Fortune-telling of a new place dream of the bridegroom. Dream Secrets: Ancient Wisdom

“Once on the Epiphany evening, the girls wondered: they took off the shoe from the gate and threw it out of the gate ...”. Yes, all girls dream of a happy marriage and love. From time immemorial, it was believed that in the period from Christmas to Epiphany, nothing prevents you from knowing the future. Let's guess?

Who doesn't want to know their future ahead of time? Even those who do not believe in divination still take part in this mysterious action with pleasure. Two weeks of winter holidays from Christmas Eve to Epiphany, that is, from January 7 to 19, are called Christmastide. Fortune-telling on the night of Christmas in Russia captivated both old and young and was considered the most truthful, since it was rooted in pagan times.

However, it was Christmas fortune-telling that attracted young girls who wanted to know who would become their betrothed. After all, you can guess every Christmas night! Whatever falls in fortune-telling, remember - good things will come true. During Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling, it is important to look for only good meaning in all predictions.

And in order not to set yourself up against, do not believe in bad things! In the old days, their own “security system” of fortune-telling worked, and this is how: “If something unpleasant is seen, you just need to turn your face to the sunrise, bow at the waist and say:“ Thank you! They said, however, that after this, none of the envisioned will come true.

Let's hope that our Yuletide fortune-telling will become good entertainment with prosperous happy signs and will come true as we wish. In addition, you need to approach this process with a pure soul and a good heart. That's when the whole thing will end with a wide, fun wedding.

Divination to the side

The most famous and widespread type of divination is described in Zhukovsky's well-known ballad "Svetlana". In Russia, young girls went outside the outskirts and alternately threw a felt boot onto the road (now you can throw a boot or shoe) and in the direction of the “sock” of the shoe they found out which side the matchmakers would come from.

Divination by the book

Not only books, but also glossy magazines are ideal for this entertainment. So many people like to tell fortunes, and not even during the period of Christmas time, but simply for the sake of fun at any time of the year. You need to mentally formulate a question, guess the line number from the bottom or top and randomly open a magazine or, as it is customary, a book. The answer includes not only the hidden line, but the entire semantic passage in which this line is included.

Divination with mirrors

This divination, well known from classical literature, is considered very scary. It is done in complete solitude, in darkness, and there is a great risk of losing consciousness from fear. But, nevertheless, fortune-telling is resorted to to this day. In the old days, in order for fortune-telling to be successful, the girl let her hair down, untied all the knots on the dress, and even took off her pectoral cross. At midnight, she sat down between two mirrors, lit two candles by one of them and peered into a kind of “gallery of reflections”, hoping to see the image of her fiancé there. Attention! If it comes to visions, do not forget to say: “Chur me!”.

Card reading

Another dangerous guess. Before going to bed, they put four card kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummers, dream me in a dream.” If you dream of a king of spades, the groom will be an old man and jealous; the king of hearts means young and rich; cross
- wait for matchmakers from a military man or a businessman, and a tambourine - from the desired one.

Divination on a chain

Wait until everyone is in bed. Sit at the table and rub the gold chain in your hands until you feel warm. Then take it in your right hand, shake it a little and throw it sharply on the table. The chain forms various shapes: a triangle promises great success in any business, especially in love; bow - fast wedding; the snake warns of caution in dealing with people, even loved ones; a heart-shaped figure indicates that you are loved and love will bring you happiness and peace of mind.

Divination in a dream

Popular fortune-telling is probably known to everyone since childhood. Works if you go to bed at a party. In order to see your future groom in a dream, you must say before going to bed: “I’m sleeping in a new place, dream of the bridegroom.”

Divination in the name of the betrothed

Very simple. Leave the house at midnight and ask the first man you meet what his name is. Perhaps the heard name will be the name of the betrothed.

Divination for speed and order

It consists in the fact that the girls gathered to tell fortunes together cut off the threads of the same length and set them on fire. Whoever burns out the thread ahead will be the first to be married. If the thread went out immediately or less than half burned out, then it is not this year to get married.

