Gender reassignment before and after. Female to male gender reassignment surgery

Gender reassignment is a serious operation that is not suitable for everyone. Problems with gender identity usually go away with age, but a certain percentage of people in adulthood continue to feel uncomfortable in their own body.

It all starts from childhood. The boy wears dresses, and the girl plays football and wears trousers. So that the shell reflects inner essence transsexual, they take this risky step - gender reassignment. Average age those who decided to undergo surgery – 35 years old.

Don't confuse transsexualism and homosexuality. Homosexuals feel normal in their body and, as a rule, do not want to change their gender.

How is gender reassignment done?

Gender reassignment always begins with obtaining a psychiatrist's conclusion that the person is indeed transsexual. It is necessary to be examined and assess your health status. Such lengthy preparation is necessary for the reason that nothing can be done if the person suddenly regrets it after the operation.

If gender reassignment is truly the only way, and this is determined by a medical commission, the person is prescribed hormonal drugs. Women's periods immediately disappear, hair growth increases, and men take on the characteristics of women. The civilian gender has to be changed before surgery. This, of course, is quite humiliating; some look at the “pretenders” with pity, and some openly despise them.

It is always more difficult to make a woman a man, percentage successful operations in this case below. It is very difficult to replace female genitals with male ones. But nevertheless, many people who need surgery gain mental balance only after it is performed.

In Israel, the waiting period for a decision has already been reduced to 9 months. Many countries are accommodating to transsexuals. The permitting commission consists of several people: plastic surgeon, psychiatrist, endocrinologist, gynecologist (or urologist for men). The operation lasts 7-9 hours. Doctors use part of the penis to create a vagina. The labia are created from the skin of the scrotum. In men, as a result external differences no - even gynecologists mistake them for women. Of course, if the operation was completed successfully.

After surgery, a liquid diet and plenty of sleep are recommended. Discharge occurs after 10 days. If the operation is performed in a good clinic, the risk of bleeding and infection is minimal.

Sex-change operation

Some people feel very uncomfortable in their body. Such people are called transsexuals. Transsexualism is behavioral disorder. But thanks modern medicine such people have a chance to change their lives. Gender reassignment is a long and labor-intensive process. And such patients require an ethical and careful approach. Gender change requires a lot of money, permission from the authorities and a passage, it seems, through all the circles of hell, because those who want to change their sex face not only several painful operations, but also a long paperwork. Life expectancy after surgery is reduced, until the end of days the person who has gone through this takes hormones, which causes a blow to the internal organs.

Thailand is the leader in the number of such operations. Thailand has the lowest cost of gender reassignment surgery. Officially, there are 15,000 transsexuals in the country.

Why do people decide to do this? Because gender determines individuality. Before the operation, a person will have to go through several stages of preparation. Over the course of a year, a person takes hormones and lives as a representative of the other sex. Permission is given only if a person with early age feels sexual incongruity that causes him suffering. At the same time, the “candidate” should not have other mental disorders.

If the operation is successful, the person receives new documents. Family support is very necessary for adaptation.

Any operation carries a risk of bleeding and infection, and death from anesthesia. You need to weigh all the risks before deciding to do this, because there will be no turning back.

Hormone therapy for gender reassignment

Hormonal therapy in transsexual women includes taking estrogens and antiandrogens. In some cases, progestogens are also prescribed. Basically, estrogens are taken in the form of tablets or a special patch containing them is applied to the skin. Tablets suitable for hormone replacement therapy: Diane 35, Logest. The dosage of these drugs is individual. Do not change the dose or stop taking it.

Hormone therapy begins 9 months before surgery and is stopped one month.

Prescribing hormone therapy begins with a blood test to determine the initial amount of hormones. Examinations are carried out every 2 months. This frequency is minimal; if necessary, analysis should be taken more often.

Of great importance for MtF transsexuals is a decrease in testosterone close to the lower limit of normal in women.

After 6 months after the start of therapy with female sex hormones, hemoglobin tests are taken, lipid profile and liver enzymes.

After surgery, once a year you need to check the level of hemoglobin and free testosterone (for men who have changed their gender to female).

Change from male to female

Gender reassignment from male to female is common. The surgeon is faced with the task of forming a vagina from the tissues of the scrotum. In addition, they perform breast augmentation and give the face a more feminine look by changing the cheekbones and chin, and rhinoplasty.

Before the operation, the patient undergoes a long (about 3 years) preparation period. It includes psychological adaptation to a new gender role and the use of hormones. Lack of a confirmed diagnosis of transsexuality, homosexuality and childhood(before adulthood) – contraindications to changing the gender of male to female.

After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for 5-6 days.

The external genitalia are formed either by grafting the skin of the penis and scrotum, or using tissue sigmoid colon.

Why have cases of gender reassignment from male to female become so frequent? IN last years women become more and more powerful, while men turn from fearsome lions into cats. But it's not only that. Scientists have proven that the causes of transsexuality should be sought back in the period intrauterine development. Sometimes a woman experiences hormonal disbalance. This becomes the reason for the “substitution of consciousness.”

