Constant sleep during pregnancy. Sleep and pregnancy: how to establish a good rest? Find mutual understanding with the future dad

It is quite natural that a significant hormonal and physiological restructuring of the body during pregnancy very often affects such a receptive, subtle sphere - sleep. Almost 80% of pregnant women have sleep disorders, which vary depending on the duration of pregnancy, the individual characteristics of the expectant mother, her state of health, the course of pregnancy, etc. However, here we can speak with caution about pathology, because what is really a sleep disorder under normal conditions, during pregnancy can be one of the many mechanisms that prepare a woman for future motherhood and caring for a newborn.

Why is sleep needed?

Scientists have found that prolonged deprivation of sleep leads to severe physical and mental disorders: fatigue, headache, muscle tremors occur, memory deteriorates sharply, up to a short-term loss of it, hallucinations may appear. This is not surprising, because during sleep, biochemical processes of restoration, accumulation of wasted energy resources, the synthesis of a number of hormones and other biologically active substances are activated.

Everything has its time

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the leading hormone is progesterone. It is produced mainly in the ovaries. Elevated levels of progesterone are responsible for the occurrence of drowsiness, lethargy, increased fatigue and reduced performance in the expectant mother. Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, a woman's body begins to prepare for bearing a child. Therefore, in the first trimester, it is desirable to increase the time of sleep in order to give the body the opportunity for sufficient rest. In the second trimester of pregnancy, ovarian function is taken over by the placenta, which forms around the 12th week of pregnancy. Along with progesterone, the placenta actively produces estrogens, which help to overcome progesterone-induced drowsiness. However, during this period, the stomach increases, which makes it necessary to change the usual position during sleep. The uterus begins to press on the bladder, causing more frequent urination and the need to get up at night.

The third trimester of pregnancy is often the time of sleepless nights. There are many reasons for the occurrence of sleep disorders: it is difficult to take a comfortable position - the back becomes numb, a large belly makes it impossible to take a familiar position - you have to settle down for a long time to ensure yourself at least minimal comfort during sleep. The baby becomes quite active, sometimes it hurts with legs in the area of ​​​​the liver, diaphragm. It is more difficult to breathe for the lungs, compressed by the enlarged uterus, in addition, the mucous membranes swell somewhat, the tone of the muscles of the pharynx decreases, which can cause snoring. Due to frequent urination, sometimes you have to get up several times during the night. A common problem is heartburn and itchy skin that interfere with sleep.

Doom my cycle

Sleep is a rather complex and unexplored process. It is not easy for a person to imagine that when consciousness is turned off during sleep, the activity of internal organs continues, although it may undergo some changes. The activity of the central nervous system, in particular the brain, in some phases of sleep is sometimes even higher than during wakefulness. Sleep consists of several successive cycles. Each cycle includes phases of the so-called non-REM and REM sleep. According to the English abbreviation, these phases are called non-REM and REM sleep phases (from the English Rapid Eye Movement - rapid eye movements). In the phase of REM sleep, the eyeballs make quick movements that are clearly visible through the eyelids. The cycles last from 90 to 120 minutes, during the night in a dream a person experiences 4-6 such cycles. Non-REM sleep, which occupies most of the "sleepy" time (only 5-10 minutes per REM sleep), is also divided into stages. The beginning of sleep is preceded by an intermediate stage - on the verge of sleep and wakefulness - drowsiness. Then the person falls into a dream: the consciousness turns off, the muscles are relaxed. At this time, changes occur in many biological processes: body temperature drops by a few tenths of a degree, breathing slows down, pulse slows down, blood pressure decreases, levels of various hormones change (the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol drops, the content of growth hormone increases). As a rule, when waking up during the phase of non-REM sleep, a person does not remember his dreams, waking up is quite difficult, one feels lethargy, drowsiness. Gradually he falls into a deep sleep. Then the stages of non-REM sleep follow in reverse order, but the person does not wake up - it is the turn of REM, or paradoxical REM sleep.

During REM sleep, life processes accelerate, breathing becomes uneven, fluctuations in blood pressure and pulse are noted. At this time, as a result of the active activity of the central nervous system, a person sees vivid, colorful, emotional dreams that are well remembered when waking up during this phase of sleep. The paradoxical nature of this phase is that the activity of all life processes corresponds to that of a person when he is awake, but the consciousness is turned off, and the direction of the processes is internal.

Non-REM sleep accounts for about half of the total amount of time spent sleeping. The duration of REM sleep varies throughout life: in newborns it is also equal to half of the total sleep time, after birth, the duration of REM sleep is significantly reduced, and in adults it makes up about 25% of all sleep.

