What does the condition of your hair reveal about your health? What is the hidden power of hair - the most truthful signs Hair growth and life cycle

Autumn hair care

For starters, you can make your own shampoo that you are used to using more useful. To do this, add vitamins A, B, C, B12 to the shampoo, which are sold in ampoules at the pharmacy.

Already after the first wash, the hair will become very shiny, with crazy volume.

No need to add vitamins to a whole bottle of shampoo, because there will be no sense.
Do it this way: pour shampoo into a cup, so that it is enough for two soaps and add vitamins. You can add all at once, or you can add them separately. Stir and wash your hair.

When you lather the second time, leave the shampoo on your hair for 5 minutes, then rinse.

After the first wash, you will notice that the volume has become just crazy and the hair will fall out much less.

Also, to make your hair silky, shiny and easy to comb, crumble an aspirin tablet (preferably soluble) into the shampoo. You will be surprised by the effect, trust us.

If you add vitamin E to the shampoo, the hair will stop falling out and breaking.

Vitamins for hair in food

Vitamin A. One of the most important. It supports your immunity. Its lack can lead to hair loss and loss of their shine, even dandruff may appear.

Approximately 1.0 mg of vitamin A is needed per day, which is found in liver, butter, egg yolk, cream and whole milk.

Vitamin B2 will give your hair a healthy and fresh look. If it is not enough in the body, then the hair at the roots quickly becomes oily, and the tips become dry.

Vitamin B2 is depleted the fastest and you need 2mg per day to keep your hair healthy. B2 is found in dairy products, eggs, bread, meat, and especially in the liver.

Vitamin B3 is responsible for the formation of pigments in the hair, with a lack of it, hair growth is disturbed, and they begin to turn gray early. Of course, you don't need it.

Your body needs 50-100 mg of vitamin B3 per day, found in whole grains, brewer's yeast, peanuts, fish, liver, and especially beef

Vitamin B6 will prevent itching and dryness of the head. In addition, one of the causes of dandruff is also a lack of vitamin B6.

B6 is found in dried yeast, whole grains, chicken, pork, fish, liver, kidney, eggs, vegetables, soy, bananas, nuts, potatoes, and cabbage.

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MASK for damaged, overdried hair dryer
and hair curlers:

Kefir - half a glass
- any oil (olive, burdock) - 1 tbsp.
- liquid honey - 1 tsp
- any balm, and preferably a cosmetic mask - 1 tsp. (NECESSARILY!)
- potato starch for density (you can use flour, but starch is better) - about 2-3 tbsp.

You should get the consistency of sour cream. We heat all this in a water bath, apply it to washed and towel-dried hair, put on a shower cap, wrap it in a towel and wait.

Keep the mask on for at least half an hour! Then we wash off with shampoo, but we try to wash only at the roots, do not particularly touch the tips.
Then apply the balm for a minute and that's it!
Your hair is healthy!

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Vitamin supplements in shampoos. When washing hair, we add vitamins A.B, PP, C, B12, P6 in ampoules to the shampoo (sold in a pharmacy). Hair becomes very shiny, with crazy volume. , because there will be no sense, vitamin C, for example, only lives in the air for 20 minutes. And do this: pour shampoo into a cup (for two soapings), add vitamins (all at once) by the way and separately, mix and wash your head. When we lather the second time, leave the shampoo on the hair for 5 minutes, then rinse it off. After the first time, you will notice that the volume has become just crazy, that the hair has fallen out much less.

To make your hair silky, shiny and easy to comb, you need to crush an aspirin tablet (preferably soluble) into the shampoo. Hair looks shiny and easy to comb.
Vitamin and essential additives in masks, hair shampoos
vitamin E can be added to your regular shampoo, the hair will stop falling out and breaking. You can also add various essential oils to the shampoo, for example, lemon oil is good for hair shine, it is especially good for oily hair, hair gets dirty more slowly.

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This mask really saved a lot of hair!

Hair grows like crazy after it. This mask has many variations. The easiest one for frequent use
1 tablespoon of pharmacy tincture of capsicum ("pepper")
1 tablespoon warmed castor (or burdock, almond) oil
1 tablespoon of any hair balm.

Carefully! The main thing is that the pepper does not get into the eyes.
Apply the mask under polyethylene with a cotton swab only on partings, without rubbing, the mask causes a strong blood flow to the scalp, nourishes the hair follicles.
The mask can be done 2-3 times a week to grow hair faster.
For the prevention of hair loss once a week. If it does not burn, then either the tincture is expired or you need to dilute only the tincture with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
To make it hotter, it is diluted in a ratio of 1: 5 (pepper: water).
But for the first time, it’s better to just apply a pharmacy tincture without diluting it.
Hold for an hour. If it's too hot - how long can you stand it :)
If the scalp is very dry, then only tincture with oil, and if it is normal or oily, then it is better to dilute it with water. Recommended for men to grow bald patches, stop hair loss. The effect of the mask is really strong. It is important to make the mask constantly, for 2-3 months, to achieve the result.

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Mask of ground pepper and honey for hair growth!
1 st. a spoonful of ground red pepper
4 tbsp. spoons of liquid natural honey

Mix pepper with honey (if honey is no longer liquid, it can be melted in a water bath). We wash our hair, apply a mask on the scalp. Wrap with a plastic bag, top with a towel. Leave for 30-40 minutes until a pronounced burning sensation appears, and rinse with warm water.

Do a hair mask of ground pepper and honey 2 times a week, and in a week you will be able to notice the first results. Eyewitnesses say that in 2 months hair can grow by as much as 6 cm!

