How easy it is to stay up all night. What to do to stay awake

Staying up all night is extremely unhealthy. But if the need arose, there are several ways to cheer up.

There are many reasons for staying up all night. For young people, this is the upcoming session or the next party. Young parents have problems with sleep or the health of the baby. The reason may be an unfinished report, it will completely deprive you of sleep. And work on the night shift will not let you close your eyes for a minute.

Cheerfulness at night: benefit and harm? Video

Whatever the reason for deliberately spending a sleepless night, we must remember that even one such wakefulness will negatively affect general condition and on health in general.

Consequences of staying awake at night:

After one night without sleep, the body has the opportunity to recover within five days. But, if you spend almost sleepless nights, it has become a habit or an obligation, from which, well, you can’t get away, the consequences are possible and these are:

  • Extra pounds will become constant companions, it will be very difficult to get rid of them.
  • The systematic rejection good sleep can cause a stroke
  • escalate chronic diseases also increases the risk of developing diabetes
  • Due to systematic lack of sleep, prostate cancer is possible in men, and breast cancer in women.
  • rises arterial pressure, the work of the heart is disturbed, there is a risk of developing atherosclerosis
  • getting worse reproductive function in men. The number of spermatozoa decreases by 29%. If the family dreams of replenishment, future dad should sleep well
  • Reduced life expectancy and increased risk of premature death

From sleepless night more harm than good. It is better to refuse night wakefulness, but if this is not possible, the body should get a full eight hours of sleep during the day.

How long to stay awake? 7 ways

It is better to have time to do all your business in daytime days. But, if this is not possible, you can choose one of the ways how long not to fall asleep:

  1. Do physical exercises
  2. Turn on bright lighting
  3. Drink energy drinks
  4. Watch funny video
  5. Switch from main activity to another
  6. Do not overeat
  7. Listen to loud and energetic music

Exercise or run to stay awake

  • In order to drive away the desire to go to bed, you can do physical exercises. If possible, it will be very good to run along the night street. Fresh air and physical activity will cheer you up
  • You can run up the stairs
  • If there is no desire to leave the premises, it is scary to run at night in the yard, or it is rainy outside. Squats, push-ups, running in place and other exercises from physical education classes will help you cheer up for a couple of hours.

IMPORTANT: The main thing is not to overdo it, ten minutes physical activity enough to ward off sleep.

  • If you have to work at a computer, you need to constantly keep your body in tension: an uncomfortable chair will make you fidget back and forth
  • To relieve tension from the thoracic spine, it is worth doing a warm-up every half an hour of wakefulness

In addition, morning jogging and exercises will help in the morning, after a sleepless night, to cheer up for a productive working day.

Turn on the lights so you don't sleep at night

For a good night's sleep, it is necessary that silence and darkness reign in the room. And in order not to fall asleep, you need to turn on bright lighting. In this way, you can try to deceive the body.

Is it possible to drink energy drinks to stay awake?

Young people often use energy drinks to stay awake.

  • The action of the energy drink is enough for 3-4 hours of night work, but the harm from this drink is much greater than from strong tea or coffee
  • If the choice is made in favor of the energy drink, then this drink should not contain alcohol.
  • And if you drink one can energy drink, then coffee and tea should be abandoned for at least 4 hours. Otherwise, it will be exceeded daily dose caffeine, which is fraught with consequences

IMPORTANT: The drink is addictive. Problems with cardiac activity and the gastrointestinal tract.

It is better to opt for clean drinking water without gas, you can with a slice of lemon. You need to drink as much as you want, and empty the urge bladder, will not let you fall asleep ahead of time.

Laugh to stay awake

A great way to stay awake at night is to watch comedies or funny videos. You can watch a funny TV show. The desire to sleep will recede to another plane. If it is not possible to watch a funny video all night long, you can take breaks from work for 10-15 minutes every 40 minutes.

Vary your activities so you don't sleep

Monotonous work makes you want to sleep, and what can we say about such work at night, when you want to sleep anyway.