Dreams and dreams

As a result of significant hormonal changes during pregnancy, women often change their psycho-emotional mood. This is reflected in the structure of sleep. For this reason, approximately from the second half of pregnancy, a woman begins to see colorful emotional dreams. In addition, dreams are often the result of some kind of experience, disturbing situations, fear of the future, but by no means a sign of terrible events. Vivid dreams often torment pregnant women, frightening with their reality. But, despite the threatening interpretations of dreams from various dream books, it should be remembered that dreams are the result of a bizarre processing in the central nervous system of our emotions, experiences, seen, heard, remembered or, at times, not even recorded by consciousness - everything that fell into the bowels our memory and in a strange way synthesized into some images, situations. Many scientists have tried to unravel the nature of dreams. So, according to Freud, the interpretation of dreams is the way of knowing the unconscious in the human soul. Jung believed that a dream reflects what a person lives today and his possibilities in the future. Sometimes in a dream, truly brilliant ideas come to people: for example, in a dream, Mendeleev discovered his famous periodic system of elements. The dreams of a pregnant woman often reflect upcoming worries, anxiety about the child, his health, fear of future childbirth, responsibility, fear of not coping with her new maternal responsibilities. Often expectant mothers dream of water, the process of childbirth, the future baby. With increased sensitivity, suspiciousness and emotionality, which is typical during pregnancy, women are tormented by nightmares. The most important thing in this case is to calm down. Until now, it has not been accurately and reliably established why we see dreams, what their purpose is, what they mean. While waiting for a child, vivid dreams are an absolute norm, and upon awakening it is better not to exaggerate the dream events, guessing their meaning, but to try to forget the dreams that stole your peace. If some events from the dream continue to bother you, share them with a person you trust, who, without ridiculing, will listen to you carefully. After such a conversation, it will be easier for you to find out the true cause of anxiety. In the future, going to bed, tune in to pleasant dreams. Ask your husband or other loved one to wake you up if you have signs of restlessness in your sleep, screaming, groaning, accompanied by rapid movements of the eyeballs. By the way, if you share good dreams, then the positive emotions received from them multiply.

Sleep duration

In one of the scientific experiments, it was found that the duration of human sleep should be about 10 hours. Of course, in our turbulent age, not everyone can afford the luxury of spending almost half a day sleeping. A modern person, at best, sleeps 7-8 hours a day, or even less, and pays for this with chronic fatigue, depression, poor health, and even serious health problems. In the first trimester of pregnancy, when severe drowsiness develops under the influence of progesterone, it is better for the expectant mother to obey the requirements of nature and give the body the opportunity to rest for at least 10 hours. If it is impossible to spend so much time on uninterrupted sleep, a 1.5-2-hour daytime rest is recommended. In a situation where the expectant mother works, she has to fight with sleep. To increase activity during pregnancy, strong tea and coffee are not suitable, therefore, a contrast shower, gymnastics for pregnant women, and green tea are recommended to raise the tone. However, it should be remembered that only 2-3 full-length sleeps are capable of returning the body to “sleepy” debt, for which it is advised to use days off.

According to other sources, sleep longer than 10 hours, with waking up closer to lunchtime, is also harmful: it causes a biorhythm failure, leading to a deterioration in well-being. It was found that the longest life expectancy is typical for people sleeping 7-8 hours a day. Thus, most likely, the normal duration of sleep for each person is individual. History knows cases of good rest with a daily sleep duration of no more than 4-5 hours. It was found that in people who sleep little, the slow-wave sleep phase is lengthened. It can change throughout life, as it depends on many external and internal factors. The division of people into the so-called "larks" (those who go to bed early and get up early) and "owls" (those who go to bed late and get up late) is genetically determined, i.e. this is an innate property, although habits developed during life can somewhat change the time of the greatest activity of life processes.

The norm for the duration of a night's rest - 7-8 hours - was derived by superimposing the rhythm of the "internal clock" (the center for determining the time is located in humans and animals in the brain) and the time of wakefulness (after a certain time of work, fatigue of the brain structures occurs). When these rhythms are superimposed, the most common time for sleep is determined - from 23 to 7 hours; it depends on fluctuations in hormones, biologically active substances, body temperature, etc.

Sleep disorders during pregnancy

A variety of sleep disorders can be divided into several groups:

  • disorders associated with falling asleep - the so-called starting insomnia;
  • restless, disturbed sleep;
  • interrupted sleep with frequent awakenings;
  • waking up too early and unable to go back to sleep - end-phase insomnia.

Various sleep disorders during pregnancy occur in 8o% of women. In the second half of pregnancy, starting insomnia is most common. An uncomfortable posture, pain in the legs, back, heartburn, skin itching, baby movements, etc. prevent the expectant mother from falling asleep.

Go away, please, insomnia!

Expectant mothers should be warned against the use of various sleeping pills. Absolutely safe psychotropic drugs (and hypnotics are among them) do not exist: they all cross the placenta and have an adverse effect on the fetus, sometimes very serious. In the first trimester, the use of such drugs is prohibited, in the second and third trimesters, sedatives, sleeping pills are used only if there are serious indications and are prescribed only by a doctor. In addition, sleep caused by the action of drugs differs significantly from natural sleep: the ratio of sleep phases is disturbed, with a significant shortening of REM sleep. Often after such a dream, a person feels tired, weak, drowsy, without feeling a good rest. In addition, the constant use of hypnotics is fraught with the development of drug dependence, and if they are abruptly canceled, the phenomenon of “recoil” with severe sleep disturbances, nightmares, and frequent awakenings may occur.

