Sedatives for children up to a year. Sleeping pills for children

Restless babies cause a lot of trouble to their parents: they fall asleep hard and "superficially" sleep, waking up from the slightest noise, it is difficult to persuade them to sit still even during meals, as a result of which they eat poorly.

Parents rely on sedatives for children and follow them to specialists. Consider whether it is possible to give such funds to the baby and whether they are always needed. What is the most acceptable and safe sedative for children under one year old.

Increased activity, restlessness, mood swings, uncontrollable behavior, difficulty concentrating attention are the result of an imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system of the child.

In newborns, the most common cause of “nervousness” of behavior is hypoxia suffered during childbirth or in late pregnancy. The lack of oxygen in the young nervous tissue causes a change in the exchange of mediators and, as a result, the predominance of excitation over inhibition. The neurologist diagnoses "perinatal encephalopathy": "PEP", aka "PPCNS" - perinatal damage to the central nervous system - and prescribes a complex treatment: medications and physiotherapy.

Special Causes for Concern in Babies

  • Among neurological: hydrocephalus - expansion of the ventricles of the brain and increased intracranial pressure. In this case, the child is not shown sedatives, but special diuretics strictly under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Colic: pain in the first 3-4 months of life due to the establishment of intestinal microflora and excessive gas formation. It is treated by following the diet of a nursing mother and carminatives.

  • Otitis media: Inflammation of the middle ear causing severe pain and loud screaming.
  • Rickets: A lack of vitamin D that affects the musculoskeletal system and the "stability" of the nervous system.
  • Also, babies from 5 months and older may be disturbed by teething.

In children aged 1 to 3 years, sleep problems may be added to:

  • hysterical traits of behavior;
  • stuttering
  • fears;
  • Difficulties in learning the skills of neatness.

By preschool age, complaints of hyperactivity come first: the child “walks on the ceiling”, does not hold attention even in short classes in kindergarten, does not memorize verses, and when preparing for school, he hardly masters letters and numbers compared to his peers. Often such problems are carried over into senior school age in the form of poor academic performance, conflict and even aggressiveness.

All these behavioral disorders do not always require medical treatment, but necessarily - the attention of parents and timely seeking qualified help.

Avoiding drugs

Parents are interested in whether it is possible to improve the child's condition without resorting to pills and potions. Lifestyle modification can be even more effective than good drugs. Some rules must be followed:

  • Structure the day. The child is a slave of habit. If sleep, food, walks and games are on schedule, his nervous system (as well as other organs) will function more balanced, which means it will be easier to calm the baby.
  • When building a daily routine, allocate time for sleep in accordance with age. Children often lack sleep 1-2 hours a day, although they wake up on their own, as if they had had enough sleep, and “lack of sleep” accumulates.

  • Put in bathing before bed. At the same time, decoctions of herbs can be added to the bath: chamomile, lavender, mint, etc.). The bath with sea salt perfectly soothes and has a hardening effect.
  • Spend as much time outdoors as possible. The child sleeps well, well “walked”. Try to go outside in the rain, and in the wind, and in the snow - this is how hardening occurs. Dress warmly to avoid colds, but do not refuse fresh air.
  • On a walk, do not force the child to gracefully and smartly walk down the street. Select clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty and torn, let the baby jump through puddles in it, climb trees, cuddle with cats and dogs.
  • Review nutrition. The nervous system of preschoolers is very vulnerable to overload of the gastrointestinal tract. The child's diet should not contain heavy food (fried, fatty), excess sweets, carbonated drinks, but vitamins in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables are welcome.

  • Turn away from computer monitors. Minimize tablet gaming and TV viewing for hyperactive children.
  • Discipline at home. Often children feel “out of place” next to quick-tempered and overly emotional adults.
  • Socialize the child in a timely manner. For a child older than three years, communication with peers is vital. Without him, he feels unique, uniquely valuable (especially the only children in the family) and tries to manipulate adults.

What sedatives are there and at what age are they used

If these methods did not give results, it's time to turn to medicines. Let's see if any of them can be given without a doctor's recommendation. All sedatives for children can be divided into three groups:

  • synthetic sedatives;

  • herbal remedies;
  • homeopathic.

So, the first group includes "Pantogam", "Glycine", "Phenibut", etc. These drugs are sedatives for children under one year old, but strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

"Pantogam" - sedative drops for children that improve the nutrition of the cerebral cortex in areas damaged by hypoxia. Available in syrup (for children from birth) and tablets.

"Glycine" is an amino acid that performs the function of an inhibitory mediator in the nervous tissue. It is available in tablets (they are crushed for babies), it has a sweet taste, so it is easy to give it to the baby.