Even after a person goes through these many sufferings, sometimes the problems do not end. For many representatives of the stronger half of humanity, it is difficult to cope with the condemnation that society constantly expresses to them in connection with gender reassignment. Relatives and friends may simply be in shock.

The success of the operation depends on age and health. After the operation, the patient is under the supervision of a surgeon.

Over the years of practicing such interventions, medicine has developed special methods for managing transgender patients. The problem is that gender can be mental, genital and physical. The purpose of the operation is to eliminate the contradiction between biological and mental sex.

Hormonal therapy before surgery suppresses secondary signs“original” gender – the one the patient wishes to change. Hormone replacement therapy is prescribed for life.

How is the vagina recreated? There are several methods:

  1. Penal inversion method. The vagina is modeled from the skin of the penis in 5 hours. The method is the simplest and is widely used. After surgery minimum side effects And fast recovery ability to work. The method is indicated if the length of the penis is more than 12 cm.
  2. Method with skin transplantation of the penis and scrotum. A lengthy operation allows you to create a vagina and labia normal size. The operation is long - about 7 hours. The skin of the forearm can be used if there is not enough material. The method is practiced when small size penis.
  3. The most complex method is modeling using a fragment of the sigmoid colon. After this operation there is no danger of vaginal tightening. But nausea and subsequent bowel complications may occur.

Change from female to male

Gender reassignment from female to male involves removal of the mammary glands, enlargement of the uterus and fallopian tubes, and creation of a penis. The procedure for changing gender, both from male to female and from female to male, always occurs in several long stages. The presence of transsexuality is confirmed by a psychiatrist. Then for a long time the patient takes hormones. And only after this a series of operations is performed.

First, the mammary glands are removed, then the ovaries and fallopian tubes, then the testicles and penis are formed. Rehabilitation after breast removal lasts about 3 weeks.

The operation to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes is performed laparoscopically or abdominally. Rehabilitation after it takes about a week.

A penis with a length of about 8 cm can be formed surgically. Phalloplasty is a very complex operation. For transplantation, skin is taken from the thighs or abdomen.

Gender reassignment in children

The number of teenagers whom doctors help with gender reassignment is growing. In such people, the structure of the brain is always closer to that of the other sex. Some children try to get rid of secondary sexual characteristics, mutilate themselves, and are ridiculed. Therefore, from puberty to 18 years of age, such adolescents take medications to stop sexual development, and then, as adults, undergo sex reassignment surgery.

If a newborn has deformed genitals, you need to immediately select his gender and operate on him. Usually, hermaphrodites are turned into women. But, of course, such children become infertile in the future.

Forced gender reassignment

History knows cases of forced gender reassignment. Similar experiments were carried out in Nazi concentration camps. Josef Mengele is a doctor who used thousands of Auschwitz prisoners to conduct humiliating experiments, cut off parts of the livers of children, infected people with typhus and performed forced sex reassignment operations.

Unfortunately, such savagery still flourishes in some countries. Due to cultural characteristics in India, it is better for the family when a boy is born. Therefore, some parents find doctors committing a crime - changing the sex of a child who was not born with signs of both sexes.

Gender reassignment clinics

Gender reassignment is carried out in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In Moscow, the service is provided by SM Clinic. Surgeons with many years of experience work here. The clinic has a modern operating room with high-tech equipment, and the hospital stay will be comfortable for the patient. SM-clinic is a universal family clinic with a plastic surgery department. In the clinic, before the operation, you can undergo diagnostics of the body using MRI, CT, endoscopy, you can undergo everything necessary tests. People from all over the CIS undergo surgery here.

Also in Moscow, gender reassignment is performed in medical center"Medstyle effect". It is located in a picturesque corner of the city. At the center, doctors provide everyone with a very attentive reception and help solve the most sensitive issues. Gender reassignment surgery is performed by candidates and doctors of science.

In St. Petersburg, gender reassignment is performed by the Rami clinic. This is a multidisciplinary clinic. Here, about 79% of patients are satisfied with the surgeon’s work. Doctors will not undertake the operation unless you have a certificate from a psychiatrist stating that you are a transsexual. You must also take hormones for a year and a half before surgery. It is impossible to go back after gender reassignment surgery, so weigh your decision.

Such operations are also carried out City Hospital No. 9 of the city of St. Petersburg. The Department of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery employs qualified surgeons. Before the operation, you will need to register with a psychiatrist for a period of 1 year and obtain a certificate stating that the person is diagnosed with transsexualism. First, reconstruction of the genital organs is performed, then both men and women require mammoplasty. If a woman wants to change her sex to male, her uterus and fallopian tubes are removed, the vagina is closed, a scrotum, penis and testicles are created, and removed from the thighs subcutaneous fat using liposuction.

The operation is carried out upon reaching mature age– 21 years old. You will have to undergo a comprehensive psychiatric and somatic examination and 1 year hormone therapy(sometimes more).

