How to get rid of enuresis. goat milk treatment

Enuresis - involuntary urination in a child older than 4-5 years. In rare cases, enuresis occurs in adults, more often it is diagnosed in men. Involuntary urination occurs mainly at night.

Nocturnal enuresis in adults, the problem is rather complicated. In fact, a person suffering from urinary incontinence becomes very nervous, irritable and upset. It is very difficult for him to live among the people around him, as he is afraid all the time.

There are actually quite a few reasons for this phenomenon. For example, it can be transmitted to a person along with the genetic material of the parents. Sometimes enuresis occurs as a result of a hormonal imbalance, during which the mode of urine formation is lost.

Causes of enuresis in adults

In adults, the main causes of enuresis are diseases or degenerative changes in the genitourinary system, anomalies in the development of the bladder or urethra, stone formation. For women, it becomes relevant hormonal imbalance with degenerative changes in the muscles in the urethra.

Experienced emotional or physical stress also becomes the cause of which very often appears enuresis in adults. In old age, degenerative changes in the brain area come first, which disrupt the control between spinal cord and head.

Separately in recent times began to allocate neurotic and neurosis-like forms of urinary incontinence.

Causes of enuresis in adult men

In adult men, enuresis can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. If prostate adenoma has been operated on, there may be postoperative consequences, including nocturnal enuresis, requiring immediate treatment in this case.
  2. The prostate gland changes with age hormonal changes, as well as weaken the muscles of the small pelvis. Amenable to conservative treatment.
  3. Neurological diseases, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis and some other diseases.
  4. Mental problems, stress, alcohol and other reasons.

Any type of enuresis in men needs a comprehensive therapeutic treatment, at home, you will have to try to persistently do a set of exercises and take the prescribed funds. It is not recommended to self-medicate without consulting a doctor.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

And all these infectious diseases unites such general symptom as a violation of the process of urination. Often, nocturnal enuresis in adult men and women is associated with a concomitant disease that patients do not even know about.

In this situation, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination specialized specialists for any urinary tract infections. This will not only cure comorbidity but also to get rid of urinary incontinence.

Enuresis types

There are three types of enuresis in adults.

  1. Nocturnal enuresis is spontaneous urination during sleep, unrelated to how deep the sleep is.
  2. Diurnal enuresis is the inability to control the urge to urinate while awake.
  3. Mixed enuresis - complex problem, which combines the first two points.

Of course main symptom enuresis in adults: inability to control urination, but there are also secondary symptoms as a consequence of the main

How to treat enuresis in adults

Treatment of nocturnal enuresis is complex and long process which requires systematic and integrated approach. Adults are usually prescribed medication and behavioral methods. If for some reason they are not effective, surgical methods are used.

  1. First of all, you need to completely abandon drinks that contain caffeine (coffee, cola, tea). This component contributes to irritation of the bladder. If a person suffers from enuresis, he needs to minimize his fluid intake at night. In addition, beer should be completely abandoned.
  2. You can apply preventive measures - artificial awakening. But it is worth changing the time of the night rise, so as not to get used to bladder to urinate at the same time.
  3. For problems with involuntary urination, bladder exercises will be useful. This will help strengthen the muscles and elasticity of its walls. When full, the bladder holds about 0.5 liters. If you feel that this volume is less for you, hold back during the day and go to the toilet less often. Divide the immediate process of urination into parts with breaks of 10-15 seconds. This exercise strengthens the muscles pelvic floor.
  4. Before going to bed, you need to make sure that the bladder is empty.
  5. You can protect the mattress and pillows from getting wet with the help of special waterproof covers. However, it is best to sleep on a cotton sheet, in linen made from natural fabrics. They absorb odor and moisture.

To date, very effective way getting rid of this disease in women are minimally invasive sling operations. Used to treat enuresis in adults behavioral therapy, physiotherapy, and the use medicines. Feel free to contact a specialist.

The word from the title refers to the state of unrestrained urination. This happens mostly in 10 or 15% of children.

It is worth worrying about this when the child is over 5 years old, and he leaves the bed wet more than once every three weeks. Children adapt to life in different ways. It has been proven that 90% of eight-year-old children cannot control urination at night.

There are two types of enuresis: night - when children do not wake up at night with a filled urinary bladder, and daytime - when congenital diseases when not restrained while being conscious.

For the first time this problem became relevant in 1550 BC, as ancient Egyptian papyri describe it. Boys are the most affected.

