L carnitine indications and contraindications. Can I take carnitine without training? Which one is better to take?

If you are going to purchase L-carnitine,instructions for use for weight loss will be simply necessary. It will help you understand the forms of release, dosages, and methods of use.

Forms of release of L-carnitine

  • L-carnitine tartrate (for example);
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine (, and others).
  • Propionyl L-carnitine. Used in medical purposes to protect the heart and vascular diseases muscles.

The acetyl version, according to some experts, is more efficiently transferred to mitochondria. However, if the dosage of the acetyl group in the drug is violated, completely reverse process- acetyl CoA blocks transport. Therefore, not every product can be considered effective means for weight loss.

Considering that this form is relatively new on the market, there are not yet the necessary statistics that would confirm or refute its superiority over the classic version.

Use of L-carnitine in adults

L-carnitine has the following types of effects:

  • Promotes restoration of nerve tissue;
  • Improves the absorption of food, normalizes the process of secretion of gastric juice;
  • Increases men's chances of successful conception for various andrological problems;
  • In case of thyrotoxicosis, it helps to normalize protein and fat metabolism;
  • Improves overall performance.

Despite the many beneficial properties, the main reasons for the popularity of l-carnitine are its effectiveness in weight loss and gain programs muscle mass.

In 2007, studies were conducted on older people. During the use of l-carnitine, it was found that it promotes:

  • Reducing blood cholesterol levels;
  • Reducing fat mass;
  • Reducing fatigue, both physical and mental;
  • Increased muscle mass.

How to take L-carnitine for adults:

  • The norm for humans is 500 - 2000 mg. per day;
  • The standard single dose is 500-750 mg. 3 times a day, or 1000 mg. 2 times a day. Doses above 2 grams have no effect;
  • The optimal time to use is morning and between breakfast and lunch. By taking the substance on an empty stomach, you get the greatest effectiveness;
  • The peak activity of levocarnitine occurs 2 hours after consumption. Keep this fact in mind if you are using a pre-workout supplement.

Use of L-carnitine for children and adolescents

There are studies conducted on groups of patients different ages, who showed excellent results using levocarnitine together with coenzyme A (CoA/CoA). You can easily find information about them online. These studies showed the effectiveness of l-carnitine in adolescents with vegetative dystonia, growth retardation, muscular dystrophies different types, as well as for psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin lesions.

From the moment of conception, l-carnitine is the most important factor child development. During the prenatal period, the fetus can obtain energy in only a few ways, one of which is the breakdown of fats. It is in this process that carnitine is directly involved.

It is impossible to obtain the substance from thermally processed food. But the main source of levocarnitine is meat, which the child is unlikely to eat raw.

Instructions for using L-carnitine for children are simple. There are dosages for different ages:

  • Up to a year - from 10 to 30 mg;
  • Before three years- from 30 to 60 mg;
  • Up to six years - from 60 to 100 mg;
  • Starting from the age of seven and up to 18 years, the amount can be gradually increased to 300 mg.

If you use L-carnitine, the instructions for use of tablets and capsules may not always take into account your physiological characteristics. Therefore, it is worth contacting your nutrition consultant, trainer, nutritionist, or doctor to get the necessary information.

