What time of day is best for conception? Best time to conceive

information If fertilization does not occur and the egg cannot strengthen in the uterus, then renewal and preparation for a new attempt to become pregnant occurs. The altered uterine lining is rejected, which leads to bleeding.

In order for fertilization to occur, you need to remember a few basic points:

  1. Accurate knowledge of your favorable and unfavorable days for conceiving a child for a woman.
  2. Sperm can remain in a woman’s genital tract for several days. Those. fertilization can occur not only, but also a little later, when the egg is released from the ovary.

Favorable days

To conceive, the egg must leave the ovary and enter the fallopian tubes. This process lasts only 1-2 days, after which the cell dies.

information Currently, there are a large number of methods that, with varying degrees of probability, can predict a favorable moment for. Two of them are mainly used: and measurement.

Calendar method

It is based on long-term (at least six months) observation. For example, if a woman’s regular cycle is 28 days, then approximately in the middle of this time the egg leaves the follicle. To determine this day, you need to add 14 to the first day of the last menstruation, taking into account 1-2 days in one direction or another.

You can also add some subjective signs: on this day, the expectant mother may feel unexpressed nagging pain in the lower abdomen, increased attraction to a man, a sharp change in mood and even slight chills with a slight increase in body temperature.

Basal temperature measurement method

The fact is that when the egg leaves the ovary, hormonal changes in the body occur. If before the onset of ovulation the temperature is within physiological limits, then after its onset, due to changes in hormonal levels, the temperature rises by 1-1.5 ° C.

Best time to conceive

This section will look at certain times of the year.


Conceiving a child in winter has the following advantages:

  • the last trimester of pregnancy will occur in late summer or early autumn, which are rich in affordable foods high in vitamins and minerals;
  • the child will spend the first months of his life without the summer heat, he will be able to walk with him in nature;
  • There will be no big problems changing your own wardrobe.

important The main disadvantage of conceiving in winter is the need for a woman to pay increased attention to her health (avoiding hypothermia and viral diseases, taking medication, etc.).


If conception occurs in the spring, then it is necessary to remember that this is the period that is poorest in terms of vitamins, most of the body’s reserves are used up in winter, and immunity is somewhat reduced. At this time, the body is at high risk of colds. The last period of pregnancy will occur in the winter - this is not only fraught with repeated infections, but also requires material costs to update your wardrobe.

To eliminate the negative aspects of this period as much as possible, it is necessary:

  • strictly observe;
  • accept ;
  • undergo periodic examinations not only by gynecologists, but also by general specialists (primarily a therapist).


Conceiving in the summer has important advantages - the body is saturated with vitamins and minerals, the woman’s reserves have time to recover from the past winter. At the same time, the birth of a child will take place in the spring, and these are sunny walks on the street, which will prevent the child from having problems with the formation of the bone skeleton (under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is formed in the baby’s body, which is responsible for the development of bones. With its deficiency, a specific disease develops - rickets).


information Autumn is considered the most optimal time of year for planning a pregnancy. The body is saturated with vitamins and is at the peak of its form.

But remember: Winter and spring are ahead, which carry high risks of colds and depletion of reserves at the end of pregnancy. Do not neglect the recommendations of doctors regarding the intake.


To conceive a child, you should not make love only in the fall in the 12-16 days of a woman. Excessive psychological burden in such situations can only play a cruel joke on expectant mothers and fathers.

In addition, with the capabilities of modern medicine and following all the recommendations of doctors, bearing a baby is possible in the vast majority of cases.

Don't put off your child for later

Young parents begin to mentally prepare for the arrival of their baby, probably already at the wedding table. Why is a family created, if not for procreation? Some even before marriage decide who they want: a boy or a girl. But what a surprise it is when no signs of pregnancy appear.

This article is for those who are waiting for pregnancy as a miracle, but for some reason it does not happen.In such cases, the young woman usually goes to the doctor. She wants to know how to get pregnant? How to calculate the best days to conceive?

To the doctor - together!

