What should be the correct sleeping position? Dangers of wrong position. pressure and hypoxia

The ancient Chinese believed that you should sleep only on your side: on the left - to facilitate the process of digestion, on the right - to relax the nervous system. So they rolled all night from side to side. Other poses were not welcome. “You can not sleep face down, as if crouching to the ground; you can’t sleep face up like a corpse,” they said in antiquity. But modern scientists do not quite agree with this.

On the back

According to experts, sleeping on your back is very useful: the lower back and neck are not tense, arms and legs are relaxed. Doctors “prescribe” this position for respiratory systems, varicose veins (it is advisable to just put a small pillow or cushion under your feet), as well as digestive problems. In addition, sleeping on your back prolongs youth - the muscles of the face relax, the skin is smoothed, which prevents the formation of wrinkles.

However, all this is true if during sleep the chin does not rest against the chest (this often happens if the pillow is too high). Otherwise vertebral arteries squeezed - and the blood flow is disturbed. This is fraught not only with a headache and a bad complexion after waking up, but even ... with a stroke. Therefore, you need to keep your neck in a level position, and it is best to purchase an orthopedic pillow for this.

However, for some people, sleeping on their back is contraindicated even with the “correct” pillow. Among them are women in later dates pregnancy and those who snore and suffer from the syndrome sleep apnea(stopping breathing during sleep).

Fact after

Sleeping on your back is good for men's health. In this position, the genitals are well supplied with blood, which improves potency.

on the side

Sleeping on the side best option for lovers of snoring and expectant mothers on long term pregnancy. True, it is better not to press your legs to your stomach too much - this is bad for the spine. Ideally, they should be slightly bent, or one leg straight and the other bent. By the way, there are special foot pillows - they are placed between the knees. It helps to unload hip joint and spine.

However, if you sleep on one side all night, your arm or leg will numb by morning. In addition, "one-sided" sleep can lead to the formation of ... kidney stones. Scientists have found that 75% of people exposed to urolithiasis, the stones appeared on the side on which they spent most night.

Fact after

English psychologists say that almost half of the British sleep on their side, pulling their knees up to their stomachs like embryos - this position helps to calm down and relax. If people sleep on their side, stretched out to attention, this indicates an intractable, domineering character and an inability to relax even in a dream. Sleeping on your side with your arms outstretched forward, according to psychologists, speaks of perfectionism.

On the stomach

But sleep on the stomach, scientists do not really approve. This position is suitable only for those suffering from flatulence (it is no coincidence that small children, when they are tormented by colic, are laid out on their tummy) and women after childbirth - this helps to reduce the uterus.

However, in general, "animal" sleep is not useful. It is impossible to breathe through the pillow, and the head has to be turned to the side. As a result, the muscles of the neck and shoulders tense up, the blood supply to the brain worsens, which leads to headache, lethargy and fatigue. And the tissues of the face receive less oxygen, which leads to the appearance of "bags" under the eyes.

Fact after

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman has some freedom in choosing a sleeping position. Further, as the tummy grows, the choice narrows somewhat. In this article, we will tell you why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs, and also offer the safest and most comfortable positions for a good rest.

How can pregnant women not sleep?

Sleep on a hard surface

Firstly, during pregnancy, a too hard, inelastic bed is not suitable. The ideal option would be a high-quality mattress, characterized by medium hardness.

Sleep on your back

Secondly, we note that experts consider sleeping on the back harmful for pregnant women. If a woman does not change her habit of sleeping on her back and continues to practice this during pregnancy, then she runs the risk of suffering physically. In the worst case, resting in this position will lead to: pain in the back, difficulty breathing, pathological decrease blood pressure, failures in the circulatory system and complication of its inflow to the uterus, the formation of hemorrhoids or exacerbation of this disease.

If we sleep on our back during pregnancy, this is not only harmful to health, but also negatively affects the condition of the developing baby. The harm from sleeping on your back increases in proportion to the growth of the child. The rapidly gaining weight fetus puts more and more pressure on the vessels passing behind the uterus. Thus, the blood flow inside the aorta and the inferior vena cava is disturbed. As a result of obstructed blood circulation, the child will receive insufficient volume for normal life nutrients and oxygen. To ensure the child a prosperous existence in the womb, you should not sleep on your back.

