I had a bad dream in the morning. Early morning

Shows that your undertaking has a successful, long day ahead.

While the period of the second half of the day, and even more so twilight, they talk about limited opportunities, incomplete fulfillment of the plan.

Darkness, night is generally an unfavorable symbol.

May portend illness, the collapse of plans.

Dream Interpretation from the Dream Interpretation Tutorial

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Dream Interpretation - Common Dreams

There are two kinds of dreams that fall under this category; joint and congruent. In each case, two or more people dream of similar characters and actions. The difference between them lies in the way in which these dreams are dreamed. At joint dreams dreamers intentionally develop in themselves the desire to experience common sleep through incubation. In contrast, with coinciding dreams, dreamers going to sleep had no idea that their dreams would be similar.

The shared experience of a dream is an intentional act aimed at influencing its content. Such training allows dreamers to create psychic meeting places for developing SUBCONSCIOUS knowledge about each other. This can contribute to the discovery of new facets in relationships (from ordinary to sensual).

It is quite interesting to get together with your friends (friend) in a joint dream and compare impressions. The best way to do this is to write down everything that you dreamed about, and then exchange sketches.

Coinciding dreams are often discovered by accident. You can, giving vivid details, tell a friend about your dream when she suddenly discovers that she had exactly the same dream. This is truly a rare and mysterious case!

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation morning

It is believed that seeing the morning time in a dream is positive. Positive changes that will not keep you waiting will affect literally all areas of the life of a sleeping person.

Answering what the morning is dreaming of, dream books say that a real feeling, love will come into the life of a sleeping person, he will gain material well-being health never ceases to please.

Basics of Interpretation

Had a cloudy start to the day

Often a dream indicates that a sleeping person is completely satisfied with everything that happens in his life, he does not strive for change. To understand what the coming days will be filled with, you should indicate which morning you dreamed about.

Gustav Miller's opinion

The psychologist in his interpreter considered what the morning was dreaming of. To make a correct prediction, the dreamer only needs to indicate how the morning was, clear or cloudy.

clear weather

According to this dream nickname, a morning with clear weather, when there is not a cloud in the sky, promises the dreamer the acquisition of material well-being.

Enjoying the dawn means that all the things you start will be successful. During this period, you are completely satisfied with your life.

Mainly cloudy

Enjoy the dawn in a dream

If the weather is cloudy, the morning turned out to be gray, then the dreamer will be constantly busy with business and minor chores, having no time for a break.

They saw absolutely nothing in the predawn darkness - you will be disappointed in something at the very last moment. Failure will befall you when you think that success is already in your pocket.

Gender of the dreamer

What a sleeping person will expect on the day after a night vision will depend on who had this dream. What the morning dreams of, according to the interpreters of dreams, depends precisely on this factor:

The meaning of the beginning of the day in women's dreams

  • dreamer man - the day after the vision will be successful in every sense, the ancient Mayans said that in order to strengthen the positive in real life, a man should present a small gift to the first female person he meets;
  • the dreamer is a woman - a certain person will try to annoy you so that this does not happen, dream books advise you to pour coffee beans with oil and hide until the evening, and then pour it into the toilet.


Dreamed of morning rain

If you see a rainy morning in a dream, then a gross interference will be made in your plans. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will not be able to do anything.

This will pretty much spoil your mood and make you stagnate in one place.

Snow, frost in the early morning - it is possible that you will have to move from your native country. These changes will be dictated by necessity, no matter what you will not be able to influence the circumstances.

To see the morning dew is a favorable combination of circumstances.

Why dream of a morning too bright and sunny? You will become a darling of fate, do not miss a happy opportunity.

Do not hurry

When in night vision you see how morning smoothly turns into day, the dream book advises you not to rush. Now for you the best option will take a wait-and-see attitude.

Soon everything will work out in the best way, you just have to take your time, do not act in haste, do not panic.

There is certain days, dreams in which come true. If you dreamed unusual dream, then we recommend to find out if it will come true or not? To do this, we propose to get acquainted with the calendar of prophetic dreams.

Days of the week when dreams come true

  • Sleep from Monday to Tuesday- dreaming empty dreams. Do not betray the meaning of what you see.
  • Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday- on this night, dreams tend to come true, only, as a rule, a little in the wrong interpretation. If you see a person in a dream, then very soon you will see him in reality, or you will receive news about him.
  • Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday- dreams that do not come true.
  • Thursday to Friday- dreaming prophetic dreams. But the execution of what you see in reality can take up to three years.
  • Friday to Saturday- the dream does not come true.
  • Saturday to Sunday clears up before noon.
  • Sunday to Monday often shows our fears and doubts.

