What are the benefits of milk and dairy products? The benefits of dairy products for the human body.

The benefits of milk have been known for a long time. Since ancient times, it has been included in both children's and adult diets. It is a valuable product for the body and is even used as a preventive and medicinal product in medicine.

Milk is considered light product, because the weakest concentration is enough for its digestion gastric juice.

The benefits of milk are due to the content in it of quite a large number vitamins (water and fat soluble). group B: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), cyanocobalamin (B12). Vitamin A and carotene (provitamin A) are dissolved in milk fat. Vitamin C is found in milk in the amount of 1000-1500 gamma percent.

No less in milk and beneficial trace elements. These are zinc, copper, cobalt, manganese, sulfur, bromine, aluminum, tin, fluorine, titanium, vanadium, silver and others. Also it has a nicotinic acid(vitamin PP); biotin (vitamin H); folic acid involved in the process of hematopoiesis; pantothenic, normalizing the functions of the nervous and circulatory systems, as well as skin.

Dairy enzymes are very important for health. Among them, hydrolyzing ones stand out: galactase and lactase, lipase and phosphatase, as well as a complex of redox enzymes. AT childhood these enzymes accompany the transformation into digestive tract nutrients. But enzymes are active only in raw milk; when boiled, they are destroyed.

In order to study the benefits of milk, Finnish scientists have been observing children for 10 years, taking into account their diet. It turned out that children who have been accustomed to milk since childhood are much less likely to suffer from diabetes (the study was conducted among children with a predisposition to this disease). When drinking milk, the body produces more antibodies to this disease.

Milk, the benefits of which are also explained by a balanced set mineral salts(compounds of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, as well as salts of citric, hydrochloric and other acids) involved in all critical processes life is necessary for everyone. Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium are bone tissue. Magnesium is especially important for the heart, and phosphorus for the brain and nervous tissue. These substances are not able to replenish the body with any other products, except for dairy.

The benefits of milk are known in the treatment of anemia, physical exhaustion, it is useful for the recovery of people who have suffered serious illnesses or have been injured and injured. The product is invaluable in conditions when it is necessary to replace animal proteins (meat, fish, chicken eggs) to lighter ones.

Milk is used for heart disease and edema, as it has diuretic properties. It is a real medicine for poisoning, for example, acids or alkalis, iodine, bromine, salts heavy metals. It is useful for gastritis, diseases of the liver and kidneys, tuberculosis, anemia.

There is one original product in Russia, which I practically do not know about anywhere in the world. This benefit is even greater than usual, because thanks to the manufacturing technology, it becomes a concentrate of all the useful substances contained in the raw product.

Warm is the best natural remedy from insomnia, perfectly calming the body. It helps to overcome stressful conditions, reduces pressure, calms the nerves.

If before going to bed you wipe your face with a mixture of sour unpasteurized milk and ethyl alcohol(3:1), then you can achieve clarification age spots.

However, the benefits of milk will not be the same for everyone. Children can drink which is perfectly absorbed by their bodies. It is better for adults to limit themselves to low-fat foods (no more than 2%), because with age, animal fats are processed much more slowly. Even more useful for adults is the use of fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, etc.). Be healthy!

Milk, as a rule, is the first food of a person from birth, and remains the main one for several months. FROM mother's milk the baby receives absolutely all vitamins, minerals and nutrients that he needs for proper development. Milk - unique product which is the man who came out of infancy continues to use.

Among the huge variety of types of this drink, cow's milk is the most popular. However, cases when preference is given to goat, sheep, deer and other types of drink are also not uncommon.

