Animals in signs and beliefs. Signs in certain months of the year

Signs about animals have great importance in the life of the most different people- employees of zoos, nature reserves, livestock breeders and in general all nature lovers. Animals appeared on the planet before people, and live next to man to this day. Unfortunately animal language homo sapiens they did not learn, however, by observing the behavior of representatives of the fauna, they learned to create signs about animals, which are passed on from generation to generation.

It is generally accepted that representatives of the animal world, unlike people, have a keen sense of natural and man-made disasters - tsunamis, fires, explosions, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes. By their behavior, animals often indicate to people what to beware of, from which side to expect trouble. No one can list all the folk signs about animals. But to try to present the most popular, sought-after and proven signs is what we can do.

1. If a person sees a squirrel in the forest, this means that he will soon meet friends. If at the same time the squirrel gnaws nuts, the sign promises him a wedding and a prosperous family life in the near future.

2. Moles rake high heaps - you have to wait for bad weather.

3. It is believed that if a person sees squirrels, this promises the birth of a child.

4. If the cows are especially eager to nibble grass in the evening, expect rain tomorrow; cattle huddle together - in bad weather.

5. If a wolf ran across the road to a person, a sign promises happiness to him.

6. If a dog howls at night and digs a hole in the yard, there will be a funeral.

7. If a person steps on a toad or kills this innocent creature, bad weather will set in. The sign promises trouble in personal life in the form of an early separation from a loved one.

8. If a cow, especially a black one, looks into the house where there is a sick person through the window, then the sick person will certainly die.

9. Being stung by a snake is a good omen, promising wealth. It can come through an inheritance or a major deal.

10. If bat attacked - it means that someone close to you dies.

11. If the cow stops being milked, then one of the happy in the family, usually a girl or a child, must buy it from the mistress or from the cow for a penny - the cow from that time is called the property of the buyer and will again be milked.

12. If a person meets a fox, bad news awaits him.

13. To determine whether a sick animal will recover, you need to give it a sniff of tobacco or pepper: if the animal sneezes, then it will definitely recover, but if not, it will die like that.

14. If the horse stumbles, this portends failure, trouble on the way.

15. A horse snorts on the road - to a joyful meeting.

16. To meet a deer in the forest is a good omen, predicting big profits.

17. If a dog howls with its head down, someone will die; the dog howls, looking at the house - do not avoid theft or fire; howling at the moon - this portends that the weather will change.

18. If someone else's dog stuck to the house - to profit.

19. If a dog does not want to finish eating leftovers after a person, this predicts that serious illness or even death.

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O high level sensitivity in animals and insects, even scientists have ceased to argue. This fact has already been proven and needs no introduction. It is not clear how beings, devoid of human instincts, manage to accurately anticipate even the slightest changes in nature, from ordinary weather changes to serious cataclysms in the form of earthquakes and tsunamis.

One can wonder for a long time about how they manage to feel fluctuations and changes. Maybe the instincts of self-preservation or banal intuition work, if you can talk about it in the framework of a discussion of animals. Actually, it doesn't matter. It is interesting that the signs of the weather according to animals were formed thanks to someone else's powers of observation. You can show your own by watching the representatives wildlife or even pets.

The easiest way to keep an eye on those who are nearby. It is understandable because pets can predict the weather every day. It is enough to know what their behavior means. That's the whole secret.


Cats are very sensitive to temperature changes. They love warmth and comfortable conditions. A lot of signs about animals about the weather appeared precisely thanks to mustachioed pets.

Before the onset of persistent frosts, the cat begins to behave in a special way. She increasingly hides in secluded corners of the dwelling, looking for warm places, curls up and sleeps for a long time. This sign about the weather for animals has always been considered the most correct. This behavior at the end of autumn is quite natural. But it is worth paying attention to it in the middle of winter, if already for a long time there were no severe colds and the weather pleased with stability.

Attention! A harbinger of warm weather is the playful mood of cats. They begin to scratch wooden objects and lay imposingly in the center of the room, stretching out their bodies and washing their faces with their paws.

Signs about the weather from animals can be determined accurately if you are observant. For example, if a cat sits at the window for a long time, then winter is over and spring is approaching.


Dogs are less sensitive than cats, but they also have their own behavioral patterns that can be seen as signs of the weather.

Dogs also curl up in a ball when the cold approaches. The dog lies with its paws spread out different sides if waiting for spring.

The weather deteriorates and you need to wait for bad weather if the dog has an unusual appetite, and it behaves too actively: digs holes, gnaws toys. This behavior is explained by the fact that the animal feels that the weather is getting worse and tries to eat enough and play enough.


