If everything is bad at work, what should you do? What to do when everything is bad

Many problems

Hello, dear blog readers. The topic of today's post is the fight against problems, depression, and the right attitude towards life. Yes, of course, I did not become a psychologist or psychotherapist. Don't be alarmed.

I heard this information a few months ago at one of the youth business seminars. I will give a link to it at the end of this post, I highly recommend watching the material in full. There will be only a part in the article. The one that I have implemented and continue to use in my life.

By the way, I listened to this webinar at night, probably three hours. It was worth it. It's not just me who thinks so.

I saw and looked

Sergei Azimov touched a nerve and made me think about life, about relationships, about women... Okay, back to the topic of the post: what to do when you have a lot of problems.

Just a minute :)

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What to do when there are a lot of problems: the main secret

We need to stop here. And think about it. Think about how important these problems are to you. Most often, these are little things, small conflicts on which we spend, well, just a lot of our energy. These are banal everyday quarrels with relatives, work colleagues, a bad mood in the morning, an argument and defending one’s position.

Are these problems, their solutions, nerves and emotions an important part of our lives? No, not ours - YOUR LIFE.

As I listened to Asimov that night, I began to think. But really, we spend most of our time, most of our lives on these very trifles, trifles, sorting out relationships, we are always dissatisfied, always in a hurry to get somewhere.

Too many problems: solution

The solution to all problems lies in one simple thing. Understand their classification, analyze how important it is for you that this morning your foot was stepped on on the bus, your wages were delayed for a day, the coffee was not as tasty as usual, the waiter was rude...

Traffic light problems

All problems, problems, situations in our life can be classified according to the traffic light principle and live in accordance with this principle.

Stop, slowly, re-read this classification several times. And pay special attention to the output.

  1. Red problem . This is the death of relatives, friends, the departure of a person very close to you. A fatal, incurable disease when there is no chance.
  2. Yellow problem . This includes disability, a serious accident and physical injuries, but the person survived. Loss of business, divorce.
  3. Green problem . This is a job loss, a very difficult financial situation. My beloved girl/boyfriend left, betrayal.

Everything else is simple Should NOT bother you.

Agree, we think about our lives in difficult moments: the death of someone, a great loss, a difficult, seemingly hopeless situation. Then we understand how petty and insignificant everyday problems are.

This is how small, a little philosophical this post turned out to be. Hope it was helpful to you.

I present to your attention 10 effective tips on what to do when everything is bad. Go ahead and sing!

There are moments in life that even incorrigible optimists and die-hard metal workers cannot endure.

It seems that everything in the world has turned against you: family, bosses, strangers in minibuses and shops, even nature has been pouring nasty cold rain on it for days now.

It seems that it couldn’t get any more disgusting and you just can’t find the answer to the question, what to do when everything is bad.

Even if everything is bad for you today, you need to think that tomorrow everything will definitely get better, and not: “I will die an ugly, sick, useless old maid.”

Dream about good things and the Universe will definitely respond to your call.

Take action.

Problems rarely resolve on their own.

Before you give up, you must be sure that you have done everything in your power to resolve the conflict.

Just because you sit down and whine all day long about how unhappy you are and why life is so unfair, your situation will not change for the better.

Humble yourself.

There are tragedies that we cannot influence.

I am talking, first of all, about the death of loved ones.

Yes, it hurts you a lot, yes, you think that this is unfair, but there are tests that we must endure with honor, so that when we meet our loved ones and relatives in another world, we will not be ashamed.

Did you understand everything? Now “hand over” your depression to Stanislav Bodyagin’s pawn shop! 🙂

How much is he willing to pay for it?

Watch the video:

« What to do when everything is bad?", - you ask.

I will answer: “Don’t be discouraged, don’t give up and hope for the best!”

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It happens that no matter where you look, everything is bad. You give up, you don’t want to do anything, your soul is sad and, as luck would have it, your friends don’t call, work is a mess, and the television on TV is a complete nightmare.

Are there many reasons when a person can despair, give up and become depressed? If you find yourself in such a situation, then you urgently need psychological help. And first of all, you must accept it from yourself.

And I will help you do this. How to cope with depression and regain the joy of life. What to do when everything is bad? I hope that the following simple advice from a psychologist will help you overcome your problems and change your life for the better!

1. Don't hold back your emotions:

What to do when you feel bad? When did you most recently experience deep emotional distress? Give free rein to your feelings. Everyone does it differently. Some people cry on the shoulder of a close friend, while others throw a huge party to distract themselves. Do what you want (within the law, of course), and you will see that it will become easier.

2. Break the problem down:

Try to think about it objectively and impartially. Identify the cause and think through possible ways to solve the problem, which can be done now. When everything is bad, you want to withdraw into yourself and grieve, but this is not a way out of the situation. To remain in this state for quite a long time means to register two new tenants in your house: depression and hopelessness. Strong people act while weak people sit and feel sorry for themselves. Be strong, call me and make an appointment with a psychologist and then you will receive true psychological help and support.