"Phenibut" - the most potent medicine, causes drowsiness. This drug requires gradual withdrawal.

Of the medicinal plants, valerian, motherwort, peppermint, lemon balm, chamomile, linden are used. They can be given to children in the form of tea - bags or loose - or baths.

For babies under 1 year old, single-component medicines are allowed to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. There is also a soothing collection for older children, for example, “Calm-Ka”, “Evening Tale”, “Bayu-bye”, “Hipp soothing with lemon balm and chamomile”.

Parents should be alert to any manifestations of allergies: redness of the skin or eyes, sneezing, coughing, swelling of the lips, tongue or ears. It should be remembered that herbs for children are also medicines: they have indications and contraindications, are strictly dosed and have a limited course.

An unexpectedly strong reaction to sedatives for the nervous system can be observed (sharp depression, drowsiness, lethargy), and paradoxical (very rarely - excitement, mood swings, etc.).

Important! Valerian tincture and motherwort tincture are contraindicated for children due to the toxicity of ethyl alcohol to the body of babies. You can’t give a child valerian from one bottle “for company” with a grandmother, as well as store it in an accessible place!

Homeopathic remedies are the mildest of all. They are popular because they are practically harmless: the concentration of the active substance in them is negligible, for which evidence-based medicine has dubbed homeopathy a pseudoscience that sells sugar. Official medicine believes that the effectiveness of homeopathy does not exceed that of placebo. Nevertheless, these funds are also widely represented on the shelves of pharmacies: "Naughty", "Hare", "Motherwort Forte", "Nervoheel", "Valerianahel", "Baby Sed", "Notta", etc. They are advised from time to time and doctors, especially when the parents themselves ask for something to ease the adjustment to kindergarten, a new place of residence, or a change in family composition.

Some remedies that are legal and known as homeopathic are actually meant to be herbal. But the procedure for registering medicines for homeopathy is simpler. For example, "Hare" syrup is considered a dietary supplement, but contains valerian, motherwort, mint, lemon balm, cumin, barberry, chamomile and hawthorn. The same applies to Motherwort Forte.

Thus, sedatives for children are used and very effective, but must be prescribed strictly by a specialist. Before you run to the doctor for a magic pill for bad behavior, you should reconsider the baby's daily routine and the organization of his leisure time. It is likely that no pills will be needed.

If adults are inherent in overcoming difficulties and dealing with psychological stress, then children are less resistant to stress. They become restless, capricious, cry, scream, refuse to eat. Capricious children exhaust parents who do not understand how to calm the baby. A newborn is constantly crying, preschool children are capricious, get out of the regime and daily routine, schoolchildren have a hard time studying, teenagers become aggressive and unpredictable.

How to calm a little man, help to cope with stress? Modern medicine offers innovative drug recovery methods, but is it worth resorting to tablet forms of dealing with stress?

Pharmacology claims that there are a number of psychocorrectors that are safe for the baby's health.

A group of drugs that corrects, normalizes the psychological state of the child, calms the nervous system, is called psychotropics. The mechanism of action is to reduce the excitability and inhibition of actions in response to irritating factors.

Medications are used to reduce hyperactivity, or as sedatives, sleeping pills. While taking medications, children easily, quickly fall asleep. Sedatives for a child’s sleep make it deep, calm, long, the body completely relaxes, fully rests.

Drugs that have a sedative effect include:

  • herbal preparations (extracts of valerian, motherwort, passionflower);
  • products based on magnesium and bromine salts (sulfate, magnesium citrate, potassium bromide, sodium);
  • products containing barbituric acid products (barbiturates in small quantities);
  • tranquilizers and neuroleptics.

Antihistamines of the first generation, some anesthetics have a sedative, hypnotic effect. Sleep sedatives for children are used with the permission of the attending physician.

Indications for the use of sedatives

Sedative drugs are not used without evidence. The reasons for using psychotropics are irritability, insomnia, negative, negative emotions for no apparent reason.

A manifestation of a disorder of the central nervous system in infants is moodiness, crying, screaming for no reason, unwillingness to eat and sleep. In older children, manifestations of nervous disorders are aggressive behavior, mood swings, neurocirculatory dystonia (headaches, blood pressure surges, apathy), attention deficit disorder.

Herbal medicines, and not only are well accepted by the body of any age. The list of side effects is minimal. It is forbidden to take a sedative at bedtime for a child if there is a personal intolerance to the components of the drug, a tendency to allergic reactions. For some drugs, a contraindication is early age.

