Pulls in a dream in the afternoon of the reason. Reasons for daytime naps

If a person gets sleepy at any time of the day and in the most unexpected places, from the office to gym, it can be argued that he has a problem - The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon can be very diverse: lack of sleep, diseases, wrong image life, welcome medicines and much more. In any case, a permanent state of drowsiness cannot be tolerated; its source must be found and eradicated.


Many doctors recommend people who have constant increased drowsiness and fatigue, visit an endocrinologist. The problem may be diabetes. Insulin serves as a supplier of glucose for cells. If the desire to go to bed accompanies a person throughout the day, this may be a signal of reduced or increased concentration glucose in the body.

Immediately suspect that you have diabetes mellitus, faced with constant feeling broken, not worth it. You should be alert only when they appear concomitant symptoms characteristic of this disease. Main manifestations:

  • low pressure;
  • skin itching;
  • regular dizziness;
  • incessant thirst;
  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • chronic weakness.

These symptoms indicate the need for an immediate visit to the endocrinologist. The doctor will prescribe a blood test for sugar, a urine test.


Listing the main causes of constant drowsiness, one cannot forget about sleep apnea. This is a syndrome that is primarily faced by the elderly, obese people. It's about short-term cessation of breathing that occurs during sleep. The person's snoring suddenly stops. Breathing stops. Then the snoring is heard again. In such conditions, the body does not receive the necessary rest and therefore makes attempts to compensate for what was not received during the day.

Sleep apnea is a symptom of sudden awakening, a feeling of lack of oxygen. This may happen several times during the night. In the morning, the patient has high blood pressure. In such cases, you should make an appointment with a sleep doctor - this specialist works with sleep disorders.

The cause of the disease is determined by special study- polysomnography. The patient spends the night in the hospital, during sleep he is connected to a device that records all changes in the body.

pressure problems

Common causes of persistent sleepiness are hypertension or hypotension. FROM high blood pressure(hypertension) most often experienced by men over 40, overweight people, diabetics, owners bad habits(alcohol, cigarettes). There is also a hereditary predisposition.

Hypertension declares itself not only by drowsiness that disturbs a person during the day, and by pressure rising above 140 calm state. Its main symptoms are:

  • distraction;
  • night insomnia;
  • constant excitement, nervousness;
  • eye redness;
  • headache.

Another potential source of chronic sleepiness is hypotension. If the pressure is in a consistently low state, the blood supply to the brain is interrupted, there is a lack of oxygen, which leads to weakness and a desire to go to bed. Hypotension can be indicated by such manifestations as lethargy and weakness, headache, dizziness. You should definitely consult a therapist if the pressure is constantly reduced.


If a person has persistent drowsiness, the reasons may be taking certain medications. First of all, these are (antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers). Their action may continue the next day after administration. The following drugs can also cause drowsiness:

  • antihistamines;
  • soothing;
  • sleeping pills;
  • remedies for motion sickness;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-cold.

If a person suffering from drowsiness is taking a drug belonging to one of these groups, it is worth starting with a careful study of the instructions. Perhaps the rules of admission were violated, the recommended dose was exceeded. If the constant craving for sleep is listed among side effects, you can contact your doctor with a request to replace the drug with another one. Also, don't get carried away sleeping pills, dispensed without a prescription, "prescribing" them to yourself on your own.

Iron-deficiency anemia

The production of hemoglobin, which provides the supply of oxygen to organs, is disrupted if the body suffers from iron deficiency. human brain in this case, "suffocates", resulting in weakness, craving for sleep. What are the symptoms of drowsiness that indicate anemia:

  • dizziness;
  • taste disorder;
  • hair loss;
  • pallor;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness.

Suspicious at myself iron deficiency anemia First of all, you need to take a blood test. If the results show a decrease in hemoglobin concentration, you should immediately make an appointment with a therapist. The doctor will prescribe and select a course of vitamins. It is also worth changing the diet to include pomegranates, apples, carrots, red meat. All these products serve as an effective preventive measure.


