The Wheel of Life Balance is a powerful tool for success and harmony. Exercise “Wheel of Life Balance”: step-by-step instructions

It is difficult to find a middle ground to combine making money, caring for loved ones, good rest, self-development. Some things take more energy, and some things simply don’t have any left. Where harmony is missing - the Wheel can show life balance. It also instills faith that not everything is so bad, and no one has canceled the opportunity to correct many things on their own. In Buddhism, the concept of the “Wheel of Life” is given a lot of attention. Apparently not in vain.

Usually it is prepared for six months or 12 months. Try experimenting on New Year's Eve to start from scratch on the first sheet of the calendar. Don’t know what the Life Balance Wheel is and how to create it? Our instructions will tell you. Well, shall we start now?

Create your own wheel

  1. Think about your main life values. Write them down on a piece of paper. How much you get depends on the individual. Much depends on temperament and other factors. These should be areas that are significant to you, without which you cannot exist:
    - family,
    - health,
    - Job,
    - hobby,
    - children,
    - relationship,
    - Friends,
    - money,
    - rest,
    - spirituality...
    There are many variations. Let this be a kind of test that will allow you to learn a lot of interesting things.
  2. On another sheet of paper, draw a circle (or you can download it), divide it into as many parts as there are areas of life. You need to fill out each of them like a form.
  3. And rate it in points - from one to ten. We write a point on the axis and draw a bow.

    For example, you have a wonderful family where mutual understanding reigns. No complaints. Then you can safely give it a ten, everything is normal and sincerely pleases.

    Health pumps up. Thanks to Heaven, there are no terrible diseases, but my health is poor, my body is weakened, and easily succumbs to various viruses. Things are bad, there is no place for a top ten here. Five or six, no more.

    Favorite hobby. If there is simply no such thing, put one. When you have a hobby, but it’s hard to remember when you took it up, you get a bad grade. Well, an activity for the soul, to which you devote at least a little time every day, requires the highest rating.

    Job. Do you like what you do? Team, salary, result? Are you getting a decent return on your efforts? Think carefully. Is everything harmonious? So, 10. Not really, do you want more? 5-6 points.

    Rest. Remember when you were truly able to relax. Was it joy not only for the body, but also for the soul? Is it possible to find time for leisure in daytime, how is your weekend? Are you getting enough sleep and feeling energetic? Give points by answering questions honestly.

Rating system

Thanks to this technique, each area of ​​​​life will receive a certain verdict. Focus on your feelings and do not try to deceive yourself, this is inappropriate here.

The evaluation criterion is possible based on the following parameters:

  • 0 - 3 - the situation urgently needs to be changed, very bad, neglected;
  • 4 - 7 - partially requires changes, foundation for painstaking work;
  • 8 - 10 - stable, successful, without any comments.
Don't deceive yourself, answer frankly, and you can brag to others.
Not all areas of life will score high. Something dominates, something receives less attention, but does not lose importance.

Looking at the picture, it will not be difficult to understand which areas are already a priority, and which ones need to be infused with strength. This method will help the Wheel of Life Balance become harmonious.

Let's start making changes in life

Let's take a closer look at the situation

Mark the levels on the scale and connect the dots. The picture will allow you to understand the distortions in the landmarks. Note where the imbalance is visible and what needs to be given maximum attention. If you improve these areas, other areas of your life will also begin to transform. Over time, you will see that such planning was not in vain.

The goal is like the light of a beacon.
Select a Goal. Note the ways to achieve it and write them down too. This will raise your score to highest value. State it clearly, don’t worry about the Goal seeming unrealistic. The Universe will hear your requests and will certainly help you realize them. Even if the task at first glance seems unrealistic.

