What are the types of allergies to cats and cats: classification, treatment. Cat Allergy Symptoms in Adults Cumulative Cat Allergy

Think cats are cute? There are several types of allergies that will make you doubt it.

Almost all people love animals, and many people are completely delighted with cats. However, these fluffy creatures are the most dangerous pets in terms of allergenicity. Neither dogs, nor birds, nor rodents cause such a violent reaction in an allergic person as cats.

Even bald breeds, which are regarded by many as safe, can make you suffer no less than furry pets. In fact, an allergy to cats is a type of allergy that is not divided into subspecies, but conditionally, several varieties of pet intolerance can be distinguished.

Most often, this feature of the body manifests itself in childhood. Rarely do children manage to resist the temptation to stroke a furry creature or test its strength while adults are not watching. Therefore, parents notice alarming bells after the first contact of the child with the cat.

The fault is the immune system, which is responsible for separating all substances that enter the body into safe and threatening health. When the immune system comes face to face with the allergen, it communicates information about it to all other cells so that the next time they come into contact, they are ready to repel the attack.

Scientists have not yet been able to understand why cats cause only warm feelings in some people, while others are forced to frantically grab antihistamines to suppress the symptoms that have arisen.

Important! Gradually, the number of allergy sufferers is growing, which is associated with poor ecology, bad habits and malnutrition.

More than half of people with animal intolerance are allergic to cats. Moreover, the symptoms manifest themselves much brighter, because these animals are in closer contact with humans. They are stroked, played with, they are even allowed into bed and on their own pillow, and sometimes they themselves decide to lie on their master's lap.

In the body of cats, the Fel D1 protein is produced, which is responsible for the development of an allergic reaction. It is he who is to blame for the fact that an allergic person has an uncontrollable desire to sneeze, cry or cough, but wool has nothing to do with this. It acts only as an intermediary through which the allergen enters the environment.

The protein is found in the natural secretions of the animal, in its saliva and skin. Hairless cat breeds have all this, so even they are dangerous for an allergic person. There are only some breeds that produce less protein, so they cause a less violent immune response, but there are no absolutely safe cats.

An allergy can also occur in an adult, even if from childhood he lived in the same house with a whole company of assorted animals. This can happen after diseases that affect the immune system, after severe stress, or for other external reasons. The most prone to this are those people who had allergies in their family, and it is not necessary that animals are their risk factor.

Classification by type of allergen

In all cases, the Fel D1 protein becomes the culprit of the allergic reaction. The only difference is in what particles it is contained. This does not affect the symptoms in any way, but the severity of the reaction will be different, since the protein concentration is not always the same.

The allergen is found in the saliva of cats. Despite the fact that their tongue seems dry and rough, they, like other animals, produce saliva. It is involved in the process of digestion, protects the oral cavity from the effects of bacteria and performs a practical function - it helps pets to wash themselves.

Important! Cat saliva is unique in its composition, it has been proven that it promotes accelerated wound healing and renewal of human epidermal cells.

However, many parents tell their children from an early age not to let a cat lick you as it is not hygienic. It is believed that bacteria may be present in the animal's mouth, which do not mind passing to a person if the pet licks it.

In addition, some people are used to playing with cats with their hands, allowing themselves to be scratched, albeit slightly. Since the animal washes its paw, particles of saliva remain on it. If the cat then scratches the person, then a small amount of the allergen will penetrate into his blood. This is unlikely to cause a serious reaction, but for sure the skin around the wound will at least turn red and swell.

The second type of allergen is cat urine. A person does not contact it directly, but its effect on the body is still there, although we do not feel it. First, when the animal has used the toilet, urine particles evaporate into the air, which can be seen by the characteristic unpleasant odor. This is felt especially clearly if a low-quality filler is used that does not completely retain moisture.

Secondly, the cat steps into the tray with its paws, and then buries the products of its vital activity. The animal does not think about the fact that the filler is already dirty - you just need to wash yourself after visiting the toilet, and there will be no problem. But on the paws, urine particles still remain, which penetrate the human body in the same ways as saliva.

The third type of allergen is the skin, or rather its dead cells. As in other animals, epithelial particles die off over time, making room for new ones, and form dandruff. A person does not see it, but it falls on the hairs of an animal, and then, together with them, spreads through the surrounding space when they fall out.

It is for this reason that people began to think that allergies are caused by animal hair, because an allergy attack most often occurs when in contact with cat hairs. But even bald breeds are covered with skin, and it is even better to see how it peels off and dies off.

In addition, the chemicals contained in the animal's feed may be to blame. Usually they are present in products of cheap brands, which can not always boast of their naturalness. If you feel allergy attacks after you put your pet to eat, then the food may be to blame.

Another option is an allergy to the substances contained in the toilet filler. In this case, too, everything is natural - unpleasant symptoms occur after you replace the contents of the tray. And in this case, allergy most often occurs on cheap fillers, which are small clay pebbles.

So, what are the types of cat allergies by type of allergen? The following can be distinguished:

Regardless of this, the symptoms and treatment will be the same. It is possible to determine what exactly you are allergic to, only in order to develop preventive measures if a cat lives in your house, but there is no way to get treatment.

Classification by symptoms

A foreign protein has several ways to enter the human body. If the protein is contained in the air in the form of particles of saliva, urine or dandruff, it enters the respiratory tract. This causes a runny nose, uncontrollable sneezing, itchy nose, redness and swelling of the skin around it.

All of these symptoms point to allergic rhinitis. You can cope with it with the help of sprays and drops with an antihistamine effect.

Protein can enter the body through the mouth, for example, when a person yawns, coughs or laughs. In this case, the protein moves down to the lungs, causing a burning sensation in the throat and bronchi. It seems to an allergy sufferer that something is pressing on his chest, bouts of dry cough come in waves, shortness of breath appears. You can get rid of this with an inhaler with a bronchial dilator or with expectorants.

Skin contact with feline protein causes hives. This is a fairly rare symptom of an allergy to animals, most often it manifests itself after a pet has scratched a person. Small and large blisters appear on the skin, they itch and hurt, gradually spreading throughout the body. In this case, ointments, creams and gels with an antihistamine or anti-inflammatory effect help.

Important! If the allergen gets into the eyes, then conjunctivitis develops. Proteins turn red, blood vessels become visible. The eyes are very itchy, sore, swollen, visual acuity may decrease. These symptoms can be relieved by instilling antihistamine eye drops.

The last way feline protein enters the body is through food. In this case, it enters the stomach, causing abdominal pain and nausea, sometimes vomiting. The symptoms are similar to food poisoning. You can cope with them by artificially inducing vomiting so that the protein comes out.

Thus, the following types of cat allergies can be distinguished by symptoms:

  • rhinitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • hives;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • poisoning.

In each of these cases, specific treatment is required, but one thing is invariable - the allergy sufferer needs to take an antihistamine pill to pacify the negative reaction of the immune system. The method of treatment in the clinic does not change, regardless of what symptoms are observed.


Allergies to cats are common. It is not customary to divide it into subspecies, but this can be done conditionally in order to determine what exactly is a risk factor for the patient. In the future, this will help him develop preventive measures, and the doctor will be able to choose the most appropriate therapy if necessary.

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Health 10.01.2018

Dear readers, alas, such beloved pets as cats can bring their owners not only joy, but also a lot of health troubles. Allergy to cats occurs in both childhood and adulthood. And today, together with the doctor Tatyana Antonyuk, we will find out how an allergy to cats manifests itself, and also consider methods for treating this disease.

Good afternoon, readers of Irina's blog! Pets give us a lot of pleasure, cheer up, but they can also be the strongest allergen. Allergies to cat fur occur in people who are prone to negative reactions to mold and pollen. The disease is hereditary.

What causes allergies

In most cases, the human body reacts negatively not to the wool itself, but to the allergens that settle on it. Spending a lot of time on the street, the animal returns home, having absorbed particles of dust, pollen, fluff into the wool.

Allergens also include proteins found in cat saliva and urine. When washing, the animal spreads them throughout the body. Foreign protein causes allergic reactions. The provoking factor is cat dandruff (the remnants of obsolete skin particles), which settles on furniture, carpets, bedding and other items in the room. Females are more active in provoking allergies, but neutered cats are less dangerous for an allergic owner.

Signs and symptoms of a cat allergy

Symptoms of cat allergy occur both immediately after contact with the animal, and after some time. Single signs may develop (for example, tearing and redness of the eyes), but a whole complex of different symptoms often manifests itself.

The disease can occur simultaneously with other allergic diseases: urticaria or dermatitis.

How do cat allergies manifest in adults?

Symptoms of cat allergy in adult patients can be of varying intensity and nature. They depend on the general state of human health, the regularity of contact with the animal. Most often noted:

  • skin rashes, accompanied by redness, irritation and itching;
  • sneezing and runny nose;
  • dry cough of an allergic nature;
  • watery eyes, burning sensation and discomfort;
  • cyanosis of the lips, difficulty breathing;
  • the appearance of plaque and swelling on the eyelids, gluing of eyelashes (blepharitis).

If there are scratches or bite marks on the skin, the affected area may become inflamed, itchy, and even fester. In severe cases, a specific form of allergy may develop - Quincke's edema. This condition requires immediate medical attention and hospitalization.

Symptoms of cat allergy in children

Children love to play with animals and often ask their parents to get them a cat. Since this animal requires less care than a dog, many moms and dads see nothing wrong with a child having a furry friend. Allergy to cats in children can occur due to a genetic predisposition, against the background of chronic diseases that lower immunity, excessive hygiene, when the body "unlearns" to resist external threats.

How does cat allergy manifest in children? Many of the symptoms in young patients are similar to those of the same problem in adults:

  • the presence of skin rashes all over the body;
  • nasal congestion, mucous discharge;
  • dry cough;
  • tearing of the eyes and pain in the eyes;
  • stool disorders;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, increased irritability;
  • deterioration in sleep and appetite.

The disease can be seasonal and worsen during periods of weakening of the body as a result of infectious or viral diseases, after heavy physical or psychological stress.

How does cat allergy manifest in babies?

Infants, especially those born weak or premature, are also at risk. Sometimes it can be difficult to determine an allergy, because negative reactions do not occur immediately, but some time after playing with an animal.

An infant develops the same allergy symptoms as older children. The baby becomes restless, may refuse to breastfeed, cry a lot and wake up at night, gain weight poorly. In addition to skin rashes and discharge from the nose, disorders in the work of the digestive organs are possible. In immunocompromised infants, the risk of angioedema, anaphylactic shock and bronchial asthma is increased.


If an allergy is suspected, the patient is referred for a consultation with an allergist. Laboratory tests and tests will help establish an accurate diagnosis. The patient is prescribed general urine and blood tests, a biochemical blood test, and allergy tests are performed.

The most informative test for allergies to cats is a skin test. Their conduct allows you to accurately determine the allergen. Typically, such tests are performed on children over 5 years old, but in severe cases or when the allergen cannot be established for a long time, it is possible to prescribe the procedure at an earlier age.

To conduct allergy tests, scratches (scarifications) of insignificant depth are applied to the patient's forearm or back. Solutions of antigens are applied to lesions, and saline and histamine are applied to scarifications. The formation of rashes and swelling at the site of damage indicates sensitivity to certain allergens.

Allergy to cats - what to do and how to treat

When the diagnosis is established and it becomes clear that everyone's favorite pet is the cause of poor health, the logical question arises: can a cat allergy be cured?

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, drug therapy is necessary, which is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of the disease - itching, rashes and discharge from the nose. Treatment involves the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • antihistamines to relieve rashes, swelling, allergic cough, nasal congestion;
  • local corticosteroids (ointments, gels) to relieve inflammation and itching of the skin;
  • systemic corticosteroids in the form of injections for severe forms of allergies;
  • vasoconstrictor drugs (nasal drops) to eliminate nasal congestion;
  • antispasmodics for abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting;
    choleretic drugs that help accelerate the production of bile by the liver;
  • immunomodulatory agents to improve the body's resistance.

In chronic forms of allergies, drugs are needed to normalize the intestinal microflora.

Antihistamines in treatment

There is a very large selection of antiallergic drugs. First-generation drugs are now used less often, but still they deserve attention. These include: Diazolin, Suprastin, Fegnistil. Second generation drugs - Zodak, Tsetrin, Lomilan. Antihistamines of the third generation - Desal, Suprastinex, Ksizal.

These drugs reduce the release of histamine into the blood and block the action of histamine receptors, preventing them from binding to histamine itself.

It should be noted that antihistamines have contraindications for age. Cat allergy pills are usually prescribed for older children, and for infants and preschoolers, these remedies are shown in the form of drops or syrups.

Means that can be used to treat infants are drops "Fenistil", "Cetrin", "Erius". Before using drugs at any age, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine the duration of their intake and calculate the dosage.

In some cases, taking antihistamines can cause side effects:

  • headache, confusion, dizziness;
  • fatigue, weakness, drowsiness;
  • concentration disorders;
  • decrease in muscle tone.

Among the contraindications to antihistamines, peptic ulcers, glaucoma, bladder pathologies, prostate adenoma, pregnancy and lactation can be indicated. Always read the instructions for the drug carefully and notify the doctor if you have other chronic diseases.

Ointments and creams in treatment

How to cure a cat allergy with ointments or creams? These drugs can be both hormonal and non-hormonal. The first group includes "Advant", "Elocom", "Prednisolone". Their use is advisable only during the period of exacerbation of the disease, within 5-7 days.

Safer, but no less effective are non-hormonal ointments. These drugs include "Fenistil gel", "Panthenol", "Bepanten". These funds have a gentle effect, so they can be prescribed to children. However, ointments or creams alone may not be enough for effective treatment; treatment of cat allergy should be comprehensive.

Learn more about allergies and asthma due to pets in the video.

A child is allergic to a cat - what to do with a pet

This question will inevitably arise before parents if they discover a child's tendency to be allergic to furry animals. It would seem that the answer is obvious: you need to get rid of the cat and urgently find another owner for it. But what if a pet has been living in the family for a long time and cannot adapt to new conditions?