1) Underdeveloped central nervous system and bladder. "Transmitting devices" cannot signal the brain to wake up.
2) nervous tension, climate change.
3) Passed on from parents who suffered from this.
4) Violated action antidiuretic hormone which regulates the amount of urine produced. Hormone levels should rise at night for less fluid production. In illness, the opposite is true.
5) Infections or diseases of the bladder, its improper functioning.
6) Overeating, drinking a large number water before bed.
7) Cold room for sleeping or hypothermia.
8) Heavy workloads or watching horror movies at night.

Enuresis - what to do?

To correct the situation, you need to create a regime for accepting liquid. Not only those who suffer from enuresis, but also those who are healthy are advised not to drink for two hours before going to bed.

In general, you want to get rid of carbonated and unnatural drinks. Better to give preference natural juices, clean water and dry fruit compotes.

Do not eat dinner within three hours before bed. Fruits and milk contain a lot of water, kefir and apples have a good diuretic effect.

For dinner, you need to drink teas from St. John's wort and yarrow leaves. Brew 10 grams of herbs with a glass of hot water, leave for an hour, then strain. This mixture should be drunk no more than 100 ml. Break it down into two steps. It is also important to limit the intake of liquid foods.

Let the child go to the toilet before going to bed, put a potty near the bed. Turn on the light all night because most children are afraid of the dark but won't admit it to their parents.

For some children, the fear of the dark makes it difficult to get out of bed, even if they really want to go to the toilet.

Do not wake the child at night - you need to give a rest to his nervous system. Through this, he can oversleep when he really needs to go to the toilet.

With underdevelopment nervous system, controlling urination, prescribe herbs. Decoctions and infusions of valerian root and motherwort help to calm and normalize the nerve centers.

It is necessary that the child feels comfortable psychologically. The success of treatment, first of all, depends on the support and assistance to the child morally.

Do not wear diapers at night, which helps the baby to relax. Wear them on the road, on a visit, for a walk. Somewhere after a year and a half, gradually accustom the child to the toilet.

Until the age of seven, children need to go to bed after nine in the evening. Before going to bed, you need to avoid movements, games, films.

Also used special technique alarm clock. The child is woken up after midnight in an hour. This is done for a whole week, then the awakening time is reduced to two and three hours.

Watch carefully that he is fully awake, otherwise the situation will only worsen.

It takes some time for the child to sleep on a hard bed. When the little man is able deep sleep, you need to turn it over a couple of times a night.

See that the child does not get cold. Let him sleep under a warm blanket for now.

There is such a way as "bubble training". At the same time, every time the baby wants to go to the toilet, you need to persuade him to be patient for a couple of minutes. The volume of the bladder will become large, and the child will learn to endure when there is the first call to urinate.

1) Dill seeds are most often used: a tablespoon of seeds is thrown into a glass of boiling water. Infuse for about three hours and filter. You need to drink everything in two doses once a day.

2) Collect part of St. John's wort, lingonberry, blueberry and horsetail leaves. Also pour boiling water over a tablespoon of all herbs and let it infuse overnight. Divide into three parts, drink two during the day, and the third before bed. It takes about 2 months to heal.

3) St. John's wort. For tincture, you need 45 grams of St. John's wort with flowers. Pour in a liter of boiled liquid. The infusion needs to be covered with a piece of red cloth and steamed for three hours. You need to take 10 ml three times a day for ten whole days.

4) You need to take a tablespoon of St. John's wort, berries and lingonberry leaves, half a liter of water and boil. Let it infuse for two hours, then filter with gauze. It is necessary to drink 100 grams with a range of 4 hours. This infusion is taken for 20 days.

5) This recipe is very effective: take 10 grams of St. John's wort, lingonberry leaves and berries. Chop the leaves with a knife.

Pour 300 grams of liquid and cook for about three minutes. Allow to cool down. It is required to drink 50 grams six times a day.

6) Honey. It is given at bedtime, 5 grams for 10 days. Then give the same number of days for a quarter of a spoon, then for the 1st sixth. If the child is not allergic to honey, then this remedy will help perfectly.

7) Helps and plantain. Grind its seeds in a glass container. Boil the poppy head in 100 g of liquid. Add psyllium seeds to 25 ml of poppy decoction. Give the children 10 ml of this healthy potion, only in the evening.

8) Powder is made from 500 grams of plantain seeds. Then take half a gram of powder three times a day with a glass of warm water, in the evening. Use 20 days. Adults can dissolve in red wine (50 ml).

9) Also take 20 grams of plantain leaves, pour 25 grams of liquid and boil. It takes about half an hour to stand. After cooling, drink twenty-five grams four times a day for three weeks in a row.

10) Grass "shepherd's bag". Scroll a kilogram of grass in a blender or meat grinder, squeeze out the juice. Pour this juice into a dark glass bottle. It is necessary to give the child 10 drops at night, dissolving in 100 ml of warm water.

