The kitten's eyes are watery. Reasons why a cat has watery eyes, and treatment options for the problem

Often the owners of small shaggy lumps begin to worry about the fact that the kitten has watery eyes. In most cases, it appears defensive reaction organism. It can be associated with infectious diseases, eye diseases, allergies, some external irritants. To accurately identify the causes of lacrimation, you need to pay attention to how the kitten behaves, determine if there are any other symptoms that indicate feeling unwell animal.

Why do kittens have watery eyes?

Do not confuse normal lacrimation with the patient. When a cat accumulates tear fluid in the inner corners of the eyes and this does not bother the pet, then this is the absolute norm.

But if the animal has itching, pus, and uncharacteristic anxiety is observed, it is urgent to look for the causes of such changes in the kitten's health. Most often, the main causes of tearing are:

If the kitten has symptoms such as swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eyes, pus, weakness of the pet, fear bright light, the eye does not open completely, the lens is covered with a film or turned white, it is urgent to start treating the kitten.

What to do if a kitten has watery eyes

In some cases, self-medication is contraindicated. All medicines can only be prescribed by a professional. But first aid is essential. Considering that not all people can quickly find an experienced veterinarian and get an appointment with him, it is first aid that can significantly alleviate the condition of the animal before the pet is examined by a doctor. In addition, some problems can be easily dealt with at home. For example:

  • If some object has got from outside, then you need to rinse the eye with boiled water. Then treat it with furatsilin.
  • If acid gets in, then you need to cook a weak soda solution and wash their eyes. Then rinse with boiled water.
  • If an alkaline burn occurs, then the eyes are washed with a solution of boric acid.

How are individual diseases treated?

Unfortunately, animals often get sick during the first months of life, as they are just beginning to learn about the world and adapt. TO serious illnesses that cats suffer from include:

  • Ulcerative blepharitis. After examination, the doctor removes dead epithelium from the surface of the eyelids. Phenol produces cauterization. Then they are treated with antibiotic ointments. Continue treatment for 5 days.
  • Inversion / eversion of the eyelids. This problem is solved only promptly. After the operation, the pet is put on a collar and the eyes are treated.
  • Conjunctivitis. Tetracycline eye ointment is smeared behind the lower eyelid.
  • Allergy. Help to cope with the disease antihistamines.

Cat Eye Care

Cat eyes need daily care. You need to wipe your eyes with a cotton swab dipped in either clean boiled water, or in a decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile, sage and calendula.

You can wash low-mineralized solutions of boric acid or furacilin if there is a suspicion of infection.

There are also special drops designed for daily care.

To prevent the kitten from scratching, it is advisable to wrap it in a cloth or towel before the procedure. Next, moisten cotton wool in a solution or water and apply on the resulting crusts. When they are soaked, they can be removed.

After that, you should take clean cotton wool and moisten it again, gently wipe the pet's eyes so that the liquid gets a little into the conjunctival sacs. The treated eye must be blotted with a clean cloth. Then in without fail you need to make amends to the kitten with something tasty.

Animals are weak, defenseless creatures. They also need to be healthy. Who, if not their owners, will help them stay healthy and happy. Take care of those whom you have tamed, and they will surely repay you with their devotion.

Many cat breeders are faced with the question of why a kitten's eyes are flowing. They are worried that a pet between the ages of 2 weeks and 1 month has discharge from the eyes. Such concern is not in vain. The condition of a kitten's eyes indicates how healthy it is.

Why does a kitten's eyes flow

The reason that the kitten's eyes are flowing can be such factors:

  1. The most common cause is infections. Some of them can be contagious to humans. This is mycaplasmosis, herpes or chlamydia. The presence of a specific infection can be determined by taking an analysis of washouts from the eyes.
  2. Various kinds of allergies. They can manifest as a reaction to dust, food, household chemicals, or other irritants.
  3. Eye injury. They can appear as a result of active games, when the claws accidentally get into the eyes, or due to burns. Mote in the eye is also one of the reasons causing injury cornea or other parts visual organs.
  4. Exposure to lighting fixtures with fluorescent lamps. The irritant in this case is a bright light source.
  5. Diseases gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Infection of an animal with helminths.

