What is a day dream for. I had a dream during the day, what does it mean? When dreams come true according to the lunar calendar

Look into the future. know your fate - these questions are of interest to every person. On Christmas week, you can make a prophetic dream that will reveal the secrets of fate and tell you the right direction in life. There are also special rituals for guessing a prophetic dream. However prophetic dreams can come without rituals. When do you have prophetic dreams on the days of the week? Let's consider this question.

Do prophetic dreams always come true, and how to determine the nature of sleep? It is believed that during a night's rest, the soul can fly away to the other world, and after waking up, return. It is at these moments that a person sees dreams. If the soul has not flown far from the body, the usual plots associated with daytime problems are dreamed. If the soul has flown away, a prophetic dream comes.

Scientists can neither confirm nor refute this statement. Dreams are dealt with by psychologists, but the research results are more like guesswork. Esotericists do not engage in conjectures, but simply interpret the plots they see according to the images that came in a dream.

True and false visions

Prophetic dreams are true and false. A true dream is always filled with a special meaning, pictures come bright and memorable.. Such a vision is not forgotten for many years and is fulfilled exactly. It is characteristic that a true prophetic vision cannot be “drained into the water” or somehow prevented: the dream will come true exactly.

False visions are always confusing, devoid of meaning and specificity.. Usually these dreams are frightening, so after waking up, you just need to talk about what you saw flowing water. The ritual is simple to perform: you need to open the faucet in the bathroom and tell the stream of water about everything, then ask the water to take the words with you.

When prophetic dreams come

Often such visions happen during holy week when the border between the worlds becomes thin. On these days, deceased relatives can come to sleep to predict events in life.

A prophetic dream may occur for any religious holiday . By folk beliefs"holiday dreams" always come true before noon. Prophetic dreams come and on the third day of any month. Dreams are also prophetic on Friday night- they come true.

Friday dreams

Dreams on Friday night are marked by a special meaning. There are 12 Good Fridays a year that bring dreams from heaven:

  1. during the first week of Great Lent;
  2. before the Annunciation;
  3. on the eve of Palm Sunday;
  4. on the eve of the Ascension;
  5. on the eve of Trinity week;
  6. before the birth of John the Baptist;
  7. on the eve of Elijah the prophet;
  8. before the Assumption of the Virgin;
  9. before the Archangel Michael;
  10. before the day of Cosmas and Demian;
  11. on Christmas Eve;
  12. before Epiphany.

Each of these name Fridays carries a special grace. Dreams these days come from heaven.

Days of the week and time of day

Prophetic dreams can also appear in certain days weeks - this was noticed by our ancient ancestors.

  1. on Monday dreams are empty;
  2. empty dreams come on Tuesday;
  3. on Wednesday, dreams can come true;
  4. empty dreams come on Thursday;
  5. prophetic dreams on Friday;
  6. on Saturday - dreams do not come true;
  7. on Sunday - can come true before noon.

Monday is ruled by the moon whose influence is deceptive and illusory. These dreams should not be taken seriously. However, it is on Monday that you can spend special rite to a prophetic dream by asking a question of interest.

Tuesday is ruled by Mars. On this day, you can get a hint to change your fate.

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. At this time, disturbing dreams may come that call for control. emotional sphere: This is what you lack in life.

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. At this time, you can attach importance to dreams associated with professional activity. The rest of the dreams are considered empty.

Friday is ruled by Venus. At this time, prophetic dreams come about fate and personal relationships. On Friday night, you can see a prediction about a wedding or a loved one.

Saturday is ruled by Saturn. This harsh planet is associated with fatal signs of fate. Dreams do not exactly come true, but they can give a hint - what to expect in the future, good or bad?

Sunday is ruled by the Sun. If at this time an alarming plot is dreaming, take it as a warning against unwanted actions.

Times of Day

The time of day at which the dream is dreaming is important. Usually daytime dreams do not mean anything: they reflect the vanity of the mind and everyday worries.

Evening sleep , like the midnight one, can also be empty. At this time, the soul did not have time to get into the other worlds.

The correct meaning is dream in the morning. It is at this time that we see prophetic dreams.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary one

This question worries many dreamers. How, on what grounds can this be done? It is important to understand that a prophetic dream can come on any day of the week the day before. fateful event. These are dreams-messages that do not depend on the time of day and day of the week. You can distinguish this vision from simple dreams:

  • the dream will be vivid and memorable, will cause strong emotions;
  • vision picture will have a clear storyline with a beginning and an end;
  • the dream will bring specific information in the form of numbers, written or spoken words;
  • sleep will be short, not tediously endless.

The dream will be so vivid and memorable that you will not be able to forget it for a long time.

