Why does a person get old? How to slow down early aging of the body? Progeria, or premature aging syndrome.

Surely each of us has at least one acquaintance whose passport and biological age do not match. Premature aging of the face is the surest sign accelerated depletion of the resources of the human body. Today in the women’s club “Those over 30” we will try to figure out how premature aging differs from natural aging? What factors trigger the aging process in our body?

Aging is a complex biological mechanism that affects all processes occurring in the body. Natural aging of the skin is a consequence of wear and tear of the body's internal resources.

While premature aging of facial skin is a fact of an unhealthy lifestyle, excess solar radiation and the presence of bad habits.

Wrinkles, dark spots, loss of elasticity and muscle tone, changes in the oval of the face - such early age-related changes can appear as early as 30 or even 25 years of age. Why does facial skin begin to age earlier than expected?

The difference between premature aging and natural aging

The age at which the natural processes of aging of the body begin is determined by nature at the genetic level and is individual for each person. This type of aging is called chronoaging or. Slow down this process is not possible - the program will work at the appointed time, regardless of the person’s wishes.

But another type of aging - premature or photoaging, each of us is able to correct, because its development is influenced by external factors:UV rays, free radicals, lifestyle, bad habits, principles of nutrition.

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Premature facial aging – how does it happen?

Metabolic processes and fluid circulation are the main factors influencing general state skin faces. If everything works properly, then every skin cell is saturated with nutrients and moisture, which gives our face freshness and radiance.

Influenced harmful factors, both internal and external, the epidermis undergoes some changes, which over time can greatly affect appearance skin. Changes of this nature are associated with premature aging of the facial skin, which occurs aged from 30 to 50 years.

  1. The deep layer of skin or germ layer, which has the function of producing new epidermal cells to replace dead ones, becomes thinner. The elasticity of the skin noticeably decreases, the skin becomes flabby and loose.
  2. The superficial layer of skin, or keratinized, thickens and becomes thicker. Due to lack of moisture, fibroblasts, special cells of the dermis, reduce their activity and change at the structural level of elastin and collagen fibers. Exchange processes slow down and the blood flow rate decreases. Due to fluid stagnation, the walls of blood vessels thicken, preventing the flow of nutrients into epidermal cells. As a result, the contour of the face changes, jowls, small and age spots appear, the skin becomes dehydrated, muscle tone decreases.
  3. In the skin under the influence of harmful ultraviolet rays healthy cells can degenerate into atypical ones. The latter can give impetus to the development of cancer in the future.

Causes of premature aging of facial skin

Signs of skin aging occur earlier than the programmed time due to a number of negative reasons:

  • WITH outside. Excess UV radiation, bad habits, unbalanced diet, lack good rest, deficit healthy sleep, flaw fresh air, poor environment, increased physical and mental stress, stress, etc. Even excessive facial activity can play a cruel joke, giving a couple of extra early wrinkles.
  • From the body's side. Frequent colds, chronic diseases, reduced immunity, work disorders endocrine system, hormonal imbalance, slagging of the body.

From huge amount factors influencing the condition of the skin, we highlight main reasons premature aging facial skin:

  1. Violation of the water-lipid balance of the skin. Temperature changes, poor air quality, ultraviolet radiation, cosmetical tools capable of changing the processes occurring in the layers of the dermis to cellular level. Weakened fibroblasts gradually reduce the production of collagen and elastin fibers. The skin loses precious moisture and with it, at an accelerated pace, firmness and elasticity.
  2. Harmful effects of UV rays. Ultraviolet radiation entering unprotected areas of the skin can cause oncological diseases and start the mechanism of skin photoaging. UFA rays are capable of penetrating deep into the layers of the dermis, damaging normal process microcirculation in skin cells. It is worth noting that the harm from exposure sun rays can accumulate in the skin throughout our lives.
  3. The influence of free radicals. Groups of free radicals are able to change the behavior of collagen fiber molecules: previously neutral proteins become overly active, stick together and gradually lose their elasticity. This becomes the start for premature aging of facial skin. In addition, free radicals disrupt biochemical processes at the cellular level, which leads to the formation of unhealthy cells.
  4. Hormonal fluctuations also have a positive effect on the rate at which age-related changes appear in the skin of the face. For example, insufficient amount of the hormone estrogen– a good reason for premature aging of a woman’s facial skin. And its excess promises the appearance dark spots on the skin.

