Imbalance of the autonomic system in chronic neurosis. Symptoms of autonomic neurosis and its treatment

Autonomic neurosis (or autonomic dystonia, vegetopathy) is a disease of various tissues and organs that occurs as a result of functional and dynamic disorders of the vegetative tissue nervous system(but not because of its organic changes). When diagnosed with "vegetoneurosis" a variety of symptoms may occur, but with general examination doctors do not find structural changes in the organs that the patient complains about.

The heart hurts, but the cardiologist does not find the disease. Nausea, vomiting, bowel movements - and according to a gastroenterologist you healthy man. Why does this happen, and what does the nervous system have to do with it?

There are many functions in our body that we cannot regulate ourselves (for example, breathing, heartbeat, production gastric juice, pupillary reaction to light). Nature made sure that all this worked harmoniously without our participation. These processes are controlled by the human autonomic nervous system. Now it is not difficult to imagine what will happen if discord occurs in this balanced system and its functions are disrupted. This is vegetative neurosis.

Symptoms can be very different and manifest themselves in different areas. But still they can be combined into several groups.

Signs of the disease

Depending on which functions of the autonomic nervous system are impaired, vegetative neurosis can manifest itself as several syndromes (that is, a set of symptoms):

  1. Vegetative-cutaneous syndrome. The skin becomes hypersensitive, the skin color becomes marbled or bluish, the skin is excessively dry or moist, and itching occurs.
  2. Vegetative-allergic syndrome. A whole series of allergic reactionsfood allergy, allergic runny nose, rash (urticaria), Quincke's edema.
  3. Vegetative-visceral syndrome. Stool disorders, work Bladder, bile outflow, various metabolic disorders. Swallowing may be impaired, and “false” manifestations of angina may occur.
  4. Vegetative-trophic syndrome. The occurrence of erosions and trophic ulcers, erosions. The nutrition (blood supply) of hair, nails and muscles is disrupted. Muscle atrophy may occur.
  5. Vasomotor syndrome. Pressure changes, dizziness, nausea, headache, muscle and joint pain, stomach pain.

Causes of the disease

Autonomic neurosis and its symptoms can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • individual characteristics of the human nervous system (weak, unbalanced type of nervous system);
  • previous illnesses infectious nature(acute and chronic);
  • long-term psycho-emotional overload, chronic stress, acute stress of losing a loved one;
  • general exhaustion of the body caused by poor diet, unfavorable lifestyle, bad habits, lack of sleep, etc.

In children, the disease can occur against the background of long-term dysfunction in the family. If a child systematically observes parental conflicts, encounters cruel treatment, he experiences long-term stress, which, as it accumulates, can trigger the onset of disease.

In adults, the mechanism of development of the disease may be similar, only psychological trauma It is inflicted not by parents, but by spouses, children, brothers and sisters.

Autonomic neurosis implies various treatments, depending on what exactly was the impetus for the development of the disease.

Specialists and treatment methods

To recognize neurosis and prescribe subsequent treatment, it is first necessary to exclude the presence of organic diseases. Be guided by your symptoms: if you are worried about pain in the heart, you need to visit a cardiologist, if you have digestive and bowel problems, you need to consult a gastroenterologist, etc.

If subject matter experts If organic diseases have been excluded according to their profile, then treatment of vegetative neurosis is required. It may vary depending on the origin of the problem. If the cause of vegetative neurosis is a traumatic brain injury or past illnesses, then treatment by a neurologist is required. He will appoint everything necessary examinations, will prescribe suitable medications.

In other situations, the disease is essentially provoked by a combination of a traumatic situation with certain properties of a person’s nervous system, as well as his lifestyle. Therefore, for treatment to be effective, it is necessary A complex approach. It should include:

  1. Working with a psychotherapist. Psychotherapy helps to calm the patient, reduce emotional excitement. The therapist will help you understand stress mechanisms the onset of the disease, develop effective stress management skills.
  2. Rejection of bad habits. Reconsider what factors may have an impact Negative influence on the nervous system: smoking, alcohol, taking stimulant drinks, strong coffee, going to bed late, etc.
  3. Treatment by other specialists (as prescribed by a doctor) - reflexology, acupuncture, massages.
  4. Taking medications, as prescribed by a doctor, may be required for a certain period of time to relieve neurological symptoms.
  5. Lifestyle changes. This point is directly related to the characteristics of the nervous system of a person susceptible to neuroses.

