The Pythagorean magic square by date of birth is the most accurate decoding of personality. Pythagorean square by date of birth

The Pythagorean number is an important milestone in the study of numerology. It will help you discover your hidden abilities, strengths and weaknesses, which can help you in self-realization.

Enter date of birth:

1 - if one is rolled, then this characterizes the person as an egoist. He is neither good nor evil, he just doesn’t care about the world around him. He tries from everything to achieve some benefit for himself, to use others for his own purposes. Highly values ​​comfort.

11 - selfish, but this quality is hidden and does not come out as clearly as in the previous case. However, people with two ones also love themselves very much, but, in addition, they can also care about others.

111 - kind, calm people. They think about the happiness of others and love to bring joy to people. It is difficult to anger them or get them out of patience. These people tend to seek compromises.

1111 is a very strong and honest person. Has great willpower. However, they can be overly strict and critical of others. They impose their opinions and advice on others. Very conservative. Men with this number often choose a military career, women become big bosses. They are the heads of the family, regardless of gender.

11111 is a dictator, maybe even a domestic tyrant. Characterized by an extreme desire to control the lives of other people. Very power-hungry. For the sake of his goal he will do anything without the slightest remorse. I am 100% confident in my own rightness. “The end justifies the means” - it is said about such people. Oddly enough, a person with 5 units loves his family very much, but in a very peculiar way. He is vengeful and vindictive, easily adapts to the necessary conditions, can hide his essence, but does not like to do this.

111111 is an extremely rare combination. A very extraordinary person, also tough, maybe even cruel, but without the manic zeal that characterizes the previous version. Usually he has one great goal in his life and all his thoughts are aimed at achieving it. If this happens, he may become depressed due to the lack of meaning in life. But most often he quickly comes to his senses and finds a new dream. It is difficult to build relationships with them, but for the sake of loved ones he will do anything.

0 - no twos - energy vampire.

2 - these people are not very strong energetically. You need to develop your abilities, engage in spiritual practices, yoga, read mantras. Often sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure. Avoid stressful situations, sudden changes, conflicts.

22 - has quite strong energy. Can heal people; with the development of skills and abilities, you can become a good healer. None of the relatives of such a person suffers from particular illnesses, but this is the case when there is a good relationship between them. They unknowingly share their energy with loved ones, but they can also take it away.

222 - sorcerer, magician. Usually they know about their abilities from early childhood, but sometimes even an adult may not be aware of them. If “twos” develop their talents, they achieve a lot.

2222 - 22222 - very strong in the energetic sense. Very popular with the opposite sex, often in the absence of any outstanding external data. However, among the “twos” of this type there is the largest number of energy vampires. If three sixes are added (666), you need to be careful!

2222 - 22222 - very strong in the energetic sense. Very popular with the opposite sex, often in the absence of any outstanding external data. However, among the “twos” of this type there is the largest number of energy vampires.

0 - the absence of a three indicates that such a person is a little obsessed with cleanliness and order, and this hobby does not depend on gender. Good employees and bosses will do everything that depends on them impeccably. A little narcissistic. They are also good owners, but overly picky. They do not tolerate unpunctuality or non-obligation. They love their children, but make strict demands on them.

3 - such a person loves cleanliness and order, but he does not like the cleaning process itself. Therefore, the degree of chaos in his house depends on the mood and workload of the owner. They cook well.

33 - clearly expressed abilities for exact sciences, have an analytical mind. Skeptical, distrustful. They do not believe in mysticism and the otherworldly. To strangers they may seem like "crackers", but in fact they are kind and caring.

333 - also talented in science, have a passion for power. If for some reason they fail to find a way for self-realization, then suppressed desires can break out in outbursts of rage, increased stinginess, stinginess and pedantry.

3333 - 33333 - very great abilities for sciences in general, however, due to their versatility, a person can simply “spray himself”, take on everything at once and never achieve anything big in one field of activity.

0 - the absence of fours indicates poor health. This especially increases depending on the number of twos, since in this case more energy is given to other people.

4 - not very strong health, in adulthood many of the sins of youth will make themselves felt, so it is better to immediately adhere to a healthy diet and exercise.

44 –444 - good health and high temperament. But you still need to take care of yourself and take care of your body.

44 –444 - you have good health and high temperament. But you still need to take care of yourself and take care of your body.

4444 - 44444 - excellent health and excellent sexual performance. Both men and women are naturally very strong physically.

0 - a person is “deaf”, has very weak intuition, therefore he often makes mistakes, and always marks time in one place. They often say about such people that they are unlucky in life. However, with due effort and patience, they can achieve a high position in life.

5 - have good intuition and can foresee major mistakes. They know how to calculate the current situation and make the most of it.

55 - strong intuition. They can correctly predict the course of events. Such people make good businessmen and stock market players.

