When there is harm in artificial lighting: we analyze the facts. What kind of lighting is ideal for eye health

How dangerous, for example, are flashbulbs to our eyes? Modern cameras are equipped with powerful flashes with energy light pulse from 20 J and above. Especially gets statesmen and artists, when at press conferences they are repeatedly exposed to dozens of light pulses. Such an effect is far from indifferent to the eyes: a sharp change in the brightness level of objects leads to a violation of the normal visual perception and temporary blindness. The most powerful blinding effect in dark time days or in a darkened room, when the sensitivity of the eye increases millions of times. In such a situation, recovery visual functions after being blinded by a flash, it may last one to two minutes, may thicken even longer dark spots into the field of view and produce consistent color images.

The main thing that always worries people is whether the effects of a brief blindness can be irreversible. Strictly speaking, such irreversible consequences always exist. Each flash is capable of destroying a small number of photoreceptors, which, like brain neurons, cannot be restored. Another thing is that the number of photoreceptors in the eye is huge, and the loss of a small part, as a rule, does not entail serious consequences for the visual apparatus.

For the tissues of the eye, radiation of the ultraviolet and infrared ranges, which are abundantly represented in the spectrum of photoflashes, is especially dangerous. At a certain flash power, such radiation can cause not only temporary functional blindness, but also pathological change in the organ of vision. It should be noted that harmful effect UV radiation to the eye is especially dangerous for young people and children - their lens is the most transparent to ultraviolet light. In older people, the lens acquires a yellow tint and acts as a protective filter, however, there is also a risk group here - these are people who have undergone surgery to remove the lens for cataracts and other diseases. The artificial lens has the highest transparency.

Of great interest are recent experimental data on irreversible damage to retinal receptors even when using operating microscopes and ophthalmoscopes. There have been frequent cases of damage to the eyes of people in such professions as cameramen, television presenters, etc. This professional group has inflammation and clouding of the cornea and even a swelling of the conjunctiva of the eye. Currently, in a number of clinics, flashlights are used as diagnostic test performance of the retina (the so-called photostress), however, safety similar procedure doubtful.

It should be remembered that the load on the retina from the light pulse of a flash depends not only on the power of the flash, but also on the distance to it, the surrounding light conditions. Shooting close-ups, especially when shooting repeatedly and in a dark room, can cause serious damage to the eyes.

Light is life. This is 50% of your mood and 75% of comfort in the house. Light determines a lot: the general atmosphere of the home, health and psychological condition its inhabitants, work efficiency, the beauty of the interior and even the taste of dinner. Therefore, without proper lighting, there can be no healthy home.

solar circle

Without the sun, everything dies, even a person. medical fact- the lack of natural light strikes at our body. Vision suffers - initially the eye is tuned to the perception of the rays of the sun, and not the light bulb. Immunity deteriorates - ultraviolet Sun rays not only increase the body's resistance to all microbes, but also kill these same microbes. The psyche is staggering - sunlight stimulates the work of the central nervous system, and if it is not enough, a person becomes lethargic, passive, prone to despondency, or even simply falls into depression. And without the sun, our biorhythms go crazy, slow down metabolic processes, total vitamin deficiency begins. Therefore, it is very important to let into the apartment enough sunshine and bunnies.

There are certain norms of insolation (the direct rays of the sun) of various rooms. For 2-3 hours a day, the luminary should look at least one window 1-3 room apartment and at least two windows of a 4 or more room apartment. If you don’t get 2-3 hours in a row, then the sun in total will have to look into your windows for half an hour longer. In this case, at least one period of insolation should be at least 1 hour.

The design of the window must be approached with all seriousness. After all, this is not only a design element, it must transmit light and protect our home from excessive heat rays.

First of all, attention should be paid to where the windows go.

If they look to the north and partially to the east, then only diffused light will penetrate into the rooms. The walls in such rooms need to be made light: the light falling on them will be reflected many times and thereby enhance the illumination. Curtains, especially thick ones, should be designed so that they can be moved apart during the day. Only light, maximally transparent tulle fabrics are allowed as fixed curtains.

If the windows face west or southwest, then you should think about how to save your house from the scorching sun. You can save yourself from direct rays with the help of dense, but light curtains, blinds, sun-protection film. Green spaces also protect well from overheating. You just need to remember that you still need ultraviolet, and leave room for the sun in the thickets.