11) Rose hip. Take 4 tbsp. fruits and pour a liter of water. A tablespoon of wild drupe berries is added to the rose hips, and boiled for 20 minutes. Cool and add 5 grams of rosehip flowers. Strain through gauze and drink 250 ml in the evening.

12)Sage. 32 gamma dry sage pour 250 ml plain water, previously boiled. Give 50 grams female gender- 120 gr each, men's - 130 gr each. Take twice a day.

13) Violet. The root of this plant is washed in hot water, grind. Take 0.3 g three times a day for 10 days. You can take 10 grams of dry violets, pour in 200 grams of liquid, boil for a quarter of an hour.

Filter through cheesecloth. You can drink three times in 24 hours after a meal, 25 grams for a period of ten days.

14) Aromatherapy. Spray evenly essential oils like coriander, sage and lavender. Do this a quarter of an hour before bedtime.

15) 100 g of lingonberry leaves pour half a liter of water on the floor and cook for 8 minutes. It is necessary to cool and insist an hour. Filter and let's drink before meals three times a day, 90 ml each for a month.

16) . Give 100 grams before meals once every 24 hours for ten days.

17) Press the glass strawberries and drink this juice once in the evening for 200 ml for two months.

18) Peel and wash the horseradish root, make juice and drink for three weeks, 10 ml once a day.

19) Ginger. Grate it, squeeze out the juice. Add 50 ml of juice to 100 ml of water. Soak a cotton cloth in this liquid, wring it out. Now put on the lower part of the tummy for 10 seconds.

Apply 5 times. Then remove and cover with a blanket. Do it once a day for a whole week.

Requires an exception from your diet fermented milk products, celery, asparagus.

Give bread and salt a quarter of an hour before bedtime for a period of two months. Some people eat herring at night, without washing it down with liquid. In a word, you can always overcome enuresis!

Representatives of the stronger sex prefer to remain silent about the problem associated with urinary incontinence. This problem is especially common in older men.

However, it is important to know that enuresis in adulthood is treatable.

Features of enuresis in men

Enuresis is characterized uncontrolled release of urine from the urethra. This causes significant discomfort, causing not only physical, but also psychological inconvenience.

For older men, a diagnosis of enuresis will not be life threatening, but will affect the nervous system, and may subsequently lead to withdrawal from society due to the embarrassment of being awkward. The harbingers of the disease in older men are problems with the nervous system, vessels and organs of the urinary system.

Men are often silent about their illness and do not want to spread not only to the doctor, but also to their loved ones. Therefore, various complications occur, many times exacerbating the course of the disease and the conduct of medical measures.

In the International Classification of Diseases, which is used by physicians around the world, this disease is referred to as F98.0 and refers to enuresis of inorganic nature.

After the patient had a stroke he has urinary incontinence. It's getting unpleasant phenomenon not only for the person himself, but also for those who care for him. In addition to urine, a person in this state experiences fecal incontinence, which also negatively affects the psychological state and interferes with a speedy recovery.

At the same time, urine can leak drop by drop, and sometimes it is excreted in portions. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to this symptom in the first days after a stroke and tell your doctor about the problem. Enuresis in this case occurs due to loss of control over some parts of the brain.

Diagnosis of the disease

Success lies not only in making a diagnosis for an adult male, but also in correctly identifying the cause of urinary incontinence. Man addressing medical specialist, comes with certain complaints, on the basis of which the doctor can suggest a particular condition.

Diagnostic measures are carried out using the following types research:

  • Studies related to urodynamic and endoscopic methods.
  • Carrying out "cough" tests. The doctor prescribes this study with a full bladder.
  • Collecting an anamnesis, that is, complaints from a man.
  • Carrying out daily “pad-test”. This method consists of wearing a pad during the day that can show the level of urine output from urinary tract, and after that he will help to make the correct diagnosis.
  • Ultrasound examination aimed at examining the bladder and organs of the urinary system.
  • General urological examination.

Most effective method capable of identifying a disease is combined urodynamic study. It is characterized by cystometry and profilometry, as well as uroflowmetry. These methods are most effective in identifying the cause of the disease and determining the condition of the excretory tract for urine.

After comprehensive examination the patient's doctor will decide on the diagnosis of enuresis or its refutation. If a man's urinary incontinence is confirmed, then he will be prescribed a competent treatment regimen, which he must adhere to until he completely forgets about uncontrolled urine output.

How to get rid of the disease - therapeutic measures

Treatment options will depend on the degree of disease progression, as well as from previous treatments, if the patient has already experienced problems with this disease. The cause of enuresis is also important for correct scheme treatment.

