Spell for a successful marriage: magic for a happy marriage. Choosing a wedding month

Here are collected many diverse and effective and time-tested methods and spells for attracting love into your life, as well as maintaining love with your soul mate, love spells. Try using any of the spells.

These two powerful love spells to get married - quickly and successful marriage with a loved one which you need to read yourself top the list of rituals of the Russian people on imminent marriage and help to meet the groom in a very short time. Do you want to get married but haven’t met someone with whom you would like to connect your life or there is such a person, but for some reason this guy or man doesn’t propose marriage and doesn’t invite you to become his wife - it doesn’t matter, a marriage plot will help you get married very fast.

To perform a love spell ritual yourself, buy a new broom on Wednesday or Friday; do not take change when purchasing. On the way home, rejoice at your purchase and think about how great your new folding broom is, how great it will be for you to sweep the house and put it in order. Wait until the new moon comes and sweep the entire yard (or entrance if you live in apartment building), and all the dust must be collected in a dustpan.

In the meantime, while you are sweeping away your dirty laundry, say this ancient and very strong conspiracy for a successful marriage that will come very quickly:

I'm driving the good guys into my house.

Not lazy people, not misers, not thieves.

Come to me, grooms.

From our own and other people's yards.

Stone. Scissors. Paper.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

To get married quickly and successfully, the marriage plot must be read seven times during cleaning. The cleaner you sweep the yard (entrance), the greater the choice of suitors fate will give you, just don’t choose for a long time, the years go by and beauty goes away. When you have collected all the garbage, take it to your home, carefully pour it into a small canvas bag, put it in the far corner and keep it there until the new moon. Be sure to read the “Our Father” nine times over it. Expect suitors soon, they will appear, and you will choose your groom from among them. And as soon as you’ve been proposed for marriage, you can take the dirty linen away from the house and bury it in a hole so no one can see.

Conspiracy in golden autumn

The best time to get married is, of course, golden autumn, but preparations for the wedding need to start in advance. If you want to get married successfully, don’t waste your time and quickly start a love spell that will help you get married and gain married status in a very short time - by autumn. To do this, you need to plant flower seedlings near your home. Landing should be done during the full moon, early morning while everyone is still sleeping. While you are planting, say the words of the marriage plot:

I, the servant of God (name), will leave the house through the doors, and from the doors through the gates.
I'll look at the blue sky, I'll look at the red sun.
So, my fiancé, smile at me, quickly get ready for the crown with me.
As my flowers bloom, suitors will come to me.
Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

After this, you need to ensure that the seedlings do not die for seven days. Water it in the evening, read Our Father nine times. As soon as the first flower blooms, you will meet your future husband, who will ask you to marry him. Pick the last flower and dry it, store it in secret place. He will protect your family life from quarrels and disagreements.

Rituals for calling a husband

“Merciful Lord, who gave Abraham your servant a husband and an obedient son, and through an amazing sign indicated Rebekah as his wife! Show me, your servant, the person I should marry. Order the secret spirits to help me: Baalibet, Assaibi, Abumostit. Amen!"

This ritual is performed on Friday. And once is not enough. You should repeat it three times, this should be done exclusively on Fridays, so that you can count on a quick marriage.

In order to see your fiance quickly, you can call him while standing on the threshold of your house. You practically need to leave the apartment. Your feet should stand on the threshold, your arms should be outstretched different sides and rest against the door jambs. The plot is repeated three times:

“I summon to my doorstep the servant of God, the husband of my future. Just as this threshold is under my feet, the doorposts are under my hands, so you, servant of God, betrothed, walk under my will. Come to me! Amen!"

While reading magic words stand facing the room.

The wind can also help in inviting the groom. To do this, you need to open the window in the room, or go outside. During the period of the waxing moon, the following conspiracy is spoken in the open air:

“The wind sweeps dust, drives clouds, carries words. Take, O wind, my words to the servant of God, my betrothed, the mummer. Damn to the wind, damn against the wind and my challenge with it. My betrothed, destined by fate, wherever you go, wherever you sew your body, you will bring your soul to me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

This conspiracy is used to get married and create a strong family in long years.

To get a groom, you can use prayer at the well. The ritual at the well is carried out in all alone. No one needs to see your actions. This is one of the mandatory conditions. You can choose any time. You should go to the well, bend over to the water to see your expression, look at the dark water, think about how you want to get married, what the groom should be like. And then say:

“I’m not alone, we’re together, we’ve spent our entire lives with each other, one after another.”

After these words, another reflection will appear. This will be a reflection of your future spouse. Then you should draw water from the well and drink it. You must drink with pleasure, without missing a single drop, so that the spell will certainly work.

The Key to Marriage

Using a key as a talisman has a very ancient history. The ritual given here is carried out on the days of the full moon or new moon, accompanied by a plot for marriage. The time chosen is pre-dawn or midnight. To carry out the ritual, prepare a cord of red, pink or blue color.

The choice of color variation depends on how you imagine your marriage. If you want passion to be the main thing in your relationship, take a red thread, if romance, then pink. To ensure fidelity, choose a blue thread. You can take all three and intertwine them to create a combination of all three qualities. You also need to prepare any key.

The selected thread is threaded through the hole on the key. When everything is ready, light the candle. It must definitely be pink. The candle is placed in the center. Before turning to words, you need to look closely at the candle flame and focus on your desire.

At this time, the key should be on the table, in the middle between the candle and the woman reading the spell words. Then they take the key, recite the spell text and blow on the candle flame through the hole in the key. You need to blow 3 times. The plot is as follows:

“The key to happiness, the key to the heart, a husband for happiness, a husband after my own heart. Me, (name)!”