The spouse is most often invited to the antenatal clinic. You have to go there together, just as you once went to the registry office. The gynecologist, of course, will tell you how to calculate the most favorable days for conceiving a baby. But before that they will collect anamnesis ( anamnesisa set of information obtained during a medical examination by questioning the person being examined and/or people who know him. The study of anamnesis, like questioning in general, is not just a list of questions and answers to them. Psychological compatibility, which largely determines the ultimate goal - alleviation of the patient's condition, depends on the style of conversation between the doctor and the patient. ) - find out when and what both spouses were sick with. After conducting the necessary research, they will make recommendations.

Doctors believe that it takes six months to prepare for conception. Within half a year, a woman’s body must become stronger in order to bear a healthy child. The man’s body, strange as it may seem, also needs preparation.

Vitaminization comes first!

Even if the couple is healthy, the man and woman will be prescribed vitamins. And both are the same. Folic acid, vitamins A, E, C; They will prescribe zinc and selenium.

You may ask: why?

The same general strengthening drugs act on the male and female bodies differently.

  • Folic acid, which is called the “pregnancy vitamin”. In women before conception, it promotes the maturation of eggs. In men - high-quality sperm. However, the woman will take this vitamin until the end of pregnancy. A man can stop with the successful onset of conception.
  • Vitamin A in men stimulates sexual desire and improves sperm quality. An unborn child needs vitamin A for his eyes. But usually doctors do not allow exceeding its dosage.
  • “Women’s vitamin” E, which is called the vitamin of youth and beauty, takes care of the skin, bones, and nails. In men, it promotes sperm maturation.
  • Vitamin C is a good stimulant. It will protect sperm from free radicals. It is also important for women.
  • Selenium promotes the production of sperm and prolongs their lifespan, preventing them from dying prematurely.
  • Zinc also increases sperm viability. This means it is useful for men for full conception.
  • B vitamins are more often prescribed to women on the eve of conception: B6 – promotes the proper formation of the cerebral cortex in the unborn baby. The body of the expectant mother should be saturated with it. In addition, in combination with B12 and B1, it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system of the developing fetus. There should be enough of these vitamins in the body of the expectant mother even before conception.
  • Vitamin D is beneficial for both mother and child. It is necessary for the formation of healthy teeth in the baby. And to protect the teeth of a mother who is carrying a child under her heart.

When the future parents are stronger, physically and mentally prepared for the arrival of a small family member, they can begin to calculate the correct day of conception of their first child.

Methods for determining the best days to conceive

  • calendar
  • vaginal
  • ultrasonic
  • test
  • calculator
  • folk

Calendar method

The first method will probably be offered to you at the antenatal clinic. It consists of maintaining a women's calendar. But this must be done punctually, measuring the basal temperature in the rectum or vagina at the same time in the morning.

The data is carefully entered into the calendar. On normal days, the rectal temperature will be 36.6°. Immediately before ovulation it will rise to 37°. During ovulation - up to 37.2°. After a month, you can draw a curve by connecting the value points.

The next month, immediately after mensis, we again enter the measurement data into our calendar. It is advisable to continue measuring your basal temperature for three months in a row.

This will determine the length of your menstrual cycle. (Ideally it is 28 days). And calculate the days of ovulation, when the egg, having matured, enters the fallopian tube. The favorable moment for conception has arrived. As soon as your thermometer - it is advisable to use an electronic one - it is more convenient and accurate - shows 37°, it means that the favorable time for conception has come. Begin active sexual activity.

A cycle shortened to 21 days or extended to 35 days should not be considered a deviation from the norm. In the first case, ovulation, which lasts only two days, will occur on days 6-7-8. (The second half of any cycle is 14 days). Not even all gynecologists know this! And you will know. In the second - on days 20-22. And not on the 10th and 17-18th, as many mistakenly believe, assuming that for any cycle length, ovulation occurs exactly in the middle.

We should not forget that several times a year there are cycles without ovulation, when an egg is not formed.

Vaginal method

This method is quite simple. An experienced woman always feels ovulation. Vaginal discharge on such days resembles the contents of chicken protein. The mucus is just as viscous.

There are other signs too. Breasts become swollen. The ovary pulls and hurts - on the side where the egg is preparing to exit into the fallopian tube to meet the sperm. Sexual desire increases. This is how nature itself takes care of procreation.

How to determine the day of ovulation?