Sleep on right side

Thirdly, we advise pregnant women to refuse to sleep on their right side. This position is also considered unfavorable, as it provokes disturbances in the general blood flow of the mother and child. A heavy uterus can affect the arteries, which will cause a small supply of nutrients and vital oxygen to the fetus. In many cases, women who lie down to rest on their right side notice the discontent of the baby after 10 minutes. Against the background of a lack of oxygen, the child begins to move nervously and actively pushes the mother from the inside. If this happens, then you need to immediately change the position.

Sleep on your stomach

Fourthly, sleeping on the stomach is dangerous for pregnant women at any time. For the sake of the complete safety of the child, it is necessary to refuse not only long sleep, but also from short lying on the stomach. It is better to immediately get used to other positions that are more acceptable for pregnant women.

Sleep during pregnancy: experts recommend abandoning the position on the back, on the stomach, on the right side and giving preference to a mattress of normal elasticity; it is ideal to rest on a special pillow in a position on the left side or reclining

Proper sleep during pregnancy

Special pillow required

An obstetrician-gynecologist can explain to a woman why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs, but these warnings and knowledge are not enough. It is necessary to create all conditions for comfortable sleep in other positions. We recommend everyone to get a specialized pillow of a suitable shape in advance. Today on sale there are a lot of pillows made for comfortable sleep during pregnancy.

Products that resemble the shape of the letter "U" do an excellent job of supporting the body on both sides. The back muscles are completely relaxed, the stomach is securely fixed. More compact pillows in the form of the letters "C" and "I", there are also models in the form of a bagel. With them, sleeping on your side becomes more comfortable due to the gentle support of the abdomen. If you opt for an L-shaped pillow, you won't have to add an extra pillow under your head, which is not possible with some of the more imperfect models.

Sleep on the left side

The optimal position for sleeping is the position of the body on the left side. With this position of the body, discomfort is eliminated and blood flow in the vessels of the uterus improves. As long as the blood circulates well, the fetus will be healthy. The child will feel great and develop properly due to the sufficient supply of oxygen and all the necessary substances.

Reclining Pose

If a pregnant woman does not find a comfortable position, you can rest in a reclining position. When mommy is in this position, she is much less worried about shortness of breath and nothing threatens the child. This is especially true for the last difficult weeks of bearing a child. At this time, the uterus is already quite heavy, it inevitably presses on the diaphragm area, which can significantly impede the mother's breathing.

Proper organization of rest

All women should know why it is impossible for pregnant women to sleep on their backs and what positions for relaxation are most successful. Need to arrange for mommy healthy sleep and always let her sleep. The fact is that during pregnancy there are significant loads and fast fatiguability. daily long and restful sleep in the correct position will ensure excellent well-being and preserve the health of the child.

Summing up, let us clarify that the body of a pregnant woman is negatively affected by sleeping on a hard surface, lying on her stomach or right side, and sleeping on her back is especially harmful. To protect the single body of a woman and a child, you should choose a position on the right side, or for a change, relax in a reclining position, and be sure to use a specialized pillow. This indispensable device for sleeping and resting pregnant women will come in handy even after the birth of the baby, you can sit on the pillow for comfortable feeding of a newborn baby or positive communication with him.

The expectant mother knows: after the birth of the baby, you only have to dream of a calm, full sleep. An unpleasant surprise will be the difficulties that began during pregnancy. What sleeping positions should be avoided and how to maximize your rest without harming yourself and your baby?

Pregnant women whose habit is to sleep on their back or right side, increases the risk of allowing delivery of a dead fetus. The likelihood of a tragic end of pregnancy is doubled compared to those who preferred to sleep on their left side, studies show. Experts emphasize that the exact relationship between the position of a woman in labor in a dream and the death of a child has not been established.


