Where should a child sleep with their head? Optimum choice of cardinal direction for good sleep

Those who like to sleep with their heads to the west are concerned about the question: do they take the correct position during sleep? Many teachings recommend this posture. Sleep is necessary to restore the energy spent during the day. It is important for a person to replenish it overnight in order to feel cheerful and full of energy. Since ancient times, it has been known that each of the cardinal directions has a special energy that affects sleeping people in different ways. Some of the ancient teachings are also popular with our generation. Consider some of them and learn to better understand the physiology of a sleeping person.

What is the basis of many theories about the position of a sleeping person? Answer: the energy that the Earth is saturated with. Its flows pass in different directions and create certain fields: magnetic and torsion.

  1. magnetic fields. They move from north to south, which is visible on the compass. Humans also have an electromagnetic field. If the human body is located along the magnetic lines, then it will receive powerful energy, the body will replenish its strength in a natural way.
  2. torsion fields. These fields are formed due to the rotation of the Earth from east to west. They are perpendicular to the magnetic fields. If you sleep with your head to the west, it will restore strength and strengthen the aura of the sleeper. He will need much less time to sleep. He wakes up active and cheerful.

This is what the well-known Chinese teaching of Feng Shui says, which is aimed at building harmony between a person and the outside world.

According to the teachings of this philosophy, all four cardinal directions are favorable for sleep. But the sleeper is only suitable for his position.

Feng Shui describes general rules where it is better to lie down with your head:

Also, Feng Shui philosophers have developed a scale by which you can calculate individual number A gua that helps him decide in which direction to go to sleep.

Calculating Gua:

In what position a person sleeps is important, but Feng Shui philosophers advise you to follow some rules that must be followed to organize a good sleep.

These are: do not put the bed in front of the mirror, do not sleep with your feet towards the door, as well as with your head, and do not lie down with your head to the window.

This teaching is aimed at achieving harmony by a person and studying his essence. It recommends sleeping strictly to the east, west or south.

Here are some tips from Vastu Shua:

  • sleep with your head to the south - to wealth, since the god of wealth Kuver is in the north;
  • head in the west - if people sleep like that, then the gods Indra will come for prosperity, glory;
  • to sleep in the east means to go in a western direction to the water god Varun for kindness;
  • in the south is Yama - the god of death, which is why you can not sleep with your head in a northerly direction.

The teachings of Vastu Shua forbid taking intermediate directions during sleep, for example, southeast or southwest. It is believed that in this position, the internal energy flows of a person “conflict” with external flows.

Basically, the teachings recommend sleeping with your head to the west. But modern scientists tend to spontaneous choice of body position during sleep. For example, people notice: “In the evening I lie down in one position, and in the morning it turns out that I sleep in a completely different position.” Scientists conclude that nature is interconnected and man occupies a natural position for him. In connection with this judgment, furniture manufacturers began to produce round beds.

Is it possible to sleep with your head in a certain direction and gain good sleep? Not really.

For strong and healthy sleep it is also necessary to take a number of measures:

  • clean the bedroom
  • ventilate the room;
  • do not overeat before bed;
  • turn off electrical appliances;
  • switch off the light.

In order to sleep well, you need to relax your body before going to bed. This will help a little gymnastics to stretch the muscles, massage or a warm bath.

How to fall asleep correctly, a person can find out with the help of various ancient teachings, as well as study modern knowledge. But at the same time, it is very important to listen to yourself and your body, which will help you draw conclusions about how comfortable it is for him. Then the morning will always be cheerful and energetic.

The East is such a delicate matter that it pays attention to those little things that Westerners do not attach any importance to at all. But gradually the boundaries between cultures are erased, and oriental traditions begin to penetrate into our Western way of life. One of them was the coordination of the interior with the principles of the ancient doctrine of harmony with the outside world - Feng Shui. How to sleep according to Feng Shui, where to turn your head and where it is better to put a bed - let's try to figure it out together.

