Pleasant dreams or how pregnant women sleep in the later stages. Lateral sleeping position during pregnancy: which option is better

An important part of our life and an integral element for maintaining health is good sleep. It is during sleep that we restore energy, “reboot” our brain and help all body systems prepare for a new day.

Recall any of the days when you woke up not getting enough sleep. The feeling of fatigue, weakness accompanies throughout the day, the concentration of attention is disturbed, any little thing can cause irritation, and the most simple work becomes much more difficult in our eyes.

Prolonged sleep deprivation can cause serious health problems. To avoid such consequences, doctors recommend that an adult sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. But pregnancy changes the lifestyle of a woman very significantly, these changes also affect the duration of sleep.

Sleep duration. Why do pregnant women sleep a lot?

To feel good during pregnancy and create all conditions for normal development of the future baby, mothers begin to carefully monitor their health, try to avoid stress, eat better, walk more in the fresh air and, of course, have a proper rest.

Many are surprised that pregnant women sleep a lot. But really, there is nothing strange in this. female body begins to work "for two", the load increases on almost all systems and organs, so expectant mothers get tired faster and more often feel the desire to sleep. In addition, drowsiness is often caused by a decrease in pressure, which often happens during pregnancy, as well as a decrease in immunity and a lack of vitamins.

For sleep to be beneficial and have beneficial effect on the health of a pregnant woman, it is recommended to sleep about 12 hours a day. It doesn't have to be a one-time dream. It is much more correct not to stay in bed until lunch, but to set aside a couple of hours for daytime sleep.

Optimal time for mommy's rest will be night sleep from 22.00 to 7.00, that is, 9 hours to restore the body after the day's worries. After dinner, it is useful to set aside hours for sleep from 14.00 to 16.00 to "reboot" and recuperate a bit.

Some pregnant women claim that not used to sleeping during the day, so such a system is not suitable for them. Of course, every body is different, but even if you don’t manage to get enough sleep, just resting and relaxing for a couple of hours after dinner will give you an influx of energy and noticeably improve your overall condition.

Sleep problems

As already noted, expectant mothers sleep much more than non-pregnant girls. However, often even a long sleep does not relieve the feeling of fatigue. Why is this happening?

First of all, during pregnancy, the stage of drowsiness increases, when the consciousness is still sensitive to even the most insignificant external stimuli.

In the first months of pregnancy, sleep problems can be associated not so much with hormonal changes in a woman's body, but also with psychological problems. This is especially characteristic for the first pregnancy. Upcoming changes in life give rise to worries and fears, which, in turn, negatively affects the quality of sleep. Often women complain of nightmares that interfere with proper rest.

The following months may also be accompanied by insomnia. The development of the fetus increases the load on the mother's body, all systems begin to work in an enhanced mode, and it seems that they simply refuse to rest.

During this period, sleep problems are provoked physiological reasons: appear pain in the back, lower abdomen, legs, may occur night cramps in the muscles, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, indigestion often occurs. In addition to this, there may be dermatological problems(itching, inflammation).

Yes and growing tummy can cause problems with choosing a comfortable sleeping position, which also makes it difficult to relax.
In the last months of pregnancy, the activity of the baby may interfere with proper rest, but this may be a signal that the sleeping position is chosen incorrectly. How to choose the optimal position for sleeping during pregnancy, we will tell further.

It is not advisable to eat tightly before bedtime, it is best to refuse meals altogether. two hours before bed. But considering that the desire to have a snack can be overwhelming, and sleep on an empty stomach will also not be of high quality, you can afford to drink a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, eat fruit (banana, apple), or a small piece of meat. It is preferable to choose a turkey, because. it contains a natural mild sedative.

It is also advisable not to consume a lot of fluids in the evening to minimize the urge to urinate that interrupts sleep.

Give your body physical activity. Natural fatigue from a walk or light exercise is great for healthy sleep. If a weather allow, do not deny yourself a walk before going to bed. If this is not possible, then replace the walk with exercise.

But they should be performed during the day, and not at bedtime, because the body, excited by the warm-up, will definitely refuse to plunge into healthy sleep. As a preparation for sleep, you can perform several relaxing exercises offered by the yoga course for pregnant women. This will help you get in the right mood.

It will be useful to develop a certain sleep regimen so that the body itself knows when it is time for it to rest. Any rituals performed daily before bedtime can contribute to the formation of the regimen. For example, you can take a warm bath with lavender oil or drink a cup of chamomile tea. Choose what you like.