What do you dream about in a new place? meaning of dreams dream book online. According to old beliefs in those distant times, there was a folk sign that when you go to bed in a new place, you can order a prophetic dream for the future groom. Before you go to bed IN A NEW PLACE in a new house or new apartment, you need to cross yourself three times with the words: “ I sleep in a new place, dream of the bridegroom". In a dream, the future groom will definitely come to you! I sleep in a new place - dream of the bridegroom. A rather interesting and, perhaps, justified dream about her betrothed was that the girl in a new place, before going to bed, ate something salty for dinner and without drinking water. Before going to sleep in a new place, she had to say "My betrothed, give me a drink in a new place." The one who comes in a dream will be, according to beliefs, her husband. There is another belief in the old Russian epic about dreams in a new place. Only women can do this, because for males this is not valid: “changed bed linen - this night the groom may dream !! Divination for the groom in a new place You need to take as many apples as you have potential suitors, and on each bottom scrawl his initials. Then the fortuneteller should go into a dark room with apples and, slowly biting off a piece from each, determine the sweetest taste. The eponymous contender for the hand and heart will become the groom! Dream Bridegroom in a new place In the old days (on St. George's Day) this is a period of two weeks - a week before and a week after St. George's Day. And the girls on this day were guessing at the suitors. Sitting down at the table for supper, they broke off a piece of bread from their slice and secretly put it under the tablecloth, and leaving the table, they took the bread with them. Going to bed, they put a piece of bread under the pillow and said: “Betrothed-mummer, come to eat with me.” After that, he must have dream of a groom

Pregnant Save Nails Drunk Run Aquarium Fish Bad Dream Had a Swim Handbag Child War Mouth Fight Lion Nose Young Man Horse Corpse Future Shops Mother-in-Law Dirty Trigger Cemetery Horse Mother Monthly Kisses Hair Married Boyfriend Former Shoes Childbirth Newborn


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“I’m sleeping in a new place - dream of a bridegroom” - do you still remember this funny saying? Not surprising! It is not even surprising that you also sentence her sometimes before going to bed in a new place. Do you know why this proverb has survived to this day? Because ancient wisdom is stored in it! And not only in it, our ancestors of the Slavs had some more sayings, sayings for the coming dream.

In fact, in the old days, one of the common beliefs was that if an unmarried girl goes to bed where she has not yet had to, then she has a chance to take a look at her future spouse at least with one eye. Our ancestors believed that marriages were destined by fate, it was not for nothing that in the old days they thought of the future husband as a “betrothed-mummer”.
It was also said that one should not be angry at night, otherwise a brownie would be seen in a dream. In other words, one should fall asleep only in a peaceful state, otherwise there will be no restful sleep, a person will be tormented by unpleasant dreams, and, accordingly, in the morning he will feel deprived of strength.
They believed that if a girl looked out the window at the moon before going to bed and said: “A dream about me, a dream for you, for (name). So be it, ”it is believed that on that night a person to whom a girl is not indifferent will have a dream about her. It is allowed to do this rite no more than three times a month.
"Dreams come true from Thursday to Friday." Our ancestors knew that it was Friday that was magically the most powerful day in relation to dreams, and therefore the dreams seen on this particular night are prophetic. You can also, going to bed, say: “Friday, Friday, whoever loves will dream,” then a person will definitely dream that night, or even several people who sincerely love you, it can be either a person of the opposite sex or close relatives.
If you have a bad dream, then after waking up you need to look out the window, then the dream will be forgotten, and say: “Where the night goes, there is a dream”, then it will lose its strength and will not come true.
According to old signs, you can’t sleep on your back - then the brownie can start to choke, or fall on the chest of the sleeping person, crush him, which will make the person have nightmares.

Perhaps you should not take too seriously a lot of signs and sayings in order to prevent when signs begin to guide a person and on this basis, sleep will worsen. But still, it is also not necessary not to attach any importance to the knowledge that came from antiquity. After all, our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers were many times wiser than us, and the knowledge that we read and learn today carries a lot of interesting things and deserves deep respect. Let these signs help you recognize the good signs sent by fate and do not disturb your night's sleep. Have a nice dream!

Golden book of divination Sudina Natalya

"Dream, groom, bride!"

"Dream, groom, bride!"

Going to bed in a new place (let's say you stayed up visiting a friend and stayed overnight), before going to bed, say 3 times: “Dream in a new place, bridegroom!”

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Perhaps one of the most touching. Seeing a groom, a bride or a young couple in a dream, you want to quickly get acquainted with the interpretation of the dream in order to understand the signs sent from above in a timely manner.