  • For a change, you can change jobs, for example, move from a room to a kitchen
  • Or just tidy up in the apartment, at the workplace
  • Call a friend, this option is suitable if he is also awake
  • Get out on the balcony for some fresh air
  • Play a game on the computer or solve a crossword puzzle
  • You can go to your page social network, 5 minutes of such an undertaking can smoothly turn into 5 o'clock in the morning

Hunger helps you stay awake: after eating you want to sleep

You can prepare for a sleepless night by eating well during the day. To do this, you should eat everything essential vitamins and minerals. But, just before night work, overeating is not advised. Heaviness in the stomach will cause drowsiness and fatigue.

  • It is better to prepare apples and raw carrots to crunch. This method helps to get rid of the desire to sleep well.
  • A bar of dark chocolate will help restore energy and last all night until morning.
  • Can be chewed chewing gum which also helps with drowsiness.

Music helps you stay awake

Music will only help in the fight against sleep if it is unfamiliar or annoying. Familiar and favorite compositions will only cause a feeling of drowsiness. Turning on the music at full volume, at night, is not advised, the neighbors may misunderstand. In this case, it is better to use headphones. If there are no neighbors, you can turn on the speakers to the fullest.

  • You can experience everything possible ways how to stay up all night long. Some will work and some won't
  • Do not abuse coffee and energy drinks
  • We must try to plan your day so that the night was for rest and sleep.
  • If none of the ways to defeat the desire to sleep does not work, then right decision will go to bed and get a good night's sleep

There can be many reasons for you to spend the night, from preparing for an upcoming exam to a night shift or celebrating the New Year. Finally, someone could just make you an amazing offer to stay the night, if you know what they are talking about. Whatever the reason for staying up at night, the tips and knowledge that you will glean from this article will clearly not be superfluous. Use them in order to survive the night without sleep with honor, not to lose your ability to work, to maintain cheerfulness and liveliness during the night.

Preparatory and preventive sleep before a sleepless night

If you're going to have a sleepless night, the smartest thing to do is rest before the night and get enough sleep beforehand. When this is not possible, then The best way recovery of the body after such a night, take a nap after it ends no more than an hour and a half, so that there is enough strength for the coming day.

Caffeine as a sleep aid

Caffeine is one of the most obvious anti-drowsiness drugs. However, you need to take some care if you want caffeine to have the same effect. So, if you drink more than two cups of coffee a day, the effectiveness of caffeine decreases. If you know exactly when you're going to have a sleepless night, the smartest thing to do is cut out caffeine altogether the day before that night.

Cigarettes help you stay awake

Yes, everyone knows about the dangers of smoking. If you don't smoke, don't even try to use this tip to stay up all night. If you smoke, then a cigarette is one of the acceptable options that will allow you to stay awake at night. As you know, nicotine is able to save a person from drowsiness for a certain period of time. It is good if at night you have the opportunity to smoke a cigarette outdoors in the fresh air. A smoke break also breaks the monotony of work or study at night and positive influence on your ability to concentrate afterwards.

The right foods to help you get through the night without sleep

If you have to spend a night without sleep, you should also pay attention to your diet. Before a night of wakefulness, it is best to have a light dinner with low content or total absence carbohydrates. In the diet before a sleepless night, foods rich in proteins and fats are much preferable, since the body will need a lot of energy to maintain vitality during the period of night wakefulness and not experience hunger.

Active rest during the night without sleep

It is unlikely that you will be able to stay alert throughout the night if you do not take active breaks from time to time. During these periods, you can walk for about ten minutes in the fresh air, do a few push-ups, or just go to the bathroom to wash your face. cold water. All these ways to unwind and cheer up are much better than just staring at an empty wall, for example.

Search for individual options to stay awake all night

If you have a sleepless night, the most important thing is to have a charge of vivacity, which should be enough for all this time. Someone helps coffee, someone the right products, to someone Fresh air. At the same time, each person can find ways to cheer up that work best for him. During the night, you can use those ways to get extra vigor that work well for you. It is only important that these methods are not too extreme and do not affect the loss of your productivity.

Forget about comfort on a night when you need to stay awake

It is always easier to fall asleep if the conditions favor it: there is a bed or an easy chair within reach, for example. If you have to stay awake all night, it is better to rid yourself of such temptations. You can even deliberately assume an extremely uncomfortable position, or use pins and needles to cheer yourself up in such a painful way when you really want to sleep.

