Soothing for a child of 9 years. Safe and effective sleeping pills for children

Update: November 2018

A restless child of any age is a rather serious problem, exhausting the patience of parents and often annoying others.

Modern pharmacology is ready to provide a rich selection of drugs that can calm the most violent baby or teenager. But how expedient is it to resort to different groups of sedatives in children's practice? Let's try to figure it out.

Sedatives for a child

Sedatives (sedatives) are designed to gently regulate the balance between excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex. Most of them are herbal preparations, but there are also synthetic agents. Today, combined preparations in teas or tablets are very popular. This group of drugs is much milder than tranquilizers or sleeping pills, and can enhance their effect.

Sleepless at night

Babies quite often do not adhere to the traditional daily routine (eat and sleep). Many of them, for some reason, prefer to scream almost around the clock or, having slept for half an hour after an evening swim, proceed with a heart-rending cry for hours until four in the morning.

Let's make a reservation right away that a healthy child of the first three months of life normally eats and sleeps most of the day and night. No early development justifies staying awake for more than four hours a day at this age. Yes, and a grown-up baby, who has not reached one and a half years, should sleep for ten hours in a row at night (provided that he is fed and changed clothes).

  • Consequences of hypoxia

What makes a baby scream or just stay awake at inopportune hours? As a rule, brain hypoxia suffered in utero or in childbirth is to blame for everything, followed by postnatal encephalopathy, which is completely rejected by Western neurologists, but which, however, quietly exists even without this recognition.

The lack of oxygen, leading to damage to some of the cells of the cerebral cortex, or even to hemorrhages in different parts of the brain, leaves behind either a bursting head of the child and disturbing him with a headache, or dysfunction of the cortex, which affects the nervous excitability of the baby.

For newborns who confused day with night (born from mothers who liked not to sleep at night during pregnancy), the above is not relevant, since this category of babies quickly enters a normal schedule with careful observance of the daily regimen already during the first month of life.

  • Intestinal problems

The second common cause of restless behavior of an infant is intestinal discomfort against the background of dysbacteriosis, irrational feeding or intestinal infection. Stretching the intestines with gases causes such severe pain that the child is ready to rage and scream for most of the day (see).

The third, rarer pathology that makes the baby scream is inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media), in which the pain is also not weak, and there is no way to endure it without anesthesia.

Rachitic lesions of the nervous system are also a common problem, especially for northern latitudes. In addition to sweating, the child has an overreaction to harsh noises, he shudders in his sleep and generally becomes too restless.

And only somewhere in fifth place are the teething teeth so beloved by pediatricians (which in general rarely really force one of the kids to stay awake at night or scream out loud) and other diseases that have quite expressive symptoms (fever, snot, cough, well, or at worst some kind of rash).

To calm the baby, you must follow the following algorithm

  • feed
  • change clothes
  • Take on the hands and shake. Remember that Dr. Spock's recommendations that the child will yell and get used to falling asleep on his own have already given a couple of generations of neurotics who are accustomed from infancy to achieve everything only with a heart-rending cry. Calm the child as soon as he screamed, do not bring to tantrums - this becomes a habit of the baby and then it is much more difficult to cope with it.
  • If your baby can't suckle as much as he needs, buy a pacifier. For babies, sucking is the best sedative.
  • Show the pediatrician and neurologist.
  • Make an ultrasound of the brain and take a stool culture for dysbacteriosis.
  • Compensate for intracranial pressure (if any) with diacarb or magnesia. In severe forms of hydrocephalus, consult a neurosurgeon, if necessary, perform a bypass (see )
  • Sanitize the intestines for dysbacteriosis (bacteriophages or), then drink a couple of courses of probiotics (premadophilus, linex, bifidumbacterin, see). In parallel, give the child defoamers that break gas bubbles (Bebicalm, Espumizan, Bobotik).
  • In parallel, show the child to the ENT and exclude inflammation of the ears.
  • Transfer the child to breastfeeding by age, adjust the mother's diet (when breastfeeding, see), stop overfeeding and feed cabbage soup from five months of artificial (see).
  • Do not neglect the prophylactic intake of vitamin D. If in the region where the baby lives, the sun does not shine for eight hours a day for five months a year, it is stupid to be afraid of an overdose of this drug. After all, such severe forms of rickets, as in the Russian North, have not been seen in Europe for a long time.
  • Establish a daily routine for the baby. More walks with the baby. Restless and violent children should be warmly dressed and put to bed with the window open.
  • Do not be nervous when approaching a child. Do not shout or swear in his presence. Take herbal sedatives yourself.

Thus, the only situation when a baby from birth to a year really needs sedatives is postnatal encephalopathy,. In all other cases, you just need to be attentive to the baby and the patience of the parents, most children under one year old wake up 2-3 times at night and are restless for various reasons - this is normal!

Sedatives for the baby

If a neuropathologist has diagnosed postnatal encephalopathy in an infant, if the child is too restless (sleeps little, cries a lot) and has no other diseases that could interfere with his life, it is worth listening to the neurologist's recommendations regarding sedatives.

For intracranial hypertension:

  • As a rule, most infants with intracranial hypertension come to an equilibrium state of mind already from banal diuretics.
  • In parallel with them, a child may be recommended a mixture with citral, which is prepared in pharmacies according to a neurologist's prescription. The composition of the drug includes:
    • magnesium sulfate, which lowers pressure in the head, soothes and causes a mild sedative effect
    • sedative sodium bromide
    • valerian, inhibiting the nervous system.