One of the accurate methods for determining the days of ovulation is ultrasound. A woman can always use ultrasound monitoring. It is also called folliculometry.

A highly qualified doctor uses a device to monitor the entire process of ovarian maturation, starting from the 8-10th day of the menstrual cycle, or immediately after menstruation, every two days. Until the follicle reaches 1.8-2.4 cm during ovulation. But the maturation of the follicle does not guarantee pregnancy, since it may not rupture, but continue to grow until it forms a cyst. Normally, a ruptured follicle is indicated by the presence of fluid from the ruptured follicle in the back of the uterus and an increase in progesterone and the formation of the corpus luteum.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

After observing a woman for two to three months, the doctor can name the exact days of ovulation, guided by characteristic signs on an ultrasound machine. Maybe he can determine the reasons for its absence during the anovulatory cycle.

Using the test

A test method can be recommended. You can buy test strips, similar to the strips used to determine pregnancy, at the pharmacy. Just like pregnancy strips, they are dipped into urine. Their color will depend on the estrogen content in the body.

You need to monitor this for exactly a week. On anovulatory days, one stripe will change color. The day before ovulation, both stripes will take on the same bright color. This means that the next day you can begin to create the miracle of another small life. He's the best!

This is the method that women like to use most. It is simpler than the basal temperature method and more accurate.


Not everyone knows that there is a modern method for determining ovulation using a special calculator. This can be done on the website http://mypreg.ru/index.php?mod=calczachatiya

You can try it. For an accurate determination, you only need to enter the date of the last menstruation, the duration of the monthly cycle and the calculation period. The calculator will do the rest for you.

Suppose young parents have planned to conceive a child in the near future. A woman has a 24-day cycle. My last period was on October 1st. We take 3 billing periods: October, November and December.

The calculator produces the following results:

Best days to conceive: from October 9 to 17, from November 2 to 10, from November 26 to December 4.

As you can see, there are as many as 14 favorable days in November, use them to conceive.

Folk method

This ancient method of determining the most favorable days for conceiving your own child is very simple. The duration of the female cycle is taken and divided exactly in half. For example, a woman has a classic cycle of 28 days. We divide it in half. And we add and subtract one day at a time. This means that the best days for lovemaking will be from the 13th to the 15th.

Sometimes they take into account the lunar cycle, which is important in a woman’s life. It is believed that one should not conceive a child either on the new moon, or on the full moon, or in the last third of the lunar cycle, on the waning moon. The waxing moon is better suited for this.

Girl or boy?

While expecting a child, families wonder who will be born, a girl or a boy. Grandmothers are trying to determine this by certain signs. If the belly is cone forward: it means it will be a boy. If your belly is round and your hips are fuller, then you should be expecting a girl.

Now the sex of the child is determined by ultrasound. Ultrasound “sees” better than any grandmother: who is hiding in mom’s tummy.

But in young families where they are expecting their first child, they want to know the sex of the child even before he gets into this belly. Families that already have children are also planning a baby. I have a boy, I want a girl. Or vice versa.

Doctors believe that if sexual intercourse occurs on the eve of ovulation, a girl will be born. If after - a boy.

Eastern sages advise: in order to have a son, sleep with the head of the bed facing north. For those who are expecting a daughter - to the south.


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In the modern world, where it is so difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle, married couples are increasingly thinking about planning the birth of their own child in order to maximally protect the baby from exposure to harmful influences during intrauterine development and immediately after birth. Parents try to take into account purely medical indications (exposure to harmful factors at work, the harmful effects of medications, general health, etc.), as well as other factors. For example, the optimal time of year to conceive a child.

It should immediately be noted that Russia has its own characteristics of conception “by season,” due to the specifics of the climatic and geographical zone in which we live. Let's try to highlight these differences.


When conceiving in winter, the first trimester of pregnancy occurs in winter-spring, and childbirth occurs in autumn.

Unfortunately, the first three months of fetal development (the most critical, since the formation of all organs and systems occurs) accounts for the first and second peak of influenza, acute respiratory infections and ARVI epidemics. On the other hand, in the last trimester of pregnancy, with the appearance of vitamins, fresh vegetables and sunlight, the fetus “stores” all the necessary substances for birth and the difficult period of adaptation to extrauterine life. Also, during this period, the expectant mother, by eating properly, creates a good basis for future lactation. True, after the birth of the baby, the first months will have to walk through the autumn weather and winter cold with almost no sun, which is so necessary for the child to prevent rickets.