Only a veterinarian can tell exactly why a kitten's eyes are watery. In this case, his conclusion will be based on the results of the analyzes. Accordingly, he will appoint proper treatment cat.

When to See a Veterinarian

Before making hasty conclusions, you need to examine yourself pet. If his eyes are flowing, but the discharge has a transparent tint, then you should not worry. Such a reaction may follow due to bright light or dust in the eyes. At the same time, the corners of the paths remaining after the flow of tears may be brownish. These are accumulations of dust and dirt. It is enough to wash your eyes every day so that they do not stick together and remain clean.

Lachrymation is the norm when it comes to Scottish or Scottish cats. british breed. It's all about the structure of their skull. Due to the flattened muzzle, their eyes are more susceptible to factors environment because of which they are constantly flowing.

You should contact your veterinarian if you notice a change in your pet's behavior. A change in the color of discharge from the eyes is another reason to immediately contact the veterinary clinic.

If a kitten has pus or blood flowing from its eyes

If kittens have pus from their eyes, then it has begun inflammatory process. The reason for this is the dry eye syndrome. That is, not enough glands are produced in the conjunctiva and the tear stops washing out of the eye cavity. pathogenic microorganisms. The result of their vital activity is inflammation. If a kitten has blood flowing from the eye, this may indicate that a vessel has burst in the conjunctiva. In order to avoid complications, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

How to treat a kitten

Upon detection clear secretions in front of the kitten, you can help him at home. Pet's eyes can be washed with chamomile or tea decoction. You can also use more effective means purchased at the pet store. If you chose eye drops, then after using them, the kitten's eyes must be wiped dry so that he does not rub them with his paws. Usually any means give effect within 2 weeks. If this time was not enough, you need to contact your veterinarian. He will examine the animal, collect necessary tests and after the diagnosis is made, he will tell you how to treat the kitten.

Any causes of lacrimation associated with abnormalities in the cat's health should be eliminated under the supervision of a veterinarian. It is very difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish physiological lacrimation from possible pathologies.

When self-examining the eyes of the owner’s cat, in addition to unnatural lacrimation, absolutely everything should be alarming:

  • their dullness;
  • change in the color of the iris;
  • unnatural reactions of the pupil to light stimuli or its absence;
  • excessive bulge or hollowness of the eyeball;
  • asymmetry of the pupils or the eyeball itself;
  • any signs of inflammation (swelling of the eyelids, redness, swelling, purulent discharge, increased local or general temperature);
  • injuries: cuts, bruises, bleeding.
a lot and for a long time

the first step is to check the pet's immunization card. Missed vaccinations are an open gate for viral infections. Abundant and prolonged lacrimation is characteristic of many viral and fungal diseases: toxoplasmosis, calcivirosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc.

and fester

a sign of the presence of an inflammatory process in the organ of vision, the exact location of which can only be determined by a doctor (conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, corneal ulcers, etc.)

and the cat squints and constantly rubs them

you need to examine the organ of vision for the presence of foreign objects that can cause discomfort, annoy and prevent it from being fully opened.

and irritated cornea

Examine your cat for droopy eyelids, especially if it is a Sphynx, Mei Coon, Persian, or any fold. Entropion (the scientific name for eyelid inversion) is quite common in cats, but in these breeds it is idiosyncrasy. The eye may swell, and the discharge may change up to purulent - this is already an infection due to a decrease in local immunity of the irritated eye. Assistance is provided only by surgical and only by a veterinary specialist.

and covered with a cloudy film

this is one of the signs of keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). Red eye and tears are also the first signs of a developing this disease.

and the lens is smoky white color

development of cataracts is possible. A complete cure is impossible, and only a veterinarian can slow down the process of vision loss.

and the cornea is covered with black spots

with such a clinic, it is most likely about corneal necrosis (death) and sequestration.

and the cat sneezes and snot is present

there is a high chance of catching a cold. It is important to consider that snot and lacrimation are also characteristic of other, more dangerous, pathological processes.