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A mask that makes hair more voluminous, livelier, and how soft and silky they are after it!!! To prepare it, take half a glass of kefir, add 1 egg and 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder. It is necessary to mix thoroughly and spread some on the hair roots. Let it dry a little, then smear again. So in three or four sets, use the entire mixture. After that, put on a warming cap and keep it for 20-25 minutes. It is recommended to wash off with warm water using baby shampoo, and it is best to rinse with nettle decoction. You need to do this mask 2-3 times a week. After 2-3 months of regular use, the hair becomes much thicker.

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How to grow long hair: * 2 tablespoons of dry mustard powder (sold in the spice department) diluted with hot water * 2 tablespoons of hot water * 1 egg yolk * 2 tablespoons of olive oil (peach, burdock and any other cosmetic oil) * 2 teaspoons granulated sugar (the more sugar, the "angrier" mustard) You need to wait from 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on how much it "bakes". If tolerable, then it is better to walk like this for 1 hour, dreaming of a long luxurious braid. And if you really have a “fire” on your head, then only 15-20 minutes. ATTENTION! You have to sit for 15 minutes for the first time, even if it seems that an atomic war has taken place on your head. In 15 minutes, there will be no harm to the scalp and hair (tested by many), and once you get used to it, you will then sit for half an hour and an hour

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Gelatin hair mask (lamination effect) This mask has already been laid out with us more than once, but before the New Year it is especially relevant - after all, on New Year's Eve everyone wants to look great, and it has an excellent effect) so I post it again)) The mask is renewed on clean ,wet hair after shampoo We take edible gelatin, 1 tablespoon, dilute it with 3 tablespoons of water, leave it to swell for 15 minutes, when it swells, stir well, add 1 tablespoon of balm (preferably without silicones, I usually take Cliven), and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil (I take an orange, it is for shine), stir everything, and apply to the hair along the entire length. When applied, we wrap the head with a bag and a towel on top - the mask may leak. We walk for at least an hour, in general, I noticed, the longer I went with her, the better the effect was. After we left, we wash it off with water, without shampoo)) In the photo there is a girl after this mask

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A quick way to make waves: 1. Divide slightly damp hair into 2-4 sections and twist towards or away from the face. The more parts there are, the stronger the curls will be. I divided it into 2 parts and twisted inside. 2. Screw the other side in the same way. 3. Twist hair frequently while air-drying. I usually leave it like this until I get to my destination. If you're in a hurry, you can curl your hair while blow-drying your hair. 4. Once your hair is dry, start parting your curls or shaking your head back and forth and it will do the trick. 5. Gorgeous soft waves and you are ready!

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Hair thickening mask.
The most accessible and cheap recipe: kefir + honey + yeast: Take 2 teaspoons of yeast, pour water or milk over them and wait an hour to "fit". Next, we take 2-3 tablespoons of honey, half a glass of any fermented milk product (the cheaper - the more natural) - kefir, yogurt, koumiss and mix it all. We apply it on the hair along the entire length, rub it into the scalp, then we wrap it all with polyethylene, on top - a warm scarf or towel and walk like this for an hour. You can wash off with herbal decoctions, a solution with apple cider vinegar (the volume increases, gives shine)

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The biblical intruder Delilah disarmed the sleeping hero Samson, cutting off his wild curls. He was able to get even with the offender only after the hair grew back. No wonder - the ancients believed that hair was endowed with magical powers. They associated them with the fundamental principles of the Universe - fire and light - considering them to be something like antennas connecting the human body with the cosmos. And they were, of course, right - hair is a very noticeable element of our life, capable of literally betraying a person with a head. And to prevent this from happening, let's find out everything about the hair and make it beautiful and healthy.

About the character of the hairstyle

Why do volcanoes erupt on earth, earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis occur? Yes, because the carefully styled, intricate hairstyle of the powerful god Shiva, according to Hindus, was slightly disheveled and messed up ... Thank God, we don’t look like Shiva, but there is a hint in a fairy tale: if something is wrong with your hair, this is not the end of the world, but rather a serious reason to reconsider your lifestyle, nutrition principles, habits, in a word, improve your body and start giving your hair the attention it deserves.

By the appearance of hair, it is quite possible to determine not only the state of health and age of a person, but also his mood, character, level of intelligence, and even say how and where he spent his vacation. It is not for nothing that people say that “hair curls from joy, and splits from grief.” The hair is alive. From strong experiences and overwork, they come into disarray, from fright they stand on end, during ailments and critical days, after contact with chlorinated pool water, they fade, split and fall out. If you are in a great mood and feel good, they are shiny, silky, and their strands obediently fit into your hair.

In those who rested under the hot sun of the south, the hair burns out, becomes thinner, becomes faded and brittle. This means that after the summer they need special care - read "Decision No. 1".

Solution #1

First of all, in this situation, you need shampoo and conditioner marked "for dry damaged hair." These products repair damaged hair surface, prevent split ends and protect hair from breakage. Hair becomes shiny and easy to comb. In addition, your rehab kit should include hair treatments that work more intensely than daily care.

Psychotherapists claim... (but we don't really believe them)

Brunettes from nature inherited a passionate nature. They are quick-tempered, but quick-witted, which cannot be said about brunettes - the owners of black curls are vindictive and vengeful.

Blonde people, as a rule, are phlegmatic and not capable of deep feelings, but they know how to take decisive actions.

fair-haired patient and accommodating.

redheads they flash like gunpowder and are unpredictable in everything from sexual games to drug reactions.

The owners of hard and recalcitrant whirlwinds, which not a single comb takes, are characterized as adamant, disposed towards maximalism and perseverance in achieving the goal.