Spell for flowing water

This plot is read to get married as soon as possible. It is pronounced over water in a river or stream. You should stand on the bridge. When conspiring, they light matches and say:

“Fire, burn, serve me!” This must be repeated three times. When the match burns out, they throw it into the water and say: “Three beautiful girls, swim on the water, find your sweetheart and send it to me!”

A powerful spell to help you get married quickly

At dawn the table is set with a brand new tablecloth. white. A candle and a cup are placed on the surface of the table, into which water is poured, mixed with honey. The plot should be read over this cup. It is repeated 12 times.

There should be no failures during reading, so it is better not to rely on memory, but to read from the sheet so as not to make a mistake. While pronouncing words, you only need to think about how you will get married. How beautifully you will be dressed, how the ceremony will take place. This visualization requires a conspiracy. Then they pronounce a marriage plot:

“I’ll light a church candle and burn incense. I will express my desire to God. I will tie two red threads with three knots. Of these, one knot will be for love, the second - for passion, and the third - for fidelity. I’m not tying threads, but connecting our souls with our future husband. They will be together, they will live together, conduct business, have children. Friendship, understanding and respect - these are our relationships! From the very beginning of the century to its end. No one will untie the knots, no one will destroy our relationship, no one will be able to cancel our family. Everything will be strong and tenacious.”

If during 12 readings the candle does not have time to burn out, you will have to wait until this happens. Next, the face and hands are washed with the charmed honey water, and the doors and entrance are sprinkled with it. This is necessary so that the groom is attracted to you, like bees are attracted to the aroma of honey. Such ancient conspiracies marriage always gives results.

Broom in attracting marriage

A plot for a quick marriage can be carried out using an ordinary broom. It is this attribute of home order that was and is used to attract the owner to the house. To carry out the ritual, a new broom is purchased.

It is better to buy it on the market. After all, you will have to pay more money than required, and not take change. When you return from the market, you need to pay attention to the broom: give compliments, stroke it, caress it. Then you should wait for the new moon; after its onset, you should use the broom for its intended purpose for 7 days.

They use it to sweep their house and the area around it. You can also sweep the entrance if you live in a city apartment. The rubbish that can be swept away is collected in a yellow dustpan. When there is none, you can paint it in yellow any scoop. While sweeping, they whisper a conspiracy:

“I’m driving the red fellows into my house. Good and nice. Not lazy people, not thieves, not misers, not rednecks. Come to me, well done grooms. Come from your own backyards, from strangers, from the unknown. Stone. Scissors. Paper. Let it be so".

This plot is needed to get the desired husband in a short time.

You can repeat the words of this marriage plot any number of times. Some believe that there will be as many suitors as these words are repeated. The garbage from the scoop is poured into a bag, it is removed away and stored away until the next new moon period. Then they take it out and read the text of the prayer “Our Father” over it; this should be done 9 times. When a girl gets married, she must bury this bag so that no one knows about it and so that no one will ever find it.

Someone else's wedding is one of the ways to find a groom

Everyone who made a conspiracy at someone else’s wedding claims that this is the most effective way obtaining the desired opportunity to get married. To do this, you need to defend three weddings. You should keep a white handkerchief under your clothes near your heart.

You should carefully follow the ritual so as not to miss anything important. While the priest is calling out the names of those getting married, you should also slowly say the names with him, not just the ones getting married, but your own and the name of the man you would like to marry.

A white handkerchief should be used to wipe the shoes of the loved one whose wife you want to become. Only he shouldn't see anything. Then this handkerchief is placed in a bag for donations to the temple (for commemoration). This bag also contains fruits, cookies, gingerbread and candies. When the job is done, you need to light a candle for the repose of girlhood. During this action, the conspiracy is read:

“Mother Theotokos, saints Nicholas and Ilya, remember my girlhood in the kingdom of God, and send me a wedding wreath, this hour, this moment, from now on and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In general, this conspiracy is used when there is already a young man, but it is not possible to marry him. A ritual performed at someone else’s wedding is valid for 30 days. If within 30 days the situation does not move towards the wedding, then all actions are repeated again.

You can return to this ritual 3 times. If during this period of time the consequences do not manifest themselves in any way, and you will not be able to get your loved one as a husband, then it is better to give up, since this is not your destiny.

Prayer to Paraskeva Friday

All prayers addressed to the Saints are sure to reach God. To find your husband faster, you can turn to a Christian saint. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa is a martyr who keeps happiness in the family, helps women cope with the responsibilities of mothers and household chores.

She also cares about women's health. They traditionally pray to her to get a good husband and a harmonious family.