List of effective sedatives

The choice of medical drugs for the correction of the mental state depends on medical prescriptions. Pediatricians prefer to prescribe herbal remedies, alternative medicines with minimal side effects. READ ALSO: sand therapy for children at home

During therapy with sedative drugs, be sure to follow the rules:

  • the course of taking the drug does not exceed 10-14 days;
  • immediately stop taking the medicine if after 3-4 days the desired results are not observed, adverse reactions appear, an allergy occurs.

What can be given to the baby?

Infants aged 1-3 months should not take any synthetic, herbal medicines. The exception is the presence of pathologies (hydrocephalus, brain damage, disorders of the central nervous system). Citral tincture is prescribed for babies from three weeks of age. The drug is made in pharmacies for individual orders with a prescription. Tincture Components

  • Citral. Citrus oil. It has a sedative effect, helps to reduce intracranial pressure.
  • Magnesia. Soothes, lowers blood pressure.
  • Valerian or motherwort extract. Relaxes muscle fibers, relieves tension in the nervous system.
  • sodium bromide. Slows down, contributes to the balance of processes in the cerebral cortex.
  • Dimedrol. Antihistamine, calms the nervous system, relieves tension, irritation, has a hypnotic effect.
  • Glucose in aqueous solution.
  • Distilled water.

Babies of the first month of life in order to relieve stress are shown decoctions of herbs - chamomile. Pharmacies have special packaged fees for babies. Pediatricians recommend that babies make Fleur Alpine tea. The main ingredient is chamomile. In addition to it, the composition includes lime blossom, mint, lemon balm. The composition has a calming effect, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal system, helps to cope with colic and bloating, improves sleep, and its duration.

Children from four weeks of age who are irritable, naughty, refuse to eat, sleep poorly, are recommended to give valerian infusions. From eight weeks, babies are given specialized children's herbal preparations, teas, for example, "Hipp". Form of production - packages. They are convenient to brew, no need to calculate the dosage.

For babies from six months, feel free to give herbal tea in bags of "Grandma's Basket". The composition includes fennel, lemon balm, thyme, valerian. Taking a decoction helps to strengthen the immune system, normalize the activity of the stomach and intestines, relieve tension, irritability.

From six to seven months, use the Evening Tale herbal tea. The composition includes fennel, lavender, mint. Teas, herbal children's collections are made on the basis of herbs, without the addition of preservatives, flavorings and other artificial ingredients.

Sedatives for babies 1-3 years old

To increase the duration and quality of children's sleep in this age category, the alternative medicine drug Kindinorm is prescribed. The composition of the granules is chamomile, valerian. The granules are not washed down, but are absorbed.

For the correction of the psyche, the normalization of the activity of the central and autonomic nervous system, the homeopathic remedy "Dormikind" is used. Release form - tablets that the child dissolves. Children under one year old, in the absence of prohibitive factors, are prescribed plant-based tablets of a small-colored slipper. Tablets are prescribed by a doctor, before taking they are dissolved in water.

Identical components in the composition of the suspension and chewing lozenges "Hare", collection of herbs "Calm". Before use, read the instructions. A sedative for children to improve sleep and stabilize the child's psyche in liquid form is recommended to be given at night.

Preparations for children 3-7 years old

It is permissible for children of this age category to use "Bayu-Bai" droplets. Drops are made on a vegetable basis from mint, chamomile, lemon balm, linden. Drops have a mild soothing, relaxing effect, relieve tension, reduce the severity of responses to irritants. They help to easily adapt to a change of scenery when the child goes to kindergarten, school.

Children 4-6 years old are recommended to use the homeopathic preparation "Notta". The reason for use is memory loss, absent-mindedness, inattention, irritability, development of phobias. The tool will not only help eliminate the above symptoms, but also help normalize, improve sleep and rest.

The high efficiency of the "Shalun" tool is noted. Recommended for children from the age of six, available in granules. The granules dissolve.

Funds for schoolchildren from 7 years

At the age of 6-8 years, children are prescribed herbal medicines - “baby sed” dragees, “valerianahel” droplets. The use of drugs of synthetic origin is not excluded.

Specialists practice prescribing drugs of complex action to children of this age - Persen, Novopassit. The motivation for the appointment is stress, depressive states, unexplained aggression, increased anxiety in adolescents over 11 years of age. They are used in combined treatment for pathologies of the central nervous system and the brain.

Medicines of synthetic origin to combat tension and stress:

  • Phenibut. Unloads the nervous system, stabilizes the psyche, increases stress resistance.
  • Magne B6. Compensates for the lack of magnesium, necessary for the normalization of the nervous system.
  • Glycine. Stimulates the activation of intracellular metabolic processes, increases stress resistance.

