At rest there is not enough air. Not enough air: what to do if you suffocate? Causes and diagnoses of those who really do not have enough air: the doctor answers

Breathing is a natural process of human physiology. This work act continues constantly, and to work respiratory system many do not pay attention while it works without failures.

Feeling when it's hard to breathe occurs in different situations, and every person knows how you feel with a temporary lack of air.

There are physiological causes of shortness of breath - after climbing stairs to a high floor, it is difficult to breathe after a marathon run, or after a fast run.

There is also not enough air when breathing during a period of strong excitement, or a stressful situation.

The body of a person who does not have pathological changes in organs and systems is able to quickly adjust the feeling of lack of air, and after short rest breathing returns to normal.

Signs of a pathological condition when it is difficult to breathe

If temporary shortness of breath after physical exertion does not cause anxiety and a panic state, then a sudden attack, when I cannot breathe in air, leads a person to nervous excitement, which aggravates breathing problems.

If it is hard to breathe, then this may be a signal for the development of pathologies in the body. We need to understand how the process of breathing takes place in the body and why we need air.

The respiratory process provides all cells of organs and body systems with oxygen, which contributes to their functionality, regeneration and viability.

To fill the body with oxygen, not only the respiratory system is involved, although it has a primary role.

Also involved in the process of synthesizing oxygen by the body:

  • Diaphragm frame;
  • muscles chest;
  • Heart organ;
  • The system of blood vessels;
  • brain cells;
  • The composition of the blood;
  • Emotionality and the structure of the psyche;
  • Human hormonal background;
  • Activation of all centers of the central nervous system.

The body constantly adjusts to the concentration of oxygen in the body and carbon dioxide, and if there is more gas and it is difficult to breathe, then the respiratory system speeds up breathing, and oxygen deficiency is eliminated.

The development of the pathology of acidosis in the body, which accompanies many diseases associated with infection in the body, a feverish state and neoplasms, frequent deep breaths allow you to expel an excess of carbon dioxide from the body.

This is physiological mechanisms that are launched independently, but there are such pathologies in which these mechanisms become pathological.

When difficulty breathing, lack of air occurs constantly, or with frequent intervals, then it is necessary to contact the clinic to find out the ethology of bad breath.

Why do I suffocate on inspiration and what to do when I catch my breath in the chest? The doctor will answer all these questions of the patient and prescribe drug treatment after a thorough diagnosis and identification of the root cause of difficulty breathing.

Types of pathology

Difficulty breathing is divided into two types:

  • First view- this is when you want to breathe in harder, but he can’t breathe deeply. In this type of difficult breathing process, air is inhaled superficially and only the airways of the upper part of the respiratory system are involved;
  • The second type of difficulty in breathing is a labored exhalation. With this pathology, a very long exhalation occurs, and a feeling when the chest spirals and does not completely free it from carbon dioxide. This phenomenon occurs in asthma.

But most often with pathologies, mixed species occur when it is difficult to breathe. full chest and when it becomes difficult to exhale.

Breathing becomes intermittent, straying and it is impossible to catch one's breath.

Pathological causes of the condition it is difficult to breathe

Pathology during breathing can occur at any time, a lack of oxygen can provoke entry into the respiratory tract foreign body. Quite often this happens in children, when suddenly it becomes difficult for the child to inhale the air.

Also, suffocation occurs due to swelling in the larynx, with Quincke's edema and from many other pathologies of the respiratory system. Difficulty breathing can also occur not only from incorrect operation respiratory pathways, but also from pathologies that are not associated with this human system.

The main causes of lack of air are due to:

  • Pulmonary shortness of breath due to pathologies in the respiratory system;
  • The cardiac cause of the state of "hard to breathe" - comes from the pathology of the cardiac organ and the system of blood vessels;
  • Regulator failure nervous system, which is responsible for the process of breathing - shortness of breath disorders in the central nervous system;
  • Deviation in the composition of the blood due to the large presence of carbon dioxide gases in it - a hematogenous state of suffocation in the chest area.

cardiac causes

Diseases of the heart organ is the most common cause when it is very difficult to breathe even at rest. In a heart attack, it is impossible to breathe completely from the chest, because there is compression of the chest and blueness appears. skin.

When shortness of breath occurs constantly, manifests itself fast fatiguability person, as well as swelling in the limbs.

In heart disease, breathing is difficult when inhaling, exhaling easily. Heavy breathing worsens and many patients complain that when I go to bed, there is an insufficiency of air in the breath.

Diseases that make it difficult to breathe:

  • Ischemia of the cardiac organ;
  • Insufficiency of the cardiac type;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • Cardiomyopathy disease;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia);
  • Congenital defects are manifested by heavy breathing in children immediately after birth;
  • Myocardial muscle inflammation - myocarditis;
  • The disease of pericarditis inflammatory processes in the pericardium;
  • Violation of the heart valves causes pathology when it is difficult to breathe.

Heart failure

Among heart diseases, the most common cause of hypoxia is the cardiac form of insufficiency.

With such a pathology, bad job chambers at the time of systole and there is insufficient ejection of blood into the bloodstream, or there is stagnation of the biological fluid in the small heart circle and there is stagnation of blood in the cells of the lung - developing asthma of the cardiac type.

