Asthenic condition: symptoms, treatment. Asthenic condition - what is it? Overview of effective treatments for asthenia

Pharmaceutical Care: Symptomatic Treatment of Asthenia Syndrome

Asthenic condition

Increased fatigue, weakness, lethargy, apathy, depressed mood are signs of a significant number of acute and chronic diseases, the symptoms of which are quite distinct and can be diagnosed with an appropriate examination by a doctor. Often it is the signs of general malaise that become the first symptoms of a developing disease (for example, viral hepatitis, iron deficiency anemia, neurasthenia, neurocirculatory dystonia, etc.). With long-lasting signs of "causeless" fatigue, weakness, the patient must be examined by a doctor.

At the same time, in a significant number of patients, general malaise (fatigue, weakness, lethargy, apathy) are the main complaints. With a thorough medical examination of such persons, it is not possible to identify any disease that could be the cause of the development of these complaints.

Fatigue, weakness, decreased mood and interest in the environment often occur as a result of overwork, accompanied by an unhealthy lifestyle. These signs can be manifestations of asthenic syndrome in various diseases, as well as one of the manifestations of neurosis, in particular one of its forms - neurasthenia.

Asthenia (asthenic syndrome) a symptom complex characterized by a state of general weakness, increased fatigue and impressionability, mood instability and feelings of enduring anxiety without sufficient motivation, a feeling of fatigue and difficulty in performing even the usual types of work. Symptoms of asthenia increase as the duration of any type of load increases (usually in the evening), and rest and sleep do not bring a feeling of vigor and recuperation. The causes of asthenia can be diseases of the nervous system, circulatory disorders of the brain, metabolic diseases, infectious diseases, vitamin deficiency, prolonged illness internal organs, chronic intoxication (including alcohol).

Factors contributing to the development of asthenic syndrome

  • Excessive physical, mental or mental stress
  • Incorrect alternation of work and rest
  • Working in unsatisfactory (hygienic) conditions
  • Systematic sleep deprivation
  • Adaptation to new climatic conditions
  • Sudden lifestyle changes (retirement, divorce, etc.)
  • Overweight
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Abuse of coffee, chocolate
  • An overly restrictive diet
  • Insufficient fluid intake
  • Long-term exposure to toxic chemicals
  • Side effects of drugs.

Medicines, the intake of which most often may be accompanied by the development of asthenic syndrome or a depressive state

Taking a number of drugs that affect the central nervous and endocrine system can contribute to the development of depressed mood, drowsiness, decreased attention, mental and physical performance. Most often, these phenomena are observed against the background of taking (or after the end of the course of treatment) drugs of the following pharmacological groups:

  • Centrally acting antihypertensives (reserpine, clonidine, methyldopa)
  • β-blockers
  • sleeping pills
  • Sedatives
  • tranquilizers
  • Antipsychotics
  • Antihistamines
  • Glucocorticosteroids (with systemic use of oral and / or injectable forms)
  • Oral contraceptives

Symptoms of general malaise are very often observed against the background of certain disorders of the nervous system and / or internal organs (heart, blood vessels, liver, etc.). In all cases when there is a combination of symptoms of general malaise and complaints from any internal organ, an examination by a doctor is necessary to establish accurate diagnosis and finding out the cause of the development of asthenic syndrome. It is very important not to miss any serious disease of the internal organs, the nervous system, or the initial stage of mental illness in the event of asthenic syndrome against the background of any difficult life situation. It is especially important to consult a specialist in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Unfavorable epidemiological situation (contact with an infectious patient, increased incidence in the area of ​​residence, etc.)
  • Loss of appetite, a sharp decline weight
  • Severe mood swings
  • Asthenic syndrome combined with increased anxiety, sleep disorders
  • Development of signs of asthenia after trauma, especially traumatic brain injury
  • Long-lasting signs of asthenia

Directions for the treatment of patients with asthenic syndrome

In the case of the development of asthenic syndrome against the background of any disease, with the correct diagnosis, the appropriate treatment of the underlying disease, as a rule, leads to the disappearance or significant weakening of the symptoms of asthenia.

Treatment of asthenia caused by chronic overload necessarily combines non-pharmacological and medicinal means.

Necessary integral part therapy is wholesome nutrition.

Patients with asthenia, first of all, should pay attention to how much they sleep, how much time they spend in front of the TV, computer monitor, reading newspapers, magazines. It is rational to reduce the amount of incoming information, but this does not mean that it is necessary to isolate completely. Moderate sports will not be superfluous: swimming, running and other outdoor sports, preferably outdoors. If there is no opportunity to play sports, long walking is very useful: for example, you can walk part of the way to work.

If increased fatigue and decreased performance are not accompanied by headaches, irritability, insomnia, to overcome the fatigue itself, you can take tonic drugs. As part of self-treatment, it is permissible to use herbal preparations from the group of adaptogens (eleutherococcus, ginseng, rhodiola, lemongrass, leuzea, aralia). If necessary, after a mandatory consultation with a doctor and according to his appointment, nootropics (piracetam, pyriditol, pantogam, phenotropil) and antidepressants can be prescribed to continue the medical treatment of asthenia.

The duration of treatment for asthenia and chronic fatigue is individual. After the course of treatment, recovery occurs, and the patient can not only return to his usual way of life, but possibly even improve the quality of his life.

  • Optimization of the regime of work and rest
  • Sports
  • Termination of contact with possible toxic chemicals
  • Optimization of the diet and drinking regimen:
    • recommended food rich in proteins (meat, soy meat, legumes), which helps to increase brain activity;
    • food rich in carbohydrates (glucose reserves are easily replenished in case of “energy hunger” of the brain);
    • eggs and liver rich in B vitamins improve memory and increase concentration;
    • wholemeal bread, cheese, bananas, turkey meat sources of tryptophan, which promotes the synthesis of serotonin a biologically active substance that improves mood;
    • foods with pronounced vitamin properties: blackcurrant, rose hips, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, citrus fruits, apples, kiwi and strawberries, a variety of vegetable salads, fruit juices and vitamin teas.

General symptoms of malaise (decrease in mental and physical performance, memory, attention, mood depression) accompany almost any disease in children and are independently eliminated as they recover. Carrying out special rehabilitation measures is necessary in children after severe infections.

First of all, children are recommended measures to normalize the regime of work and rest, nutrition correction. The use of special medicines of a general tonic effect in young children is possible only after consulting a doctor.

In schoolchildren, the development of asthenic syndrome is very often the result of excessive loads. In this category of patients, first of all, it is necessary to correct the regime of work and rest, reasonable limitation of loads. Without such measures drug therapy usually turns out to be ineffective.

Drugs used in asthenic syndrome and conditions for their rational use

For self symptomatic treatment asthenic syndrome, increased fatigue, decreased performance, it is recommended to use adaptogens. These are substances that have a general tonic and tonic effect on the body. They have nearby unique properties: increase the body's resistance to radiation exposure, cold, heat, lack of oxygen, stress factors, etc. Ergotropic effect (ergotropic increases efficiency) of adaptogenic drugs enhances the body's ability to adapt to increased physical and emotional stress, intense mental work. This group of pharmacological "restorers" includes herbal preparations based on ginseng, eleutherococcus, leuzea, aralia, Chinese magnolia vine, rhodiola and some others.

You need to know that small doses of herbal adaptogens can have an effect on the central nervous system that is directly opposite to large doses. If large doses enhance the processes of excitation and give a surge of motor and intellectual activity, mild excitement during the day and sound sleep at night, then small doses, on the contrary, can cause lethargy, limitation of activity, constant drowsiness etc. For example: single dose in the morning, 10 drops of eleutherococcus alcohol extract causes severe lethargy during the day, but taking the same eleutherococcus at a dose of 25 drops gives a pronounced activating effect. Alcoholic extract of Rhodiola rosea causes lethargy at a dose of 2-5 drops and activation at a dose of 10 drops or more. Aralia Manchurian causes inhibition in doses up to 6 drops and a sharp activation from 7 drops and above.

It should also be remembered that all herbal adaptogens, when their dose is overestimated, can cause persistent insomnia, excitation of the nervous system, palpitations, etc., therefore, the issue of dosage should be approached very carefully, constantly monitoring well-being.