Chemical composition, nutritional value and calorie content of milk

Milk is a product mineral composition, the content of vitamins and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in which directly depends on what the animal ate, what were the conditions for its maintenance and on some other external factors. So, depending on the feed of the cow, the fat content of the drink changes, and with it the calorie content of milk and its taste qualities. In general, it is considered that in 100 g cow's milk contains:

  • 88 g of water;
  • 3.2 g proteins;
  • 2.35 g fat. Of these, saturated - 1.9 g; monosaturated - 0.8 g; polyunsaturated - 0.2 g;
  • 5.2 g of carbohydrates, including disaccharides and lactose;
  • 28 micrograms of retinol or vitamin A;
  • 0.04 g thiamine or vitamin B1;
  • 0.18 mg riboflavin or vitamin B2;
  • 0.44 mcg cobalamin or vitamin B12;
  • 2 IU vitamin D;
  • 113 mg calcium;
  • 10 mg magnesium;
  • 143 mg potassium.

A small amount of cow's milk also contains sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, and trace elements - copper, iodine, iron, selenium, chromium, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, tin, aluminum, strontium.

The calorie content of milk is also a frequently changing indicator, but in general this value is about 60 Kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties of milk

It is unfortunate, but the benefits of milk are significantly reduced when it is pasteurized and sterilized. However, this is the fee for a product that is free of bacteria and harmful impurities. Nevertheless, modern manufacturers strive to ensure that consumers have a product that is not only safe, but also useful.

So, lactose, which is contained in milk, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, heart and kidneys. Helps her in this casein protein containing the amino acid methionine.

calcium, so beneficial to the body at any age, contained in a natural drink in enough in a form that is easily absorbed by the body and perfectly balanced with phosphorus. In childhood, calcium is necessary for the formation of bones of the skeleton, and in the elderly it helps prevent osteoporosis. It is curious that the calcium content in cow's milk is lower in summer than in winter period. Experts say that the absorption of calcium increases with its simultaneous reception with foods containing vitamin D.

The benefits of milk in the treatment colds appreciated by more than one generation. Warm, with the addition of honey or raspberry jam, as well as badger fat, milk is able to raise the most hopeless patient who has come down with a cold to his feet. The point is that the fight against viral infections requires the participation of immunoglobulins - special elements formed from protein foods. Casein - milk protein- not only is an excellent basis for the formation of immunoglobulins, but is also better absorbed by the body than others.

Getting rid of insomnia and headaches are another useful properties of milk. The high content of tryptophan and phenylalanine acids in this drink affects our body sedative effect. The recipe is simple: a glass of warm, if possible, fresh milk with the addition of honey should be drunk an hour before bedtime. For headaches, it is recommended to add a raw egg in a bowl with a freshly boiled drink. Such a cocktail, taken throughout the week, can get rid of the most severe headaches.

The benefits of milk for heartburn are known to most women who are expecting a baby. This drink reduces acidity and reduces pain with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis and ulcers. In order to guarantee to forget about heartburn on long time, you should drink milk slowly, in small sips.

The use of milk in cosmetology began thousands of years ago, when the famous beauty and conqueror of hearts Cleopatra pampered herself with luxurious milk baths. Nowadays, the global beauty industry offers women creams, lotions, gels based on milk proteins, which are designed to give youth and beauty.

Harmful properties of milk

Unfortunately, milk and products based on it are not useful for everyone. Milk with excessive consumption causes harm quite often.

In most cases Negative consequences From the use of this food product, those people who suffer from a deficiency of the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of lactose are persecuted. Its absence significantly reduces absorption milk sugar, which causes the drink to ferment in the intestines, and this, in turn, causes diarrhea. This phenomenon cannot be called widespread - it is characteristic of only about 15% of the population of our planet.

In addition, cow's milk is strong allergens. The occurrence of a rash, itching, bloating, nausea or vomiting when drinking it are signs of an allergy that indicate the need to stop taking this drink. However, other milk-based products - cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, yogurt - are digested, as a rule, much better. Unlike cow's milk, goat's milk causes harm in the form of an allergy extremely rarely.

For the elderly, the harm of milk is no less pronounced than the benefit. On the one hand, the drink replenishes calcium deficiency, on the other hand, it is one of the causes of atherosclerosis.

With a tendency to the deposition of calcium salts in the vessels, milk is also contraindicated.