You can get rid of incontinence by undergoing treatment or surgery if other methods are not able to cope with the pathological condition.

conservative methods

To conservative methods elimination of the disease include:

  • Therapy associated with taking medications. These include drugs that can eliminate problems with the central nervous system, as well as improve microcirculation in the circulatory system.
  • Antispasmodics eliminate the tone in the bladder and significantly improve its functionality. Means that have an effect on hormonal background person. If a person has developed disorders of the nervous system, they are eliminated by the use of antidepressants.

  • Physiotherapy activities. These include extracorporeal exposure to a magnet and the method of electrical stimulation.
  • Compliance with a certain, capable of establishing many systems of the human body.
  • Exercises that improve the psychological state of the patient and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. These exercises include the method.

During treatment, in order to eliminate psychological inconvenience, a man is prescribed to wear special gaskets hiding systematic leaks.

If an adult male has a copious portion of urine, then he is prescribed to wear special underpants designed to absorb urine. They eliminate urine and are not visible under clothing.

Many people are advised to exercise, avoid alcohol and other bad habits. Muscles need to be strengthened both at home and on the street, for this, experts recommend training them with gradual tension and then relaxation.

This method helps in many cases, especially when the muscles are weakened, and this is due to age characteristics patient.

Surgical intervention

Conservative methods are carried out within six months. If during this period the body has not improved and urine continues to be excreted without brain control, then the doctor decides to conduct surgical intervention.

Surgical treatment is often carried out with the installation of an artificial sphincter, a special valve made in the form of a ring. This method is effective when removing the prostate or after surgery to eliminate tumors in the pelvic organs.

This method has particular disadvantages characterized by frequent erosions and periprosthetic infections.

Another method to eliminate incontinence is in collagen injections. This method is successful in almost half of the cases, especially when the patient suffers from tumors in the urinary tract.

The disadvantage of this method is the gradual resorption of the substance and, as a result, the loss of effect and new signs of uncontrolled urination.

The third method used in modern medicine, is to create a male loop implantation or, as this method is also called, "sling operation".

The essence of the method lies in wrapping the urethral area with a special mesh made of synthetic fiber. The edges of such a mesh are strengthened to the bones of the small pelvis. This method provides support to the urethra and prevents premature fluid leakage.

A similar method every year becomes more perfect and effective for many patients. The positive effect of such an operation occurs almost ninety percent of the time.

Modern medicine has more than a hundred different implants that can eliminate a specific problem in adult men.

Folk methods

Many urologists recommend to patients in addition to drug therapy treat folk remedies. It is especially important to carry out medical measures using traditional medicine after acute period diseases, or for the treatment of the elderly.

An effective method for treating leakage is to take infusions prepared from wild rose. This is due to the fact that it contains excess amount vitamin C, which can normalize the body's defenses and strengthen immune system. The oxidizing agents that make up the product and flavonoids normalize the PH balance in the composition of urine.

To eliminate urinary incontinence, the following recipes will be effective:

  1. one teaspoon of plantain is brewed with 250 milliliters of water, after which the infusion stands for an hour, wrapped in a towel. This decoction is taken three times a day, one tablespoon, preferably before meals;
  2. five tablespoons of sage are poured with one liter of boiling water, after which they insist and take one teaspoon once a day;
  3. tea made from St. John's wort, copes with the symptoms of incontinence. Drink it several tablespoons a day.

Traditional medicine recommends eating vegetables and fruits that fill the body with vitamins and useful trace elements. Not recommended abuse diuretic products and seas. This can make your incontinence problem worse.

What can be done to prevent enuresis?

After the disease has receded, we must not forget about preventive measures for muscle strengthening and psychological state patient. To preventive measures include:

  • Doing healthy lifestyle life, accompanied by moderate physical exertion on the body.
  • Quit smoking and alcohol.
  • Doing pelvic floor strengthening exercises on a daily basis.
  • Examinations at the urologist (about once a year).
  • Prevention of diseases such as stroke or Parkinson's disease.
  • The use of vitamins and trace elements.

The doctor will tell us about the problem of enuresis in adults in a video clip:

Bedwetting is an unpleasant problem that causes a person to feel such feelings as irritation, panic and even shame. Very often, embarrassed by their condition, people do not seek help from a specialist. Meanwhile, bedwetting can be a signal of severe pathologies that, without proper treatment, cause irreparable harm to health.

What is bedwetting

Bedwetting is involuntary urination that occurs in humans while sleeping. In medicine, this condition is called enuresis.

At birth, a person lacks reflex control of urination. However, as the child grows, it develops good habits, including getting up at night if there is an urge to go to the toilet. Bedwetting in an adult is a deviation from the norm.

