Do daytime dreams come true on Thursday? What does sleep on Friday morning, afternoon, evening mean? do dreams that occur during the day after lunch have any meaning?

Dreams visit people at night, bringing certain messages. However, sometimes a person falls asleep during the day and sees a dream, and in most cases it is clearer and more vivid. Waking up, he wonders: what does such a message mean? And how much day dreams more informative than night ones? Sources studying this manifestation of subconscious activity give interesting interpretations.

The meaning of daytime dreams

Dreams that come during the daytime are remembered better and explained more easily than their twilight counterparts. Having woken up, a person can easily convey the plot without missing a single detail, and such a vision is forgotten more slowly. That is why interpreters advise paying great attention to images that appear during daylight hours.

Popular opinion

Daytime sleep is an adviser, a pointer in life. It is through such messages that the subconscious mind prompts a person to solve pressing problems, gives a clear answer to an exciting question, and offers real ways out of a confusing situation in reality.

Scientists have long proven that during the day the brain works intensively, processing endless streams of information every second. And if suddenly a person falls asleep, even at rest, the “gray matter” continues to generate ideas, which is why something dreamed during the day is an excellent clue to action.

Alternative view

The ancient Slavs interpreted the meaning of daytime dreams differently: they are empty and do not carry any practical purpose. These are not prophetic visions, and certainly not tips on how to act in reality. Our ancestors believed that what you dream about during the day is directed to the past and is the result of memories, experiences or regrets. The most proper sleep The Slavs considered the morning one, which comes at dawn. It was at this time, according to legend, that the soul had already completely detached itself from the mortal body, and other worlds and knowledge were opened to it.

Interpretation by days of the week

Sources will pay great attention to the day of the week when the nap came. According to numerous observations, the prophetic component of a dream depends on this factor. This is how dreams are usually interpreted by day of the week:

  • Monday. Cosmic patroness is the Moon. The night luminary is responsible for the sensitive sphere human life. That is why daytime dreams that appeared on Monday point to the inner emotional condition, indicate disturbing moments and suggest what may interfere with the dreamer’s plans.
  • Tuesday. This day is ruled by Mars, an aggressive astrological symbol. Dreams indicate strong internal sides personality: determination, will, dedication. Any negative stories indicate upcoming trials, positive ones - that dreams are destined to come true.
  • Wednesday. Time to evaluate inner world, understand themselves. Visions appearing on Wednesday indicate the state of the individual. Any positive stories are interpreted as a harmonious relationship between internal and external, complete peace of mind and balance. Negative ones are a signal of alarm, dissatisfaction, and increasing stress.
  • Thursday. Professional activity day. It is generally accepted that the images that appeared on Thursday are empty and do not carry essential information. It is correct to interpret such dreams only in accordance with the career development of the individual.
  • Friday ruled by Saturn and Venus - the most powerful planets with a pronounced mystical orientation. Many dream books say: Friday day dreams are often prophetic and come true within a week and a half. Be careful if your subconscious mind has sent you nightmares or negative stories.
  • Saturday- an empty day that carries no meaning. However, if a clear, clear, transparent dream came, which was remembered after waking up, this is a warning. Fate says: be careful, don’t make irreparable mistakes in the near future!
  • Sunday dreams depend on the lunar phase. If the night light is full, everything seen in a dream will come true exactly the opposite. On a new moon, dreams are either prophetic or suggestive the right way in real. Another interpretation: Sunday ends the week, becoming a day of reflection. That is why in dreams experiences, events that have occurred, and strong emotions can be rethought.

Daytime dreams are an interesting phenomenon that lifts the curtain on a mysterious and still incomprehensible subconscious layer human psyche. Their decodings help the individual to better understand himself, and the plot twists prompt and guide.

Almost all dream books say that a dream you had on Tuesday morning or evening is prophetic. It must come true within ten days after a person sees it. If this does not happen, then you can forget about the dream; it will never come true.

Tuesday is under the auspices of the male planet Mars, which is very often associated with war and aggression. In dreams, this planet is symbolized with strength, energy, a person’s internal resources, his will and determination. Dreams that a person sees in daytime, warn about how ready a person is for any test, how much energy he has to face all the realities of the modern world with dignity.

Also, some dream books say that in the daytime on Tuesday, people often see military operations or fights in their dreams. There is no need to be afraid of such dreams if they do not directly concern the dreamer. It is believed that these dreams are inspired by the red militant planet Mars, which is the patron saint of this day of the week.

If you had a dream on Tuesday afternoon, and a person did not feel any threat in it, it means that in reality he was fully realized and found a use for his energy. For the dreamer, everything will go as if on a well-trodden path, and he will definitely be waited for financial well-being and success.

If in a daytime dream on Tuesday a person had incomprehensible and strange visions, but at the same time he felt wonderful and cheerful, it means that the dreamer’s internal energy has not yet found a way out. This dream can be interpreted very simply and positively: a period came in the dreamer’s life when fortune turned to face him. Everything that the person who saw the dream does not undertake will work out. So, you can start new businesses and projects without fear and fear, you can even perform risky operations - everything will lead to success and prosperity. But there is one thing, after such a dream you should not share your future plans with anyone, so as not to frighten away your luck or cause premature envy or negativity.

Mars is a militant planet that can inspire dreams of fights, skirmishes and other aggressive actions. To get rid of negativity after such a realistic and unpleasant dream, you need to whisper the following words into the flowing water: “Where the water goes, the dream goes.” Mars is a militant planet that can inspire dreams of fights, skirmishes and other aggressive actions. To get rid of negativity after such a realistic and unpleasant dream, you need to whisper the following words into the flowing water: “Where the water goes, the dream goes.”

Also considered favorable is the dream in which a person sees himself as a leader, for example, a commander of an army or the main person at an event. This dream promises recognition and success in reality. You can also hope for a rise in career ladder or getting a more prestigious and expensively paid job that the dreamer could only dream of.

You can also find in dream books detailed interpretations dreams that people often have on Tuesday afternoons. If a person sees any natural phenomenon in a dream, then this promises him some changes in life. Rain - financial problems that arose due to the dreamer's rash actions. The bright sun is unexpected joy and good news. Thunderstorm - problems in family life. Rainbow is an unexpected surprise.

Seeing edged weapons in a dream does not mean anything bad. Most often, cutting and piercing objects are symbolized with trials that will befall the dreamer. You can find it in the dream book interesting interpretation a dream in which they try to attack the dreamer with a sharp bayonet or knife. If in a dream a person is not afraid and neutralizes the enemy, it means that in reality, after 28 days, he will acquire an expensive and very desirable thing that he has dreamed of for a long time. If the dreamer is wounded in a dream, then you can forget about the purchase for a long time.

Seeing your family and friends in a dream on Tuesday afternoon means a cheerful and an interesting event, which will bring the whole family together.

Scary and unpleasant dream on Tuesday afternoon may signal that the dreamer’s behavior and actions do not find understanding among family and friends. It is possible that the culprit is too high demands on other people or snobbish behavior, which causes disapproval among colleagues and comrades.

Dream books always help to accurately interpret a dream. But you need to know that correct value a dream depends not only on the details, but also on what lunar day and what day of the week it was dreamed about. Prophetic dreams often occur on the eve of major church holidays.

Daytime rest is accompanied by dreams, often no less vivid than at night. We suggest you figure out whether daydreams are worth taking into account and how to interpret their meaning correctly.

Daytime dreams come true as often as nighttime dreams

Do dreams you have during the day come true?

All dream interpreters are confident that if dreams occur during the day, they come true as often as night dreams. But their meaning is interpreted somewhat differently; the generally accepted meanings of the symbols do not apply here. In daytime dreams, a person dreams of everyday problems that worry him at a given time.

Clearly determines which area of ​​life this or that day vision belongs to:

  • relate to career or creativity.
  • On Tuesday, a dream will help you deal with everyday affairs.
  • Daydreams on Wednesdays allow you to gain a deeper understanding of your inner world and find ways to spiritual harmony.
  • Thursday's visions determine relationships with colleagues.
  • On Friday, dreams are related to the romantic sphere and material well-being.
  • Saturday dreams are most often empty, meaning nothing.
  • The last day of the week correlates with the Divine principle, because it was on Sunday that the miracle of Christ’s return to life happened. Daytime dreams on this day are endowed sacred meaning, having learned which a person will be able to cleanse himself of accumulated sins.

What does a dream during the day mean?

The meaning of sleep is interpreted depending on the day of the week. Each of them has its own planetary ruler:

  • Monday is a lunar day, the planet influences a person’s emotional background;
  • Tuesday is ruled by Mars, an aggressive planet with masculine energy;
  • Wednesday is under the auspices of Mercury;
  • Thursday is the day of Jupiter;
  • Friday is under the influence of Venus;
  • Saturday is ruled by Saturn;
  • the last day of the week, Sunday, is under the auspices of the Sun, the planet that determines the personal “I”.

On Monday

A dream that occurred on Monday afternoon reflects the dreamer’s pressing life problems and his emotional experiences. They often contain the keys to resolving the situation and indicate obstacles to the implementation of plans, so special attention should be paid to the little things. The meaning of a dream you had on Monday afternoon is determined by the emotions present in the dreams.

A dream that occurred on Monday afternoon reflects the dreamer’s pressing life problems and his emotional experiences

On Tuesday

A dream on Tuesday afternoon will warn of upcoming trials. At the same time, you should not take images and situations literally; fights or military conflicts are just images inspired by warlike Mars. The meaning of dreams on Tuesday afternoon correlates with pressing problems and the energetic state of the individual.

Light and cheerful daytime dreams indicate that the dreamer is overwhelmed with energy, which is directed in the right direction. Such dreams indicate that the dreamer has chosen the right path and will certainly achieve what he wants. He has enough strength to reach the end.

A fantastic vision that evokes pleasant emotions symbolizes a streak of luck. It's time active actions, your wildest dreams and plans will come true, you just have to be persistent.

On Wednesday

Dreams on Wednesday foreshadow only good events; bad visions on this day do not come true. However, in the middle of the week during the day, we receive upside-down dreams, which are interpreted the other way around.

  1. If you happen to cry in a dream, expect joyful events in the near future.
  2. In the dream I had to dance and have fun, which means that in reality I have to work hard.
  3. I saw an alarming event - it was time to reconsider my own life.

On Thursday

A dream on Thursday afternoon, according to esotericists, does not carry much information. Jupiter is responsible for human social connections. Therefore, the meaning of a dream on Thursday afternoon is usually correlated with professional sphere, obtaining an education, papers, documents, business trips.

A dream on Thursday afternoon, according to esotericists, does not carry any special information

On Friday

Friday is considered a special day. It is often during this period that we are visited by prophetic dreams. A dream I had on Friday afternoon literally comes true. If you dreamed of a negative event where a conflict appeared, real life you should behave carefully. A pleasant vision promises joyful events; you can begin to implement your most daring plans.

Friday visions reflect the fate of not only the dreamer himself, but also the participants in the dream. If friends or relatives are involved in your daydream, it is worth conveying the information received to them. It is worth considering that Friday dreams often carry information related to doing business and investing money. Using the tips of higher powers, you can avoid serious financial losses.

Romantic dreams that you had on Friday afternoon deserve special attention. Feminine Venus is the patron of love and marriage. To find out what a dream means, you need to consider the plot in detail.

On Friday you can get important information, since the patron planet activates our subconscious.

On Saturday

The seriousness of Saturn does not encourage excessive sensitivity. We can say that under the influence of this planet the subconscious mind works unproductively, which is why many dreams seen on Saturday afternoon turn out to be empty.

However, vivid stories that made an impression and are well remembered should be considered warning signs. Saturn is predictable and straightforward, so Saturday dreams do not require special interpretation; they will mean exactly what you dreamed about.

Many dreams I had on Saturday afternoon turn out to be empty

On Sunday

If you believe folk signs, then a dream you had on Sunday afternoon comes true before lunch or does not come true at all. But most often, Sunday daytime dreams serve as a reflection of the experiences and concerns of the sleeper, without carrying any significant information.

According to dream books, a dream that you had on Sunday afternoon is interpreted in accordance with Lunar calendar. On a full moon, you have upside-down dreams, while the new moon gives clues in difficult life circumstances.


Esotericists are sure that in a dream a person’s soul can travel to other worlds, contact the information field of the earth and draw information about the future from there. Daytime naps do not give the dreamer such an opportunity; during it the soul remains nearby, so daytime dreams have short term incarnations.

If you dreamed on Friday afternoon, it will come true in the next ten days. In other cases, the script is completed within one or two months.

Knowing when dreams come true and how they are interpreted, you can use such visions to improve your life. In order for the solution to the problem to come during rest, you need to focus on it before falling asleep. The main thing is that the rest should take place in complete silence, without the TV on. Otherwise, the plot of the dream will be formed under the influence of external stimuli.

Look into the future. to find out your destiny - these questions interest every person. During the holiday week you can make a wish prophetic dream, which will reveal the secrets of fate and tell you the right direction in life. There are also special rituals for making prophetic dreams. However, prophetic dreams can come without rituals. When do prophetic dreams occur by day of the week? Let's consider this issue.

Do prophetic dreams always come true, and how to determine the nature of the dream? It is believed that during a night's rest the soul can fly away to the other world and return after awakening. It is at these moments that a person dreams. If the soul has not flown far from the body, you dream of ordinary scenes related to daytime problems. If the soul has flown far away, a prophetic dream comes.

Scientists can neither confirm nor refute this statement. Psychologists study dreams, but the research results are more like guesswork. Esotericists do not make guesses, but simply interpret the scenes they see according to the images that came in a dream.

True and false visions

Prophetic dreams can be true or false. A true dream is always filled with a special meaning, the pictures come bright and memorable. Such a vision is not forgotten for many years and is fulfilled exactly. It is characteristic that a true prophetic vision cannot be “drained” or prevented in any way: the dream will come true exactly.

False visions are always confusing, devoid of meaning and specificity. Usually these dreams are scary, so after waking up you just need to talk about the flowing water you saw. The ritual is simple to perform: you need to open the tap in the bathroom and tell the flow of water everything, then ask the water to take the words with it.

When prophetic dreams come

Such visions often happen during the holy week when the border between worlds becomes thin. These days, deceased relatives may appear in dreams to predict events in life.

A prophetic dream may occur for any religious holiday . By folk beliefs“holiday dreams” always come true before noon. Prophetic dreams come and on the third day of any month. Dreams are also prophetic on Friday night- they come true.

Friday dreams

Dreams on Friday night are marked with a special meaning. There are 12 Good Fridays a year that bring dreams from heaven:

  1. in the first week of Lent;
  2. before the Annunciation;
  3. on the eve of Palm Sunday;
  4. on the eve of Ascension;
  5. on the eve of Trinity Week;
  6. before the birth of John the Baptist;
  7. on the eve of Elijah the prophet;
  8. before the Assumption of the Virgin Mary;
  9. before Archangel Michael;
  10. before the day of Kozma and Demian;
  11. on Christmas Eve;
  12. before Epiphany.

Each of these named Fridays brings special grace. Dreams these days come from heaven.

Days of the week and time of day

Also, prophetic dreams can appear in certain days weeks - our ancient ancestors noticed this.

  1. on Monday dreams are empty;
  2. Empty dreams come on Tuesday;
  3. dreams may come true on Wednesday;
  4. Empty dreams come on Thursday;
  5. I have prophetic dreams on Friday;
  6. on Saturday - dreams do not come true;
  7. on Sunday - may come true before noon.

Monday is ruled by the Moon, the influence of which is deceptive and illusory. These dreams should not be taken seriously. However, it is on Monday that you can special rite to a prophetic dream by asking a question of interest.

Tuesday is ruled by Mars. On this day you can get a hint to change your destiny.

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. At this time, disturbing dreams may come that call for control. emotional sphere: This is exactly what you lack in life.

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. At this time, you can attach significance to dreams associated with professional activity. Other dreams are considered empty.

Friday is ruled by Venus. At this time, prophetic dreams about fate and personal relationships come. On Friday night you can see a prediction about a wedding or a loved one.

Saturday is ruled by Saturn. This harsh planet is associated with fatal signs of fate. Dreams do not exactly come true, but they can give a hint - what to expect in the future, bad or good?

Sunday is ruled by the Sun. If you dream about a disturbing plot at this time, take it as a warning against unwanted actions.

Times of Day

The time of day at which the dream occurs is important. Usually day dreams do not mean anything: they reflect the vanity of the mind and everyday worries.

Evening sleep, like midnight, can also be empty. At this time, the soul did not have time to get to other worlds.

The correct meaning is a dream I had in the morning. It is at this time that we see prophetic dreams.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary one

This question worries many dreamers. How, on what grounds can this be done? It is important to understand that a prophetic dream can come on any day of the week the day before fateful event. These are dreams-messages that do not depend on the time of day or day of the week. You can distinguish this vision from simple dreams:

  • the dream will be vivid and memorable, will evoke strong emotions;
  • the vision picture will have a clear storyline with a beginning and an end;
  • the dream will bring specific information in the form of numbers, written or spoken words;
  • the sleep will be short, not tiresomely endless.

The dream will be so vivid and memorable that you will not be able to forget it for a long time.

How to interpret a prophetic dream

Images from a prophetic dream may correspond to images from the interpretation of dream books. For example, a rat will represent an enemy, and bat and the spider is an unkind prediction.

If you do not find an explanation for the plot you saw in the interpreter, rely on your intuition. The determining factor in deciphering the dream will be your inner feeling: As a rule, it does not fail.

Another criterion for true vision will be the correspondence of what is seen to reality. If in a dream you are running away from an unknown monster, and wings and a tail suddenly grow on you, feel free to classify the dream as fantasy. In prophetic visions real, not fictitious images come.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

In order to understand whether your dream is true, you must pay attention to when you had it. There are days and even weeks in the year when almost any dream comes true, and there are those when even the most seemingly “prophetic” dream is actually empty.

Dreams in the annual cycle

It's time for prophetic dreams - Christmas time. Christmas time is the period between Christmas (January 7) and Epiphany (January 19). At this time, their deceased ancestors (“parents”) come to believers, and for them the festive Christmas table (on the afternoon of January 7) must be set special place. “Parents” then suggest fate in a dream. Therefore, a dream you have during Christmas time always comes true, you just need to solve it correctly. Christmas days are holidays, but at this time a person is in wait for devilry, which walks freely on earth, because, as Maria Semyonovna explained, “Jesus was born, but not yet baptized.” So the girls at Christmas time tell fortunes about their suitors and their fate, and the unclean one gives them the answer. He doesn’t lie, he tells the truth, but it’s just a sin to invite the unclean. He just doesn’t do anything, then he’ll take his toll. Therefore, if anyone has been guessing at Christmas time, then they need to repent. Not only on Christmastide, on any holiday you can have a prophetic dream, but it must come true before lunch (before noon) holiday. That’s what they used to say in the old days: “A festive nap is before lunch.” A prophetic dream occurs on the third day of every month, and on the twenty-fifth the dream will be empty.


Friday is a special day, on Friday our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. So on Friday Mother Friday, the holy martyr of Paraskeva, walks the earth, mourning the Savior. Holy Friday everyone more for women It helps seamstresses and women in labor if they observe the day - they don’t sew, don’t knit, don’t wash on Friday. And you don’t need to start any business on Friday - they will turn out to be a failure. On Friday, all dreams are true, everyone can predict fate. But 12 Good Fridays are especially revered; dreams for these days are the most accurate. These Fridays are called “temporary”.

Temporary (nominal) Fridays

1st - in the first week of Great Lent.

3rd - on Palm Week.

4th - before the Ascension.

5th - before Trinity Day.

These twelve Fridays are also called nominal because each of them has its own name, for example, Annunciation Friday, Assumption Friday, etc.; each of them is associated with some event from Old Testament history, as, for example, about the first Friday it was said in ancient books that “on the first Friday of the month of March Adam transgressed the commandment of God and was quickly expelled from paradise,” etc. Each of On Fridays, some special grace is attributed, for example: “Whoever fasts on the first of these Fridays will be delivered from sudden death.” If a person observes Fridays, that is, fasts and abstains from housework, then after the sixth of 12 Fridays, St. Friday will appear to him in a dream and reveal half of his future; after the twelfth Friday she will tell him his whole future.

Other days of the week

From Sunday to Monday I have all sorts of dreams, some may be prophetic, some may be empty. From Sunday to Monday they make wishes for sleep.

* From Monday to Tuesday – empty dreams.

* From Tuesday to Wednesday – dreams come true.

* From Wednesday to Thursday – empty dreams.

* From Thursday to Friday – dreams come true (usually within three years, but can come true earlier).

* From Friday to Saturday - empty dreams.

* From Saturday to Sunday – the dream can come true before lunch.

However, one must keep in mind that visionary dreams are always true and that if symbols are repeated in a dream, then, regardless of the day of the week, such dreams are prophetic. The day on which the dream occurred is only auxiliary knowledge.

Times of Day

A day dream will almost always be empty (except for visions) because it refers to the past. During evening or night sleep, the soul just begins to move away from the body, so prophetic images are replaced by bodily images. It is especially difficult to make out such a dream; it often turns out to be empty. The most faithful - morning dream, because the soul has already moved away from the body, has forgotten the impressions of the day and sees the phenomena of the heavenly world.

Return to section: dream book interpretation of dreams

This afternoon I had a dream. everything was very real. . do “daytime” dreams come true??



Days of the week and dreams.

Monday will be fulfilled for those born on this day.

Tuesday – the dream may come true in 7-10 days.

Wednesday - a dream foretells.

Thursday - the dream will not come true.

Friday - a dream predicts.

Saturday - a dream comes true, but not always.

Sunday – a dream you had on this day, don’t tell anyone. If your child tells you his dream, keep it secret from everyone.

Table of the fulfillment of dreams seen during the day.

1 will come true before evening

2 will come true in a day

3 you can say – empty

4 dream warns

5 this day is perfect for sleep

6 everything will be the other way around, not like in the dream

7 will come true in six months

8 will come true in seven years

9 will come true in two weeks

10 he will find you

11 you will worry and cry

12 don't tell anyone, but trouble is already in the house

13 if you have had such a dream before, pray and wait for its fulfillment in seven weeks

14 will be fulfilled when you forget this dream, and when it is fulfilled, you will be horrified and remember

Get 15 out of your head, it won’t come true

Turning 16 very, very soon

Turning 17 in twenty days

Turning 18 on the same day in a year

19 you'll see, turns 19 in six years

20 dreams to joy

21 no, don't wait, the dream is empty

22 will come true, it will come true, but in five years, and no longer necessary

23 good dream will come true in two weeks, bad - in a year

24 is probably empty

25 expect execution in nine days

26 empty like an empty trough

27 you saw a prophetic dream and your enemy

28 will come true, but not right away, and it’s not dangerous

The 29th will begin to be celebrated tomorrow

30 the dream is fair and accurate, but it will not come true soon

31 pray that it will not be fulfilled soon

Table of the fulfillment of dreams seen at night.

Days of the month Probability of dreams coming true

1 dream brings prosperity

2 will come true soon

3 dream empty

4 dream is accurate, will come true

5 will come true exactly

6 ambiguous dream

7 won't come true soon

8 will probably come true

9 is not an empty dream

10 nothing will come true

11 will come true on the third day

12 will come true on the seventh day

13 will certainly come true on the ninth day

14 will come true soon

15 soon, but not completely

16 has already begun to operate

Turns 17 in nineteen days

Turns 18 on the twentieth day

Turning 19 in eight days

20 brings prosperity to the youngest in the family

Turning 21 exactly

22 nothing will happen

23 your dream will not come true

24 in twelve days wait for execution

25 nothing important will happen

26 is not dangerous

27 is very important

28 will come true on the twenty-fourth day

Will not turn 29

Turning 30 in a month

31 very dangerous dreams

Rita Vladimirskaja

If you believe dreams, they will come true.

Alena Shimko

if the dream is prophetic, it doesn’t matter whether it’s daytime or nighttime


Yes, in the next 24 hours!


Wednesday is the middle of the week and is ruled by the mediating planet Mercury. Airy Mercury often brings light, varied, unmemorable dreams. But if you remember the dream, then by deciphering it you will receive information about friends and acquaintances, brothers and sisters and everyone with whom you often communicate. Wednesday dreams announce upcoming minor changes in life. About sources of information that are important to you now, about studies, about upcoming nearby trips and conversations.
If Wednesday's dream is intense, moving, with frequently changing scenes, it means you sociable person. It’s easy and pleasant to communicate with you, and soon you will have many new acquaintances with whom it will be easy and fun, who will teach you a lot in an unobtrusive manner.

The fulfillment of dreams also depends on the day of the lunar month. Today 9 lunar day, which means that the dream usually comes true, but not always quickly, but it will still come true soon.

The probability of a dream coming true is determined by the number of the month in which it took place:
On the 24th, dreams are joyful and will soon come true.

do dreams that occur during the day after lunch have any meaning?


Sergey Voevodin

dreams after lunch indicate that you are not working. or you have a free schedule :)


No, they don’t, dreams often come true from Monday to Tuesday, from Thursday to Friday... you just need to interpret them correctly. If you had a bad dream on the weekend (on Saturday or Sunday), you need to squander it, that is, tell someone, it is considered that these are market days... but if you had a dream in the middle of the week, as I already wrote above (I have again, due to a bad dream), you need to go to the window in the morning and say, “Where the night goes, there goes the dream,” but until you say this phrase, don’t talk to anyone.

What if you had a dream during the day? See +++


Sunny Happy

Prophetic dreams can occur at any time of the day. Moreover, you were worried and your subconscious was trying to answer your questions. And now I’ll try to translate your dream in order.... The plane and YOU in it say that you strive for ideals and want to change your life and perhaps you also want to go on a trip... And Everything would be fine, but internal doubts and fears interfere with you. But you will accept correct solution and after going through difficulties you will get something good and everything will work out))))