Anxiety and panic attacks. How to get rid of panic attacks - methods of struggle Neurosis vsd panic attacks monocytes

The manifestation of neurosis in VVD is divided into two types - somatic and mental. Somatic symptoms are a deterioration in the physical condition of a person due to the effects of a disease:

  • headaches;
  • frequent visits to the toilet;
  • tightness in the chest;
  • continuous feeling of tiredness;
  • drowsiness;
  • sweating;
  • pressure surges.

Psychological symptoms:

  • constant anxiety;
  • oppression;
  • irritability and aggression;
  • intrusive thoughts;
  • panic attacks;
  • sudden change of mood.

At the time of seizures, a person has a fear of a stroke. Often the symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia resemble a stroke, so every time the patient is afraid of death or disability. The patient is able to cause this kind of symptoms himself, by focusing on negative emotions or memories from the past.

Signs can intensify either in a person with low self-esteem, or when there are such character traits as categoricalness, restraint.

Before answering the question of what to do in order to cope with panic attacks, you need to figure out what symptoms are inherent in the presented pathology.

Typical panic neurasthenia can be manifested by the presence of cardiovascular symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • interruptions in the functioning of the heart;
  • painful sensations behind the sternum, which make patients think about the presence of pathologies associated with the functioning of the heart;
  • attacks of neurosis are characterized by a significant increase in blood pressure;
  • during the manifestation of the disease, there is a significant fear of developing a hypertensive crisis, as a result, people constantly measure pressure.

And also a typical panic neurosis is characterized by a number of such symptoms:

  • each attack is accompanied by a feeling of suffocation;
  • there are flashes of cold and heat;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • fear of death;
  • derealization.

Atypical neuroses are characterized by the presence of such symptoms:

  • cramps in the muscles of the legs, arms;
  • deterioration of visual or auditory functions;
  • development of aphasia;
  • change in gait;
  • the constant presence of a "lump in the throat";
  • frequent loss of consciousness;
  • incessant vomiting;
  • pseudoparesis.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that the sound vector is dominant in any combination with other vectors in humans. This means that the dominant sound vector significantly suppresses the visual one, therefore, first of all, such a person will show symptoms of deep sound depression and panic attacks will be in the background.

However, the degree of incompleteness in the realization of their innate properties is different for each person. So, for example, one of the areas with the help of which a sound engineer can partially make up for his lack is music lessons or participation in scientific developments.

If the sound shortage is partially filled, and the properties of the visual vector are not realized at all, then a panic attack will come to the fore, and the picture with depression and its symptoms will be partially smoothed out.

Treatment methods

A qualified specialist should treat VVD neurosis. He prescribes a complete diagnosis of the body, including:

  • detailed analysis of blood and urine;
  • cardiogram;
  • an encephalogram that determines the working capacity of the brain and predisposition to epilepsy;
  • determination of pressure.

After the diagnosis, the doctor may refer you for a consultation with a more specialized specialist: a cardiologist, neurologist or psychologist. Medical rehabilitation for VVD neurosis consists in complex treatment, consisting of psychological and drug therapy. Psychological - the main element in the treatment of neuroses.

Therapy includes lifestyle adjustments:

  • night sleep for at least 8 hours;
  • correct diet;
  • elimination of products containing caffeine;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • exclusion of stressful situations.

Medical treatment

Treatment of neurosis and VVD is carried out with the help of drugs that serve as adjuvant therapy. Medicines suppress or increase excitation in the brain center, depending on the symptoms and progression of the disease.

Use 4 categories of medicines of various action. The most severe cases of neurosis in vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorders, numbness of the limbs, are treated with tranquilizers or antidepressants, which are released strictly on prescription.

Due to the fact that when taking antidepressants, you may become dependent on the drug, you should strictly follow the instructions. The category of strong drugs includes: "Afobazol", "Phenazepam", "Zolpidem".

Lighter medications that have a sedative effect are also used. The recipe in this category contains herbal tea. A sedative drug will help relieve tension and irritability, improve sleep: Valerian, Barboval, peony tincture.

In order to competently restore the body during intense mental activity, overstrain at work, you should use the nootropic category of drugs, which will help restore the neurotransmitter connection, improve blood flow to the brain. Use: "Glycine", "Phenibut".