About color

Hair color depends on the type of pigment with which the keratin protein is associated: redheads have more rhodokeratin, black-haired ones have more melanokeratin, and brown-haired women and blondes are obtained with certain combinations of melano- and leukeratin.

An infinitely diverse palette of natural shades has been lacking for a person greedy for exotic for a long time. In bold coloristic experiments, the ancient Greeks endowed Zeus with blue hair, the ancient Mayans dyed their hair red, and in Russian fairy tales, mermaids enchanted Ivanushki with a green mop on their heads. Natural colors in ancient times were not in honor, and today fashion often invites us to radically change the color of our hair. And here it all depends on preferences and freedom of choice: some people like natural shades, others - bright and fantastic ... A change in image, an unexpected color scheme and just giving the hair a fresh look can bring a pleasant variety to our lives.

Previously, by the way, black-haired people were not loved, and those who dye their hair red, to put it mildly, were condemned. For their fiery, devilish hair color. And we, in our naivety, after thousands of years, are still surprised: why are there only two percent of red-haired people on Earth and their character is not sugar. But this is a thing of the past!

Today we are happy to dye our hair and do not worry about it at all. Only now, even after modern “humane” colors, hair loses its shine and slightly fades - then “Decision No. 2” is for you.

Solution #2

Colored hair wants extra care. Do not wait until they lose their color and appearance, by the way, the environment plays a significant role in this, in particular UV radiation. To protect your hair, use products designed specifically for color-treated hair. These can be shampoo, rinse, mask and express treatment.

It is better to choose those products that include UV filters, antioxidant vitamin E granules. Due to their special composition, all of them protect the hair well, take care of its structure, add shine and, most importantly, allow the color to last for a long time.

About blondes

According to German scientists, blondes should also be listed in the Red Book. Over the past 50 years, their number in the world has decreased from 40% to 14%. In Germany itself, things are even worse: only 8% of fair-haired women and 6% of men can rightfully be considered a rarity. Scientists attribute this phenomenon to two reasons.

First, according to the laws of genetics, dark hair always wins. This is the dominant trait in inheritance.

Secondly, the social factor is affecting - the sharply increased migration of the inhabitants of the planet, on which all peoples have mixed in the last century.

Yes, genes are a stubborn thing, but we can compromise with nature by taking a bottle of paint. And everything about everything will take us half an hour. By the way, the brilliant blonde, who became a symbol of a woman of the 50s, was a brunette by nature. And although she had to constantly tint and spend a lot of time caring for her hair, they looked great. Today, we, who have modern means for the care of dyed hair, do it much easier.

About washing and care

Washing your hair is also an art. In order not to turn this everyday procedure into a test for hair, we offer the main rules.

1. Before washing, be sure to comb your hair to remove dust particles and dead skin cells.

2. Make the water warm (35 degrees C), pleasant to the touch, but not hot. Wet your hair well under running water to prevent tangles.

3. Evenly apply shampoo suitable for your hair type, distribute it through the hair and lather with light circular motions. If you have thin hair, choose the appropriate shampoo. A special shampoo for fine hair will give your hair not only shine, but also splendor and the desired volume. At the first lathering, there will be little foam, as the shampoo actively dissolves particles of grease and dirt. Rinse off the shampoo.

4. Shampoo a second time and massage your hair lightly. Rinse off the shampoo after 3-4 minutes and use a conditioner suitable for your hair type. Apply it, massage it in and leave it on for a couple of minutes.

5. Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water first, then rinse with cold water. This contrast strengthens the hair roots and helps close the microscopic scales on the surface of the hair along their entire length.

6. It is undesirable to dry the hair weakened after the summer with a hair dryer - hot air further deprives them of moisture, natural shine and makes them brittle. It is better to build a turban from a terry towel, and then let it dry naturally. Are you used to blow drying? Then do not set it to maximum temperature, use cool air and keep it at a distance of 40 cm from the hair. No closer!

7. Washed and damp hair, comb only with a high-quality comb - preferably a wooden one, with rounded and sparse teeth, avoiding massage brushes, plastic and metal combs. The latter are not suitable for combing wet hair, as they injure the cuticles, tear out the hair and delaminate the ends. By the way, according to the French - the eternal trendsetters, thoroughly washed and well-combed hair - this is a hairstyle.

Well? Immediately interested in what is written on the shampoo bottles with which you wash your hair? How so? You can't buy shampoo at random. Moreover, the shampoo and conditioner must be from the same manufacturer. Found that you use shampoo 2 in 1 - read "Decision # 3".

Solution #3

Shampoos 2 in 1 - a convenient thing. For travel and travel. At home, it is better to use shampoo and conditioner separately. Combined in one bottle, they cancel each other out, make hair heavier and deprive them of elasticity and splendor. It is best to choose products that make up the so-called complex care: shampoo, rinse, treatment or mask from one manufacturer and for one type of hair. The undoubted advantage of complex care is that the action of one product complements and enhances the action of others included in the hair care series.

Star Secret

When once asked what is the secret of her unfading youth, the actress replied: “The main thing is not to confuse jars with day and night cream.” The same principle applies to hair. It is important that the shampoo and other products are ideally suited to your hair type.

About hair structure

In the folk epic, thick hair is usually compared to an impenetrable thicket. And yet, from a scientific point of view, a single hair is not very reminiscent of a tree. It is much more like a stalk from a garden bed, growing from a bulb, which is a kind of hair root (due to cell division in the hair bulb, in fact, it grows).