What feng shui teaches

Feng Shui begins in the east with the choice of the location of the house itself. Then it is properly planned, since the bedroom, according to this tradition, should be located in the northwestern part of the house, and in no case opposite the front door. This will contribute to stable, long and harmonious relations between spouses.

House layout

But the selection of a site and the independent planning of a house or apartment for many is an unaffordable luxury, as well as following absolutely all the principles of the doctrine. But to choose a place for the bed and the direction where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, everyone can do it. This, of course, will not lead to absolute harmony with nature, but according to the followers of the ancient teaching, it will significantly improve the quality of sleep.

Qi energy

To follow the rules was easier, you need to understand what underlies them. Feng Shui claims that the universal life force or Chi energy is constantly circulating in the house. It is believed that she enters the apartment through the doors, fills the entire space and exits through the window.

It is not worth constantly being in the way of the movement of energy, it will weaken a person and take him vitality. But when the energy stagnates in the house, and even more so in the bedroom, this is also bad.

Any rubbish that has not been used for a long time, but is still in the house, delays the flow of Qi. He needs to get rid of it regularly.

Sharp corners, mirrors, fountains and other interior and decor elements can change the direction of the energy flow. The intensity of its movement is influenced even by the colors in the room and the prevailing materials: metal, wood, stone.

In traditional Feng Shui, absolutely everything is taken into account, down to the smallest detail. Therefore, the services of such a specialist are very expensive. We are primarily interested in how to arrange the bed in the best way for the sleeping person.

Place and conditions for sleeping

In order to sleep properly according to Feng Shui, you first need to bring the bedroom itself into maximum compliance with its principles. Soft, natural tones should prevail in its interior. Earthy shades bring peace and comfort to the house: brown, chocolate, soft copper, delicate peach.

Blue or green colors will contribute to harmonious relationships. Discreet light lilac will attract healing energy. Pink will make relationships more romantic.

The following rules must also be taken into account:

Decorate the bedroom with flowers, hang wall lamps, make beautiful linens and use fragrances.

Top Destinations

Definitely the best direction for sleep does not exist, just as there is no best time of the year or the best elements, everything is individual. It is necessary to choose the position of the head, based on whether there is even an opportunity to correctly place the bed itself. After all, if it costs poorly, then wherever you sleep with your head, the rest will be of poor quality. It is also necessary to take into account the energy features of each of the directions.


If the bedroom itself is best located in the northwestern part of the house, then sleeping with your head to the west is not suitable for everyone. This position of the body contributes to the accumulation sexual energy and it will be difficult for lonely people to cope with it.

But for a couple in love, it fits perfectly - from sex life will be active, and the relationship itself will be harmonious.


If we take the universal position of the body, where it is better to sleep with your head, then this is the north. So magnetic fields human body located in strict accordance with the magnetic fields of the Earth, and throughout the night there will be an active accumulation of energy.

It has been observed that people who sleep with their heads to the north wake up earlier and sleep better than others.


A person who sleeps with his head to the east reveals his spiritual abilities. This direction gives additional energy and contributes to success in all endeavors. On the other hand, it raises the level of personal ambition. So people with big egos should avoid this head position.

East position is very useful in the heat - it will give a feeling of additional coolness, as the energy flows in its natural direction.


The head, located to the south, will attract energy during the night to implement the most daring projects. This position is perfect for those who have grandiose life plans. But it does not promote partnerships and is more suitable for ambitious singles.

In addition, the energy of the south is sometimes too hot and aggressive, it can cause anxiety and even nightmares.

Intermediate positions of the head: northeast, northwest and southeast, southwest combine the energies of the constituent directions. Their impact on a person is softer and more harmonious. How to sleep according to Feng Shui for you, only you determine.

The Importance of Sleep Hygiene

But no matter how you arrange the bed and own body, remember that if the basic rules of sleep hygiene are not followed, the bed itself is uncomfortable, and the clothes hinder movement and prevent the body from breathing, don’t wait for the good of the fact that you will sleep in Feng Shui.

