Statistics of disabled people in the world. Rating of Russian regions with increased social burden (in terms of the number of people with disabilities) How many disabled people are there in the world

About 15% of the world's population has some form of disability. Of these, 2-4% of people experience significant difficulties in functioning. The prevalence of disability in the world exceeds previous WHO estimates made in the 1970s, at about 10%. The global estimate of disability is rising due to population aging and the rapid spread of chronic diseases, as well as improvements in the methodologies used to measure disability rates.

The first-ever WHO/World Bank "World Report on Disability" looks at the evidence on the status of people with disabilities around the world. After chapters on understanding and measuring disability, the report contains chapters on specific health topics; rehabilitation; help and support; an enabling environment; education; and employment. Each chapter discusses the barriers faced by persons with disabilities, as well as case studies on how countries are addressing these challenges by promoting good practice. The report concludes with nine specific policy and practice recommendations that can lead to real improvements in the lives of people with disabilities.


The summary of the report contains the main ideas and recommendations. The abstract of the report is available in easy-to-read, audio and screen reader formats. Braille versions (in English, Spanish and French) can be ordered from:

  • CV in Russian, PDF 620.58 KB

  • pdf, 1.64Mb
    Resume in Russian in an accessible format
  • World Report on Disability
    zip, 6kb
    Foreword in DAISY format
  • World Report on Disability
    zip, 7kb
    Appeal to readers in DAISY format

Disabled children are one of the most vulnerable social categories, behind formal reports, figures are not just someone's lives, but barely begun lives, sometimes spent in suffering.

How do children with disabilities live in Russia. What is their life like, are they starving?! How different is the life of disabled children from ordinary children?! This is what we will talk about today.

Fortunately, children do not perceive the world differently than adults, and the “stigma” - a disabled person (which literally means “unsuitable”) - does not sound as offensive to them as to the first.

Babies born with a pathology or those who have had health problems since early childhood are often more relaxed about their ailments and special situation than those who become seriously ill in adulthood.

Psychologists comment on this state of affairs by saying that adults, whose fate suddenly turned into a more limited course, knew a normal, productive life (and this is often more painful than when you don’t know what it is to live, “like all people”), and children , initially found themselves in special conditions, and there is nothing to compare with, they get used to being “other” a priori.

But everything is not quite so... Disability, especially due to severe and incurable diagnoses, is always a disaster, even in childhood it happens, even in adulthood. Let's talk about the problems of disabled children and their parents in more detail.

How many disabled children are currently in Russia?

Some statistics.

“According to the Ministry of Health, in Russia in 2014 there were 540,837 disabled children. This is an increase of 3.7% by 2013 and an increase of 9.2% by 2010.”

In general, the number of disabled people (for example, compared to 2005-2007) in Russia has decreased ... but the number of disabled children has increased.

According to the UN, about 10-16% of the world's population has a disability (in an official form, or unofficial, that is, they have severe health problems).

“According to official statistics, about 10 million disabled people live in Russia, and according to the estimates of the Social Information Agency, at least 15 million, of which women make up at least 50%.”

In Russia, according to official data, there are about 27 million children (143 million people in the population as a whole), just 10-16% are those same 10-15 million people with disabilities, disabled children, if you follow the same logic - 2.5-3 million. Official statistics, according to the opinions of competent experts, are greatly underestimated, and quite a lot of parents do not register a child with a disability, despite a serious illness.

In general, official figures say that there are approximately 541,000 disabled children in Russia, while unofficial figures say that there are many times more of them.

About 12% of disabled children are in specialized boarding schools.

About how disabled children live in boarding schools in the NTV program “Who dooms children with disabilities to a painful life”

Neurological disorders are the most common cause of childhood disability:“Currently, on average in Russia, the first ranking place among the causes of childhood disability belongs to diseases of the nervous system (41.9%). The second and third places are occupied by mental disorders and congenital anomalies (33.7% and 17.8% respectively), somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, etc.) are in fourth place, amounting to 6.5%.

There are more and more children with mental disabilities, so, in comparison with the 1990s. today they are 40-50% more.