The hair itself consists of a flexible and hard rod, surrounded by a protective cortical layer, which is a keratin fiber, and covered with a cuticle - scales that crawl on top of each other. They lie tightly, like roof tiles, and are glued together with a composition similar to glue. The cuticle is the main protector of the hair and the element on which the smoothness and shine of the hair depends - the tighter the scales are soldered, the more attractive the hair looks. Nature has created a hair structure that combines maximum flexibility and maximum strength.

The root with the bulb is enclosed in a special bag - the so-called hair follicle. It opens the ducts of the sebaceous glands, whose work determines how your hair should be - normal, oily or dry. The oily secret of the sebaceous gland lubricates the hair, gives it gloss and shine. If the glands do not work properly, try to adjust their insufficient or increased work using the appropriate cosmetic hair care products. The only thing I want to warn you about is that cheap shampoos are usually aggressive and dry your hair and scalp very much.

About massage

Yes, we almost forgot to say that blood capillaries approach each hair follicle, carrying nutrition and oxygen to our precious curls.

You can improve the blood supply to the bulbs, and hence the condition of the hair, by doing a simple massage of the scalp.


1. Comb your hair and divide it into 6-8 partings in the direction of hair growth.

2. Place the pads of all five fingers along the parting (each hand on its own side), as close to the hair roots as possible.

3. Make 3-4 light strokes from the forehead to the back of the head, and then the same number of circular movements clockwise, not only pressing on the skin, but also shifting and stretching it.

4. Massage the skin along the line of each parting from the crown to the temples, lightly pulling the strands at the very base.

massage comb

Walk through the hair from front to back 30-40 times, and finally massage the head in a circular motion in a clockwise direction.

If you massage your head and comb your hair regularly, but for some reason their appearance does not improve, read Solution #4.

Solution #4

Change your combs often, especially plastic ones. Potholes and microcracks quickly appear in them, in which microbes damaging the hair multiply. Use a wide-toothed comb for daily care, and fine-toothed combs for styling. If your hair is thick and wavy, a comb with long teeth will come in handy. With it, you can increase the volume of hair. Remember, a good comb and proper combing from the roots to the tips smooth out the hair cuticle (the "tiles" combed along the way do not bulge or bulge). As a result, the coefficient of friction of the hair is reduced, and they become smooth and silky.

It happens that hair loses its appearance even for no particular reason. To "lift their spirits" will help Tonic Shampoo for normal to oily hair, which has an invigorating aroma and creates the effect of freshness of hair and scalp. The pleasant feeling, as if you just washed your hair, will now last much longer. Toning shampoo will revitalize the hair, give it more vitality, freshness and purity.

About hair composition

The chemical composition of hair is very complex: there are manganese, copper, sodium, mercury, bromine, chlorine - about 40 substances in total. Brunettes are dominated by silver, manganese, lead, titanium and copper. The strands shimmering with gold actually contain it. Although we say that gray hair silvers the head, but this is only a metaphor - there is no silver in gray hair!

Incredible, but true: hair analysis gives an idea of ​​the mental abilities of a person - the concentration of zinc and copper is increased in intellectuals.

It is noticed that the vitality of the hair weakens in autumn and early winter. Take extra care of them during this stressful time! To provide your hair with all the necessary micro and macro elements, take vitamin and mineral complexes with mineral (!) Water. According to the World Health Organization, hair makes up at least 10% of its salt content from water.

"A beautiful hairstyle is a combination of hairdresser's skill, favorable heredity, proper care and ... a meat diet," scientists say. They found that beef and lamb contain a unique set of substances that strengthen the hair structure, which are not found anywhere else in such a unique combination. Pharmacologists have not yet been able to fully reproduce this complex in vitamins and nutritional supplements. So, if you want to have luxurious hair all year round, lean on meat (in moderation, of course!), but do not forget about plant foods. Studies conducted by German scientists show that those who eat fresh vegetables and fruits daily - sources of all essential minerals - have no problems with hair.

About vitamins

Curly and straight, thick and not very thick, platinum and raven hair takes an incredible amount of time from us: we wash and dry it, dye and bleach it, cut it and grow it, wind it and straighten it. Are we eating them right? Hair needs to be fed not only from the outside, but also from the inside. But good doesn't mean much.

First of all, hair needs natural biologically active substances and trace elements, which are usually in short supply in our diet, and not sugar and fats, which are always in abundance.

Saturated fatty acids
Linoleic and alpha linoleic make sure that the hair does not dry out and looks good. There are many of them in fatty fish and vegetable oil.

C, E, B1, B2, B6, PP, pantothenic acid. Nobody doubts that they are really needed (we sincerely hope so). Vitamins prevent hair loss, promote the absorption of trace elements, participate in the synthesis of keratin, stimulate hair growth, fight dandruff...

Minerals and trace elements
The main things for hair are...
Calcium, which strengthens the hair, prevents them from becoming brittle and dull. Contained in dairy products, cottage cheese, figs, grapes, pumpkin, zucchini.
Iron. With its help, the hair becomes strong (and so do we), their nutrition improves, and they look energetic and alive. You will find iron in meat, apples, pomegranates, apricots, cranberries, sea buckthorn, pumpkins, zucchini, greens.
Silicon necessary for hair growth and as an element that binds keratin molecules, giving it strength and elasticity. There are products from whole grains, cereals, cucumbers, zucchini.
Zinc. Its deficiency leads to thinning, brittle hair; and their fall. To avoid this, try to regularly have meat, herring, seafood, carrots, peas, nuts on your plate.
Sulfur. Sulfur-containing compounds are needed for the synthesis of keratin and collagen. In addition, they have antiseborrheic properties. Sulfur is found in egg yolks, garlic, onions, beans, protein-rich foods (meat, poultry, seafood).
Manganese counteracts hair loss and helps them not to lose color. Participates in the synthesis of keratin. There is a lot of it in cereals, tea, apples, plums, sea buckthorn, cranberries, beets, eggplants.
Molybdenum is part of the basal layer of the hair. They are rich in buckwheat, beans, oats, lentils, sunflower seeds.
Copper. If it is not enough, it leads to hair loss, thinning hair. Contained in the liver, seafood, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, cherries, raspberries, apples, eggplant, cocoa.