555 - practically have the gift of clairvoyance. They always know what to do in a given situation, which is why they practically never get into trouble. However, this skill develops over the years and requires constant training.

5555 -55555 - psychics - clairvoyants. They see things that are beyond the control of ordinary people. Can recognize both future and past events.

0 - No sixes. A man came into this world to gain a profession. He does not like physical labor, but is forced to do it;

6 is not a very down-to-earth personality. He is forced to do physical labor, which he does not like, however, he has a desire for beauty and art. He may be a good artist or poet, but without fanaticism.

66 are very practical and down-to-earth people. They live a full-blooded life, but the intangible is beyond the boundaries of their perception. Very sober-minded people, sometimes scientists, do not believe in what cannot be touched with their hands. They are good owners, many love manual labor and the land.

666 is not an easy number. People to whom it falls have special charisma and charm and can turn anyone’s head. Very sociable, they always become the center of attention. However, we should not forget that they feed off of those around them, in particular from their partner.

6666 - 66666 - very down-to-earth people, forced to work hard and a lot. In this way they work off the sins of their previous lives.

0 - no talent in this incarnation. A difficult fate awaits you in this incarnation.

7 - have creative abilities, but weakly expressed. But if you work hard and develop your gift, you can achieve a lot.

77 - very talented in one area: music, painting, sculpture, etc. Nevertheless, they are forced to fight all their lives for the opportunity to live the way they want and develop their talent. Magically gifted.

777 - there is enormous talent, but you will have to pay for it. Few people live to old age. They always rush between two extremes, for them there is only black and white, there are no halftones and shades. They can become religious fanatics. Subject to the influence of more stable personalities.

7777 - Alert sign. Life is often difficult and dangerous.

77777 - sign of an Angel. Sent to Earth for comfort. Yet their lives are often difficult and dangerous.

0 - lack of sense of duty. Never feels bound by obligations, forgets about agreements and deadlines. He does not hesitate to ask for help from those whom he has recently badly let down. It is easy to borrow and not return a large sum of money.

8 - these individuals are very reliable, respectable and accurate. At the same time, they can be picky and petty, overly scrupulous.

88 - very good heads of families, they feel responsible for all family members. They always follow their moral principles and will never leave you in trouble. They can stand up for the weak and infirm, even if they have nothing to do with them.

888 - the conscientiousness and sense of duty of people from the previous case is increased by an order of magnitude. Such individuals feel responsible not for one family, but for the entire nation. They make every effort to lead their people to prosperity.

8888 - 88888 - very unusual people. They are called “indigo children”. They have great magical talent. It seems as if they have not been in our world since birth.

0 - not very high mental abilities. To achieve good results, you need to make an effort, as nothing will happen by itself.

9 - this person does not immediately understand everything. He has the ability, but in order to learn the material, he needs a certain amount of time to understand it properly.

99 - easily perceive and learn new knowledge. Despite this, in order to achieve a high position, you need to make efforts and not forget about your studies.

999 - very smart from birth and because of this they are lazy. To understand the material, just read it. Lack of development due to easy achievement of goals.

9999 - 99999 - geniuses. Sometimes they have psychic abilities. And yet they are often rude and cruel due to the fact that they are not understood and not recognized. Ambitious and narcissistic, but attached to loved ones and friends.

How to calculate working Pythagorean numbers?

As you know, Pythagoras is an ancient Greek mathematician and mystic who founded his own school of Pythagoreans. His ideas influenced many scientists and continue to amaze modern people. In addition to mathematics, he also studied numerology and is one of the fathers of this science.

So how exactly should you calculate the Pythagorean number? First you need to take yours. In this example, let it be: 09/10/1994.

First, add up the numbers of the day and month.

1+0+0+9 = 10

1+9+9+4= 23

Count the numbers from the first and second steps together. This figure will be your first working number.

10+23 = 33

Now you need to decompose the first working number into its components and add them together. This will be your second working number.

33 = 3+3 = 6

We subtract the second number multiplied by two from the first working number. If the second working number is also two-digit, multiply only the first digit by 2. This way you will know the third working number.

33 — 6*2 = 21

And the last step remains - divide the third working number into its components and add them together. You just learned the fourth working number.

21 = 2+1 = 3

How to correctly compile a table of Pythagorean calculations?

Now you need to take a blank piece of paper and a pen and draw a table on it, which consists of 2 lines of 8 cells each. On the first line you should write your date of birth, and on the other your working numbers. If any number is single-digit, then you need to put a zero in front of it!

The Pythagorean square is a numerological technique for calculating fate using the numbers of a person’s date of birth. The date of birth carries a lot of information about a person: his character, his abilities, success in life, aptitude for activities and professions. The Pythagorean square allows you to find out the individual characteristics of a man and a woman, and then, based on this data, calculate the compatibility of the couple.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
January February March April May June July August September October November December
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901
Calculate Compatibility

You can also create your own personal Pythagorean square, which will tell you about your abilities, skills, talents and health.