Physiotherapy procedures

The physiotherapeutic method of treatment includes a number of procedures aimed at normalizing blood circulation and general muscle relaxation. Several directions are used simultaneously or separately after a doctor's prescription:

  • massage with aromatic oils;
  • acupuncture;
  • swimming lessons;
  • breathing exercises;
  • yoga.

Physiotherapy exercises will favorably affect the general condition of the body and neutralize muscle spasms that do not allow relaxation. Light physical activity will strengthen the immune system and speed up the metabolism.

With VVD neurosis, they will help:

  • hiking in the fresh air;
  • aerobics;
  • morning run;
  • light exercise.

To bring the cardiovascular system back to normal, overexertion should be avoided, therefore it is recommended to perform a set of light exercises consisting of a warm-up for all muscle groups.

Panic attacks, neuroses - the fate of not only residents of cities, especially large ones, but also small settlements.

It is worth noting that many do not even suspect that the disease can be defeated on their own, without the help of a qualified psychotherapist. But you should be prepared for the fact that getting rid of the VVD will not be quick. This is due to the fact that dystonia, figuratively speaking, accumulated in the body for a long time.

How to do it yourself so that panic attacks no longer bother?

Modern medicine is characterized by a variety of different methods aimed at treating neurosis.

One of these methods is hypnosuggestive psychotherapy, which includes suggestion, hypnosis. During work, the psychotherapist creates new attitudes for the person, which give the latter the opportunity to look differently at the somatic manifestations of the crisis.

During the trance caused by hypnosis, the patient's artificially created protection is turned off, therefore, thanks to the verbal and non-verbal influence of the psychologist, the patient receives the necessary information.

If panic attacks, VSD, neurosis are observed, then cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is recognized as the most effective method of treatment. The peculiarity of this technique lies in the patient's awareness of the real picture of reality, the correction of his thinking, habits that provoke the launch of unreasonable anxiety is carried out.

Yes, it is quite possible to get rid of anxiety and neuroses, depression and panic attacks. But first you need to clearly define where this or that bad state comes from. You're not trying to fight a headache with nausea pills, are you?

Unfortunately, today the Internet is replete with various thematic forums, where all the bad states known to science are thrown into one heap: neurosis, anxiety, depression, panic attacks (PA) or even fear of giving birth (on forums for women).

They discuss what to listen to when depressed, whether yoga is effective for depression and which exercises to choose.

Tired of suffering from neurosis, depression and panic attacks, wandering aimlessly through forums and fighting ailments at random? Then you should start by realizing all the properties that nature has endowed you with and learning how to implement them. At the same time, you can get rid of any psychological trauma, resentment and "anchors" that pull you to the bottom of life.

Effective treatment of neurosis, depression, panic attacks and any other psycho-emotional disorders is only in system-vector psychology. This is confirmed by more than 18,500 results of the trainees.

To add to this list your incredible result about returning to a rich and happy life, register for free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan at the link.

Neurosis, panic attacks. Life after deliverance | FDRK

The success of healing from panic attacks directly depends on the elimination of the root cause of their occurrence.

It is clear that in order to fully realize how to get rid of panic attacks, neurosis and VVD, it takes time, and fears do not go away in one day. First the tension goes away, followed by the agoraphobia.

Let us return again to the experience of a person who managed to overcome his anxiety disorders. When he had health problems, in addition to nervousness, agoraphobia was very pronounced.

In those rare moments when he was about to leave the house, he always took pills with him, as he was constantly haunted by the thought: “What if I get sick?”. It seemed to him that every exit from the house would now be accompanied by similar thoughts and fears.

But later it turned out that this was not the case. As soon as he began to gradually get rid of panic attacks and other disturbing manifestations, these thoughts also began to disappear from him.

It's hard to believe

Many people who suffer from neurosis, panic attacks and VSD are interested in how they will feel after the problem disappears. And will she come back again. Therefore, we decided to devote a separate article to this topic.

When a person is just starting the treatment of panic attacks and other psychological problems, he needs to understand that a quick result should not be expected. For these problems did not appear in his life in one day and, perhaps, not in one year, and therefore they do not go away immediately.

He must set himself up for the fact that it takes time to completely get rid of neurosis and panic attacks. Fears will go away gradually.