Video: Instructions for use of L-carnitine

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L-Carnitine- an amino acid, a natural substance related to B vitamins. Unlike vitamins, carnitine is synthesized in the body, which is why it is also called a vitamin-like substance. In medicine it is used to correct metabolic processes. Has anabolic (muscle mass growth), antihypoxic (resistance to oxygen starvation) and antithyroid effect, activates fat metabolism, stimulates regeneration, increases appetite.
(Wikipedia) Now the pharmaceutical and fitness industries widely exploit this amino acid. A lot of products are produced in tablets, capsules, liquid form, drinks and chocolate bars. Its popularity is fueled by mass advertising and low cost. A package of 20 tablets costs on average 220 – 240 rubles in a pharmacy. If you take 2 tablets a day, then a month will cost you 660–720 rubles. Agree, it's inexpensive. I won’t burden you with formulas and incomprehensible words. Your interest as a consumer is to find out if L-Carnitine works for fat loss. And if it works, what is its principle of operation and effectiveness? Under what conditions will the body begin to get rid of the usual volume of adipose tissue? These must be pretty tough conditions. Almost extreme. First, you must have sufficiently high physical activity. Be it training every day, work associated with daily running, unloading wagons with potatoes at night. Not that important. It is important that you spend enough every day a large number of calories and your heart rate was as fast as possible (meaning the average heart rate for the day). Plus, you should consume about 10% less calories than you burn. That is, constantly a little undernourished. All together, this will create powerful prerequisites for ridding the body of excess ballast. As you can see, the conditions are quite extreme. With a lot of physical activity, you are also a little undernourished. I don't encourage you to go hungry! Diet has nothing to do with hunger strike! But you need to consume 10% less calories than you spend. It is impossible to calculate this accurately. This must be achieved through experience. Now about L-carnitine. Remember, L-carnitine helps break down fat by transporting fatty acids. That is, if you have created the prerequisites (conditions) for the breakdown of adipose tissue, then carnitine will work. If there are no such conditions, then even if you eat it by the handful, it won’t help. In this regard, L-carnitine is a help in the difficult task of combating overweight, and not the main tool. The main tool is your determination. Additionally, this amino acid gives you extra energy and helps with your diet. Like any other amino acid, carnitine has no side effects(except in case of individual intolerance). Therefore, even its excess will not harm your body. But there will be no benefit from overdoses either.


If you create conditions for fat burning by increasing physical activity and cutting back on your diet, it makes sense to take L-carnitine. And it will work efficiently. But don't expect miracles from him. And remember, increasing physical activity and reducing calorie intake should occur gradually. The body must adapt to such changes. Otherwise, there will be little benefit from such rape of the body. I can recommend the following drugs:
  1. (20 - 25 ml per day)
  2. (25 - 40 ml per day)
  3. (4 - 6 capsules per day)

Expert opinion

Semina Irina - store consultant sports nutrition Fit-food.

I would like to draw your attention to the main, as it seemed to me, idea regarding taking Elcarnitine: that it will definitely help you lose weight, but it will not do all the work for you! Because I recommend it very often in our store this product for both men and women on the path of losing weight and cutting, I think that it is very important when a person understands - magic pills there won't be, but there is a lot good helpers. And of course, if used correctly, their effect can be magical. Regarding the nature of L-carnitine, I will add that this vitamin-like substance is found in raw meat, fish, chicken, dairy products, cheeses, cottage cheese, but raw foodism is controversial issue and, unfortunately, the cooking process, i.e. heat treatment products causes them to lose elcarnitine. So here it's just eating necessary products will not have the same effect as taking elcarnitine. The action of elcarnitine is based on its transport, delivery, improved penetration fatty acids(fat) into the cells of our body, namely into the mitochondria. Mitochondria produce energy and can do this from fatty acids. Therefore, when fat enters a cell, energy is released! And here I put an exclamation point to indicate the importance of the action of elcarnitine, that it has provided resources for you - use it, train and lose weight. The working dose of elcarnitine is from 1.5 to 3 grams. Offered different shape release: tablets, liquid ( liquid form) and powder. Of course, liquid products begin to be absorbed the fastest, but ease of use also plays a role, so it’s up to you to choose here! Good luck!

Elcarnitine(levocarnitine, L-carnitine) is a vitamin-related substance that stimulates the regeneration of nerve tissue, accelerates fat metabolism, and resists physical fatigue. The substance is synthesized (25% of the norm) in the liver and kidneys and enters the body with food. Restriction in the diet of meat and dairy products, inability to digest, tissue respiration disorder, metabolic disorders lead to deficiency L-Carnitine. The deficiency is manifested by fatigue, irritability, hypotension, sensitivity to viruses, overweight, and poor performance in schoolchildren. In older people, the concentration of the substance decreases due to a slowdown in biochemical processes. Physical and mental functions decrease, the myocardium suffers, and fatty deposits form in the liver.

Dietary supplements are recommended for athletes, children for the development of skeletal muscles, and vegetarians. The drug is prescribed for cardiac pathologies. Elcarnitine is widely used for weight loss. Reviews from patients indicate a decrease in arrhythmia, shortness of breath and an increase in stress tolerance. In case of thyrotoxicosis, the substance inhibits the production of thyroid hormones, the temperature normalizes, and muscle weakness, headaches, shortness of breath, fatigue, anxiety.