If apartment pets already feel the change of weather and make signs based on them, then speaking of those who live in the village, we can safely say that there are barometers next to them. They can be horses, cows, sheep, pigs and sheep. Livestock is close to nature and can predict all the vagaries of the weather:

  • Cows eat a lot before heavy rains;
  • The herd does not want to walk for a long time and runs from the pasture, which means that winter is coming;
  • Sheep and rams begin to huddle before the cold;
  • Pigs squeal loudly in winter, which means there will be a strong snowstorm;
  • The boar drags rags and garbage into the barn before a rain with a thunderstorm.


Chickens begin to tuck one paw before cold weather. When the roosters start crowing earlier than usual, winter is coming to an end. The bird feels that soon the dawns will come earlier.

Decorative birds: parrots and canaries become especially silent and sad before bad weather.

When sparrows build their shelters from twigs and rags, it means that it will snow.

Swallows begin to circle before spring thunderstorms.

Birds are considered to be especially prescient with regard to natural phenomena. They are more defenseless and forced to prepare in advance for drastic changes. Therefore, their signs of the weather can be trusted.


Another class of wildlife that predicts the weather quite accurately. It is more difficult to observe them, therefore, there will be much less signs associated with insects, but they exist.

The ladybug fluttered from her hand very quickly, which means that the day will be sunny and clear. And if she hesitates and tries to hide, then the day will be rainy and cold.

Earthworms crawl out onto the pavement after rain, but not only feel the moisture after a drought, they can appear long before the rain.

Spiders sit in the center of the web when they are sure it will be warm. By the way, you can watch them in the apartment. True omen about the weather - this is when spiders stop hiding and appear more often.

The chirping of grasshoppers speaks of an approaching drought and heat. Especially if they sing all night without stopping.

But the ants become very angry and aggressive before the cold snap. They start working harder. They cover their shelters with all sorts of leaves and branches. So, they hope to protect them from destruction during bad weather.

Animals, birds and insects have long been considered the best predictors of the weather. This is quite understandable. In modern conditions, it is enough to turn on the weather forecast to find out whether it will be warm soon or vice versa, when to expect fluffy snow. Previously, these benefits of civilization were not available. Life was austere and animal watching was a natural activity. So, there were folk signs about the weather about animals. Passed from mouth to mouth, they have survived to this day. Signs about the weather that nature itself whispered. A person can only accept them and use them in everyday life.

The patterns of natural phenomena, revealed as a result of many years of observations of our ancestors, eventually turned into folk signs. By the behavior of animals and birds, as well as other signs, it was possible to find out the nature of the weather for the near future or for the season ahead. Numerous signs of the prediction of nature are plausible today. Knowing them, you can predict planting or harvesting, prepare for impending bad weather, especially away from home and settlements.

Despite the fact that the climate and natural phenomena have changed over several decades, and even more so, centuries, many folk signs still help to reliably determine the weather for the next hours, days, months. Weather forecast by local features based on observation of natural phenomena, celestial bodies.

Cumulus clouds to clear weather

So, clear, warm weather means the following signs:

  • Cumulus clouds
  • gray morning sky
  • The dawn is golden in the evening, and the sky is clear.

In winter, the harbingers of a clear day will be: the blue morning sky, the morning frost on the trees, the rapidly running clouds across the sky. Thick snow in large flakes also means that it will warm up soon. But fine snow, low clouds in the afternoon, mean a long cold snap.

The following signs indicate bad weather, rainy weather:

The sun setting behind the cloud - to the rain
  • There is no dew on the morning grass.
  • Gray evening sky.
  • The sun sets behind a cloud in the evening.
  • red clouds early morning, even before sunrise.
  • Clouds of different shades mean bad weather with different precipitation.
  • Sharp evening warming
  • Stuffy air during sunrise.
  • The water in the river is getting warmer.
  • Smoke from a chimney or from a fire spreads along the ground. If it rises in a column, the weather will be fine.

Recognizing folk signs by predicting the weather helps to prepare for a change in the weather.

So, if the whole day was cloudy, and in the evening a strip of cloudless sky appeared in the west, this means a quick change in the weather for the better. And if the rain started before seven o'clock in the morning, then it will stop before eleven o'clock.

Weather forecasting according to folk signs can also be carried out according to heavenly bodies. So, brightly burning stars in winter are associated with the onset of a hard frost the next day. But the red moon in winter means warming soon. An inverted "yoke" month also indicates warming, and bright yellow color it means the approach of severe frosts.