When prescribing plant adaptogens, it is necessary to take into account the dynamics of daily biorhythms, and then it will be possible to strengthen (synchronize) the latter. In the same time wrong mode the appointment of these drugs can cause a violation of daily biorhythms (desynchronization). As a reference point, it is necessary to take the daily rhythm of the excretion of catecholamines (catecholamines are highly active endogenous substances, one of the functions of which is to enhance the processes of excitation in the central nervous system). Given that all herbal adaptogens, to varying degrees, have the ability to enhance the synthesis of catecholamines, they must be prescribed strictly 1 time per day in the morning so that the increased synthesis of catecholamines caused by the drugs “fits” into the physiological morning rise in their level in the body. The physiological increase in the rise of catecholamines in the first half of the day leads to the same physiological increase in the nighttime decline of these biologically active substances. As a result, people who take herbal adaptogens, taking into account biorhythms, have higher working capacity during the day and more. deep dream at night.

Plant adaptogens are contraindicated in cases of increased nervous excitability, insomnia, high blood pressure, cardiac disorders, and febrile conditions. It is necessary to periodically change adaptogens to prevent addiction to them.

plant based adaptogens

Ginseng. Ginseng root has been used in Eastern medicine for several millennia. The experience of practical application for five thousand years, as well as the results laboratory research the last fifty years have confirmed the following pharmacological properties of ginseng:

  • stimulation of the central nervous system, higher nervous activity, especially the functions of memory and thinking;
  • stimulation of cardio-vascular system(in small quantities it slightly increases blood pressure, and in large quantities it reduces it; under the influence of the drug, strength increases and the heart rate decreases);
  • protection from radiation exposure;
  • improvement of cellular metabolism and oxygen uptake by body cells;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • normalization and moderate stimulation of the functions of the endocrine system;
  • stimulation of sexual function;
  • general tonic effect;
  • stimulation of hematopoiesis;
  • normalization of lipid metabolism and a decrease in blood cholesterol, low and very low density lipoproteins.

How wide is the therapeutic use of ginseng, so diverse are the forms and methods of its use. Ginseng root is used as a tonic, stimulant, which has an adaptogenic effect and increases the overall resistance of the body to adverse effects. Ginseng increases physical and mental performance, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Ginseng root contains glycosides panaxosides, which determine its hypoglycemic and anabolic effect. In terms of anabolic activity, ginseng is approximately equal to eleutherococcus and, like eleutherococcus, has the ability to potentiate the action of endogenous insulin. Available in the form of tincture, powder in capsules and tablets. Alcohol tincture of ginseng root (10%) is taken 20-25 drops 2 times a day before meals (in the morning), powder and tablets - 0.15 g before meals 2 times a day. The course is 10-15 days.

Aralia Manchurian. Preparations from this plant in their action belong to the group of ginseng. Used as a tonic to improve physical and mental performance during recovery periods after training, as well as for the prevention of overwork and in asthenic conditions. A distinctive feature of Aralia is the ability to cause quite noticeable hypoglycemia (lowering blood sugar). Since hypoglycemia in this case is accompanied by the release of growth hormone, taking Manchurian aralia can cause a significant increase in appetite and weight gain (anabolic effect). It is produced in the form of tincture of Aralia roots, as well as Saparal tablets. Unlike aralia tincture, saparal does not have such a strong hypoglycemic and anabolic effect. The property of the drug to excite the nervous system is more pronounced than that of aralia tincture. Improves overall performance. Tincture is consumed 30-40 drops 2 times a day, usually in the morning; tablets "Saparal" after meals, 0.05 g 2 times a day (morning and afternoon). The course is 2-3 weeks.

Golden root (Rhodiola rosea). It optimizes recovery processes in the central nervous system, improves vision and hearing, increases the adaptive capacity of the body to the action of extreme factors, relieves fatigue and increases efficiency. Distinctive feature golden root this is the most powerful action in relation to muscle tissue. When using Rhodiola in young people involved in sports, muscle strength and strength endurance increase, the activity of contractile proteins actin and myosin increases. Available as an alcoholic extract. It is recommended to take 5-10 drops 2 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals for 10-15 days.

Leuzea safflower-like (maral root). Contains compounds with pronounced anabolic activity. The introduction of Leuzea extract into the body enhances protein-synthetic processes, promotes the accumulation of protein in the muscles, liver, heart and kidneys. Significantly increases physical endurance and mental performance. At long-term use levzei, there is a gradual expansion of the vascular bed and, as a result, general blood circulation improves. The heart rate slows down, which is associated with both an increase in the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system and an increase in the power of the heart muscle. A distinctive feature of Leuzea is the ability to improve the composition of peripheral blood by enhancing mitotic activity in cells. bone marrow. In the blood, the content of erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin increases. Increases the activity of the immune system. Leuzea is available in the form of an alcoholic extract and in the form of Ecdysterone tablets. The recommended dosage of alcohol extract is 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day.

Ecdysterone is a steroid compound isolated from Leuzea safflower. It has a pronounced anabolic and tonic effect. Release form: 5 mg tablets. It is taken orally 5-10 mg 3 times a day.

Lemongrass Chinese. Lemongrass has a stimulating and tonic effect on the central nervous system, enhances positive reflexes, stimulates reflex excitability, increases the photosensitivity of the eyes, tones up the activity of the cardiovascular system, increases blood pressure in case of hypotension, stimulates breathing, promotes faster recovery of strength during physical and mental fatigue, maintaining efficiency, enhances the sharpness of night vision. It has also been established that lemongrass excites the motor and secretory functions of the digestive apparatus, tones the activity of the uterus and skeletal muscles, activates metabolism, regenerative processes and increases immunobiological reflexes, increases the body's resistance to oxygen starvation. The main pharmacological effects of lemongrass are due to the content of the crystalline substance schizandrin. It also contains a large number of organic acids, vitamins C, P, E, essential oils, a large number of micro and macro elements. Characteristic features of lemongrass a significant increase in efficiency, improved mood, increased visual acuity. All these effects are due to the ability of lemongrass to improve nerve conduction, sensitivity of nerve cells and enhance excitation processes in the central nervous system. It is prescribed for physical and mental overwork, reduced physical and mental performance, with asthenic and depressed state in mental and nervous patients, hypotension, drowsiness, with a general decline in strength due to chronic infectious diseases and intoxications, as well as to increase efficiency in healthy individuals, to activate metabolism, accelerate recovery of the body during heavy physical exertion. Absence side effects and cumulative properties makes it possible to classify magnolia vine preparations as valuable stimulants. Produced in the form of alcohol tincture, powder, tablets, decoction of dry fruits. Sometimes dry fruits, fresh juice are added to tea. Alcohol tincture is taken 20-25 drops 2-3 times a day for 2-4 weeks. A warm decoction of dry fruits (20 g per 200 ml of water) is taken 1 tablespoon 2 times a day before meals or 4 hours after meals, powder or tablets 0.5 g in the morning and afternoon.

Sterculia platanophylla. Like eleutherococcus and ginseng, it stimulates performance and anabolic processes. It should be noted that the anabolic effect of sterculia is realized only against the background of a training effect, so it should be used against the background of adequate physical activity. It does not contain potent substances, therefore it has the most “mild” psychostimulating effect compared to other drugs of the ginseng group. It is taken with overwork, asthenia, general weakness, the occurrence of a state of lethargy, headache, bad mood, decreased muscle tone and after infectious diseases. However, despite the extremely low toxicity, it is undesirable to take sterculia preparations in the evening, as well as for a long time. Available in the form of an alcoholic tincture. Recommended dosage: 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks. It is not recommended to take the drug for a longer time and at night.

Eleutherococcus prickly. Contains a sum of glycosides eleutherosides, which increase efficiency and enhance protein synthesis. The synthesis of carbohydrates also increases, and the synthesis of fats is inhibited. The oxidation of fatty acids increases during physical work. The peculiarity of Eleutherococcus lies in its ability to improve color vision and liver function. Eleutherococcus extract is used for the same indications as ginseng. At the same time, eleutherococcus has a stronger antitoxic, antihypoxic, antistress and radioprotective effect, and is more effective in radiation sickness than ginseng. This can be due to the fact that, unlike other plants of the Araliaceae family, Eleutherococcus selectively accumulates microelements such as copper, manganese, and especially cobalt, which, in the form of organometallic compounds, stimulate erythropoiesis and immunity, and have an antihypoxic, anti-stress, and radioprotective effect.

AT sports medicine used as a tonic and regenerating agent for heavy physical exertion, overwork. Eleutherococcus is produced in the form of an alcohol extract from rhizomes with roots. Recommended dosage: individually from 10 drops to 1 teaspoon 1 time per day in the morning 30 minutes before meals for 2-3 weeks.