Gender reassignment in Thailand

The leader in gender reassignment operations is Thailand. Thai surgeons in this area have very great experience. In Thailand, gender reassignment surgery will cost three times less than in the United States, and the quality will hardly suffer. In Thailand, gender reassignment surgery is performed on people over 18 years of age. More often men want to change gender than women.

The patient spends a month in Thailand after surgery for rehabilitation.

Gender reassignment is successfully carried out by doctors at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital clinic.

The starting price for gender reassignment surgery in Thailand is $5,000. IN last decades Medical tourism in Thailand has become very popular. Here people combine relaxation with useful activities.

Plastic surgeons in Thailand are professionals in their field. The low price is due to high competition. Many surgeons lecture at US universities. The hospitals have excellent service and clean rooms. The climate of Thailand speeds up recovery after surgery: it is warm here and the sea is nearby.

Gender reassignment in Russia

Gender reassignment in Russia is not carried out for everyone. First you need to register with a psychiatrist for up to 3 years. At the end of this period, the medical commission must issue him a certificate stating that he is indeed a transsexual. Only after this can you begin hormonal therapy and preparation for surgery. This takes about another year.

If a woman wants to become a man, she needs to undergo several operations: remove the breasts, close the vagina, lengthen the clitoris, remove the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus, create a scrotum, testicles and penis. As a result, there are at least three stages.

In Russia, gender reassignment is not performed on patients under 21 years of age. Elderly people, people with alcoholism and children are not subject to gender reassignment.

The idea of ​​gender reassignment occurs among homosexuals and patients with schizophrenia. Therefore, only one out of 4 requests is granted.

Gender reassignment in Belarus

Gender change in Belarus is free for its citizens, but for foreigners the price is $3,000. To change gender, you need to be observed for a long time by a psychiatrist, and then go through a commission of 15 people: it includes doctors and lawyers. About 50% of applicants receive permission to change gender. In Minsk, sex reassignment operations are performed by Ukrainians and Russians.

Gender reassignment in Ukraine

Gender change in Ukraine is possible for persons over 18 years of age who do not have children or families after a psychiatric examination and hormonal therapy. A person must have a job and housing, and not abuse alcohol.

The number of people wanting to change their sex is growing. However, in no country in the world does anyone undergo gender reassignment. Doctors first find out why a person needs it. In the presence of schizophrenia and other mental disorders the operation is refused. The commission that decides whether or not to undergo an operation includes a psychiatrist, surgeon, gynecologist, endocrinologist, and lawyer.

How much does gender reassignment cost?

Gender reassignment is carried out in many countries around the world and, of course, it depends on how much this operation will cost you. Operations are carried out in Iran, Thailand, Europe, Russia. In Russia, the operation will cost about 600,000 rubles. It is necessary to carry out several stages of reconstruction. 600,000 rubles - this is only an operation on the genital organs. In Germany the price can reach 30,000 Euros. You should also take into account the high cost of mandatory hormone therapy.

Free gender change

In Russia, women who want to become a man undergo phalloplasty free of charge. Men transitioning into women have their vaginas shaped for free. Only hospital stay, hormonal therapy, and mammoplasty are paid. For foreign citizens Gender change is carried out for a fee. The cost of the operation is 600,000 rubles or so.

The same applies to the Republic of Belarus. Gender reassignment surgeries are also performed free of charge for Brazilian citizens. True, in this country the period of observation by psychiatrists is very long - 3 years. Since 2000, 300 gender reassignment surgeries have been performed. The authorities believe that if transsexualism is a violation of sexual identity, the only possible treatment which is often gender reassignment surgery, then not giving citizens the right to change their sex for free means ignoring the Constitution. In these countries medical service free for residents.

At state expense, gender reassignment operations are performed on native Israelis. As of 2014, 27 citizens are waiting for permission to undergo gender reassignment surgery.

The decision is yours - maybe, if you think carefully, you will understand that there are many other ways out of the situation, not just gender reassignment.

Sex after gender reassignment

Sex reassignment, if carried out normally, has little effect on the quality of sex; it is close to normal. However, it still happens that such an experience ends in disappointment.

A transsexual girl is not a man. Gender identity always depends not on the genitals, but on the brain. Transsexual women are not homosexuals. They are women in every sense of the word, born in a male body. We all fall in love not only with the body, but also with the soul. You can assume that nature mistakenly imprisoned a transsexual in a body of the opposite sex, and with the operation he only corrected this mistake, finding a path to harmony with himself and the world.

Problems can arise when the partners' desires do not coincide. The sexuality of transsexuals differs from that of men in the same way as that of women.

If a woman turns into a man, then the base of the penis is formed from the remains of the genital organs and during the next operation a prosthesis is attached to it, or the penis is formed from its own tissues. The “grown” penis has only slightly reduced sensitivity.

Orgasm after gender reassignment

Changing sex makes orgasm possible. This can happen immediately or after some time, sometimes several years. Most patients are satisfied with the results that can be achieved.