Therefore, during pregnancy, it is necessary to use all non-drug methods to combat insomnia and, if possible, avoid the use of drugs. The fundamental point in the prevention and treatment of insomnia in expectant mothers is the observance of the daily routine. In the second - third trimesters of pregnancy, it is better to give up daytime sleep. You can not completely deprive yourself of physical activity; its optimal types are gymnastics for pregnant women, as well as walking at a slow pace, shortly before bedtime.

The air temperature in the bedroom should not exceed 21 °C. The air in the bedroom should be fresh, so the room should be ventilated whenever possible. Humidifiers are used to prevent dry air, which adversely affects the mucous membranes. Ionizers enrich the air with light negative ions, bringing it closer in composition to mountain air. The expectant mother should have a comfortable sleeping place: the pregnant woman should not be cramped, the bed should not be very hard or excessively soft, a comfortable pillow should be chosen under her head. Bed linen should be made of natural materials, sufficiently hygroscopic (moisture-absorbing), breathable. It is better to refuse spectacular synthetic fabrics. Bed linen should be changed at least once a week.

Pillows that are thrown under the head, neck, between the legs, and support the back can help to take a comfortable position for a pregnant woman. There is a special large curly pillow for pregnant women, which allows you to get the most comfortable. The expectant mother is recommended to sleep on her left side: it is in this position that placental circulation improves, large vessels and organs located behind the pregnant uterus are not squeezed, as a result of which kidney function improves, swelling decreases, nutrients and oxygen are better supplied to the fetus.

How to beat insomnia?

The relaxation exercises that expectant mothers are taught in maternity schools promote general relaxation, calming down and falling asleep quickly. The main task during relaxation is the gradual relaxation of the whole body in time with slow rhythmic breathing (exhalation is approximately 2 times longer than inhalation). Feel how pleasant bliss covers you, how your arms and legs fill with heaviness and warmth. Draw soothing landscapes in your imagination: a sunny meadow, the chirping of grasshoppers, the singing of birds, a quiet water surface, a light breeze - in general, what brings you peace.

Aromatherapy helps a lot. You can use a pillow filled with dry mint grass, lemon balm, hop cones, juniper, oregano, pine needles, chamomile flowers, immortelle and rose petals. The pillow should be placed nearby, inhaling the light aroma of the herbs filling it. The essential oils of these plants can be added to a warm bath to promote relaxation. However, before taking a bath, consult your doctor: in some situations, this procedure is contraindicated. If you are allowed to use aromatic oil, remember that 1-2 drops are enough for a bath.

What's stopping you?

With pain in the back and legs, a massage of the lower back and calf muscles, which the husband can do, will help. For foot massage, it is good to use gels or creams that normalize the tone of the veins - these vessels have to experience an increased load during pregnancy. In case of leg cramps, you should consult with your doctor: you may need an additional prescription of calcium and magnesium preparations. And the following measure serves as an ambulance in such a situation: you should pull the big toe towards you, cramped, while rubbing, kneading, pinching its calf muscle. Gymnastics for pregnant women is a good prevention of such unpleasant phenomena.

To get rid of itching that develops due to stretching of the skin, it is necessary to lubricate the skin of the abdomen with special creams for pregnant women. They increase the elasticity of the skin, contribute to its hydration and nutrition, and prevent the formation of stretch marks. Another annoying problem that interferes with normal falling asleep is heartburn. A number of physiological changes during pregnancy - muscle relaxation, compression of the diaphragm by the pregnant uterus, a change in the position of internal organs - contribute to the appearance of heartburn and discomfort in the epigastric region. Restriction or complete exclusion from the diet of spicy, salty foods, a late dinner (4 hours before bedtime), the use of special drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice (only with the recommendation of the attending doctor) will help get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon. A number of doctors recommend eating protein foods for dinner (dairy products, cheese, meat, fish) rich in tryptophan, a natural component that reduces the excitability of the nervous system. According to other experts, a pregnant woman's dinner should consist mainly of carbohydrate foods that are quickly digested (vegetables, fruits, flour products). Thus, the best choice would be a light dinner, including yogurt, dairy products, fruits. Frequent urination is common during pregnancy. Often it causes night rises, intermittent sleep. This is due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder. Therefore, to reduce the load on the urinary system and reduce the number of rises at night, it is necessary to limit fluid intake 4-5 hours before bedtime.