“Holy bride of Christ, long-suffering martyr Paraskeva! We know that from your youth you loved with all your soul and with all your heart the King of glory, Christ the Savior, and you were ignorant of Him alone, distributing your possessions to the poor and poor. You shone with the power of your piety, your chastity and righteousness, like the rays of the sun, living holy among the infidels and fearlessly preaching Christ God to them. You, from the days of your youth, taught by your parents, have always reverently honored the days of the redemptive passions of our Lord Jesus Christ, for whose sake you yourself voluntarily suffered. You, who by the right hand of the angel of God were wonderfully healed from incurable wounds and received indescribable lightness, amazed the unfaithful tormentors. You, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of your prayer in the pagan temple, having cast down all the idols, you have crushed them to dust. You, scorched by the lights, with your single prayer to the omnipotent Lord you extinguished the natural fire, and with the same flame, miraculously kindled through the angel of God, having burned the frantic lawless people, you led many people to the knowledge of the true God. You, for the glory of the Lord, having accepted the sword beheading of your head from the tormentors, valiantly died your suffering feat, ascending with your soul into heaven, into the palace of your longed-for Bridegroom, Christ the King of Glory, joyfully walking away with this heavenly voice: “Rejoice, righteous ones, for the martyr Paraskeva was crowned!” In the same way, today we greet you, long-suffering one, and, looking at your holy icon, we cry out to you with tenderness: all-honorable Paraskeva! We know that you have great boldness towards the Lord: pray to His Lover of Mankind and for us who are present and praying, that He may grant us, like you, patience and complacency in troubles and sorrowful circumstances; May He, through your intercession and intercession, grant a joyful, prosperous and peaceful life, health and salvation, and good haste in everything to our beloved Fatherland, may He bestow His holy blessing and peace, and may He grant all Orthodox Christians, through your holy prayers, confirmation in the faith , piety and holiness, and success in Christian love and all virtue: may He cleanse us sinners from all filth and vice, may He protect us with His holy angels, may He intercede, preserve and have mercy on everyone with His holy grace and make us heirs and partakers of His Heavenly Kingdom. And having thus improved salvation through your holy prayers, intercession and intercession, all-glorious bride of Christ Paraskeva, let us glorify all the most pure and magnificent name of the true God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in our saints, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

Marriage plot using Tarot

As you know, a deck of Tarot cards is widely used in fortune telling. But few people know that it can also help with rituals for marriage. This is very effective ritual, much attention is paid to visualization. It should be noted that this ritual does not help to find a lover, but only to marry the one you are dating.

You should perform this ritual before going to bed.

So, remove the cards from the Tarot deck: Ten of Cups, Page of Cups, as well as Lovers and Strength. Take two candles, burgundy and yellow flowers. Place a burgundy candle in the center of the table, light it and say:

I glorify our love, which sweeps away all obstacles in its path.

I want us to be happy in marriage!

Then you need to lay out the cards in this order, starting from the top: Strength, Lovers, Ten of Cups, Page of Cups. During this, imagine how your wedding will happen, how he will propose to you. Feel the emotions that you will have at this moment. When you feel you have reached the peak, say:

Our love will overcome all adversity, we will soon get married.
Help me four elements and ancient power Tarot!
Let everything come true as I wish!

Prayer for marriage with a church candle

Lay down a white natural fabric. Then take a cup of blessed water and stir a teaspoon of honey in it. Then place a candle blessed in the church in the center of the table and light it. Raise a cup of water to your lips and say the prayer 12 times:

Holy Mother of God, Mother, to me, the servant of God (name),
Help me find my betrothed. Give me, the servant of God (name), a wedding wreath, which was made from holy flowers by You, consecrated by Your Holy power,
filled with love, decorated with happiness, fidelity. I ask you
Most Holy Theotokos, Mother, help and bless the marriage of God's servant
(name) and my betrothed. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Sprinkle this water on the front door frame and sip a little of it yourself.

Marriage plot for Easter

Easter is one of the most important Christian holidays. On this day, white magic rituals that relate to family life work well. It would also be a good idea to perform rituals for recovery on this day.

First you need to prepare Easter eggs. In the evening before the holiday, take 9 eggs. You also need to buy egg dye in green, blue and red colors. As you already understood, there are 3 eggs for each color. It is advisable to purchase stickers with designs that you associate with weddings, marriage, and love. So, you need to color the eggs and stick pictures on them. At this moment say:

How people love Holy Easter,
appreciate and remember maternal affection,
So would me men and boys
They loved the strong more than the strong, they valued them more than ever.
Herds behind me. God's servant(name), walked.
Christ has risen, and the grooms have come to me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Next, you need to put the eggs in a nice plate and let them sit on the table overnight. In the light of day, be sure to eat the most beautiful egg, and give the rest to friends and acquaintances. To make life better, you can use a conspiracy on a rich husband.

Plot for daughter's marriage

This waxing moon ritual is intended for mothers who want happiness for their daughters. To do this, you need to get up before dawn, leave the house and find a deserted place from where you can see the sunrise. It is important that you do not eat or drink before the ceremony. It is also prohibited to talk to anyone in the house and on the way there and back. So after you have found appropriate place, wait until dawn and say the following lines:

Across the sea-ocean, in a copper city, in an iron mansion, sits a good fellow. He is chained with ten chains and shut with ten doors. Only my word will free the good young man from captivity and rush to his betrothed. I'm talking dear mother(state your name), an amicable young man for the love of a red maiden (state your daughter’s name). He can’t walk without her, he can’t have fun without her. Without her, there is no life for him in his parents' house next to his father and mother. Let her appear to him in a dream and in reality. And in the day, and at noon, and in the dark midnight. And without her, he would not have seen joy and found no joy. My word is the end, and the love of the red maiden (daughter’s name) is the beginning.

Then immediately turn around and return home without looking back. This ritual must be repeated for a whole week, without missing a single day.

For a mother to marry, a honey plot

This ritual should also be performed by a mother who wants to marry off her daughter. Like the previous one, it must be carried out on the new month. So, first you need to take a small pot of honey. Draw on the surface the symbols that you associate with the upcoming marriage, for example 2 rings or schematic figures of the bride and groom. After this, raise this pot to eye level and say:

How many bees flew and collected honey, How much did the servant of God (the name of his daughter) fly around the house
Yes, you don’t know fatigue.
Clean up, sweep.
Yes, the house is in order.
How long have the bees worked?
The husband of God’s servant (daughter’s name) has to work this much.
So that there is plenty of money in the house.
May God's servant (daughter's name) love her deeply.
What sweet honey.
This is what married life is like.
The servant of God (daughter's name).
It would be sweet and smooth.
Drink honey.
Yes, be happy!
My word is strong.
Do not cut with a knife.
You can't cut it with an ax
As I said, so be it. Amen.