How is Pythagorean square compatibility calculated? As you can find out from the article "", each of the nine cells of the Pythagorean square talks about some quality of a person. For example, the first cell of the Pythagorean square shows the strength of a person’s character - the more units, the more strong-willed the person. The second cell of the Pythagorean square is responsible for a person’s energy - the more twos in the second cell, the more powerful the person is from an energy point of view. The fourth cell of the Pythagorean square will tell you about a person’s health: a large number of fours promises a person excellent health, and the absence of fours indicates illness.
The author of this system for analyzing a person’s personality is Pythagoras, a famous philosopher, numerologist and mathematician. The Pythagorean square accurately describes the qualities of a person, his destiny, and has been very popular among people for many years. Over the years, scientists have emerged who have been able to discover new possibilities for personality analysis based on the Pythagorean square.

One of these people is the numerologist-mathematician Aleksandrov, who proposed to consider the Pythagorean square not only as separate 9 cells, each of which tells about the quality of a person’s personality, but also to analyze the columns, rows and diagonals of the Pythagorean cell. Each column, row and diagonal of the Pythagorean square carries information about a person’s personality. For example, the first row of the psychomatrix (cells 1, 4, 7) will tell us about a person’s sense of purpose, and the first column (cells 1, 2, 3) will tell us about a person’s self-esteem. It is based on these personality qualities, which are described by the rows and columns in the Pythagorean square, that the compatibility of the couple is calculated.

Analysis of the compatibility of a couple using the Pythagorean square (using an example): For example, let’s take a guy and a girl born on January 8, 1987 and October 14, 1991 and analyze their compatibility. To analyze the compatibility of your couple, use Pythagorean squares based on your dates of birth. To do this, at the beginning of this article, enter your dates of birth in the boxes called “He” and “She”, and then click the “Calculate” button.

For analysis, take turns taking the lines, pillars and diagonals of the Pythagorean square. Each diagonal and column are responsible for a certain personality quality. The more numbers in a line or column, the more developed the quality is for a given person.

To calculate the determination of a guy in a given pair, you need to add up the number of numbers in the first line. It turns out: 3 digits + 1 digit + 2 digits = 6. The girl’s determination: 7.

Thus, according to the criterion of determination, this couple does not quite suit each other. The girl in this couple will be more active and ambitious, which can negatively affect her relationship with the young man. The man in this couple should develop determination in order to achieve harmony in his relationship with his girlfriend.

Do the same with your Pythagorean squares: count the number of numbers in the first line of the guy and the girl, and then analyze how you match each other in terms of the quality of determination.

This couple is not in too much of a hurry to start a family; he is quite happy with a romantic relationship throughout his life without entering into a legal marriage. Both the girl and the young man have a low level of attachment to the family, which is 3 digits.

It is believed that a guy and a girl are suitable for each other according to this criterion, since both of them are not attracted to family values ​​and are ready to live their whole lives in a celibate relationship, but have a feeling of love for each other.

Determine your compatibility with your loved one by the level of attachment to your family. To do this, count the number of numbers in the second line of the guy’s square and the girl’s square. The more numbers, the more expressed a person’s attachment to family and family traditions.

The stability of a man is 3: 1 digit + 2 digits. A woman’s stability is 4. Such a couple has moderate stability: they value a calm family life, but at the same time they are ready for unexpected changes in their lives. An excellent level of stability in a couple for a long and strong relationship.

The first column of the Pythagorean matrix is ​​responsible for the couple’s self-esteem. A man's self-esteem has 4 points, and a woman's self-esteem has 6. This is not very favorable, since a woman can crush a man with her strength and self-confidence. A man in such a union should develop faith in his professional abilities, and a woman should believe in him and inspire him to new exploits.

The numbers 4, 5 and 6 are called the Material column in the Pythagorean square. The material well-being of the man in this couple is 1 point, and the material well-being of the woman is 4 points. This means that the wife in this couple is better able to earn money and has the ability to do so. This is not a very favorable compatibility, but in our time some couples are satisfied with this type of family life, when the woman provides more for the family than the man.

Using the same method, determine how much you match each other in terms of material well-being. The more numbers in the second column, the more successful the person is financially.

A man's talent level is 7 points, and a woman's talent level is 3 points. This is excellent compatibility for family life: a woman automatically respects a man for his abilities in a creative or other field. Such a high level of talent in men suggests that he is capable of achieving a lot in the field of literature, painting or business.