About appearance

To understand that something is wrong with our hair, we do not need powerful microscopes and DNA tests. Enough mirror and our table. "Decision #5" must be taken for some hair problems.

Solution #5

If you notice that your hair has become dry, naughty, thin, and besides this, you have dry skin, you feel cold all the time and feel weak, see an endocrinologist. Similar signs are characteristic of hypothyroidism - insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland.

Hair problem / What is the reason

Very dry, dull
Lack of vitamins, anemia, chronic diseases, consequences of too frequent dyeing, perm, use of hot rollers, tongs, compositions for fixing hairstyles

Overly fatty
Metabolic disorders, hormonal disruptions, poor nutrition, poor quality shampoo, hair care products that do not match your type

They split and break
The damaging effect of sea salt, chlorinated or too hard water, sunlight, dry and hot wind, and frosty air if you go without a hat in winter

Fall out hard
Stress, depression, overwork, insufficient sleep, beriberi, endocrine imbalance, smoking, unfavorable environment, fungal infection

Improper hair care, beriberi, diseases of the nervous and digestive systems, fungal infection

15 hair myths

1. Blondes aren't smart.

Americans tell jokes about narrow-minded blondes as often as we do about slow-witted Chukchi and new Russians. To rehabilitate blond ladies, the US Psychological Service subjected them to mass testing on the coefficient of intellectual abilities. It turned out that bright heads are such not only in the literal, but also in a figurative sense. It's just that the vast majority of blond beauties prudently hide their minds, because that's what others expect from them. And experts on pheromones - smells that make people sexually attractive - found that natural blondes smell in a special way, which is why the vast majority of American men (and ours, for sure!) literally lose their heads and are unable to soberly assess the intelligence of their interlocutor .

2. Bald head privilege of men

Alas, according to the disappointing data of the World Health Organization, by 2010 in Europe 10% of women and 70% of men will go bald. In order not to join their ranks, tirelessly take care of your hair and give up everything that is harmful to it. To keep your hair lush, properly care for them, keep Olympic calm, do not overwork, do not get hung up on work and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Dermatologists have found that 70% of women who cannot boast of thick hair suffer from chronic insomnia. In addition, it has been noticed that the hair of three out of five ladies who are passionate about big business thins as they move up the career ladder ... The blood of successful ladies contains an excess of the male hormone testosterone (it is he who contributes to the so-called androgenetic alopecia). So the female body reacts to powerful production stress.

3. Long hair is the privilege of women

Braids have always been considered an adornment of the weaker sex, but men firmly hold the record in this area: an American Indian, whose name history has not preserved, had a braid 7.93 meters long, and an Indian monk Swami Panarasannadhi - 7 meters 89 centimeters! The longest-haired women in the world are hopelessly behind these champions.

By the way, if you decided to let your hair go, you could grow a braid 10.2 meters long in your entire life. But this is only in theory, but in practice for most of us it is impossible - at a certain stage, hair growth stops. And well, otherwise you won’t get enough shampoo.

4. Hair is long - mind is short

This is a saying from hoary antiquity, when hair was not cut voluntarily. Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, and today we make ourselves very short haircuts and shine with sharpness of mind! By the way, psychologists have noticed that a short-haired person, regardless of gender, becomes more assertive, purposeful and active.

In general, the transition from long hair to short hair is regarded by psychoanalysts as a subconscious protest, dissatisfaction with oneself and an attempt to make changes in one's own life.

5. If you cut your hair often and short, it will become thicker.

This is an illusion. The hair shaft is thinner at the end and more voluminous closer to the root. By “sacrifice” the skinny “tops”, you will help the growth of healthy and strong “roots”, but this will not make more hair on your head. Overgrown due to the thickened basal part of the rod, they will simply seem thicker to you.

6. Hair grows at a rate of 1 cm per month

During the day, the hair on average becomes longer by 0.35 mm, and within a month a centimeter really accumulates, for a year - 12.8. But this applies only to long hair (more than 30 cm). Short hair grows 2 times faster. The rate of hair growth is not the same in different people and at different times. In spring and summer it is 1.5-2 times higher than in autumn and winter, after 50 years it is less than in youth. Hair grows in cycles: 2-3 years - an active period, and then a vacation for several months.

7. Frequent washing is bad for hair.

Men's hair lives 3 years, women's - 10 years, after which they are completely renewed, but they can fall out earlier than the period set by nature if you are not attentive enough to their needs. Owners of healthy hair lose 60-80 hairs per day, although it doesn’t happen day after day - after all, obsolete hair does not fall out immediately. Usually they remain in the thickness of the skin for some time and leave their place with active combing or washing. This, apparently, served as the basis for a common misconception: if you wash your hair often, your hair will thin out. In fact, you need to clean your hair as it gets dirty: as much as you need to make it look freshly washed and shiny. At least every day, if the shampoo is of high quality.

8. In order for the baby to have good hair, in the second year of life, he needs to be cut bald.

Good hair, as well as bad hair, is inherited, and “zero” radicalism will not help the cause. Wait until 5-7 years - by this time the structure of the child's hair will change, they themselves will become thicker and thicker.