Then lower the pot onto the table and treat your daughter to honey. It is also advisable to use this product in cooking, bake something tasty. If your child already has a significant other, and you just need to speed up the development of the relationship, treat her boyfriend as well.

In general, marriage conspiracies are very effective if you want to start new life. However, remember that it takes time to fulfill a desire, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed right away. Also, in this case, you need to try another spell, which may be more suitable for you.

It's no secret - the girls always knew true signs to get married and believed in them.

A large number of noticed harbingers of any future events or situations help to avoid serious failures and minor bad luck.

Not in vain folk superstitions And folk signs ancestors have survived to this day. And today they have become a valuable treasure for the interpretation of various phenomena.

To the centuries-old wisdom of our ancestors in the form of various signs, omens and omens modern world is quite skeptical. After all, now you can prove or disprove anything.

Time of technological progress and rapid development science explains many things using facts. Therefore, unsubstantiated signs are considered the faith of naive people.

But is this really so? After all, the weather was often determined by changes in nature, and correctly noted character traits and behavior of people born in each of the 12 months turned into a horoscope and formed zodiac signs.

But what worries unmarried girls more than the question of when she will get married?

When will the cherished wedding day come?

In order to get married quickly, it is not enough just one sign that appears, which, moreover, can be created on purpose.

Secret symbols will exist regardless of our attentiveness. But far-fetched signs are just an illusion that soon you will be able to chat with your friends about a happy marriage in a cozy cafe.

It is unlikely that you will be able to bring the long-awaited wedding day closer, hoping not for real action, but solely on astrology or signs, but it is quite possible thanks to them to find out whether marriage will take place in the near future.

Proven omens of marriage:

  • Dreaming about dead relatives. Premonitions of impending change may manifest themselves in prophetic dreams, even if hidden from our consciousness. Therefore, dreams about non-living ancestors often give a sign to get married.
  • Find a bouquet of flowers. Not picking up the roses that were given to you, but accidentally stumbling upon a bouquet.
  • Unpleasant sensations and experiences during initial stage sleep. When some incomprehensible incidents happen while half asleep, a girl feels a strange heaviness in her body or feels someone’s presence near the bed, this “strangles the brownie,” driving her out of the house straight into the arms of her future husband.
  • To get married quickly, you can embroider a red peony. This flower symbolizes a happy family life.
  • It is necessary to sweep the floor from the entrance doors to the windows, and not vice versa.
  • Fortune smiles on girls who pray and fast on the feast of St. Catherine (November 7).
  • Become a godmother to a child. As soon as the godson learns to walk, unmarried girl will find his happiness.
  • Sitting between two brothers or sisters.

Wedding signs

There is a belief that other people's happiness is contagious! And it’s as if all the friends of married women are gradually starting to arrange their personal lives as well. You can find out how soon a cherished event will happen by being a guest at a friend’s wedding!

So, in order for a girl to get married quickly and successfully, they pay attention to the following signs associated with other people’s weddings:

  1. Champagne or wine was accidentally spilled on you.
  2. It is favorable to become a groomsman at a church wedding.
  3. Dance with the groom is very good sign to get married.
  4. Catch the wedding bouquet.
  5. Take a pin or hairpin from the bride's dress.

What not to do to avoid being alone

There are also signs that delay marriage. What you should never do if you want to get married as soon as possible:

  1. Sit on the corner of the table during meals.
  2. Sit on the windowsills.
  3. Participate in competitions at the weddings of friends and acquaintances.
  4. Measure someone else's Wedding Dress before the bride tied the knot.
  5. Pass water, food and things across the threshold.
  6. Sit on the doorstep and eat.
  7. You can't grow oleander in the house.

What do the months of the year say about marriage?

When the signs happily come true, the marriage proposal has taken place and you are planning a wedding, pay attention to what month you are planning the celebration:

  • January– previously widowed.
  • February– peaceful and happy married life.
  • March- life in another country.
  • April- short-term happiness.
  • May- witness betrayal or constantly suffer.
  • Junefamily life like an eternal honeymoon.
  • July- experience both happy and sad times.
  • August– the husband will become both a friend and a wonderful lover.
  • September- calm and quiet family.
  • October– frequent difficulties.
  • November- life in abundance and wealth.
  • December– every year love will become stronger.

Signs are a magnet for attracting love and a soul mate, they clearly indicate what can happen or what eludes you.

However, any presence of symbols in our lives should become motivation for real actions. Sometimes it is better to correct your destiny in time and find the desired happiness than to rely on chance.

However, do not forget what you want more - to get married as soon as possible or to meet a truly loved one?

Predictions and signs push us to positive thoughts and we, in anticipation of expecting something, without noticing it ourselves, begin to strive for the goal. Perhaps the signs are just self-hypnosis, but the fact that they work in practice is an indisputable fact!

Typically, a marriage plot is in demand among representatives of the fair sex who are actively searching for a soul mate, that is, looking for their only man. It’s worth saying right away that a conspiracy to get married quickly and a love spell are not the same thing. If the first is used as a magical magnet for a man, then the second acts precisely and oppresses the will and mind of the guy; it is not so easy to remove it. Today we will talk about marriage conspiracies that you can do yourself at home, which are easy to remove; we’ll start with a description of the rules and recommendations for conspiracies.