Sleeping pills

Effective sedatives for children at bedtime are barbiturates (Phenobarbital), or preparations made on their basis. Barbiturates should be taken with caution, strictly in accordance with the doctor's recommendations and annotations. Drugs are addictive.

If children do not sleep well, it is difficult, they fall asleep for a long time, experts prescribe Phenazepam, Nitrazepam, Nozemam. A group of potent drugs, appointed by a doctor, issued with a prescription form. They take a short period of time, form an addiction.

Is it possible to improve the condition of the child without resorting to pills?

Is there a need to use medications? Find out the cause of the depressive, depressed, or vice versa, hyperactive and irritable state of the child.

If the baby is constantly crying, while not getting sick, change diapers more often, feed, give water, play, sing a song. Breastfeeding babies often breastfeed, give a pacifier. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to brew soothing teas. Spend more time with your child, be outdoors, do not raise your voice, exclude loud sounds, quarrels and conflicts in the presence of the baby.

Compliance with the regime, regular feeding, walks, periods of sleep and wakefulness will give the baby a sense of calm and serenity.

Children's psyche remembers emotions and facts that provoke stress and disorders. Follow the traditions of preparing for bed, for example, warm baths with herbal decoctions, reading good fairy tales. These actions will help the baby find peace, increase stress resistance.

It's good if you add a massage, singing songs, listening to soothing melodies. To prepare a soothing bath, add a fresh decoction of mint, linden, valerian, lemon balm, chamomile, and pine needles. It is not forbidden to use sea salt. The duration of the bath procedure does not exceed 20 minutes.

Choose the right musical compositions, sing songs to them, watch the reaction of the crumbs. Uniform, melodic motifs will calm the baby and help you fall asleep sooner.

Experts believe that depressive states and hyper excitability in preschool children are associated with a lack of attention, tactile and emotional contact with parents. Children's psyche is unstable, subtly, sharply reacts to a lack of love and attention. Moms, dads ignores the manifestations of childhood neuroses, considering them to be features of a difficult age.

With the appearance of nervous disorders and neurosis-like conditions, one should not immediately resort to medical treatment. Give the baby attention, care, affection, a sense of participation in his life. This will give you self-confidence and relieve your fears. Positive emotions will work more effectively than drugs.

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // The attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects of insomnia therapy // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960.

The modern "frantic" rhythm of life goes by so fast: home, work, children, life, financial problems ... and so on ad infinitum. Disorders associated with unstable work of the nervous system entail insomnia, increased irritability, mood swings, and depression. The course can help the nervous system sedatives. But what? Let's try to figure out which drugs are suitable for adults, children and the elderly.

The main thing in the article

Calming drugs: when and for whom they are needed

Until recently, it was believed that sedatives are needed only by the elderly, as their nervous system is “worn out” and requires external support. This common misconception has disappeared under the onslaught of life situations and lifestyles of modern people. It happens that it is simply impossible to cope with the manifestations of stress on your own, so medicine offers a wide selection of various drugs for any age.

Sedatives with stable use are considered therapy. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

The need to help your nerve cells appears in the following situations:

Calming drugs for children: when you can not do without them?

Sedatives for children are means that normalize and balance the nervous work (processes of activity and inhibition) that occurs in the cerebral cortex. According to medical canons, all sedatives for children are divided into three groups:

  1. Vegetable origin. This group includes teas, collections, tinctures made on the basis of natural products. They have a moderate calming effect on the body.
  2. homeopathic remedies. Ways to reduce the increased excitability and irritability of the child.
  3. Medicines. Strong sedatives are sold only by prescription. They are prescribed for pathologies, injuries at birth, in cases of damage to the central nervous system.

They resort to the use of a certain group of sedatives only according to the doctor's indications in such cases:

  • Observed hyperexcitability(hyperactivity).
  • Child sleeping badly at night (chronic sleep disorder).
  • If a child overactive. Does not sleep up to 80% of the time of the day, while running, screaming, not concentrating, actively gesticulating.
  • In cases of explicit depressive states. This is manifested in constant depression, isolation in oneself, anxiety. In adolescents, this condition can be seen in the absence of motivation for learning, the occurrence of antisocial behavior.
  • After 3 years with these symptoms: frequent nightmares, tic, stuttering, if the baby pees at night, he lags behind his peers.
  • At emotional experiences associated with the beginning of going to kindergarten, school.