The temperament or sexuality of a couple is calculated along the diagonal of the square using the numbers 3, 5 and 7. The sexuality of a man is 3 points, and the sexuality of a woman is about 0 points. This is not a very favorable compatibility, since the man in this pair needs sex more than his girlfriend.

This couple does not belong to the category of people who are deeply interested in spirituality and worship God. Although this couple has some interest in everything deep and mysterious. The guy and the girl have favorable spiritual compatibility for creating a strong family.

9. Household crisis

With the help of the Pythagorean square, you can also find out when household crises await your family and prepare for them, reducing discord and conflicts in the family to a minimum. Use a calculator for calculations.

Using the example of the same pair of a guy and a girl, we will calculate the duration of a domestic crisis in their relationship. Having understood the method for calculating the timing of a domestic crisis, use it to calculate the timing of a domestic crisis in your relationship with your loved one.
1) Count how many digits are contained in the ascending diagonal, the third and second lines of the Pythagorean square.

The guy gets: 3 digits, 3 digits, 3 digits.
To calculate the volume of a man’s household stability, let’s multiply these numbers: 3×3×3=27.

The girl gets: 0 digits, 4 digits, 3 digits.
To calculate the amount of everyday stability of a girl, let’s multiply these numbers: 3×4=12.

2) Calculate the total amount of household stability.

To do this, multiply the amount of everyday stability of a girl and a guy.
Total household stability = 12×27 = 324

3) To calculate the period of onset of a crisis in everyday life, you need to divide the total amount of household stability by 365 days. This way we will find out the number of years after which a domestic crisis will recur in the family. Let's calculate the period of onset of the crisis in everyday life: 324:365 days = 0.8 years. It turns out that a domestic crisis in this family will occur even more often than once a year. This couple needs to seriously think about improving and making their life easier, try to build their relationship on a spiritual basis, without focusing too much on the little details of everyday life.

10. Spiritual crisis

The Pythagorean square allows you to recognize the period of spiritual crisis in a married couple.
Using the example of the same pair of a guy and a girl, we will calculate the period of spiritual crisis in their pair. With this example, you will understand the method of calculating a spiritual crisis. Use this method and calculate the duration of the spiritual crisis in your relationship with your loved one.
1) Count how many digits are contained in the descending diagonal, the first column and the first row of the Pythagorean square.

The guy gets: 5 digits, 4 digits, 6 digits.
To calculate the volume of a man’s spiritual stability, let’s multiply these numbers: 5×4×6=120.
The girl gets: 4 digits, 6 digits, 6 digits.
To calculate the amount of spiritual stability of a girl, let’s multiply these numbers: 4×6×6=144.
(If there are no digits in a line or diagonal, then 0 does not need to be used when multiplying digits).
2) Calculate the total amount of spiritual stability.
To do this, multiply the amount of spiritual stability of the girl and the guy.
Total amount of spiritual stability = 120×144 = 17280
3) To calculate the period of onset of a spiritual crisis, you need to divide the total amount of spiritual stability by 365 days. In this way we will find out the number of years after which a spiritual crisis will recur in the family. Let's calculate the period of onset of a spiritual crisis: 17280:365 days = 47 years. This family is very strong on a spiritual basis; a serious spiritual crisis in this family will occur only after 47 years of marriage. Despite the fact that this couple will face a conflict on a daily basis (domestic crisis) every year, they will be able to save the family on the basis of high spiritual stability.
It is worth noting that the most dangerous years for a family union are the years of intersection of spiritual and domestic crises. For this couple, this year will come after 47 years of relationship. This year will be the most critical for the couple, since in addition to the domestic crisis, the family will face a deep spiritual crisis. We need to prepare for this year and try to maintain relationships, getting through the crisis with the least loss for the family.

In general, it is not difficult to calculate the Pythagorean square: first you need to imagine the date of birth as a set of numbers, not numbers. The date of birth is recorded in the sequence DD MM YYYY (single-digit numbers must be written without leading zeros).

For example, let’s say someone was born on March 19, 1983. Then the date of birth of this person for calculating the Pythagorean square will be written as follows: 19 3 1983.

So, the Pythagorean algorithm:

numbers of the day and month of birth: 1 + 9 + 3 = 13;

numbers of year of birth: 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 21;

and finally the two resulting numbers: 13 + 21 = 34.

The result was 34 - the first working number.

Now add up the digits of the first working number:

7 is the second working number.

From the first working number, subtract twice the first digit of the birthday:

32 is the third working number.

To get the next working number, add up the numbers of the previous one:

5 is the fourth working number.

We got two rows of numbers:

1st row - date of birth: 03/19/1983;

2nd row - working numbers: 34; 7; 32; 5.

Count the total number of digits in two rows (not sum, just count!). In our case, there are 14 of them. This means that the person being told fortunes has come into this world 14 times. According to Pythagoras, a person comes to earth 15 times, and then moves on to live in another, more perfect dimension.