Rules for reading marriage conspiracies

Conspiracies for a successful marriage have been read for a long time, because personal happiness is important for any woman or girl at any time. Such magic belongs to the category of white, has no negative impact to the performer of the ritual. However, this only applies to cases where magical influence turns out not married man, that is, the girl does not have the goal of destroying someone else’s family and taking someone else’s husband away. If you have such intentions, it is better to abandon them, because such a marriage will not be long and happy; most likely, he will return to his first family to married woman, especially if there are children there. It is also worth abandoning such a conspiracy if a man experiences obvious antipathy towards you, as they say, you cannot be nice by force, do not forget about the old belief.

At the same time, the result will be positive if a man, like you, is actively searching for a permanent life partner, that is, looking for a wife and mother for future children. In order for the plot to be as successful as possible, you need to fast the day before, that is, refuse food of animal origin, eat only Rye bread and drink clean spring water. It is also worth saying that the most successful and powerful conspiracies To get married, it turns out on the night during the waxing moon, because it marks the beginning of something new. It is recommended to choose the time of dawn, which will attract maximum magic to your side.

A strong conspiracy to get married quickly

This plot for a quick marriage should be read at home, looking at the icon of St. Martha, because it helps ensure that your personal life is as successful as possible. The words of this prayer must be read exactly three times, and the volume of reading must be increased with each repetition, this helps attract more energy. Take a transparent container into which you will need to pour holy water, which will become a conductor between you and magic. While looking at the water, say the following words of prayer:

“Miraculous Martha, I ask for your help, I wish you happiness and love, show your miracle and give me a faithful, kind and rich husband. Be kind to me and protect my white marriage from envy and separation, may we be together for a hundred years in love and harmony, may we live in perfect harmony until death separates us, it is impossible otherwise. Amen".

It is important to pronounce all the words as clearly as possible, not to stammer, and to firmly believe in the success of what is happening. It’s good if you manage to imagine the image of your loved one in your head, your wish will come true faster.

Reading a conspiracy to marry a broom

Often, in the most powerful rituals and conspiracies for a quick marriage, auxiliary objects are used, and love conspiracies are no exception; this conspiracy for a successful marriage is no exception. Since ancient times, a broom has been used for such rituals, since this item is needed in order to restore order in a house or apartment, as well as in the family and personal life, that is, attracting additional force. Often the purchase of a new broom promised to help meet the betrothed in the house, according to at least, so promises the saying. Based on this information, conspiracies for marriage on a broom appeared, which were used for speedy marriage.

In order for everything to succeed, you need to purchase a new broom, and you need to pay for it in such a way as not to take change from the seller, this condition is strictly necessary. While you are going home with a new broom, you need to mentally think about how good this broom is, how important it is to you and what its hidden function is.

Now you need to wait for the new moon and sweep the bedroom with this broom, in which the girl or woman is sleeping. The cleaning procedure must be carried out periodically, that is, every day throughout the week. While cleaning, you need to whisper the following words:

“I invite the groom for me to the red manger, the canopy is clean, come in, you will be a dear guest, while April is ringing with drops.”

These words must be said seven times, with the number 7 traditionally symbolizing the concept of family.

Conspiracy on Tarot cards

Attracting tarot cards is an indispensable attribute in fortune telling. However, often magicians and sorcerers use cards to help a girl or woman get married as quickly as possible. Moreover, this plot can even be used by a widow for marriage. It is worth saying that this strong marriage conspiracy is not too complicated, but at the same time quite effective, based on reviews, its author is Natalya Stepanova. main feature ritual on tarot cards is that its result is aimed not so much at finding a loved one, but at accelerating the development of existing relationships.

  • Papess
  • Justice Map
  • Page who symbolizes the groom
  • Seven

“I kindle the flame of love for you and me, may it not go out in our hearts, may it burn forever, whoever is with me, I am with him.”

After this, make a circle with each candle in turn, which will symbolize the two rings on the finger of the husband and wife, then say the following:

“Forever and ever, happiness and love, to you and me.”

Now it's time to turn to the cards. You need to lay them out from top to bottom, starting from the most senior lasso, that is, first the pope, then the page, then the card of justice, and at the very bottom - seven. The wax of each of the candles should drip onto each card, while this is happening, imagine in your imagination what the wedding will look like, what dress you will wear, what the groom will be like, and so on. At the end of the ritual, you need to say the final words:

“Water, fire, earth and air, be close, help me.”

The cards need to be kept until the most cherished thing happens, you receive a marriage proposal.

We ask for marriage using a church candle

This method is suitable for those who have a boyfriend or man in mind, but his thoughts, unfortunately, are too far from transforming your relationship into something more meaningful. So, to achieve a speedy marriage, you will need to observe at least three days the strictest fast, and also wait for the right time, namely dawn after the full moon on Thursday; this day can be easily calculated using the lunar calendar.

Place a glass filled with clean water, dissolve natural bee honey in it, then take three church candles. Bring the fire as close to your lips as possible and read these words:

“Virgin Mary, my angel, give me feminine happiness, help me create my family, give me children. Give me strength and wisdom to be a good wife and mother, and for him (name of lover) to become for me good husband and a great father. Amen".

After it was said the last word, you need to put out all three candles by dipping them into a glass of water, the ritual is considered completed.

Ritual for Easter

All rituals performed on Easter are considered one of the purest and most powerful, because God himself, who on this day is in the promised land among mere mortals, helps you. The same applies to marriage conspiracies on Intercession, Annunciation, Epiphany, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and so on, even Vanga said that these days are the most powerful. To help a woman get married successfully, you need to comply with everything Easter traditions, namely, fast the day before, prepare Easter cake and paint the eggs. As for the eggs, they need to be decorated with wedding-themed pictures, and you can decorate them yourself or purchase ready-made stickers, it doesn’t matter. While you decorate the eggs, read the following words out loud:

“God, dear God Almighty, I love you and appreciate your concern. May everything get better in my life, and may I have my own family, may my husband love and respect, Amen.”