Not only heavy and rapid breathing in a patient with pathologies of the heart, there is also a dry cough, which is exacerbated by lying on his back.

When coughing, a person tries to draw more air into the lungs, but labored breathing does not allow him to do this. Many patients even try to sleep while sitting.

In addition to coughing, symptoms of heart problems can include:

  • Pain in the region of the heart muscle;
  • Pain behind the sternum and a feeling of constriction;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • Heart palpitations;
  • Cyanosis of the skin - this may be from developing hypoxia.

Pulmonary causes

The pathology of lung cells is the second reason that provokes the state of heavy breathing. When the lungs are disturbed, the breathing person often sighs, but breathing becomes shallow and labored. With pulmonary etiology, difficulty occurs, both on inhalation and exhalation.

Pathologies in which it is difficult to breathe:

Symptoms of lung pathologies that make it hard to breathe:

  • With the development of pulmonary pathologies, a cough with sputum is manifested;
  • Hemoptysis on coughing;
  • The body temperature rises;
  • The veins in the neck are dilated;
  • Also, the vessels in the peripheral section are dilated - in the arms and legs;
  • The right side of the cardiac organ is enlarged, and this can be determined by the method of percussion of the cardiac organ;
  • The chest becomes barrel-shaped;
  • The distance from one edge to another edge has been increased.

With the development lung diseases and inflammatory processes in this body, shortness of breath develops gradually, initially with physical activity. After the progression of pulmonary pathologies, shortness of breath occurs in two directions of the breathing process and even at rest.

It exacerbates difficult breathing of pulmonary etiology - it is alcoholic and nicotine addiction. When the lungs hurt and there is nothing to breathe, smoking only increases the process of sclerosis of the lung parenchyma.

In this state, pathology can move to that stage of the development of the disease, when irreversible consequences begin in the destruction of organs and the whole organism.

With pulmonary etiology, there is a violation in the gas exchange of the body and blood composition, there is a deficiency of oxygen molecules in the blood, which is associated with the occurrence of hypoxia of the organs and the blood flow system.

The brain cells are the first to suffer from hypoxia, and nerve fibers head disease is called encephalopathy.

Pathology in children, from which it is difficult to breathe

Most often, children find it difficult to breathe from a foreign body entering the respiratory tract. Sometimes small children insert small objects into their noses, and also try to swallow objects that block the passage of air through the body.

It is necessary to carefully and constantly monitor the games of children, because with a sharp blockage of the airway, suffocation occurs, and if help is not provided in a timely manner, a fatal outcome can occur in a few minutes.

The second reason that makes it difficult for a child to breathe is Quincke's larynx edema, or croup. This pathology develops from swelling of the larynx along with stenosis. Inflammation in the body, associated not only with a disease of the respiratory system, can provoke croup.

When a child is choking and cannot take a deep breath, you should immediately call an ambulance. Because croup can lead to asphyxia, which ends in death.

Quincke's edema is also accompanied by stenosis of the larynx.

The cause of this swelling may be an allergy in a child, which must be stopped immediately, because it can also cause asphyxiation.

Causes of heavy breathing of a cerebral nature

Quite often it is difficult to breathe in pathologies that are caused by damage to the cells of the brain and cerebral vessels. In the head are all the main centers of the nervous system that regulate and control functionality. internal organs as well as the vascular system.

It is difficult to breathe when brain cells are damaged when such diseases develop in the brain:

  • head injury;
  • Neoplasms of a malignant nature that develop in brain cells;
  • Hemorrhage in the brain - stroke;
  • swelling of brain cells;
  • Encephalitis disease;
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • Hypoxia of brain cells.

Symptoms of a condition when it is difficult to breathe with problems in the brain are different:

  • Suddenly, the person begins to choke;
  • Constantly sigh while breathing;
  • Or the person seldom sighs;
  • There is noise during breathing;
  • disruption of its rhythm.

In patients with a severe course of brain diseases, the lungs cannot cope with the respiratory function on their own and they are transferred to the artificial process of ventilation of the lungs.

When acidified inside the body, microbes decompose, which provokes a toxic effect on brain cells and aggravates the process of hypoxia.

At the moment, the patient is breathing very loudly and pushing out excess carbon dioxide from the body in order to fill the cells with oxygen molecules.

It is also difficult to breathe in case of violation of brain functions, as well as dysfunction of the nervous system of the peripheral parts:

  • Dysfunction of the autonomic system;
  • Disease neurosis;
  • Mental illness hysteria.

Difficulty breathing in this case occurs on nervous ground and immediately noticeable to the doctor during the examination.

Along with shortness of breath, the following signs of the disorder appear:

  • It is difficult for the patient to breathe at the time of crying;
  • The patient starts screaming and waving his arms;
  • The patient tries to demonstrate severe shortness of breath.

With such partially simulated symptoms, disturbances are visible not only in the nervous system, but also in mental state person.

Difficulty breathing with hematogenous pathology

The hematogenous cause of shortness of breath manifests itself when the chemical and biological composition of the blood changes. This pathology occurs from the fact that the concentration of carbon dioxide increases in the biological fluid, which provokes the development of the disease acidosis.

Acidosis develops in an acidic internal environment.

