How to cut a cat's claws at home if she resists? How to trim a cat's nails: choose a tool and follow easy steps How to trim a cat's nails at home.

A cat at home brings both joy and problems at the same time. A beloved pet can damage wallpaper, upholstered furniture and clothes of the owners, because the claws of the animal grow throughout life and it needs to be systematically grinded down.

Many owners do not know how to properly trim a cat's nails and how not to harm her during such a procedure. Before you do this, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of your pet.

It is worth noting that cats living in apartments especially need cutting of their claws, since they have nowhere to grind them, unlike relatives who walk freely on the street. How to cut the cat's nails correctly and without unnecessary stress?

Can a cat cut its claws

In the wild, felines actively climb trees and run on the ground, as a result of which the claws of these animals are constantly worn down.

A cat living at home grinds them on a special scratching post made of natural materials, however, such a measure is not enough for proper claw care. If the owner forgets to cut them on time, then the animal will worry and feel discomfort, as the long claws twist and cause pain when walking.

Veterinarians believe that the condition of the claws directly depends on the breed and age of the animal. For example, Sphynx and Persian cats often suffer from excessive growth of the horny part and delamination, so their claws should be trimmed more than once a month.

In old pets, abnormal growth of the claws is sometimes observed, therefore it is recommended to trim them under the supervision of a specialist, and a correction of the diet is also necessary to strengthen the claws.

Some cat owners are afraid to cut their pet's claws because of the risk of damaging their limbs. To avoid trouble, you need to know the structure of these horn formations in an animal.

It is known that the cat's claw consists of a hard shell and blood vessels with nerve endings, as well as muscles, tendons and ligaments, with which the pet releases and hides its natural weapons.

Most cat owners are interested in the frequency of the described procedure. As a rule, a pet needs to shorten its claws once a month, sometimes they have to be trimmed more often.

Veterinarians and experienced breeders recommend accustoming the animal to the necessary procedure from an early age. An adult cat is not immediately aware of the limitations after shortening the claws, she may fall when trying to climb a closet and other interior items or survive stress.

People who have recently acquired a pet do not yet know how to properly trim a cat's claws and cannot avoid injuries and pain. Therefore, this should be done very carefully.

If you are afraid for the health of your pet or for some reason could not carry out the procedure yourself, then you can contact any veterinary clinic. A list of services is posted on the institution's website, where information on how much it costs to trim an animal's claws. As a rule, the price varies from 300 to 800 rubles.

Preparation for the procedure

Contrary to popular belief, nail scissors are not the best tool for trimming an animal's claws.

In a pet store or veterinary clinic, you can purchase special nail clippers, the blades of which are designed taking into account the structure of the cat's claw. A high-quality tool is made of stainless steel and has rubber grips on the handles, so the procedure does not take much time.

Every owner can cut the cat's claws at home, the main thing is to calm the animal with caress and not create stressful situations.

Immediately before the procedure, prepare the following items:

  • special scissors for trimming claws;
  • cotton wool;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Restless and active animals can be injured during the procedure, so the owner must be ready to help in case of failure.

If the cat's claws are too long, then a qualified veterinarian will help trim them correctly. In addition, he will tell the owner about how to hold the animal and use the tool. On the Internet, you can find many useful videos where experts and experienced breeders demonstrate the process of cutting the claws of cats.

Which tool to choose?

The modern pet market offers consumers a huge selection of cat nail trimmers. Having studied the range, the following types of tools can be distinguished:

  • rounded nail clipper;
  • forceps;
  • guillotine scissors.

The first option is a nail cutter with rounded blades that looks like the usual nail scissors, this tool is quite easy to use and is inexpensive.

Even a beginner can cut the claws of cats with the help of such a device; a claw is laid in special round cutouts and carefully shortened.
Nipper-shaped nail cutters are similar to pliers, they are equipped with an additional blade locking mechanism, which makes their use and storage safe.

