I'm very dizzy about what to do. Most common associated symptoms

Dizziness is considered common and most people have experienced it at least once. In most cases, it is harmless. However, if the head is spinning for some time on an ongoing basis, then the help of a specialist is needed. This phenomenon is recognized as one of the most common symptoms. various diseases. Many people have a question: what are the causes of severe dizziness? What to do? Actually, it depends on several factors.

What is dizziness?

First you need to define the concept. Vertigo (dizziness in medicine) is a sensation when surrounding objects rotate around a person, or he himself moves while standing still. This feeling is familiar to everyone since childhood. For example, if you spin in place for a long time or ride on a swing.

Real dizziness is considered a serious illness that is caused by disorders in the nervous system or the vestibular apparatus. It is responsible for the position of a person in space, coordination of actions, stability, etc. This device is located deep in the ears.

Yet the brain controls all actions and feelings. Eyes and muscle reflexes are responsible for coordination in space. Receptors that are responsible for body position are scattered throughout the body. Therefore, when the head is spinning, a person often feels sick.

What causes dizziness?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. There are many reasons for severe dizziness. What to do? First of all, it is necessary to determine exactly why this is happening. One of the most obvious cases is an inflammation of the ear, or a disorder vestibular apparatus. This symptom can be expressed with osteochondrosis, low pressure, as a result mental disorder. It is very difficult to determine the exact cause, often simply impossible without the help of professionals.

First, it is recommended to visit a neurologist, in which case he will already redirect to the right specialist. However, often this particular doctor is able to correctly determine the source of the disease, and distinguish real, true dizziness from another disease.

In everyday terms, this term is understood as darkening in the eyes, if you quickly stand up or turn around. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called orthostatic collapse. Translated into ordinary language, the disease, according to many people, is caused by a sharp outflow of blood from the head.

True dizziness is called damage or violation of the vestibular apparatus. However, people most often suffer from another form of it. For example, it becomes bad due to impossible pain, it gets dark in the eyes, etc. Doctors say that this is due to fatigue, decreased pressure, or impaired muscle tone.


Specialists in the field of medicine distinguish 4 types of dizziness:

  1. Central. In this case, the disease occurs due to damage or diseases of the brain, for example, all kinds of injuries, hemorrhages or tumors.
  2. Peripheral. This is exactly what is called true dizziness, that is, a violation in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus or inflammation of the ear.
  3. Systemic. Three systems are responsible for position and coordination in space: visual, muscular and vestibular. This type dizziness occurs due to the failure of one of them. This disease requires careful examination and complex treatment.
  4. Physiological. The most common form of dizziness can be caused by normal stress, depression, or extreme fatigue.

As already noted, abruptly getting out of bed, you can also feel the rotation of the head. Here the reason is hidden in the discrepancy between visual images and physical sensations. Such an ailment goes away by itself and does not bear any consequences.

Causes of severe dizziness. What to do?

In most cases, the reasons for dizziness in women and men are the same. For the concepts of the human body do not have sexual properties. This disease occurs when the main systems of the body are disrupted: visual, muscular and vestibular apparatus. If they appear additional symptoms in the form of nausea and weakness, this indicates the existence of other diseases. Causes of very severe dizziness:

  1. One of the most terrible reasons for the occurrence of an ailment is a brain tumor. If hearing worsens during dizziness, blood or pus comes out of the ears, you should immediately consult a specialist. This is a suspicion of cancer.
  2. Children adolescence may also suffer from dizziness, hearing problems and vomiting. If this happens, then, most likely, Meniere's syndrome develops. It is dangerous because there is a possibility of turning into neuritis.
  3. The cause of severe dizziness in women and men can be an early stroke. For several days, a person feels weakness, drowsiness, he is tormented persistent vomiting and headache.
  4. The head may be spinning due to a concussion or any other injury.
  5. Due to problems with the vestibular apparatus and the determination of position in space, dizziness also occurs. Such people cannot ride public transport, they start to panic.
  6. Also, this ailment is sometimes formed as a result of taking various medications, especially antibiotics. If this happens, it is recommended to change the drug or reduce the dosage.

Dizziness in women

Representatives of the weaker sex often suffer from a psychogenic illness, in which drowsiness and fear occur. The cause of severe dizziness in women may be a problem called It is characterized by a person's high irritability, strong tension, noise in the throat and ears, often ending in an attack of vomiting.

Quite often, women have a migraine, accompanied by dizziness. When it occurs panic fear to light and noise severe nausea. With a brain tumor, the head is spinning most strongly. At the same time, the muscles gradually stop working, problems with vision and hearing begin.

The cause of severe dizziness and nausea in women may be pregnancy. Oddly enough, with it, the composition of the blood changes, which leads to a feeling of drowsiness, and sometimes to fainting. You may also feel dizzy due to low blood sugar. In this case, you just need to eat something sweet or drink tea. In addition, doctors recommend drinking plenty of water.

Why do men get dizzy?