The reason for the conclusions was the restriction of blood flow to the child in the womb. The uterus grows, starting to squeeze the vessels located in the pelvic region. There is the inferior vena cava. That's why similar condition discomfort when lying on your back is called inferior vena cava syndrome. Squeezing the vessel disrupts the outflow of blood to the upper body, the heart. The quality of nutrition that the baby receives while in the womb of the mother is deteriorating. There are symptoms that cause the discomfort caused to the woman: dizziness, shortness of breath, weakness and headaches, drops in blood pressure. It is impossible to correct this condition at the stage of pregnancy - it will pass on its own after childbirth.

Prolonged position on the right side puts a noticeable pressure on the woman's liver. This should be avoided.

Why is it undesirable to sleep on your back and stomach during pregnancy?

The position in which a woman, waiting for the birth of a child, lies on her back is considered the worst. Discomfort occurs due to the severity of the uterus, in this position resting on the upper part of the spine, back muscles, large blood vessels. The exerted weight pressure causes pain in the expectant mother, hemorrhoids and impairs blood circulation, harming the child.

Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended by doctors, because in this position there is tangible pressure on the growing fetus. This position becomes uncomfortable for the woman herself. The position of the uterus changes almost immediately after the onset of pregnancy, the mammary glands become sensitive - the usual position ceases to suit the expectant mother.

How long can you sleep in these positions?

A woman should start to wean herself from the habit of sleeping on her stomach immediately after the establishment of pregnancy. It will serve as an alternative to sleeping on your side or back - it doesn’t matter in the initial trimester.

Starting from the fourth month, especially closer to the end of the term, when the fetus is quite large, doctors strongly discourage sleeping on the back.

Correct sleeping positions for pregnant women

The solution to the question “how to sleep properly in order to fully relax without harming the child?” - can be a difficult test for a pregnant woman.

  1. Use pillows. They will help you find the most comfortable position. A special curved pillow for pregnant women will be a wonderful acquisition. There are orthopedic mattresses designed to improve the quality of sleep for expectant mothers.
  2. Try to sleep lying on your left side. Hold a pillow between your legs so that it is slightly behind your lower back, providing more support. Blood flow will improve, contributing to the quality transport of nutrients from the blood to the placenta. The kidneys will work more efficiently. good breeding excess fluid reduces swelling, swelling of the extremities.
  3. In the side position, place one pillow below your chest, the other between your stomach and knees, forming a "cradle" for your stomach. This will ease the pressure and thrusts produced by the baby.
  4. You can allow yourself to lie on your back a little. In this position, be sure to place a roller under the lower back. It is also desirable to put something under the legs, fixing them in an elevated position - this will prevent the appearance of edema.

Learning about interesting position, a woman begins to think about changing her lifestyle. Now you should be very careful. In small things too. Changes will affect even sleep. The position “on the back”, beloved by many, is now taboo. Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs? Are there exceptions for different stages pregnancy? It is important for women in position to find answers to these questions in order to make sure that their actions are correct and stop worrying.

The first time after conception, you can sleep in any comfortable position.

A comfortable posture is a key factor in healthy long sleep. The concept of "comfortable posture" is individual. According to statistics, most people like to rest on their backs. If a woman has always preferred sleeping in a popular position, she is especially interested to know if it is possible for pregnant women to roll over on their back at the very beginning of their term and stay in this position for a long time.

From the point of view of physiology, at the first stage of pregnancy, there is no reason to abandon your favorite position. While the stomach is small, you can take any position and enjoy a sound sleep. Resting, lying on your back, future mom up to a certain point, he may not be afraid that he will harm the baby: the position is not dangerous in the first weeks.

A woman can also move in her sleep to find a comfortable position. Active "movement" on the bed is possible until the uterus begins to put pressure on various organs. Changing the position of the body is safe for the baby: shocks from movements are leveled by the amniotic sac. It protects the fetus well early dates.