Time of day and dreams

The meaning of sleep also depends on the time of day when you dreamed of something.

  • Sleep during the day, as a rule, is empty.
  • Evening and night sleep can come true if the vision was clear and symbolic.
  • Sleep in the morning is the surest. Morning dreams come true most often.

Signs and dreams

If you believe folk omens then dreams in big church holidays are prophetic. It is most likely that the dream will come true if it was seen in next days:

  1. During the holidays.
  2. During the first week of Great Lent.
  3. On the night of Ascension.
  4. On the night of Trinity.
  5. On the night of Christmas.
  6. From August 1 to 2 - before the day of Elijah the Prophet.
  7. On the night of the Dormition. (August 28).
  8. On the night of the Day of the Archangel Michael (September 19)
  9. On the night of Epiphany (January 19).
  10. It is also believed that a prophetic dream can occur on the third of every month.

It should be noted that a dream can come true regardless of the day of the week, time of day and lunar day. There is such a category of dreams - dreams-visions. They tend to repeat themselves, remind of something or show stories of the past. Such dreams should be listened to regardless of when they were seen. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.03.2015 09:52

Love will suddenly come when you do not expect it at all ... This line from the song is not relevant at all. ...

People are often afraid of dreams in which they see the dead. Many people think that the dead dream of trouble, ...

Many people think about what to do if a dream had a dream on Wednesday morning, whether it will come true. In general, is all this true, or unfounded prejudices. In fact, you need to take into account all the factors of what exactly you dream about and at what time of the day it happens.

In general, it is believed that a dream on Wednesday morning will not come true, since this dream falls on the period from Tuesday to Wednesday. At this time, mostly empty dreams do not portend anything. Although there are exceptions to the rules, only dreams that portend bad events do not come true, but if a dream promises happy changes, then it may well come true in the life of the sleeping person, you just need to believe in it. For example, if you dreamed of crying, quarreling with your loved one, fighting, then you should not be upset.

These are the so-called shifter dreams, which should be interpreted the other way around (especially if they dream on Wednesday morning), crying - for fun, a quarrel - for reconciliation, a fight - for a wonderful relationship. Bad sign to see yourself laughing or dancing in a dream, but if a dream occurs from Tuesday to Wednesday, then it loses its power and is considered untrue.

Therefore, do not turn special attention for such dreams. In addition, if in the morning a person hardly tries to remember what exactly he dreamed about, and cannot, or remembers only small and obscure fragments, then such a dream should not be tried to interpret at all, it is definitely empty. If the events in a dream repeat what happened to the sleeping person recently, then such a dream cannot be considered prophetic, these are just impressions.

It is interesting to know that in order to correctly solve a dream, not only knowledge is needed, but also psychic abilities. Even prophetic dreams are often unraveled only after the events that they foreshadowed. Therefore, it is not necessary to try to penetrate into the unknown on your own. It's interesting to know that folk wisdom considers dreams on the night of Wednesday to Thursday as prophetic. But there is no definitive evidence for this. In addition, dream books pay more attention to the dream itself, and not to the time when it was dreamed.

Sleep on Wednesday afternoon is rarely prophetic. At this time, a person relaxes, or falls asleep from fatigue, therefore daytime dreams quite strong and often pass completely without dreams. Also, daytime dreams do not have this mystical meaning, as night, in most cases, they can be considered empty. Although there are exceptions, this is the so-called nap, when a person seems to fall into a dream, and does not understand that he has fallen asleep. At the same time, they try to warn him of an imminent trouble.

Such dreams are often seen by mothers at the moment when misfortunes happen to their children. Moreover, it may not be a dream itself, but only a voice or a cry for help. If a subtle dream is accompanied by vague and obscure events, then this is due to fatigue and you should not focus on this. But dreams on Wednesday evening are a completely different matter. As everyone knows, dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are considered prophetic.

But if a person takes a nap in the early evening, at about five or six o'clock, then such a dream does not have such strength as a night one. Although it has more likely come true than daytime. But one should not think that all dreams from Wednesday to Thursday will certainly come true, this is not at all the case. There are only such dreams that a person lives, as if in reality, remembers everything that he dreamed of in the smallest detail. Only in this case, the dream can be prophetic.