In summer, a bright month in the sky means a dry season. If it is not visible in the sky, small precipitation should be expected. A moon in a bluish haze portends a strong storm. An abrupt change in the weather is indicated by the fact that bright stars darkened sharply.

By what the weather is like in spring, one can judge summer and autumn: if it is dry, one should expect a cold autumn, and if it is warm, a cold summer with frequent precipitation.

Animal weather prediction

Pets, especially cats, are considered the best harbingers of the weather. So, if during the rain on the street the pet does not curl up, then soon the weather will be clear and sunny. If the cat is stretched out on the floor, the weather will be warm, and when it tries to find a warm corner or curl up in a ball, a cold snap is expected or very coldy in winter. With the restless behavior of this animal, a strong storm can be predicted.

Weather prediction for other animals, insects and birds:

Swallows in the nest - to the hurricane
  • If spiders weave long webs, this portends hot and clear weather. If they hide, bad weather will come.
  • If the dog starts rolling on the ground, rainy weather is coming.
  • Bees feel the approach of rain well: they begin to swarm near the hive, leave the flowers and gather in small groups. In the same way, dragonflies stray in flocks, fly randomly, and ants seal the passages in the anthill. In addition, if the blood-sucking insects have become especially aggressive, this means that rain is soon approaching.
  • The loud croaking of frogs portends warm and clear weather. The same thing means the incessant cuckooing from the very morning.
  • If the roosters begin to sing too early in the winter, it will soon get warmer.
  • If the poultry does not hide during the rain, it means that it will be short-lived. When the chickens begin to hide, inclement weather is to be expected.
  • Swallows hiding under the roof predict fast attack hurricane or storm. If they fly low to the ground, it will soon rain, and if they fly high, it will be windy.
  • The onset of the dry period is signaled by sparrows huddling in flocks and flying among the trees. If they are too noisy, then it will rain soon, and in winter it means a snowstorm.
  • A domestic waterfowl diving into the water portends rain. If the ducks are quiet, a thunderstorm should be expected.
  • Roosters or hens calling to each other portend the approach of inclement weather.
  • Any bird sitting on the very tops of trees portends bad weather.
  • If the ducks fly south too early in autumn, the winter will be early, and the snow will also fall early.
  • A month after the rooks arrive, the snow melts.
  • If a lot of May beetles are seen, then the summer will be hot, dry.

Going fishing, you can watch the fish - if it is playful in the evening, then good weather is expected. When she "walks" along the bottom, it will soon begin to rain.

Folk weather predictions for plants

Determining the weather is possible not only by the behavior of animals or birds, but also by plants:

A rich harvest of nuts for a cold winter
  • A harsh and snowy winter promises a rich harvest of nuts, but a small number of mushrooms in the forest. A large number of acorns and field thistle also portends a cold winter.
  • The winter will be warm, provided that a lot of sorrel has grown in summer.
  • To determine what the summer will be like, watching the blossoming leaves on the trees will help: if the first leaves appeared first on the birch, and then on the alder, the summer will be dry and hot, and if vice versa, it will be cold and rainy. The same goes for oak - if it blossomed before ash, the summer will be dry.
  • A large amount of mountain ash promises a rainy autumn, and a small amount promises a dry one.
  • The harbingers of impending rain are: the intensification of the smell emitted by honeysuckle, the opening of thorns by burdock, the declination of violets to the ground, the unrolling of calendula corollas, the shrinking of clover. The smell of many trees that secrete resin, sap or nectar is greatly enhanced before rain.
  • By the blossoming maple one can judge the onset of the warm season, which means that winter has receded.
  • By the flowers and leaves of a water lily, one can guess the onset of frost or a prolonged downpour: at the same time, the flowers and leaves do not rise from the water.
  • The onset of the sowing season has always been marked by the flowering of juniper in the spring.
  • If the bird cherry has blossomed, it is worth postponing the sowing until warming.

A snowy winter is foreshadowed by rapid autumn leaf fall. Summer will be short and rainy if the birch exudes a lot of sap, and dandelions start to bloom in early spring. Oak, bird cherry blossom to cold weather, frosts. If the oak turns green before the ash, short-term rains with cooling will begin, and if vice versa, prolonged heavy rains will begin.

Animals have been side by side with humans since time immemorial, and as you know, they feel everything much sharper, whether it be natural phenomena or impending troubles. Over time, people have learned to notice and decipher the signs given by animals, which have developed into folk signs and have not lost their relevance to this day.

