DIY dream catcher amulet. The meaning of the amulet and its magical effect on dreams

Charm Dreamcatcher

Nowadays, it is difficult to meet a person who does not know anything about what a dream catcher amulet is. This amulet has long gained incredible popularity not only among residents of the American continent, but throughout the world.

Now it is no longer possible to determine exactly where and when the first Dream Catcher was created. It's so ancient amulet, that now it is unlikely that it will be possible to reliably restore the history of its invention. There are many legends about its origin. Many believe that the Dream Catcher came to us from the lost civilization of the American Indians. However, this statement, if not completely erroneous, is at least incomplete. The Dream Catcher, or the Trap for the spirits of dreams, came to us from the magical practices of not only the indigenous population of the New World, but also from the aborigines of the North and Eastern Siberia.

Externally, this amulet is very similar to a sieve - a round frame with threads stretched across it, woven into various patterns. Moreover, the patterns carry their own meaning.

The main differences between amulets of different cultures

Like any Feng Shui talisman, the Dream Catcher amulet has types, the meaning of which depends on the meaning that different peoples put into the amulet. Here are just two of them:

Giving important sacred meaning circle - a symbol personifying infinity, and this is how the circle is perceived in shamanic practice, the Dream Catcher is identified with the journey of the sun across the sky.

Making a Dream Catcher

The Dream Catcher is, first of all, an amulet of power, and therefore you need to make it with your own hands, with certain intentions and proper settings. In stores specializing in the sale of mystical items, the choice may be quite rich, but what is put on the production line is unlikely to satisfy our needs. Let’s not talk about the thoughts with which they could have made them.

So, as a rule, the round frame of the amulet is a thin willow rod rolled into a circle. However, this is not a strict requirement; a metal rim can also serve as a basis; it is even more convenient to work with them. In general, the choice is yours.

Another important point- these are feathers. The Dreamcatcher has clear gender differences; eagle feathers are suitable for a male catcher, and polar owl feathers for a female one. The main difficulty is that it is very difficult to find feathers from these birds, especially since they must only be obtained from a living bird. Feathers are a very energy-intensive artifact; the information of death will be instantly “recorded” by them, and it will no longer be possible to clean them.

So if you are making a Dream Catcher for your dearly loved one, then we advise you to approach the problem of choosing feathers responsibly. In the absence of eagle and owl feathers, you can use goose or rooster feathers, but their effectiveness is noticeably lower.

Now about the web. There is no point in talking about the difference between synthetic thread and natural thread, you know it yourself. One has only to note that it is important that the thread does not break throughout the entire weaving, so stock up on a large skein at once.

Let's start production

Stages of making a Dream Catcher

We take a ready-made metal hoop or make it from a willow rod, then we braid it with thread. If we use a willow twig, then we need to braid it with a thicker thread. But on a steel hoop this can be neglected. You need to braid clockwise. Try to avoid securing knots at the beginning of weaving and when making a loop. Telling how to do this is more difficult than showing, so use your imagination.

After the work with the hoop is completed, we proceed directly to weaving the web. The web is woven round and round, and turns of thread are added step by step. The number of turns is up to you, you just need to take into account the diameter of the hoop. It's good if it's an odd number.

As you weave, you need to string beads. Try to pull the thread tightly enough so that the web does not sag in the future. When braiding a Dream Catcher, you need to think about the good, preferably about your intentions. Weaving must be accompanied by words or poetry. You can come up with the words yourself, you can use some popular spell or recite affirmations, sing mantras or listen to meditative or simply pleasant music.

As you get closer to the center, you may need a thick needle to thread the thread through the main bead or crystal to secure the weave.

Now it’s time for feathers and other decorations, you can arrange them at your discretion.

This is the simplest option for weaving an amulet, but it can be complicated. For example, fasten several hoops together at once. In this case, it is worth showing a certain amount of imagination and using your creativity. The hoops can be intertwined with each other in the form of a chain, or they can be folded together and braided in the form of a sphere. In general, your design abilities will not be limited in any way.

Using the amulet

Where to hang the Dream Catcher?

For a truly sweet dream, you need to know where to hang your dream catcher. Usually it is hung at the head of the bed so that the amulet has the opportunity to rotate freely and catch the spirits of sleep flying past. But you can also hang the amulet in the center of the room, for example, under a chandelier, where it will circle like a locator and will not miss a single spirit, even the most seedy one.

As for the question of the purity of the amulet, according to the legend of the North American Indian tribe Khihtu, “evil” spirits who are trapped die with the first rays of the sun. This means that, in principle, there is no need to clean the Dream Catcher in any way. However, our world is so filled with all sorts of “evil” that it is better to “ventilate” the amulet from time to time. It is best to hang it under white flakes of snow in winter, and keep it in the wind in the bright rays of the Sun and the clear light of the Moon in summer.

Today it is difficult to meet a person who has not heard of such a strong magical amulet like a dream catcher. But, alas, not many people know what capabilities it has and how to properly use its power.

To understand the specifics of the magical effects of a dream catcher, you need to know a little about the history of its origin and its original meaning. The creation of a dream catcher is rooted in the history of North American culture. Initially, Indian tribes called this amulet a trap for spirits. Outwardly, it resembled a sieve decorated with feathers. The sieve (threads stretched over a round frame) was the most important part of this magical structure. It was a kind of filter that did not allow dark forces and evil spirits to pass through.

Today, a dream catcher is wound up in order to protect your sleep from nightmares and insomnia. Experts in the field of esotericism and feng shui claim that this amulet can neutralize negativity and cleanse the energy of the home. As you know, in a dream a person becomes helpless. Therefore, it is through sleep that he can gain a lot of negative energy. In addition, most magical dark rituals on or love spell are performed after sunset, when the victim is already asleep. The dream catcher does not allow negativity to reach a person when he is in a state of sleep.

So that the dream catcher protects you from nightmares and negative influences, it must be done by yourself. If you buy this amulet in a store, it will not have any magical power. A homemade dream catcher can become a powerful protector.

To make a dream catcher you will need only natural materials. You need to take a willow branch as a basis. If you couldn’t find a willow nearby, you can use a branch of any other flexible tree or shrub. Having bent the twig into a circle, you need to tie it with natural wool threads, and then carefully wrap the entire branch.

When making the core, the main part of the amulet, it is necessary to avoid knots in the thread and tangles. All the stress and kinks can render your dream catcher useless. You need to attach a bead made of wood or any natural stone to the center of the web. It is recommended to use either owl or eagle feathers to decorate this amulet. If it is impossible to get them, then you can opt for rooster or drake feathers. But it will be better if feathers are used in the dream catcher wild birds.

A dream catcher is usually hung in the bedroom above the head of the bed. In this case, it does not allow negativity to pass through in a dream, protects the sleeper from negative thoughts and restores strength. This amulet has a positive effect on the quality of sleep and emotional state.

If you hang a dream catcher in the center of the room, the range of its capabilities will increase significantly. It can clear away negativity not only at night, but also during the day.

You need to know that the dream catcher needs to be cleaned from time to time. To do this, you can ventilate it outside, or hang it in sunlight or moonlight. The wind, the rays of the Sun or the moonlight will kill everything dark that the hunter has caught in his net.

Feng Shui experts say that if you hang this amulet in your bedroom, its effect will be noticeable within a couple of days. The owner of the catcher will begin to sleep well, general state your health will improve, your mood will be better in the morning. A dream catcher can be used not only as a way to get rid of nightmares, but also as a magical tool to maintain internal forces body. Useful article? Then put and

In ancient times, people perceived the world differently. For them, it was inhabited by spirits who influenced people, sent them bad dreams, and tormented them with nightmares. To protect themselves from evil influences, Indians and Siberian shamans created beautiful and powerful amulets-traps for evil spirits- Dream catchers.

Dreamcatcher: description of the amulet, origin, features

The dream catcher is a talisman of North American ancient tribes. It consists of an intricate web of threads in a wooden circle. The amulet is usually decorated with feathers, beads made of wood or other material.

In ancient times, a dream catcher acted as a powerful defense against evil magic during the night's rest, when people were highly susceptible to outside interference. The talisman was made from strong willow branches. According to custom, it was placed on the wall above the bed.

The Indians believed that a dream catcher was able to control a person’s consciousness in the world of night dreams. The web inside the circle does not allow nightmares to disturb a person, giving way to beautiful and kind dreams.

U ancient tribe The Lakota were a legend. When the elder ancient people went to the mountain, a deity appeared to him in the form of a spider. During the conversation, the god bent a willow branch into an arc and made a circle. Inside, he wove a dense web, decorating it with beads and bird feathers. Having given the product as a gift to the elder, the deity spoke about the great power of the amulet. The web inside the circle will protect a person from evil spirits when he sleeps.

Siberian shamans also created dream catchers, but their meaning was slightly different. With the help of the amulet it was possible to correctly interpret dreams and control consciousness in the dream world.

The Indians believed that a dream catcher could control a person’s consciousness while he was sleeping.

Varieties of dream catcher

Many people know or at least have an idea of ​​what a dream catcher should be. The basis of the talisman is a willow branch twisted into a ring. Inside the circle, threads of strong fibers are stretched like a spider's web. This is the most important part of the product; it will serve the future owner as protection from nightmares, bringing good and good dreams.

A dream catcher is not only used to attract good dreams. This is an ancient item strong magic, which contains deep meaning. There are many types of traps for evil spirits.

Navajo amulet

A traditional version of a trap for evil spirits is a dream catcher with the North American Navajo weaving style. This is the most common type of amulet. Such a talisman can often be seen in films, in the photo in in social networks and in the windows of souvenir shops.

This amulet is simple to make, but at the same time it is a very powerful protection. Since ancient times it has been known about it wonderful properties hold in your web bad dreams, which disappear with the first rays rising sun. In this case, positive visions pass into a small hole inside the circle, giving the owner healthy sleep.

The Navajo dream catcher is the most common type of amulet.

Siberian dream catchers

Another popular dream catcher is Kytgyom, the strongest amulet of Siberian shamans. It is a powerful conductor of energy. The talisman is intended for magical rituals associated with the world of dreams.

The meaning of the ritual with such a dream catcher is to lure dreams into the web. At the same time, dreams are not divided into good and terrible. IN daytime magical energy remains in the fur fibers. And when the shaman falls asleep, captured images descend to him along the central threads. This makes dreams more colorful and tangible, but also poignant. Carrying out rituals with such a talisman helps strengthen the spirit of the shaman and does not allow otherworldly forces to defeat his mind.

The main thing in making such a dream catcher is to make correct form, add fur and thread. Feathers are not used when creating a Siberian amulet. A piece of fur is woven into the center of the trap as bait for the spirits. There are four leather cords on the sides - visions descend along them.

The shade of the web is of great importance in weaving. It is important that 36 leading black or dark blue threads are present. They symbolize the element of earth. The threads laid in a spiral on the left side are red - a sign of the sun, a source of energy.

Siberian shamans made dream catchers from fur and thread

Ojibwe Dreamcatcher

The Ojibwe charm is not as well known as the traps described earlier. There are two types of weaving for this dream catcher:

  • 7 lights;
  • web.

The first type is associated with the prediction of the Seven Lights - the eras about which the seven sages prophesied. This dream catcher has great power. 7 lights weave in a spiral, each circle displays its own history of times, uniting different stages the lives of all people on earth, creating harmony between man and nature. Cowrie shells are often used instead of beads. They seem to be laying the right way.

Seven lights symbolize the seven eras from the predictions of the prophets

The web is woven in the same way as the Navajo trap. The talisman operates on the principle of the Siberian dream catcher Kytgyom. The only difference is that bad dreams remain on the web, while good ones fall from the central hole along a single cord with a feather tied at the end to the sleeping person. Such weaving has certain rules. There are 7 or 12 cells. There must be a hole in the center, and a bead next to it.

Photo gallery: varieties of dream catcher

When making a dream catcher, beads are often replaced with shells. A double dream catcher provides more powerful protection A rainbow dream catcher allows positive and colorful visions to pass through. A lunar dream catcher looks unusual and beautiful. A dream catcher with a wolf protects from evil and gives courage. A dream catcher in the form of an owl ensures healthy and deep sleep
A lace dream catcher looks gentle and romantic. A dream catcher doesn’t have to be round.

Purpose and properties of a dream catcher

Each amulet contains its own magical meaning depending on its purpose.

North American Indians, with the help of a dream catcher, knew how to lure good spirits into dreams and protect night dreams from evil ones. The talisman of the indigenous people of Siberia denotes the continuous circle of life, when a person takes care of children, they take care of their own, and so generations change. When the web is woven, a small hole remains inside. If a person good thoughts, he will step on the right path. The evil ones will lead you down the wrong path, and the circle of life may end.

Video: dream catcher - protection against nightmares

How to make a dream catcher with your own hands

A dream catcher made with your own hands has powerful energy, which protects against all evil and attracts positive energy.

Creating a talisman

Traditionally, a strong willow branch is taken as a basis and bent into a ring, in present time you can use a wooden rim. When making a talisman, metal hoops are usually not used. Since any magical amulet has an expiration date, it is made from natural materials. When the willow branch dries, the stretched threads will break it. This way you will know that the talisman has fulfilled its purpose and has become unusable. If the rim is metal, you will not understand when the amulet has become just a beautiful thing and no longer performs magical functions.

To make a dream catcher you will need willow branches, threads, feathers and beads

When creating a talisman, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the feathers for male and female talisman are taken completely different:

  • for men, eagle ones are preferred - a symbol of courage and agility;
  • for women - owl, a sign of wisdom and cunning.

Such material is not easy to obtain nowadays, and besides, feathers need to be collected when the bird is alive. They store energy information, which can be both positive and negative. If you take feathers from a bird that is already dead, it will be impossible to clean them. As a last resort, instead of owls and eagle's, you can take goose or rooster, but they magical properties far less.

To weave a web, you should use strong threads, preferably of natural origin. You can take linen, cotton, etc. The thread should not be interrupted, so take a larger ball. When weaving, it is important to follow certain rules:

  • wind clockwise;
  • do not tie knots;
  • wind the thread evenly.

Photo gallery: dream catcher weaving patterns

Most dream catchers are made with a classic cobweb. This weaving pattern leaves a hole in the center of the circle.
The loops of the new rows are hooked closer to the beginning of the loops of the old ones, covering all the previous rows. This is the pattern used by the Siberian dream catchers Kytgyom. It is easy and quick to weave such a web. An interesting effect is obtained if you do not weave a web, but wind the threads in a chaotic order

Stages of making a dream catcher

First we make the frame. To do this you will need a willow vine branch. The younger the branch, the longer the amulet will last you. You need to bend it into an arc and make a ring. This is the base on which we will wind the threads.

The base of the dream catcher is traditionally made from willow branches

After the work with the circle is completed, we begin weaving the web. This work should be undertaken in good mood, in the process you can think about your innermost desires, read affirmations, chant mantras or cast magic spells.

We make a loop for winding. Apply the thread to the hoop evenly and smoothly. The number of turns depends on the diameter of your rim, but the number should be odd.

The dream catcher's web must be wound clockwise

In the process of weaving the web, we string beads.

Beads on the web will decorate the product and become the personification of your desires

Try to pull the threads as tightly as possible so that the web does not sag over time. When the weaving is ready, you need to secure the end of the thread with a bead or crystal in the center using a thick needle.

There is traditionally a hole in the center of the dream catcher

You can place feathers and other attributes as you like. In order for the amulet to bring good dreams with its power, you need to hang it in the bedroom at the head of the bed. You should not place the dream catcher close to the wall; let it rotate in different directions and catch unpleasant dreams.

Amulet made from a hoop

The dream catcher can be woven not on willow branches, but on a wooden hoop. They are more durable, the amulet will last you longer.

For a dream catcher, you can take not branches, but a wooden hoop

As in the version of the amulet with a vine, we wrap a wooden frame. At equal distances we make holes in the base for threading. We do everything else according to the same principle as in the first version of creating a talisman.

A dream catcher made from a hoop is more durable than one made from branches.

To create a talisman with a small rim inside a large circle, you should stock up on another willow branch or two wooden hoops.

Making a Double Dream Catcher:

  1. At the very beginning, with a large rim or a large branch, we carry out the same manipulations as when making a simple version of the trap.
  2. We wrap the headband a little smaller in the same way as the large one.
  3. Place a small circle on a flat surface inside a large one in the center or in another place - depending on the design you come up with.
  4. We thread the thread through two hoops, leaving a certain distance between the loops.
  5. You can wrap it again, but in the opposite direction and with a thread of a different color.
  6. We make a loop in a large ring and decorate it with feathers and beads.

For a double dream catcher, you need to place and secure a small circle inside a large one.

This is not the only option for creating a double sleep trap. Other methods can be used:

  • inside a small rim, weave a separate web with a different pattern, a different color of thread;
  • hang one or more small rings at the bottom of a large one;
  • make two rims with the same diameter and weave them together.

You can make a dream catcher not familiar to everyone round shape, but triangular. It will look like a North American Indian wigwam.

The triangle is formed by two methods:

  • fasten three branches of the same length together; they can be glued to each other or tied with threads;
  • bend a willow twig.

Photo gallery: making a triangular dream catcher with your own hands

Place three sticks together for a triangular dream catcher Tie the sticks together with twine Start weaving Tie the sticks with a double knot, stretching the thread above and below the stick Finish weaving in the center, leaving a small or large hole Decorate the dream catcher with shells, feathers, beads Make a loop on top for hanging

Keychain or pendant

To make a keychain or pendant around your neck in the form of a dream catcher, you need to purchase the following:

  • wooden circle for the base of the pendant;
  • metal rings on which we will attach feathers, beads and other small elements;
  • beads, feathers, various decorative details;
  • dense thread intended for crocheting;
  • bail (holder) on which the pendant or keychain will be attached.

The dream catcher pendant looks cute, mysterious and romantic

Manufacturing process:

  1. According to the chosen pattern, we weave a web inside the circle.
  2. We decorate the weaving with beads.
  3. We hang feathers on the sides.
  4. At the top we attach a holder for the pendant.

In the same way you can make a pendant for a car, a bracelet, or a brooch. For a bracelet, a leather cord or a metal chain of large links is best suited.

Video: beaded earrings in the form of a dream catcher

Amulet embroidery

You can embroider a dream catcher separately, or you can complement it with various animals and decorative elements.

It is better to start embroidery when the moon is waxing. It is not necessary to finish all the work during this period; it is enough to make at least the first 10 crosses, and then convenient time continue work.

Photo gallery: embroidered dream catcher

A simple embroidery pattern for a dream catcher. The inscription on the embroidery says that you need to follow your dreams (or dreams, which is consonant with English language) The wolf is one of the most popular animals depicted together with the dream catcher. The owl complements the properties of the dream catcher with wisdom and poise.

Dreamcatcher tattoo

The dream catcher is also used as a body design. It attracts with its brightness and colorfulness. Just like a regular amulet, a tattoo is endowed with magical properties:

  • protect its owner from evil spells and witchcraft;
  • provide powerful protection against negative impacts on human consciousness;
  • grant beautiful and kind dreams;
  • renew spiritual and physical health after illness;
  • push for self-improvement.

Often, to increase the magical power of a drawing, it is placed closer to the head - the source of thoughts and dreams. The tattoo will look great on the neck near auricle, in the upper back or on the shoulder.

It is better to get a tattoo in the form of a dream catcher closer to the head - on the neck, back, shoulder

For increase magical properties Body art can be supplemented with images of animals:

  • lion - helps to assert oneself in society, symbolizes courage, enhances the desire to win;
  • a wolf - this totem is characteristic of people with good self-esteem, who are strong in spirit and determined to overcome all obstacles, to be the “leader of the pack”;
  • dragon - a symbol of beauty, attractiveness, determination.

Owls in the middle of the circle mean the desire for knowledge, balance of character. The swallow attracts good luck, promotes self-development, and improves health. Raven is a symbol of long life, wisdom, and abundance of natural energy.

Body designs that have a magical character are recommended to be tattooed after 33 years of age. It is believed that at this age all development processes are completed.

If you want to receive the protection of the Indian gods, you should not hide the tattoo amulet under clothes; let it proudly look at the world, protecting its owner from magical manipulations and life’s troubles.

Video: drawing a henna dream catcher on the leg

How to activate and clean

A dream catcher is a personal amulet and serves only one owner. While weaving a talisman, think about who it is intended for, mentally say what you want to wish him (strength of spirit, good luck, healthy sleep). This amulet is perfect as a gift to loved ones.

If you didn’t make the dream catcher yourself, but bought it, it needs to be charged with your energy. It is better to activate the magical properties of the amulet on a new moon. First, hang it somewhere where there is a lot of sunlight, let it be saturated with the energy of the sun.

You can also contact the spirits to activate the dream catcher:

Reveal to me all your dreams,


Open up to me

Melodies of your heart

And I can envelop them

A blanket of blue clouds,

And protect from rough fingers

This world.–6135–1

According to the legend of the Indians of the North American tribe Kihtu, bad dreams get entangled in the threads of the web and disappear with the onset of a new day. Therefore, the amulet does not require special cleansing. But nowadays it is worth airing the dream catcher several times a year. In winter - in frosty freshness, in summer - in the rays of the bright sun, allowing the winds to penetrate through the web, taking with it everything negative that has accumulated on it for a long time. How do you know when it’s time to clean the talisman? You may feel tired in the morning or have nightmares.

A dream catcher not only saves you from nightmares. He gives peace and peace of mind, encourages self-development and gives additional energy. You can make the amulet in a traditional form, or you can make a beautiful decoration or even put it on your body as a tattoo.

It often happens that a person wakes up in a cold sweat from what he saw in a dream. The fantasies of the brain are limitless: now you see your own death, now you are being hunted by disgusting creatures, now you are fired. It is still not clear why people see pleasant or terrible images. It will seem that in real life couldn't even imagine. Dreams saturated with color, nervous experiences, fears and even sounds bother children and adults. Under the influence of vivid emotions experienced in a dream, you may not get enough sleep, be tired and exhausted in the morning. We need to take action.

Protect from evil spirits visiting unconscious, a dream catcher will help. Small circle, entangled in threads of natural origin, with woven beads and decorated with feathers of noble birds, will catch the evil spirits of sleep in its net. This beautiful amulet works for all family members, promotes a pleasant home atmosphere and saves from insomnia. Hanging innocently in his place of residence, he collects the negative inhabitants of the other world into a web. They say that its influence extends not only to dreams, but also to the energy environment in general. The effect of the dream catcher is due to the fact that negative energy thicker and huddled together in a ball, it is not able to penetrate the mesh. In contrast, the positive one is similar to a rainbow ray capable of penetrating into any cracks.

Let's get ready for work

It is recommended to make the amulet yourself. If you decide to save your loved one from unpleasant dreams, you need to start making it with a special mindset of positive thoughts. It is advisable to sing, recite incantations, prayers and good spells. Remember, you are forming an energy trap for otherworldly forces and the mood must be appropriate. Especially if we're talking about about the gift.

To make it you will need: willow twig, natural threads and colorful feathers of wild birds. Willow twig is softer if picked in the spring on the river bank. Feathers of noble breeds of birds. Only needed positive energy, so there should be naturally dropped feathers without any information about the kill. It is preferable to separate by gender: owls, for women, and eagle, for men, but there are options. Plastic and glass are a weak helper in this delicate matter, so the material for beads can be pebbles, shells or wood. The skein of thread must be quite large; it cannot be interrupted during weaving, otherwise the main meaning of the trap will be lost. Often, leather cord is used instead of thread.

Assembling the structure

We bend the willow rod into a loop and fasten it. Preliminarily lay out the feathers visualizing the result future work. We begin to braid the ring, leaving a loop in the center to hang on the wall, or we make a fastening from two huge loops crosswise.

We take thinner threads, and by creating loop-shaped joints we weave a web-like pattern. In some places we insert beads instead of knots. Each bead has its own purpose; while weaving it, you need to pronounce their symbolic words: for happiness, for love, for health. When the catcher is almost ready, we tie pieces of thread 15-20 centimeters long. We attach large beads with a wide hole to them. We thread the base of the feather into the hole of the beads and secure it tightly with glue. We select a place in the room where to hang the finished catcher. Most often this is the head of the bed or the central part of the room.


The concept of a dream catcher came to us from the Indians, but the peoples of the far north have also been using dream catchers since ancient times. Different nationalities attribute their own functions.

The legend of the Ojibe Indians, who lived on Turtle Island, tells of a caring old spider
guarding the sleep of Indian children. The tribe began to gradually spread across the vast territory of America, and Asabikasha’s grandmother could no longer visit every child overnight. Then she, explaining the secret of the dream catcher, taught the women of the tribe to weave amulets for the children themselves. The circle of willow branches symbolizes the movement of the sun. And the number of joints connecting the hoop is equal to the number of legs of the spider. The mesh held back all night fears by letting only good things through the small hole in the center. In this way, the children of the Ojibe tribe were protected. Since ancient times, the Indians have believed that evil beings entangled in a web burn up at sunrise. And tender dreams descend from the feathers to the sleeping person.

The legend of the shamans says: The sage, carrying a willow hoop, met a talking spider. It was the spirit of the greatest shaman of times and peoples who inhabited the spider. Weaving a web around the hoop, he talked about the cyclical nature of human life, about good and evil, and how to become absolutely happy. Having finished its work, the spider finished speaking. Leaving your difficult web to help guide you on the righteous path. A web capable of holding back the beautiful, bright, and kind, and sending the cruel and destructive into oblivion.

Popularity of dream catchers

Dream catchers became widespread at the end of the last century. This is due to the fashion for Feng Shui, mysticism and the otherworldly. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with the presence of original decoration in the interior. It is sold as a souvenir in many countries around the world. It is often brought back from travel without any additional meaning. This is understandable, because only a dream catcher made by yourself will work. And you need to be careful with the mystical toys you brought. Anything can be hidden in them. By cluttering the apartment, we have no idea about true purpose things, their history and the nature of their occurrence. They say that what is happening around us is interconnected and not random. But no one denies our influence on the course of life.

Shamans, deftly weaving patterns, aim to gain knowledge and wisdom by deciphering dreams. The Indians, weaving feathers of exotic birds into traps, wanted to decipher signs from the past and see prophetic dreams. Not much information has survived to this day. Both the origin of the dream itself and the unknown concept of a trap, rooted deep in history, remain a mystery.

Now it is already quite difficult to find out for certain the history and the exact date the appearance of this amulet. However, there are quite a lot of different legends and versions on this subject, one of which leads to the origins of the lost civilizations of the American Indians.

The “Dream Catcher” or “Dream Trap,” as it is also called, was extremely popular among the aborigines of Eastern Siberia and the North, and was also used by the indigenous inhabitants of the New World. In appearance and shape, the amulet more closely resembled a sieve, because... had a round frame through which the threads were wound. Intertwined, they created bizarre patterns that carried a certain meaning.

Due to its wide popularity among different nations and generations, the meaning of the amulet, like its appearance, may differ significantly from each other. Let's consider the two most popular and in demand in modern life kind.

If we talk about the Dream Catcher of North American Indians, it is obvious that it serves as a kind of amulet, attracting both “evil” and “good” spirits of dreams. At the same time, “evil” spirits get stuck in the web, dying with the first rays of the morning sun, while “good” spirits are let through to the sleeping person through feathers, bringing with them only good and rosy dreams.

The indigenous peoples of the North and Siberia interpret the effect of this amulet in their own way, using it mainly in shamanic practices. Their interpretation is as close as possible to the name of the amulet itself. There, the spirits are not divided into positive and negative, but become entangled in the fur of the amulet, then flowing down to the sleeping shaman in the form of dynamic images. This gives the shaman a certain strength and allows him to independently cope with the “evil” spirits with whom he fights in a dream.

Making a Dream Catcher

It is generally accepted that an amulet will “work” only if it is made using only natural materials. It is also necessary to understand that the Dream Catcher is created in the form of a circle in the image and likeness of the Sun traveling across the sky. And the circle that it represents is a symbol of infinity.

To make the frame, a thin willow rod is most often used. It can also be replaced with any other base, for example, a metal rim. We form a circle from the rod and begin to wrap it with thread clockwise, without using fastening knots either at the beginning or at the end of the weaving.

After you finish weaving the circle, start making the web. Don’t be upset if it doesn’t turn out very evenly and asymmetrically, the main thing is the mood with which you make the amulet, as well as the correctly selected materials. During weaving, it is recommended to use prayers or spells and think only about good things.

During the weaving process, you can also use additional decorative elements, such as beads.

When the hoop is ready, you will need to tie pre-prepared feathers on threads from below. This is very important element designs, and their choice must be taken extremely seriously. Ideally, for a female amulet these should be owl feathers, for a male amulet these should be eagle feathers. However, not everyone has the opportunity to get these particular feathers, so these can be the feathers of any other, and always a living bird.

Using the Dream Catcher

In order for you to have only rosy and bright dreams, you need to place the amulet correctly. It is most often recommended to be hung at the head of the bed, but it will be just as effective if placed in the center of the room. There he will catch “evil” spirits, preventing them from entering your dreams. The main thing is not to hang it on the wall, since the Dream Catcher should be easily blown from all sides.

However, it is worth remembering that it does not need to be cleaned under any circumstances. The amulet cleanses itself with the appearance of the first rays of the sun, thereby killing its captives. But it won’t hurt to ventilate it occasionally, so that domestic drafts will not harm your Catcher.

According to the beliefs of ancient Indian shamans, dream catchers are not just guardians of dreams, they contain the fate of a person’s future lives. To ensure that the dream catcher matches you energetically, it is best to make it yourself.

You will need

  • - inner circle from the hoop (diameter about 15 cm)
  • - long thick threads (thickness 1.5-2 mm)
  • - beads/large beads
  • - feathers
  • - transparent glue
  • - knife/scissors


Wrap the hoop completely with thread. It is necessary to wrap it very tightly so that there are no holes. You can use threads different colors, so your dream catcher will be more rainbow and beautiful. Tie the ends of the thread tightly.

Where you tied the ends of the thread, tie another thread - the beginning of the future web.

After 3-4 cm from the beginning, turn the thread around the hoop. Tighten thoroughly. This way you will need to braid the entire hoop.

When the first row of weaving is completed, make a turn with the thread again, but this time not around the hoop, but around the thread of the first row itself. At the same time, you can thread beads or seed beads onto the thread.

Weave a web using this technology until the circle is completely narrowed. Tie the last knot for real and coat it a little with transparent glue for security.

By to different parties When the catcher is almost ready, tie strings, thread beads onto them and glue feathers.

All that remains is to make a cord on which the dream catcher will hang. The lace is made in the same way, using thread. You can decorate it with a large bead.

Your personal dream keeper is ready. Have a nice sleep!

Helpful advice

Do not overdo it with the number of beads and feathers - excessive decorations will look heavy and clumsy.

Many believe in the magical power of dreams, turning to dream books. They have always helped to understand your dream, but they have a small drawback - dream books cannot always form a single meaning of the dream, especially if you dream of symbols with completely different meaning. Therefore, it is important to correctly analyze and connect all the details of the dream. First step by step method The interpretation of dreams was proposed by the writer and psychologist Galina Vrublevskaya. Correct interpretation dreams are impossible without identifying the following symbols: landscape, animals, surrounding people, transport, buildings, actions in a dream.

Feminine energy. Fire can mean danger, but a small flame can indicate presence large quantity energy.

2. Remember the characters in the dream.

Sometimes acquaintances come in a dream. Meeting them speaks volumes about our relationship. It is important to pay attention to feelings. If we kill or quarrel with an acquaintance, then in real life this indicates difficulties in relationships. Strangers in dreams sometimes leave strange impressions. In most cases, strangers mean character traits that we reject or do not accept in ourselves. Relatives in a dream remind us of the wise qualities of our personality. Animals personify our inner instincts. You should pay attention to the behavior of the animal. If it is friendly, then your emotions are controlled and in balance.

3. Analyze actions and actions.

In a dream, it is important to pay attention to your behavior. If in a dream you sit or lie, then this indicates your inertia in real life. Fights or thefts indicate internal conflict, negative relationships with others.