Especially when for a soul mate, before going to bed in a new place. The meaning of dreams with newlyweds depends on the gender and marital status of the dreamer. In the publication, we examined what the bride and groom dream about.

Why see a bride or groom in a dream?

Perhaps the most famous, intended for unmarried guys, is as follows: I sleep in a new place, dream of the bride to the groom. Unmarried girls, going to bed in some place for the first time, pronounce the same phrase, but changing the ending to the words: dream of the bridegroom.

Even in early childhood, we learn this common belief from grandmothers. Our ancient ancestors believed that marriage was destined for every person by fate. Therefore, the girls talked about the future spouse as a betrothed-mummer, and the young men called their future wives betrothed.

Wanting to see your future soul mate in advance, you had to go to bed in the place where you had not had to do this before, and utter the cherished words. In a dream, the Guardian Angel showed unmarried girls their future husbands, and unmarried guys - their future spouses.

Modern youth is often skeptical of various beliefs, including those about dreaming in a new sleeping place. But spending the night for the first time in a hotel room during a business trip or vacation, young people often dream. They must be memorized and then deciphered.

According to experts who study sleep, the environment greatly affects the sleeping person. In a familiar environment, people often dream ordinary dreams. In an unusual place, the entire human body is mobilized, including sharpening intuition. He is ready to receive even those signals that he did not notice in his usual state. Therefore, a person sleeping in an unusual environment very often sees prophetic dreams.

Fortune telling in a new bed

We have already considered the most common fortune-telling or spouse. It is also very simple. The fortuneteller does not need any additional items. You need to get ready for bed, and already lying in bed, say the cherished saying and try to fall asleep without thinking about anything else.

The Angel does not always show the real groom in a dream. Sometimes there are images. Most often, a young lady sees a dog or a bull in a dream. In this case, you should try to remember their color. Red shades predict an acquaintance with the groom soon. Black color indicates familiarity with the enemy. Therefore, the appeared fan should be bypassed. So, it will be possible to avoid an unhappy marriage.

There are variations of the famous divination. We will consider only the most popular. The girl, going to bed for the first time in this place, puts three items at the head: soap, a comb and a belt she has from any clothes. Then he utters the phrase: narrowed-mummer, wash me, comb my hair, gird me. At night, she will dream of her future husband.

To make the second divination, you will need a broom and a cup. Ordinary tap water is taken into a cup, and several twigs are broken off from a broom. They make an impromptu bridge over a cup of water.

The construction is placed under the bed with the words: narrowed-mummers, take me across the bridge. After that, you should immediately try to fall asleep. If marriage is coming soon, then the future spouse will dream, moreover, in a wedding dress. A girl who has not seen a dream will not marry soon.

Interpretation of dreams on a wedding theme

When the dreamer saw in a dream a marriage with a beautiful bride and groom, he will be pleasantly surprised by the surprise received in reality. Either he will finally get what he has long dreamed of or meet a person dear to his heart. If in a dream the groom signed during the registration of marriage, then in life the dreamer will sign a lucrative contract.

The moment when the groom carries the bride in his arms portends an easy profit. Seeing a groom without clothes in a dream, be prepared to endure a funny misunderstanding. If in a dream the groom ignored his own wedding, then the sleeping person will find himself in a difficult situation.

The dream warns of undesirable hasty actions and breakdowns in loved ones. It is necessary to show restraint and think over all actions. This tactic will help solve all problems.

When an unmarried girl sees herself as a bride, then a serious relationship will soon appear in her life. They will likely lead to marriage. For married ladies, the described dream portends pleasant changes in business and life in general.

If an unmarried young man was a groom in a dream, then he will soon marry. Another interpretation of the dream is that he can become seriously ill. For married men, the status of a groom in a dream portends favorable life changes in reality, and some troubles according to other dream books.

At the same time, girls and boys who have a real marriage planned for the near future often have wedding-themed dreams. But they should not be deciphered and considered prophetic. In all dream books it is written that this is a transfer of life experiences into the world of dreams, and it does not mean anything.


Since ancient times, unmarried girls and unmarried men have thought about their betrothed, going to bed for the first time in a new place for themselves. Such dreams are considered prophetic, and they should be remembered in order to then be interpreted.

After all, a real person does not always appear in a dream, sometimes the sleeping person sees certain images that have a certain meaning. We examined the meanings of various dreams in which the groom, bride or young couple was present. May only what you desire with all your heart come true!