At first, tension goes away, agoraphobia decreases and disappears (when a person is afraid of open doors, open space, he has a fear of crowds).

There is no person in the world who does not experience such states as fear or anxiety. These are normal reactions of a healthy body that help it survive in an extreme situation. However, if such reactions occur constantly and for no reason, there is reason to consult a doctor. Specialists, having assessed the patient's condition, often diagnose "panic neurosis". The disease is not so rare, because according to statistics, 5-8% of the population of large cities suffer from it. To understand how to deal with such a neurosis, you should understand the causes of the disease and know its symptoms.

Causes of the disease

Medical specialists distinguish three types of neurosis: neurasthenia, hysterical neurosis, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The third type is considered the most common, including obsessive-compulsive disorders, phobias, and the panic neurosis considered here. It is characterized by recurrent panic attacks, that is, short-term bouts of intense fear that occurs for no reason. This condition is due to constant nervous tension, which finds a way out in panic attacks. The most susceptible to the disease are suspicious people. Often these are representatives of the weaker sex, who have a fine mental organization.

Signs of the disease

As noted above, recurring panic attacks are considered the main symptom of the described syndrome. Usually an attack of unreasonable fear lasts about ten minutes. At these moments, it seems to a person that his life is about to end, he will suffocate or die from a broken heart. Indeed, at this moment his heart is beating furiously, the person is tormented by suffocation, trembling in the body, he sweats profusely, he is thrown either into heat or into cold. At the mental level, the patient feels separation from his body, thoughts of suicide and death appear.

After an attack, a person feels depressed and overwhelmed. However, the most dangerous thing is that after the attack, the fear remains that the panic attack will return. These thoughts, in turn, provoke new bouts of illness, creating a vicious circle, from which it is simply impossible to get out without medical help.

Treatment of the disease

Modern research has proven that drug therapy is not able to cure panic neurosis. The use of drugs can only weaken the attack and eliminate the signs of the disease for a while. All specialists without exception give the leading role in the treatment of this disease. It is psychotherapeutic techniques in combination with medications that make it possible to completely get rid of this dangerous neurotic condition.

The work of the psychotherapist in this situation is to extract from the depth of the patient's consciousness the causes of panic attacks, with their subsequent eradication. At the same time, the patient is an active participant in the treatment process, since it is he who is given the opportunity to understand the causes of the disease. In addition, the patient receives the skills of psychological assistance, which he can use in the event of a panic attack.

Breathing practices help to cope with panic attacks, which put thoughts in order and help restore heart rhythm. The main thing is not to start the disease, because it is much more difficult to deal with severe and neglected neuroses, and the healing process can take a long time. Peace to you and good health!

Anxiety disorders are very similar to each other in their manifestations. So half of the people who turn to the center of Professor Malygin about the symptoms of panic attacks suffer from another anxiety disorder.

This article discusses how to distinguish panic attacks from other anxiety disorders.

Why is it important to make an accurate diagnosis? Different anxiety disorders have different causes and therefore are treated differently. Because of this, an indispensable condition for the selection of effective treatment is the formulation of an accurate diagnosis.

The table lists the characteristics of anxiety that help establish the diagnosis.

A feature of psychiatry is that in most cases, the metabolic changes underlying anxiety disorders are so subtle that they are not recorded by such diagnostic methods as EEG, MRI, CT, REG. Therefore, the main diagnostic method in psychiatry to this day is to identify the patient's features of the manifestations of the disease, symptoms specific to certain anxiety disorders.


panic disorder


anxious endogenous depression

reactive depression (depressive neurosis)

organic disorder and neurasthenia

anxiety traits and neurotic personality development

alarm duration

delineated seizures 1-3 minutes

when in an agoraphobic situation

"spilled" anxiety

0.5 - several hours

up to several hours

up to several hours

constant anxiety, tension, increased control

what causes anxiety

without an external cause or due to an agoraphobic situation agoraphobic situation without external reason acute stressful situations or experiences about a chronic stressful situation physical and

psychological stress (including moderate);

weather changes (especially heat and stuffiness)

any, incl. minor stressful situations

change in alarm during the day



By the evening:

more often decrease
sometimes agitation

may intensify in the evening

intensifies in the evening

no or increasing

combination of anxiety with autonomic symptoms

strongly expressed:

general weakness
pressure increase


general weakness
heart beat


pressure increase
constipation and stool disorders

May be:

  • general weakness
  • more pressure drop
  • stool disorders


general weakness
more pressure drop


  • pressure fluctuations
  • heartbeat

Characteristics of major anxiety disorders

endogenous anxiety depression- a hereditary disease that often occurs without an external cause as a result of a temporary metabolic disorder (serotonin, dopamine) in the brain.