Are you worried about constant sleepiness? And its causes and duration similar condition may be associated with depression. If a person is stressed, the body may respond to it with constant drowsiness. lingering stressful condition leads to endless experiences that the brain cannot handle. To begin the fight against weakness in such a situation is to identify the problem that gave rise to stress, and search for the optimal solution. A good psychologist can help with this.

Vitamins help fight depression effectively. It is best to pick them up with the help of a doctor. Also recommended are frequent walks, sports and a large number of pleasant emotions.

Hormonal disbalance

If observed constant fatigue and drowsiness, causes may include hormonal failure. Thyroid hormones control a large number of functions: weight, metabolism, vitality. If hormones are produced in insufficient quantities, this leads to a violation metabolic processes and a constant desire to go to bed. It is advisable to contact an endocrinologist if you have the following symptoms:

  • memory impairment;
  • dry skin;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • increased fatigue;
  • brittle nails.

The doctor will prescribe an analysis for thyroid hormones, prescribe an effective treatment.

If drowsiness is accompanied constant hunger, this may indicate a recent pregnancy. So the body of the expectant mother is protected from overwork and stress. In the fight against drowsiness will help vitamins, frequent rest, good sleep, including daily, regular walks.

Full sleep, lasting at least 8 hours, - effective medicine from such phenomena as constant fatigue and drowsiness. Their reasons may be natural. It is advisable to go to bed before 11 pm, since it is at this time that the body is tuned to the maximum production of sleep hormones. It is also worth achieving the establishment of a sleep schedule, every day to go to bed and wake up at the same time.

Fresh air is a proven cure for drowsiness. It is desirable to spend at least 2-3 hours daily on the street. Regular gymnastics, a diet rich in all are welcome important trace elements and vitamins. Do not drink alcohol or smoke before bed. Ideally, you should completely abandon bad habits.

Speaking about specific foods that drive away drowsiness, first of all it is worth mentioning fish. Mackerel, trout, sardines, tuna - this food is full of fatty acids Omega 3. Tomatoes, grapefruits, kiwi, green apples help to disperse sleep. Sweet peppers and asparagus are useful.

Folk recipes

Many herbal teas provide the body with invaluable assistance in the fight against drowsiness. Drinks with peppermint, chicory, lemongrass are known for their effectiveness. They have a strengthening effect, have a calming effect on the nervous system and provide vigor. A proven remedy is Bologda grass. For a glass of boiling water, you need about 15 grams of grass. The drink is infused for 30 minutes. It should be taken three times a day, using a tablespoon.

Solve the problem of constant bouts of sleep in daytime Datura leaves will also help. It is necessary to brew 20 grams in a glass of boiling water, soak for about 30 minutes. "Medicine" is taken half an hour before a meal for half a glass. Twice a day is enough. Also useful are inhalations based on

A drink that invigorates for the whole day is prepared from lemon juice, not a large number honey (a teaspoon is enough) and heated water (about 200 ml). The remedy is taken immediately after waking up, it works just as well as coffee, unlike the latter, it has no side effects.

It must be remembered that folk remedies effective only when there is a natural constant drowsiness. The reasons should not be related to the disease.

sleepiness pills

Modern pharmacologists pay maximum attention to drowsiness, one of them recent achievements- the drug "Modafinil". This medicine has an activating effect on the brain, while not causing insomnia. The role of the experimental subjects in his test was played by soldiers of the American army, who were able to effectively resist sleep for 40 hours.

The drug is valuable not only for the absence of side effects and addiction. It also has a positive effect on memory and intelligence, makes a person more resilient. Doctors often prescribe it for the following diseases:

  • age-related memory problems;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • post-anesthetic state;
  • depression.

In addition, amino acids help fight lethargy and drowsiness. These are glycine, glutamic acid, which are taken, depending on the weight, 1-2 tablets per day.

Leaving chronic weakness and incessant cravings for sleep unattended is dangerous. Are you constantly sleepy? The causes, symptoms and treatment will be determined and prescribed by the doctor.

If you have constant weakness and want to sleep - this is not a whim and not laziness. Perhaps this is not a sign of the simplest disease. But most of the time it's the culprit. wrong mode and inability to plan their own time.