Many models of this tool are distinguished by a special limiter that allows you to properly trim the claw to a safe length.

Veterinarians and experienced cat breeders know how to cut a cat's claws with guillotine-shaped scissors. The similarity of the device with the fatal invention of the past allows you to cut the stratum corneum quickly and painlessly, however, the disadvantage of the product is the inability to consider the length of the claw.

Pet grooming professionals and show cat owners use electric nail clippers that sharpen nails quickly and correctly with an abrasive wheel. On sale, such a device is quite rare, you can watch the process of its use on the video.

Process description

How to cut a cat's nails without unnecessary stress and scratches? After preparing the items necessary for the procedure, take the pet in your arms and stroke it. Experienced breeders recommend holding the animal affectionately, but firmly and firmly, otherwise it may jump out and run into another room.

The nail cutter and hands should be treated with alcohol to avoid contamination of possible wounds. In order for the claw to open correctly, you need to press your finger on the center of the cat's pad. It is important to cut the stratum corneum in good light, as in a darkened room a person will not be able to see the pink nerve endings.

The tool should be perpendicular to the surface of the paw and claw of the cat, you need to cut off the keratinized edge without touching the blood vessel. At the end of the procedure, each claw is recommended to be carefully filed with an ordinary nail file.

If the cat's claw is injured, then do not worry, treat it with hydrogen peroxide. How to trim the nails of a cat that behaves aggressively? An anxious animal is difficult to fix in a fixed position for a long time, so the necessary procedure can be stretched over several days and the claws cut gradually, as shown in many videos.

After completing the manicure, please your pet with a delicious treat or an entertaining toy; over time, he will get used to it and will react to this process with restraint.

The need to cut cat's nails

In the conditions of an apartment, a pet especially needs to shorten its claws and this procedure cannot be neglected. How to cut a cat's nails for the first time and how to avoid stress, a practicing veterinarian or a competent breeder will tell you on the day of purchase of the animal.

As a rule, trimming a kitten's nails is easy, so you should accustom your pet to this process from an early age.

Any cats and cats of the breed, including the Sphynx, Scottish, British cat and all the rest, need to be able to properly trim their nails, which become a real problem when keeping animals at home. At home, they tear up furniture, and also scratch everything they find suitable for this purpose. That is why it will not be superfluous to do a haircut correctly. Of course, you can go to the veterinarian with this task, but it’s really possible to achieve similar results at home with your own hands.

How often should a cat's nails be trimmed?

Cats that are not allowed outside need to have their nails trimmed regularly. In a young healthy animal, the frequency of cutting the claws is 2-3 weeks. Street cats and cats do not cut their claws. They serve as a source of protection and food for them.

How to cut the claws of a cat on its hind legs and is it possible to do this

Whether it is necessary to cut the claws of a cat on its hind legs is decided by the owner himself. Usually it is enough to make a cat manicure only on the front paws of the animal, because it is with the front paws that the cat most often scratches or causes material losses. If your pet is too mobile, likes to climb curtains and carpets (or for other reasons, because each animal has its own character), for its own safety, you can and should trim the claws on the hind legs.

How to trim your cat's nails at home

To trim the nails, you will need scissors or small nippers, as well as manganese to disinfect a possible wound. Lay the cat so that it is convenient for you to carry out this procedure. Take the paw of the animal and lightly press on its pad - the cat will involuntarily release its claws.

They cut off the edge of the claw to the place where it begins to turn pink - this is where the pulp begins with nerve endings and blood vessels, so if you touch it and cut off more than necessary, then blood will immediately come out. Then, in order to avoid infection and in order to stop bleeding, the wound will need to be immediately sprinkled with manganese crystals.

How to cut the nails of a British cat

Nail trimming for cats of the British breed is done every 3 weeks or as the claws grow. The procedure is absolutely painless for the cat, the main thing is not to touch the blood vessels. The beginning of the danger zone is clearly visible if you look at the cat's claw in the light, so the "manicure" should be done during the day or in good light. It’s a good idea to teach a kitten to a scratching post from an early age, then you and your pet will have less disagreement about what the upholstery on a chair or sofa is intended for.