    It is necessary to strictly observe the recommended dosages, since valerian can slow down the heart rate. Valerian prevents the destruction in the brain of substances that block inhibitory processes. It soothes, enhances the effect of sleeping pills, relieves intestinal spasms.

With rickets: Children with rickets of the nervous system are usually bathed with sea salt or coniferous extract.

Breastfeeding mothers you can recommend soothing teas and fees sold in pharmacies (provided that they do not cause allergies in a small one). The same soothing teas are available in the departments of baby food for the children themselves.

When bathing babies tincture of valerian or motherwort can be added to the water (40 drops per baby bath), not forgetting that alcohol solutions are not recommended even for external use in children. , lemon balm or also relax kids. Recommended and grass perforated .

  • Bath with oregano, motherwort, valerian and thyme- take 3 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of these herbs, brew, let stand for half an hour, strain and pour into a bath, the duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
  • Coniferous soothing bath- perfectly removes the excitement of the baby, but take it no more than 5 minutes and no more than 12 baths per course.
  • Sea salt bath- also perfectly soothes and is recommended even for newborn babies. You can bathe a child for up to 30 minutes by dissolving 250 mg in a bath. sea ​​salt.
  • Phenibut 20 tab. 120-170 rub.
  • Anvifen 20 tab. 180 rub. (analogue)

This is a more serious sedative, often prescribed for toddlers up to a year (although the instructions indicate a contraindication for up to 2 years). It removes anxiety, irritability and fear, causes drowsiness, relieves increased muscle tone and excessive motor activity in children. However, it has side effects in the form of excessive drowsiness, allergic reactions, headache, kidney and liver dysfunction.

The nootropic drug Pantogam (hopantenic acid) is often prescribed. It not only improves the nutrition of damaged areas of the cortex, but also removes increased muscle tone, smoothes out obsessive motor activity, helps with motor disorders, delayed psychomotor development.

True, today it belongs to drugs with unproven action, since there have been no wide randomized trials on the drug (great practical experience in pediatric neurology does not count, since the manufacturing campaign did not spend money on clinical trials).

From one year to three

After surviving the first year of the baby, most parents enter the era of normal life. At the same time, not all children whose nervous system malfunctioned in infancy, but was well compensated by the age of one, received any sedatives. After all, the children's nervous system is at the stage of development and has a huge potential for self-healing.

However, some children still have anxiety and sleep disorders. Some of them develop hysterical behavioral traits. Some have fears, night or. Therefore, the problem of sedatives remains relevant at this age.

It should be remembered that part of the problems of a restless child at this age comes from social or pedagogical neglect. Therefore, for example, replacing the problem of deprivation with a medical diagnosis and replacing full-fledged upbringing and love for a child with drugs of a calming series is not only illiterate, but also criminal.

At home, folk sedatives can be prepared independently. Here are a couple of easy recipes:

  • Mint and linden - take one part of peppermint and linden flowers. Add half of the chamomile. Pour everything with two cups of boiling water and bring to a boil in a water bath. Insist in an enamel bowl. Give the child a tablespoon twenty minutes before bedtime.
  • Mint and valerian- two tablespoons of mint and valerian root, pour two glasses of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Strain, cool, give the child three times a day a tablespoon for a week.

Many believe that if the drug is herbal, then it can be used without control, not limited, even “the more the better” - for both infants and older children. However, medicinal plants are also medicines, the composition of which is complex and very ambiguous, many plants in their composition contain, albeit small doses, but harmful compounds, and you should definitely consult a pediatrician or phytotherapeutist before use.

For example, children should not drink tea only with mint or only with lemon balm (mono tea). Soothing teas for babies usually contain valerian, chamomile, fennel seeds, string, linden blossom, etc. - soothing teas “Evening Tale”, “Soothing Children's”, “Calm”, Fitosedan, Baiu-Bai drops.

  • Calm-Ka tea 40-50 rubles.

Green tea, thyme, motherwort, alfalfa, rosehip, lemon balm, mint, kelp extract powder.

  • Children's sedative "The power of Russian herbs" 40-50 rubles.

Valerian, mint, thyme, motherwort, linden, St. John's wort, hawthorn, chamomile, plantain, rosehip, stevia.

  • Children's sedative 50-60 rubles.

Rhizomes and roots of valerian, dandelion, mint, walnut leaves, plantain, stevia, hawthorn, cumin fruits, wild rose, hops, oregano, St. chamomile

  • Evening fairy tale 60-100 rubles.

Anise extract, lavender, mint

  • Fitosedan 50-60 rubles.

Sweet clover, valerian roots, thyme, motherwort, oregano

  • Buy-bye 120-150 rubles.

Extract of hawthorn fruit, oregano, peony, motherwort, peppermint, glutamic and citric acid

  • Hipp tea 250-300 rub.

Linden blossom extract, lemon balm and chamomile, dextrose.

Calming pills for hyperactive children

Denying existence, Western neurologists, psychologists, and psychiatrists practicing in children's environments are very prone to diagnose hyperactivity and distracted attention. But not only to make diagnoses, but also to fully treat patients with these ailments, connecting to the process a lot of drugs with a calming effect.

All nootropics improve metabolic processes only in the pathologically altered cortex. That is, they are effective in areas damaged by oxygen starvation or hemorrhage, but do not work on a healthy brain. But all the cells that could recover have already recovered at the age of early childhood (up to three years).

