Asthenia: how to overcome painful impotence? Asthenia: symptoms, treatment.

Asthenia or a progressive psychopathological disease occurs against the background of many ailments, causing a violation of all body systems. Consider the causes of pathology, types, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

The disease is manifested by increased fatigue, decreased performance (physical, mental). Patients complain of sleep problems, increased irritability, lethargy and other autonomic disorders. It is difficult to diagnose the disease, since its symptoms are similar to many ailments. Therefore, to identify it, special testing is used, according to the results of which the patient is selected for a course of therapy.

ICD-10 code

F06.6 Organic emotional labile [asthenic] disorder


The disease is one of the most common medical syndromes. It occurs with infectious diseases, somatic and psychopathological ailments. Post-traumatic, post-natal and post-traumatic periods are an excellent background for its development. Because of this, experts face it. different areas. Since it can be a sign of a beginning disease or accompany it during an exacerbation.

Causes of asthenia

The causes of the disease can be associated with increased mental or physical stress, various diseases that deplete the body. Not proper organization work and rest, unhealthy diet, mental and nervous diseases, also provoke it. In some cases, symptoms appear on initial stage defeats internal organs or after an acute illness. In addition, asthenic syndrome refers to the clinical manifestations of electromagnetic radiation from the EMF microwave range.

But most often, pathology is associated with the depletion of higher nervous activity and prolonged stress. Nutritional deficiencies, metabolic disorders, increased energy expenditure and any other factors that cause the body to deplete provoke the disease. Even a change of job, changes in personal life, moving or quarrels with loved ones are risk factors and can cause related symptoms. People who abuse alcohol, smoke, drink a lot of tea and coffee are at risk.


Development asthenic syndrome directly related to pathophysiology. The main link is the violation of the RAS - the reticular activating system. This system is a neural network responsible for managing all the body's energy resources. She controls the coordination of voluntary movements, endocrine and autonomous regulation, memorization, sensory perception.

Since the RAS is responsible for a large number of neurophysiological connections, then it is important in modulating psychological attitudes, intellectual functions and physical activity. Psychopathological dysfunction generates a signal that leads to an overload of the RAS due to disturbances in the management of energy resources. This is reflected in the patient as increased anxiety, the extinction of physical and mental activity.

Another important factor, affecting the development of asthenia, is a failure of biological rhythms. The system regulates the secretion of hormones (somatoliberin, thyroliberin, corticoliberin), controls blood pressure, temperature, wakefulness, affects performance and appetite. The functioning of this system is intensively disturbed in the elderly, when flying over long distances and when shift work. Normal operation biological clock prevents the development of the disease.

Development mechanisms

The main mechanism of asthenic syndrome is associated with a reboot of the activating reticular formation. The mechanism is responsible for synchronizing all aspects of human behavior and manages energy resources.

AT clinical practice the most common options are psychopathological illness:

  • Asthenia as a sign of a certain disease (somatic, infectious, mental, endocrine, and others).
  • A temporary condition that arose due to the influence of provoking factors. It can be various diseases, mental and physical overload, medication or surgical interventions. Typically, this indicates a reactive or secondary form. When the provoking factors are eliminated, the adverse symptoms go away.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome is not only one of the leading symptoms of pathology, but also a provoking factor. Constant weakness, fatigue and irritability lead to social and physical maladjustment.

Patients with this ailment suffer from regular mood swings, loss of self-control, tearfulness, self-doubt. On the physical side, this manifests itself as: pain in the heart, tachycardia, unstable pressure, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is possible: increased sweating, intolerance to bright light, temperature changes and loud sounds.

Symptoms of asthenia

Symptoms include three mandatory components:

  1. own clinical manifestations.
  2. violations based on pathological condition disease causing the disorder.
  3. Symptoms resulting from a psychological reaction to malaise.

Manifestations of asthenic syndrome increase during the day, in morning time the symptom complex is weakly expressed or absent. But in the evening, the pathology reaches its maximum manifestation. Consider the main signs of the disease:

  • Fatigue

This symptom is found in all forms of the disease. Good sleep and rest do not relieve fatigue. At physical labor there is a general weakness and unwillingness to do work. During intellectual work, difficulties appear when trying to concentrate, memory, intelligence and attentiveness deteriorate. The patient has difficulty verbally expressing his own thoughts. It is difficult to focus on one problem, to choose words to express ideas or emotions, there is absent-mindedness and lethargy. You have to take breaks and break the tasks into stages. All this leads to the fact that the work does not bring the desired results, fatigue increases, causing anxiety, self-doubt and self-reliance.

  • Autonomic disorders

Psychopathological illness is always accompanied by dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Patients suffer from tachycardia, fluctuations blood pressure, constipation, lability of the pulse, pain in the intestines, chilliness, feelings of heat and increased sweating. In addition, appetite decreases, headaches appear, and a decrease in libido is possible.

  • Sleep disorders

Regardless of the form of asthenia, there are problems with sleep that are different in nature. It can be difficulty falling asleep, frequent nocturnal awakenings, rich and restless dreams, feeling tired and tired after sleep. In particular difficult cases patients develop the feeling that they are awake at night, but in reality this is not the case. The disease is accompanied by daytime sleepiness, problems falling asleep and poor quality sleep.

  • Psycho-emotional defects

This symptom occurs due to a decrease in productivity and the patient's increased attention to this problem. Patients become quick-tempered, irritable, tense, lose their temper. There is a state of depression, sharp drops moods, unreasonable optimism or pessimism. An increase in such symptoms leads to neurasthenia, hypochondriacal or depressive neurosis.