Soothing remedies for the little ones: herbal preparations

Quite often, situations arise when problems with unnatural capriciousness appear from the first months of life. This can happen due to the formation of all systems of life. Expressed in:

  • sleep disorders;
  • increased excitability;
  • neuralgia.

In addition to medicines, herbal teas and fees are successfully used.

It is forbidden to self-diagnose your child and give medical sedatives. For this age it is extremely dangerous.

Sedatives for school children

Pharmaceutics offers sedatives for schoolchildren (teenagers). After all, school is a society in which your child spends most of the time, and, as you know, in every society there is a place for stressful situations. Children from 7 years old with irritability, restlessness, absent-mindedness can prescribe the following drugs:

  • Pantogam- a neurometabolic stimulant of synthetic origin, improves brain activity and relieves nervous tension.
  • Magnesium B6- helps with neuroses, by replenishing the deficiency of magnesium in the blood. Appointed after laboratory tests (passing the analysis). Eliminates irritability and minimizes manifestations of emotional arousal.
  • Sanason-lek- aims to reduce anxiety, also normalizes sleep.

Homeopathic sedatives for children

Some doctors claim that homeopathic preparations have a placebo effect, so they are quite skeptical about them. But many parents are sure that homeopathy does a good job of calming the eccentric baby.

Official, confirmed evidence that homeopathic medicines have a sedative effect does not yet exist.

They are mainly used during the first trips to kindergarten or school, as well as when changing the family environment (moving, divorce of parents). In such situations, doctors may prescribe to the child:

For the smallest children, it is allowed to use the following remedies for sleep disorders, teething, the beginning of complementary foods (when these processes take place with nervous disorders):

Anti-anxiety drugs for hyperactive children

Increased activity of children is called postnatal encephalopathy, and requires treatment through behavioral adjustments with neurometabolic stimulants. They help to normalize blood circulation in the brain, since in most cases pathological changes occur due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients to the brain cells.

If the brain is not damaged, there is no oxygen starvation or microhemorrhage, then such stimulants have no effect.

For hyperactive children aged 3-12 years, doctors prescribe such drugs to calm:

Scientists say that visiting sports sections helps to strengthen the central nervous system, helps to concentrate.

Sedative medicine for children with the effect of sleeping pills

A significant part of sedative drugs has a hypnotic effect. Therefore, it is forbidden to get carried away, and even more so to prescribe such drugs on your own. The following drugs will help establish a healthy sleep:

Effective sedatives for adults: TOP of the best remedies

As we have already said, all sedatives are divided into herbal and synthetic. Based on this, we present the following TOP rating of sedatives for adults:

1. Herbal preparations:

  • Valerian.
  • Motherwort.
  • Peony.
  • St. John's wort.

2. Combined plant-based(summarize the effects of different plant components):

  • Phytosed.
  • Novo-Passit.
  • Fitosedan.
  • Persen.
  • Dormiplan.
  • Corvalol.
  • Valocordin.

3. Bromides (the basis of the drug is bromine):

  • Bromocamphor.
  • Adonis Brom.

4. Homeopathic remedies:

  • Valerianahel.
  • Nervochel.
  • Calm down.
  • Nevrosed.
  • Edas.

5. Nootropic drugs:

  • Phenibut.
  • Tenoten.
  • Glycine.

What sedatives can be taken by pregnant women?

During pregnancy, due to hormonal changes in the body, a woman becomes prone to sudden mood swings, tearfulness, and irritability. Also, often pregnant women suffer from insomnia, so sometimes you can’t do without the help of sedatives. There are many prohibited sedative drugs during pregnancy, so you should give preference to drugs based on natural ingredients, but still only after consulting a doctor. Here is a list of safe remedies that can help combat this problem:

1 trimester

  • Motherwort (decoction)
  • Melissa (decoction)
  • Mint (decoction)
  • Magne-B6

2.3 trimester

  • Glycine
  • Tenoten
  • Valerian
  • Novo-passit

Be sure to read the instructions and consult a doctor before use!

Tranquilizers - powerful sedatives for adults: our rating

tranquilizers are prescribed for various types of nervous disorders and the treatment of anxiety. The best ones are:

When is it necessary and contraindicated to take tranquilizers?

Today, tranquilizers act as a panacea for serious fears, psychoses, phobias, and neuroses. They are psychotropic drugs that are designed to increase inhibition in the brain and central nervous system, while at the same time weakening excitation in them.

A feature of tranquilizers is a very quick addiction, especially with prolonged use. Therefore, doctors prescribe them in small courses.