Treated with antidepressants, psychotherapy is secondary. Occurs more often in spring and autumn. Sometimes triggered by stressful events

Possible (but not mandatory!) Symptoms:

  • Unreasonable anxiety states lasting up to several hours (more often occur at the same time of day)
  • By evening, the condition usually improves.
  • There may be a persistent slowdown in the pace of movement and thinking
  • Constant feeling of tiredness
  • early awakenings
  • Anhedonia (inability to enjoy life)
  • Persistent disturbance of appetite, libido, taste of food, smell perception

Important! There are common cases of a combination of endogenous depression and panic disorder, in which both symptoms of endogenous depression and panic attacks are present.

Reactive depression (depressive neurosis)- a state of depression resulting from a reaction to a stressful situation. Passes along with the resolution of the situation or a change in attitude towards it. This is facilitated by psychotherapy. Antidepressants are ineffective.


  • Anxious experiences are closely related to the stressful situation that caused reactive depression.
  • By evening the condition worsens.
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Anhedonia is not typical
  • Appetite, libido are not disturbed or normalize with anxiety disappearance
  • The taste of food, the perception of smells are not disturbed

Why is it sometimes difficult to separate endogenous and reactive depression:

  1. People tend to "psychologize" their condition - to find psychological reasons for their uncomfortable state of health, so patients with endogenous depression, as a rule, find a psychological explanation for their condition.
  2. Endoreactive depression is endogenous depression, the onset of which is provoked by a stressful event.
  3. Sometimes reactive depression acquires signs of endogenous over time. Then you need to use antidepressants.

Neurasthenia- exhaustion of the nervous system (overwork), resulting from prolonged exposure to unexpressed stress. The basis of treatment is nootropics.


  • "irritable weakness" - a combination of fatigue (memory, attention, speed of thinking) and high sensitivity to stress - people react to a minor stressful event with despair or aggression.
  • Tearfulness, resentment, vulnerability
  • anxiety for minor reasons
  • sensitivity to loud sounds, bright lights
  • sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, superficial sleep)
  • vegetative disorders (sweating, palpitations, fluctuations in blood pressure - more often downward, disruption of the intestines, stomach)

Organic disorders of the brain- a group of diseases with damage to the brain tissue arising from:

  • pathology of pregnancy and childbirth
  • severe infections in childhood
  • concussions
  • disorders of the blood supply to the brain (including atherosclerosis and hypertension in the elderly)
  • effects of alcohol and drug use


  • Alarm (lasting up to several hours)
  • Fatigue
  • Vegetative symptoms - sweating, pressure fluctuations
  • Poor tolerance to heat, stuffiness
  • Weather sensitivity (reaction to weather changes)
  • Sickness in transport
  • Sometimes - sleepwalking, sleepwalking

Anxious personality traits- Increased anxiety, tension for any, the most insignificant reasons. To cope with anxiety, people with an anxious character try to plan everything clearly, control every nuance, double-check what they have done many times, but get lost when the situation changes or in a situation of uncertainty. Characterized by an exaggeration of the significance of stress, "twisting" oneself, increased feelings about past events (including conversations, one's behavior) and upcoming events. Anxious personality traits are manifested from childhood and are present throughout life. People with an anxious nature are predisposed to reactive depression (depressive neurosis) and neurasthenia. corrected by psychotherapy.

Neurotic personality development- the appearance of disturbing traits of a hatakter with a long course of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety, self-doubt, obsessive doubts appear.

In addition to the anxiety disorders listed in the table, mixed anxiety and depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder are distinguished. Both endogenous anxiety depression and reactive depression (anxiety neurosis) can underlie these 2 diseases. You can determine this, incl. with the help of the symptoms indicated in the table. It is very important to determine what lies behind these 2 disorders, because. it depends on the tactics of their treatment.

Anxiety neurosis, also known as anxiety neurosis or phobic neurosis, can provide significant life discomfort. The symptomatology that accompanies it is divided into different groups. This disorder can be found at any age. It is important to understand that this is a reversible condition, you just need to understand its causes and prescribe the right treatment.

The essence of the disorder

Anxiety neurosis is a disorder of the nervous system characterized by unreasonable anxiety. From time to time, these manifestations can intensify up to a state of panic attacks, that is, sudden panic. This disease develops in every 20th person, more women are affected, it is most common in young people, but it can also be found in children.

neuroses in children

Children's age is quite often accompanied by various neuroses, the most common of which are depressive neurosis, severe anxiety neurosis and frequent panic attacks.

Young children are more susceptible to the development of these pathologies. They are usually characterized by attacks that get worse at night. With neurosis, hallucinations often occur, and children under 6 years old can be afraid of the dark for various reasons.

A primary school student may be afraid of his strict teacher, bad grades in the diary. These phobias occur with a decrease in the emotional background, sometimes urinary incontinence may occur. Particularly severe cases are accompanied by the fact that the child simply runs away from home or from lessons.

Adolescence can occur with symptoms of depression, which means tearfulness, a decrease in one's own self-esteem, and general depression. Such patients have a quiet speech, a sad look, their facial expressions are very poor. Accompanying symptoms are insomnia, the desire for loneliness.

Quite often, other forms of neuroses can develop, such as neurasthenia, stuttering, anorexia, obsessive-compulsive disorders. It is important to determine the appearance of these psychological abnormalities in time, since they tend to progress, gradually aggravating the child's condition. When visiting a pediatrician, a consultation of a neuropathologist, a psychotherapist for such children should always be prescribed.

Clinical picture

Phobic neurosis has several groups of symptoms - mental manifestations, autonomic disorders.

The group of mental manifestations includes a feeling of anxiety, which occurs with periodic attacks. It should be noted that the fear of something arises for no apparent reason, and the patient feels the approach of trouble. Quite often, this sensation is accompanied by trembling of the body, the appearance of weakness. The attack disappears as suddenly as it appears, and its duration is about half an hour.

Another variant of an attack of panic neurosis is a symptom of the loss of reality of what is happening up to complete disorientation, as well as the development of a neurosis of fear of death. A sharp change in mood, persistent insomnia, decreased performance, severe hypochondria can also be included in the concept of anxiety neurosis, symptoms of a mental disorder.

The clinic usually grows with time, that is, at first, anxiety rarely occurs in patients, one might say sporadically. But, if the treatment of anxiety neurosis does not occur, then it progresses markedly, becoming chronic.

Vegetative and somatic disorders imply the most diverse clinical picture. Most often it includes the following manifestations:

  • Headaches without a specific localization, accompanied by severe dizziness;
  • Shortness of breath, shortness of breath of a mixed nature;
  • Pain in the region of the heart with tachycardia;
  • Dyspeptic phenomena such as nausea, vomiting, loose stools or constipation sometimes develop.

It is extremely important to carry out adequate diagnostic measures in order to establish the correct diagnosis. This is due to the fact that such symptoms can imply not only phobic neurosis, but also somatic pathologies that have absolutely no connection with the nervous system.

It should be borne in mind that anxiety neurosis is a disease that quickly acquires a chronic character. This moment is accompanied by a constant manifestation of psychosomatic symptoms. Chronicization of pathology implies periodic periods of exacerbations of all clinical manifestations. At the same time, the period of exacerbation proceeds with the phenomena of tearfulness, excessive irritability, vulnerability, and the frequent occurrence of fears. Also, panic neurosis during chronicity can become a trigger factor for the development of other mental problems, such as severe hypochondria or depression, obsessions, conditions.


Experts say that fear neurosis has many triggers, which are usually divided into two large groups - psychological and physiological.

Psychological factors include:

  • Severe stressful situations with lengthy reasoning, experiences;
  • Emotional drives that are activated against the background of all kinds of life situations.

Physiological factors are:

  • Pathology of the endocrine organs with the development of hormonal imbalance;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Long-term course of any pathological process in the body;
  • Genetic predisposition to develop a condition such as anxiety neurosis.

Panic neurosis against the background of dysfunction of the endocrine organs deserves special attention. The bottom line is that the adrenal glands, along with some structures of the brain, produce hormones and neurotransmitters that form the emotional background. They also regulate feelings of fear or anxiety. Violation of these systems can provoke a pathology of the nervous system, lead to the development of phobias, anxiety and many other feelings that negatively or even destructively affect human consciousness.

Other reasons

Specialists, along with the above triggers, identify several more reasons that can provoke panic neurosis. These include:

Heredity. Quite often, children with this disorder appear in parents who also suffered from the same ailment. Therefore, diagnostic measures should include examination of parents:

  • Alcoholism;
  • Addiction.


Anxiety neurosis involves long-term treatment. Sometimes it can be done at home. It is important to understand that the symptoms and treatment of this condition are closely related. With timely access to a doctor, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • Psychotherapy. It can be done individually, even at home, or in groups. Its main task is to establish the reasons why such a problem arose, due to which panic attacks and neurosis are treated. A psychotherapist, having figured out the root of the problem, will tell you how to get rid of this condition, how to respond to stress correctly.
  • Massage is aimed at relaxing patients. A huge advantage of the technique is that, like psychotherapy, it can be performed at home by calling a massage therapist at home.
  • Physiotherapy. Includes physiotherapy exercises, hardware techniques. The downside is that it is impossible to do this at home.
  • Psychohygiene. This is a large group of methods, which implies adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, self-relaxation, rationalization of work and rest. Some of these procedures can be planned at home or with the help of a specialist.

If it is impossible to correct the neurosis by the methods described above, it should be treated with medications. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants such as Valdoxan or tranquilizers such as gidazepam. It is important that all medical recommendations are followed.


Panic disorder is my main specialty. What do we know about this problem today and how can we fight it?

Panic attacks stand apart among all neuroses, because the prevalence of panic disorder is very high. 6-8% of the population has panic attacks. Such neuroses belong to the group of anxiety-phobic. The main feature is that this disorder is necessarily manifested by bodily vegetative symptoms, not just psychological ones. Such neuroses are called "somatized", and panic attacks are an option. psychosomatics.

A person suffering from this condition has episodic panic attacks , and between attacks, the state of health can be quite good, both physically and psychologically. The term "panic attack" was first used in 1980 in the American classification of diseases DSM-III. The name "talking", and quickly took root in world practice. Previously, the concept was used emotional-vegetative crisis , this was considered within the framework of neurological concepts of VSD and NDC ( vegetative-vascular dystonia and neurocirculatory dystonia). That is, in general medicine, it was believed that an emotional-vegetative crisis is a symptom of VVD.

But the concept of "VVD" in the modern doctrine of neuroses (this is the area of ​​psychotherapists) turned out to be inapplicable, and such terminology is outdated. Now the term "vegetative dysfunction" is used, which is considered as an integral part of neurosis, associated with it by common causes, mechanisms and manifestations. But no matter how you call neurosis, the main question remains: how to deal with panic attacks? Even if you decidefor a consultationpsychotherapist, additional information will not hurt.

How to deal with such a neurosis, but first, let's clarify the concept of "panic attack". The attack really resembles an attack - a sudden onset state that intensifies like an avalanche for the first minutes, usually reaches its peak in the first 5-10 minutes, and then gradually subsides. In general, the state of emotional and bodily discomfort can take from 10 minutes to an hour or more, on average - about 15 minutes. After a panic attack, as a rule, the feeling of "emptiness", lethargy and "brokenness" persists for some time, I often hear the words "as if a skating rink drove over me" from patients who come for treatment.

Usually the most difficult thing in a panic attack is the experience of "vegetative" phenomena, they can be varied, but always extremely painful against the background of severe anxiety. Directly, the very anxiety, panic, a person can regard as a self-evident phenomenon: "who is not afraid if the heart jumps out of the chest." However, a high level of anxiety, a feeling of threat and panic are the basis of all other phenomena, and appear simultaneously with bodily symptoms, more often . One of the most common options autonomic dysfunction with panic attacks - like a cardiovascular crisis, when there is discomfort in the region of the heart or an obvious heartbeat with a feeling of "interruptions", a feeling of a rise in blood pressure or even a real rise in it. In psycho-cardiological practice, it is believed, it is scientifically proven that the rise in blood pressure during such episodes, even in a healthy person, can be at a level of up to 180 mm Hg. Art. Of course, it means systolic, "upper" pressure, diastolic, "lower", usually rises low, on average no higher than 100 mm Hg. Art., which is a feature of such "emotional" crises. This is not considered hypertension, and the treatment is carried out in the direction of the neurotic disorder itself, that is, panic attacks.

Consciously or unconsciously, fear arises - “what if the heart stops or a heart attack?”, This in turn causes fear and turns panic during a panic attack into a vicious circle. The sensations are really not pleasant, sometimes the heartbeat is felt “right in the throat”, but more often the so-called “neurotic lump” is characteristic - discomfort, a feeling of spasm and interference in the throat area. Similar spasms can be felt lower, at the level of the upper or middle part of the chest, which is typical for such a variant of panic attacks as "hyperventilation". During a panic attack, there is a feeling of lack of air, difficulty breathing, a kind of dissatisfaction with inhalation, “there is not enough air”, “I can’t breathe in completely”. Hyperventilation in the mechanism of the development of anxiety attacks, it generally occupies a leading place, since a person unconsciously begins to breathe shallowly and often, saturating the body with oxygen, but not restoring carbon dioxide in the proper concentration, which closes the vicious circle of physiological anxiety. The brain is irritated by this blood composition and produces even more anxiety and nerve impulses that cause autonomic symptoms. Sometimes the condition is painful derealization.

Also, during an attack such symptoms are typical panic attack : You experience a feeling of internal trembling, shaking the body or hands, strong sweat may come out, a feeling of heat in the body, the intestines and bladder are often sharply activated, and you need to run to the toilet. There are many vegetative symptoms, and to simplify the diagnosis in the international classification of diseases, they are highlighted in the form of a list of criteria. Here is an excerpt about panic attacks fromICD-10.

F41.0 Panic disorder (episodic paroxysmal anxiety)
Recurrent panic attacks are not associated with specific situations or objects, and in some cases occur spontaneously (these episodes are unpredictable). Panic attacks are not associated with real, noticeable tension or with the manifestation of danger or threat to life.
A panic attack is characterized by all of the following:
1) it is a discrete episode of intense fear or discomfort;
2) it starts suddenly;
3) it reaches a maximum within a few minutes and lasts at least a few minutes;
4) there must be at least 4 symptoms from among the following, and one of them must be from the list a)-d):
Vegetative symptoms
a) increased or rapid heartbeat;
b) sweating;
c) trembling or tremor;
d) dry mouth (not due to medication or dehydration);
Symptoms relating to the chest and abdomen
e) difficulty in breathing;
e) feeling of suffocation; lump in the throat
g) pain or discomfort in the chest;
h) nausea or abdominal distress (eg burning in the stomach);
Symptoms related to the mental state
i) feeling dizzy, unsteady, fainting;
j) the feeling that objects are unreal (derealization) or that one's self has moved away or "is not here" (depersonalization);
k) fear of loss of control, insanity or impending death;
l) fear of death;
Common Panic Attack Symptoms
m) hot flashes or chills;
o) Numbness or tingling sensation.

How to deal with panic attacks? The therapist teaches how to overcome panic attacks. First you need to understand that such a vegetative crisis, a panic attack, is an outburst adrenaline in the nerve endings, this is a normal physiological reaction of the body, which is a defensive reflex. I deliberately simplify the description and terminology of complex pathophysiological reactions - it's clearer, but the meaning does not change. Anyone can experience a panic attack under certain circumstances, as a rule, almost everyone in their life has experienced something similar at least once. But, if these conditions recur, even if it is not associated with noticeable “nervous” stress or depressive phenomena, this should be considered a manifestation of a neurotic disorder and it is highly desirable to consult a psychotherapist. Of course, psychotherapy becomes the main method of treatment, because, as a rule, panic disorder is the result of prolonged emotional stress associated with unresolved or unexperienced personal problems. In some cases, a qualified psychotherapist for panic attacks additionally prescribes specialized medications. To regulate serotonin and adrenal processes in the brain, drugs from several groups are used, these are modern antidepressants, and some anxiolytics that have the desired effect. The purpose of such drugs is “jewelry” work, that is, one cannot do without an individual approach. As well as in deciding whether drugs are needed in this particular case at all.

In some cases, it takes time to overcome panic disorders, even during therapy. Gradually, week after week, panic attacks become rare and weak. But it is very important that they can be completely controlled. Here you need to have some more information and skills. I will try to briefly outline at least a small part of how a psychotherapist teaches to understand and overcome panic attacks.

The most severe suffering in such neuroses is to go through another attack of a panic attack. Every person who is faced with this should know that no matter how terrible and ominous the manifestations of the "adrenaline explosion" may be, it always passes, it's a matter of time. Agree that only knowing that an attack is just a “wave” that covers, but will soon roll back, a person can begin to control this state. Because it makes sense, "if it's temporary, why don't I just get over it faster and easier?" Indeed, I don’t even know one sound argument.

A lot of materials are devoted to the control of panic attacks (more precisely, the manifestations, symptoms of a panic attack), but I would like to highlight the most obvious in terms of mechanism and effective in practice approachBREATH CONTROL. This allows you to regulate hyperventilation and, due to self-induced hypercapnia (increase in CO2 in the blood), to break the vicious circle of panic and autonomic crisis. I advise you to work out in advance, at home, in a calm environment, then consolidate in any environment, as soon as you can remember your workout, at least several times a day - this will only get better!

The principle is quite simple: slow down breathing. I recommend a breathing rate of 4 breaths per minute. Usually, right at the session psychotherapist teaches breathing, and when suddenly, or after stress, panic attacks occur, you will not be at a loss, but will try to cope and overcome the attack.

An attack cannot be avoided, one must be ready for it at any moment, and even wish it would happen, since it is the experience of overcoming a panic attack, the absence of fear of it, as something dangerous, that is the key to success.

When you notice the initial symptoms of a panic attack (no matter where it occurs) such as chest discomfort and palpitations, or anxiety, start a simple exercise. Take a very slow and smooth breath, in about 5 seconds, and, after a short 1-2 second pause, start slow gradual exhalation. The duration of the exhalation is 10 seconds. You can place your hands on the upper abdomen to better feel the amplitude of inhalation / exhalation. Imagine that your lungs are a filled balloon that has been untied, and you need to deflate it very smoothly to the end.

In this case, it is better to close your eyes, give the command to your muscles to go as soft as possible, and imagine your breathing, "join" this act, usually uncontrolled. It’s easier to do this on the count - count the seconds to yourself, from 1 to 10, while trying to completely exhale and relax only by the last seconds. After exhalation, everything repeats again. After a few such breaths, the body relaxes even more, and the panic attack begins to subside. I usually recommend repeating such “exhalations” for a long time, about 15 times. You can take micro-breaks after a few such breaths. It is very effective, the panic attack subsides and ends pretty quickly. And at the end of each exhalation, you must try to relax the muscles, listening to the tension in the body. For example, we can try to loosen the shoulders, the jaws, the lump in the throat.

Everyone has heard, for example, on television or in the movies, when they give advice - "calm down, take a deep breath!!!". Now you understand that this is not quite complete advice, because in order to really reduce the level of stress / anxiety, you need to make a full, maximally slow exhalation after inhalation, and repeat this many times!
Another version of the breathing exercise is "square breathing". Both versions of the exercise are similar in principle.

In terms of self-education, or when it is really not possible at this time to fully work with a psychotherapist (usually the treatment of panic disorder takes 10-20 meetings), it is useful to study. Here, in moderate detail, in an understandable language, all aspects of the problem of panic attacks and related agoraphobia(agoraphobia is an obsessive fear that develops with an unconscious expectation of an attack). Recommendations and exercises for coping with a panic attack and controlling anxiety are given consistently. Autonomic dysfunction associated with neurosis, panic attacks, symptoms are also described in detail in simple language. amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;divamp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;amp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;img src=" ru/watch/28038878" style="position:absolute; left:-9999px;" alt="" /amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;/divamp; amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;

Psychotherapist panic attacks how to deal with panic attacks symptoms how to cope on your own with neurosis