Although until the thirteenth week there is no need to control yourself in a dream, doctors strongly advise expectant mothers to give up lying on their backs right away. At the end of the first trimester, the uterus begins to press hard on the organs, and the load on the spine increases. Sleeping on your back becomes not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous. Having made it a habit to fit in the right position in the early stages, a woman is reinsured. So she will get used to taking the right position, and when it is relevant, it will not be difficult for the expectant mother to abandon the dangerous position. Refusal will already occur unconsciously.

Second trimester and supine position

Can I sleep on my back during the second trimester? You will have to give up your favorite position even a little earlier. It is not recommended to take this position starting from the fourth month (from the twelfth week). The ban is due to the danger to female body. By this time, the fetus becomes heavier. The internal organs of a pregnant woman (in particular the intestines, kidneys, liver) are subject to pressure when positioned on the back. When a woman takes this position, the entire weight of the fetus feels the spine. Along it is the vena cava. Her main function- transporting blood from the lower body to the heart. If the vein is compressed, the blood circulation will fail. It leads to:

  • respiratory failure (increased, intermittent);
  • numbness of the lower extremities;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • lack of air.

When the tummy becomes more visible, it is best to buy a special device

You should not sleep on your back during pregnancy due to possible risks for the fetus. Clamping the vena cava is fraught with the fact that the baby will receive less oxygen, and with it substances important for development. Lack of oxygen leads to dangerous state- fetal hypoxia. Severe hypoxia can cause ischemia or necrosis various bodies, which threatens to terminate the pregnancy. Lack of oxygen increases the likelihood of premature detachment of the placenta. Hypoxia can remind of itself after the birth of crumbs: children who survived oxygen starvation in the womb, are often retarded.

Sleep features after the 28th week

Can a pregnant woman sleep on her back when the 3rd trimester comes? Doctors are categorical in this matter: the pose is not suitable either for sleep or for simple rest. By the 28th week, the stomach becomes large. If the pregnant woman lies on her stomach, then the pressure on the venous vessel located near the spine will be strong. When the vein is clamped, blood circulation is disturbed. It threatens to faint. In a dream, fainting is especially dangerous. It is absolutely impossible for pregnant women with a predisposition to thrombosis, varicose veins, and edema to sleep on their backs. Such a position should become a taboo even when you just want to lie quietly.

For a long time, due to the size of the fetus, the pelvic organs are under pressure. The load increases when the woman lies on her back. If bladder squeezed, involuntary excretion of urine cannot be avoided. Due to the habit of sleeping in this position, severe lumbar pain appears by the end of the term. This is especially true if there are problems with the spine.

Why should pregnant women not lie on their backs in terms of dangers to the baby? Starting in the second trimester, this position carries risks for the fetus. Clamping of a vein in a future mother is displayed on the baby. In this condition, the amount of oxygen in the woman’s blood decreases, which means that the child will miss it. This leads to fetal hypoxia. The longer the period, the higher the risks of making such a diagnosis if a woman continues to sleep on her back during pregnancy.

Oxygen starvation in the later stages leads to developmental delay, damage nervous system. Due to hypoxia, the baby may be born with insufficient weight.

Having found out that it is not recommended for pregnant women to sleep on their backs, the expectant mother asks herself: how then to sleep? Obstetricians and gynecologists advise lying on your side. This position is considered the safest. It does not pose a threat to either the health of the mother or the health of the baby. For maximum convenience, the following guidelines should be observed:

Can pregnant women use extra bedding for comfort? Doctors advise to pay attention to a special pillow. She will become the best assistant in the fight for comfortable sleep will provide maximum comfort. The pillow helps to fix the body in the most comfortable position. It is placed under the legs, stomach, back, while maintaining the position on the side.

Benefits of sleeping on your side

Being on your side in a dream while waiting for the baby is not only convenient, but also safe. This posture provides a number of positive processes:

  • Relaxation of the spine. In the morning, the expectant mother will feel truly rested.
  • Removing the load from the internal organs. In the absence of pressure on internal organs they work flawlessly pain syndrome absent.
  • Normalization of kidney function. The absence of malfunctions in the work of this organ eliminates the appearance of puffiness.
  • Improving blood circulation and heart function. This is a guarantee that the fetus will be supplied with oxygen in the right amount: the risks of hypoxia are reduced.

