Drawing pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the leg. If abdominal pain radiates to the leg

Musculoskeletal system Our body is a complexly developed system, consisting of various groups muscle tissues, tendons, bones and ligaments. Thanks to their well-coordinated work, we can perform such a variety of different actions. But there are rare cases when various pains arise that prevent this. And the most vulnerable system is the muscles in the back. Back pain above the waist is a problem that worries a great many people. Moreover, it occurs mainly among the younger generation, who, due to their frivolity, do not pay due attention to it.

Causes of pain

The causes of pain above the lower back on the back on the left can be varied, and it is not necessary that the source of pain is located directly behind the pain point. The pain can have a different character - aching, acute, may increase with physical exertion or when the torso is tilted forward and even when breathing.

If pain in the side or lower abdomen is accompanied by vomiting, fever, cough, then such symptoms can be causes of serious pathological diseases. If you feel something like this, start treatment immediately.

Aching pain above the lower back

Doctors most often have to treat patients who complain of recurrent aching pains on the back of the back on the left - just above the waist. Moreover, the pain is not a point, that is, certain areas of the back hurt. The reasons for this may lie in hidden diseases internal organs, most often the heart, organs abdominal cavity and kidneys. Such diseases include:

  1. Heart diseases - myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and others.
  2. Inflammatory processes in organs abdominal area, appendicitis, stomach ulcers.
  3. Diseases of the renal system.
  4. Diseases of the esophagus.
  5. Pneumonia.

All the above causes are called reflected, since they are not directly in the place where it hurts. It is also worth pointing out that such pains are strong enough and it is absolutely impossible to get used to them.

Cutting and burning pains

Specialists treat sharp or burning pain in the back area at the back on the left and above the lumbar region, too, quite often. At the same time, painful sensations make it difficult to move, because of which the patient limits himself in movement. Behaves stiffly and tries to adapt, when bending forward the pain intensifies. In this case, the localization of pain and the cause itself are nearby. As a rule, it hurts behind the back and a little on the left side. This is due to:

  • lumbar or thoracic osteochondrosis;
  • injuries in the chest area;
  • inflammation of muscle fibers - myositis;
  • tumors, inflammations and other injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

If you find yourself in one of the signs of the disease, then you must immediately begin treatment. Otherwise, you can live with this pain for the rest of your life, constantly using medical preparations.

Pain radiating to the leg

It is not uncommon for patients to seek help because of severe and sharp pains that occur in the lumbar region and radiate to the buttock when leaning forward or when trying to straighten a limb. They usually do not go away on their own and can be much more serious illnesses therefore treatment must be started immediately.

The causes of pain radiating to the buttock can be:

  1. Injury or heavy physical labor. The resulting pain may signal a hernia or sprain.
  2. Acute and prolonged pain can be the cause of sciatica.
  3. Due to inflammation of the nerve roots of the spine, pain often also occurs.
  4. Pain that radiates to the buttock may appear due to a spasm of muscle fibers. It is easy to treat and does not cause complications.

Now that you have familiarized yourself with the root causes of pain in the back on the left on your back, you will understand how important it is to start treating the body on time using prescribed medications.

Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen

In a separate group, doctors distinguish pain that occurs in the side on the left, in the lumbar region, and at the same time in the lower abdomen. Experts have found that such sensations are most often experienced by women. But there are also cases of male conversion.

Such pain can be the cause of serious pathological changes in the human body. Proper treatment should consist of mandatory visits to the offices of specialists - urologists, gynecologists and others. Sometimes, in addition to pain, vomiting, dizziness when bending over, and an increase in body temperature can occur. In this case, a comprehensive examination is indispensable.

Pain in the lumbar region on the left side of the back and lower abdomen may indicate initial stage development of cystitis
. In this case, in addition to the usual symptoms, a bloody shade of urine, painful sensations when urinating, too frequent visits to the toilet will be added. This diagnosis is treated after full inspection urologist.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be signs of disease digestive systems s. In this case, the above symptoms are completely absent. If pains in the lower abdomen and on the left in the side are observed in a woman, then there is a high probability of a malfunction genitourinary system. In this case, the first step is to contact a gynecologist.

Cases of pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen in the male are quite rare, but still happen. In this case, we can talk about the development of prostatitis or diseases of the genitourinary and digestive systems. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to contact two doctors at once - a urologist and a gastroenterologist. Only by starting competent treatment, you can get rid of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

Of particular importance is the nature of pain in the lower abdomen. Acute and sharp pains, aggravated by bending over, indicate the rapid development of the disease. Treatment in this case cannot be delayed, otherwise it can develop into a chronic form.

Unconventional culprits of back pain

From the above it follows that the causes of pain in the lumbar and lower abdomen are physiological disorders in the human body. But if a teenager’s back hurts, who didn’t manage to spoil anything for himself, then you should turn to the section of medicine, like psychosomatics.

Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine that treats diseases of the body caused by nervous ground due to stress or nervous breakdowns. Psychosomatics can become an integral part of pain in the lumbar and lower abdomen.

Psychoanalysts have proven that each part of the back of the human body is responsible for a certain psychological condition. It is customary to say that the psychosomatics of the back muscles is inextricably linked with psychological diseases. So, when treating, it is customary to divide the back into three parts:

  1. Upper. The upper back hurts when a person tries to please the people around him, but he does not succeed. Psychosomatics claims that in this case one should not despair and not focus one's attention on everyone, but listen more to one's loved ones.
  2. Average. Pain in the middle part of the back is associated with past experiences, when a person very often returns to the same thing. The main thing here is to let go of the past and start living a new life.
  3. Lower. The lumbar spine, according to psychosomatics, hurts due to financial experiences, when a person constantly lacks finances, and he constantly oppresses himself with this. The best treatment in such a case is a change of lifestyle and getting rid of their fears.

Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen can be caused by different reasons. The main thing is to start treatment on time, which includes medications, regular check-ups with a doctor and, in some cases, exercises to relieve back pain. Only responsible treatment can save you from this hated scourge.

When do throbbing pains in the abdomen radiate to the leg?

Clinical significance of the symptom: throbbing pain in the abdomen, radiating to the leg

  • increased heart rate (up to 100 beats per minute and above), accompanied by a progressive decrease in blood pressure (100/60 and below);
  • severe pain in the anterior abdominal wall, stool and gas retention.
  • Pulsating pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the leg, with suppuration of the uterine appendages in women

    At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms can enter the uterine appendages as ascending way from the lower sections of the female genital tract, and descending - from nearby foci (acute or chronic appendicitis, inflammatory bowel disease).

    • painful menstruation, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and a deterioration in the general condition of the body;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • from time to time appearing pulling pains in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, usually associated with hypothermia of the body.
  • Statistics show that the most common cause of development inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs in women become sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, when the appearance pathological discharge from the vagina, combined with frequent painful urination or pain during urination, you should seek qualified medical help.

    Therefore, the appearance of throbbing pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left, combined with purulent discharge from the vagina and signs of severe intoxication of the body, is an indication for emergency hospitalization in the surgical department of a gynecological hospital.

    Pulsating pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the leg with acute appendicitis

    Pulsating pain in the abdomen, radiating to the leg with a complicated inguinal or femoral hernia

    The following factors contribute to the development of hernias:

  • congenital anatomical features of the structure of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • heavy physical labor associated with lifting weights;
  • diseases leading to increased intra-abdominal pressure (chronic constipation, bronchial asthma).
  • Inguinal and femoral hernias occur when the hernial sac penetrates through the inguinal and femoral canals, respectively. These channels are located in inguinal region and are natural place passage of nerves, vessels and ligaments.

    If abdominal pain radiates to the leg

    Pain in the abdomen, radiating to the leg, is one of the bright symptoms acute appendicitis, that is, a reason to immediately go to the hospital in order to exclude or operate on time for this dangerous condition.

    Pain in the lower abdomen caused by a disease of the female genital organs can be given to the leg. In any case, this alarm symptom. Having found it, you should grab not for painkillers, but for the phone.

    Pain as one of the mechanisms of longevity

    When the lower abdomen hurts, and the pain on the right or left radiates to the leg, it is difficult to feel like a happy person. However, pain is a gift of nature.

    This can be confirmed by people with analgesia, a rare disorder of the nervous system in which people are unable to feel pain.

    Even having broken a leg in several places and cut a vein, such people may not notice anything if the damage is not in sight.

    They never prick in the side on the right or left and the lower abdomen does not hurt, there are no headaches or toothaches, but rarely do any of them manage to celebrate their fortieth birthday.

    It's not just about the danger of cutting yourself or falling off your horse, after all, it's not that hard to lead a quiet life and keep yourself out of contact with any potential dangers.

    Without a sense of pain, even an ordinary jog or a walk becomes dangerous, because just an awkwardly placed leg can cause a dislocation and even a fracture.

    Only one in millions of people is born with such a hereditary disorder, and a few more acquire it as a result of traumatic brain injuries.

    In total, about five hundred people on the planet suffer from analgesia. The rest of humanity should understand that pain, including pain in the lower abdomen, is not only a curse, but also a blessing.

    Moreover, the mechanism of pain is so perfect that it does not allow unnecessary suffering.

    There are three degrees of protection against damage, the sensors of which are nerve endings. Most of them are located on the surface of the body under the skin.

    This is due to the fact that external damage threatens a person most often. Scratches and cuts, bruises, pinching, abrasions, bumps - all these are non-personal attributes of childhood, which become less with age, but still quite enough.

    The pain that a person experiences due to the "activation" of skin nociceptors is sharp and sharp, but does not last long.

    This is necessary in order to find the source of injury as soon as possible, to avoid further damage to the body and to eliminate its consequences.

    Bones, tendons, blood vessels and nerves are less likely to be injured, therefore they are supplied with nerve endings to a lesser extent than the skin.

    The pain they cause is not as sharp, so pinpointing the exact location of the injury is somewhat more difficult, but the sensations last much longer.

    This is due to the fact that a person should not “forget” that not everything is in order with him and allow the body to fully recover.

    The poorest of all nerve endings are supplied with internal organs, protected by skin, skeleton and muscles from damage.

    For this reason, it is difficult to accurately determine the exact place where something hurts in the lower abdomen.

    The body provides another mechanism that relieves unnecessary suffering - this is the insula, the area in the brain between the hemispheres, called the center of pain.

    He analyzes all the pain impulses that enter the brain (and each person has about a hundred of them a day) and does not allow the weakest ones to become conscious.

    Without an insula, people would experience asymptomatic pain on a daily basis, including in the lower abdomen on the right, where many vital organs are located.

    How to detect an attack of appendicitis in time?

    Appendicitis is an inflammation of a small appendix of the caecum, the appendix. It is also called the vermiform appendix.

    This part of the intestine, in addition to humans, is also found in some mammals, for example, rabbits, primates, and guinea pigs. Cats don't have it.

    For a long time, the appendix was considered an atavism - a relic organ that does not perform any functions in human body and the removal of which does not bring the slightest harm.

    Only in 2009, scientists discovered the purpose of the organ, which, it turns out, is a peripheral part of the immune system.

    This is a farm for breeding beneficial bacteria involved in digestion and responsible for the absorption of nutrients by the body.

    Without an appendix, it is more difficult for people to restore the microflora after courses of antibiotics, it is especially important for them to take bacteria during treatment infectious diseases.

    Scientists believe that the increase in the density of the world's population contributes to the "borrowing" of bacteria from other people, which partially compensates for the function of the appendix.

    The classic picture of appendicitis is manifested by pain in the abdomen on the right, usually the lower abdomen hurts, the pain is directed towards the navel.

    The symptoms of appendicitis are determined by the structure and location of the appendix. Usually the process has a length of 7 - 9 cm and a diameter of 0.5 to 1 cm.

    It is located on the right under the liver, approximately in the middle between the navel and ilium and turned into the lower abdomen.

    However, the size (mainly length) and direction of the appendix varies from person to person. The process can be either short, no more than 0.5 cm, or reach 23 centimeters!

    Going down to the right in the lower abdomen, the appendix can cause pain similar to adnexitis in women or inflammation Bladder in men.