The Teaching does not cancel the natural physiological processes and features human body but only complements them.

The main conditions for a normal night's rest remain unchanged:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • proper moderate nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • compliance with the daily routine;
  • regular physical activity;
  • proper response to stress.

If you follow these principles, plus decide how to sleep according to Feng Shui is best for you - sound healthy sleep with pleasant dreams will not keep you waiting.

Otherwise, no matter how much you move the bed around the apartment and in which direction you lay your head down, your body will not see a good rest. No feng shui will save you from chronic fatigue and symptoms of regular sleep deprivation.

However, Feng Shui also teaches the same - harmony with the outside world begins, first of all, with inner harmony. First we put our thoughts and body in order, and only then we begin to transform the world. Rather, he himself begins to change in accordance with the new energies that you let into yourself and your home.

Description of the influence of the direction of the head during sleep according to Feng Shui, the Vedas and Islam.

Many people are quite superstitious. That is why they believe in signs and various beliefs. There are many rumors and conjectures around the sacrament of sleep. In this article, we will try to figure out how to sleep properly.

In general, the Orthodox canons do not say anything in which direction during the rest you should turn your head and how to properly make a bed. But it is known that the deceased person is carried forward with their feet. Therefore, the clergy recommend not to lie down so that the legs look towards the doors.

The clergy believe that before going to bed you need to pray, thank God for the day and go to bed with good thoughts and positive attitude the next day.

Feng Shui sets many requirements for a sleeping place. Experts believe that there should be no electrical appliances in the bedroom, and sharp furniture corners should not be directed towards the bed. In addition, the bed is best placed diagonally. So it will be visible to the visitors of the bedroom.


  • You should not install a bed so that your legs look towards the door. After all, in China this is how they carry the dead out of the room
  • In addition, blackout curtains should be hung on the windows. Sleep in the dark
  • There should be free space under the bed, which promotes air circulation
  • The headboard should be firmly pressed against the wall, and the legs should not have a high side

In which direction is it right to sleep with your head in an apartment, a house according to Feng Shui: expert advice

Vastu is an Indian teaching. According to this religion, sleep is a time for rest and energizing. To get a good night's sleep, there are many factors to consider.

Vastu sleep rules:

  • You can't sleep with your head to the North. Representatives of Vastu believe that this destroys the thin energy shell, which can cause illness.
  • It is best to sleep with your head towards the East. Thus, vital energy is restored the fastest.
  • It is not worth sleeping in the West, this can lead to increased selfishness.
In which direction is it right to sleep with your head in an apartment, house according to Vastu: expert advice

The Vedas are not a religion at all, but ancient true knowledge. According to this teaching, you need to rest with your head to the South or East. This will cause saturation life energy. During sleep, you can cleanse yourself of dirty and bad thoughts.

In which direction is it right to sleep with your head in an apartment, house according to the Vedas: expert advice

Many religions believe that the most unfortunate bed position is when the head is turned to the North or Northwest. It is in this direction that the destruction and depletion of the aura occurs. The person becomes susceptible to disease.

In general, both positions are considered unsuccessful. The fact is that according to superstition, you should not sleep in such a way that lower limbs were directed towards the door. After all, this is how the dead are carried. But at the same time, you should not sleep with your head towards the exit.

According to Feng Shui, the crown should be protected from drafts and other air currents. That is why experts recommend purchasing a bed with a high headboard and placing the bed with its head against the wall.

Most religions and ancient teachings say that you should not sleep with your head to the window. This is due to the fact that at night the earth wanders devilry. She can look in and get through the windows into the house. That is why a person can lose sleep, vital energy. He may have health problems. In addition, there are drafts in the area of ​​​​the window opening, which is fraught with colds.

A person's head during sleep should be directed to the north or northeast, this is considered the most correct position of the body, which benefits health and improves well-being. If the bedroom cannot be redesigned, turn the head of the bed to the east.