I don’t know where he knew this from:)

Now draw a square and divide it into 9 small squares. In the first square, enter all the ones from the 1st and 2nd row of numbers, in the second - twos, in the third - threes, and so on.

It should look like this:

Interpretation of results

So, everything is ready to analyze the results of numerological calculations and draw up a psychological portrait of the individual.

Square 1. Character

1 - egoist;

11 - a selfish person, but sometimes he can think about others;

111 - positive and stable character;

1111 - very strong-willed and strong character;

11111 - tyrant and dictator;

111111 is a cruel person, but he will do anything for his loved ones. Extremely unpleasant to communicate with. Such people, fortunately, are very rare.

Square 2. Bioenergy

There are no twos. There is no biofield. The channel is open for active absorption of energy. Such people like old things (collectors). They treat others well, but at the same time they try to profit at the expense of others, “absorbing” their biofield;

2 - there is enough bioenergy for life, but at the moment it is not enough, so you need to play sports. Such people are hypersensitive to atmospheric changes;

22 - there is enough bioenergy, such a person is able to heal other people;

222 - good psychic;

2222 - these people are very much loved by the opposite sex. However, if three sixes are added (666), you need to be careful!

Square 3. Organization and ability to science

No C's - A very neat and punctual person who stands out among others with his cultural speech and good manners;

3 - for such people everything depends on their mood. They don’t like mess, but they clean up again depending on their mood (“if I want, I do it, if I don’t want, I don’t…”);

33 - good abilities in exact sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry);

333 - ability to science. Neat to the point of being boring;

3333 - these people make good scientists. Distinctive features are pedantry and accuracy.

Square 4. Health

There are no fours - such people have obvious or hidden health problems;

4 - normal health; diseases begin in old age;

44 - a very healthy person with high resistance to disease and a lively temperament;

444 - the same thing, only more clearly expressed.

Square 5. Intuition


No A's - a person was born with a closed channel of intuition. He is active, trying to do something. He always thinks about his actions, but inevitably makes many mistakes. Such people have to make their way in life through hard work;

5 - the intuition channel is open, these people make fewer mistakes;

55 - highly developed intuition (can be investigators or lawyers);

555 - clairvoyants. Everything that happens around them is clear to them. They know what to do;

5555 - such people are subject to time and space, they can penetrate into other dimensions.

Square 6. Grounding

There are no sixes - a person came into this world to get a profession. He does not like physical labor, but is forced to do it;

6 - earthly person. He thinks about studying, but he cannot do without physical work;

66 - loves to work, although physical work for him is only a hobby;

666 is an alarming sign. A very attractive and temperamental person, but will require a lot of money from his partner;

6666 - this person worked a lot and hard in his previous earthly transformations.

Square 7. Talent

There are no sevens - a person will become talented in his subsequent transformations. And in his present life a difficult fate awaits him;

7 - this person has a vaguely expressed talent that can be developed;

77 is a sign of very talented people. They are musical, have artistic taste, and can draw. A person of this sign is endowed with everything - both good and bad. There are no closed doors for him. Even if he goes to trial, he will be helped to win the trial;

777 is a special sign. These people will face serious difficulties;

7777 is a warning sign. People with this combination of numbers should be very careful.

Square 8. Responsibility

There are no eights - a person easily borrows, but is in no hurry to repay;

8 - a person with a developed sense of responsibility;

88 - a very developed sense of responsibility. This person is always ready to help other people;

888 - a person is called to serve the people;

8888 - obvious parapsychological abilities, as well as abilities in the field of exact sciences.

Square 9. Mind

9 - such a person needs to develop his mind;

99 - a smart head, but given to a lazy person;

999 - smart, lucky person;

9999 is a rude and merciless person, with a rare mind.

To facilitate the calculation of the Pythagorean square and, more importantly, to simplify the interpretation of the results, many computer programs have been developed, as well as online calculations. Here are a couple of links -

Program for calculating the Pythagorean square - (1.3 MB)

But this is only a basic calculation of the Pythagorean table. More information about additional calculations can be found in the books of A.F. Aleksandrova - he has a lot of books on this topic and, in my opinion, he is the best who understands this.

For fun, I analyzed the birth dates of my friends and acquaintances and noticed that people with a large number of ONES are very emotional, those who have a lot of 2s are very active and cheerful.


It is also worth noting that the numbers that end up in the table are your numbers from birth, BUT they can change throughout your life for the better or for the worse. Everything depends on you.

Today, ordinary people know many different ways to get to know themselves better and foresee their future. There is nothing wrong with this, because it is always better to be prepared for what awaits. That is why in this article I would like to talk about such an interesting way to recognize yourself as the Pythagorean square.

What it is?