This pathology develops:

An adult patient develops a feeling of lack of air, but the process of inhalation and exhalation occurs normally and rhythmically. The organs that are responsible for proper blood flow and blood oxygen supply (heart organ and lungs) are without pathological changes.

The reason that a person is suffocating is a malfunction in gaseous state blood composition, as well as disruptions in the electrolyte function of the blood composition.

For treatment of this type pathology, it is necessary to treat the root cause of the condition in which it is difficult to breathe - this is anemia:

  • The use of drugs, which include iron molecules;
  • Use in therapy vitamin complexes, (B vitamins - B1, B6, B12);
  • At severe course pathology, the method of hemodialysis is used;
  • Infusion type therapy is carried out;
  • Detoxification drug treatment.

Difficulty breathing with disorders in the musculoskeletal system

Many people at a sharp attack shortness of breath, when it is difficult to breathe, think of a heart attack and myocardial infarction. But the cause of such compression of the chest can be diseases that are associated with damage to the musculoskeletal system.

Such diseases can be:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Hernias between the vertebrae;
  • Neuralgia of intercostal type;
  • Myelopathy.

With the development of these pathologies, the patient feels the following symptoms:

  • Compression of the chest;
  • It's hard to breathe, because with every breath stabbing pain along the ribs;
  • Pain in the cervical and thoracic region of the back;
  • Pain all over the spine.

Such labored breathing is quite difficult to distinguish from a heart attack and from pathologies of a pulmonary nature. Only method diagnostic study it is possible to accurately determine the cause of shortness of breath and the localization of the focus of the disease.

To relieve painful symptoms and to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the following methods are used:

  • Drug therapy with analgesics and to relieve inflammation;
  • Physiotherapy treatment using magnetotherapy and electrophoresis;
  • Therapeutic type of physical gymnastics;
  • massage method.

Difficulty breathing during pregnancy

When carrying a child, many pregnant women feel that it is difficult for them to breathe. The higher the term prenatal development baby, the more difficult it becomes to breathe.

It is difficult to breathe during pregnancy - this is a physiological phenomenon, and if a pregnant woman does not have pathologies of the heart and vascular system, then heavy breathing during this period is within the normal range.

At the time of intrauterine fetal formation, the uterus grows and expands, and future child rises, and presses on the diaphragm of the pregnant woman. Accompanying shortness of breath and restructuring of the hormonal background, as well as the formation of the placenta in a woman, the respiratory rate increases.

After all, a woman in this period has to provide oxygen to not one, but two organisms.

But during pregnancy, it is necessary to strictly monitor any symptoms in the body and go to the doctor in a timely manner so as not to miss the moment of development pathological dyspnea.

A symptom of pathological shortness of breath can manifest such diseases in a pregnant woman:

  • Blood composition disease - anemia;
  • Acquired heart disease;
  • thrombosis of arteries;
  • ischemia of the heart;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • PE (pulmonary thromboembolism);
  • Heart failure.

The most dangerous disease that can provoke a pregnancy in a woman is TELA. Breathing in this pathology becomes frequent and intermittent.

Only timely provided medical qualified help, can save a woman from asphyxia and death.


When studying the symptom of heavy breathing, one should not investigate the symptoms, but identify the cause of this condition. First of all, at the reception, the doctor examines the patient and collects an anamnesis.

Also, for further study of the condition, he appoints a study by the method of clinical laboratory tests and methodology of instrumental research.

When collecting an anamnesis, the doctor clarifies the following data:

  • genetic hereditary diseases from related family members - can be inherited vascular pathologies, diseases in the brain, allergic pathologies, blood diseases, as well as pathologies of the cardiac organ;
  • Place of work of the patient. This is very important if the patient often encounters chemicals, with toxic fumes, with substances that can provoke an allergic reaction in the body.

Laboratory clinical studies:

  • General analysis of blood composition;
  • General analysis of urine;
  • Blood for glucose index;
  • Biochemical study on the index of cholesterol in the blood;
  • The method of studying blood is a coagulogram;
  • Analysis for tumor markers;
  • A blood test for eosinophilia - determines allergens in the body.

Instrumental examination when the patient has difficulty breathing:

  • Bronchoscopy technique. This method can reveal many pathologies in the bronchi and lungs, when it is difficult for the patient to breathe. Not effective this study with heart disease;
  • ECG - electrocardiography;
  • ECHO cardiography reveals heart disease when the patient has difficulty breathing;
  • radiography is able to detect pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • CT ( CT scan) reveals diseases of the heart organ, blood flow system, lung pathology;
  • Fluorography is the primary method for detecting pathologies of the lung and bronchi;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of internal organs, as well as the brain and musculoskeletal system;
  • Biopsy of cerebrospinal fluid for the detection of a stroke;
  • Cell biopsy spinal cord will help to identify neoplasms in the body, in which it is difficult to breathe.

For staging accurate diagnosis specialist advice is required:

  • Therapist;
  • Cardiologist;
  • Doctor-pulmonologist;
  • Neurologist;
  • Endocrinologist;
  • Allergist;
  • Psychotherapist.

Consultation of a doctor - therapist

Treating a condition when it's hard to breathe

A pathological condition where it is difficult to breathe must be treated with medical advice and appointments of specialized doctors. Self-treatment of this problem is not allowed, because you can only aggravate the condition and bring the body to asphyxia with a fatal outcome.