In no teachings is it indicated that it is possible or impossible to rest so that the head is directed towards the heating elements. But doctors believe that sleeping near heating pipes can be restless. This is due to the fact that the air in this area is very dry. If it is not possible to rearrange the room, just put a cardboard box or heat reflectors on the battery during sleep.

Yes, this is exactly what the clergy advise to sleep in. It is believed that God's energy comes from the icon and the vacationer is cleansed of bad thoughts. Many believe that one should not sleep with one's feet to the icons, but church ministers deny such signs. They believe that in this position a person will always look at the icons and remember God.

It is believed that the mirror is a kind of guide to the other world. Beyond the line there is another world. Representatives of all energies and religions believe that during sleep it is generally impossible to be reflected in the mirror. This slows down the spread of positive energy. Accordingly, before going to bed, you should cover the mirror.

Around sleep and rest, there are a lot of superstitions and signs. But representatives of the church believe that signs come into force only when you believe in them.

VIDEO: Proper sleep

Most people arrange beds in a way that suits the layout. Few people know that in various ancient teachings much attention is paid to the position of the body during sleep. In the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, there is a whole calculation method with which you can calculate the optimal direction. But the sages from India say that you need to put the head of the bed to the north, then the dream will be calm and strong.

Scientists' opinion

Modern researchers are of the opinion that it is best to direct the head of the bed to the north. This position was substantiated by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg. The scientist says that during sleep a person refuels with energy. Since his health and condition nervous system depends on the magnetic fields of the planet, it is advisable to sleep with your head to the north. If a person lies down in this way, then the magnetic fields of the earth and his body will coincide, which means that the restoration of the body will be more complete.

Given the opinion of scientists, some doctors recommend that their patients adhere to this rule. It is believed that this position of the body reduces the time to fall asleep, improves metabolic processes, blood circulation, and the dreams themselves become bright and pleasant.

feng shui teaching

Philosophers ancient China pay a lot of attention to where to sleep with your head. Unlike the opinions of scientists and doctors, the position of the body according to Feng Shui is calculated individually for each. Experts in this area argue that a person is only a part of the universe, which means that he must live according to its laws. If he does everything according to the rules of Taoist teaching, he will be successful, rich and healthy.

Feng Shui teachings are used by many people from different countries peace. Taoist sages say that each side of the world has its own energy. When a person sleeps, this or that energy acts on him, bringing prosperity, health or, conversely, poverty and illness into his life. If everything suddenly became bad, then you can use Eastern teaching to restore the right energy.

According to Chinese philosophy, each position of the bed relative to the cardinal points changes a person's life in a certain way, in particular:

  • northern direction help to recover from serious diseases faster;
  • southern- improve financial situation;
  • western- will give new ideas, romantic relationships and vivid emotions;
  • eastern- fill the body with vital energy;
  • northeastern will give strength and determination to those who are not confident enough in themselves;
  • southeastern- will help to cope with complexes, strengthen mental energy;
  • southwestern- will give wisdom and prudence;
  • northwestern- Improve leadership qualities.

Quite a few importance have dates of birth of people to consider when choosing a place for a bed. It is better for those born in winter to put the head of the bed in the south side of the world, in spring - to the west, in autumn - to the east, in summer - to the north. Therefore, choosing where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, you should take into account many factors.

How to calculate an individual place to sleep

In Taoist teachings, two main zones are distinguished - eastern and western, yang and yin. To find out your type, you will need to determine the number of gua, for this, the two extreme numbers from the end in the year of birth of a person are added together.

For example, 1974 is calculated as 7+4=11. Then the two-digit number is again added 1+1=2. Thus, two is the number of gua. There is one feature in the calculations, namely the value of five. If such a number has fallen, then for women it changes to a two, and for men to an eight.

If a unit, three, four or nine fell out, then the person belongs to the eastern type. In this case, it is correct to sleep with your head in the east, north, south and southeast direction. The western type includes the other four digits and the rest of the recommended cardinal directions.