Staying up all night is better in company

Sharing a night routine with another person will make that night more productive for you, especially if your partner, like you, is interested in the success of the nightly activity together. Finally, it has long been noticed that time flies faster during an exciting conversation, so if you find yourself at night in the company of a pleasant companion, time will fly by quickly.

Bright light is the best helper to stay up all night

If you intend to stay awake at night, sitting in a dark corner, this is hardly a good idea. Twilight and darkness can provoke drowsiness, which in turn can lead to incidents or accidents (if we are talking about night work). Bright light will help you concentrate and fully wake up, as well as not to lose vigilance at night. It should be turned on at your workplace at night.

Break the Rhythm to Work Efficiently at Night

At night, drowsiness can also be provoked by the monotony of the operations performed or the same sequence of actions. At some point in time, a person may lose control or even fall asleep. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to take a refreshing break every hour to maintain production potential. You can choose any of the options for changing activities from those proposed above, or use your own. It is important that it does not take more than 15 minutes.

Side effects of a sleepless night

You can go through a sleepless night and experience some euphoria afterwards. Remember that this state is very deceptive. Be prepared for the following side effects and do not forget that the lack of sleep in a person for 2 days can cause serious harm to your health. To side effects Sleepless nights include:

Poor memory and poor concentration

With a lack of sleep, a person's ability to perceive and remember information is significantly reduced. Lack of sleep also affects the length of your attention span. Luckily, similar effects are quite short-term and are quickly restored when switching to correct mode sleep and wakefulness.

high stress level

When you deprive yourself of sleep, the body starts producing more cortisol, which is known to be a stress hormone. Accordingly, you will experience more stress if you are preparing at night for upcoming exams or when you need to complete some task by a certain date, for example, by morning.

Weakened immune system

The question of how to stay up all night will sooner or later lead to the question of how to restore health if you abuse such a schedule. Staying awake at night includes caffeine abuse, eating irregularly, and burning energy reserves. All of these can affect your health, especially when these behaviors become regular. First of all, your body suffers from sleepless nights. the immune system which will need to be restored in the future.

Article author : Kristina Sumarokova, Moscow Medicine ©
Denial of responsibility A: The information provided in this article on how to stay up all night is for guidance only.

Try the yoga breathing exercise. It is called kapalabhati and consists in the fact that you take a normal breath and a sharp, accented exhalation. Repeat this about 10 times. This technique warms, invigorates and affects pineal gland, which affects the so-called circadian rhythms (sleep - wakefulness).

Chewing gum

Chew menthol gum. The main thing in it is not even a refreshing menthol, but chewing movements. So you trick the brain, which is activated, assuming that now it will be necessary to digest food. To do this, he secretes insulin, which causes a feeling of cheerfulness.


Open the windows, let in fresh air, turn on the air conditioner or fan. Warm and stuffy spaces cause a feeling of fatigue. The cold keeps the brain on its toes and forces the body to become active in order to maintain the constant temperature necessary for correct operation organs. Thrill-seekers can try to chew on ice - few things in the world invigorate so much.

Physical training

Jump, squat, push up a couple of times from the floor. Any physical exercise with an interval of 20-30 minutes will help to disperse the blood and improve the flow of oxygen to the cells, and therefore, give additional energy to the body. The best option- a short walk. Research proves that 15 minutes of walking gives new energy for two hours of work.


Rinse your wrists with cold water. This technique allows you to quickly cool the body. It is also useful in the summer when it is very hot, or when you need to get rid of a headache caused by a high temperature.


Skip meals. The body spends a lot of energy on its digestion, so after a heavy dinner there is a feeling of lethargy and drowsiness. Light hunger invigorates.


Listen to fast, annoying music at a low volume. Music evokes a strong emotional response that engages many areas of the brain. If possible, sing along or at least shake your head to the beat. Melodious and familiar music will not work. We need something rhythmic, but unpleasant to the ear - it causes more emotions. The sound should be such that it is difficult to make out the words of the song. This will make the brain work, as it will "listen" and include attention.