It is necessary to treat not the state of shortness of breath, but its root cause. There are quite a few causes of heavy breathing, and each disease requires a certain approach and methods of therapy.

Only the doctor, after complex diagnostics can understand what is going on given state heavy breathing and prescribe a full course of medication. If the patient's condition is severe, then the treatment is carried out in a hospital.

When it is hard to breathe, and this condition is temporary, and is associated with a load on the body, then to relieve the symptoms of shortness of breath, you need to calm down, stop activity and this physiological process will pass in a few minutes.

In case of heavy breathing with cardiac pathologies, it is necessary to lie down calmly and call for medical help.

Treatment of shortness of breath of cardiac etiology

In case of a heart attack, it is necessary to take a Nitroglycerin tablet.

The treatment of heart disease is based on drug groups drugs:

  • Diuretics - Furosemide drug, Veroshpiron drug;
  • A group of ACE inhibitors - Enalapril, as well as Lisinopril;
  • Beta-blockers of calcium channels;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • Preparations for restoring the rhythm of the heart.

For children who, from the very period of birth, it is difficult to breathe due to heart disease, surgical treatment may be prescribed.

Treatment of shortness of breath of pulmonary etiology

In the treatment of pulmonary etiology of shortness of breath, the following medications are used:

  • Antihistamines - to relieve allergic reactions;
  • Hormones of the glucocorticoid type;
  • Adrenaline drug;
  • Antibacterial drugs for pneumonia and inflammatory processes in the respiratory system;
  • Analgesics for relief pain in the chest.

Difficulty breathing due to bronchial asthma is stopped:

  • Drugs of the adrenomimetics group - Salbutamol;
  • Group medications anticholinergics - Ipratropium bromide;
  • The methylxanthine group is the drug Eufillin;
  • A group of drugs called glucocorticosteroids is Prednisolone.

Remedy Prednisolone

In severe conditions of tumors in respiratory tract surgical treatment will be prescribed.

At colds when it is difficult to breathe due to nasal congestion, inhalation can be used at home, rinse the nose with a water-salt solution.


Preventive measures include general recommendations:

  • If shortness of breath is caused by poor ecology - change your place of residence;
  • Change jobs if it is hard to breathe from constant contact with chemical or toxic substances;
  • Do not overeat, because from the large amount of food eaten, it is difficult to breathe after eating;
  • Refuse to take alcoholic beverages;
  • Get rid of nicotine addiction;
  • Constantly monitor the index of cholesterol and glucose in the blood;
  • For prevention, take B vitamins;
  • visit more fresh air;
  • Do not overload the body;
  • Timely diagnose and treat pathologies that make it hard to breathe;
  • Follow a diet - do not eat in in large numbers fatty and salty foods;
  • Maintain water balance in the body;
  • Study physical culture and hardening.

Video: What is stopping you from taking a deep breath?

Forecast for life

With physiological shortness of breath, the prognosis is favorable.

With musculoskeletal pathology of difficult breathing, after pain relief, the prognosis is favorable.

With polyneuropathy, oncological neoplasms and metastasis in the organs of the musculoskeletal system, the prognosis is not favorable.

With cardiac and pulmonary etiology and with timely treatment of the underlying cause of shortness of breath, the prognosis is favorable.

In severe and complicated forms of heart and lung diseases - myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, tuberculosis and lung cancer - the prognosis is unfavorable.

With cerebral etiology, which is caused by cerebral hypoxia, encephalitis, or an ischemic type of stroke, the prognosis is unfavorable.

In the event that you have chronic headaches, chest pain, a systematic increase blood pressure, a general deterioration in well-being due to a change in atmospheric pressure, we recommend that you read our article, take care of your health!

  • Bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe asthma attacks. The disease often develops from chronic bronchitis. At the time of the onset of an attack of swelling of the legs is not observed. Unlike cardiac shortness of breath, when it is difficult to take in air, it is difficult to exhale during an attack of bronchial asthma.
  • Disorders of the nervous system. Severe stress, accompanied by pressure disturbances, also affects the respiratory processes. Strong excitement requires saturation of the brain with oxygen. However, ensure good nutrition the body does not work, as respiratory spasm may develop.

    As a rule, the problem goes away as you calm down and relax. For the speedy normalization of breathing in this case, it is necessary to breathe evenly and rhythmically.

  • Progressive anemia can also cause breathing problems. At the same time, an examination of the heart and lungs will not reveal a violation. You can determine the disease by a blood test, as well as on the basis of the general well-being of the body: a person can feel strong chronic fatigue, loss of strength, malaise and low stamina.
  • Allergic reactions. The response of the body to the action of the stimulus is often manifested in the constraint of breathing and the formation of spasm. Severe allergies, for example, to medicine, can cause Quincke's edema, which requires urgent medical attention.
  • An air ionizer is designed to purify the air and make it more breathable, creating a special atmosphere in our house, “like after a thunderstorm”. Breathing ionized air is very healthy, besides, the ionizer cleans the air from dust and dirt. More detailed information whether it is in the article or not - it's up to you! Take care of your health!

    As for breathing difficulties various types allergies - we recommend that you read the article "Air Purifier for Allergy sufferers", comparative characteristics, prices, reviews are posted, allergies can and should be fought!