How to cut a cat's claws with ordinary scissors, nippers, tweezers

If you choose whether to cut the cat's claws with ordinary scissors, nippers or tweezers, then nippers or tweezers will be preferable. Scissors, especially blunt ones, can exfoliate the claw. But in general, you can work with the tool that is more convenient for you. The main thing is that the cutting surface of the device is sharp and disinfected. But this is the opinion of cat lovers. Veterinarians, on the other hand, have a slightly different opinion and recommend purchasing special nail clippers for cutting nails.

If you have decided on the tool, then you can begin the process of trimming the claws. Squeeze the pad of the cat's paw with your thumb and forefinger so that it releases its claws. Take a close look and cut off the edge of the claw, not reaching the point where the claw begins to turn pink. The pulp is located here, and in no case should it be injured. You only need to trim the very edge!

Do not worry, the procedure for the cat is painless, and by removing the old, exfoliating claws, you will bring relief to the animal. After a couple of weeks, your pet's claws will grow back, but now they are stronger and healthier.

How to cut a cat's claws at home with guillotine scissors, guillotine

The terrible phrase "guillotine shears" or "guillotine" is actually a very convenient device for cutting the claws of pets. Having such a claw tool is a matter of five minutes. The main thing is to be careful and attentive. In order not to touch the blood vessels in the claw and not cause the claw to split, you need to cut while holding the guillotine strictly perpendicular to the claw. The dewclaw, located on the inside of the paw, is trimmed in the same way.

How to cut a cat's claws with special scissors, a nail clipper

Special scissors or a nail cutter are taken in the right hand so that the thumb rests on the lever. The cat is put on the hands and, slightly pressing on the pad of the paw, they are forced to release the claws. Carefully examine the claw to see the border of the beginning of the pulp. The dead area of ​​the claw is placed in the nail clipper perpendicular to the blade of the tool. Strongly press the nail cutter lever and cut off the intended part of the claw.

How to cut a cat's claws with secateurs

For cutting the claws of a cat, it is better to use a special nail clipper. Secateurs, unlike ordinary scissors, make the cut even and the claw does not delaminate in the future. There are many varieties of nail cutters produced, so before using the tool, you need to carefully study the instructions attached to it. The main thing is not to damage the pulp of the claw when cutting. If the border of its beginning is poorly visible, and this often happens in cats with dark claws, it is better to play it safe and cut off only the sharp part of the claw about 2 mm long.

How to cut the nails of a Scottish cat

Scottish cats are very intelligent. To accustom them to hygiene procedures, including cutting nails, is not at all difficult. The manicure of the Scottish cat is no different from the care of the claws of its other relatives. The main thing when cutting is not to damage the pulp and the blood vessels located in it. If you are careful, this will not happen, since the claws of cats of this breed are translucent and the border between the dead area and the pulp can be traced very clearly.

You can find out that your domestic fluffy or not very pet claws have grown if she began to cling to interior items, leave puffs on upholstered furniture, wake you up at night by diligently scratching something in your bedroom, or simply leave scratches on your skin. Yard cats practically do not face such a problem, since they move a lot in space and grind their claws in natural conditions. What should domestic cats do? Is it possible to cut their claws and how to do it correctly? We have tried to give comprehensive answers to all these questions in this article.