Gender reassignment is a serious change; many people who go through with it build illusions about their new body, have their head in the clouds, and do not understand what they will face after the operation. If you have such a desire, be prepared for hatred, aggression, and rejection of others, even relatives and friends. Be prepared for a job change. All necessary tests, the examinations will take one and a half to two years. It will cost you a pretty penny, about a thousand dollars. Hormonal therapy begins 9 months before surgery and is prescribed for life. The operation costs $7,000-20,000, but some countries have made it free for their citizens. After the operation, you will have to change your passport, diploma, medical insurance, and go through a huge number of bureaucratic procedures. It's still about a year away.

If you experience sexual gratification from wearing women's underwear, this is fetishism, not transsexualism. You don't need to change the gender in this case.

Your libido and even your orientation will change sexual desire after operation. As a result of taking hormones, your kidneys and heart will fail faster. Hormones in such quantities in any case cause harm to the body, even if you have excellent health. Hormones are poison. They cannot be poison only when they are produced naturally. There is no need to get away from problems in life with the help of gender reassignment, because psychologists and psychiatrists will definitely notice this when they give you a “verdict” - to have or not to undergo surgery. And no problem can be solved by changing gender. If you are a man and want to become a woman, then we will answer you that you will never become a woman in the full sense because of infertility. The entire transformation takes 2-5 years. Sometimes a lot of facial surgery is necessary because hormones cannot make you a woman, they can only help you become like a woman. Relatives and friends always react negatively to this, that is, by solving one problem, you can acquire many others psychological problems in addition. And again you will knock on the thresholds of the offices of psychologists and psychotherapists.

Gender reassignment from male to female or vice versa is not the most common operation in the world, despite the fact that, according to statistics, much large quantity people are faced with the desire to change gender. It is important to understand that gender reassignment surgery is a difficult process, which results in gross interference in almost all systems of the body.

To consider the consequences and risks of the operation, you need to learn in detail about all the stages of this procedure.

Reasons for surgery

In each country, the preparation before changing gender is different. In Russia, as a rule, the problem is limited to bureaucratic delays with changing documents. But for a person who is firmly convinced of the desire to change his body in accordance with his worldview, this is hardly a significant problem.

It is impossible to explain exactly why a desire arises that prompts one to resort to such an operation as gender reassignment to female or male. But one thing can be said for sure: such a desire is not a sign mental illness, and transsexualism is officially included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10).

As a rule, before changing long time already exists in the guise of a person of a different sex. He can dress in appropriate clothes, do his hair, and even introduce himself by someone else's name. Moreover, new acquaintances will not even realize that in front of them is a person of a different gender.

All this means that sooner or later a person will come to the clinic and ask to change the anatomy of his body in accordance with his sense of self.


The period of preparation for surgery includes a comprehensive examination of the body and psychological examination. It is important that a person understands how difficult the operation is ahead of him, how many procedures he will have to go through. If the patient expresses strong consent, he is prescribed hormonal therapy.

Before doing so, it is important to make sure that the body tolerates all the prescribed medications well, because after the operation the person will be forced to take them for life.

Hormonal drugs

It is known that not only the genitals change after sex reassignment surgery, but also hormonal background person. Few people know, but it is hormonal therapy that makes it possible to transform as much as possible, and not the surgical manipulations on the body themselves.

Taking estrogen gives femininity: the face and its features are softened, rounded, the growth of body hair decreases, the voice becomes higher and melodious.

Taking androgens, on the contrary, makes facial features rougher, the voice deep, and provokes hair growth on the face and body.

Hormones should be taken for life. Officially, this is called hormone replacement therapy, and it must be selected by a doctor individually for each patient. However, in Russia there are difficulties with prescribing medications for people who have experienced gender reassignment, so many patients choose their medications on their own, significantly risking their health.

How does the operation take place?

Gender reassignment surgery is a procedure in which the external genitalia are surgically changed to those of the opposite sex. It is important to understand that even if the manipulations performed by a doctor create visually aesthetic and correct genitals, the person will forever lose his reproductive ability. Yes, and receiving sensual pleasure will also be a big question.

Gender change from male to female is faster. During the operation, the doctor removes the penis and uses its flaps and intestinal fragments to form female vagina. But the transformation from woman to man lasts at least one year. First, the surgeon removes the female organs. reproductive system. And only after 10-12 months the male penis is formed from the clitoris.

Other procedures

After hormone therapy and surgical intervention the process of gender transformation can already be considered completed. But many people prefer to go all the way, improving their body. The list of procedures includes:

  • laser hair removal;
  • breast augmentation with implants;
  • correction of facial areas with fillers.

The process, technique and scope of interventions performed for people who have changed their gender are similar to self-care for people who have never undergone a transgender transition.


The rehabilitation period after gender reassignment from male to female or vice versa is aggravated by the period physical recovery after surgical interventions and psychological adaptation to the new gender role.

If the preparation for the operation was carried out correctly, and the person admitted to the operation does not have somatic pathologies, which can interfere with the recovery period, there will be a minimal number of contraindications.

Physiological risks

The risks associated with transgender transition can be divided into psychological and physiological.