Temperature with asthenia

Subfebrile temperature at anxiety states and psychological ailments indicates autonomic instability of the nervous system. This is due to the fact that psychogenic factors disrupt thermoregulation. Regular daily fluctuations in body temperature indicate neurotic and pseudo-neurotic states. Such signs complicate the diagnostic process, as they can be a sign of focal infection and other lesions of the body. In this case antibiotic therapy, only exacerbates the asthenic condition and somatic symptoms.

If subfebrile temperature is accompanied by poor health, which manifests itself in the form of weakness, rhythmic hyperthermia, mood changes, then this indicates a disorder of internal circadian rhythms. In addition to problems with thermoregulation, asthenic syndrome causes other pathologies, for example, sore throat, tremor of the limbs and others.

Treatment depends on the true cause of the pathology. If temperature fluctuations arose due to a psychopathological illness against a background of chronic diseases, then treatment of the root cause is required. To do this, patients are prescribed antibiotics, antihistamines and antidepressants, but only after comprehensive survey organism.

Headache with asthenia

Headaches in neurasthenic diseases are one of the most unpleasant and persistent symptoms. It is this manifestation of the disease that makes one seek medical help. AT medical practice special diagnostic criteria, which allow you to determine the degree of headaches and tension:

  • Typically, episodic pain lasts from 30 minutes to 7 days. If the discomfort is chronic, then the pain is ongoing.
  • The pain has a compressive, squeezing and tightening character. It is localized on both sides of the head, but one of the sides may hurt more.
  • Daily physical activity does not increase discomfort, but everyday and professional activities exacerbate the situation.
  • With increased discomfort, signs such as photophobia, phonophobia, nausea, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, anorexia, migraine appear.

The pathology is based on chronic emotional stress, which is formed under the influence of many factors (past illnesses, physical and emotional overload). If the pain is chronic, then migraine and neurosis develop along with asthenic syndrome. This symptom entails various disorders: problems with sleep, poor appetite, irritability, nervousness, impaired attention. Based on this, we can conclude that headaches with asthenia are part of the psychovegetative complex.

Asthenia in children

Asthenic syndrome in childhood- This psychological condition, which causes a number of deviations in behavior. The child becomes capricious, tearful, there are frequent mood swings, inability to concentrate, increased lability. The disease is difficult to recognize, since the child is already emotionally unstable due to his age. But if your child suddenly became lethargic, the behavior changed significantly for the worse, tearfulness, frequent whims and other unfavorable signs appeared, then this indicates asthenia.

Symptoms in children are slightly distinguished, unlike adults. As a rule, these are experiences, overwork, emotional instability. Asthenia can appear against the background of other diseases, but sometimes its symptoms are confused with age-related changes. If the above signs are left unattended, they will begin to progress and cause a number of complications.

Treatment of pathology in childhood begins with determining the true cause of the disease. Since sometimes adverse symptoms indicate a latent disease. If the diagnosis did not reveal anything, then it is recommended to visit a psychologist. In addition, it is necessary to establish a daily routine for the baby, organize proper nutrition and spend more time with the child.

Asthenia in adolescents

Psychopathological disorder in adolescence is associated with hormonal changes in the body and formation in society. At this age, any, even a minor event can cause mental trauma. Increased workloads and obligations contribute to the development of pathology.

Signs of the disease:

  • increased fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Inability to focus
  • Headaches without physiological prerequisites
  • Painful sensations in the heart, gastrointestinal tract, dizziness
  • Lack of confidence in yourself and your own abilities.
  • Difficulty in execution simple tasks, learning problems

If you leave the above symptoms without attention, they will progress. As a result, the teenager becomes isolated in himself, begins to avoid peers and relatives. Treatment begins with a comprehensive examination of the body. Since in some cases, the disease occurs due to hidden diseases. Mandatory is the help of a psychotherapist, drug therapy and the use of restorative drugs. The help of the patient's parents is of great importance. They must support the child and tune in positive result treatment.

Asthenia during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman has to deal with many problems, including psychopathological ones. Most often, this disease is encountered in the I and III trimesters. Asthenia requires a comprehensive medical and obstetric examination.

  • I trimester - nausea, headaches, sleep disturbances, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and constipation are caused by symptoms characteristic of a vegetative disorder that disappear after a good rest. Perhaps a feeling constant fatigue, which indicates the intense nature of the disease. In this case, there is a deterioration in the general condition, weight loss, various biological disorders. This condition requires hospitalization and medical supervision.
  • II trimester - at this time, increased fatigue and weakness are due to an increase in the volume of the ovum and the woman's body weight. Asthenic symptoms appear along with functional disorders Gastrointestinal tract, itching of the skin, pain in the bones and muscles, insomnia. As a rule, proper rest eliminates the above ailments, and regular classes sports prevent their occurrence. But in some cases, severe forms of the syndrome occur. The woman has constant headaches, high blood pressure, weakness, iron deficiency anemia. Similar signs occur with polyhydramnios, nephropathy and benign recurrent cholestatic jaundice.
  • III trimester - the disease has a pronounced character, accompanied by high blood pressure, anxiety, respiratory failure, pain in the abdomen and lower back, disability. These symptoms may result from a viral infection, fetal malformations, diabetes mellitus, or Rh immunization.

Severe vegetative disorders are observed with multiple pregnancy. A similar condition is diagnosed in 15% of pregnant women. Very often, the cause of malaise is a low level of hemoglobin, malnutrition, stress, lack of rest and lack of sleep. Without proper nutrition, symptomatic treatment and hygiene recommendations, pathology can lead to serious complications.