Can you trim a cat's claws?. Trimming the nails of a domestic cat is a necessary procedure for maintaining the health and well-being of the animal. Here is a list of reasons why you should trim your nails.
  1. Long claws can cling to home furnishings and, when a cat tries to free itself, damage to tear or completely tear out the claw.
  2. Long sharp claws will quickly damage objects and furniture that your pet usually plays with, as well as become a serious weapon if the cat does not like other living creatures in your house for some reason.
  3. Claws are made of a special substance called keratin that grows continuously. It also consists of human nails, which we cut ourselves regularly.
  4. Be sure to trim the claws on the so-called profit (fifth) toes of the front paws. They do not wear out on their own in cats and can grow in a circle and cut into the paw pad, causing pain to the cat.
  5. Even if your cat is accustomed to a scratching post, then when she pulls her claws, they do not grind down, but, on the contrary, sharpen more.
  6. This is much more humane than an onychectomy, an operation to completely remove the cat's claws under anesthesia, which causes irreparable damage to the cat's health. Due to the nature of the operation, part of the phalanx is removed from each finger, which will reduce the area of ​​​​the animal’s support, force it to learn to walk again, increase the load on the musculoskeletal system, and can lead to the fact that the cat will feel defective and turn into shy, withdrawn and unreasonably aggressive animal.
Therefore, it is necessary to accustom the animal to cutting its claws from an early age. This is monitored by breeders and, when transferring their pet to you, they must give their recommendations on how to properly trim the cat's claws. If for some reason they didn't, or if you were so enamored with your purchase that you forgot these tips, don't despair. There is nothing complicated in this procedure.

How to trim your cat's nails.
You need to prepare a little for this procedure. You will need:

  • tweezers, or special nail cutters (trimmers);
  • cotton pads and tonic to remove dirt from the claws, if any;
  • something tasty to appease;
  • towel;
  • hemostatic agent.
Most cats and cats do not like the procedure of cutting their claws. Temperaments and characters are different in all and in accordance with them they will react to your manipulations. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out this procedure together, so that one person fixes the tail in his lap, and the other works with tweezers. The most violent ones can be wrapped in a towel or a small blanket, leaving a pair of processed paws free.
Care must be taken to ensure that there is sufficient lighting that will allow you to clearly see where the pink pulp passes in the claw and not damage it during the cutting process.

The frequency of repetition of the following pruning is individual, but on average it is 3-4 weeks.
Be sure to praise your cat at the end of the whole action, that she was able to endure with honor an unpleasant procedure for herself.

Many furry owners are interested in how to trim a cat's claws.

After all, a pet is not only the joy of communicating with him, it is a responsibility for his health.

Each owner is obliged to properly care for his pet, in particular, it is worth knowing how to choose the right one and equip it for a pet.

However, one of the most important elements of care is taking care of the claws of the animal at home.

Every cat needs to have its nails trimmed.

Why do you need to trim your cat's nails?

In the process of washing. cats gnaw and bite their nails.

This is a natural process, they are trying so hard to shorten them.

Cats are also used for these purposes.

But the pet itself is unable to complete the grinding procedure.

Owners often do not understand why trim a cat's claws?

Not always animals, when they grind their claws on a scratching post, spoil furniture, or behave in an unusual way.

Therefore, the owners believe that help is not needed, that the pet will cope with everything on its own.

However, if the length of the claws does not prevent the cat from living a normal life, if the animal does not cling to claws, then this issue does not bother most owners.

Village cats grind their claws while walking

When does a cat need help and is it possible to trim the claws of each pet?

The owner should understand that it is not only possible to trim the claws, but it is also necessary to make this procedure regular.

In this case, you should know exactly how to properly trim the claws of a cat.

This is especially true for pets who live in apartments and lead a less mobile lifestyle than their rural relatives.

The claws grow very quickly, while they do not have time to shorten naturally (or about the scratching post).

Such rapid growth leads to the fact that the animal begins to cling to different surfaces with its paws.

Pets scrape the floor and start scratching the owners.

Then the owners think - how to cut the cat's claws in order to protect themselves, the house, and the animal?

If we are talking about the regularity of the procedure, then a haircut at home should be carried out based on the characteristics of the breed and the pet itself.

Usually a haircut is carried out twice a month.

In some cases, nails can be trimmed less often.