As for the indications, it is advisable to start treatment with tranquilizers only after a complete examination and the identification of the following deviations:

  • serious neuroses;
  • mental disorders;
  • deep depression;
  • the presence of suicidal thoughts.

If the diagnosis sounds like a minor restless condition, then you do not need to grab such pills. Also, in order to avoid dependence on such drugs, people under the age of 18 should not be treated with tranquilizers. Since most of the funds from this group have drowsiness and a decrease in reactions in side effects, it is undesirable to take them to people employed in jobs with increased responsibility (drivers, mechanics performing gas hazardous work, etc.).

It is forbidden to prescribe such funds to people who abuse alcohol. Since their complex effect (alcohol + tranquilizer) can lead to coma and death.

Potent tranquilizers are dispensed in pharmacies only by prescription.

Features of the use of sedative drugs by the elderly

By old age, the nervous system of each person “wears out” well, and symptoms such as irritability, forgetfulness, and sleep disturbance are inherent in all people of age. But since "age takes its toll", then any sedative drugs will not work here. Even if your grandmother declares with confidence that she has been drinking Barboval for the last 10 years to calm her down, and now he has stopped helping her (has gone bad), you should know that the drops (tablet) that were put “on their feet” 10 years ago, after 60 years old can give a different effect and put you in a hospital bed. Therefore, people of age when taking sedative medications should consider the following:

  1. Read instructions carefully, especially the sections about side effects and contraindications.
  2. Take medication strictly in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. No self-treatment and self-appointment.
  3. Choosing antidepressants carefully. At this age, they should have a vasodilating effect for more abundant blood flow to the brain.
  4. Psychotropic drugs in the elderly are not always effective in behavioral disorders, as they can lead to impaired consciousness and motor functions. They are taken only on prescription.
  5. Tranquilizers and sleeping pills are aimed at a long-term effect and one should not joke with their dosage in old age. For to normalize sleep, it is better to drink tinctures of motherwort or valerian.

Many parents are faced with the problem of restless sleep, prolonged falling asleep and nervousness of the baby at an early age. Any medicines, including sedatives, should be given to infants with great care and only after medical prescription. Learn more about these treatment options.

If the baby is healthy, then the best sedative for him will be his mother's chest, lullaby and calm atmosphere in the house. But this is ideal. And sometimes these options do not work, and you have to resort to the choice of drugs. First of all, you need to go to an appointment with a pediatrician, and maybe a neurologist. Doctors may prescribe the following medications for the baby at night:

  1. Phenibut. This sedative is quite serious. But for children under 12 months old, it can be prescribed. The drug helps to eliminate anxiety, fear and irritability in the baby. But at the same time, it also causes allergies. It is possible to get addicted to the medicine. Therefore, it is prescribed for crumbs in very small doses.
  2. Pantogam. He has established himself as an effective remedy for relieving increased muscle tone. There are two dosage forms - syrups and tablets.
  3. Tenoten for children under 12 months of age, children's doctors prescribe with increased excitability, circulatory disorders of the brain, intoxication. Although the instructions do not recommend giving it to babies under three years old.
  4. Knotta is an effective anti-anxiety agent that significantly improves a child's sleep and makes him a calmer day. The drug belongs to the category of homeopathic. Forms of release - sedative drops and tablets. The first is preferred due to ease of use.
  5. Glycine is a natural amino acid. It is recommended for children and their mothers.

Universal preparations for calming can be called Citral and Magne B6.

In exceptional cases, pediatric neurologists prescribe tranquilizers for infants. These are Tazepan, Elenium, Sibazon. According to the instructions, they can be prescribed only to children from the age of five, but as an exception, according to indications and under the supervision of a doctor, this is done in scanty doses.

Calcium preparations are also often recommended by pediatricians, because a deficiency of the substance leads to irritability, worsening of the baby's sleep.

Calming drugs for children up to a year after stress

The best option to help the baby in this case is herbal remedies. They are safe, can be used by mothers without the appointment of a pediatrician. Today, pharmacies have a large selection of such drugs. These are teas or ready-made children's fees. For example, "Babyvita sweet dreams" can be given to babies from the first month. From the age of six months, Hipp with natural herbs, Hipp apple tea with lemon balm, Hipp good night are recommended. From domestic teas, “Soothing Children's” and “Evening Tale” are suitable. The instructions for these safe parental assistants have detailed descriptions of how to use them. You can give tea to your child both after stress and at night. If the mother is breastfeeding, then she herself can drink sedative herbs with a sedative effect, thus calming the child. You just need to know their features. For example, motherwort infusion lowers blood pressure, and if a woman has low blood pressure, then it is better to give preference to lemon balm or lavender. Children up to a year can make infusions of fennel, valerian, hops.