    The process can be located behind the caecum on the right and contact the kidney and ureter, changing the picture of the disease.

    In this case, there are often pains that radiate to the lower back, groin or right leg. Sometimes, with appendicitis, it can hurt in the left lower abdomen, which is also associated with the direction and location of the appendix.

    There is a simple self-diagnosis that allows you to determine the cause of abdominal pain that radiates to the leg. Lightly tap your right finger on the ilium: with appendicitis, you will feel pain.

    Compare it with sensations from the same percussion of the ilium on the left. Cough loudly. With appendicitis, the pain on the right side will increase.

    Press lightly with your palm at the site of the most severe pain, while it should decrease. If after you remove your hand, the pain intensifies, then this also speaks in favor of appendicitis.

    The pain syndrome caused by appendicitis weakens in the fetal position on the right side and intensifies when you try to lie on your left side and straighten your legs.

    Other causes of abdominal pain

    The lower abdomen is the location of the organs reproductive system person. Pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right is not always a harbinger of serious illness.

    The lower abdomen with a return to the leg can hurt during ovulation or menstruation. It can also be a symptom of a spasm in the ovary, which can be relieved with an antispasmodic tablet.

    Assessing the seriousness of what is happening with your body, you should pay attention not only and not so much to the localization of pain (in this case, the lower abdomen and leg), but to the nature of the sensations in the lower abdomen.

    Throbbing pains in the lower abdomen are especially dangerous, as they indicate inflammation in the ovaries or fallopian tubes with the formation of pus.

    It is important to remember that pain and the perception of its nature are individual. A person can easily mistake cramping or stabbing attacks in the lower abdomen for throbbing pain.

    Keeping a balance between panic and calmness, you should consult a doctor if the pain that has gripped the lower abdomen:

  • very strong;
  • continuously lasts more than an hour;
  • distinctly pulsating;
  • accompanied by additional phenomena: unusual vaginal discharge, elevated temperature body, constipation and flatulence, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting and so on.
  • Inguinal and femoral hernias are also common causes of pain in the lower abdomen. A hernia looks like a bulge above the surface of the skin in the groin area.

    It can form at one moment when several factors coincide, for example, heavy physical effort when lifting weights, coupled with structural features of the abdominal wall, congenital or as a result of sudden weight loss.

    However, more often than not, it takes many months and even years for a hernia to disfigure the lower abdomen. This defect is far from cosmetic, since a pinched hernia can be fatal.

    Pulls in the lower abdomen and in the leg

    I finished drinking duphaston yesterday, today I also started to sip my stomach, the test is negative, which means that menstruation is coming soon, it’s hard to realize the next span, but this is a fact ... and you don’t worry about your nerves in vain, because of them it can and smears, let’s get ready for the next cycle .

    I didn’t do the test right away, because I didn’t believe much that I was pregnant, they didn’t come on time as expected, but severe pains began, like during menstruation, and they also smeared

    Either this is menstruation or you got pregnant and on this date of pain in the form of menstruation, I also had a couple of three cycles

    When I stand in queues from 2 hours ... the same thing begins. It is necessary to lie down and lie ... with valerian and papaverine.

    A bandage only if the doctor says ... If the baby has not turned his head down, you cannot use a bandage.

    It's too early to milk the bandage. Drink noshpa and papoverine at night. If there is no selection

    I've been in pain for about 2 weeks now

    Pulling pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the legs. 30 weeks

    Early term - pulling pains in the lower abdomen

    Pulls in the right lower abdomen.

    Of course, I would go to the doctor. My stomach hurt and I immediately flew to the LCD, it turned out to be a threat ..

    it is possible to stretch the ligaments, and most likely

    Periodically pulls in the lower abdomen

    And for me, a topical topic, everything is the same, but not every day it hurts, but somehow selectively chtoli.

    You don't have a tilted uterus, by any chance?

    I had it, the ultrasound showed hypertonicity (

    This is already preparation going on, plus we ran a lot! I’ve been like this for two days already, today I went to the maternity hospital, they said to go for a week for sure)

    This is the uterus descending a little bit and the pelvic bones expand. Baby get ready to go.

    Pulls the lower abdomen as during menstruation, legs ache

    the same bullshit (I’m being given a pessary today, my stomach is constantly getting toned. And last night I thought I’d die, my back hurt just terribly (we walked, came home, lay down - it doesn’t help. I was scared, because it seemed to give to my stomach. I put papaverine , it got better, but it didn’t let go completely, but in the morning it’s much easier.if possible, just lie down at home to rest and not be nervous.as they told me that the neck is short, and I’ve worn out this week, I have everything and everywhere hurts.

    The same thing was before installing the pessary: ​​(take magnesium!

    Pulling the lower abdomen, what could be?

    I've been like this all the time lately. Most likely intestines or gases. I have and shoots and in the ass the passage gives and in the urinary. I drink noshpu, I lie down and passes. Do not be ill??

    I was like that too

    The next day I went to the reception, she said - intestines ??

    My intestines bothered me so much for about 18 weeks, I was also a little scared

    Drawing pains in the lower abdomen

    Everything is exactly the same with me, she told the doctor, she prescribed Duphaston for me “For prevention”, I refused to drink, then she prescribed suppositories with papaverine, but they didn’t help me, and recently asked our family doctor, she said that this is a tone and many women walk with him all B and nothing, if there is no spotting, then there is nothing to be afraid of!

    pressure in the lower abdomen. Girls come in, I'm worried

    um, did they do kidney ultrasound after 33 weeks?

    Or did the kids look at the kidneys at the same time on the last ultrasound?

    I had the described symptoms with the expansion of the pelvis in the right kidney. They ordered me to sleep only on my left side and to stand in my knee-elbow position more often.

    The baby crushed her (

    Most likely the child sank lower and presses. It happened to me too, I couldn't step on my foot. The doctor said that it is possible premature birth. My baby dropped early.

    I don’t understand why the doctor doesn’t find out what exactly these complaints are due to! It just assumes! At first she said drink calcium for a month! At the reception I say that it does not help! And she "but he won't help, he's only for the bones" ... So why did you appoint him to me! It goes in one ear and out the other! At the next reception, they pretend that they are hearing for the first time. We will soon become doctors ourselves ... You come to them and offer options for yourself what it could be ... I already think, maybe, in addition to muscles, this can give such sensations to the intestines? Because there were problems with the stool even before pregnancy (not a daily stool), but now I can’t do without “glycerin suppositories”! ((I understand that they are addictive, but here you already have to choose what is more important ((

    Oh I have ok. It hurts in the lower abdomen ... and not the pubis, but the stomach. And when I get up and when I turn over ... and when I walk ... at least take it and lie down all day. Baby I have a booty down the doctor said most likely it is he who presses. The main thing is that there is no tone.

    It hurts to turn over too. Presses on all this, of course, you lie down and it hurts. And so we sing even at the bottom it starts to hurt, I think the stomach is filled and the whole mass begins to give to the bottom)) my poor intestines. It hurts me to go to the toilet

    What to do if the side hurts and gives in the leg

    People may have different attitudes to their ailments. Some are accustomed to running to the doctor with the slightest ailment, while others, even the most severe pain cannot make them see a specialist. Meanwhile, pain is always a signal of alarming problems in your body. For example, why does the side hurt and give to the leg? Do you know what to do in this case and what are the causes of such pain? Of course, the final diagnosis can be obtained only after the examination. We can only try to describe sample list problems.

    Pain in the side is an extremely loose concept. No doctor can answer the question - why does the side hurt. Even for an approximate diagnosis, it is very important to know exactly the localization of pain: on the right or on the left, its location relative to such landmarks as the inguinal fold, navel, midline of the abdomen, how many centimeters, up or down, vertically or horizontally. I have a stomachache, side surface or waist. Finally, it is very important to know whether the pain in the side occurs on its own or is it associated with some physical activity, and also - the nature of these pains - constant, periodic, stabbing, cutting, aching, burning, and so on.

    What to do if you have pain in your side? Of course, see a doctor, because pain in the side can be a very alarming signal.

    Why does my right side hurt?

    There can be many reasons why your right side hurts. In this case, the pain can have different localization and different character. Burning, stabbing or sharp pain in the right side is usually caused by an inflammatory process developing here, the cause of which is:

    perforation of a stomach ulcer or duodenum;

    If the pain is caused by damage to the diaphragm, for example, with a hernia, then it increases with coughing or sneezing, or with deep breathing, and can also radiate to the shoulder area.

    When describing pain in the right side great importance has its exact localization.

    Pain in the right side from above is usually associated with the following diseases:

  • problems of the stomach and duodenum;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • diseases of the right kidney;
  • liver disease;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • right-sided lower lobe pneumonia;
  • abdominal form of myocardial infarction.
  • If your right side hurts in the middle, then this may indicate the following problems:

  • volvulus or invagination of the intestines;
  • inflammation of the appendix;
  • disease of the right kidney.
  • Finally, if you feel pain in the lower part of the right side, then these may be:

  • kidney damage;
  • damage to the uterine appendages;
  • bladder disease;
  • appendicitis;
  • inguinal hernia.
  • Why does the side hurt and gives in the leg

    The most common reason why the side hurts in front on the right and gives to the leg is an inguinal hernia. It is characterized by transient acute pain that usually appears after exercise. Often, you may notice a bulge at the site of the pain, which disappears after you take a supine position.

    Very often, throbbing pains in the lower abdomen that radiate to the leg occur with acute appendicitis.

    If your side hurts and gives to the leg, while the pain is localized at the back, then this may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • neuralgia - a symptom of tension in the nerve trunk - usually the pain intensifies if you raise the straightened leg;
  • stones in the urinary system;
  • intra-abdominal bleeding caused by perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer, intrauterine pregnancy, ovarian apoplexy, trauma, etc.
  • Why does the side on the left hurt and gives in the leg

    Pain that radiates to the leg in the left side, as a rule, is caused by problems with the organs located here. First of all, this applies to the spleen. It can be:

    chronic lympho- or myeloid leukemia;

    acute enlargement of the spleen:

    Pain in the left side, radiating to the leg, can be caused by all sorts of diseases of the small or large intestine, as well as the genitourinary system.

    Why does the side hurts below and gives in the leg in women

    The fair sex has a lot specific diseases. The appearance of throbbing pains radiating to the leg in the right or left side from below may indicate such unpleasant pathology, as purulent processes that develop in the uterine appendages, for example, in the ovaries. Most often they occur as complications after untreated adnexitis - an inflammatory process in the appendages caused by any infection.

    Side hurts and gives in the leg - what to do

    As you have already understood from all of the above, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Therefore, if you feel regular or constant pain in the leg in the right or left side, regardless of their exact localization, you should not try to diagnose yourself - you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, especially if the pain does not go away, but intensifies or accompanied by fever. In many cases, it can really be a matter of life or death.

    Causes of pain in the right and left side of the lower abdomen in women

    Identifying a painful place is already the first clue on the mysterious path of diagnosing a disease. It is logical to assume that the organ located in the epicenter of the focus of pain will suffer, although this is not always the case. Let's talk about the features of abdominal pain in women, so that, if necessary, it is correctly interpreted.

    What are the causes of pain in the lower abdomen?

    Before talking about diseases that can cause characteristic pain, let's dwell on the anatomical structure of the abdominal cavity. Consider the location of organs in the respective zones.

    As you can see, several systems can be involved in pathology - urinary, reproductive, intestinal, vascular and musculoskeletal. In women, the cause of abdominal pain is more often caused by gynecological problems.

    Causes of pain in the right side of the lower abdomen in women

    pain in the right side of the abdomen at the bottom of the photo

  • Appendicitis;
  • Spikes;
  • Right-sided renal colic;
  • Adnexitis (inflammation of the appendage on the right);
  • Right ovarian cyst;
  • Right tubal pregnancy (ectopic);
  • Arthritis of the right hip joint.
  • Appendicitis - the most common cause of pain in the right side of the lower abdomen in women. Usually it grows gradually, dull in nature, but constant. Possible single vomiting, nausea. Then the pain intensifies, the temperature rises, vomiting opens. Ends with signs of "acute abdomen".