It is necessary to realize that the properties of the nervous system are set by nature for life, and they must be taken into account. Since we are talking about a weak and unstable nervous system, then it must be “protected from a young age.” To do this, follow these rules.

vegetative dystonia, vegetative neurosis, vegetopathy, vegetosis. sympathosis) - diseases of various organs and tissues that arise as a result of dynamic, functional disorders in the autonomic devices that innervate them. Unlike organic lesions of the autonomic nervous system, autonomic neurosis is not detected either macroscopically or microscopically structural changes in her formations. It should, however, be assumed that with the improvement of research methods (electron microscopy, histochemistry), in some cases it may be possible to detect subtle changes. In innervated tissues and organs during autonomic neurosis, clear structural disturbances may occur, resulting from functional changes in the innervation devices. Functional disorders can be observed at all levels of the autonomic nervous system - from the cortex to the peripheral parts. The etiological factors causing autonomic neurosis can be acute and chronic infections, intoxication, vitamin deficiencies, disorders internal secretion, physical and mental injuries.

Pathogenetically, autonomic neurosis is conventionally divided into several groups. In the first group, autonomic disorders develop against the background general neurosis(hysteria, neurasthenia, psychasthenia). Along with the symptoms characteristic of these diseases, it is possible to detect certain autonomic disorders: tachycardia, bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmia, shortness of breath, hiccups, appetite disturbance, vomiting, belching, diarrhea, constipation, sweating disorders, changes in skin color, sexual disorders (impotence , violations menstrual cycle). In each specific case one is observed. two or more of specified Symptoms. This group of autonomic neuroses is based on disturbances in the activity of the cortical-hypothalamic structures. In addition, other etiological factors (infection, vitamin deficiency), weakening the nervous system and increasing the impact of the main etiological factor. Primary lesion cortical centers appears through underlying vegetative formations. The personality traits of the patient play a certain role in the occurrence of neurosis. The second group includes autonomic neuroses, which are based on a pathological process (of a functional-dynamic nature) in the subcortical autonomic centers, which also extends to the sympathetic ganglia and peripheral autonomic plexuses. in these weaves, disturbances appear in certain systems: vascular ( hypertonic disease, primary hypotension), respiratory ( bronchial asthma), gastrointestinal (stomach ulcer, duodenum) etc. The nature of the lesion is largely determined by the initial predominance of sympathetic or steam tone sympathetic division autonomic nervous system. The doctrine of the antagonism of these systems has now been replaced by the idea of ​​their synergistic activity, ensuring the subtle adaptation of the body to the environment. At the heart of a number of diseases can be noted an increase functional state sympathetic nervous system (hypertension, paroxysmal tachycardia) or parasympathetic department (bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer, hypotension). Dysfunction of the cortical autonomic centers also occupies a certain, but insignificant place in the pathogenesis of this group. The third group includes autonomic neuroses, which are a consequence of a pathological process that primarily occurs in the periphery. It is observed after local trauma, when a certain organ is damaged. In these cases pathological changes develop primarily in the local peripheral autonomic apparatus within the corresponding segment where the arcs of autonomic reflexes close. This group includes local angioneuroses (see igiotrophoneurosis and reflex traumatic lesions tissues (vegetative-trophic disorders in the area of ​​injury) a necessary condition The occurrence of all groups of autonomic neuroses is increased lability, excitability in some cases of cortical, in others - hypothalamic and brainstem, in others - peripheral vegetative formations, which leads to inadequate (quantitatively and qualitatively) reactions to various stimuli. Only the exclusion of organic damage to the actual anatomical structures of the autonomic nervous system allows us to interpret the disease as an autonomic neurosis.