How to interpret a prophetic dream

Images from a prophetic dream may correspond to images from the interpretation of dream books. For example, a rat would represent an enemy, and bat and the spider is an unkind prediction.

If you did not find an explanation for the plot you saw in the interpreter, rely on your intuition. The decisive factor in deciphering the dream will be your inner feeling: As a rule, it does not fail.

Another criterion for true vision will be the correspondence of what is seen to reality. If in a dream you are running away from an unknown monster, while wings and a tail suddenly grow in you, feel free to classify the dream as fantasy. In prophetic visions, real, not fictional images come.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

it is a deliverance from worries and sorrows, which also indicates the appearance of an argument and an argument. In general, a day can have many interpretations, depending on what kind of day it is: clear, sunny, gloomy or full of surprises; the day can be to meet a Muslim, divorce, hypocrisy, fluctuation in the prices of goods, salvation, prolongation of life, and can also mean existence.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation - Sleep, sleep

It often happens that we dream that we are dreaming. But this, in fact, is the real state of the body when we dream of something.

However, in a dream, sleeping and resting do not always mean the same thing.

The state of sleep is one of the most vulnerable states of the body. At this time, we are defenseless against worries: the ability to protect oneself is limited, not to mention the inability to take care of others.

Dreams of this kind tend to evoke either a feeling of relief and peace, or a feeling of violence.

Important elements interpretations of such a dream are answers to questions about how you wake up and who wakes you up.

Interpretation of dreams from

It is believed that the interpretation of dreams is a special area of ​​\u200b\u200bpredictions based on certain observations. And the dream that is dreamed on Thursday morning may differ from the dream that a person sees on Thursday, but in the afternoon, according to the degree of "fulfillment".

This fully applies to the dreams that occurred on Thursday throughout the day. It is believed that a dream on Thursday morning will come true, without any doubt. Daytime sleep will come true, but not as soon as we would like, although completely. Evening sleep must necessarily find its embodiment in later life.

With night dreams, everything is also not so simple. Dreams that occurred on the night before Thursday are considered by the compilers of dream books to be empty or bodily. These are dreams about a person's past, and they have nothing to do with his future. But those dreams that managed to come before midnight before Friday are most directly related to the future. It is believed that the period of their "marketability" is three years.

There are interpretations according to which daytime dreams are also categorized as empty. According to some dream books, evening and night dreams are considered exactly the same, from the past, because, they say, at this time the soul is just beginning its journey outside the body. But morning dreams according to these predictions - the most true!

In general, Thursday, among other days of the week, is considered not particularly significant. Some dream books refer to dreams that come on this day as having no chance of coming true. According to this method, it doesn’t matter if you had a dream on Thursday afternoon or it happened in the evening: anyway, they say, he was not destined to come true!

Interestingly, night dreams between Wednesday and Thursday are also considered to be dreams that come true, but very rarely. More likely to come true are those of them (moreover, successful, predicting excellent prospects) that relate to careers and business, as they are under the “patronage” of Jupiter. It is interesting that a lot in the dreams that came on the night before Thursday depends on the "extras".

If present in a dream a large number of people, it means that success in the professional field is guaranteed! And if there are few people, then business is not particularly important at this stage of life, there is no need to wait for victories here, and part of the effort may be worth transferring to a family or loved one.

It is a completely different matter if a dream came to a person at night between Thursday and Friday, but, of course, only before midnight. Interpreters advise memorizing such a dream in the most subtle details. After all, it is precisely such dreams that Venus rules over that can come true for sure. As a rule, these are dreams full of feelings, emotions and desires. pleasant dream associated with the acquisition of the object of desire, one hundred percent comes true. But the loss, and even in black and white perception, promises not the most better times in the dreamer's life.

As a rule, the dreams that Thursday night brings with them are of a pronounced social nature. This may be due to both career and position in society in general. What they just don’t have: the production team, sponsors, business partners, mentors, working activity. Apparently lets know the turn working week for the weekend, and the subconscious mind begins to "let off steam" in the form of such "industrial" dreams.

As for the time of day, individual dream books give the following scheme: a dream on Thursday afternoon has no chance of coming true, a dream from 8 pm to midnight will come true, but not as soon as we would like, a dream from midnight to three in the morning has the period of "marketability" is up to three months, sleep from three in the morning until the dawn of a new day is the surest!

Having seen a dream on Thursday, it is important to understand that, as a rule, it concerns only a career. Well, if the ancestors appeared in a dream, it means that their work will be continued by the dreamer. It is said that one day a young man saw his grandmother in a dream. She brought him to some workshop and explained something for a long time. A year later, this young man, suddenly for himself, entered a university that he was not going to enter and became a tailor - just like his grandmother, as it turned out later.