    An important diagnostic criterion is leukocytosis and abdominal muscle tension. A disease in which the intestine forms an additional protrusion in the form of a pocket (diverticulosis) has a similar picture.

    Intestinal obstruction. Symptoms are characterized by rapid development. The pains are very severe, because part of the intestine is stretched, irritating large group nerve receptors. Mechanical obstruction, such as a foreign body or fecal stone causes peristalsis to stop.

    Pain of this nature gives to the right inguinal region, combined with vomiting. With urgent help, you can not hesitate!

    Intestinal dysfunction. This pain is associated with eating, accompanied by bloating, rumbling and other intestinal problems. Relief occurs after elimination of gases or defecation, night pains are absent.

    Spikes. This is the result of operations or an inflammatory process. They are not characterized constant pain pulling character. They are aggravated by sexual intercourse and movements. Tight adhesions can cause intestinal obstruction.

    Renal colic. Right-sided colic occurs when a stone blocks the lower part of the right ureter. When he moves, the pain is paroxysmal. Obturation will give a sharp pain that will not go away even when taking strong analgesics.

    Pain in an ectopic pregnancy. This pathology should be kept in mind in all women. reproductive age. The condition is dangerous due to the rupture of the walls of the fallopian tubes and vessels, on which the fertilized egg is attached. Right-sided ectopic pregnancy is more common.

    Right side adnexitis is an inflammation of the tubes and ovaries (uterine appendages). In addition to pain, there will be fever, malaise, urination becomes painful. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by sexual intercourse and stress. Adnexitis is often found in young women, sometimes combined with an ovarian cyst.

    With large cysts, a rupture often occurs and the picture resembles appendicitis. The pain is dull and constant. Accompanied by purulent discharge.

    Right-sided inguinal lymphadenitis - this aching pain is easy to recognize, as a painful enlarged lymph node is palpated.

    Right-sided arthrosis of the hip joint - coxarthrosis. This pathology occurs in older people. Associated with limping and joint stiffness. The pain gets worse with movement.

  • If the right side of the lower abdomen of a woman hurts and radiates to the lower back, you should think about the combined pathology of the hip joint and the lumbar spine. An inflamed ovary can act as a starting factor for persistent pain in the joint and lower back.
  • The acute nature of the pain is bleeding, perforation with intestinal obstruction, ectopic pregnancy, renal colic and rupture of an ovarian cyst.
  • Stitching pain is characteristic of intestinal inflammation (diverticulosis, ileitis).
  • Causes of pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in women

    lower left side of abdomen hurts

    1. bowel dysfunction;
    2. Adhesive disease;
    3. Colitis, proctosigmoiditis;
    4. Left-sided renal colic;
    5. Left-sided ectopic pregnancy;
    6. Acute and chronic left-sided adnexitis;
    7. Arthritis of the left hip joint.
    8. bowel dysfunction or spasmodic bowel contraction. It is manifested by chronic aching pains in the left side of the abdomen, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea.

      Often there is a pathology in which sigmoid colon stretches (dolichosigma). Usually the left side of the lower abdomen hurts in women who lift weights. With a significant size, the intestine can form an additional loop. Hard work, active sports increase discomfort. And when it is twisted, there is acute pain associated with intestinal obstruction.

      Colitis. If right weakness- appendix, then on the left - the rectum and sigmoid colon. There are diseases such as proctitis and sigmoiditis. Inflammatory processes in them cause diffuse pain, accompanied by constipation and exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

      On palpation of the abdomen, the pain zone is localized in the lower left corner. This area especially suffers during pregnancy - there is compression, formed venous congestion and the pain becomes constant.

      Left side renal colic . Pain in renal colic, as a rule, begins in the side, as the stone moves down to the inguinal region. It is paroxysmal in nature, relief comes from taking antispasmodics and a warm bath.

      Accompanied by frequent and painful urination. The situation will be clarified by a urinalysis, in which there will be fresh red blood cells.

      Left side adnexitis. This disease is accompanied by aching pains on the left. They intensify during menstruation and sex. Prolonged inflammation forms cysts that can rupture and twist, then the aching pain becomes acute.

      Ectopic pregnancy – should be excluded in all women of reproductive age. A pregnancy test can help, it will tell you the cause of the pain. An alarming signal is spotting with a positive test - they indicate an ectopic pregnancy. Although the test does not always reflect the true picture.

    9. Acute pain on the left can occur from rupture of the ovary, renal colic, intestinal obstruction.
    10. Dull pain of a aching nature is the result of inflammation of the genitals and intestines.
    11. Diseases that cause pain in the lower abdomen

    12. Endometriosis.
    13. Intestinal pathology (proctitis, jejunitis), obstruction of the jejunum.
    14. Thrombosis of mesenteric vessels.
    15. Pathology of the uterus (fibroma, tumors, endometritis).
    16. Bilateral adnexitis.
    17. Cystitis.
    18. Pathology of the sacral spine.
    19. Physiological pains in the lower abdomen on the sides in women occur during regular menstruation and during pregnancy. This is normal and should not be worried. For dysmenorrhea are also characteristic autonomic symptoms- dizziness, fainting, sweating, mood swings.

      Endometriosis. The growth of endometrial cells in other organs is formed. It may be painless. But more often in women there is pain in the lower abdomen on the sides. It intensifies after defecation and sexual intercourse. Pain in intensity ranges from mild to severe. Women point to a feeling of pressure in the rectal area, which radiates to the lower back.

      Increased pain during menstruation is also typical. The disease is accompanied long periods. Unreasonable spotting is a sign of the progression of the disease.

      Endometritis. Endometritis is also characterized by bilateral inguinal pain. They are permanent pulling character. Associated symptoms- fever, vaginal discharge.

      Bilateral adnexitis. When the sides of the lower abdomen hurt in women, this is a sure sign of inflammation of both uterine appendages.

      Intestinal diseases. The main cause of pulling pains below the navel is intestinal spasms, inflammatory processes. If this pain occurs along with constipation, bloating and other digestive problems, you should look for intestinal pathology.

      Cystitis. Acute cystitis is characterized by acute pain over the womb, which is aggravated by urination. Worried about false urges. It is also necessary to pay attention to the color and transparency of urine - with cystitis, it becomes cloudy with a greenish tint due to leukocytes.

      Thromboembolism of the mesenteric vessels - Gives a sudden attack of pain around the navel. Less often it has a stubborn character without a clear localization. This pathology should always be considered in the elderly. If the pain is combined with intoxication, tachycardia, vomiting, then hospitalization is urgently required.

      Pain during pregnancy

      Their cause may be: increased tone uterus, the threat of placental abruption and miscarriage.

    20. Risk of miscarriage. The pain is aching, constant. They join her vaginal discharge, often bloody.
    21. Placental abruption. The strong speaks of her sharp pain below the navel, which is complicated by uterine bleeding.
    22. Appendicitis. Pregnancy provokes this disease. You shouldn't forget about it.
    23. Intestinal dysfunction. An enlarged uterus compresses the intestines. On the other hand, sex hormones inhibit it functional activity. All this leads to stagnation of feces and partial intestinal obstruction. The woman is concerned about persistent constipation and pain in the groin area on the left.

      In conclusion, we recall that any pain is a signal. The body is asking for help. Do not be patient and wait for everything to pass. An examination by a doctor is necessary, he will identify the problem and provide the necessary assistance.

      Pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the leg

      Girls, hello everyone.

      2 weeks ago my right ovary was inflamed. It was enlarged for only 1 day, it was clearly palpable, physiotherapy was prescribed. a week later I started my period. Ended yesterday. But yesterday and today I began to notice that the right side below periodically aches, not often, but the pain radiates to the leg. The pain is not strong, aching. There is no temperature, the general physical condition is normal. Very rarely, the lower back aches (I brought this to a sore back (there was an injury to the sacrum)).

      Who faced a similar problem?

      What could it possibly be? Is it dangerous?

      I had similar sensations when a cyst on the ovary showed itself. When walking, the right side hurt and gave it to the leg. They put me in the hospital with suspected appendicitis. They did an ultrasound and found a cyst.

      In general, if something hurts, then you should not delay it, but go to the hospital. Go to the gynecologist, let him look and most likely send you for an ultrasound.

      I was admitted to the hospital 2 weeks ago with suspected apoplexy, they did an ultrasound, but the cyst was not found. Could it have appeared since then?

      If it gives in the leg, then it looks like appendicitis.

      The surgeon also went through the same 2 weeks ago, I also sinned for appendicitis. He said unequivocally no.

      And by the way, as a continuation of the story about appendicitis. 2 years ago it was still cut out from me .. 3 days my right side, bottom ached. I, according to old memory, went to gynecology, I thought again the cyst was naughty. The doctor convinced me that everything was fine with me and there were no cysts, he said to drink no-shpu and it would go away on its own (Moscow doctors are shocking.). In the evening I had to go to my parents (in another city), I got on the train, in the morning I came to my relatives, and my mother, the doctor, took me to the surgeon. He did find appendicitis, the same morning they operated on me, they said that another day - and the appendix would have burst! So don't delay, girl!

      Have you been walking for 4 days with appendicitis? Kind of too much.

      After inflammation, adhesions form on the ovaries. I also, after the treated inflammation, went to the next cycle to the gynecologist with the words: “It seems to me again.” She looked and said that the adhesive process remained, the cat. removed for a very long time and prescribed nimesil 3-5 days before menstruation, 3 cycles in a row. You may have the same. But it’s better to have a gynecologist check you and refute those terrible diagnoses, cat. said above.

      It often happens to me. I also went to the gynecologist, she said about adhesions and didn’t even pay attention, so I calmed down. From time to time it will sting again and pass. Actually, I'm already 50.

      A visit to the gynecologist is obligatory, and it would also be nice to pass an urine sample and do an ultrasound of the kidneys and ureters to rule out kidney pathology. In short, if our girls have a pain in the lower abdomen and it still gives somewhere, one examination by a gynecologist will not do

      Well, my right side also hurts. It hurts. The day before yesterday I didn’t get sick, only when I went to the toilet I pulled. Yesterday too. Today my leg pulls and my stomach swells a little. And it’s been like this for a year. not long ago it grabbed me and didn’t let go for 3 days. The ambulance took me to the surgeon, he said that it wasn’t appendicitis. They started to yearn for the doctors. It’s good that he stopped hurting me again. I couldn’t walk. The gynecological ultrasound showed some kind of body for the first time. I made the body again. The kidneys are lowered, but the doctors say such pains cannot be from the kidneys. The urinary tract is in order. The intestines too. he doesn’t know, it just hurts in short. what to do if it hurts so badly again? call an ambulance? well, they called, they didn’t do anything. they just went to the doctor. not my patient

      oh sorry "did the body again gone"

      I have a problem that hurts very much on the right side of the lower abdomen, what is it?

      I have a problem too.

      Girls, where did all that go?


      I also had a pain in the side below the abdomen, cystitis was suspected. But the ultrasound revealed an inflamed cyst. After two weeks, I had a second cyst. I was told that at first the ovary was inflamed, and then cysts formed.

      Please do not delay, I went through this and I will say that it is not pleasant enough.

      what is it? intolerable pain in the lower abdomen on the right side, radiating to the leg, no appendicitis, this operation took place

      the right side also hurts terribly and radiates to the groin, there was an appendectomy, the cyst of the corpus luteum is 4 cm, but the doctors say that it should not hurt like that. Terrible I don't know what to do

      The lower part of the abdomen hurts radiating to the left chest. Sometimes the right left side also happens! What could it be? Appeared a couple of days ago

      Girls, tell me how are you doing with pain in your right side and radiating to your leg? I myself suffer from this and do not know where and to whom to go. the gynecologist finds nothing. gastroenterologist and proctologist too. how are you doing? Can anyone find a way out or someone was diagnosed??

      the lower abdomen hurts and the pains radiate to the legs and the lower back hurts. I don't know what to do? what does it mean?

      i hurt so much too

      I am 13 years old, for 2 weeks now I have the same symptoms as you. I do not know what to do. I went to the countryside for the summer, there are no doctors here, I'm afraid it's an appendix. At first, the pain gave in the leg, and then in the "pelvis". And right now it gives into the pelvis, (right). But I have 2 months. there was no pms. Maybe it's because of this, but I'm still worried ..