Urination is a complex and well-coordinated act, carried out mainly under the control of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Such a disease as enuresis was known even to Avicenna, a medieval Persian scientist and doctor. In one of his books, he described the symptoms of the disease.

Varieties of nocturnal enuresis

Nocturnal enuresis is of two types:

  • primary. It is characterized by the fact that a person from birth and throughout life cannot control the process of urination. This phenomenon is very rare: it occurs in 1% of patients suffering from bedwetting. Causes of primary nocturnal enuresis are congenital pathologies: detrusor hyperactivity (muscles of the bladder that expel urine from the organ); neurogenic bladder syndrome, which affects nerve centers regulating the process of urination;
  • secondary. It is diagnosed if there was at least a short “dry” period in a person’s life. It is formed as a result of various provoking factors:
    • diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
    • malfunction of the nervous system;
    • pregnancy;
    • injuries.

Why does nocturnal enuresis occur?

Bedwetting in adults is caused by the following factors:

  • heredity. If at least one of the parents suffered from involuntary urination, then the child has an increased likelihood of this problem;
  • bladder anomalies - thickened walls of the organ, small size;
  • pregnancy. Main reasons:
    • the growing uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs, including the bladder;
    • weakness of the pelvic muscles, which is formed with a passive lifestyle of a pregnant woman;
  • difficult childbirth, as a result of which the pelvic muscles or urinary organs were damaged;
  • the formation of cysts in the bladder;
  • malignant tumors in the organs of the urinary system;
  • weakness of the sphincter (valve) of the bladder. It is considered normal when, after urination, the annular sphincter muscle closes and squeezes the bladder. If the muscles are weak, then the sphincter does not contract tightly, urine spontaneously flows out of the organ. Pathology occurs in the elderly, in women after childbirth;
  • prostatitis. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the prostate gland in men, which at the same time increases and compresses the bladder. Increased Risk the occurrence of pathology are men over the age of 50 years;

    When the prostate gland enlarges, it presses on the bladder and provokes involuntary urination.

  • postmenopausal period. because of underproduction estrogen hormone in women, elasticity and contractility worsens pelvic muscles;
  • complications arising after operations on the urethra, bladder, ureters, kidneys;
  • inflammatory processes genitourinary system- urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), cystitis (infectious process in the bladder);
  • overweight, leading to atrophy of the pelvic muscles, an increase in the load on the kidneys, ureters and bladder;
  • bouts of nocturnal coughing. Dry "barking" cough is quite capable of causing involuntary urination;
  • stress, increased excitability;
  • neurological pathologies - Parkinson's disease (a person's loss of the ability to control their movements), multiple sclerosis (inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain);
  • type 1 diabetes, in which the pancreas stops producing the hormone insulin. This hormone serves as a kind of “key” that opens the cells for glucose to enter them. With a lack of insulin in the body, excess glucose accumulates in the blood. At the same time, the kidneys work in an enhanced mode, trying to cleanse the body. Arises frequent urination, which can be observed at night;

    With a lack of insulin in the body, glucose cannot enter the cells, accumulates in the blood and is actively excreted by the kidneys with urine.

  • diabetes insipidus. In pathology, the work of the hypothalamus (section diencephalon) or the pituitary gland (cerebral appendage). When a person becomes ill, the symptoms are the same as those diabetes Type I: frequent urination, thirst. But at the same time, the level of glucose in the blood remains normal;
  • brain or spinal cord injury.


If you experience nighttime urinary incontinence, you should consult a urologist. If necessary, the doctor may also recommend consultations with other specialists:

  • oncologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • surgeon
  • endocrinologist.

To identify the causes of nocturnal diuresis, the following laboratory research methods are used:

  • general urine analysis. The study helps to evaluate the color, transparency, density of urine, as well as determine biochemical parameters(sugar, protein, ketone bodies);
  • urinalysis according to Nechiporenko. Shows the number of formed cells (leukocytes, erythrocytes and cylinders) in 1 ml of urine. This allows you to diagnose infectious processes in the urinary system;
  • bacteriological examination of urine. It is prescribed for inflammatory processes in the kidneys, ureters, bladder. The purpose of the study is to determine the causative agent of the disease;
  • complete blood count - a basic clinical test that gives an idea of ​​the concentration of hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets in the blood;
  • blood biochemistry. Based on the results of the analysis, the following aspects are evaluated:
    • functioning internal organs;
    • metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
    • the content of trace elements in the body;
  • study of prostate secretion. An analysis is performed if prostatitis is suspected. The secret comes from urethra. laboratory method includes:
    • study of the volume, density and acidity of the secret;
    • determination of the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, macrophages (cells of the immune system);
    • bacteriological research.