Very noticeable movements and tremors of the baby in the womb can also interfere with the mother's falling asleep. Try to change the position: sometimes the baby calms down when changing position. In addition, various thoughts and experiences can contribute to insomnia. In such cases, natural sedatives help (they have a mild sedative effect on both the mother and the baby in her womb). A glass of warm milk, a decoction of chamomile flowers with the addition of a spoonful of honey have a hypnotic effect. Teas from lemon balm, thyme, mint, lavender, decoctions of motherwort, valerian help to calm down and fall asleep. Also reduce the excitability of the nervous system juices of some vegetables: pumpkins, beets, turnips. You can add 1 teaspoon of honey to the juice and take the resulting mixture 3 times a day. However, the daily use of honey by a pregnant woman is not recommended due to the high likelihood of developing allergic reactions in the baby in the future. Do not worry if, despite all the efforts made and the implementation of various recommendations, you still cannot fall asleep. The duration of sleep cycles is 90-120 minutes, so after this time the body will take its toll and you will fall asleep - the need for sleep is absolute for all living beings. And the time that has appeared can be taken by looking at photos, listening to pleasant music through headphones (so as not to disturb anyone), knitting. Set yourself up that everything will be fine - and that's exactly how it will happen! After giving birth, rarely any of the mothers complains of problems with falling asleep. Good night to you and your baby!

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which there is poor falling asleep, insufficient duration or quality of sleep for a long time. Many pregnant women experience sleep disturbance right from the first weeks of bearing a child, which is associated with a hormonal shake-up of the body. Particularly sensitive to insomnia are those women who have never encountered this problem before. The situation is complicated by the fact that in this position, the expectant mother needs to get enough sleep and it is undesirable to overwork, so it is necessary to fight insomnia during pregnancy. Knowing the causes of insomnia and studying the processes that take place all 9 months in the body will help get rid of sleep disorders.

Types of insomnia

Sleep disorders that have common symptoms, namely the inability to sleep for a long time, are called insomnia (or asomnia).

asomnia (a + lat. somnus - sleep). Insomnia, sleep disturbance. It is manifested by difficulty falling asleep, interrupted sleep with frequent awakenings at night, superficial sleep, or early awakening with the inability to fall asleep again.

There are three types of asomnia: transient, short-term and chronic.

  1. Transient. Transient or situational insomnia during pregnancy is mostly associated with episodes caused by a surge of experiences of a joyful or sad nature. The sleepless state continues until the emotions subside and life goes on as usual. In this case, a good saying is: you know less, you sleep better. The future mother needs to protect herself from sources of unpleasant information, and her environment to take care of the social circle and the positive mood that prevails in the family. Such insomnia lasts no more than a week and does not need special treatment.
  2. Short-term. Short-term insomnia is associated with more significant causes - physiological processes occurring in the body during pregnancy, stress, medication, heart disease. This type of insomnia can last for about a month, and during this period the body of a pregnant woman can suffer significantly. If sleep disturbances have been disturbing for more than a week, you should immediately contact a specialist. It is impossible to get rid of the problem on your own, since only a doctor can recognize the true cause.
  3. Chronic. Chronic asomnia is the most complex form of insomnia that does not occur out of nowhere. It suffers for months, and a similar condition can cause both mental and physical illnesses. It is much less common than the previous ones, however, in any case, this is a reason to see a doctor. If a chronic disease bothered a pregnant woman before, then the methods of dealing with it will have to be adjusted, since previous drugs can harm the baby.

Why is insomnia dangerous for pregnant women?

According to statistics, approximately 80% of pregnant women face the problem of lack of sleep. Many experts consider this condition as one of the signs of pregnancy at an early stage, as well as the state of drowsiness.

Why is insomnia so dangerous during pregnancy? Of course, a woman gets tired quickly during the day, because everyday things are no longer done with such ease as before. The position of the future mother obliges her to protect not only herself, but also the baby from sudden movements, frequent bending and lifting weights.

Any action requires concentration, and insomnia reduces it and causes additional stress. In her position, a pregnant woman can very easily get injured, even performing the simplest movements, whether it is taking a shower or a leisurely walk. Against the background of an unstable hormonal balance, irritability appears, which occurs even because of trifles.

The main causes of sleep disturbance during pregnancy

As the duration of pregnancy increases, so do the physiological causes of insomnia. It is noticed that at later dates it appears many times more often and manifests itself much more powerfully. The most common causes of insomnia are:

  • problems in choosing a comfortable position, because the stomach has grown and the weight has increased ();
  • pulling pains in the lumbar region and back;
  • active fetal movement;
  • leg cramps;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • pronounced due to skin stretch marks;
  • dyspnea.

Psychological reasons also become prerequisites for sleepless nights during pregnancy. Among them note:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • nervous tension;
  • stressful situations;
  • concern for the health of the child;
  • fear of childbirth;
  • nightmares.

The nature of insomnia is diverse, but it is imperative to deal with it. Poor physical condition and psychological problems should be prevented, and if insomnia has already appeared, learn to resist it.

Hormones and insomnia

First trimester. As the pregnancy progresses, there are more and more reasons for insomnia. Most often, this situation is associated with the restructuring of the hormonal system of the body. At the beginning of pregnancy, estrogens (hormones of the first phase of the menstrual cycle) give way to progesterone, the hormone of the second phase. Otherwise, it is called the guardian of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone levels brings the body into a state of full readiness, aiming it exclusively at bearing the fetus. Accordingly, even at night, this hormone does not allow the body of the expectant mother to relax and rest, so proper sleep is impossible.