The best option to avoid looking for a sedative after stress is to protect the child from being among a large crowd of strangers, a new turbulent environment. Sometimes even big toys donated to the baby can lead to a strong fright.

Homeopathic sedative medicines for children up to a year

Such drugs are gentle and safe. This is their main advantage and the secret of popularity. Homeopathic preparations Tenoten, Nota, Edas, Nervokhel, Viburkol, Hare, Naughty, Caprizulya, Baby-ed, Valerianakhel, Dermikind have proven themselves well. Before giving such sedatives to children, it would be useful to consult with the district pediatrician. It will help you choose the best option for your little one.

It is worth noting that before using any sedatives, it is necessary to objectively analyze why the baby does not sleep well, is nervous and often cries. Perhaps the reason for this is the unfavorable situation in the family or the fatigue of the mother herself? Maybe the baby does not have enough walks and attention of parents? And sometimes elementary heat in the room, non-compliance with the temperature regime lead to irritability and protests of the child.

Specially for -Diana Rudenko

Modern children often suffer from increased excitability, so many parents have a question about what kind of sedative it is permissible to give to infants.

A constantly naughty child is a difficult test for the mother's nervous system and not only. A newborn without that takes a lot of strength and energy, and if he also does not sleep at night and does not find peace during the day, parents are ready for a lot to stop whims.

First of all, it is worth finding out what is the cause of children's anxiety. Most likely you will find:

  • pain in a child;
  • discomfort for any reason;
  • neurological disorders;
  • psychological trauma;
  • wrong daily routine.

In this situation, you need to visit a pediatrician and conduct a complete diagnosis. When the cause is found, after its elimination, the baby will stop being capricious, throw tantrums and sleep badly.

Do not self-medicate and give sedatives to the newborn only as directed by the doctor. After all, even the safest sedatives can cause irreparable harm to the health of the child.

First of all, doctors try to manage in the following ways:

  • homeopathy;
  • soothing teas;
  • baths;
  • massage.

In extreme cases, sedative medications are prescribed.

For children from 0 to 12 months, modern pharmaceuticals offer a large selection of ready-made sedative drugs. Children under one year old are allowed the following medicines:

  • "Glycine";
  • "Phenibut";
  • "Magne B6";
  • "Central";
  • "Pantogam".

But it is worth remembering: such drugs can be harmful, and therefore it is permissible to use them exclusively for their intended purpose and under the supervision of a pediatrician. Homeopathic remedies are best suited for children:

  • "Tenotin";
  • "Baby Sed";
  • "Dermikind";
  • "Caprilly";
  • "Note";
  • "Edas";
  • "Naughty", etc.

And even they should be prescribed by a pediatrician.

For 2, 3, 4, 5 year olds

  • "Persen" helps relieve nervousness and improve sleep for babies, relieve emotional overexcitation. It is prescribed in tablets from the age of three years, and in capsules from the age of 12.
  • Phenibut is a potent remedy that helps to remove anxiety, irritability and a sense of fear. The drug can cause allergies and addiction. Give very small doses calculated by the doctor.
  • Pantogam is a good remedy that relieves increased muscle tone. The drug is poorly researched, and therefore it is not worth focusing on it. It is available in the form of syrup and tablets and is recommended from 2 years of age.
  • Tenoten helps relieve anxiety, soothes. It is widely used for hypoxia, circulatory disorders of the brain, increased excitability, intoxication. Available in tablets and not recommended for children under three years of age. The tablet is best diluted in water and given as a drink.
  • "Note" - an anti-anxiety homeopathic remedy, available in tablets and drops. Drops are preferable, it is convenient to dilute them in a drink, and the baby will be able to drink them freely.
  • "Glycine" - a completely natural drug recommended for children of any age.
  • Similarly, universal means are Magne B6, Citral.
  • In special cases, tranquilizers are prescribed - Elenium, Phenazepam, Tazepan, Sibazon. Their use is treated very carefully, they are addictive and can subsequently have a bad effect on children's health. Typically, these medications are recommended for children over five years of age.

What is fraught with a delay in the mental development of a child? Will your child get worse at school? Read the material.

6 to 10 years

In children between the ages of six and ten, a special period begins when hyperactivity can be noticeable. The child leaves the kindergarten and becomes a schoolboy, and this is a special stress for children's nerves.