    What to do if you find it difficult to breathe? ^

    The problem of "hard to breathe not enough air" can manifest itself as a result of performing unusual, but intense physical work. While generating carbon dioxide and energy, tissues and organs require an increased supply of oxygen. However, an untrained respiratory system is not capable of short time meet such a need.

    It can also be difficult to breathe in oxygen-depleted air: in high mountainous areas, in unventilated rooms, in rooms with an abundance of various allergens: household dust, animal hair or plant pollen.

    If difficulty breathing is in no way related to indoor air quality, it is necessary to undergo the following diagnostic procedures:

    • cardiogram of the heart at rest and with the provision of load;
    • determine the total volume and performance of the lungs;
    • pass general analysis blood. Especially important will be the study of the number of formed elements that are responsible for the transport of oxygen molecules in erythrocytes and hemoglobin;

    When does it become difficult to breathe after eating? ^

    If there are problems with digestion, it is necessary to perform gastroscopy, as well as ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

    An interesting article describing compressor air dryers and in general how to choose the most suitable option for yourself?

    What are the advantages of a gas heater for a summer residence, buy it or are there other options? You can read about it, the most complete and useful information!

    How to eliminate the lack of air in the room ^

    It is a recognized fact that even in constantly ventilated rooms, the air quality is 3-4 times worse than outside. The abundance of household appliances, synthetic coatings, cramped space, household dust lead to the fact that the air systematically stagnates and becomes polluted.

    However, air saturated with carbon dioxide is no longer able to provide nutrition to organs and tissues. This determines rapid breathing, decreased performance and, ultimately, attacks of lack of air and suffocation.

    This problem is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers and people who suffer from bronchial asthma.

    The solution to the problem can be the following actions:

    • comply with workplace environmental standards;
    • establish and regularly check the ventilation systems of residential and working premises;
    • provide technological breaks for ventilation office space and residential area;
    • hold regularly wet cleaning premises, which will avoid the spread of dust - the main household allergen;
    • if possible, install that bind air pollutants in their filters and allow them to be removed without harm to health;
    • installation of monitors for the presence of carbon dioxide in the air in the premises will allow to determine the level of pollution of the working atmosphere with great accuracy.

    The fight against respiratory disorders should begin with maintaining an active lifestyle, strengthening resistance to nervous stress, protective forces, and also controlling the state of one's own weight. In any case, if you have chronic breathing problems, we recommend that you contact a specialized clinic for diagnosis and follow-up treatment. Be healthy!

    One of the causes of difficulty in breathing can be an excess of CO2. Watch the following video:

    When a person breathes easily, he probably does not notice this process. And it counts normal because breathing is reflex act, controlled by autonomic NS. Nature came up with this on purpose, since a person in this state is able to breathe even while in an unconscious state.

    Sometimes this opportunity saves people's lives when something threatens their state of health. However, if there is not enough air during breathing or with respiratory function, at least slightest problem, this person will notice immediately.

    Sometimes constant yawning and lack of air are manifested in people due to physiological reasons, which are easy enough to fix. However, if the patient often wants to yawn and take a deep breath, this indicates the course of a serious illness.

    It is worth noting that the feeling of lack of oxygen in the lungs can manifest itself in different ways - some have hard breath, while others begin to constantly yawn, thereby inhaling full lungs.

    If the patient does not quick treatment, he may develop shortness of breath, which will be observed even with minimal stress on the body. In this case, it will be difficult for a person to breathe and take a full deep breath. This requires an immediate visit to the doctor, as otherwise there is a risk of getting oxygen starvation.

    The patient will need urgent help doctor if he notices the following symptoms accompanying breathing difficulties:

    • constant yawning;
    • inability to fully inhale air into the lungs;
    • pain in and behind the sternum;
    • swelling in the limbs and convulsions that attack the patient at night;
    • change in skin color to cyanotic, which indicates a lack of oxygen;
    • it is difficult and difficult for the patient to breathe after carrying out minimal loads on the body;
    • nausea, which may be accompanied by dizziness;
    • long and frequent cough;
    • increase in temperature;
    • a feeling of fear in the patient, because of which he often has to take sedatives (some prefer to drink alcohol to calm down).

    As a rule, such symptoms indicate the course of severe pathologies, which need to be identified and cured in a short time.


    All the causes that cause respiratory failure in a person are divided by doctors into 3 large groups. However, each of them can be closely intertwined with the other, since all the processes occurring in the body are interconnected.


    This type of causes that cause deterioration in breathing are considered the most harmless. They can cause deterioration in breathing due to the following factors:

    1. Insufficient amount of oxygen. If a person is in a place where there is little air, such as in the mountains, it can cause breathing difficulties due to the fact that the person will not have enough oxygen. Therefore, if you are in an area that is much higher than sea level, this phenomenon will surely overtake you.
    2. Stuff in the room. Due to this reason, there may be either a lack of fresh air due to crowding, or an excess level of carbon dioxide. Therefore, a small room needs to be ventilated frequently.
    3. Tight or uncomfortable clothing. Many people do not even think about the fact that tight clothing can harm their health, so they sacrifice it for the sake of fashion and beauty. As a result, a woman or a man experiences a significant lack of oxygen, which disrupts the normal functioning of the body. There is no need to consult a doctor, because after changing clothes, the patient will again feel the normal flow of oxygen and will be able to breathe in plenty.
    4. bad physical form in a person. If people are sedentary and like to drink alcohol, this negatively affects the respiratory function. Any tension of the body causes serious breathing difficulties, as a result of which the patient is often tormented by yawning. Often this reason is enough air is observed in people who long time lay in bed undergoing treatment.
    5. Overweight. If a child or adult is overweight, they also have difficulty breathing. However, this is not the worst - overweight often develop heart disease and VSD, the severity of which depends on the number of extra pounds in comparison with normal weight.