Treatment. Etiological therapy consists of eliminating factors that traumatize the psyche, using antimicrobial agents (antibiotics and sulfonamides) and detoxifying glucose. sodium hyposulfite, etc.) means of treating a primarily diseased organ or tissue, up to surgical removal of a traumatic scar, which is a source of autonomic disorders. Pathogenetic therapy consists of direct and indirect psychotherapy (mainly for neuroses of the first group). effects on the subcortical and stem centers that normalize the state of autonomic tone (medicines, physiotherapy - diathermy on the hypothalamic region, nasal ionogalvanization), application sedatives, affecting cortical-hypothalamic-sgeol formations (bromides, aminazine, meprotan, andaxin), as well as ganglion blockers (pachycarpine, hexomethosine pentamine), interrupting pathological impulses from the center to the periphery (vegetative neuroses of the second group) and from the periphery to the center ( autonomic neuroses of the third group). For the same purposes can be used surgical interventions on the sympathetic nervous system (preganglionic sympathectomy specific Treatment individual neuroses and angiotrophoneuroses are presented in the relevant sections. The prognosis is least favorable for autonomic neuroses of the second group. Prevention consists of hardening the body, strengthening the nervous system (rational rest, physical education).

Autonomic neurosis is a disease that develops when the autonomic nervous system is disrupted. With this disease, tissue functions are disrupted and internal organs. The patient complains of pain in various organs and that they are not working correctly. But when the doctor conducts examinations, he finds no changes.

To find out what autonomic neurosis is and how it appears, you need to understand how the human autonomic nervous system works.

This system, part of the general human nervous system, is very important and is responsible for communications various systems body, vessels, organs, glands. We cannot control its functioning at will. But her correct work important for normal physical as well as mental state person.

Functions of the autonomic nervous system:

  1. It regulates the functioning of the entire body while a person is in a state of sleep.
  2. Controls the body's resources, contributing to its recovery and replenishment of energy reserves.
  3. Monitors speed metabolic processes occurring in the human body.
  4. Regulates the increase and decrease in tissue excitability.
  5. Affects mental functions person and his reactions.
  6. Affects the activity of the body.

Based on all of the above, it can be understood that if malfunctions occur in the functioning of a person’s autonomic system, various pathologies can result.

Autonomic disorders in neuroses can have two types of origin. Neurosomatic nature manifests itself in disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary, respiratory, digestive or cardiovascular systems. In such cases, patients suffer from motor or speech dysfunction, they may experience migraines and other unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Impaired sensitivity can also be a consequence of the development of neurosis. These neuroses may also have a psychopathological nature. With this type of neurosis, problems occur in the functioning of the psyche. They can be expressed in the development depressive disorders, the appearance of phobias or asthenia.

Causes of the disease

The most common reasons that provoke the development of the disease:

  • long or severe stress, which has taken a chronic form;
  • brain damage due to traumatic brain injury;
  • various diseases infectious origin that left behind consequences in the form of neurosis;
  • too much physical or mental stress;
  • any combination of circumstances that can cause complex psychological trauma in a person;
  • incorrect daily routine, bad or not balanced diet;
  • peculiarities human psyche associated with individual age or gender characteristics of a person. For example, hormonal changes in women during menopause;
  • intoxication of the body, living in environmentally unfavorable areas and even changing time zones;
  • bad habits;
  • conflict situations at work or in the family, when a person has a very strong feeling of internal disagreement and protest;
  • psychological trauma received by a child in childhood. This can happen as a result of the wrong behavior of adults or even violence directed against a child. It is worth noting here that the disease can develop in young children and adolescence who grew up in dysfunctional families, as a result of insufficient attention from their parents. Children begin to behave defiantly, and parents, not realizing that this is a manifestation of a developing neurosis, do not take measures aimed at restoring the child’s health.

How to diagnose autonomic neurosis?

The difficulty in diagnosing vegetative neurosis is that it cannot be determined by any special features. This is explained by the fact that with this disease, pathology can occur in any of the organ systems. This disease is characteristic of a number of clinical signs. And, interestingly, each of these signs is characteristic of some a separate type diseases. The doctor has to carry out full examination to rule out the disease whose symptoms he is observing. And only after excluding specialized pathologies and after examining a gastroenterologist, cardiologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, pulmonologist and others, can a correct diagnosis be made. In other words, only after the doctor establishes that, although there are signs of gastritis, the patient does not have gastritis itself, can he make a diagnosis of vegetative neurosis.