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Milk is the very first product with which a person begins his life. It would seem that what could be better and healthier than dairy products? But it is around milk that the most desperate disputes and verbal battles are fought. Some fiercely defend the right of milk to be called a superfood, the most natural and natural for a person, while others argue that after a certain age, milk only harms.

Some are sure that people will die without milk, while their opponents insist that milk is simply life-threatening. Which of them is right? Which of them is cruelly mistaken? Let's try to take a closer look at the most common misconceptions about milk through the eyes of an expert.

1. Daily consumption of milk fully satisfies the body's need for calcium

Everyone knows that milk is the main source of calcium. The rate of consumption of this essential trace element ranges from 800 to 1200 milligrams per day for an adult, and for pregnant and lactating mothers, its amount increases to 2000 milligrams. In addition to milk, calcium is found in plant foods (cereals, legumes, nuts, vegetables and fruits) and animal products (liver, beef, veal, poultry). 1 glass of milk contains between 244 milligrams (for skim milk) and 315 milligrams of calcium (for whole milk). Knowing the calcium content in a glass of milk, it is easy to calculate what to replenish daily allowance of this trace element with milk alone, you need to drink it all day long without stopping and drink a total of 3 to 5 glasses. Theoretically, this is possible, but in practice, such a task no longer seems feasible.

2. Calcium is best absorbed from milk, cottage cheese, cheese and yogurt.

With its unconditional benefits, calcium is a capricious and indigestible trace element. In the human body, both the dissolution of bone substance with the release of calcium and its deposition in bone tissue continuously occur. Calcium comes from food in insoluble or poorly soluble compounds in water, and already in the process of digestion, under the influence of bile acids produced by the liver, calcium acquires the ability to dissolve. Calcium is best absorbed in the presence of protein. With a low-protein diet, its digestibility is reduced by 10%, so the protein contained in dairy products makes cottage cheese, milk, cheese and yogurt the products from which it is really easiest for our body to get the necessary calcium.

3. Milk is useless for adults

There is an opinion that milk is useful only for children, and for an adult organism it is absolutely useless. Long-term studies of various domestic and foreign dietetic institutes provide reliable scientific evidence that people who consume enough milk and prefer butter to various margarines have minimal risk suffer from many diseases immune system. Dairy products saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, being an excellent source of calcium, which is especially important for older people prone to osteoporosis.

4. Milk contributes to obesity

Adherents of anti-dairy diets are trying to prove that drinking milk inevitably leads to obesity. But people gain weight not from the milk itself, but from the fats it contains. If you eat only sour cream, cream and butter without restrictions, then, without a doubt, after a certain time, cholesterol will inevitably increase in the blood, and this, in turn, will lead to the appearance of extra pounds. But if you buy milk with a minimum percentage of fat content, then it will be easier to monitor weight. It is no coincidence that those who want to stay slim are recommended to include in their diet skimmed milk, cottage cheese and kefir.

5. Farm milk is better than factory milk

Fresh milk "from under the cow" remains sterile for 2 hours due to the content of natural bactericidal substances produced in the cow's udder, but after this period, various bacteria can multiply in it, and they cannot be called useful. Draft milk, which is sold in markets or in barrels, can be dangerous, since, on the one hand, it is nutritional product, but on the other - the best breeding ground pathogenic microflora. It is safest to take milk from trusted certified producers who do not separate the purity of their product from their reputation. Pasteurization of milk at the factory at a temperature of 76–78 degrees preserves all the useful substances and trace elements that are in raw milk.

6. Allergy to milk indicates that something is wrong with him.

There is an allergy to honey, nuts, and a lot of other products, which does not detract from their benefits. Individual intolerance to lactose, which is responsible for the breakdown of sugar, or hypersensitivity to milk proteins of a relatively small group of people does not give grounds to speak of a general intolerance to milk. You can find lactose-free dairy products on store shelves, and even those who suffer from diseases associated with milk intolerance drink fermented baked milk and kefir with great pleasure.