Unlike women, this problem occurs infrequently in the representatives of the stronger sex. However, if it appears, it is necessary to check with a doctor, perhaps this is a symptom of a serious illness. So, the causes of severe dizziness in men:

  1. Excessive consumption of alcohol. Probably the most common case. When a man has drunk too much, there is a feeling of dizziness, bouts of vomiting are possible. In severe cases, he faints.
  2. Poisoning the body, resulting in darkening in the eyes and there is a possibility of losing consciousness.
  3. Unsteady blood pressure, sharp jumps.
  4. As a symptom of cardiovascular diseases. In this case, it is usually accompanied painful sensations in the region of the heart.
  5. Stress, severe fatigue, sleep deprivation. These reasons look quite serious if we talk about men, because, unlike women, they keep emotions in themselves. And as a result of this, pressure on the brain increases, which leads to dizziness.
  6. Physical activity, climate change, moving.

We can conclude that there are quite a few reasons, but to be sure of your health, it is better to ask a specialist for help.

Nausea with dizziness

Nausea often accompanies dizziness. The fact is that a person, having lost control over the position of the body in space, cannot keep his balance, and therefore such attacks occur. The causes of severe dizziness and nausea can be disorders of the vestibular apparatus, problems with the nervous system and blood circulation, osteochondrosis.

When you feel dizzy in combination with increased body temperature, severe pain, weakness in the limbs, regular urge to vomit, you need to go to the doctor. You should undergo an examination, including a tomography. In some cases, depending on the causes of severe dizziness and nausea, you will have to do an x-ray of the spine and skull.

These violations can occur due to malnutrition, including. It is best to give up salty, chocolate, strong coffee and tea. Dizziness with nausea is common in people with low blood pressure. In this case, there is a decrease in strength, fast fatiguability, visual impairment.

The cause of severe dizziness and vomiting in women is pregnancy. On the early stages weakness appears, then it develops into nausea.

Why is the head spinning at normal pressure?

This is probably the most popular question in this ailment. People are perplexed why they feel dizzy if the tonometer shows normal pressure. The fact is that this is not the only cause of this symptom. The head can spin in a variety of situations. For example, quickly got out of bed.

causes of severe dizziness normal pressure may be seasick, intolerance to rides, public transport. In addition, the disease is caused by stress, or existing diseases, such as osteochondrosis. If a person feels weak with these symptoms, this may be a sign of an impending stroke. This condition may be due to a concussion.

One of the causes of severe dizziness at normal pressure is the intake of medicines. Before using medicines, it is necessary to establish their compatibility with the body.

In case of unexpected dizziness, it is necessary to remain calm, look at one point and breathe. If this causes problems with speech, you should call ambulance. Normal pressure is not an indicator of human health. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting and weakness are symptoms chronic disease. At the same time, it is very important not to delay the examination and determine what exactly causes such a reaction in the body.

Dizziness and weakness

Feeling of weakness in combination with dizziness are symptoms of diseases associated with infectious processes that affect the head and spinal cord. In most cases, the temperature rises and the person is shivering.

Cause great weakness and dizziness can become an impending stroke. Very often there is pain in the temple area. The person feels weak physical plane. This condition may be caused general position organism.

These ailments occur when inflammatory processes vessels. In this case, there is a metabolic disorder, and hands. In addition, numbness of the limbs is often observed, which can lead to serious consequences.

Pain with dizziness

This is a fairly common situation. Headache can be of two types. The first type is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the back of the head. Such pain is acute, the cause of its appearance is infectious diseases and migraine.

The second type is provoked by hypertension, concussion, diseases of the eyes or ears. Sometimes a headache occurs when coughing or drinking too much alcohol. Such pain does not need to be treated, it will pass by itself.

This ailment is more common in people whose age exceeds the mark of 40 years. To prevent headaches, you need to eat right and exercise. In addition, be calm, do not overwork either physically or mentally. Causes of headache and dizziness:

  1. Migraine. There is a throbbing sensation, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. This pain lasts for about three days. At this time, a person is more irritable, his eyes often darken.
  2. The causes of severe dizziness and impaired coordination of movement can be experienced stress and depression. In this case, an intense headache appears. Unpleasant sensations are manifested in physiological terms, that is, cheekbones.
  3. Hypertension. The cause of severe dizziness in women in the morning is precisely this ailment. Headache reaches its peak in early time and subsides during the day. In addition, congestion in the ears is often observed. This can happen if a person is very tired and chronically does not get enough sleep.

Why do you feel dizzy when you get up quickly?

Many people have encountered a problem when, with a sharp change in the position of the body, the head begins to feel very dizzy. If this happens rarely, there is no cause for concern. However, in case of regular violations, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Most likely, a disease will be detected - It is characterized by constant dizziness, even when standing on your feet it darkens in the eyes. When the brain does not have enough oxygen, and the person does not take horizontal position fainting occurs. This suggests that if it becomes bad, you need to go to bed immediately.

The causes of severe dizziness, if you quickly change the position of the body, may be violations of the vestibular apparatus, the occurrence of neuritis, stroke, or the consequences of an injury. This disease is also common in heart disease. Teenagers may feel dizzy if they stand up quickly. It has to do with puberty. This condition is typical for people leading sedentary image life. Therefore, it is very important to get up regularly and do elementary gymnastics.

Is your head spinning vertical position? Of course, yes, and many have experienced it for themselves. Causes of severe dizziness in the supine position may be diseases hearing aid, pressure surges, diabetes mellitus, concussion. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to “just lie down” with dizziness. The process will continue in this position.