The lure is high. It has a tonic and mild anabolic effect. In terms of the effectiveness of the general strengthening effect, it is similar to ginseng, in terms of the effectiveness of the tonic effect on the central nervous system it is inferior to ginseng and other drugs in this group. It is recommended for asthenia, in case of muscle fatigue, in states of physical detraining during heavy loads. Produced in the form of an alcohol tincture of 50 ml. Recommended dosage: 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

Pantocrine. Animal preparation from deer antlers according to pharmacological properties close to plant adaptogens. It has a tonic effect in overwork, asthenic and neurasthenic conditions, hypotension. It is used for increased physical exertion to prevent adverse disorders in the body and accelerate recovery processes. Available in the form of an alcoholic extract, in tablets and in ampoules for injection. Recommended dosage: 25-40 drops or 1-2 tablets 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Balms and elixirs

Special medicinal properties have alcohol-water extracts from medicinal plants in the form of balms and elixirs. They are usually multicomponent and have wide range therapeutic effect. Balms can be used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. They can be used alone, in pure form, or added to morning tea or coffee.

Comparative characteristics of medicinal balms used to treat asthenic syndrome side effects

A drug Compound Pharmacological properties Indications, contraindications, side effects
Balm "Vigor" (Biolek, Ukraine) Contains water-alcohol extract from calamus, linden, leuzea, yarrow, mint, dill, wormwood, oak, orange.
Elixir "Vitofors" (CDFP, Vietnam) Contains extracts of ginseng root, rauwolfia branch, cordonopsis root, sheflera eight-leaf root, licorice rhizomes, cinchona bark, corn columns with stigmas Adaptogenic action; improves memory, increases physical performance Indications: asthenic syndrome, overwork, excessive mental and physical stress, drowsiness. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, high blood pressure, increased emotional excitability, insomnia. Side effects: irritability, insomnia.
Balm "Monomakh" (Lubnyfarm, Ukraine) Contains rowan juice, black chokeberry juice, apple juice, licorice roots and rhizomes, calamus rhizomes, St. John's wort herb, oregano herb, peppermint leaves, yarrow herb, pine buds Adaptogenic action; improves memory, increases physical performance Indications: asthenic syndrome, overwork, excessive mental and physical stress. Side effect: not established.
Balm "Grail" (Grail, Ukraine) Contains biologically active substances of aloe leaves, blackberries, walnuts, figs, persimmons, rhododendrons, lemon flowers, fragrant olives, feijoa fruits, eleutherococcus root, Rhodiola rosea, ginseng, green tea, oak bark, spotted deer antlers, mummy, flower pollen, bee honey, propolis, citric acid, red wine, Apple juice, ethanol Adaptogenic, anti-stress, radioprotective, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, weak analgesic and antiseptic effect, improves mental performance and memory; increases the body's resistance to radiation exposure, hypoxia, elevated temperature, technogenic pollution and other adverse impacts external environment Indications: asthenic syndrome, overwork, excessive mental and physical stress. Contraindications: the period of pregnancy and lactation, liver disease, organic lesions of the cardiovascular system, with severe violations of kidney function.
Bittner herbal elixir (Richard Bitter GmbH, Austria) Contains extract 59 medicinal plants, including clove blossoms, anise fruits, orange blossoms and peels, cinnamon, lavender, turmeric, fennel, lemon balm, etc. adaptogenic action. Increases performance Indications: asthenic syndrome, overwork, excessive mental and physical stress, stressful situations, drowsiness; intestinal atony, stagnation of bile, violations of the water-salt balance. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, kidney disease, cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, lactation. Side effects: tachycardia, irritability, insomnia.
"Tonic-K" (Lab. Laphal, France) Alcoholic extract of fresh kola nut grains, phosphoric acid, calcium-magnesium iositohexophosphate, manganese glycerophosphate Stimulates the central nervous system and skeletal muscles; has a long-term stimulating effect, helps to eliminate the feeling of general fatigue, stimulates mental and physical performance. Indications: asthenic syndrome, overwork, excessive mental and physical stress. Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation. Side effect: with prolonged use, irritability, insomnia are possible.
Fitovit (Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories, India) Capsules containing extracts of 11 types of Ayurvedic medicinal herbs. Restorative, tonic, adaptogenic effect; improves memory, improves performance Indications: Feeling unwell, fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, lethargy, apathy, appetite disorders. Contraindications: hypersensitivity. Side effect: allergic reactions.
Balm "Golden Dragon" (Biopharmtech, Vietnam) Contains alcoholic extract of ginseng root, rehmannia root, eucomia, angelica daurica, knotweed, ligusticum roots, honey, cinnamon oil, clove oil Adaptogenic action; improves memory, increases physical performance, increases myocardial resistance to hypoxia Indications: asthenic syndrome, overwork, excessive mental and physical stress, drowsiness; vegetovascular dystonia Contraindications: hypersensitivity, high blood pressure, increased emotional excitability, insomnia. Side effects: tachycardia, irritability, insomnia.
Samol (Medipharma, Germany) Contains alcoholic extract of lemon balm herb, elecampane root, angelica root, ginger rhizome, clove tree flowers, galangal rhizome, black pepper fruit, gentian root, nutmeg, orange bark, cinnamon bark and cinnamon flowers, cardamom Adaptogenic, sedative, antispasmodic action Indications: asthenic syndrome. Side effect: allergic reactions.

Vitamin preparations

Among the pharmacological means of restoring performance in asthenic syndrome, increased physical exertion, a special place belongs to vitamins. Their loss during work or chronic deficiency in food lead not only to a decrease in working capacity, but also to various painful conditions. To meet the body's needs for vitamins, in addition to vegetables and fruits, ready-made multivitamin preparations are additionally taken. Before choosing vitamin preparation for the treatment of asthenic syndrome, you should consult a doctor.

Nootropic drugs and psychostimulants

These drugs can be used for asthenic syndrome only as directed by a doctor after a thorough examination and accurate diagnosis. Self-administration of drugs of these groups is dangerous with a large number of serious side effects.

Pharmaceutical care when using herbal adaptogens and general tonic drugs

  • The visible effect of adaptogens develops only in the case of regular and long-term (4-6 weeks) intake.
  • With nervous overexcitation, insomnia, hypertension, herbal adaptogens are contraindicated.
  • Adaptogens should not be taken with a combination of symptoms of weakness, increased fatigue with severe emotional lability, irritability, sleep disturbances. In such situations, it is shown complex preparations containing, along with adaptogens, herbal sedatives.
  • In children under 16 years of age, adaptogenic drugs should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and under his control (hormonal imbalances can be provoked).
  • Plant adaptogens should not be taken with increased nervous excitability, insomnia, high blood pressure, and cardiac disorders.
  • Long-term use of adaptogenic drugs may be accompanied by the development of increased emotional lability, irritability, and insomnia.
  • Acceptance of adaptogens is indicated in the autumn winter period and not recommended during the hot season.
  • Herbal adaptogens should be taken in the morning (single dose during the day) or in the first half of the day (when taking the drug 2-3 times a day).
  • The effect of therapeutic balms and elixirs is manifested when taken regularly in recommended doses for 3-4 weeks not earlier.
  • Due to the fact that all balms contain ethanol, they are not recommended for use in children under 16 years of age.
  • Alcohol-containing balms are not recommended to be used during work by drivers of vehicles, people whose profession requires increased attention.
  • With the joint use of the balm "Tonic" with antibiotics ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, a pronounced increase in the level of caffeine in the blood plasma is possible, which can lead to severe arousal, hallucinations.
  • With the joint use of the balm "Tonic" with products that are not compatible with ethanol, a sharp hyperemia of the skin, vomiting, tachycardia is possible.


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  11. Phytotherapy with the basics of clinical pharmacology / Ed. V. G. Kukesa.- M.: Medicine, 1999.- 192 p.
  • Which doctors should you contact if you have Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

What is Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

Organic asthenic disorder is a persistent psychopathological formation, caused by a combination of cerebrasthenic and neurosis-like syndromes, which is a kind of "visiting card" of vascular pathology of the brain. Arising at the very beginning of the disease, manifestations of cerebral asthenia persist until its final stage - vascular dementia.

Asthenia- a psychopathological condition characterized by weakness, fatigue, emotional lability, hyperesthesia, sleep disturbances.

Asthenic syndrome is one of the most frequent in the practice of a doctor of any specialty. Asthenia is the least specific manifestation of disorders, which in many cases are the initial (starting) links in the etiopathogenesis of mental disorders of the neurotic structure and determine the basis for the development of phenomenologically more complex psychoactive disorders. pathological processes.

