Truth or myth: why you can’t sleep on your stomach. Is it possible to sleep and lie on your stomach during pregnancy in the early and late stages, from which week you can’t and why?

A person spends about a third of his entire life sleeping, and about another third thinks about how to quickly get to bed and indulge in this wonderful activity. During sleep, the body not only rests, it recovers and gains strength. In the treatment of most diseases, especially those related to the psyche and nervous system, sleep is a key factor. However, there is an opinion that the posture during this process has vital importance and choosing it incorrectly can lead to negative consequences.

For example, some doctors are convinced that you should not sleep on your stomach, because in this position the arteries can be compressed and the flow of blood to the brain is disrupted. The fact is that a person is forced to turn his head to the side, and if at the same time he lies on his stomach, then the arteries in the spine are under pressure. Other arguments are less convincing. Someone is sure that the pressure is on chest interferes with breathing and internal organs forced to be under the weight of the whole body. All this is not so scary for a young body and the consequences are often simply not noticeable, but the habit of sleeping on the stomach remains in old age. For older people, sleeping in this position will definitely affect how you feel in the morning, due to the reasons listed above.

Why women should not sleep on their stomach during pregnancy

The habit of sleeping on the stomach continues even among pregnant girls. If in the first months the fetus is reliably protected, then later the stomach and its occupant are in danger. Doctors recommend weaning yourself from this position from the first days of pregnancy, since from the 20th week sleeping on your stomach is strictly prohibited! Sleep cannot always be controlled, so it is better to develop a habit in advance. Every mother should know that sleeping on her stomach is possible for the first 3 months, the next three are strongly discouraged, and beyond that it is strictly prohibited.

The reasons are obvious. The child may be harmed. Your actions can also impede the flow of blood to the child. In addition to the obvious consequences, everything can end in hypoxia. Moreover, it is recommended to sleep only on your left side, even on your back is not advisable.

Why you can't sleep on your stomach in Islam

If the ban on pregnant women is explained by obvious facts, then in religion everything is not so simple. According to the information I found, there is a prohibition in Islam that directly states that sleeping on your stomach angers God. There are no specifications regarding the gender of the believer, which means the Prophet’s message applies to both men and women.

Islam in general encourages you to take care of your health, and according to many, it was the harm to health that was the reason for refusing to sleep on your stomach. Difficulty breathing, deterioration of blood supply to the brain and increased risk stroke - these are the main arguments. Everything we talked about in the first part of the article. Also, sleeping on the stomach is contraindicated for people with spinal diseases.

If we continue the topic of Islam, then it is worth saying a few words about correct posture. The Prophet Muhammad slept in the fetal position, namely on his side with his legs tucked under him. This is precisely the position that is recommended to be taken. It won't be easy to train yourself, but it will be worth it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are no other reasons to give up your favorite pose other than taking care of your health. Neither adults nor children should sleep on their stomachs. You can look cheerful and fresh, eliminate the risk of stroke in your sleep and avoid many diseases if you simply learn to sleep in the fetal position. Then the night time will really charge you with energy, and this in turn will affect your efficiency during the day.

Good health to you and see you again on my blog!


Every time expectant mothers ask each other, or mothers who have already given birth, questions like: “When will my belly start growing?”, “When will the baby start pushing,” or “When will I finally give birth?” - I I never cease to be amazed. Regardless of the time of year, age, social and financial status, all pregnant women are interested in the same questions.

But the main thing is that they ask them not to their local obstetricians - gynecologists, but to more “experienced” pregnant women or mothers. But not all people communicate on forums or special sites and have the opportunity to ask a question of interest to the right audience. Therefore, I took the liberty and compiled a list of the most common, in my opinion, questions among expectant mothers. don't ask doctor, but they like to ask each other. Perhaps someone will disagree with me. But I did not compile this list from scratch, but over 6 years of continuous communication with pregnant women, as in real life, and on the Internet.

