharge, absence of menstruation or, conversely, prolonged and heavy discharge, as well as uterine discharge not associated with the menstrual cycle, are symptoms of a number of gynecological diseases. If such phenomena recur, a woman should urgently consult a doctor.

Thus, oligomenorrhea refers to menstrual disorders characterized by scanty and rare bleeding. In this case, menstruation occurs less frequently than once every 35 days. This disorder is accompanied by the growth of unwanted body hair and weight gain, which indicates ovarian dysfunction.

Causes of ovarian dysfunction

The causes of ovarian dysfunction are varied. It can be:

    congenital pathologies of the ovaries,

    diseases of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands,

    miscarriages (spontaneous termination of pregnancy) or abortions (artificial termination of pregnancy),

Every month, the body of every woman of reproductive age loses blood. Normally, the volume of menstrual blood loss is 50–150 ml.

If your periods are scanty and small, this cannot go unnoticed. Hypomenorrhea has different causes, and not all of them are pathological. In order not to worry in vain, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of the female body.

What periods are considered scanty?

First, let's look at what scanty periods mean. This definition includes menstrual flow up to 50 ml. The diagnosis in this case is hypomenorrhea.

Often this condition is accompanied by oligomenorrhea, i.e., a decrease in the duration of bleeding. If normal menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days, then in patients with oligomenorrhea bleeding is observed for only 1 to 2 days.

During menopause, hypomenorrhea may be a sign of the rapid development of amenorrhea (complete absence of menstruation). As a natural physiological process, scanty periods are considered in girls with an unknown cycle (the first 2 years after menarche).

Premenopausal women face the same phenomenon. They have very scanty periods due to fading ovarian function. A decrease in estrogen levels as the body ages does not allow the uterine mucosa to fully develop. As a result, the volume of secretions is reduced.

Some girls experience menstruation, secreted by the uterus in small quantities, due to heredity. If the mother or grandmother’s critical days were sparse, representatives of subsequent generations may experience the same situation. But the likelihood of having offspring among daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters remains.

In young women, hypomenorrhea often indicates disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system. A comprehensive examination will help determine the exact cause of the anomaly.

How do you manage your scanty periods? The discharge is lighter than usual or has a brown color. They leave small blood stains on the pad. Menstruation begins on time or with a delay and lasts from several hours to 2 days.

If a woman has not previously had signs of PMS, with hypomenorrhea she will experience the following symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Headache.
  • Breast engorgement.
  • Aching pain in the lower back.
  • Defecation disorder.

Dark menstrual blood can be released in small quantities during inflammatory and infectious processes that occur in the internal genital organs. The bloody mass smells foul. Women complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen and nosebleeds.

Pathological causes of hypomenorrhea

If the patient has scanty periods, the causes of the phenomenon must be investigated carefully, since some diseases are quite dangerous for the body. Most often, deviation occurs against the background of hormonal disorders, with the use of hormonal drugs and birth control pills, as well as with the development of endocrine and gynecological pathologies.

If a woman uses oral contraceptives to protect against unplanned pregnancy, and she has short, scanty periods for more than 2 months in a row, it is necessary to consult a doctor and reconsider the method of contraception.

Let us list the pathological causes of scanty periods:

  1. Anorexia. Following strict diets, forced fasting (for example, for medicinal purposes), and sudden weight loss without a special program exhaust the body and force it to conserve energy to maintain basic vital processes. Menstruation becomes scanty or does not come at all.
  2. Defects of the genital organs. Underdeveloped genitals cannot fully perform their functions. After partial removal of the uterus, hypomenorrhea may also develop.
  3. Abortion, childbirth, curettage and diagnostic manipulations with intervention in the uterine cavity. After hysteroscopy, which is a kind of operation for the treatment of polyps, the tissues change their structure, and the course of the menstrual cycle takes a different turn. If the uterus was cleaned, and the menstruation subsequently became scanty and bad-smelling, this indicates an infection of the organ or that foreign particles remain inside. In this case, scraping is repeated.
  4. Lack of nutrients. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals and microelements is dangerous due to vitamin deficiency and anemia. Their deficiency negatively affects metabolic and hematopoietic processes and reproductive function. A tumor may form in an exhausted body.
  5. Thyroid diseases. This section of the endocrine system is responsible for the production of estrogens and the proper functioning of the reproductive system. An improperly functioning thyroid gland delays the maturation of the egg and prevents its release from the follicle. Due to a lack of necessary hormones, the lining of the uterus does not grow enough for menstruation to proceed normally.
  6. Obesity. The abundance of adipose tissue is fraught with excessive accumulation of hormones. Violations affect the reproductive organs and the menstrual cycle.
  7. Tuberculosis of the uterus and ovaries (endometritis). Symptoms of the disease are long delays followed by scanty menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen.
  8. STD. Sexual infections and fungal diseases disrupt the cycle and make discharge insignificant.
  9. Polycystic ovary syndrome. The surface of paired organs is overgrown with small cystic formations. The disease provokes menstrual irregularities.
  10. Polyps in the uterus. The polyp looks like a tubercle with a stalk. The growth is formed due to hormonal imbalances. Polyposis is manifested by alternating scanty and heavy bleeding.
  11. Endometriosis. The intrauterine mucosa grows to abnormal sizes, leaves the organ cavity and spreads to the cervix, vagina, and peritoneum. With endometrial hyperplasia, mucous tissue grows into the muscle tissue of the uterus. Brown spotting appears between heavy periods.
  12. Ovarian dysfunction. Organs do not work properly due to hormonal instability. Menstruation is alternately intense and scanty.
  13. Diseases of the central nervous system. Pathologically altered processes in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus distort the ratio of hormones that are necessary for the proper formation of the endometrium and disrupt the MC.

The volume of menstrual flow may change downward due to high physical and neuropsychic stress. The coordinated functioning of the sexual sphere is also disrupted by frequent contacts with chemicals (for example, due to professional duties) and unfavorable ecology.

Pregnancy with scanty periods

Typically, menstruation stops after conception. However, scanty periods and pregnancy in gynecological practice are not such a rare occurrence.

Moreover, a woman may not be aware of her interesting position. Why is this happening? Firstly, the situation is affected by an insufficient amount of progesterone. The hormone is not enough due to the individual characteristics of the body. The mucous membrane begins to be partially rejected, and scanty periods are released. After some time, the pregnancy may be terminated.

If a woman plans to become a mother, but minor periods are observed for several cycles in a row and conception does not occur, she needs to go to the clinic and get tested for progesterone. Drug correction of the level of this hormone will contribute to a favorable course of the next pregnancy.

Fetal malformations

An abnormally developing embryo cannot fix itself normally in the uterine cavity and provokes partial detachment of the endometrium. If you take a pregnancy test on time and get medical advice, you can save the baby. But this is only when the situation is not hopeless.

Ectopic pregnancy

A dangerous condition is associated with the fixation of a fertilized egg in the fallopian tube.

Occurs due to a gynecological disease or underdevelopment of the endometrial layer. Scanty menstruation is explained by the rejection of thin mucous tissue.

Exceeding androgen norms

If the female body produces male sex hormones in increased quantities, the uterus cannot cope with pregnancy. Gestation is interrupted and hypomenorrhea begins.

When two eggs are fertilized at the same time, followed by the rejection of one low-quality embryo, instead of normal menstruation, bloody smear occurs.

Hypomenorrhea in the postpartum period

With the birth of a long-awaited baby, a woman may notice scanty periods after childbirth. With the help of minor bleeding, the uterus clears itself of the remnants of the placenta and blood clots that have formed due to damage to local vessels. Such discharge is called lochia.

If it appears only 2 weeks after delivery, it is possible that the inflammatory and infectious process is progressing in the genitals.

During breastfeeding, menstruation practically does not occur until the end of lactation. Hypomenorrhea during this period is associated with regular hormonal changes and restoration of the rhythm of the menstrual cycle.

If your periods went normally after giving birth, but subsequently became scanty, the woman may have been worried or suffered severe stress.

Diagnosis and treatment of hypomenorrhea

Any changes in menstruation that are observed for several cycles in a row require immediate contact with a gynecologist. What to do if a woman has scanty periods should not decide on her own, since spotting often indicates serious pathologies that are difficult to respond to drug therapy. The worst option is oncological changes in the uterus and ovaries.