Make a plan to work with each sector

It is advisable to select no more than 2-3 areas that are most in need of change.
  1. What needs to be done to create a feeling of comfort.
  2. Specific actions.
  3. How long will it take to work on improving this area?
  4. Try to set a certain period within which you can realistically meet. A month, two or whole year. Focus on your inner potential.
  5. It’s important not to feel like you’ve taken this on from someone else’s primus. Drawing up the plan itself, as well as the prospect of implementation, ideally inspires and pleases.
It is rational to compose it in such a way that pleasant innovations entail positivity in other areas. Everything is interconnected - both in the world and in our aura.

Classic example: if you have long dreamed of going on a trip, organize it with your child; fill the void of communication with your child - impressions and improvement will appear. Or start going to the gym, do exercises regularly - thanks to this, your figure, health will improve, and you will have time for yourself. That is, when you work on one area, the others are adjusted as well.

An example of working with each sector

More details...

We choose the “Self-development” sector as an option. There is a need to improve it because it is too neglected. We draw up an action plan.

  1. Decide exactly how you want to develop: read books, study foreign language, look for yourself in a new hobby. Write it down.
  2. Create the required base. If this is a book by your favorite author, you need to go to the library, download the work on the Internet or buy a book. To sign up for language course, take advantage of online lessons from the Internet. As for a hobby, study information about it, look for master classes, meet people who do it. Try your hand and create!
Periodically summarize the changes. This good workout. At least once a month, analyze whether something is really happening or whether the cart has not budged.

Repeat, but differently

After three to four months, draw a new Balance Wheel. Forget that you've already done it. Create with fresh thoughts. As an element of the motivation system, it’s a good idea to hang a picture with your Wheel above your workplace or where your attention is concentrated in the house.

It is useful to download images that appeal to you and could become a reflection of your life. Use Photoshop, create bright, hotly desired pictures that are so lacking in everyday life. Attach the illustrations next to the Wheel. Great addition!

Everything that is unreal has a chance to transform into reality

Try setting yourself small tasks as the new day begins. Follow them so that the Wheel of Life Balance rolls confidently, smoothly, without losing its shape. Such a coaching technique will certainly bring rich results.

We are the creators of our own unique world and have great abilities to build it the way we want. If grace and pleasure reign in the consciousness, the Universe feels it. She responds to good deeds and thoughts with bright and unexpected signs. Nothing is impossible! You have to firmly believe in this.

In conclusion, the famous Chinese parable about the sage and the soldier:

A stern soldier blocked the path of a sage walking along the road and asked him:
"Who are you? And where are you going? What do you need?"

To which the humble elder asked his question: “How much does your boss pay you?”

“Two baskets of rice a week,” was the soldier’s reply.

“I will pay you twice as much if you ask me these questions every day,” the wise old man told him.

Let's think more often about where the river of life takes us, what we need in this world, and what we are like!

Let inspiration never leave you, everything goes well, and the Wheel of Life Balance moves confidently only forward!

People tend to regret the past and worry about the future. All these negative experiences prevent you from living happily in the present moment. As a result, we lose our most valuable resource - time. In order to return everything to its place and begin to exist in harmony with yourself and your plans, you should set the wheel of life balance in motion.

Coaching concept

Coaching is an English term meaning specific type training. In this process, the person - the client - is guided and accompanied by a coach. He is a specialist who helps others in any problematic situations where it is necessary to start moving towards the goal. In terms of the content of the work, this is very close to training events, but such a profession does not exist separately. A coach can deal with both personal issues specific person, so professional activity the whole company or organizations. Coaching can be defined as the art of self-development and achieving results.

life balance?

Coaching has many techniques for achieving the goals set by the customer. One of his methods is the analysis of the most significant spheres of human activity. It is customary to highlight the following areas: career, finances, health, friends and family, routine activities and home or space, entertainment and relaxation, personal growth, spiritual development. You can select any other items that are important for a particular individual.

So, the wheel of life balance is a fairly effective coaching exercise that will help:

Decide on current events of your life;

Clearly highlight desires and needs;

Make plans for the future;

Assess the degree of your personal and professional success;

Draw conclusions that contribute to positive changes in life.