In conclusion, attention should be paid to the pace of dream vision. If all the events in a dream occur quickly, then this means that the dreamer has a lot of rational ideas. And, apparently, all of them should soon be realized. Boredom and monotony of sleep speak of little career prospects.

Many people think about what to do if a dream had a dream on Wednesday morning, whether it will come true. In general, is all this true, or unfounded prejudices. In fact, you need to take into account all the factors of what exactly you dream about and at what time of the day it happens.

In general, it is believed that a dream on Wednesday morning will not come true, since this dream falls on the period from Tuesday to Wednesday. At this time, mostly empty dreams do not portend anything. Although there are exceptions to the rules, only dreams that portend bad events do not come true, but if a dream promises happy changes, then it may well come true in the life of the sleeping person, you just need to believe in it. For example, if you dreamed of crying, quarreling with your loved one, fighting, then you should not be upset.

These are the so-called shifter dreams, which should be interpreted the other way around (especially if they dream on Wednesday morning), crying - for fun, a quarrel - for reconciliation, a fight - for a wonderful relationship. Bad sign to see yourself laughing or dancing in a dream, but if a dream occurs from Tuesday to Wednesday, then it loses its power and is considered untrue.

Therefore, do not turn special attention for such dreams. In addition, if in the morning a person hardly tries to remember what exactly he dreamed about, and cannot, or remembers only small and obscure fragments, then such a dream should not be tried to interpret at all, it is definitely empty. If the events in a dream repeat what happened to the sleeping person recently, then such a dream cannot be considered prophetic, these are just impressions.

It is interesting to know that in order to correctly solve a dream, not only knowledge is needed, but also psychic abilities. Even prophetic dreams are often unraveled only after the events that they foreshadowed. Therefore, it is not necessary to try to penetrate into the unknown on your own. It's interesting to know that folk wisdom considers dreams on the night of Wednesday to Thursday as prophetic. But there is no definitive evidence for this. In addition, dream books pay more attention to the dream itself, and not to the time when it was dreamed.

Sleep on Wednesday afternoon is rarely prophetic. At this time, a person relaxes, or falls asleep from fatigue, so daytime dreams are quite strong and often pass completely without dreams. Also, daytime dreams do not have this mystical meaning, as night, in most cases, they can be considered empty. Although there are exceptions, this is the so-called nap, when a person seems to fall into a dream, and does not understand that he has fallen asleep. At the same time, they try to warn him of an imminent trouble.

Such dreams are often seen by mothers at the moment when misfortunes happen to their children. Moreover, it may not be a dream itself, but only a voice or a cry for help. If a subtle dream is accompanied by vague and obscure events, then this is due to fatigue and you should not focus on this. But dreams on Wednesday evening are a completely different matter. As everyone knows, dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are considered prophetic.

But if a person takes a nap in the early evening, at about five or six o'clock, then such a dream does not have such strength as a night one. Although it has more likely come true than daytime. But one should not think that all dreams from Wednesday to Thursday will certainly come true, this is not at all the case. There are only such dreams that a person lives, as if in reality, remembers everything that he dreamed of in the smallest detail. Only in this case, the dream can be prophetic.

It is important to remember that it is unacceptable to fall into mysticism, and try to interpret any dream you have, frantically remembering in the morning what exactly you dreamed about and what it would be for. Such behavior will inevitably lead to mental disorder.

The interpretation of dreams depends on many factors, including the time at which the dream occurred. But recognize all the subtleties ordinary person is simply not feasible. Therefore, you can fantasize anything for yourself, it is in vain to wait for bad events that will never happen.

Daytime rest is accompanied by dreams, often no less vivid than at night. We propose to figure out whether it is worth taking into account daytime dreams and how to interpret their meaning correctly.

Day dreams come true as often as night dreams.

Do daytime dreams come true?

All dream interpreters are sure that if dreams are dreamed during the day, they come true as often as at night. But their meaning is interpreted somewhat differently, the generally accepted meanings of symbols are not applied here. In daydreams, a person dreams of everyday problems that concern him in this period.

It clearly defines which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife this or that day vision belongs to:

  • correlated with a career or creativity.
  • On Tuesday, a dream will help you deal with everyday affairs.
  • Daydreams on Wednesdays allow you to better know your inner world and find ways to spiritual harmony.
  • Thursday's visions define relationships with colleagues.
  • On Friday, dreams are associated with the romantic sphere and material well-being.
  • Saturday dreams are most often empty, meaningless.
  • The last day of the week correlates with the Divine principle, because it was on Sunday that the miracle of the return to the life of Christ happened. Day dreams on this day are endowed sacred meaning knowing which a person will be able to be cleansed of accumulated sins.