The doctor decides what treatment for hypomenorrhea will be, taking into account the medical history and the results of diagnostic measures:

  • General blood analysis.
  • CT scan.
  • Colposcopic examination.
  • A smear to determine the infectious pathogen.
  • Blood test for hormones (thyroid hormone levels are examined if thyroid disease is suspected).

Girls at menarche and breastfeeding women are not prescribed treatment. Non-dangerous causes of scanty periods can be eliminated by consuming vitamins and healthy foods. In consultation with the doctor, they take sedatives and change their lifestyle.

To relieve stress and improve blood supply to the uterus, they take a course, and use aromatherapy at home. To enhance blood flow, a week before the start of menstruation, they begin to take hot foot baths.

In a situation where periods have become scanty and short, doctors select individual treatment. Patients are prescribed antibiotics, vitamin and hormonal medications, and physiotherapy procedures.

In some cases, consultations with a psychologist provide tangible results. Uncontrolled use of medications chosen independently threatens deterioration of health and infertility.

If scanty periods are not associated with illness, in consultation with the doctor, bleeding is stimulated using folk remedies:

  1. Carrot decoction – 5 times a day, 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Aloe juice - three times a day, 3 tbsp. l.
  3. Aqueous infusions of shepherd's purse, tansy, St. John's wort, verbena, oregano.
  4. Onions and garlic - vegetables are added to salads or eaten in their pure form.

Judging by the reviews of women, folk remedies help restore menstruation, which were previously very scanty. However, herbal medicines are prohibited from being taken by teenage girls with an unstable cycle, nursing mothers and mature women in menopause.

If you have a scanty period after taking it, most likely the dosage was violated. Experts prescribe this hormonal drug to regulate the cycle, eliminate pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation and at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Uncontrolled use of pills provokes short periods, similar to light brown daub. A second visit to the doctor will help to regulate menstruation.

The health of a woman of childbearing age, as a rule, can be determined by how her menstrual cycle occurs and what it is like. Any slight deviation from the relative norm can be interpreted both as a normal fact and as a pathological phenomenon resulting from some disorder or disease.

Menstruation is characterized by many factors: by its regularity, by the duration of the cycle, by the duration of the bleeding itself, by the quantity, intensity of bleeding, by the color of the discharge before and after menstruation, whether there is pain during menstruation, whether the woman is bothered, etc.

How can a woman figure out, for example, why her periods became scanty, the reasons for this change? If this is some kind of pathology, then what? Of course, a woman should first of all seek an answer from her gynecologist by undergoing a comprehensive examination. In this article we will try to talk about all the possible causes of scanty periods in girls, young women and women before menopause.

What is considered normal and what is pathology?

Many women do not think, do not pay attention, do not attach much importance to how menstruation occurs, whether the cycle is regular and what the discharge is like. However, if a woman monitors her health and plans to give birth to a child, especially if pregnancy does not occur for a long time, she should know that the nature of menstrual flow is a fairly significant indicator of possible disorders, diseases, and deviations in the reproductive function of the body.

Normally, menstruation should proceed as follows; doctors regard any deviation from these norms as hypomenstrual syndrome or:

  • menstruation should be either slightly painful or painless at all
  • should last at least 3-5 days
  • the interval may be normal within 21-35 days
  • The volume of blood released is considered normal within 50-150 ml

To determine the “normality” of the menstrual cycle, especially if a woman is planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to conduct some kind of observation diary, make a sign where you write down the date of your period, the duration of the cycle, the duration of the bleeding itself, the nature of the discharge, and you can also keep a table of measuring basal temperature, which is also an excellent way to determine the norm or abnormalities in ovarian function and helps for those who are preparing for pregnancy.

Hypomenorrhea in medicine is usually called not heavy periods, having only traces of blood or drops of blood from light brown to dark brown, which are considered a pathology of menstrual function. The only exception is 2 periods in a woman’s life when the reasons for scanty periods are the formation or fading of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation occurs irregularly.

When a girl just begins menstruation, usually the first periods are scanty, but over the course of a year the cycle gradually becomes established, normalizes, and after a year should become regular. During the first year of menstruation, as well as in cases of menstrual dysfunction, menstruation can be:

  • rare - opsomenorea, when the cycle is 1.5 -2 months
  • scanty - 50 ml. and less - hypomenorrhea
  • shortened - oligomenorrhea, when menstruation ends by the 3rd day
  • not constant, but 2-4 times a year - spanimenorrhea

Also, scanty periods are not considered a pathology during the period when a woman’s reproductive function declines, which is a natural age-related hormonal change and is not considered a sign of any disease. The decline of ovarian function usually begins in women after 45 years of age, but there are rare cases when it occurs much earlier, around 38-40 years of age.