The reasons

Why you want to sleep all the time, your body can answer. Let's look at some hypothetical reasons. First of all, these are diseases and pathological conditions.


If the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells has fallen, then the transport of oxygen to the brain will also slow down. Here there is such a phenomenon as hemic hypoxia of the brain, that is, a decrease in working capacity, craving for sleep, bad memory, fainting.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

This is another answer to the question of why you want to sleep all the time. With a large number of plaques in the cerebral vessels, it is possible oxygen starvation in the cerebral cortex. And this is a headache, tinnitus, memory and hearing impairment, unsteady gait. Sometimes it can cause a stroke.

Hypersomnia and narcolepsy

Two similar ailments in which the sequence of sleep phases is disturbed. The reasons are unknown.

Diseases of the endocrine system

They can also be guilty of the fact that you are always drawn to sleep. One common cause is hypothyroidism. With this thyroid disease, the level of all hormones drops, and this provokes starvation of the brain. Also, with hypothyroidism, fluid accumulates in the brain tissues, and this can also provoke drowsiness.

Hypocorticism. Adrenal insufficiency is one of the causes of general lethargy and weakness.


It also affects the vessels of the brain. Also, the cerebral cortex can be damaged as a result of insulin and sugar fluctuations.


If you constantly want to sleep, it is possible that you have food poisoning. The cortex and subcortex are very sensitive to them. And nicotine, and alcohol, and psychotropic substances impair the supply of oxygen to the brain and cause vasospasm.

And these are not only brain tumors, but also any others: exhaustion in cancer and infection with its decay products do not make one more cheerful.

Disorders of the psyche and nervous system

Neurological diseases, as well as depression and cyclotomy, will not give us vigor.

Serious blood loss, dehydration, shock, and intestinal obstruction. All this disrupts the movement of blood to the brain.

What are we guilty of?

We ourselves can disrupt the internal clock and our biorhythms. For example, if your work is connected with constant changes in the daily routine, time zones and climatic conditions: when you yourself do not know when it will be night, and when it is day, the brain is even more lost and tired. This can happen with those who have day shifts alternating with night shifts, as well as those who constantly travel or ride on business trips.

Sleep apnea can also be the culprit. They disrupt the sleep cycle and prevent you from getting enough sleep. Stress has also been implicated in drowsiness. By the way, strict diets, they also hunger strikes can also make you sleepy. And no one except yourself is to blame for the fact that you get tired, overworked, and instead of sleeping normally, watch TV shows or surf the Internet pointlessly when you need to see the tenth dream.

What to do?

  • Trite, but to find out the causes of unbearable drowsiness, you must first go to a therapist and examine the body: thyroid disease or intestinal obstruction is a serious threat to health, quality of life and life in general.
  • Secondly, as far as possible, you need to bring to mind the regime of the day and sleep. Try, for example, to find the number of hours of sleep that you need. Not everyone can live like Alexander the Great, that is, sleep for 4 hours. If you need 8 or 9 hours of sleep, then feel free to do so: it is better to sleep at night than to be unproductive during the day.
  • Also try to wake up and go to bed at approximately the same time and avoid eating too heavy meals in the afternoon.
  • If something needs to be done right now, it definitely shouldn't be coffee.
  • To get rid of drowsiness, you can, for example, move around: do simple exercises or take a walk, if possible. The release of endorphins will allow you to remain productive in the near future and not fall asleep.
  • Take breaks every half hour. You can clean up or visit colleagues at this time, the main thing is to change the type of activity: boredom can also cause drowsiness.
  • If you are still at home (or working at home), run under a cold shower. Water at least your feet, face and hands. If you master the contrast, then well done too. Come alive right away! Water is also needed inside: drink plenty of it so that dehydration does not violate your plans.

And finally, try the so-called "Stirlitz's dream", that is, a short rest among all the worldly fuss. If you feel unbearably sleepy, then do not deny yourself: find a quarter of an hour and fall asleep.

Notable time management export Gleb Arkhangelsky speaks well of sleep at work. According to him, if you can’t get enough sleep, then even a small sleep-hour in lunch break significantly increase labor productivity. We wrote about this yesterday. However, even if you had a good night's sleep, you can still feel sleepy at the workplace.

There are a number of explanations why do you get sleepy during the day. The first is afternoon sleepiness. The body received new food during lunch and it needs to be digested. This requires energy. Especially if the dinner was especially tight. Therefore, the body, as it were, tells us - lie down and let me digest everything that you ate. The Spanish siesta is a break in the middle of the working day when employees can sleep.

As a rule, we are also affected by what exactly do we eat. Fast carbohydrates such as sweet milk chocolate give a powerful burst of energy, but then it is followed by a rather quick and strong decline. It acts as an energy usurer, write the authors of the book Sugar Free (Mann Ivanov Ferber). Fatty foods are hard to digest and vice versa will make you sleepy. Slow carbohydrates are not digested instantly, so they give an even flow of energy for several hours. The Success Builder website writes that it also gives a lot of energy protein food. You need to make sure not only that the food helps you work, but also that the diet is generally healthy and contributes to performance in the long run. Some object and believe that carbohydrates can drive you to sleep, and on the contrary, people get a burst of energy from fatty foods. I advise you to just observe how you feel after this or that food. And then - to draw conclusions.

The second reason why you get sleepy at work is, on the contrary, hunger. The brain (and muscles too) during work needs great amount energy. If you are hungry, then the body has nowhere to draw energy from. Therefore, you can safely say goodbye to high mental activity if you are hungry. You may think that you want to sleep, but nothing like that. Maybe you haven't eaten in a long time.

Just like hunger and lack of conditioned blood sugar, lack of oxygen can cause drowsiness, which, along with food, is used by the body to extract energy. Perhaps your office is too hot and stuffy? It's not just about ventilating rooms. Including in order to maintain high productivity.

Another one the cause of drowsiness at the workplace is a sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure. Some people are especially weather sensitive and it really affects them. When you feel low on energy, it may be worth getting some sleep.

It is possible that you are sleepy at the workplace because the work has lost its former interest for you and you want to passive-aggressively withdraw from additional responsibilities or an important assignment. Maybe it's time to change something in your career?

And maybe you haven't been on vacation for a long time and the work weekend didn't do you any good. In this case, it can be useful to take additional days off and unwind a little.

Fitness is crying.

Low energy tone is also a consequence of sedentary seated image life. For many, fitness is crying. Obesity and poor metabolism are a poor helper in both physical and mental work.

If you view social networks not for communication, but from the point of view simple analysis, it will become clear that most working people 20-40 years old dream of one thing - sleep. Indeed, for some night sleep it only takes 4-6 hours. This happens because of the workload, household chores, caring for children and elderly relatives, and for young people - out of a desire to have fun and take a walk. There is very little time left for sleep. No wonder all these people feel daytime sleepiness. They just don't get enough sleep. However, drowsiness can be associated with more than just sleep deprivation.

Yawning is considered one of the obvious signs of drowsiness. It occurs when irritated vagus nerve who reigns in sleep, and sharp decline pressure. At this time, a person is drawn to sleep, as the blood supply to the brain is deteriorating. Yawning is a common thing, everyone yawns, both when they want to sleep, and when there is not enough oxygen in the room, and sometimes from boredom. But yawning can also be a sign of dangerous diseases.

One of them is a dissecting aortic aneurysm. The aorta is the main artery of our body. She lies in the chest and abdominal cavity, and other arteries supplying blood to internal organs depart from it. Closer to the pelvis, the aorta divides into two parts to then descend into both legs. And just above the place of separation (bifurcation), an aneurysm can form. In this case, the wall of the aorta is stratified, blood accumulates in the cavity between the walls, blood pressure in the vessel decreases, and the person develops drowsiness.

An aneurysm is dangerous because it can lead to rupture of the aortic wall. Then the person will immediately lose a lot of blood, and they may simply not have time to save him. And here it doesn’t matter when this happens - before sleep or after sleep, since such drowsiness is a sign of a severe pathology that has practically no other symptoms. Of course, we can yawn before going to bed or when we are tired, but yawning can also indicate illness.