Lying on your side is recommended not only at night. The pose should be taken when the expectant mother simply decided to lie quietly or read her favorite book. Although at the beginning of pregnancy you can take any position, however, a woman should get used to sleeping on her side, especially if she did not like this position before. By focusing on the correct posture from the very beginning, the pregnant woman will be grateful to herself in the future. The correct posture will relieve many problems, provide good health mother, baby health.

How to lie down and get up correctly

From the second trimester begins a period when it is important to exercise maximum caution in everything. The expectant mother needs not only to choose the optimal position for sleeping, but also learn how to take it correctly, get up correctly. How to go to the world of dreams? Simple guidelines should be followed:

Can pregnant women stand up abruptly? You will have to forget about the rapid rise until the birth. Get up very carefully. With a sharp transition to vertical position often there is a pressure drop. The jump can make you feel very dizzy, which will lead to loss of balance. This is dangerous: a pregnant woman can fall and hit her stomach. To avoid risks, you need to climb calmly, in priority - smooth movements.

If in a dream the expectant mother rolled over on her back, waking up, she first needs to turn on her side, and already get up from this position.

When lifting, it is recommended to lower the legs first, and only then rise. Be sure to help yourself with your hands. It is desirable that there is a support nearby. She must be reliable. A chair, an armchair, a bedside table, and even a headboard will do.

In an "interesting position" women often face "sleepy" problems. This is connected both with well-being and the need to abandon your favorite positions in favor of safe ones. The closer the date of birth, the more difficult it is for the expectant mother to get enough sleep. However good sleep plays a key role in the health of the pregnant woman. It is also important for her future baby. It is important to do everything to have a normal rest at night. Return deep sleep Here are some easy tips to follow:

  • Dinner before bed is a forbidden meal for any person who wants to sleep. And even more so for pregnant women. You need to forget about food two hours before a night's rest, then you can quickly see dreams. Dinner should be light but satisfying.
  • Movies and books that cause a storm of emotions are taboo before going to bed. Experiences are the worst helpers for those who dream of getting enough sleep. To definitely relax, it is better to completely abandon reading and TV in the evening.
  • It is important to calm down before going to bed. Relaxation of the nervous system is promoted by milk with the addition of honey. Expectant mothers, before using bee products, need to make sure that they are not allergic.
  • To sleep soundly, you need to properly equip sleeping area. Pregnant women are advised to change the mattress to a model that provides support. From the middle of the term, it is strictly forbidden to use a bed with a sagging net. The bed should be sufficiently elastic. High pillows should also be said no. The ideal option is orthopedic. They help take the pressure off your neck. As a result, no morning headaches. A special pillow for pregnant women is one of the main conditions for a comfortable rest. Especially when the stomach is noticeably rounded.

Abandoning the position on the back, choosing the right posture and adhering to simple tips, the expectant mother will be able to enjoy a good night's sleep. With prolonged discomfort during rest and the appearance of other problems, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will establish the reason that interferes with a good sleep, advise suitable posture, will tell about the nuances of rest in an "interesting position".

Sleep is a very important natural physiological process for every person. Every day, people spend at least 6 hours of their lives in sleep. Sleep is a special state human body. This state characterized by a reduced response of the human body to environment, a decrease in almost all activities that are available during the period of wakefulness of a person. In the process of sleep, a person tosses and turns and sleeps on various parts of your body. Each person finds his own sleeping position, which becomes comfortable for him.
Some people prefer to sleep on their side, others on their stomachs, and still others. Each of these methods has its pros and cons. They cannot be called unambiguously harmful to the human body, but under certain circumstances, these methods can carry serious harmful effects for a person. Below are key reasons and circumstances in which people should not resort on their backs, as this may entail great difficulties.