Which direction should you sleep with your head according to Hindu teachings

The Eastern teachings of India are based on the harmony between the body, soul, nature, space. The most popular of them are Ayurveda, vastu, yoga. Expert opinions different teachings regarding the position of the body during sleep, they differ, since they are based on, although similar, but distinctive principles.


Ayurveda is called traditional system medicine in India, based on ancient Hindu philosophy. The doctrine affirms the integrity of all being and considers man as part of the universe and nature. Experts say that if a person has harmony between body and soul, then he is healthy. The reverse phenomenon gives rise to various diseases.

Just like Chinese philosophers, Indian sages pay attention to questions about which way to sleep with your head. According to alternative Indian medicine, in a dream a person is charged with energy, acquires wisdom. That's why important point is the direction of the body during sleep in relation to the cardinal points.

How to choose the right direction:

  • Eastbetter side light, as it develops the mind, spirituality, intuition, is able to heal from physical and spiritual diseases;
  • north- a favorable direction, brings the sleeping person closer to the divine source;
  • south- acceptable side where you can sleep with your head;
  • west- bad direction, causes illness, deprives energy.


The opinion of Indian yogis largely coincides with the research of modern scientists. They argue that the magnetic field of man and the planet are similar. In humans, the south is on the feet, and the north is on the top of the head. Therefore, the choice of the side where you need to sleep with your head is obvious - to the north.

Yogis lay their heads in the direction of the north or northeast and thus are energized as much as possible during sleep along the magnetic lines. If for some reason it is impossible to arrange the bed in this way, then the eastern direction is also welcome.


This teaching is also based on the harmony of man, nature and the cosmos. The adherents of this philosophy explain the position during sleep by the ratio of the magnetic field of the human body to the magnetic poles of the planet. However, unlike yoga, they believe that the correct direction is not north, but south.

Philosophers explain this by saying that it is with south pole electromagnetic waves come out, which means that you need to sleep with your head in this direction. If the head of the bed is facing north, then during sleep there will be a counteraction of energies.

Such a statement contradicts modern research. According to scientific data, the magnetic lines leave the pole in the north and enter the south pole.

In which direction of the world to sleep with the head of the Orthodox and Muslims, the opinion of doctors

Where to sleep with your head Muslims

In Islam, there are no clear instructions regarding the cardinal directions, however, believers should put the head of the bed in the direction of Mecca, the center of Muslim pilgrimage. In addition to the position of the head, they should sleep on a low bed, and in no case should they fall asleep lying on their stomachs.

Like the Orthodox

In Orthodoxy, there is no mention of which side of the world to sleep with your head. In this religion, the emphasis is on prayer. It is through turning to God that spirituality is achieved, a person acquires health and well-being. In Christianity, each person is endowed with the right to choose, so the question of how best to sleep is not discussed.

Expert opinion

Sleep experts agree that best sleep provide an appropriate environment in the room, a comfortable bed, mattress, pillow, as well as Fresh air. If a person has restful sleep, then you can try to change the situation in the bedroom: change the curtains, lighting, rearrange the bed. In this case, you should be guided by your feelings.

An ordinary person rarely thinks about where to lie down with his head during sleep. But if you ask him how best to sleep in relation to the window - with his head or legs, then he will most likely choose the second option. Many people believe that sleeping with your head to the window is not safe, as it can blow cold air out of the window. Among other answers, the following are popular: the light of the moon interferes, it is unpleasant to sleep with your face in open space.

The life of any person makes pleasant good health and health. How important it is to have a balanced state of all organs and systems of the body, when all its systems work without failure. However, diseases often occur, often a headache or lethargy, a feeling of anxiety, for which there are no apparent reasons.

As you know, rest and good sleep are very important in normal life person. But not everyone gives it important factor enough attention and do not care at all about the quality of their sleep.

According to doctors, in addition to observing the rules of healthy sleep, the position of the body during sleep is important - on which side of the world you need to sleep with your head. To get enough sleep, be healthy and always have good mood, it is enough to decide for yourself which side of the world you need to sleep with your head on!