  • "Bayu Bai" is an all-natural syrup made from herbs. They give it to children, pouring it into a spoon, diluting it in a drink. The drug is recommended for use from the age of five.
  • "Atomoxetine" is prescribed according to the results of a thorough diagnosis, confirming diagnoses such as hyperactivity and attention deficit since 6 years. Self-medication is unacceptable, it must be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Depression and aggressive behavior of adolescents are stopped by drops of Epam 1000.

Replacement of drugs intended for children under one year old

The nervousness of the mother of a restless baby can be transmitted to the baby and make him even more capricious, so you should think about rest. It is worth reviewing the daily routine, for example, to calculate whether you walk enough with a newborn, whether you bathe often, what time you put to bed. It is also worth paying attention to how calm the atmosphere is at home and whether wet cleaning of the living quarters is carried out regularly.

Until the diagnosis is made to the baby, follow the simple rules:

  • Ventilate your home every day.
  • Recommended daily wet cleaning.
  • Watch out for children's hygiene.
  • Take daily walks.
  • Create a positive environment at home: do not speak in a raised tone, avoid scandals and any other negativity.
  • Every day, bathe your baby in warm water with the addition of a decoction of soothing herbs.
  • Try to keep the room where you live not hot and cold.
  • Buy clothes made from natural materials.
  • Make sure your child is dry and well fed.

Relaxing baths

Soothing baths are a safe way to help children relax and calm down. In the absence of any serious cause of the child's nervousness, a bath with decoctions of herbs and plant extracts is the most suitable remedy. Children under one year of age are well helped by the following added to the water while bathing:

  • fennel;
  • peony;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian;
  • chamomile;
  • hop;
  • lavender.

Soothing teas

Children under one year old are offered to use sedative teas purchased ready-made and made on their own. Purchased tea will help you “not miss” with the dosage, but personally made tea guarantees a completely natural composition.

Nursing mothers have a way out - half an hour before the evening feeding of the baby, also drink a glass of sedative tea. You will get a double effect: it will help the mother to relax and relieve the nervous tension of the baby.

Important: give tea to the baby, having previously studied the instructions, pay special attention to contraindications and side effects.

They independently prepare a drink from the same herbs used in baths.

When applied

  • Tantrums for no apparent reason.
  • Insomnia, restless sleep.
  • The child cannot get used to kindergarten, school.
  • The offspring gets tired of the school curriculum and therefore worries.
  • Teenage years.
  • The baby often cries, is naughty and easily excited.

Suitable herbs

  • Chamomile. Fights colic, relieves inflammation, has sedative qualities.
  • Series. It has bactericidal properties and helps in the treatment of allergies. A similar component is added to tea only on the recommendations of a pediatrician.
  • Valerian.
  • Calendula. Fights many disorders in the body and is a universal component. Reduces children's anxiety, reduces excitability and restores nerves.
  • Peppermint soothes, helps with vomiting and nausea.

The components are used in medicinal drinks both individually and in combination with each other.


Tea for babies with a calming effect is purchased ready-made and made by hand. The drink consists of one component or includes a complex of herbs.

From 1 month

Chamomile infusion is the simplest and safest drink allowed for babies from birth.

  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped chamomile.
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

Dried flowers are poured with boiling water and left for 15 minutes. The infusion cooled to room temperature is given to a small patient. The dose is calculated by age: from a teaspoon to half a glass.

From birth

A drink made from fennel seeds is useful for both the baby and his mother, who is breastfeeding.

  • 1.5 tsp fennel seeds.
  • 1 st. boiling water.

Boiling water is poured over the seeds and left for 10 minutes, filtered and given to the baby. It is convenient to dilute the drink with the main drink in a bottle.

From 6 months

Perfectly relieves anxiety and restores sleep tea from lemon balm, chamomile and mint.

  • 1 tsp lemon balm.
  • 1 tsp chamomile.
  • 1 tsp mint.
  • 1.5 st. boiling water.

The collection in crushed form is poured with boiling water and kept for 20 minutes, filtered and the baby is added to the drink. This drink is also recommended for nursing mothers.

From 1 year

  • 1 st. l. valerian.
  • 1 st. l. lemon balm.
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

The components are mixed and poured with boiling water, insisted for 25 minutes, filtered, given 1 tsp each. or added to regular tea.


The nervous system of a baby from 0 to 12 months is still weak and easily reacts to any stimuli. Therefore, it is worth creating comfortable conditions for your beloved child and not delaying going to the doctor if it is constantly nervous and crying. Perhaps the cause of the baby's anxiety is not harmful, but a specific disease.

At the age of one to three years, you should definitely visit a neurologist, it is during this period that a common diagnosis among modern children is made - hyperactivity.