There are many drugs on sale with carnitine. But the substance exists in the L form and the biologically inactive D form. Some manufacturers' preparations contain both forms of the substance. As a result, the D-isomer reduces the concentration and prevents entry into the muscles and myocardium. In the USA they produce only pure L-carnitine, which can be purchased in the online store iHerb. Production from natural products or the biosynthesis method has a high cost, so the price of a natural drug is higher than a chemically synthesized one. Purchasing medications brands Now Foods, Solgar, and customers can be confident in their naturalness and the absence of D-carnitine isomer.

pharmachologic effect

Elcarnitine delivers oxygen to cells and activates energy production from fatty acids. Increases mobility, strength level, and endurance in all age groups.

Dietary supplements are useful for preventing vision loss. L-Carnitine slows down retinal vascular dystrophy and the development of cataracts.

Elcarnitine protects male reproductive cells from oxidative damage, increases sperm motility.

Dietary supplements are used to treat movement disorders in stroke, peripheral paralysis, brain injuries. The passage of nerve impulses, coordination, speech, and strength movements improve. L-Carnitine increases the chance of mobility and self-care.

Elcarnitine improves memory and learning, slows down the decline of cognitive functions and depressive symptoms in older people. The use of the supplement inhibits the development of hydrocyanic dementia, memory depression, speech disorders, coordination, mood, and vital activity.

Elcarnitine in cardiology

Doctors recommend L-carnitine to support the heart. In America, the results of a study of a group of 3,629 patients showed that, compared with placebo, it reduced the development of post-infarction angina by 40% and ventricular arrhythmia by 65%. Drugs that support the ability of the myocardium to contract, during ischemia, slow down the expansion of the left ventricle, and prevent the development of heart failure. Buy can be used as an addition to standard therapy. In stage 1 and 2 heart failure, tolerability improves physical activity. With angina pectoris, the frequency of pain attacks and chest discomfort decreases.

Elcarnitine in old age

By the age of 60, the production of the substance decreases, metabolism slows down, muscles and myocardial contractility weaken.

Taking elcarnitine in adulthood:

  • reduces bone loss, which leads to fractures, arthritis, osteoporosis;
  • protects brain neurons from destruction;
  • inhibits degenerative processes in the myocardium;
  • protects myelin sheaths;
  • improves oxygen supply to the brain, slows down age-related changes;
  • improves concentration, thinking ability, memory;
  • protects myelin sheaths;
  • preserves muscle strength and ability to perform complex actions;
  • stimulates the activity of the immune system.

In most reviews from older people about drugs with L-Carnitine positive. There is a decrease in the intensity of dizziness, pain in muscles and joints, the ability to move actively, and work in the country.

Elcarnitine for weight loss

The substance transfers fatty acids to the mitochondria to produce energy, but this is not enough for weight loss. Experts recommend using the supplement as aid with intense physical activities(pulse 150 beats). L-carnitine helps you withstand workouts without disruption heart rate. The recommended dose for weight loss is from 1.2 to 3 g, divided into two times, taken 30 minutes before meals. On training days - one dose before meals, the second 30 minutes before classes. Reviews indicate that with the help of the drug it was possible to reduce weight by 3-10 kg, reduce waist and hip volume by 2-3 cm.

Elcarnitine in sports nutrition

L-carnitine in any sport, it increases endurance, reduces the threshold for the accumulation of fatigue, accelerates recovery, and protects muscles from destruction. Dietary supplement makes it easier muscle pain after high loads, increases protein digestibility and inhibits its breakdown, reduces tissue hypoxia. By increasing the concentration of androgen receptors in the muscles, which bind free testosterone, the process of muscle growth begins.

The non-doping agent is used for:

  • reduction of adipose tissue, drying of muscles;
  • reducing weight before competitions;
  • with overtraining, fatigue;
  • .when gaining muscle mass to prevent fat formation, relieve fatigue.

The substance gives a significant effect in combination with coenzyme Q10 (), Beta-alanine, and enhances the effect of fat burners.

How to take Elcarnitine

The syrup is taken 3 times a day, 5 ml or 15 ml before starting a workout.

The recommended dose of the drug in capsules is 1-3 mg per day, divided into two doses. The dietary supplement is taken half an hour before training and in the morning before meals. On non-training days Elcarnitine Take in the morning and afternoon on an empty stomach, course of administration is 1-1.5 months.