9. Shampoo needs to be changed often, otherwise it becomes addictive

Nothing like this. If the shampoo is properly selected and completely suits you, use it calmly, for as long as you want. Shampoos and other hair care products do not contain ingredients that cause addiction or reduce the susceptibility of hair to the beneficial properties of the product. Even the 100th use of the shampoo or conditioner that suits you will be as positive for your hair as the first.

10. You can't cut your hair on a full moon.

Our grandmothers never cut their hair with a "flawed" moon. It was believed that hair after such a haircut grows for a very long time. They say that if you cut your hair when the crescent of the moon grows in the sky, and even better on a full moon, you won’t have time to look back, as you will be with curls again. Well, in general, it all sounds somehow completely unscientific ...

11. Shampoos "for all types of hair" are suitable for everyone without exception.

This is too bold a statement. Only you can choose the shampoo that your hair needs. Universal shampoos for all hair types are neutral and match the pH level of the skin. They will not harm the hair, but they will not bring much benefit either.

12. Hair becomes greasy due to fatty foods.

This is not true. Too much fat in the diet worsens the condition of the waist, not the hair. But an excess of salty, spicy, coffee, sweets and chocolate adversely affects the health of your hairstyle: the hair begins to shine, quickly greasy, covered with dandruff and actively fall out ...

13. If the hair crackles and sparkles, this is a sign of a passionate nature.

In fact, the static electricity accumulated in your hair has nothing to do with your temperament. (It's so nice to hear: "You're so sparkling...") It's just that you are wearing synthetic clothes, working on an old-style computer (pre-1998 release), or in contact with an ungrounded monitor. The electrostatic field makes the hair difficult to manage, it does not fit well and quickly gets dirty.

14. A person is able to turn gray overnight

The only way to change the color of your hair in a few hours is to go to the hairdresser. Numerous stories that, as a result of a strong shock, the head of a tragic character became gray-haired, have no basis. Hair is bleached from the roots. Given that they grow an inch a month, a complete color change should take at least six months.

15. Women who wear ponytails and buns don't know what forehead wrinkles are.

Some experts advise all ladies, regardless of age, to avoid bangs and often pull their hair into a ponytail or tight bun, and braid pigtails at home the old fashioned way. They say the hair pulled back makes the muscles of the forehead work and smooth out wrinkles. It is difficult to agree with this. It is unlikely that pulling the hair can affect the appearance of wrinkles, but the fact that the hair will suffer is for sure. Constant hair pulling disrupts the normal blood circulation in the hair follicles.

Hair diagnosis.

Doctors have long learned to make a diagnosis by hair, and not only living people, but also celebrities who died under mysterious circumstances: their curls, as a rule, are carefully preserved by descendants. The largest collection - one hundred strands of famous personalities, including Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe and - belongs to an American with Russian roots, John Reznikov, who settled in Stamford (Connecticut). Unique exhibits are insured for a million dollars. By the way, the tuft of hair that Beethoven's father cut from the head of his brilliant son was examined. DNA analysis found lead in the maestro's hair, which caused the composer's deafness. It accumulated in Beethoven's body due to an addiction to river fish, soaked in the effluents of a booming industry. Arsenic was found in Napoleon's hair back in the 60s of the last century. However, more accurate measurements carried out by modern chemists showed that no one put poison in the food of the disgraced emperor. Everything turned out to be much more banal. Bonaparte was killed ... wallpaper, which was pasted over the walls of the former monarch's house on the island of St. Helena. Arsenic was used in their production. In a damp climate, the paint gradually decomposed and poisoned the air (here's an example of a bad ecology of a living space!)

Helpful Hints

Hair is fraught with remarkable hidden power. This was well known to our ancestors, who knew that when cut, they retain an energy connection with their owner for a long time.

According to experts,hair is the conductor of cosmic force. Any impact on them can radically change a person's life. They are the source of divine energy, which establishes a connection between people and the vast universe.

Read also:How to straighten hair with an iron, a hairdryer and without them at home

As a rule, shamans and priests did not have the right to carry out any manipulations with hair, since they belonged to celestials.
There are signs that can be called a whole science passed down from grandmother to granddaughter, from mother to daughter, from generation to generation:

Notes about hair

1. It is believed that hair should not be thrown into the water . Moisture from a person will take away all his energy. Someone who doesn't listen and keeps flushing their hair down the toilet can be left devastated and bald to boot. For, to improve hair quality, it is recommended to get under the first spring rain.

Why you can't cut your own hair

2. Never cut your own hair . You can cut your destiny, lose karmic protection and even change your biofield. Self haircut - the strictest ban. Those who break this rule with stubborn constancy get a chain of troubles that will be very difficult to interrupt. If there is no choice, and it is necessary to cut your hair, then it is extremely important that the person at least has a good mood.

Read also:10 ways to wind your hair without a curling iron and curlers

3. Combing your hair, you should always think only about the positive. , good, light and good. You can say your special wishes aloud or in an undertone, since this ritual is sacred.

If you comb your curls for a long time, then a person receives vitality and good energy. When mothers comb their daughters, by this action they transfer beauty and powerful energy to them. Since hair accumulates negative energy at night, don't comb your hair after the sun goes down.

4. According to popular beliefs, if you constantly cut your hair long curls, then you can incur trouble and bad luck, because long and thick hair for a woman is a sign of wealth, wealth and health. A lot of superstitious people adhere to these rules in our time.

5. According to beliefs, if a person falls ill, he needs to cut the ends of the hair so that the energy of the disease leaves the person with them.

moon and hair

6. In order for the hair to be thick and lush , healthy and shiny and growing back twice as fast - try to cut your hair for a full moon. If you you want to strengthen your roots, so that the hair does not constantly crumble, then it is worth getting a haircut on the waning moon, and you need to take into account that the hair in this case will grow back very slowly.