It is advisable not to load the body in the evening. All things that require stress (both physical and mental) are best done before evening.

Create conditions for comfortable sleep. Ventilate the room so that it is not stuffy, pick up comfortable clothes for sleeping.

Choose the right posture.

The correct position for sleeping in different periods of pregnancy. Sleep on back and stomach

One of the keys to healthy sleep quality rest is right choice poses. Probably everyone has their own preferences: someone falls asleep sweetly on his side, grabbing a blanket with his knees, someone sleeps on his stomach, hugging a pillow, someone on his back. But when a woman becomes responsible not only for herself, but also for the future baby, she even has to choose a sleeping position taking into account her “position”.

Choosing a sleeping position in the first trimester

Let's first take a look at what happens to a woman's body during this period. In the first months, the uterus increases slightly, visually the pregnant tummy is still completely invisible. The fetus in the uterus is protected by the pubic bones. But already during this period, the sensitivity of the breast increases, because the mammary glands swell.

What position to sleep in? Almost any. However, the opinions of doctors differ on the issue of the possibility of sleeping on the stomach.

Some experts argue that even early dates future mother should stop sleeping on your stomach, even if this position is familiar and comfortable for her. This is explained by the fact that body weight transferred to the stomach during sleep can harm the development of the fetus.

But there are doctors who do not put any restrictions on choosing a sleeping position in the first trimester, arguing that the main thing is keep healthy and good rest for woman.

Who is worth listening to? Of course, consult with your doctor, because you trust this specialist. But if you want to get an opinion from the outside, we recommend choosing the golden mean.

When sleeping on your stomach does not cause discomfort, and this often happens due to increased sensitivity of the chest, you can safely sleep the way you want. However, it should be noted that in the future, such a pose will still have to be abandoned. Therefore, you can take a moment and start to gradually relearn.

Choosing a sleeping position in the second trimester

At this time, the tummy begins to grow, because there is gradual increase uterus. Now the baby is protected only directly by the walls of the uterus and amniotic fluid.

However, there is still freedom in choosing a sleeping position. Again, only sleeping on the stomach raises doubts. The protection of the unborn child is no longer as reliable as in the first trimester, so the pressure of the mother's body weight on the tummy will be sensitive. But often, there are no problems with sleeping on the stomach during this period, because many women simply feel uncomfortable sleeping like this and they change their position voluntarily.

How to sleep in the third trimester

In the last months of pregnancy, the tummy becomes already quite large, so it can cause some discomfort when choosing a comfortable position for sleeping.

What do the doctor's say? It's obvious that sleeping on your stomach becomes physically impossible. It is not only unsafe, but also simply uncomfortable for future mother.

Many women try to sleep on their backs. However, it should be warned that during the last trimester, the uterus, having increased significantly, in the “lying on its back” position compresses the inferior vena cava. This is quite dangerous, because in this way normal blood circulation is disturbed and pressure decreases.

In a dream, a woman can even lose consciousness due to a lack of oxygen entering the brain. In addition, sleeping on your back later dates fraught with vein diseases such as varicose veins and thrombophlebitis lower extremities.

Already grown up baby puts pressure on internal organs Therefore, sleeping on your back can lead to disruption of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and liver. In addition, such a sleeping position is harmful not only to the expectant mother, but also to her baby, because he will also feel the lack of oxygen. Therefore, we recommend abandon this position during sleep.

What sleeping position should you choose in the last months of pregnancy?

Here experts are unanimous - the best choice is sleeping on the side.

Alternatively, you can use a special pregnancy pillow, which is made to support the body of the expectant mother in the most comfortable position.

Does it matter which side you sleep on?

Yes, it has. Doctors recommend sleep on the left side to facilitate the work of the kidneys, gallbladder, and also reduce swelling of the limbs. However, some mothers feel discomfort, pressure on the heart. If this happens to you, then it is allowed to sleep on your right side. Doctors recommend the same position for women with oblique presentation of the fetus.

Finally, I would like to note that if you still can’t fall asleep, you don’t need to torment yourself with thoughts about the need for sleep and count how many minutes you still have left to rest. Take a break, do what you like. For example, read a book, listen to your favorite music. No need to try to solve the problem of insomnia with the help of pills. Such drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Take care of your health and your future baby. And let good sleep help you with this.