    Sometimes people find it difficult to breathe in the heat, especially if the body is severely dehydrated. In this case, the blood becomes thicker, as a result of which it is more difficult for the heart to push it through the vessels. This causes a serious deterioration in breathing, which can be cured on its own.


    Yawning, shortness of breath and lack of air appear due to the course of serious illnesses. Moreover, these symptoms allow a person to identify the disease on initial stage development.

    Often the symptoms of lack of air attack a person during the development of the following diseases:

    1. VSD. This disease develops as a result of nervous exhaustion. A person often feels fear, a panic attack, and other unpleasant symptoms. To notice development in time dangerous disease, you need to pay attention to its first signs, including constant yawning and heaviness when inhaling.
    2. Anemia. This disease is characterized by a lack of iron in the body, with the help of which oxygen is transported through organs and systems. It is possible to identify the disease with the help of a deterioration in the quality of breathing.
    3. Diseases of the lungs or bronchi. Pneumonia, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, pleurisy, asthma, and so on can cause a feeling of lack of air. In some cases, the patient may also be disturbed by belching, for example, during sputum separation.
    4. Respiratory diseases occurring in acute or chronic form. As a result of the drying of the mucous membrane of the nose and larynx, many people cannot breathe normally. In addition, some people notice an increase in breathing, due to which a small portion of oxygen enters the lungs.
    5. Heart diseases. These include ischemia, asthma of the heart, its insufficiency, and so on. Improper functioning of the heart causes breathing difficulties. If this is accompanied by discomfort and pain in the chest, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

    These diseases pose a significant threat to the health of the patient, so you should not run them.


    Do not forget about stress, which often causes the development of diseases dangerous to health.

    Yawning during stress (for example, neuralgia) in a patient is considered an unconditioned reflex, which is inherent in man by nature. Therefore, if people are often nervous, it will cause yawning, and, as a rule, a lack of oxygen.

    During stress, capillaries spasm, which causes the heart to overwork. This causes an increase in pressure. In order not to harm the brain, a person begins to yawn often, while inhaling deeply.

    Also, the lack of air appears when muscle spasms, which makes it difficult for the patient to make a deep entry.

    What to do in case of lack of oxygen

    What to do if a person's breathing suddenly stops or worsens? Judging by the reviews of doctors, the first thing you need to do is calm down and stop panicking. First, the patient needs to go outside or open a window to provide fresh air.

    You should also relax clothing as much as possible, which interferes with the normal penetration of air into the lungs. To avoid dizziness from lack of oxygen, it is recommended to sit or lie down.

    You also need to breathe correctly - a quick breath through the nose, and a slow breath through the mouth. After 3-5 such inputs, the patient's condition usually improves. If this does not happen, an urgent need to call a doctor.

    Attention! It is forbidden to take pills on your own without a doctor's testimony, since they are allowed to be taken only after assessing the state of health and identifying the type of disease.

    Many of us live every day a normal life, not thinking about how we constantly breathe in and out. Easy and free breathing is the key to a comfortable life. However, not everyone manages to live with such comfort.

    Dyspnea symptoms

    There are those who experience a feeling of lack of air, suffer while breathing in, they do not have enough oxygen to take a deep breath and exhale. As a result, an asthma attack begins.

    It can be exacerbated in the following situations:

    • with strong excitement;
    • under stress;
    • in stuffy room;
    • in a horizontal position;
    • when walking fast;
    • at strong cough, shortness of breath;
    • with a lump in the throat, an attack of nausea;
    • if tight clothing is worn in the chest;

    Lack of air during breathing is a pathological condition that, in certain situations, can pose a threat to human life.

    In other words, it is suffocation. To overcome oxygen starvation, the brain compensates for suffocation with frequent inhalation or shortness of breath. In medicine, shortness of breath is called dyspnea.

    Suffocation may occur as a result of the development serious illnesses internal organs. The only exceptions are those with asthma. Choking with asthma is removed with a special inhaler.

    Lack of air is accompanied by a violation of the frequency and depth respiratory process. The form of suffocation is acute and chronic. With such a disease, communication with another interlocutor (communication) slows down, the muscles become sluggish. It is impossible to concentrate, because the lack of oxygen does not allow the brain to function normally. This condition is closely related to the physical well-being of a person. It can be experienced even with small physical exertion.

    With the progressive development of the disease, a person may experience pain and a feeling of pressure in the chest area. It becomes difficult for him to breathe even at rest, shortness of breath appears. In this case, inhalation and exhalation will be accompanied by wheezing and whistling sounds. The temperature may rise. The patient will feel a lump in the throat, it will be difficult for him to swallow. It is difficult to sleep in the supine position, you have to sleep in a semi-sitting position.