There is only one conclusion: the condition of our face directly depends on each of us. Premature aging can be stopped if you start maintaining optimal levels in time. life balance in skin cells.

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Premature aging is a disease that consists of very sharp and rapid It is also called progeria, the name comes from Greek word progeros.

The problem of rapid aging in some children was first openly announced in 1886 in America. The good news is that this disease is very rare, this moment There are 53 people worldwide who suffer from premature skin aging. No commitment to a specific gender has been identified, that is, such a misfortune can happen to both a boy and a girl.

Recognize premature aging early stages It can be very difficult, because at birth the baby is apparently completely healthy. The first signs can be identified only after a year or two of the child’s life. In this case, the development of basic signs is characteristic. These include sudden and cessation of growth, hair begins to fall out, and the skin wrinkles. As a complication, dislocation of the femur may occur as the bones become weak. In practice, there have been cases of serious cardiovascular diseases, for example, stroke or heart attack.

Premature aging is currently considered one of the most important problems that scientists are still studying, since no reliable treatment has been found. The life expectancy of patients is very short, and on average it barely reaches 14 years. Maximum term residence is 21 years, and it is noted that death, just like in old people, most often occurs due to the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

Scientists have proven that in 90% of cases of this disease, premature aging is a consequence of a mutation in a certain gene. Disturbances occur in the genotype. This disease cannot be transmitted hereditarily, that is, if one child experiences premature aging, then there is no need to worry about the health of future children and be afraid of the next conception. Of course, there are situations when two relatives fall ill in one family. But scientists classify this as an accident, but not a pattern or heredity. The probability of this incident is only 1 percent out of 100 possible.

The manifestation of the main symptoms, for example, sudden hair loss, weight loss and growth retardation, can only lead to certain thoughts. A specialist can accurately diagnose premature aging of children only by conducting genetic research. As noted above, there is no clear way to treat this terrible disease no, which is why active work is underway in this area. With progeria, destruction occurs. It is believed that the drug farnesyltransferase, which is intended for the treatment of cancer, is capable of restoring cellular structure, including the destroyed core. While experiments were carried out on mice, they showed that there were minor improvements. The trial involved 13 mice that were injected with the drug for three months, and only one incident occurred.

But hope for sick children never fades, because medicine is developing every day and is moving by leaps and bounds towards solving many of the most important problems. For example, in America, experts have put forward a version according to which the antibiotic rapamycin can become a real obstacle to the active destruction of cells. In ordinary life, it is prescribed to people who are planning surgery because rapamycin reduces the functioning of the immune system. Through numerous experiments and studies, it has been proven that antibiotic compositions can gradually stop a rapidly progressing disease. But before it is fully confirmed, it must undergo many more checks.

At the current stage of science, it is believed that aging is a natural process and it cannot yet be changed, but can be slowed down. However, people often provoke themselves premature attack all manifestations accompanying old age, leading wrong image life and setting into motion mechanisms of self-destruction.

To begin with, let’s define that “old age” and “aging” are different concepts. Aging is not always related to a person’s passport age; it is a natural process for everyone, but the speed at which it occurs varies from person to person.

Old age is a condition that does not always depend on age. I would say this: “We all get old, but not everyone is old!” At 50 years old a person may have wear and tear internal organs, like an 80-year-old person, and vice versa. That is, in this case we're talking about more about physiological age, not biological age.

Old age- this is a decrease and extinction of human vital functions, internally manifested as wear and tear of organs and systems, and externally as lethargy, sagging skin, wrinkles, gray hair.
Factors of old age can be divided into two groups:

Genetic, hereditary, that is, those features that we have almost no influence on (diseases, metabolic patterns, genetic mutations).

External- medical, social, lifestyle, nutrition, ecological situation. In general, by acting on them we can neutralize their effect on aging.