      I also have pain in my leg and lower abdomen.

      I also have pain in my lower abdomen that radiates to my legs. Often I experience such pains on the first day of menstruation, and now I sin on physiotherapy, in particular electrophoresis. As the doctor said, this happens and this is normal, like the blood begins to circulate there faster and therefore there are pains. I wonder when they will pass, it has been 3 days since I stopped doing physio.

      Hi girls, it hurts downstairs in the right god. Aching pain that radiates to the leg and lower back. I will bend over to the right, it hurts, I will explain very much. Yesterday I ate a wheelchair, maybe from this. But it hurts a lot for 2 hours no matter how much. Tell me, what could it be?

      Hello girls, I have colitis in my lower abdomen on the left and gives pain to my leg. Am I still swollen??

      Girls when the cyst is bleeding heavily

      Not for everyone, when they found a cyst in me, I endured these pains for a month before the operation, they were waiting for the doctor, not a drop of blood leaked out!

      On the 9th day, the lower abdomen aches, it gives a burden to the right leg. It also pulls the lower back, it is already tired of enduring pain. every day it gets more and more painful. What happened with me?

      This is how osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine manifested itself in me, I went to the doctors for a long time, naturally, first to the gynecologist, I did an ultrasound scan, they didn’t find anything, I went to the neurologist, it turned out that the nerve was pinched.

      Here is the same problem

      Only I’ve been breastfeeding a child for a year now. I haven’t had a period yet. The gynecologist during the examination on the chair says that the right ovary seems to be enlarged. And she recommended an ultrasound of the small pelvis. hurry up. The aching pain is similar to the pain before the start of "work". And so with a frequency of 2 weeks. The day after tomorrow on the ultrasound. Some strange phenomenon. And today it also gives to the right leg ((??

      The lower abdomen hurts, the pain starts on the right side of the stomach, the whole swollen chest can’t touch, I can’t hurt much and it’s swollen for the last 2 days and my legs started to hurt as if after long sittings.

      Damn terrible things are happening! At the most, the right one or the ovary is given a little into the rectum, sometimes it is not comfortable to sit, as if something is interfering there. I've read everything on the net now it's scary to go to the doctor. God forbid what. Yes, I'm tired of being patient.

      Here is also the same situation, the pain in the left side began to hurt the bottom of the stomach, I took it numbingly, and it let go, well, a couple of days have passed and I have the same reasons. What could it be ??

      Here is also the same problem. Only I have been breastfeeding a child for a year already. There have not been periods yet. The gynecologist during the examination on the chair says that the right ovary seems to be enlarged. And she recommended an ultrasound of the small pelvis. you need to drink duphaston to hurry them up. The aching pain is similar to the pain before the start of "business." And so with a frequency of 2 weeks.

      It hurts in the right lower abdomen, radiates to the right side and leg, the pain is aching. Did or made about 10 months ago US have told or said, that a cyst 4 cm. and the kidney was lowered by 6 cm. The pains began. and the temperature of week 2 was 37 37.5. They were admitted to the hospital with andexitis, with repeated ultrasound, the cyst was no longer there. Well, I got it ovary and pain in the side did not stop and the temperature. Now again pain in the side and the same temperature, and this has been going on for 10 months already.

      Hello. The whole lower abdomen hurts - it gives legs to the Ob. They took me in an ambulance, punctured and said that this was not a gynecology, and I left. It hurts and I can't walk. Kolya noshpa and barolgin. I want to do a laparoscopy and from the inside to look.

      I have the same. Did you figure out what is the reason?

      since 2010 and no diagnosis has been made. There is no cure. I heard that this topic of a neurologist went around in a new circle. The person who told me about the neurologist explained that the pain in the lower abdomen is pain from the lower back. We need to blockade. Let's check it out, just in case.

      This is how a cancerous tumor manifested itself in a friend of mine ((((((they didn’t save her. This is not a joke (((

      How was it diagnosed?

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      Pain in the abdomen radiates to the leg

      Pain in the abdomen and legs is a symptom that may indicate the presence of the most various pathologies. Even though pain is not pleasurable, it is actually defense mechanism our body. People with analgesia can confirm this.

      This is a rare pathology of the nervous system, in which a person does not feel pain. Even if the patient has broken his leg or cut a vein, he will not experience any discomfort. Many may think that it would be great not to experience pain, but there is little good here.

      Even an ordinary walk or run can represent potential danger if the person is not in pain. After all, an incorrectly placed leg can cause a dislocation or even a fracture. It is worth noting that the mechanism of pain in our body is perfect, which means that it will not allow unnecessary suffering.

      To make a diagnosis, the doctor will need information about the nature of the pain, its location and intensity. What causes abdominal pain to radiate to the leg? What should be done and what absolutely can not be done in the event of a pain syndrome?

      Gynecological disorders

      First, let's talk about the features of an ectopic pregnancy.

      Ectopic pregnancy

      This diagnosis can lead to death. The most common mistake among women is that after a missed period, they take a pregnancy test at home and, if positive, do not go to the gynecologist. Only an ultrasound examination can show the site of attachment of a fertilized egg.

      The diagnosis of "ectopic pregnancy" indicates that the embryo has attached itself outside the uterus. Most often this occurs in the fallopian tube, but a fertilized egg can attach to the ovary or other internal organs. An embryo can fully grow and develop only in the uterine cavity, therefore, in an ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg is doomed.

      The most common cause of ectopic pregnancy is a previous inflammatory disease of the fallopian tubes. Other reasons can cause ectopic attachment:

    24. developmental anomalies;
    25. surgical interventions;
    26. removal of one of the fallopian tubes;
    27. hormonal disorders.
    28. An ectopic pregnancy can cause pain in the lower abdomen

      On the early dates ectopic pregnancy, symptoms appear that are characteristic of a physiological pregnancy: delayed menstruation, swelling of the mammary glands, nausea, vomiting. The following signs indicate the termination of an ectopic pregnancy:

    • pain in the abdomen, which is cramping in nature. She can give to the lower back. The pain also often radiates to the anus, causing the urge to defecate;
    • scanty spotting from the vagina;
    • hyperthermia;
    • arterial hypotension;
    • weakness and dizziness;
    • pallor.
    • The only treatment for an ectopic pregnancy is to remove fallopian tube. This will help stop the bleeding. In addition, the fallopian tube loses its functional properties.

      Uterine diseases

      The main organ of the reproductive system is the uterus. Problems with this organ can be quite serious and sometimes even require surgical removal of the uterus. Uterine diseases

    • may appear as follows:
    • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
    • intermenstrual bleeding;
    • burning and itching of the vulva;
    • thrush.
    • Uterine polyps can also cause abdominal discomfort. A polyp is an overgrown mucous membrane. Most often the cause is hormonal imbalance. Along with cramping pain attacks, brown discharge from the vagina appears.

      Polyps in the uterus can cause pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the leg

      Adenomyosis is a benign neoplasm that often causes a painful outbreak. The pathological process is due to a large amount of endometrium in the muscles of the uterus. Pain in adenomyosis can be localized in the groin or lower back. Also appear brown discharge, shortness of breath, drowsiness, headache.

      Even an incorrectly selected or inserted spiral can cause pain. The spiral is inserted strictly into medical conditions. The appearance of pain in most cases indicates non-compliance with medical recommendations. The first time after the installation of the spiral, it is forbidden to have sex, sports, stay under direct sunbeams and even take certain medications.

      Dysmenorrhea is characterized by irregular menstruation. The pathological process can appear both in adolescence and in adult women. Dysmenorrhea is characterized by the appearance of such symptoms:

    • pain and bloating;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • "cotton legs";
    • dizziness;
    • almenorrhea - pain during menstruation;
    • elevated temperature;
    • fatigue and decreased performance.
    • Dysmenorrhea causes pulling pains in the lower abdomen, radiating to the legs.

      Diseases of the urinary system

      First, let's talk about urolithiasis.

      Urolithiasis disease

      The development of the pathological process is based on the appearance of solid stone-like formations in the kidneys, bladder, ureters. Calculi are crystals that arise from salts.

      Stones damage the lining of the urinary tract and cause inflammatory response. A number of provoking factors lead to the occurrence of ICD. According to statistics, men are more often affected.

      The following reasons contribute to stone formation:

    • hereditary factor;
    • insufficient fluid intake;
    • passive rhythm of life;
    • excessive consumption of foods rich in purines: meat, beans, spinach.
    • Kidney stones can cause severe back pain

      Urination is accompanied by cutting and burning over the pubis. With a sharp change in position or shaking, there is a sharp pain in the lower back. KSD can be complicated by renal colic, in which lower back pain radiates along the ureter, into the leg and abdomen.

      To relieve pain, analgesics and antispasmodics are prescribed. Drugs that change the acid-base balance of the blood and the acidity of the urine will help dissolve the stones. Large calculi that cannot be dissolved are removed surgically.

      Bladder diseases

      Cystitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease that occurs more often in women. This is explained anatomical structure, in women, the urethra is shorter and wider. The disease is based on inflammation of the walls of the bladder. Hypothermia or the penetration of pathogens can provoke the development of the disease.

      With cystitis, an acute attack of pain is localized in the perineum and bladder with irradiation to the lower abdomen and leg. At the end of urination, blood impurities appear. Avoiding cystitis is much easier than treating it, for this you need to observe personal hygiene, drink vitamin complexes and dress according to the weather.

      Inside the bladder is transitional epithelium. Under the influence of certain circumstances, it can degenerate into malignant cells. At risk are people who come into contact with carcinogens.

      In most cases, the human papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause. In the presence of a tumor, painful sensations appear in the lower abdomen. Blood impurities appear in the urine, urine acquires an unpleasant odor.

      Diseases of the digestive tract

      A common disease in which there is pain in the abdomen, radiating to the leg, is appendicitis. Let's talk more about this pathological process.

      Appendicitis is a disease in which the appendix is ​​affected. At first, a person is concerned about diffuse pains in the stomach, which eventually move to the lower right side. Generally speaking, the appendix can be located not only in the lower right side, so pain can occur even on the left.

      With appendicitis, pain appears on the right side. In the case of an atypical location of the process, soreness may also appear in the left side of the abdomen.

      Pain can be intense, and then subside for a while. If the pain is completely gone, then it may be a bad sign indicating the development of the gangrenous form. Along with soreness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation may occur, as well as fever and general condition worsens.

      In no case do not apply a heating pad to the stomach, it can do much harm. Heat contributes to the activation of the inflammatory process. Do not take pain medication on your own. Yes, you can grease clinical picture and make inspection difficult. The only treatment for appendicitis is surgery.

      Intestinal diseases

      Probably every person at least once in his life suffered from an intestinal disorder. Banal non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene can cause diarrhea. Intestinal disorders manifest as the following symptoms: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, headache, bloating.

      Crohn's disease can also cause pain. Despite the fact that the inflammatory process begins with the ileum, the disease affects the entire digestive tract. In Crohn's disease, pain occurs in the lower abdomen on the right. Along with this, there is diarrhea, nausea, fever, weight loss, joint pain.

      Consider other causes that can cause abdominal pain that radiates to the leg:

    • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis. The disease occurs in chronic form and most often affects middle-aged men. In addition to pain, there is diarrhea, bloating, fever, muscle pain, weakness. In the feces, blood and mucus are found.
    • Intestinal obstruction. It is characterized by the appearance of cramping pains in the navel. There is also flatulence, nausea, vomiting, fever.
    • Chronic constipation. Patients often complain of pain in the stomach, as well as a feeling incomplete emptying intestines. The feces become hard and dry.
    • Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The pathological process can occur against the background of stress or malnutrition. There may be stool retention or, conversely, diarrhea may appear.
    • Crohn's disease affects the entire gastrointestinal tract

      Neurological diseases

      Trauma, poor blood supply to the brain can provoke neurological disorders. The hereditary factor plays an important role in the occurrence of a disease of the nervous system. The pathological process can cause numbness of the limbs, memory impairment, tremors, sleep disturbance, hallucinations, sudden pain, paralysis.