7. Sterilized milk is just as healthy as pasteurized milk.

During pasteurization, milk is processed at a temperature of 65 degrees for 30 minutes, 75–79 degrees for 15–40 seconds, or 86 degrees for 8–10 seconds. Thus, milk becomes safe for human health, but retains lactic acid bacteria and all the original vitamins: it is stored for a very short time, sour, you can cook from it dairy products- kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese. Sterilization is the most “merciless” way of processing raw milk, in which most of the nutrients are lost. Raw milk is heated and kept at a temperature of 120-130 to 130-150 degrees for half an hour. Sterilized milk does not turn sour, but simply becomes bitter. Keeps for about a year at room temperature.

8. Milk contains antibiotics

Antibiotics added to milk - the most stable, and at the same time the most implausible folk fiction. Milk producers have enough wide range natural "preservatives" to preserve their product, and they do not need to resort to such at least. At any dairy there is a laboratory that carefully controls the quality of raw materials, excluding milk from sick cows that have recently undergone treatment on the conveyor. That is why no substances harmful to humans can get into a sterile package of milk either intentionally or accidentally.

Disputes about the benefits and harms of milk have not subsided for many years. Most experts are still inclined to believe that milk is very useful product, and can cause harm only in special cases related to physiological features individual person. Regular consumption of milk can protect the body from many diseases, including cancer. Numerous studies of milk are being conducted by various institutes, which are discovering more and more useful properties of this wonderful product.

Description of milk:
Milk is a product of animal origin, a nutrient fluid produced by female mammals to feed their young. In this article we are talking about the milk of farm animals, which is one of the important products in the human diet. Milk is not considered a drink, but a food. Milk as a nutritious food and remedy have been used since antiquity. Hippocrates and Avicenna successfully used milk to treat various diseases, including tuberculosis (consumption), gout and anemia. AT Ancient China milk was used to treat diseases associated with the psyche and nerves.
The most popular type of milk in the world is cow's milk. It is about him that will be discussed in this article.

Milk composition:
Milk may differ in composition depending on many factors (animal breed, diet, health status, and so on), but in general, the composition of milk can be characterized as follows. Milk consists of approximately 87% water and 13% dry matter, which in turn consists of milk fat, protein, milk sugar and minerals. Milk is rich, and group B (, B12), macro- and microelements, such as phosphorus, and so on. Distinctive feature of this wonderful product is that the nutrients contained in it are perfectly absorbed by human organisms.

Milk calories:
The calorie content of milk, depending on the composition, processing method and other factors, can range from 30 to 80 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Beneficial features milk:

  • Milk strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on almost all human systems and organs.
  • Milk has a positive effect on work gastrointestinal tract, lowers acidity, helps to cope with heartburn, useful for gastritis and peptic ulcer. In order for milk to be better absorbed, it must be drunk slowly, in small sips.
  • Reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
  • Milk is very useful for children, as it provides the body with almost all useful substances necessary for the growth and development of the child, and, of course, is the main source of calcium.
  • Milk has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia. Cup warm milk with a spoon an hour before bedtime is the most popular folk remedy from .
  • For people who want to get rid of extra pounds, experts recommend including milk in their diet. Milk significantly reduces the feeling of hunger. Calcium (according to research by American scientists) significantly reduces the amount of fat in the body, and conjugated linoleic acids (CLG), contained in milk and dairy products, block the formation of new fat deposits.

Contraindications and harm of milk:
Unfortunately, having such wonderful beneficial properties, milk can be contraindicated and very harmful. Milk should not be consumed by people with a deficiency of the lactase enzyme, as it leads to an upset gastrointestinal tract. In addition, milk can cause allergies. Milk is contraindicated for people prone to deposition of calcium salts in the vessels, as well as the formation of phosphate stones in the kidneys.
In addition, in our time, cows intended for industrial production milk, all kinds of additives (including hormones) are added to feed, which often remain in milk and can cause irreparable harm to the human body.