All these groups of factors influence biological processes, however, the first group of factors occurs in a minority of people, and most often we trigger the second group of factors. However, we can completely reduce their impact on the body by identifying specific causes of aging and trying to avoid them.

Causes of premature aging:

1) Ecological state environment. Life expectancy increases in proportion to the decrease in the degree of air, water, and soil pollution.

2) Accompanying illnesses, especially chronic ones (hypertension, diabetes, ischemia) if not dealt with, contribute to the appearance early signs aging.

3)Low physical activity promotes the progression of existing cellular damage and accelerates the onset of old age.

4) An unhealthy diet with a predominance of refined foods, sugar, fatty and salty foods can shorten life by 6-10 years.

5) Excess weight is enough serious test for an organism that wastes its resources on the intensive work of all organs and systems. Every extra 4 kg shortens your life by 1 year.

6) Smoking and alcohol are the undisputed leading causes leading to decrepitude of the body, and sometimes to premature death.

7) Stress and negative emotions often disrupt the functioning of the body at the cellular level, causing various diseases and indirectly promoting aging.

8) Overeating. Most centenarians are thin and eat in moderation. Reducing the calorie content of food by 20-25% increases life expectancy by 2 times.

9) The state of our immunity. Studies have shown that strong the immune system It copes best with cell damage, and completely eliminates many factors of early aging.

10) Lack of positive psychological attitudes for longevity. People who are pessimistic about the inevitable onset of old age and death at 70, despite the efforts of doctors and a favorable environment, more often fulfill their scenario than those who intend to remain cheerful and active for as long as possible!

Think about what reasons in your life you could get rid of right now? I wish you to have as few of these reasons as possible!

Old age is a naturally occurring period age development, The final stage ontogeny. Aging is inevitable biological destructive process, leading to a gradual decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the body; characterized by the development of so-called age-related pathology and an increase in the likelihood of death.

The time of old age is arbitrary. Men and women aged 55-60 to 75 years are considered elderly, from 75 years old - old, from 90 years old - centenarians. It is assumed that the species life expectancy of a person is 92-95 years.

It is known that human aging in the vast majority of cases occurs according to the premature (accelerated) type. Living conditions modern society, diseases widespread in the second half of life (atherosclerosis, ischemic, hypertension etc.), accelerating the aging process, lead to premature aging and death before reaching the species biological limit of life. Therefore, prevention, early detection and treatment of pathological processes is important point in a set of measures aimed at preventing premature aging. At the same time, this problem continues to be actively discussed among scientists to this day; There are diametrically opposed views on this issue.

In modern gerontological literature, the terms “physiological” and “premature” aging are widely used, but the issue of these two types of aging has been debated for almost a hundred years.

The literature contains numerous data on changes in organs and systems of the body during the process of natural, physiological aging. The situation is completely different with the study of premature aging, which is the main, most common form of aging in people after 40-50 years of age.

Premature aging is understood as any partial or general acceleration of the rate of aging, leading to the fact that a person is “ahead” of the average level of aging of his own. age group. At the same time, age-related changes occur earlier than in healthy people appropriate age. In other words, with premature aging, a person’s biological age is ahead of his calendar (passport) age.

Despite the complexity of isolating the premature aging syndrome, the need to study it is due to clinical practice and the importance of clarifying the causes and mechanisms of premature aging, its main indicators and ways of therapeutic and preventive action.

The WHO seminar on problems of gerontology, held in 1963, was devoted to the criteria of physiological and premature aging. in Kyiv. According to its resolution, physiological aging refers to the natural onset and gradual progression of age-related changes that are characteristic of a given species and limit the ability of the organism to adapt to its environment. Premature aging should be understood as any partial or more general acceleration of the rate of aging, leading to the fact that the individual is “ahead” of the average level of aging of the healthy group of people to which he belongs. It was emphasized that physiological and premature aging is caused by exposure to both internal factors(including genetic) and factors external environment. Naturally, with each of the above types of aging, the influence of these factors is completely different.

The complexity and controversy of a clear definition of premature aging syndrome is due to the fact that we do not yet fully know the mechanisms and sequence of processes that develop during physiological aging. In any case, it can be assumed that the factors leading to premature aging may turn on different stages development of physiological aging, modifying its mechanisms and manifestations, affecting the pace and nature of the development of senile changes.

The main difficulties arise when trying to determine the essence of premature aging, its mechanisms and development paths. There are two different approaches possible here. On the first approach early development signs of old age are considered regardless of the cause that caused them. Indeed, clinicians are well aware of the various pathological processes, leading to fairly rapid decrepitude, early appearance external signs, typical for older people, functional and structural changes in organs and systems that accompany the disease and aggravate it. It is enough to remember how much older than their age the patients even look outwardly coronary disease hearts, CNLD, peptic ulcer, diabetes mellitus etc. Emotional stress, mental stress, exposure to radioactive substances and many other factors are often the cause of premature and rapid development senile changes.

Proponents of another point of view believe that the occurrence of early signs of old age (accelerated aging) is not associated with any specific diseases or external reasons, but is caused by peculiar endocrine-metabolic shifts. However, such an understanding is unlikely to find wide support, since what cannot be detected at present due to limited diagnostic capabilities may in the future turn out to be quite provable.

It seems to us more productive and of specific practical significance to study premature aging in the aspect of those diseases or pathological conditions, which modify and complicate the aging process, leading to early and rapid decrepitude and disability.

A characteristic feature of premature aging is a more pronounced limitation of the body's adaptive capabilities, which, however, decrease during normal, physiological aging. This, ultimately, can lead to a sharp reduction in the reserve capabilities of the functioning of organs and systems of the body. With premature aging, some structural and functional age-related changes not only accelerate, but sometimes acquire a character opposite to that observed during physiological aging.

From the huge number of risk factors for premature aging, one can distinguish endogenous (diseases, heredity) and exogenous, environmental factors (physical inactivity, mental stress, excess nutrition, bad habits, environmental pollution, etc.).

A person’s age reveals the condition of his skin, hair and teeth. In addition, signs of aging include deterioration in health, memory and inhibition of the thought process in general. Is it possible to turn back time and prolong your youth? Yes. To do this, you need to change your habits, diet and follow the simple tricks that will be discussed in this article.

Prevention of premature aging

Calcium for healthy bones and teeth

It is necessary to structure your diet so that the body receives a sufficient amount of calcium until the age of 30. The fact is that the process of density growth bone tissue stops around this age. After 30, it’s worth following a high-calcium diet to stay healthy. bone skeleton and teeth.

It is important to note that women over forty are more likely than men to develop osteoporosis, as there is a sharp decrease in bone mass. This is also the cause of frequent fractures.

It is necessary to eat foods with high content calcium, namely: nuts, herbs (parsley, basil), plant milk (almond, corn, sesame, etc.).

Vitamins for youthful skin

As mentioned above, aging skin is one of the main signs of aging. Exists different ways maintaining her beauty and youth, but, of course, the most important thing is nutrition. You can't eat poorly and look good. It is necessary to eat healthy foods, namely fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs, which are rich in vitamins. All are important, but A, E and D are especially valuable for skin health.

Vitamin A for skin. To prevent premature aging of the skin, the regeneration of its cells is important. Thanks to vitamin A, it is updated in a timely manner.

It is easy to understand whether you are getting enough of this substance or not. If even minor skin damage (for example, cuts) heals slowly, the skin becomes dry and flaky, then the body does not have enough of this vitamin.

Sources of vitamin A: melons, greens, raspberry leaves, carrots, sea buckthorn, peaches, sweet peppers, pumpkin.

Vitamin E for skin. Tocopherol serves important substance for the beauty of the skin, as it effectively fights the signs of aging, protects against UV radiation and aggressive environments. In addition, the vitamin protects the body from aging and the formation of free radicals.

Sources of vitamin E: avocado, greens, legumes, beet and carrot tops, chestnuts, corn, nuts, sprouted grains, seeds.

Vitamin D for skin. This vitamin has a positive effect on the entire human body. As for the skin, it helps eliminate inflammation, skin diseases and accelerates the process of “renewal” of its cells.