How the position of the head in a dream affects the state of the body

This issue has been resolved Eastern sages, the founders of the teachings about the complex interaction of the Universe and Man: Feng Shui, Vastu, yoga. Not the king of Nature, but her obedient servant - this is the role assigned to man in the world. Who follows the streams of universal energy will live long life, they claim.

In the system of ancient teachings, the period of sleep is the most important part of being. The quality of being depends on which side of the world the head rests on, in what position one needs to sleep, so that the energy flows of a person and the Universe merge into one more powerful one, and do not collide with crushing waves.

Do you want to maintain the state of the body in balance, live long, age slowly, preserve the beauty of body lines, freshness of breath, find right place for a night out! It is worth taking a closer look at the situation in the house or apartment: where the bedrooms, the living room are located, where the windows of the rooms go, in which direction the desktop is turned.

The orientation of the geomagnetic field of the Earth is closely related to the orientation of the individual human biofield. Therefore, for a strong and refreshing rest, it is necessary to specifically choose the right side of the world, on which you need to sleep with your head.

It is important to consider which parts of the world the places of long-term pastime of the inhabitants of the dwelling are oriented to. Places to sleep are especially significant, because at night a person restores energy reserves spent during the day. Where to lie down, on which side of the world? Should you sleep with your head to the east or north, west or south, what is the exact advice?

It is believed that the magnetic fields of man and the planet should be of different charge., otherwise there will be a mutual repulsion of energy fields, which means a weakening of the field of a living organism. For example, the laws of physics and magnets are given, which repel each other when approached by single-charged poles.

The human body has its own magnetic and electromagnetic field - they are included in the general biofield of the individual, associated with the global system of the planet's fields.

Interesting fact! It's all about the magnetic fields of the Earth and man. Turns out, southern mainland Antarctica is magnetic North Pole, and in the northern Arctic is the southern one. In man, the north is the head, the legs are the south. This must be taken into account when choosing which side of the world you need to sleep with your head.

Chinese philosophers know how to sleep and where to lie down with your head, on which side of the world to arrange a bed so that the body receives maximum energy nutrition. North is the auspicious direction according to Feng Shui., but not the only one.

The doctrine has developed a coherent system of recommendations for the individual. When choosing the direction of the world for a sleeping headboard, each inhabitant of the dwelling must find out which group - western or eastern - he belongs to, since the most favorable position will depend on this.

Remember that a successful career or, conversely, its complete collapse; triumph of love or dramatic separation; a strong family or incessant strife - it all depends on which direction the head of the bed is directed, whether it corresponds to the “western” or “eastern” nature of the owner.

It is not difficult to determine your group: it is enough to make a simple arithmetic calculation and get the Gua number.

The approximate orientation of the situation in housing to the cardinal points, according to Feng Shui.

Attention! Understanding the question "Which side of the world you need to sleep with your head on", keep in mind that not only north or south, west or east, but also intermediate directions affect certain areas of life for men and women, and not only from the point of view of health but also relationships with loved ones and society.

The mysterious figure will show whether an individual belongs to the western or eastern group of the inhabitants of the planet. The starting value is the year of birth. You must add 2 digits from the end of your date until there is a single digit left.

The calculation is done like this: Year of birth 1985, 8+5=13, 1+3=4.

Those who were born in the last century (as in this example), subtract 4 from 10 and get their Gua number (in our case 6). Those born in the new millennium (since 2000) will subtract the resulting figure from 9.

Women born before 2000 will add 5 to their score(in our example, it will turn out 9), and those born after - the number 6.

  1. Year of birth needs to be fixed by Chinese calendar which starts February 4th. This means that if the date of birth is from January 1 to February 4, then to calculate the number of gua, one must take not the year recorded in the passport, but the previous one. So, those born in January and in the first days of February 1985 take the year 1984 for calculation (8 + 4 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3, then according to the above algorithm);
  2. Gua number does not accept 5! If the result of the calculations is 5, then women change it to 8, and men to 2.