First of all, I would like to remind you that Pythagoras is an ancient Greek scientist and philosopher, whose works people still use. Regarding this problem, he tried to combine the mathematical sciences of the Arabs and the knowledge of nature and Kabbalah of the Phoenicians. It is thanks to this symbiosis of knowledge that the well-known Pythagorean square appeared, which helps people not only get to know themselves better, reveal not only strengths, but also weaknesses of character, but also, in a sense, foresee the future and, if possible, avoid negativity.

About calculations

It is worth saying that many people have heard that there is a Pythagorean square. How to calculate it is the first question. However, I would like to say that there should not be any special problems in the calculations. Right now I would like to talk about this in detail, describing a clear algorithm of actions.

  • On a piece of paper you must write your full date of birth in numbers (letters are definitely not needed for calculations).
  • You need to add up all the numbers that are written on the piece of paper (numbers, not numbers, this is very important!) - this will be the first number (it will be two-digit).
  • To determine the second number, you need to add up all the digits of the first number.
  • Finding the third number will be somewhat more difficult: from the first number found, you need to subtract the date of birth, which is then multiplied by two.
  • If necessary, the third number must be reduced to a monosyllabic form: for this it is necessary to carry out the already known actions: add the digits of this number. This will be the fourth number.
  • Calculation example

    So, Pythagoras? It may seem that it is quite difficult to calculate it by looking at the algorithm of actions alone. Now I would like to give an example of calculations so that it is easier to understand everything.

  • Let the person's date of birth be as follows: 08/22/1987.
  • We do simple mathematical calculations: 2+2+0+8+1+9+8+7 = 37. This is the first number we are looking for.
  • To get the second number, you need to reduce the first to a single-digit form: 3+7=10; 1+0 = 1.
  • We are looking for the third number: 37 - (22*2) = 37 - 44 = - 7.
  • The fourth number is additional: again 7 (if there were more than 10, it would have to be reduced to an unambiguous form).
  • Nuances in calculations

    So, it became clear to everyone that numerology is currently in the works - the Pythagorean square. We seem to have figured out how to calculate it, but it is worth saying that certain questions and nuances may arise in this matter. So, what could possibly go wrong at first glance?

  • It is possible that the first and second numbers will be the same. This is normal, because there are situations when already the first number is single-digit.
  • When calculating the third number, two is a constant factor that does not change.
  • Frequently asked questions regarding the third number: it often ends up being negative. There is nothing wrong with this either, just to work you will need to take the same number, but without the minus sign.
  • If the third number turns out to be single digit, it will be equal to the fourth.
  • Determining the numbers you need

    So, all the calculations have been made, now you need to try to compose the Pythagorean square itself. First you need to select two rows of the required numbers.

  • The first row is the date of birth: 2281987.
  • The second row is all the numbers obtained during the calculations: 37-1-7-7.
  • So, all the numbers have been calculated, now you can try to make the square itself. In its form, it will be a table of 3x3 cells in size, which should contain numbers from 1 to 9. It will be important that the table should be read in columns, and not in rows, as we are more accustomed to. Those. in the first column the numbers 1, 2, 3 will be placed from top to bottom, in the second - 4, 5, 6 also from top to bottom, in the third - 7, 8, 9. There should be no zeros in the table, so you just need to miss them. So, now you need to insert into these cells all the numbers that are located in the two found rows - the date of birth and the calculated elements. All ones must be entered in the first cell, all twos in the second (as described above, it is second in the first column) and so on, until nine. If there are no certain numbers in the previously compiled rows, the cell simply remains empty, you can write the word “no”. That’s all, the “Pythagorean square” psychomatrix is ​​ready, an example based on the previously calculated rows is given below.

    The square is completely composed, now you can move on to interpreting what is depicted there.

    How to decipher the psychomatrix?

    So, we have completely compiled the Pythagorean square by date of birth, now we need to correctly “read” everything that is encrypted there. I would like to say that the more numbers in one cell, the greater the influence of this number on the fate and life of a person.

    First cell

    Consider the Pythagorean square. What does the first cell mean? So, this is an awareness of what is happening around him. If the calculations result in only one unit, this is an inveterate egoist. In our case, there are two of them. This person is close to selfishness, loves to be appreciated, and is afraid of being underestimated. Three units indicate an agreeable character, four - that the person is strong-willed. Five units define a dictator and a tyrant, and six – a tough person who, however, will do even the impossible for his loved one.

    Second cell

    What do twos squared mean? This is human bioenergy. If there are no twos in the calculations, this means that the person is open to receiving this very energy. Such individuals most often love old things, communicate without problems with others and are well-mannered by nature. One deuce indicates that a person does not have enough energy to live. Such individuals often feel atmospheric changes, which is also a must. Two deuces - people with enough bioenergy can heal other people. Three twos are often good psychics or people who have a well-developed sixth sense. Four twos in a person’s psychomatrix attract people of the opposite sex.