Here is a list of drugs that can be used to treat distracted attention and hyperactivity, but it is useless:

  • Polypeptides: Cortexin, Cerebrolysin
  • Racetams: Piracetam, Nootropil, Rolziracetam
  • Neuropeptides: Semax
  • Derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid: Phenibut, Picamilon, Pantogam.

Sedatives, which are resorted to from three to twelve, are all the same herbal sedatives:

  • Valerian, motherwort, bromides
  • Persen - combined tablets - dry extracts of mint, lemon balm and valerian roots
  • Tenoten homeopathic for children - antibodies to the brain-specific protein S 10
  • Nervoflux tea - a mixture of extracts of valerian root, hop cones, lemon mint, licorice root, orange flowers

40 tab. 230 -250 rub.
Ingredients: extracts of peppermint, valerian rhizomes with roots, lemon balm leaves
Excipients: cellulose, starch, lactose, talc, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, povidone, sucrose, hydroxypropyl methyl, calcium carbonate, glycerin, sucrose, dyes.
Pharmaceutical action: Persen has an antispasmodic and sedative effect.
Indications: irritability, nervous irritability, insomnia.
Contraindications: for tablets for children under 3 years old, for capsules - for children under 12 years old, hypersensitivity to components Dosage: for children 3-12 years old only under medical supervision and only in the table, the dose is determined depending on body weight 1-3 r / day . Do not take the drug for more than 1.5-2 months.
Side effects: constipation, allergic reactions.
Overdose symptoms: stomach cramps, fatigue, dizziness, dilated pupils.
Special instructions: The decision to take the tablet form for children 3-12 years old is made by the attending physician, capsules can be taken by children only after 12 years of age under the supervision of a doctor. There is no withdrawal syndrome, you can not take Persen for more than 2 months.

40 tab. 170 - 220 rubles.

Ingredients: antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100
Excipients: magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose.
Pharmaceutical action: has an anti-anxiety, calming effect, without a hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effect. Under conditions of hypoxia, intoxication, after an acute violation of the blood circulation of the brain, it has a neuroprotective effect, reduces the area of ​​damage, improves the functions of the central nervous system.
Indications: neurosis-like disorders and neurotic disorders - impaired attention and behavior, increased excitability, anxiety, irritability, autonomic disorders.
Contraindications: children under 3 years old.
Dosage: keep 1 tablet in the mouth until completely absorbed between meals 3 r / day, it is also possible to dissolve the tablet in boiled water (a small amount). The course of treatment is 1-3 months. Evening reception should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime, because. the drug has activating properties.
Side effects: hypersensitivity reactions.
Special instructions: the drug contains lactose, therefore, when a child has Tanoten, it is not recommended.


Over the past decade, the practice of prescribing children has gained momentum. Actually, this drug is not a sedative in its pure form, but refers to nootropics. It is an amino acid that is part of many biological fluids and tissues of the human body.

Receptors for this neurotransmitter are found in the brain and spinal cord. By binding to them, glycine increases the release of amino acids responsible for inhibitory processes in the nervous system (glutamine) and reduces the release of excitatory amino acids (gamma-aminobutyric).

These sweet pills are easily tolerated and readily taken by children, but are unlikely to have any significant sedative effect (at least in the dosages that are accepted in pediatric practice). Like all modern nootropic drugs, this drug belongs to drugs with unproven action, that is, its prescription remains on the conscience of the attending physician, and the drug is not included in neurological standards.

Homeopathic sedatives and dietary supplements for children

Adhering to the principle of “treat like like,” homeopaths should have composed their preparations from a mixture of roaring, whining whining and unreasonable jumps from the floor to the walls and back. However, these far-sighted healers resort to the same herbal sedatives, seasoning them with sugar and serving them in the form of sweet peas, which most children take for sweets, so they eat without problems. There are also sweet syrups, which also go with a bang. In this regard, in this matter, we are at the same time with homeopaths and are not at all against homeopathic sedatives for children.

The following soothing homeopathic remedies are currently available:

  • BAD Bunny

Thus, sedatives in pediatric practice are always a necessary necessity. It cannot be assumed that taking such medications for a child is a daily practice and a normal state of affairs.

Sedatives are medicines that a doctor must prescribe according to strict indications in certain doses and for a specific period of time, after which the medicine must be canceled. More than half of the problems associated with children's anxiety are generated by their unreasonable behavior of adults who are responsible for the child. Remember that in addition to the nervous system, the child has a liver, kidneys and pancreas, which can suffer from unreasonable medication.

2 years - the age at which children often develop manifestations of hyperexcitability. Such cases are associated with stress, which undermined the psyche of the baby. Therefore, capriciousness and nervousness, in a sense, can be perceived not as the costs of improper upbringing, but as a violation that requires treatment.

Causes of nervousness in babies

There are a huge number of factors that can cause whims in a baby. Basically, all these are situations that bring discomfort or pain to the child. So, a violation of the functions of the nervous system can be provoked by such reasons:

  • hunger;
  • teething;
  • intestinal colic;
  • colds;
  • excessive activity of the baby in the evening.

Sometimes the child's nervousness and capriciousness are associated with mental pathologies, but such cases do not occur so often and are usually easily detected by a specialist in a medical facility.

Manifestations of hyperexcitability

2 years is assigned if their behavior is characterized by such manifestations:

  • problems with sleep, as well as with putting the baby to sleep;
  • frequent whims and tearfulness;
  • constant tantrums.