The nonspecificity of asthenic disorders causes their wide prevalence. They are observed in various diseases in general somatic, neurological and psychiatric practice. At the same time, due to the increase in psychogenic stress in life modern man there is an increase in the frequency of asthenic disorders.

Asthenic syndrome within the framework of neurasthenia (irritable weakness) began to be isolated in the 19th century (G. Beard). The ICD-10 classification, unlike the previous one, “getting rid of” all other neuroses as “vague and indefinite concepts”, retained precisely neurasthenia as an independent nosological unit, thereby emphasizing, on the one hand, the clinical reality of this condition, and on the other - Independence of therapeutic approaches.

Fatigue- the most common complaint with which patients turn to doctors, especially specialists general practice, and which is the main symptom of asthenic disorders. Along with increased fatigue and exhaustion, they include such manifestations as irritable weakness, hyperesthesia, autonomic disorders, sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, superficial sleep). The clinical typology of asthenic disorders is determined by its two variants: hypersthenic asthenia, characterized by hyperexcitability of sensory perception with increased susceptibility of normally neutral external stimuli (intolerance to sounds, light, etc.), excitability, increased irritability, sleep disturbances, etc. and hyposthenic asthenia, the main elements of which are a decrease in the threshold of excitability and susceptibility to external stimuli with lethargy, increased weakness, daytime sleepiness.

Although patients describe asthenia as increased fatigue, the scientific definition of the asthenic condition requires distinguishing it from simple fatigue. In contrast to fatigue (sometimes referred to as prenosological asthenia, a physiological condition that follows an intense and prolonged mobilization of the body, usually occurs quickly and disappears after rest, does not require medical care), the asthenic condition is a pathology, appears gradually and is not associated with the need to mobilize the body, lasts for months and years, does not recover after rest and requires medical intervention. Prenosological asthenia often occurs after excessive physical, mental or mental stress, with improper alternation of work and rest, systematic lack of sleep, adaptation to new climatic conditions, etc. and is referred to in the literature as information neurosis, manager syndrome, white collar syndrome, executive syndrome personnel, asthenia in foreigners, asthenia when changing time zones, asthenia in athletes, iatrogenic asthenia. In contrast, the appearance of asthenic disorders is due to more diverse and often associated with other existing pathology causes.

The symptom complex of the asthenic condition as a pathological exhaustion after normal activity, a decrease in energy when solving tasks that require effort and attention, or a generalized decrease in the ability to act, consists of three components:
- manifestations of asthenia proper;
- disorders due to the underlying pathological condition of asthenia;
- violations caused by the reaction of the individual to the disease.

The second component of asthenic disorder, namely the pathological conditions underlying it, is the main feature, taking into account which the modern classification of asthenic conditions is proposed. Organic asthenia, whose share in all asthenic conditions is estimated at 45%, develops against the background of chronic, often progressive organic (neurological), mental and somatic diseases. These include infectious, endocrine, hematological, neoplastic, hepatological, neurological, mental (primarily schizophrenia, substance abuse) and other diseases. Unlike organic, functional (reactive) asthenia, which makes up 55% of the overall structure of asthenia, is characterized primarily by fundamental reversibility, since it occurs after or as a component of time-limited or curable pathological conditions. These include acute asthenia that occurs as a reaction to acute stress or significant overload at work; chronic asthenia that appears after childbirth (postpartum asthenia), past infections (post-infectious asthenia) or in the structure of withdrawal syndrome, cachexia, etc.

Separately, due to the extreme importance of the problem, psychiatric asthenia stands out, in which an asthenic symptom complex is detected in the structure of functional borderline mental disorders (anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc.).

What provokes Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

In many works of domestic and foreign researchers, it is noted that many social factors contribute to the increase in the number of patients with asthenia. Negative life circumstances, difficulties associated with a social career, frequent stress, current and chronic diseases, lead to the fact that asthenic disorders acquire a “social connotation”.

Somatogeny also plays an important role in the etiopathogenesis of asthenic disorders. At the same time, it is emphasized that asthenia is a triggering etiotropic factor of various diseases. Asthenic syndrome begins and ends with infectious, cardiovascular, endocrine and other diseases. Pronounced manifestations of asthenia are observed with organic brain damage: craniocerebral trauma, early stages vascular processes, after violations cerebral circulation, with infectious-organic, demyelinating diseases and degenerative processes in the brain. In the clinical manifestations of asthenia, along with the emotional component, pronounced somatovegetative disorders, cognitive and conative (behavioral) changes are found.

Symptoms of Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

Increased fatigue with asthenia is always combined with a decrease in productivity at work, especially noticeable during intellectual workload. Patients complain of poor intelligence, forgetfulness, unstable attention. They find it difficult to focus on just one person. They try by force of will to force themselves to think about a certain subject, but soon notice that in their head, involuntarily, completely different thoughts appear that have nothing to do with what they are doing. The number of representations is reduced. Their verbal expression is difficult: it is not possible to pick up the right words. The ideas themselves lose their clarity. The formulated thought seems to the patient to be inaccurate, poorly reflecting the meaning of what he wanted to express with it. Patients are annoyed at their failure.

Some take breaks from work, but a short rest does not improve their well-being. Others strive by an effort of will to overcome the difficulties that arise, they try to analyze the issue not as a whole, but in parts, but the result is either even greater fatigue, or dispersion in classes. The work begins to seem overwhelming and insurmountable. There is a feeling of tension, anxiety, a conviction of one's intellectual insolvency.

Along with increased fatigue and unproductive intellectual activity with asthenia, mental balance is always lost. Easily lost self-control is accompanied by irritability, irascibility, grouchiness, captiousness, absurdity. The mood fluctuates easily.

An insignificant reason is enough for depression, anxious fears, pessimistic assessments to appear, which can also easily, although not for long, be replaced by unreasonable optimism. Both unpleasant and joyful events often entail the appearance of tears. There is always one or another degree of hyperesthesia, primarily to loud sounds and bright light. Fatigue and mental imbalance, manifested constantly by irritability, are combined with asthenia in various proportions.

Asthenia is almost always accompanied by vegetative disorders. Often they can occupy a predominant position in the clinical picture. The most common disorders of the cardiovascular system: fluctuations in blood pressure, tachycardia and pulse lability, a variety of unpleasant or simply pain in the region of the heart, the ease of redness or blanching of the skin, a feeling of heat when normal temperature body or, on the contrary, increased chilliness, increased sweating - sometimes local (palms, feet, armpits), sometimes relatively generalized. Often dyspeptic disorders - loss of appetite, pain along the intestines, spastic constipation. Men often experience a decrease in potency. In many patients, headaches of various manifestations and localization can be identified. They often complain of a feeling of heaviness in the head.

Sleep disorders in the initial period of asthenia are manifested by difficulty falling asleep, superficial sleep with an abundance of disturbing dreams, awakenings in the middle of the night, difficulty in falling asleep later, and early awakening. After sleep they do not feel rested. There may be a lack of sleep at night, although in fact, patients sleep at night. With the deepening of asthenia, and especially during physical or mental stress, there is a feeling of drowsiness in daytime without, however, simultaneously improving nighttime sleep.

As a rule, the symptoms of asthenia are less pronounced or even (in mild cases) completely absent in the morning and, on the contrary, intensify or appear in the afternoon, especially in the evening. One of reliable signs asthenia is a condition in which there is a relatively satisfactory state of health in the morning, deterioration occurs at work and reaches a maximum in the evening.

In this regard, to perform any homework, the patient must first rest.

The symptomatology of asthenia is very diverse, which is due to a number of reasons. Manifestations of asthenia depend on which of the main disorders included in its structure is predominant. If the picture of asthenia is dominated by irascibility, explosiveness, impatience, a feeling of internal tension, inability to restrain, i.e. symptoms of irritation - they talk about asthenia with hypersthenia. This is the most mild form asthenia.

If the clinical picture is equally determined by the symptoms of irritation and fatigue, they speak of asthenia with irritable weakness syndrome. In cases where fatigue and a sense of impotence dominate in the picture, asthenia is defined as hyposthenic, the most severe asthenia. An increase in the depth of asthenic disorders leads to a successive change from milder hypersthenic asthenia to more severe stages. With the improvement of the mental state, hyposthenic asthenia is replaced by more light forms asthenia.

The clinical picture of asthenia is determined not only by the depth of existing disorders, but also by these two important factors, as the constitutional features of the patient and the etiological factor. Often these two factors are closely intertwined. You can also see the opposite effect: the developed asthenia constantly enhances many characterological traits characteristic of the patient. This is especially characteristic of those patients in whose character in an explicit or latent form there is a tendency to asthenic response - "asthenic sting" (E. Kretschmer, 1920).