Doctors call the most negative factors affecting the formation of defects in a child - too young or “old” age of the mother, bad habits of parents, work in hazardous industries, life in an environmentally disadvantaged area, burdened heredity, etc.

However, the age that we consider for mothers is already “old” (35 years) - for example, in some European countries, the time for the birth of the first child. It’s far from the matter of age, although it is also in it ... Over the years, there are more and more abnormal cells in the body and the chances of giving birth to a healthy child decrease, but all this is aggravated against the backdrop of poor ecology and an abundance of genetically modified, impregnated with nitrates, nitrites products. And absolutely healthy young parents give birth to disabled children with severe malformations.

And now from the numbers, let's move on to life ...

The life of a parent of a child with a disability:

No matter how rude it may sound, because every parent has his most precious child and even a common illness for someone is a disaster for them, but disability disability is different. There are those who have diabetes, sometimes invisible paresis of the facial nerve, somatic diseases, and there are more “heavy” children: those who have oncology, cerebral palsy, complicated forms of autism, lack of limbs, etc.

About the life of disabled children and their parents in the program “The principle of action (the life of children with disabilities in Russia)”

Based on the experience of personal communication with parents of different categories of disabled children, I can tell a sad and, for some, hard-hitting truth: those who have “heavier” children are often kinder and smarter than those who “achieved” a child’s disability in spite of, with a mild diagnosis. The latter often make an idol out of a child, suffer from problems that do not exist ... Of course, not all of them are like that, sometimes, if a child needs medicine, help - benefits will be a significant benefit.

A disabled child, especially a severe one, is ideally dedicated to the whole life. In families where there is such a child, problems always begin, and then either the parents unite for the sake of a goal, or the whole burden falls on one of them, most often on mothers ... About 50%, according to some data - 70-80% of fathers leave families with a disabled child. And what it means to pull such a child alone is difficult to imagine for someone who has not encountered similar problems.

Since a mother, if she has a well-developed maternal instinct and sincerely loves a child, takes care of her child, perhaps feeling guilty for the child’s illness, tries to somehow rehabilitate him, she forgets about herself.

Men, on the other hand, do not have a maternal instinct, and they often perceive the situation as if a woman has let herself go and has become a “brood hen”. Yes, and sick children are an unpleasant sight for everyone, only the mother has reserves, and for men, unhealthy offspring, among other things, is a blow to pride.

Mothers need to become successful and able to do everything, but very many do not have enough strength for this ... For example, mothers of children with severe autism, mental retardation have a high risk of developing mental disorders, nervous breakdowns. Mothers who fought the oncology of their children, but unsuccessfully ... buried their children - sometimes they cannot return to normal life at all.

But there are those who live in spite of and become stronger precisely because of the difficulties, there are women who, finding themselves in such a difficult situation, appreciated their life and the life of their child.

If the “feature” of the child is visible outwardly or if he is inadequate in behavior, these are almost always oblique glances from the outside. Unfortunately, our society is not yet familiar with inclusion and does not really strive for tolerance in relation to “not like everyone else”. If there were friends, there are fewer of them, or they disappear altogether. Both mother and child, in the absence of character, strong ties with the outside world, without active relatives, can be doomed to involuntary isolation.

Those who find themselves with a disabled child in an extremely impasse come up with the idea of ​​taking the child to a specialized institution. Someone decides to do it. Once, even I, being in a comfortable position, condemned such people, but when I saw everything from the inside, I realized that no one has the right to condemn ...

The most surprising thing is when I once met two women who had very difficult children with cerebral palsy - they indignantly declared to someone that it was easier to send children to a boarding school that it was akin to murder, that you couldn’t have your “blood” so throw. I was struck by their attitude towards life and the great, powerful maternal instinct that manifested itself in them in such brightness. Probably, this is the image of a real mother, giving all of herself for the life of a child, no matter what it is ...

To say that raising children with disabilities is difficult is an understatement. Of course, much depends on the severity of the situation of the family or mother, but sometimes, to raise such a child, you really need to sacrifice your own life.

There are many positive stories on forums, in Internet communities, and among the collective of such mothers about how parents of “heavy” children cope. And, of course, it is better, instead of worrying about fate and depression, to change something and help correct the situation, rehabilitate the child, this, as a rule, is the most successful recipe for illness and longing.