First aid for dizziness

This disease can occur suddenly and take a person by surprise. First of all, do not panic, you need to calm down. If the dizziness is quite strong, it is best to sit down and look at one point. If new symptoms appear in the form of numbness of the limbs or nausea, you should call a doctor, and, if possible, take a horizontal position. At the same time, the head cannot be turned and twisted, it must be calm.

At home, when the first signs of dizziness appear, it is necessary to put the patient on a sofa or bed. You need to put a pillow so that the head, shoulders and neck lie on it. This option prevents bending of the spine. To relieve stress to the patient and alleviate his condition, a cold towel moistened with a solution of vinegar should be applied to the forehead.

Symptoms such as dizziness, high blood pressure, sleep problems, excessive irritability are very dangerous for human health. Tolerating them is strictly prohibited. If you find the causes of severe dizziness, what should you do? You need to contact your doctor immediately for help. The specialist will examine and prescribe treatment.

The fact is that such symptoms lead to a stroke. Recent times this disease began to affect the young. leaders, heads large families, top managers are targets for stroke. If such signs are found, combination medications, such as Vasobral, can be taken.

Severe dizziness: causes, treatment with folk remedies

Therapy with drugs will be prescribed by a doctor. But there are folk remedies for solving this problem, which are sometimes superior to traditional ones. However, they should be used only after consulting a specialist. You should also find out if you are allergic to any of the components, otherwise the dizziness may worsen.

Consider several methods that are most effective for this problem:

  • On an empty stomach, take juice from beets and carrots.
  • Pomegranate is an excellent product that increases hemoglobin levels. This improves blood circulation, which in turn minimizes dizziness.
  • Seaweed. It is useful in any form, whether it is a powder or a regular salad, which can be purchased at any store. This product saturates the body with iodine, phosphorus and other trace elements that are responsible for the normal functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Ginger tea is great depressant widely used in solving this problem.

Prevention of dizziness

If this ailment often torments you, and you want to get rid of it, you need to follow some rules:

  • give up cigarettes and alcohol;
  • do not use table salt;
  • drink coffee as little as possible;
  • physically load the body, even if just with gymnastics;
  • do not recycle, rest on fresh air;
  • do not make quick sharp movements of the head;
  • if desired, you can purchase an orthopedic mattress, which increases comfort during rest.

The fact of dizziness in itself is not very dangerous, but it cannot be ignored. In the worst case, this can lead to huge health problems. Therefore, it is better to immediately contact a specialist when the first symptoms appear, who will prompt further actions.

When you feel dizzy, you cannot even move around the apartment, because you are slightly swaying or even very skidding. The vestibular apparatus failed - a partial loss of orientation. If this condition does not go away and is repeated more and more often, then you ask yourself questions: “Why is my head spinning?” and "How to treat dizziness?". In any case, to determine the cause, you need to remember how you felt in previous days. Have you already had at least short-term, for a few seconds, disconnections of the vestibular apparatus? Did you "drive" while sitting in front of the TV or at your desk in the office? Severe dizziness does not suddenly occur, there are always some prerequisites, short-term signals that you simply did not pay attention to before due to a large number work, study, current worries.

Dizziness belongs to the category of fairly common pathologies. All people at least once encountered the illusion of movement of the torso or surrounding objects. Sometimes given state occurs when sudden movements. For some people, it appears when getting out of bed or in a dream. Many people periodically experience a feeling of dizziness, which, although not a disease, can be a symptom of some other disease. There are a great many reasons for such an ailment, from fairly “safe”, in which the symptoms are rare, episodic, to very serious, in which the head is constantly spinning. The frequency of occurrence of symptoms almost always indicates possible problems with health.

Causes of dizziness in a healthy person

The vestibular apparatus determines the level of balance felt by a person. It is located in the region inner ear, from where the periodic signals come to nerve cells and temporal region cerebral cortex - this is the mechanism internal control human body for body position. Any disturbances in the impulse transmission of information to the brain lead to a partial loss of a sense of balance. Dizziness is not a disease, but just one of its signs - symptoms, something like a headache or high fever. Attacks of dizziness can be extremely rare and inexpressive, or they can be persistent and have a strong impact not only on well-being, but also on the quality of life, and even on working capacity. In the first case, this is, as a rule, a natural reaction of a healthy person to strong external stimuli.

severe fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common causes. The body can function optimally and smoothly only under the condition of its regular psychological and physical unloading. That is, a person needs a good rest no less than water or food. If you do not get enough sleep, get very tired, and even worse - combine these two factors, dizziness is a completely expected phenomenon. If you do not bring the matter to a chronic state, then everything, as a rule, passes within a few days after the restoration of sleep and rest.

Unexpected severe stressful situation

Failing an exam, going on stage in front of thousands of people, skydiving, and so on and so forth. Here are the examples that in question. What happens in such cases at the physiological level? A powerful and sharp release of adrenaline is carried out in circulatory system. Due to the influence of this hormone, in such large quantities, blood vessels in the brain are compressed (their short-term spasm occurs), as a result, normal oxygen supply and metabolism are disturbed for some time. The natural result - a person's head is spinning.

Starvation or avitaminosis

And one should not think that only a long absence of food can provoke an imbalance that manifests itself in the form of an attack of dizziness. Quite the opposite: with prolonged fasting, the body has time to adapt to it and rebuild its metabolism to the current situation. But with irregular nutrition, it can occur sharp drops blood glucose levels. There were carbohydrates - and no carbohydrates. The brain does not understand what is happening, because it requires a lot of energy. And she is not. This can also make your head spin.