    The main causes of shortness of breath and difficulty breathing

    1. Diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pulmonary pressure, lung obstruction;
    2. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels: heart defects, malfunctions heart rate, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction. The heart muscle cannot normally drive blood through the vessels. As a result, the internal organs experience a lack of oxygen;
    3. Blood diseases, infection, diabetes.
    4. Compression of the chest wall.
    5. Allergic reactions.
    6. Violation of body functions (physical inactivity). Violation of the musculoskeletal system, digestive system, respiration, blood circulation.
    7. The presence of a hernia.
    8. Iron deficiency, anemia.
    9. Diseases thyroid gland.
    10. Obstruction in the passage of oxygen through the nasopharynx.
    11. Overweight, obesity.
    12. Climate change.
    13. Tobacco abuse.
    14. Hyperventilation syndrome: stress, panic attacks and fear, aggression.

    Hyperventilation is a nervous habit that makes you feel like you're not getting enough oxygen. A person begins to breathe deeply in order to get a lot of oxygen for himself, however, this does not work out for him. It turns out a kind "air hunger". There is an imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. The syndrome may be accompanied by dizziness and fainting, tingling in the body.

    This condition is often observed in severe stress but does not last long.

    Improvement comes after understanding the cause of stress, encouragement, taking tranquilizers. You can improve the condition if you breathe into a paper bag. Repeated breaths replace the lack of carbon dioxide and help restore the chemical balance in the blood.

    Thus, the causes of difficulty breathing can be different. If it happens constantly, you should think about it and consult a doctor, undergo an examination to identify the cause of shortness of breath and improve the condition in order to avoid further complications.

    Some associate shortness of breath with ordinary yawning. First, let's define what a yawn is.

    Yawning is an uncontrollable reflex that happens involuntarily. This is a slow deep breath, which is accompanied by a prolonged breathing act, a quick exhalation and sometimes a sound.

    During yawning, a lot of oxygen enters the lungs, due to which blood supply improves, tissues and organs are saturated with it. Harmful substances are removed from the inside, brain function improves. The circulatory, respiratory, cardiovascular, muscular, skeletal systems are involved in the process of yawning, due to this, the lack of oxygen is compensated and the work of internal organs is activated.

    With a lack of air, a person can often yawn. This can happen when you stay in a stuffy room for a long time, where there is no oxygen. In conditions of such a deficit, the brain tries to get as much oxygen as possible, respectively, a person begins to yawn often.

    What to do if there is not enough air?

    Whatever the cause of difficulty breathing, it must be identified and eliminated in a timely manner. And to do this without consulting a doctor is quite difficult.

    During the diagnosis, the doctor interviews and examines the patient. Blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound, radiography, electrocardiography, computed tomography, spirometry are done. If necessary, the patient can be sent for a consultation with other specialists of a narrow profile - a cardiologist, psychotherapist, hematologist.

    An experienced doctor, based on diagnostics and tests, will be able to deliver correct diagnosis and prescribe a competent treatment that will ease the attacks of suffocation. The appearance of shortness of breath and lack of air will disturb less and less, but for this you need to undergo an examination and a full course of treatment.

    For diseases respiratory organs doctor can prescribe antibacterial agents, drugs that relieve inflammation inside. If shortness of breath appears with heart problems, then drugs are prescribed that improve the functioning of the heart muscle, metabolic processes. A course of medical gymnastics is also being developed.

    In case of violation of metabolism and metabolic processes, it is important to observe proper nutrition, diet, arrange fasting days. They may prescribe drugs that improve metabolism.

    Often, people who have health problems may be disturbed by causeless outbreaks of suffocation and insufficient air. Such manifestations are characteristic of vegetative vascular dystonia. Shortness of breath with VVD has certain concomitant symptomatic signs, as well as certain principles of treatment.

    Causes of shortness of breath

    Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is the occurrence of a combination of certain symptomatic signs as a result of a violation of the functionality of individual parts of the nervous system. An appropriate diagnosis of vascular dystonia is made as a result of a long and thorough examination. It should be noted that VSD and lack of air can largely depend on each other.

    VVD is not considered an independent disease; rather, it occurs when the patient's body is not working properly. Often, VVD is an independent symptomatic sign or process that characterizes a negative change in the functionality of the heart muscle. The influence of the occurrence of such a factor as a feeling of lack of air during VVD can be affected by people of any gender and age categories. It is relatively difficult to completely get rid of this kind of manifestations in VVD, but it is quite possible to reduce the incidence of vascular dystonia.

    The causes of shortness of breath or insufficient amount of air during breathing with VVD, there are a considerable number, but the most common of them are:

    • hyperventilation of the lungs - occurs during the implementation of frequent and deep breaths, resulting in an increase in air lung tissue, which entails an excess of oxygen and a lack of carbon dioxide, such a process is characterized by the fact that there is not enough air;
    • flash panic attack with VVD;
    • breathing problems;
    • the influence of numerous stressful and conflict situations, as well as excessive fatigue with VVD.

    The main reason for the occurrence of the process of lack of air in VVD, in which difficulty breathing develops, is that the patient inadvertently begins to speed up the respiratory process. As a result of the process, a feeling of heaviness is formed, which frightens a person on psychological level. Excitement with VVD gradually increases and the process is activated with renewed vigor.