With the onset of conception, pregnant women radically change their lives. With the growth of the tummy, you have to update your wardrobe, study proper gymnastics or yoga for pregnancy. With the approach of childbirth, you have to learn how to sleep during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. It's just that by the last trimester, many patients have disturbed sleep, big belly makes it difficult to get comfortable in bed. In this regard, mothers have a lot of questions regarding sleeping positions during pregnancy.

Cool baths have a positive effect on overall well-being

Choosing a comfortable sleeping position is not at all easy and depends on the gestational age. It is good for a pregnant woman to sleep in any position she is used to in the early stages, because there is no stomach yet, and the embryo is still quite tiny and it is simply impossible to harm it with an uncomfortable body position. The only obstacle to normal sleep may become toxicosis and related conditions. Sometimes sleep does not go by itself, depressive surges roll in at night, and during the day it exhausts drowsiness and fatigue. Hormonal changes noticeably affect the condition of the mother, but in the first trimester of pregnancy there is still the opportunity to sleep normally on the stomach.

With the onset of the second trimester, toxic ailments subside, morale and psycho-emotional state. Now, it would seem, you can sleep restful sleep. But in the second trimester, the condition is overshadowed by the inevitable growth of the baby, which leads to an increase in the tummy. Therefore, the 2nd trimester is considered a period of major changes. A pregnant woman needs to start moving more carefully, holding her tummy, not carrying heavy weights, choosing the most comfortable postures to fall asleep faster and sleep well. From about the middle of the second stage of gestation, it is already forbidden to lie on the stomach and sleep on the back.

With the onset of the last trimester, the patient has a very hard time, but she will have to be patient. The uterus increases as much as possible, so the woman no longer sleeps on her stomach, even if she really wants to. Positions on the back and abdomen are strictly prohibited for a pregnant woman, so mothers modestly doze on their side during the entire last trimester. This position is considered ideal if in the third trimester the patient prefers to rest on her left side.

Other factors

If the lower limbs of the pregnant woman swell strongly, which is not at all uncommon in the later stages of gestation, then it is recommended to put a roller under them. I sleep on my side, but the baby suddenly starts to kick hard - such complaints of mothers to an obstetrician-gynecologist can be heard quite often. If this happens, you must immediately change position, usually the baby begins to show dissatisfaction when he lacks oxygen, so he demands to reduce pressure on the stomach.

If you happen to get pregnant, then for a long time you need to choose for yourself the most comfortable position, which will help relieve tension, unload the spine and lower back. It is impossible to lie still throughout the night, so doctors recommend alternating left and right right side in the process of rest. Try to get used to sleeping on the left side in the position of the letter C in the early stages, then it will become much more comfortable to sleep with a big tummy.

Which side is best for pregnant women to sleep on?

Many pregnant women have no idea how to sleep properly in the last weeks of gestation.

  • Doctors in general give the same recommendations for all patients - it is best to sleep on your side during pregnancy.
  • You can’t rest on your back for a fairly simple reason - the fetus puts a lot of pressure on intraorganic structures like the intestines, kidneys or liver, which leads to severe pain in the back, exacerbation of hemorrhoids or respiratory difficulties, so pregnant women should not sleep in this position.
  • If the patient often rests on her back, then the baby, while inside the uterus, will put pressure on the hollow inferior vein passing along the spinal column, and this is dangerous by reducing blood flow. As a result, the mother's health worsens.
  • If such squeezing is observed regularly, then this can negatively affect fetal development, because against the background of insufficient blood circulation, there is a lack of nutrition for the baby, his heartbeat is disturbed, which leads to irreversible consequences.
  • Experts recommend how to sleep better. This should be done on the left side, since lying on the right side can provoke squeezing of the renal structures, which will lead to increased swelling.

First of all, you need to think about the condition of the baby, and not about your preferences. It is imperative to monitor your well-being, if a pregnant woman feels discomfort in certain positions, she becomes ill or even has pain, then you must immediately change position and continue to avoid such a position when resting. During sleep on the left side, it is easier for the body to get rid of excess fluid and metabolites, and the heart functions normally.

In the last trimester, it is not very comfortable to sleep even on the left side. To ensure the most comfortable position for herself, mom is recommended to put under right leg, which must first be bent at the knee, a pillow. This arrangement helps to increase blood flow to the placental structures, which leads to the baby getting more oxygen, so necessary for the full development.