Indications for use

Elcarnitine is taken for prevention and recovery from:

  • chronic fatigue, asthenia, physical exhaustion;
  • brain damage, circulatory disorders;
  • IHD, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy;
  • fatty hepatosis, pancreatitis;
  • memory disorders;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • fatigue, depression with celiac disease;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • Alzheimer's, Parkinson's diseases;
  • during rehabilitation after a stroke.

Used in rejuvenation programs, prescribed to children with growth retardation, malnutrition (metabolic disorders, decreased immunity and development).

Contraindications, side effects

The product is safe; if the dose is 1.5 - 2 mg per day, no side effects are observed. If the dose exceeds 3 g, the following are possible: nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, hyperactivity, insomnia. Elcarnitine It gives a slight stimulating effect, so it is taken in the first half of the day. The effect of the drug during pregnancy has not been studied.

Main contraindications:

  • epilepsy;
  • uremia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • oncological diseases.

Important! The course of administration should not exceed eight weeks, so as not to reduce the production of the substance in the body.

Elcarnitine: instructions for use

How to take it depends on the form of release and dosage (indicated on the package).

The norm can be increased to 2 g for people engaged in heavy physical work.

When losing weight or playing sports, you can take from 1.5 to 3 g. In the schemes complex treatment heart, liver, memory impairment, physical exhaustion, take 1-1.5 g of the substance.

For Alzheimer's disease, take 1.5-4 g per day.
Each manufacturer provides instructions for use taking into account the content of the active component.

Preparations with L-carnitine

On iHerb drugs are presented in various forms release. Can buy Elcarnitine in the form and dosage that is optimal for you. The price depends on the manufacturer and the amount of the input substance. The safety and reliability of the drugs is confirmed by the international GMP certificate. In the pharmacy, elcarnitine is usually much more expensive and contains many unnecessary additives. If you take it from the pharmacy, then only if injection therapy is necessary. The best elcarnitine capsules - only on iHerb(description, instructions for use, prices, reviews the best drugs below).

Now Foods, L-Carnitine

Elcarnitine in tartate form is quickly absorbed. A stable connection consists of L-Carnitine and 30% tartaric acid, which normalizes acidity, regulates oxidative processes, and increases vitality. Both components disintegrate in the stomach and are absorbed separately. Tartaric acid improves the absorption, bioavailability, and absorption of elcarinthine. Unlike other forms, the substance enters the bloodstream faster, is more fully absorbed, and is retained in the body longer. Recommended dose 1-2 tablets. The packaging of the drug lasts a long time, so the price does not seem high.

Now Foods, Acetyl-L-Carnitine

The dietary supplement in capsules is convenient to take. Vegetable capsules dissolve quickly, the powder they contain in unpressed form is well absorbed. Elcarnitine appeared in this form recently. It promotes the synthesis of acetylcholine, which transmits nerve impulses. Compared to other forms Acetyl-L-Carnitine acts more effectively on brain functions, slows down disorders. The substance in this form of release will retain all its properties.

Solgar, Acetyl L-Carnitine

The dietary supplement contains an acetyl group, which promotes the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Other beneficial properties are added to the main functions of the drug in producing energy, maintaining heart health, muscles and performance.

The drug promotes the protection and growth of new neurons, protects against neurological diseases, supports mental clarity.

Elcarnitine: reviews

Svetlana, 27 years old, Voronezh:
Took Elcarnitine before training. I'm satisfied with the result. There is no feeling of fatigue while doing the exercises. Lost 7 kg in 6 weeks. I will buy dietary supplements from iHerb again. I noticed significant difference between quality Elcarnitina Solgar and domestic.

Irina, 52 years old, Azov:
Bought Elcarnitine mother, after she began to complain of arrhythmia, fatigue, dizziness. The drug significantly improved the condition. Mom does housework, doesn’t use the elevator, and says she remembers what she reads better. I am writing a review to recommend Elkar to older people.

Sveta, 25 years old, Vidnoe:
I do dancing. Elcarnitine Helps maintain weight and gives you energy for workouts.