    Associated symptoms

    Symptomatic signs associated with a violation of the process of respiratory activity can manifest themselves in different ways and in varying degrees. Often, the pathological process associated with breathing during VVD may be accompanied by disorders of the muscular and emotional parts of the human body or asthma attacks occur during VVD. Many of the symptoms may resemble heart, lung, or thyroid disease. It should be noted that with the manifestation of VVD, shortness of breath is considered to be quite a common phenomenon in relation to the breathing process, the manifestations are not able to affect the performance of internal organs or systems. Associated symptoms VSD are:

    • insufficient amount of oxygen;
    • the presence of a feeling of squeezing in part of the chest;
    • the occurrence of a cough;
    • asthma attack;
    • the impossibility of a full breath;
    • pain in the region of the heart muscle;
    • possible numbness of individual parts of the upper and lower extremities;
    • the impossibility of being in an insufficiently spacious or ventilated room.

    Very often, such disorders and processes associated with VVD can adversely affect the composition of the blood. May gradually become tense muscle mass, and the articular joints are actively narrowed. Changes during VVD are also the cardiovascular system. In this case, an insufficient amount of calcium and magnesium is found in the blood, and dizziness is also possible. Cases are not excluded when the symptoms of VVD occur in in full, however, the complete absence of symptoms is not excluded.

    Therapeutic activities

    If shortness of breath occurs during VVD, you should immediately seek help from medical professionals. Restoring the normal breathing process in such a situation is quite difficult. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate or exclude in the process of diagnosing a certain kind pathological processes through specific treatment for VSD. In addition to the therapist, it is important to get advice from an ENT specialist, an endocrinologist and a neuropathologist. Diagnostic measures include:

    • X-rays of light;
    • ultrasound examination of the internal organs and the thyroid gland separately.

    Confirmation of the alleged diagnosis of VVD is carried out by a neurologist, who selects the appropriate effective treatment. Therapeutic measures in the development of VVD should be used in a complex manner. First of all, the patient must change his mind and attitude regarding the existing disease. The process of eliminating symptoms and the effectiveness of treatment will depend on how much the patient will have an idea about the IRR.

    Of particular importance is exercise when it is difficult to breathe. The patient needs to learn how to breathe properly with VVD so that the necessary amount of oxygen enters the body. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to breathe through the abdomen, especially if it is difficult to breathe during vegetative dystonia. In this case, at least twice as much time is allotted for inhalation as for exhalation. The atmosphere should be calm, the duration of the lesson should be about half an hour.

    If the patient needs to correct psychological disorders, then the specialists prescribe medication. The most popular are antidepressants, anxiolytics. The main drugs for VVD include Corvalol, Anaprilin, Gidazepam. Combination is excluded. similar treatment with psychotherapy, which is used to restore psychological condition patient and difficulty breathing.

    Thus, the doctor helps the patient to detect the main cause of the violation of the respiratory process in VVD and eliminate it at the initial manifestations.

    A non-drug method of VVD therapy involves the use of the following methods:

    • to restore the optimal amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide during VSD, you need to breathe into a pressed bag or combined palms;
    • take a sitting or lying position, in case there is a temporary loss of consciousness;
    • drink a glass of water with sugar;
    • wash your face, hands and neck in cool water;
    • try to switch attention or reproduce the text that you know by heart;
    • portray a mechanical positive by trying to smile.

    In case of application medicines with VVD, it is important to follow the recommendations of the attending physician regarding the dosage, course of treatment and possible contraindications.

    Seizure Prevention

    Measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of the disease are an important part of complex therapy. In this case, it is important to adjust your established lifestyle, it is important to pay attention to those drugs that are actively used in this process. If deviations in breathing have an initial stage of manifestation, then it is enough to confine ourselves to certain innovations: changing the regime of the day in such a way that night rest was at least 8 hours, the room was sufficiently well ventilated, and the bed was as convenient and comfortable as possible.

    No less effective active form recreation. More time is recommended to be spent outdoors, sports should be such that there is no excessive overwork, and autonomic system not exposed to negative external influence. All classes must be regular in order to be visible positive result. AT without fail diet needs to be revised. Eliminate heavy foods, do not grab food on the run. Take care of water balance, drinking at least 2 liters of water daily, avoid lack of fluid intake. Phytotherapy can be used, but this method is not always suitable to treat asthma breathing problems. It involves the use of drugs based on medicinal plants. special attention deserve physical therapy. In this case, taking a bath with sea ​​salt(if desired and necessary, it can be replaced with coniferous extract, especially if I breathe through my nose), paraffin therapy, body wraps and massage procedures.

    Certain groups of drugs can also be used as prophylaxis. These include nootropics that help normalize the process of blood circulation and saturation. necessary quantity oxygen of individual internal organs, it is possible to use antidepressants and tranquilizers (the latter are used for prolonged lack of sleep and frequent anxiety). Acceptance is excluded hormonal drugs to restore hormonal changes.

    Thus, the occurrence of shortness of breath with VSD is quite common. As practice shows, it is important to eliminate the symptomatic signs of the underlying VVD disease, and then proceed to measures aimed at restoring the respiratory process.

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