Diagnosis of Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

A doctor of any specialty should be able to recognize the disorders described. To assess their level, it is necessary to objectively assess the patient's condition, analyze his complaints (correspondence / discrepancy between the subjective and objective signs of the disease), identify the features of his nighttime sleep, adherence to the prescribed therapy, his behavior during the examination, the anamnesis features to understand the type of patient's personal response to various life situations, including in cases of somatic illness.

Treatment of Asthenic disorder (asthenia)

In the treatment of asthenic conditions, a variety of approaches are used today. Schematically, the recommendations of experts are as follows. Since asthenia is associated with the consumption of mental or vital forces, and hence biogenic amines, a person is advised to rest, switch to another form of activity, change the environment in order to enable the brain to accumulate new reserves of these substances. For obvious reasons, these recommendations are not always feasible.

Followed by drug therapy, which includes the appointment of certain groups of drugs. Those that have long and traditionally been used include various nootropic or so-called neurometabolic agents. This therapeutic approach has its own characteristics. On the one hand, this therapy is affordable and safe in terms of side effects On the other hand, its clinical effectiveness remains essentially unproven due to the lack of large placebo-controlled studies that would show the effectiveness of nootropic therapy for asthenic conditions. Therefore, this class of drugs in all countries of the world is used with different intensity. For example, nootropics are rarely used in the United States of America, in Western Europe, more widely in Eastern Europe, in the CIS countries, including Ukraine.

For the treatment of asthenic symptom complex in the structure of depression, antidepressants are used - serotonin reuptake inhibitors. With vital-asthenic conditions of endogenous procedural genesis - stimulating antipsychotics, for example, modern atypical antipsychotics. Psychostimulants are also used in psychiatric practice. In the United States, psychostimulants from the amphetamine group are widely used, which, according to legal framework regarded in Ukraine as drugs. certain practical value They also have antidepressants - dopamine reuptake inhibitors, which, along with thymoanaleptic, have a distinct psychostimulating effect. In the presence of cognitive impairment, due to cerebral atherosclerosis and other pathological processes that lead to a violation of human cognitive functions, drugs belonging to the group of NMDA receptor blockers are tested.

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Modern definition and classification of asthenia. The main etiological factors contributing to its development, and the variety of symptoms in each of them. Methods of treatment of this nosology.

The content of the article:

Asthenia (from the Greek “powerlessness”, “loss of strength”) is a pathological mental disorder that occurs as a result of any disease or condition that depletes the body to some extent. It also displays his reaction to the depletion of energy resources over a long period of time and signals the possible presence of a serious pathology of the nervous system.

The main etiological factors of asthenia

This pathology occurs in the process of developing decompensation of the body's adaptive reactions in response to the excessive influence of various stimuli. As a result, the structures responsible for generating energy cannot provide it. enough. In combination with chronic stress, macro- and micronutrient deficiencies, malnutrition and metabolic disorders, the basis for the onset of the disorder is formed.

Diseases that are most often the causes of asthenia:

  • Mental disorders. The development of schizophrenia, depression, various cognitive disorders. They act directly on the structures of the brain and contribute to excessive amplification or suppression of afferent impulses. Most often this is a long stay in a state of stress. AT childhood- unfavorable environment at school, at home, problems in communicating with friends, excessive demands from parents and teachers.
  • Pathology of the endocrine glands. Diabetes mellitus type I or II, as well as hyper- or hypothyroidism. They realize their action through the regulation of metabolism and energy processes, which in the future can lead to their disruption.
  • Diseases of the nervous system. They include organic and vascular lesions. The most common are NCD, inflammatory diseases (encephalitis), and Alzheimer's disease. On examination, the patient has increased muscle tone and tension of the entire skeletal muscles. Similar state accompanied chronic fatigue and pain in physical activity and in her absence.
  • Injuries. The area of ​​the head and spine is the most dangerous. Both acute and chronic trauma (osteochondrosis) can lead to violations of this type.
  • Infectious-inflammatory conditions. The most common cohort of factors: influenza, acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis, viral liver damage, food toxic infection, brucellosis and many others. The action is exerted by both the pathogens themselves and the products of vital activity. As a result, there is a complex general and local lesion. With these and other infectious pathologies, the disease passes according to the hypersthenic type. The main manifestations will be nervousness, constant internal discomfort, aggressiveness. But if the cause is a severe infectious process, then the patient's activity, on the contrary, decreases due to intoxication. Drowsiness, memory impairment, inability to perceive new information and lesions of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Diseases digestive tract . Severe dyspeptic disorders, acute and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, enteritis, colitis.
  • Cardiovascular pathology. Atherosclerotic lesions, hypertension, rhythm disturbances, ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarction).
  • Violations respiratory system . frequent pneumonia, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and many other pathologies lead to hyperreactivity of the body and make it vulnerable.
  • Immunological shifts. Low resistance to exogenous stimuli is manifested by a deficiency of white blood cells, anemia, and even inhibition of the function of the red bone marrow.

Note! Long-term work of a monotonous nature, conditions artificial lighting, the perception of complex information in a short period of time, and sometimes just moving can also have a significant impact.

Asthenia classification

There are several types of this disease. Their separation makes it possible to correctly determine the initial cause of the pathology and, depending on it, prescribe the correct etiological treatment.

In modern practice, there are such types of asthenia:

  1. functional. Characterized short-term course and the possibility of reverse development. Occurs against the background of mental and emotional stress, infectious processes or as a reaction to increased physical activity. Also found in the literature under the name "reactive".
  2. organic. Is the result of long-term exposure to any chronic disease on the body. As a result, there is a violation of the tissue structure with the subsequent formation of irreversible changes in it.
Depending on the factor, the following types of syndrome are distinguished:
  • Somatogenic. Associated with pathological conditions of internal organ systems. As a rule, this is not a one-time, but a long-term effect. With such a defeat, the production of energy itself remains unaffected, but the need for it gradually increases. Over time, this leads to the depletion of the compensatory forces of the body.
  • Postpartum. It is the body's response to changes in the perinatal period. The unique processes that occur during this period make the body work in an enhanced mode under the constant stimulation of stress hormones. If the woman is not provided with the correct regimen and nutrition during this time, the development of asthenic syndrome will be inevitable.
  • post-traumatic. Structural and functional disorders arising from exposure of tissues to environmental factors. This type of violation occurs quite often under normal circumstances. But it is also easy to prevent due to the rapid termination of the etiological factor.
According to the duration of asthenic syndrome, there are two types of the course of the disease:
  1. Acute. It should be immediately after the action of any of the factors. Most often this happens already on the first day against the background of infectious or traumatic injuries. The first symptoms will be described by the patient himself in the form of general complaints.
  2. Chronic. It is based on a long-term pathology. Clinical manifestations will not be specific and, as a rule, do not cause alertness in the patient. Only during the height of the underlying disease can the presence of psycho-emotional disorders be diagnosed.
Based clinical picture asthenia, the disease is divided into three successive stages:
  • Hypersthenic. It is characterized by an increased reaction to all types of stimuli (light, sound, tactile), uncontrolled emotionality and impatience.
  • Intermediate. It combines the symptoms of excessive excitability and constant fatigue. Frequent mood swings and physical activity are noticed by both patients and relatives.
  • hyposthenic. It is the last and most severe form. In this case, the performance is reduced to a minimum. The patient is haunted by drowsiness, weakness, lack of motivation for any action or emotionality. Loss of interest in the environment.

Attention! In a separate group, asthenia is distinguished, which occurs due to functional decompensation of the structures of higher nervous activity, and is called neurasthenia.

Symptoms of asthenia in humans

The basis for the diagnosis is a careful collection of anamnesis and patient complaints. Such patients are characterized by their large number and diversity. Therefore, all the symptoms of asthenia are divided into several groups:
  1. General. Most often, the first problem will be fatigue, constant weakness, unwillingness to perform previously familiar work. Also, patients will note a violation of memory and intelligence. If earlier they literally “grasped everything on the fly”, now it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing.
  2. autonomic nervous system. Sudden increases in blood pressure, rapid or slow heart rate, excessive sweating, palms will be wet and cold when touched.
  3. Digestive system. Perhaps a decrease in appetite and as a result of body weight. Pain is also noted throughout the abdomen without a clear localization. Migrating pains may disturb.
  4. reproductive system. There is a violation of the menstrual cycle in girls - algomenorrhea (painful menstruation), decreased libido.
  5. The immune system. Most often, this is a rise in temperature to subfebrile, an increase in some groups of peripheral lymph nodes (cervical, occipital, axillary).
  6. Respiratory system. Frequent acute respiratory diseases, perspiration and sore throat without pronounced changes in the mucous membranes.
  7. Musculoskeletal system. The clinic is represented by articular and muscle pain that are not related to physical activity and time.
  8. Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency. Hypotension is characteristic - a decrease in muscle tone, lethargy. Such patients do not want or even refuse to move. Moreover, they experience "emotional incontinence" - causeless crying or depression. Thinking processes and response to stimuli may slow down.