Hypomenorrhea in gynecology is usually divided into:

  • primary, when the girl has never had normal menstruation
  • secondary, when a woman has always had normal bleeding, but for certain reasons her periods become scanty.

Primary hypomenstrual syndrome can occur in adolescents with congenital pathology of the genital organs, which is quite rare. When girls have their first scanty periods, the cause may be underdevelopment or abnormal development of the female genital organs, and it may also be a variant of the norm and within several cycles menstruation becomes normal (see).

Symptoms that may accompany scanty periods

Even very scanty periods can occur either painlessly and unnoticed by a woman, or with severe pain. In addition to the fact that the duration and intensity of menstruation may be shortened, scanty periods often occur after a delay with the appearance of severe premenstrual syndrome and are accompanied by additional ailments, such as:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen due to spastic contractions of the uterus
  • , in the chest
  • headaches, nausea
  • various bowel disorders - constipation or diarrhea

Sometimes, with hypomenorrhea, some women experience nosebleeds every time. For this reason, women may experience decreased libido and reproductive function.

If a woman of childbearing age had normal periods initially, but then became scanty, this is a serious cause for concern and for establishing the cause of menstrual dysfunction.

Scanty periods after childbirth

Very often, women experience scanty periods after childbirth if the mother for some reason does not breastfeed the baby. Then menstruation begins 6-8 weeks later, and often physiologically they can be either heavy or irregular, and the first menstruation after childbirth can be in the form of brown discharge. After pregnancy and childbirth, the body does not have time to readjust itself and the hormonal levels gradually return to normal over the course of several menstrual cycles.

Sometimes, in some women, even during lactation, the menstrual cycle can be restored, especially when the baby switches to complementary feeding. Prolactin, responsible for lactation, is not produced, which leads to ovulation and the appearance of menstruation in a woman. The appearance of scanty periods after childbirth for several cycles is a variant of the norm, but if it becomes constant, this is a cause for concern, since it may indicate an exacerbation of gynecological chronic diseases or be a consequence of other disorders in the body.

After scraping

Any intrauterine intervention - ), diagnostic curettage, removal of polyps, etc. can be the cause of scanty periods. Since such an intervention disrupts the hormonal balance and leads to endometrial inferiority. If, in addition to menstrual irregularities, an unpleasant odor, pain, or fever also appears after curettage, the woman should urgently consult a doctor, since the cause may be an inflammatory process due to unsuccessful surgical manipulation, incomplete removal of the membranes, as well as a possible infectious-inflammatory process , which began after an abortion or diagnostic curettage.

Main causes of hypomenorrhea

The most serious and common pathological cause of the development of hypomenorrhea in women of reproductive age is dysfunction of the ovaries and pituitary gland, which are regulators of menstrual function. For example, pituitary insufficiency - Sheehan's syndrome - can lead to a complete absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) or other menstrual dysfunction.

Ovarian dysfunction

This can be caused by various inflammatory processes, hormonal imbalances, and external factors:

Various inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs

These are inflammations of the uterine appendages - adneskitis (salpingoophoritis), inflammation of the ovaries - oophoritis, caused by various pathogens, STIs. They can occur from severe hypothermia, frequent improper douching (), and other infectious diseases that lead to the transfer of the pathogen through the bloodstream from other organs to the female genital organs.

  • Psychological fatigue, nervous strain, irrational rest and work schedule, physical and psychological fatigue.
  • Mini-abortion, medical abortion, spontaneous miscarriage, especially during the first pregnancy, when sudden hormonal changes occur - all this provokes the development of stable ovarian dysfunction.
  • Underdevelopment of the genital organs, abnormal development of the uterus and uterine appendages.
  • External factors such as taking certain medications, radiation damage, climate change, excessive exposure to sunlight or abuse of solariums.
  • Incorrectly selected oral contraceptives or their long-term use contribute to the weakening of ovarian function (see the negative consequences of taking oral contraceptives in the article about)
  • Obesity and the thyroid gland can cause ovarian dysfunction.