There is another point that not all pitying parents of disabled children will take into account. Quite a few of the mothers and fathers of such children passively surrender, that is, the child lives with them, but they all “pull”, endure, and do not fight. They give up, fall into apathy, do not take care of the child, or, even worse, do not even understand the gravity of the situation, they are going to give birth to five more, when the already born one should be raised.

In the hospital, I met several times people who apply for disability for their children according to a mental profile (mental retardation) in order to receive a pension. For example, a 35-year-old woman with six children (three disabled by mental retardation) lives perfectly well on a good amount for her from child benefits in rural conditions, it is clear that she drinks.

But the main thing is that her children are normal, she simply didn’t take care of them, she let them go, they were poorly dressed .. And nothing can be done: she’s not a complete drunkard, periodically sober, she takes care of the children’s health by registering disability in time, guardianship or taking away children, and as a rule, when it has already reached a critical point, or does not pay attention at all.

And in fact, there are enough such people, situations.

State assistance to disabled children and their parents

The pension for a disabled child at the moment is 12-13 thousand rubles. Depending on the diagnosis, there may be additional payments for orthopedic shoes, clothes, strollers. Benefits are provided (there is a preferential package - about 1,000 rubles, which you can refuse if you wish, and the amount will be included in your pension) for travel by transport, for medicines.

Different Russian regions have their own conditions for granting benefits to needy categories, somewhere they can allocate a land plot for construction, somewhere they give a good discount when buying an apartment.

There are many foundations, societies, state specialized children's centers that work free of charge with disabled children and their parents. There are even foundations that work with children who have a certain diagnosis.

The main thing would be the desire to contact and rehabilitate the child - you can always contact and find the right people. Volunteers can come to the house, both study and just sit, it is possible to attend events, concerts, theaters, various classes, participate in competitions, travel to camps, sanatoriums.

In addition, there is help, classes from social security.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, they are required to accept a child in any educational institution, both a school and a kindergarten, but there are not always conditions for learning there. Our country is still only taking small steps towards solving the issue of inclusive education. Many children with disabilities, especially those with mental disabilities, are educated at home.

At the moment, the communication of a child with pronounced physical or mental defects in a team where ordinary children can be difficult, especially if all teenagers. We don’t just have children, our adults are not accustomed to people with disabilities, what can we expect from small representatives of society ... True, according to personal, and not other people’s observations, there are a lot of kind kids among today’s youth who are loyal, friendly towards “ not like everyone else."

Chances of recovery in children with different diagnoses

Predictions about whether the child will become normal are of concern to all parents of children with disabilities. Unfortunately, severe forms of oncology in the last stage are incurable ... If the disease is detected, as they say, on time and appropriate (usually expensive) therapy is started, a very large percentage of a successful outcome.

« Every year in Russia there are more than 5,000 children with cancer. Oncological diseases in Russia are detected in 12 children out of 1000.

Over the past 15 years, the number of cancer patients aged 0 to 18 in Russia has increased by 20% and is gradually increasing. This trend is observed all over the world. This is due not only to an increase in the number of cases, but also to improved diagnostics, including in the early stages.”

Children diagnosed with cerebral palsy need ongoing rehabilitation, regardless of the degree of the disease, even if a child is started in a mild form, everything will get worse, there are cases when mothers “pulled out” almost completely paralyzed children.

God alone knows what will happen next, but often much more money means effort. And even those who do not have the opportunity to take a child abroad can do much more for him in the country, with faith in healing and appropriate actions.

No recovery from autism. Autism is a mysterious disease of our time, there is no cure for it. Partial rehabilitation is possible depending on the severity of the disease and the efforts of the parents. A child can master elementary communication skills, socialize, and with constant studies, begin to speak or respond to requests, signals. But in general, autism is not curable.

Any non-fatal diagnosis is not a sentence, only, depending on the severity of the disease, efforts are needed to rehabilitate a disabled child.