Before the light bulb

Sunlight is wonderful. But, unfortunately, daylight most Our year is short, and there are many cloudy days. This is where light bulbs come to the rescue. Artificial lighting - obedient lighting. such Magic wand in our hands, which allows us to achieve a variety of effects. In addition to the main utilitarian function - to conquer the darkness, lamps determine the mood and climate of the room. In addition, it is an integral part of the interior. With the help of light, you can place accents or hide flaws, push walls apart, raise or, conversely, lower the ceiling, divide the room into zones

By creating artificial lighting your home, you need to remember some rules. First, there must be enough light. The total illumination should be from 15 to 25 W of incandescent lamp power per square meter.

Secondly, it must be functional. It is more convenient to watch TV in subdued light, to receive guests - in bright, flooding the whole room. In the bedroom, the lighting is preferably soft, diffusing, and in the kitchen - bright, but even.

Thirdly, the light should be comfortable: no sharp transitions from shadow to light, bright surfaces or glare - all this is harmful to vision. It is necessary to avoid open sources that irritate the eyes and tire the psyche. A bright point beam of light is good only in table lamps. In the room it is better to achieve softer light. In this regard, ceiling lamps in the form of a ball or hemisphere are very successful. They are opaque and break direct rays.

And finally, the lighting must be safe. A crystal chandelier in a nursery or an open light bulb in a bathroom is an unnecessary risk. Yes, and a lamp hanging too low in the kitchen, which is impossible not to touch your head, is also an unpleasant thing.

Not only Ilyich's light bulb

In apartments, three types of lamps are usually used: incandescent, halogen and fluorescent (they are also fluorescent lamps).

Incandescent lamps have served us for more than 120 years. Their light with a spectrum shifted to the infrared region is considered optimal and very pleasant to perceive. human eye. But these good old light bulbs have one significant drawback: they do not shine as much as warm. Approximately 95% of their energy is converted into heat, and only 5% is left for light.

Incandescent lamps can be simple, colored and mirror. Let's take a closer look at the latter. This lamp has top part The bulb is covered with a mirror layer, which protects the light bulb from overheating and allows it to work much longer. Mirror lamps shine a little brighter than usual, and the matte part of the bulb makes the light more uniform and diffused.

Halogen lamps emit a pleasant white light. They illuminate the room better than an incandescent lamp, and consume much less energy. But halogen lamps are very sensitive to voltage drops. In order for them to work in the conditions of our reality, it is necessary to buy a personal transformer.

Fluorescent lamps, compared to incandescent lamps, can significantly save energy and increase the production of actual light. But they make noise, flicker and quickly tire the eyes and psyche. True, lamps latest generation already devoid of most of these shortcomings, but constant exposure to fluorescent light is still unpleasant. Such lamps can be successfully built into bookshelves, placed above a desk or in the kitchen above the sink, and in the main lighting, incandescent lamps are more pleasing to the eye.

Home lamp science

Lamps are different: ceiling, wall, table and floor. You should not be limited to lighting only one type: the more various lamps you have at your disposal, the more convenient your life will be. Don't be afraid to fill your home with light.

Lamp main, ceiling: she is a chandelier

Ceiling lamps come in 4 types. Hanging chandeliers or actual chandeliers. These are traditional lamps hanging on chains, on electric wires or on metal rods. Ceiling-type chandeliers that "sit" directly on the ceiling. Soffit-type chandeliers are rotary lamps of narrowly directed light. And finally, fixtures built into suspended ceilings.

The bright front light of the chandelier - the central light source in the room - not only creates a uniform, rich illumination, but also has a unique psychological property: it unites all the people in the room. In the living room, in the dining room, in the kitchen, it is better to use ceiling lights that give combined light: one part of the light flux goes up to the ceiling, and the other (commensurate in size with the first one) goes down. For the bedroom, it is better to choose chandeliers, the light of which gently diffuses around the room. In the nursery, the lighting should be uniform and fairly bright, but it is better to avoid open intense light sources.

Ceiling lights can also act as sources of local lighting. Soffits that cast light within a narrow corner will help highlight, for example, a dining table.

wall lamp

The wall lamp is called "sconce". As a rule, its light streams are directed up or down along the wall, almost parallel to it. With the help of a sconce, you can zone the room. You can save a lot of money - why light up the whole room when you can only light up the corner you are currently in? But, most importantly, sconces allow you to create great amount microworlds on the scale of one apartment - to create a private space for each family member. Just remember that a sconce is not necessarily a pleasant twilight. If you are used to reading under a sconce, then its light should be bright enough.