It should be understood that these symptoms cannot accurately indicate the need for therapy. Often you can deal with them by simply lulling the child and eliminating the irritant. Therefore, before you start giving your baby sedatives, it is better to visit a pediatrician. He will examine the young patient and give parents all the necessary recommendations.

Medical sedatives

If you do not trust traditional medicine, then, of course, you can turn to traditional medicine for help. However, it should be understood that the use of drugs intended to reduce hyperexcitability in a child should only occur under the supervision of a pediatrician. In addition, sedatives for children of 2 years old are prescribed with extreme caution, since at such a tender age the body is still poorly formed and can easily succumb to the attack of chemicals. And this means that there is a risk of developing side effects that will respond to the kidneys, liver, stomach or other vital organs.

Soothing pharmaceutical preparations for the smallest are sold in two forms: in the form of tablets or syrup.

Tablets for babies two years old

The classic version of drugs to reduce the activity of the nervous system is most popular with pediatricians. This is due to the convenience of using the funds: the tablet can simply be crushed to a powder state and given to the baby along with food.

The most famous medicine is "Glycine". The drug is prescribed even as it has a mild sedative effect on the body. It is possible to apply data for children of 2 years old to normalize sleep and relieve nervous tension. The product contains a special amino acid, which not only inhibits mental processes in the body, but has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain.

An excellent alternative to Glycine is a drug called Phenibut. It helps to relieve emotional stress, and also improves the sleep of the baby. The drugs "Pantogam" and "Magne B 6" have the same effect.

Means produced in the form of a syrup

Medicines of this type are less aggressive in relation to the children's body, so parents have formed much more confidence in them. Among the many analogues of medications that relieve nervous tension, it is worth highlighting the same Pantogam. It was previously said that it is available in the form of tablets, but there is also a liquid form of the drug on sale. Soft for children from 2 years helps to relieve the baby from insomnia and even cramps. It is noteworthy that the drug is not addictive in a child, so it can be used for a long time until the symptoms of nervous overexertion pass. This feature puts Pantogam on the list of favorites among sedatives.

Tranquilizing drugs

In extremely rare cases, pediatricians prescribe small patients to take medicines such as Elenium, Phenazepam and Tazepam. These medicines belong to the class of tranquilizers, so you need to be extremely careful with them. Such drugs are strictly contraindicated to give to babies without a doctor's recommendation, as they greatly depress the nervous system and can cause addiction to the body. Similar sedatives for children 2 years old are used for severe stress.

Homeopathy for nervous overexcitation in a child

Recently, homeopathic preparations have become widespread among medicinal products for babies. They, as a rule, do not contain special instructions and contraindications, and also have a mild effect on the children's body. Most often, to reduce the hyperexcitability of the baby, such homeopathic remedies are used:

  1. "Hare".
  2. "Notta".
  3. "Dormikind".
  4. "Viburkol".

The principle of action of all these drugs is almost the same, however, these drugs still have their own characteristics. So, drops or candles "Viburkol" not only relieve irritability, but also reduce inflammation along with pain during teething in a baby. And if you are looking for a sedative for a child (2 years old) that helps normalize sleep, then Notta or Dormikind will do. As for the “Hare” tool, then parents can’t have any complaints about it at all. The drug is produced on the basis of fructose, which completely eliminates the development of allergic reactions or side effects in the baby.

Special baby food

Not always the child says that he urgently needs to be taken to the pediatrician for practical recommendations. Many caring mothers try to cope with this with simpler methods. One of these is the use of special cereals. Baby food manufacturers produce a series of products designed to ensure that the baby sleeps soundly at night and feels less hungry. Such cereals can be used as a kind of sedative for a child of 2 years. Parents' reviews note such infant formulas:

  1. Nutrilon Good night.
  2. "Hipp Goodnight."
  3. "Humana Sweet Dreams".
  4. "Unstoppable Happy Dreams".

Due to the presence of a complex of cereals, the baby receives a sufficient amount of nutrients before bedtime and, as a result, remains full all night. This saves him from frequent awakenings. In addition, some cereals contain soothing herbs that provide the basis for a sound and restful sleep.

Herbs to reduce hyperexcitability

If doctors prescribe medications to babies with some apprehension, then folk remedies are not prohibited even for babies. To cope with the excessive activity of the child, parents can start using sedative herbs. For children 2 years old, recipes based on such plants are suitable:

  • calendula - helps eliminate inflammation and improve sleep;
  • valerian relieves children from stress and nervous strain;
  • sage actively fights colds and relaxes the baby's psyche;
  • chamomile - relieves tension and pain in intestinal colic;
  • mint promotes sound sleep and good mood;
  • thyme has an active sedative effect, has anti-inflammatory properties.

As a rule, medicinal soothing plants are used for making teas and infusions or for bathing a baby (when breeding baths).

herbal teas

The beauty of using such funds is that they can be given to babies from the first years of life. It is better to start preparing soothing teas for children 2 years old on the basis of any one component in order to be able to explore the effect of using each medicinal herb. In addition, in the event of an allergic reaction, it will not be difficult to identify its cause. Over time, it will be possible to form the most suitable herbal collection.

Composing plants is quite realistic and independent, but if you don’t want to do this, you can purchase a ready-made mixture at a pharmacy. It is important that all the rules for the preparation and storage of medicinal herbs are observed, so it is worth refusing to purchase them on the market.