Tuberculosis of female genital organs

Less commonly, tuberculosis of the female genital organs can be the cause of scanty periods. This diagnosis is established and diagnosed in ordinary clinics and hospitals very rarely, since this is done only in anti-tuberculosis dispensaries, where today, for some reason, there are not enough qualified TB doctors - gynecologists and there is no one to do the diagnosis.

Therefore, such a formidable, serious disease, which can affect both girls from early childhood and mature women, remains undiagnosed. There are no accurate, 100% diagnostic methods for tuberculosis of the genital organs; this is an extremely difficult disease to diagnose, and symptoms can be either absent or mild, this is the insidiousness of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

If tuberculosis of the female genital organs develops in a girl at an early age, she may not develop mammary glands (hypomastia), there may be abnormalities in the development of the uterus, or there may be amenorrhea - a complete absence of menstruation, as well as scanty periods and an irregular menstrual cycle. Subsequently, such a woman develops persistent primary infertility. Moreover, X-rays of the lungs in such cases are usually normal.

Sometimes, especially after childbirth or surgery, a woman may develop acute, transient tuberculosis of the genital organs, with high fever and severe course. There may also be sluggish tuberculosis of the genital organs, with periods of remission and exacerbations, when a woman has been sick for years and does not know what is the true cause of ailments and infertility, and there may be general symptoms that are no different from signs of inflammatory processes of the uterine appendages:

  • periodic (in phase 2) or constant low-grade fever
  • weakness, increased sweating
  • the appearance of various allergic reactions
  • psycho-emotional disorders - increased nervousness, decreased concentration, hysteria
  • decreased appetite
  • chronic salpingitis, salpingoophoritis, difficult to treat
  • menstrual irregularities, absent or brown discharge instead of menstruation, infrequent menstruation
  • infertility (see)

Uterine causes

Any inflammatory diseases of both the uterus and uterine appendages may be accompanied by hypomenorrhea. In addition to inflammatory processes, the following factors influence the nature of menstruation:

  • Scars on the uterus after various gynecological operations - removal of fibroids, partial removal of the uterus, cesarean section, as well as the presence of adhesions - reduce the area of ​​the endometrium, on which the amount of blood discharge during menstruation depends.
  • Inferiority of the endometrium can also be caused by various diagnostic intrauterine manipulations and frequent medical abortions.
  • Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, tumors of the uterus or ovaries, as well as cancer treatment - radiation and chemotherapy - can also affect the nature of menstruation.
  • The use of hormonal contraceptives can also lead to progressive endometrial atrophy.

Genetic features

Minor blood loss during menstruation in some women may be a genetic feature. If a mother, aunt, grandmother, sisters always have a small amount of discharge during menstruation, then this can be considered normal. Most often, in such cases, scanty periods do not affect pregnancy and the likelihood of infertility.

Hormonal reasons

Not only hormonal contraceptives and a lack of female sex hormones can be to blame for menstrual dysfunction, but also other hormonal disorders can affect the female body as a whole. Hypomenorrhea and lack of ovulation can also occur due to the following hormonal disorders or changes:

  • Endocrine diseases, when, for example, the level of thyroid hormones decreases
  • Diabetes
  • Breastfeeding when

Emotional reasons

Psychological factors have a huge impact on the state of the entire body, immune system, hormonal levels. Both negative emotions, stress, strong feelings, and too intense positive emotions affect the centers of the brain, which have a stimulating effect on the ovaries. The ovaries are called upon to produce hormones - estrogen and, which are responsible for the growth of the endometrium. With severe stress or excessive anxiety, the functions of these centers in the brain can be suppressed, and accordingly the ovaries are suppressed and stimulated. Decreased or absent estrogen production leads to scanty periods.

Other reasons

  • Excessive exercise, any serious injury
  • Anemia, vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders
  • Stress, climate change, lifestyle and nutrition changes
  • Sudden weight loss due to dieting, exhaustion, anorexia
  • Severe infectious diseases with general intoxication of the body
  • Presence of occupational hazards - radioactive radiation, chemicals.

During menstruation, women lose between 50 and 150 ml of blood. Such indicators are considered the norm. Violation of the cycle with discharge below the minimum threshold value (50 ml) with a preserved monthly rhythm is the first sign of scanty periods - hypomenorrhea.