Second trimester. With the onset of the second trimester of pregnancy, the overall picture partially changes, and night sleep is getting better. By this time, the woman's body is already adapting to the hormonal surge: the nervous system is relatively stable, the pelvic organs, including the bladder, intestines and liver, have learned to adapt to the growing uterus. The work of all organs is normalized, and the stomach has not yet grown so much as to interfere with restful sleep.

Third trimester. The third trimester in pregnant women is again accompanied by insomnia, it is increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position for rest. Women who have the habit of sleeping on their stomach or back find it very difficult to adapt to a different position. During this period, physiological discomfort is observed: the expectant mother develops heartburn, which aggravates in the supine position, back and lower back pain occurs, and even at rest, shortness of breath appears. By this time, the stomach reaches such a size that it is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.

The situation becomes more alarming closer to childbirth from regular lack of sleep and emotional unrest, often turning into nightmares. Because of this, sleep becomes more disturbing and short. A woman restlessly listens to her well-being, expecting contractions, feels every movement of the fetus, which does not allow her to relax and fall asleep. The third trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by another hormonal surge: the level of progesterone drops sharply before childbirth. The reason for poor sleep and difficulty falling asleep can be training uterine contractions that occur a few days before childbirth.

How to overcome insomnia

You can fight insomnia in situational ways. There are factors that will help make a night's sleep strong and stable:

  1. We avoid tension - the accumulated fatigue does not always lead to a long-awaited sleep, sometimes a woman simply cannot relax.
  2. We give up the habit of sleeping during the day - perhaps the night's sleep will be able to recover.
  3. We share nightmares with a close and understanding person - psychologists believe that a dream spoken aloud helps to understand that there is no danger nearby.
  4. We avoid emotional tension in the evening - we refuse to sort things out, unpleasant conversations and do not watch action movies at night.
  5. We do not use liquid in large quantities at night - the need for frequent emptying of the bladder will disappear, and as a result, the need to get out of bed at night.
  6. We use homeopathic remedies if recommended by a specialist.
  7. We have sex - if there are no contraindications, but there is a desire, then why not try this method?
  8. We choose comfortable clothes for sleeping - preferably pajamas made from natural materials that do not restrict movement.
  9. We are not nervous and think only about the good.

And most importantly - if nothing helps and you want to resort to medical treatment, you should immediately inform the doctor about this. No advice from friends and immediate family can replace the experience of a specialist. Only he will be able to choose the right and safe medicine for a pregnant woman without harming her unborn child.

How to help yourself

The causes of insomnia during pregnancy at different times are different, therefore, the ways to deal with it are also different. For the first trimester, manipulations are suitable that help maintain a certain daily routine and nutrition:

  • Create a habit of going to bed at the same time, preferably before 23:00;
  • The last meal should be postponed for three hours before going to bed, so that the stomach has time to free itself from food during this time;
  • The usual coffee and tea will have to be abandoned, replacing them with a glass of warm milk, which has a slight calming and sedative effect;
  • You can use herbal infusions of chamomile and mint without fear, but with regard to the rest you need to be more careful - you should consult a doctor about their compatibility with pregnancy;
  • The nature of water procedures should be reconsidered - to abandon relaxing hot baths and contrast showers, which increase vascular tone and increase blood circulation, in favor of dousing with warm water;
  • Walking before going to bed for an hour will relax and help you fall asleep, and airing the room works in a similar way.

The third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by several types of insomnia: starting, with sleep disturbance when falling asleep; inability to maintain a state of sleep, with constant awakenings and insufficient immersion in sleep; late-phase insomnia with early awakening and inability to fall asleep again before the time of awakening.

  • With initial insomnia, it is recommended to take a pose lying on the left side (), which improves the blood supply to the baby, the work of the kidneys and intestines of the expectant mother;
  • Pillows can be placed between the legs and under the stomach, and the head can be raised with;
  • To prevent cramps, you can massage the calf muscles, back and lower back, feet and ankle joints;
  • From frequent awakenings during sleep, an orthopedic mattress will help, which helps to adopt the correct position of the spine, relax muscles, and relieve vascular spasms;
  • When itching in the abdomen, you can use moisturizers, and to prevent it, you should try not to gain weight abruptly;
  • Wearing a bandage during the day partially reduces nighttime discomfort.

Video: how to sleep during pregnancy

Pregnant women who pay attention to fitness for expectant mothers are much less likely to complain of insomnia and pain in their limbs. Of course, marathon distances in this position will not work, but yoga, Pilates, swimming and stretching are quite within the power of any healthy woman. Good results are also shown by the mastery of relaxation techniques, which are taught in courses for pregnant women in preparation for childbirth. Of course, not every woman has the opportunity to attend such courses, but if desired, relaxation techniques can be found on the Internet.