The main components of life

Let's take a closer look at the typical categories included in the wheel of life balance. Self-realization is one of the main highest needs of a person as an individual. And it manifests itself in:

1. Health. When we're talking about O full life, physical form And wellness should come first. Caring for yourself and your future also manifests itself in attention to your own body.

2. Family and friends. You can draw strength from loved ones; they are part of you, your support. Communication, relationships and the entire environment have a strong influence on a person and largely determine his own views on life.

3. Work. Employment not only brings income, but is also a necessary aspect of life, where skills, abilities and talents are demonstrated. An important part of balance is material satisfaction and what you love.

4. Everyday life. There is no escape from everyday life, but at the same time, household responsibilities should not be a burden. You need to devote a reasonable amount of time to this, which will be enough to keep your home tidy and clean.

5. Rest. As soon as you have free time, you can go to nature, meet with friends, just relax to calm music and get away from the noise of the city. Any type of creativity will help you gain strength and switch from active everyday days - knitting, drawing, making postcards, etc.

6. Personal and spiritual growth. Without self-improvement and development, a person cannot exist. You can’t stand still, bring variety to your life - gain new knowledge, gain experience.

Drawing your own wheel of life balance

The entire process may take an hour or more. But in any case, there is no need to rush, you need to make good use of this time. Putting aside extraneous matters, you focus only on yourself and on understanding what the wheel of life balance is and what its elements are.

First, you need to take a white sheet of paper and draw a circle on it, dividing it into eight parts. Then we sign which sector belongs to which area of ​​life, and give them overall rating on a 10-point scale. Evaluation criterion - degree of satisfaction (from work, family relations etc.). For clarity, it is better to use colored pencils or felt-tip pens, which can be used to shade a certain area in the drawing.

Second version of the exercise

The proposed task can also be completed using a specific computer program. So, the life balance wheel in Excel is done as follows. First you need to write on paper the names of the spheres and the resulting numerical values. Set the number of sectors in the columns of the Excel table. Next, click on “insert” in the dialog box and select “radar chart” or “pie histogram”. The most important thing is to enter the data and do not forget about their signature, so that it is more clear what is shown in the picture.

Interpretation of the result

All fields presented are linked. If they represent equal development, then the necessary harmony appears in life. We can say that if, say, you are successful in your profession, which brings in a good income, but your health leaves much to be desired, then, most likely, work takes too much effort. We need to reconsider our schedule and devote more time to rest. The spiritual area may also suffer, and in contrast to it, the cultural and entertainment side of life will actively develop. Then the person is also inattentive to himself - he is not interested in his inner world. The balance is disrupted, which in turn leads to negative experiences and further apathy.

The benefits of this method

The wheel of life balance is strategic. So you can call it differently. This means that your life is in your hands, and everything goes this way because the person himself set such goals for himself and chose such a course of action. The wheel of life balance only shows what you have achieved in your life. this moment, and also leads to conclusions about what needs to be changed to more fully realize one’s potential or solve current problems in any areas.

A complex approach

The wheel of life balance (or value system) is an excellent way to organize and structure your life due to the fact that there is a fairly detailed assessment of those areas where a person manifests himself. The more serious the attitude towards the process, the more likely the positive effect. After the drawing is ready and an opinion has been formed about the areas of life marked on it, it is advisable to answer a number of questions for yourself that will help you figure out whether there is balance in your life. Which sectors are performing poorly and why? Are you satisfied Current state personal and professional life? What can be done to achieve greater harmonization of the spheres?

In the future, when interacting with a coach, you can use the life balance wheel. The program of its work is precisely auxiliary in terms of resolution various kinds problems and questions, both independently and with a specialist. Need to understand main principle: knowing is not enough, you need to act to really change something. Now you have data in your hands with which you can work - set goals, outline prospects and, ultimately, build a new life.