1. What gender will the child be?

Only a specialist can tell you this during an ultrasound examination. The accuracy of sex determination depends on the duration of pregnancy. Until 8 weeks, the embryo's genitals have not yet formed. The process of their formation is completed only by 12-13 weeks. The doctor will be able to most accurately determine the sex of the unborn baby only starting from the 15th week of pregnancy.

2. When will toxicosis begin?

There are two types of toxicosis: early and late. Early toxicosis, usually begins by 5-6 weeks of pregnancy and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, changes taste sensations, profuse salivation, sometimes dizziness, and even loss of consciousness. Late toxicosis is a disorder water-salt metabolism, which sometimes occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. If late toxicosis starts, the child will not receive additional oxygen and necessary nutrition, and this may have a negative impact on nervous system baby.

3. When will toxicosis end?

Early toxicosis usually ends by 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. Less commonly, it can last up to 17-18 weeks. Late toxicosis can continue until childbirth.

4. Do pregnant women have to go to the hospital at least once?

Not at all necessary. If the pregnancy proceeds smoothly, and your obstetrician-gynecologist, as well as other specialists, do not find any cause for concern, you can carry the pregnancy to term without having to be in the hospital even once.

5. From what stage of pregnancy can you sleep on your stomach?

The non-pregnant uterus does not extend beyond the level of the symphysis pubis, so when you lie on your stomach, the uterus is protected by the non-deformable bones of the pelvis. In pregnant women, the uterus appears from behind the womb only after 12 weeks, so during the first trimester of pregnancy you can sleep on your stomach. After this period, sleeping on the stomach is also allowed if there are no medical contraindications, and this position is comfortable for a pregnant woman. But as practice shows, many people refuse this sleeping position because they experience discomfort: physical (they compare it to sleeping on a ball), or psychological (how can I sleep on a child).

It is not recommended for pregnant women to lie on their backs, starting from the fourth month, since by this time the uterus has already reached a significant size. When lying on your back, the enlarged uterus compresses large vessels passing next to the spinal column. Because of this, blood flow to the vessels of the placenta decreases and the baby experiences a lack of oxygen, as well as nutrients. In addition, pregnant women who lie on their back very often experience a decrease in blood pressure and dizziness to the point of fainting.

7. Are monitor and CTG the same thing?

Yes, this is the name of the same research method. Cardiotocography (CTG) is a method functional assessment the state of the fetus during pregnancy and childbirth based on recording the frequency of its heartbeats and their changes depending on contractions of the uterus, the action of external stimuli or the activity of the fetus itself.

8. What is the norm for CTG?

The normal fetal heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute. But when you move, your heart rate should increase by about 20 beats per minute.

9. Will stretch marks necessarily appear, and will they disappear after childbirth?

Not necessary. Everything is very individual. Our skin feels thick and elastic to the touch. These qualities depend on the presence of elastic and collagen fibers in it. The quantity and quality of these fibers are genetically inherited; this trait determines the possibility of stretch marks. Stretch marks can appear on the chest from the second month of pregnancy, when the mass of the mammary glands rapidly increases, and on the abdomen and buttocks - by the end of the fourth month of pregnancy, when the abdomen begins to enlarge and an intensive increase in body weight occurs. They are formed as a result of the rupture of collagen and elastin fibers of the skin. After childbirth, the scars lose their pink color and take on the appearance of white stripes.

10. How will I understand that I am definitely in labor?

If contractions occur with regularity - 5/45, i.e. in five minutes, 45 seconds - you can be sure that this is IT. Go to the maternity hospital immediately. Another undoubted indication for going to the maternity hospital is the breaking of water. If the waters have broken, you cannot hesitate for a minute, otherwise, with a prolonged waterless period, the child may die.

Can pregnant women take a bath?

Well, tell me, is it possible to imagine the life of a pregnant woman without life advice and prohibitions from mothers, mothers-in-law, grandmothers and other “wise women”, including doctors? But times change, but people remain the same, and everyone continues to give their useful recommendations...

11. At what stage of pregnancy can you not have sex?

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, that is, there is no threat of miscarriage and there are no urogenital infections, then inactive sexual intercourse is allowed (except for the first three months and the last month of pregnancy), since during sexual intercourse there is a reduction in muscle fibers uterus, which increases its tone. These are doctors' recommendations.