      When the lumbar region is affected, pain appears that radiates to the lower abdomen and legs. Raising the leg up increases the pain. In acute prolonged pain, a doctor's consultation is indicated. In order to avoid the development of pathology, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations. In some cases, late diagnosis can be fatal.

      With painful spasms, warming compresses will help relieve the condition. Antispasmodics only temporarily relieve pain, but they do not eliminate the very cause of the spasm. If the diagnosis is not established, then self-medication can only harm.

      For example, with appendicitis, it is strictly forbidden to take analgesics, so you will only blur the clinical picture. Summing up, it is worth noting that abdominal pain with irradiation to the leg is not a disease, but only a symptom indicating the development of some kind of pathology.

      Pain syndrome can be a sign of digestive diseases, as well as pathologies from the neurological, urinary, reproductive spheres. Reveal exact reason and the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis after a comprehensive examination. Remember, the sooner you start the examination, the greater the chances of a successful recovery.

    Lower back pain in men after 35 years is quite common. Many smear themselves with all sorts of ointments, give injections of diclofenac and live on, gradually resigning themselves to regular suffering. There can be a great many reasons for the appearance of problems in the lower back, diclofenac alone will not help here.

    Therefore, the best option is to seek a diagnosis from a specialist who will identify the causes of pain in the lumbar region and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Who can help diagnose?

    Initially, with problems in the lower back in men, they turn to the local doctor or doctor general practice. After an inspection, he will refer to narrower specialists:

    • If you suspect pathological processes in the kidneys - a urologist or nephrologist;
    • With possible problems of the reproductive system - to the proctologist;
    • If there were injuries - to the surgeon, orthopedist or traumatologist.

    Additionally, you may need to consult an infectious disease specialist, a gastroenterologist and a cardiologist.

    Note! A visit to a chiropractor is a very good thing, but only after the patient has been examined specialized specialist. It is impossible to focus only on the recommendations of the manual operator!

    The list is long, but you should not be afraid - sometimes the causes of back pain are obvious by the very symptoms and mass visits to specialists are not required. If, nevertheless, consultations are scheduled, try to describe the sensations in the lower back as detailed as possible. They can be sharp, pulling, aching and differ in localization - to the right or left of the center, sometimes in the lower abdomen, but also give to the lower back or legs. From correct diagnosis diseases, the treatment that will be prescribed by a specialist also depends.

    At-risk groups

    Lower back problems in men are so common that those who do not have back pain are rare lucky ones. The reason for this is in the peculiarities of the male lifestyle.

    Men are at risk:

    1. Those engaged in hard physical labor - loaders, athletes, weightlifters.
    2. Leading a sedentary lifestyle or employed in jobs that involve prolonged sitting - programmers, drivers, accountants.
    3. Overweight.
    4. Having bad habits - abusing alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
    5. With a weakened immune system.

    Therefore, in order to prevent lower back pain, it is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle - if you have sedentary work, get up and do a warm-up at least every 50 minutes, if necessary, lift weights - lift correctly, trying to distribute weight on both hands and not make sharp jerks when lifting. Be sure to refrain bad habits adjust your diet whenever possible to lose weight.

    If the problems are associated with stretching of the muscles - provide peace to the back, allow the muscles to recover. Otherwise, the pain may become chronic.

    If the cause of the problems is a disease of the internal organs, undergo treatment, tuning in to a long fight against the disease.

    Causes of back pain

    The work of men is often associated with overloads on the spine, so acute back pain can be associated with the following problems:

    • Muscle stretching. When the muscles are stretched, the pain syndrome in the lower back is caused by a spasm of the long muscles of the back. Pain is localized in the lumbar region, the patient's mobility is limited. The main treatment is rest for 3-5 days. If during this time the back has not recovered, you need to see a doctor.
    • Fractures of the spine or vertebrae, including compression. Compression lumbar fractures, not complicated by spinal cord injury, are a fairly common phenomenon, especially in men over 40 years of age. At the time of the fracture, no discomfort may occur. Subsequently, sharp pains are observed, aggravated by movement of the body, sometimes even with deep breathing or coughing. In some cases, the pains radiate downward, as in the symptoms of an "acute abdomen". The likelihood of a fracture is quite high if a man has osteoporosis.


    • Displacement of the intervertebral discs. The displacement of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region is characterized by pain syndrome that radiates to the legs. Sometimes lameness may occur. Unlike other pains, this type is not amenable to pain medication.
    • Coxarthrosis of the hip joint. For coxarthrosis of the hip joint, sharp pains in the lower part of the lower back, capturing the buttock area, and a crunch in the affected joint are characteristic. Often they give in the legs to the knee. In advanced cases, it is very difficult to take even simple steps.

    Acute lower back pain in men also occurs as a result of other diseases. It can be:

    1. Caused by various infections - brucellosis, tuberculosis, epidural abscess.
    2. Stroke conditions in cases of cerebrovascular accident.
    3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - acute appendicitis in an atypical form, intestinal obstruction.

    Diseases of the pelvic organs - renal colic, infectious venereal diseases(gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis) also cause referred back pain. The main localization of pain is to the left of the spine. If aching pain occurs on the right and radiates to the lower back, this indicates an attack of urolithiasis. With cholecystitis, the pain is girdle in nature.

    Special cases of sudden pain on the right:

    • ulcer perforation;
    • attack of appendicitis;
    • paraproctitis;
    • Intestinal obstruction.

    Important! In all cases of acute pain in the lower back on the right below, be sure to call an ambulance. Localization of pain on the right indicates that urgent surgical intervention is required.

    Intermittent pain

    The problems in this case are not directly related to the back. Diseased organs lie much deeper than the area of ​​pain localization. As a rule, the following diseases manifest themselves in this way:

    1. Chronic prostatitis.
    2. Kidney disease - pain occurs at the junction of the ribs and spine.
    3. Tumors of the stomach and duodenum, pancreas or peptic ulcer.
    4. Ulcerative colitis and colon swelling radiate pain down the back.

    chronic pain

    If lower back pain has become chronic, it means that ailments have already begun to develop. The most common reasons chronic pain in the lower back in men are:

    Joint treatment More >>

    • Deforming spondylosis. It is characterized by a significant growth bone tissue, dystrophic changes in the lumbar vertebrae and general calcification of the ligamentous apparatus of the spine. This leads to impaired mobility, and then to inflammatory processes in injured tissues. Drawing pains on the left are characteristic.
    • Osteochondrosis. Disease of bones and cartilage.
    • Ankylosing spondylarthrosis. Feature - a significant limitation of the patient's mobility after a period of rest - morning hours, the volume of movements of the chest during breathing decreases. In the advanced form, severe curvature in the thoracic region is observed.

    • Oncological diseases in the metastatic stage - metastatic carcinomas of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, prostate or thyroid gland, lymphoma, osteomyelitis. And, directly, spinal cord tumors themselves - meningoma, lipoma, neurofibroma. They are characterized by dull pain on the left in conjunction with neurological symptoms.
    • Men with prostatitis are characterized by dull pain in the area to the left of the spine. Drawing pains on the left below indicate inflammation of the bladder, especially in conjunction with painful urination.

    There are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of chronic lower back pain in men, and the consequences of neglecting one's own health are more than serious. Therefore, what should not be done is to self-medicate!

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Treatment with folk remedies includes:

    1. Warm compresses - from horseradish or radish, saline compresses, fly agaric tincture.
    2. Rubbing - vodka tinctures of burdock root, red pepper are used.
    3. Dry heat - woolen belts, lying on a heating pad.
    4. Herbal treatment - decoctions or dietary supplements of industrial production, aimed at restoring joints.
    5. Massages - honey, warming well helps.

    Important! Application of any folk methods possible only after the diagnosis and determination of the cause of back pain and in consultation with a specialist.

    Treatment of the lower back is a very painstaking and long business, but you can’t let it go by itself - otherwise you can get a bouquet of progressive diseases.

    That's all, dear readers leave your opinion about today's article in the comments.

    Back pain on the left is not uncommon, many believe that its occurrence is associated with problems of the spine, but this is not always the case. Often sensations are not concentrated in one place, so it is difficult to determine the source. In what cases do painful sensations occur, what causes them, what organ signals a malfunction in it?

    Types of back pain

    Back pain on the left side may differ in the nature of severity, intensity, frequency and irradiation to other parts of the body. It can occur suddenly or torment a person for a long time. It happens aching, pulling, stabbing and bursting. The back pain can be located on the left, in the lower back, and in its upper part.

    The nature of the pain can be caused by:

    • nerve damage (neurapathic);
    • not related to the nervous system (nociceptive).

    Diseases of the internal organs also manifest themselves in various pain sensations.

    How to understand the variety of types and causes of pain syndrome? The best option, when your back hurts at the bottom left, is to contact a therapist, a specialist will compare the totality of symptoms, look at the test results and refer you to the doctor in whose competence this problem is.

    To the left of the spine

    Dorsopathy - the general name for various pathological changes in the spine and soft tissues - stretching or inflammation is one of the most common pains.

    In this case, the internal organs are not related to pain syndromes. Unpleasant sensations arise due to irritation of pain receptors or compression of nerve endings. Often it is provoked:

    • active movement or static posture;
    • osteochondrosis upper divisions spine;
    • herniated intervertebral discs;
    • hypothermia;
    • injuries and fractures, weight lifting;
    • stress, osteoporosis.

    Sometimes painful sensations indicate problems in the organs:

    • Pain to the left of the spine can signal a violation of the heart and blood vessels, if it appeared under the shoulder blade, then myocardial infarction cannot be ruled out, then from timely treatment man to the doctor depends on his life.
    • When the back hurts on the left, responding with sharp dry tingling, this can cause pleurisy or left sided pneumonia. At the same time, a cough does not have to be present, if there is a temperature, wheezing, sweating, then you should not delay going to the doctor;
    • A tumor in the lungs can also cause unpleasant symptoms in this part of the body.

    When the pain is localized in the region of the costal part, the nerve trunks between the ribs are probably inflamed, if the suffering intensifies with a deep breath, then the consultation of a neurologist is very helpful. My patients use a proven remedy, thanks to which you can get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

    In the lower back

    If the back hurts in the lumbar region on the left, the cause is often trouble in the spine. It can be congenital pathologies, injury, degenerative changes, pinched nerve neurological disorders.

    You can distinguish diseases of the spine by specific symptoms:

    • pain in the lower back on the left in the lumbar region:
    • in the legs there is a burning sensation and tingling;
    • there is numbness in some areas;
    • pain radiates to the lower leg or knee.

    Lumbago often occurs after heavy lifting, bending over, or sudden movements. The cause of these ailments:

    • degenerative changes in the spine;
    • congenital diseases;
    • displacement of the vertebrae or hernia.

    From extra pounds, the back often hurts in the lower back on the left. Excess weight can provoke these sensations, because the load on the organs and the musculoskeletal system and joints is increased.

    Pain in the left side of the back, below the waist, sometimes suggests that in spinal cord a tumor develops or a dangerous bone infection develops.

    Other reasons

    Often, pain in the lower back on the left is a sign of inflammation of the genitourinary system, in which case self-medication is unacceptable, inflammation can spread to other organs:

    • If the pain that appears is accompanied by pain in the urethra, often pulls to the toilet, and portions of urine are small, unpleasant pulling sensations appear in the pubic joint, we can say that the cause of the symptoms is inflammation of the bladder;
    • There are strong and pulling pains in the lower back on the left, aggravated by physical exertion, the temperature is elevated, chills, fatigue appears, this resembles a manifestation of pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys.

    Among women

    Pain in the lower back on the left in women, frequent companion inflammation and infectious diseases of the reproductive system, these can be:

    • inflammation;
    • endometritis;
    • tumors;
    • cysts.