Gross formula


Pharmacological group of the substance Carnitine

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS code


Characteristics of the substance Carnitine

White crystalline powder, odorless. Easily soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol, practically insoluble in acetone.


pharmachologic effect- reparative, stimulating metabolic processes, antihypoxic, normalizing lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, normalizing acid-base balance, metabolic, stimulating energy metabolism, detoxifying.

Stimulates metabolic processes, participates in various parts of energy metabolism, affects lipid metabolism. Restores the alkaline reserve of the blood, does not affect the blood coagulation system, reduces the formation of keto acids, increases tissue resistance to toxic breakdown products, activates aerobic processes and inhibits anaerobic glycolysis, has an antihypoxic effect, stimulates and accelerates reparative processes.

After intravenous administration, after 3 hours it is almost completely eliminated from the blood. It penetrates easily into the liver and myocardium, and more slowly into the muscles. It is excreted by the kidneys mainly in the form of acyl esters.

Application of the substance Carnitine

Ischemic stroke (acute, recovery periods), a temporary disorder cerebral circulation, discirculatory encephalopathy, traumatic and toxic lesions brain.



Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

No special studies have been conducted to study the possibility of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. When prescribing during these periods, the benefit to the mother should be weighed against the potential risk to the fetus or child.

Side effects of the substance Carnitine

Allergic reactions, muscle weakness in patients with uremia; with rapid intravenous administration (80 drops/min or more), pain may appear along the vein, which disappears when the rate of administration is reduced.


Glucocorticoids promote the accumulation of the drug in tissues (except the liver), anabolics enhance the effect.

Biologically active additives to food.

Composition Carnitine

The active substance is carnitine chloride.


Russian Cardiological Research and Production Complex FGU-Experiment. prod. medical biologist. pr-tov (Russia)

pharmachologic effect

Carnitine chloride is a non-steroidal anabolic agent.

The drug stimulates metabolic processes, participating in various parts of energy metabolism, has anabolic, antihypoxic and antithyroid effects, activates lipid metabolism, stimulates regeneration, and increases appetite.

Carnitine is a natural substance related to B vitamins.

It is a cofactor in metabolic processes that ensure the maintenance of CoA activity.

Reduces basal metabolism, slows down the breakdown of protein and carbohydrate molecules.

Promotes penetration through mitochondrial membranes and the breakdown of long-chain fatty acids (palmitic, etc.) with the formation of acetyl-CoA, which is necessary to ensure the activity of pyruvate carboxylase in the process of gluconeogenesis, the formation of ketone bodies, the synthesis of choline and its esters, oxidative phosphorylation and ATP formation.

Mobilizes fat (presence of three labile methyl groups) from fat depots.

Competitively displacing glucose, it turns on a fatty acid metabolic shunt, the activity of which is not limited by oxygen (unlike aerobic glycolysis), and therefore the drug is effective in conditions of acute hypoxia (including the brain) and other critical conditions.

It has a neurotrophic effect, inhibits apoptosis, limits the affected area and restores the structure of nervous tissue.

Normalizes protein and fat metabolism, increased basal metabolism in hyperthyroidism (being a partial antagonist of thyroxine).

The drug restores the alkaline reserve of the blood, does not affect the blood coagulation system, reduces the formation of keto acids, increases tissue resistance to the influence of toxic breakdown products, activates aerobic processes and inhibits anaerobic glycolysis, has antihypoxic properties, stimulates and accelerates reparative processes.

After intravenous administration already after 3 hours it disappears from the blood.

It penetrates easily into the liver and myocardium, and more slowly into the muscles.

It is excreted by the kidneys mainly in the form of acyl esters.

Side effects Carnitine

Allergic reactions are possible.

Patients with uremia may experience muscle weakness.

With rapid administration (80 drops per minute or more), pain may appear along the veins, which disappears when the rate of administration is reduced.

Indications for use

Acute cerebrovascular accidents - ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack in acute, subacute and recovery periods; - encephalopathy; - traumatic and toxic brain damage.

As monotherapy or as part of complex therapy.

Contraindications Carnitine

Hypersensitivity to carnitine chloride.


No information available.


Glucocorticoids for joint use with carnitine chloride contribute to its accumulation in tissues (except the liver).

Other anabolic agents enhance the effect.

special instructions

Special studies on the possibility of use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding was not carried out.

The decision to use should be made by assessing the ratio possible risk for the child and benefit for the mother.