In practice, many expectant mothers, if there are no contraindications (especially for contraindications such as uterine hypertonicity and the threat of miscarriage), have had sex at all stages of pregnancy. The only thing is that they all advise constantly using a condom to prevent any infection.

12. When will your belly start to grow?

This is also very individual. With a normal physique, pregnancy becomes noticeable after 20 weeks. And if a woman is plump, then pregnancy may become noticeable closer to childbirth.

13. Can pregnant women use the pool?

At normal course Swimming in the pool is not contraindicated during pregnancy and compliance with hygiene standards.

14. What can pregnant women take for heartburn?

  • Don't overeat
  • Turn on Include foods with alkaline properties in your diet: cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, soft-boiled eggs.
  • It is better to boil vegetables before eating, and bake fruits.
  • Include foods that prevent constipation in your diet (beets, prunes).
  • Completely exclude fatty meat and fish, hot seasonings, sour fruits, and berries from your diet; vegetables with coarse fiber
  • The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.

15. When will I start to feel the baby move?

Usually, future mom begins to feel the baby's movements after 16 weeks of pregnancy. In primigravidas, this may occur closer to 20 weeks.

16. When will your stomach drop?

For some, the stomach drops 2-4 weeks before giving birth, and for some during the birth itself.

17. Can pregnant women take hot baths??

Can. Only the water should not be too hot, and the bath should not be long.

18. What if the baby is not alone there? When will this be known?

This will become known at the first ultrasound. The doctor will tell you exactly and write in the conclusion about how much fertilized eggs, or embryos are in the uterine cavity.

19. When does maternity leave begin?

In Russian legislation, this issue is regulated by Art. 255 Labor Code. Working women who are pregnant or have a young child are entitled to leave, which is granted upon their application and in accordance with a medical report. The duration of maternity leave is:

  1. before birth 70 days in case multiple pregnancy 84 days;
  2. after childbirth 70 calendar days, in case of complicated childbirth 86 days;
  3. at the birth of two or more children - 110 calendar days with payment of state benefits social insurance V established by law size.

20. Is ultrasound harmful to the fetus?

According to the World Health Organization, ultrasound does not provide harmful influence for the fruit. During pregnancy, ultrasound is performed routinely at 12, 24-26, 37-38 weeks, additionally as indicated.

Elina Kiyan

07/04/2007 Work and pregnancy (legal aspects)
What pleasant memories come from the sight of a pregnant woman! How nice it is to remember the moment when you found out that you are pregnant and will soon have a baby in your family. But many are immediately clouded by the fact - what about the work, how will they react, what will the boss say, and what if they kick you out. And instead of enjoying the joy of pregnancy, worries begin. Are they really needed?

Not every couple approaches the idea of ​​children in stages, preparing seriously for the important stage of parenthood in their lives, which, in fact, begins from the very moment of conception. Usually the news of pregnancy falls out of the blue. And if a young family is already mentally prepared for this fact, then in the life of a woman and a man, perhaps the most exciting, touching and wonderful period begins - the time of waiting for their precious baby.

10/31/2006 Dominant pregnancy
Where does happy motherhood begin? Most likely with proper preparation, which occurs well before pregnancy. But no matter how ready the future parents are for the birth of a child, pregnancy is a special state during which the woman’s psyche changes very significantly.

The pregnancy period is an undoubted happiness for future parents. For a woman preparing to become a mother, carrying a baby is accompanied by fears and prohibitions. In order for a child to develop harmoniously in the mother’s womb, a woman must refuse bad habits, avoid stress, eat well, walk a lot. Even little things that a non-pregnant woman usually doesn’t think about are subject to adjustment. An increasing belly requires choosing an optimal sleep position that is safe for the child. Let's consider this issue from the point of view of female physiology during different gestational periods.

Can pregnant women lie down and sleep on their stomach?

During the period of bearing a baby, the expectant mother is concerned about many questions regarding the baby’s well-being. A pressing question for a pregnant woman is what sleeping position is safe for the baby. Until what trimester is sleeping in any position allowed? Why should you sleep on your side?

