Selection of cat food. What food is better to feed a cat: advice from veterinarians

Cat Food Ratings - There are many ratings of food for cats, dogs and other pets. It is interesting that the positions of the same feed in different ratings can differ very significantly. There are at least 100 explanations for this: after all, the market for pet food for cats and dogs is a very important commercial niche: there are wars for buyers, paid ratings and reviews, sponsorship of veterinary clinics and clubs. You should not focus ONLY on ratings, as well as on brand awareness. Not always behind a big name, you will find a good composition and balance of food. How to choose the right dry cat food read in.

Any rating of cat food usually has a commercial background. Online stores make their ratings based on their assortment and sales plans. Veterinary clinics are also not always disinterested in compiling such ratings. Breeders and clubs often become attached to one brand and do not even want to hear about other foods, although it happens that their choice is also not the best. Cat owners are guided by their experience, which is different for everyone, because all cats are different. Someone has been “sitting” on Whiskas for 15 years and everything is fine, but there are such cats, they are allergic to everything and generally have big problems with digestion, although they are fed only the very best food. We have prepared 4 separate ratings of cat food of different classes: super premium, premium, holistic and grain free, as well as wet food. Naturally, not all good foods can be taken into one rating at once, in fact, there are much more excellent foods than in our ratings. We took those that can be bought everywhere or almost everywhere (different regions of Russia) in city stores or online stores. If you feed your pet a different food that is not on our list, just read its composition and you will understand how good or bad it is. Holistic food is not suitable for all cats, besides, they have a high price, so they are highlighted in a separate rating. Between super-premium and premium food, sometimes there is a significant, and sometimes almost no difference. Pay attention to the meat content in%, the absence of dyes, preservatives and a large amount of cereals. We wrote more about this.

Cat food rating 2019 by version:

Why did we choose these particular cat foods for our rating?

Our cat food rating is based on love for pets and their owners. Expensive food is not always the best, but even the miser always pays twice. We choose the golden mean. Holistic foods, although considered the best at the moment, are not suitable for all cats, as they usually contain a high percentage of proteins and fats. Strictly speaking, most holistic foods are suitable for young, active and healthy animals. Animals aged and with problems, such feeds usually do not go. Grain-free foods are also the best choice, but there are very few such foods on the market and prices usually bite. Therefore, it would be a mistake to recommend them exclusively.

Feeds are listed in order from best to least best, but we tried to factor in the price factor as well. Good, but very expensive or hard-to-find foods, despite the composition, may be at the bottom of the rating. All these foods will benefit your pet and will not harm. However, do not forget that everything is very individual. Also, note that the composition of different types of feed sometimes varies significantly from one manufacturer to another. These are not empty words, sometimes the percentage of meat in one food line, but with different tastes, differs by 2 or more times! Read the ingredients carefully! In addition, one brand can have several food lines at once, so when reading our rating of cat food, do not forget to read the composition.

Addendum from the editor. Our cat food rating was published in April 2015, and it must be said that a lot has changed since then. We update all our ratings and will closely monitor the manufacturers, because during 2015 a number of brands have changed the composition and, accordingly, the quality. In addition, the economic crisis, the exchange rate and "troubles" with imports have caused extremely irregular supplies of some types of feed that we recommended. Prices have changed, and somewhere prices have remained the same, but the volume of packages has changed. In general, everything changes, but we try to track these changes and take them into account in our ratings.

  1. In most ratings, Canadian Gina brand food is completely in vain. There are lines for cats: Gina, Gina Denmark (produced in Denmark), Gina Elite, canned food (Thailand). Gina and Gina Elite are produced at a small Canadian plant and packaged in Russia. Numerous owner reviews are mostly positive. The composition of the feed (in our opinion) is close to ideal. The price is very reasonable. Packing convenient: 400gr/1kg/3kg/8kg/18kg. Of all the lines, Gina Elite (holistic) looks especially good, besides, they have a grain-free version of the food (in green packages with the inscription - Cat Active Grain Free)! Full information on the official website - Where to buy: on the official Russian website, in local pet stores, online pet stores.
  2. Italian brand. We strongly recommend, but the price is not suitable for everyone. What to pay attention to? The brand has several lines, it is easy for a beginner to get confused. There may not be much difference, but the percentage of meat can vary anywhere from 40% to 75%. We read the composition and choose what suits.
  3. is a Canadian brand of cat food. I am pleased with the composition and availability, since it is presented in the vast majority of pet stores. Reviews are good. The price is moderate. Cheaper than 1st CHOICE, but also a very good Canadian food - Pronature (Pronatyur) in light green packages. Everything is in order with the composition, quality and price. You can buy online: for example, at, and in good pet stores in your city. There is more - but this is food of a completely different price category, of very high quality, which can not be bought everywhere.
  4. Breeders and nurseries praise Farmina brand food very much. It is best to look for various information about these foods on the official website, and you can buy ./ACANA - excellent foods made from high quality ingredients. One of the best in the world market. Orijen has a high percentage of protein, which is not suitable for all cats. ACANA is a perfectly balanced food that meets all the highest requirements, but is also not suitable for all cats. Orijen - can be bought. Many of our brands of feed, as well as foreign ones, have their own lines. Explore, try and find exactly what suits your furry pet. for adult cats with salmon, a package of 100 grams - the price is 55 rubles, in the composition we see "fish and fish products (salmon 4%), cereals, milk and dairy products, greens (0.5%), minerals, inulin (0.1 %)”.
  5. Of the very inexpensive, wet food, in the composition: meat and products of its processing (26%). The price on Ozone is one of the lowest in Russia - 14.5 per 100 grams.
  6. Not bad at all against the background of all wet canned cat food, our domestic ones from the series look. Jars of 100 and 250 grams, the price for Ozone is 37 and 60 rubles, respectively. : beef (not less than 75%), tripe, heart, liver, taurine, vegetable oil. As you can see, nothing more, and the price is moderate.
  7. And also our domestic food - Organix. Great composition at a great price. You can not buy in ordinary pet stores everywhere, but.
  8. Tip - read the composition of the feed carefully so as not to pay for just beautiful packaging. Your pet can eat with great pleasure even the food where there is almost no meat, it's all about the large number of flavors that attract them so much. For what and which manufacturer to pay - it's up to you.
  9. What is holistic (cat food)?