Knowing your Gua number, a person can determine exactly where he needs to sleep. and on which side of the world to lie down with your head. “Western” numbers (2, 6, 7 and 8) and “eastern” (1, 3, 4, 9) show a vector of favorable directions, following which it is worth equipping a bed for sleeping and a place for a headboard.

Carefully! Feng Shui strictly regulates the position of the body depending on the personal Gua number.

The orientation of the head of the bed and the sleeping place according to Feng Shui is desirable to be carried out in accordance with the orientation of the entrance to the room.

Let the crown of your head look at:

  • North or south, east or southeast (if the number is 1);
  • Northeast or northwest, west or southwest (2);
  • South or north, east or southeast (3);
  • North or south, southeast or east (4);
  • Northeast, northwest, west or southwest (6);
  • Northeast, northwest, southwest or west (7);
  • Southwest, West, Northwest, Northeast (8);
  • Southeast, north, east, south (9).

Indian philosophy categorically forbids lying with your head to the north. In this case, a collision of singly charged poles occurs. The Vastu teaching claims that in a dream with the head to the north, a more subtle field of a person is destroyed, health suffers, and spiritual ties with the world become thinner.

Vastu also takes into account the planetary rotation, as a result of which torsion fields are formed. If a person lies with his head to the east, in the direction of rotation, then this position will help restore energy, improve health and subtle spirituality.

Favorable and unfavorable aspects of the orientation of the sleeping place according to Vastu.

Note! Vastu sages consider the position of the head to the south, that is, minus to plus, to be correct, which ensures that the weak human field is recharged by the strong field of the Earth.

Indian philosophers are sure when a person sleeps with his head:

  • To the East- growing spiritual connection with God;
  • South- He will live much longer;
  • To the west- the egoistic beginning is strengthened;
  • On North- independence is lost and obedience is strengthened, indifference develops.

On which side of the world you need to sleep with your head, yogis have their reasoned prohibitions and permissions. They also take into account the magnetic fields of man and the Earth and argue that these fields must be coordinated precisely at the northern point of the planet.

According to yogis, the favorable directions for sleep are East and Southeast.

The east direction is also favorable, since it corresponds to the natural lines of rotation. Place the bed, directing it to the north or northeast, and then your sleep will be calm, full, and awakening joyful and full of energy- so recommend the followers of the doctrine.

Christians do not have categorical advice on which side of the world to bow their heads in. The main thing is for a person to say an evening and morning prayer, thanking God for a restful sleep. and the joy of awakening.

equipping sleeping place, many are wondering which side of the world should be avoided for the location of the headboard. The answer depends on what doctrine the person is committed to.

From the standpoint of Feng Shui, unfavorable turns will be those that do not correspond to the personal Gua number. Adherents of Vastu will never lie to the north or west, as well as to the intermediate directions between these vectors.

Skeptics, who are guided only by common sense and confirmed facts, rely on own feelings and sleep the way they want. They listen to the signals of their body.

The main signal will sound during the morning awakening: the body will let you know if it has had enough sleep whether you are ready to cheerfully accept the coming day. If the answer is no, then you should think about refurbishing not only the night bed, but perhaps the entire bedroom.

It is very important where the bed is: sideways or head against the wall, head or feet to the window, narrow or wide, square or round. Solving the problem, everyone goes their own way: either chooses the side of the world according to Feng Shui, Vastu, yoga, or proceeds from considerations of convenience and expediency.

Common practice shows that it is more convenient to sleep sideways against the wall, but not in view of the doorway.; head to the window, but away from it; calmer if the bedroom window faces east or north. Well, if the bed is round, then you can roll around in different sides like a compass needle and find the best position.

When positioning the bed according to Feng Shui great importance has the correspondence of the interior of the bedroom to the canons of this teaching.