Postpartum asthenia

Asthenic disease in the postpartum period is a common occurrence, which is caused by many factors. First of all, it is the hormonal and physiological restoration of the body. After childbirth endocrine system is rebuilt, as the body needs to produce milk. During this period, fever, sweating and weakness are possible. Another factor in the disease is anemia, that is, anemia. It occurs after a caesarean section, postpartum hemorrhage, or severe blood loss during childbirth. A significant decrease in hemoglobin entails oxygen starvation, weakness, dizziness and fainting.

Unpleasant symptoms appear due to reboot of cardio-vascular system. The thing is that during the period of gestation, the volume of blood increases by 1.5 times, which affects blood pressure and heart function. After childbirth, these systems abruptly return to normal, which causes discomfort. Asthenia can be caused by postpartum depression. In this case, the woman feels depressed, bouts of blues, weakness and irritability. Do not forget about the adaptation period, since the appearance of a child requires psychological adaptation.

Main features:

  • Weakness
  • Irritability
  • Fast fatiguability
  • Mood swings, tearfulness
  • Head and muscle pain
  • Intolerance to bright lights, strong smells, and loud sounds
  • Sleep disorders

When the above signs appear, it must be understood that if they are not caused by a specific disease, then they are temporary. The disease can masquerade as serious damage to the body. So, if weakness and unreasonable fatigue occur along with sharp pains in the lower abdomen, swelling of the legs, blood in the urine, pain when urinating, chills and elevated temperature, urgent medical attention is required. In all other cases, it is recommended to spend more time outdoors, not refuse the help of loved ones, eat well, get enough sleep and avoid stress.

Asthenia scale

On the basis of the MMPI questionnaire (Minnesota multidimensional personality list), a scale of asthenic condition was developed. This system is necessary to determine the degree of illness. It was developed taking into account the data obtained in the treatment of patients with different forms illness.

The scale is used to quickly determine the severity of the disease. It contains points for assessing the nervous excitability, performance and aggressiveness of the patient. Some questions provide information about the quality of sleep and the state of the reproductive system.

Subjective scale for assessing asthenia (MFI-2O)


I feel healthy

Physically I am capable of little

I feel active

yes, it's true 1 2 3 4 5 no, it's not true

Everything I do gives me pleasure

yes, it's true 1 2 3 4 5 no, it's not true

I feel tired

yes, it's true 5 4 3 2 1 no, it's not true

I feel like I get a lot done in a day

yes, it's true 1 2 3 4 5 no, it's not true

When I am doing something, I can concentrate on it.

Yes. it's true 1 2 3 4 5 no it's not true

Physically, I can do a lot.

yes, it's true 1 2 3 4 5 no, it's not true

I'm afraid of the things that I need to do

yes, it's true 5 4 3 2 1 no, it's not true

I think I get very few things done in a day

yes, it's true 5 4 3 2 1 no, it's not true

I can concentrate well

yes, it's true 1 2 3 4 5 no, it's not true

I feel rested

yes, it's true 1 2 3 4 5 no, it's not true

It takes a lot of effort for me to concentrate

yes, it's true 5 4 3 2 1 no, it's not true

Physically, I feel bad condition

yes, it's true 5 4 3 2 1 no, it's not true

I have many plans

yes, it's true 1 2 3 4 5 no, it's not true

I get tired quickly

yes, it's true 5 4 3 2 1 no, it's not true

I can do very little

yes, it's true 5 4 3 2 1 no, it's not true

I feel like I'm doing nothing

yes, it's true 5 4 3 2 1 no, it's not true

My thoughts are easily scattered

yes, it's true 5 4 3 2 1 no, it's not true

Physically, I feel great.

yes, it's true 1 2 3 4 5 no, it's not true

Scale key:

Form of disorder



Reduced activity

Decreased motivation

If, after answering all questions, the patient scores 30-50 points, then there is no disorder. From 51-75 - a weak form of asthenia, 76-100 - a moderate form, 101-120 - severe.

Asthenia syndrome

Asthenic syndrome is a state of the body, which is characterized by increased fatigue, depletion of vitality and energy resources.

Main symptoms:

  • Irritability
  • Weakness
  • Hyperexcitability
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Tearfulness
  • Sleep disorders
  • Intolerance to bright light, strong smells and sounds
  • Autonomic nervous system disorders

The above symptoms increase gradually. At the initial stage, fatigue and increased fatigue appear, later irritability, impatience, mood swings.

The manifestation of the syndrome largely depends on the causes that caused it. If the discomfort appeared after acute illnesses, then, as a rule, takes the form of emotional weakness, tension and hypersensitivity. After traumatic brain injury, the disease is characterized by severe headaches and problems with the autonomic system. The early stages of hypertension and atherosclerosis are accompanied by severe fatigue, weakness and mood swings.

The syndrome can occur as a result of prolonged emotional or intellectual overstrain. infectious and noncommunicable diseases, intoxication, this is another cause of asthenia. The risk category includes people with an unbalanced or weak type of higher nervous activity.


ICD 10 defines a progressive psychopathological disorder with this value - systematic complaints of general weakness, increased fatigue regardless of the load, decreased performance, muscle and headaches, sleep disturbances, inability to relax and irritability.

ICD 10, that is, the international classification of diseases of the 10th revision classifies asthenia into several classes at the same time:

V Mental and behavioral disorders

F00-F09 Organic, including symptomatic mental disorders

  • F40-F48 Stress-related neurotic and somatoform disorders

F48 Other neurotic disorders

F48.0 Neurasthenia

  • F50-F59 Behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disorders and physical factors

XVIII Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified.

R50-R69 General symptoms and signs

  • R53 Malaise and fatigue

F48.0 Neurasthenia.

The fact that the disease is included in several categories is due to the fact that it manifests itself in many diseases and has many symptoms. If there is a need to identify primary disease, then an additional encoding is used.

