Treatment of gonorrhea: important steps towards clean tests. Treatment of chlamydia Tsiprolet: instructions for use

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Tsiprolet. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Tsiprolet in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Tsiprolet in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of sore throat, sinusitis, cystitis and other infectious diseases in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Tsiprolet- a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug from the group of fluoroquinolones. Acts bactericidal. The drug inhibits the enzyme DNA gyrase of bacteria, as a result of which DNA replication and the synthesis of cellular proteins of bacteria are disrupted. Ciprofloxacin (the active ingredient of the drug Ciprolet) acts on both microorganisms that are reproducing and those in the resting phase.

Gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and some intracellular pathogens are sensitive to ciprofloxacin: Legionella pneumophila, Brucella spp., Chlamydia trachomatis, Listeria monocytogenes, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium kansasii, Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. Most staphylococci resistant to methicillin are also resistant to ciprofloxacin.

The sensitivity of bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae and Enterococcus faecalis is moderate.

Corynebacterium spp., Bacteroides fragilis, Pseudomonas cepacia, Pseudomonas maltophilia, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Clostridium difficile, Nocardia asteroides are resistant to the drug. The effect of the drug against Treponema pallidum has not been sufficiently studied.


When taken orally, Tsiprolet is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Orally taken ciprofloxacin is distributed in the tissues and fluids of the body. High concentrations of the drug are observed in bile, lungs, kidneys, liver, gall bladder, uterus, seminal fluid, prostate tissue, tonsils, endometrium, fallopian tubes and ovaries. The concentration of the drug in these tissues is higher than in the serum. Ciprofloxacin also penetrates well into bones, eye fluid, bronchial secretions, saliva, skin, muscles, pleura, peritoneum, and lymph. The drug penetrates into the cerebrospinal fluid in a small amount, where its concentration is 6-10% of that in the serum.

The main route of excretion of ciprofloxacin from the body is through the kidneys. 50-70% is excreted in urine. From 15 to 30% is excreted in feces.


Mixed bacterial infections caused by sensitive gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, in association with anaerobic microorganisms and/or protozoa:

  • respiratory tract infections (acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis in the acute stage, pneumonia, bronchiectasis);
  • infections of the ENT organs (otitis media, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, mastoiditis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis);
  • oral infections (acute ulcerative gingivitis, periodontitis, periostitis);
  • kidney and urinary tract infections (cystitis, pyelonephritis);
  • infections of the pelvic and genital organs (prostatitis, adnexitis, salpingitis, oophoritis, endometritis, tubular abscess, pelvioperitonitis);
  • intra-abdominal infections (infections of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, intraperitoneal abscesses);
  • infections of the skin and soft tissues (infected ulcers, wounds, burns, abscesses, cellulitis, ulcerative skin lesions in diabetic foot syndrome, bedsores);
  • infections of bones and joints (osteomyelitis, septic arthritis);
  • postoperative infections.

Release forms

Film-coated tablets 250 mg and 500 mg.

Eye drops 3 mg/ml.

Solution for infusion (injections in injection ampoules) 2 mg/ml.

Film-coated tablets of the combined drug Tsiprolet A.

Instructions for use and dosage


The dose of Tsiprolet depends on the severity of the disease, type of infection, body condition, age, body weight and kidney function.

For uncomplicated diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, 250 mg is prescribed 2 times a day, and in severe cases - 500 mg 2 times a day.

For diseases of the lower respiratory tract of moderate severity - 250 mg 2 times a day, and in more severe cases - 500 mg 2 times a day.

For gynecological diseases, enteritis and colitis with severe course and high temperature, prostatitis, osteomyelitis, 500 mg 2 times a day is prescribed (for the treatment of ordinary diarrhea, a dose of 250 mg 2 times a day can be used).

The tablets should be taken on an empty stomach with sufficient liquid.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, but treatment should always continue for at least another 2 days after the symptoms of the disease have disappeared. Usually the duration of treatment is 7-10 days.


The drug should be administered intravenously by drip over 30 minutes (200 mg) and 60 minutes (400 mg). The infusion solution is compatible with 0.9% sodium chloride solution, Ringer's solution, 5% and 10% dextrose solution, 10% fructose solution, and a solution containing 5% dextrose solution with 0.225% or 0.45% sodium chloride solution.

The dose of Tsiprolet depends on the severity of the disease, type of infection, body condition, age, body weight and kidney function of the patient.

A single dose, on average, is 200 mg (for severe infections - 400 mg), the frequency of administration is 2 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and is 1-2 weeks; if necessary, longer administration of the drug is possible.

For acute gonorrhea, the drug is prescribed intravenously in a single dose of 100 mg.

To prevent postoperative infections, it is administered intravenously 30-60 minutes before surgery at a dose of 200-400 mg.