You should monitor the behavior of the pet in order to understand whether it is necessary to cut the claws already.

And in order not to think about where to cut your hair, you should take into account simple recommendations.

Important! Cats have a fifth claw on the back of their front paws. He does not take part in scratching. But if you do not cut it, then it can grow into the pads, than cause pain to the fluffy.

Nail clipping at home should be taught from childhood

For those who are interested in whether it is possible to trim kittens' nails, veterinarians recommend doing this for the first time on the fifth day of a kitten's life.

A haircut is similar to the procedure for cutting a child's nails.

How to properly trim a cat's nails?

There is nothing difficult in this procedure, you can handle it yourself.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, the pet will not have unpleasant impressions, and he will not be nervous and break out at the sight of scissors or if the procedure needs to be repeated.

Before cutting the cat's nails, you need to prepare tools, a hemostatic agent and cotton pads.

First you need to determine where the blood vessel ends on the claw.

The claws are transparent, so it is worth turning them into the light and this place will be clearly visible.

If a blood vessel is hit, bleeding will occur, and then inflammation may develop.

claw outline

If the location of the blood vessel is very close to the end of the claw, then you can shorten it a little.

If necessary, it is worth showing the pet to the veterinarian, a convenient one will help make this visit comfortable for the pet.

The cutting process itself is as follows:

  1. The cat should be placed on your lap. If it is not possible to cope on your own, then you can invite an assistant who will hold the pet. You need to gently talk and stroke the animal in order to distract from the procedure itself.
  2. You need to press the pad of the paw with your thumb so that a claw appears. It is better to make a cut transverse, so the animal will not feel discomfort.
  3. Trimmed areas need to be polished. For this, an ordinary nail file is suitable. Before you cut your cat's nails, you need to prepare this nail file.

With a rare trimming, the claws begin to interfere with the pet

Important! If, through negligence, a vessel was touched and bleeding began, it must be disinfected with an antiseptic. If the bleeding does not stop, you should immediately take your pet to the veterinarian.

What should I do if my cat is behaving aggressively?

Not all cats like a variety of manipulations, and therefore the question of whether it is possible to trim the nails of an aggressive animal often worries owners.

If you need to cut the nails of an aggressive cat, then you should follow the general rules.

It is necessary to choose the moment when the aggressive cat is in a calm, relaxed state.

For the safety of the owner and the pet itself, it should be swaddled

This is one of the most convenient solutions to trim the nails of a cat that has an aggressive nature.

You also need to gently press on the pads and cut off the claws.

Praise and stroke your pet.

It is also worth giving an aggressive cat her favorite treat, so that she behaves more calmly during the next procedure.

How often to carry out the procedure?

Many owners are concerned about the question, how often can you trim your claws at home so that your pet is healthy and active?

There is no single answer to this question, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the animal.

  • Nail growth directly depends on the characteristics of the cat's body;
  • Dark claws grow much more slowly than light plates;
  • In active pets who regularly use the scratching post and have the opportunity to frolic, the procedure should be carried out less often than in slow and lazy cats.

If there are small children in the house, then buying special ones is an excellent way out.

Then the paws of the animal will not pose a danger to the baby.

Popular anti-scratch pads

Harmless and high-quality models of overlays will not bring discomfort to the usual image of the fluffy, and with them the pet will have an attractive and colorful “manicure”.

How to trim a cat's nails, and do it right? Important recommendations on the frequency and technique of nail care.

Trimming a cat's claws has many benefits, not only for humans, but also for the cats themselves. In addition to being less harmful to human skin and your favorite sofa and carpet, clipped nails will save your pet from such trouble as an ingrown or broken claw. Nail trimming can be completely painless for both you and your furry pet. What secrets do you need to know? How to cut a cat's nails successfully and without nerves? Our article will help you easily cope with this task.