Soothing mint tea

In folk medicine, there are recipes based on complexes of medicinal plants. Tea from as well as mint leaves and hops is an excellent sedative for children 2 years old. The ingredients should be mixed in proportions of 2:2:1 respectively. One tablespoon of the resulting collection must be poured with a glass of boiling water, and then insisted for 20-30 minutes. The decoction is given to the baby several times a day and always before bedtime.

Rosehip and linden tea

To prepare this remedy, you need to take one part of linden flowers and rose hips. The components are mixed and filled with water. Next, you need to bring to a boil, for this it is desirable to use a water bath. It is advisable to infuse the drink for about 15 minutes, and add a spoonful of honey to it before use.

Chamomile tea

Such a recipe is ideal for calming a child in the evening and providing him with crushed chamomile flowers. Five parts of the last product are mixed with linden and lemon balm (1 part each). To prepare a sedative for a child (2 years old), you need to pour the herbal collection with water and bring it to a boil. Cooled tea is given to the baby about 15-20 minutes before bedtime.

Herbal baths

Baths with the addition of medicinal plants will help reduce the activity of the crumbs in the evening and at night. It is advisable to carry out such procedures immediately before laying the baby in the crib. In order for the child to get the maximum benefit from the bath and noticeable, it is necessary to properly prepare it. First you need to brew a strong decoction based on the selected herbal tea. It is recommended to add thyme, lemon balm, motherwort and nettle to the baths. Like other sedatives for children 2 years old, therapeutic water procedures must be carried out in courses. It is optimal to do herbal baths for three weeks once every two days. After that, it is advisable to take a break for at least a month.

Means to reduce nervous tension in babies: reviews

Each parent chooses his own way, which helps him to calm the child. Someone is quite enough special milk mixtures, and someone diligently prepares herbal decoctions. It is worth noting that not everyone uses medical sedatives for children 2 years old. The reviews of many parents prove that in the absence of disorders of the nervous system, the crumbs can cope with stress using folk methods. As some mothers have noted, even ordinary herbal baths are enough for restless sleep. Seeing a doctor is necessary only if home therapy does not help. In this case, the pediatrician draws up a treatment plan for the baby.

In order for the baby to feel good, it is necessary to provide him not only physiological, but also psychological comfort. If this condition has been violated, then you can try to correct the situation using a sedative for the child. 2 years is the age when crumbs are very prone to stress, so such cases are quite common.

Nowadays, the intensive development of the baby is encouraged, does the increased susceptibility of the child always give results in learning and social adaptation, without negative behavioral reactions, whims and experiences? Modern research warns parents against inattentive attitude to children, from emotional and physical overload for babies, from stress and fatigue.

In cases where pedagogical correction has no power over the reactions of the child, when a problem is discovered and its manifestations reduce the quality of life of the baby, it is worth considering the use adequate sedative therapy. Emotional manifestations that appeared in childhood can lead to difficulties with character in adulthood. In case of excessive manifestation, the following can be considered dangerous:

  • irritability;
  • lack of sociability, fear of strangers and new acquaintances;
  • states;
  • prolonged tearfulness;
  • insomnia.

They can lead to unpredictable consequences and antisocial habits in the future. The most common behavioral disorder from infancy to adolescence is insomnia.

Causes of insomnia in children

When a baby in the second year of life has digestive problems, teeth are cut, or evening overexcitation occurs, no correction is required. Rather, you should help the child by trying to fix the problem. In the next period of development, from 3 to 6 years, poor sleep of a preschooler can have many reasons, first of all, such a child needs a strict regimen, the absence of emotional overload during the day and a balanced diet. Having traced all aspects of the baby's life, the probability of finding the cause of insomnia will increase and there will be hope for a speedy normalization of sleep.

The beginning of school life is associated with changes in the mental development of children; schoolchildren are often unprepared for the changed regime and various loads. The insomnia that occurs against this background indicates an overexcitation of the child's nervous system, anxiety, irritability, and restlessness may also be present. In these cases, it is worth seeking the advice of a pediatrician, he is likely to select the appropriate one or advise a consultation with a neurologist.

What sedatives can be given to children

Many parents are interested in what kind of sedative pills exist for children that can be given with a child's deviant behavior. Without consulting a specialist, it is impossible to take measures for self-administration of drugs. This can lead to negative consequences, in addition, children often have a back reaction even to the drug prescribed by the doctor.

To restore emotional stability and withdrawal, there are different types of drugs that can be used to bring the child to active interaction with the outside world with a positive attitude towards what is happening.

Sedatives for children

Medications for anxiety and insomnia in children have metabolic or nootropic properties with a sedative effect. Frequently used ones include, for example, which contains an active amino acid. The drug has a weak sedative and antidepressant effect, is prescribed for nervousness, sleep disorders and many other indications. It has practically no contraindications and can be prescribed to children from birth.

Among the means to eliminate anxiety, calming tablets for children, for example, for children from 3 years old in the form of lozenges, are common. For many diseases of the nervous system and increased excitability, doctors prescribe, the positive effect of which is noticeable after a couple of days of admission.

Children's sedatives from a year

Sedative drugs are not recommended for children from the age of one, since the baby's psyche is too imperfect, but remedies proven by many generations, for example, "Glycine", are prescribed even for newborns with encephalopathies and sleep disorders. The effect of the drug is considered harmless. Magne B6 solution for oral administration is indicated for children from one year old and is used for minor sleep disturbances, irritability, increased fatigue and heart palpitations.