Side effect

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach ache;
  • flatulence;
  • anorexia;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • increased fatigue;
  • anxiety;
  • tremor;
  • insomnia;
  • nightmares;
  • peripheral paralgesia (anomaly in the perception of pain);
  • sweating;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • anxiety;
  • confusion;
  • depression;
  • hallucinations;
  • migraine;
  • fainting;
  • disturbances of taste and smell;
  • visual impairment (diplopia, changes in color vision);
  • noise in ears;
  • hearing loss;
  • tachycardia;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • leukopenia, granulocytopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, hemolytic anemia;
  • hematuria (blood in the urine);
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • urinary retention;
  • skin itching;
  • hives;
  • pinpoint hemorrhages (petechiae);
  • dyspnea;
  • vasculitis;
  • erythema nodosum;
  • arthralgia;
  • arthritis;
  • tenosynovitis;
  • tendon ruptures;
  • general weakness;
  • superinfections (candidiasis, pseudomembranous colitis);
  • pain and burning at the injection site.


  • pseudomembranous colitis;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • childhood and adolescence up to 18 years of age (until the process of skeletal formation is completed);
  • hypersensitivity to ciprofloxacin or other drugs from the fluoroquinolone group.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

special instructions

If severe and prolonged diarrhea occurs during or after treatment with Tsiprolet, the diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis should be excluded, which requires immediate discontinuation of the drug and the appointment of appropriate treatment.

If pain occurs in the tendons or when the first signs of tenosynovitis appear, treatment should be stopped.

During treatment with Tsiprolet, it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of fluid while maintaining normal diuresis.

During treatment with Tsiprolet, contact with direct sunlight should be avoided.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Patients taking Tsiprolet should be careful when driving a car and engaging in other potentially dangerous activities that require increased attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (especially when consuming alcohol at the same time).

Drug interactions

Due to a decrease in the activity of microsomal oxidation processes in hepatocytes, it increases the concentration and lengthens T1/2 of theophylline (and other xanthines, for example, caffeine), oral hypoglycemic drugs, indirect anticoagulants, and helps reduce the prothrombin index.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (excluding acetylsalicylic acid) increase the risk of developing seizures.

Metoclopramide accelerates the absorption of ciprofloxacin, which leads to a decrease in the time to reach its Cmax.

Co-administration of uricosuric drugs leads to a slower elimination (up to 50%) and an increase in plasma concentrations of ciprofloxacin.

When combined with other antimicrobial drugs (beta-lactams, aminoglycosides, clindamycin, metronidazole), synergism is usually observed; can be successfully used in combination with azlocillin and ceftazidime for infections caused by Pseudomonas spp.; with mezlocillin, azlocillin and other beta-lactam antibiotics - for streptococcal infections; with isoxazolylpenicillins and vancomycin - for staphylococcal infections; with metronidazole and clindamycin - for anaerobic infections.

It enhances the nephrotoxic effect of cyclosporine, and there is an increase in serum creatinine, so in such patients it is necessary to monitor this indicator 2 times a week.

When taken simultaneously, it enhances the effect of indirect anticoagulants.

The infusion solution is pharmaceutically incompatible with all infusion solutions and drugs that are physicochemically unstable in an acidic environment (pH of the ciprofloxacin infusion solution is 3.5-4.6). The solution for intravenous administration should not be mixed with solutions having a pH greater than 7.

Analogues of the drug Tsiprolet

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Alcipro;
  • Afenoxin;
  • Basijen;
  • Betaciprol;
  • Vero-Ciprofloxacin;
  • Zindolin 250;
  • Ificipro;
  • Quintor;
  • Quipro;
  • Liproquin;
  • Microflox;
  • Oftocipro;
  • Procipro;
  • Recipro;
  • Syphlox;
  • Tseprova;
  • Ciloxane;
  • Cypraz;
  • Cyprinol;
  • Tsiprinol SR;
  • Ciprobay;
  • Ciprobid;
  • Cyprobrine;
  • Ciprodox;
  • Ciprolacare;
  • Ciprolone;
  • Tsipromed;
  • Cypropane;
  • Tsiprosan;
  • Cyprosyn;
  • Ciprosol;
  • Ciprofloxabol;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin Bufus;
  • Ciprofloxacin-AKOS;
  • Ciprofloxacin-Promed;
  • Ciprofloxacin-Teva;
  • Ciprofloxacin-FPO;
  • Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride;
  • Citeral;
  • Cifloxinal;
  • Tsifran;
  • Tsifran OD;
  • Ecotsifol.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Only a dermatovenerologist has the right to prescribe a course of treatment for gonorrhea after a thorough examination of the patient. Treating this disease yourself means facilitating its transition to a chronic form and subsequent complications. Let's look at the methods of treating gonorrhea and the dangers of an untreated disease.

Modern medicine allows you to get rid of gonorrhea with just one injection. The most commonly used drug in this case is zinacef, injected into the gluteal muscle. Injections of netromycin, novocef, and plivacef also help. If necessary, Piprax and Movid are prescribed.

However, such healing is only possible when dealing with an uncomplicated form of gonorrhea - gonococcal urethritis, which is detected in time by a specialist. However:

  • if the disease was not detected in time, and this led to damage to the prostate gland - in a man or the uterus and appendages - in a woman
  • if gonorrhea occurs against the background of trichominiasis, chlamydia and other diseases;
  • if a gonococcal infection provokes conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, damage to the meninges, heart or joints, proctitis, there can be no talk of any quick treatment for gonorrhea.

Only a specialist can identify the stage of the disease and select the appropriate treatment method.

How is gonorrhea treated: methods and drugs

Let's look at the most common treatments for gonorrhea. The information is provided for general information only.

Sumamed belongs to macrolides, that is, antibiotics that have the least toxic effect on the human body. Its main active ingredient is azithromycin, which inhibits protein synthesis of microbial cells and thereby slows down the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

When treating gonorrhea, sumamed is prescribed in combination with doxycycline and ceftriaxone. At the same time, with its safety, sumamed can:

  • negatively affect the nervous system, as a result of which the patient may become dizzy, experience insomnia, nervousness, affect the sense of smell and taste, and deteriorate their mood;
  • negatively affect the cardiovascular system, leading to arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract, causing pain and stomach cramps, diarrhea, constipation, nausea;
  • lead to allergic reactions - swelling, skin rashes, anaphylactic shock;
  • negatively affect the genitourinary system, leading to the development of candidiasis.

People who have impaired liver and kidney function should be treated with sumamed very carefully. The drug is not suitable for women during the 1st trimester of pregnancy and lactation. And it is not taken at the same time as dihydroergotamine and ergotamine.

Candles (otherwise suppositories) are effective only at the early stage of the disease. At a later stage, they can only supplement antibacterial drugs as an adjuvant to relieve the symptoms of gonorrhea and prevent associated infections.

They can be administered either intravaginally (for example, betadine, metronidazole) or rectally (for example, hexicon, betiol). Intravaginal ones are used for therapeutic purposes. Rectal - if the infection enters the rectum or trichomoniasis develops simultaneously with gonorrhea.

Suppositories are also not suitable for everyone:

  • Hexigon should be avoided if you are hypersensitive to chlorhexidine;
  • from betadine - with high sensitivity to iodine, pathologies of the thyroid gland. Kidney and liver failure;
  • from metronidazole - if there is renal failure or impaired functions of the central nervous system;
  • from betiol - if there is prostate hyperplasia or glaucoma.

Cetofaxime is often prescribed for inpatient treatment. Used for intramuscular and intravenous injections. It is supplied to pharmacies and hospitals in the form of 1-2 g of white powder packed in bottles, which dissolves in sterile water from special ampoules. True, injections of the drug in this case are very painful, so doctors often replace water with novocaine or lidocaine.

The drug is perfectly combined with other medications and is easily excreted from the body: up to 90% with urine - in 1 hour with intravenous injection or in 1-1.5 with intramuscular injection. However, people with kidney problems should use it very carefully. Cetofaxime can also:

  • lead to various allergic reactions;
  • disrupt liver function;
  • cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea;
  • lead to dizziness and pain in the temporal and occipital regions of the head.

Azithromycin is the most popular treatment for gonorrhea. Under its influence, gonococci are very quickly eliminated from the patient’s body. In addition, the drug does not decompose in acidic environments and is very quickly absorbed into the blood. Able to cope with any strains of gonococci, despite the fact that they are constantly mutating. It is most often taken as tablets (500 mg each), but sometimes, as prescribed by a doctor, it is administered intramuscularly.

The treatment regimen for gonorrhea with azithromycin is as follows:

  • tablets are taken one hour before meals;
  • in acute cases of gonorrhea, take 1.5 g of the drug at a time, or the dose of 2 g is divided into two times - 1 g each.

Improvement in well-being occurs already on the first day after taking it. According to statistics, a single dose of 2 g of the drug eliminates gonorrhea in 99% of cases. Azithromycin also combines well with other antibiotics.

Tsiprolet belongs to the second generation antibacterial group, that is, it is an antibiotic. Available in the form of solutions or tablets containing 250 mg or 500 mg of the active substance - ciprofloxacin. It is quickly absorbed and dissolved in the body, with the largest amount reaching the liver, bile and lungs.

Ciprolet tablets should be taken before meals and washed down with plenty of water, although some patients do this 20-30 minutes after meals, because after taking the drug they experience a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and nausea. Other unpleasant side effects include diarrhea, weakness, tinnitus, impaired perception of taste, smell and color, and increased intracranial pressure. It is contraindicated to take the drug if the patient suffers from an allergy to it, mental disorders and epilepsy, brain diseases, liver and kidney diseases (usually for patients with kidney disease the dose is halved).

Treatment regimen for gonorrhea

The selection of a treatment regimen for gonorrhea depends on the stage at which the disease is detected, what condition the patient is in, and whether there are any contraindications.

Expert opinion

Artem Sergeevich Rakov, venereologist, more than 10 years of experience

For a long time, it was customary to treat gonorrhea with penicillin antibiotics (amoxicillin, oxacillin). However, at present, for patients who are allergic to these drugs, and who have not received the desired result, there is an excellent alternative - cephalosporin antibiotics, which include cefataxime.

Gonorrhea accompanied by other infections is treated with macrolides (azithromycin, sumamed) or antibiotics belonging to the fluoroquinone group (ciprofloxacin, ciprolet).

In the chronic form of gonorrhea, antibiotics are supplemented with local treatment. The bladder is washed, and in men, the urethra.

When treating a complicated form, azithromycin is used, but its dosage is increased. The interval between doses is 6-12 hours.

Timing of treatment for gonorrhea

How quickly is gonorrhea treated? The duration of the course is also influenced by the severity of the disease and the patient’s individual tolerance to the drugs. As already mentioned, a mild form of gonorrhea can be treated within one day. But most often the course of treatment for gonorrhea is 1-2 weeks. If the case is particularly advanced, then a month.

But even with the most favorable option with one injection, a person is considered healthy only after the symptoms completely disappear and laboratory tests confirm the result.

What are the dangers of untreated gonorrhea?

Untreated gonorrhea risks relapse in a more complex form, because the gonococcus remains in the body. The consequences of this are dire. These include infertility, chronic pain, damage to internal organs (including the heart and liver), and an increased risk of contracting AIDS. But pregnant women are especially vulnerable here, as they risk transmitting the infection to their child. Their risk of miscarriage and the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases.

Video: treatment of gonorrhea

In this video you can learn a little more about the treatment of the disease.

With the development of infectious and inflammatory processes in the body, the question of finding a suitable antibacterial drug arises. Preference, as a rule, is given to products that combine strong effects, reasonable prices and a minimum of side effects.

Ciprolet and Ciprofloxacin are antibacterial drugs with complex effects, which are based on one active component - ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinol antibiotic. From the group of similar substances, it stands out due to its effectiveness, which manifests itself in the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms - both active and dormant.
It should also be noted that the treatment regimen for both drugs is the same. However, there is still a difference between Ciprolet and Ciprofloxacin.

The main difference is that Ciprofloxacin is produced in the Russian Federation, and Ciprolet is produced in India, and therefore the price of the second drug is on average twice as high due to taxes and transportation costs. In practice, both drugs show the same results in the treatment of diseases of different degrees of severity, and there are no fundamental differences between them.

Which drug is more effective?

Considering the fact that the same chemical substance is used in the manufacture of the described drugs, it makes no sense to compare the composition of the drugs. Fluoroquinolones are prescribed in cases where bacteriological infection is accompanied by an infectious pathology. They have almost the same effect on unfavorable microorganisms - they stop the processes of cell division and prevent further protein synthesis, which has a good effect on the patient’s condition. Ciprolet and Ciprofloxacin are considered effective drugs that work well in the fight against various pathogens, including:


  • chlamydia;
  • coli;
  • proteas;
  • staphylo- and streptococci;
  • Klebsiella;
  • enterobacteria;
  • listeria.

However, the described medications are ineffective when it comes to fighting fungi or Treponema pallidum. The drugs are not toxic, since the active substance is quickly distributed throughout the body, easily entering all types of tissues (including the brain), practically does not interact with blood proteins, and is then completely excreted in the urine.

Methods of application

On the Russian market, both drugs are presented in three variations:

  • tablets – 250 mg and 500 mg;
  • solution for intravenous administration - 0.2% of the active ingredient per 100 grams of the finished drug;
  • eye and ear drops – 0.3% of active ingredient per 5 ml.

Depending on the severity of the disease, its degree, the infection that caused the disease, as well as other factors, the doctor selects the necessary course of treatment, which will provide the necessary effect on the body. In addition, the duration of therapeutic measures using the described medications depends on the listed factors.

The greatest effectiveness of these medications is observed when taken orally on an empty stomach, due to which the concentration of the drug in the blood becomes maximum within 1-2 hours.


Tablets should be kept in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 15 - 25 ° C. The solution and drops can be stored at a temperature of 2 – 25 ° C.

Interaction with other tools

Drugs prescribed for diabetes mellitus enhance the effect of the active substance, increasing its concentration in the blood.

Anti-inflammatory drugs do not combine well with Ciprofloxacin, and their use sometimes provokes seizures.

Diuretics increase the concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma.

Ciprolet and Ciprofloxacin are not recommended to be taken together with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to avoid seizures. The combination of the described drugs with Cyclosporine causes serious damage to the kidneys. Antacids based on aluminum and magnesium can slow down the absorption of the active substance and reduce the effectiveness of taking the drug. In addition, they also cause harm to the stomach walls.


Taking medications is indicated in the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes, which include:

  • lung abscess, pneumonia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • peritonitis;
  • sepsis;
  • cholecystitis, abdominal abscesses, gall bladder suppuration;
  • salmonellosis, cholera, typhus, dysentery;
  • inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • infection of mucous tissues.

In ophthalmology:

  • conjunctivitis, corneal ulcer;
  • otitis;
  • eyeball injuries, etc.

Also, taking Ciprolet and Ciprofloxacin can be of a prophylactic nature after intracavitary operations or when the immune system is weakened after a long illness.

Contraindications for use

Taking antibiotics in the vast majority of cases creates a serious burden on the body, which is why it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting treatment. The use of Ciprolet and Ciprofloxacin is not recommended for the following categories of people:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • patients with intolerance to the components contained in the drugs;
  • people suffering from kidney and liver diseases;
  • patients under 18 years of age;
  • people with mental disorders.

When using such medications, attention should be paid to the condition of the patient’s kidneys and liver, since these organs are used to remove the active components of Ciprolet or Ciprofloxacin from the body.

Patients suffering from a lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (related to hereditary pathologies), as well as those who have pseudomembrane colitis, should refrain from taking it - the use of these drugs is contraindicated for them. In addition, patients who have cerebral atherosclerosis, as well as convulsions or epileptic seizures, must undergo a thorough examination in the clinic before using the drug.

The only restriction on the use of the drug, supplied in the form of eye drops, is age: it should not be used in the treatment of children under 12 years of age.

Side effects: Tsiprolet

In the manufacture of this product, special attention is paid to purifying its components from undesirable impurities and strictly observing all production conditions, so its use is tolerated quite easily, unlike most other drugs in this spectrum.

However, the risk of individual intolerance to the components cannot be excluded, which in some cases is manifested by the appearance of one or more side effects, including:

  • ripples and pain in the eyes;
  • hallucinations;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin - especially to sunlight, which results in rashes and irritation;
  • allergic reactions – skin itching, anaphylactic shock, etc.;
  • neurological disorders - depression, depressed states, anxiety, tremor;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive system - diarrhea, bloating, nausea, vomiting;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • nightmares, insomnia;
  • increased sweating;
  • deviations in the functioning of the senses - touch, smell, taste, color, sound.

Side effects: Ciprofloxacin

Despite the similarity of the drugs, the side effects from taking Ciprofloxacin are somewhat different. As in the case of Tsiprolet, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, kidneys and liver, as well as allergic reactions, are possible. But this list is not complete. Taking ciprofloxacin may cause additional problems, including:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • decreased functioning of the musculoskeletal system - patients taking Ciprofloxacin for a long time complain of pain in the joints, ligaments and tendons.

Ciprolet is a safer drug, especially for those who have heart problems (for example, patients with hypotension when using Ciprofloxacin become prone to fainting and frequent dizziness).

Deviation from the established treatment course and recommendations of the attending physician, regardless of the drug used, is fraught with the appearance of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and disorientation in space. If these symptoms are detected, call an ambulance as soon as possible and perform an emergency gastric lavage. In some cases, after hospitalization, patients are prescribed a course of hemodialysis. Such procedures are also accompanied by an increase in fluid intake, including intravenous infusion of water. The consequences can be very serious, so it is recommended to strictly follow the therapeutic course prescribed by a specialist.

To avoid the risk of side effects and for the most productive treatment, the following rules must be observed when taking Ciprolet and Ciprofloxacin:

  • Closely monitor your body - any changes that begin immediately after taking the drug serve as a signal of intolerance. Ciprofloxacin, like any antibiotic, can harm the intestinal microflora and cause dehydration, so for any, even minor, ailments, you should consult a doctor.
  • Drawing and sharp pain in the tendons, discomfort when walking are signs that this drug is not suitable for the patient and must be immediately replaced with another drug.
  • During therapy using the medications described, it is necessary to ensure a constant flow of fluid into the body. Drinking plenty of clean, still water is the most effective way. Taking liquids enriched with vitamins is also welcome.
  • Ciprolet and Ciprofloxacin have a significant effect on the nervous system and cause a decrease in reaction speed. Therefore, during treatment it is better to stop driving a car and other vehicles, and also minimize exposure to the sun.
  • Eye drops should never come into contact with the anterior chamber of the eye.
  • If the drops irritate the mucous membranes and the effect does not go away for a long time, you must choose another drug.
  • The shelf life of the drops from the moment the bottle is opened is 1 month.
  • Drop therapy involves avoiding the use of contact lenses.

What to choose

Despite their very similar composition, these drugs cannot be called identical. Various manufacturers and, consequently, the process of manufacturing drugs are factors that greatly influence the effect of the described drugs on the body. Due to fewer side effects, it follows that Ciprolet is safer than Ciprofloxacin. However, this information has not been confirmed using laboratory tests. On the Russian market, Ciprofloxacin is known as an analogue of Ciprolet, which has a lower price, and people often prefer it.

Doctors do not establish a clear boundary between drugs and do not identify any particular differences, relying only on the patient’s medical history and his individual intolerance to drugs. In most cases, the products are interchangeable. However, it is not recommended to use antibiotics on your own - it is better to trust a doctor with the necessary qualifications. He will easily draw up an algorithm for the necessary treatment, taking into account the results of diagnostic measures, which will help determine the likely culprit in the development of a particular disease.
Take care of your health and under no circumstances engage in self-medication, which can aggravate an already unpleasant situation.


It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of whether it is better to take Tsifran or Tsiprolet, because one is an antibiotic, and the other is an antimicrobial drug.

To decide on these medications, let's look at their annotations in detail.

Tsiprolet: instructions for use

Composition of the product

The active ingredient is called ciprofloxacin, besides it there are also additional substances.

Release form

The form of production of the product is of three types:

  1. Solution for intravenous infusion.
  2. Pills.
  3. Eye drops.

The dosage is as follows:

Pharmacological qualities

This medicine is an antibiotic. The active substance is ciprofloxacin. It has a depressing effect on the bacterial cell, thus slowing down its growth and reproduction. After this she dies.

Tsiprolet helps with tuberculosis, chlamydia, and also kills other pathogens. However, it is powerless against syphilis.

Pharmacodynamic properties

The drug is quickly distributed throughout the body. Excreted in urine and feces.

Indications Tsiprolet

The drug can be used in the following cases:

  • Pills.
  1. Breathing - bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat.
  2. ENT organs - tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis and others.
  3. Excretory system - gonorrhea, chlamydia, pyelitis.
  4. Digestive organs - peritonitis, salmonellosis, cholera and many others.
  5. Skin - abscess, burn, wounds and ulcers.
  6. Bones and joints - sepsis, osteomyelitis and others.

This medicine is a preventative measure for various infections that may appear after surgery.

  • Eye drops will help with conjunctivitis, styes and other infections.

Contraindications Tsiprolet

Tsiprolet has its own contraindications and they are as follows:

  • The patient's age is up to eighteen years.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • The period of bearing a child.
  • Lactation.
  • In case of problems with blood circulation.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver.
  • Elderly age.

Side effects

They may appear depending on the area affected, for example:

  • Digestive organs - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, hepatitis.
  • Psychological abnormalities - sleep disturbance, anxiety, weakness, nightmares, depression, fainting, headaches.
  • Sense organs - impaired hearing, taste, appearance, low blood pressure, arrhythmia, anemia and much more.
  • Urinary system - polyuria, impaired renal function.

However, when using Tsiprolet, allergies may also occur. It will manifest itself in the form of urticaria, arthritis, tenosynovitis and other ways.

Dosage Tsiprolet

So, how to take the drug in various forms of release?

  • Pills.

Tablets with a dose of two hundred and fifty milligrams must be taken three times. If the disease is severe, then the patient is prescribed five hundred or seven hundred and fifty milligrams.

Urinary system infections are treated as follows: you need to take a tablet twice with a dose of two hundred fifty or five hundred milligrams. The course of such therapy lasts one and a half weeks.

Gonorrhea that has not become severe is treated with a single tablet.

Gonococcal infection, which develops in parallel with chlamydia, is eliminated in this way, with a break of twelve hours, drinking seven hundred and fifty milligrams. Therapy should last one and a half weeks.

The tablets should be swallowed without chewing and washed down with water.

  • Eye drops.

Every four hours, two drops. In case of severe illness, you should drip two drops every hour. If progress from treatment is visible, then the dose and frequency of dripping can be reduced, but this must be done by a doctor.

  • Solution.

Two hundred milligrams should be administered intravenously over thirty minutes.

For osteomyelitis, it is necessary to complete the course for two months.

Salmonella (chronic), treat for a month with two hundred milligrams twice a day.

After the course of intravenous use is completed, treatment with tablets should begin.


In case of overdose, the patient's side effects worsen. There is no medicine that will help relieve all symptoms. Therefore, doctors perform gastric lavage, dialysis and hemodialysis.

Compatibility with other drugs

If you use ciprolet and drugs that help in blood clotting, as well as drugs that lower blood sugar levels at the same time, they will be eliminated from the body more slowly, and their concentration will increase. If Tsiprolet is used simultaneously with other antibacterial drugs, their combined effect will only increase.

If we talk about solutions, they cannot be mixed with other solutions with a pH level above seven.

The drug is sold without a prescription. Store away from children, at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees, in the dark.

Do not store in the refrigerator, much less freeze. The drug can be stored for no more than two years. After opening, it cannot be stored for more than a month.

Special instructions for use

While taking this medication and undergoing general anesthesia, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure and heart rate. If the daily dose of the drug is exceeded, then crystals may begin to form in the urine. When using Tsiprolet, the reaction is inhibited and concentration is impaired.

If a patient is diagnosed with epilepsy or seizures, then this drug is prescribed only if the disease threatens the patient’s life.

Many patients ask whether Cifran and the drug Tsiprolet are the same medicine, or is there a difference between them?

Tsifran is an analog having an identical active ingredient.

Tsifran - instructions for use

Pharmacological properties of the drug

This product stops the proliferation of bacteria, which causes them to die over time.

Indications Tsifran

Tsifran is intended for the treatment of infectious diseases, for example:

  • Respiratory organs - pneumonia, infectious pleurisy, exacerbation of bronchitis, which occurs in a chronic form.
  • Urinary system - pyelonephritis, prostatitis, inflammation of the bladder, urethritis.
  • Gonorrheal disease.
  • ENT organs - inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Skin - ulcers, abscesses, burns with infected wounds.
  • Gynecology - endometritis, inflammation of the pelvic organs.
  • Bones and joints - osteomyelitis, arthritis.
  • Other pathologies resulting from infection, namely: typhoid fever, cholera, peritonitis,.

Dosage of Tsifran

The dose of the drug can only be determined by the attending physician, based on the patient’s age, severity of the disease, body weight and kidney function.

  • When used orally, general dosages are as follows:
  1. Mild urinary system infections: two hundred and fifty milligrams every twelve hours.
  2. Prostatitis: five hundred milligrams every twelve hours.
  3. Respiratory organs: the course of the disease in a mild form is two hundred and fifty milligrams, in a moderate or severe form, five hundred milligrams every twelve hours.
  4. Bones and joints: five hundred or seven hundred and fifty milligrams after twelve hours.
  5. Gynecology: five hundred milligrams after twelve hours.

If the patient has a severe form of renal pathology, then the total daily amount of the drug must be reduced.

You can drink it without being tied to meals, but it is still best to use it on an empty stomach. During therapy, you should drink a lot of water.