    Third cell

    The third cell will tell you how decent and clean a person is by nature.

    • No C's - a punctual and clean person, but notices all the negative nuances surrounding him.
    • One troika - it keeps order according to its mood.
    • Two triplets are people who are scientifically inclined and clean.
    • Three threes - a high tendency to self-learning, they are fanatic about cleanliness.
    Fourth cell

    Determines human health.

    • Absence of fours - a person can get sick quite often (especially if there are a lot of twos in calculations).
    • One four - a person will not get sick too much, periodically, no more than others.
    • Two fours - a person of good health and increased sexuality.
    • Three fours - the same as with three, but twice as large.
    Fifth cell

    The fifth cell will tell you how well a person’s intuition is developed.

    • There are no fives - the human channel is open at birth. Such people themselves achieve everything in life, try everything “by tooth”, experiment and are always in thought. It is often quite difficult to get along with such people.
    • One A - such people make few mistakes in life.
    • Two A's - such people have highly developed intuition.
    • Three A's are practically clairvoyant, they extremely rarely make mistakes, they foresee everything.
    • Four A's are true clairvoyants; they often feel not only what is happening in this world, but also in the other world.
    Sixth cell
    • There are no sixes - such people acquire a craft that requires physical labor, but they do not like to work hard.
    • One six are down-to-earth people, but they can study well.
    • Two sixes - a person is very grounded, loves physical labor.
    • Three sixes are the sign of Satan. Such people are obligatory, but they feed on the energy of their partner. Having sucked it out, they move on to another person.
    • Four sixes - such people work very hard, work a lot physically. Very grounded.

    Seventh cell

    Seven speaks about how much a person has been touched by God's spark, whether he has talent.

    • There are no sevens - such people are born in order to earn sevens. Their life is often difficult, and they often come to religion.
    • One seven - there is talent, but it is not clearly expressed. This is something you can work on to change the situation.
    • Two sevens are a strong sign of angelicity. If you develop talent, you can achieve a lot. There are no closed doors for such people.
    • Three sevens are a special sign. Such people did not come to earth for long. Often in old age they are paralyzed.
    • Four sevens are the sign of an angel. Such people, if they do not die in infancy, are often in danger.
    Eighth cell

    This cell will tell you how much a person has a sense of duty.

    • There are no eights - if a person has taken something, he is in no hurry to give it back.
    • One is that the sense of duty is developed.
    • Two eights - a very developed sense of duty. Such people strive to help everyone and cannot refuse anyone.
    • Three eights indicate that a person was sent to earth to serve people.
    • Four - such people are born with knowledge of the exact sciences and have parapsychological abilities.
    Ninth cell

    As for the last, ninth cell, it determines the human mind.

    • There are no nines - a person is by nature poor-witted.
    • One nine - you need to develop the second nine in order to consider yourself an intelligent person.
    • Two dozen - such people are smart from birth, love to learn.
    • Three - such people are smart from birth, but do not like to study, because... a lot comes naturally to them.
    • Four Nines are people of a sharp mind, but they are often rude and unmerciful.


    It is worth saying that you can also calculate compatibility using the Pythagorean square. So, for this it will be necessary to compile psychomatrices of both members of the couple, but here you will need to look at how similar people are. To do this, you need to look not only at each individual cell, but also at the columns, rows, and diagonals. What is important to know here? Lines:

  • The first line is the goals line. You need to look at how many numbers a pair has in a given line. Up to three - such people often change goals, from three to six - they are quite purposeful, more than six - people are even ready to make sacrifices for the sake of their goals.
  • The second line is family. Considering the Pythagorean square, you can calculate compatibility using this one line. So, if a person has up to three numbers in the second line, he is not a family person by nature, family values ​​are not important to him. From three to six numbers - such people value family relationships, more than six - they idealize them. Just based on these indicators, one can conclude how suitable the couple is for each other.
  • Habits. This is also an important point in calculating compatibility. So, people who have up to three numbers in the third line change their habits easily and without problems, from three to six they have difficulty adapting, more than six are pedants and do not like even the slightest violation of order, it is difficult to get along with such people.
  • The first column is self-esteem. Up to three numbers is low, from three to six is ​​normal, from six is ​​high self-esteem (it’s hard to be married to such people).
  • The second is the column of material well-being. Up to three numbers - such people cannot and do not want to earn money on their own, from three to six - they are good at providing for their family, from six and above - for such people money becomes an obsession.
  • Looking through the Pythagorean square (which has already been fully calculated), it is also worth paying attention to the third column in this psychomatrix. So, this is an indicator of a person’s talent. Up to three numbers - a person’s talent is weakly manifested, from three to six - the talent is strong, rushing out, from six and above - such people are gifted, their abilities are obvious.
  • When studying the Pythagorean square, the compatibility of a couple can also be viewed along the diagonals, wanting to make sure how suitable people are for each other.