It is important to remember that it is unacceptable to fall into mysticism, and try to interpret any dream you have, frantically remembering in the morning what exactly you dreamed about and what it would be for. Such behavior will inevitably lead to mental disorder.

The interpretation of dreams depends on many factors, including the time at which the dream occurred. But recognize all the subtleties ordinary person is simply not feasible. Therefore, you can fantasize anything for yourself, it is in vain to wait for bad events that will never happen.

The interpretation of dreams is influenced not only by the symbols seen, but also by the days of the week. The day of the week can enhance the meaning of a dream, change it, or cancel it altogether. Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday are prophetic and carry a very serious semantic load for the sleeper.

The dreams seen on this day must be taken seriously. By correctly interpreting and taking measures to eliminate the consequences of a dream, you can avoid troubles or enhance their positive effect.

Why dream from Tuesday to Wednesday

The night from Tuesday to Wednesday is for those who sleep under the auspices of Mercury. This planet contributes not only to the variety of dreams, but also to their significance.

On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, you can see many bright, short episodes that will change like in a kaleidoscope with amazing speed. Not all of them will be remembered, but those that remain in memory are worthy of your attention and correct interpretation.

  • These dreams are deeply personal in nature and mainly concern the sleeping person. Everything that you dream reveals the essence of your character, spiritual qualities, relationships with relatives and friends.
  • Such a dream can warn of incorrect behavior towards the person you saw in a dream, or vice versa, it will confirm the correctness of your actions and the relationships you have built.
  • If you dreamed that a friend or close person, gives you a valuable present, this means that this person treat you with all sincerity, kindness and friendliness.
  • But when you dream of a quarrel with such a person, this sign signals that your behavior is absolutely wrong and you urgently need to reconsider your position.

What does sleep mean from Tuesday to Wednesday

  • Vivid and extraordinary dreams mean that you are a very sociable person who can adapt to any situation, has many close and not very contacts, can easily join any team. Moreover, the brighter the episode you dreamed about, the brighter these qualities are in you.
  • Boring, gray, dull dreams that leave an aftertaste of hopelessness, longing, may mean that a person does not have enough communication from loved ones and others. Such a dream has the meaning of uncertainty in the people around him, a person worries that no one will help him, if he gets into trouble, he will not support him in difficult times.
  • The meaning of sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is interpreted almost directly, if after waking up there are joyful, positive feelings, this means that life will soon change for the better, filled with emotional experiences of a positive charge.

Usually dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday mean upcoming changes for the worse or better side.

Do dreams come true from Tuesday to Wednesday?

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday come true incredibly accurately, but rather in the long term. This dream, like an oracle, portends upcoming events in the future and helps to correct the situation, or vice versa, follow the chosen path in order to achieve a good result.

The correct interpretation of the dream book and the chosen tactics for solving problems will avoid the foreshadowing.

Sleep in the morning from Tuesday to Wednesday meaning

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday in the morning is considered the most prophetic of the whole week.

  • Love is dreaming - your other half is in trouble, something is wrong with her either with work or with finances.
  • I dreamed of fun - you need to diversify your family life, bring something new, alive to it.
  • If a man dreams that he is quarreling or crying - be careful, you have made a dangerous enemy who is eager to ruin your life.
  • Dreaming of work means that you have lost interest in the duties you perform.
  • For women and men, a quarrel with senior management may mean that it is time for you to move to another place, you have outgrown the position in which you are.
  • In the case when you received praise or a salary increase, this is an excellent sign that has a direct meaning about the promotion and salary, but often the dream does not come true soon.

What to do if you had a bad dream from Tuesday to Wednesday

If you dreamed of a bad sign, and you want to avoid its consequences, you must perform one of the proposed rituals:

  1. When you wake up, turn your pillowcase inside out and sleep on it for a few days.
  2. After waking up, look out the window or at the fire.
  3. Forget everything as soon as possible.

Some people repeat conspiracies so that nothing from what they dreamed comes true, someone hangs a dream catcher in the bedroom, and someone tries, on the contrary, to ridicule and tell it to everyone so that the bad is passed by.