The place of the bed will also depend on the layout of the housing, on the location of windows and doors. It is unlikely that it will be possible to cut through other doors and windows, so a compromise will have to be found. In which direction of the world to lie down with his head, everyone will decide for himself, relying on the laws of the Universe or his own prudence.

Myths and facts about sleep. What you need to know to sleep properly and be healthy

One third of a person's life is spent sleeping. In order for a person to be alert and well-rested in the morning, his sleep should be about 7-8 hours. The concept of "healthy sleep" does not always evoke the right associations in people.

There are some myths and facts that refute them. Unfortunately, many follow only myths, so they never manage to get enough sleep. So what are the myths and facts about sleep? Let's figure it out.

  • 1 myth- A person should sleep only to rest. Of course, when a person falls asleep, he gets the opportunity to rest. But rest is not the only purpose for which sleep is intended.
  • 1 fact Sleep improves the functioning of a person's memory. All the information received during the day is distributed among its "departments" and goes into long-term memory. Neither the consciousness nor the memory of a person rests in sleep. They work just as well at night as they do during the day.

Aggregate negative factors that affect the quality of sleep can lead to serious illness.

  • 2 myth- you need to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night - so sleep will be more valuable.
  • 2 fact- both daily routine and The biological clock people are completely individual. Forcing your body to go to sleep by force when it is still awake is to your own detriment.
  • 3 myth- if you drink sleeping pills, then sleep will be stronger and better.
  • 3 fact- Yes, sleeping pills help in the fight against insomnia, but it is not recommended to take medication all the time. It's no secret that they have side effects and help the body get used to them.

Attention! It will be better if the body will deal with such problems on its own. Doctors advise using sleep pills only if it has been prescribed by a specialist. As a rule, doctors prescribe the lungs according to the effects homeopathic preparations or herbal remedies that do not have severe side effects.

The fourth myth and the fourth fact:

  • 4 myth- during the day you can not even doze off.
  • 4 fact- short sleep during labor day very useful if a person is engaged in intellectual activity. However, for those who have insomnia at night, it is not recommended to take a nap during the day.

The most efficient hours of sleep.

  • 5 myth- the alarm clock helps to adhere to a certain sleep pattern.
  • 5 fact– alarm clock function – to wake a person at the right time. But the time for healthy sleep can only be determined by the body itself. To develop a certain sleep pattern, you need to go to bed when you want, and wake up on your own without the influence of external objects, such as an alarm clock.
  • 6 myth It is best to sleep in silence and darkness.
  • 6 fact- these 2 factors only help to fall asleep. But they do not have a special effect on the process of sleep. Good sleep will be promoted by good health and wellness, as well as the natural regimen discussed earlier. If a person goes to bed according to his regimen, then he will sleep without problems even if the sun is shining. Such people can sleep without paying attention to extraneous sounds.

Most suitable postures bodies that help good rest. The position "on the side" is favorable only if you sleep on the left side of the body.

The seventh myth and the seventh fact:

  • 7 myth- working in night shifts is harmful, because the body does not rest.
  • 7 fact- here the point is not at all in the night shift, but in how often a person has to change his regimen. Since the body did not sleep at night, it is imperative to sleep the next day in order to restore the balance between wakefulness and sleep time. Very often, those who work at night do some business during the day instead of necessary sleep. Later, this adversely affects their well-being.

Eighth myth and eighth fact:

  • 8 myth- You need to wake up at sunrise.
  • 8 fact Your body decides when it's time to wake up. In this case, everything again depends on the natural daily routine of a person: if he is used to getting up at 6 in the morning, the body gets used to waking up at this time and adjusts its biological rhythm of wakefulness. If he gets up at 11, then the alarm clock that wakes up the person will only make him sleepy and irritable.

Having studied the facts about sleep, another useful information, a person will be able to analyze how healthy his sleep is, and what needs to be done to improve the quality of sleep in order to be alert, feel rested and healthy.

For those who are wondering which side of the world you need to sleep with your head on, it is advisable to watch the videos below, from which you will learn a lot of useful and informative information related to the topic of the article: