Is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion: the likelihood of a successful conception. Can you get pregnant after an abortion

Sometimes, due to certain circumstances, a woman cannot allow the birth of a child. Of course, such decisions become the most difficult, but in some situations, not everything depends on the fair sex. For medical reasons, based on the state of health, it is dangerous for some women to bear a child.

However, after the procedure, many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant after an abortion. To understand this difficult topic, it is worth first of all to consider what consequences the interruption of the "interesting" position of the lady has.

Consequences of abortion

In order not to lament and puzzle over whether it is possible to get pregnant after an abortion, it is worthwhile to understand in your youth that any unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to disastrous consequences.

After realizing their situation, many make a rash decision and go to a specialist in order to terminate the pregnancy. The doctor makes a thorough analysis and strongly recommends that you think again if the girl has no health problems and is quite capable of bearing a healthy baby. This is not explained by the fact that doctors are ardent fighters for children, but by the fact that the specialist is well aware of what consequences a girl can expect after this procedure. There is a chance that after some time the question will not be “Is it possible to get pregnant a month after an abortion?”, But “Is it possible to have children at all?”.

With what it is connected. With the fact that after this procedure, a woman may have a lot of problems:

  • After a surgical abortion, there is a risk that scars form on the walls of the cervix. Because of this inflammation, it will be very difficult to bear the baby in the future.
  • After the procedure, the woman's immune system is greatly weakened, as a result of which she can become infected with an infectious disease.
  • More than 12% of the fair sex after an abortion develops a tumor and there are serious problems with the genitourinary system.
  • Against the background of medical intervention, there is a risk of infertility.
  • After an abortion, the external and external secretions change, which can also lead to serious consequences in the future.

In addition, there are cases when, after the intervention and removal of the child by the surgical method, the placenta begins to separate much ahead of schedule. This can lead to miscarriages in the future.

Speaking about whether it is possible to get pregnant after the first abortion or the danger arises only with numerous procedures, it should be understood that even with the primary procedure, quite serious ailments can develop. In addition, it all depends on the qualifications of the specialist. However, those who have gone through this procedure should not despair. This is confirmed by the opinion of experienced gynecologists and obstetricians.

Is there a chance of getting pregnant after an abortion

First of all, you need to understand that everything is individual and depends on the particular patient. However, if the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after an abortion had been before doctors 20-30 years ago, then most likely the answer would have been negative. This is due to outdated technologies and a more aggressive effect on the female body.

Today, there are more gentle methods of abortion that injure women the least. Thus, their reproductive system recovers quite quickly. However, some women are ready to conceive in just a few weeks, while others cannot conceive for several more years.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion? Month, week, year - what is the recovery time?

If we talk about the opinion of doctors, they argue that, ideally, all the reproductive functions of a woman's body return to normal 30 days after medical intervention. However, this is not an exact statement, since everything depends on the specific case. Therefore, speaking about whether it is possible to get pregnant a week after an abortion, it is worth clarifying the individual characteristics, the level of immunity and other parameters of the woman's body.

Also, experts recommend that ladies take their time, since any interference in the processes taking place inside a woman’s body harms her. Therefore, it is better to wait until the genitals are fully restored and only after that think about conception.

The optimal period to wait is six months. During this time, it is better to use contraceptives.

If we talk about whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after an abortion, then there is certainly such a possibility. However, whether a woman will be able to bear a child is a moot point.

After the procedure, constant monitoring by a gynecologist is very important. When the specialist says that you can think about the child, you need to undergo a full examination and do an ultrasound. Also, without fail, the doctor asks for a blood test to make sure that the level and ratio of hormones are normal. This is very important, because in some women the hormonal background never returns to normal.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe tests for infectious diseases.

Expert opinion

Speaking about whether it is possible to get pregnant after a medical abortion, almost all doctors agree that the number of procedures does not matter, it all depends on how well they were done. If the operation was performed by an experienced gynecologist, then even after 10 abortions, a woman can become a mother without any problems.