"Light" disabled people often have such an inclination in life, formed by their own parents, as dependency. They are used to being treated like a crystal vase, blowing off dust particles, not teaching many banal things, regretting and doing everything for them. As a result, they grow up completely unadapted to environmental conditions, dependent. In addition to the fact that a child is disabled, he is also an ordinary child, with all the features and manifestations of character, and parents often forget about it.

Today, society is trying to get away from such flashy words as "Invalid", but in everyday life and in official speech, many still use it:

“The word 'disabled' (literally meaning 'unfit') is now increasingly being replaced by 'a person with a disability'. However, this well-established term is often used in the press and publications, as well as in regulations and legislation, including official UN materials.

Public organizations of people with disabilities believe that it is important to use terminology that is correct in relation to people with disabilities: “a person with a developmental delay” (and not “feeble-minded”, “mentally handicapped”), “polio survivor” (and not “polio victim”), “using wheelchair" (not "wheelchair bound"), "has cerebral palsy" (not "suffers from cerebral palsy"), "deaf", "hard of hearing" (not "deaf and mute"). These terms are more correct, as they weaken the division into “healthy” and “sick” and do not cause pity or negative emotions.”

There are more and more disabled children in Russia, children are a reflection of the situation in the world as a whole and a litmus test of society. There are new remedies that cure children with severe diagnoses, medicine invents new ways to fight diseases.

But something else remains at a primitive level (in some regions it is especially pronounced): the lack of adaptation of society to children with disabilities, it is not so much necessary to try to teach people with disabilities to make their way on their way, and how much to convince society that it is it that should adapt, accept disabled people. In the meantime, these small representatives of society, who have begun to realize their peculiarity, are forced to break through the thorns to the stars alone and alone, as pioneers and often unsuccessfully.

The disability of society is the scourge of our time!

As of 01.01.2018 the number of disabled people in Russia is - 11,750,000.0 for a population of 146,800,000.0 people. Just think about these figures, this is about 8% of the population.

1,083,000.0 are citizens who have received their disability since childhood, their number is 9.21% of the total number of people with disabilities in Russia. For children, the statistics are also sad, as of 01/01/2018. disabled children under 18 years old in the Russian Federation - 655,000.0 is 5.6% of the total number of disabled people.

If you look at the statistics, the percentage of children with disabilities is growing, despite the demographic decline. The population is practically unchanged, only due to migration growth. The natural increase has been in huge minus since 1992.

The number of disabled children registered in the pension fund system of the Russian Federation

The results of primary examinations of children under the age of 18 and recognized as disabled in the category "disabled child"

The results of re-examination of disabled children under the age of 18 and were repeatedly recognized as disabled in the category "disabled child"

If we take into account children who were first recognized as disabled due to diseases of the nervous system, as well as children with mental and behavioral disorders, then the picture does not look rosy at all.

Also pay attention to the statistics by region. There are regions where there are many times more children with disabilities than the average throughout Russia.

The number of disabled children under 18 in the Russian Federation as of 01/01/2018 - 655014 people

Russian Federation

Population by region

Number of disabled children under 18 by region

Amount of children
disabled people under 18 per capita by region

Central Federal District


Belgorod region

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Voronezh region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kostroma region

Kursk region

Lipetsk region

Moscow region

Oryol Region

Ryazan Oblast

Smolensk region

Tambov Region

Tver region

Tula region

Yaroslavl region

Moscow city

Northwestern Federal District


Republic of Karelia

Komi Republic

Arhangelsk region

including Nenets aut. county

Arkhangelsk region without author. districts

Vologodskaya Oblast

Kaliningrad region

Leningrad region

Murmansk region

Novgorod region

Pskov region

St. Petersburg

Southern federal district 3)


Republic of Adygea

Republic of Kalmykia

Republic of Crimea

Krasnodar region

Astrakhan region

Volgograd region

Rostov region


North Caucasian Federal District

The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Ingushetia

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Republic of North Ossetia - Alania