Rapid movement, focus failure

Usually the head begins to spin with a sudden change in the position of the body. This condition often appears when the head is tilted. As a rule, such discomfort is temporary and disappears on its own. For example: carousel traffic. This also includes " seasickness". The brain receives information for processing excessively often, as the surrounding objects flicker before the eyes at breakneck speed. He does not have time to analyze it, there is a "confusion".

Regarding focus: if you look somewhere far away for a long time, and then look at an object located nearby, your eyes may not have time to adapt, and the pupil may narrow. The result is fog before the eyes and slight dizziness. Here much depends on the tone of the pupils.

Dizziness while lying down

If you abruptly change the position of the body from vertical to horizontal, specific dizziness may occur. Many describe it like this: "It feels like I'm floating away." Don't worry if this feeling is irregular. It may be a characteristic sign of such a benign positional disorder.

The fact is that the vestibular apparatus has receptors in its composition. They, in the process of life, die, while passing chemical reaction with the release of particles of calcium carbonate. It is this substance, at its certain concentration in the blood, that provokes dizziness.

Feeling dizzy after taking medication

The annotations for many drugs indicate that after taking the patient may feel dizzy. But in some medicines this property is especially pronounced:

  1. Antiallergic drugs. Dimedrol, which is currently used relatively rarely, has a particularly strong effect on the nervous system and the organ of balance.
  2. The most powerful groups of antibiotics and antiseptics.
  3. Tranquilizers and strong sedatives.

In general, dizziness is a common side effect of many medications that target the nervous system.

Bad habits that cause dizziness

Often at a doctor's appointment, you can hear a complaint of this kind: "when I smoke, my head is spinning." While smoking, all people get a little dizzy. This is due to the fact that nicotine, penetrating into the blood, dilates the vessels of the brain. Dizziness is a common symptom hangover syndrome. In this case, the symptom is associated with poisoning. ethyl alcohol and products of its processing in the body. There is swelling of the brain, thrombosis of its small capillaries, increased blood pressure. Against the backdrop of these pathological changes A person is also worried about other symptoms:

  • headache;
  • a general feeling of depression, weakness;
  • bad mood and decreased emotional background;
  • nausea and vomiting .

Diseases associated with dizziness

Sometimes dizziness is a manifestation of quite dangerous disorders. For example, the head is spinning due to the fact that there is a lack of coordination in the operation of sensory functions. Frequent seizures disorientation can be a manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia. It may be about development. diabetes and atherosclerosis. Sometimes this condition appears with hypertension, but it can also occur with normal pressure. Depending on whether there pathological process in the inner ear or not, distinguish between systemic (true, vestibular) and non-systemic (non-vestibular) vertigo.

Systemic dizziness is characterized by a clear sensation of rotation of objects around the body or rotation of the body itself in space and occurs when the vestibular apparatus or nerve nuclei of the brain responsible for coordination and balance are affected. It occurs in 25% of all cases of symptoms described by the patient as a condition in which the head is spinning. In the rest - signs of non-systemic dizziness.

Systemic vertigo is characteristic of diseases such as:

  • Meniere's disease - as a rule, a unilateral lesion of the labyrinth of a non-inflammatory nature;
  • vestibular schwannoma ( benign tumor), or acoustic neuroma;
  • Bacterial and viral diseases labyrinth - labyrinthitis due to untreated otitis media, after suffering influenza, measles, rubella;
  • Acute peripheral vestibulopathy (vestibular neuronitis) is a complication after acute respiratory infection in the form of a lesion of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Benign paroxysmal (paroxysmal) dizziness - in 50 - 75% of cases, the cause of such attacks cannot be established, then they speak of idiopathic dizziness. Characterized by the occurrence of seizures at night or morning hours at the slightest turn or tilt of the head. Attacks are short-term, occur several times a day or a week, then cease to disturb the patient for several weeks, and then reappear;
  • Damage to the brain in the region of the vestibular nuclei and the cerebellum - tumors, injuries, stroke in the acute and subacute periods.

Non-systemic dizziness is characterized various symptoms, described by the patient as a feeling of lightheadedness, nausea, unsteadiness of gait, pre-syncope with flies before the eyes and tinnitus and can occur with such diseases:

  • Neurological diseases - epilepsy, demyelinating ( multiple sclerosis), infectious (meningoencephalitis), tumor processes of the brain, increased intracranial pressure;
  • Psychogenic illness - neurosis associated with constant stress, depression , anxiety disorder personality;
  • Diseases of the middle and inner ear - otitis, barotrauma (may occur in divers, divers with a sharp dive to a great depth), acoustic neuroma;
  • Diseases visual apparatus- diabetic retinopathy (retinal pathology), cataract, glaucoma;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the associated violation of blood flow through the vessels of the neck and head, for example, with cervical osteochondrosis or the consequences of a spinal injury in the cervical region, the carotid arteries that bring blood and oxygen to the cranial cavity suffer;
  • Violations cerebral circulation- acute (stroke) and chronic (dyscirculatory encephalopathy);
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels - sick sinus syndrome, bradycardia, atherosclerosis of the aorta and carotid arteries, arterial hypertension and hypertensive crisis;
  • Migraine;
  • Early and late effects traumatic brain injury;
  • Pathological conditions that occur during pregnancy and not only - preeclampsia (preeclampsia), anemia, decreased blood glucose levels, lack or absence of vitamins in the body.