It is worth noting this small plus - in the last period of pregnancy, you can choose a lot of inexpensive outfits for your already noticeably rounded tummy, which, with a rational choice, can be worn after childbirth.

Thus, when conceiving in winter, it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, and promptly seek qualified medical help in case of illness. It will be useful for a newborn baby to be given special drops containing vitamin D, which your pediatrician will definitely prescribe.


When conceiving in the spring, the first trimester of pregnancy occurs in the spring-summer, and childbirth occurs in the winter.

In the first period of fetal development, the expectant mother is in wait for:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • weakened immunity;
  • hazardous weather conditions with ice and cold winds;
  • the second peak of influenza, acute respiratory infections and ARVI epidemics.

But spring-summer is also the “season of love” with a wonderful mood, vitamins, and sun, which has the most positive effect on the course of pregnancy. The first and last trimester is accompanied by cool weather, low atmospheric humidity - one cannot wish for better conditions if the expectant mother suffers from toxicosis. But by the end of pregnancy it will be difficult to choose outerwear for rounded shapes. Walking with a newborn will also be a difficult task, because they will be in the cold and snowy months.

So, it is better to prepare in advance for conception in the spring - take a course of vitamin therapy prescribed by your doctor; protect yourself from colds, perhaps get vaccinated against the influenza virus before pregnancy; be careful on the street and roads. Also follow all pediatrician’s recommendations regarding the prevention of rickets in a newborn.


When conceiving in the summer, the onset of pregnancy occurs in the summer-autumn, and childbirth occurs in the spring months.

With such pregnancy planning, the first and very important period for fetal development will take place in comfortable climatic conditions with maximum natural vitaminization. The risk of colds and infectious diseases will be minimized. The situation is more complicated with the postpartum adaptation period: the mother, in conditions of a lack of vitamins and general “seasonal” fatigue, will have to take care of the formation of lactation; the baby will need more sun, protection from seasonal infections and strengthening the immune system. Also in the spring you will need to protect yourself from injuries - beware of ice and slush.

During the “summer” beginning of pregnancy, it is necessary to prepare more carefully for childbirth and take a responsible approach to the correctness of your diet. After all, the immunity of her baby depends on how the expectant mother establishes lactation. The baby receives the main immune antibodies from the mother's milk. You also need to be more careful on the street, because at the end of pregnancy it is more difficult for a woman to maintain balance, and freedom of movement is significantly reduced, which increases the risk of injury in slippery and wet weather.


When conceiving in the fall, the first trimester occurs in the autumn-winter months, and childbirth occurs in the summer months.

Alas, at the beginning of pregnancy the first peak of epidemics of influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections occurs. But in this case, strong immunity and good vitamin supplementation accumulated in the summer will serve as excellent protectors for the expectant mother and child. Also in the postpartum period, the adaptive forces of the baby and mother will be at their best, and sunbathing will serve as an excellent prevention of rickets for a newborn. At the end of pregnancy, weather conditions - heat and humidity - can become a difficult test, but at the same time the risk of domestic injuries is reduced.

Thus, when conceiving in the fall, it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, regularly visit your doctor and follow all his recommendations.

We should also talk about melatonin, a hormone of the pineal gland that “helps” to carry a pregnancy to term. It is especially important in the last trimester of pregnancy. Its production improves in the dark, and, as you know, nights are longer in winter than in late spring and summer. From this point of view (successful pregnancy), winter conception is safer.

But doctors believe that the best time to start pregnancy is August, September, October, and the most unfavorable is March, April, May, since the body is weakened and tired over the winter.

But in general, it is difficult to find the ideal time to conceive. After all, everything has its positive and negative sides.

Any preparation for pregnancy includes a whole range of medical measures that should not be forgotten. And future parents can plan conception based on social, financial considerations, even guided by astrological “rules”. But, in the end, if a child is desired and loved, it does not matter at all what time of year he is born! Any dangers and difficulties that await us in different seasons can be overcome! The main thing is to remember these moments and be able to listen to your body.