Physiological include any complications that may occur after surgery. Namely:

  • blood poisoning;
  • hematomas;
  • tissue infection;
  • scars;
  • loss of tissue sensitivity;
  • swelling;
  • bleeding.

Almost all of these complications are reversible. That is, for some time a person will have to face physical discomfort and postoperative difficulties, but after a period of rehabilitation the person’s well-being will be completely normalized.

Psychological risks

Despite the fact that changing gender from man to woman or changing back is a desired event in the life of a person who has decided to take this step, often the period of adaptation to a new gender role leads a person to an emotional crisis. There are cases when a person turned to the doctor again with a request to return him to his previous gender. There are also cases of suicide.

Cost of metamorphosis

How much does gender reassignment surgery cost? This is a pressing question that interests every person who is interested in this topic. In Russia, the operation is quite expensive: in order to transform a man into a woman, it will take from 400 thousand to 1.5 million rubles.

For women who wish to become men, the price of the issue will be almost twice as high. On average, a new man will have to leave about 3 million rubles at a plastic surgery clinic.

In order to reduce costs, many resort to medical tourism. For example, they go to Thailand, where the cost of gender reassignment is only 400-600 thousand rubles. But it is important to take into account not only how much sex reassignment surgery costs, but also the quality of its implementation. Medical services- not an expense item on which you can save. True, in Thailand such operations have been on stream for decades, so the reviews are positive.

Famous people who have changed their gender

A person who is seriously interested in gender reassignment from male to female or reverse transformation will be interested in learning about the experiences of people who have already undergone such an operation.

Renee Richards changed her gender to female in 1975 and did not regret the operation. Her story attracted filming from the public, and her thoughts about the place of transsexuals in the world big sport only added interest to her person.

The story of Denis Banten Berry also tells about the transformation of a man into a woman on the operating table, but Denis evaluates her experience negatively. There is a special message that Danielle left for people who want to undergo gender reassignment surgery. In it she makes arguments from personal experience, why you shouldn't do this.

Sandra McDougall, having changed her external genitalia to female ones, was also dissatisfied with the metamorphosis. Life in a female body, according to her own assurances, brought her only humiliation and even violence. Sandra encourages men who want to feel like they're in a man's body to think about how women feel in their bodies. modern society what problems and difficulties they face.

Of course, there are many stories about positive experiences of gender reassignment. But it is important to know exactly the negative aspects in order to accept correct solution, which you won’t have to regret later.

Male and female - a serious act, when committing it, it is important to understand that there may be no turning back. Of course, you can have a second operation and return the genitals to their former appearance and stop taking hormonal medications. But any intervention affects human health, so when reoperation Contraindications may occur. In addition, when returning to the previous gender reproductive functions and sensitivity of the genital organs will not be returned.

Recently, stories about people who have changed their sex are becoming increasingly public. Transgender people are gaining fame, willingly talking about their lives, and some of them are even making their cherished dreams come true. Let's get acquainted with the stories of 14 people who decided to change their sex.

It’s hard to imagine that this brutal guy managed to turn into a sophisticated miniature girl in just a few years. Matthew Avedian served in Marine Corps USA, often traveled to hot spots - Iraq and Afghanistan. No one (including his wife) could have imagined that Matthew was unhappy in his body. Just a few months after the birth of his daughter, the military man told his wife that he wanted to become a woman.

Sona (new name Matthew) Avedian admits to journalists that after her sex change she not only lost old friends, but also gained new ones. As for the family, then, according to the girl, with ex-wife She has an excellent relationship with her daughter - especially since the little girl does not remember her in male form.

At the age of eighteen, Yvonne Bushbaum completed army training and then began sports career like a pole vaulter. The German won more than one medal at the European Championships, and also took sixth place at the Sydney Olympics. After announcing her retirement due to numerous injuries, Yvonne also told reporters that she is transsexual and wants to change her gender. For many of her fans, the athlete’s decision came as a real shock.

A year later, Bushbaum underwent surgery and officially changed her name to Balian. Agree: he is a very handsome man!

American Susan Angel has been uncomfortable in her body since childhood. When the girl's breasts grew, she completely withdrew into herself. Susan began taking illegal drugs and abusing alcohol, and once almost committed suicide - all because she could not figure out how to move on with her life. Finally, one of the psychotherapists helped Angel understand herself. Thanks to a specialist, the girl came to the conclusion that she needed to change her gender.

No sooner said than done: Susan's name is now Buck. True, the American decided not to resort to surgery to form the male genital organ: “If I had a penis, it wouldn’t change anything. I love my body and am happy with what I have." On this moment Buck acts in and produces adult films, and is also a member of the Board of Directors of one of the US foundations for human rights in the field of sexual freedom.

Despite numerous achievements and records, decathlete Bruce Jenner was in a state of gender dysphoria. According to the athlete, since childhood he loved to dress in women's clothes, and then he began taking hormones to change his gender. Having met his future wife Chris, Bruce interrupted therapy, but twenty-three years later the marriage broke up.

Immediately after this, Caitlin changed her gender, posed for the cover of American Vanity Fair and was named one of the women of the year by Glamor magazine. According to recent reports, Jenner is dating transgender model, 21-year-old Sophia Hutchins.

