What is the manifestation of vegetative vascular dystonia. Symptoms of vegetative dystonia in humans

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician. All drugs have contraindications. Need expert advice

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a symptom complex that includes many different symptoms of the various etiologies. The most common synonyms for this disease are vegetative neurosis, neurocirculatory dystonia and syndrome autonomic dysfunction. In the clinical picture of vegetative-vascular dystonia, there are more than a hundred different symptoms, the main cause of which is dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

The syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a very common pathology. It is diagnosed in 60 - 70 percent of cases in the adult population and in 10 - 15 percent in children and adolescents. In 98 percent, patients complain of pain in the region of the heart and palpitations, in 96 percent of weakness and malaise, in 90 percent of headaches. In addition to bodily symptoms, there are also neurotic disorders such as restlessness and anxiety ( 85 - 90 percent), decreased mood ( 90 - 95 percent). There are also sleep disorders in 80 percent and respiratory disorders in 85 percent. Every second person complains of cold extremities and chilliness in them, every third person complains of abdominal pain and every fourth person complains of hot flashes. In 30 percent of men, there is a decrease in libido, not associated with any organic lesion.

Interesting facts about vegetative-vascular dystonia

Such a diagnosis as vegetative-vascular dystonia exists mainly only in the territory of the CIS countries. Currently, this diagnosis has the status of a "myth", since it is not recognized by many experts and does not exist in the international classification of diseases.

The diagnosis of vegetative neurosis is universal - many symptoms and syndromes "fit" under it. So, to date, 150 symptoms and 40 syndromes of this disease have been described. This explains the fact that vegetative-vascular dystonia bears the features of so many diseases. That is why this diagnosis is put in excess. Sometimes literally “everything” hurts the patient, which makes the syndrome of vegetative neurosis especially “comfortable” in such cases. Also very often this pathology is set when other causes of the patient's complaints have not been found.

At the same time, despite the abundance of symptoms, there are no uniform criteria for this diagnosis, as well as consensus about the mechanism of its causes. Academician Wayne believed that acute or chronic stress was the cause of dystonia. This is confirmed by the high effectiveness of the psychotherapeutic approach in the treatment of this disease.

In Western countries, this syndrome is more often part of the somatoform ( bodily) dysfunction of the heart or psychovegetative syndrome. This syndrome is observed in panic disorders, neurosis, phobias and post-traumatic disorders.

What is the autonomic nervous system?

The autonomic nervous system is the structure that regulates most of the processes in the body. The main task of the autonomic nervous system is the regulation of vital processes of organs. With the help of this system, the work of the organs is consistent with each other and adapts to the needs of the body. So, for example, with its help, the body's heat exchange, the frequency of heart contraction and respiration are regulated with an increase or decrease in temperature. Like the central nervous system, the autonomic system consists of a huge number of neurons. A neuron is a cell that is complex in structure and functions, in which a body and processes are distinguished. Outgrowths of a neuron ( axon and dendrites) form nerve fibers, which, on the periphery, after leaving the brain, end with nerve endings.

There are practically no such pathologies in the development of which the autonomic nervous system would not take part. In turn, it distinguishes the sympathetic and parasympathetic department.

Sympathetic division of the nervous system

The sympathetic department is represented by a set of neurons that are located in the thoracic and lumbar spinal cord, as well as a paired sympathetic nerve trunk.

The processes of neurons that are located in the spinal cord go to the sympathetic nerve trunk, which is located on both sides of the spine. It, being an important structure of this department, consists of 23 nodes, including 3 cervical nodes, 12 thoracic, 4 abdominal and 4 pelvic. Interrupting at the nodes of the trunk, the fibers of the neurons leave it and go to those organs and tissues that subsequently innervate. So, the fibers that are interrupted in the cervical nodes innervate the tissues of the neck and face, and those in the thoracic nodes go to the heart, lungs and other organs of the chest cavity. From the abdominal nodes, the fibers approach the kidneys and intestines, and from the pelvic nodes - to the pelvic organs ( bladder, rectum). In addition to organs, fibers of the sympathetic nervous system innervate blood vessels, sweat and sebaceous glands, skin .

Thus, the autonomic nervous system directly or indirectly regulates all internal organs.

Effects of the sympathetic nervous system on the organs innervated by it

Organs and systems effects
shine strengthened
pupils expanded
lacrimation not expressed
color of the skin pale
sweating decreased or increased secretion of viscous sweat
Body temperature lowered
heat tolerance intolerance to heat and stuffiness
cold tolerance satisfactory
limb temperature depressed, cold hands
sebum secretion normal
The cardiovascular system
increased ( tachycardia)
blood pressure raised
tightness in the chest, feeling of pressure
Respiratory system
breathing rate increased
breathing volume increased
respiratory muscles relaxed
Gastrointestinal tract
salivation reduced
composition of saliva thick
normal or low
intestinal peristalsis lowered, and as a result, constipation develops
nausea not typical
genitourinary system
urination frequent and abundant
erection fine
subjective complaints of the patient increased libido
falling asleep later
awakening previously
sleep quality sleep short, restless
Personal characteristics
emotional background elevated, changeable, irritable; experiencing mood swings
mental activity absent-mindedness, restlessness, rapid change of thoughts prevails
physical activity increased

An important function of the sympathetic nervous system is to maintain vascular tone. The sympathetic division of the nervous system affects small and medium-sized vessels, thus creating vascular resistance. Also, this department of the autonomic nervous system interacts with the adrenal glands and their hormones.

parasympathetic nervous system

This division is also part of the autonomic nervous system, which works in conjunction with the sympathetic nervous system. The effects of the parasympathetic nervous system are completely opposite to the sympathetic system.

The neurons of the parasympathetic nervous system are located in the spinal cord at the level of the sacrum ( peripheral part of the system) and in the brain ( central department ). At the level of the brain, neurons are grouped into so-called vegetative nuclei. These nuclei are either part of other cranial nuclei or exist separately. Fibers from the nuclei of the parasympathetic nervous system go as part of the cranial nerves to various bodies. So, the fibers from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus go as part of the oculomotor nerve to the muscles of the eyeball and pupil, as part of the facial nerve - to salivary glands, as part of the vagus nerve - to the internal organs.

Effects of the parasympathetic nervous system on the organs it innervates

Organs and systems effects
shine normal or dim
pupils narrowed
lacrimation expressed
Skin and thermoregulation
color of the skin tendency to blush
sweating increased, with the release of liquid sweat
Body temperature increased
heat tolerance satisfactory
cold tolerance bad
limb temperature hands are warm, often moist
sebum secretion increased
The cardiovascular system
heart rate reduced ( bradycardia) often changes
blood pressure normal or low
subjective complaints of the patient feeling of tightness in the chest, especially at night
Respiratory system
breathing rate breathing slow but deep
breathing volume lowered
respiratory muscles in high spirits
Gastrointestinal tract
salivation increased
composition of saliva liquid
acidity of gastric juice increased
intestinal peristalsis increased, intestinal tone increased
nausea often seen
genitourinary system
urination urge to urinate is characteristic, while urine is concentrated in a small volume
erection strengthened
subjective complaints of the patient frequent premature ejaculation
falling asleep normal
awakening delayed, increased sleepiness
sleep quality sleep deep and long
Personal characteristics
emotional background adequate or reduced and oppressed,
mental activity there is apathy and hypochondria, lack of initiative
physical activity lowered

The main effects of the parasympathetic division affect the activity of the heart muscle. It reduces the excitability and contractility of the heart, reducing its heart rate especially at night, as it is most active at this time of day.

In the natural state, the divisions of the autonomic nervous system are in constant voltage called "tone". The predominance of parasympathetic tone is called vagotonia, while the dominance of sympathetic effects is called sympathicotonia. Based on this, all people can be conditionally divided into vagotonics and sympathotonics.

Despite the opposite effects of these parts of the nervous system, they are normally in a "balanced" state. If necessary, the body activates one or another mechanism. So, excitement and fear are accompanied by activation of the sympathetic nervous system with a further increase in blood pressure, the release of stress hormones, and the production of cold, viscous sweat. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, the synchronism of the work of these parts of the nervous system is disturbed. The work of the autonomic nervous system ( whether sympathetic or parasympathetic) gets out of control and begins to work regardless of the needs of the body. So, increased sweating can be observed almost constantly, regardless of the presence of stress or elevated air temperature.

In the clinical picture of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the predominance of the parasympathetic or sympathetic system can be observed. But, at the same time, combined syndromes can be observed.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The term "dystonia" refers to the lack of balance in the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. There are many reasons for this imbalance, including chronic infections, hormonal imbalances in the body, mental stress, and others. However, many experts believe that the main reason for the failure of these systems is emotional stress.

The reasons for the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • acute or chronic stress;
  • climate change;
  • neurological and somatic ( bodily) pathology;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • mental illness.

hereditary predisposition

With a hereditary predisposition to vegetative-vascular dystonia, not so much certain genes are taken into account as a certain temperament of a person. If a parent with a certain emotional constitution suffers from vegetative neurosis, then there is a high probability that the child, having inherited the same character traits, will also suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia. Therefore, children with a labile psyche, in which the processes of excitation prevail over the processes of inhibition, are at risk.

However, in addition to certain character traits that an individual inherits, the atmosphere in the family, upbringing and environment play an important role. A child, being in constant tension, even without a hereditary predisposition, can show symptoms of vegetative neurosis from a young age.

Some experts distinguish even vegetative-vascular dystonia of a hereditary-constitutional nature. This type of dystonia manifests itself in adolescence and is characterized by unstable vegetative parameters.

Acute or chronic stress

Activation of the autonomic nervous system in response to a stressful situation is an adequate physiological response of the body. So, in response to a “threat”, the sympathetic nervous system activates the release of stress hormones ( epinephrine and norepinephrine), which stimulate the cardiac system. However, an inadequate and prolonged reaction from the autonomic nervous system against the background of tension forms the basis of the symptoms of dystonia. However, the physiological response vegetative system as if tightened and hypertrophied. Symptoms of a period of stress are observed constantly and in excess. For example, stress hyperhidrosis ( cold clammy sweat during stress) can be observed invariably in the patient. Continuous stimulation of the adrenal glands and, as a result, the release of adrenaline leads to an increase in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. Patients are emotionally labile, quick-tempered and irritable. All this leads to exhaustion of the body. If parasympathetic activation prevails, then patients are hypochondriacal, emotionally unstable.

climate change

Climate change can also be categorized as a stress factor. But, at the same time, in addition to emotional stress, the body also undergoes changes. These changes are associated with the adaptation of the organism. Thus, the autonomic nervous system begins to adapt the work of the organs to the new temperature and humidity. Against the background of stress, the restructuring of the body acquires pronounced features, as a result of which the regulation of the autonomic nervous system is upset.

Neurological and somatic ( bodily) pathology

With many neurological and bodily ( most often it is a pathology of the heart) diseases form the so-called psychovegetative syndromes. The name of the syndrome reflects its essence - the activation of vegetative effects ( increased sweating, salivation, palpitations) in this case is associated with mental stress.

A condition for the development of a psycho-vegetative syndrome is the presence of a pain syndrome in any pathology. Thus, pain in the heart that occurs once is fixed by a person and interpreted by the body as a threat. In response to this, stress mechanisms are activated in the body, for which sympathetic system. Further fixation of the patient's feelings about his illness and its outcome leads to an overstrain of the autonomic nervous system. An imbalance between both parts of the autonomic nervous system leads to the development of dystonia. Combined variants can also be observed, in which vagotonia can be replaced by a sharp sympathicotonia.

Hormonal changes in the body

The rearrangements of the body that can cause vegetative-vascular dystonia include puberty and menopause. During puberty, due to changes in the hormonal background, new relationships are formed between the autonomic system and the hormonal one. These changes adapt the organs and organ systems to the new restructuring of the body. Thus, the vegetative system adapts the cardiovascular system to the new parameters of the body, namely to growth and weight gain. Thus, a gap is created between the old vascular supply and the new physical parameters. Because of this, fluctuations in blood pressure, fainting and other manifestations of dystonia are observed during puberty.

Vegetative changes during menopause are also due to changes in hormonal levels. A decrease in estrogen levels is accompanied by hot flashes, fluctuations in blood pressure.

mental illness

Most often, vegetative-vascular dystonia is observed in neurotic disorders. It can be part of such diseases as neuroses, anxiety and hypochondriacal disorders ( including panic attacks). Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia make up the clinical picture of various forms of depression.

Under the influence of stress factors, vegetative-vascular dystonia can occur even in harmonious and emotionally stable individuals. However, it most often occurs in accentuated individuals. As a rule, these are anxious and excitable personality types.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

In the clinic of vegetative-vascular dystonia, there are a huge number of symptoms. Depending on the system in which they manifest themselves, they are divided into syndromes.

Syndromes and symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are:

  • cardiac dysfunction syndrome;
  • respiratory syndrome;
  • asthenic syndrome ( or exhaustion);
  • thermoregulation disorders;
  • fainting states;
  • neurotic disorders.

Cardiac disorder syndrome

It is the most common syndrome in vegetative-vascular dystonia. Most often it is manifested by pain in the region of the heart, interruptions in its activity and fluctuations in blood pressure. All of these symptoms tend to appear at the peak of anxiety, stress, or overwork. Their expression is very individual. Pain can be moderate or "unbearable". They can be stabbing, aching, cutting or squeezing. Pain syndrome while it can mimic angina pectoris or acute myocardial infarction.

In addition to pain, patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia may experience fluctuations in blood pressure. At the same time, a person’s blood pressure can rise sharply and also fall sharply. This phenomenon is called a vegetative crisis. Its origin is associated with a sharp and short-term activation of the sympathetic nervous system. It, by stimulating the receptors of blood vessels, causes their sharp spasm.

Very often this phenomenon is accompanied by the release of cold, sticky sweat (autonomic hyperhidrosis). Insofar as sweat glands innervated by the sympathetic nervous system, then its activation leads to an increase in their secretion.

respiratory syndrome

This syndrome includes rapid and shallow breathing, a feeling of difficulty in breathing and lack of air. These symptoms, like everything else with vegetative neurosis, are observed at the height of excitement. In people with a hysterical personality type, they can reach the degree of suffocation and are accompanied by a feeling of "lump in the throat." In less pronounced forms, respiratory disorders acquire the character of mild discomfort and are accompanied by convulsive ( "dreary") sighs. Patients constantly feel the need for air, so to speak, in an "extra sip". Due to dissatisfaction with their breath, they keep the windows constantly open, they feel the need to constantly be in the fresh air.

Asthenic syndrome

This syndrome is characterized by physical and emotional exhaustion. It is observed in almost all patients. Manifested by weakness, fatigue, poor productivity. Constant fatigue is the cause of low mood.

In children and adolescents, there is a decrease in intellectual functions. At the same time, the decrease in academic performance is not due to any brain damage, but due to the inability to concentrate and absent-mindedness. Children at the same time are quick-tempered, irritable, do not tolerate stress.

Thermoregulation disorders

The nature of thermoregulation disorders depends on the type of vegetative-vascular dystonia. With the predominance of the influence of the sympathetic nervous system, patients tolerate heat very poorly, but they tolerate cold satisfactorily. At the same time, their limbs are always cold, but not wet. With the predominance of parasympathetic tone, patients, on the contrary, tolerate heat satisfactorily and poorly - cold. Their hands are warm and moist. There is also a profuse secretion of sebum. They are constantly cold and chilly, prefer to dress warmer.

Very often, patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia have subfebrile temperature ( 37 degrees Celsius). At the same time, fluctuations in body temperature from 36.7 to 37.1 degrees Celsius are also observed. It is important to note that this temperature does not respond to anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and other drugs.

Fainting states

Fainting is most characteristic of adolescents - both for boys and girls. Most often, these conditions develop when changing the position of the body, namely, when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position. This phenomenon is called orthostatic hypotension. It is associated with a slow redistribution of vascular blood flow in lower limbs. At the same time, the pressure drops sharply, and the patient loses consciousness for a short period. Also, fainting can be observed with a sharp fright, strong emotions.

Disorders of a neurotic nature

Studies show that every second patient with vegetative-vascular dystonia has one or another neurotic disorder. As a rule, these are anxiety or depressive disorders. In the first case, patients have panic attacks, which are accompanied by fear and anxiety. There is a fear of dying, suffocating, not waking up. If these attacks are repeated frequently, then an anxiety disorder develops. At the same time, patients are always anxious, suspicious, restless. They do not sleep well at night, often waking up in the middle of the night and having difficulty falling asleep.

In one fourth of cases, vegetative-vascular dystonia is complicated by the development of depression. It could be anxiety or hypochondriacal depression. In patients, the lowered mood and its fluctuations during the day come to the fore. In hypochondriacal disorder, the patient is constantly busy with his health. He is overcome by fears about the outcome of the disease. As a rule, people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia constantly visit doctors, overcoming them with new complaints each time. They constantly measure temperature, pressure, pulse, and are also looking for new ways of treatment.

Drug treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia mainly comes down to the normalization of the emotional background. Particular attention is paid to mental status patient. If the clinic is dominated by depressive states, then antidepressants are prescribed, if anxiety, then anti-anxiety drugs. In parallel, the symptoms of dystonia are being eliminated. If arterial hypertension is pronounced, then antihypertensive drugs are prescribed, if insomnia, then sleeping pills, if vegetative crises develop, then stabilizers of vascular tone and ganglionic blockers.

Groups of drugs used in vegetative-vascular dystonia:
  • sedatives;
  • medicines that affect the cardiovascular system;
  • anti-anxiety drugs and antidepressants.

Drugs used in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Name of the drug Mechanism of action Mode of application
Novo-passit The herbal preparation has a pronounced sedative effect, helps in the fight against fears and anxiety.

Adults should take 1 tablet or 5 milliliters of medication three times a day. The medicine should be taken before meals. Also available as a syrup.

Has a calming and relaxing effect.
Take 1 - 2 capsules 2 to 3 times a day.


It has antispasmodic, relaxing and cardiotonic ( reducing stress on the heart) Effect. Corrects the excitability of the nervous system.

Drink 10-20 drops systematically 2-3 times a day.
Calms the body, promotes normal sleep. It also has a slight relaxing effect.

It is prescribed 1 - 2 tablets twice a day. The drug should be taken before meals, along with plenty of water.

An agent that fights hypertension. Also, the drug causes vasodilation, minimizes the total resistance of peripheral vessels. Makes physiological sleep deeper.
The initial dose is 1 tablet 1 time per day. The further amount of the drug is determined by the doctor individually. Tablets should be swallowed without chewing and with a little water.

A drug that improves cerebral circulation. Produces a vasodilating effect.
The drug begins with 5 - 10 milligrams three times a day. As the course is completed, the dose of the drug is reduced.
Eliminates anxiety, improves mood, eliminates sadness.
The dosage ranges from 25 to 50 milligrams, which are taken in two divided doses ( morning and afternoon).
Seduxen The drug is a tranquilizer and has an inhibitory effect on brain processes.

The average dose for an adult to be consumed per day varies from 5 to 20 milligrams, which are distributed over several doses. It should be borne in mind that a single dose should not exceed 10 milligrams.

Sanatorium-resort treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Assistance to patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia during sanatorium treatment is carried out on the basis of the integrated use of natural healing resources, physiotherapy and medical methods. The most effective stay in sanatoriums is during the period of remission ( relief of symptoms) disease. With this disease, it is favorable to visit sanatoriums and resorts located within the climatic zone in which the patient lives permanently, because abrupt change climate and natural conditions can cause stress and exacerbation of the disease. It has been established that when the time zone changes for more than 3 hours, desynchronosis develops in the body ( circadian jet lag). This condition is manifested by a sleep disorder and a general deterioration in the patient's well-being. Also negative impact a person has a sharp inverse ( reverse) change of seasons. So, choosing a sanatorium in a southern country with summer conditions in the fall, the patient runs the risk of causing an exacerbation of the disease.
  • climatic;
  • balneological;
  • mud therapy.

Climatic resorts

The biological influence of the climate calms the nervous system and normalizes the functions of the vital systems of the body. Most useful species climatic resorts for vegetative-vascular dystonia are those located in coastal and mountainous areas.

Sanatorium-resort treatment in coastal areas
The healing effect when visiting medical institutions located in coastal areas is the healing effect of sea water and air on the body.

Sea air does not contain dust and is saturated with a large number of useful elements. Under the influence of air, the metabolism is accelerated and the work of the circulatory organs is activated. Bromine, which is a part of the sea air in large quantities, strengthens the nervous system of the body and contributes to the normalization of the emotional background. Sea water is a source of elements that have a healing effect on patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Substances that are part of sea water and help to cure this disease are:

  • calcium - normalizes sleep and helps fight depression;
  • magnesium - helps fight irritability and nervousness;
  • bromine - has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • manganese - strengthens the immune system;
  • selenium - improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • iodine - normalizes the brain and immune system.
The effects that bathing in sea water has on the body are:
  • chemical - useful elements contribute to the achievement of a healing effect;
  • mechanical - the pressure of a large mass of water when bathing is a hydromassage, which improves blood circulation;
  • physiological - the temperature difference between sea water and the human body contributes to an increase in heat transfer, due to which metabolic processes in the body increase;
  • psychotherapeutic - waves and light swaying of water have a calming effect on a person.

Climate treatment in mountain sanatoriums
The mountain climate is characterized by clean air with a low oxygen content. Once in the body, such air improves the functionality of the circulatory system. The positive effect of mountain air masses is also due to the large number of negative ions in their composition. The climate in the mountains helps to improve the composition of the blood and activate the metabolism, which gives positive results in the treatment of this pathology. Staying in the open air calms the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the body's immunity.

Procedures carried out at climatic resorts
The basis of the treatment carried out at the climatic resorts is the dosed effect on the body of climatic factors and special procedures.

The main methods of climatotherapy are:

  • heliotherapy - sunbathing;
  • hypoxic therapy - treatment with mountain air;
  • aerotherapy - the effect of fresh air on naked ( in whole or in part) body;
  • speleotherapy - visiting karst caves, grottoes, salt mines and mines;
  • thalassotherapy - healing procedures using algae, water and other marine products.

Balneological resorts

Balneotherapy is a combination of various water procedures based on medicinal mineral waters. The mechanism of action of medical procedures is based on the beneficial effects of salts, gases and natural extracts in the water. Various useful elements in the composition of mineral waters contribute to the normalization of the circulatory system and improve the functionality of the nervous system. Mineral baths are selected taking into account the characteristics of the disease.

The methods of balneotherapy for vegetative-vascular dystonia are:

  • souls ( fan, circular, underwater, sharko shower) - contribute to the stabilization of vascular tone;
  • shared and private baths ( nitrogen, coniferous, pearl, oxygen) - have a calming effect;
  • contrast mineral baths - improve blood circulation.
The rules for choosing waters for procedures are:
  • with hypertensive and cardiac types of the disease, radon, hydrogen sulfide, iodine-bromine waters are indicated;
  • with hypotensive vegetative-vascular dystonia, procedures using iodine-bromine waters are recommended;
  • with vasomotor syndrome, the patient is shown hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide baths;
  • at nervous excitement radon and nitrogen baths help;
  • when exhausted, carbonic baths are prescribed;
  • with sympathicotonia, treatment based on sulfa waters is useful.

Mud spas

Mud therapy includes procedures using therapeutic mud. The healing effect of such treatment is achieved due to the thermal effect and the characteristics of the chemical composition of the mud. The biologically active substances that make up their composition have an increased penetrating ability and, entering the body through the skin, contribute to the normal functionality of all vital systems.
  • mud baths;
  • local applications with mud;
  • mud wraps;
  • combined exposure to dirt and electric current ( mud electrophoresis).

Rehabilitation treatment

Many spa institutions, in addition to specialized treatment methods, offer additional procedures to combat this autonomic disorder.

To methods sanatorium treatment relate:

  • massage ( general and point);
  • reflexology;
  • physiotherapy;
  • psychotherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
Massage for vegetative neurosis should be carried out in accordance with the type of disease. In the hypertensive type, massage of the collar zone, legs, and abdomen is recommended. Percussion techniques along with tapping should be excluded. With hypotensive vegetative-vascular dystonia, do point and general massage using such elements as stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration. Massage helps to normalize the functionality of the nervous system, eliminate headaches, improve the patient's sleep.

Reflexology is an impact with needles, a magnetic field, a laser or an electrical impulse on the active points of the body located on the surface of the skin. Stimulation reflex zones has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and, in combination with other methods, gives positive results in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Methods of physiotherapy treatment help to strengthen vascular tone, normalize the process of blood circulation and activate the metabolic processes of the body.

The most common physical treatments include:

  • electrophoresis ( injection of drugs through the skin using electric current);
  • electrosleep ( the effect of weak electrical impulses on the brain);
  • magnetotherapy ( magnetic field treatment);
  • laser therapy ( procedures using special physiotherapy lasers).
Principles of psychotherapy in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia
With this autonomic disorder, somatic ( bodily) disorders in the body in most cases are combined with emotional disorders. Therefore, spa treatment this disease is not effective without the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist. Specialists help patients develop resilience to stress by changing their attitude towards negative events. Also, psychotherapeutic assistance involves the development of techniques for relaxation and breath control, which help to get rid of anxiety and control emotions.

Therapeutic exercise includes a set of exercises and physical activity, the purpose of which is to strengthen and increase the body's resistance. Sports activities help to normalize blood pressure, promote emotional relaxation and improve the functioning of the circulatory system.

  • aerobics in water;
  • swimming;
  • sports walking in the fresh air;
  • skiing, skating.
When choosing exercise equipment, you should avoid equipment that involves positioning the body upside down and performing exercises upside down. The optimal solution is a treadmill, rowing machine, bicycle ergometer.
Going in for sports with vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is necessary to exclude types of loads with a large amplitude of movement of the head and body. Fast exercises and those activities that involve prolonged static efforts are not recommended.

Types of sports activities that are not recommended for this disease are:

  • power gymnastics;
  • body-building;
  • high jumps;
  • somersault;
  • somersaults;
  • oriental martial arts.
Physiotherapy exercises should be started with minimal loads, gradually increasing their pace.

Balanced Diet nutrition in sanatoriums allows patients to achieve positive results in the treatment of vegetative neurosis. The menu of such institutions includes dishes, which include enough vitamins and other useful elements that help the body fight this disease.

The products that are emphasized in the spa treatment are:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • porridge ( predominantly buckwheat and oatmeal);
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • Fish and seafood.
Food is prepared with a minimum content of salt and spices, fatty meats and animal fats are excluded.

Duration of spa treatment

The duration of treatment in a sanatorium for this pathology of the autonomic system is determined individually, depending on the characteristics of the disease and the patient's capabilities. The minimum stay in a sanatorium to achieve a healing effect is 12 days. The best option is to visit sanatoriums every year.

Starting spa treatment, many patients are faced with such a factor as acclimatization ( adaptation). This phenomenon is manifested by a short-term decrease in the intensity of work of all body systems and is explained by a change in the usual way of life. During the adaptation period, strong medical procedures should be avoided. It is also necessary to adhere to a regimen that contributes to the reconfiguration of the body. If these rules are not followed, the patient's health condition may deteriorate to such an extent that spa treatment becomes impossible.

Physiotherapy in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Physiotherapy in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is aimed at regulating vascular tone, normalizing metabolism and eliminating pain. The nature, regularity and intensity of the procedures are selected by the doctor in accordance with the characteristics of the disease.

Methods of physiotherapeutic treatment of this autonomic disorder include:

  • electrosleep;
  • electrophoresis;
  • darsonvalization;
  • galvanization;
  • laser therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • inductothermy;
  • aeroionotherapy.
Also, physiotherapeutic methods of treating this autonomic disorder are prescribed depending on the effect they have on the body.

The effects that physiotherapy produces on a patient with vegetative neurosis are:

  • soothing - electrosleep, electrophoresis of sedative drugs, aeroionotherapy;
  • tonic - magnetic and laser therapy, inductothermy;
  • vasodilator - galvanization, local darsonvalization;
  • vasoconstrictor - electrophoresis of adrenaline and other adrenomimetic agents ( adrenergic stimulating drugs);
  • antiarrhythmic - electrophoresis of potassium chloride, lidocaine.
The electrosleep procedure is a therapeutic sleep that occurs due to the influence of electric current pulses on the patient's brain. The procedure is carried out in a special room daily or every other day. The course of treatment includes from 12 to 15 exposures. Electrodes are attached to the patient's head. The frequency of impulses depends on the nature of the disorders that disturb the patient. With neurotic disorders, as well as cardialgic, hypertensive and arrhythmic syndromes, the frequency impulse current varies from 5 to 20 Hertz.

With the hypotensive nature of the disease, the pulse frequency ranges from 10 to 40 Hertz. Start the course of treatment with the minimum values, subsequently increasing them. With any type of vegetative neurosis, the duration of the first procedure will be 30-40 minutes, and after 2-3 sessions, the time is increased by 5 minutes.

Drug electrophoresis is a method of introducing drugs through the skin or mucous membranes of the body using an electric current. During the procedure, a special pad moistened with a solution of the drug is placed on the patient's body. A protective hydrophilic layer is fixed on top, on which the electrode is installed. Electrophoresis is prescribed in accordance with the type of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Electrophoresis in hypertensive type of vegetative neurosis
In case of hypertensive syndrome, the procedure is carried out according to the method of general effect or on collar zone. The current strength is from 10 to 15 milliamps, the duration of exposure is 15 to 20 minutes.

The drugs that are used for electrophoresis in this type of disorder are:

  • sodium solution ( 5 - 10 percent);
  • potassium bromide ( 5 - 10 percent);
  • magnesium sulfate ( 5 percent);
  • eufillin solution ( 1 percent);
  • papaverine ( 2 percent);
  • dibazole ( 1 percent);
  • anaprilin ( 40 milligrams).

Electrophoresis in hypotensive vegetative-vascular dystonia
With this type of autonomic disorder, it is recommended to perform electrophoresis using caffeine. The duration of the procedure ranges from 10 to 20 minutes at a current strength of 5 to 7 milliamps. Systematic treatment - 15 sessions, which are carried out every other day. Also, with this type of disease, mezaton-based electrophoresis can be prescribed. If the patient suffers from insomnia and severe neurotic disorders, he is recommended bromine electrophoresis on the collar zone. With manifestations of severe asthenia, the patient is subjected to electrophoresis using a galvanic anode collar according to Shcherbak.

Electrophoresis for cardiac dystonia
With a vegetative disorder of the cardialgic type, electrophoresis is prescribed using a solution of novocaine ( 5 - 10 percent) and nicotinic acid. Procedures are carried out according to the principle of general effect or according to the cardiac method. The second method involves placing electrodes in the region of the heart and between the shoulder blades.
If the patient has an arrhythmic syndrome, then he is prescribed electrophoresis using panangin ( 2 percent) or anaprilin by the cardiac method.

Local darsonvalization
Darsonvalization is a medical procedure in which certain parts of the patient's body are exposed to pulsed alternating current, the characteristics of which are low frequency, high voltage and weak force. This procedure has a vasodilating and stimulating effect on the body.
In the cardiac form of the disease, darsonvalization is prescribed in the region of the heart. With a predisposition to spasms of cerebral vessels, current is applied to the area cervical. The course of treatment is from 6 to 10 sessions, which are carried out every day.

During galvanization, the body is exposed to direct current, which has a low voltage and low power. Metal plates are applied to the patient's body, to which current is supplied from the apparatus using a wire. To avoid damage, a protective pad made of a material that absorbs water is fixed between the electrode and the skin. When the equipment is turned on, the current strength begins to increase, and by the end of the session, it decreases. The duration of the procedure depends on the specifics of the disease and can be from 10 to 30 minutes.

The effects of galvanization in the treatment of vegetative neurosis are:

  • increased blood circulation;
  • increased vascular permeability;
  • stimulation of the nervous system;
  • improved metabolism.
laser therapy
Laser therapy is based on the influence of a directed light flux on the patient's body. Under the influence of the laser, capillaries expand, viscosity decreases and blood microcirculation improves. This physiotherapeutic method contributes to the activation of the immune functions of the body and has a beneficial effect on the general tone of the patient. One of the properties of laser therapy is to increase the body's sensitivity to medications. This allows you to achieve positive results of treatment in a short time with the use of minimal doses of drugs.

Magnetic Therapy
Magnetic therapy in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a way of physical impact on the human body magnetic field permanent or variable nature. The magnetic field is perceived by all body systems, but the nervous system has the greatest sensitivity to it. The effect of these procedures is manifested in the stabilization of the emotional background of patients, improving sleep, reducing the level of nervous tension. Also, the magnetic field has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, which is expressed in lowering blood pressure and normalizing the pulse.

The effects of magnetic therapy in the treatment of this autonomic disorder are:

  • activation of metabolism;
  • increased tone of peripheral vessels;
  • improvement of blood circulation.
Inductothermy is a treatment method in which the patient's body is exposed to heat. Certain areas on the body are heated using a special apparatus that operates on the basis of an alternating electromagnetic field. Due to eddy currents, the tissues are evenly heated to a depth of 6-8 centimeters. It should be noted that the skin and subcutaneous tissue heat up less than tissues and fluids located at a greater depth. Under the influence of this method of treatment in the patient's body, blood circulation improves, nervous excitability decreases, and the activity of immune functions is activated.

Aeroionotherapy is a treatment method in which the patient inhales air saturated with negative ions. For the procedures, special devices are used - air ionizers for individual or collective use. The patient is located at a distance of a meter from the equipment and inhales air for 20-30 minutes. During the course of treatment, the duration of which is 12-14 sessions, patients experience a decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in the number of heartbeats, and normalization of sleep. In addition, after this method of physiotherapy, the intensity of headaches decreases, weakness disappears and the immune processes of the body are activated.

Contraindications for physiotherapy

The expediency of physiotherapy is determined by the attending physician and depends on the clinical picture of the disease and the general condition of the patient. There is a list of pathologies in which physiotherapy is not possible, regardless of the nature of vegetative neurosis and other factors.

Absolute contraindications for all types of physiotherapy procedures are:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in the acute stage;
  • neoplasms of a malignant type;
  • mental illness;
  • severe blood diseases;
  • tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • atherosclerosis of the brain;
  • hypertension ( 3 stage);
  • body temperature of 38 degrees and above.

Alternative methods of treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

When treating vegetative-vascular dystonia with alternative methods, drugs must be selected in accordance with the nature of the pathology.
  • agents for the treatment of hypertensive dystonia;
  • drugs intended for a disease of a hypotensive nature;
  • drugs for the treatment of vegetative disorders of the cardiac type;
  • folk recipes for all types of this vegetative disease;

Treatment of folk recipes for hypertensive dystonia

In the fight against this autonomic dysfunction of a hypertensive nature, it is necessary to use agents that have a calming effect and reduce the level of blood pressure.
  • hawthorn;
  • magnolia;
  • mint;
  • valerian;
  • chokeberry;
  • barberry;
  • viburnum.
Infusion of hawthorn berries
To prepare this medicine, you need to take 10 grams of dry hawthorn and pour water. Place the vessel with raw materials on a steam bath and heat for 15 minutes. It should be ensured that the water does not boil, because in this way the decoction loses its healing properties. It is necessary to take an infusion of hawthorn with vegetative neurosis, 15 grams of the remedy three times a day.

Remedy from hawthorn berries and flowers
The components that are necessary for the manufacture of a decoction are:

  • dry hawthorn flowers - half a tablespoon;
  • dry hawthorn berries - half a tablespoon;
  • water - 250 milliliters ( 1 glass).
Crushed vegetable raw materials must be steamed with boiling water. The decoction will be ready in a couple of hours. It is recommended to drink the infusion during the day.

Magnolia tincture
For tincture, magnolia leaves are used, which you need to purchase in specialized herbal stores. The crushed fresh plant should be poured with alcohol ( 96 degrees) at a rate of one to one and stand for two weeks, protecting the vessel from sunlight. Strained tincture should be taken 20 drops daily, mixing them with 50 milliliters of water. The tool helps to equalize blood pressure, and also has a positive effect on the functionality of the body's immune systems.

Honey infusion with valerian and dill seeds
This remedy of traditional medicine helps to alleviate the condition of the patient with vegetative pathology hypertensive nature.

The products that you need to purchase for the infusion are:

  • valerian root - 2 tablespoons;
  • dill seeds - 1 cup;
  • natural honey- half a glass 150 grams);
  • water - 2 cups ( half a liter).
Dry seeds and valerian root should be poured with boiling water and left for 15 - 20 hours. A more effective remedy is obtained if you insist it in a thermos. After 24 hours, clean the broth from the cake and mix with honey. Drink honey infusion should be three times a day, evenly distributing the amount of the resulting drink into 6 doses.

Viburnum juice with vegetative neurosis of the hypertonic type
Viburnum berry juice not only normalizes blood pressure, but also activates the protective functions of the body, helping the patient to fight the disease more effectively. To squeeze the juice from the viburnum, the berries should be poured over with boiling water and lightly crushed with your hands. Place the crushed berries in cheesecloth, folded several times and put under oppression or squeeze strongly with your palms so that the juice flows out. A freshly prepared product should be mixed with May honey in a ratio of one tablespoon per hundred milliliters of juice.

Collection of herbs for the treatment of hypertensive dystonia
You need to buy components for this folk remedy at a pharmacy. In finished form, a decoction of herbs has a short shelf life, which does not exceed 1 - 2 days. Therefore, it is worth steaming plants daily, and storing the drink in the refrigerator during the day.

Herbal ingredients of the collection are:

  • valerian root - 20 grams;
  • lily of the valley flowers - 10 grams;
  • hawthorn flowers - 20 grams;
  • peppermint - 15 grams;
  • fennel - 15 grams.
For more convenient use, dry herbs, roots and flowers should be crushed and stored in a resealable container. To prepare a daily portion of the drink you need a glass hot water pour a tablespoon of raw materials. Using a slow fire, bring the composition to a boil, then remove the plants and take one-third of a glass before meals.

Combined herbal tea
With this autonomic disorder, it is necessary to reduce the amount of tea and coffee consumed. You can replace these drinks with herbal tea, the components of which help reduce pressure and have a mild sedative effect.

The ingredients that are needed to brew tea are:

  • chokeberry;
  • barberry;
  • black currant;
  • blueberry.
Dry ingredients should be mixed in equal amounts and stored in a glass container. The fruits can be used instead of tea leaves by brewing a tablespoon of tea leaves with a glass of boiling water.

Folk remedies for the treatment of vegetative neurosis of the hypotensive type

With a pathology of this nature, it is necessary to take drugs that help raise the general tone of the body and increase blood pressure.

Plants that treat hypotonic type dystonia are:

  • ginseng;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • St. John's wort;
  • rhodiola rosea;
  • immortelle;
  • juniper;
  • dandelion;
  • stinging nettle;
  • Chinese Lemongrass.
Ginseng root tincture
Taking 25 drops of ginseng tincture three times a day can help relieve the symptoms of this type of autonomic disorder. The product is bought in a ready-to-use form at a pharmacy or prepared at home. To make your own tincture, you need to pour dry crushed plant with vodka in a ratio of one to one. For 10 - 14 days, insist the composition, vigorously shaking the container 2 - 3 times a day.

Rhodiola rosea tincture
To prepare the tincture, you need to purchase Rhodiola rosea root at the pharmacy. It should be borne in mind that the leaves of this plant lower the pressure, so the underground part of the flower is necessary for tincture. It is necessary to grind the dry rhizome in the amount of 100 grams and pour it with vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees. Put the container with the composition in a place where sunlight does not penetrate, and shake it periodically throughout the week. Before use, the tincture must be made less concentrated by adding water in a ratio of 1 to 5.

St. John's wort herbal tea
This folk remedy has a pleasant taste, invigorates well and has no restrictions on use. To prepare a mixture for tea, 10 parts of St. John's wort and 1 part of angelica should be placed in a hermetically sealed refractory container. Herbs should be used fresh. Put the vessel with raw materials in the oven and keep on low heat for 3 hours. Grind the steamed raw materials and use instead of tea leaves. To prolong the use of vegetable raw materials, it can be divided into portions and frozen.

Decoction with immortelle
Immortelle sandy fights fatigue, apathy and increases blood pressure. A tablespoon of fresh grass should be poured with a glass of water, the temperature of which is 70 - 80 degrees. If dry raw materials are used, then it must be steamed with boiling water. You need to use the decoction during the day, dividing the amount of funds into 3 doses.

Schisandra chinensis decoction
To prepare a decoction of Chinese magnolia vine, the fruits of the plant in the amount of 2 tablespoons should be poured with a glass of water. Put the container on the fire, wait for the boil and soak for 5 minutes. You need to use the resulting amount of infusion during the day, distributing it into 3 doses.

Juniper fruits in the treatment of hypotonic vegetative neurosis
Active active ingredients, which are part of juniper fruits, help normalize blood pressure and fight well with the general weakness of the body. Berries can be added as seasonings in the preparation of dishes from pork, beef, chicken. The separate use of juniper berries also has a beneficial effect. You should start with 1 piece, daily increasing their number by another 1 berry. After 3 - 4 weeks of treatment should be discontinued.

Combined collection to combat hypotensive dystonia
The constituent elements of this folk remedy are:

  • Rhodiola rosea root - 20 grams;
  • echinacea flowers - 20 grams;
  • hop cones - 10 grams;
  • May honey - 2 teaspoons;
  • water - 250 milliliters.
Fresh or dry herbal ingredients should be combined with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, strain the product and add honey. You need to use the amount of the resulting product during the day. It is necessary to drink a decoction before meals for a month, after which a pause in treatment should be made.

Herbal collection in the treatment of dystonia with reduced pressure
The ingredients of this drug are:

  • dandelion ( leaves) - 10 grams;
  • gray blackberry ( leaves) - 20 grams;
  • stinging nettle ( leaves) - 20 grams;
  • water - 250 milliliters ( 1 glass).

It is necessary to use vegetable raw materials for the manufacture of herbal infusion after preliminary grinding. This will reduce the time required to infuse the decoction. You need to prepare a drink daily, as it spoils the next day. To do this, bring water to a boil and steam dry plants with boiling water. Wrap the vessel with the composition and leave for one hour. After this, the infusion must be filtered and drunk 30 milliliters each ( 2 tablespoons) 3 times a day.

Folk recipes for the treatment of cardiac dystonia

The fight against vegetative neurosis of the cardiac type involves the use of funds, which include medicinal plants and other products that help normalize the functioning of the heart muscle.

The components on the basis of which the treatment of dystonia with cardialgic syndrome can be based are:

  • raisin;
  • mint;
  • rose hip;
  • rosemary;
  • valerian.
Raisin remedy
Raisins contain large quantity glucose, which has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the heart muscle and normalizes its contractile activity. This course of treatment is recommended to be repeated twice a year. It is necessary to choose raisins that do not contain seeds. Two kilograms of dried berries should be thoroughly washed in warm, and then in cold water. Next, the raisins need to be dried naturally, laying it out on a clean cloth. After the dried fruits have dried, it is necessary to separate total into two parts. Raisins should be taken 40 berries every day, consuming them half an hour before breakfast. After the first half of the dried grapes is finished, it is necessary to proceed to the second part. The second kilogram of raisins start with 40 berries every day, reducing the number of berries by 1 piece.

Healing collection to strengthen the heart muscle
This folk remedy helps to fight heart pains that are characteristic of this type of pathology.

Components herbal collection for the treatment of cardiac dystonia are:

  • mint;
  • hop;
  • rosemary;
  • valerian;
  • hawthorn;
  • St. John's wort.
All components of the collection must be used in dry form. Equal parts of each component must be poured into a glass container or a bag made from natural fabrics. Thus, vegetable raw materials for making a drink can be stored for several years. For a decoction, you need to steam in a thermos for the night 2 tablespoons of herbal collection with half a liter of hot water. Reception schedule - one third of a glass three times a day. You can store the broth for no more than 2 - 3 days, and this fact should be taken into account when preparing the drink. The course of treatment is 1 - 2 months, after which it is necessary to take a break for 4 weeks.

Herbal tea for the treatment of vegetative neurosis of the cardialgic type
The composition of this folk remedy includes plants that contribute to the normal functionality of the heart. Also, this tea contains a large amount of vitamins and useful elements that help strengthen the protective functions of the body.

The ingredients of tea are:

  • valerian;
  • hawthorn;
  • rose hip;
  • raspberry ( greenery);
  • coltsfoot.
Equal portions of these ingredients should be poured into a container suitable for storage. To brew tea, you need to take a tablespoon of herbal tea and steam it in a thermos with 2 cups of boiling water. The next day, you need to drink a drink, distributing it between breakfast, lunch and dinner. After 1-2 months of using this herbal tea a break of 20-30 days is required.

Means for the treatment of vegetative neurosis with cardiac syndrome
A decoction prepared on the basis of dill, wormwood, mint, and linden seeds has a mild sedative effect and helps to reduce pain in patients with this pathology. Dried and crushed plants should be combined in equal proportions. To prepare a drink, 2 tablespoons of herbs need to be poured with water and brought to a boil on the stove. After cooling the broth, it must be filtered and taken one third of a glass 3 times a day.

A mixture of tinctures for the normalization of cardiac activity in dystonia
This tool helps to improve the patient's condition with a vegetative disorder of the cardiac type, because it strengthens blood vessels and improves the functionality of the heart. This folk remedy from tinctures, which you need to buy ready-made in a pharmacy.

The components of the combined tincture for the treatment of this pathology are:

  • peony tincture - 100 milliliters;
  • hawthorn tincture - 100 milliliters;
  • valerian tincture - 100 milliliters;
  • motherwort tincture - 100 milliliters;
  • eucalyptus tincture - 50 milliliters;
  • mint tincture - 25 milliliters;
  • cinnamon grains - 10 pieces.
All ingredients must be mixed in a glass jar and left for 10-14 days in a place where sunlight does not penetrate. After the specified time, you should proceed to treatment, which should last no more than a month. You need to take the remedy 25 drops before meals, which must be mixed with a tablespoon of water.

Folk drugs with a general spectrum of action for dystonia

With this disease, vegetative disorders are combined with disorders of the emotional background. Therefore, a complete treatment should include means to combat anxiety, bad mood and disturbed sleep. You should also take treatment that helps suppress apathy and improve performance.
  • means for normalizing sleep and stabilizing the emotional background;
  • drugs that help eliminate fatigue
Means for correcting the emotional state
Treatment for insomnia with folk remedies is based on medicinal plants that contribute to the relaxation of the body.

Herbs that have a sedative effect include:

  • lavender;
  • Melissa;
  • peppermint;
  • violet;
  • chamomile.
Herbal collection for relaxation
The ingredients of this folk remedy are:
  • lavender ( flowers) - 50 grams;
  • peppermint ( leaves) - 50 grams;
  • chamomile ( flowers) - 75 grams;
  • valerian ( root) - 75 grams.
Dry plants must be crushed and poured into a jar. For insomnia, take a glass of decoction per day, which should be brewed in the proportion of two tablespoons of the collection per 250 milliliters of water.

Combined evening tea
Medicinal plants from which tea is prepared for the treatment of this autonomic disorder are:

  • veronica officinalis ( grass);
  • violet ( grass);
  • lavender ( flowers);
  • barberry ( berries);
  • melissa ( leaves).
The collection is made up of equal portions of each component. A decoction brewed on one tablespoon of raw materials and a glass of water should be taken 2 to 3 hours before going to bed.

Herbal tea with a calming effect
This folk remedy not only calms the nervous system, but also activates the protective functions of the body.

The components of the collection are:

  • Hypericum perforatum;
  • peppermint;
  • Melissa;
  • valerian;
  • common hop cones.
Mix all ingredients in equal parts. A glass of decoction prepared from a tablespoon of herbs and a glass of boiling water, drink in small sips throughout the day.

Soothing baths in the treatment of dystonia
Baths with herbal extracts help to relax, relieve muscle tension and improve sleep.

Bath rules for good sleep are:

  • subdued light in the bathroom;
  • water should not be hot, but warm ( 35 - 37 degrees);
  • stay in the bath should not exceed 15 minutes;
  • after the bath you need to take a warm shower.
Baths with herbal infusions
To prepare a herbal infusion for a soothing bath, steam 100 grams of raw materials with two glasses of boiling water, insist and add to water.

Plants that can be used for water procedures for vegetative neurosis are:

  • melissa;
  • valerian;
  • lavender;
  • oregano.
These herbs are used both independently and in the form of mixtures.

Soothing baths with essential oils
Baths with the addition of essential oils to the water have an effective effect. To avoid skin irritation, the essential oil can be mixed with honey or milk before being added to water. The dosage of essential oil is 3-4 drops per whole bath.

Plants whose essential oils promote good sleep are:

  • jasmine;
  • lavender;
  • neroli;
  • sweet marjoram.
Preparations traditional medicine against fatigue
Treatment aimed at restoring strength should include components that contribute to raising the general tone of the body and normalizing the patient's physical and mental activity.

General tonic with pomegranate
The biologically active components that make up this remedy for the treatment of autonomic dysfunction help restore physical and mental form patient. Also, this recipe normalizes the functionality of the circulatory system, thanks to pomegranate juice.

The ingredients of the drink are:

  • birch leaves ( fresh) - 100g;
  • Kalanchoe leaves - 150 grams;
  • pomegranate juice- 125 milliliters;
  • water - 250 milliliters.
Leaves of birch and Kalanchoe should be filled with water, put on a steam bath and wait for the boil. After ten minutes, remove the vessel from the heat, strain and mix with pomegranate juice. The course of treatment is 10 days, the dosage is 125 milliliters of the drink ( half glass).

Lure Tincture
Zamaniha high is a plant that has an effective positive effect on mental and physical exhaustion. The tincture purchased at the pharmacy should be consumed in the amount of 30-40 drops twice a day thirty minutes before meals. People who suffer from sleep disorders should avoid this remedy.

Rosehip drink
Rosehip contains a large number of active elements that help fight overwork. To prepare the infusion, you need 20 grams of fruit ( dry or fresh) Steam with two cups of boiling water in a thermos. The next day, add sugar or honey to the infused rosehip and take half a glass 3 times a day.

Red wine remedy for low energy
To prepare this folk remedy, you need red dessert wine ( e.g. Cahors). Wine in the amount of 350 milliliters should be mixed with 150 milliliters of fresh aloe juice and 250 grams of May honey. To maximize the benefits of aloe, before cutting off the lower leaves, the plant should not be watered for several days. Aloe needs to be washed, crushed, add wine with honey and insist for 7-10 days. The temperature in the place where the container is stored should not exceed 8 degrees. After the infusion is ready, it should be filtered and taken in a tablespoon three times a day.

Apathy in old age may indicate brain problems

VVD is not considered an independent disease, but rather a set of signs - symptoms of other pathological processes.

As for the classification, there is no consensus.

But depending on the transformations of the cardiovascular system and pressure, the IRR is divided into these types:

  1. normotensive(cardiac cardiac) type. Manifested by pain in the heart and violation heart rate.
  2. hypertensive type. It manifests itself in increased pressure, regardless of the state (stress or rest).
  3. hypotensive type. It is characterized by low blood pressure with weakness and a tendency to faint.

Depending on the predominant activity sympathetic or parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, there are: sympathicotonic, parasympathicotonic and mixed species VSD.

By the nature of the flow it can be: permanent (signs are constantly present, more often with hereditary inclinations), paroxysmal (vegetative seizures) or latent (hidden).

Causes of the disease

To the main causes of VVD relate:

  • hereditary tendency;
  • endocrine changes in the body, the most striking example is hormonal changes during puberty;
  • diseases of the endocrine system thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads);
  • stress, distress;
  • organic lesions of the brain (trauma, tumor processes, strokes).

Symptoms characteristic of VVD


  • fast fatiguability;
  • feeling of anxiety with rapid heartbeat;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • heartache;
  • disorders of the intestines and gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased sweating;
  • rises in temperature, which are difficult to explain, a feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • decreased motivation;
  • shortness of breath, numbness of hands and feet;
  • paresthesia, a feeling of "crawling", meteosensitivity.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia exhausts the patient. Often, doctors write off VVD complaints for gastritis, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, thyroid dysfunction.

Vegetovascular dystonia is a dysfunction of the nervous system, which is characterized by a general deterioration in the patient's well-being. Classified as out...

Diagnostic methods

Diagnose VVD complicated, since there is no equipment or tests that can make such a diagnosis. This disease can only be identified by the sum of the symptoms.

First of all, when diagnosing vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is important to exclude purely somatic, neurological, and endocrine diseases.

The state of the nervous system is determined based on the autonomic tone, reactivity and provision of activity.

These components are evaluated based on on the patient's complaints, ECG data and cardiointervalography. In the diagnosis of VVD, an important role is played by EEG, EchoEG, REG, rheovasography, which allows assessing the functional state of the central nervous system, identifying changes in cerebral and peripheral vessels, and intracranial hypertension.

In case of rhythm and conduction disturbances, changes in the ST segment on the ECG, the necessary pharmacological tests, Holter monitoring of the ECG, etc. are performed. In case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, consultations of a neurologist, ENT doctor, oculist, endocrinologist, and in some cases, a psychiatrist are necessary.

Since VVD is not a nosological form of the disease, but the result of dysfunction of brain structures, lesions endocrine glands, internal organs, etc., in the first place when making a diagnosis put etiological factor (if detected), which contributes to targeted therapy.

Differential diagnosis makes it possible to exclude diseases that have symptoms similar to vegetative-vascular dystonia. In the presence of cardiac complaints, with changes in the heart, it is necessary to exclude rheumatism, which has sufficiently characteristic diagnostic signs.

At the same time, signs of connective tissue dysplasia should be taken into account, clinical manifestations which together resemble not only rheumatic heart disease, but also birth defects heart, non-rheumatic carditis.

If high blood pressure is detected, it is necessary to exclude the presence of primary and symptomatic arterial hypertension.

Respiratory disorders(shortness of breath, asthma attacks) that occur during crises in children with VVD are often differentiated from bronchial asthma.

In the presence of febrile reactions, it is necessary to exclude an acute infectious disease, sepsis, infective endocarditis, as well as oncological pathology. In the presence of psychovegetative symptoms, it is important to exclude mental disorders.

Treatment of VVD of various forms

Treatment for vegetative-vascular dystonia should be comprehensive, long-term, taking into account the characteristics of vegetative disorders and their etiology.

Preference is given to non-drug methods. They include normalization of the daily routine, elimination of physical inactivity, dosed physical activity, limitation of emotional influences (TV shows, computer games), individual and family psychological correction and a regular and balanced diet.

What does it show and is it possible to independently decipher the results of the study.

From a headache, the drug Betaserk will help, instructions for use for which, the pros and cons of the drug and other interesting information are in our material.

Treatment Goals

aim VVD treatment is to overcome internal discomfort, improve the overall health and quality of life of the patient. Thus, it is possible not only to eliminate the root causes of the disease, but also to prevent relapses.

Lifestyle Features

The question of how to cure vegetative vascular dystonia is not worth it until the patient completely changes his lifestyle.

There are several provisions:

  • proper nutrition;
  • sports;
  • exclusion of smoking and alcohol;
  • reduction in the amount of stress.

Diet for vegetative-vascular dystonia, as a rule, not assigned: the patient can eat whatever he wants, as long as it does not harm other organs.

Avoiding alcohol is especially important in the treatment of VVD.

Physical activity is very important, as it helps to regulate the activity of blood vessels at the muscle level and releases stress.

Physiotherapy, massage

Treatment of VVD for hypotonic, hypertonic, mixed and other types should be started with such procedures: acupuncture, water procedures, physiotherapy (laseropuncture, magnetopuncture, vacuum therapy, electrical stimulation), therapeutic massage.

Very effective method therapy is considered massage. This procedure performs several functions at once: it tones the blood vessels and relieves nervous tension.

Medical treatment

In the treatment of VSD drugs are prescribed to correct the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and drugs aimed at eliminating symptoms from organs and systems.

To improve memory processes, reduce the excitability of the nervous system, it is advisable to take this amino acid improves metabolism in the brain, as a result of which the astheno-neurotic component of dystonia is noticeably reduced. In addition, the use of nootropics with a sedative effect is justified.

If tachyarrhythmia occurs with vegetative vascular dystonia, then treatment is indicated potassium preparations, barboval, corvalol, corvaldin.

Homeopaths for the treatment of VVD, cardio-gran, pumpan, cralonin, neurochel, etc. can be prescribed. These drugs have a sedative, vasodilating and antispasmodic effect.

With an increase in blood pressure and tachycardia, reserpine and β-blockers can be used.

Often dystonia is accompanied by neuroses. tranquilizers help reduce anxiety, fear, tension, normalize sleep, a number of them have an anticonvulsant effect.

In addition, they have a vegetotropic property, have a positive effect on functional extrasystoles and cardialgia, arterial pressure lability.

Used for sleep disorders sleeping pills, however, they should be taken for a short time, since hypnotics cannot provide physiological rest.

Herbs for VVD

If a medical preparations for the treatment of VVD did not help, you can use folk remedies medicine:

  1. Adonis spring(spring adonis). Raw materials - grass (stems, leaves, flowers) and unripe fruits. The herb contains the cardiac glycosides cymarin, adonitoxin, flavone glycoside, adonivernite, several other cardiac glycosides, saponins, adonite alcohol, phytosterol, and mineral salts. Therapeutic effect: excites and regulates the activity of the heart, dilates the blood vessels of the heart and kidneys, enhances heart contractions, equalizes the rhythm of the heart and eliminates congestion. The plant is poisonous, use with caution only as directed by a doctor.
  2. Anise ordinary. Raw materials - mature fruits (seeds). They contain fatty oil and essential oil, including anethole, methyl salvicol, acetaldehyde. It has an expectorant, stimulating intestinal activity, carminative and calming effect, lowers blood pressure, temperature, helps to overcome depression during stress.
  3. orange sweet. Raw materials - fruits, fruit peel, flowers. Used for fear nervous tension, depression, decreased appetite, febrile conditions, hypertension, atherosclerosis, liver disease, obesity, hypertension, gout, scurvy, as well as excessively heavy menstruation and other uterine bleeding, taken to calm the nervous system.

How to treat VVD by different types

Consider two main types of VSD

hypertonic type

Hypertensive type of dystonia characterized by high blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. This causes headaches and heartbeat, pulsation of vessels in the periphery.

At the same time, vascular hypertonicity increases the risk of stroke in elderly patients. This means that the hyperkinetic type of dystonia can lead to hypertension. Therefore, the treatment of VVD according to the hypertensive type of treatment is also preventive.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the brain ( cerebral form) needs pharmacological treatment. The following pharmacological groups are used for therapy drugs:

  • beta-blockers (sotalol, metoprolol, bisoprolol, atenolol);
  • ACE inhibitors (enalapril, berlipril, lisinopril);
  • calcium channel blockers (amlodipine, diltiazem, nifedipine);
  • sedatives (tinctures of hawthorn, corvalol, sedavit);
  • vitamin complexes and antioxidants;
  • antiarrhythmics as indicated.

These drugs correct the work of the heart, cut the heart rate.

Treatment of VVD by hypotonic type

Few remedies have been developed for the treatment of the hypokinetic type of dystonia, because the pathology is not so common. However, this form also needs treatment. The following are shown for use. drugs:

  • m-anticholinergics (atropine);
  • methylxanthines (eufillin, theophylline);
  • vitamins and antioxidants;
  • coffee, strong tea twice a day, green tea (due to caffeine).

In the question of how to cure vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type, it is difficult to find a solution, this form of the disease often proceeds benignly.

Especially rarely is it necessary to treat such a pathology as vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents and children, as well as pregnant women.

Things to remember

Vegetative dystonia - it's a syndrome, for the effective treatment of which it is necessary to find out exactly the root cause of its occurrence.

The final statement about the presence of vegetative dystonia syndrome with manifestations of cardiovascular, gastroenteric, thermoregulatory or respiratory systems is done only after the exclusion of the pathology of organs from these systems.

Disease prevention

Prevention of VVD in adults, first of all, is to normalize daily activities, giving up bad habits and mastering self-regulation skills. Important role in timely warning different kind hormonal disorders.

Those who have noticed at least once a year manifestations of VVD should carry out treatment and prevention courses(acupuncture, exercise therapy, massage, herbal medicine, classes in psychological support groups).

The objective of prevention is to prevent exacerbations and improve the patient's well-being.

VVD is dangerous due to the complexity of diagnosis. It is often installed at advanced stages, when medical treatment is already needed. That is why it is so important to self-prevention ailment.

Video: How to cure vegetative vascular dystonia

How to alleviate the condition with VSD. It is enough just to master your body - play sports, be able to relax, eat right. As well as specific exercises from a professional.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is one of the most common and least understood diseases for those suffering from it. A neurologist tells in detail about the diverse manifestations of this disease, possible causes, the basic principles of the circulatory system and the nervous system. Ways of lifestyle correction, nutrition, physical activity necessary to cure this disease are described.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD, Neurocirculatory dystonia)

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD, Neurocirculatory dystonia) Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD or neurocirculatory dystonia) is a pathological condition, disruption of the compensatory activity of the autonomic nervous system. Perhaps this is the most common diagnosis that is made by doctors and causes dissatisfaction in the patient, misunderstanding and anxiety - perhaps the doctors still haven’t found something serious, missed it?

This situation is due to the fact that vegetative-vascular dystonia can be a symptom of many organic diseases: somatic and neurological, endocrinological, gynecological, oncological, and so on, with endocrine-hormonal disorders. More often, VVD is functional in nature, that is, it is not associated with a serious disease. Such a psychogenic disorder between the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures of the "I want - I can't" type. And there are symptoms of dystonia. Symptoms can vary. This is due to the variety of functions that the autonomic nervous system performs.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The autonomic nervous system is located in the brain and spinal cord, has nerves and ganglia, neurotransmitters (acetylcholine, norepinephrine) ...
The autonomic nervous system regulates the activity of all internal organs, glands of external and internal secretion, lymphatic and blood vessels, ensures the constancy (homeostasis) of the internal environment and the adaptation of the work of internal organs to changing environmental conditions.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous systems have opposite effects on the functioning of organs. And as soon as the balance between this influence is disturbed, an imbalance in work arises - vegetative-vascular dystonia. But it is said very simply, and the mechanism of regulation and relationships of organs and systems is very complex.

The occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia is influenced by constitutional predisposition, the human environment - family, religion, climate, education, culture and frequent or prolonged stress in this environment. People at any age suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

According to the localization of the main symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, VSD is distinguished by respiratory, cerebral, cardiological, gastroenterological, vegetative-visceral types, with impaired thermoregulation.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can manifest itself persistent symptoms- vascular, neuromuscular, neuroendocrine, cognitive (intellectual dysfunction), mental (neurosis, depression, panic attacks) and paroxysmal (paroxysmal)- according to hypotonic, hypertonic type, mixed types.

  • IRR of the hypotonic type is characterized by a decrease in blood pressure.
  • IRR of the hypertensive type is characterized by an increase in blood pressure.
  • VSD by mixed type characterized by periodic fluctuations in blood pressure.

Crises are characteristic of all types of vegetative-vascular dystonia. With vegetovascular dystonia of the hypertensive type, anxiety, palpitations, sudden arousal, symptoms are observed. panic attack, increased blood pressure, cold extremities, chills. With vegetovascular dystonia of the hypotonic type - general weakness, shortness of breath, nausea, fading in the work of the heart, sweating, low blood pressure. With vegetative-vascular dystonia of a mixed type, all of the above symptoms appear to one degree or another.

Autonomic crises (sympathoadrenal) are caused by the predominant influence of the sympathetic nervous system - increased blood pressure, tachycardia, chill-like hyperkinesis (trembling), hyperthermia, pain in the heart, fear, anxiety, panic, cold sweat, numbness of the extremities.

Vagoinsular crises of the IRR are caused by the predominant influence of the parasympathetic nervous system - weakness, lowering blood pressure, respiratory disorders, bradycardia (slow heart rate and, accordingly, pulse), a feeling of "fading" of the heart, dizziness, dysfunction digestive system, hyperhidrosis (sweating), polyuria.

Mixed crises combine a variety of symptoms and their combinations.

The course of vegetative-vascular dystonia is long, perhaps for years, with periods of remissions and exacerbations.


With the predominance of cardiovascular disorders in the complex of existing autonomic disorders, the term "neurocirculatory dystonia" is sometimes used. However, it should be borne in mind that neurocirculatory dystonia is an integral part of the broader concept of vegetative-vascular dystonia. There are three types of neurocirculatory dystonia: cardiac, vascular and mixed.

The cardiac type of neurocirculatory dystonia (functional cardiopathy) is manifested by rhythm and conduction disturbances (sinus bradycardia, extrasystole, paroxysmal and non-paroxysmal tachycardia, atrioventricular blockade of I-II degree), impaired ventricular repolarization processes (nonspecific changes in the ST segment), some forms of mitral valve prolapse.

Neurocirculatory dystonia of the vascular type is accompanied by arterial hypertension (neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertonic type) or hypotension (neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypotonic type).

The mixed type of neurocirculatory dystonia has elements of both cardiac and vascular types with various combinations of their symptoms.

With recurring headaches, changes in blood pressure, dizziness, weakness, increased fatigue, memory difficulties, anxiety, emotional lability(mood swings), sleep disturbances, fear for one’s health (hypochondria), pain in the heart area, heart rhythm disturbances, shortness of breath, a feeling of “lump” in the throat, pain in the abdomen, numbness of the limbs ... almost any health disorder should be addressed to the doctor.

Examination for vegetative-vascular dystonia

To make a diagnosis of VVD, consultations of various specialists and examinations (individually, depending on the symptoms found) will be required. Therapist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist (for women) - the shortest list of possible consultations.

To confirm the diagnosis of VVD, it is necessary to exclude a possible somatic organic disease, which can give manifestations of the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia in each individual patient individually. And according to the complaints described in detail and the symptoms found during the examination of the doctor, the necessary studies are prescribed.

The task of the patient: to describe in detail their feelings. For example, not just - my head hurts, but in detail - where it hurts (forehead, back of the head, temple, on one side or diffusely), how it hurts (pulsates, bakes, shoots, bursts ...) what you feel, what sensations are accompanied by (can be pressure on the eyes and ears, can be vomiting, dizziness, visual disturbances ...), which precedes the onset of a headache - changes in weather conditions, stress, overwork ...

From possible surveys if VVD is suspected, neurologists often use an electrocardiogram, vascular dopplerography, computed and magnetic resonance imaging, examinations by an ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, and therapist. To exclude thyroid diseases (both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can be manifested by symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia), laboratory tests are used - they examine the hormonal activity of the thyroid gland and ultrasound.

When the diagnosis of VVD is established and all possible somatic diseases are excluded, individual treatment is prescribed.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

It is strongly recommended to modify the lifestyle for the successful treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia: the regime of work and rest, sports are welcome in the game mode, but not in the professional one, swimming, running, aerobics, fitness, cold and hot shower, being outdoors, healthy eating, sleep 8 hours a day, visits to a psychotherapist, spa treatment in neurological sanatoriums using all types of balneotherapy (hydrotherapy), reflexology, aromatherapy, physiotherapy, massage. Patients often do not take this IMPORTANT recommendation seriously and thereby aggravate their condition.

It is very important to normalize the blood circulation of the brain and prevent the development of stroke and other serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. For example, the combination drug Vasobral improves blood circulation and metabolism in the brain. The components of the drug prevent thrombosis, reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, increase the resistance of brain tissues to oxygen deficiency, increase mental and physical performance. The effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia has been clinically proven.

Drugs for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Use antidepressants and tranquilizers.

Medications are individual - symptomatic. How multifunctional is the autonomic nervous system, how diverse clinical picture dystonia, the prescribed therapeutic combination is so variable. The doctor prescribes all medications and indicates the dosage.

With an increase in blood pressure - antihypertensive drugs, with tachycardia - β blockers, with hypotension - caffeine, ginseng with B vitamins.

With venous insufficiency - vasoket, venoplant, detralex. These drugs are taken for heaviness in the head, throbbing, bursting headache, aggravated after sleep and in the hot season (on a Doppler study, venous insufficiency is confirmed), they are taken for a long time from 1 to 2 months, more often 1 tablet in the evening.

With dizziness and increased blood pressure, you can take cavinton, cavinton retard, oxybral, vinpocetine, sermion, nicerium. With reduced pressure and dizziness - preparations of ginkgo biloba - memoplant, ginkofar.

With noise in the head, betaserk is added - for adults, 16 mg 3 times a day or 24 mg 2 times a day for a long time - from 1 to 2 months. In case of acute dizziness, you can put the tablet under the tongue for a quick action.

Tranquilizers - afobazole, for example, have an anti-anxiety effect. You can take 1 tablet 3 times a day for a month.

Antidepressants are prescribed by a doctor - you should know that the minimum intake of such drugs is 6 months and the effect occurs on average at 10-14 days. Orange color has an antidepressant effect - use it. Orange, orange juice, bright umbrella...

A smile, a purposeful stretching of the lips into a smile, contributes to the activation of brain regions associated with the formation of positive emotions. Smile more often - it increases vitality.

With asthenic syndrome, cerebrosthenia, neuroprotectors, antioxidants, drugs that improve blood circulation and microcirculation are prescribed - nootropil, piracetam, phenotropil, mildronate, cavinton, sermion, glycine, trental. Nootropil (piracetam, lucetam) is taken 1200 twice a day - in the morning and at lunchtime, for at least a month. Phenotropil 1 tablet per day. Glycine should be absorbed 2 tablets three times a day for 1-2 months.

The choice of any drugs should be taken with extreme caution so as not to cause addiction and the need for constant use in order to achieve relief. Attention is drawn to the domestic drug Eltacin, which relieves excessive tension, helps stabilize pressure, improve sleep, increases the energy potential of the body and the resistance of tissues to oxygen starvation, and thus affects the cause of vegetovascular dystonia, and not just its symptoms.

In the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is possible to use herbs for a sedative (calming), antidepressant effect on the nervous system (mood normalization, anxiety relief, mental stress):

  • Melissa - sedative with antispasmodic and anxiolytic, antidepressant effect. “Delight of the heart” called Melissa Avicena, which makes the heart happy, strengthens the spirit and drives away dark thoughts. Used in the form of medicinal teas, decoctions, infusions
  • St. John's wort - antidepressant action - reduces anxiety, anxiety, normalizes sleep. It is used in combined tablets - Novo-Passit, is available in tablets - Deprim.
  • Hops - sedative effect, analgesic effect.
  • Hawthorn - normalizes heartbeat, lowers blood pressure, has a calming effect.
  • Mint - antispasmodic, hypnotic, sedative, choleretic agent, reduces nausea.
  • Valerian - a sedative effect, normalizes sleep, relieves psycho-emotional stress.
  • use combined preparations- dormiplant, novo-passitis, sedasen, sedavit.

At VSD for hypertension type can be applied sedative herbs and hawthorn, swamp cudweed, raunatin, wild rose. You can take an infusion of hawthorn ¼ cup 4 times a day before meals (1 tablespoon of hawthorn flowers in 1 cup of hot water, leave for 2 hours). It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt, caffeine, alcohol, fats consumed. The diet needs to be diversified with vitamins - vegetables and fruits, pomegranate, apples, grapefruit, garlic, chocolate. Light physical exercises and walks in the fresh air, sea procedures, reflexology are useful.

At VSD by hypotonic type you can use ginseng, eleutherococcus, Chinese magnolia vine, which increase efficiency and blood pressure - they have tonic and adaptogenic properties. With increased excitability, insomnia, they can not be used. Ginseng tincture is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon for a month. Oxygen, pearl, aromatic baths, circular, fan tonic shower, physiotherapy exercises, sports, reflexology are recommended.

All medical and therapeutic measures are prescribed and controlled by a doctor.

Consultation of a doctor on vegetative-vascular dystonia

Question: How to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD)? How to cure vegetative-vascular dystonia?

Answer: For the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia, doctors prescribe special medications, including sedatives and antidepressants. However, it should be borne in mind that taking drugs for vegetative-vascular dystonia is necessary only with the knowledge of a doctor, since they can be addictive!

The treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia with folk remedies can be quite effective: in particular, infusions for cleansing blood vessels, heart tinctures, but only if there are no contraindications to them. Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia with herbs (hawthorn, motherwort, etc.) also belongs to folk treatment, these remedies are only auxiliary in nature. Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia with folk remedies in practice does not give recovery, but it has a beneficial effect on the body, relieves some symptoms.

The most useful for vegetative-vascular dystonia is physiotherapy exercises, which provide a general strengthening effect on the body. Therapeutic exercise for VVD is an excellent tool for training the body and increasing its performance. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, physical education, thought out taking into account the age, state of health of the patient, is simply necessary. However, exercises for VVD should be soft and completely exclude jumping. It should also be borne in mind that a mobile lifestyle in general is a prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Rest is the best remedy for vegetovascular dystonia. Naturally, a person cannot quit his job. However, it is quite possible and necessary to allow yourself to travel outside the city. A lot of attention is paid to the treatment of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in sanatoriums - there are a lot of special procedures that will help a person feel much better. Based on the results, we can say that sanatorium procedures are simply irreplaceable in the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia.

Question: I have been diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. I was prescribed medication by a doctor, but there was no improvement in my condition after treatment. In this case, how can I cure VSD?

Answer: The causes of such a disease as VVD can often be psychological disorders (stress, depression, neurosis, overwork, chronic fatigue). It is impossible to separate mental health from physical health, real health combines both aspects. Fear, phobias - this causes panic attacks, vegetative-vascular dystonia or chronic fatigue syndrome. All this is treated by psychotherapists without pills, with the help of proven techniques. The treatment uses the method of behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy.

Question: What is better - to drink medications and antidepressants for years, or to get rid of the symptoms of VVD and panic attacks when visiting a psychotherapist?

If physical factors are the cause of the disease, then medications can and should be prescribed for the treatment of VVD. However, drugs for vegetative-vascular dystonia, caused by psychological disorders, are simply irrelevant. Do not help in this case in the treatment of VVD and folk remedies. In this case, the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia requires the help of a professional psychologist. Only in this case, the treatment of VVD will be really effective.

Question: How is vegetative-vascular dystonia related to panic attacks?

The description of panic attacks is very similar to the description of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia during a crisis (VVD attacks). The nature of panic attacks and exacerbations of VVD is the same: in the body at these moments there is a high concentration of adrenaline, norepinephrine and acetylcholine. These biologically active substances are the cause of emotional overload and pain. That is why patients in need of treatment for panic attacks are often diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia and prescribed drugs for VVD, while people need psychological help. vegetative-vascular dystonia and panic attacks are easy to confuse, especially since in Russia not even all doctors know about panic attacks. Pain in VVD (and especially the headache characteristic of VVD) often does not need to be treated with drugs, but they continue to be prescribed. However, even in order to lower blood pressure (it rises with hypertensive VVD), we need not pills, but fast, professional psychological help.
The treatment of panic attacks and VVD symptoms, like the treatment of phobias, often does not require medical intervention.

Based on the materials of the article by the neurologist Novikova T.V.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD) is not an independent disease, but secondary manifestation multiple pathologies, a syndrome of common clinical diseases. Has a hereditary predisposition. According to different authors, the amount of VSD ranges from 25% to 80%.

Relationship of VVD with the autonomic (autonomous) nervous system

Symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia depend on the state of the autonomic nervous system. It supports hemostasis. Hemostasis mechanisms such as body temperature, blood sugar, blood pressure, acid-base balance, allow a person to quickly respond to different external influences and irritants. Due to the regulation of vegetative reactions, a person adapts to changes from the outside.

In the autonomic nervous system, there are two opposite and inextricably linked divisions - parasympathetic and sympathetic. Together, they ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems. But usually one type of reaction predominates in a person (vagotonia or sympathicotonia).

Etiology of the syndrome

Causes of vegetovascular dystonia are associated with dysregulation of autonomic nervous activity, hemostasis. Organic lesions of the nervous system, as a rule, are absent. According to the doctrine of nonspecific parts of the human brain, there are segmental and suprasegmental structures of the autonomic nervous system. With the inconsistency of their activities (disintegration) and appear signs of VVD. The reasons for this may be the following:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • neuroses;
  • organic brain diseases, head injuries;
  • diseases of various internal organs;
  • endocrine and allergic diseases;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • VSD of constitutional origin.

The causes of VVD are the basis for classifying it into groups. The most extensive is the group of neuroses.

Constitutional Features

The first VVD symptoms of constitutional origin appear at an early age. Children get sick in transport. With a long journey, nausea and vomiting, headaches appear. Children can not stand the heat and stuffiness.

Instead of introducing the child to sports with a gradual increase in stress, hardening, parents often go the wrong way. Fix their attention and the child on pathological symptoms overprotective of him. As a result, anxious-manic character traits are formed. In the future, it is necessary to treat VVD symptoms different ways and means.

General clinical manifestations

The autonomic nervous system is present in all organs and tissues of the human body. So VVD symptoms in adults, they differ in a variety of forms, they accompany many pathologies of internal organs. By type, they are constant (permanent) and paroxysmal (paroxysmal). For the autonomic nervous system, paroxysms are most characteristic. Particularly dramatic and vivid symptoms of attacks of vegetovascular dystonia are manifested by fainting and panic attacks.

The clinic of a vegetative crisis is difficult to confuse with other manifestations of VVD. The attack starts suddenly. There is a fatal fear of death. The pulse quickens sharply, the heart "jumps" out of the chest. The pressure rises sharply. A wave of heat or, conversely, cold spreads through the body. The limbs may become numb and convulsively tighten. Patients rush about, calling for urgent help. Panic symptoms VVD attacks ending with multiple releases a large number urine.

Group of neuroses

Neurotic manifestations are characteristic of almost all types of vegetative dystonia. Therefore, the discussion of VSD symptoms on the forums is a frequent occurrence. Negative emotions are considered the main reason. These include depression, a prolonged state of anxiety, fear, resentment, constantly suppressed irritation or anger. Sometimes stormy positive emotions can provoke a violation of vegetative reactions. Clinically in those and other cases there are:

  • cardiovascular disorders;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • changes in thermoregulation.

Symptoms of VVD according to the cardiac type are highlighted in a separate category. According to complaints, they resemble CCC diseases - angina pectoris, preinfarction state. First of all, various pains behind the sternum are manifested. Pain can be pressing, burning, sharp, squeezing. An important sign of VVD is that the symptoms do not disappear when taking nitroglycerin. Such manifestations are accompanied by a feeling of sinking heart, tachycardia. The pulse can reach 100-130 beats per minute or more. A person feels interruptions in the heart rhythm. Moreover, ECG and Holter monitoring do not fix any pathological changes.

Symptoms of hypertensive VVD occur during stress, excessive nervous tension. Associated with an increase in the tone of the sympathetic part of the nervous system. Characterized by a sudden increase in systolic ( top pressure) above 140 mm Hg. pillar. It is not necessary to use antihypertensive drugs to reduce pressure. It can decrease quite quickly after taking the usual sedatives - tinctures of motherwort, valerian, corvalol. Frequently recurring symptoms of VVD in the acute stage can lead to the development hypertension.

At respiratory disorders(hyperventilation syndrome) there is a feeling of difficulty in breathing and a feeling of lack of air. A person who is unsatisfied with inhaling often inhales air through his mouth. Feels a lump in the throat, constriction chest. Symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia resemble bronchial and cardiac asthma. But they are not associated with a disease of the lungs and bronchi, but are caused by dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and are psychogenic in nature.

Violation gastrointestinal tract accompanied by nausea, vomiting, belching. A person's appetite decreases or an indomitable feeling of hunger appears. Accordingly, he loses weight or gains extra pounds. Signs of vegetovascular dystonia in intestinal dysfunctions are manifested by constipation and diarrhea (colon syndrome). Concerned about their condition, people try to look for the cause in diseases - gastritis, peptic ulcer, enterocolitis. In fact, it's all about neurosis.

Violations of thermoregulation in VVD are characterized by the appearance of unmotivated subfebrile temperature. An elevated temperature may be constant or appear periodically. Signs of VVD in adults are often manifested by excessive sweating. With disorders of thermoregulation, a person constantly freezes or suffers from heat. At the same time, the temperature in the room does not go beyond the limits of normal. There are also no infectious diseases.

Against the background of numerous manifestations of vegetovascular dystonia, a mixed type of VSD is often observed. It is manifested by unstable, changing blood pressure, cardiac symptoms, panic attacks, impaired thermoregulation.

Group of diseases of internal organs

One of the reasons for this VVD groups consists in the irrigation of pathological impulses from diseased organs. More often from the stomach, gallbladder, intestines, kidneys.

Duodenitis, peptic ulcer, colitis can lead to a violation of neurohumoral reactions and the appearance of symptoms of VVD of a hypotonic type. They occur both in young and old age, are common among people with asthenic physique.

They show the following symptoms:

  • low numbers of systolic and diastolic pressure;
  • lethargy, weakness, decreased ability to work;
  • increased weather sensitivity;
  • emotional instability;
  • sleep disturbance - drowsiness or insomnia.

Frequent headaches are characteristic. Against the background of low pressure 90/50 mm Hg. post may appear shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting.

Other groups

Symptoms of VVD and osteochondrosis (discosis) often accompany each other. Vegetovascular dystonia is a frequent manifestation of osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. As a result of degenerative processes in the spine, the nerve roots and blood vessels are compressed.

If osteochondrosis has developed in the thoracic spine, fingers often go numb. There is a crawling sensation. With compression of the nerve roots, pain can radiate to the region of the heart, simulating a heart attack.

Symptoms of VSD of cervical osteochondrosis are associated with insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain. Manifested by headaches, coming bouts of dizziness, short-term "outages" of consciousness.

How to cope with the disease

Treatment of symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia should begin in early childhood. Only in this case, with age, many signs smooth out or completely disappear. It is necessary to engage in feasible sports. Do exercises with physical exercises various groups muscles. Adults and children are encouraged to train the cardiovascular system. Move more, walk more, be outdoors more often. Good results are obtained by contrast pouring, swimming.

Drug treatment of VVD symptoms in adults is determined by the type of dystonia. Allows you to control the frequency and severity of vegetative crises, reduce fluctuations in blood pressure. With the predominance of sympathetic reactions, the therapy is one, with vagotonia - another. In some cases, adaptogens help, in others sedatives. But the doctor should eliminate the signs of VVD, treat the manifestations of the syndrome.

Video about one of the syndromes - panic attacks:

The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the nervous system trigger the mechanisms of mobilization and relaxation of the body in the right situation. In modern conditions, people often intentionally or unwittingly hold back the timely inclusion of these functions. As a result, vegetovascular dystonia occurs (ICD code 10). Let's look at the features of this condition, which is even a contraindication for conscripting men into the army, learn about the causes of VVD, types of dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of VSD

Vegetovascular dystonia, what is it from the point of view of medicine? This ailment is not an independent disease, it manifests itself as a complex of symptoms, with exacerbation in autumn and spring. Scientists believe that vegetative disorders are formed with hereditary abnormalities. The list of probable factors for the appearance of dystonia of the vegetovascular system is extensive. To characteristic reasons doctors include:

  • hormonal "revolution" in puberty associated with menopause or pregnancy;
  • irreversible changes in the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine systems;
  • inconsistency of physical maturity with the development of the nervous and endocrine systems in adolescents;
  • periodic psycho-emotional overload;
  • exhaustion or overwork;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • sleep disorders (lack of sleep, insomnia);
  • suspiciousness, vulnerability;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • viral infections;
  • trauma;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • radioactive exposure;
  • chemical intoxication;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol.

In adults

The appearance or aggravation of the syndrome of dysfunction of the vegetovascular system in adults is often due to the following reasons:

  • depression;
  • chronic ailments;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • neuroses;
  • fast weight loss;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • disorders in the digestive system;
  • injuries of the upper spine;
  • imbalance of hormones during menopause, pregnancy;
  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • hypodynamia;
  • untreated infections.

In children and adolescents

Among the most likely causes of dystonia in a child, doctors identify the consequences of difficult childbirth and pregnancy in women. The provoking factors of dystonia of the vegetovascular system include:

  • alcoholism of parents;
  • conflicts at school and in the family;
  • overprotection;
  • chronic stress;
  • emotional stress;
  • mental fatigue.

Among other causes of dystonia, the most likely doctors consider:

  • somatic diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • allergies;
  • neuroses;
  • anemia
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • body features;
  • unsuitable climate;
  • severe weather conditions;
  • intensive sports;
  • wrong mode days;
  • unbalanced diet.

Disease types

Dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system of the body is characterized by constant symptoms, but different localization. Typology of VVD by symptoms:

  • vascular;
  • neuroendocrine;
  • neuromuscular;
  • mental;
  • tonic;
  • cognitive;
  • mixed.

Depending on the localization, dystonia of the vegetovascular system is classified into:

  • vegetative-visceral;
  • respiratory;
  • cardiological;
  • cerebral;
  • gastroenterological;

According to the clinical course, the typology of VVD differs in the magnitude of blood pressure (hyper- and hypotonic, mixed), cardiological disorders (tachycardic, barycardic, arrhythmic, etc.), other pathologies (asthenic, respiratory, neurogastric, cerebrovascular dystonia). Let us consider in more detail some common types of this vegetovascular syndrome.


This type is often found in people prone to stress and emotionally unstable, accompanied by an increase in pressure, leading to hypertensive crises. IRR of the hypertonic type occurs as a result of an increase in the muscle tone of the arteries. With this variant of the disorder, the pressure decreases without taking medication, this is its main difference from hypertension.


The main symptom of this type of dystonia is a tendency to lower pressure. With this variant of the vegetovascular disorder, the functioning of the parasympathetic division of the nervous system, which is responsible for rest, accumulation of strength, weight gain, and sleep, predominates. Person with hypotension VVD syndrome suffers from drowsiness, gains weight, his heartbeat slows down, blood pressure decreases.


With VVD, the coherence of the action of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the nervous system is disturbed, there is a predominance of one. When a clearly defined "superiority" is not observed, there is an ongoing "struggle for power", dystonia of the vegetovascular system is diagnosed according to a mixed type. This type is characterized by constant pressure surges, accompanied by violations of the heart muscle.


This type is characterized by symptoms of cardioneurosis, occurs in half of the cases of dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system. The causes of the development of the syndrome are pathologies of control of the hypothalamus and limbic vascular innervation, as a result of which the vascular response (spasm and relaxation) to external factors, hampers nutrition and supply of tissues with oxygen. The mechanism that triggers this type of dystonia of the vegetovascular system is considered to be stressful situations.

Main signs and symptoms

The characteristic manifestations of dystonia are inadequate response vessels and the central nervous system. Distinctive and defining symptoms of VVD - mental features people suffering from this dystonia of the vegetovascular system:

  • increased anxiety;
  • panic attacks;
  • suspiciousness;
  • sharp emotional swings;
  • intrusive thoughts.

Headaches in vegetovascular dystonia are one of the characteristic features disease, along with the following manifestations:

  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • frequent fainting;
  • tachycardia;
  • belching;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • shortness of breath (suffocation);
  • hyperhidrosis (feet, palms, body);
  • temperature increase;
  • muscle pain;
  • trembling in hands and body.

Diagnostic methods

The diagnosis of dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system is made when obvious somatic diseases do not find. To determine dystonia, it is necessary to exclude organic pathologies, so patients are shown a general examination, additional consultations of a neurologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist. The diagnostic procedures for vegetative vascular syndrome include:

  • laboratory tests;
  • radiography;
  • hormone level analysis

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia

General therapy dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system is a return to healthy lifestyle life, balanced nutrition, massage, exercise therapy, non-traditional treatment, drug exposure. In how to treat VVD, doctors do not have a consensus. Experts recommend combining two directions:

  1. Treatment of certain vegetative-vascular syndrome.
  2. Therapy of the disease that causes this syndrome.

diet therapy

The diet for VVD is designed to adjust the diet in favor of obtaining potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, fluorine, manganese. Depending on the type of dystonia of the vegetovascular system, patients are recommended:

  1. Hypotonic type of dystonia. Limit salt, tonic drinks. Add beans, cottage cheese, spinach, barley porridge, carrots to the diet.
  2. Hypertensive type of dystonia. Include citruses, spices, vegetable oils in the diet.

Nutrition rules for any type of dystonia of the vegetovascular system:

  • lunch, dinner, breakfast - by the hour;
  • do not overeat;
  • take multivitamins;
  • include broths, soups, fish and dried fruits from the menu;
  • there is;
  • daily use cereals from oatmeal and buckwheat.

Medical treatment

The use of drugs (tablets, injections) is indicated only with advanced dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system. Effective drugs that help to cope with the disease (take only on the recommendation of a doctor!), These are:

  • caffeine ("Askofen", "Novomigrofen", "Sedalgin", etc.);
  • tranquilizers (for anxiety, emotional excitability, for example, "Tofisopam", "Novopassit", "Afobazol", "Persen";
  • stimulants ("Mexidol", "Piracetam", "Glycine");
  • cardiovascular drugs ("Valokormid", "Corvalol", "Valocordin", Validol", "Reserpine");
  • multivitamins, dietary supplements ("Neuromultivit", "Nootropic");
  • hypo- and hypertensive drugs ("Anaprilin").


The effectiveness of physiotherapy in the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia is explained by its ability to normalize the work of the heart, the functions of the central nervous system, and deal with stress. The indicated procedures to help cure dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system include:

  1. Magnetic and laser therapy. Activate metabolic and enzymatic activity of cells.
  2. Vibroacoustic therapy. Activates microcirculation, lymph flow, stimulates nerve endings, enhances metabolic processes, normalizes blood pressure, sleep.
  3. Dance therapy, electroacupuncture. Normalize metabolic processes, blood pressure, emotional background, processes in the cerebral cortex,

Folk remedies

It is impossible to get rid of dystonia forever at home, but there are folk remedies that help to gently influence the vegetative-vascular system:

  1. Tea with lemon balm, rosehip, mint.
  2. A mixture of equal amounts of red wine, lemon, honey, garlic, carrot juice, radish, beetroot. One tablespoon three times a day.
  3. Decoctions of nettle, meadowsweet, St. John's wort, mistletoe, elecampane, valerian in arbitrary proportions.
  4. A mixture (one and a half tablespoons) of hawthorn, hops, thyme, motherwort, mint, lemon balm, oregano, St. John's wort, wormwood, calendula, mistletoe, sweet clover, dill, chamomile valerian. Brew and drink like tea.
  5. Compote of rose hips, blackcurrant, barberry.
  6. Motherwort tincture (10 g of herb per cup of boiling water - daily allowance). Drink four times a day for a month.