and the animal is lethargic, has a fever, vomits, has diarrhea, no appetite, and all this is accompanied by purulent secretions

there is a high probability that a mustachioed pet fell ill with panleukopenia (distemper of cats) - a very dangerous disease.

and painful, the cornea is clouded and the swelling of the eyelids is pronounced

possibly increased intraocular pressure(glaucoma).

and have swelling in the inner corners of the eye orbits

problems with the nasolacrimal duct and lacrimal sac may be suspected (curvature, blockage, inflammatory stenosis (narrowing).

and has visible changes in the form of wounds, scratches and bleeding

possible open injuries and injuries of the organ of vision (blows, cat fights, falls, etc.).

and is accompanied by purulent discharge, redness of the conjunctiva, soreness and photophobia

sufficient clinic for suspected conjunctivitis. But it is important to exclude other eye diseases, accompanied by reddening of the conjunctiva.

and there is swelling on only one side

the presence of helminths may be suspected. Swelling of the eye and lacrimation only on one side is characteristic, for example, of thelaziosis, toxoplasmosis or toxocariasis.

This is far from full list There can be a great many reasons why a cat's eyes are flowing.

The main reasons for this phenomenon

In normal healthy condition a cat has a little light clear liquid from the eyes during the day. Increased lacrimation in animals, as in humans, can be from external irritants: dust, strong wind, sprayed aerosols, bright light. As the irritant is eliminated, tears also pass.

But sometimes the cause of discharge from the eyes in cats is diseases and disruption of the tear ducts. The nature of the discharge is able to tell about a possible cause.

Conditionally, the factors provoking discharge can be divided into two types:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases and disorders of non-infectious etiology.

Purulent discharge

The purulent secret from the eyes of a cat has a characteristic white, yellow or greenish color. The symptom is indicative of a bacterial infection. There are a lot of pathogens around that cause a purulent inflammatory process in the mucous membranes. Bacterial conjunctivitis is treated with drops, antibiotic ointments, washings with antiseptic solutions. In order to find out exactly which drug will have a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms, it is necessary to take a swab from the eye to the “sowing tank”.

If only one eye is festering in a cat, it may have gotten into it. foreign body, which led to the inflammatory process and the development of bacterial flora.

In any case, the pet must be shown to the veterinarian, self-treatment may aggravate the situation.

brown discharge

When adult cat or the kitten has brown discharge from the eyes, most likely the problem is non-infectious.

The following factors can provoke a brown secret:

  • Uevit (inflammation of the vessels of the eye).
  • Keratitis (inflammatory process in the cornea).
  • Trichiasis (location of the eyelash follicles in an atypical place).
  • Iridocyclitis (inflammation of the iris).
  • Glaucoma.
  • Inversion of the eyelids.

Brown tears can be produced by contact with tear ducts foreign, irritating particles, with tumors that compress the ducts. In rare cases dark discharge are associated with a viral or bacterial infection.

Another, rare, but still possible cause why a brown liquid flows from the eye of a cat, is nutrition (a mixture natural food With cat food). It is strongly discouraged to combine food from your table with food designed specifically for cats. This disrupts the intestinal microflora of the animal, impairs digestion and provokes various symptoms.

a lot and for a long time
and fester

Discharge from the eyes is characteristic of the following ophthalmic diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous wall of the oculorum.
  • Epiphora - excessive release of tears.
  • Uveitis - inflammation vascular wall eyes.
  • Keratitis - inflammatio of the cornea.

With conjunctivitis, the eye becomes red or brown in color, the cat reacts painfully to bright lighting. A watery, mucous or purulent exudate flows from the organ of vision. transparent shell oculorum is defective in the form of sores or ulcers.

Epiphora is distinguished by a copious outflow of fluid from the eye, which floods the entire muzzle. The cause of the pathology can be an allergic response to an irritant, a protective reaction to remove a chemical that has entered the organs of vision, and a blockage of the lacrimal duct.

For keratitis, it is not tears that are characteristic, but thick yellowish or greenish discharge. Eyelids stick together, covered with crusts.

Most diseases of the eye, accompanied by expiration, occur against the background of a weakened immune system, which is caused by the following causes:

  • Infectious. Symptoms of drain are typical for Rhinotracheitis, Panleukopenia, Calcivirosis, Chlamydia.
  • Invasive. Expiration from the eyes is characteristic of toxoplasmosis. Ophthalmic diseases occur with some helminthiases.
  • Allergic.
  • Chronic non-communicable diseases - diabetes, pathology of the liver, kidneys, digestive organs.
  • mechanical injury.
  • The entry of wool into the oculorum. Found in longhaired cats.
  • breed predisposition. Persians and Britons are prone to tearfulness. The anatomical originality of the Rex and Sphynx is characterized by a commitment to the inversion of the eyelids.
  • Old age.

Various diseases of the organs of vision are characterized by a separated fluid different color, density and even smell. With the development of certain inflammatory, infectious processes tears "acquire" a brown or reddish tint. All this thanks to the pigment included in their composition.

In order to prescribe the correct treatment, the doctor needs to figure out what caused the brown discharge from the eyes of the cat. The causes may be different, but two main groups can be distinguished: diseases associated with a violation of tear secretion and abundant release of tears as a result of eye irritation.

Such a problem or feature may appear not only in adult but also in a small kitten. If a kitten has tearing, then the point is most likely that the pet is still too small to take care of itself properly. Helping him is simple: you need to wipe his muzzle with a piece of clean material (bandage or soft sponge) a couple of times a day.

Such “gentle” breeds as sphinxes and rexes have a peculiarity of the eyes - the inversion of the eyelid. In this case, the hairs damage the cornea, and one eye of the cat waters, and sometimes both. In such a situation, treatment is aimed at preventing concomitant diseases that may occur if a bacterial infection joins.

If one eye of a cat is watery, then why else does this happen? clear cause it could be a simple allergy. Perhaps some kind of chemistry got into the eye of the animal: shampoo, detergent, powder, perfume or even food for other animals.

This problem often occurs in cats. various breeds. IN young age sometimes this is normal, especially if the kitten was weaned too early. small pet still does not know how to carefully care for himself, which leads to increased tearing and accumulation of dirt. In this case, he needs the daily help of the owner.

Some pedigreed cats suffer from tear duct narrowing, which is considered normal before the age of 2 years. Lachrymation disappears after the kitten's skull is finally formed. Most often, the problem occurs in a British or Persian pet, in a Scottish fold cat. It is very important to follow general condition animal and his eyes, regularly processing them.

An ailment in a pet occurs due to problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The reason may be the animal's food, the accumulation of wool in the stomach and other abnormalities. Install exact reason succeeded only after examination. Most often, it is recommended to change the feed to a better one and probiotics:

  • Enterol;
  • Acipol;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Linex.

Bright light from fluorescent lamps causes heavy discharge from the eyes, especially in kittens. The problem is solved by changing the lighting. This is the most harmless cause of the disease in a pet.

Epiphora's disease is characterized by severe lacrimation, the volume of secretions significantly exceeds the norm, traces remain even on the buccal region of the animal's muzzle. It occurs due to disturbances in the work of the lacrimal system (narrowing of the canals, tear plugs, etc.) and anatomical features animal or developmental pathologies (absence of lacrimal openings, etc.).

  • wet hair in the area around the eyes;
  • accumulations of secretions Brown in the corners of the eyes;
  • itching, the kitten combs its muzzle;
  • traces of tears that have a brown or red tint.

Treatment of this disease begins after establishing the cause of its occurrence. This can only be done veterinarian. In some cases, it is not possible to correct the situation at all, especially if the disease appears due to a serious pathology.

Normally, cats have clear, wide-open eyes. The proteins are clean, white, the mucous membranes are moist, the eyelids do not have swelling and redness.

The following symptoms do not cause concern:

  1. 1. Dry crusts in the corners of the eyes. A certain amount of mucus accumulated during sleep dries up and forms secretions, which is mainly characteristic of cat breeds with flat shape head and nose. The problem is solved by daily hygiene with the help of wipes and special lotions. Usually, cats cope with this task on their own, “washing themselves” in the morning.
  2. 2. Clear discharge associated with increased allergic background: smoke, fumes, dust. The eyes will stop flowing with the disappearance of the source of irritation.

A deviation from the norm is clouding, strabismus, unpleasant discharge, lacrimation and hemorrhage. If at least one of the listed signs is present, this indicates that the cat has an ophthalmic disease.

The main symptoms of pathologies

The intensity of lacrimation in cats depends on the underlying disease. If it is serious enough, then the symptoms are pronounced: eczema, dermatitis appear, hair loss and skin changes around the eye sockets are observed. Sometimes the disease affects only one eye. As already mentioned, this is not associated with inflammation, but with a more severe pathology (tumor, glaucoma, etc.).

The discharge can be different: thick, which literally glue the eyes of a cat, or profuse lacrimation with reddening of the mucous membrane and severe itching.

If the disease is not treated and the pet is not helped, the cat's condition will worsen very soon. She will refuse food, will be afraid of light and water, the temperature will rise to a critical level.


A fellinologist can independently make a preliminary diagnosis based on the nature of the drain. Transparent tears testify in favor of an allergic etiology of expiration. Painted in brown yellow or green color highlights indicate infectious nature anomalies.

To identify the pathogen, swabs of inflamed eyes are collected. The treatment prescribed by the veterinarian is to wash the eyes medications. The procedures are performed by the owner of the cat after a short briefing.

The anamnesis plays a decisive role in the diagnosis. self respecting owner purebred cat starts a diary in which he records in detail everything that happens to the pet. He must pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • The nature of the exudate - turbidity or transparency. The color of the exudate.
  • Dynamics. When the discharge from the eye appeared, did both oculorum flow at once, or, at first, one?
  • Accompanying illnesses. What is wrong with the pet?
  • When and with what vaccine was the cat vaccinated?
  • Date of disinsection and deworming of the animal. used drugs.

Based on history and clinical signs, the diagnostician establishes a preliminary diagnosis and prescribes additional research which will help determine the exact cause of the pathology.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must establish accurate diagnosis. To do this, he conducts a visual inspection, a number of laboratory research, and also interrogates the owner about the state of the pet.

It is necessary to provide the veterinarian with information about when the discharge first appeared, what consistency, color and smell it was, and what it is now. Also, have you had any recent injuries? What was the cat ill with, how long has it been taking antihelminthic drugs.

During the examination, the doctor performs a Schirmer test, which shows the amount of tears produced by the eye. Measures intraocular pressure. With the help of special preparations, it checks for damage to the cornea.

In the laboratory, a blood test is performed. This is necessary to determine the presence of viral or bacterial infections, cytological studies scrapings taken from the cornea of ​​the eye.

If necessary, additional studies are carried out: blood and secretions for PCR, nasal endoscopy, ultrasonography of the eye, dacryocystorinography (study tear ducts), X-ray of the skull.

Treatment of ophthalmic pathologies

Speaking about the methods of treating discharge, it should be noted that self-medication in this case is simply unacceptable. As soon as a yellow or brown liquid begins to flow from the eyes of an animal, it should be immediately taken to the veterinarian. And if you can’t get to him quickly and the reception is possible only after a few days, then at this time you can resort to certain actions that can alleviate the dog’s condition when he develops ophthalmic diseases. These include:

  1. Tetracycline ointment and antiseptic solutions. They can be used to treat the organs of vision in the event that there are clear signs inflammatory processes.
  2. When special eye drops is not at hand, then aseptic solutions (for example, Miramistin) or strong black tea can be used to treat the eye. Remember that for the treatment of each eye you need to take separate gauze pads or cotton pads. If you wipe both eyes with the same napkin, this will lead to the transfer of infection from one organ of vision to another.
  3. It is necessary to treat both eyes at once, even if the second one seems healthy.
  4. Protect your pet from strong wind, dust and dirt.

All these activities will help to avoid further progression of the disease in the dog. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't be taken to the vet. Remember, only he can determine the exact reason why the dog has a watery eye, and prescribe a treatment that will quickly and effectively deal with this problem.

If you notice that your cat has a leaky eye, then it is advisable to immediately take her to the veterinarian. If this is not possible, then you can also help your pet with simple activities. For example, festering eyes can be washed with saline. It is prepared like this: 1 liter of water is taken, ½ tsp is diluted.

In addition to saline, you can also use aseptic solutions, strong tea, chamomile or string decoction. However, if treatment fails positive results within a few days, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian. He may need to special treatment which will include the use of antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Diagnosis may take some time, but medical measures it is necessary to start immediately so as not to start the disease. While the cause of the disease is being clarified, symptomatic remedies are used. These are eye washes that the owner of the animal purchases as prescribed by a veterinarian.

To rinse the oculorum, cotton pads, gauze pads, a pipette or syringe, and a rewarding treat are needed.

The eye cleansing procedure consists of the following steps:

  • Reliable fixation that protects the owner from the claws of the pet.
  • Preparation of medication for application to the diseased eye.
  • Preparation of the organ of vision for the medical procedure. The fellinologist carefully pushes the inflamed eyelids apart. Moistens napkin with medicine, washes off exudate, softens and removes scabs, moving from the outer corner of the oculorum to the inner.
  • Instillation of liquid or application of ointment under the eyelids.
  • Drying the eye with a new tissue.
  • The cat is stroked, praised, treated with a rewarding treat so that it does not interfere with the procedure in the future.

The frequency of such actions and the duration of the drug course. determined by the veterinarian. After the final diagnosis is established, treatment is corrected. Symptomatic remedies replace or leave the old. Prescribe antibiotic therapy, anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antihistamines, immunomodulators.

Good eyesight is necessary for a cat to live normally, therefore, if any alarming symptoms appear, they should not be ignored or self-medicated. It is important to understand that to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy only a specialist can. Treatment ophthalmic pathologies, accompanied by redness of the eyes and profuse tearing, is carried out in several directions.

This process includes:

  1. Impact on the root cause. For the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factors. Depending on what caused the tearing and severe irritation mucosa, certain medicines. For example, in the case when anxiety symptoms are a sign infectious diseases, it is advisable to apply antibacterial drugs. And in case of eye damage by helminths, medications are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at their destruction.
  2. Removal of inflammation. To alleviate the condition of the animal, drugs are prescribed for local application in the form of drops. The most commonly used medicines are Bars, Tsiprovet, Iris, Anandin and others. And also these products are suitable for the prevention and necessary hygienic treatment of the visual organs of a cat.
  3. Antimicrobial and antibacterial therapy. For these purposes, appointed medicinal products that neutralize pathogenic microorganisms. For the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision in cats, Levomycetin or Tetracycline ointment is used, which must be placed under the eyelid of the animal.
  4. Stimulation of the cat's immune system. Since the resistance of the animal's body decreases during the course of the disease, it is necessary to restore it. defensive forces. To do this, cats are prescribed special vitamin and mineral supplements.

The doctor will prescribe a full treatment after an accurate diagnosis is established. Because brown eye discharge in cats can be caused by bacterial or viral infection may require antibiotics or antiviral drugs. For external use, antibacterial or antiviral ointments and drops are used. Perform eye rinsing.

In some cases, the cat is prescribed physiotherapy procedures. If the cause of the discharge is a tumor or anomalies in the development of the eyelids, then it is possible surgical intervention.

If it is not immediately possible to show the animal to a specialist, it is necessary to clean the eyes from the released exudate on their own. The procedure can be performed using cotton pads dipped in physiological saline, antiseptic, or an infusion of herbs of chamomile, calendula or sage.

Rinse your eyes up to 6 times a day, this will help relieve inflammation and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. And also will not allow secretions to linger in the corners of the eyes and contribute to the development of infection. It should be remembered that even if the manifestations of the disease occur only from one eye, both should always be washed.

Eye diseases in pets are quite common. brown discharge from the eyes of cats can talk about serious problems with health. To maintain vision, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time and carry out the prescribed treatment.

The prescription of drugs depends on the causes of the disease.

  1. If the eyes are watery due to allergies, first of all, you need to get rid of the allergen and give the animal maintenance drugs (anti-allergic). In addition, if you remove the irritant, the symptoms will disappear on their own.
  2. Is the cause of the pathology an infection? First, the specialist will determine its nature and only then prescribe treatment. Most often, these are antiviral drugs or antibacterial agents(antibiotics).
  3. When one eye of a cat waters, first of all, you need to think about the non-infectious nature of this problem. The veterinarian selects drops for each cat individually.
  4. If your pet has an eye injury or foreign object inside, you can help only in a clinical setting.

As mentioned above, a cat's eye can leak according to the most different reasons. For each case, individual treatment is prescribed in accordance with the cause and symptoms. However, the most universal advice that veterinarians can give is to treat mucous membranes with furatsilin or potassium permanganate, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5000.

    Treatmentif the cat's eyes are flowing:
  • If you suspect conjunctivitis caused by bacteria, then an excellent result is given aqueous solutions using chloramphenicol, kanamycin, sodium sulfacyl. Assign them 2-3 times a day in both eyes.
  • Recommend applying eye ointments with antibiotics 3 times a day, as well as specialized eye films.
  • If you see a clear swelling of the eyelids and their soreness, then you should rub it into eyeball solution of novocaine and hydrocortisone.
  • Everything is much more complicated if the lacrimation is caused by a foreign body that has entered the eyeball or under the eyelid. In order to stop the flow, it is necessary to remove the foreign body. Before this, the eye must be anesthetized. Of course, all this should be done by a veterinarian from the Ya-VET veterinary center.
  • Lachrymation of the eye in a cat can also provoke an eversion of the eyelid or inversion of the eyelid. Both of these diseases require emergency care. But remember that our article is by no means a guide to action. The last word for the attending physician.
  • Among other circumstances, for example, hereditary predispositions are possible (the eyes of cats of certain breeds produce more tear fluid than usual), and therefore this does not mean that they need treatment.
  • In most cases, you can do conservative methods(using drops, ointments, painkillers), however, these drugs also have their drawbacks. As a rule, they do not help from the first application, the treatment may be delayed for long time. You have to be patient. Keep in mind that any surgical intervention is a major shock to a pet. Also, the owners suffer from such interference, worrying about the health of their four-legged friend. Any ophthalmological problems require an immediate solution, especially such as watery eyes. They may tear for a variety of reasons. Any case, without exception, requires a full-time examination by an experienced veterinarian.

Why choose our veterinary center "Ya-VET" if the cat's eyes are flowing


  • In order for the cat not to suffer from discharge from the organ of vision, it is required to observe the following measures precautions:
  • Comply with hygiene rules for keeping pets.
  • Prevent contact of the animal with irritants.
  • Limit the consumption of food intended for humans.
  • Keep your cat free of fleas and worms.
  • Regularly immunize pets.

In order to notice the disease in time, to avoid complications and other troubles in pet, you need to keep a close eye on it. Examine the coat, skin and, most importantly, the eyes. They should be the same in shape, not cloudy, without redness and discharge.

If the kitten is small, you can wash his eyes with special drops or plain boiled water, to which Furacilin can be added.

Animals after a year cope with eye hygiene on their own.

A long-haired cat can sometimes trim the hair around the eyes. The same can be done with claws if the animal injures itself with them.

If the eyes are still watery due to insufficient care, then, most likely, conjunctivitis has occurred. Then you can try to use chloramphenicol ointment.

Many pet health problems can be prevented if simple rules care and maintenance. The eyes of a cat can signal many ailments, therefore they require care and attention from the owner of the pet.

The animal must be protected from bright light, household chemicals and various aerosols. It is necessary to perform cleaning and other manipulations with such substances in the absence of a cat, isolating it in another room. Even use toilet water cause irritation or allergic reaction especially if the pet is very small. Attentive attitude and care of the owner will allow the cat to avoid many health problems.

Preventive measures include any actions designed to maintain the health of the pet at the proper level. The main secret is strong immunity. It is the body's defenses that do not allow diseases to develop and build barriers against the actions of foreign microbes that destroy cells and tissues.

Pets are completely dependent on humans. Keeping your cat healthy is main duty owner.

Many cat lovers often face such a problem as watery eyes in adult cats and very young kittens. Some owners believe that similar problems occur against the background of weak immunity or are characteristic feature breeds. But is this true and what is the cause of lacrimation in kittens?

Tearing of the eyes is a completely natural phenomenon if the pet has just woken up or a foreign body has got into its eye. Also, lacrimation can be provoked by a sharply directed light source.

However, in some cases, such a reaction may also appear under the influence of other factors, which pet owners are not always immediately noticed. Timely detection and timely assistance provided significantly reduce the risk of a kitten getting all sorts of complications, and also contribute to its speedy return. wellness. So why does a kitten have watery eyes?

Why do kittens have watery eyes?

There can be many reasons for increased lacrimation. But Special attention should be given to the unhealthy copious secretions(for example, with purulent impurities) after which crusts form. This may indicate the onset of a serious illness.

The eyes of a perfectly healthy animal (except for some breeds) are absolutely clean, without any secretions and excessive lacrimation.

Causes of teary eyes in a kitten

The most common causes of excessive tearing are:

The exact reason why the kitten has watery eyes can only be established by a specialist with the help of diagnostic measures in particular laboratory research. Depending on the established cause, which provoked tearfulness, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, antiallergic drugs, or simply instillations and washings. If the prescribed treatment does not bring the desired results, it is necessary surgical intervention.

The kitten has watery eyes: what to do?

The following drugs have shown good efficacy in the treatment of lacrimation in kittens:

  • dixamethasone;
  • ciprovet;
  • traumatine.

Try to use these drugs for one week, however, if there is no effect (or it turned out to be insignificant), you should immediately contact a specialist to accurately determine the cause of tearfulness. Once diagnosed, treatment should begin immediately.

So, if tearfulness was caused by ulcerative blepharitis, then the affected areas on the eyelids are first cauterized, after which they are processed special ointment containing an antibiotic. For conjunctivitis treatment kanamycin or chloramphenicol drops are used. When turning the eyelids, surgery will be required, after which the eyelids are treated with an antiseptic in order to prevent further suppuration.

Prevention of teary eyes in a kitten

In order to avoid such a problem as watery eyes in cats, it is necessary to carry out preventive actions And hygiene procedures.

Rinse your baby's eyes with decoctions of St. John's wort, sage, calendula, chamomile, or just boiled water. Also veterinarians recommend for daily use, special drops (for example, Bars, etc.), which can be purchased at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

So, you already know the cause of teary eyes in a kitten, and also purchased the drugs prescribed by the doctor, now you definitely need to read the instructions on how to properly carry out treatment procedures.

How to carry out medical procedures?

You will need the following items:

The procedure should be as follows:

  • So that the baby does not break out and does not scratch, it must be wrapped in a towel. If you are treating your cat for the first time, it is best to get someone else to help. The fact is that in such situations, animals appear hidden power that you didn't know about before. It is the towel that will help you cope with the pet.
  • Now the treatment begins. Soak a cotton pad or bandage in medicinal solution, soak dried crusts with it and carefully remove them.
  • Take a new piece of bandage or napkin and soak again in the solution. Use your fingers to open the kitten's eye wide and rinse it in the direction of the outer corner to the inner. Shouldn't be sorry medicinal drug- moisten their eyes more abundantly. When you learn how to carry out the procedure in this way, in the future, you can use a syringe for washing, injecting a solution under the eyelids of the animal.
  • Use a clean, dry cloth to remove any remaining product.
  • Now calm your pet by treating him to something delicious.

So, a kitten can suffer from excessive tearfulness for many reasons. However, if you keep an eye on your pet, take care of him and to carry out regular hygiene procedures, making them the norm of life, such a problem cannot overshadow the existence of either you or your pet.