It happens that all methods are tried, but sleep does not come. At the same time, one should not fall into despair, as well as lose one's temper. After waiting half an hour, you need to get up and do some monotonous things that do not cause a surge of emotions. Calm music, knitting, guessing crossword puzzles, reading a book, talking to yourself, playing solitaire will help you tune in to a calm and peaceful mood. For some, peeling potatoes finally helps. Creative activities that captivate and excite, it is better to postpone until the morning.

In borderline cases, when the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness has gone astray to such an extent that the time of night rest is no more than 4-6 hours, and this condition has been observed for more than a week, you should immediately contact specialists. A gynecologist will determine if there are physiological reasons for insomnia, a therapist will study the general state of health, and a psychologist will advise how to get rid of a psychological disorder. Preparing for the birth of a child is work that requires considerable strength, which should be regularly restored.

Can't sleep? Baby pushing? Can't find the right sleeping position? The cause of insomnia is not always in a growing tummy. How to deal with hormonal changes and what can a pregnant woman afford in the fight against lack of sleep, except for milk with honey? Ekaterina Ishchenko, in an attempt to fall asleep, was looking for the right position for sleeping under the supervision of the head of the Women's Consultation No. 25, Elena Farafonova:

Pregnant women write on the forums

I feel like I'm about to go to hell! Dear girls, help with advice! Already desperate! I have been pregnant for 7 months, but for several months now I have been falling asleep at 3 am, despite the fact that I go to bed at 23, I lie, I think all sorts of stupid things come into my head, while I can scratch my face (pick up the pimples that have now appeared) bite my nails (already some stumps were left) I understand that it’s all disgusting, but I can’t cope with it, then I fall asleep at 3-4 hours, and in the morning I get up and hate myself for what I did (((I went to the doctor, advised valerian, doesn’t help (I drink mint, milk with honey at night, it doesn’t help either (What should I do ??? I just turned into such a scumbag with anami on my face and gnawed nails ((my husband also does not sleep because of me, but he has to work get up at 6, and do a massage to relax, but it doesn’t help (Has anyone had something similar?

>> glycine, at night, I drank 1-2 tablets, it has no contraindications, you can drink a week, then take a break ... well, or every other day, if you're afraid, 1 tablet each. And keep yourself busy, I read in the kitchen, since you can’t sleep, watch TV, don’t force yourself. Sleep during the day if you can't sleep at night. This is so for many, then it will pass.

I also tried soothing teas and Persenchik, but strictly at 3.00 my eyes opened and I was awake until 5. Yes, and a small one in the tummy also raged at such a time. She saved herself by reading, listening to soothing music - songs of dolphins, the sound of the sea, etc. It was at the first ber-ti ....
And now… The older one is so exhausted that I fall asleep earlier than him and barely get up in the morning. Maybe I’ll go on maternity leave, I’ll rest more, then insomnia will overtake me. In general, this is normal - you are worried about the future, the baby pushes and does not let you sleep, the body is preparing to wake up at any time of the night

I take a shower before bedtime and a couple of valerian tablets .... I also don’t sleep at night ... and after valerka, after a while, it starts to pull me to sleep)))

I had such a period, I didn’t sleep at all at night, then during the day I walked like a zombie ... the doctor said that this happens, this is due to hormones

There is a very good way to overcome insomnia)) Choose the thing that you don’t like doing around the house the most (really don’t like it, just for nothing) and when you can’t sleep, do it, after a while the dream will come)))

do not suffer))) read books, do something around the house, just relax))) I also sat at night with insomnia

and suffered, and roared (even when it was necessary to work), then I realized that this time should be used with benefit: read, clean, wash: gy:
I tried (sometimes it worked out) like this: in the dark, sit on the bed, stare at one point, covering yourself with a blanket and sip hot tea with milk, with a bit of honey (it was +25 on the street)))). And sometimes, on the contrary, she went to another room and lay on the couch without hiding in order to freeze))), they supposedly fall asleep from the cold (although again in the summer in this heat it was wildly difficult to freeze)))). That's how it rolled a couple of times.

walk more. At night, warm milk with honey is possible. As I remember, I will shudder, as they say. In the summer it's so hot, the belly is huge, and ... insomnia all night. The beauty!

The body of a pregnant woman is constantly changing and at a certain time there comes a point when it is impossible to follow the old habits, for example, both in addiction to certain dishes and in a favorite position during sleep.

What are the causes of sleep problems in pregnant women?

As the fetus grows, the belly of the pregnant woman increases, and it is increasingly difficult for a woman to find such a comfortable position that could provide a good full sleep. This is perhaps the most acute and urgent problem of sleep disturbance in pregnant women.

Another common cause of sleep disturbances can be frequent urge to urinate. This is due to the fact that the kidneys of the expectant mother over time begin to work more intensively, filtering a larger volume of blood that passes through her body. This increased work of the kidneys entails an increase in the amount of urine produced.

Also, during the growth of the future baby, there is an active increase in the size of the uterus, which increases pressure on the bladder, the volume of which decreases as a result, and the woman begins to go to the toilet more often.