  • Intravenous administration.

Adults with infectious lesions of the respiratory system are prescribed two hundred milligrams for use twice a day. In this case, its administration is prescribed intravenously.

In severe forms of the disease, four hundred milligrams are prescribed, using the same method of application.

If the patient has severe liver failure, then the total dose of the drug must be halved.

The drug is not prescribed to children, but if its use is vital, then a dosage of five milligrams per kilogram of weight per day will be recommended. This amount of the drug should be taken twice.

The solution is poured into a vein.

Important. The solution should not be used if it has changed color or if a precipitate has appeared in it. Such changes occur if the medicine was stored incorrectly.

Course of therapy

The duration of treatment will be prescribed based on the severity of the disease, test results and other indicators. On average, acute infections are treated within one week.

Generally speaking, therapy should be extended for another three days after all signs of the disease have disappeared. If the patient has been prescribed infusions, then treatment should be continued with tablets.

Possible side effects

Side effects appear as follows:

  1. Gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe exhaustion.
  2. Nervous system: headache, lack of sleep, weakness.
  3. Allergies: rash, itching, redness of the skin.

Sometimes other side effects occur. If this happens, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Contraindications Tsiprolet

This medicine should not be taken by patients who have individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Also a contraindication is that the patient is under sixteen years of age; it should not be used by pregnant women or during lactation.

Drug compatibility

You can drink Cifran four hours after taking the medicine, which contains magnesium, aluminum, iron, and other components. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increase the effect of Tsifran on the functioning of the nervous system. When using it in parallel with medications for diabetes, it is necessary to control blood sugar levels.

Overdose and storage

There are no known cases of overdose with this drug in medical practice.

Tsifran should be hidden from children and should be kept in a dry place with a temperature of no more than twenty-five degrees. It can be stored for two years. The pharmacy sells it only with a prescription.

Special instructions for use

This medication should be carefully prescribed to people with various pathologies of the nervous system. It could be epilepsy.

To prevent crystalluria from starting, you need to drink a lot of water while taking it.

Also, during the treatment period, you should not be under the sun. Cannot be used for renal failure, especially if a person is undergoing dialysis courses.

It can only be used by adults.

After studying the above, you yourself can find the differences between these two medications. But only a doctor must choose one of them to conduct good therapy.

Gonorrhea is considered one of the most common diseases that is transmitted through sexual contact. Men and women face this problem equally, but due to the structural features of the reproductive and reproductive systems, the disease occurs with some peculiarities in different sexes. However, the treatment is absolutely similar. Differences may lie in the use of different antiseptic drugs for male patients. Before starting therapy to eliminate the causative agent of gonorrhea, it is important to understand its symptoms so as not to make mistakes with the prescribed drugs.

The disease can be recognized by the presence of a number of characteristic symptoms, which include:

  • constant discomfort in the urethra, which begins to be accompanied by itching;
  • purulent discharge gradually appears from the penis, and at first it comes out only with pressure, but gradually its quantity increases and the pus flows out on its own;
  • the infection gradually penetrates higher up the urethra and begins to affect the bladder, which leads to signs of cystitis;
  • there is pain and pain when urinating;
  • Once the bacteria reach the prostate gland, gonorrheal prostatitis may develop, which is characterized by a constant urge to urinate, especially often at night.

Attention! In many cases, the disease is sluggish in nature, which creates difficulties in diagnosing it. Only a smear for the presence of pathogenic pathogens can make an accurate diagnosis.

Injections for gonorrhea in men

The drug is taken only intramuscularly, and the dosage of the drug should be carefully selected for each patient. The classic dose, taking into account the severity of damage to the body, can be 1-2 g of Longacef daily for 3-7 days. The drug must be dissolved in a lidocaine solution, since the drug is very painful. Due to this combination, the risk of anaphylactic shock increases, so injections can only be carried out in medical institutions.

For gonococcal infection, the drug can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. In this case, the dosage can be from 1 to 2 g of Cefotaxime in the morning and evening. The antibiotic is quite painful, but at the same time it allows you to achieve good results. Be sure to dissolve the drug in a sodium chloride solution. The duration of therapy is selected individually for each patient; treatment usually lasts 3-5 days.

The drug is most often prescribed for intolerance or resistance to the penicillin series of antibiotics. Take the drug intramuscularly or intravenously. The dosage of Ketocef, taking into account the severity of the patient’s condition, can be 750-1500 mg. At this dose, injections must be given three times a day, and it is imperative to maintain equal intervals between procedures.

Attention! Injections allow you to cure the disease as quickly as possible. At the same time, they increase the risk of developing allergic reactions and kidney problems.

Pills for gonorrhea in men

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, which are coated with a special coating. It prevents the early release of the active substance due to the action of gastric juice and saliva. This allows you to achieve quick results using minimal therapeutic doses. Patients are prescribed 500 mg of the active substance in the morning and evening, in some cases an increased dose of Tsiprolet of 0.75 g is prescribed. The drug is taken before meals or an hour after it.

This drug is most often prescribed in situations where gonorrhea has already caused complications in the prostate gland. In such a situation, the patient is prescribed 2 tablets of Co-Trimoxazole after breakfast and dinner. If the patient has been diagnosed with chronic gonococcal prostatitis, treatment consists of one tablet in the morning and in the evening. Therapy continues for an individually selected time for each man.