Chechen Republic

Stavropol region

Volga Federal District


Republic of Bashkortostan

Mari El Republic

The Republic of Mordovia

Republic of Tatarstan

Udmurt republic

Chuvash Republic

Perm region

Kirov region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Orenburg region

Penza region

Samara Region

Saratov region

Ulyanovsk region

Ural federal district


Kurgan region

Sverdlovsk region

Tyumen region

including Khanty-Mansiysk Aut. district - Yugra

Yamalo-Nenets Aut. county

Tyumen region without author. constituencies

Chelyabinsk region

Siberian Federal District


Altai Republic

The Republic of Buryatia

Tyva Republic

The Republic of Khakassia

Altai region

Zabaykalsky Krai

Krasnoyarsk region

Irkutsk region

Kemerovo region

Novosibirsk region

Omsk region

Tomsk region

Far Eastern Federal District

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Kamchatka Krai

Primorsky Krai

Khabarovsk region

Amur region

Magadan Region

Sakhalin region

Jewish auth. region

Chukchi aut. county

1) According to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

2) Since 2015, taking into account the number of disabled people in the Crimean
federal district, submitted in 2015 according to form No. 1-EDV, in 2016 and further - according to form No. 94 (PENSIONS).

3) Starting from 2016, information on the Republic of Crimea
and the city of Sevastopol is included in the total for the Southern Federal District (in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2016 No. 375).

All data was obtained from the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service. And taking into account the fact that in Russia there has been no natural increase in the population since 1993, the statistics are not entirely accurate, because. in the population, migration growth is taken into account, which is very high - 250/300 thousand annually. According to statistics, an average of 700 thousand people since 1992. declined every year.

From 2007 to 2017, state support programs managed to reduce the population decline to 118 thousand on average per year. But here, too, there are kinks. Since Russia began to fight against infant mortality and nurse non-viable children born at short terms, the number of disabled children has increased. Almost every premature baby is at risk for cerebral palsy.

Let's hope that our State keeps abreast, and will continue to take steps aimed at the health of the nation, to increase natural growth. And it would be great to give the parents of sick children the opportunity to go to work and benefit the State, give birth to healthy children. By creating kindergartens with medical services for children with disabilities, where they accept not only walking children, but also those who do not serve themselves. Thus, it would be possible to save many families from disintegration, to give the mothers of such children the opportunity to realize themselves in the professional sphere, to give birth to a healthy child in the future, thanks to State support measures.

Disability is an acute problem that directly affects the social and economic potential of any state. According to the WHO, 15% of the world's population has some form of disability, and most of these people live in relatively low-income countries. It is the share of developing countries that accounts for 4/5 of all disabled people in the world.

In 2006, Russia signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and six years later it ratified it, agreeing with the basic principles of policy towards this group of citizens adopted by the international community (note that only 45 countries of the world have laws relating to persons with disabilities).

An obligatory component of work in this area is the accumulation of disability statistics, which is carried out in our country by Rosstat, the Pension Fund of Russia, the Ministry of Labor, etc. The information they provide is not always identical, since the methods used differ and the databases overlap. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the total number of disabled people has grown like an avalanche since the beginning of liberal reforms in Russia, and this growth does not stop (Fig. 1). Given the unfavorable demographic situation in the country, the proportion of disabled people in the total population is increasing even faster.

Rice. 1. The total number of disabled people in the Russian Federation, thousand people

If you look at the dynamics of the number of people recognized as disabled for the first time, then there is a noticeable peak that falls on 2005, the infamous Monetization of Benefits carried out by the Government, when medicines and sanatorium treatment were replaced by cash payments. As a result, beneficiaries who need expensive medicines were left without them. The result is clearly visible on the graph (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The number of persons recognized as disabled for the first time (constructed according to Rosstat)

According to unofficial estimates, the actual number of people with disabilities in Russia exceeds that announced by state statistics services by about two to three times. An innovation will be the creation of the Federal Register of Disabled Persons, which will contain information about the assigned group, the degree of disability, social protection measures, etc. The register should start working from January 2017, and the Pension Fund of Russia will be appointed as its “curator”. The point is that the bases of individual departments, such as the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Health, plus the regional bases of beneficiaries with disabilities will be collected into one.

The idea is good, but one of the key questions is whether officials will be able to ensure the confidentiality of information about Russian citizens. The very word "confidentiality" in our country is highly discredited and the faith of our compatriots in the ability of the state to ensure the safety of personal information is small. People with disabilities are one of the most unprotected categories that need to ensure their own security, including information.

In addition, when creating a unified information system, it is imperative to take into account the fact that a significant part of the disabled are physically unable to use “personal accounts” or simply do not have access to the Internet, and, therefore, it should be possible to receive all necessary services and access to social programs without obligatory direct use by them of an electronic resource.

Officials are already warning that as a result of the creation of a unified register, the number of disabled people in the Russian Federation may change dramatically, since the existing databases currently overlap and duplicate each other. In addition, it has recently become fashionable in the government environment to explain the growth in the number of disabled people by the massive nature of unreasonable decisions to grant disability.

Apparently, as a result of this, in 2016 the procedure for determining disability was changed, both for the adult population and for children. The ideas about who is considered a disabled person and what evaluation criteria to apply for this have been revised, while the functions of experts are performed by specialists in medical and social expertise (MSE), their commission should include only one doctor, for whose specialty there are no special requirements. That is, it is assumed that a person with a medical education can be fully competent in all possible nosological forms.

This is how the head of the Interregional Center for Independent Medical and Social Expertise, Doctor of Medical Sciences, characterizes the current ITU system. Danilova S.G.: “The level is really low. There are few professionals: the leaders are weak, sometimes it is embarrassing to listen to them - they do not know the regulations, they are poorly versed in the legislation, and the experts in the regions lack the knowledge and competencies to understand and execute the orders of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. This is sad because the ITU system is an absolute monopoly. Her decisions are undeniable.".

As a result of the introduction of new criteria, the disability statistics will, of course, improve, significant budget funds allocated earlier to support the disabled will be saved, but social discontent will increase, since in an already difficult economic and political situation, the least protected part of society may lose state benefits and subsidies.

Following the changes in the system for assessing the state of health and the procedure for assigning disability, a flurry of complaints from people with disabilities who lost this status this year has already followed. The changes naturally affected not only adult citizens, but also children. For them, disability is an opportunity to be treated free of charge in specialized clinics, receive medicines, allowances, set the necessary school schedule, and purchase special equipment. It is also terrible that parents, who have made incredible efforts to improve the health of their children, as a result of the reform, are denied recognition of their children as disabled. Consequently, they are deprived of the state assistance necessary to maintain and consolidate their successes, which threatens their children with new relapses.

The number of disabled children receiving social pensions in our country remains consistently high. Moreover, a sharp escalation of childhood disability occurred at the end of the 20th century - if in the 1990s in the RSFSR 155 thousand children with disabilities were registered with the social protection authorities, then just ten years later the figure increased by 4.4 times, reaching a value of 675 thousand. (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Number of disabled children under the age of 18 receiving social pensions (based on Rosstat data)

The dynamics of childhood disability is affected not only by purely medical factors, but also, for example, by military conflicts (according to the UN, for every child killed during hostilities, there are three remaining disabled), dietary habits, the level of toxic addictions of parents (in 60–80% cases, disability of children is due to perinatal pathology and is associated with parental deviations).

The following causes of disability have seen the greatest growth over the past eight years: diseases of the endocrine system, eating and metabolic disorders, mental and behavioral disorders, diseases of the nervous system and neoplasms. In the etiology of almost all of these diseases, an important role is assigned to psycho-emotional trauma and stress. During the post-Soviet period, the indicators of primary childhood and adolescent morbidity increased by more than one and a half times (Fig. 4). Of course, not all diseases lead to disability, but these data illustrate the general trend towards a deterioration in the health status of the Russian population.

Rice. 4. Primary morbidity in children aged 0 to 14 per 100,000 children (based on Rosstat data)

The country's disability continues to grow, the healthcare system and the medical and social expertise are being reformed, the criteria for assessing the state of health are changing. One thing is certain. The status of the disabled is one of the most accurate criteria for the degree of civilization of the state and the level of the moral state of society. At this stage of Russia's development, the efforts made practically do not bring positive results, and behind every figure that appears or disappears in the statistical reports, there are physical and psychological torments of a particular person.


World Health Organization and World Bank. World Report on Disability.