Note! These symptoms do not develop overnight. Their gradual increase occurs simultaneously with the deterioration of the quality of human life.

Features of the treatment of asthenia

There are many approaches to the treatment of asthenia, but each of them is based on eliminating the cause of its occurrence. And only after that we can hope for a positive trend. Therapy consists in the complex use of the following methods, taking into account an individual approach.

For therapy to be effective, it is first necessary to establish the right contact with the patient. During such communication, the doctor learns about all possible harmful factors and explains how to eliminate them yourself.

Holding on to a few simple tips will help not only cure asthenia, but also have a general strengthening effect on the body:

  • Lifestyle Correction. The optimal time for rest and work is selected individually for each patient. It is imperative to comply with a full 7-8-hour sleep and transfer from night work. It is recommended to create a favorable and calm environment in the environment and minimize stressful situations. It also indicates the introduction of physical activity in the daily routine of the patient.
  • Balanced diet. Food should contain a sufficient amount of protein (lean meat, cottage cheese), B vitamins (eggs, fish, nuts) and C (kiwi, citrus fruits, cauliflower), amino acids (processed cheese, cashews, turkey) and others useful substances.
  • Rejection bad habits . It is recommended to completely stop the use of alcohol and other irritants. You should also stop smoking any products narcotic substances.

Drugs for asthenia

Drug treatment has the most reliable effect, if we evaluate the effectiveness. Its use depends on the predominance of individual groups of symptoms. You can prescribe from one to several drugs to achieve a therapeutic effect, starting with minimal dosages.

Preparations for asthenia:

  1. Nootropics. Medicines that can increase the resistance of the brain to harmful influences and excessive loads. They also stimulate mental capacity and improve memory. Among the most commonly used are Ginkgo, Piracetam, Pyritinol.
  2. Antidepressants. Used to improve mood, appetite and mental activity. Normalize sleep by increasing the duration deep phase sleep. Relieve irritability and anxiety. These include Imipramine, Fluoxetine, Amitriptyline.
  3. tranquilizers. Their advantage lies in the ability to eliminate anxiety. Thus, a person becomes more calm and balanced. Use Atarax, Phenibut, Clonazepam.
  4. Atypical antipsychotics. A relatively new generation of drugs, but already gaining popularity among prescriptions. Due to their ability to improve metabolic processes in the cells of the cortex, they increase the resistance of the latter to harmful effects. Today, Aripiprazole, Risperidone, Clozapine are used.
  5. Sedative drugs. The action of this group is based on the regulation of the processes of excitation and inhibition of brain structures. Basically, they provide enhanced effects when administered with other drugs. The most famous of these are Novo-passit and valerian.
  6. Means that improve adaptation. Tincture of aralia, zamanikha, leuzei and sterkuli. These are substances plant origin, which increase the tone and adaptive reactions of the body in response to any impact. They practically do not have side effects and well tolerated by all patient groups.

Psychotherapy for the correction of asthenia

Many people know how to treat asthenia with the help of psychological sessions. Since the disease is quite common, and not everyone trusts drug treatment, this particular way out becomes a lifeline for patients. It must also be understood that in most cases, not monotherapy is used, but various combinations of its types.

Today, there is such a variety of psychotherapeutic treatment:

  • Etiotropic. Influence on the immediate cause. The aim is to make the patient critical of his illness. The themes of childhood and conflicts are raised, which could provoke violations in the present. Apply family and psychodynamic therapy, Gestalt therapy.
  • pathogenetic. It is aimed at interrupting the chain of the mechanism of development of this disease. Neurolinguistic techniques, the impact on cognitive-behavioral acts and the correction of conditioned reflexes are useful.
  • symptomatic. The basis is the elimination of separately arising in this moment general and specific disorders. These are individual or group auto-trainings, hypnosis and suggestion. Classes of this type allow patients to return the motivation to action and speed up recovery.

Physiotherapy for the treatment of asthenia

The use of this method in the treatment of asthenia is an extremely important point. Firstly, it is aimed at correcting the resulting organic disorders, and secondly, it improves psycho emotional condition patient. A variety of techniques allows you to assign them individually, depending on other somatic pathologies.

Directions of physiotherapy against asthenia:

  1. Massage. It is aimed at improving blood circulation mainly in the cervical-collar zone. It has a general beneficial effect on the central nervous system. The regulation of force during the session allows you to achieve complete relaxation and sedation.
  2. Water procedures. Most often, a contrast shower or Charcot is used with an alternate change in temperature and jet force. This technique trains human adaptive systems to various factors. Also, special attention is paid to swimming.
  3. Acupuncture. Irritation of peripheral nerves in order to stimulate the desired structures of the central nervous system. Has its special indications for each pathologist, differs in the speed of the effect and the purposefulness in their stimulation.
  4. Physiotherapy. Corrects existing disorders, restores attention and purposefulness of movements. It is characterized by ease and flexibility in carrying out. It is possible to select exercises and self-execution at home.
How to treat asthenia - look at the video:

Asthenic syndrome is a common pathology among the population, which should not be taken lightly. Lack of treatment can lead to many serious both mental and somatic complications. Fighting the disease in modern conditions is simple, but you should not turn to self-treatment, because this can not only not improve the condition, but also lead to unpleasant consequences.

Almost everyone at least once in their life has experienced such a state in which everything falls out of hand, there is no desire to do anything, and general exhaustion of the body sets in. Such manifestations are possible after prolonged physical or mental overstrain, change of time zone, incorrect daily routine.

If signs such as constant fatigue, apathy, irritability are observed, then it is worth visiting a doctor, especially if the manifestations progress. This can manifest as an asthenic condition. If such a diagnosis is made, then special treatment will be required. More often than not, it is not possible to deal with the problem on your own.

Asthenic condition - what is it?

As a rule, many diseases begin with general malaise, lethargy and apathy. The disease passes, and the symptoms disappear. In many patients, excessive fatigue, weakness and irritability are the only complaints, therefore, with a detailed examination, no diseases can be detected.

All this can be a manifestation of the described malaise. Asthenic condition is a syndrome that is characterized by increased fatigue, irritability and nervous excitability, mood swings, severe fatigue, even when doing the usual work. As a rule, these signs increase, especially in the evening. Night sleep and rest do not bring relief to a person.

Asthenic syndrome is currently the most common form of neurosis. No one is immune from such a disease, especially considering the modern rhythm of life. Asthenic reactions and conditions are most often observed in schoolchildren, students, and mental workers.

Varieties of asthenic conditions

Asthenia can be classified according to various criteria. If we take into account the factor of its development, then the following types are distinguished:

  • Organic asthenia. This form usually accompanies many somatic diseases or organic pathologies that develop rapidly. These include: brain injury, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's.
  • Functional asthenic conditions. Such a reaction happens to stressful situations, an infectious disease, severe overwork. This phenomenon is temporary and passes quickly.

Asthenia also manifests itself in different ways, therefore, they distinguish:

  • Hypersthenic asthenia, which is manifested by increased excitability, intolerance to loud sounds, bright light. This form, gradually aggravated, can go to the next stage.
  • Hyposthenic asthenia. It is characterized by: drowsiness, lethargy, indifference to the outside world, problems with memory and attention.

The asthenic condition proceeds in duration differently for everyone - for some it may be an acute form, which disappears after treatment, and there are cases of transition to the chronic stage. In this case, a person cannot get out of this state for a long time. As a rule, without the help of a doctor, it will not work.

An asthenic emotional state is not the same as ordinary fatigue, one must be able to distinguish between them. With asthenia, fatigue is observed without connection with physical labor and it is not possible to get rid of it even after a long rest.