Chastity Bono was born into the family of singers Cher and Sunny Bono. The girl was named after the heroine of one of the films, in which her mother played a bisexual woman named Chastity. We don’t know whether this fact predetermined the life of the daughter of the famous singer, but at the age of twenty-six she openly announced that she preferred women. According to the American, at the age of thirteen she realized that she was not like everyone else. Bono is a representative of the Human Rights Campaign and, together with Cher, strongly supports sexual minorities.

At thirty-nine, Chastity began her transgender transition and changed her name two years later. Now Chaz is actively building a media career

One of the most resonant (not counting, of course, the case of Caitlyn Jenner) cases of transgender transition is gender reassignment by directors Larry and Andy Wachowski. The reason is still the same - hatred of one’s own body and perception of oneself as a woman. Both brothers were married for more than one year, but the men's spouses understood and accepted their decision to become women and do not hold a grudge against them.

Now Lana (formerly Larry) is married to the owner of an elite BDSM club, Ilsa Strix, but about personal life Lilly (formerly Andy) is unknown yet - she came out publicly only a year ago

Adesh Maltepe was born in the Republic of Bangladesh, a country where any changes in appearance are prohibited. Since childhood, the boy tried on his mother’s heels and jewelry, and in his youth he was inspired by the idea of ​​winning the Miss World competition - but the fact that he was a guy prevented him from making his dream come true.

“Being Miss World is one of my biggest dreams. I felt like I was trapped in my own body, but the idea of ​​changing gender always seemed absurd to me,” the young man admitted shortly before the start of his transformation. By the way, Amelia (new name Adesha) made her transgender transition while already living in Canada: she moved there to start new life.

To Lauren Cameron the realization that own body does not bring her joy, it came at the age of twenty-six. It was then that the girl became seriously interested in photography and even began organizing personal photo exhibitions. At the same time, her transgender transition began. Lauren captured on camera all the stages of her “transformation” into a man with the help of hormonal drugs.

Cameron became famous for his explicit (and sometimes shocking) images of other transgender people. Now Lauren is engaged not only in photography, but also gives lectures on body transformation, and also regularly participates in various American shows and appears in documentaries.

Nick and Bianca Bowser are a transgender couple with two sons. In Louisville - the town to which they moved for the birth of their second baby - no one knows about their secret. “For everyone, we are an ordinary family,” the couple share with journalists. “Even our children don’t know what’s what.” To them we are just mom and dad.”

As you already understood, Bianca was born a boy, and Nick was born a girl. Jason and Nicole (that's what they were called before) admit that they always looked at the clothes of the opposite sex. At the age of twenty-something, both decided to transition, but did not remove their genitals. They met in a local bar, got married a year later, and a couple of years later Nick gave birth to his first and then second son. “We look forward to the day when kids start asking questions. Then we’ll have to tell you that men can sometimes bear children…” Nick and Bianca share their experiences.

Brazilian Talita Zampirolli fulfilled her dream as soon as she celebrated her majority. She was born a man, but at the age of eighteen the boy decided to change his sex, and then to become a model.

Talita gained fame after she was seen next to football legend and politician Romario. Journalists managed to find out that she is a transgender woman. An unprecedented scandal broke out, after which the model gave a very frank interview (however, she never said the name given to her at birth). Zampirolli admitted that her gender reassignment operation was paid for (!) by her grandmother, and also complained that after the exposure, some agencies broke contracts with her. Now Talita is one of the most famous Brazilian models, and more than three hundred thousand people follow her on Instagram.

American Christopher Roman has always strived to beautiful life. At the age of twenty-six, he took part in one of the American television shows, where he positioned himself as a gay man.

At the end of filming, Christopher announced the beginning of his transgender transition and took the name Carmen Carrera. Christopher's boyfriend was with him all this time and supported his decision to become a woman. Four years later the couple got married. Now Carmen is a popular model in the USA. She also starred in a huge number reality, talk shows and other various television programs, and in 2013 she even participated in the Victoria's Secret casting, but she was never accepted as an “angel”.

Rumor has it that the final stage of Darrell Walls' transformation (that is, gender reassignment surgery) might not have happened if not for Tyra Banks. However, first things first. Darrell is still in adolescence I realized that I was different from other guys, so when I came of age, I began my transgender transition.

Isis King (Darren’s new name) decided to gain a foothold in her new role as a girl, so she went to the casting of the popular show “America’s Next Top Model.” As a result, participation in two seasons of reality. Isis's courage impressed the show's host Tyra so much that she reportedly paid for her gender reassignment surgery. Today, King successfully continues his modeling career.

Tracy Lagondino, who grew up in Hawaii, was very pretty: the girl even won a beauty contest among young residents of the state. And still men's hobbies she liked more: she was interested in bodybuilding, hand-to-hand combat and taekwondo, in which she received a black belt. At the age of twenty-three, Lagondino decided to undergo a transgender transition, and a little later, sex reassignment surgery.