Laboratory research methods will help evaluate the work of internal organs, identify inflammatory processes and other deviations from the norm

Instrumental research methods will help clarify the diagnosis:


Treatment for nocturnal enuresis may include the following:

  • drug therapy;
  • surgical intervention;
  • physiotherapy;
  • medical gymnastics;
  • folk remedies.

The use of medicines

For nighttime urinary incontinence, a specialist may prescribe the following medications:

The greatest effectiveness in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis is achieved with the use of Desmopressin. According to statistics, the drug gives a positive trend in 70% of cases.


In some situations, the cause of nocturnal enuresis can only be eliminated surgically:

Enuresis alarm clock

An enuresis alarm clock is a useful device that gives an alarm at the first symptoms of nocturnal enuresis. Any enuresis alarm clock includes the following parts:

  • a sensor that detects the appearance of moisture;
  • main unit that emits an alarm. Signals can be:
    • sound;
    • vibration.

Devices can have sensors of various configurations:

The first bedwetting alarm clocks appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. However, they woke a person by applying a sufficiently strong current discharge, which led to irritation. skin. Over time, the devices have been improved. Modern devices are not only effective, but also safe.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes will help to cope with nighttime urinary incontinence:

Video: 5 ways to cure enuresis at home


The following physiotherapy procedures are used to treat nocturnal enuresis:

Useful exercises

To eliminate nocturnal enuresis, a set of exercises developed by gynecologist Arnold Kegel is successfully used. Gymnastics strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor. Important rule methods - before performing the gymnastic complex, it is necessary to empty the bladder.

A set of exercises:

The Kegel system was originally designed to help women rebuild their pelvic muscles after childbirth. However, practice has shown that exercises give positive dynamics in people of any gender and age.

Video: Kegel exercise

Other ways to eliminate nocturnal enuresis

Some helpful tips help you reduce the chance of nighttime urination:

  • exclude from the menu products that enhance the excretory ability of the kidneys - beer, watermelon, melon, coffee, green tea;
  • no later than three hours before bedtime, stop drinking liquids;
  • at night, put a roller or a small pillow under your feet. When lower limbs are in an elevated state, the load on the bladder decreases;
  • make sure you don't get cold while you sleep. Cold aggravates bedwetting.

Treatment prognosis and possible consequences

The prognosis for the treatment of nocturnal enuresis depends on the timeliness of diagnosis of the causes of urinary incontinence, as well as competent therapy. possible diseases. The sooner the patient applies for medical care to a specialist, the faster the unpleasant symptoms will be eliminated.

Serious consequences can occur in situations where bedwetting is caused by the following diseases:

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus. With this disease, the patient is forced to inject insulin preparations for life. If treatment is refused, a person develops diabetic ketoacidosis, which is accompanied by high level in the blood glucose and ketones (substances formed during the breakdown of fats in the liver). This condition often ends in the death of the patient;
  • Parkinson's disease. The final stage of the disease is a complete violation of coordination of movements;
  • multiple sclerosis. Complications of pathology - violation of speech and motor skills of movements, muscle atrophy, wear of the spine and joints;
  • malignant formations. In running state cancerous tumors inoperable and lead to death.

Preventive measures

To help prevent bedwetting, follow these tips:

  • watch your body weight, avoid obesity;
  • do not overcool;
  • lead active image life. Exercise stress strengthens the pelvic muscles;
  • undergo regular preventive examinations;
  • treat diseases of the genitourinary system in time.

Important elements successful treatment nocturnal enuresis: a competent approach to the problem and positive emotions. Do not get depressed and refuse the help of a specialist because of a sense of inferiority and other complexes.

Enuresis - nocturnal urination, is a common disease in children 4-7 years old. Children preschool age often written at night. At first, parents do not consider this a problem. But we must not postpone and miss the time of treatment of this not only physiological, but also emotional illness.

Both children and parents are ashamed to admit the disease and consult a doctor. If your child wakes up in a wet bed, this is not normal and should be a concern.

A delicate problem should be carefully discussed with the child. He already suffers, and should not feel shame or fear of his parents, should not hush up or hide traces of a night incident from adults. Your child must fully trust you and agree to examination and treatment by a doctor. Often wrong position adults leads to psychological trauma, sleep disturbance and the formation of an inferiority complex.

The ability to control the process of urination matures in the head. This happens in different children. different time. But by the age of five, 80% of children can sleep through the night and go to the toilet when they wake up in the morning. Daytime incontinence in preschool children is rare. We will not talk about him. Nocturnal enuresis is often a disease that requires a referral to a urologist. Enuresis is several times more common in boys.