What else do you need to know

The main thing is not to overeat at night

In addition, this position improves kidney function, which is most important for the third trimester. You will sleep in this position for at least one night, and in the morning it is noticeable how the usual puffiness has subsided from the face and limbs. In addition, this position relieves pain symptoms in the back and pelvis, optimizes cardiac activity.
But there are exceptions when mommy is not recommended to sleep on her left side in the third trimester. Why? You need to sleep on the right side, when the baby has taken a transverse presentation and his head is located on the left. In such a situation night rest on the right side of the body will help the baby to take the desired position.

Prohibited positions for the third trimester

In order not to cause accidental harm to the child, it is necessary to clearly understand that during pregnancy in the second half of the term, you need to give up sleeping on your stomach and back, even if mommy is not used to sleeping in other positions and tosses and turns for a long time, but cannot fall asleep. Resting on her tummy, mommy will put pressure on the baby, which does not bring anything good.

Lying on your back is prohibited due to the same pressure. The uterus causes intestinal compression, vertebral structures, arteries and other organs. long sleep on the back provokes hyperedema of the limbs and pain in the spine. Sometimes with such wrong position body mommy even wakes up in the middle of the night due to severe lower back pain. You just need to change the position of the body, soreness will immediately recede. Try to sleep so that you are comfortable and the baby does not suffer from excessive pressure.

Setting up a place to rest

How to make yourself as comfortable and relaxing holiday, many mothers think, so they begin to accustom themselves to correct location body. But you also need to watch what you sleep on so that the body is comfortable.

  1. Choose a medium firm mattress. Surface bed should repeat the outlines of the body and maintain the spine column in a natural physiological position. Similar effect provide orthopedic mattress models.
  2. When choosing a mattress, make sure that it does not spring too much. When the spouse turns around at night, he will cause strong vibrations, which will cause discomfort not only in the mother, but also in the fetus.
  3. Size matters. The bed should be comfortable so that mommy has enough space for a comfortable rest and good sleep.
  4. The room in which mommy sleeps must be ventilated before rest. Fresh air will inevitably help a pregnant woman fall asleep soundly and quickly.

If mommy is too often worried about nasal congestion, heartburn, respiratory difficulties, then you need to sleep in such a position that the torso is elevated. Moms are often worried about cramps, which not only cause discomfort, but also cause pain. To quickly get rid of convulsive muscle spasm, you need to reach thumb the cramped leg and pull it up towards the knee.

It is impossible for a woman to control her posture during sleep, so it is recommended to use a pillow for pregnant women, which will help you sleep in a comfortable, and, most importantly, safe position for your baby.

Choosing a pillow

There is a huge selection of special devices

Experts have calculated that for complete comfort, mom needs to put at least 5 pillows under different parts of the body. Especially for pregnant women, a pillow was created that helps to calm down and take the most comfortable position. It is difficult for mothers to find a comfortable position for sleeping, often they want to lie down on their tummy, which is absolutely impossible to do. As a result sleepless night Mommy wakes up irritated and nervous. With every sleepless night stressful condition pregnant is aggravated, which provokes the development of severe depression.

If you use a pillow for pregnant women, then it will distribute the load on the spinal column, help muscle tissue limbs to fully relax, help you fall asleep quickly, come in handy after childbirth for more convenient feeding of the baby. Such pillows are the most various forms like a boomerang, a banana, the letters C, G, I, U, J or a bagel, so every, even the most fastidious mommy will be able to choose the most convenient option for herself.

Of no small importance is the pillow filler, which can be quite diverse, for example, synthetic fillers like polystyrene balls, holofiber, down of artificial origin, as well as natural fillers such as swan down, buckwheat husk, etc. If you use a pillow filled with holofiber or synthetic winterizer, it can noticeably decrease in size. They are too soft, so after childbirth they are unlikely to be suitable for comfortable feeding.

Buckwheat husks or polystyrene balls emit a specific rustling, which not all girls like. But such products keep their shape perfectly and do not shrink. It will be great if the pillow has a removable cover that is easy to remove and wash.

Pillows for pregnant women have both disadvantages and advantages.

  • If we talk about the shortcomings, then they include the large size of such a product. Also, the disadvantages include the heat, if you sleep on such a pillow in the summer, because the fillers retain heat, so it will be hot to sleep in an embrace with such a product.
  • Pillows have much more advantages, if only because they help eliminate pain in hip joints, lower back, neck and back in general.