    This list can be listed for a long time, the danger is that women associate their appearance with overwork and weight lifting, do not consider it necessary to consult a doctor, contributing to the development of pathology, increased pain in the back to the left below the waist, there may be other reasons:

    • Drawing pain in the back on the left below the waist during menstruation is caused by an increased amount of prostaglandins.
    • Often, the threat of miscarriage is also manifested by an ache in the lower back;
    • It happens that after childbirth a strong aches are concentrated in the lower part;
    • Pulling, with accompanying similar sensations in the lower abdomen, speak of the consequences of trauma, the formation of adhesions;
    • Pain in the left side of the back, below the waist, sometimes indicates the prolapse of the internal organs, kidneys and uterus;
    • Weak muscles, bending of the uterus, is also the cause of discomfort in a woman in everyday life, at the time of sexual intercourse.

    These are not all diseases in which the back hurts in the lumbar region on the left, sometimes they are very dangerous, and attempts at self-treatment and neglect of health exacerbate the situation. Some try to improve the condition by heating, which leads to complications and irreparable consequences.

    According to pathophysiological concepts, pain is an alarm signal in the human body, which warns of any trouble. However, obstetricians and experienced moms know that the period of pregnancy is accompanied by a number of changes.

    The first trimester of pregnancy is deservedly called the "most responsible", because during this period events follow each other very quickly, like a kaleidoscope. It is especially important to understand what causes can lead to pain in lower sections abdomen and lower back in the early stages. But such subjective sensations are not always a cause for concern. In order not to worry without a good reason, it is necessary to figure out what mechanisms can cause pain in normal and pathological conditions.

    Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and lower back can be caused by the following physiological processes:

    1. At the earliest stages of pregnancy (1-2 weeks), implantation (attachment) of a fertilized egg to the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity occurs. This process may be accompanied by slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen. In the first weeks, a woman, as a rule, does not yet know about her pregnancy, and may mistakenly take these sensations for premenstrual pain.
    2. By 3-4 weeks, the chorion is already formed (this is the name of the tissue from which the placenta will subsequently form). This process is accompanied by the immersion of the villi into the wall of the uterus and the formation of blood vessels, with the help of which the blood supply system of the embryo is formed. At this time, the lower abdomen and lower back often ache.
    3. At 5-6 weeks of gestation, there is a change in the lumen of the vessels that feed the embryo. The diameter of arteries and veins increases. The wall of the vessels is rebuilt in such a way that the muscle layer practically disappears. This process protects the developing embryo from possible vasospasm when exposed to stress factors (biological protection). At this stage, the blood flow to the uterus, external genitalia increases significantly. An interesting fact is that during pregnancy, the blood supply to the uterus is equivalent to the volume of blood flow in vital organs (such as the brain, heart, kidneys). The plethora of small pelvic vessels can be manifested by slight pulling, aching pains in the lower back and abdomen.
    4. From 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, the biosynthesis of the hormone relaxin begins. In addition to the ovaries, this hormone is also produced in the fetal chorion cells. This hormone acts on connective tissue articular joints, contributing to their relaxation. This is another reason why it hurts the lower back in the early stages of gestation.
    5. At 9-10 weeks, there is an active growth of the muscle fibers of the uterus. An interesting fact is that the uterus is the fastest growing organ during pregnancy. Its mass increases several times. The uterus acquires an ovoid shape, which is the most comfortable for the development of the fetus. But in addition to lengthening and increasing muscle fibers, there is also a stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus. Cardinal ligaments (located along the rib of the uterus), sacro-uterine (connect the back surface of the uterus with the sacrum) undergo the greatest changes. These anatomical formations thicken, become dense and very durable, as the load on the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus increases. These processes may be accompanied by pain in the coccyx.
    6. The first trimester ends at 11-12 weeks. At this time, the process of organogenesis was completed. This means that all organ systems of the fetus are fully formed. At this time, a woman can feel spontaneous uterine contractions. But don't worry. It is important to know that the uterus - muscular organ, which means that sporadic, short-term contractions up to 8 times a day are absolutely normal. An increase in the tone of the uterus is more characteristic of periods of activity of a woman than at rest. During this period of pregnancy, the uterus of a pregnant woman is conditionally divided into certain zones, which can contract asynchronously. This process is important for churn venous blood from the uterus to avoid excess varicose veins venous plexuses. Such individual abbreviations are named after Braxton-Geeks scientists. In the first trimester, they appear extremely rarely. However, they can cause fear in a woman, because they are manifested by irregular pulling pains in the lower abdomen.
    7. A certain contribution to the appearance of pain in the projection of the lower back makes a change in the urinary system. During pregnancy, an increase in the load on the function of the kidneys, which work in an enhanced mode, is characteristic. The minute blood flow in the kidneys increases due to a general increase in the volume of circulating blood. In addition, the pelvic system of the kidneys expands. All of these changes can lead to back pain.

    It is also important for every pregnant woman to be aware of the possible pathological causes pain syndrome.

    Conditions requiring increased attention:

    1. Threatening spontaneous abortion is manifested by intense pain in the lower abdomen. In the absence of therapy that preserves the pregnancy, further progression of the process is possible. With the onset of self-abortion, pain is already becoming regular. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, the threat of termination of pregnancy can pass without spotting. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in time.
    2. Lower back pain can occur during a missed pregnancy. Stopping the development of the embryo is characterized by the development of inflammatory changes in the frozen fetal egg, followed by the transition to the wall of the uterus. This process can be accompanied by severe pain. Temperature rise is possible.
    3. An ectopic pregnancy is almost always manifested by severe pain. In this condition, the fetal egg is attached not in the uterine cavity, but outside it. The most common type of ectopic pregnancy is tubal. A woman complains of increased pain in the lower abdomen (more often on one side). This state requires active medical intervention, since even today obstetric losses are high during ectopic pregnancy.
    4. Cystic drift is a condition in which degeneration occurs, degeneration of fetal tissues, followed by the formation of hydropic vesicles. With this disease, a woman, in addition to pain, feels pronounced symptoms of toxicosis.
    5. Uterine fibroids during pregnancy are capable of rapid growth(especially its proliferating form). An increase in the blood supply to the uterus, an increase in the diameter of the vessels contributes to the rapid growth of myomatous nodes. With further stretching and enlargement of the uterus, pain may occur. The nodes located on the back wall of the uterus can cause pain in the lower back.
    6. The presence of a woman before pregnancy diseases of the genitourinary system. It is a known fact that pregnancy provokes an exacerbation of all diseases, especially the kidneys. The process of bearing a fetus is an indicator of the functioning of the urinary system. Most often, diseases such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, and urolithiasis are exacerbated. This is facilitated by a change in the acidity of urine, an increase in the volume of circulating blood, a decrease in the immune response of a pregnant woman. All these conditions are accompanied by intense back pain, edematous syndrome, changes in urine laboratory parameters.

    Pain in the abdomen, radiating to the leg, is one of the striking symptoms of acute appendicitis, that is, a reason to immediately go to the hospital in order to exclude or operate on time for this dangerous condition.

    Pain in the lower abdomen caused by a disease of the female genital organs can be given to the leg. Either way, this is a warning sign. Having found it, you should grab not for painkillers, but for the phone.

    Pain as one of the mechanisms of longevity

    When the lower abdomen hurts, and the pain on the right or left radiates to the leg, it is difficult to feel like a happy person. However, pain is a gift of nature.

    This can be confirmed by people with analgesia, a rare disorder of the nervous system in which people are unable to feel pain.

    Even having broken a leg in several places and cut a vein, such people may not notice anything if the damage is not in sight.

    They never prick in the side on the right or left and the lower abdomen does not hurt, there are no headaches or toothaches, but rarely do any of them manage to celebrate their fortieth birthday.

    It's not just about the danger of cutting yourself or falling off your horse, after all, it's not that hard to lead a quiet life and keep yourself out of contact with any potential dangers.

    Without a sense of pain, even an ordinary jog or a walk becomes dangerous, because just an awkwardly placed leg can cause a dislocation and even a fracture.

    Only one in millions of people is born with such a hereditary disorder, and a few more acquire it as a result of traumatic brain injuries.

    In total, about five hundred people on the planet suffer from analgesia. The rest of humanity should understand that pain, including pain in the lower abdomen, is not only a curse, but also a blessing.

    Moreover, the mechanism of pain is so perfect that it does not allow unnecessary suffering.

    There are three degrees of protection against damage, the sensors of which are nerve endings. Most of them are located on the surface of the body under the skin.

    This is due to the fact that external damage threatens a person most often. Scratches and cuts, bruises, pinching, abrasions, bumps - all these are non-personal attributes of childhood, which become less with age, but still quite enough.

    The pain that a person experiences due to the "activation" of skin nociceptors is sharp and sharp, but does not last long.

    This is necessary in order to find the source of injury as soon as possible, to avoid further damage to the body and to eliminate its consequences.

    Bones, tendons, blood vessels and nerves are less likely to be injured, therefore they are supplied with nerve endings to a lesser extent than the skin.

    The pain they cause is not as sharp, so pinpointing the exact location of the injury is somewhat more difficult, but the sensations last much longer.

    This is due to the fact that a person should not “forget” that not everything is in order with him and allow the body to fully recover.

    The poorest of all nerve endings are supplied with internal organs, protected by skin, skeleton and muscles from damage.

    For this reason, it is difficult to accurately determine the exact place where something hurts in the lower abdomen.

    The body provides another mechanism that relieves unnecessary suffering - this is the insula, the area in the brain between the hemispheres, called the center of pain.

    He analyzes all the pain impulses that enter the brain (and each person has about a hundred of them a day) and does not allow the weakest ones to become conscious.

    Without an insula, people would experience asymptomatic pain on a daily basis, including in the lower abdomen on the right, where many vital organs are located.

    How to detect an attack of appendicitis in time?

    Appendicitis is an inflammation of a small appendix of the caecum, the appendix. It is also called the vermiform appendix.

    This part of the intestine, in addition to humans, is also found in some mammals, for example, rabbits, primates, and guinea pigs. Cats don't have it.

    For a long time, the appendix was considered an atavism - a relic organ that does not perform any functions in the human body and the removal of which does not bring the slightest harm.

    Only in 2009, scientists discovered the purpose of the organ, which, it turns out, is a peripheral part of the immune system.

    This is a farm for breeding beneficial bacteria involved in digestion and responsible for the absorption of nutrients by the body.

    Without an appendix, it is more difficult for people to restore the microflora after courses of antibiotics, it is especially important for them to take bacteria during the treatment of infectious diseases.

    Scientists believe that the increase in the density of the world's population contributes to the "borrowing" of bacteria from other people, which partially compensates for the function of the appendix.

    The classic picture of appendicitis is manifested by pain in the abdomen on the right, usually the lower abdomen hurts, the pain is directed towards the navel.

    The symptoms of appendicitis are determined by the structure and location of the appendix. Usually the process has a length of 7 - 9 cm and a diameter of 0.5 to 1 cm.

    It is located on the right under the liver, approximately in the middle between the navel and the ilium, and faces the lower abdomen.

    However, the size (mainly length) and direction of the appendix varies from person to person. The process can be either short, no more than 0.5 cm, or reach 23 centimeters!

    Descending to the right in the lower abdomen, the appendix can cause pain similar to adnexitis in women or inflammation of the bladder in men.

    The process can be located behind the caecum on the right and contact the kidney and ureter, changing the picture of the disease.

    In this case, there are often pains that radiate to the lower back, groin or right leg. Sometimes, with appendicitis, it can hurt in the left lower abdomen, which is also associated with the direction and location of the appendix.

    There is a simple self-diagnosis that allows you to determine the cause of abdominal pain that radiates to the leg. Lightly tap your right finger on the ilium: with appendicitis, you will feel pain.

    Compare it with sensations from the same percussion of the ilium on the left. Cough loudly. With appendicitis, the pain on the right side will increase.

    Press lightly with your palm at the site of the most severe pain, while it should decrease. If after you remove your hand, the pain intensifies, then this also speaks in favor of appendicitis.

    The pain syndrome caused by appendicitis weakens in the fetal position on the right side and intensifies when you try to lie on your left side and straighten your legs.

    Other causes of abdominal pain

    The lower abdomen is the location of the organs of the human reproductive system. Pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right is not always a harbinger of serious illness.

    The lower abdomen with a return to the leg can hurt during ovulation or menstruation. It can also be a symptom of a spasm in the ovary, which can be relieved with an antispasmodic tablet.