After this, place the eggs on a beautiful dish and leave them on the table overnight. On Easter Day, when the Orthodox holiday will take place church service, eat the most beautiful egg, and give the rest to male people, and these do not have to be potential suitors.

So that my daughter gets married faster

Any mother wants happiness and prosperity for her daughter, so she often actively participates in the selection and criticism of suitors. However, such activity is often not to the liking of the younger generation, so you need to act more carefully. Since ancient times, mothers have used rites and rituals that are designed to speed up their daughter’s wedding, as well as make her marriage successful and happy.

First, a woman needs to find a suitable place for the ritual; to do this, she needs to leave the territory of the house or apartment and find a place where there are no people, for example, a forest. It is strictly forbidden to talk to anyone on the way, and the same applies to the way back.

Stand so that you can clearly see the sun and say the following words:

“I know that somewhere beyond the seven seas and oceans there is you who is looking for my daughter. Come to us quickly, find her, give her happiness and love. May there be happiness in your parents’ home, may your children go away, and may your love never fade away.”

After reading, go home immediately. An early meeting with your daughter will enhance the effect. If it happens that you meet her on the way home, be sure to kiss her and tell her that you love her, the consequences of such a meeting are positive.

Maternal plot for honey

This plot to get married is quickly used by mothers who want to marry their daughters to respectable rich millionaires. This version of the ritual at home involves the use of honey, and, unlike the previous one, it is pronounced strictly on the new month. You will need a small jar or barrel of honey and a knife. Using a knife, you need to draw an imaginary picture of a heart on the surface of the honey, as well as the name of your daughter. Often women draw two more rings, symbolizing marriage; judging by the reviews, this has a positive effect on the result, that is, they will be able to get married in the near future. While drawing, say the following in a whisper:

“The bees worked, they collected honey, they predicted my daughter’s wedding.”

These words of prayer must be said exactly ten times, and each time it must sound equally expressive and clear. If your daughter already has a boyfriend and you like him as a potential son-in-law, be sure to let him taste the charmed honey.

To make the guy get married faster

It is a mistaken belief that only women crave weddings; this is not true. It is also important for men, after a certain age, to have a family, children, because this means that he has achieved something, that someone needs him, and he is loved. For men, a simple version of the wedding ceremony is offered, which involves a little housework. To be more precise, he will have to independently plant a flower or flowering plant on the territory of the house. And for this you need to choose the right time– Thursday, the waxing moon and the appearance of the first rays of the sun in the sky. And, of course, no one should know what you are planning to do and why, otherwise the whole meaning of what is happening will disappear. After all the work in the garden is completed, sit near the planted flower and say the following:

“I, your servant of God, called you, my God, and I thank you for giving me life, that I am healthy. Show me a miracle, Lord, may this house be filled with happiness and joy, may the emptiness in my heart be filled with love, may I find a family. Amen".

Now you know what types of marriage rituals and conspiracies to marry a guy exist, what is required to carry them out and how to read them correctly. Remember that for the success of the ritual it is important not only to do everything strictly according to the instructions, but also your attitude and faith in what you are doing. Even if your dream does not come true, as the ritual promises, you can try to perform the ritual again after some time, or use another option.

Among white magical rituals, the marriage plot takes pride of place. With his help, parents desperate to marry off their beloved daughter brought closer happy date, and the single girls themselves sought to try out the old magical method for getting married quickly. It's time for you to use the proven methods of your ancestors!

When is the ritual to get married valid?

A plot to get married soon can become a life-saving straw for a desperate girl, tired of loneliness. There are several good reasons to use it:

  1. Her personal life does not work out; the young lady, due to her natural modesty or internal complexes, cannot build a long-term relationship.
  2. The beauty has a young man with whom she for a long time meets, possibly lives in civil marriage, however, the lover is in no hurry to legitimize the relationship. So why not push him to important step, using whispers for marriage.
  3. A loving mother sees how her little one suffers due to the lack of a soul mate and sincerely wishes her daughter female happiness.

In order for prayers and requests for marriage to be satisfied, higher powers must see the sincere desire of a female representative to create a marital union.

You should not turn to magic if you just broke off a relationship and want to annoy your ex by hastily getting married.

Also, don’t let mothers hope for heaven’s favor, who impose on their daughter the standard stereotype of society: “you’ll stay too long as a girl,” “it’s time to give birth to children,” “all your peers are already married.” If your child feels comfortable and is in no hurry to ring himself, no conspiracy will work!

The result will not follow even in a situation where the chosen one has been married for a long time and deeply. It will not be possible to divorce him from his wife through marriage conspiracies. Stronger love magic is required here - look among!

Before using one of the rituals below, answer frankly the question: “How important is it to you to get married?” Only if you have a 100% solution, take up the sacrament, not forgetting to follow the magical instructions.

Like other spells, marriage conspiracies must be read confidently, clearly pronouncing each word and putting faith in their power. But besides general rules, there are conventions, observing which you can speed up the action of this prayer.

  • The key to the success of the ritual is the sincere good intentions of the performer. A few days before the sacrament, refrain from sorting out relations with ill-wishers, try not to get involved in conflicts.
  • You can resort to reading ritual words for marriage only on the waxing moon - so that love grows stronger.
  • Fast for three days: no meat, alcohol, sweets or fatty foods. This way you will be cleansed and prepared to communicate with the forces of light.
  • Conduct the ritual in privacy and silence. If there is a black cat in the apartment, do not kick the animal out of the room - it is considered a conductor between worlds.
  • Girls who wait a long time for a proposal from their chosen one need to clearly imagine the image of their beloved during the ceremony.