The U-shaped pillow is considered the most comfortable, because it does not need to be turned over every time mommy changes her body position. There is also a minus - such a pillow will take up a lot of space on the bed, and you will have to sleep with it at some distance from your spouse, which not all mothers like.

In order for mommy to have a full night's rest and sound sleep, the patient must adjust her life in accordance with some rules that she must follow daily throughout the entire gestation.

First, food. A pregnant woman is simply obliged to eat in a timely manner, correctly and balanced. You can not overeat, it is better to eat often and a little bit. It is necessary to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime, so that the gastric contents have time to fully digest and not darken the night's sleep with an extra load. Also, before going to bed, it is necessary to exclude the use of caffeinated drinks, sweet soda, etc. It is better to drink a glass before bed warm milk with honey.

Every day you need to perform special gymnastics for pregnant women, which will partly contribute fast falling asleep and sound sleep. Such training should be planned for the day so that the body has time to fully relax before a night's rest. Also, before going to bed, you should not watch TV, read books or engage in mental activity, it is better to listen to calm music in order to relax properly.

It is worth adhering to a certain daily routine, which will help to accustom the body to fall asleep and go to bed at the same time. If insomnia torments you at night, then during the day it is better to give up sleep, and before a night's rest, be sure to take hiking. You also need to ventilate the room, and in summer time sleep with an open window / window, which will help you sleep soundly and calmly at night.

You need to take a warm bath before going to bed, and after half an hour after it go to bed, then falling asleep will occur almost instantly. It is better to sleep in pajamas or a shirt made of natural knitted fabrics that are pleasant to the touch. If at some point, against the background of lack of sleep and irritation, despair and fatigue rush over, you should cheer yourself up with the fact that all mothers go through such inconveniences.

As soon as a woman finds out about her pregnancy, her life changes completely. There are a lot of questions and concerns. How to eat right? What physical activity is possible and what is not? How should a baby develop during pregnancy? How to sleep properly during pregnancy? What sleeping positions to choose?

And it is sleep disturbance that becomes one of the the most important reasons constant fatigue and mood swings in a pregnant woman. In the early stages, sleeping according to the usual regime interferes hormonal changes in the body, at a later date - a large belly, which does not allow you to find the correct and comfortable position. In this article, we will figure out how to sleep properly during each trimester during pregnancy. Can I sleep on my stomach, on my back, or is it better to sleep on my side?

First trimester - don't fight sleep

Early terms are characterized by increased fatigue and drowsiness. The expectant mother is constantly sleepy and you should not deny yourself the desire to sleep, as your baby needs it too. After all, right now everything is being formed important organs and child systems. Now the question arises, how to sleep pregnant, in what position? In this period suitable for any comfortable position. You can sleep on your back, and on your left or right side, and on your stomach.

In the first trimester, the fetus is still very small and the uterus is protected from pubic and pelvic bones that allows you to enjoy sound sleep. The only thing that can interfere with sleeping on your stomach is soreness of the chest, due to its hypersensitivity. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

Second trimester - getting used to the correct sleeping position

During this period, mood swings decrease, toxicosis stops, and everything seems to be fine, you can have a healthy sleep. But in the second trimester of a pregnant woman, choosing a position in order to fall asleep becomes more difficult. Sleeping on your stomach is not only not very comfortable, but also not desirable. Belly starts to grow, and although the fetus is protected from external pressure by amniotic fluid, adipose tissue and the wall of the uterus, it is not recommended to put pressure on it with the weight of your body. Up to 22 weeks, it is allowed to sleep on your back, as the diaphragm and spine are still in a comfortable state. And as soon as your baby starts to move, it is better to sleep on your side. From this point on, it is desirable to exclude sleeping on your back for the following physiological reasons:

In the second trimester, the optimal sleeping positions remain - the right and left sides. Most people are not able to control their sleeping positions, for this put pillows under your back that will prevent you from lying on your back.