From time immemorial in Rus', children were conceived in the fall and born in late spring and summer. The time for weddings was in October. This was due to religious traditions and the season of field work.

Just in September, the time for harvesting ended, and the peasant could rest. And as you know, everyone worked in the fields - both men and women. It is not difficult to understand how this affected the health of children, who were hardened and accustomed to work from an early age.

But if we consider the time of conception and birth from a scientific point of view, then each season can find its pros and cons. Choose what is more important to you and decide for yourself.

Conception in summer - birth of a child in spring


  1. Lots of vitamins (fresh fruits and vegetables), good health.
  2. Minimal risk of contracting acute respiratory infections and flu.
  3. An opportunity to relax at sea and gain strength.
  4. A lot of positive emotions in connection with the holidays in the summer.


  1. The last months of pregnancy take place during the flu season and an increased likelihood of injury (ice, slush). Hardening up on the eve of pregnancy, a sports lifestyle and vitamins, as well as accompanying your husband during walks will help you.
  2. Childbirth takes place during a seasonal weakening of the body and a deficiency of natural vitamins - load up on vitamins in the fall and winter, and take tablets in the spring.

Conception in autumn - birth of a child in summer


  1. Lots of vitamins during conception (fruits, vegetables).
  2. You can relax during the velvet season in the south and get positive emotions.
  3. Lactation also falls during a period rich in vitamins.
  4. Less chance of seasonal injuries.


  1. The first months of pregnancy occur during the cold season, which poses a danger to the fetus. Prepare well for conception: harden yourself and take vitamins.
  2. The last months of pregnancy are summer. If the weather is hot and stuffy, it is difficult to bear, especially with late toxicosis - buy a fan and do not go outside during the day, but walk in the evening or early in the morning, when the air is fresh and there is no stuffiness.
  3. Long daylight hours are not conducive to the production of the pregnancy hormone melatonin, which is very important in the last months. The pineal gland produces the hormone mainly at night, so it is most abundant in late autumn and winter. If you're healthy and happy, you'll get through pregnancy with the amount of melatonin you have.

Conception in winter - birth of a child in autumn


  1. In the last months of pregnancy there are many natural vitamins (fruits and vegetables). They are especially necessary for the fetus for birth and the adaptation period.
  2. Lactation also takes place under conditions of vitaminization of the body.


  1. The first months of pregnancy are at the peak of influenza and acute respiratory infections epidemics. This is very dangerous, since in the first two months the formation of the main organs of the child occurs. Protect yourself from infections with vitamins and a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Towards the end of pregnancy, the production of the pregnancy hormone melatonin decreases. This is not scary for a healthy and seasoned body.
  3. The first months of a baby's life fall during the cold season - this is not very good for walking. If the child is healthy, they begin to harden him from the first days (air baths, etc.), and walk with him in any weather (a stroller and a hood will protect him from wind and rain).

Conception in spring - birth of a child in winter


  1. Conception occurs during the most joyful period of nature's rebirth - the season of love. It brings a lot of positive emotions.
  2. The last months of pregnancy occur in favorable conditions, when the vitamin reserve has not yet been depleted.
  3. In the last months of pregnancy, the production of melatonin, the pregnancy hormone, is highest.
  4. Good weather conditions to make it easier to tolerate late toxicosis (it’s not hot outside).


  1. During the period of conception, parents may experience vitamin depletion, which is observed in most people in the spring. Take vitamins.
  2. In the last months of pregnancy, there is a high probability of injury (ice, slush).
  3. The first months of a baby’s life fall during an epidemic of influenza and acute respiratory infections - harden and take care of the child, use oxolinic ointment.
  4. Not very good conditions for walking in cold and windy weather - dress your child according to the weather, buy a reliable stroller with a hood.

As you can see, any disadvantages can be overcome and even turned into advantages, for example, bad weather is good for hardening a child. In addition, in the first months the baby is reliably protected by maternal immunity, which he received at birth and continues to receive from breast milk; he is not so afraid of viruses. The main thing is that the child is dressed appropriately for the weather, and not sweating in several layers of clothing. But more on that in another section.