Milk consumption:
Drinking milk will bring maximum benefit if you follow a few simple rules:

  • Milk is best drunk on an empty stomach 30-90 minutes before meals, in small sips.
  • Milk can be paired with berries, fruits, and nuts to make milk puddings, mousses, and other dishes, and eat them as a snack.
  • Milk with various cereals (cereals) will also benefit the body.
  • It is not recommended to drink milk immediately after a meal.
  • Experts advise to refrain from combining milk with plums, fresh vegetables, smoked and salted fish, sausages. It is also not recommended to use sweet pastries with milk.

Recipes healthy meals using milk:

Milk is famous for its beneficial properties. It is of interest to scientists because their opinions are divided about the benefits of milk for heart health.

Some believe that this product has a positive effect, while others warn against its excessive use.

In this article, we will look at the effects of dairy products on the human cardiovascular system from A to Z.

What effect do they have on the cardiovascular system?

Recent studies have confirmed that milk has a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system. It strengthens the heart muscle and gives the body strength for active life. Also, this product is able to reduce arterial pressure than useful for hypertensive patients.

Milk is good for pure form and in products based on it. These include kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and others. Each of these products has a set of vitamins and minerals to maintain the health of blood vessels and the heart. It is these products that are the most useful for cardiac activity, as opposed to those that are prepared on a milk basis, but contain chemical additives and harmful components.

1. Cow's milk

The nutrients in milk are carbohydrates, minerals, proteins and vitamins.

Scientists from America conducted research, during which it turned out that one glass of this drink a day reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 37 percent.

Milk contains in its composition substances that are the material for maintaining blood vessels, as well as heart tissues.

Therefore, for people experiencing problems with diseases of the heart system, a glass of fresh milk a day is necessary to maintain the body in a normal state.

Potassium, which is part of milk, dilates blood vessels, making them elastic and facilitating the withdrawal bad cholesterol from the human body. This reduces the risk of developing heart disease and atherosclerosis.

Dairy products have the set of substances that are needed for human body, but with some diseases they are recommended to be eaten, while others are not.

  • With angina. Angina pectoris, or as it is popularly called "angina pectoris", is characterized by pain in the heart and chest. Doctors prescribe such patients medical preparations but they gradually get used to it. Milk comes to the rescue high content calcium, which helps to strengthen the heart muscle.
  • With hypertension. Dairy products contain such substances: magnesium, calcium and potassium. They reduce a person's high blood pressure and have a positive effect on the state of blood vessels. The withdrawal of cholesterol with their help leads to the normalization of blood pressure.

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With hypertension and hypotension, milk should be taken, but not all of its types. So off goat milk should be discarded, since its fat content can provoke an increase in the level of bad cholesterol.

It is also important for hypertensive patients to remember that the temperature of the milk should be at room temperature, but not too hot or cold, so as not to provoke a jump in blood pressure.

Attention! With vascular calcification and any other serious illnesses the use of dairy products is possible only with the permission of the attending physician.

Other types of milk

In addition to the usual cow's milk, there are other types of this product. Many people can't drink goat milk product, because it has a peculiar taste and aroma, but in composition it is distinguished by a good ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.

  • Mare's milk (koumiss) has even more beneficial properties. normalizing blood pressure and enriching the body with vitamins.
  • Sheep milk is high in B vitamins and makes healthy cheeses.
  • Donkey milk is recognized as one of the most useful dairy products. It has been used since ancient times, but it is quite difficult to find it on sale.

2. Kefir

Kefir does not make a big load on the heart, like other foods. It improves metabolism reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other heart diseases.

An effective remedy against high pressure is cinnamon kefir. It is prepared like this:

  • for one glass of fresh and low-fat kefir, you need to take half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • one tablespoon of ground ginger;
  • one spoonful of honey;
  • the composition is mixed and used to normalize pressure;
  • the mixture should be drunk twice a day;
  • for prevention, take once a day.