Experts' opinions on this issue are divided. Some people believe that lying on the stomach will not harm the baby until the belly begins to round. Others state that a woman should only sleep on her back or side from the beginning of pregnancy, especially after 6–8 weeks. This will lead to the development of a habit of a certain sleeping position. As for the second half of pregnancy, the opinion of doctors is the same: sleeping on the stomach is dangerous for the fetus.

In 1st trimester

At the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother can lie as she pleases. This is not dangerous for a small embryo. It is located deep in the pelvis and is reliably protected by the abdominal muscles and pubic bones. The uterus has not yet begun to increase in size, and such pressure on it will not cause negative consequences.

Resting on the stomach can be uncomfortable for a pregnant woman from the 6th week with increased sensitivity of the mammary glands. Sometimes this is accompanied painful sensations in the sternum area. In this case, the woman will not be physically able long time be in a position that is unpleasant for her. Sleep problems also arise for the following reasons:

  • psychological – excessive anxiety of the expectant mother;
  • physiological – softening of the cervix with inflection.

It is advisable for women to get used to sleeping in a position that is safe for the baby as early as possible. This will allow the pregnant woman to fully rest when lying on her stomach is no longer possible.

In the 2nd trimester

At this time, the fetus has already increased sufficiently in size. Although it is protected by amniotic fluid, it remains possible accidental damage. You should avoid resting on your stomach. The optimal sleeping position during this period is on the left side or with a slight tilt on the back.

After 12–13 weeks, a rounded belly requires more careful handling. If this does not cause discomfort, you can sleep on your back. The baby inside the mother’s womb is not yet too big, its weight does not put pressure on the vena cava, diaphragm, or the mother’s spine. Resting on the back is not recommended after the woman feels the first movements. This usually occurs between 16 and 24 weeks.

In the 3rd trimester

This is the most difficult period for a woman to bear a child. Increased weight makes the expectant mother clumsy, physical activity decreases, swelling, shortness of breath torment. Pressure on the abdomen becomes extremely dangerous for the baby. Fetal hypoxia may occur when a woman accidentally presses her entire weight on her stomach. Compression of the blood vessels of the placenta occurs. A prolonged lack of oxygen can cause delays in the baby's development.

When resting on your stomach, your milk ducts may become blocked. mammary glands. In the third trimester female body begins to produce colostrum, which after the birth of the child is replaced mother's milk. Damaged ducts will not be able to fully produce the nutrition necessary for the child in the future.

At the final stage of pregnancy, sleeping on the stomach and back becomes dangerous for the baby (see also:). If the fetus is with the pelvis down, doctors recommend that the mother change position during rest - sleep first on one side, then on the other.

Possible negative consequences

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During active fetal development, the prone position creates a risk of injury to the baby. After the first trimester, resting on the stomach can cause heartburn in the mother. Compression of the stomach provokes reverse stroke food taken. Amniotic fluid will not protect against the pressure of maternal weight, muscle layer press.

Although the baby is protected in the womb, the direct pressure of the mother's weight on the placenta can cause increased tone muscles of the uterus. Hypertonicity threatens miscarriage early stages, placental abruption, premature birth in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. The most negative consequence– forced termination of pregnancy.

From a gestational age of 3–4 months, absolutely all women expecting a baby should not lie on their stomachs (see also:). The safest position for the fetus for a resting mother is on her side, preferably the left. This minimizes pressure on the abdomen and reduces the load on the spine. In this position, nothing compresses mom’s diaphragm; she can breathe easily and freely. The baby gets enough oxygen.

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A person can roll over and change body position during the night. But awakening usually occurs in the position that is most preferable and natural. Watch yourself and your loved ones. What is their and your sleep position that most often precedes awakening?