Sleep when the brain lacks glucose

If a person experiences drowsiness and yawning not at bedtime or after sleep, but they appear suddenly during the day, when he seems to have slept, this may indicate a decrease in blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is an inevitable companion diabetes, since it is impossible to accurately calculate the dose of drugs, in particular, insulin. Insulins are even divided according to whether they tend to cause hypoglycemia.

In addition to an overdose of hypoglycemic drugs, hypoglycemia can occur if a person has taken medication for diabetes, but forgot to eat, or he did not have an appetite due to another disease. Here in this case, the risk of hypoglycemia becomes quite clear. The brain does not have enough glucose, it refuses to work, and a person can turn off, falling into a hypoglycemic coma.

This is very dangerous state: if glucose is not administered to the victim, there may be irreversible changes in the brain, and the person will never be the same again. initial stage coma are drowsiness and lethargy. A person falls asleep, but this is not a healthy sleep, but rather oblivion, bordering on loss of consciousness, after which a coma develops.

There is a syndrome called "obstructive sleep apnea" when a person stops breathing for a few seconds, up to a minute, during a night's sleep. The brain naturally experiences oxygen starvation. Why does apnea occur? Very often this condition occurs in snorers, especially people with a large overweight. When we sleep, all our muscles are relaxed. In this case, the tongue of the soft palate may sink. Normally, this uvula is short and cannot close Airways. But if it is large and flattened, it can seriously interfere with breathing.

You can guess about sleep apnea by the nature of snoring. Sometimes a person snores, then suddenly becomes silent, and after a few seconds he snores louder than usual and begins to breathe and snore again. This is the episode of apnea. If during the night the brain awakens several times from lack of air, then the person does not get enough sleep and even after sleep may feel daytime sleepiness.

How to solve this problem? To begin with, an examination during a night's sleep, the so-called somnological study, is necessary. If sleep apnea is confirmed, the snorer will be advised to sleep wearing a special device that pumps air, or surgery. Also, any doctor will advise you to lose weight in such a situation, since fat people risk sleep apnea much higher.

Sleepiness and medications

In addition to these problems, some of which can be life-threatening, there are several other causes of daytime sleepiness. First, this depression. A depressed person often complains that he wants to sleep and does not want to do anything else. He can spend all day in bed and not feel better after sleep. This condition, of course, requires a visit to the doctor.

Secondly, some medications can cause drowsiness. Among them antihistamines used for allergies, psychotropic drugs that are prescribed for mental illness and border states, motion sickness remedies, some painkillers. Thirdly, the cause of drowsiness can be simple overwork. Even if a person sleeps enough at night, but works a lot and has little rest during the day. Finally, sleep may begin to sink when taking large amounts of alcohol, which has a sedative effect.

It is good when drowsiness appears before going to bed, when you can allow yourself to lie down and surrender to the arms of sleep. But what if the person is awake and the drowsiness persists? Drowsiness after sleep in this case is not associated with the disease, but may indicate ... excess sleep. Sometimes you can actually sleep, and the symptoms of this condition will be lethargy, unwillingness to get up, and even a headache.

You can easily solve this problem. You need to start moving, move, do (even if through force) light gymnastics, let him into the room Fresh air. This will improve the blood supply to the brain, oxygen will begin to flow to it, and the unpleasant condition will pass. But it is better, of course, not to allow oversleeping. Healthy sleep- this is 7-9 hours, although with a lack of sleep you can oversleep longer. Therefore, lack of sleep can threaten inadvertent oversleeping.

Some people complain that they want to sleep almost constantly. Even following a clear daily routine, they still cannot feel truly rested. It is worth talking in more detail about what can cause such a phenomenon and how to deal with it.

Why you want to sleep all the time and weakness - reasons

There are a number of physiological factors. If a person constantly wants to sleep because of them, then there is no direct threat to life and health. To physiological reasons include these:

  1. Bad night sleep. Even if an adult is constantly sleeping for at least eight hours, he may feel lethargic. This is due to poor sleep, frequent nightly rises.
  2. Overwork. Why do people sleep a lot and do not get enough sleep? This means that during the day he gets so tired that even the norm of hours of night rest is not enough to recover.
  3. Lack of light and heat. For these reasons, we so want to sleep in winter, early spring, autumn. Outside the window it is constantly cloudy and cold, artificial light is turned on in the room. This prevents the body from distinguishing day from evening, as a result, you want to sleep all the time.
  4. Freezing. With a decrease in body temperature, you really want to sleep.
  5. Pregnancy. It's quite natural cause. A girl always wants to sleep during pregnancy, because her body is exposed to increased load.
  6. Reduced atmospheric pressure. This almost always happens when it rains. A person has a decrease arterial pressure so you want to sleep all the time.
  7. Taking sleeping pills and other pills that make you want to sleep.
  8. Recent meal. After a meal, especially a hearty meal, the body spends energy on digestion. Because of this, there is an outflow of blood from the brain, as a result, a person wants to sleep.

Diseases in which there is constant drowsiness

I want to sleep with such problems with the body and pathologies:

  1. stress or depression. In this situation, apathy constant desire fall asleep - protective psychological reaction organism before difficulties. Simply put, the brain prefers not to experience problems, but to “switch off”.
  2. infectious diseases, acute or chronic. If a person constantly wants to sleep very much, then the immune system fighting infection or recovering.
  3. Anemia. With anemia, less oxygen is supplied to the tissues and organs than is required for normal operation, so the person tends to sleep.
  4. Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. A person not only has a desire to constantly sleep, but also a headache, buzzing in the ears.
  5. Idiopathic hypersomnia. Often this explains why young men and women want to sleep during the day. A complex form of the disease is called narcolepsy.
  6. Intoxication. If a person abuses any alcohol, even beer, smokes, then he is guaranteed to have sleep disturbances. Narcotic substances cause a lack of oxygen in the brain, which makes you want to sleep.
  7. Avitaminosis. If you want to sleep, then this is a symptom of a lack of vitamins.

Sleepiness can be caused by diseases internal organs causing depression of the central nervous system:

What to do if you want to sleep

There are a few effective ways cheer up:

  1. Cold water. Spray your face and neck to stop feeling sleepy.
  2. Coffee. Brew a strong drink and drink hot. Coffee will replenish energy reserves.
  3. Green or black tea. These drinks invigorate no worse than the previous one, so if you are constantly very sleepy, drink them more often.
  4. Traffic. Just walk around the room, do exercises, in best case briefly go outside or onto the balcony.
  5. Airing. Let fresh air into the room you are in. Open a window or vent.
  6. Change of activity. If you fall asleep at work that requires you to be attentive and understand the details, take a break for a while, do something dynamic, for example, look at your vacation photos.
  7. Ration. Eat vegetables, fruits. Prepare light meals, do not overeat.
  8. Cold. Apply ice cubes to forehead, eyelids, temples.
  9. Citrus. Carry out aromatherapy with the oils of these plants, their smell is very invigorating. If this is not possible, add a slice of lemon to the tea.

Folk recipes

Try to prepare and take these remedies:

  1. Chop a glass of walnuts. Pass one lemon through a meat grinder with a peel. Mix these ingredients with 200 ml of honey. Eat a tablespoon of the mixture three times a day.
  2. 1 tsp chamomile pour a glass of homemade milk. Bring to a boil, boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Cool, add 10 grams of honey, drink 30 minutes before going to bed.
  3. 5 grams Icelandic moss pour 200 ml of water, boil for five minutes, cool. Drink 30 ml at a time throughout the day. By evening, the glass should be empty.

Effective vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness

If you are concerned about these problems, you can take these drugs:

  1. Modafinil. Stimulates the brain, increases physical endurance.
  2. Longdaisin. Helps to remove any sleepy state.
  3. Pantocrine. Increases performance.
  4. Enerion. The remedy is prescribed for excessive fatigue.
  5. Bion 3. The reviews say that the drug helps get rid of drowsiness.
  6. Berocca Plus. Means with vitamins C and group B.
  7. Alphabet Energy. Vitamin complex to combat fatigue.