Sometimes, especially in the first half of pregnancy, a woman cannot sleep due to emerging breathing problems. The fact is that an increase in the total number of hormones in the body makes her breathe more often, and there is a feeling of lack of air for breathing.

In order to increase the blood circulation of the uterus and at the same time supply a sufficient amount of blood to all other organs, the pregnant woman's heart begins to work faster. In these cases, sleep disturbance is caused by increased heart rate and hard work of the heart.

To prepare for future childbirth, the body of a pregnant woman begins to produce the hormone relaxin. However, one of the consequences of its development is the possible weakening of the ligaments, leading to the appearance cramps in the calf muscles and back pain.

In a pregnant woman the digestive system slows down a little, so food often stays in the stomach and intestines for longer than usual. Such work of the digestive tract can be accompanied by heartburn and constipation which, in turn, cause sleep disturbances. Especially often this can happen in the last trimester of pregnancy, when the increased uterus begins to press heavily on the stomach and large intestine.

Very often, the causes of sleep disorders in pregnant women are psychological in nature. After all, almost every woman in anticipation of childbirth is in a pre-stress state. In principle, her feelings and sensations at this time are absolutely normal, but more vivid impressions, and sometimes nightmares that come during sleep, can cause her to be disturbed.

In the second half of pregnancy, many women begin to complain of disturbing intermittent sleep. Often this is due to the fact that it is not possible to comfortably position the body on the bed. A pregnant woman cannot find a comfortable sleeping position, because a rather voluminous and large belly interferes.

The first recommendation in this case may be a call for resignation to inconvenience and an attempt to find a new, perhaps somewhat unusual, but optimal position for sleeping. Having chosen it for yourself and getting used to it after a while, you will find a long-awaited good rest during a night's sleep.

In the event that a woman previously always slept lying on her stomach, then during pregnancy she will have to give up this habit. Sleeping in this position is unacceptable, since the pressure on the fetus will be too strong, and this can have the most unpleasant consequences for both the mother and the unborn child.

Sleeping on your back may seem the most comfortable, but even this sleeping position is not suitable for pregnant women, as it can cause pain in the back, breathing during sleep and blood circulation, leading to changes blood pressure .

During sleep in this position, a pregnant woman improves blood flow to the place where the fetus is located, the kidneys are activated, which helps to reduce the likelihood of swelling of the arms and legs. The pressure on the liver, located on the right side, is reduced, and the pelvic area and back do not hurt after sleep. Doctors say that this position is optimal for the full work of the heart.

Extra pillows needed

And yet, if a pregnant woman has not previously slept on her left side, at first it will be very difficult for her to get used to this sleeping position. At first, she may even experience quite a lot of discomfort due to a large tummy that interferes with sleep.

The best method for getting used to it faster is to use additional pillows. Therefore, prepare in advance and always keep several soft and comfortable pillows of various sizes near you during sleep. Using them while falling asleep, you can always choose the most comfortable position for yourself.

Sleep problems during pregnancy /

In order to get rid of restless sleep, there are some simple, but very effective useful tips:

  • Pay attention to the organization proper and timely nutrition . Never overeat. Completely eliminate caffeinated drinks from your diet. Limit, or better yet, completely refuse the use of carbonated sugary drinks. The best drink before bed during pregnancy is a glass of warm milk.
  • Do not engage in intense mental activity before bedtime. Don't watch TV before bed and don't read books. If you have such an opportunity, it is best to listen to quiet, calm and pleasant music in the evening. This will help you relax and get ready for the night's rest.
  • Very good effect on the body warm bath (not hot!), taken 20-30 minutes before bedtime.
  • Follow the daily routine. Go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  • Don't eat before bed. Between the last meal and night's rest there should be a break of at least three hours. During this time, the bulk of what you eat will have time to be digested, and your sleep will be more restful.
  • Walking before going to bed in the fresh air, airing the bedroom and sleeping with an open window or window in the warm season are very useful.

Remember that your good mood and peace of mind are the key to a full and restful sleep. A good restful sleep during pregnancy is very important for both the mother herself and her unborn child.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder. With insomnia, there is a decrease in the duration of night sleep (normally 6-8 hours) or a person suffers from poor sleep quality (frequent night awakenings), a combination of these two symptoms is possible.

Insomnia during pregnancy is quite common. According to statistics, about 70-80% of women suffer from this disorder. Insomnia in pregnant women is usually observed in the first and third trimester.

Sleep disturbance in the first half

Violation of the physiology of sleep in the early period is often, some gynecologists consider this one of the signs of pregnancy. Why does insomnia occur in the first half of pregnancy?

The main cause of insomnia in the early stages are hormonal changes in the body of a woman (increased levels of a number of hormones) and psychological causes. The latter in the early stages of pregnancy depend on many factors: a married woman or not, a desired pregnancy or not, the state of general somatic health and the nervous system before and during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a psychologically and physiologically difficult period for a woman's life. Even if the child is very desirable and long-awaited, a woman has a fear of her future, whether she will be able to bear the pregnancy, what kind of child will be born, whether the baby will be healthy, whether she will be able to be a good mother for her unborn child and whether she will be able to provide him financially. All these disturbing thoughts do not give the expectant mother peace during the day, they also cause insomnia at night in early pregnancy.