If you have eliminated all factors that provoke dizziness, and unpleasant symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor to conduct an examination for a disease that could cause such a condition.

When to See a Doctor

Despite the presence of reasonable and relatively normal options when dizzy, with frequent repetition of such unpleasant symptoms you should contact the experts. High or low blood pressure is one of the most common causes of dizziness in women. People for whom the differences blood pressure have become a common, often recurring phenomenon, they also experience frequent dizziness.

If you are simultaneously experiencing symptoms such as:

  • severe weakness;
  • vision problems;
  • noise in ears;
  • headache,

then an ambulance call is simply necessary for you. The fact is that dizziness in combination with loss of consciousness, loss of strength and coordination of movements, as well as headache, are signs acute violation cerebral blood flow and possibly stroke.

If, in addition to dizziness, you also feel:

  • noise in ears;
  • nausea;
  • headache,

these could be symptoms of a traumatic brain injury, toxic poisoning or migraines.


The correct treatment of patients who often feel dizzy should be chosen by the doctor. Since the head is spinning at the most various diseases and infections, he usually prescribes comprehensive study which may include:

  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • x-ray;
  • study of the body using radioisotopes;
  • biochemical analyses.

Treatment of any type of dizziness should begin only with a visit to the doctor. Most importantly, apply medical care in time.

What to do if you feel dizzy

  • Quite often, dizziness is accompanied by nausea. In this case, do not try to restrain yourself.
  • If you feel very dizzy, the first thing you should do is lie down immediately. The head and shoulders should be at the same level, in this position the blood supply to the brain improves.
  • Lie down, preferably in a dark room. Place ice or a towel soaked in cold water on your forehead.
  • Close your eyes or fix your eyes on some fixed object.
  • Drink cold strong coffee.
  • Peppermint infusion. Especially useful for dizziness in the morning.
  • Drink instead of tea after lunch and dinner and the problem will pass.
  • Include phosphorus-rich foods such as fish, nuts, cheese, and eggs in your daily diet more often.

Huge benefit in dizziness, and not only with them, will bring you daily douche. Do not start abruptly, pour over your feet first, let the water be at room temperature at first, gradually make it more and more cool.

If you feel dizzy - folk remedies will help

  • For 1 cup boiling water, brew like tea, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of melissa
  • Before meals 1 tbsp. a spoonful of seaweed.
  • Nettle decoction. 1 st. pour a spoonful of nettle 0.5 cups of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Strain, add 100 ml. apple juice and drink three times a day 20 minutes before each meal.
  • 10 ml. juniper oil, 30 ml. fir oil, 100 ml. 100% camphor oil mix, shake well. When dizzy, lubricate the points above the eyebrows, above upper lip, whiskey, behind the ears.

Coordination and balance exercise

In conclusion, I want to give you a set of exercises that will help you cope with constant dizziness, but on the condition that you perform them regularly.

  1. Slowly tilt your head forward towards your chin as low as possible. And also, very slowly without tension, lift.
  2. Alternately tilt your head to the right and left to the shoulder. Do it very slowly.
  3. With your head you need to describe the eight from left to right, then down and forward.
  4. The same as in the previous exercise, only in the vertical and horizontal direction.

If you are constantly dizzy, while you experience weakness or nausea, be sure to contact a neurologist, and describe to him as accurately as possible everything that you feel at the same time. Detailed and detailed description will help the specialist to understand and correctly diagnose.

Everyone periodically experiences dizziness, which, although not a disease, is a symptom of some other disease. There are a great many reasons for such an ailment, from fairly “safe”, in which the symptoms are rare, episodic, to very serious, in which the head is constantly spinning. The regular occurrence of symptoms almost always indicates a possible health problem.

Causes that are not threatening the body, but leading to dizziness:

  • Performing in public, such as during a concert or presentation
  • The state of being in love or joy
  • Light stress (meeting, call "on the carpet" to the boss)
  • Seasickness, which can occur not only on a ship, but also in a car, plane, roller coaster
  • Watching some movies and cartoons with bright frames and camera shake.
  • Fitness and yoga, where there are exercises for the muscles of the neck.
  • lack of vitamins and nutrients(diet, lack of time for breakfast and lunch)

Most of these situations occur due to the release of the hormone of an extreme situation - adrenaline, into the blood, leading to a contraction of the smooth muscles of the vessels of the brain, which, as a result, receives less enough oxygen. This leads to dizziness, which is unsystematic.

Dangerous reasons

The situation when the head is often dizzy is most likely an indication of some serious illness. In this case, the intensity of attacks of dizziness can be both constant and increase with time.

Diseases of the vestibular apparatus

Diseases of the vestibular apparatus lead to the most pronounced dizziness, which even has a separate name “vertigo” (lat. - dizziness). The causes are diseases of the middle ear, as a result, the patient experiences a state of loss of balance, a feeling of rotation of objects around him or himself around objects. Other symptoms include vomiting, nausea, cold sweats.

Meniere's disease is one of the most interesting reasons why you may often feel dizzy. It occurs due to an increase in fluid in the inner ear or as a result of a change in its composition. The patient begins selective deafness in certain ranges of sound. A person understands quiet speech perfectly, but loud speech may not be understood. In addition, the patient begins to hear "internal" noise or whistling.