7. You can't cut your loved one's hair , it is believed that this is a quick separation, even if the couple lives in perfect harmony and there are no reasons for parting.

8. Naturally curly girls are very lucky. - in life they are very happy and easily achieve everything they want. You can’t just straighten your curls often, otherwise you can frighten off luck.

9. Don't throw your hair out in public to avoid harm to others. You shouldn't even throw them in the trash can. The best thing is to burn them immediately.

10. Never share your hairbrush with other people. If you quietly take a hair from her, then any magician will be able to damage you.

11. Tight hair can indicate that a person has a fickle character, their owner is a frivolous and windy person. Coarse and unruly hair, as a rule, are found in straightforward and honest people. Straight and smooth hair testify that a person is kind, caring and has a pure heart.

12. If your hair is often tangled and can be tied in knots, although you provide them with good care, this may indicate damage.

Hair tips to watch out for:

1. Carrying out various ceremonies using one's own hair will lead to trouble, poverty and misfortune.

2. Losing your favorite hairbrush leads to usually to disappointment.

3. Combing your hair before bed will lead to losses, constant combing - to big losses.

4. Children should before the first haircut to be baptized - otherwise misfortune cannot be avoided.

5. Cut your own hair in front of a mirror - to illness or frequent apathy.

6. Find a hair on your clothes - means to receive a letter or news.

7. If the hair at the temples is tall , and low on the forehead - such a person will live a very long life.

8. Hair smoldering in a fire that does not flare up in any way, they say that death is approaching.

9. If the hair is blown away by the wind the person has a headache.

10. You can’t wash your hair on the eve of exams. - then a successful surrender awaits.

11. Tousled hair sticking out to the sides are a good omen.

12. Curls have the property of a battery, they accumulate all positive and negative properties. To avoid negative hair is usually braided or tied into a bun

13. If a husband constantly combs his wife - the marriage will be very strong, and the relationship between them will be harmonious.

14. It is believed that boys should be cut as little as possible. , and girls should not be cut at all, since in the old days a haircut was considered an extreme manipulation. The longer the hair, the healthier, richer and happier their owner is.

15. Hair cut after baptism , put in a special box or envelope and keep for a lifetime.

16. By cutting your hair, a person can say goodbye to the past forever. If you are very offended by someone, just cut your hair. Don't want to get a haircut? Trim slightly the tips in which all negative energy. If you decided to radically change your destiny- then it is worth repainting in a different color.

Curls store our subtle energy. The hair contains inexhaustible reserves of internal energy and vitality.. This is the link that connects our biofield and the boundless Universe. If we listen to the teachings of the ancestors and observe the signs created by them, no one will ever harm us using our own or someone else's hair.

If these signs do not suit you - do not be discouraged. . Usually only what you strongly believe in will come true. Believe in good!

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We are all used to believing that the quality and type of hair depend only on certain treatment and external factors. But with careful analysis, it turns out that, along with other symptoms that we usually do not associate with each other, hair becomes a kind of indicator that successfully and clearly signals about deep malfunctions in the body.

website analyzed and brought together the most common hair problems, and also found out which diseases - mild and serious - they most often indicate.

Dull and lifeless hair

The first and most obvious reason why hair loses its healthy shine and becomes lifeless is improper care, frequent dyeing and the use of curling irons.

Also, hair often becomes dull in the autumn-winter period, when there is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. This symptom may well indicate specifically a lack of selenium, phosphorus and sulfur in the body. To determine this for sure, you should pay attention to the health of the gums and the development of caries: if you notice active and unpleasant changes in this area, then the diagnosis is accurate and it makes sense to consult a doctor with a question.


Dandruff itself is most often harmless, but is extremely unaesthetic and provokes unpleasant itching. There can be many reasons for this unfortunate manifestation. You may be overdoing it with a variety of hair products. Also, dandruff can appear as a result of a passion for diets, especially "unloading" diets, when fats and carbohydrates are almost completely or significantly excluded from the diet.

Other causes of dandruff can be stress, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, or immunodeficiency. And the so-called yellow dandruff is completely a symptom of one of the dermatological pathologies - seborrheic dermatitis, the treatment of which is more difficult than in the case of "dry" dandruff. In these situations, the use of dandruff shampoo is not enough and it is necessary to visit a trichologist for a deeper study of the problem.

Thin and brittle hair

The thinness and brittleness of hair are the result of malnutrition, or rather lack of proteins. After all, protein performs such vital functions that no other element can take on. In essence, it is the basis for the construction of the body. And when the body chronically lacks it, the quality of the skin, the strength of the nails and the strength of the hair suffer. It would be useful to start eating more fruits and drink a course of omega-3 fatty acids.

However, there are some pitfalls that may indicate a more serious condition. For example, brittle hair is one of the symptoms of Itsenko-Cushing's disease. To understand for sure whether this is your case, you should pay attention to whether you are also worried about other obvious manifestations of this disease: chronic insomnia, high blood pressure and unexplained back pain.

Hair loss, patchy alopecia

It is believed that the loss of up to 100 hairs per day is the norm, with the exception of some periods of life, when loss for natural reasons occurs more intensely (during pregnancy or with the onset of menopause). The easiest way to check if everything is in order (besides visual assessment) is to run your fingers through the hair at the roots and drag it to the ends. Ideally, 1-2 hairs should remain in the hand, or none at all; normally - 3-5 hairs; if more - you should think about visiting a trichologist.