3. Despite the fact that the current situation brings nothing but grief, as it seems to your first PSYCHOLOGIST, still think about what it has taught you. It is problems that build character and make a person more experienced and wiser. Think about what exactly your problem taught you, what experience you learned from it.

And by perception. For some, the problem that arises passes quickly and by, but for others it touches the soul and worries. Everything begins to fall out of hand, constant screams and breakdowns towards loved ones and dear people. As a result, relationships become bad, and sometimes even worse. And then it begins to seem that everything is set only against you. This makes you even more angry, aggressiveness and uncertainty appear. And while some are ruining themselves, others are living calmly and enjoying life.

Even if you have some tragic event in your family, problems with work, your personal life is not going well, etc., you should not always reproach yourself for something. This is a life that brings more than just good moments. Learn to rejoice in what is now, and not what once was or will be. Everything in life comes and goes. All the negativity will also pass someday.

The main thing is not to sit still, but move forward, overcoming all the difficulties along the way. Do what interests you and gives you pleasure. Take a break and make other people feel good, but under no circumstances take it out on them. Life is too short, sometimes there is not even enough time to correct your mistakes.

If on soul bad, then give someone joy. Go outside and give a small child some candy. You will see how much sincere happiness comes from one little sweetness. It will become much easier for you. If you love shopping, then go and buy yourself a new thing. If you can't live without Japanese food, then treat yourself to a trip to a restaurant. Problems and adversity will sooner or later go away or be forgotten. Look for pleasant moments in every day and minute. Just live for yourself, for the sake of your loved ones. Difficulties make people stronger, more experienced and wiser. If you offended someone, then ask for forgiveness. Fix minor mistakes that you can fix now. Don't put it off until later, because... it may no longer exist.

And finally, lie down on the sofa, turn on good and favorite music, analyze your life. Understand what is stopping you and fix it. Remove the burden from your soul. If you don't do this, you may regret it for the rest of your life. And give people joy and happiness. And everything will definitely come back to you.

Helpful advice

Learn to enjoy the little things.


  • bad at heart

Sometimes problems and troubles pour in as if from a cornucopia. It seems that life's difficulties will never end. It is not surprising that only sad thoughts come to mind, and self-confidence disappears. To get out of the “dark streak”, you first need to regain your good spirits and positive attitude.

We have already written about depression and apathy, but what to do when you just feel bad at heart, and you seem to understand that it will pass, but you want to somehow speed up the process? First of all, accept this state, do not try to reject it - absolutely all people are susceptible to blues, to a greater or lesser extent. This is due to the change of seasons, lack of sunlight, and hormonal changes in the body. In order to quickly return to a good mood, use our tips on what to do when you feel bad.

1) Eat positive! The first thing you need to do in the fight against the blues is to reorganize your diet by adding foods that improve your mood. These include milk, tomatoes, fish, blueberries, broccoli, red peppers, bananas, cottage cheese, whole grain flour products, all kinds of cereals and almonds, as well as citrus fruits. Don't forget about the visual component of nutrition - when food looks beautiful, your mood and appetite increase on their own. It will be great if you get excited about cooking a new dish, such as almond and banana curd pie. Inhaling the wonderful aromas in the kitchen and enjoying the results of your labors (preferably not alone), you will quickly forget about all your worries.

2) "Injections" of joy. Imagine that your feeling of “bad soul” is a disease that is perfectly treatable, and follow the prescription for the most positive films, books, TV series and magazines that you can find. Re-watch your favorite comedies, films about love, in which a happy ending invariably happens, re-read positive books, in general, remember everything that has ever made you laugh, touched you and lifted your spirits, and take it in heavy doses!

3) Surround yourself with care. Very often, a depressed state is a sign of fatigue, thus your body reminds its owner that it is not a machine and requires rest, care and affection. Give it to him immediately! Go for a massage, take a fragrant bath, stop stressing out at home, let someone else cook for a few days, for example, or go with the whole family to eat at a public catering. You definitely need to reduce your stress level, and to do this, forget about problems and worries for a while, and focus on your loved one. The sooner you get out of your current state, the sooner you can return to your life with its sorrows and joys.

4) Get rid of the old. There are two wonderful methods available to everyone for those who don’t know what to do when they feel bad. One of them is a general cleaning of your archives and mezzanines. No, we don’t force you to wash the windows and vacuum the far corners: your task is to get rid of all the unnecessary old trash that completely unreasonably takes up space in the apartment, not letting new positive energy into it. Haven't used the item in the last six months? This means that you don’t need it in principle. Donate and throw away everything: old notebooks, clothes, broken furniture, unnecessary books and home decoration. Notice how much easier it becomes to breathe with each discarded bag or box - of course, because you are getting rid of ballast, the burden of the past that does not allow you to move forward.

5) Create something new. The second practical technique, which is a logical continuation of the first, is creation. Paint the sun or flowers on the wall, repaint (repaint) the wallpaper in a bright color, liven up the room in which you spend the most time with flowers, fabrics, something new. This will help breathe new energy into you, so that your soul becomes light and joyful.