What's happened autonomic dysfunction and why there are many variations in the development and treatment of autonomic neurosis, doctors will tell you. From this video you will learn in more detail what the difficulties of diagnosing are, why it is necessary to undergo comprehensive examination from different specialists, and what treatment methods can be used:

Autonomic neurosis symptoms that appear most often

In most patients the disease manifests completely different symptoms and even whole groups of them. In each individual case, the doctor must thoroughly study all the syndromes that arise during the development of the disease, determine the real state of the person’s physical and mental condition, and only then begin a course of treatment. All syndromes are conditionally divided into groups, each of which has its own symptoms:

  1. Vegetative-cutaneous syndrome. This is very dry or excessively moist skin in the patient. She is too sensitive and itchy skin.
  2. Vegetative-trophic syndrome. Sometimes it manifests itself in the appearance of trophic ulcers. Most often, ulcers occur on the lower back or extremities. Sometimes in the form of muscle atrophy or tissue nutritional disturbances.
  3. Vegetovascular syndrome. Manifests itself in a decrease or increase blood pressure which occurs several times a day. The patient may experience severe and prolonged headaches, often without apparent reason, arrhythmia and tachycardia. Some patients complain of sudden attacks nausea and dizziness.
  4. Vegetative-allergic syndrome. With this syndrome, a person experiences erythemal rashes on the skin, allergic rhinitis, chronic runny nose and even nosebleeds. Food allergies often occur to various foods that were previously accepted normally by the body.
  5. Vegetative-visceral syndrome. It often causes a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath and difficulty swallowing. Patients often complain of pain in the heart area, diarrhea, constipation, a large number of secreted saliva.
  6. Hypochondriacal syndrome. It manifests itself in the fact that the patient constantly suspects that he has various, often incurable diseases, is overly concerned about his health, experiences strong anxiety even with a slight malaise.
  7. Phobic syndrome. Very often it occurs in combination with other syndromes. Expressed in fears and phobias of a neurotic nature that arise without reason. Its complexity lies in the fact that the patient understands that he is experiencing fear without proper reason, but he cannot get rid of it himself.

Patients suffering from this disease most often exhibit not one syndrome, but two or more at once. That's why, comprehensive diagnostics necessary to exclude actual organic damage to organs and systems. This is necessary because pain that occurs in the heart area, for example, caused by vascular neurosis, does not require drug treatment. Such pains are also called false pains. They are often accompanied by a feeling of a sinking heart or rapid heartbeat. Patients are very worried when having such symptoms and, accordingly, suspect that they have a serious heart disease.

How is vegetoneurosis treated?

Treatment of this neurosis begins after all doctors have ruled out the possibility organic disease, each within its own direction. Depending on how the neurosis occurred, treatment methods are chosen. A neurologist treats cases where a brain injury has become the impetus for the development of the disease. In other cases, treatment consists of a whole range of measures.

The main goal of treatment is to normalize and regulate the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. At the beginning of treatment great importance is given to a healthy regimen.

Go to bed early and get up early, take frequent walks fresh air, avoid exciting situations, all this is necessary for the patient to recover. Physical activity should be in moderation; physical education, which helps the nervous system to properly perform its functions, contributes well to treatment.

Very good results acupuncture is useful in the treatment of various neuroses. The technique of acupuncture is several thousand years old. Its essence is that a doctor, an acupuncturist, places needles in special points on the human body in which nerves and blood vessels converge. Such actions lead to improved blood circulation and hematopoiesis in this area, increased immunity and the ability to resist disease. Acupuncture should be carried out good specialist, then on physically you can see changes for the better.

As for the patient’s mental state, one of the main stages in treatment is working with a psychotherapist. During the sessions, the patient gets rid of emotional stress. The doctor finds the reasons that contributed to the deterioration of the patient’s condition and develops methods for working through and eliminating them.

An important step in treatment may be giving up habits that destroy health and negatively affect the nervous system: drinking alcohol and nicotine, drinking coffee in large doses, night image life or insufficient sleep and much more. Massage and acupuncture can also be helpful in the healing process.