    Assessing the seriousness of what is happening with your body, you should pay attention not only and not so much to the localization of pain (in this case, the lower abdomen and leg), but to the nature of the sensations in the lower abdomen.

    Throbbing pains in the lower abdomen are especially dangerous, as they indicate inflammation in the ovaries or fallopian tubes with the formation of pus.

    It is important to remember that pain and the perception of its nature are individual. A person can easily mistake cramping or stabbing attacks in the lower abdomen for throbbing pain.

    Keeping a balance between panic and calmness, you should consult a doctor if the pain that has gripped the lower abdomen:

    • very strong;
    • continuously lasts more than an hour;
    • distinctly pulsating;
    • accompanied by additional phenomena: unusual vaginal discharge, fever, constipation and flatulence, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, and so on.

    Inguinal and femoral hernias are also common causes of pain in the lower abdomen. A hernia looks like a bulge above the surface of the skin in the groin area.

    It can form at one moment when several factors coincide, for example, heavy physical effort when lifting weights, coupled with structural features of the abdominal wall, congenital or as a result of sudden weight loss.

    However, more often than not, it takes many months and even years for a hernia to disfigure the lower abdomen. This defect is far from cosmetic, since a pinched hernia can be fatal.

    Women are more likely than men to experience pain in the groin. This is due to the fact that the organs of the reproductive system are nearby. This article will tell you about why there is pain in the right groin in women. You will be able to find out the main causes of this condition. It is also worth mentioning how the treatment of this disease is carried out.

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    Pain in the right groin in women

    Before mentioning the main causes of this condition, it is worth saying that it is not an independent disease. Pain in the right groin in women always indicates some kind of process. It can be pathological or functional. It is almost impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. However, a woman can fully appreciate the nature and intensity of discomfort. They can be piercing, cutting, pulling or sharp. Pain in the groin on the right side of a woman can be given to the abdominal cavity, leg or lumbar.

    Treatment should be carried out only after consulting a doctor. In some cases, correction is not required at all. It is worth noting that you can not take painkillers on your own. This may dull the main symptom somewhat and give an incorrect clinical picture. If a problem occurs, especially when discomfort increases, it is worth contacting doctors for help. Consider the main causes of pain in the right groin in women and find out the methods of their treatment.

    The release of the egg from the ovary

    Pain in the right groin in women often occurs during ovulation. In this case, the process occurs precisely in the ovary, located on the corresponding side. This symptom occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle. However, in some cases, we can talk about early or late ovulation.

    In the first phase of the cycle, the follicle grows and fills in volume. Having reached its peak, the formation breaks and a female gamete emerges from it. All this is accompanied by an increase and stretching of the walls of the ovary. Such a process can cause pain in the right groin of a woman. Most often it has a pulling or aching character. It is present for several hours or days. After ovulation, everything goes away abruptly. The woman notes that there is no more pain. Treatment in these cases is not carried out. Only sometimes the doctor can advise the patient to take antispasmodics. These include drugs "Baralgin", "Nurofen", "Paracetamol" and many others.


    Pain in the groin area (right) in women may be due to the fact that the next menstruation will soon begin. Also, sensations persist in the first days of bleeding. Doctors call this condition algomenorrhea. The intensity of the discomfort can vary. Some women simply complain of minor discomfort. Other representatives of the weaker sex are forced to lie in bed altogether and take painkillers.

    The treatment of this phenomenon is to first find the cause of the pain syndrome. Often it is a feature of the female body and disappears only after the birth of the first child. Doctors recommend, if necessary, taking medications that relieve spasm. These include "No-shpa", "Papaverin", "Drotaverin" and so on. Also, a progesterone correction is often prescribed, including the medicines "Utrozhestan" and "Dufaston".

    Stool disorders

    Aching pain in the right groin in women may occur due to a violation of the stool. In this case, the patient notes an increase in the urge to defecate or, conversely, their absence. Often this pathology is accompanied by additional manifestations: nausea, vomiting, flatulence, belching, lack of appetite or fever.

    Treatment in this case is most often symptomatic. So, with constipation, the drugs "Duphalac", "Gutasil", "Fitomucil", "Senade" and others are prescribed. If a woman complains of diarrhea, then doctors recommend taking Imodium, Levomycetin and maintaining an appropriate diet. Apart from symptomatic treatment, a course of intake of beneficial bacteria is often prescribed. They help improve digestion and prevent problems such as loose stools. Such drugs include "Linex", "Baktisubtil", "Acipol" and others.

    adhesive process

    Pulling pain in the groin on the right in women can be caused by the formation of adhesions. They often appear after surgery, with untimely treatment inflammation and endometriosis. At the same time, adjacent organs stick together, and thin films are formed between them. All this leads to displacement of the loops of the intestines, ovaries and fallopian tubes. A woman, because of such an education, experiences severe discomfort and pain.

    The adhesive process in the small pelvis in a woman can be cured in two ways: surgical and medical. In this case, the choice depends solely on the severity of the pathology and the cause of its occurrence. In the case of surgery, laparoscopy is preferred. In conservative therapy, such medicines as Longidaza, Lidaza are chosen. Complement their physiotherapy.


    Cutting sharp pain in the groin on the right in women may appear in the pathology of the urinary system. Often, it is the right ureter that suffers. The thing is that this is how the excretory system works. The right kidney in humans is slightly lower than the left. If bacteria and pathological microorganisms are present in the bladder, then cystitis begins over time. The disease is manifested by cutting pains during urination and unpleasant sensations on the right side of the groin.

    Treatment in this case should always contain antibiotic therapy. However, before prescribing certain medications, it is worth conducting an analysis for the sensitivity of microorganisms. The most commonly chosen drugs are Amoxicillin, Summamed, Flemoxin, Vilprafen, and so on. At the same time, the patient is prescribed diuretics, such as Furosemide, Veroshpiron and others.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    Severe pain in the right groin in women occurs if an ectopic pregnancy occurs. In this case, the fetal egg is often fixed precisely on the side where ovulation was. Right-sided ectopic pregnancy is also characterized by spotting spotting from the genital tract, small stature chorionic gonadotropin, absence gestational sac in the uterine cavity during ultrasound. It can arise for many reasons. These include adhesions, inflammation, impaired patency of the pipes, and so on.

    Treatment in this case can only be surgical. The patient should be hospitalized as soon as possible and undergo laparoscopic surgery. In some cases, a laparotomy may be needed. manipulation is carried out under general anesthesia. The shorter the gestation period, the more likely save a woman's fallopian tube.

    Ovarian cyst

    Drawing pains on the right side of a woman can occur due to the appearance of a neoplasm on the ovary. In most cases, these cysts are benign. There are functional and non-functional growths. The first type does not require any intervention and most often goes away on its own. Nonfunctional cysts may sometimes respond hormonal correction however, most require surgical intervention.

    If the pathology is malignant, then, undoubtedly, an operation is performed to remove the cyst. Sometimes the entire ovary needs to be amputated. After that, the woman is shown a course of radiation and chemotherapy.

    Inflammation of the appendages

    Pulling or cutting pain in the groin on the right can be a sign of inflammation. Wherein pathological process may affect the ovary, fallopian tube, and uterus. Doctors call these conditions the following terms: adnexitis, metritis, salpingitis and endometritis.

    Treatment in such cases should be started as soon as possible. Otherwise, a woman may face serious complications. Most often, the correction consists in the use of immunomodulatory drugs. These include "Likopid", "Interferon", "Isoprinosine" and others. In addition, antimicrobial therapy is prescribed ("Terzhinan", "Naxodzhin", "Metronidazole"). After treatment, measures are taken to restore the vaginal microflora.


    Often, pain in the right groin occurs due to the formation of a hernia. It occurs as a result of weakening of the muscles of the small pelvis. The consequence of this is the prolapse of the intestinal loop into the resulting fistula.

    A hernia should always be treated. Otherwise, the intestinal loop is pinched, and the blood stagnates in it. All this leads to serious complications. Most often, the pathology is corrected surgically. To date, this is the most effective method. Many chiropractors offer their services to reduce a hernia. However, this treatment is not always successful.

    Summing up the article

    You now know the main causes of pain in the right side of the groin in a woman. Remember that if a symptom occurs, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. You may need urgent treatment. Do not self-diagnose. Your diagnosis may be incorrect. The consequence of this will be an incorrectly selected correction and the addition of complications. Use the services of doctors, be treated properly and be healthy!

    Sometimes it happens that some women do not pay attention to a series of everyday worries. special attention for weak signals own body. Many people do not think about the fact that these warning “bells” are given by the body for a reason.

    Therefore, it happens when, for example, it hurts a little in the groin on the right, this does not cause anxiety in women, and this can result in specific health problems.

    Depending on the nature of this pain, we can talk about possible violations of the female body.

    If the pain is of a pulling nature

    Unpleasant, tedious sensations that courageous women endure for a long time, doctors refer to pains of an acute nature, threatening emergency medical intervention.

    Pain in the abdomen - possible food poisoning or developing disease

    These sensations can be harbingers:

    These characteristic pulling pains can signal that not everything is fine in the female genital area and warn of impending diseases, such as:

    • inflammation of the appendages;
    • menstrual pain;
    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • ovarian cysts.

    One of the causes of pain in the groin is inflammation of the appendage.

    Carefully! If, in addition to pulling pain, disturbances appear during the act of defecation and urination, then perhaps the patient is threatened with prolapse of the female genital organs, that is, genital prolapse.

    This disease, apart from indicated symptoms, still accompanied by a feeling foreign body or pain in the lower back and sacrum.

    But not always anxiety in the right groin is a sign of illness. Sometimes this pain is just a reaction to an unusual physical activity the day before or to increased exercise in the gym.

    Aching pain in the groin in women

    If there are aching pains in the groin, most women are in no hurry to seek medical help, persuading themselves that the pain is not acute, it means nothing to worry about.

    A satisfactory state of the body in this situation can instantly deteriorate and end with a chronic inflammatory process.

    Well, if it's just menstrual pain, provoked hormonal failure. This problem can be solved by normalizing hormonal background. But aching pains are characteristic of adhesive disease , and for joint disease, and in case of exacerbation of gynecological pathologies: cyst, fibroids, salpingitis, etc.

    Is it possible to relieve pain with medications

    Over time, in women who have pain in the groin on the right or left, a situation arises when patience comes to an end and it is necessary to somehow relieve the pain. But the fact of the matter is that any medications, even the most harmless analgesics, only temporarily help.

    If there is pain in the groin on the right, you should consult a doctor

    This does not solve the problem, but only exacerbates it. and here are the reasons why:

    1. Without a diagnosis, it is hardly possible to guess which drug is needed, in what dosage and how to take it correctly.
    2. If, nevertheless, the drug helped to temporarily relieve pain, this does not mean that the problem is solved. No, it is only muffled and it is possible that the picture of the disease will be “blurred” in this way, and this can play a negative role in making a diagnosis.
    3. The systematic use of analgesics most often helps the disease to go into a chronic stage and in the future you will have to undergo a long and complex treatment.

    Important to remember! Taking painkillers not prescribed by your doctor can adversely affect the body as a whole, including causing allergic reactions.

    When to see a doctor

    This mild ailment with a harmless, at first glance, symptom of “pain in the groin on the right” in women should cause some concern, which can only be debunked by a timely consultation with a doctor.

    Seeing a doctor guarantees effective treatment and, moreover, will not allow the disease to go into a chronic stage.

    Anyway examination should begin with a visit to the local therapist. Then, based on the results of the initial examination, the doctor will refer the patient for a consultation with a specialist: a surgeon, neuropathologist, urologist or gynecologist.

    Pain in the groin during pregnancy

    The situation when women have pain in the right groin is especially relevant for those who are preparing to become a mother.

    Some pregnant women experience lower abdominal pain

    But not always such a symptom signals the development of any ailment in a pregnant woman. Often it happens that this feeling accompanies the entire pregnancy. During this period, the female body experiences colossal physiological and hormonal changes.

    The longer the gestation period, the more a woman listens to herself and discovers a variety of painful sensations, including in the groin area. And this is all understandable: the fetus grows, the uterus increases and causes sprains.

    small anxiety in the groin can be the cause of increased levels of the hormone progesterone, which reduces intestinal motility, causing constipation in a pregnant woman.