Dreams often visit us at night. Dreams are bright for events or, on the contrary, rather boring, incomprehensible, nightmares and dreams of our dreams that we would like to experience in reality. Every night, according to astrologers, has its own meaning for a person and has its own interpretation of sleep. For example, sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday, from Friday to Saturday, etc.

You have probably noticed deja vu often. For example, has it ever happened to you: you are in the company of friends, relatives, family, word for word, and you understand that this has already happened? It must have happened before, only in a dream. It is believed that a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday is a predictor of the future. Yes Yes exactly. Your dream can be repeated in reality in 6-10 years, but if you do not strive to radically change your life during this period and do not make risky changes and turns in your destiny, it will certainly come true. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday can also help you change something or warn you. Let's give an example: if you dreamed that you typed excess weight, it is recommended to reconsider your diet and way of eating, start playing sports or something else. Such dreams are signs of the stars, signs from above that give you a chance to change something.

Also of great importance are the emotions with which you woke up. If you met the morning with pleasant warmth in your soul, with a good, cheerful mood, then this dream will bring you only pleasant events, changes, and actions. If in the morning you woke up with a spoiled mood, an experience, or inspired by sadness from a dream you saw, you should probably think about it, reconsider, or even help change the next event.

So, dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday come true, and, most likely, always. You don’t remember what you dreamed 10 years ago, we don’t always remember even the dreams of the last month. We do not even try to remind ourselves of the dream of a hundred years ago. Only deep in memory we save the moments that we remember so unexpectedly for ourselves.

We can safely say that sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is our assistant. You will be able to think ahead or plan correctly possible situations which may catch you in the future. You may be able to change something long before your dream comes true according to the situation modeled in it.

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday will help you in your life. After all, it is not just that we have been given such, one might say, a gift - the vision of a dream. For something it was so conceived even at the creation of man. Everything is interconnected. Something has to be made for something. Like a mosaic, our world of small particles is a whole picture of life, evolution, existence. Our four parts of I (spiritual, moral, physical, mental), our relationships, etc. Everything is closely connected with each other, complementing each other. So our dreams are connected with our subconscious, our subconscious with reality, etc. Listen to the advice of astrologers, dream books, your subconscious. If we are given a chance to improve our lives, we should not push it away. Do not sit still and rely on the course of your life. Listen to your dreams, let them come true even after ten years. Do not miss the signs of your life, they will definitely come in handy.

We often have dreams in which important events take place. Some of the dreams are filled with rainbow pictures, others cause fear for their future fate. How to determine which dream is prophetic and prophesies changes in fate? To do this, you need to take into account the day of the week. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday - what does it mean? Let's consider the details.

To understand how the energy of the day of the week affects the meaning of a dream, let's turn to astrology. The planetary patron of Tuesday is the aggressive and warlike Mars, cruel and merciless. It is on Tuesday that dark sorcerers bring deadly damage and take revenge on enemies. How can Mars affect the meaning of a dream?

Dreams on Wednesday night indicate that the dreamer will not be able to realize in his life: Mars impedes the implementation of plans or indicates existing obstacles.

Mars shows the following:

  • causes of interference in business;
  • interfering people;
  • what character traits of the dreamer interfere in life;
  • causes of financial and business failures.

Dreams for Wednesday analyze and portend more than they claim. After analyzing the dream, you can understand and correct the mistakes made, change the course of events on your own. Prophetic dreams on Wednesday can only become key points of fate, on other days they are a mirror image of current problems - they advise how best to get out of this situation.

The planetary patron of the environment is Mercury, the head of the secrets of the past. Mercury patronizes communication, communication, friendship, as well as merchants and scammers. different stripes . Bright, eventful dreams at this time bring changes in life. Inexpressive dreams suggest that you lack information and impressions.

Mercury, as the patron of friendship, often reports on friends and reveals their secrets. If the dream is remembered well, analyze the content and correct what can be corrected in relations with friends or colleagues. Dreams on Wednesday rarely portend significant changes in life, mainly they express psychological aspect . If you saw a dream consisting of a kaleidoscope of events, your social circle will soon expand - you will make new friends.

Seeing a trip in a dream, movement, movement - awaits you bright life full of events and impressions. Fly in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday- to receive useful information which will help to fix the right connections and resolve unresolved issues.

Dreams about money

Mercury patronizing merchants can bring dreams about money, trade and fraud. Visions are different:

  • large bills;
  • metallic money;
  • borrow/give money;
  • see gold bars/jewelry;
  • be on the market;
  • steal money/goods;
  • images of scammers / gypsies / crooks.