To temporarily relieve neurological symptoms, the doctor may prescribe medications. But main role The patient’s attitude to treatment still plays a role. A person must understand that he will live all his life with the nervous system with which he was born. You will have to adapt to the characteristics of your nervous system and take care of it, since it turned out to be weak link in his body. For a comfortable life in the future, you will have to not just undergo a course of treatment, but reconsider your entire lifestyle and habits. Learn to avoid stressful situations, or develop a calm attitude towards them so as not to overload the nervous system. News healthy image life, try to adhere to a certain regime every day, so the load will be minimal. It is very important to learn to relax, learn to use aromatic baths, sedative fees, try to get more positive impressions and try to avoid people and situations that can put a person into stress.

The disease itself does not threaten human life. But its symptoms can make life very difficult. It is important to understand that preventing the appearance of neurosis is much easier than treating it. This means that you should follow the rules that will help you maintain your health and protect against this disease:

  • Walk more in the fresh air every day.
  • Monitor your sleep duration. You need to get enough sleep; for this, sleep should be from 8 to 10 hours.
  • Have a daily routine and follow it.
  • It is reasonable to approach physical and mental stress. It is important not to take on more than you can handle.
  • Learn to relax and rest.

And most importantly, at the first symptoms of the disease you need to consult a doctor. Timely treatment can significantly reduce the consequences that may arise as a result of the development of such a complex disease as autonomic neurosis.

Autonomic neurosis (vegetopathy, vegetative neurosis, vegetative dystonia) is a group of diseases that arise as a result of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and are not accompanied by its organic changes. At the same time, pathological changes may occur in the innervated organs over time due to persistent dysregulation. Autonomic neurosis occurs as a result of exposure to one or more of the following factors:

  • “Ordinary” neurosis: psychasthenia, hysteria, neurasthenia.
  • Prolonged mental and emotional stress.
  • Lack of sleep, excessive physical exercise.
  • Avitaminosis, poor nutrition.
  • Acute and chronic infections.
  • Brain injuries.
  • Individual characteristics, due to the stability / instability of the nervous system, the state of the body, age and gender.

There are three groups of autonomic neuroses. The first is caused by disruption of the activity of the cortical-hypothalamic structures. It develops against the background of general neuroses and can manifest itself as arrhythmia, bradycardia or tachycardia, shortness of breath, stool disorders, nausea and vomiting, belching, sweating disorders, sexual disorders (menstrual irregularities, decreased libido, impotence). As a rule, not all, but one or more symptoms from the list above are observed.

The second group includes neuroses caused by functional disorders in subcortical vegetative centers. Character pathological manifestations depends on the initial predominance of the tone of the parasympathetic or sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer disease, paroxysmal tachycardia, primary hypotension or hypertension may be observed. The third group includes neuroses that arise as a result of peripheral disorders (damage to an organ, physical trauma). The development of angioneurosis and local vegetative-trophic disorders is possible.

In all cases, a necessary condition for the occurrence of autonomic neurosis is lability and increased excitability of any parts of the autonomic nervous system.

Manifestations of autonomic neurosis

The following syndromes may develop:

  • Vasomotor syndrome: nausea, dizziness, fluctuations in blood pressure, headaches, migraines, vague pain in the stomach, joints and muscles.
  • Vegetative-cutaneous syndrome: excessive dryness or moisture of the skin, pronounced dermographism, increased sensitivity skin.
  • Vegetative-trophic syndrome: erosions, trophic ulcers, disturbances in the trophism of hair, nails and muscles.
  • Vegetative-visceral syndrome: disturbances of the intestines (constipation, diarrhea) and bladder (frequent, less often difficult urination), pseudoangina, difficulty swallowing, feeling of lack of air.
  • Vegetative-allergic syndrome: allergic rhinitis, urticaria, food allergy, Quincke's edema.

Complaints are usually varied, unstable, highly dependent on emotional state, overwork, stress levels, etc. Possible chilliness, a feeling of heat, pupil play (alternating constriction and dilation of the pupils), increased salivation or dry mouth. Some patients show a tendency to constant low-grade fever. The listed changes occur against the background of certain mental characteristics: increased emotional excitability, fixation of attention on bodily sensations, overestimation painful symptoms and a tendency towards hypochondria.