Murkin's signs

cats have always been rightfully considered magical and prophetic animals among many peoples of the world. They were worshiped, they were feared, and at the same time, they were waiting for their mercy, because. it was believed that the favor and love of a cat brings good luck. Cats are the very animals that have a direct connection with the astral world. Living at the intersection of the subtle and physical worlds, they can process the negative energy of their owner or home into a positive and clean one. Thus cats are considered the best doctors and psychics among pets. You should not expect boundless devotion and obedience from a cat, like from a dog. This is an isolated animal in its own way, but always ready to come to your aid, sensing something wrong. To have a cat in the house means to have energy protection. She herself will come to your aid and lie down on the place where you have a disease or drive away uninvited astral guests.

It's believed that black cat has the strongest magical powers. Cats of this color process much more negative energy and have great psychic and healing powers. But such a cat should not often be picked up and carried in your arms, this is considered a bad omen because the black representatives of these animals process the negative longer and keep it on themselves for some time.

What does the omen really mean? when a black cat crosses the road? This is not at all Bad sign, as is commonly believed. Crossing your path, a black cat actually warns you of trouble, but at the same time she takes away part of this trouble, that is, she tries to clear the way for you, take away some of the negativity. So do not rush to scold the cat or be afraid to meet her on the street.

The folk tale says that red cats bring happiness, fun and love to the house.

white cats- bring peace and tranquility to their owner.

tricolor cat- universal coloring. This color of cats is considered the most favorable. They bring happiness to their owner and turn out to be more devoted and "giving" positive energy owner.

Cats dream to betrayal and betrayal, and kittens- to minor unpleasant incidents.

Kill a cat or a cat- to seven years of troubles and misfortunes. This is a very bad omen.

Signs about dogs

Dogs the most devoted animals, they, like no other animals, are called upon to protect and protect their master. According to folk signs and in magic itself, a dog is considered donor animal, i.e. gives energy to the owner, in contrast to the cat, which basically takes it. Dogs are good for people who are weak, weak-willed, shy. The dog is also famous for its ability to drive away all evil spirits from a person.

If the dog pitifully howls all night - this is to death or other misfortune.

If the dog whines, means he senses an approaching illness.

If behind you on the street the dog is walking and caresses is a very good omen. A dog will not fit a bad and unclean person.

dog barking just on "unclean" man possessed by evil spirits. Dogs have the ability to see the aura, evil spirits and ghosts, and thus scare them away with their barking.

The house where he lives black Dog thieves, evil spirits will bypass him, and lightning will not strike him.

Signs about birds

If, walking down the street, you hear above you crow crowing, and you become "uncomfortable" - this is a bad omen. To avoid the troubles of a crow, say to yourself three times:“Not about me, not about my family, but about a black pig” or "Caw, croak, but not on my head."

The bird flew in the window and immediately flew out - wait for the news soon.

see magpie is considered a good omen. If she chirps when you are on your way, expect a successful resolution of your affairs. If a magpie sat on the roof of your house- you will have well-being and recovery for those who are ill.

Rooster cries unnecessarily and out of time, which means either portends trouble, or sees "evil spirits" and tries to drive her away. Do not scold the rooster at this moment.


The tit is knocking on the window- good news.

If you hear singing somewhere cuckoo- jingle coins in your pocket - there will be money.

Signs related to insects

If you suddenly see someone descending towards you spider- this is for the letter.

There is also a common true omen: see a spider in the morning- to work, afternoon- to love, in the evening- to sadness.

If a the fly got into the food- wait for a gift.

It is forbidden kill a ladybug- You're calling yourself into trouble.

white spider weaves a web over your sleeping place - to success and happiness, black- to illness.

Have you ever wondered why certain animals are always the focus of your attention? Nothing in our life happens in vain, coincidences simply do not exist, in fact, this providence sends us some kind of signal.

Pay attention to these signs, they can become clear signs of what may happen to you in the future.

What does it mean in signs if you saw an animal

Fox. It's time to change your concept and outdated views to get even closer to your dream. Maybe you just need to change the direction of movement, or should you turn to ancient knowledge? Everyone is free to touch the magic.

Wolf. You cannot solve the problem alone, you will need the help of loved ones, do not reject the support of family members.

Annoying fly. The actions you are taking are not correct, soon you will feel it for yourself, disappointment is not far off.

Butterfly. No need to keep your experiences in yourself, do not be afraid to show emotions, no matter what they express. Trust your intuition, it will lead you where you need to go.

Dragonfly. Providence approves of the path you have chosen, do not change it in the near future.

The dog is different. You will meet a reliable and true friend that will stay in your life for a long time. Keep in mind that a friend can also be of the opposite sex.