It is also worth noting that the so-called emergency contraceptives do not have a detrimental effect on the reproductive system. These are pills that women take if, by chance, sexual intercourse was unprotected.

Also, many psychologists agree that most ladies psychologically set themselves up for the fact that they will not have more children. Contribute to this and numerous comments on the forums, which experts recommend not to believe entirely.

According to statistics, more than 90% of women who have an abortion give birth to healthy children without any problems. The remaining 10% fall on those who performed the procedure incorrectly or at too early an age.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion: reviews

Judging by the reviews of women who have gone through this procedure, they also do not recommend earlier conception after an abortion. Among the consequences of such an intervention may be an ectopic pregnancy, and even a miscarriage.

On the other hand, some of the fair sex carried a child without any problems after an abortion. However, they strongly recommend that you first consult with your doctor and undergo all the necessary tests. If conception has occurred, but the woman's reproductive system has not yet returned to normal, then experts often recommend a medical abortion, which does not cause significant harm to the health of the expectant mother.

If you do not follow the advice of specialists, then this can lead to the development of pathology in the fetus and other unpleasant consequences. In addition, many women who have undergone an abortion agree that each situation is individual and should not be guided solely by the advice of friends and other incompetent sources.

First of all, gynecologists recommend visiting a doctor and passing all the necessary tests. Based on their results, the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment and select the necessary course of medication to quickly restore the functioning of all body systems. Before conceiving, it is also important to consult a gynecologist who will help determine when it is best to start planning a pregnancy.

In addition, you need to prepare for the fact that you may not be able to conceive a child quickly. Since the reproductive system is weakened, this can take months, and in difficult situations, years. However, thanks to modern medicine, such problems are becoming rarer.

Do not listen to advice from the category "one friend did this." Artisanal treatment and dubious recipes of traditional medicine can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is not worth self-medicating and diagnosing via the Internet. It is better to spend this time looking for a qualified gynecologist.

Psychological component

Speaking about whether it is possible to get pregnant after an abortion, you should not turn a blind eye to this side of the problem. After an abortion, many women are simply afraid of a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. As a result, they bring themselves to severe stress, which also prevents the normal conception of the baby.

It is best to set yourself up for the best and have no doubt that the pregnancy will proceed normally. Don't feel guilty and beat yourself up. If a woman is constantly in a nervous and depressed state, then this is detrimental to her health. Therefore, it is better to start life from scratch and think about the good. If you can’t solve problems on your own, you can turn to a psychologist. In medical practice, quite often there are women who are not psychologically ready to have children after an abortion.

In custody

You can get pregnant after an abortion without any problems. The main thing is to undergo examinations in a timely manner and consult with specialists.

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after one, two or multiple abortions? The article will tell about all the features of fertilization after medical or surgical termination of pregnancy

Pregnancy is not always desired, long-awaited or acceptable for medical reasons. In some cases, abortion will be required, medical or surgical abortion is performed. But, will such a procedure become a factor of infertility in the future? Is it possible to get pregnant after one or two abortions, and when is it possible to re-conceive?

Conception after an abortion

Women planning a pregnancy after curettage should be aware of the specifics of the previous procedure. Cleaning the uterus after pregnancy (for medical reasons or not) is a trauma to the tissues of the reproductive organ.

Inflammation of the endometrium that occurs after cleansing is a natural but dangerous consequence. In order to reduce the inflammatory process, immediately after scraping, a course of antibiotics is prescribed, which stop the focus of irritation.

However, against the background of the recovery process, the reproductive function is not depleted: the eggs burned in the ovaries are ready to enter the very first ovulation cycle, which occurs no later than one and a half months after the operation.

Is fertilization possible after a pharmacist?

Pharmacological cleaning refers to the procedure for terminating the development of pregnancy with the help of medications. Abortion pills are taken in three stages:

  1. Mifegin in the amount of 600 mg (3 tablets);
  2. After 48 hours - Cytotec 400 mg (2 tablets);
  3. After 4 hours, again Cytotec in the same amount.