Treatment of autonomic neuroses

Treatment includes the elimination of traumatic factors and symptomatic therapy. Psychotherapy is especially effective for autonomic neuroses of the first group. Physiotherapy and drug therapy(meprotane, bromides, pentamine, hexomethosine, pachycarpine). For neuroses of the third group, in some cases surgical interventions are performed (preganglionic sympathectomy). The neuroses of the second group are most resistant to treatment. Prevention of autonomic neuroses consists of proper organization work and rest, sufficient but not excessive physical activity, hardening and other general strengthening activities.

Autonomic neurosis (vegetoneurosis) is not a disease. It is a syndrome - a combination of symptoms indicating disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. This neurosis is also called vegetative-vascular dystonia, dysfunction of internal organs, and organ neurosis. The autonomic nervous system has a regulatory effect on the activity of all organs and systems that function autonomously - such as the heart, blood vessels, intestines, sweat glands. It is not subject to human thinking.

With vegetative neurosis, the patient may complain of painful sensations, disruption of the functioning of internal organs. However, upon examination, pathological changes are not detected in them. Neurosis only imitates diseases, and does not indicate that they actually exist. However, due to prolonged disruption of the functioning of the nervous system, structural changes may occur.

With vegetative neurosis, a person seems to have pain in different organs

The main causes of this syndrome are:

  1. Traumatic brain injury, in which the functioning of the higher autonomic centers of the brain occurs.
  2. Constant mental and emotional stress, stress.
  1. Unbalanced type of higher nervous activity.
  1. Infectious diseases that inhibit the functioning of the nervous system, or long time exhaust the entire body.
  2. Psychopathology.
  3. Unhealthy lifestyle: regular lack of sleep, alcohol, smoking, unbalanced diet.

Symptoms and signs of autonomic neurosis

With vegetative neurosis there are various symptoms (subjective feelings patient) and signs (objective manifestations) that are associated with certain disruptions in the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Doctors group them into the following syndromes:

  1. Autonomic-visceral neurosis. Accompanied by stool disorder, dysfunction of the bladder, swallowing process, and metabolic disorders. The patient may feel a rapid heartbeat, which is not detected during the study.
  2. Vegetative-vascular neurosis(or vasomotor). Vegetative-vascular neurosis is accompanied by symptoms such as frequent surges in blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, persistent headache, sudden dizziness, arrhythmia, and rapid heartbeat. With vascular neurosis, patients also feel pain in the stomach, joints and muscles.
  3. Vegetative-allergic. Accompanied different types allergies - food, skin, and also in the form of a runny nose.
  4. Vegetative-cutaneous. Body skin neurosis is accompanied by the following symptoms: the sensitivity of the skin increases, it acquires a bluish or marbled tint, and humidity also increases or decreases. With skin neurosis, itching also appears.
  5. Vegetative-trophic. It causes ulcers and erosions to appear. The nutrition of nails, hair, and muscles, which can atrophy, deteriorates.
  6. Phobic. Characterized by unfounded fears. The patient may understand this, but he is not able to get rid of fear.
  7. Hypochondriacal. With it, patients are exaggeratedly worried about their health and may suspect they have serious illnesses, although there is no reason for this.

Vegetative-vascular neurosis is accompanied by pressure surges

Features of the emergence and development of neurosis

According to its occurrence and development, vegetative neurosis is divided into several groups:

  • The second group is vegetative neuroses that arose in connection with the pathology of the subcortical vegetative centers, which is functional and dynamic in nature. The consequence of this is disruption of the activity of certain body systems. If affected vascular system, then vascular neurosis occurs, leading to an increase in pressure (hypertension) or a decrease (primary hypotension). In case of defeat respiratory system bronchial asthma develops. Violations in activity gastrointestinal tract lead to peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. Disturbances in the functioning of other body systems lead to the occurrence of corresponding diseases. In patients with neurosis of the second group, the synergistic activity of different parts of the autonomic nervous system is also impaired.
  • In the first group, the development of vegetative neurosis occurs against the background of general neurosis, manifested in the form of neurasthenia, hysteria or psychasthenia. Autonomic disorders manifested by such disorders as changes in heart rate, arrhythmia, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, shortness of breath. Vegetative neuroses belonging to the first group develop as a result of disruption of the functioning of the cortical-hypothalamic structures of the brain (the hypothalamus is the highest vegetative center). In addition, the development of vegetative neurosis is facilitated by the patient’s personality traits, as well as infections and vitamin deficiency, which weaken the nervous system.
  • The third group includes vegetative neuroses, which are a consequence pathological process that arose on the periphery. These processes are caused by local traumatic injuries, damage to one or another organ.