Perilymphatic fistula is a disease that leads to unilateral, and at the same time, sudden onset dizziness and deafness. It is the result of damage to the septum that separates the middle and inner ear. Accompanied by loss of coordination. Symptoms tend to get worse when you cough or sneeze. If dizziness begins to increase gradually, then it can be caused by very dangerous disease - .

Damage to certain parts of the vestibular apparatus can lead to the so-called benign positional vertigo, which occurs only in certain positions of the head and lasts about a few minutes.

Simultaneously with headache

  • Migraine is a disease that causes bouts of very severe unilateral headache, accompanied by large quantity side effects, including dizziness. The head may begin to spin not only after the onset of the attack, but also before it, during a specific condition called. The beginning of the aura is accompanied by such symptoms as light and sound fear, “flies” and dots before the eyes, nausea, weakness, irritability.
  • The head may begin to spin as a result of poisoning with alcohol, food, toxic substances. As a result, a person experiences general weakness, nausea, discomfort and pain in the stomach, chills and fever, upset stool.
  • Traumatic brain injury (which in 90% ends with a concussion, and in 10% with a contusion of the brain) leads to nausea, loss of orientation in space, incoordination and dizziness.
  • Violation of cerebral circulation (stroke) can cause fainting, temporary loss of vision, general weakness, loss of coordination, as well as an exacerbated reaction to stimuli (sharp sounds, bright colours). Requires immediate help specialist.
  • Osteochondrosis. Degenerative changes in the cervical spine lead to chronic dizziness, which is aggravated by tilting and rotating the neck, as well as by moving the whole body, and tends to progress over time.

For psychological and nervous disorders

Often dizziness begins against the background of neurosis, a series of stresses, suppressed psychological state and may take several months. It is quite simple to determine the psychogenic cause - it is accompanied by an exacerbation of fears, increased anxiety, various experiences, obsessions.

Due to medication

Taking certain medications can cause you to feel dizzy every day. First of all, these include allergy medications, as well as cold (anti-inflammatory) drugs. Sleeping pills lead to general relaxation and calming of the body, which can also lead to dizziness.

A similar effect is produced specific preparations to combat seizures, with Parkinson's disease, antidepressants. As a rule, the attending physician warns the patient in advance about their consequences.

Safety regulations

In itself, dizziness is dangerous with the risk of fainting, so when it just started, try to sit down or lie down, in extreme cases, grab the wall trying to avoid sudden movements. You can focus your eyes on some immovable object - this will help to slightly restore the feeling of being in space.

If a situation arises when you often feel dizzy, the reasons are usually very serious, so do not delay contacting a doctor. Conscientiously follow his instructions, take medicine, do not forget about prevention, and then the disease will noticeably recede or disappear completely.

Everyone knows the feeling when you feel dizzy: every person at least once felt that “the earth is leaving under their feet”, or noticed how “everything is floating around”, but doctors give a less colorful definition on this score. They define dizziness as "a feeling of imbalance" and "a sensation of rotation of objects."

In the process of individual development, a person forms his own picture of the world, his own attitude and idea of ​​interaction with everything that surrounds him. Formation takes place with the help of the sense organs, the work of which is regulated by nerve endings that receive information about the world around us and transmit it to the brain: in general, certain stereotypes are fixed, the violation of which is perceived as a failure.

Why is my head spinning

At healthy people such failures are not uncommon: for example, when motion sickness in transport, and especially at sea - when a person is on a sailing ship, the eyes see a clear horizon line, but the vestibular apparatus "declares" something else - it perceives the pitching, the picture "does not converge", and dizzy.

No one doubts the health of the cosmonauts, but even in their first week of stay on space station dizzy: in weightlessness, all information is perceived by the senses in a different way.

In what cases is the feeling of dizziness not associated with a particular disease?

The most common cause, experts call a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood, and this can occur in different situations: a person was frightened, agitated before public speaking, exam, etc. Moreover, the head can also be spinning with joy: adrenaline is produced not only in negative situations, but the result is the same - from a spasm of blood vessels, the flow of blood to the brain slows down, there is a feeling of "circling" and loss of balance.

Disturbances in the blood supply to the brain also occur during exercise– for example, when sharp inclinations or turns; however, every person can turn unsuccessfully or make an awkward movement.

From the height and riding on the carousel, the head is also spinning for many. In the first case, the focus is lost: when we look into a large free space - down or into the distance, eye muscles are in the same state, but when looking at the nearest objects, everything changes - the eyes do not have time to "rebuild". True, there is often a parallel adrenaline rush here: after all, the head is unlikely to feel dizzy if we look into the distance not from the roof of a skyscraper, but from a high, but gently sloping hill. In the case of the carousel, the brain does not have time to process the incoming information, and the center of balance is "confused", but regular training can help here - after all, ballet dancers and figure skaters have a "always in order" head.

Other causes, not related to the disease, are not so harmless. The head is spinning with a lack of glucose in the blood: this happens to those who are fond of "hungry" diets or forget to eat, explaining this by being busy at work - you should be more careful about your health.