Complications and consequences

If left untreated, asthenic syndrome can lead to serious consequences. First of all, it is neurasthenia, depression, hysteria and even schizophrenia. If the disease is chronic, it causes a lack of concentration, absent-mindedness, memory problems. If the disease is the result of an infection or viral diseases, which can lead to secondary damage to the body. In this case, the functioning of the immune system and the body as a whole deteriorates significantly.

Vegetative syndrome does not cause irreversible changes, but in severe forms, hospitalization in special clinics is indicated. In addition, the patient is assigned a limited degree of ability to work. Timely visit to the doctor correct diagnosis, a course of drug therapy and physiotherapy, allow you to quickly return to your usual life.

Diagnosis of asthenia

The diagnosis of asthenia is differential study, the main purpose of which is to identify true symptoms diseases and not confuse them with chronic fatigue syndrome. To do this, various methods are used, but they rely more on rating scales and tests with which you can determine the type of ailment and limit it from other diseases.

Comparative characteristics of signs of asthenia and fatigue:

The disease occurs due to violations of the use of energy resources, and fatigue due to their depletion.

In addition, they also use additional research. For example, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, and computed tomography can exclude tumors, cysts, and progressive diffuse brain lesions. In this case, the pathology is symptomatic, not pathological. In each individual case, the doctor prescribes a series laboratory research, electroencephalography, ultrasound, ECG and other diagnostic procedures.

Asthenia test

Various tests for diagnosing an asthenic condition make it possible to differentiate asthenia from other body lesions. The advantage of this method is its simplicity and fast results.

The simplest is a test questionnaire. The proposed assumptions must be carefully read and evaluated, in relation to their state at the moment. The test uses several answers: no, wrong, perhaps, so, right, absolutely right.

  1. I work with a lot of pressure
  2. I find it hard to focus on anything
  3. My sex life does not satisfy me
  4. Waiting makes me nervous
  5. I experience muscle weakness
  6. I don't feel like going to the cinema or the theater
  7. I am forgetful
  8. I feel tired
  9. My eyes get tired when reading for a long time
  10. My hands are shaking
  11. I have a bad appetite
  12. It's hard for me to be at a party or in noisy company
  13. I don't understand what I read anymore
  14. My hands and feet are cold
  15. I'm easily offended
  16. I have a headache
  17. I wake up in the morning tired and unrested
  18. I get dizzy
  19. I have muscle twitches
  20. I have ringing in my ears
  21. I'm concerned about sexual issues
  22. I feel heaviness in my head
  23. I experience general weakness
  24. I am experiencing pain in the groin
  25. Life for me is about stress.
  26. My head is wrapped around like a hoop
  27. I wake up easily from the noise
  28. people bore me
  29. When I worry, I sweat
  30. Worrying thoughts keep me awake

For each answer, points are awarded according to the following scheme:

  • 1 - no, incorrect
  • 2 - probably so
  • 3 - true
  • 4 - absolutely correct

For the test, you can score from 30-120 points.

  • 30-50 points - no asthenia
  • 51-75 points - weak
  • 76 -100 points - moderate
  • 101-120 points - pronounced.

There is another questionnaire developed by G.V. Zalevsky and consists of 141 questions-statements. Each item reflects situations in which the subject is required to change the already established elements of his behavior. The questionnaire consists of 7 scales, each of which is evaluated according to the parameters of mental rigidity.

The SMIL Questionnaire is another test that is an abbreviated version of the MMRI and consists of 11 scales. The first three are evaluative, as they measure the degree of reliability of the answers, the sincerity of the answerer, and the correction due to caution. The remaining scales assess personality traits and are basic. The test results are interpreted as a graphical personality profile.

The main stages of treatment:

  1. Daily routine - all patients need to establish a life schedule, that is, allocate time for proper rest and sleep, time for work, sports and other things important for normal well-being and the nervous system.
  2. Nutrition - healthy diet This is the key to recovery. For patients, foods containing protein, tryptophan, amino acids and vitamins are useful - turkey, cheese, bananas, eggs, bran bread, fresh berries, fruits, vegetables and cereals.
  3. Drug therapy - prescribe a course of antidepressants or homeopathic remedies. Most often, adaptogens are used, that is, drugs natural origin. Methods can also be used folk treatment, for example, soothing herbs, various physiotherapy and spa treatments.

All of the above stages are included in the recovery course of the body, as they allow you to normalize your well-being without side effects. To prevent relapse, preventive measures are recommended that minimize stress and its destructive effects on the body.


Preventive actions in autonomic disorders, they are aimed at preventing psychopathological symptoms that depress the central system and the entire body.

Prevention measures:

  • Timely and comprehensive treatment of any diseases and their further prevention.
  • Complete rest and dream.
  • Rational, healthy food.
  • Minimization of stressful situations, nervous disorders.
  • Regular physical activity.
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air.
  • The use of pharmacological drugs that reduce fatigue (glucose, vitamin C, ginseng, eleutherococcus) and increase protective properties immune system.


The prognosis of asthenic syndrome depends entirely on the form of the disease, individual characteristics the patient's body and the effectiveness of treatment. So, if the malaise is of a post-infectious nature, then the prognosis is favorable, since a variety of therapies allow the body to fully recover without any complications.

Subject to correct treatment, a favorable prognosis has psychological, cerebral, neurotic and functional forms. In the case of a long course, the disease causes serious complications, in some cases irreversible, transforming into neurosis, schizophrenia and chronic depression.

Asthenia and the army

Presence of symptoms asthenic disease may be the reason for the refusal of the commission for those wishing to join the army. As a rule, this applies to advanced-type psychopathological disorders, accompanied by serious disorders of the psyche and the functioning of the body.