Briefly remove the ring from your finger, squeeze it in your palm and sit for a few minutes in front of a lit candle bought in church.

Armed with the basics of magical science, choose the method by which you will attract family happiness!

There are a huge number of rituals that help girls of marriageable age say goodbye to a free life. The most popular and simple ones are included in the following selection.

For the ritual you will need a small jar of honey. Draw a symbol of marriage on it - two intertwined rings. Holding the jar in your hands at eye level, say the lines:

As long as the bees flew, honey was collected,
So the servant of God (worldly name) flutters around the house,
Sweeping, tidying up, not knowing about fatigue,
Everything is in order to be kept. How much the bees worked,
So the spouse of the servant of God (worldly name) should not be lazy,
So that there is prosperity in the family,
To love the servant of God (worldly name) greatly.
As sweet as the honey is, so sweet and smooth would the servant of God (worldly name) have a family life. Sip the honey and be considered happy! Be that way.

After the ritual, you need to treat your daughter with the charmed honey so that she does not know that the drug is magical. You can also add it to baked goods. If your daughter already has a partner, treat both of them with a treat.

Towards noon, braid your hair and tie it with a scarlet ribbon. Go with this hairstyle for the rest of the day without adjusting or redoing it. When going to bed at night, let your hair down and burn the ribbon. Bury the remaining ashes with the words:

I light a candle and unbraid my hair. I throw the scarlet ribbon into the fire. I punish the servant of God (name of the man): take the servant of God (your name) as your wife, and from now on call him your beloved wife. Be that way. Amen.

During the year, you will definitely hear the desired phrase from the lips of your loved one.

For the ritual, you need to prepare a ring, a white candle, which it is advisable to purchase in the temple, and some holy water in a glass. After waiting until nightfall, light a candle and dip the ring in the prepared water. Then say the words of the conspiracy three times:

I throw the ring into some water and repeat the magic speeches. So that my betrothed finds me, finds happiness and love with me. So that we can have a wedding and children. Be that way. Amen.

As soon as you finish saying cherished words, remove the ring from the glass, go out with it to the center of the room and put it on ring finger right hand.

Pour all the remaining water over your head. Then go to bed. After waking up, remove the ring and hide it away from prying eyes. It will be possible to put it on again only after meeting your future spouse.

When turning to magic, remember that it cannot be abused. magical rituals it is forbidden. Even if they are aimed at such a good goal as creating a family. If, having done everything correctly, you do not notice any changes over time, wait a

What girl doesn't dream of getting married? And what mother doesn’t want to successfully marry off her beloved daughter? Yes and loving daughter, probably, will wish happiness in marriage for his mother. Women of any age and any social status strive to equip their “family nest”, in which they must “be present” loving husband and obedient healthy children. But, unfortunately, not everyone manages to find family happiness.

For those who have lost faith that they will find their “soul mate” or are tired of waiting for a marriage proposal from their beloved, love magic and its plot for marriage can come to the rescue.

Magic and marriage

Prayers and conspiracies to marry your partner centuries-old history helped a huge number girls and women get married successfully.

There are many various types similar rituals. Some of them have come down to us through transmission from generation to generation by hereditary healers and healers. Some became famous thanks to their famous authors: Vanga, Natalia Stepanova.

Like many other rituals love magic, prayers and conspiracies for marriage are read at a certain phase of the moon. Having cherished wish get married as soon as possible, you want to buy something for yourself, so best time for such a ritual there will be a period of lunar growth. Cast spells in different time days - it all depends on the specifics of the ritual and special recommendations on its implementation. Some rituals associated with accelerating marriage are carried out on major Orthodox holidays: Intercession, Epiphany, Easter, Palm Sunday, Annunciation in April, Maundy Thursday.

There are several rules that you need to remember when reading a plot for a quick marriage:

  1. You cannot encroach on “someone else’s”, just as you can lose “your own”. In other words, do not try to use magic to take a married man away from your family or destroy the happiness of another girl. The consequences of your actions in this case can be the saddest, both for you and for your lover.
  2. You should not bewitch a person who absolutely does not love you into marriage. By encroaching on his will, you will not achieve real strong feelings towards yourself. Any action you take in this direction will lead to the fact that your loved one will subsequently feel only negative feelings towards you.
  3. If a man has even the slightest sympathy for you and is also “in search” of a life partner, then go ahead.
  4. Before the ceremony, you need to “recharge” your energy a little. This is facilitated by abstinence from drinking alcohol, fasting and prayer.
  5. Immediately before the ritual, you need to wash your face, let your hair down and put on loose, light-colored clothes.
  6. And most importantly, when bewitching a loved one, you should remember that some effects cannot be removed. Therefore, before deciding on a ritual, you should think very carefully.

Ritual to attract grooms

To attract potential suitors to your home and in the hope of a quick marriage, you can perform a ritual on a broom. To carry it out you need to buy a new broom. You need to buy it from a woman, and you cannot take change from her. Walking home with a new broom, you need to imagine in your dreams your betrothed and your happy family life with him.

On the night of the waxing Moon, sweep the floor in your house with this broom, and collect the garbage in a small bag. You must sew this bag yourself from any natural fabric. While sweeping the floor, you must constantly repeat the following spell:

“I don’t sweep the floors, I gather suitors for my house. Come, beautiful fellows, lead the beautiful maiden (your name) down the aisle. She will not live forever alone, but will live and get along with her betrothed. The word is said, the deed is done.”

After you have thoroughly swept all the floors in the house and collected the garbage in a bag, put it in a secluded place. The treasured bag should be there until you start a relationship with a guy or until you become a married lady.