Third trimester - trying to just sleep

The choice of positions to fall asleep in the third trimester is narrowing again. It is physically impossible to sleep on the stomach, on the back it is harmful to the health of the baby. Remains only left and right side. The question arises: on which side is it better to sleep during pregnancy in the third trimester? Doctors recommend on the left. The position of the inferior vena cava runs along the right side of the uterus. Therefore, sleeping on the right side leads to squeezing of the vein by the weight of the baby. Compression of the vein will lead to disruption of the blood supply to the child, and his tremors will prompt the need to change position during sleep. For a comfortable sleep, experts recommend placing a pillow between the legs, while bending the right leg at the knee, and left leg pull out. This sleeping position helps:

  • absence of back pain;
  • no pressure on the liver and right kidney;
  • reduction of swelling of the legs;
  • improving the functioning of the kidneys;
  • increase blood flow to the placenta, which will allow the child to receive the amount of oxygen necessary for development.

If the child is in the wrong position, it is recommended to sleep on the left side, but with a transverse presentation, you should sleep on the side where its head is located. In case of any violations, your doctor will tell you as much as possible suitable posture for sleep during pregnancy.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is especially difficult for expectant mothers to sleep. The stomach has grown as much as possible, it is difficult to get up on your own, since the weight of the child with amniotic fluid is very significant, it is difficult to breathe, frequent urges to the toilet due to the strong pressure of the uterus on the organs and more constant anxiety about the upcoming birth, they do not allow the pregnant woman to fall asleep. And during this period, sleep is extremely important, because you need to gain strength.

Doctors recommend sleeping position - reclining with a pillow under your back. Because such a sleeping position during pregnancy, namely the last weeks, reduces shortness of breath, pressure on the diaphragm, which allows you to fall asleep. Additionally, you can put a pillow under your feet, thereby relieving stress from them.

But what to do if you can’t fall asleep on your side, but you really want to sleep. It is necessary to properly prepare yourself and the room for sleep, and for this you need:

Pillows for pregnant women - the key to sound sleep

How to sleep during pregnancy if the correct sleeping position is uncomfortable? Enough already for a long time special pillows become saviors for pregnant women. They are designed for special needs pregnant. Of course, these pillows also have disadvantages, such as:

  • take up a lot of space on the bed;
  • do not fit in the washing machine, it is better to purchase replacement pillowcases;
  • electrified.

But all these shortcomings pale in comparison to the fact that this pillow will allow you to sleep comfortably! These pillows are made from environmentally friendly materials, not causing allergies. They are produced in various forms, each of which has its own advantages:

Full healthy sleep is of great importance in the life of a pregnant woman. Favorable for a woman's well-being is considered to be 8-10 hours of sleep at night. If the number of hours is less, it may affect the work immune system, which will lead to mood swings, loss of appetite. All these factors can affect the health of both the expectant mother and the baby. Therefore, take care of yourself, choose more comfortable sleeping positions during pregnancy, try to surround yourself with positive events, get enough sleep!

All nine months of pregnancy are accompanied by numerous "no". Doctors limit certain products, alcoholic drinks, intense physical activity. Even some sleeping positions are banned.

Growing belly and general change The body poses multiple problems for the pregnant woman: how to go to bed in the third trimester and in the early stages, is it possible to fall asleep on the back during pregnancy and on which side it is preferable to lie - left or right.

If your big tummy is preventing you from sleeping, the advice of experts will help solve this problem.

Pregnancy is characterized by a sharp increase in the need for sleep. A pregnant woman, who is not yet aware of her interesting position, notices that in any free minute she is just waiting for the moment to put her head on the pillow and take a nap. “I sleep all the time,” this is how women describe their condition.

This desire is connected with the physiological changes that accompany any pregnancy.

Immediately after conception, the hormone progesterone begins to be actively produced, as a result of which the pregnant woman feels constant fatigue, lack of initiative and, of course, drowsiness.

Good to know! If a pregnant woman wants to take a nap during the day, this need is best met. Otherwise the right decision- increase vitality, for example, by drinking a cup of a tonic drink - green tea.

Late pregnancy is again accompanied by drowsiness. Similar state also quite natural, since a woman needs to gain strength before labor activity and prepare for future events.

Sometimes pregnant women have to sleep for 15-20 hours a day, interrupted only by meals.

In the second trimester, a pregnant woman may experience insomnia, as a sharply rounded belly violates all previous habits and prevents a woman from sleeping on it.

The way out of this position is to sleep on the right or left side.

Start of pregnancy

In the early stages, a pregnant woman can choose her usual position - on the left or right side, the stomach or back is also suitable.

The chosen position is not able to affect the development of the child, since the fetus is still surrounded by the small pelvis.

Some pregnant women find it uncomfortable to sleep on their stomach, as the mammary glands become very sensitive and painfully react to such a position.