    This is accompanied by the appearance of a feeling of discomfort, painful sensations also in the rectum and abdomen. Or maybe, on the contrary, inguinal pain indicates the appearance of flatulence.

    It is impossible to exclude diseases that are sometimes found in women during pregnancy.

    Here are some of them:

    1. Symphysite. The cause of this pathology may be swelling of the articulation and excessive divergence of the frontal bones. This mother's illness, as a rule, does not affect the health of the baby. And in the expectant mother, such a disease most often disappears after childbirth. But during the birth itself, this pathology can bring serious problems.
    2. Infectious and inflammatory diseases urinary organs. They are also characterized by pain in the groin. This symptom may indicate: colpitis, cervitis, cystitis, etc.
    3. Ectopic pregnancy. Very often, the attachment of a fertilized cell in the fallopian tube is not immediately diagnosed and pregnancy in the first stages proceeds as traditional.

    The appearance of pain in the groin and lower abdomen, accompanied by bloody discharge, weakness, should cause concern that it hurts in the groin on the right. Among women this pathology is associated with a great threat to life and should be removed as soon as possible.

    A symptom of what disease can be pain in the groin on the right

    All the aforementioned ailments, accompanied by a feeling of pain in the groin in women, can be divided into 3 groups of diseases:

    • physiological;
    • surgical;
    • therapeutic.

    Pain in the lower abdomen in women can be the cause of a serious illness

    Physiological diseases are characterized by the anatomical features of the female body and the processes that occur in different periods of a woman's life, For example:

    • pregnancy;
    • periodic pain;
    • pre-battles and more.

    Symptoms of pain in the right groin in women may accompany the following surgical diseases, such as the:

    • trauma;
    • purulent processes;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • intestinal pathology;
    • adhesions;
    • appendicitis and many others.

    Therapeutic women's diseases include:

    • cystitis;
    • myoma;
    • endometriosis;
    • arthritis, chondrosis;
    • inflammation lymph nodes and others.

    Of the diseases listed above, in which women have pain in the groin on the right, the most common pathology of the lymph nodes and appendicitis.

    Inflammation of the lymph nodes

    The lymphatic system protects the body from infectious agents that can cause an inflammatory process. Lymph nodes protect the pelvic organs.

    Inflammation of the lymph nodes is manifested by pain in the right groin

    If lymphocytes cannot cope with massive attacks of pathogenic microorganisms, then inflammation of the lymph nodes is formed.

    Right-sided inguinal lymphadenitis is accompanied by limited painful swelling in the groin and pain in the lower abdomen on the right side.

    Sometimes the pain is supplemented by intoxication and elevated body temperature.

    It is important to know! Often this inflammatory process occurs as a result of genitourinary infections.

    Appendicitis and its symptoms

    Appendicitis is far from a common disease. The cause of this disease is the entry of pathogenic flora into the appendix, which is a small appendix on the right.

    One of the causes of pain is inflammation of the appendix.

    It all starts with a sharp pain in the navel area or in the epigastric region (relatively speaking, this is a part of the abdomen, formed by a triangle, at the base of which lies the horizontal line of the navel, and its top is at the midpoint where the chest ends).

    Then the pain is localized in the lower abdomen on the right and begins to radiate either to the lower back, or to the right groin, leg, or to the rectum and ileum.

    Note! At first, the disease manifests itself dull pain, increasing in the following cases:

  • while walking;
  • when the person lies on the left side.
  • Already these worries should make women who simply have pain in the groin on the right immediately seek medical help so as not to aggravate their condition.

    Then, In addition to the above symptoms for appendicitis, the following appear, such as:

    • increased body temperature;
    • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
    • loss of appetite;
    • stool disorder.

    At this stage of the disease, any delay in surgical intervention threatens with great trouble.

    The female body is physiologically adapted to pain. But this does not mean that it needs to be endured once again. Attentive attitude to one's own health guarantees not only the prevention of terrible diseases, but also peace of mind necessary for yourself and your loved ones.

    The following video will tell you why there is pain in the right groin in women:

    In this video, Elena Malysheva explains which symptom of the disease can be pain in the lower right abdomen:

    This video will tell you why the lower abdomen is pulled in pregnant women

    Pain in the right groin in women may be the result various diseases. They can be divided into several main groups. For example, the most common are diseases associated with the spine and problems of internal organs. Also, when the groin on the right side of women hurts, this may be due to pregnancy and some of the main features of the menstrual cycle.
    There are also problems with the intestines. Pain in the right groin, bloating, sometimes constipation, fever, and vomiting can indicate diseases such as bowel cancer, diverticulitis, and intestinal obstruction. Similar sensations can be accompanied by inflammatory female diseases: adnexitis, parametritis, salpingo-oophoritis. If a sharp pain is felt when feeling the lower abdomen, this may signal very serious problems, for example, a rupture of an ovarian cyst or torsion of its legs. In this case, pain in the right groin in women can also resemble a clinical picture similar to appendicitis.

    The symptoms may closely resemble the formation of a cyst on the right ovary. When a woman experiences gradually increasing painful or cramping sensations, which are combined with pain in the abdomen, radiating to the anus, then the situation is extremely serious and you simply cannot delay. In this case, pain in the right groin in women can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, and it can even go as far as rupture of the fallopian tubes.
    At the same time, the pain grows and becomes so strong and unbearable that a woman can simply lose consciousness. Urgent surgical care in this case is essential! Quite often, such unpleasant and sometimes aching pains are faced by young and nulliparous girls. In this situation, pain in the right groin in women may be a sign of algomenorrhea. This disease may be caused by hormonal disorder, in which the pain often begins a few days before the onset of menstruation, has a aching or cramping character and continues for another 2 days after the cycle. It is important to know that painful periods accompanied by acute or aching pain require immediate consultation with a gynecologist.
    Also through the groin, the lower edge in the abdominal cavity, in women, the round ligament of the uterus passes. Loops of intestines descend into the same area, which can form a hernia. When pain is felt on the right, it is this problem that comes to mind in the first place. Such hernias form when the local supporting tissue weakens, and this allows bowel loops to slip out of the abdomen and into the groin.

    Even without visible signs, a hernia can cause pain and lead to rather unpleasant complications. There is also a type strangulated hernia”, which requires just an immediate operation. Otherwise, a violation of the blood supply to the strangulated intestines can lead to their complete destruction. Therefore, it is better to immediately consult a doctor when the first signs appear than to wait for the development of such serious complications!

    The inguinal zone in women is the junction of the peritoneum with the thighs. In this area, many muscles are attached, which are responsible for flexion and extension of the body, mobility of the hips, etc. large arteries and the uterine ligament is located. Consequently, pain in the groin on the right side in women can be triggered by numerous pathologies in the body that cannot be neglected.

    We invite you to figure out why it can suddenly get sick in the groin on the right side of women, what are the pain sensations and what additional symptoms they are accompanied, as well as what can be done in this or that case in order to avoid complications.

    • Pain in the groin with cystitis
    • Pain before menstruation
    • Ailments associated with pregnancy
    • Bladder injury
    • Diseases of the hip joints with pain in the groin
    • Other causes of right groin pain

    Pain due to cystitis

    With this common disease in women, it can get very sick in the lower abdomen on the right closer to the groin. The disease is accompanied by inflammation localized on the walls of the bladder. Often, cystitis occurs as a result of bacteria entering the bladder. Women are prone to cystitis with pain in the groin on the right more than men, due to the structure of the urethra. In the fair sex, the urination channel is wider and shorter than the male one, so infections pass through it more easily. The main reasons for the development of cystitis, in which pain appears closer to the groin in the lower abdomen:

    • hypothermia;
    • weakening of immune mechanisms;
    • sedentary work;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • inadequate personal hygiene.

    In acute forms, the sudden appearance of cutting pains when visiting the toilet is not ruled out, and the pains may differ in aching nature and sometimes be paroxysmal.

    Pain before menstruation

    In addition to diseases and disorders, the groin on the right in women can get sick before menstruation. It occurs more often in young women who have not yet given birth, but basically everything is individual. Doctors call such pains that radiate to the leg, algomenorrhea. Soreness is cramping and occurs 2-3 days before the cycle. Duration unpleasant symptoms with menstruation, it can also last for several days.

    The cause of such pain in the right side in the groin in women is associated with hormonal deficiency. Usually the situation gradually normalizes without outside intervention. Also, such discomfort usually ceases to haunt women after the first birth. If the pain is very intense and affects well-being, you can consult a gynecologist.

    Soreness during pregnancy

    Now consider why the right side hurts in the groin in pregnant women and whether similar condition the norm? This is not always normal, so you need to report the identified symptoms to the doctor you are seeing. In general, pain in the groin on the right is usually due to factors such as:

    • relaxation of ligaments and cartilage due to the influence of hormones released during pregnancy;
    • pressure of the developing fetus on the pelvic area and expansion of the pubic symphysis;
    • increased muscle tone;
    • stretching of the ligaments, due to which the uterus is kept in the small pelvis;
    • lack of calcium.

    When pain in the groin during pregnancy is aching in nature, a special bandage, anaerobic exercises and even acupuncture will help to eliminate them. All this can be prescribed by the doctor you are seeing. In order to avoid calcium deficiency, the diet should be controlled.

    Bladder injury

    If the bladder is damaged, the victim may experience pain on the right in the groin, which sometimes even radiates to the leg. This kind of pelvic injury is serious, so medical attention is needed. Various situations can lead to this: blows to the stomach, falls and other mechanical influences.

    Injuries of the bladder are divided into closed (the skin is not damaged), open with skin damage, abdominal and extraperitoneal. A medical examination is required to determine the nature of the injury. In case of injuries of the bladder, the right side will begin to pull in the groin, giving it to the leg, and more severe and sharp pains may also occur. Additional symptoms include:

    • hematoma in the affected area;
    • irradiation of pain in the perineum;
    • urinary retention;
    • blood clots in the urine;
    • increase in body temperature;
    • pallor of the skin.

    Joint disorders

    When pain in the groin on the right is given to the leg and aggravated when walking, the reason is probably chronic diseases affecting the hip joints. One of the most common is considered a pathology called coxarthrosis of the hip joint. The characteristic differences of such pain in inguinal zone are considered:

    • appear only on one side (for example, on the right);
    • when walking, the pains are aggravated, but then subside, and when walking for a long time they appear again;
    • at rest the pain subsides.

    To treat such pain in the groin in women on the right, you need to talk to a traumatologist or orthopedist. Pain of a aching nature in the groin, when the leg is additionally pulled, is formed in women and with osteochondrosis of the lower back. Treatment requires a consultation with a neurologist.

    Other diseases

    When a woman has pain in her groin closer to the right side, the cause may also be hidden in other diseases that are less common than those listed above, but they cannot be ruled out. For example, the case may be in diseases of the intestine, including dangerous cancer endometrium, in which there will first be a slight pain in the groin of a woman. Endometrial cancer is an oncological infection of the body of the uterus. Among other intestinal pathologies with pain in the groin, intestinal obstruction is distinguished. Additionally, symptoms such as:

    • stool disorders;
    • abdominal pain of varying intensity;
    • bloating;
    • vomit;
    • increase in body temperature.

    When the lymph node in the right groin of a woman begins to hurt, she probably caught a cold somewhere. Against this background, the onset of inflammatory processes is not excluded. With such pathologies, there is a sharp pain in the groin (sometimes it hurts for a woman to sit and walk). The general state of health worsens and the temperature increases, and palpation is accompanied by pain.

    A rare, but very dangerous situation, in which it hurts on the right in the groin and radiates to the lumbar zone, may be a rupture of an ovarian cyst in a woman. The pain will be sharp and strong, and is usually localized on one side. The temperature rises sharply and the pressure may drop.

    Another most unpleasant situation is an ectopic pregnancy. With this pathology, the pain is pulsating and gradually increasing. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, a rupture of the fallopian tube is possible - in this case, the pain in the groin will become unbearable (loss of consciousness is not excluded). In this case, an urgent operation is needed.