Alien cat. Soon you will be mentally attacked. Take care of yourself, learn to set up energy protection, do not let your aura be disturbed, otherwise both body and mind will suffer.

Crow. Someone could jinx you. Have you noticed any suspicious phenomena around you?

The pig (boar) is an outsider. Someone close will make you worry, trouble will hurt you too.

Sparrow. Unnecessary worries will soon begin.

Tit. No need to strive for a crane in the sky, be content with a titmouse in your hands.

Pigeon. There is a meeting with a new lover, an intimate date is not far off.

Fleas, lice. The energy space around you is disturbed, this situation is not conducive to good health.

Spider. The spider is a source of news and future news. It runs through your life, warning you of future events.

Mosquitoes often attack. To unpleasant surprises.

Snake. The snake calls not to weaken attention and to be restrained in words and manifestations. You should not reveal your soul to others, they may envy. This is especially true in love affairs.

Lizard. Don't be vengeful, bitter or aggressive. You won't prove anything to anyone, you'll only make things worse for yourself.

Fish. Your secret will become clear to others. First of all, this applies to amorous affairs, so prepare your psyche.

Owl. Don't ignore your inner voice, it always tells you the truth. It's time to come to terms with it.

Horse. Your work is not in vain, continue to act just as hard, and fate will reward you.

Dolphin: When dolphins frolic, there will be a storm. (This is a sea belief).

Other signs about animals (village beliefs)

Signs play an important role in the lives of many people. No one will be able to list them all. It is better to follow all the rules that are associated with signs. After all, you will agree that you often bypassed a black cat, remembering that God protects the safe.

There are many signs that are associated with animals. There is an opinion that animals, insects and birds have a more developed sense for various events than people. When they do something, they indicate to people that they should beware of something or give them good signs.

Crow: If a raven sits on the dome of the temple or on the bell tower, it means that there will be a commemoration in this church. If he sits on the roof of a residential building, then someone in the house will die.

Pigeon: If a dove flies through the window, there will be a fire or someone will die. But sometimes it is also considered a sign of news.

Worm: if earthworms crawl out, then it's raining.

Spider: there is popular belief stating that all spiders, from small to large, are very harmful insects. If someone accidentally eats it, then a tumor will appear in his stomach. If someone kills a spider with his left foot, he will remove 40 sins from himself. The spider crawls up, then you have to wait for the guests, and if down, then the news. Killing a spider with your left hand is for money, and if the spider is large, then there will be more money.

Bear: When bears are found near roads and human habitations, it means that there is famine in the forest.

Wood: If a fruit tree is planted and the carcass of an animal is not buried under it, then it will not bear fruit.

Hare: if you chase two hares, you will not be able to catch either of them.

Bear: When a bear comes across first, it's good.

Dog: Expect bad luck if the dog howls; there will be a dead person if at the same time she holds her nose to the ground, and if she holds it up, there will be a fire. If a dog whines, then someone will get sick.

Dog howls: howls not in the direction of your house - this is not scary; it will be bad for the person in whose direction she will howl.

Hare: If a hare runs through the village, you have to wait for a fire; when he crosses the road, it means you have to beware of something. In order for this sign to never come true, you need to roll over three times in the same place. If you eat a piece of rabbit meat, you will be handsome.

Squirrel: crosses the road or meets on the way - this is not good.

Frog: a frog jumped into the house - good luck will enter with it.

Horse: When a horse neighs, you have to wait for good news. If the horse snorts on the road, then we should expect a joyful meeting. When a horse stumbles under a rider, good luck does not have to wait. If you meet a bald horse in the morning, then this day you should not expect success.

Fox: If you meet a fox on the road, it will be bad.

See a cat: If a cat reaches for someone, this is a new thing, and if it rushes from one corner to another, there will be joy, and maybe a quarrel. If a cat runs in front of the cart, then the people sitting in it need to turn their hats around their axis. When a cat meows endlessly, you need to wait for replenishment in the family, and if it itches or washes, you need to get ready to meet guests.

It is not good if the cat crosses the road from the left side to the right: in this case, you need to look at some tree on the right three times and spit three times. If the cat crosses the road with right side on the left side, then it's okay, but still you need to look again three times already at any tree on the left and also spit three times.

When a black cat crosses the road, it is worth returning, otherwise one must expect failure: in order for this sign not to come true, you need to take a twig and, breaking it into two halves, throw them in opposite directions; you can also put middle finger on the right hand on the forefinger the same hand; or, turning once around its axis, continue on its way in the same direction. If the cat looks out the window, resting against the window frames, you have to wait for the guests. If the road crosses tricolor cat- there is nothing wrong with that.