A necessary condition for the occurrence of these vegetative neuroses is increased excitability and lability of the autonomic nervous system. At the same time, there are no organic lesions - this is precisely what indicates that this disease is a vegetoneurosis.


First of all, the doctor excludes the possibility of organic pathology. Various forms of manifestation, unstable symptoms, together with dependence on psychogenic factors indicate vegetative neurosis.

The doctor determines which organ reacts most to disturbances in the nervous system. The functions of this organ are also impaired. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude the presence of visceral pathology such as diseases of the stomach and gall bladder.

To confirm the diagnosis of vegetative neurosis and determine its nature, a reflex study is carried out. With vegetative neurosis, there are often asymmetrical reactions.

Dermographism is also being studied (translated from Greek this means writing, image on the skin). Its cause is the reaction of skin vessels in response to passing a blunt object across it. With vegetative neurosis, skin vascular reactions pronounced and can manifest itself in the form of urticaria.

They also check the pilomotor reflex, which is characterized by the appearance of “ goose bumps" With vegetative neurosis, its intensification is typical.

The study of reflexes is one of the options for diagnosing vegetoneurosis

Reflex is also determined solar plexus by applying pressure to the epigastric region (located behind the stomach). If pain appears, this may indicate increased excitability of the nervous system, which is observed with vegetative neuroses.


Autonomic neurosis is accompanied by symptoms that reduce the quality of life, in addition, it can lead to serious complications, so it is very important to start its treatment in a timely manner.

If the cause of neurosis is a traumatic brain injury, as well as certain diseases, then treatment should be carried out by a neurologist or other specialist.

Therapy for vegetative neurosis should be comprehensive and include the following components:

  1. In order to recover, the patient must lead a healthy lifestyle, including following a daily routine, good sleep, balanced nutrition, time for daytime rest, walks in the fresh air. This is very important, because a healthy lifestyle reduces the painful manifestations of vegetative neurosis.
  2. During treatment, the doctor identifies factors that could contribute to the development of vegetative neurosis. They may be bad habits that weaken the nervous system. In this case, the patient must refuse them.
  3. With vegetative neurosis, psychotherapy sessions help to reduce the patient’s emotional arousal and calm him down. They will also help the patient understand the cause of the development of neurosis associated with stress, and will help overcome overload in the emotional sphere.
  4. Massage has a healing effect in case of neurosis; reflexology, that is, the impact on biological active points body; special breathing exercises Strelnikova.
  5. For vegetative neurosis it is also used drug treatment for elimination neurological symptoms which is prescribed by the doctor.

Psychotherapy sessions will help cure vegetative neurosis

Prevention of autonomic neurosis and elimination of its initial symptoms

To prevent the development of vegetative neurosis, you must follow simple recommendations, aimed at preserving the health of the nervous system and strengthening it (if disorders begin to appear):

  1. Mandatory adherence to the daily routine.
  2. Get adequate sleep of at least 8 or 10 hours.
  3. Physical education classes.
  4. Daily walks.
  5. Limited stress, both physical and mental.
  6. Avoiding chronic overexertion.
  7. Reception herbal remedies if you need to calm down.
  8. Mastering relaxation techniques. Relaxation keeps stress levels at an acceptable level without allowing them to rise.
  9. Correction or complete elimination of factors that can lead to emotional instability and stress. These include the delivered life goals, professional activity, family relationships.
  10. Familiarization with methods of preventing neuroses can really help.

For psychological health good sleep is important - at least 8-10 hours

The prognosis for autonomic neurosis depends mainly on which group it belongs to. For vegetative neuroses belonging to the second group, the prognosis is cautious, since treatment often gives only temporary improvement, followed by deterioration. In forms such as hypertension, progression occurs disease process, which often leads to complete disability and death.

The prognosis for autonomic neuroses belonging to the first and third groups is favorable.