This phenomenon is diagnosed by characteristic symptoms. The causes may be due to both pathologies of the female organs and physiological factors. The decision on the need to treat scanty periods is made based on the examinations performed.

In addition to its insignificant volume, bloody discharge is characterized by a specific appearance: it is light beige/brown drops or daub.

Clinical manifestations of hypomenorrhea are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • reduction in the duration of menstruation;
  • various forms of cephalalgia;
  • emotional instability;
  • girdle pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • stomach upsets (heartburn, nausea);
  • decreased libido;
  • discomfort in the genital area (itching, burning);
  • low-grade fever;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • nose bleed;
  • sweating;
  • pain in the sternum and mammary glands;
  • irritability, depression.

In some cases, the pathology is asymptomatic. Then the main guideline for women is slight discharge of an unnatural color.

Causes of scanty blood loss during menstruation

This condition is classified into two types:

  1. Primary hypomenorrhea when heavy discharge was not observed. This phenomenon is associated with congenital abnormalities of the development and structure of the genital organs. This type is diagnosed if scanty discharge appears from the first menstruation (menarche) for a year.
  2. Secondary hypomenorrhea. This type occurs in women of childbearing age, when the volume of the usual menstruation decreases sharply.

Scanty blood loss is considered normal in girls of puberty at the stage of formation of the menstrual cycle and in women during premenopause.

Specialists in the field of gynecology have studied many sources that provoke the development of hypomenorrhea. Often scanty periods are caused by pathological factors.

Diseases of the reproductive system

Such ailments are classified according to their origin. The root cause of the disorder can be infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, hormone-dependent diseases, as well as neoplasms of various origins. These include:

  • tuberculosis of the genitourinary system;
  • chronic endometritis is a pathological process in the internal mucous layers of the reproductive organ;
  • STDs (sexually transmitted diseases): herpes virus infections, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia;
  • Uterine fibroids are a benign neoplasm;
  • genital infantilism – delayed development of reproductive organs;
  • injury to the urinary tract or the result of surgery;
  • endometrial hyperplasia - proliferation of tissue of the uterine mucosa;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • anemia;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • Anorexia nervosa – critical weight loss;
  • contamination by radioactive or chemical substances;
  • chronic adnexitis is inflammation of the reproductive system.

Women using contraception and taking hormonal contraceptives should be aware that such measures affect the nature of the cycle and contribute to the appearance of minor discharge.

Hypomenstrual syndrome after abortions, curettages, miscarriages

The reasons for scanty periods often lie in mechanical manipulation, so hypomenorrhea is often observed after miscarriages, curettage or artificial termination of pregnancy.

Upon completion of the abortion procedure as a result of a serious hormonal imbalance, the menstrual cycle returns to normal over a period of three months to six months or more. Scanty discharge may also be observed in the first few weeks after completion of an operation (for example, a medical abortion). Sometimes spotting marks are recorded immediately after artificial termination of pregnancy as a reaction of the uterus to surgery.

Along with curettage, minimally invasive methods for diagnosing the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ (for example, hysteroscopy) can also cause hypomenorrhea. Indications for curettage include polyposis, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, and miscarriage. The procedure, in which the endometrium is exposed, in some cases is accompanied by a disruption of the menstrual cycle and a reduction in the volume of blood released. As a rule, the process normalizes a month after the manipulations.

The formation of adhesions and scars in the uterine cavity as a result of curettage and numerous abortions is a complication that can lead to scanty menstruation.

Early hypomenorrhea

In some cases, girls during puberty note the presence of light yellow or cream-colored discharge. There is no need to worry, because this is a natural physiological process, although it is often accompanied by aching pain in the sacral segment, discomfort in the chest and abdomen. Over time, this condition transforms into an orderly menstrual cycle.

Prolonged hypomenorrhea

Prolonged, scanty periods in women of reproductive age are a serious reason to consult a doctor. Often this condition is associated with dysfunction of the reproductive system or caused by a disruption of the menstrual cycle.

To identify the exact cause of the disorder, you need to consult a gynecologist and endocrinologist, because it can be caused by gynecological diseases (endometriosis), vitamin deficiency, endocrine diseases or metabolic disorders.

Prolonged hypomenorrhea can cause irreparable damage to women's health, including the development of infertility.