Children's sedative from 3 years

From the age of three, sedative preparations for children are available in a wide range. The body of a grown child responds better to correction. The homeopathic preparation "Tenoten" for children has proven itself well. The drug can also be prescribed by a specialist to a child from 3 years old under appropriate supervision. The complex (a drug in the form of tablets is indicated for children from 6 years of age) will also regulate the problem of insomnia, strengthen emotions, give strength and health. With a minimum of side effects, you can prescribe funds to patients without risk to health.

Sedative for children from 6-7 years

Used children's sedative pills for younger students consist of both herbal remedies and artificially synthesized components. The components of the group belonging to homeopathic remedies can make life easier for the baby.

Sedatives for children after 10 years

All child sedatives for older children are prescribed by doctors after a thorough analysis of the information collected about the child. Appointed (over 12 years old) will help to avoid sleep disorders and cheer up, allow you to look at events positively.

Homeopathic sedatives for children

Homeopathic remedies to relieve anxiety in children are widely used in our country. The actions of these drugs allow you to eliminate the problem of emotional tension, gently affect the structures of the nervous system, relieve irritability, and eliminate the feeling of fear.

Infusions in homeopathy are prepared with alcohol and, using them, you must strictly observe the dosage so as not to harm the child. At the beginning of the school year or a change of scenery, doctors recommend popular ones, which include infusions of motherwort, hawthorn, peony, oregano. Regular use of these drops allows you to normalize sleep and give the child a break from emotional upheaval.

Interesting facts about sedatives for children

  • In humans, the phases of sleep alternate, so the child may be more active when he sleeps lightly: tossing and turning, expressing sensations, screaming, and this is the norm.
  • Homeopathic medicines are available both in infusions and in capsules, tablets, dragees. You can choose the form that suits your child after consulting with your doctor.
  • An alternative to oral medications is a soothing bath.

A restless and capricious baby in the family is a serious problem, bringing the most patient parents with an angelic character to a nervous breakdown. Children with an excitable psyche, vulnerable, plunging into hysterics for any reason and without it, not only annoy others, but also suffer themselves.

Today, the pharmaceutical industry is ready to come to the rescue of families with similar problems and offers parents a wide variety of effective and safe sedatives for children with a sedative effect. In fairness, it should be noted that most practicing pediatricians treat the issue of the consumption of such drugs by a child in different ways. There is still no consensus. What sedatives to give a child, and whether they should be given at all, is described in this article.

Sedatives for children

Medications for children with a sedative effect are designed to gently normalize the ratio of excitation and inhibition of impulses of the cerebral cortex. The vast majority of children's sedatives are made on the basis of natural herbal ingredients, although recently synthetic agents have begun to appear that have no less effective and safe action. Recently, combined drugs have gained popularity, produced in the form of sedative tablets for children or tea. Medicines for children are gentle, but if necessary, they can enhance the effectiveness of tranquilizers or sleeping pills.

Sleep disturbance in children

A normal healthy baby, by the nature of his body, sleeps most of the day, interrupted only by feeding. Babies express dissatisfaction only if they feel discomfort from wet diapers or if something hurts them. Even moving from newborn to infancy, babies should sleep at least ten hours a night, of course, if they are dry and full.

But this is a perfect representation of the behavior of the baby. In fact, it seems that the child always screams, closing his mouth only at the time of eating. Most mothers complain that the baby practically does not sleep, constantly screams, and there is no way to understand what he wants. There are a lot of reasons for this behavior, and mothers should not shift the blame to early development or overexcitability.

Consequences of hypoxia

Complications of the course of pregnancy or childbirth, when the child is left without oxygen for some time, and the brain cells begin to starve, provoke the development of postnatal encephalopathy. This theory is categorically rejected by Western pediatricians, but the problem does not disappear from this, and babies are tormented by screaming for many hours in a row, and mothers do not know how to calm the baby.

The pathological process that develops against the background of oxygen starvation leads to the fact that some of the cells of the cerebral cortex die, or due to abnormal pressure in the vessels, microhemorrhage occurs in various areas. As a result, persistent intracranial hypertension develops. And this is a headache that exhausts the baby, bursting the skull or leading to impaired function of the cerebral cortex, which affects increased excitability and nervous strain. As a result, the child constantly screams, asking to save him from these pains.

But there is another situation that is not pathological - when the child simply confuses day and night. Such children sleep sweetly most of the day, and at night they simply require communication. With strict adherence to the regime, the baby is easy to bring back to normal in just a few days.

First teeth

The cause of screaming and anxiety, which pediatricians explain, is almost in last place in its prevalence. Despite the fact that many doctors tend to give preference to her, saying that babies are screaming about this, in fact, the problem worries in very rare cases.

Digestive problems

Another common cause of children's crying is a problem with the digestive system. By the time of birth, the baby's intestines are not yet fully formed and absolutely sterile, that is, the bacteria necessary for normal digestion do not yet live in it. Therefore, any violations or improper selection of mixtures are immediately reflected by dysbacteriosis, increased gas formation and. The baby's tummy is bursting from the inside with accumulated gases, and poorly digested food causes bouts of cramping pain. Therefore, the child is worried and, naturally, screams.

D deficiency anemia (rickets)

Lack of sunlight, and therefore vitamin D, is a common problem in northern countries. Signs of rickets, about which residents of the countries of the east and south do not know at all, are observed in 90% of children in Russia. One of the manifestations of this pathology is hypersensitivity to flashes of bright light and loud sounds. Children become restless intermittent sleep, they often wake up and scream in fear, and during the day their behavior shows increased nervousness.