Some medications can also cause dizziness.. This condition is often caused by tranquilizers, antibiotics, antihistamines and sleeping pills, as well as advertised drugs like Coldrex. So you should not engage in self-medication: even medications prescribed by a doctor can cause side effects, and their uncontrolled intake can definitely bring considerable harm to health.

What diseases cause dizziness

The head may spin "in the company" of other unpleasant and painful symptoms: this is tachycardia, sudden muscle weakness, an increase or decrease in blood pressure, nausea and even vomiting, pallor, sweating or a feeling of heat - all this can either indicate the features of physiology and psyche, or the presence of specific pathologies.

What diseases can be accompanied by dizziness? There are many, but here we will talk about some of the most frequent and famous cases.

A fairly common cause is osteochondrosis. cervical spine: with this disease, the tissue structure is disturbed, and the joints cannot perform their functions normally. This restricts normal blood flow and causes dizziness - this requires examination and treatment by a neurologist.

A not-so-uncommon cause is BPPV, or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The problem is caused by the pathology of the inner ear: women are more often affected, and especially middle-aged and older. The treatment is usually simple and harmless: the so-called rehabilitation vestibular maneuver is used - the patient, under the guidance of a doctor, performs complexes of certain movements until the fluids of the inner ear return to normal.

Many cases of dizziness are associated with pathologies of the inner ear.

With Meniere's disease, the volume of fluid in the cavity of the inner ear increases, and with a certain change in the position of the head and body, it presses on the nearby organ of balance - the vestibular apparatus. Similar state may occur due to injuries, inflammation, vascular diseases, and may worsen: in addition to loss of balance, nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears appear, pressure changes dramatically, sweating increases, etc. Doctors have studied this disease little, but sometimes it goes away as if “by itself”; however, all kinds of head injuries and otitis - inflammation of the middle ear, also dizzying- must be treated without delay.

The cause of dizziness may also be a rupture of the membrane between the middle and inner ear: perilymph begins to enter it - a special fluid responsible for the transmission of sound vibrations, and this can even happen due to strong blowing of the nose - the disease is called perilymphatic fistula.

Headache due to stroke- acute and severe lesions of the central nervous system, and here you can not hesitate - it is extremely life-threatening; at various types intoxications; with migraines, in combination with severe headaches - in all these cases, the help of specialists is required.

Head spinning - what to do

If you feel that you have dizzy, try to control the situation: immediately find support, sit down or - if possible - lie down. You can just lean against the wall: the main thing is to avoid a sharp fall, and focus on any object that does not move - you need to look at it until the dizziness passes or decreases.

You can not turn your head sharply - this can worsen the condition.

Coping with the dizziness caused by motion sickness is not so difficult - you need to close your eyes and relax as much as possible.

It is good when it is possible to measure the pressure: if it is low, you can drink strong tea - black or green, coffee or tincture of ginseng (schisandra, eleutherococcus); at high blood pressure- if you are not a hypertensive "with experience" and do not know what to take, you will have to call an ambulance, and then consult a doctor. However, medical assistance and examination are required in any case, and especially when the causes of dizziness are unknown.

Dizziness can occur in many ways various reasons, including relatively harmless reasons, and serious diseases. A person can stabilize his condition on his own at home with the help of folk remedies and first aid supplies. If the head is spinning systematically, then it is necessary to look for reasons for this, to be examined, since this can be dangerous for the patient's life.

Causes of dizziness

Dizziness is a condition when a person loses stability and orientation, it seems to him that the space around him is moving. This sensation arises due to disturbances in the work of the vestibular, visual and tactile systems. The reasons for this may be the most harmless, not threatening to life or damage to health:

  • Malnutrition. The head can become dizzy not only during prolonged fasting, but also due to a missed meal in the morning or afternoon. In this case, it is recommended to eat a hearty meal, drink something sweet, and unpleasant feeling it will go away, of course.
  • Fatigue. Constant overload, stress, lack of sleep affect the state nervous system. For this reason, not only dizziness may appear, but also other symptoms - migraines, weakness in the body, nervous tick etc.
  • Pregnancy. If the head is spinning infrequently during pregnancy, but there is nothing to worry about, this is one of the symptoms of toxicosis.
  • Profuse bleeding during menstruation. Due to the loss of iron, weakness, dizziness may occur, in the event that the symptoms during the period critical days occur on an ongoing basis, it is necessary to consult a doctor - he will prescribe hormonal contraceptives that stabilize the situation.

Also, the reason may be a sharp rise from a horizontal position, lack of air in the room, excessive physical activity. If the loss of orientation in space occurs once or under certain circumstances, then there is nothing to worry about.

Seek medical attention if dizziness is sudden and occurs frequently. The reasons for this may be the following:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia. It is one of the most common reasons. The person looks sickly, pale, he faints, his body feels weak, tired. ​
  • Diseases of the cervical spine- trauma, spondylosis. Usually the patient has strong pain in the neck, and with sudden movements, turns, the head begins to spin more strongly.
  • Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Without treatment and therapy, pathology can develop into chronic form. For illness and vomiting, weakness, poor health, disturbances in the work of the visual organs.
  • Violation of the blood supply to the inner ear and parts of the brain. Usually dizziness occurs when you stay in one position for a long time - sitting or lying down. There is severe pain in the neck, tension, discomfort.
  • Psychogenic dizziness. Occur in excessive emotional people. There is confusion, fatigue, hysteria, fear, migraines.
  • Blood pressure. With an increase or decrease in pressure, a person feels weakness, instability, loss of control over his body, fatigue.
  • Vertigo. Disease of the vestibular apparatus, which is characterized by a violation of the transmission of information from the periphery to nerve centers. Often accompanied by otitis, nausea and vomiting, weakness in the body.