Special attention is given to neurocirculatory asthenia, as it is characterized by persistent and pronounced vegetative-vascular disorders. If the malaise is accompanied by hypertensive reactions, persistent cardiomyopathy, arterial pressure lability and pronounced signs, not amenable to treatment, then the call may be refused or declared temporarily unfit for military service.

Asthenia is rightfully considered a disease of our time, as frequent stress, nervous experiences and negative influence external environment call her pathological symptoms. In order to overcome weakness and increased fatigue, it is necessary to strengthen the body, rest, eat well and maintain healthy lifestyle life with a minimum of stress and worries.

Almost all of us are familiar with the state of " no power to act": fast fatigue, fatigue that does not disappear after leisure, muscle weakness. However, many interpret their painful condition as a slight malaise, hoping that the breakdown will pass on its own. However, overpowering impotence, a significant decrease in efficiency, and rapid fatigue from habitual loads are symptoms of an abnormal state of the body called asthenia.

Signs of asthenic syndrome observed for more than one month and not associated with viral or bacterial diseases, requires the adoption of comprehensive curative measures. It is worth noting that asthenia not only does not allow the individual to live a full and rich life, it can be a symptom of more serious problems in the body or transform into an affective disorder - depression.

The term "asthenia" borrowed from Latin (Asthenia) and means "weakness". Asthenic status implies that the central nervous system of a person is in an exhausted state, all systems work at the limit of their capabilities. Manifestations of asthenia - pronounced neuropsychic weakness, instant exhaustion of the resources of the nervous system, reduced tolerance to standard mental and physical stress, a noticeable decline in a person's ability to work.

In addition to the overpowering feeling of weakness, weakness, exhaustion, a person's emotional state undergoes changes, defects in cognitive functions occur. In a person suffering from asthenia, the mood often changes with a predominance of despondency and which outwardly manifest tearfulness. The person becomes nervous and irritable, which causes conflicts in his environment.

Symptoms of asthenia: restlessness, fussiness, thirst to do everything at the same time and quickly. However, due to the rapid exhaustion of nervous processes, the inability to concentrate, the person cannot complete the work begun. The constant companions of asthenia are a variety of pain sensations of a psychogenic nature: headache, “aches” in the joints and muscles, discomfort and cramps in the abdomen.


Asthenic syndrome is caused by the presence of certain congenital and acquired factors, which, when adverse circumstances provoke the onset of the disorder. The soil for the development of asthenia are the following reasons:

  • inherited predisposition to asthenic and depressive states;
  • innate properties of the nervous system, causing its weakness and rapid exhaustion;
  • asthenic personality type.

Possible causes of asthenia:

  • acquired defects of the central nervous system due to craniocerebral injuries or vascular diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases affecting the brain;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • oncological diseases.

A separate group of causes of asthenia includes their consequences:

  • uncontrolled intake of psychotropic drugs, drug dependence, abrupt withdrawal of psychostimulants;
  • drug use, withdrawal syndrome;
  • alcoholism, withdrawal state.

Among the "social" causes of asthenia, psychologists single out the excessive demands of modernity, forcing a person to exist in an "emergency mode". In this group, the most harmful factors are:

  • political, economic instability in the country;
  • high unemployment;
  • the poor financial situation of many citizens;
  • excessive information overload;
  • high demands on the performance and activity of an individual seeking to build a successful career;
  • severe competition in the labor market.

The reasons for the development of asthenia are:

  • low level of medical care;
  • availability narcotic substances to an ordinary layman;
  • global alcoholization of the population of the post-Soviet space;
  • lack of physical activity among office workers;
  • lack of relaxation and relaxation skills;
  • improper or poor diet due to lack of financial resources in people.

Clinical signs of asthenia

It is possible to assume the development of asthenia according to the patient's complaints: his feelings are focused on the very process of painful experiences of his condition. A person really suffers a lot, because he cannot understand the reasons and somehow eliminate the all-consuming weakness, irresistible fatigue, complete impotence. The individual describes that he has lost " vital energy", can not perform either professional duties or domestic activities. A patient with asthenia indicates that he lacks the “tone and strength” to perform a template intellectual task in a quality manner.

An important sign of asthenia is the lack of vivacity after a full night's sleep. The person indicates that his condition: "as if he did not go to bed at all, but worked all night long."

Often the patient makes complaints that he has become indifferent to ongoing events. However, questions of the patient establish that he has retained an interest in life, and he is able to enjoy, but he simply does not have the strength to start and finish any pleasant activities.

objective clinical signs asthenia, the phenomena of hyperesthesia appear: an inadequately high response to the action of insignificant stimuli. Symptoms of asthenic status: excessive sensitivity of the patient not only to external stimuli, but also to internal stimuli.

A person loses his calm and becomes agitated from normally inconspicuous external signals: people talking, television announcer speech, birds singing, dripping water sounds, door creaking. In addition to sound stimuli, the individual is disturbed by the visual signals received: flashes of bright light, flashing pictures on the monitor, natural movements, gestures and facial expressions of people. High tactile reactions are noted: some persons cannot endure the combing process, others suffer from touching the body of underwear. Asthenic gets on the nerves of a tightly tied tie, tight-fitting clothes, tight shoes.

Subject with asthenia reacts violently to normal processes of his body: he is unsettled by the feeling of a heartbeat, sounds when inhaling and exhaling, rumbling in the digestive tract.

He is intensely experiencing the arising pain syndromes, often describing that a headache simply "drives you crazy": "the head cracks, splits, seethes like a cauldron." At the same time, the appearance of cephalalgia is cyclical: the headache is minimal in the morning and feels like heaviness in the head, and intensifies in the afternoon as fatigue sets in. Many patients with asthenia are characterized by increased meteosensitivity: the malaise increases with changing weather conditions, flights to areas with other climatic conditions.