ENT problems (otitis media)

The auditory system in newborns also has a different structure than in adults. The auditory canal and segments of the middle ear are predisposed to development. If the inflammation has reached the tissues of the middle ear, the child is tormented by terrible pains, and, naturally, he screams, because he cannot sleep. In addition, such babies refuse to breastfeed, as sucking increases pain. In this case, a sedative for children will be any pain reliever that can stop this condition.

In last place are other diseases characterized by fever, cough, nasal congestion, itching and other negative manifestations that cause discomfort and make the child scream.

Algorithm of actions to calm the baby

  • Make sure the child is fed.
  • Check for wet diapers (although today in the era of the widespread use of diapers, this item is not relevant).
  • The opinion that a child cannot be accustomed to a dummy is not only erroneous, but also harmful to the psyche and health of the child. The sucking reflex is incorporated from the first minutes of fetal formation and must be satisfied. If a child is deprived of the opportunity to suck as much as he needs, he will be nervous and worried, and most importantly, he will still achieve his goal, dragging everything into his mouth. No need to be afraid of pacifiers, at the right time the baby will throw it away and never remember it again. But you will save the nerves of both the child and yourself.
  • Consult with a specialist. Questions of frequent crying are solved by pediatricians or pediatric neuropathologists.
  • Upon confirmation of the presence, immediately begin the treatment prescribed by the doctor. It is impossible to give any drugs on your own in any case. Only the doctor decides to prescribe medications for the baby to reduce blood pressure or recommend a bypass.
  • If you have problems with the intestines, also consult a doctor for a course of treatment. Today, restoring normal balance is no problem. The pharmaceutical industry produces many different and prebiotics. But it is not recommended to buy them on your own, it is better to rely on the opinion of a specialist.
  • Visit an ENT doctor and check for inflammatory problems.
  • Try to stick to the diet according to age. You can not overfeed the child or keep on poor nutrition. according to the recommendations of the pediatrician.
  • Be sure to prevent rickets and give your child vitamin D. There is no reason to be afraid of an overdose. In our climatic zone, there is catastrophically little sun, and rickets flourishes in full bloom. Such forms of severity have not been seen even in backward countries with a low standard of living.
  • Take a check-up with the baby for dysbacteriosis and the state of the brain. To do this, you need to pass a fecal analysis for sowing the intestinal microflora and undergo an ultrasound or MRI.
  • Pick up, maybe the baby just wants to be around. The child should not be deprived of communication and wait until the tantrum begins. It is better when the baby knows from the first days that he is loved and always ready to help. The famous Spock's theory of waiting until the child gets tired of yelling and teaching to fall asleep on their own has already given its negative results. The huge percentage of neurasthenics in several generations is a prime example of this. Such people grow up as pronounced choleric people, for whom everything and always decide only with their voice is the norm.
  • Be sure to follow the daily routine. A measured calm alternation of habitual activities, timely meals, regular walks, sleep at the same time, have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system and the general health of the baby.
  • Control your own behavior and mental state. Children are very sensitive to the behavior of their parents. And they react sharply and brightly to domestic scandals and showdowns in raised tones.

There can only be one conclusion from what has been said. Sedatives for children under one year old are needed only in case of confirmed postnatal encephalopathy or hydrocephalus. Any other problem that caused a scream can be solved with attention, love and a sensitive attitude from parents. Awakening a child during the night up to 3 times is not a pathology, and there is no need to sound the alarm about this. Gradually, the baby will come to sleep peacefully during the night.

Sedatives for babies

Confirmation of the diagnosis - postnatal encephalopathy, should be the reason for the appointment of a sedative for the baby. In the event that the child is really characterized by increased nervousness, screams for most of the day, and there are no reasons for such behavior, sedatives are the only way out.

intracranial hypertension
  • In most cases, simple diuretic drugs help to stop the attack and lower the pressure.
  • At the same time, in order to consolidate the result, a mixture is prescribed, prepared according to a doctor's prescription, and including such components as:
    • sodium bromide,
    • valerian root (helps inhibit excitation impulses),
    • magnesium sulfate, which has a sedative and hypnotic effect, simultaneously lowers.

The intake of this mixture requires strict adherence to the indicated dosages and frequency of consumption. Valerian root is not as harmless as many think. The tincture can lower the heart rate. Otherwise, valerian does not allow the brain cells responsible for the blockade of inhibitory processes to die, soothes and relieves intestinal spasms and gives a mild hypnotic effect.

Poor sleep in a child or a violation of its phases is a fairly common problem. This condition can be provoked by various factors - both internal and external.

For newborns and children under the age of 2-3 years, there are many sedative collections, cereals, infant formulas. But what should parents do if these methods are not enough? How to help an older child? When are sedatives and sleeping pills required? Let's consider in more detail.

Sometimes, to normalize a child’s sleep, eliminate irritability and tantrums, doctors attribute mild sedatives and sleeping pills (we recommend reading:)

Indications for the use of sleeping pills in children of different ages

Sleeping pills for children are prescribed by a doctor. It is impossible to treat your child with drugs of this group on your own. If the pediatrician believes that the use of "sleepy" tablets is necessary, then the minimum dosage and course of treatment is determined in order to obtain a positive result without harm to health.

For infants and children under the age of one year, sedatives are indicated for:

  • postnatal encephalopathy;
  • hydrocephalus of the brain.