The floor lamp occupies an intermediate position between table and floor lamps. Although he is standing on the floor, the light emits a little higher - at an average level. A floor lamp is not only a bunch of comfort and a pleasant atmosphere. It's also a great way to fill a room with soft, indirect light that encourages relaxation, conversation, or reflection.

floor lamp

It is very fashionable - lamps built into the floor. And it's also beautiful. For example, a fireplace illuminated from below. Or an aquarium. Or a luminous path from hall to hall. And, sometimes, it is useful - very often floor lamps are mounted in air humidifiers.

It is only necessary to remember that there is no place for floor lamps in the nursery. Little explorers will definitely try to disassemble it. And be sure to turn it on.

Table lamp

Table lamps perform a variety of tasks: illuminate, highlight, decorate. But their main function is to help them work. Especially important is the correct lighting of those places where they are engaged in work related to eye strain.

A table lamp must be placed so that the light falls on the left (for left-handers - on the right), otherwise the shadow from the hand will interfere. In general, it is better to choose the power of table lamps in the range of 40–60 watts, the distance from the lamp to the table surface should be 40–50 centimeters. It is better if the lamp has a movable visor, which will make it possible to direct light onto workplace. It is desirable that the lampshade be opaque and wide open at the bottom, with a large uniform flow of light.

Sufficient illumination of a Whatman sheet when drawing is provided by a table lamp with a 150-watt incandescent bulb at a distance of 80–100 centimeters. It is better to knit, embroider, darn with black threads at 100 watts at a distance of 20–30 centimeters, and to read at 60 watts.

You should not save on the quality of a table lamp - spoiled vision will cost more.

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Light is natural condition life, providing perception of the surrounding world. In order not to harm your health, you need to know how excessive lighting affects vision. Artificial light has become so merged with the modern way of life that people simply do not notice it anymore. However, this is the main factor that affects visual functions.

How does lighting affect vision?


People see the world with the help of two types of light - natural (solar) and artificial. Lighting from the sun is preferable because it has favorable influence on the human body and organs of vision. solar radiation is divided into two parts:

  • visible - ultraviolet;
  • invisible - infrared.

Infrared radiation is thermal. Ultraviolet - has a positive effect on the human body and causes an erythemal effect (sunburn). However, if the intensity of the rays is high, burns may occur on skin. Intense on contact with eyes ultraviolet radiation can lead to retinal burns, which contributes to the deterioration or loss of vision.


The inside of the unprotected eye is heated and chemical reaction.

Ultraviolet rays are also formed during the operation of artificial lighting equipment. These include the following instruments and technical factors:

  • electric arc;
  • quartz lamps;
  • electric and gas welding;
  • laser installations;
  • erythema lamps.

To protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays, it is necessary to use protective glasses in intense lighting.

For artificial illumination, fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps are used. The properties and condition of the eyes are affected by energy-saving lighting devices. When they are used, an additional load on the organs of vision is carried out, causing rapid fatigue. eye muscles. When using an energy-saving lamp, it flickers, negatively affecting the eyes, and leading to a gradual deterioration in vision. As a result, the eyes turn red, dry or, conversely, watery.

Some sources of artificial lighting contribute to the occurrence visual illusions. No small harm human vision can cause strong light reflections that occur due to glossy surfaces, mirrors and glasses. Because of the glare, attention is distracted, vision is strained, it is difficult to focus on a specific subject. Therefore, light matte surfaces that reflect radiation are more useful for the eyes.

What kind of lighting is the most favorable?

Most useful reading in daylight.

The best condition for the organs of vision is the light from the sun, but not too bright, but slightly diffused. However, it is not always enough due to such factors:

  • When staying indoors, the light level of the space changes throughout the day as the sun moves relative to the location of the person.
  • In the cold season - from late autumn to mid-spring - natural lighting is too faded.

What should be?

Therefore, during the day, the sun's rays are used for the background, which must be supplemented with artificial local illumination. The best option- moderately intense illumination, in which everything is visible and comfortable for the eyes. To achieve the optimal effect, two types of lighting are combined - general and local. The general should be unobtrusive, diffused, the local - much more intense.

It is desirable that local lighting be directed and regulated. In general, you can deal with everyday issues, relax, communicate or do work for which you do not need to strain your eyesight. If the activity requires eye involvement, you can turn on the local source of illumination and select the required intensity - one for working at a PC, the other for reading.

For each type of work, the intensity of lighting is different.

Intensive lighting is recommended to be used only when visual acuity is needed - you need to read, count, write something, etc. In other cases, diffuse general illumination with a natural white-yellowish tint should be preferred. During the day it is the sun's rays, at night - a ceiling lamp or other source. Work and living spaces should be properly lit, depending on the type of activity. All these points must be taken into account both for residential premises and for organizing lighting in workplaces.

On the role of illumination for vision. What kind of light is best for the eyes? Where to put a TV, computer in the room? How does low light damage your eyes?

On the role of illumination for vision. What kind of light is best for the eyes? Where to put a TV, computer in the room? How does low light damage your eyes?

Most often, to my question: “Are the child’s books or notebooks covered enough while working with them?”, You confidently give a positive answer.
What does a person put into the concept of "good lighting"?
Some find that an overhead light provides sufficient room illumination when reading literature, while others require table lamps. Some choose conventional incandescent lamps, others prefer fluorescent ones. Who is close to the truth? In the vast majority of cases, doctors do not pay due attention to the lighting characteristics of the rooms in which their patients work and study. Considering that the concepts of “eye” and “light” are inseparable, the doctor at the reception is obliged to tell parents in sufficient detail about everything related to illumination, its power, lamp design and preferences when choosing them.
In what units is the illumination measured, which lamp should be chosen in order to achieve good level lighting?
Optimal is the illumination of a book or notebook, obtained from an incandescent lamp of 75 watts. This corresponds to 150 lux. If you have a fluorescent lamp, then the illumination should be equal to 300 lux.
And if the illumination is more than specified, will it harm the eyes? Still, the illumination indicated by me is optimal. If periodically the illumination indicators are higher, this is not dangerous, given that the illumination of a book on the street in bright sunny weather reaches 100,000 lux.
The question is often asked: What is more dangerous, excessive lighting or insufficient?
With regard to redundancy, you can not worry, much more often in life we ​​are faced with the most unpleasant fact - under-lighting. It is worth remembering that if you underestimate the required illumination by half, the muscular apparatus of the eyes tenses up 8 times more. And therefore, it is not so important what kind of lighting is used: artificial or natural, incandescent or fluorescent. It is important that this light is not enough in principle. And then what is the point of treating the same myopia, spasm of accommodation, amblyopia, which we talked about in previous classes, if a child who has improved his vision again plunges into an insufficiently lit environment. Again there is optical discomfort, a spasm of accommodation is formed again, conditions are again created for the progression of myopia. And for those who do not yet have it, the conditions for its emergence appear.
A common question: which lamps are better - incandescent or fluorescent?
The advantage behind fluorescent lamps, the so-called fluorescent lamps. This advantage lies in the fact that the radiation of such lamps is much closer to the spectrum of natural sunlight than incandescent lamps. The only drawback that fluorescent lamps can have is flicker. However, in last years the designs of these lamps exclude such a phenomenon. If you have a fluorescent lamp, you should know the rule: look at it with peripheral vision, i.e. look not at the lamp itself, but nearby, since it is the periphery of the retina that reacts to flicker. And if you do not feel flickering with peripheral vision, then the lamp is suitable for lighting. If you feel flickering with peripheral vision, then replace the lamp immediately.
Frequently asked question: Doctor, if you are talking about sufficient lighting for a book or notebook, then tell me, is it necessary to turn on the general light?
Necessarily, since the retina does not like constant contrasts. This also applies to the room where the TV is located, that is, the TV should never be watched in a dark room. The general light must always be on. At the same time, it is unacceptable that the lamp, whether it be ceiling, wall, is reflected on the TV screen.
How to check it?
Very simply, turn off the TV, turn on the lamps, and if they are reflected, and you see them reflected on the screen, then either turn it around or move the lamp, avoiding this phenomenon of reflection. By the way, this also applies to the monitor screen, which we have colorfully and in detail described in our publication "Computer Ergonomics".

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

AT modern world each person's eyesight is increased load: computer monitors, TV screens and all kinds of gadgets are constantly in front of our eyes, at work and at home. Therefore, many people who seek to compensate for damage to vision, at least where possible, are concerned about which light is better. In addition, the color of the lighting affects the perception of the interior of the room, it can emphasize it favorably or, on the contrary, unpleasantly distort the colors. It follows from this that even such a trifle as the choice of a light bulb must be taken with attention.

Expert opinion

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Master-universal, since 2003 I have been engaged in the repair and decoration of premises, more than 100 completed objects. I value quality more than quantity!

Hello, friends!

I’ll give an explanation right away: the color temperature of the lighting has nothing to do with the air temperature in degrees Celsius. It does not affect the heating of the lamp or lamp. The temperature, which is measured in Kelvin, refers only to the characteristics of light, or rather, to the visible part of the radiation.

Values ​​" warm and cold light they are called so only because of the way we see them, and they have a purely psycho-emotional meaning.

It has been experimentally proven that in a room with lamps of about 6,000 Kelvin it seems to people that the temperature in the room is a couple of degrees lower. Thermometers showed the same temperature in degrees Celsius.

The effect of lighting color on a person and vision?

There is no need to worry about the relationship between the color of lighting fixtures and eye health: it does not affect vision.

However, the shade of lighting still has a certain effect on a person: to some extent, our mood depends on it. psycho-emotional state and mood. Warm light promotes relaxation, cold light invigorates and keeps you in good shape, so each of them is good in its place and at its time. Let's figure out which artificial light is better and more beneficial for the eyes - warm or cold white?

No matter how many companies involved in the development of artificial lighting devices try to create a light bulb that is fully consistent in all respects with natural sunlight, to date these attempts have been unsuccessful.

Source color temperature

To find out what the light from an energy-saving or LED lamp will be, you need to pay attention to the color temperature value indicated on the package. The unit of measure is Kelvin (K).

The lower this value, the more yellow the glow will be. Light from a light bulb with a high color temperature has a bluish tint. The three most common lighting colors are:

  1. White warm - 2700-3500 K.
  2. Neutral or natural white - 3500-5000 K.
  3. Cold white - from 5000 K and above.

Which light is better - warm or cold?

There is no direct answer to this question. It all depends on the room, the purpose and the lighting use case.

Warm light

warm lighting white color with a familiar yellowish tint, comfortable and pleasing to human eyes, its luminescence is the same as that of yellow sunlight early morning or closer to sunset. It can be provided by both conventional incandescent and halogen lamps. You can also find on sale fluorescent and LED devices with warm spectrum radiation. Where is the best place to use this light?

  • In the living room. It is recommended to organize warm lighting in rooms where you want to create a relaxed and cozy atmosphere. For example, in a room where the family gathers in the evenings to have dinner and chat.

In the living room, it is best to install a diffuse chandelier.

  • In the kitchen. Warm lighting is perfect for the area above the dining table: the dishes will look more appetizing and more beautiful.
  • In the bathroom. Soft warm light in the bathing area will help you relax.
  • In the bedroom. It is in this room that it is especially important to create a feeling of calm and comfort so that the eyes can rest.

Warm spectrum lamps are used by designers to increase the color saturation of soft-toned interior items. Cold shades, on the contrary, will become less noticeable.
blue and green colors will be distorted: this is due to the fact that in the light from such a lamp there are no rays of the corresponding spectrum.

Under such lighting, cool tones change as follows:

  • blue may appear greenish;
  • blue will fade;
  • dark blue will turn to black;
  • purple can be confused with red.

That is why you need to think through all the details in advance, before buying a lamp, so that the illuminated room does not take on an undesirable or even unpleasant appearance.

natural white light

Halogen, LED, and some fluorescent lamps produce light that is as close to natural white light as possible, so Colors are virtually undistorted. It is advisable to install them:

  • in children's rooms but not cheap fluorescent lamps, they flicker and can cause headaches;
  • in the hall;
  • in the working area of ​​the kitchen;
  • in a place intended for reading, such as near an armchair or in a bedroom above a bed;
  • next to mirrors, as they faithfully convey skin tone.

It must be remembered that it is important to correctly position the light source relative to mirrors and reflective surfaces so as not to dazzle the person looking into them.

cold light

The light of the cold color spectrum resembles the white winter sun. It is often used in office space, as well as wherever you need to create a working mood. It is neutral and cool shades that are suitable for those places where the presence of both natural and artificial lighting is expected, as these tones will help improve concentration.

A cold light flux is perceived by the human eye as brighter and more intense.

In apartments, lamps with such radiation are most often used:

  • In the kitchen, where food preparation requires accent lighting.
  • In the office, because such radiation balances and improves performance.
  • Colors in such lighting are also distorted, but the changes concern only lukewarm shades. Red, orange and yellow colors will appear purple, brown and greenish respectively. But the blue and green tones, on the contrary, will look rich and juicy.

    What color temperature bulbs do you prefer?