Ritual for a quick marriage

Many people are familiar with the situation when a girl has been dating a guy for quite a long time and everything seems to be fine with them, and he says that he intends to connect his life with her, but things don’t go beyond conversations. It is unclear whether the man was caught indecisive, or whether he is deliberately “leading” his chosen one by the nose. In this case, a woman can, with the help of a certain ritual, “push” her beloved to ask her to marry. The ritual is performed during the period when the Moon is growing.

Before you “get down to business” you need to purchase a silver ring. It should be simple, without stones, inscriptions, and look as much like a wedding as possible. If you already have such a ring, you can use it. After purchase, new jewelry should be worn on your finger for several days. During the ritual, you will also need spring water, a small deep saucer and a white candle.

After midnight, curtain the windows and close the doors in the room. Then light a candle and place it on the table. Pour spring water into a saucer and place the ring in it. Next, read the words of the conspiracy:

“I will wash my ring with clean spring water. As water flows from a ring, so the Servant of God (name of the man) suffers for me. As the water leaves the ring, the Servant of God (the man’s name) will lead me down the aisle. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then remove the jewelry from the water and, without wiping it, place it on the finger on which you would like to see the wedding ring. Wear the ring until your chosen one asks you to marry. This decoration will now be your talisman. According to reviews from those who have used this powerful conspiracy, if everything is done correctly, you can count on a fairly quick marriage.

How to get married successfully

Many women dream of marrying a millionaire or, in extreme cases, just a wealthy man. However, as you know, there are not enough rich men for everyone. Others dream of a prince charming who will be gentle, kind, attentive and loving. But such men, unfortunately, are not easy to meet. A plot for a successful marriage, which any woman can do at home, will help you get as close as possible to your ideal and not miss out on the best of what you have.

To perform the ritual, the girl will need a handful of grain. She must buy a kilogram or two of wheat or any other “cereal representative” and select a handful of the largest and most beautiful grains. While sorting the grain, the young lady needs to imagine the image of the man she would marry. On the waxing Moon, a woman needs to go to the crossroads of four roads with grains in her hand and say:

“I sorted through grain by grain, selecting the most beautiful ones. I scatter the grains and attract suitors to my house. I am not calling on the old and hunchbacked, but on the stately and rich. Just as the tit bird pecks those grains, so my betrothed will come to my doorstep and lead me down the aisle. My word is true and my desire is strong.”

Then you need to pour the grains onto the road and quickly go home. If a woman meets someone on her way, then under no circumstances should she pay attention to him, much less talk to him. There is no need to look back either. If in the next year the young lady does not meet her betrothed and she never gets married, then the ritual can be repeated.

Holiday rituals

To get married faster, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used simple but very effective folk conspiracies and rituals. These rituals were traditionally done at large Orthodox holidays. Many of them are lost in time, but some still help today modern girls find family happiness. Let's look at the most popular of them.


The most significant holiday Our ancestors, as you know, celebrated Easter. Many folk rituals are associated with this day and the days preceding Easter. Among them there are those that can help a girl get married quickly. The most popular witchcraft attribute these days are chicken eggs.

For example, before Easter, an unmarried young lady must decorate nine eggs with her own hands. In the process of work, a girl must not only sincerely want to leave her home, but also constantly “keep in her head” the image of a contender for her hand and heart. If you already have one, then you can put his photo in front of you, and if you don’t have one yet, then general wishes about what he should be will be enough. When decorating eggs, you need to show imagination and great skill.

Once the eggs are ready, place them on a plate and leave overnight. In Svetloe Christ's Sunday choose one egg that you like more than the others. Take it in your hands and whisper:

“As good and comely as the holy egg, so good and comely will be my betrothed. I have that testicle, and you (the man’s name) will bring me down the aisle.”

If you don’t yet know the name of your future husband, then just say “darling.” Distribute the rest of the Easter eggs to your family and friends.

Red hill

The next Sunday after Easter, our ancestors celebrated the spring holiday, which was called Krasnaya Gorka. During the period when nature comes to life, it is very good to perform various rituals aimed at love and family happiness. On Krasnaya Gorka it was believed that if a girl sits at home all day, then she can sit like that for the whole next year. Therefore, the young ladies went out into the street and walked all day.

It was one day when it was enough to walk down the street arm-in-arm with a guy for the young lady to have an “admirer” in the near future. The girl, who already had a lover, deliberately “took” him out for a walk that day in the hope that he would soon propose to her. Lonely young ladies, in order to walk arm in arm with a man, resorted to various tricks. They pretended that they sprained their ankle or that they needed help from a man.

On Krasnaya Gorka you can perform a ceremony for a quick marriage using a loaf of bread. To do this, you need to bake a loaf and decorate it beautifully. Then take two new needles and speak to them. Over the first needle you need to say:

“Clear falcon, my betrothed, come to my threshold, bring your matchmakers with you. Call me, beautiful maiden, to marry you and take me with you.”

Then we say the second needle:

“A beautiful maiden, mistress and beauty. He’s sitting in the house, looking out the window, waiting for the handsome young man.”

Next, we stick the needles into a loaf in the shape of a cross, sprinkle it with Thursday salt and place it at the threshold. He must remain there until the morning. The next morning we put the charmed bread in a place where it can be stored for the next year.

If your betrothed has not appeared in a year and you have not been able to get married, the loaf should be taken out of the house, crumbled and fed to the birds, saying:

“How many birds peck these crumbs, the number of suitors I will have.”

If everything went well and the girl got married, then the enchanted loaf should be sent down the river, thanks to him. Before you say goodbye to the loaf, you need to remove the needles from it and use them to hem the wedding dress. This will protect the family from quarrels and betrayals.