Varieties of conditions that can manifest asthenia

Modern medicine identifies several conditions in which asthenic manifestations will occur:

  1. Exhaustion. This refers to the reaction of the psyche to the exhaustion of the nervous system. This may happen as a result prolonged stress, emotional and physical overload, chronic lack of sleep.
  2. Astheno-depressive syndrome. The asthenic state may be the first step towards the formation of "depressions of exhaustion" (or "neurotic depressions"). This happens when exposed to psychotraumatic factors against the background nervous strain. One of the manifestations of this condition is a violation of the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.
  3. Somatogenic asthenia. Such manifestations usually begin and end many infectious, cardiovascular, oncological, endocrine diseases.
  4. Organic asthenic conditions. Suprasegmental autonomic disorders lead to this. They are especially pronounced with brain damage, cerebrovascular accidents. Frequent companions of this condition: headache, problems with memory and attention, inability to concentrate on anything, dizziness.
  5. Endogenous vital asthenia. This is most often a youthful asthenic condition, which is more typical for boys. Manifested by severe fatigue in any kind of intellectual activity, headaches, sleep disturbances. The peak of exacerbation usually falls on 14-15 years.
  6. Asthenia with the use of psychoactive drugs. It is typical for people who are psychologically dependent on drugs. In this case, not only fatigue is observed, but also exhaustion, and pain throughout the body, the inability to fall asleep with an unbearable desire to sleep. The person becomes emotionally unbalanced, embittered.

Thus, the asthenic condition is a signal to establish the cause of its occurrence. First of all, it is necessary to exclude somatic and endocrine diseases, as well as organic brain lesions. Whatever the cause of this condition, treatment will still be required.

Causes of asthenic conditions

Many factors can provoke neurosis and asthenic conditions, especially if there is such a predisposition of the psyche. There are factors that can contribute to the development of asthenia:

  • Bad hygiene conditions labor.
  • Prolonged stay in conditions of physical, mental or mental overstrain.
  • Failure to comply with the regime of sleep and rest, frequent lack of sleep.
  • Major lifestyle changes such as retirement, divorce, etc.
  • Excess weight.
  • Addiction to alcohol.
  • Drinking large quantities of strong coffee, chocolate.
  • Compliance strict restrictions in food.
  • Lack of fluid in the body.
  • Impact on the body of toxic and poisonous substances.
  • The use of drugs.

Any of these factors can provoke the development of asthenia, and if there are several of them in combination, then the risk increases.

Drugs that most often cause asthenic disorders

Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, we are forced to take drugs that affect the nervous and endocrine systems. Their reception can lead to the appearance of asthenic and anxiety-neurotic states. A great risk in this regard is the use of drugs from groups such as:

  • β-blockers;
  • sleeping pills;
  • antihypertensive agents;
  • sedatives;
  • tranquilizers;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • hormonal contraceptives.

Since asthenia often develops against the background of other diseases, it is very important to correctly identify the cause of such manifestations. This is especially necessary when a person gets into a difficult situation. life situation. It is very important to get advice from a competent specialist in the following cases:

  • The onset of menopause in women.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Prolonged loss of appetite.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Severe mood swings.
  • Appearance of asthenic signs after injury.
  • If asthenia for a long time does not pass.

If a person is provided with appropriate assistance in time, then he will much faster enter his usual healthy track.

Manifestations of asthenia

It must be understood that this is a whole complex of signs, so it is not surprising that it has quite a variety:

  • Increased fatigue and general weakness.
  • Constant dissatisfaction with others.
  • Irritability.
  • The appearance of sexual disorders.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Tearfulness.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Intolerance to loud sounds and bright lights.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Constant feeling of anxiety.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Trembling in the body and feeling short of breath.

In order to correctly and accurately diagnose, it is necessary to understand that such an asthenic condition in adults does not go away after a long rest and may be associated with certain psychophysical stress. Everyone, in principle, can independently diagnose such a syndrome in himself, but making an accurate diagnosis is the doctor's prerogative.

Asthenia in children

If in adults the asthenic emotional state is most often a problem due to difficulties in everyday life and at work, mental and physical stress, then in children the disease is formed differently. Doctors distinguish two options for the development of asthenic conditions in babies.

  1. In the first case, children with asthenic conditions are highly excited. This is usually observed if the parents heavily load the child. After school, he immediately goes to the section or circles, in the evening you can observe overexcitation, which does not allow the child to fall asleep. There is an overexcitation of the nervous system, the help of a specialist is needed. If you reduce the load, adjust the daily routine and resort to the help of drugs to maintain the nervous system, then this condition passes quickly enough.
  2. In the second scenario, everything happens the other way around. The child becomes lethargic, apathetic, poorly learns school material, wants to sleep during the day. You also need to adjust the load and drink a course of medications that will support the nervous system.

The cause of asthenic conditions in children is often brain damage. Unfortunately, quite a lot of such children are being born at the present time. Everything happens as in the first case. Parents, grandparents expect too much from their child and try to give it to various sections. In addition, they also require good academic performance.

There comes a moment when the child simply ceases to be guided by what he has already done and what not. You should not demand high achievements from your children, each child is individual, he learns the material at his own pace. If you began to notice that the baby began to bite his nails, blinks often, tics appeared, then this is already serious reason for worry.

Children also experience a lot of different conflict situations in the family: divorce of parents, quarrels. They often do not show this, but inside there is a constant nervous tension. In such situations, the help of a specialist is important to bring the child out of the asthenic state.

Diagnosis of asthenia

Most often, a competent specialist always accurately diagnoses "asthenic condition". Symptoms are manifested brightly against the background of overstrain, stress and general fatigue. But in the case when the signs of asthenia are slightly hidden behind the symptoms of the underlying disease, problems may arise with the diagnosis. Only a detailed conversation with the patient can clarify the situation.

Specialists are armed with a scale of asthenic condition, which was created by L. D. Malkova. It has already been adapted on the basis of clinical and psychological observations. There are 30 statements on the scale that characterize this state.

For the accuracy of the results, everyone must be responsible for himself, it is not allowed for someone to do this for you. After all answers, the scores are summed up, the whole scale can be divided into 4 ranges:

  • 1st - from 30 to 50 points - asthenia is absent.
  • 2nd - starts with 51 and ends with 75 points - a weak manifestation of asthenic conditions.
  • 3rd - from 76 to 100 points - moderately severe asthenia.
  • 4th - more than 101 points - a pronounced condition.

Thus, the asthenic state scale (ASS) gives true results that facilitate the diagnosis.

Therapy of asthenic syndrome

The treatment of asthenia must be approached comprehensively. Using only one method, to achieve positive result impossible. If there is a diagnosis of "asthenic condition", treatment should include:

  1. Adjustment of the mode of work and rest.
  2. Making the right diet.
  3. Exclusion of bad habits.
  4. The introduction of dosed physical activity.
  5. Treatment with medications.
  6. The use of physiotherapy.
  7. Creation and maintenance of a normal psychological climate in the family.

Since the nervous system is depleted in patients, tranquilizers and sleeping pills are prescribed, first of all, to normalize sleep and relieve overstrain. It is best for these purposes to use drugs on medicinal herbs that have such effects. For example, a good result gives the reception of such funds.

  • The medicine "Valerian P". It has a positive effect on the work of the autonomic and central nervous systems.
  • Means "Motherwort P". Normalizes blood pressure, calms and normalizes sleep.
  • Complex "Nervo-Vit". Removes irritability, tearfulness, increases protective functions organism.
  • The complex "Leveton P" is made on the basis of leuzea and allows you to remove drowsiness during the day, reduces fatigue from mental and physical work.

For a speedy recovery, it is also important to take general strengthening complexes of vitamins and minerals. Which is better to choose, the doctor will advise, taking into account the patient's condition.

Only a whole range of drugs that are taken on the recommendation of a doctor can alleviate a person’s condition and bring his nervous system back to normal.

During treatment, you need to pay attention to your diet, include more foods rich in proteins, such as meat, legumes. It is useful to eat cheese, bananas, turkey meat (these products contain tryptophan), eating fresh fruits and vegetables, you can replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Therapeutic gymnastics, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, outdoor walks will become indispensable helpers in the treatment of asthenic conditions.

Folk recipes for asthenic condition

For help in the fight against asthenia, you can call traditional medicine, in her bins there are recipes to reduce the symptoms of the disease. You can use the following, they have already been tested in practice by more than one patient.

  1. Prepare a mixture of an equal number of hawthorn flowers, chamomile and St. John's wort. Take 1 tsp. mixture and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Strain and drink in small sips before going to bed. The course should be continued for 2 months. This tool enhances vitality and returns interest in life.
  2. To invigorate a person, it is necessary to mix an equal amount of flowers of lavender, linden, hop cones and St. John's wort. Then 1 tsp. pour boiling water and drink as regular tea(2-3 times a day).
  3. If there is absolutely no strength, then such a tool will help. You need to take 1 tsp. hawthorn flowers, calendula, burdock, rosemary leaves and mix with a little ground coffee. Pour 0.5 liters hot water and insist a couple of hours. It is necessary to drink in the morning after meals and in the evening.