  • Only natural ingredients. No chemicals or artificial flavors. No antibiotics, hormones, pesticides or dyes.
  • Whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables are used in production. Quality meat products. All ingredients can be used in human food. No ground horns and hooves.
  • The ingredients chosen for the recipe are to benefit the animals.
  • This food contains many vitamins and minerals in highly digestible forms.

Most owners of pet cats do not have the opportunity to cook their pet a balanced full breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.
According to veterinarians, the most ideal food for cats is small pieces of meat or fish. But in addition to such a diet, a mustachioed pet must receive the minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. Therefore, it is much more convenient for owners and healthier for cats to purchase ready-made cat food, but which ones are better than others? What to choose?

Choice of food for cats

In the wild, the feline family are carnivores that get all their valuable nutrients from the raw meat and stomach contents of their prey. A domestic cat must also receive a certain amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that any living organism needs for a comfortable life. For a caring owner, it is very important to choose the right type of food for your mustachioed pet.

Types of cat food

There are three main types of food for domestic cats. They differ in the way of preparation, serving, shelf life and other properties.


Some owners still do not trust feeding their pet with food from bags and prefer to prepare cat food on their own. The menu is selected individually: for fluffy and smooth-haired, for young and adults, for thin and well-fed cats.

It is important to remember that food from the human table is absolutely contraindicated for a pet. Delicious sausages, scrambled eggs and fried potatoes will do no good to a cat.

Benefits of natural food:

  • Accurate knowledge of the composition of products;
  • No hazardous chemicals or harmful additives;
  • Food is closer to natural conditions.

Cons of natural food:

  • The need to frequently prepare new dishes so that the food does not spoil;
  • It takes a lot of time to prepare;
  • It is desirable to have certain skills and knowledge in the field of pet nutrition.


Many owners believe that dry food is the most versatile and balanced food for a domestic cat.

Pros of dry food:

  • Saving money compared to natural nutrition;
  • Saving time;
  • It does not spoil for a long time both in the package and in the cat's plate;
  • Good dry food is properly balanced.

Cons of dry food:

  • Lack of water in dry food can lead to kidney and bladder problems in cats if used incorrectly;
  • Dry food does not give enough load on the pet's teeth;
  • Cheap dry food is likely to be high in carbs. Its use can cause diabetes in a cat;
  • Some feeds contain special additives that are addictive.

Wet food (liquid food)

Wet cat food can be used as an alternative to dry cat food when you want to properly care for your pet, but do not have time to cook for him separately. It is often made with "liquid" cat food.

  • Saving time;
  • Saving money compared to natural nutrition;
  • Sufficiently long shelf life in the package;
  • Close to natural composition, properties and taste.

Cons of wet food:

  • In bad feed, ingredients are added that are addictive in animals;
  • Wet food does not retain vitamins in its composition, compared to dry food;
  • A large amount of liquid in poor-quality feed leads to poor saturation of the animal;
  • If you leave wet food in the air, it will quickly dry out and lose its nutritional value.

Cat food classes

Cat food is divided not only by type, but also by other parameters. Food classes are a rating system that distributes food according to composition, benefit and price category.

Economy food

The class of food most often seen in TV commercials. Such food is suitable exclusively for muffling the hunger of the animal. There is nothing useful for cats in it, and there is certainly no meat in its composition. Solid soy, by-products, preservatives, cellulose, flavor enhancers and food additives are not at all what mustachioed pets need.

The only plus is the cheap price. Veterinarians do not recommend using economy class food as the main menu for domestic cats.

Watch the following video, do not pay attention to the quality of the picture, the main thing is information!

There are also feeds of the so-called "commercial" class. Their composition is no different from the economy, and the cost increases due to the promoted brand. Good hosts shouldn't rely on commercials for tips, they're just a good marketing ploy.

Manufacturers: Darling, Meow, Whiskas, Doctor Zoo, Kitekat, Frieskies, Felix, etc.

Medium class food

Medium class feeds have a correspondingly average product quality.

Compared to economy, this feed contains less soy, grains and flavors, and no chemicals. The composition already contains a small amount of meat and a balanced vitamin and mineral complex. Also, medium-class food is already divided into categories: for sterilized cats, for kittens, furry animals, for adults, etc.

Manufacturers: Bozita, Happy Cat, Perfect fit, Belcando, Eukanuba, Iams, Brit, PRO PAK, Karma Organic, Natural Choice, etc.

Premium food

Premium food is not seen in TV commercials. They contain an almost perfect balance of micro and macro elements necessary for the animal. Almost no vegetable protein. The price differs markedly from feeds of a lower class, but everything that is written on the packaging about the ingredients included in the composition can be trusted. After all, each feed of this class has its own quality certificate. You can buy it in special stores for animals or in veterinary clinics.

Manufacturers: ProNature Holistic, Royal Canin, 1stChoice, Bosch SANABELLE, Pro Plan, Hills, Nutra Gold, Leonardo, Cimiao, etc.

Holistic food

Holistic food is the perfect professional food for your mustachioed pet. But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a line of these feeds. They can only be ordered directly from manufacturers in online stores. This best food is used mainly for show and breeding animals in special nurseries. All animal and vegetable components of Holistic feed are grown on special farms without the addition of pesticides and hormones. Only natural natural ingredients are also used as preservatives.

Producers: Orijen, Acana, Wellness, Innova, Natural&Delicious, Evo, Felidae, Almo Nature, Golden Eagle, Earthborn Holistic, etc.

Liquid cat food

Quality wet (liquid) cat food can be compared to real meat or fish. The only difference is that the food contains additional nutritional components necessary for a properly balanced pet diet.

You should not save on the health of your pet and buy food below the medium class - these are the recommendations of veterinarians about dry food. If finances allow, it is better to purchase healthy premium dry food, it has more meat and an excellent set of trace elements necessary for old and young cats for full development. That is, the rating of the feed is not as important as its class. Well, then it all depends on the individual perception of the cat to a certain dry food.

Which food is better dry or wet?

Until now, among both veterinarians and caring cat owners, there are discussions about which food is better for cats, dry or wet. Research scientists have shown that these types of feed have their pros and cons, but, in general, do not differ from each other in nutritional value and composition. Some veterinarians advise balancing your cat's diet by including dry food as the main ingredient and wet food as the complement. Many, on the contrary, do not recommend mixing different types of food, as this can have a bad effect on the cat's stomach. Therefore, the owner will have to choose the optimal nutritional diet for his pet and depends on his desire and capabilities.

Each cat is unique. When choosing a diet for her food, it is necessary to take into account the age of the animal, its weight, health, gender and other individual characteristics.

Which cat food has more meat

The largest amount of natural meat is, of course, found in holistic class feeds. Most foods in this class contain about 70 percent meat or fish. There are some producers in whose products the percentage of meat reaches 95%. These feeds, thanks to special processing, retain all the useful substances necessary for the cat's body.

High percentage of meat in premium feeds. This is enough for optimal nutrition, excellent health and good activity of domestic cats.

Popular medium class foods should contain at least 20 percent meat in their composition.

It’s not worth talking about the economy class - you won’t find meat or fish in these feeds.

A loving owner, as soon as he gets a kitten, tries to provide him with maximum comfort and care. With regard to nutrition for a domestic cat, it will not be out of place to consult with veterinarians, as well as look at reviews of various feeds on the Internet.

Veterinarians advise first of all to provide the cat with constant access to fresh water, especially when feeding dry food. We must not forget about the daily norm of cat food, which is prescribed on each package, it is not advisable to exceed it. The food of a mustachioed pet should be two meals a day. This is enough for the full development of the animal's body.

You should also not save on your pet, because cheap ready-made feed not only does not benefit the animal, but can also be harmful.

It is also impossible to change food often, because it is not easy for a cat's stomach to change from one food to another. If it is nevertheless necessary to do this, then it is necessary to gradually add new food to the old one, increasing portions over a period of at least ten days.

You can chat on the forums with a request: "advise a good cat food." But no one knows their pet better than its owner. In order to properly organize the diet of your pet, you need not only to listen to the advice of breeders and veterinarians, but also take into account the degree of activity, health status and other individual characteristics of your cat.


For adults or? When choosing food, you should focus on the age of the cat. Indeed, at different ages, a pet has different needs for vitamins, minerals, and even calories. Manufacturers indicate on the label the age of the animal for which the product is intended. It can be food for adults or the elderly (animals over 7-8 years old).

Dry or wet? When choosing dry or wet food, remember that you cannot combine them in the diet of one cat. Everything else is up to you and your cat's preferences and budget, since dry food, whatever one may say, is cheaper than wet food.

And what's on the label? And, of course, before buying food, you should definitely read the label. What should be on it? First of all, meat and its type (for example, chicken). And it is meat, and not "meat and offal." Offal is a useful thing, but who knows what the manufacturer had in mind? What if it's not the liver, heart and the like, but the tails, hooves and horns of cattle? Next - vegetables and cereals. Their optimal feed should be 25-50%. Any food must contain vitamins and minerals, which is also indicated on the label. The list of chemicals includes flavors, dyes, antioxidants, preservatives. There are practically no flavoring additives and dyes in high-class feeds, or their percentage is very small. Therefore, expensive feeds have a reddish natural color and not an excessive aroma of granules, while economical feeds consist of granules of all colors of the rainbow and even through a sealed plastic bag. It is worth knowing that some antioxidants (E321, E320 and others) can cause cats diseases such as cancer, allergic reactions, organ dysfunction, liver damage. In addition, feeds often contain ballast substances (a cheap, absolutely unnecessary component that serves solely to fill the volume), natural preservatives, as well as sugar and caramel that are absolutely unnecessary for the animal.

Helpful advice

Of course, only a cat can be the best food expert for meows. When choosing food, focus on the appetite and condition of your pet. Indicators such as the optimal and constant weight of the animal, its excellent physical condition, shiny coat, not excessive (no more than a quarter of the weight of the food eaten) stool indicate that the food is suitable for the cat.

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  • Tasty and healthy

If you decide to feed your cat with dry food, you should approach his choice very responsibly. After all, the health and good mood of your pet will depend on the composition and balance of all its components.

Why you need dry food

Do you think that only inveterate monsters and lazybones can feed a cat with incomprehensible crackers? This is not true at all. The fact is that high-quality dry food is completely balanced in its composition and contains all the nutrients, vitamins and trace elements that your cat needs. Of course, you can feed your pet with fresh tenderloin or fresh milk, but most owners are not able to provide a varied and nutritious diet in this way. Feed solves this problem quickly and without effort on your part.

An important aspect is that it is easier to add certain medicinal components or substances to dry food. This is especially true when choosing a therapeutic food or choosing a diet for your pet. In addition, it is really more convenient to feed an animal with dry food: it is stored longer and does not deteriorate in a bowl.

Composition of dry cat food

All of the above is true for high-quality feed. Unfortunately, not all animal nutrition manufacturers make feeds that are truly healthy and balanced. To understand how high-quality food is in front of you, carefully study its label. A good feed will necessarily contain the following ingredients: meat (namely meat, not animal products), cereals and vegetables (no more than 50%), vitamins and minerals (the list should be long). Also, make sure that the preservatives and antioxidants in the feed are natural (for example, vitamins E and C, as well as herbal extracts and oils).

Harmful and undesirable feed components

But what should not be in cat food is artificial colors and preservatives. Some manufacturers add sugar to feed to improve palatability and structure. For animals, such an additive is not useful at all. Sugar causes cavities and is bad for a cat's digestive system.

You should also be wary if you notice animal components of dubious origin in the feed. For example, ground beef skin or turkey flour. Even if the packaging says “offal”, know that this is nothing more than trimmings and waste from meat processing industries. It is not uncommon for unscrupulous manufacturers to make food literally from horns, hooves and feathers. Avoid foods that contain cellulose or nut shells - these ingredients make you feel full without providing nutrients.

The key to health and vitality is proper nutrition. Of course, you can cook for your pet yourself, but such food is unlikely to contain the required amount of vitamins. Improper nutrition of a cat affects the condition of its skin, coat and can lead to some diseases.

Instead of the usual homemade food, the cat should be given quality food. Just before buying such food, you need to carefully study its composition, otherwise the food can harm the cat.

What should be in cat food?

It must include meat. Since cats are predators, this product is indispensable for them. But it must be taken into account that the information on the composition of the feed should not contain the words “meat and offal”. Such a phrase implies the content of waste from the carcass of cattle.

The food should contain vitamins and minerals. For the normal state of the animal's body, vitamins A, D, C, E, K, as well as group B and taurine are necessary. The following minerals are also important for a cat: magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron. The packaging should have a complete list of them.

It is necessary that the feed contains the liver, heart, lungs of chicken or cattle. If the feed includes such products, they must be clearly identified and not simply listed under the general word "by-products".

Feed must be selected, taking into account the age of the animal and its breed. Kitten food contains an increased percentage of vitamins and minerals, as the growing body needs it. In Persian cats, the structure of the skull differs from other breeds; for them, special food is produced with a croquette shape that is convenient for eating.

When buying food, it is not recommended to mix several types, especially if the food is from different manufacturers. This can lead to an allergic reaction in the body. The feed may contain a small percentage of vegetables and cereals (up to 50%, but not more).

Ingredients that should not be in food.

Corn or soy protein (it is used by manufacturers as a meat substitute). Dyes and flavoring additives. Avoid food with bright colors, as it only indicates dangerous additives. But the brown color is typical for natural feed.

Fillers. If they are in the feed, then your pet will not be able to get enough of them for a long time, which can lead to rapid eating and subsequently to vomiting.

Chemical constituents. Cornmeal, which is not digested in the stomach of animals. Fish and fishmeal. Such components are processed with a dangerous preservative.

Sucrose. A high carbohydrate content in the feed will cause loose stools in the animal, and over time can lead to diabetes.

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Neutered cats require special care and special nutrition. This is the only way to save both the health and the figure of your pet after the operation. What are the signs of good food for neutered cats?


Immediately after surgery, switch your cat to a lighter diet designed specifically for neutered or obese animals. Strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the dosage of feed. It is better to feed the animal several times a day in small portions. This is necessary so that the cat does not gain excess weight. Three to four months after the operation, your pet's appetite will return to normal and he will be able to determine how much food he needs.

Choose specialized neutered cat foods labeled Light if your cat is sedentary or has always been overweight. Such products contain less fat and carbohydrates, which helps animals not to gain weight.