If a person sleeps on his back

If a person likes to sleep on his back, this indicates his calm, confident strength and reliability. Such people tend to patronize the weak, are merciful to enemies, and condescending. New information, new contacts and acquaintances do not frighten them, and thanks to their innate sociability, they easily solve their own and other people’s problems.
At any life situation You can rely on such people; they are not prone to betrayal or commercialism. However, they are characterized by slight arrogance, overconfidence. If a person takes up a lot of space (spreads his legs, arms) - this speaks not only of strength, but also of selfishness, and also that personal space is a very important concept for such people. Sometimes so extensible that the other person's place may be secondary. In any case, a person who likes to sleep on his back is distinguished by independence; such people are leaders by nature.

If a person sleeps in the fetal position

If a person sleeps on his side, with his legs pulled up to his stomach, with his hands under his head or with his arms around his shoulders, this indicates that he experiences tightness in certain situations, various phobias, is afraid of difficulties, has a hard time experiencing problems and is not inclined to solve them on his own. Note: a person sleeping in such a position, as if “squeezing” into a corner, tries to occupy as much space as possible. less space. This suggests that he values ​​his personal space, but is ready to “squeeze” it in order to give way to someone else - in his personal space, in his career, in personal life. Such people need protection, guardianship, care, a patron; they are accustomed to following the leader and are not able to take responsibility for themselves. difficult situations.

If a person likes to sleep on his stomach

If a person likes to sleep on his stomach, “hugging” a pillow or bed, this indicates that he likes to make decisions himself, strives for independence and is not afraid to overcome obstacles. Such a person is used to “climbing heights” alone, has patience and the ability to achieve his goal. These people are characterized by such qualities as secrecy, and in unexpected situations they are “on their own” and can make unexpected decisions. They do not accept criticism, do not take into account the authority of their opponents, and behave as if they are the only authority for themselves. The perseverance and determination of such people make them indispensable in matters where a good performer is needed. But in a favorable situation, they can easily change their environment, leader, project - in the name of more favorable conditions, which is why they are often careerists.

If a person likes to sleep on his side

This pose is similar to the "" pose, but more relaxed. The legs are not tucked to the stomach, the arms are spread freely near the body. Such people adore comfort, have an analytical mind, and strive to remain calm and adequate in any situation. Reliability, the ability to adapt to both people and situations, a high level of survival in everyday difficulties, independence and the ability to work in partnership are far from full list their merits. Not having high level energy and psychic strength, these people, however, know how to rationally spend their inner potential, do not like fuss, and are not prone to euphoria. Negative quality there may be slight indifference, selfishness and overly developed pragmatism - they will not go out of their way to help their neighbor, but rather take advantage of the situation to improve their lives.

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

Pregnancy is not only a happy period of waiting for a baby, but also all sorts of restrictions that the expectant mother inevitably has to face. Fearing harm to the child, the pregnant woman tries to learn more about the new condition and how to behave correctly. Many women are interested in what week of pregnancy they should not sleep on their stomach. To get the correct answer to this question, you need to understand female physiology, take into account certain psychological factors.

Stomach pose

Women who are used to sleeping on their stomachs find it difficult to immediately adjust. Fortunately, sleeping in this position cannot harm the baby until 12 weeks of pregnancy, therefore, there is no need to urgently get rid of the habit of sleeping in this position when 2 lines are detected on the test. The explanation is simple: in the 1st trimester, the fetus is tiny in size, the uterus is reliably protected by the pubic bones. However, this position can cause discomfort in a woman who has only recently become pregnant, which is associated with the tone of the uterus and engorgement of the mammary glands. In this case, guided with my own feelings, it is recommended to prefer a more comfortable and physiological position, although doctors do not prohibit sleeping on the stomach in the early stages.

In the second trimester, the expectant mother begins to notice how her tummy is rounded: the child has grown significantly. During this period, it is worth starting to think about the safety of the baby during the night's rest.

By the twentieth week, you need to completely eliminate the “on your stomach” position. It is inconvenient for a pregnant woman and harms the baby. The uterus protrudes above the pubic bones, therefore, a woman’s weight can create significant pressure on the fetus.

In the 3rd trimester, the baby in the uterus reaches a large size, and lying on the stomach becomes unthinkable. It is comparable to lying on a ball, unnatural for the expectant mother, and harmful for the child.