* * *

Elena endured pregnancy easily, despite the fact that she was worried a lot. Although she was a suspicious woman, she did not have toxicosis. The baby was due in the spring. According to her calculations, just on her husband’s birthday.

It was late spring outside. The snow had melted long ago, but the weather was terrible - rain, wind, then sleet again, cloudy. This did not put the already worried woman in a good mood. Therefore, a week before the expected birth, Lena decided to go to the antenatal department, fortunately the doctor was a good friend and provided her with all kinds of care and concern.

My son was just a day shy of my husband’s name day; he was born on April 20th. On this significant day, even the sun came out to greet the baby. It flooded the mother's room and smiled at the baby. Day by day the baby became healthier, and the weather softened. Contrary to all forecasts, on the day of discharge the sun was shining brightly and the kidneys were already about to swell.

It will be good to walk with Ilyusha,” the young mother rejoiced. As the doctors advised, the very next day mom and dad decided to take the little one for their first walk. It got a little colder outside and the sun treacherously disappeared, but they dressed the baby warmer and went to the park. It was about a kilometer to walk to get there, but it was a walk. On the way back, a surprise awaited them - wet snow began to fall. The strong wind knocked the parents off their feet, but the baby dozed peacefully in his stroller. Its walls reliably absorbed the attacks of the wind, and the hood protected from snow.

The parents were wet and cold, but the baby didn’t care, although Lena was very worried about the baby. This snowy, cold weather continued for another month, but the parents walked with the child every day. As a result, Ilyusha became stronger and did not get sick at all for the first year.

Favorable days for conception

When the necessary tests have been passed, vaccinations have been made, a healthy lifestyle has been established, and even the desired time of birth has been chosen, there is little left to do - just get pregnant. To do this, you need to know the most favorable days for conception. They are quite easy to calculate if you have an average menstrual cycle. Otherwise, your gynecologist will help you.

The average woman's menstrual cycle is 28-30 days. It begins with the first day of menstruation and ends with the first day of the next menstruation. If the cycle is stable and repeats every month with exactly the same break, you can safely begin calculations. During the first half, a follicle matures in one of the ovaries, from which a mature egg is released, and on the 14-15th day after this, that is, its maturation occurs.

A mature egg is capable of fertilization within two days after ovulation, and sperm have fertilizing activity within 4 days after ejaculation. Therefore, the total period of the most probable possibility of conception is about 6 days.

So, we count 14-15 days from the start of menstruation - this will be the first day of possible conception. We add 6 days to it, during which conception is also possible. During this period, intensify your sexual relationships, and pregnancy will be most likely.

Nina Bashkirova, “Planning a Child”


I wanted to comment, but changed my mind...
The article may still be useful for those who do not have any problems with conception and everything turns out right away as they wanted. And thank God!

From time immemorial in Rus' only one child was born, which was conceived exclusively on the wedding night.... Funny.
I tried to plan my children, especially the second one, so that the pregnancy would not fall in August-September, when my seasonal allergies reach their peak and sometimes it seems that I’m just about to suffocate. Failed. But waiting for a favorable period for the next year (and then the next, then another..) was somehow out of the question, in case the childbearing age passed altogether.

Comment on the article "Optimal time for conception, pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child"

The first class is the period of optimal development: from conception to 4 months of pregnancy is characterized by Let's discuss the timing...When is the best time to conceive a child? Yulia Lukina. Choosing the time to conceive a child. Favorable time for conception. Print version.

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Let's discuss timing...When is the best time to conceive a child? Yulia Lukina. Choosing the time to conceive a child. Pregnancy planning. Conception in summer - birth of a child in spring. Pros. Lots of vitamins (fresh fruits and vegetables), good health.

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The optimal time for conception, pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. Conception is a mystery and a calculation. How to choose the day to conceive a child. Now you can continue to run, but Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, cesarean section...

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. Girls, don’t get me wrong, but the ultrasound gave me a slightly different date for conceiving a child. The optimal time for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Position during conception and gender of the child. In particular, to conceive a boy, you need... * Favorable days for conception. From time immemorial in Rus', children were conceived in the fall, and given birth. If there is even a slight doubt, then conception should be better postponed until the time when...