Scanty periods when pregnant

Sometimes in the early stages of pregnancy there is slight bleeding. This is due to implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus and is not considered a pathology. A number of gynecological diseases, as well as developing polyposis, can indirectly provoke the occurrence of hypomenstrual syndrome.

However, if in the first trimester of pregnancy spotting is accompanied by pain and discomfort, then the woman needs to be wary and immediately consult a specialist, since traces of blood may indicate a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy!

Physiological hypomenorrhea in the postpartum period

After the birth of a baby while breastfeeding, periods are either absent or sporadic. It's all about prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production. It is he who restrains the development of the egg, since all the body’s efforts are aimed at ensuring adequate nutrition for the child.

The timing of the appearance of postpartum menstruation is individual for each woman, but the most typical stages can still be identified.

  1. After introducing complementary foods to a child at six months, menstruation is expected in 1.5-2 months.
  2. When alternating breastfeeding and bottle-feeding, the first period can begin 90 days after the baby is born. But a six-month delay is not considered an anomaly if the mother’s lactation continues.
  3. It is not uncommon for menstruation to be absent throughout the entire breastfeeding phase up to one year.
  4. The duration and number of menstruation during lactation differ from those during normal times. As a rule, short periods and scanty blood loss are observed.

As the mother's hormonal levels stabilize, her periods gradually return to normal.

What does scanty brown menstruation indicate?

Minor brown discharge a few days before the onset of menstruation indicates the onset of detachment of the uterine mucosa. Smearing dark marks after the end of menstruation can be caused by residual rejection of the endometrium that was not separated during the cleansing process. The reasons for such phenomena observed in the middle of the menstrual cycle may lie in the use of contraceptives - both oral and intrauterine.

When a woman of childbearing age experiences brown spotting instead of a full menstruation at the scheduled time, It is recommended to take a pregnancy test.

If light beige discharge that appears before the onset of menstruation is accompanied by sharp pain in the lower abdomen, then it is possible development of adenomyosis(sprouting of the mucous layer into the muscle tissue of the uterus).

After the end of menstruation, prolonged brownish discharge (more than three days) signals the development of pathological processes such as endometriosis, uterine tumors. In this case, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary!

Smearing brown spots in the middle of the cycle when contraception is not used also signal the occurrence of a number of diseases of the female reproductive system. For example, this may indicate the presence of an ovarian cyst, acute endometriosis, tumors of various origins, ulcerative defects of the cervix, etc.

Diagnosing scanty periods

Making a correct diagnosis and identifying the etiology of the disease is possible only after laboratory and instrumental studies on an outpatient basis. Diagnostics are carried out according to a certain scheme:

  1. Collection and thorough analysis of the patient’s information (study of complaints, symptoms, identification of relationships with other diseases).
  2. Visual gynecological examination.
  3. Cytological analysis of a smear.
  4. Bac sowing.
  5. PCR diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction), detecting sexually transmitted infections.
  6. Hormonal tests of blood and urine.
  7. Basal temperature measurements to assess cycle regularity.
  8. Ultrasound of the genitourinary system.
  9. Endometrial biopsy.

Additionally, in order to clarify the diagnosis, instrumental techniques are widely used: laparoscopy, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment of scanty menstruation

The decision on the method and regimen for treating hypomenorrhea is made based on the results of the examinations. If disruptions of the menstrual cycle are caused by psycho-emotional stress, deficiency or excess of body weight, excessive physical activity, then the therapeutic effect consists of correcting the provoking factors. Patients are shown psychotherapy, relaxation procedures, and sanatorium-resort treatment in gynecological health resorts.

In cases where light menstruation occurs as a result of infection, complex treatment and the following medications are prescribed:

  • antiviral and antibacterial drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • hormonal medications;
  • immune-strengthening tablets;
  • vitamins.

Scanty periods caused by taking contraceptives normalize after they are discontinued. Hypomenorrhea, the development of which is caused by diseases of the reproductive system, is eliminated along with the treatment of the underlying pathology. Along with conservative therapeutic methods, surgical intervention is often required.

Other cases caused by physiological factors (postpartum period, lactation, first menstruation in girls, menopause, condition after diagnostic procedures) do not require special therapy. But a consultation with a gynecologist will not be superfluous.