The Life Balance Wheel helps you quickly assess your current state. By looking at and assessing each area in detail, you can easily see what you need to work on in the future.

Practical exercise

The Wheel of Life Balance is a wonderful technique that should be done several times a year to soberly assess your situation. It clearly shows where you are at the moment, what you have achieved in the past and what your goals are for the future. The wheel demonstrates where your energy flows and why you lack the strength to improve in another area.

Our life as a whole can be divided into 8 main spheres (in other versions there are 12 spheres). Each of them has a specific sub-sphere. All spheres must be divided into 10 divisions. Starting from the center of the circle, you need to evaluate each area in your life according to your personal feelings and color in the scale.

Don't think long about the points. The first number that comes to mind will be correct.

Ideally, the wheel should be smooth so that it can spin forward and move a person through life. But more than 90% of people are in severe imbalance in life, if we consider them on this wheel.

Health and sports

Sphere Health and sports is fundamental. All other spheres of the wheel of life balance depend on it. If a person has health problems and experiences some discomfort, then other things in other areas begin to slow down or sag. A person will not be able to devote proper time to his work or family because he will be concerned about his health.


  • well-being;
  • appearance;
  • mobility;
  • mood;
  • walks in the open air;
  • cheerfulness;
  • daily regime;
  • diet;
  • workout;
  • figure;
  • proper nutrition;
  • circadian rhythm ( right time for sleep).


The wheel of life balance cannot spin without the sphere Relationship. This includes any type of communication and relationships: family, close friendships, love. This sphere reminds us that we should not forget about our parents, grandmothers, sisters, brothers and friends. As you evaluate it, ask yourself these questions:

  • How long have you been on a romantic date?
  • How long has it been since you had a heart-to-heart with your parents/brothers/sisters?
  • Are you paying enough attention to your children?

In the wheel you need to mark average. If your relationship with your loved one is 10, and with your parents is 2, then the average value will be 6.

You can download a free template for the wheel of life balance for 8 spheres on our website.

Friends and surroundings

The wheel of life balance must be maintained Friends. This sphere includes all colleagues, acquaintances and friends, neighbors and not very close friends. If you want to go to new level and attract quality people into your life, then you need to work on this area.

Being surrounded successful people, you too will become successful. This is where the mirror projection comes into play: you are what you see.

When assessing this area, ask yourself these questions:

  • How long has it been since you went to the movies with friends?
  • After you got married, do you still communicate with your friends or do you pay all your attention only to your husband and children?
  • Can you easily find mutual language with strangers?
  • Do you support/encourage your friends in difficult situations?
  • Do you leave positive comments on your buddies' photos?

Career and business

The wheel of life balance cannot be imagined without a career and business. This area is very indicative and significant. This is an indicator of what career stage you are currently at or an indicator of how successful your business is. It is important to understand what is important to you in this center.


  • social status;
  • employment;
  • Job;
  • career growth.

Life balance wheel template for 8 spheres.


This area considers any type of skill and all your income. Finance must be taken into account from all sources from which you receive it. Usually, but not always, the sphere Money closely related to the field Careers and business. Try to honestly assess your income level.

If you are happy with your job but not happy wages, then you should think about additional sources of your income or improve existing ones.

Spiritual growth and creativity

Everyone understands this area in their own way. This may include:

  • any creativity;
  • any art;
  • faith/religion;
  • practices;
  • meditation;
  • esoteric literature;
  • hobby.

Wheel of life balance (example).


The wheel of life balance includes a sphere Self-development. This includes everything that is aimed at your personal development and growth: studies, courses, training videos. A person develops or degenerates. And it’s up to everyone what to choose.

Brightness of life

This area includes those moments that are easily remembered. Brightness of life These are events that you always want to remember. Here you can include everything that just comes to your mind:

  • trips;
  • bike riding;
  • hiking in the forest with tents;
  • kayaking on the water;
  • skiing on the slopes;
  • birth of a child;
  • interesting movie;
  • Yes, just yesterday the sun was shining brightly.

How to improve

Which wheel of life balance did you get? If it's level and can spin, then you - superman! But if it doesn’t turn out smooth enough, then you need to work on your life.

How to improve the balance wheel? First you need to identify the cause of the imbalance and think about your problems. Next, you need to set goals for yourself. This is a very important criterion for achieving further success. At correct positioning goals in a person’s life, a lot will begin to change and improve.

Work on each area by setting yourself 2-3 goals for the next 3 months.

The essence of the task is simple. Take a piece of paper and draw a circle of life on it (as in the picture above). I want to immediately warn those who are very lazy, they should not do it in their minds, but rather draw it. Next step– determine for yourself 6-8 areas of life that have at least some meaning for you. Some of them are common to all people - Health, Work, Family/Close People.

Others may differ, for some people Money is important, for others access to Entertainment, for some Personal growth is important, or the presence of Property (apartment, car, etc.). There could be hundreds more different areas lives that are important to you personally. Divide the circle into sectors, each sector is an important area of ​​life for you.

Wheel of life balance.

Now think about how sick you rate each of them on a scale of 10.

Moreover, what is important here is not what you think others can estimate it at, but rather your assessment, your attitude towards it. This important point, so I'll explain it. For example, take a sector such as Family/close people; from the point of view of most people, success in this category is determined by the presence of a husband/wife, children, and close friends. Level of relationship with them. But if you live alone and are happy (at this particular moment in time), then evaluate this sector accordingly, and not from the generally accepted point of view.

Now, again, as in the picture, combine the ratings that you gave for each sector. You should end up with something like this:

The question is brewing: what does this life balance wheel mean and what should I do?

And not a single psychologist, coach or trainer can give you a 100% correct answer. Moreover, regardless of what happened in the picture. Only you can draw conclusions yourself, but to help with this I will give a couple of explanations.

It is believed that if you have a truly more or less uniform circle similar to a wheel, then life is balanced. It may completely satisfy you or, on the contrary, not completely suit you, but in such a situation there is really often no desire to change anything. You are in harmony with yourself, your life and your environment. Of course, if the wheel turned out to be large, with uniformly high marks in all areas of life, then one can only wish further success and not stop there. If you have uniformly low grades in all areas, it means you have to big job, but it will only make sense if you yourself want to change something. There are essentially two ways. First, try to change something evenly across all sectors, second, focus on one/two and make a breakthrough on them, and the rest will follow them.

If you have a completely uneven circle in the picture, then, as they say, the problems and the necessary directions for development are obvious. At the same time, you should not violently regret the failed areas of life, but realize and appreciate what you have already achieved. After all, your successes are what has ALREADY been done, and failures are just what you STILL have to do.

The Wheel of Life Balance is a unique model of your life. The life of every person consists of such important areas as family, health, work, self-realization, sports, recreation, hobbies, hobbies, relationships with people, financial well-being, personal growth.

A person who is equally well realized in all areas is considered harmonious and whole personality. Such a person lives with passion and joy. It's a perfect picture life success.

Today I invite you to find your starting point. In order to start moving forward very quickly, we need to decide where we are starting from. To do this, take a pen and a piece of paper, draw a circle and mark all the zones in which we will now consider ourselves:

We will look at your life in eight areas, we will find where you are today. You will answer all questions honestly, since it is not beneficial for you to lie to yourself. Today we will reveal those areas that are most in need of urgent support and your attention. Your influence on these areas will help you become that harmonious, balanced person who is happy himself and brings joy to others.

Today you will see not the person you want to appear to society, but the person you really are. Today we will diagnose ourselves.

So, according to our feelings, we evaluate ourselves in the first area - this is Health.

We put a bold dot on the corresponding number on the scale. If you are driving healthy image life, if you do not drink alcohol, if you do not smoke, if you balanced diet if you don't have excess weight if you don't have chronic diseases, if you drink 2 liters of water a day, then you put 9 or 10.

If everything is wrong, then you can give yourself any rating, even if it’s 2 or 3. There is very good news - we can fix everything!

We also further evaluate ourselves in Finance.

When I first did this exercise, I gave myself a 3. For what reasons did I do this? I thought that I would be very happy and feel free if my income were three times higher than it was on that day. You rate yourself based on your feelings and desires, based on how satisfied you are with your financial well-being today.


If you don't have a hobby, then it's 1. If you have a hobby, but you don't do it, then it's 2 or 3. If you have a hobby and spend an hour or more on it every day, then give it a high rating.


How harmonious do you feel in your family? How happy do you feel in your relationships with your loved ones? We are not talking about the family you were born into, your mom and dad. We are talking about the cell that you created yourself. Is it your personal relationship or is it your spouse and children. We give a rating.

Next section - Personal growth

How often do you improve? How often do you attend any conferences, lectures, trainings? How do you grow in your business or in your hobby? Do you read a lot of books, magazines, interesting publications? Maybe you are undergoing training on personal growth or study regularly science articles on personality development? We mark the corresponding number on the diagram.

Let's evaluate your work

How satisfied are you with your job, your business? How much do you put yourself out there and how much do you get results? How happy are you in your job?

Next we move on to Rest

When was the last time you had a vacation? Do you manage to rest during the day? How harmonious are you in your holidays on weekends? Are you happy? Are you getting enough sleep? Today we evaluate our vacation.

What's in your relationship?

How open are you to partnership? How ready are you to help people? And most importantly, are you doing this? Are you the kind of person who can resolve any situation? Are you really the kind of person who doesn’t create conflicts? Are you harmonious in your relationships with friends, with neighbors, with people you meet during the day? We rate how harmonious your relationships with other people are.

The point of this entire exercise is for you to analyze yourself, for you to diagnose yourself at the moment. It must be remembered that for everyone individual person at each stage of his life, one of the areas becomes the main one at a certain moment. And some move aside.

From today's work we can see what is important for us today and what is secondary. What did you pay more attention to and what sector did you spend more energy on, and what faded into the background and what segment did you forget or miss? Which sector have you left unattended? It is this that needs to be tightened a little and given energy so that your wheel begins to align.

We connect all the dots and get the figure:

We ask ourselves the question: if the resulting so-called wheel is multiplied and four such wheels are placed on our machine of life, will we be able to get to our dreams? Will we be able to arrive at the destination we want to go to? And most importantly, how fast can we move?

The idea behind this exercise is that aligning the wheel will allow us to achieve what we want more quickly. In the meantime, with such crooked wheels, we are trying to dream about houses, about cars, about business, about self-realization, about good relationships with loved ones. It turns out that in order to achieve any heights, we need to take care of ourselves and tighten the weak area of ​​our life, which, when aligned, will hook all the others, and our wheel will begin to align.

There is very good news for us today!

This picture that is now in front of you is a temporary phenomenon. Today everything is starting to change.

Does not exist magic pill. There are only your desire and your actions. Success is only possible in small steps. By taking a small step every day, you move towards improving your life. What you did today has already moved you forward. Think about it. Today you received full analysis yourself as an individual. And today you know what efforts you need to make, and most importantly in what area you need to work in order to improve your life.

Determine for today those two areas that do not reach 10 and which are most important to you. Start with them. Dedicate an hour to their development every day for 7 weeks and you will get results you never even dreamed of.

Your subconscious will try to agree with you to start on Monday. Well, we are definitely starting right now! Rethink everything that you learned about yourself today, realize and work through it, choose two areas, get active and start acting. You need to pull yourself out of where you are now. Start taking small steps and moving towards success today.

I believe that you will succeed! I know you can!