Symptoms of asthenia are also manifested at the vegetative level, up to sympathoadrenal crises. During the period of vegetative failures in the subject are determined:

  • increased heart rate;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • instability of body position, unsteadiness of gait;
  • tremor of the limbs.

The person describes that a “dark veil” or “flies are flying” appeared before the eyes. It is difficult for him to breathe and he feels how "the earth is leaving from under his feet." He is overcome by flushes of heat, which are replaced by internal chills.

Asthenia and depression almost always make changes in sleep and wakefulness. During the day, the asthenic is lethargic and drowsy, and at night he loses sleep. He fails to fall asleep on time. Falling asleep, he is overcome by nightmares. With asthenia, there are frequent awakenings at night. Wake up times are pushed back to later in the morning. At the same time, having risen from the bed, he feels himself half asleep.

Under asthenia undergoes changes psychological characteristics personality, behavior model, cognitive abilities. A peculiar portrait of the patient will help to demonstrate a typical asthenic.

Portrait of an asthenic

Such a personality can be characterized by its inseparable feature - defensiveness (defensive position). A defensive person is not ready to show the required degree of aggressiveness and assertiveness when faced with the difficulties of life. His credo is to silently protest, withdrawing into himself, to run away and hide from problems.

As a discharge of accumulated indignation, short outbursts of rage are observed in the close environment, however, such a surge of irritation quickly ends due to the rapid onset of depletion of psychic resources. Such an attack is caused by accumulated grievances and suspicions that all people hate him. A flash of hysteria is replaced by apologies, regrets, tears of repentance.

Astenik is a conscientious and compassionate nature, completely devoid of indifference and insensitivity. A conflict that greatly disturbs him burns in his soul, in which two principles are combined: the experience of a fairly exaggerated inferiority complex and morbid pride. In asthenia, the subject often ascribes imaginary shortcomings to himself and is very ashamed of them. He always folds when faced with human arrogance and rudeness.

The external manifestation of low self-esteem is indecision, lack of confidence in one's abilities, constant doubts, shyness. In an unusual situation, when the gaze of others is turned to the asthenic, he tries to move a decent distance, blushes, lowers his shoulders, tries not to look into the eyes of his opponent, shifts from foot to foot.

A distinctive feature of the asthenic is increased susceptibility, sensitivity, "mimosa-likeness". He cannot recover for a long time after an unpleasant event, and the type of violence can cause fainting. The subject painfully perceives offensive and rude words, for this reason he becomes uncommunicative, meticulously making up a circle of his acquaintances.

A feature of a person with asthenia is an alarming suspiciousness, implying a significant exaggeration of the existing risk. Asthenik "manages" to predict danger even in situations where there is no minimal threat. Instead of painstakingly analyzing the situation and inventing ways to secure, he simply refuses to take action.

Asthenia significantly complicates the implementation of the usual labor process. Absent-mindedness and fatigue leads to the fact that a person performs duties poorly or does not have time to complete the work in full. At the same time, the subject is deprived of strength not only by physically or intellectually complex tasks, but also by a normal conversation with an interlocutor, the performance of patterned actions. Due to the distraction of attention, a person cannot put together a long chain of tasks, which often creates an erroneous opinion about the intellectual insufficiency of the asthenic.

Methods of treatment

Since asthenia is not only an independent anomaly, but is also associated with various neurological diseases, somatic ailments, mental disorders, the choice of treatment method requires a comprehensive examination of the patient. In the case of diagnosing the underlying disease, treatment is aimed at eliminating the factors that provoked it and minimizing the manifestation of signs of asthenia.

What to do if asthenia is not associated with other diseases? The basis for the treatment of asthenic syndrome are restorative measures that contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system. A patient who has been diagnosed with asthenic status is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures, a course of massage, acupuncture, and a complex of physiotherapy exercises. Great importance to stabilize the coordinated work of the body is properly selected water procedures: cold and hot shower in the morning, swimming in the pool or open water during the day and a relaxing warm bath with essential oils in the evening.

For asthenia, the statement “movement is life” is true. Therefore, a special place in the treatment of an abnormal condition is given to daily walks in the fresh air, outdoor sports. The patient is recommended to draw up his weekly schedule in such a way that he can devote his entire weekend to active entertainment: hiking in the mountains, cycling, hiking in the forest. For lovers of gardening, working on a personal plot is a natural healer that restores an exhausted nervous system in a natural way.

However, when starting the “rehabilitation” of your body, you should remember: in the initial stages, excessive physical activity is unacceptable. Increase the intensity and duration of classes should be gradual, not expecting instant results.

Treatment of asthenia is impossible without a revision of the diet and competent planning of the daily menu. Persons with asthenic status should eat at least four times a day with the same time interval. The main “fuel throw” should be at breakfast and lunch, after dinner, light, low-calorie foods should be preferred. The daily diet must contain cereals from cereals, vegetables and fruits of local origin, lean varieties meat, sea fish and seafood, nuts, dairy products.

Many people suffering fatigue, mistakenly believe that coffee and energy drinks are capable of “getting them back into operation”. It's pretty dangerous delusion: all products containing caffeine really activate the work of the nervous system for a short time, however, such stimulation occurs due to the intensive consumption of mental energy, so soon vigor is replaced by debilitating fatigue. How to overcome asthenia? The rule for asthenics is to drink a sufficient amount of pure non-carbonated water (at least two liters per day).

Among the irreplaceable measures, without which it is impossible to overcome asthenia, is a change in the daily work schedule. Asthenics should forget about a ten-hour or more working day, perform professional duties for no more than eight hours with a mandatory break for rest at lunchtime. At the same time, the day break should not only be reserved for eating and discussing problems at the dinner table. This hour should be devoted to the implementation of breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, methods of relieving emotional stress.