In Russia, abortion pills are not freely available in pharmacies. Appointment only with a doctor without the need for hospitalization.

It is believed that the use of medical curettage sparingly affects the internal organs, since there is no contact of medical instruments with uterine tissues.

If the procedure is carried out before the 7th week, then the risk of complications of any pathogenesis is negligible, which favorably affects the likelihood of conception in the future.

Conception after a pharmaceutical abortion is possible after the first menstruation, however, gynecologists recommend abstaining for three months, provided that the reason for which it was necessary to evacuate the fetal egg was eliminated.

Probability after two abortions

The reasons for which abortions are carried out are different: from the testimony of a gynecologist to individual problems in personal life. Sometimes several abortions are performed in a row. The chance of getting pregnant is not reduced if:

  • cleaning is done professionally by a doctor;
  • after the operation, there are no complications in the form of inflammation of the endometrium, tubes;
  • the reason for cleaning the uterus is not an infection of the birth canal, pelvic organs;
  • the ovaries have an ovarian reserve;
  • broad-spectrum antibacterial therapy was used postoperatively.

Under such conditions, a new fertilization occurs, complications do not depend on the previous cleaning. If there are several abortions, and all of them are performed by the traditional method - surgical curettage, then the likelihood of pregnancy does not decrease, the risk of developing anomalies increases:

  • ectopic attachment;
  • uterine rupture;
  • freezing of the fetus.

Ovarian reserve is the reserve of oocytes (immature eggs) in the ovaries. Unlike men, in whom sex cells are formed all their lives, in women, cells for procreation are a ready stock, given by nature.

Outlook one month after cleansing

A new conception is possible at the moment of rupture of a mature follicle in a woman's ovary, the process is indicated by ovulation. Abortion is not the reason why there is a decrease in the production of germ cells in women.

Such an operation can disrupt the process of the second-order oocyte release (egg) and its attachment to the body of the uterus. The impossibility of pregnancy occurs due to an existing complication after an abortion. In the case of a conception that took place a month after curettage, the risk of miscarriage remains.

Termination for medical reasons

Medical indications for the appointment of curettage of the uterus are:

  • fading development;
  • ectopic attachment;
  • infections, viruses affecting the reproductive organs;
  • age (determined individually);
  • consanguinity with the father of the child;
  • conditions that threaten the life of the mother in the event of pregnancy;
  • oncology;
  • schizophrenia;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • heart diseases;
  • drug addict.

A new pregnancy after cleaning according to the indications of a gynecologist is possible only if the causes are eliminated. For example, in the presence of an infection, an important condition for the onset of a new conception is a complete cure for the disease of the mother.

Can it come right away

There is no chance of getting pregnant immediately after an abortion (in the first month).

An exception is the possibility of fertilization with a natural cycle of 24-26 days. In this case, the previously mature germ cell of the oocyte can enter the uterus.

Gynecologists do not recommend starting a sexual life after the operation during the first month. Sexual intercourse is contraindicated due to the fact that the uterus is in an open state, the risk of infection and the development of a clinically dangerous condition is extremely high.

When is the next pregnancy

After any option for cleaning the uterine cavity, a new conception will take place exclusively during ovulation. As a rule, such a probability is possible after the first menstruation. Normally, bleeding (lochia) occurs immediately at the time of extraction of the fetus. Then the first menstruation occurs in a month and a half. From this moment, a new fertilization is possible.


The recovery period depends on the period at which curettage was performed, as well as on the individual characteristics of the organism.

In contact with

In order to understand how long after the abortion again, you need to know what abortion can be for the female body.

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy for 4 to 22 weeks, or, if for some reason the period is not set, with a fetus weighing up to 400 grams. Abortion can be natural or artificial.