Turn on bright lights. The best thing, of course, is to go outside, but if the sun has already set, then the internal clock can still be fooled by turning on all the lights in the house. The fact is that the body's circadian rhythms, among other things, react to light: when there is little light, the body thinks it's time to sleep.


Massage the crown back neck, earlobe, the point between the large and index finger and the area below the knees. These points help relieve fatigue and improve blood circulation.


Activate olfactory receptors. Strong smell- pleasant or disgusting - quickly puts on alert. In aromatherapy, these oils are usually offered for stimulation. nervous system: rosemary, eucalyptus, mint. If there is no oil nearby, you can simply inhale the aroma of coffee beans several times.


Sit in a hard chair. Any slight sensation of discomfort is good when your task is to stay awake. If you work in a chair or in bed, you will be sleepy because they are comfortable and cozy.

coffee and sleep

Drink coffee and fall asleep for 15 minutes. These are two effective techniques merged into one. The action of caffeine usually begins 20 minutes after you have drunk coffee, tea, or eaten a chocolate bar. Until this time, you can have time to recharge your batteries in a dream thanks to microsleep (it is also called a power nap). The main thing is to set an alarm and stay awake for 30 minutes, because in half an hour you will be in the stage deep sleep, and interrupting it, you will feel overwhelmed.

protein diet

If you still have, then protein-rich foods (nuts, eggs), as well as vegetables and fruits. It is important to eat in small portions and at intervals of every two to three hours. Avoid sugar because it gives reverse effect taking away strength. Drink plenty of water. When the body is dehydrated, a person feels tired and weak.


Tickle the upper palate with your tongue. This is another funny one effective way cheer up sharply.


Watch a funny video or argue with someone about politics. Any social activity (even participation in Internet discussions) causes excitement in the brain.

Many recognize that the night for them is the most productive time of the day, and it is when the sunset comes that forces appear for active work. However, sooner or later the eyes begin to stick together, and the brain completely refuses to work. But what if there is no more time to do the work or prepare for the exam and this night is the last chance to finish the job? In this article, we will talk about how to stay up all night when deadlines are running out.

How to stay up all night: 15 scientifically proven ways

1. Coolness

When a person is in a warm and stuffy room he starts to feel tired. To make your work more productive, open the windows or turn on the air conditioner.

Thanks to the cold, the brain works more actively, and the body is activated to maintain constant temperature required for proper operation internal organs. In emergency cases, you can try chewing on ice - this will definitely help to cheer up.

2. Pranayama

To stay up all night, try the ancient breathing exercise which is called kapalabhati. The essence of the technique is to take a normal breath and exhale sharply.

With the help of kapalabhati, you can cheer up, in addition, this breathing technique has an impact on thyroid gland responsible for the regulation of circadian rhythms (sleep-wakefulness).

3. Chewing gum

Menthol chewing gum will help you stay up all night because by chewing, you force the brain to activate, preparing for the digestion of food through the release of insulin. The latter evokes a feeling of cheerfulness.

4. Washing

By rinsing your wrists with cold water, you can quickly cool the body.

5. Physical education

Squat, jump, push up from the floor several times. By performing any exercise every 20-30 minutes, the blood accelerates and the flow of oxygen to the cells improves, thanks to which the body is provided with additional energy. At the same time, the researchers were able to prove that 15 minutes of walking can provide strength for 2 hours of work. So if you know you're going to have a sleepless night, taking a walk with your friends will ensure you're more productive.

Try listening to some annoying song at a low volume. Music causes a rather powerful emotional response, which involves many parts of the brain. If circumstances permit, sing along or shake your head to the beat of the melody. At the same time, you don't need to resort to familiar songs that you like - listen to something rhythmic, something annoying, so that you can barely make out the words of the song. This will help you stay awake at night, as the brain will “listen” and work more actively.

To stay up all night, skip meals, or just skip dinner. When it enters the body a large number of food, a lot of energy is spent on digesting it, so after a hearty lunch or dinner you often want to take a nap.

8. Aromatherapy

You can cheer up with the help of rich smells. The following oils are used to stimulate the nervous system: mint, rosemary, eucalyptus. If there is nothing similar nearby, inhale the aroma of coffee beans several times.