How to get rid of asthenia once and for all? Eliminate stressful situations, minimize the cost of nervous energy for conflicts, quarrels, showdown. Without normalizing the atmosphere at home and at work, it will not be possible to restore the resources of the nervous system. Therefore, in difficult situations all patients with asthenia are advised to resort to the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist to select the most appropriate methods to eliminate stressors. Since asthenia is often a manifestation of the personal constitution, the doctor will suggest ways to “neutralize” unfavorable individual traits and help with choosing measures to transform the characterological portrait.

How to deal with asthenia without resorting to the "chemical" arsenal of the pharmaceutical industry? In simple situations, it is advisable to conduct a long course of treatment with natural stimulants, tonics. As a rule, prescribe the intake of vitamin C, E, group B and mineral complexes. It will not be superfluous to use tinctures:

  • lure;
  • ginseng root;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • leuzei;
  • Schisandra chinensis;
  • rhodiola.

With asthenia of various origins, amino acids are often present in the treatment, which contribute to the formation of energy at the molecular level. Good action is shown by drugs: stimol (Stimol) and L-arginine (L-arginine). A fairly common companion of asthenic syndrome is minor defects in the cognitive and mnestic sphere, the functions of which will be restored by nootropic drugs, for example: phezam (Phezam) or cortexin (Cortexinum) .

If asthenia has developed against the background of a violation of cerebral blood supply or is associated with alcoholism, an effective remedy, Mildronate, should be included in the treatment. In the treatment of severe asthenic forms, it is appropriate to use psychostimulants in the treatment, for example: Meridil (Meridiltim) or Sydnocarbum (Sydnocarbum).

In the case of a protracted and persistent course of asthenia, additional diagnostic measures. In case of confirmation of asthenic depression, treatment with antidepressants is carried out.

Instead of an afterword

Although asthenia is a common phenomenon of our time, and has existed in asthenic status for many years, such a condition is not the norm. timely medical assistance, establishing the true cause of the anomaly, changing the usual way of life, psychotherapeutic work will allow you to feel like a completely different person: energetic and cheerful, will give you a chance to feel the fullness of life.

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03/19/2019 at 21:32 Everyone has their own ways to overcome asthenia. At first I tried to drink coffee to clean myself up. But there was little sense, fatigue passed for a short time, and then manifested itself with even greater force. Enerion helped, strength gradually began to appear from him, weakness left, that is, obvious progress was visible. Then she began to walk, load, gradually enter the normal rhythm of life.

05/06/2018 at 23:49 Coffee is definitely not worth drinking, at first there seems to be some action, but then it only gets worse - on own experience checked. If you need good pharmaceutical support, then it is better to ask the doctor to prescribe cardionate, it really works and gives a long-term effect.

04/27/2018 at 13:43 Meldonium, by the way, is not only for ischemia and alcoholism, as it is written here. In general, an excellent drug for any asthenia, I drank it in the form of Cardionate capsules after the operation, I really did not feel any weakness characteristic of this condition.

Currently, American specialists are treating asthenia with high doses of group B. But in other countries this technique is not widely used, since its use is accompanied by high risk development of allergic reactions, including severe ones. Therefore, most experts prefer complex vitamin therapy, which includes not only B vitamins, but also PP and ascorbic acid. In addition to them, the composition of complex multivitamin preparations must necessarily include trace elements necessary for the normal metabolism of vitamins (calcium, magnesium, zinc).

The effectiveness of the treatment of asthenia is largely determined by the success of the treatment of the underlying disease. If it is cured, then the symptoms of asthenia will quickly weaken or disappear completely.

If there is evidence in complex therapy asthenia often use neuroprotectors and nootropics (hopantenic acid, Picamilon, Piracetam, Cinnarizine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, ginkgo biloba extract). However, it should be taken into account that the effectiveness of these drugs for the treatment of asthenia has not been confirmed by the results of scientific studies.

Often, with asthenia, there is a need for therapy with psychotropic drugs (antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers), but they are used strictly according to the prescription of a specialist - a psychiatrist or neuropathologist.

Possible consequences and complications

A protracted course of asthenia can be complicated by the development of neurasthenia, hypochondriacal or depressive neurosis, and depression.


The effectiveness of the treatment of asthenia is largely determined by the success of the treatment of the underlying disease. If it is cured, then the symptoms of asthenia will quickly weaken or disappear completely. Manifestations of chronic asthenia are also reduced to minimal severity in case of achieving long-term remission of the underlying chronic disease.


Prevention of asthenia is based on the prevention of the appearance of its causes. It includes measures aimed at increasing the body's resistance to the effects of negative factors external environment:

  • rational and proper nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • regular exposure to fresh air;
  • moderate exercise;
  • observance of the regime of work and rest.

In addition, it is necessary to promptly identify and treat diseases that can lead to the development of asthenia.

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Asthenia (asthenic syndrome) is a painful condition, which is characterized by increased fatigue and extreme mood instability, as well as restlessness, sleep disturbance, loss of the ability for prolonged mental and physical activity, intolerance to bright light, loud sounds, pungent odors. In addition, the condition is characterized by increased excitability, affective lability, the predominance bad mood, capriciousness and tearfulness.


Asthenia can develop as a result of mental and / or physical overstrain, debilitating diseases, intoxication, improper organization of work, rest and / or nutrition, as well as mental and nervous diseases.

Asthenia can also occur at the initial stage of diseases of the internal organs (for example, coronary disease) or occur as a consequence of an already ended acute illness(influenza, pneumonia).