See paper money great dignity - good luck. The larger the denomination of the bills, the more profit the dreamer will receive.

See scattering of metal coins- to tears. The effort expended will not pay off, ruin is possible. Be careful in transactions, beware of scammers: you can simply be robbed.

if you give money in a dream, this is a favorable sign. Soon the dreamer will receive a reward for his labors or receive a valuable gift. Also expect friendly support in business.

Pictures of the market square and the bazaar do not bode well. Gossip awaits you behind your back, the spread of false rumors. Wander around the market and look at the stalls- measure your capabilities. If a purchase is made in a dream, remember what you purchased. This is a dream clue.

If the goods High Quality- favorable prospects await, trash on the counter - to the detriment. See a friend in the market- in front of you is deceitful insincere person don't trust him.

Gold on the shelves - to a worthy reward for the work invested. However, if the gold jewelry or ingots were broken or fake, this brings negativity into the dreamer's life.

Wallet stolen On the market? Expect trouble. If the dreamer himself stole something in a dream - to temptations, which will be extremely difficult to overcome.

Images of crooks, gypsies and swindlers in the market - in reality you are surrounded by deceitful two-faced people. Remember if you saw among them your real business partners, dear friends or lovers. If yes, then draw the appropriate conclusion.

bad dreams

What dreams for Wednesday portend bad things? These are dreams with the energy of Mars:

  • meat, blood;
  • explosions, fire;
  • steel arms;
  • rusty iron;
  • cemetery.

See raw meat- to illness. It is bad if the meat was with blood. If your health is good, expect a dirty trick and sabotage from others.

Fire may portend high temperature. Explosion - to conflicts, scandalous situations and open aggression. Beware of physical attack from aggressive people. Better not get involved in a conflict.

See edged weapons, as well as forks and sharp objects - you will become the object of someone's anger. Take care of yourself. During this period, it is better to postpone planned trips, postpone vacations, and not start new business.

Rust on iron symbolizes obstacles in business. Your idea will not be able to be realized due to all sorts of obstacles and unexpected breakdowns. Wait for a favorable moment.

Cross on the grave, graveyard landscape pose a serious threat to business or relationships with anyone. Consider that a bold point has been put - there will be no continuation.

Dreams on Wednesday night are a clue - what needs to be done, what to fix, what to fear? You should not take the pictures you see literally: the universe only warns of a possible set of circumstances.

We saw a scandal at work - change your workplace. We saw a dream about the past - do not make the same mistakes in the future. They saw dead relatives or friends - they warn you against fatal mistakes or delusions. Remember: everything can be corrected if desired.

Do not immediately forget the dream that you had on Wednesday night, because the patron given day is a multifaceted and unpredictable Mercury. It has been known since school that Mercury is the god of trade. So the dreams that occurred on this day indicate connections, attitudes and position in society, and can also reflect well-being.

What do the dreams that occurred on Wednesday night mean?

Mercury is unique not only because it is the first payment from the Sun, but also because of the slow rotation around its axis, it has a very different temperatures. Dreams that occurred on Wednesday night suggest that you need to not only be able to adapt to the situation, but also not be afraid to openly express your emotions. Basically, dreams are very quick and light, they indicate relationships in society, with relatives and friends. Be sure to try to memorize them, as they can help you understand how to communicate with others.

Mercury is responsible for the sociability of a person, so dreams under his auspices will help not only to understand relationships with others, but also in oneself.

Will the dream come true from Tuesday to Wednesday?

Dreams that were dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday may come true. But first of all, you need to remember even the smallest details of sleep and interpret it correctly. To do this, the scientist is advised to fall asleep on Tuesday no later than midnight. Ancestors advised to wash your face in the evening sacred water and put a coin under the pillow. If you remember the events in a dream, they will tell you how to improve your financial situation. Well, if the dream is faded, then for now, you can not wait for changes in well-being.

29 November 2016

They say that dreams come true in the morning. But it must be remembered that there are several varieties of dreams. And for correct decoding sleep, you need to understand what it is.

Prophetic dream dreams infrequently, but absolutely anyone can see it. Another thing is whether he understands that morning dream really prophetic? The human body is connected with the soul by an invisible thin thread. When a person sleeps, this thread gradually unwinds.