At mental disorders, as well as psychological problems dizziness is also not uncommon. For example, during periods of exacerbation prolonged depressions, phobia, panic attacks, psychosis, hallucinations and the like.

Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of the disease will depend on the diagnosis. Initially, a person needs to contact a neurologist. The doctor will prescribe comprehensive examination, as a result of which certain drugs or procedures will be prescribed. If you suspect iron deficiency anemia The patient will have to take a blood test.

Often the specialist prescribes additional medicines to address the root cause of dizziness and maximize the effectiveness of treatment. These can be antidepressants, vitamin supplements, antihistamines, neuroleptics, nootropics, and so on. It is impossible to take medications on your own without consulting a doctor, as this can exacerbate the symptoms.

What to do when dizzy

First aid

Most often, the head begins to spin sharply and unexpectedly, so a person needs first aid to avoid fainting:

  1. It is advisable to lie on the bed or, if it is not possible to take a horizontal position, sit down and fold your hands on your knees or a table, resting your head on them.
  2. You need to close your eyes, relax and hold in this position for 1-2 minutes. If the condition does not improve, you should not get up, you must wait until the moment when the head stops spinning.
  3. When you feel a little better, it is recommended to eat or drink something sweet: tea, a lollipop, a piece of sugar. By increasing the level of glucose in the body, you can quickly achieve the normalization of your normal state.
  4. After half an hour or an hour after the incident, you should eat, especially if before that the person was hungry. Food should be light, but satisfying - cereals, cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy products are suitable.
  5. To relieve dizziness you need to do deep breaths and exhale while sitting or lying down. On this day you can not smoke, drink alcoholic drinks, even in small quantities.

There are also general-purpose drugs that can normalize the patient's well-being, but you should not drink them too often without consulting a doctor. With severe dizziness, you can drink Ibuprofen or Pentalgin.

Treatment with folk remedies

You can quickly get rid of dizziness at home. The following folk remedies will help in this:

  • ginger tea;
  • beetroot juice;
  • carrot juice;
  • pomegranate juice;
  • grapefruit juice;
  • tincture of hibiscus;
  • tea from seeds and parsley;
  • dill infusion;
  • alcohol tincture of garlic;
  • decoction of red hawthorn;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • green tea with a few drops of apple cider vinegar;
  • melissa tea;
  • mint tea;
  • Jasmine tea;
  • lime tea.

You need to drink drinks throughout the day after the malaise has appeared. It is easy to prepare them even at home, while simple recipes help relieve dizziness and nausea in just 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to boil water and pour 1-1.5 teaspoons of a dry plant into it. Herbs can be mixed with each other by adding honey or sugar to them. It is also recommended to drink them in bite with sweet fruits or dried fruits, nuts, berries.

Teas, juices and tinctures medicinal herbs effective only if the head is spinning once - from overwork, lack of sleep, hunger, and the like. If this phenomenon is frequent, then only medicines can help and home treatments will be useless.

Aromatherapy is no less effective. Oils of mint, rosemary, camphor, tea tree, roses, citrus fruits can help if the head is not very dizzy. You should not take baths with them, as being in hot or warm water during feeling unwell and loss of orientation is contraindicated. The smell of oils or aromatic salts should be inhaled for 1-2 minutes. You can also purchase special scented candles containing natural ingredients.

Home treatment will be most effective if you lead healthy lifestyle life. Some help with this simple recommendations and tips:

  • Daily regime. It is important to go to bed and get up at the same time, without making large gaps between sleep. If a person falls asleep, then early in the evening, then closer to the morning, then the head will be constantly spinning, to which other symptoms will be added.
  • Proper nutrition. You need to watch your diet. It must contain products that replenish all minerals, vitamins. It is advisable to give up alcohol, coffee, salty and sweet foods, or consume them in moderation without overeating.
  • Physical activity and lifestyle. A person who spends a lot of time in a sitting position should exercise regularly. You need to warm up at least every half hour for a few seconds. Even better, if sports are regular - this is another way to normalize your condition and cure dizziness at home. But you should warm up only if a person feels good, does not lose orientation.
  • Walks in the open air. Even a short stay in the fresh air will help to normalize well-being, especially if the patient most spends his time in stuffy room. You should also open the window before going to bed, ventilate the apartment more often or purchase a special humidifier.
  • Thermal impact. For people suffering from severe dizziness, one more effective method treatment at home will turn out to be an ordinary heating pad. It should be applied to the back of the head, while in a supine position. It is advisable to wait at least 10 minutes.
  • Massage. Massage of the temples and the back of the head will help both after dizziness and at its height. Don't put too much pressure on your head. You can use special hand massagers or a regular comb with a large number of teeth.

At frequent dizziness should pay attention to the quality of sleep. It is not recommended to sleep without a pillow or, conversely, on a pillow that is too high. This is especially important in diseases of the cervical spine. It will be possible to minimize or completely remove dizziness with osteochondrosis if you choose a comfortable pillow so that the neck does not overstrain during sleep. ​