For a representative of the fair sex, on the one hand, it is easy to get pregnant, but on the other, it is difficult. Why is there such duality? Let's turn to physiology. In a woman of reproductive age, it happens every month around the middle of the cycle. This term refers to the release of a mature egg from the ovary. This process takes only 1-2 days.

Many people, having read the text written above, will probably think that getting pregnant is very simple - you just need to calculate the day of ovulation, and have sex with your partner before and after it. However, everything is not as simple as it seems. If it were possible to get pregnant strictly in the middle of the cycle, then there would be no unwanted pregnancies and women who dream of a child, but cannot get pregnant for some reason.

On what days is it impossible to conceive a baby?

We will disappoint women who have chosen the calendar method of contraception and refused other means of protection (condoms, various drugs), because there are no absolutely safe days. You can get pregnant at any time. You only need to take into account that on some days the chances of conceiving a baby are great, while on other days they are significantly reduced. There are no periods with zero probability.

A relatively “safe” time can be considered a couple of days before menstruation and a couple of days after it. To calculate “dangerous” days, you need to know the duration of the menstrual cycle. It must be stable - this is the main condition.

With a 28-30 day menstrual cycle, the highest chances of conception occur on days 14-15, since ovulation occurs around this time. Deviations are also possible for a number of reasons: due to nervous breakdowns, stress, the presence of diseases, and the use of medications.

How to calculate without errors what days you can get pregnant?

Calculating the days on which you can conceive a child is not so easy. To do this, you need to analyze the entire menstrual cycle, taking data for the last 6-12 months. If hormonal contraceptives were used at this time, the calculation results may be incorrect.

In order not to forget what days your period occurs, you should create a special calendar. If the menstrual cycle is not regular, then it will not be possible to determine on which days you can get pregnant. It is best in such cases to use other methods of calculating favorable periods for conception.

If minor deviations are observed during the time period under study, then the following step-by-step calculation can be made:

  1. Identify the longest and shortest menstrual cycles for 6-12 months;
  2. Subtract the number 18 from the number of days of the short cycle. The result obtained is the day from which the period with a high probability of getting pregnant begins. For example, the shortest cycle is 25 days. Subtracting 18, we end up with the number 7. This means that the favorable period for conception begins on the 7th day of the menstrual cycle;
  3. Subtract the number 11 from the number of days of the longest period. The result obtained is the day that ends the period with a high probability of getting pregnant. For example, the longest cycle is 29 days. Subtracting 11, we get the number 18. Thus, on the 18th day of the menstrual cycle, the favorable period for conception ends;

From this example it is clear that the highest probability of becoming pregnant remains in the period from the 7th to the 18th day.

Is it possible to conceive before menstruation?

A definite answer to this question cannot be given. Conception may or may not happen. First, let's figure out why the above question can be answered in the negative.

As you know, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. Before the start of menstruation, the egg dies. If ovulation occurs much later or repeatedly, then an interesting situation may not occur, since the woman’s hormonal background will be adjusted to a new cycle.

Now we will explain why conception can occur before menstruation. Healthy women who have irregular sex life have a fairly high chance of becoming pregnant. Conception can occur after any sexual intercourse.

The body can react to such a rare event with unscheduled ovulation. It can also be triggered by substances contained in semen. Women who regularly have sex with a regular partner may not encounter this.

Is it possible to conceive during menstruation?

Pregnancy during the first days of menstruation is unlikely. This is explained by an unfavorable environment for sperm and for embryo implantation (excessive bleeding). However, “surprises” from nature should not be excluded.

Conception during an unfavorable period can occur in the following cases:

  • with prolonged menstruation (for example, there may be less than a week left before ovulation, and then the sperm will wait for the release of a mature egg);
  • due to menstrual irregularities caused by diseases, infections, physical activity, stress;
  • if the period of safe sex is incorrectly calculated (due to the irregularity of the menstrual cycle).

Is it possible to conceive immediately after menstruation?

Many representatives of the fair sex claim that it is impossible to get pregnant within a few days after the end of menstruation. Doctors do not adhere to this point of view. They warn that you can get pregnant at any time.

Sperm entering the female genital tract can remain viable and active for several days. If the menstrual cycle is short and the periods are long, then the probability of becoming pregnant will be high. Sexual intercourse can take place during the most favorable days for conception.

Pregnancy immediately after menstruation can occur for the following reasons:

  • due to the ability of sperm to maintain their activity for several days;
  • due to the maturation of several eggs in one menstrual cycle;
  • due to a shift in the time of ovulation. It may not occur in the middle of the menstrual cycle, but much earlier or later. The “culprit” of such disorders in young girls is the irregularity of the menstrual cycle, and in adult women - hormonal abnormalities.

Based on this, we can say that the calendar method is not a reliable means of contraception. For some women it is not suitable at all.

During what period you are most likely to get pregnant: ways to determine

You can calculate the most favorable days for conception not only using the calendar method. There are several other more effective ways:

  1. Determination of basal temperature;
  2. Carrying out ovulation tests;
  3. Folliculometry;
  4. Subjective feelings.

1. Determination of basal temperature

To calculate the period when the probability of conceiving a child is high, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature in the anus every morning after waking up from the beginning of the menstrual cycle (from the 1st day of menstruation).

Errors can occur for several reasons:

  • due to overwork or illness (during such periods the temperature is always elevated);
  • if you drank a lot of alcohol before the measurement;
  • due to taking certain medications;
  • if sexual intercourse occurred 6 hours (or less) before measurement;
  • due to lack of sleep.

Based on the measurement data, a graph should be drawn up that can be updated daily with new results. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the temperature ranges from 36.6 to 36.9 degrees. It rises above 37 degrees after the release of a mature egg.

You can find out when ovulation occurs by carefully studying the chart. On days 12-16, basal temperature may decrease slightly. This will herald the onset of ovulation in the coming hours. This is the period during which you can get pregnant. At this time, women dreaming of a baby should have sex.

2. Carrying out ovulation tests

Modern and more accurate means of determining the release of an egg are ovulation tests. They are even similar to tests that can be used to find out if you are pregnant. The result is shown as 2 bars. The only difference between the tests is the reagents. For example, ovulation detectors contain a substance that responds to the presence of luteinizing hormone (LH), the level of which rises in the body 23-36 hours before ovulation.

In order not to miss the long-awaited event, you need to take tests every day and at the same time. After ovulation, LH levels drop significantly, and then the strips begin to show a negative result. Manufacturers producing ovulation tests include several strips in the package. Thanks to this, this method of determining favorable days for conception is as justified and convenient as possible.

3. Folliculometry

Diagnosing the period during which you can get pregnant is very simple using ultrasound(ultrasound). This method cannot be called economical. It is suitable for those representatives of the fair sex who want to conceive a child, but they just can’t do it.

It is recommended to visit the ultrasound room from the 10th day after the start of the last menstruation. Over the course of several days, your doctor will evaluate the growth of the dominant follicle in the ovary. When it reaches a size of 18-24 mm in diameter, an egg ready for fertilization will be released. Follicle formation may not lead to ovulation. It may not rupture, but regress. Such cases are rare, but they do occur in real life.

The main signs of the onset of a favorable period for conception, which a medical professional sees on the monitor during an ultrasound, are the corpus luteum located in the ovary without a dominant follicle, as well as some fluid behind the uterus.

The quality of the endometrium influences the onset of pregnancy. It is known that an egg fertilized by a sperm must be implanted into the uterine wall for subsequent development. If by the time of ovulation the endometrium does not reach a certain thickness, then pregnancy will not occur, since the fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the uterus and will die.

4. Subjective sensations

This method is not 100% reliable, but many women who are sensitive and attentive manage to determine the days on which the probability of becoming pregnant is high. Every month the sensations are repeated. If you listen to your body, you can draw some conclusions.

The most common signs of a favorable period for conception are:

  • the occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen or the location of one of the ovaries;
  • sudden increase in sexual appetite;
  • copious vaginal discharge. They can be easily noticed by any experienced gynecologist. Discharges are different from symptoms of infectious diseases. They are colorless and odorless. After 2-3 days, the discharge disappears without a trace until the next cycle.

Representatives of the fair sex undergo 1-2 times a year cycles called anovulatory. They represent a kind of “reboot” of the female body. It is impossible to get pregnant at this time. These days can be determined very easily. Here are their main features:

  • when measuring basal temperature, no jumps are observed;