  • Primary enuresis- when the child does not wake up in order to pee at night.
  • Secondary enuresis- a consequence of severe mental or physiological trauma. In this case, involuntary urination can be both at night and during the day.

The child learns to control the process of urination along with other skills and life processes. At the age of one and a half years, babies feel the filling of the bladder and express anxiety when the moment of emptying comes.

The relationship between the brain and the center of regulation of urination is formed by 4-5 years. The muscles of the bladder in children, when contracted, push out the accumulated fluid, and the muscles of the entrance relax. Young children cannot control the relaxation of this muscle, the process occurs involuntarily.

By the age of three, the size of the bladder increases, the brain gives a command to keep the muscles in a tense state, as a result of which the process slows down. A kid of 2-3 years old is already asking for a “little way”. Happy excretory system turns on 7-8 times, and at night the bladder does not disturb the urge. The "adult" urination pattern develops completely by the age of four. Prior to this, night "swimming" in children is not a pathology.

Causes of enuresis

The causes of enuresis in girls and boys are not the same. The development of the body and behavior patterns in each child are individual. Conditions of upbringing, habits, hereditary traits can affect the formation of health.

How factors can cause enuresis in children?

State of development of the brain. The slowdown in the development of the central nervous system entails a lack of ability to control the process of urination. The reason for the slow development may be a dysfunctional pregnancy or a difficult birth. Children with this feature are easily excitable, nervous, and concentrate poorly. A calm environment and hardening of the baby's body will help to avoid enuresis.

Daily routine with periods of sleep and wakefulness. - one of common causes nighttime urination. This is restless shallow sleep or deep sleep (when the child does not remember when he is woken up at night).

Extremes in the system of raising children. If the baby is allowed everything, they are not accustomed to cleanliness and personal hygiene, then he does not pay attention to wet panties or the bed. Or, on the contrary, if the child is too strictly scolded for every little thing, he is afraid to remind himself once again and ask to go to the toilet.

Causes of the disease:

  • psychological situation at home;
  • heredity. If there are cases of neuropathic diseases, enuresis in the family, this can be the cause of the disease;
  • anomalies in the formation of the genitourinary system. Insufficient bladder capacity;
  • inflammatory processes, consequences of injuries and operations;
  • wrong organization bed child. The bed should be hard and warm. The lower back and legs should always be wrapped tightly, put on warm pajamas for the night and socks.

Another reason is the abuse of diapers, which may be convenient for the mother. The child is warm and does not need to be constantly planted on the potty. But this leads to the fact that three-year-old children do not know the potty and empty themselves into panties. need for a year.

He must understand that the discomfort from wet sliders or diapers comes after urination. At the level of conditioned reflexes, the need to stay dry is formed. The child begins to worry at the appointed time, showing that it is time for the potty. By the nursery, the child should be able to do without diapers during the wakefulness period. Even up to a year, you should not keep the child in a diaper all the time. Only during a walk, a trip to visit or a clinic.

Nocturnal enuresis in boys

Boys always strive to establish themselves, they want to seem strong, independent. Not everyone succeeds. If such a child lacks confidence, determination, he begins to feel flawed. He develops complexes, he becomes nervous.

This character most often develops when a child is strong pressure by adults. If a mother orders to do something, often unreasonably forbids doing things that are pleasant for the child, the baby cannot openly express dissatisfaction. Enuresis in such cases occurs as a reaction to rudeness or protest against prohibitions.

By changing the way you communicate with your child, you can eliminate psychological reason illness. The child needs a warm attitude, protection of loved ones, their support.

Enuresis should be spoken of as a painful condition if the boy urinates frequently in daytime. Associated symptoms are slow pulse, inhibited mental condition, pale legs and arms, low temperature. The behavior of the child is characterized by extreme states. He is quick-tempered and impulsive, then closed and depressed.

The boy behaves timidly, insecurely, attention is scattered. Neurosis-like enuresis is successfully treated complex therapy- sedative drugs, diet. Hypnosis, physiotherapy, reflexology, acupuncture are also used.

Enuresis can be a consequence of surgery. Most frequent operations in boys - removal of the inguinal or, circumcision and others. In any case, the sooner the disease is detected and treatment begins, the more effective it will be.

The upbringing of the boy should be harmonious. Both parents should stick to the same line in this matter. Disagreements and contradictions between them lead to inappropriate behavior child. He takes the side of the parent, who allows everything and does not scold under any circumstances. Therefore, a demanding mom or dad who teaches them to restrain themselves when urged and run to the toilet to stay clean seems to the baby angry and unfriendly.