Carefully study the composition of the food you buy. It is better to give preference to feeds with a lower carbohydrate content and with a large amount of protein. Pay attention to the protein content, its share should be at least 30%, and ideally at least 50%.

Consider the content of magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Their share should not exceed 6-7%. Despite the fact that these substances are necessary for the body of the animal, their overabundance can lead to the formation of struvite stones.

Keep track of how much your pet drinks. Neutered cats need plenty of fluids. If the animal does not consume enough water, switch it to wet food.

Avoid cheap food. Cheap feeds, in addition to harmful chemical additives, contain a large amount of carbohydrates and vegetable proteins, which is extremely harmful for neutered cats.

Don't be afraid to buy foods that aren't specialized but are recommended for neutered cats. Some manufacturers offer universal products that are not contraindicated in castrated animals. When buying, be sure to read the information on the package.

To maintain the good health of the cat, the owner must choose the right and balanced diet for it. The menu of a pet should include vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals, dairy products in a certain proportion. In addition to natural food, ready-made holistic and super premium class feeds are suitable for this.

    Show all

    Feed classification

    All prepared feeds can be classified according to different criteria. The most common signs by which cat food is chosen are:


    There are the following types:

    • Economy class;
    • medium class;
    • premium class;
    • super premium;
    • holistic class (Human Grade)
    cat breedMany manufacturers produce ready-made food for individual cat breeds. Their composition takes into account the features and weaknesses of each of them. On the shelves there is a diet for British, Persian cats, Bengals, Maine Coons
    Submission FormDry or wet
    Animal age

    Food for each age is different in composition, content of vitamins and nutrients. There are types:

    • for kittens;
    • for adult cats and cats;
    • for older animals
    Health status and individual characteristics

    Some pets need special nutrition. For them, special or medicinal feeds are made:

    • for animals suffering from urolithiasis;
    • for animals with long hair;
    • for cats with sensitive digestion;
    • for pets with liver problems;
    • food for debilitated cats and animals after surgery

    Economy class

    Veterinarians categorically do not recommend feeding cats with economy class brands.

    The most common of them:

    1. 1. Whiskas.
    2. 2 Friskies.
    3. 3. Kitikat.
    4. 4. Darling.
    5. 5. Our brand.
    6. 6. Night hunter.
    7. 7. Felix.
    8. 8. Purina.

    They are made from low-grade raw materials and waste from the production of other products: skins, cartilage, bones. They don't have real meat. To increase the volume, a lot of soy texturate is added and seasoned abundantly with flavors and flavor enhancers.

    Economy feeds are digested poorly, by a maximum of 50%. If a cat eats cheap food for a long time, her health deteriorates significantly. First of all, the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver suffer. The risk of urolithiasis increases, especially in cats. The risk of malignant neoplasms in adulthood increases.

    Medium class

    These brands are slightly more expensive than the previous ones. There is less harm in them, but there is no benefit either.

    Medium class contains natural meat, but its percentage is small (about 4%). The age characteristics of the cat, the daily need for vitamins and trace elements are taken into account. But the basis is still processed products and soy texturate. If the animal has a weak immune system or has health problems, it is better not to buy medium brands.

    The most common feed of this class:

    1. 1. Cat Chou.
    2. 2.Perfect fit.
    3. 3. Purina One.

    A kitten appeared in the house - what and how to feed it?

    Premium class

    Premium feed is sold only in specialized departments. This is a complete diet of good quality, containing meat, vegetables, cereals, essential vitamins and minerals in the right proportions. However, soy, artificial flavors and colors are often added to them.

    Premium food includes:

    1. 1. Royal Canin.
    2. 2. Hills.
    3. 3. Purina Pro Plan.
    4. 4. Eukanuba.
    5. 5. Belcando.
    6. 6.Yams.
    7. 7. Bozita.

    Super premium class

    Such food is considered professional. This is how animals are fed by cattery owners, owners of kittens with a good pedigree and ordinary people who want to give their cat the best. The composition of the super premium class diet is completely balanced, it includes natural meat and all the substances necessary for cats. Most popular brands:

    1. 1 Arden Grange.
    2. 2. 1st Choice.
    3. 3. Sanabelle.
    4. 4. Acana.
    5. 5. Origin.

    human grade

    The composition of the holistic class feed includes ingredients designated Human Grade - products that are allowed for human consumption. Such a diet is the most natural and healthy of all. Switching your cat from another food to holistic food is not easy. Manufacturers use only natural ingredients, do not add flavorings and flavor enhancers. After pronounced flavors (especially in economy and medium food), the animal often does not agree to try quality food. You need to change the diet gradually, every few days by 10% of the total.

    Representatives of Human Grade feed:

    1. 1. Innova Evo.
    2. 2. Pronature Holistic.

    High-quality superpremium and holistic class feeds are absorbed almost completely - by 90%. Due to this, food consumption is small and food costs will not be much higher than with an economy menu.

    For the health of the cat, super premium or holistic grade is preferred, as they are free from harmful additives, artificial colors and preservatives. They are available in dry and wet form.

    Dry food

    Dry food - concentrated dehydrated granules. Pros:

    1. 1. Convenient submission form. You can give the cat a full bowl of food at once. It won't fade or dry out.
    2. 2. Stored for a long time. Pathogenic microorganisms multiply in it less. It is important to strictly follow the storage recommendations indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

    Since the dry kibbles are too concentrated, the cat must drink plenty of water. Otherwise, the risk of urolithiasis increases.