Women's reproductive organs Thomas Beaty (Tracy's new name) did not delete it. A few years later, Thomas got married and became pregnant, using the services of a sperm bank, because his wife was infertile and could not give birth herself. Beaty made history as the first man to become pregnant. By the way, he gave birth three times!

At eighteen, American Jamie Wilson came out, declaring herself a lesbian. This was the first step towards admitting to her parents and friends that she was thinking about changing her gender.

“I was scared to even mention my transgender transition. I never showed that I was interested in men's hobbies or that I wanted to wear appropriate clothes. I looked like an ordinary girl,” Jamie later wrote on Instagram. By the way, about half a million people have subscribed to the guy. For two years, Wilson took hormones, underwent gender reassignment surgery, and also worked hard at gym. Now, if you walk past Jamie, you will never recognize this muscular handsome guy as a transsexual.

We will tell you a few stories about men and women who, having changed their gender, learned what happiness is.

Diana Dontsky (formerly Anatoly Konstantinov)

Anatoly Konstantinov was a successful hairdresser and singer. But, according to the “newly made” Diana, she always felt like a woman, although she struggled with it for a long time.
Being a man, he was even married... A daughter was born in the marriage. However, then he decided to become a woman. To achieve this, he needed two years of hormone therapy and many surgeries. The problem was only in his voice, but having vocal abilities, he coped with this too.
Many of their acquaintances perceived this step extremely negatively, but all the relatives supported, except for the daughter: she perceives Diana as a man and because of this, they had a rift. But in general, Donski is very happy - she is marrying the chosen one who knows her story.

Ulyana Romanova (formerly Igor Bulgachev)

Igor Bulgachev a couple of years ago went through a series of plastic surgeries for gender reassignment and breast augmentation. He also performed rhinoplasty, changed the shape of his forehead, cheekbones, removed his Adam's apple, etc.
From the age of five he thought he was a girl. Now Ulyana is very happy and thinks plastic surgery a wonderful invention of mankind. Romanova assures that she will continue to improve her appearance.

Kimberly Ann Sullans (formerly Ryan Sullans)

He is one of the most famous lawyers of our time, specializing in the rights of the transgender community, since he himself came out as a woman in 2005 named Kimberly Ann Sullans.

Chaz Bon (formerly Chestita San Bono)

Chaz was once the daughter of singer Cher. He admits that in his soul he always felt like a man and became one. Now Chaz Bono is a famous LGBT advocate, musician, writer and an incredibly happy person.

Rex Cameron (formerly Lorraine Cameron)

Today Rex Cameron is a famous American photographer, screenwriter and sexual activist. By the way, he became famous not only because of his transformation, but also because he was the first to document the entire process of transformation from a woman to a man.

Balian Buschbaum (formerly Yvonne Buschbaum)

Yvonne Buschbaum became a pole vault athlete, and even managed to compete for the German national team. But in 2008 she went missing, only to reappear soon as a man.
Balian Buschbaum is very happy that he is now finally in his body.

Buck Angel ( ex Buck Angel)

He used to be a sexy blonde. Now Buck is a porn director, a lecturer, a writer, and a lawyer all rolled into one.

While still a model, Buck clearly realized that she wanted to be a man. So she divorced her husband and began the journey to reincarnation.
Today Buck lives in happy marriage with a woman, makes films for adults with the participation of transsexuals, as well as programs about transsexual people. In addition, Angel promotes self-love and body love, and also created the first dating site for transgender people.

That's not all! There are more interesting cases, when genders were changed by families.

Arin Andrews and Katie Hill

Very happy couple, despite the fact that a few years ago Arin was a girl named Emeralda, Katie was born a boy named Luke.

Alexis and Karen

This marriage of two transsexuals is unique - the fact is that the husband stopped taking hormonal drugs to completely transform from a woman into a man only to give birth to a child. The couple, having learned about the pregnancy, decided to postpone the transformation process for a while. It turns out like this: for a child, his dad is his mother and vice versa...

Felix Lowes and Helen Morfit

The couple is interesting firstly because they are the first British couple to get married after a sex change.
By the way, Helen, being a man, married three times and had 8 (!) children. But he firmly decided to change his gender and became a woman, and Felix changed his gender to male, was also previously married and gave birth to two sons, to whom he is now the father.

Jane and Anne Watson (formerly Barry and Anne Watson)

The spouses - Barry and Anne in family life Many problems arose until Barry admitted that he felt like a woman. He eventually changed gender and became Jane. The couple married again, but as two women.