Protesting against their demands, he pees in his pants. He begins to like to annoy and annoy the "right" adults. A full-fledged upbringing consists in an attentive attitude to the child, his needs, requirements. You need to establish contact and trust with him. The kid needs to feel that he is loved. Then he will want to respond in kind, to be good.

Enuresis in girls can also be associated with psychological problems.

Character change in a child with enuresis

To begin treatment, it is necessary to persuade the child, who is ashamed, to admit his trouble even to his mother, to go to the doctor. Children morally suffer greatly from enuresis, great importance has the delicacy and patience of loving parents. If the child feels ridicule or irritation, he will withdraw, will avoid peers, will consider himself inferior.

Treatment. How can you help your child cope with illness?

  • Follow the instructions of the doctor, monitor sleep and nutrition.
  • The child should fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Before going to bed, it is advisable to take a walk in the fresh air.
  • Active games, TV and computer in the evening should be excluded. They can be replaced with calm board games, by reading.
  • The foot of the bed should be slightly raised.
  • Do not scold the baby if the bed is wet again in the morning. Support him with a joke, cheer him up. Tell him that soon the disease will pass.
  • Limit drinking in the evening. Kefir, milk, fruits have diuretic effect. They can be replaced with salted nuts, a piece of cheese. Salt helps retain water in the body.
  • Do not deny your child travel, travel, visits. Sometimes in a different environment, the child stays dry at night.

A few practical tips:

  • if it is difficult for a child to go without drinking for 3-4 hours before bedtime, do not focus on this, do not prohibit drinking, just reduce portions;
  • sometimes children do not get up at night because they are afraid of the dark. Place a pot next to the crib and leave the night light on in the nursery at night;
  • if you wake the child up at night to go to the toilet, bring him fully conscious. Otherwise, the enuresis reflex will only strengthen;
  • do not wear diapers at night;
  • if the child is old enough, treat him like an adult. Let him himself, preferably without witnesses, make his wet bed, take a shower himself;
  • start a diary with your child in which you will mark dry and wet nights (draw a sun or a cloud there, if there are more and more “sunny” nights, praise him). The diary will prove to be very useful for the doctor when choosing treatment methods.

Treatment of enuresis with medications

The question of prescribing drugs can only be decided pediatrician. He will determine the cause of the disease and choose drugs for treatment - adaptogens, antidepressants, nootropics .

Children do not like injections and pills. The medicine Adiuretin-SD is available in the form of drops in the nose. It reduces the amount of urine and allows you to keep it until the morning. It is indicated for children in whom the rhythm of urine accumulation is disturbed. During the daytime it is less than at night.

Medications are prescribed in courses. After the end of the reception, the problem may return. The doctor recommends the duration and frequency of courses. Such a remedy must be taken by the child when he is among strangers, in a children's camp or trip. He will feel more confident.

It is impossible to choose a medicine for the treatment of enuresis. The reason may be inflammatory process, a cold, an infection that should be treated not with nootropics, but with antibiotics. Self-treatment of enuresis is prohibited!

If the nervous regulation of the bladder is disturbed, and it is in good shape, then Driptan is used. It relaxes the walls of the bladder, thereby increasing its volume. This drug is combined with Minirin.

To activate the muscle tone of the bladder, the doctor prescribes Minirin + Prazerin.

To activate the processes in the brain, it is recommended to take Nootropil, Picamilon, Persen, Novopassit and a complex of vitamins.

Other treatments

Physiotherapeutic procedures consist in exposing the bladder to ultrasound, currents, and heat treatment (paraffin or ozocerite).

Folk remedies for enuresis

Herbal infusions:

  • mix hawthorn, horsetail, mint, St. John's wort in a ratio of 4:1:2:2. 3 art. l. collection pour 0.5 liters. boiling water and insist. Take 100 g 5 times a day;
  • equally mix knotweed, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, yarrow. Brew in the manner described above;
  • useful for making infusions are lingonberry leaves, dill, thyme.

A set of special exercises

Exercises are aimed at developing control over the process of urination. The child must learn to restrain himself when necessary. To find out the volume of the bladder, the child is asked to delay the process when he urges. Then measure the amount of urine. This will be the volume of the bubble. In the evening, ask your child to imagine that the bladder is full and he wants to go to the toilet. Then send him to urinate.

It is better to accompany all procedures with jokes and perform, if possible, in a playful manner. If something does not work out or the child refuses to do the exercise, do not insist. Return to him when the patient is in the mood.

Treating nocturnal enuresis in a child requires a lot of love and patience. Help your child cope with a serious illness for him. positive attitude will speed up the healing. And eliminate clear reasons occurrence of the disease.

Useful video about the treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children