    Some cats do not like to drink water. Sometimes experiments with the shape, size and location of the drinker help.

    wet food

    Wet food comes in a variety of forms. These are various canned food, stews, jelly, pouches, pies and more. One thing unites them: a significant moisture content. Due to this, food is well absorbed - almost 100%. Wet food minimizes problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and urinary tract.

    When feeding wet food, you need to consider some features:

    1. 1. An open pack should be stored for no more than a day and only in the refrigerator. Therefore, you should choose the amount that the animal can handle in a day.
    2. 2. Put as much food in the bowl as the pet can eat at one time.

    With such feeding, the cat also constantly needs fresh water. But the animal will drink a little less than when feeding with dry granules.

    Composition analysis

    Any cat food should include three main ingredients:

    • proteins (protein);
    • fats;
    • taurine.

    They are supplemented with essential vitamins, enzymes, trace elements.

    Proteins are the most important and indispensable element. Protein must be of animal origin: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef, veal, seafood, offal. It is better if there are two or more sources: meat and fish or several types of meat. So the menu will include more amino acids needed by the cat. Unlike dogs, amino acids in cats are not synthesized by the body on their own, so they must be supplied with food.

    Taurine is the second essential component for a cat. It is also not synthesized by the animal's liver. High-quality feed necessarily contains this substance as an additive.

    Fats provide nutritional value. Most of them are in food for kittens and pregnant cats. The minimum amount of fat is in food for castrates and domestic cats with low activity.

    In a good feed, meat ingredients come first. The types of protein and its percentage must be listed. If by-products are added, their type is also indicated.

    Most feeds include cereals. They should not be more than 50%, ideally - no more than 25%. Too much "porridge" creates an additional load on the cat's digestive tract. For animals with allergies to cereals or with sensitive digestion, special grain-free lines are produced.

    The composition of high-quality dry food necessarily includes ash. It is a good natural preservative. But it is important to monitor its amount: an ash residue of more than 6% is contraindicated in adult cats and cats. The ash has a high content of magnesium, the excess of which provokes urolithiasis.

    Cats and cats with light-colored coats (especially pure whites) are prone to allergic reactions. Food for them should be chosen with a minimum amount of artificial additives, without dyes and preservatives.

    feed rating

    The range of ready-made food for cats is quite large. Brands that are optimal in composition, which nursery owners prefer to feed animals:

    1. 1. Origen;
    2. 2. Innova Evo;
    3. 3.Pronature;
    4. 4. Arascanidae (Felidae);
    5. 5. Go Natural;
    6. 6. Now natural;
    7. 7.1st choice;
    8. 8 Arden Grange
    9. 9. Acana;
    10. 10 Almo Nature;
    11. 11. Bozita;
    12. 12 Brit;
    13. 13.ProBalance;
    14. 14. Bosch Sanabelle;
    15. 15. Eukanuba;
    16. 16.Pro Plan;
    17. 17. Royal Canin;
    18. 18. Hill's;
    19. 19. Schesir
    20. 20. Iams.

    Under no circumstances should you feed an animal with economy brands: Felix, Sheba, Friskies, Whiskas and others.

    Some tips for proper nutrition of a cat:

    1. 1. New food should be added to the diet gradually, replacing 10% of the animal's usual food with it every few days. If the transition is abrupt, the cat may refuse to eat unfamiliar food. Also, an instant change in diet negatively affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract of the animal.
    2. 2. For food and water, ceramic bowls or stainless steel plates are preferred. They are easy to clean, do not emit harmful substances, do not absorb odors. Unwanted plastic.
    3. 3. If the cat has breed characteristics or health restrictions, specialized feeds should be used.
    4. 4. Do not mix several types of feed or ready-made feed with natural nutrition in the diet. Only the alternation of dry and wet menus of one manufacturer is allowed. Otherwise, the load on the gastrointestinal tract increases, problems with the stomach, intestines, and liver are not excluded.
    5. 5. Some people think that constantly changing the type of food will benefit the cat and diversify its diet. This is an erroneous judgment. With a well-chosen diet, the cat gets everything it needs. Replacement will be required if the food for some reason is no longer suitable or the state of health has changed.

    To determine whether the cat food is suitable, you should pay attention to its stool, coat condition, behavior. In a healthy pet, the coat should be smooth, shiny, the mood should be cheerful and playful, the stool should be regular, of normal consistency. Otherwise, a visit to the veterinarian is recommended.

Surely, every owner wants to give his pet only the best. And this applies not only to a bed, toys, a tray, a filler. First of all, it concerns food. What is the best food to choose: natural or dry (industrial)? Which company should you choose? What to look for when choosing dry food? Which is better to choose: super premium cat food or holistic class? There are many questions, so you need to understand.

Common myths

Let's start the study of the questions raised with common myths.