If these pathologies are not diagnosed, then sleep disturbance is corrected by nutrition, care and increased attention of parents to the baby. At the age of one to three years, however, as in older children, sedatives are prescribed when insomnia is caused by the following factors:

  • hyperactivity (more in the article:);
  • diseases of the nervous system, which are accompanied by night terrors, nightmares, enuresis (we recommend reading:);
  • neuroses;
  • epilepsy;
  • anxiety or panic disorders.

The doctor selects a sleeping pill based on the symptoms and age of the patient.

Contraindications and negative consequences of taking sleeping pills

When prescribing a sleeping pill for a child, the pediatrician must take into account contraindications. Medicines of this group are not used in the treatment of babies with a history of decompensated diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver and blood vessels, severe forms of allergies.

Despite the fact that the minimum dose of the drug is always prescribed, the occurrence of side effects is difficult to avoid. In childhood, the following unwanted symptoms appear:

  • constipation / diarrhea;
  • dry mouth / constant thirst;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • headaches;
  • weakness;
  • spasms/cramps in the muscles;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired concentration;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • allergic reactions;
  • uncontrolled limb movements.

Effective and safe sleeping pills

Sedative drugs and drugs that normalize sleep are used only in extreme cases. Usually, the doctor recommends first non-drug methods for correcting the pathological condition.

If the pediatrician nevertheless prescribed a sedative for your child, then several rules should be observed when taking it:

  • the first and subsequent receptions should be immediately before bedtime;
  • strictly adhere to the prescribed dose;
  • drug withdrawal is carried out gradually so that repeated attacks of insomnia do not appear;
  • if side effects occur, consult your doctor immediately.

For children of each age group, different sedatives are used. They are similar in therapeutic effect, but differ in the mechanism of action, composition and range of indications for use. Consider the features of "sleepy" medicines for children of different ages in more detail.


Sleeping pills for newborns are prescribed by a neurologist, and this is always associated with a serious painful condition of the baby. In other cases, mothers can use soothing teas and fees (more in the article:). The effect after taking such funds is less pronounced, but does not bring absolutely no harm to health.

In neurology, the following types of drugs are used to treat the smallest children:

Name of the drugActive substanceCharacteristicAllowed age
Phenibut (we recommend reading:)Gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acidA nootropic agent that helps not only to increase the duration of daytime and nighttime sleep, but also has a positive effect on the nervous system.0 – 14 years old
DormikindMagnesium carbonate, Zincum Valerian, Cypripedium pubescens (Fluffy slipper)Homeopathic medicine used for sleep disorders and increased nervous excitability.0 – 6 years
Magne B6Magnesium lactate dihydrateIt is produced in the form of drops and tablets. Effectively affects the central nervous system, especially if the child is diagnosed with magnesium deficiency.For all ages
Pantogam (more in the article:)Calcium hopantenateFor infants, it is available as a syrup. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, improves cerebral circulation, normalizes sleep, muscle tone, and physical activity. It is prescribed for neuropsychiatric diseases, encephalopathy, etc.From birth

For babies

Children up to a year are also prescribed the above drugs. In some cases, Hare syrup is used to treat babies. It is of vegetable origin, therefore it has a mild sedative effect and strengthens the central nervous system. Since the basis of the drug is herbs, the syrup has practically no contraindications. In children under 1 year old, it can be used as a food supplement.

Toddlers up to 3 years old

Children under 3 years of age grow and develop rapidly, many of them have a lack of calcium. This causes nervous breakdowns and provokes sleep disturbances.

Children aged 2-3 often have unreasonable tantrums, their mood changes quickly. If parents do not pay due attention to their child, then in the future such behavior can cause increased excitability and insomnia. To prevent these problems from occurring, a neurologist may prescribe sedative medications.

Name of the drugActive substanceCharacteristicAllowed age
  • Chamomile and Belladonna extract;
  • Plantago major;
  • Calcium carbonicum hahnemann;
  • Solyanum dulcamara;
  • Pulsatilla pratensis
The drug has a quick sedative effect. It is often prescribed by a pediatrician for nervous disorders associated with teething, as it additionally relieves inflammation and acute pain.From 1 year
  • seed oats;
  • common chamomile;
  • zinc valerianate;
  • a coffee tree.
Homeopathic remedy, produced in two forms (syrup, drops). Has a hypnotic effect.As prescribed by a doctor, it is used in children from 2 years of age
  • microencapsulated glycine (more in the article:)
Broad-spectrum drug. Normalizes metabolic processes and sleep, soothes, increases efficiency.From 1 year
  • valerian;
  • cuprum;
  • potassium phosphoricum;
  • staphysagria;
  • calcium hypophosphorozum;
  • hamomilla.
Normalizes the duration and phases of sleep.From 1 year

Children over 3 years old

Children older than 3 years, in addition to sleep disturbances, have problems related to adaptation to kindergarten / school, relationships with peers and parents. Excessive physical activity at this age leads to fatigue, frequent stress and can cause nervous strain.

To protect the nervous system from increased excitability, to normalize sleep and brain activity, doctors often prescribe a course of sedative medication (10-14 days) for children. They have a similar effect - they calm, eliminate insomnia, improve emotional state, relieve tension and stress. These include:

  • Tenoten tablets - from 3 years old (we recommend reading:);
  • Sanosan - from 6 years old;
  • Atomoxetine - from 5 years;
  • Alora - from the age of 7;
  • Persen - from the age of 12.