In Russia, hundreds of thousands of people feel out of place in their body. But the happiness of having sex reassignment surgery smiles upon very few people. American photographer Liz Sarfati captured how Russian men become women.
There is nothing ordinary about the desire to change gender - about 0.3% of the population (regardless of country and era) are born with a feeling of belonging to a different sex. In the age of scientific and technological progress, the transformation of a man into a woman and a woman into a man has become commonplace. The first sex change operation took place in 1953 in Denmark, in the USSR (in Riga) - in 1970. Since then, several hundred thousand such operations have been carried out around the world.
Several years ago, the British urological journal BJU International conducted a survey of more than 200 individuals who had changed their sex from male to female. They all had it surgical removal penis, movement of the urethra and formation of the labia. In addition, 93% had a clitoris created from the head of the penis, and a vagina was created in 91% of operations. The age of the interviewed patients was on average 43 years (from 19 to 76 years), most of them changed gender 3 years before the study. 91% had an artificial clitoris formed, and 89% had a vagina. The study revealed that: 23% of transsexuals have regular sex sex life, 61% are satisfied with vaginal depth; 98% have a sensitive clitoris, 48% are able to experience orgasm, 14% have excessive clitoral sensitivity, but no one wanted to remove this organ.

In leftist Latin American countries - Venezuela, Brazil, Cuba - sex reassignment surgery is completely free. And the example of these countries shows how many people are ready to undergo this procedure. Thus, in Brazil, there are about 300 thousand people on the waiting list for surgery (220 thousand men and 80 thousand women). This represents 0.2-0.3% of the population.
Based on this proportion, in Russia there should also be 300-400 thousand people who feel out of place in their body. But every year we carry out only 1300-1600 such operations. Formally, the gender reassignment procedure is free, but in practice it costs about 10 thousand dollars, and after the operation you need to undergo a long hormonal course, and it can cost up to 30 thousand dollars over 5-6 years (however, in the West such operations are even more expensive – up to 100 thousand dollars).
Those Russians who are lucky enough to be reborn usually prefer not to advertise their change - in a patriarchal society this is of no use. But only a few of them are trying to make themselves known loudly, reminding Russians that they cannot ignore such people.
Thus, a few months ago, a resident of the Perm Territory, Alexandra Selyaninova, tried to register as a presidential candidate. Previously, Alexandra Selyaninova was Alexander Selyaninov, who served in the army, graduated from vocational school with a sixth-class diploma as a mining combine operator, worked in a mine, and then joined the criminal investigation department, where he served for 16 years. Selyaninov was married twice, but always felt that he belonged to the other sex. Eventually, having learned from a newspaper article that gender reassignment surgeries were being performed in Moscow, he changed his gender and received a new birth certificate.

(The face of the Russian transsexual politician is Alexandra Selyaninova)

Selyaninova tried to run for the post of head of Berezniki in 2006 and 2010, but her attempts were unsuccessful. It is interesting that the Perm regional committee nominated a transsexual as a candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation in the person of communist Alexei Bessonov (he was previously known for challenging former head FSB Patrushev). But, alas, Selyaninova was voted out by local bureaucrats at the stage of collecting signatures.
But not everyone is as lucky as the former Perm policeman. Poverty prevents hundreds of thousands of Russians from changing gender. And then the unrealized desire to change gender leads to tragedy.
A few years ago, a terrible incident occurred - a 39-year-old village mechanic performed a sex change operation on himself with his own hands.
After school, Igor graduated from college with a degree in bulldozer operator. He was an unusual guy from the very beginning: he didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, didn’t curse. Igor served in the army in Chechnya and was captured by local national democrats.
When no one was home, Igor put on purchased dresses, painted his lips and nails. His mother accidentally caught him doing this. Scared:
- Son, what are you doing?
Igor tried to explain that he wanted to be a woman, that since childhood he had never felt like a man. And that there are already ways to change gender.
- You need to get married urgently! – the mother did not want to hear her son. - Get married, and all this nonsense will go away.
The mother urgently began to look after the bride. And then Igor finally decided: not to get married - to become a woman. I bought a scalpel, lidocaine and chose a day when no one was home. In the living room, Igor placed an armchair opposite the dressing table so that he could see everything, laid down an oilcloth, gave an injection and, when he stopped feeling pain, decisively slashed himself across the genital organ.
Igor finished it in an hour. I put what I cut off in a bag and then threw it in the trash.
“My mother and I came home from work,” says brother Vyacheslav. - I look - my brother can barely walk. He doesn't say what's wrong with him. I called an ambulance... And at the hospital I found out that I now have a sister.
“We just had to stop the bleeding and remove the urethra,” says Novosibirsk urologist Igor Onischuk. “And when we asked whether he should be assigned to a men’s or women’s ward, he said that he would lie in the corridor.
At the hospital, Igor underwent ultrasound three times: the doctors could not believe what was in his stomach. female organ- underdeveloped uterus.
Now Igor calls himself Ira. Irina has small breasts and a woman's voice. Having become a woman, he grew by 4 cm. Through the court, he obtained a change of documents.
“Then my mother, brother and I moved so that I could start a new life. “I would like to get married,” Irina worries. - But to the fullest plastic surgery I have no money. But I believe that everything can still work out. Doctors confirm that I can have children. After all, in addition to the uterus, I even have one female ovary. I would be a good mother and wife. I can do everything. Cooking, sewing, built the house herself.
Back in the 1990s, American photographer Liz Sarfati made a photo report of how Russian men change their gender in a Moscow clinic, and then in a new body they go to their small homeland (the Novosibirsk region):1