Key Reasons Why You Shouldn't Sleep on Your Back

So, each person may have this question “Why you should not sleep on your back.” The answer is that sleeping on your back carries a lot of unpleasant consequences for a person in certain situations, the key of which include the following:

Lack of proper rest for the body

Sleep is a means for the human body to relax, recharge with new forces after a hard day, in order to cheerfully start a new day. However, sleeping on your back often interferes with this natural process and does not allow a person to get a good rest, which he needs so much. The reason for this is most often hidden in the fact that such a dream leads to increased load and does not give human body relax in the absolute, which leads to the impossibility of getting the necessary rest.

Availability certain diseases or predispositions that may be exacerbated

Sleeping on the back in case of certain predispositions or diseases (especially diseases associated with respiratory system human) carries a great danger, as it can aggravate a person’s condition or serve as a trigger for the onset of the acute phase of the disease. For example, with a predisposition to sleep apnea, sleeping on the back can lead to the fact that a person will have a long cessation of breathing and it will not end in anything positive in the end. If a person begins to snore when he falls asleep on his back, this is a significant indicator that the person has a predisposition to sleep apnea. Therefore, such a person should be extremely careful when he falls asleep.

Snoring is often not evidence of any serious illness, because of which a person should run to medical professionals and seek a remedy. Many people in force genetic predisposition and it does not affect them too negatively. And if snoring does not portend a disease, having a predisposition to it? Everything is simple. The sleep of snoring people is much more difficult, the load on the heart and other organs increases. Being in such a dream, a person does not receive the necessary level of rest and often feels extremely overwhelmed upon awakening. Much best situation will be observed if the person moves into another for sleep. This will allow his body to relax and get the rest it needs.

Infant age

It is strongly not recommended to let very young children sleep on their backs. In this situation, they may experience serious problems with the breath and it will lead to many negative consequences. In the worst case, parents may not keep track of such a moment and may simply suffocate. In order to prevent such a situation, the child should be placed in other positions. For example, in a pose "on the side." This pose is very effective for both breathing and digestive system child.

Presence of pregnancy

Why can't a woman sleep on her back during pregnancy? During this period, women become generally more vulnerable. Very often, when a woman sleeps on her back, pressure on the spine increases, which in turn has an extremely negative effect on both her condition and the condition of the unborn child. This is especially noticeable in the last months of pregnancy. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences and various complications, a woman should rely on own feelings, as they will be able to tell her the correct solution for her, and choose the most comfortable position for themselves.

The presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Whether sleeping on the back is harmful or beneficial in the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is determined directly from the specifics of the disease and the person's feelings. In the case of certain diseases, a person is not only allowed, but also necessary to sleep on his back, since this position can bring him a lot of relief. However, often in diseases of the spine, sleeping on the back leads to a greater load on the spine, discomfort and pain, which can be both weak and strong, unbearably painful. In order to avoid all this, a person should choose a different sleeping position.

Above are the key reasons to consider if you want to sleep on your back. They are not the only and true for everyone, but in some cases they can be attributed to the main and affecting many, so it is important to know and take them into account. Sleeping on your back may not bother you, but if you have the problems described above, in order to feel better, you should abandon the idea of ​​​​sleeping on your back and choose another position for yourself that will allow you to receive good rest and not experience negative feelings.

An important part of a person's life

Life healthy person, sometimes depends on small, but very significant trifles. For example, sleep, food, physical activity. But few people pay attention to them. about food and physical activity Much has been said, but nothing about sleep. Why is there so little written about sleep? Yes, because it is very difficult to conduct experiments, since they involve not one part of the body, but several parts.

7 Reasons You Shouldn't Ignore

So, if you start with sleep, then you might think that which position is comfortable, such and useful. This is a big mistake. In many countries people sleep on their stomachs. Let's break it down. Firstly, everyone believes that sleeping on your stomach is very, harmful, since childhood we are told that this does not allow the lungs to fully expand. Unfortunately, sleeping on your stomach is not allowed only for sick people with intestinal tract, but healthy is a kind of sleep, the only way it is shown. Also, during various illnesses, you can not sleep on your back, because they can provoke respiratory arrest.

Secondly, there is famous name a disease in which it is impossible in any case to fall asleep on your back. The name of this disease is Apnea. Touching on the first, we can say that in people with the possibility of a sudden stop of breathing, this is like death. Therefore, doctors make sure that people sleep on their stomach or side.