To relieve fatigue and improve blood circulation, it is recommended to massage the earlobes, crown, back of the neck and the area under the knees.

10. Lighting

In order to stay awake at night, make sure that the room has bright lighting. This will help to deceive the body, which reacts to the lack of light as a signal that it's time to sleep.

11. ticklish

Tickle the upper palate with your tongue. This fun way to cheer up really works.

12. Discussion

If you have the opportunity, discuss with someone about politics, etc., if not, argue with a stranger using social networks. Any social activity, even if it is a heated discussion in the comments under the article, causes excitement in the brain.

13. Discomfort

To stay up all night and finish your work on time, sit on a hard chair. A slight feeling of discomfort in this case will only play into your hands, unlike a comfortable chair or bed, which in no way contribute to wakefulness.

14. Protein diet

If going all night without food is torture for you, eat only foods rich in protein (eggs, nuts), as well as fruits and vegetables. Portions should be small, and the interval between meals should be at least 2-3 hours. Under an absolute ban, sugar - it takes strength, in addition, do not forget to drink more water.

15. Coffee and sleep

Have a cup of coffee and go to bed for 15 minutes. Often caffeine does not begin to act until 20 minutes after drinking it. During this time, you have the opportunity to charge the body with the help of microsleep, but if you do not set an alarm clock and fall asleep for 30 minutes, you will already be in a state of deep sleep, interrupting which you will feel overwhelmed.

Sleep, of course, is our friend, but sometimes this friendship is inappropriate. It often happens that rest is a luxury. When does this happen? Yes, when a bunch of things pile up at once - study, work, hobbies and so on. Sometimes only those who are able to limit themselves in a dream can really achieve a lot.

In the morning, is it really easy to imagine how you will sit and work at night? What happens towards the night? Closer to the night, we begin to want to sleep, and thoughts are by no means about business. Doesn't everyone know how long to stay awake? In fact, there are many ways. They will be discussed below.

How long to stay awake?

We are all individually designed. Some sleep well, others suffer from insomnia all their lives. How long can you stay awake? It all depends on the characteristics of the organism. In fact, we can do without sleep enough time, but do not forget that being awake for several days in a row does not bring any health benefits. That also depends on what position he is in, what means he uses to suppress drowsiness, what is his general physical state.

In general, we note that an adult person needs up to eight hours of sleep per day. If he does not sleep this time, then the next day he will feel sleepy, and he will have to go to bed earlier than usual. In other words, in order not to sleep for a long time on the right night, get a good night's sleep in the morning. The option with a quiet hour during the day is not excluded.

Perhaps the most known means from sleep is coffee. How long to stay awake? Make yourself a hot, strong and necessarily very sweet drink - the result will exceed all expectations. I would like to emphasize important role sugar - only really sweet coffee will help you stay awake all night, or even longer.

But abuse it! The effect, of course, is good, but you will plant a heart with it very quickly. Also, do not forget that coffee is something like a real drug.

How long to stay awake? Here you can also advise strong sweet tea. Many claim that it works even better than coffee. By the way, he doesn’t even confuse thoughts too much.

Some people try to stock up on various sleepless nights. The main thing is that they do not contain alcohol, since this substance will start to make you sleepy sooner or later anyway.

Don't overeat! After eating, we immediately begin to fall asleep. The fact is that in those moments when the stomach is full of food, the blood rushes to it. The nutrition of the brain at this moment is insufficient.

You should not eat fatty foods. It's better to eat something light. For example, vegetables and fruits.

In cases where sleep will attack especially hard, walk around the room, shake up, do exercises, do a few squats. The main task is to disperse the blood.

Wash your face with cold water regularly. In those moments when the eyes begin to stick together very much, take it. There is nothing wrong with taking it several times a night.

Some people wash their hands up to the elbow - a strange way, but they say that it works.

Make sure the room doesn't get stuffy. Ventilate it constantly. Take small breaks in your business. During them, do not try to go to bed. Since it is possible that you will no longer want to get up.

Do not forget that after a sleepless night you need to get a good night's sleep - this is the only way to put yourself in order. Sleeping for several days in a row is not recommended for anyone - know the measure.