Insomnia can begin in a woman from the first weeks of pregnancy and continue until the very birth.

A woman understands that she is pregnant if she does not have her period, but sometimes the pregnancy test strips do not yet show a positive result. This period for a woman is associated with a certain excitement (especially if the pregnancy is desired and long-awaited). In early pregnancy, many girls may experience nausea, vomiting, sleepiness during the day, and insomnia at night.

Insomnia during pregnancy is due to some physiological reasons. In the early stages, due to hormonal changes, the nasal mucosa swells in many women, nasal breathing is disturbed, and snoring occurs, which prevents her from sleeping.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in anticipation of a child, but for some pregnant women this important period of life turns into a real nightmare: with early toxicosis, with severe preeclampsia and insomnia for all 9 months.

Sleep disturbance in the second half

In the second trimester of pregnancy, night sleep usually normalizes, but sleep disturbance in the last three months before childbirth can cause premature birth and pregnancy complications, nervous and mental exhaustion of the expectant mother. Insomnia is stressful for the body, and during sleep, the body needs to rest and recover. A pregnant woman has a close relationship with her child, if the physiology of sleep is disturbed, not only the expectant mother suffers, but also the baby.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, there are several physiological reasons that can disrupt a woman's normal night's sleep:

Psychological reasons:

  • Insomnia during pregnancy may be due to a woman's chronic fatigue. At 38-39 weeks, it is already difficult for a woman to walk, dress, put on shoes, she quickly gets tired, it is difficult for her to do household chores;
  • Constant nervous tension, stress at work and in the family. The expectant mother experiences fear of the future, fear of financial problems, anxiety for the health of the child, fear of the upcoming birth or caesarean section;
  • A pregnant woman can be upset by the results of ultrasound, CTG, a visit to a gynecologist, the rude attitude of doctors in a antenatal clinic;
  • Nightmares. From 33 weeks, a woman can have very vivid and exciting dreams;
  • A pregnant woman may be upset because of the weight gained, because of the loss of her external attractiveness;
  • A pregnant woman is often worried due to the fact that during the day she did not feel the movement of the fetus.

During pregnancy, the level of the hormone progesterone rises, the hormonal and nervous systems begin to actively protect themselves from irritating factors, which contributes to a favorable pregnancy and gestation. The expectant mother slows down reactions to external stimuli, she becomes more calm and passive. On the other hand, her emotional manifestations come to the fore - she is more vulnerable, tearful.

In the last stages of pregnancy, a woman needs to get enough sleep, since no one knows when labor will begin.

Some scientists believe that sleep disturbance at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy prepares a woman for the role of a future nursing mother, who, immediately after childbirth, will be forced to adapt to the sleep and wakefulness of her child.

How will you cope?

When insomnia occurs in many pregnant women, a natural question arises: “What to do?” It is important to remember that pregnant women should not use sleeping pills.

You can try to overcome sleep disorders using the following methods:

During sleep, our body receives the most complete rest, while the working capacity of cells is restored. But the expectant mother does not always manage to fully relax. Increased impressionability, characteristic of women in an "interesting position", too active movements of the baby, a growing belly that makes it difficult to take a comfortable position - all this can lead to sleep disturbance, which, in turn, sometimes causes some complications of pregnancy, for example late. So the ability to organize your sleep is very important for expectant mothers. What "pitfalls" can be encountered along the way?

Shortness of breath usually appears in the supine position; to prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to lie on your side, placing an additional pillow under your head so that the upper body is in an elevated position.

If the movements of the baby prevent you from falling asleep, try changing your position, as active ones may be associated with insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus caused by the woman’s uncomfortable position (on her back or on her left side). If the baby continues to actively move after that, you will have to wait for the moment when he calms down ...

It is best to sleep on your side with one pillow under your stomach, another under your head, and a third between your knees. You can put a roller under the lower back: in this position, the load is removed from the spine. In the supine position, many women feel dizzy, as the pregnant uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, which reduces blood flow to the heart and brain.

Aromatherapy has also been successfully used to improve sleep in pregnant women. Make a sleeping pill by stuffing it with buckwheat husks or thyme, bay leaves or hazel (hazel), immortelle flowers, pine needles, hop cones, geranium grass, rose petals. Put it against your headboard and you will sleep soundly.

If you wake up at night, there is no more reliable means to drive away sleep than the annoying thought that you need to fall asleep at all costs. Therefore, you should not toss and turn in bed from side to side, it is better to get up and do something calm and pleasant, for example, insert photos into a photo album or knit. Sometimes it is useful to walk around the apartment, listening to calm music (preferably through headphones, so as not to disturb anyone). Remember that your calmness and good mood are the key to a good sleep, and therefore health.

Elena Shamova
Gynecological hospital №2, Novosibirsk