Sources of vitamin D: grapefruits, nettles, parsley, brewer's yeast, sprouted wheat grains.

Omega-3 for the brain

As a person ages, the functioning of the brain begins to weaken. Memory and concentration become worse. In other words, we can say that the brain is aging.

Thanks to numerous studies, it has been found that Omega-3 effectively fights the signs of aging, stimulates brain function and promotes memory. Its use is an excellent prevention against Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, Omega acid accelerates the healing process of wounds, improves the condition of skin, hair and nails, and eliminates fine wrinkles.

Sources of Omega-3: avocado, legumes, mustard oil, walnuts, strawberry, hemp oil, linseed oil, leeks, raspberries, flax seeds, cauliflower, spinach.

Work for the brain

In order to stimulate and maintain the brain in good shape, it is also recommended to constantly set various tasks for it and perform them.

Note that people begin to age quickly when they retire. Inactivity and watching television leads to degradation, deterioration of memory and intelligence.

Reading books, social and physical activity, studying foreign languages, setting goals and achieving them slow down the aging process of the brain.

Never stop developing yourself. Any age is a great time to start learning something new for yourself. Brain activity helps keep your mind sane.

Ability to relax

Life modern people filled with stress. They lead to wear and tear of the body and exhaustion vitality person, and as you know, all this is reflected on his face. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to deal with them. Try to exclude from your life everything that upsets you, focus only on the good and positive. A smile adorns a person, gives him radiance, charm and beauty. improves mood, health and prolongs life.

Try to follow a daily routine: go to bed no later than 10 pm and get up early. If you have trouble sleeping, start meditating (try it), take relaxing baths and exercise. Insomnia is fraught with disruption of the production of the hormone of youth - melatonin.

UV protection and skin hydration

Sun rays are one of the main causes of skin aging. The sun dries it out and promotes the formation of deep wrinkles. As many scientists claim, even a light tan is harmful to the epidermis.

Therefore, before going outside, always apply to your body. protective agent. It's best to use . And to protect your facial skin, wear hats (caps and wide-brimmed hats).

To keep your body firm, young and elastic, moisturize it regularly: drink plenty of water and use healthy cosmetics after taking a bath. Again, we repeat that the best and most harmless to health is the use of vegetable oils.

Drinks against premature aging

Coffee and carbonated drinks need to be eliminated from your life forever if you want to prolong your youth. They negatively affect the condition of hair and skin, and, of course, health in general. Agree that White hair will not make you look beautiful, they will only add a few more years to you.

In addition, coffee and soda spoil digestion, increase acidity, wash calcium out of the body, and cause skin rashes.

To normalize and rejuvenate, you should drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. It serves as the most accessible and simple means for the healthy functioning of all organs. Its use in sufficient quantity Helps maintain skin tone.

Avoiding meat to prolong youth

We can talk for a long time about the dangers of meat for human health. Here we will only mention that great content It contains fats and carcinogens and negatively affects the appearance. Besides, this product impairs blood circulation, which in turn leads to the formation of plaques, obesity and rapid aging of the body.

If you don’t believe about the benefits of vegetarianism, then we would like to introduce you to Christie Brinkley (see photo). The year of her birth is 1954! In the photographs presented she is 62 years old!!! And it's not a joke!

Christie Brinkley has been a vegetarian since she was 13 years old and has 3 children, her last one being born when she was 44 years old. She is active social life, filmed in fashion magazines. And at the age of 51, this amazing woman signed a multi-year contract with a cosmetic brand.

Her secret is that she doesn't eat meat. The model's diet consists of fruits, berries, vegetables, oatmeal and legumes. When she wants something sweet, she drinks coconut water and eats banana chips. And, of course, she plays sports, mainly running, yoga, dancing, surfing and rafting.

Christie Brinkley is a great example of what healthy image life is able to turn back time.

Nothing is given for free, including youth and beauty. To maintain them, you need to work on yourself every day. If you want to slow down the aging process, turn back time and pleasantly surprise people by telling your real age at 40, 50, 60 years old, but start with today change your bad habits to useful ones.

Be young in body and soul! ;)