These simple recipes help to cope with asthenia.

Features of the treatment of asthenia in children

The child's body is much more susceptible to various influences from the outside, so therapy should be prescribed only by a doctor. Parents may be advised to:

  1. Bring the child's study and rest regimen back to normal. It is necessary to adjust the classes in circles, sections, maybe it is worth giving up something at least for a while.
  2. Do not take any medications without the advice of a doctor. In this situation, even completely harmless remedies can only aggravate the condition.
  3. After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medications not only taking into account the symptoms, but also the age of the child.
  4. The main task of parents is to comply with all recommendations.

If all wishes are fulfilled, then, as a rule, the treatment is successful, and the baby's nervous system returns to normal.

After visiting the doctor, was the diagnosis "asthenic condition" diagnosed? That this is serious enough should become clear after talking with the doctor, so you need to take the treatment with all seriousness and responsibility. It is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Include in your life feasible physical exercise- jogging in the evenings, swimming, cycling.
  • Optimize the mode of work and rest.
  • Avoid contact with hazardous chemicals whenever possible. If this is due to the nature of your activity, then you will have to change it.
  • Include protein-rich foods in your diet.
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Pay attention to eggs and liver - these foods improve memory.
  • In winter, you should think about taking vitamin complexes.
  • Maintain a normal microclimate in the family and in the work team.

If all this is added to drug treatment, then it will be much faster to get rid of the asthenic condition.

Prevention of asthenic syndrome

Many people ask the question, is it possible to prevent the development of asthenia? This begs the answer: is it necessary? After all, the asthenic state is a kind of protective reaction of the body, which protects the nervous system from destruction. If the number and strength of external stimuli reaches critical level, then protective reflexes of "marginal inhibition" are turned on, which are manifested by asthenic states.

To prevent overstrain of your nervous system, it is recommended:

  • Sleep regularly. If there are problems with sleep, then they should be addressed immediately.
  • News healthy lifestyle life.
  • Do not take on overwhelming physical and mental work.
  • Alternate any load with rest.
  • Maintain normal relationships in the family and in the team.

Even if it was not possible to avoid overvoltage, and asthenic syndrome overtook you, then a timely visit to the doctor will quickly return everything to its place. The initial stages of the disease respond very well to treatment. Do not self-medicate or hope that gradually everything will pass by itself.

Duodenal ulcer,) diseases. In addition, asthenia is a faithful companion of the patient in the postpartum, post-traumatic and postoperative period.

This condition should not be confused with natural exhaustion, which occurs due to physical or mental stress, change of time or climate zone, unbalanced daily routine. Features asthenia - gradual development and long duration(months or even years). A painful condition cannot be cured with proper rest - it is better to consult a doctor for help.

No one is immune from asthenia, but children of primary school age, graduates of schools, higher educational institutions and people with great psycho-physical stress are most susceptible to this passive illness.

Why does asthenia develop?

Asthenia, of course, is the result of exhaustion of the nervous system. The primary reason for the development of the syndrome lies in the deficiency nutrients and improper energy expenditure or metabolic disorders. In addition, asthenia often appears after severe illnesses and general poisonings organism. Asthenic exhaustion can develop as a consequence of poor nutrition, mental disorders, mental and physical overstrain.

Classification of asthenic syndrome

Development factor.

organic asthenia- the condition accompanies chronic somatic diseases or organic pathologies that are of a rapid nature. Asthenic syndrome of an organic nature can be observed with infectious lesions of the brain, serious head injuries, vascular pathologies and degenerative conditions (Alzheimer's disease).

Functional asthenia- the condition is temporary and reversible, in contrast to the organic asthenic syndrome. It is sometimes called reactive asthenia because the body reacts in this way to stress, severe overwork, or a recent acute illness.

According to the specifics of the external manifestation.

Hypersthenic asthenia expressed in extreme irritability and excitability of a person, his high sensitivity to bright light, loud sounds, crowded places.

Hyposthenic asthenia has the following set of symptoms: lethargy, drowsiness, indifference to everything.

Hypersthenic asthenia, aggravated, can smoothly transform into a hyposthenic form.

According to the duration of the course, acute and chronic forms of asthenic syndrome are distinguished. The latter is characterized by a long course, it also includes the so-called syndrome.

Symptoms of asthenia

Before lunch, as a rule, asthenic symptoms are minimally expressed, but towards evening the syndrome manifests itself in all its "glory": a person can do household (or other) chores only with mandatory breaks to rest.

The first sign of asthenia is fatigue, which cannot be eliminated even with the help of proper rest. A person experiences a general weakness, due to which he cannot perform the usual amount of physical work. The intellectual sphere also suffers: asthenia makes it difficult to concentrate on a specific task, memory and quick wit are “lame”. A person cannot find the right words to express himself, he is distracted and does not differ in efficiency in making urgent decisions.

Fatigue gives rise to negative emotions: poor-quality work does not bring satisfaction. A person becomes quick-tempered and picky, it is difficult to find a common language with him. Sharp drops, depression and anxiety, unreasonable pessimism - a common picture with asthenia. All these character traits can provoke the development of neurasthenia or.

An aggravating factor in asthenia is autonomic disorders in the form of a labile pulse, jumps in blood pressure, excessive sweating. Often there is a lack of appetite, pain in the intestines, as well as problems with men.

Features of asthenic syndrome affect the quality of sleep. The hypersthenic type of asthenia prevents a person from quickly plunging into the arms of Morpheus, gives rise to restless and rich dreams. At the same time, at night the patient wakes up several times, and in the morning he feels overwhelmed. With hyposthenic asthenia, a person tends to sleep during the day, but at the same time he cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening.

Diagnosis of asthenic syndrome

Usually, a doctor can easily make a diagnosis regarding asthenia. When this condition is caused by stress, trauma, or a previous acute illness, the symptoms are very pronounced. But against the background of the current disease, the manifestations of asthenia can be “veiled” by the symptoms of the underlying disease. In this case, a detailed questioning of the patient to detail his complaints plays an important role. Especially the specialist should pay attention to the emotional and mental sphere of a person.

How to cure asthenic syndrome

The main treatment involves optimizing the patient's daily routine, the correct alternation of work and rest, a complete fortified diet, and the rejection of bad habits.

In food, people suffering from asthenia should give preference to food with high content tryptophan: bananas, poultry meat, cheese, wholemeal bread. You should not refuse vitamin "storehouses" - there should always be liver, raw vegetables, eggs, fruits, sea buckthorn on the plate.

MirSovetov hastens to remind you that coziness and a comfortable family environment are of paramount importance for people who want to get rid of asthenia.

Medicine fights with asthenic syndrome with the help of natural adaptogens. , increase vitality, help the body to endure diseases more easily. In some cases, you can not do without nootropics and neuroprotectors, including Nootropil, Aminalon, Phezam, Picamelon, Ginkgo Biloba.

If there is no doubt that asthenia arose as a response of the body to a certain disease, success in treatment can be achieved by eliminating the underlying disease.

What treats asthenia: traditional medicine

  1. 1 tsp a mixture of equal parts of flowers, herbs and chamomile flowers is poured with a glass of hot water, covered with a lid and infused for 15 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and drunk in small sips before going to bed. The course of treatment is up to two months. The tool returns interest in life and awakens the vitality of the body.
  2. Mix equal parts of lavender and linden flowers, and St. John's wort, after which 1 tsp. the resulting mixture is poured with one glass of boiling water. Drink a fragrant drink, like regular tea, 2-3 times a day. The tool improves mood and gives cheerfulness.
  3. To prepare this remedy for impotence, you will need hawthorn flowers and (marigolds), burdock herb and rosemary leaves. You need to take 1 tsp. each type of raw material and mix with a small portion of ground coffee. Pour the mixture with boiling water (0.5 l), let it brew (2 - 3 hours), then strain. Drink an invigorating drink after meals in the morning and evening for a month. If the medicine is to your taste, you can take it longer.

How to prevent the development of asthenia

Experts assure that you should not try to avoid asthenia in any way, and, moreover, be afraid of it. Asthenic syndrome is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body to the heavy load of accumulated everyday problems. The central nervous system includes the so-called "marginal inhibition", which manifests itself in the form of asthenic symptoms. Moping from time to time is absolutely not harmful, you just need to help the body get out of this state in time.