3. Curd

Due to the uniqueness of the composition, cottage cheese has all useful elements without which our heart cannot do.

It contains:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

These elements support the work of the heart and help lower blood pressure.

4. Hard cheese

Hard cheese contains the amino acids tryptophan and lysine.

Cheese protein is easily digested in the body and contributes to the normalization of metabolism. which is good for the cardiovascular system.

The heart is less stressed than when using other products, and the vessels are cleansed.

5. Butter

The advantage of oil is perfect combination taste and biological properties.

Balance of fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids has a positive effect on blood vessels.

The combination of vitamins and microelements helps to increase the tone of the body and strengthen the heart muscle. However, abuse butter no need.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt removes toxins from the human body and helps to strengthen the immune system. These useful qualities affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

6 more medicinal properties of dairy products

Apart from positive impact on the heart and blood vessels, dairy products have a number of advantages, these include:

  1. Restoration of bones and cartilage. Since there is a lot of calcium in dairy products, it contributes to the speedy healing of injuries associated with the skeletal system.
  2. Improvement nervous system. Yogurt contributes to the normalization of the nervous system, and also removes depressive states, in disorders.
  3. Eliminate sleep problems. Kefir, with regular use, eliminates insomnia and fights bad mood.
  4. Improvement of the respiratory system. Milk and its products act in such a way that with regular use of this food, breathing problems gradually go away or become less pronounced.
  5. Positive impact on hormonal background. Dairy products restore hormonal levels. This is especially true for women during menopause.
  6. The fight against excess weight. Milk and kefir are products from diet food. It contributes to the conclusion harmful substances from the body and the normalization of weight in humans.

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What else should be included in the diet?

There are other products that no person who monitors the health of the cardiovascular system can do without. Namely:

  1. Fruit must be present daily nutrition of people. They are valued for their potassium content. One of the most healthy fruits are considered because they contain an excess of potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle. , thanks to the vitamins in its composition, has an effect on strengthening the heart muscle and cleansing the blood vessels. and act on the entire body, as they fill it with vitamin C and improve the state of blood flow.
  2. Vegetables are just as healthy as fruits and should appear on your plate every day. Pumpkin has special substances pectins, which strengthen the heart. It can be used as an independent dish or as a side dish. Sweet contains vitamin C, essential human body. Hot chili is also useful, but it should be consumed in small quantities. and have bad taste, but in terms of useful properties they are ahead of many products of a sweet aroma and taste.
  3. and . Dried fruits contain a storehouse of vitamins. They are much healthier than fresh fruit. Of these, raisins and dried apricots should be especially highlighted, which strengthen the heart muscle and affect the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Nuts are no less useful, they contain vitamins and proteins necessary for blood vessels and the heart. Preference should be given to peanuts and walnuts. And even better to make of all this.
  4. Fish meals. Fish should be in the diet at least every other day, as it contains trace elements for correct operation heart muscle and other organs. Omega-3 in its composition is a strengthening of human health and its immunity. Therefore, you need to add to food oily fish: salmon and trout, as well as cod. It is better not to use canned food, because they contain a lot of harmful substances for long-term storage of the product.
  5. Bitter chocolate. The benefits of dark chocolate are higher than those of other types of these sweets. Dark chocolate contains vitamins and minerals that nourish the body. Cocoa beans are an antidepressant and antioxidant for humans.
  6. Beverages. Water must be present in the body, because without it it cannot function. Homemade juices are sources of vitamins and minerals. Red wine increases hemoglobin and improves blood flow. Coffee, with a reasonable intake, has a positive effect on the heart, protects against the development of cardiovascular diseases. Green tea is a natural antioxidant. Therefore, it should be consumed more than black tea.

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Milk and products made from it are rich in chemical composition. Therefore, you need to know that its regular use in food increases the body's resistance and cleanses the blood vessels. With such purification, the heart functions properly, which means that a person will live for many years.