Active hair loss may well be associated with malfunctions in the endocrine system, weakened immunity, or be a sign of diabetes. In this regard, you should not postpone going to the doctor and passing the necessary tests. But by no means panic. It is possible that in the end this trouble will be associated only with a lack of vitamins, the season or stress. Therefore, it does not hurt at the same time to start drinking soothing herbs, as well as to abandon complex styling.

Greasy hair

Oily hair usually indicates a malnutrition with a predominance of animal fats in the diet. To try to solve the problem, it is advisable to limit meat, fatty and fried foods, as well as avoid sweets, smoked meats, alcohol and excessive consumption of coffee. The work of the sebaceous glands can also be normalized with the help of tea tree oil: a few drops added to the shampoo are quite capable of solving the problem of appearance.

If food restrictions and proper care do not help, then this may signal a metabolic disorder, hormonal failure, or liver problems. In such a situation, of course, it is very important to contact a specialist in order to avoid aggravating the situation.

early gray hair

In essence, hair graying largely depends on genetic predisposition, and is also the result of a certain program given to the body: with age, the supply of melanocytes responsible for pigment production is inevitably depleted. On average, women's hair begins to turn gray after 30-40 years, but there are also non-standard situations when hair turns gray in very young people or even teenagers.

If this symptom is accompanied by the appearance of pimples, sores, peeling and other types of skin irritation on the head, this is an alarm that requires the intervention of a dermatologist, as it can be a manifestation of skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema.

If scabies is not accompanied by any additional external ailments, then it may be evidence of a disorder of the nervous system provoked by stress, and be the same nervous tic as the habit of biting nails. In this case, as initial measures, it would be useful to start taking calming herbal preparations, as well as vitamins B1 and B6, and in the future, of course, consult and be examined by a neurologist.

Dry hair and split ends

Leaving aside obvious factors such as perm and frequent use of hair dryers and curling irons, dry hair is usually caused by protein deficiency (and this is the essential building material, as mentioned above) and a lack of iron and copper in the body (which leads to lack of oxygen to the scalp).

This problem is also often found in people who often go on diets, and this, in turn, can lead to diseases of the endocrine system. Eat right, periodically eat red fish and carrots to replenish the missing vitamins. Also drink orange juice - for better absorption of iron - and remember to drink enough clean water to prevent dehydration.

The most widely known variant of damage. In this case, it is not at all necessary to resort to a speedy haircut. The situation can be saved by more enhanced hair nutrition with the help of fortified oils and moisturizing masks.

  • "Candle"(or "cone") - characterized by significant damage to the outer cuticle, while the ends have not yet split. Here you will still need a haircut, but after it you can quite prevent the problem from returning in the future by using essential oils in your care, as well as putting a mineral filter in your shower that will save your hair from the aggressive effects of chlorine and impurities.
  • "Feather"(or "tree") - the hair is significantly damaged and weakened, which resulted in multiple splits along the length. Outwardly, this type can be identified by the “straw” effect, when the hair looks excessively airy, for example, in girls who expose their hair to lightening and / or bleaching. The most basic and obvious step to take is to stop not only bleaching, but also coloring your hair in general, as well as using a hairdryer and irons as rarely as possible. As an additional measure, you can purchase a special care product containing the OFPMA hair protection molecule.
  • In the end, I would like to remind you that these data are for informational purposes and cannot be used to make an accurate diagnosis. As in any other field, the most reasonable solution for any health problems is to contact specialists in a timely manner. Take care of your health.

    Strong hair fall out, what to do in such a situation? A detailed guide on how to solve the problem of hair loss.

    What to do if hair falls out on the head in women

    Give up "pulling" hairstyles

    At first glance, it seems that the hair is flexible, but studies prove that "pulling" hairstyles can damage them. Avoid braids, tight braids, and ponytails if your hair is starting to fall out.

    Avoid heat styling

    Using thermal styling tools is one of the reasons why your hair falls out regularly. Heat makes curls vulnerable because hair follicles become dehydrated and damaged. It is better to abandon the hair dryer, straightener and curling iron if the hair on the head falls out a lot.

    Hold off on permanent hair coloring or lightening

    Persistent staining and bleaching is very harmful to the hair. Aggressive chemicals weaken the structure of curls, as they penetrate deep into the shaft of each hair. If the hair on the head falls out very much, replace the harmful paint with tinted shampoos, tonics or henna.


    Change your shampoo

    The first hair fell out on the head - is this the beginning of the end? Nothing like this. Maybe you just don't like the new shampoo. The purpose of the shampoo is to cleanse the hair of dirt and excess oil. However, many cheap shampoos contain not only caring ingredients, but also harmful substances. Study the composition carefully. Most of the ingredients should be natural or harmless. Choose sulfate-free shampoos to keep your hair healthy.

    Change your comb

    If hair falls out, which combs are best to use? The best option is a soft brush with natural bristles. Comb it to dry hair daily to improve blood circulation to the head and prevent tangles.

    Change your diet

    Strong hair fall out - what to do? An important step is . Add more protein to your diet, because it is a building material for hair. milk, eggs and fish.

    If your hair starts to fall out, supplement your meals with foods high in omega-3s. Eat salmon, mackerel, and ground flaxseed regularly.

    Consult your doctor

    If the hair on the head falls out very much, then you should consult a doctor. Only experts will be able to establish what is wrong with the body. In addition, the doctor will prescribe the right vitamins, supplements and treatments. Perhaps hair loss is only one of the symptoms of the disease.

    Do a head massage

    Massage of the scalp improves blood circulation, which activates hair growth. Regularly massage in essential oils such as lavender, rosemary or coconut. Put on a shower cap and leave the mixture on for an hour before rinsing your hair.