If it is not unwound much, then the soul is next to the body. In this case, what worries, then dream. Even if you had a dream in the morning, there will be nothing prophetic or prophetic here.

And it happens that the thread unwinds so much that the soul flies to the other world. In such cases, prophetic dreams are dreamed in the morning. But it must be remembered that in that world there is a language that still needs to be deciphered. What the soul sees there is transformed into images familiar to it. It happens that fate itself comes to a person. The most important thing is not to be deceived by mistaking a false morning dream for a prophetic one. Prophetic dreams tend to come true in up to ten years.

Dreams - divination. If before going to bed a person thought of something, uttered certain words, then he should see the corresponding plot. Do dreams come true in the morning if you thought of something the day before? Basically, yes.

Dreams - reference. In such a plot, a person can see the Saints (the Mother of God or Jesus Christ), the dead, the living, who are far away. Such dreams in the morning always tell about something important and require the first decoding.

Dreams - signs. These are dreams that never directly come true: to understand them, you need to know the traditional symbols.

Empty dreams or "bodily" never come true. What worries you the most is dreaming: memories, anxieties, deeds. Nightmares are also empty dreams, so there is no need to wait for something bad.

If you had a dream in the morning: breakdown by day of the week

Sleep on a Monday morning. High probability that it will come true. For those who were born on this day, it will come true for sure.

Sleep on a Tuesday morning. It usually clears up within ten days. If it has not been fulfilled on the last day, then it will never be fulfilled.

Dream Wednesday morning. Such stories come true in whole or in part.

Dream Thursday morning. Usually on this day, empty, meaningless stories are dreamed of.

Dream Friday morning. predictive dreams. Love dreams on Friday morning completely come true.

Sleep on a Saturday morning. Comes true completely, regardless of the theme and plot.

Sleep on a Sunday morning. Dreams of rest, entertainment and good deeds come true completely, the rest are realized only partially. If a dream occurred on Sunday morning, it will come true either before lunchtime on the same day, or in a year.

As for morning dreams, there are several signs here:

First of all, only those dreams that you remember come true!

Plots that a person sees while lying on his right side usually come true.

Daytime dreams are always empty and usually heavy except for visions. Evening and night dreams are often bodily. If you are wondering what it means if you had a dream in the morning, you should know that such stories are the most important, because the soul has already forgotten the day's sorrows.

If you have a desire to make your morning dream come true, it is better to hide it from everyone or not talk about it for at least three days.

So that the dream does not come true, you need to take yourself by the crown, whisper into the water, look at the fire, look out the window and knock on it three times.

If you dreamed in the morning horrible dream, and you do not want it to come true, you need to turn the pillowcase and linen inside out.

To prevent a bad dream from coming true, it is necessary to tell him as much as possible before dinner more acquaintances.

It is undesirable to look into the water and in the mirror before going to bed, so that you do not dream bad things.

Dreams that occur in the morning are ideal in terms of clarity of perception, increased awareness and good memory. During sleep, each person, without exception, goes through several stages. There are five of them: from the phase of slow sleep to fast sleep. slow phase Also called "prosleep".

Ordinary inhabitants accidentally fall into the REM phase of sleep most often in morning hours. They wake up clearly remembering the dream in every detail, with fresh, exciting heart or soul, or maybe all together, emotions. Then they dive into the Internet, with the request “if you had a dream in the morning”, what does this mean?

This means that you not only had a dream (dreams are dreamed every night, and more than once), but you, lo and behold! He was remembered. This is good. If the dream was pleasant, then your inner intuition tells you that in the future, at least in the near future, everything will turn out well for you. Remember, the mood in the dream, the atmosphere, your own feelings are the best indicator, even if you do not yet know how to decipher your own dreams. Although - this is a big omission on your part.

Dreams are messages from your subconscious. To receive information from such a source and not be able to use it is blasphemy in relation to oneself.

If you had a nightmare, horror or a bad dream, this is unpleasant, as it disturbs the soul, causes a bad feeling and prophesies bad changes. In this case, you still need to figure it out: was your psyche cleared of accumulated negativity, or were you still able to “peep” into the future? Events that have not taken place in reality can still be canceled or corrected before they occur. First, the matrix of events is born on more subtle plans, and then its projection form the basis of reality. That is why dreams are the best predictors. And if you are endowed with the ability to see them, you do not need prophets and fortune-tellers, you can see everything yourself!

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