You can sleep on your back in the first trimester of pregnancy, but nausea often increases in this position.

By week 14, pregnant women need to develop the habit of napping on their side. During this period, sleeping on the stomach is dangerous for the fetus, despite the muscular protection and the “airbag” in the form of a fetal bladder. In addition, this position increases the risk of increased tone.

In the second trimester, doctors allow you to sleep on your back. The child is still small, and the uterus is not large enough to put pressure on the diaphragm and spinal column in this position.

If the baby begins to move, it is better to change position. During this period, it is better for a pregnant woman to lie on her side, ideally on the left, but the right side is also allowed.

By the end of pregnancy, sleep on an impressive tummy or back is excluded, you can sleep correctly on your left side, additionally placing a soft roller (or) under the right lower limb bent at the knee.

This position has a number of advantages:

  1. Placental blood flow improves, which means that the child receives the amount of oxygen and other essential elements necessary for full development.
  2. The urinary system works optimally, which helps to reduce swelling of the upper and lower extremities (this problem is especially relevant in the last weeks of pregnancy).
  3. The enlarged uterus does not press the liver so much.
  4. Unpleasant lingering pains in the pelvic region and lower back stop.
  5. Everything works better the cardiovascular system body of a pregnant woman, which avoids various problems With high blood pressure, arterial or venous circulation.

But not all pregnant women manage to sleep peacefully on their left side.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, sometimes you have to choose the right side. This is true if the presentation of the fetus is transverse. "Right-sided" sleep in this case helps the child lie down correctly.

As already mentioned, in the first weeks you can doze off in any position, but if the pregnancy has passed the 22-week milestone, you can forget about sweet dreams on your back. What is the risk of a pregnant woman in this position?

  1. The uterus begins to squeeze the internal organs, including the intestines. This leads to problems with its emptying, increased gas formation.
  2. Back strain can lead to painful sensations in the region of the spinal column and small pelvis. The pains are different - both constantly aching and sharp, "shooting".
  3. This position threatens the course of pregnancy, so a pregnant woman who says “I only sleep on my back” risks her health. In this position, the inferior vena cava is clamped, which ensures the movement of blood from the legs to the upper part torso. In this case, pregnant women need help, as such negative signs develop as:
    • lack of oxygen;
    • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
    • dizziness;
    • disturbance of consciousness.
  4. Pregnancy is a period when the well-being of the child depends on the condition of the mother. If a pregnant woman constantly sleeps on her back, it can be argued that the fetus does not receive the right amount of oxygen. As a result of such starvation, hypoxia may develop, as a result of which there is a disturbed formation child's body. After childbirth, the child eats poorly, sleeps, and is characterized by increased anxiety.

If a pregnant woman is expecting two or more children or pregnancy is accompanied by polyhydramnios, it is better not to sleep on her back from 14 weeks. Such advice is relevant if the child's head is very low and there is a risk of spontaneous abortion.

It doesn’t matter what month the woman is in, a good rest is required both at the beginning and at the end of the period of bearing a child. To restore strength and sleep, a pregnant woman should carefully read the following helpful tips.

  1. Do not use sedatives and sleeping pills without the prior approval of a doctor. Each medication can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.
  2. Avoid drinks containing the tonic caffeine before bed. It is important to give up both strong coffee and green tea.
  3. Do not eat anything for a couple of hours before falling asleep (especially heavy food) so that there is no heaviness in the stomach. You should also reduce the amount of fluid consumed three to four hours before going to bed.
  4. An evening walk is a good opportunity to get some air, get distracted and stretch a little. However, pregnant women should avoid excessive loads.
  5. Maintaining a daily routine important condition good night. Try to accustom yourself to fall asleep and open your eyes at a strictly defined time.
  6. Sudden convulsions can provoke insomnia and frequent nightly getting up. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will advise relaxing massage movements, the inclusion in the diet of foods with calcium or special preparations.
  7. “I can’t sleep because of the fear of childbirth,” this is how many women explain sleep problems. If you are not spared by the fear of the hospital, be like courses for expectant mothers, chat with positive and already given birth friends.
  8. The right pillows for women in position can improve the quality of sleep. Rollers of various shapes are on sale - in the form of a horseshoe, bagel, banana, etc. They allow you to comfortably sit on the bed and put your tummy in a cozy "nest".

Properly chosen position will help to ensure a good sleep.