Thirdly, another type of people who are contraindicated to lie on their backs. Unfortunately, most countries suffer from this. This is snoring, it is also interconnected with breathing. During sleep, snoring sometimes does not allow air to pass into the nasopharynx, throwing it back, roughly speaking. A person receives less oxygen by resting, and thus waking up in the morning, very tired, because the body could not rest calmly. Someone always wonders how to sleep, but at the same time does not think about how to sleep. It doesn't matter if you go to bed at 8 pm or 10 pm. The main thing is how you lie. Therefore, most often doctors have registered visits to people with snoring. And they turned because they didn’t get enough sleep, and nothing helped them.

Fourth, it is an overload of the spine. Why can't you sleep on your back after a workout? Because there are many muscles in the spine, and they all work when you exercise, walk and do anything. Therefore, many will notice that after a hard day's work, a person goes to bed to rest, feels good, but as soon as he wakes up or gets up, his back starts to hurt even more. This is explained by the fact that by overloading the spine, you also add a couple of actions, that is, contractions, to already tired muscles. It seems logical, lay down, everything relaxed, but no. Due to the fact that most people sleep on the wrong mattresses and pillows, it creates a lot of contractions in our muscles. Therefore, lying down on the bed, you strain your back muscles, then lick, they tense up, and when you get up, you strain them even more. So after physical training or heavy work, it is better to lie on your stomach. So the spine relax, and allow all the muscles and bones to stretch.

Fifth, there are many requests for why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs. I think the answer is clear. Pregnant women are like athletes. They carry almost 3 kg weight every day. This is not counting the hormones and the well-being of the woman herself. The main thing is that in a state of constant load, the body tries to contract the muscles more strongly. Because of this, little blood can flow to the fetus, make it difficult to breathe, and the resulting harm to the unborn child. As you know, blood is not only an important element in the development of a child, but also oxygen. Therefore, pregnant women rarely sleep on their stomachs, and if they do, then from the fourth example, they wake up not only broken and tired, but also physically unhealthy due to blood pressure.

Sixth, there are faiths that forbid some holidays sleeping on your back. Even at that time, people knew that before the holiday and on the holiday itself, you need to sleep very well. So that the mood and well-being be the best memory of this day.

Seventh, this is probably the most important thing, why you can’t sleep on your back. Because for a long time people were not interested in amenities. They only used what they had. Paul, well, and some kind of log, if not a folded sweatshirt. For the body, it was the best bed in the world. Since the spine needs a straight, hard surface, and a small pillow that resembles a folded sheet. Now people, in pursuit of convenience, and even money, come up with more and more pleasant, delicate mattresses, pillows, but not useful ones. Because of this paradox in the development of the industry, people increasingly began to turn to doctors. And it all started with a regular mattress. When a person is very tired, physically, nothing helps him to rest. No rest salon can replace a normal full sleep. And when a person is physically tired, then mentally he cannot think, he simply does not have the strength. To prevent such fatigue, people were offered to take a tent and go to sleep in the forest. Fresh air, a straight surface, gives the body what people so successfully try to get rid of, health.

Make the choice yourself, or it will be made for you

There are many reasons why you shouldn't sleep on your back. Probably everyone has thought about it. Because sleep is what a person needs. And it’s clear that we can save on food or some gyms, since it’s easy to replace them. But there is no substitute for sleep. He simply has no analogues. This is a trait that is very important for development.

If a person does not get enough sleep, then his strength will simply disappear, there will be no desire to do anything. And then, in general, the person ceases to live. Not literally, the end of life, but the end of awareness. Then when you do not manage your life, interests. Therefore, if you consider this issue, then take it seriously. For example, in India there is a law that you can not sleep on the back of a minor. There are also countries where sleeping on your back is like a sin. There is no such thing in Russia, because there is a right to choose. But, roughly speaking, if you are not interested in your health or sleep, then you have already made a choice in favor of soft, but health-damaging mattresses.