Natural abortion (miscarriage) is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy, usually up to 22 weeks. Most often, a miscarriage occurs when the fetus has malformations, or the mother's body rejects the fetus, due to the presence of any disease. That is, nature itself produces "natural selection", taking care of the birth of genetically healthy offspring, or saving the mother's life (if carrying a pregnancy is incompatible with her existing diseases).

Artificial abortion is performed in a medical institution by means of curettage of the uterine cavity (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy), vacuum aspiration (up to 6 weeks), medical provocation of miscarriage (up to 8 weeks) and provocation of premature birth (up to 22 weeks). According to statistics, 40% of induced abortions occur only at the request of a woman, in the absence of other indications (medical, social, etc.).

Abortion can be the most difficult for the female body, which include perforation of the uterus, ruptures of its cervix, significant blood loss, ovarian-menstrual cycle disorders, isthmicocervical insufficiency, impaired patency of the fallopian tubes, infections, endometriosis, miscarriage of subsequent pregnancies, psychological trauma, infertility. The risk of complications increases with the number of abortions, so the issue of contraception after an abortion must be approached very responsibly.

The occurrence of pregnancy after an abortion

Many are interested in the question: how long after an abortion is a new conception possible? Some - because they do not want to again, others - because, on the contrary, they decided to give birth.

The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. The likelihood of pregnancy depends on various factors: the degree of the woman, the method by which the abortion was performed (surgical or medical), on how strong the “shock” for the body was the abortion, and what. Regarding the approximate dates when you can get pregnant after an abortion, doctors express different opinions, the most common are the following.

Some experts believe that the day of an abortion (artificial or natural) is considered the first day of a woman's new menstrual cycle, and pregnancy is possible already in the middle of the cycle - 14 days after the abortion if ovulation occurs, and unprotected intercourse occurs on the eve of it. At the same time, having sex until the discharge from the genital tract after an abortion stops (about 10 days) is not recommended - the risk of infection is too high.

Others believe that due to the hormonal changes in the body after an abortion, ovulation (and therefore) can be expected on any day of the new menstrual cycle.

Still others advise women who decide to have a baby to plan pregnancy no earlier than 3 months after the abortion (in the absence of complications). Until that moment, the body is still very weak, and there may be problems with its bearing.

It should be especially noted that the probability of getting pregnant again is very low, having a negative Rh factor and interrupting their first pregnancy. This fact is due to the fact that in the body of this woman after the termination of pregnancy, antibodies remain that can destroy the cells of the fetus if it has a positive Rh factor.

After an abortion, a woman asks one important question: is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion. The reason that prompted a woman to have an abortion can be both personal motives and medical indications. The possibility of pregnancy after an abortion depends on the cause itself and on the term of the abortion. When can you get pregnant after an abortion, what is the probability of getting pregnant after a medical and surgical abortion, is pregnancy possible immediately after an abortion, is it possible to give birth after an abortion, will children be healthy after an abortion, in what cases does infertility occur after an abortion - all these questions concern women who have interrupted their pregnancy with the hope of becoming mothers in the future. This article is devoted to these questions.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion?

The doctor will not be able to give you a specific time when you can get pregnant after an abortion. After all, the restoration of childbearing function depends on:

  • Is the woman in good health?
  • Were there any complications after the abortion?

There is a risk group in which complications after an abortion occur with high frequency. These are teenagers, women who terminate their first pregnancy, women with pathologies of the internal genital organs. How quickly, if at all, the likelihood of becoming pregnant after an abortion will appear will become clear after the operation itself or some time after the restoration of the functions of the woman's reproductive system.

The question of whether pregnancy is possible immediately after an abortion is of concern mainly to those women who are afraid of a new unplanned pregnancy. It is very negligent to assume that the body in any case will have to restore its reproductive system for several months. Since the probability of this is equal to the probability of getting pregnant after an abortion. When can you get pregnant after an abortion? Thanks to modern, gentle methods of abortion, such as medical abortion, for example, a new conception can occur within two to three weeks after the abortion. Therefore, a woman should take care of contraception even before the operation to terminate the pregnancy. Among the wide range of modern contraceptives, hormonal, oral, intrauterine, the doctor will help a woman choose those that are right for her.

For other women, pregnancy after an abortion, on the contrary, is not easy and after a lot of time. Ideally, a woman's reproductive function should be restored after 1 month, as is the case with pregnancy after a medical abortion. In this case, abortion is similar to menstrual bleeding, which does not expel the egg, but the fertilized egg. But the body may not be ready for pregnancy immediately after an abortion.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion in the near future? No one excludes this possibility and no one can give a 100% guarantee that it is possible. It is necessary to look at this question from the other side. Why would the body put itself under such stress as pregnancy. After the abortion, the body was put under tremendous stress. The natural function of reproduction of the genus was interrupted. A large number of hormones released by the endocrine glands were in vain. The body had to return to the mainstream of normal life for unnatural reasons. An early pregnancy immediately after an abortion sometimes turns into serious consequences: internal bleeding, fetal pathologies, miscarriages.

In the event that pregnancy after an abortion nevertheless happened, of course, you should not be upset and expect the worst. Only after consulting a female doctor, research and a series of tests can one say whether this pregnancy is healthy. Immediately after the abortion, the onset of a successful conception obliges you to be more attentive to your health and the health of life inside you. And, of course, there should be no question of re-termination of pregnancy immediately after an abortion.

The body will suffer tremendous damage. Therefore, women, please take care of your health and do not be negligent in relation to possible pregnancies.

This terrible diagnosis is heard annually by hundreds of thousands of women around the world. It is unbearably painful to understand that the birth of children is impossible due to one's own health. And what an oppressive sense of guilt appears in a woman who will never again be able to give birth after an abortion. The first thing that worries all women who decide to terminate a pregnancy is is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion? Infertility after an abortion is unfortunately not uncommon. The abortion procedure does not always go smoothly and without consequences, from which not a single woman who decides to have an abortion is insured.

What can arise?

  • failure of the hormonal background, as a result of which the hormonal cycle is disturbed;
  • metabolism is disturbed, due to which a woman can uncontrollably gain weight or severely deplete;
  • diseases of the mammary glands, mastitis, etc.;
  • psychological disorders (stress, depression);
  • infection and inflammation of the internal genital organs;
  • erosion of the cervix, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which may result in infertility.

The probability of becoming pregnant after an abortion is greater if the following factors are absent - infertility after an abortion:

  1. Hormone failure. A huge amount of hormones secreted by the endocrine glands will be unnecessary. They have nowhere to go, and they begin to work in the uterus, ovaries, mammary glands, causing the failure of these organs.
  2. Surgical abortion may result in injury to the walls of the uterus, which risks resulting in scarring of the uterus. This is a serious reason for infertility.
  3. An artificially dilated cervix can cause a pregnancy after an abortion to end in miscarriage.
  4. Menstrual irregularities that occur when endometrial function is damaged can also affect whether it will be possible to become pregnant after an abortion.
  5. Psychological trauma, especially often occurring after a painful abortion. The process of restoring the body takes from 4 months (for a woman who has given birth) to a year or more (for a woman who has not given birth).

Is it possible to give birth after an abortion? In most cases, of course, you can. Children after an abortion can be healthy, strong, and beautiful. Why not? But it should be remembered that the risk of serious complications during the abortion process is still possible, up to infertility.

Infertility treatment

Fortunately, modern medicine is able to cure the diagnosis of infertility, which resulted in an abortion. It is possible to give birth after an abortion if therapy is started at the time. Treatment begins with a complete examination of the patient. Are there sexual infections, inflammation of the urinary tract, is the hormonal background in order, are the fallopian tubes passable, what is the condition of the woman's internal genital organs.

The negative effects of abortion will be treated as follows:

  • Hormone therapy in case of endocrine disorders. Its purpose is to restore the menstrual cycle and the hormonal background of a woman.
  • Traditional drug treatment in the presence of inflammatory infectious processes in the reproductive system.
  • Traditional drug treatment or surgery for obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  • Stitching of the cervix in case of miscarriage due to spontaneous dilatation of the cervix. The stitches are removed immediately before childbirth.

As a result of the positive effect of therapy, it will be possible to talk about when it is possible to become pregnant after an abortion.

When can you get pregnant after an abortion?

What is the chance of getting pregnant after an abortion? Pregnancy after medical abortion is likely to occur very soon. After all, this method is considered the safest. The menstrual cycle is restored very soon, which means that the woman will already be able to conceive. But pregnancy after medical abortion is still better to prevent. You need to give your body time. Be sure to use contraceptives.

Surgical abortion, especially the one that is performed by curettage, is an extremely difficult operation for the genitals. The menstrual cycle and hormonal background can be restored for at least six months, a year. Fertility does not return immediately. But science knows cases of “use of reserves” by the body, when you can get pregnant after a surgical abortion very soon.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an abortion, no matter how it is carried out? Can. It all depends on the individual tolerance of the abortion operation by the body. What is the probability of getting pregnant after an abortion in the near future? High, especially if the abortion was performed medically.

For whatever reasons the pregnancy is terminated, every woman should have the right to give birth after an abortion. Whether it is possible to give birth after an abortion will become clear some time after the restoration of a healthy state of the body. Children after an abortion must certainly be desired and long-awaited, and most importantly, healthy. Therefore, a woman needs to be especially attentive to her reproductive function, and then pregnancy after an abortion will be more likely to pass without complications.

Once you had to have an abortion, and now, wanting to have a baby, have you encountered difficulties in conceiving or bearing? Or maybe you are just thinking about whether or not to have an abortion, and want to know what the consequences might be? In both cases, you will benefit from our information on how to conceive a child after an abortion.

The consequences of abortion: a medical point of view

Entering into sexual contact, we do not always think about how easy it is to conceive a child and get pregnant the first time. Often this happens by itself and, alas, not always at the right time. Every woman decides for herself whether to terminate or leave a pregnancy. Even in the presence of medical indications for abortion, the last word most often remains with her. At the same time, each doctor necessarily warns of possible negative consequences, talks about how difficult it is to conceive a child after an abortion. Depending on the method of termination of pregnancy, this may be:

  • scarring on the inner walls and cervix - during surgical abortion - and, as a result, difficulties in subsequent conception and gestation;
  • increased risk of infectious and neoplastic diseases - according to statistics, 10–12% of women develop chronic disorders of the genitourinary system due to abortion;
  • an increase in the likelihood of developing secondary infertility by a factor of two;
  • violation of the functions of internal and external secretion (both with surgical and medical abortion);
  • anomalies in the location and separation of the placenta in subsequent pregnancies;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Of course, all these consequences negatively affect reproductive function. Years after an abortion, many women begin to desperately look for an answer to the question of how to get pregnant: folk remedies, drug treatment, sorcerers and healers - there are many methods, but which one is effective?

Useful tips: how to get pregnant as soon as possible and carry a healthy baby after an abortion

If you want to understand how to conceive a child and keep a pregnancy after an abortion, look for a doctor you are ready to trust and learn to listen to your body - it is your only one, and standard methods are unlikely to help.

Let's start with the fact that each woman's reaction to an abortion is individual: you can either get pregnant the first time after the restoration of the menstrual cycle, or lose the ability to conceive for several years. Long-term observations of gynecologists have shown that only 10% of women who have had an abortion face the inability to conceive a child. Moreover, in most cases, this complication occurs after the first abortion made at a young age. In general, this means that 90% of women who terminated a pregnancy do not even think about how to conceive a baby after an abortion, they just live a normal life and give birth to children.

And yet, if you now have objective reasons to terminate a pregnancy, but in the future you want to become a mother, use these expert tips:

  • A few days after the operation, visit the gynecologist to check the condition of the uterus. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a preventive treatment that will help avoid scarring and the development of inflammatory processes. This will help you understand how to conceive a child in the future and plan your family properly.
  • Even if many years have passed since the abortion, before you conceive a baby, be examined by a doctor. Often, timely measures taken facilitate conception, reduce the risk of miscarriage.
  • If you wondered how to conceive a child, more than six months ago, you made attempts to get pregnant during this period, but the pregnancy did not occur, consult a doctor. If necessary, he will prescribe additional studies and, having assessed the situation, tell you which pills to take in order to get pregnant, give advice on how to get pregnant after a miscarriage, how to keep the pregnancy.
  • Remember how high the probability of getting pregnant the first time after an abortion is - do not expose your body to unnecessary risk, use contraceptives. If you prefer oral contraceptives, be sure to consult your doctor - he must make an appointment, given the hormonal background that has changed after the abortion.
  • Be prepared to hear from friends, acquaintances and relatives a lot of advice on how to get pregnant as soon as possible. Do not rush to follow them all - it is better to consult several doctors: this will help to get a complete picture.

Important information for those who are looking for a way to get pregnant as soon as possible: folk remedies do not guarantee success, and in many cases complicate the situation even more. Often traditional healers and doctors give completely different advice on how to get pregnant as soon as possible, and this confusion only delays the treatment. At the same time, modern medicine has advanced so far that it easily eliminates many previously unsolvable problems.

Do you know? Among the most likely causes of infertility, doctors call a negative psychological attitude. Many women, having had an abortion, begin to feel guilty, fall into depression. This creates an unfavorable background for conception. Therefore, if you want to get pregnant, forgive yourself, stop tormented by the question of how to conceive a child, and persistently wait for pregnancy. Just believe in a miracle and learn to enjoy every day. For such a positive person, life will definitely give a gift.

Abortion and the experiences associated with it are a thing of the past, and now there has come a moment in your life when it is time to think about how to conceive a child and give birth to a healthy baby? Do you want to know how to get pregnant faster and reduce the risk of miscarriage? To help those who are looking for answers to the question of how to get pregnant - not folk remedies, but the advice of experienced professionals.

First of all, keep in mind that getting pregnant as soon as possible is unlikely to succeed if:

  • you have a menstrual cycle or uncharacteristic discharge;
  • you have been using oral contraceptives for a long time;
  • you have chronic diseases or dysfunction of the uterus after an abortion;
  • your life is fraught with stress and nervous tension;
  • you or your partner have an irregular working day, you experience chronic fatigue, do not get enough sleep;
  • you often suffer from pain in the lower abdomen.

To exclude the harmful effects of these factors on a planned pregnancy and understand how to get pregnant as soon as possible, consult a doctor.

Simultaneously with the treatment, take care of the normalization of your life. Before getting pregnant, folk remedies and doctors recommend:

  • change eating habits (give up spicy, sweet, starchy foods, fatty foods in favor of cereals, vegetables and other healthy foods);
  • avoid alcohol, stop smoking;
  • plan your day so that you get at least 8 hours of sleep a day;
  • include a walk in the daily routine;
  • tune in to the positive.

Are you healthy and want to get pregnant as soon as possible?

After the abortion, your menstrual cycle quickly returned to normal, there were no hormonal abnormalities, and a medical examination showed that you entered the 90 percent happy? Even in this case, experts advise taking care of your health before you conceive a child. The set of preparatory measures should include:

  • balanced nutrition (no - coffee, alcohol, soy, artificial colors, weight loss diets; yes - vegetables, fruits, herbs, vegetable oils, vitamins A and E, meat, nuts, legumes);
  • the correct daily routine (you need to sleep at night, not during the day, walk daily, engage in non-exhausting physical exercises);
  • scheduling the menstrual cycle with the definition of the most successful and most unsuccessful days for conception.

We hope now you have enough information on how to get pregnant (folk remedies, alas, do not give such a good result as traditional medicine) after an abortion, avoid miscarriage and become a happy mother of a healthy baby.

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