A little about cat claws

Cats have 18 toes and 18 claws, five on each front paw and four on each back. Polydactyl cats can have 6 or more fingers. This is a genetic failure that can occur in any breed, but is quite rare. It should be noted the structure of the cat's claw. This is a keratinized epithelium, and inside the sensitive part - blood vessels and nerves. No matter how many toes your cat has, or how well she grinds them down, you need to provide proper care to maintain healthy cat nails.

cat claws

Choosing the right tool

It is very important! Before you catch a cat and get down to business - make sure you have everything you need. Nail cutter, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide (don't worry, this is for safety net, especially if you cut your nails for the first time). If your pet has a lot of hair on its paws, for convenience, you can cut it a little (with ordinary scissors or a typewriter). There are several types of cropping tools. Basically, they are not much different. It is very important that the tool is sharp. Blunt nail cutters will lengthen the procedure and can make it painful and not entirely successful. Let's look at the tools for trimming and processing cat nails:

  • Nail cutter-scissors - usually comes in small and large sizes. The small ones are perfect for trimming the ends a bit. The large ones are designed for trimming large and hard claws. Equipped with a special notch for the claw. Very comfortably.
  • The forceps are comfortable and safe, they have a so-called blade lock. It is provided so that you cut only the necessary part without hitting anything important.
  • Guillotine - works in the same way as the mechanism after which it is named. It has a minus - you will not be able to fully see exactly how much you cut off the claw.
  • Electric Trimmer - Most electric trimmers have a cap that lets you control how much of the nail is exposed. This is a handy and important feature, especially for security.
  • Nail file - designed to file and make the surface of the cut claw softer and smoother.

If you have a small kitten, it is best to purchase nail clippers or tongs. For other ages, any tools will do.

cat showing claws

How often should a cat's nails be trimmed?

Here you should take into account the individual characteristics of each pet, for example, the rate of growth and lifestyle. Active cats grind off some of their claws on their own, while lazy kings of sofas do not. Consequently, the second manicure procedures are needed more often. Observe your cat and choose the optimal pruning frequency.

Cat's claws trimmed

Step-by-step instruction

How to cut the nails of our cats so that it is painless, fast and successful? We have prepared a complete instruction for the most capricious pets. If your cat takes things lightly, you can skip the first few steps:

  1. Most cats get very nervous and frightened when someone does something to their paws. Therefore, let the pet relax: stroke the paws a little. The cat can get up and leave. Let go of the situation: don't force her to do anything, but continue to gently stroke her paws when you have the opportunity. Reward your pet with treats to help create positive associations.
  2. Your task is to let the cat get used to the fact that her paws are in your hands. You must ensure that the cat does not become nervous or react in any way even when you press the pads to inspect the claws. Don't make sudden movements, be nice and friendly. And, most importantly, do not be nervous yourself - our pets feel everything.
  3. It is important to choose the right moment - choose the time when the cat is as relaxed as possible. For example, after eating. Or when she's getting ready to take a little nap.
  4. You must take a comfortable position. It should be comfortable not only for you, but also for the cat. So she will panic less and resist. If you have someone who can help, ask to hold the pet and calm him down.
  5. Gently press down on the foot to expose the claws. Take the tool prepared in advance. If the cat starts to protest, meow and try to scratch you - eliminate any aggression on your part. And don't try to finish everything faster, you can hurt her and scare her even more. Try trimming one or two claws first. Give a rewarding treat. Continue cutting until you're done.

Cat's nails trimmed with tongs

What to do if something went wrong?

First, don't panic. If you hit a sensitive part and you have hydrogen peroxide on hand, go to the kitchen and grab some cornstarch or flour. Apply a small amount to the tip of the nail - the starch and flour will act as a coagulant. This should stop the bleeding. Stay close to your pet for 30 minutes to make sure he doesn't lick the wound. If you cannot stop the bleeding within 30 minutes, you should contact your veterinarian. But in the vast majority of cases, everything ends well.

Cat before nail trimming