What does a dream that occurred during the day mean?

The meaning of sleep is interpreted depending on the day of the week. Each of them has its own ruling planet:

  • Monday is a lunar day, the planet affects the emotional background of a person;
  • Tuesday is ruled by Mars, an aggressive planet with male energy;
  • Wednesday is under the auspices of Mercury;
  • Thursday is the day of Jupiter;
  • Friday is under the influence of Venus;
  • Saturday is ruled by Saturn;
  • the last day of the week Sunday is under the auspices of the Sun, the planet that determines the personal "I".

On Monday

A dream that occurred on Monday afternoon reflects the dreamer's pressing life problems and his emotional experiences. Often they contain the keys to resolving the situation, indicate obstacles to the implementation of the plan, so special attention should be paid to the little things. The meaning of the dream that occurred on Monday afternoon is determined by the emotions present in dreams.

A dream that occurred on Monday afternoon reflects the dreamer's pressing life problems and his emotional experiences.

On Tuesday

A dream on Tuesday afternoon will warn of upcoming trials. At the same time, images and situations should not be taken literally, fights or military conflicts are just images inspired by militant Mars. The meaning of dreams on Tuesday afternoon correlates with the pressing problems and energy state of the individual.

Light and cheerful daytime dreams indicate that the dreamer is overwhelmed with energy that is directed in the right direction. Such dreams indicate that the dreamer has chosen the right path and will certainly achieve what he wants. He has enough strength to reach the end.

A fantastic vision that evokes pleasant emotions symbolizes a streak of luck. It's time active action, the most daring dreams and plans will come true, you just have to be persistent.

On Wednesday

Dreams on Wednesday portend only good events, bad visions do not come true on this day. However, in the middle of the week, in the afternoon, we receive shifting dreams, which are interpreted the other way around.

  1. If you had a chance to cry in a dream, expect joyful events in the near future.
  2. In a dream, I had to dance and have fun, which means that in reality you have to seriously work.
  3. I saw an alarming event - it is time to reconsider my own life.

On Thursday

A dream on Thursday afternoon, according to esotericists, does not carry much information. Jupiter is responsible for human social connections. Therefore, the meaning of a dream on Thursday afternoon is usually correlated with professional area, education, papers, documents, business trips.

Sleep on Thursday afternoon, according to esotericists, does not carry much information

On Friday

Friday is considered a special day. Often it is during this period that we are visited by prophetic dreams. A dream that occurred on Friday afternoon literally comes true. If you dreamed of a negative event where a conflict appeared, in real life you have to be careful. A pleasant vision promises joyful events, you can begin to implement the most daring plans.

Friday visions reflect the fate of not only the dreamer himself, but also the participants in the dream. If friends or relatives have become persons involved in the daydream, it is worth conveying the information received to them. It is worth considering that Friday dreams often carry information related to doing business, investing money. Using the tips of higher powers, you can avoid serious financial losses.

Romantic dreams on a Friday afternoon deserve special attention. Feminine Venus governs love and marriage. To find out what the dream means, you need to consider the plot in detail.

On Friday you can get important information, because the patron planet activates our subconscious.

On Saturday

The seriousness of Saturn is not conducive to excessive sensitivity. It can be said that under the influence of this planet, the subconscious mind works unproductively, so many dreams that were seen on Saturday afternoon turn out to be empty.

However, vivid stories that made an impression and are well remembered should be regarded as warning. Saturn is predictable and straightforward, so Saturday dreams do not require special interpretation, they will mean exactly what they dreamed about.

Many dreams on a Saturday afternoon turn out to be empty

On Sunday

If you believe folk omens, then the dream that occurred on Sunday afternoon is fulfilled before lunch or does not come true at all. But most often daytime Sunday dreams serve as a reflection of the experiences and worries of the sleeper, without carrying any significant information.

According to the dream books, the dream that occurred on Sunday afternoon is interpreted in accordance with the lunar calendar. On the full moon, dreams are reversed, the new moon gives clues in difficult life circumstances.


Esotericists are sure that in a dream the human soul can travel to other worlds, contact the information field of the earth and draw information about the future from there. A daytime nap does not give the dreamer such an opportunity; during it, the soul remains nearby, so daytime dreams have short term incarnation.

If you had a dream on Friday afternoon, it will come true in the next ten days. In other cases, the script is executed within one or two months.

Knowing at what time they come true and how daytime dreams are interpreted, you can use such visions to improve your life. In order for the solution to the problem to come during rest, you need to focus on it before falling asleep. The main thing is that the rest proceeded in complete silence, without the TV turned on. Otherwise, the dream plot will be formed under the influence of external stimuli.