  • The first diagonal is passion. Up to three numbers - people are calm, with a weak temperament. From three to six - individuals are temperamental and passionate; from six and above - too strong a temperament, which often finds a way out in creativity. Based on these indicators, people can conclude how suitable they are for each other.
  • The second diagonal is faith. Up to three numbers - such people believe in few people or anything, from three to six - people are believers and often superstitious, from six and above - they are often religious fanatics.
  • Numerology is a science close to esoteric, its subject is numbers. It is close to astrology, since the final conclusions are based on the location of the luminaries, but sometimes it will be called “The Magic of Numbers.”

    The basic principle of numerology: numbers must be reduced to numbers that already have corresponding characteristics that influence the surrounding real world. All numbers have a connection with stellar bodies, planets and constellations, which are believed to influence various areas of human life, health and the spiritual world.

    It is difficult to determine how long numerology has existed, since in countries of extreme antiquity (Egypt, Babylon, India) there was a different science of numbers - the so-called arithmomancy.

    According to Vedic numerology, a person is endowed with three main numbers: the Soul Number, the Destiny Number, and the Name Number. Whether they are in harmony with each other determines how successful your life will be, or whether bad luck will haunt you. If the first two numbers of a person remain unchanged throughout his life, then changing the number of the name and thereby achieving harmony is quite possible.

    According to the concepts of Vedic numerology, the Soul Number is the number of the day on which a person was born (from 1 to 31), reduced to a number by addition. However, Vedic numerology relates the moment of a person’s birth to one or another number in a unique way. Having an ancient Indian basis, the number of the day changes according to it not at 24:00, but 2 hours before the actual sunrise in a particular place. That is, if in summer the sunrise is at 4:30, then the number changes at 2:30, and in winter the Sun rises at 8 o’clock, which means the number changes at 6 o’clock. Otherwise, this is the same Western numerology by date of birth, calculate for free.

    Numbers are characterized by vibrations; they are most powerful in the number of the Soul. These vibrations are caused by the visible world, and indicate the path chosen by a person.

    Any person has two faces: the image as he sees himself and the way others see him. The first image is described by the Soul Number, the second by the Destiny Number.

    According to Vedic numerology, the Destiny Number is the sum of the digits of the full date of birth (hh / mm / yyyy). This number speaks about the meaning of your appearance in this world, reveals the initial code of the matrix at the bioenergetic level (numbers 1-9). A special place in the characteristics of these numbers is given to the sign of their charge: positive indicates the degree to which the individual understands his place in the world and his destiny from above. A negative charge pushes a person onto a destructive path, the manifestation of negative aspects.

    The outside world has no influence on this number; it reflects the connection between our actions in past reincarnations and what we now deserve.

    The Number of the Name according to Vedic numerology is calculated by summing all the digits of the letter numbers from the full name, and then reducing the sum to a number. Vedic numerology believes that a person’s destiny is influenced by three numbers related to the name:

    • name;
    • surnames;
    • full (official) name (full name).

    Any name corresponds to a number, the vibrations of which constantly influence people, change the course of life and the human psyche. A person can change the influence of this number by correcting (in official documents) the letter in the name. The result will not keep you waiting: luck that had turned away will return, or certainty will appear in long-standing issues... Each name has a number of vibrations:

  • First number: the numbers in the top row are summed up 1 + 2 + 8 +1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 33
  • Second number: sum of the digits of the first number 3+3=6
  • Third number: subtract the second number from the first and multiply by the constant 2. (33 – 6) x 2 = 54
  • The last value is the sum of the digits of the third number 5+4=9
  • We draw up the following table (3x3), intended for entering the corresponding numbers of our preliminary table into the Pythagorean Square:

    Moreover, you should insert a number into each cell of the table as many times as it appears in our first table. The resulting numbers must be interpreted in accordance with the diagram below, which shows which area is responsible for which line of the square.

    The interpretation of the resulting table is done based on the descriptions of the numbers, taking into account their frequency of repetition. The resulting description will be very approximate if you do not take into account the location of the stars at the time of birth.

    If you are not confident in the correct calculations and their further interpretation, then the Pythagorean square can be calculated online by date of birth within the framework of this project (thematic sites).

    Those who have turned to the science of numerology need to understand the following points:

    • Numbers are messages of energy to us from the Cosmos; they are unreal and symbolic in essence.
    • There is their connection and the influence of celestial bodies on them.
    • Vibrations of celestial bodies occur at certain frequencies, which are embodied in the characters of people.
    • Numbers are the key to the keyhole that will help reveal a person’s destiny.
    • Every number has a positive and negative side.