For an uncomplicated form of the disease, take 100 mg of the drug in the morning and evening, the recommended interval between doses is 12 hours. Treatment for mild gonorrhea lasts one week. In complicated cases of the disease, Unidox is taken according to a special regimen. It involves first using 300 mg of antibiotic at a time, after which the remaining dose is divided into 6 doses. Each subsequent dose consists of 100 mg of the main substance until the course dosage of 900 mg is reached.

A traditional antibiotic that is well tolerated by patients. But due to frequent use for the treatment of other diseases, some patients may develop resistance to Levomycetin. Thanks to the destruction of the chain of protein synthesis in gonococcal cells, it is possible to eliminate the infection in 10 days. Taking into account the severity of the lesion, a man may be prescribed an antibiotic dosage of 250-750 mg. Take tablets three times a day. In severe cases of gonorrhea, especially complicated ones, a dosage of 3 g for three uses may be prescribed. Levomycetin should be taken half an hour before the main meal.

A modern antibiotic, which is most often prescribed when the penicillin series is ineffective. Taking into account the severity of the patient’s condition, he may be prescribed either 0.8 g of Norilet once, if the disease is at an early stage, or 600 mg of Norilet in the morning and evening. In the second case, therapy can last from 7 to 14 days.

The medicine is taken for just a few days, most often it is used for mild gonorrhea or for its minor complications. To achieve the required therapeutic result, it is recommended to take 0.3 g of Doxilan for 2-4 days. In some cases, a simplified treatment regimen may be used, which involves taking 300 mg tablets of the main substance twice with an interval of one hour.

Attention! In most cases, treatment using the described antibiotics lasts at least 10-14 days. This is the only way to achieve complete destruction of pathogenic pathogens and prevent recurrence of the problem.

Preparations for single use

A very powerful antibacterial drug that kills most types of pathogenic pathogens. An antibiotic is usually taken at the acute stage of gonorrhea, when it is characterized by its classic symptoms. Patients may be prescribed an oral or intravenous form. In the first treatment option, 250 mg is taken, sometimes a double dosage of the active ingredient is required, chewing is not required, it is better to drink one hour before meals. For intravenous infusions, 100 mg of the active ingredient is prescribed.

It is a solution for intramuscular injections. The dosage of the drug is quite large, so it should be injected only with qualified medical assistance, so that quick first aid can be provided if necessary. The dose of Spectinomycin is 2 g of the active ingredient; it can be taken at any time of the day.

The drug is administered intramuscularly only; it can be injected into the gluteal region or thigh. The treatment regimen involves the immediate administration of 1.5 g of the active ingredient. If such dosages are poorly tolerated or there is a high risk of complications, the single dosage can be divided into two injections. They are injected at one-minute intervals, but strictly into different areas; they can be injected into the left and right buttock.

The medication is available in tablet form for oral use. To suppress the gonococcal pathogen, 800 mg of the active substance is taken, and the drug must be washed down well with clean water to ensure maximum absorption. Take Renor without taking into account food intake. In some cases, Renor caused severe vomiting and diarrhea; exceeding the dosage is strictly prohibited.

Available in the form of a solution intended for intramuscular injection. Treatment may involve administering 1.5 g of Zinacef at a time. The injection is carried out strictly under medical supervision. Currently, a second regimen for the treatment of gonococcal infection using this antibacterial drug has also been developed. It involves injecting Zinacef into both buttocks at a time, with the dosage being halved and amounting to 750 mg per injection.

Attention! Such treatment is possible only in cases where the disease is at the very initial stage and is not complicated by other pathologies.

Video - Treatment of gonorrhea

Antiseptic solutions against gonorrhea in men

Chlorhexidine and potassium permanganate

Both solutions are used once a day. To do this, an individual amount of solution is selected for each patient, which is injected into the urethra using a special device. These substances allow you to disinfect the mucous membrane and reduce the intensity of the disease. This treatment can continue for 3-7 days, taking into account the severity of the lesion.

Silver solution and protargol

Medicines are used for complicated forms of the disease. For this, a 0.5% silver solution or a 2% protargol solution is used. They are also infused into the urethra using a small tube. Repeat the procedure once a day; in exceptional cases, a second wash during the day may be required. Typically, such solutions are prescribed in the presence of a mild infiltrate.

Attention! Such treatment can only be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician if there are significant complications. An exception may be antiseptic solutions for external use, which are used to wash the penis for external disinfection.

Cost of drugs against gonorrhea in men

A drugImagePrice in Russia in rublesPrice in Belarus in rublesPrice in Ukraine in hryvnia
150 5 62
200 7 82
100 3,3 41
100 3,3 41
100 3,3 41
200 7 82
300 10 123
300 10 123
500 16 205
200 7 82
300 10 123
50 1,6 21
100 3,3 41
300 10 123
200 7 82
300 10 123
1300 43 523
100 3,3 41

Attention! All of the drugs described have a significant effect on the gastrointestinal tract. When taking them, it is advisable to take supportive agents for the microflora of the stomach and intestines to prevent vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.