  • Dry food for cats can cause urolithiasis. Here it is impossible to answer unambiguously. If a pet has urolithiasis, then this is a consequence (80%) of the lack of sufficient water in the animal's bowl. When consuming industrial pellets, a cat needs a large amount of water. Carelessness of the owners leads to disastrous results. No need to be surprised that after a short period of time, the pet will need the help of veterinarians.
  • Dry food for adult cats can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Again, there is no clear answer. Diseases of the stomach and intestines can occur due to excessive consumption of granules. If the cat ate everything, this does not mean at all that she needs to add more. Especially if it's economy class food.
  • The composition of dry food contains continuous chemistry, there are absolutely no natural components or there is a minimum amount of them. If the choice fell on economy-class granules, then naturally, it will be so. But premium, super premium and holistic class feeds contain only natural ingredients (in different mass fractions). All products, starting from the premium class, undergo the strictest control. If in doubt, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Feed classification

The division into classes contributes to the fact that the owner of the kitten can make the right choice in favor of the health of the pet.

  • Economy class products - the composition of this product cannot please the owners of cats. Among the components there is no natural meat, fish or poultry; only bone meal and herbal ingredients. The quality of these granules leaves much to be desired. This food seems attractive to cats only because of the presence of flavors and flavors in the composition.
  • Premium-class products - manufacturers use selected meat and fish for the manufacture of pellets, containing minerals and vitamins in the required quantities. As a plant component, corn enters here. All ingredients in the composition have a veterinary certificate. A distinctive feature can be called economical consumption and high digestibility.
  • Super premium class products - only the highest quality ingredients become the basis of the granules. These are: salmon fillet, lamb meat, turkey, rice, egg, etc. The composition contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates in a balanced form. When consuming such food, the cat will receive all the essentials. Super premium class products refer to a specialized and balanced diet.
  • Holistic class products - elite food, which contains only environmentally friendly ingredients. Distinctive features of such products are excellent digestibility and high taste. In addition to the main components are fruits, vegetables, grains.

Before choosing dry cat food, you need to read the numerous reviews of cat owners and specialists. They may differ, but you need to draw your own conclusions. The best option is to contact your veterinarian about nutrition.

List of economy class dry food manufacturers

The composition of dry food for kittens and cats includes a lot of chemical components and low-quality raw materials. Chemical additives, flavors, flavor enhancers are persistently addictive in a pet.

In addition, in order for the animal to be full, it will take twice as many pellets as in higher-class products. In order for the kidneys not to fail, the cat must consume 2-3 times more water than food. To eat, the cat eats a lot (!) of food, it is not able to consume the same amount of water, so the kidneys become clogged, and this is the root cause of diseases of the urinary system.

Having studied the classes and composition of dry food for kittens and cats, the experts came to the conclusion which products belong to the economy class.

  1. Kitekat;
  2. Whiskas;
  3. Friskies;
  4. Purina
  5. Felix;
  6. OSCAR;
  7. Katinka;
  8. Perfect fit;
  9. Darling;
  10. Kitty;
  11. Dr. Clauders;
  12. Sheba etc.

List of premium industrial pellet manufacturers

Dry food for adult cats, belonging to the premium class, not as harmful as economy, but still not as healthy as super premium and holistic. It will be based on meat and fish, but in addition to them, soy, additives and substitutes will be contained. The norm of premium dry cat food will be lower than that of the economy class, respectively, there will be no such load on the kidneys.

It has been observed that most owners buy premium dry cat food, as it is expensive (but not in the same way as super premium or holistic), but does not do much harm to the pet's health. Many cats eat this way and live long and healthy (!) lives.

Premium Dry Cat Food Rating:

  1. Royal Canin is one of the most popular manufacturers with a wide range of products on the market;
  2. PurinaProPlan;
  3. Hills is a well-known manufacturer of industrial pellets with a wide range;
  4. Natural Choice;
  5. Belcando;
  6. Brit is also a popular food that has won the trust of numerous cat owners;
  7. happy cat
  8. advance;
  9. Matisse.

Royal Canin, Brit and Hills stand out from this list. Experts often classify them as super premium granules, since these manufacturers have a wide range of medicated feeds in their line. But you need to choose the food, the packaging and production of which took place in Europe. There is better quality control and control of all products. In Russia, there is no such control yet.

List of super premium industrial feed manufacturers

Choosing dry cat food is not a problem; which one is better - every cat owner will decide for himself. In super premium class granules, the amount of protein is balanced, there are practically no dyes and flavors. When feeding with such granules, the risk of getting sick in an animal is significantly reduced.

The best manufacturers of super premium cat food:

  • 1st Choice;
  • ProNature Holistic;
  • Profine Adult Cat;
  • Cimiao;
  • Nutram.

Rating of manufacturers of dry food holistic class

The best dry food for cats is holistic grade granules. In nurseries, the wards are fed with just such pellets, produced by professionals for professionals. Such food, perhaps, only 2 minuses:

  • high cost;
  • lack of flavorings and additives, which is why a cat who is used to eating premium food will turn up his nose at expensive food (in the evening he will still go to eat, no one wants to sit hungry).

Rating of dry food for cats holistic class:

  1. Orijen;
  2. Acana;
  3. Golden Eagle Holistic;
  4. GO and NOW Natural holistic;
  5. GRANDORF Natural & Healthy;
  6. Almo Nature Holistic;
  7. Gina Elite, etc.

Such feed does not cause allergies in animals. Each component in the composition is designed to preserve the health of the animal and prolong life. When feeding, the pet receives all the necessary substances, which eliminates the need to purchase an additional vitamin-mineral complex. The ingredients are selected in such a way that they do not interfere with each other's absorption. The owner of the cat must remember that feeding holistic pellets should not be combined with other foods and, moreover, with natural food. If you throw meat or fish into the bowl in addition to holistic food, then the pet will begin to have kidney problems, the cause of which will be an excess of protein.

Alternative rating of feed producers

The first place is rightfully occupied by:

  • 1st choice;
  • Acana is a Canadian manufacturer that has won the trust of millions of cat and dog owners (products undergo the strictest control at all stages of production);
  • Brit Care Cocco;
  • Grandorf - this line includes 6 hypoallergenic foods, two varieties contain probiotics necessary for digestion;
  • Nutrivet;
  • Orijen is a Canadian manufacturer that produces granules with a high content of protein and a vitamin-mineral complex (75% of meat (fish), eggs are displayed in the composition);
  • Pro nature holistic.

Why were they given the palm? The composition contains only natural ingredients, high-quality meat. Food from these manufacturers is suitable for everyday feeding of a pet. Their only drawback is their high cost.

Second place was given to such manufacturers as:

  • Animonda (grain free);
  • Britcare;
  • Hills Ideal balance;
  • Nutram Sound;
  • Power of nature.

In third place are:

  • Brit;
  • Golden Eagle is an American manufacturer that first put on the market a product developed by nutritionists, geneticists, famous veterinarians;
  • Holistic Blend Perfect;
  • Pronature Original.

These super premium and holistic foods are suitable for the treatment of allergic reactions and certain diseases. For healthy animals, such food for every day is not suitable.

Knowing that the feed is divided into classes, the owner must pay attention to the composition. If it mentions offal, bone meal, you can safely refuse such a product.

  • Super premium cat food, as well as holistic class, contains selected beef, rabbit meat, chicken, fish. No chemicals, no offal.
  • The shorter the ingredient list, the better.
  • In the first place in the list of components are those whose mass fraction prevails in the feed. Among the first should be meat, fish, poultry.
  • You should not take industrial pellets because of the beautiful packaging or an enticing slogan. Dry food for adult cats and kittens must be of the highest quality, tested by time and the technical control department.
  • Do not buy food from different manufacturers. It turns out that cats are very fussy, so it's hard to get used to a change in food.
  • If the list of components contains cereals, then it is better to refuse such granules. It is desirable that legumes be present in the composition, since cereals can cause allergies. Feedback from veterinarians suggests that there will be no problems with the gastrointestinal tract in animals with feeds that contain rice.
  • If the list of ingredients contains flavorings and dyes, it is better to refuse such a product. Responsible manufacturers have long abandoned the addition of chemicals.

Cat nutrition principles: how to feed and how much to give?

Before transferring a pet to industrial granules, many owners ask themselves: is it possible for cats to dry food? The answer of professionals: it is possible. But in moderation and following the recommendations.

The rate of dry cat food is indicated on the packaging from the manufacturer. It is categorically impossible to overfeed your ward with such food. Premium dry cat food can be used, but the diet should be consistent. Unlike humans, cats do not need a constant variety in their diet. Ideally one food for life. Harsh but true. The less variety in the diet of an animal, the less health problems it will have. If the owner is satisfied with the state of health, wool, teeth of the cat, then the best dry cat food is found, and there is no need to replace it with other granules.

If the owner purchased dry cat food based on veterinary reviews, he must remember a few rules regarding the cat's diet.

  • Access to water should always be. Ideally, the water in the bowl should be changed 1-2 times a day.
  • If dry holistic or super premium cat food is used, then natural food should be removed from the pet's diet.
  • The amount of food given out depends on age, physical health, activity and breed characteristics. It is best to check with your veterinarian about the amount of pellets your cat should consume.
  • The cat should eat 2 or 3 times a day. If the pet wakes up his owner early in the morning, then the last meal can be moved to the late evening.

From personal experience

When we got a lop-eared British kitten, we immediately turned to the veterinarian for advice on a variety of issues. Among them was the question of nutrition. In the first minutes of the conversation, the veterinarian indicated that it was not worth buying Friskas, Whiskas and similar cheap food for our baby (of course, if we don’t want to have a bouquet of diseases at the exit). We were advised by Royal Canin, Hill's, Pro Plan and Brit. Expensive, but will not cost the health and life of our pet. Subsequently, when the kitten got stronger and gained strength, we opted for Brit.

Initially, we bought Royal Canin by weight, our growing baby ate it at the speed of light. Reviews of the seller in the veterinary clinic about Royal Canin are only positive. She advised us to put the daily allowance in the bowl so that the kitten would not think that he had run out of food, and he would not pounce on a new portion later. We did just that. At first he tried to eat everything, but then he realized that he had enough food, no one was taking anything from him and he would not starve. It just so happened that in the morning I pour him a cup of food, he has enough until the night. He eats when he wants. There is always fresh water in the bowl.

As for 2 or 3 meals a day, we do not adhere to this principle. Because the cat only walks and begs for food. And so, if there are granules in the plate, he comes up, eats about 3-5 things, drinks it with water and goes about his business. Everyone wins. Maybe wrong, but the cat is used to eating like this. And he has no health problems.