In addition, asthenia is one of the clinical manifestations the action of electromagnetic radiation EMF microwave range.


Asthenia can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the underlying disease that provoked its development. For example, with atherosclerosis, tearfulness and memory impairment are most pronounced; with hypertension - headaches and discomfort in the region of the heart. Clarification of the symptoms and features of asthenia can help diagnose the underlying disease.


Asthenia is diagnosed by questioning the patient in order to detail his complaints. Particular attention in the survey should be given to questions about mood, sleep quality, attitude to work and other responsibilities, as well as to their own general condition. Because some exaggerate existing deviations In order to get an objective picture, the doctor needs to conduct a study of the mnestic sphere, evaluate his response to stimuli and emotional state.

Types of disease

Asthenia is divided into organic and functional.

Organic asthenia is associated with chronic somatic diseases or organic pathologies.

Functional (reactive) asthenia is associated with the body's response to an acute illness, stress, physical overwork.

According to etiology, they are distinguished:

  • Somatogenic asthenia
  • Post-traumatic asthenia
  • Postpartum asthenia
  • Postinfectious asthenia.

According to clinical manifestations, there are:

  • Hypersthenic asthenia
  • Hyposthenic asthenia

Hypersthenic asthenia is characterized by increased sensory excitability (irritability to noise, sounds, bright light)

For hyposthenic asthenia is characterized by reduced sensory susceptibility, which leads to lethargy and drowsiness of the patient.

Depending on the duration of asthenia, it can occur in acute and chronic form. Acute asthenia usually has a functional character. Such asthenia develops due to severe stress, acute illness (pneumonia, bronchitis, pyelonephritis) or infectious disease(influenza, measles, rubella, dysentery, infectious mononucleosis). Chronic asthenia is characterized long course and more often it is organic.

Neurasthenia is also distinguished separately - asthenia associated with the depletion of higher nervous activity.

Patient's actions

To prevent the development of more significant pathologies, you should consult a doctor in time.


Therapy is aimed at eliminating the main cause of asthenic syndrome. In addition, general strengthening treatment is necessary - vitamins, multivitamins (cytoflavin), glucose, proper organization of work and rest, walks, good nutrition, sleep recovery, exercise. Small doses of antidepressants, nootropics, sedatives(novo-passit), anabolic steroids and some other drugs.


Complications of asthenia are difficult to predict. The syndrome may disappear without a trace, but if the factors that led to this condition are not eliminated, then asthenia can develop into neurasthenia, schizophrenia.


Asthenia is one of the protective mechanisms of the nervous system, protecting it from destruction. When the number of external stimuli reaches a certain critical limit, the so-called "marginal inhibition" is activated, which is manifested by the symptoms of asthenic syndrome.

Refers to curable diseases. Moreover, in the arsenal of modern doctors there are a lot of drugs and methods to cure you of asthenia.
How is asthenia treated?
.site) will help you learn from this article.

Features of the treatment of asthenia

To begin with, we immediately warn you: asthenia is not treated in one day, a week or even a month. Whatever treatment regimen the attending physician chooses for you, the process is quite lengthy. Much in the treatment of asthenia depends on the form of the disease, and on the causes of its occurrence. As a rule, asthenia is treated as many chronic diseases. It is during periods of deterioration of your condition that you will be prescribed appropriate treatment.

Medical treatment of asthenia may include only one medicine, a combination of a number of drugs may be used, or maybe you will be prescribed one drug, and after it another. Most often, antidepressants are used to treat asthenia, drugs that affect metabolic processes, as well as improve blood circulation.

Methods and preparations

The use in the treatment of asthenia of drugs from the group adaptogens. This is herbal preparations from ginseng, Manchurian aralia, Schisandra chinensis, golden root, eleutherococcus and other plants. negative moment the use of adaptogens is that these drugs will ease your condition for a short time. In addition, adaptogens to a greater extent spur the capabilities of the body itself, but do not help it.

There is a technique for treating asthenia by taking ultra-high amounts of B vitamins. This treatment of asthenia is very popular in the United States of America. This method began at the end of the nineteenth century, when the medicinal properties of B vitamins were discovered. Vitamin B1 is most often used to treat various disorders in the nervous system.

The most commonly used antidepressants are norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors, as well as drugs that regulate the production of serotonin in the body. The use of these drugs is explained by the fact that with asthenia in the body, the metabolic processes of the hormones of norepinephrine and serotonin are disturbed.

If you have asthenia complicated by sensory hyperesthesia, as well as phobias and anxiety, then it is preferable for you to use antidepressants such as citalopram or sertraline, as well as timneptin affecting serotonin metabolism. If your asthenia manifests itself in depression and weakness, it is preferable to use the drug milnacipran, which affects the exchange of norepinephrine.

If you really want to get rid of asthenia, you will have to put your lifestyle in order as well. Be sure to rest. In order to work effectively, you need to rest effectively. Otherwise, your performance will inevitably fall. Engage in physical education, but not heavy sports, but those that would keep your body in good shape. Try to drink alcohol and smoke as little as possible.

Enter more healthy and natural products into your menu, such as vegetable and animal proteins (eggs, meat, beans, soy, offal). These foods contain a sufficient amount of B vitamins. You need the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in bananas, turkey, hard cheeses and bran. This amino acid is needed to produce the hormone of pleasure in the body. Eat more foods rich in vitamins sauerkraut, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, fresh fruits and vegetables).

Take Biologically active additives for the treatment of asthenia. These are also on sale. Just read their ingredients very carefully. Some unscrupulous manufacturers include the ephedrine component in dietary supplements. This substance of narcotic origin can tone up, increase activity, but it is prohibited for use and is never used to treat asthenia.