It turns out that the peaceful coexistence of an allergic person and a cat in the same house is quite possible if you follow some rules:

As you can see, it is not necessary to give a cat away. But if her stay indoors provokes severe allergy attacks, complicated by suffocation and the risk of anaphylactic shock, there can be no question of the cat’s further residence in the house and the pet will have to look for another home.

Hypoallergenic cats - are there any

What cats are not allergic to? Such breeds do exist. The absence of long hair is indicative of little protein production. If the family has allergies or parents are afraid for the health of the child, you can make your choice among the following breeds:

  • Balenese - despite the coat of medium length, this breed emits a small amount of protein;
  • short-haired oriental - a graceful and graceful animal, faithful to man;
  • Javanese - a breed that arose from crossing the Siamese with the Balenesian, belongs to the most hypoallergenic cats;
  • Devon Rex - short curly hair releases 2 times less protein than the hair of an ordinary cat;
  • the Russian Blue is one of the oldest short-haired breeds with a friendly character and unpretentious care;
  • The Sphynx is a completely hairless cat, ideal for allergy sufferers, but requires a lot of care as it is sensitive to cold.

Choosing the right breed and following the rules for caring for these pets will minimize the risk of developing allergies. Let your cat bring to the house only comfort and positive atmosphere!

your doctor
Tatiana Antonyuk

I thank Tatyana for all the information provided. Of course, I would not want to face such situations when beloved pets suddenly begin to create such problems for one of the family members. But if this has already happened, then everything must be done to protect the person with allergies, and maybe even leave your beloved pet in the house. It's great that such options are possible.

And for the soul of me today mood. Everything starts with love . Song in performance V. Tretyakova. He also wrote the music and the words. Amazing song.

The body's response to allergens emitted by pets can occur at any age.

In most cases, signs of allergy to cats appear within a few hours after direct contact or being in the same room with them.

Causes of an allergic reaction to cats

Many people think that cats provoke allergies, but this is not the only reason for such a reaction of the body to the animal. It can be caused by elements that make up the cat's saliva or urine.

In addition, after returning from a street walk, the pet with its hair brings other allergens into the house - plant pollen, fluff, dust, fungal mold.

Animal allergies are caused by different allergens, so a person's contact with one of the individuals may be safe, while the other will cause health problems.

The reaction of the human body to cats is more common than to other pets, such as dogs, hamsters, rats. Doctors say that cats are more allergenic than cats, with the age of the animal this property increases.

According to statistics, a person reacts more to animals of a dark color or color than to light representatives of the cat world. There is another feature of allergic reactions to cats: sterilized individuals reduce the risk of developing the disease.

Allergy symptoms

Allergic reactions in adults and children to the presence of cats can manifest themselves in different ways. The intensity of the reaction can also be different: one person reacts already when communicating with the owner of the animal, the other immediately after contact with the object itself, and the third - a few hours after the meeting.

The most common symptoms of an allergic disease are:

  • nasal discharge - allergic rhinitis;
  • sinus congestion;
  • itching and soreness in the nose and throat;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • lacrimation;
  • constant sneezing;
  • dry, choking cough.

Skin rashes are possible with allergies, in the form of hyperemia of individual areas, urticaria or blisters (see photo).

red spots



The skin at the same time have a pronounced dryness with signs of irritation, itchy a lot.

This type of allergy is less tragic for a person than the respiratory symptoms mentioned above.

In most cases, it is enough to exclude contact with the animal in order to get rid of discomfort.

If there is an irritating factor in the surrounding space of the room, then in children prone to allergies, such a reaction manifests itself very quickly. After communicating with a cat, the child may suddenly develop signs of swelling on the face, shortness of breath, red itchy spots on the skin, mood swings, whims, crying.

Given that children often put their hands in their mouths, allergens can get on the mucous membrane and cause food signs of the disease: nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach or abdomen, diarrhea.

At any age, depending on the individual intolerance of the body, symptoms of general malaise may appear - irritability, weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, headaches.

Signs of cat allergy are not unique, therefore, before deciding the fate of the animal, it is necessary to first conduct a thorough examination and establish an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnostic methods

To understand that you are allergic to cats, you need to contact a specialist. An allergist is engaged in the study of the causes that caused allergic abnormalities in the human body and their treatment.

Of great importance in a detailed examination of the patient is the anamnesis of the disease - detailed information about the first signs, the development of the disease, the condition, symptoms and conditions for their manifestation.

During the course of the survey, the specialist finds out the following points:

  • main complaints;
  • the circumstances of their appearance;
  • Does the patient have pets?
  • are there any symptoms in the absence of pets;
  • how often symptoms appear;
  • how the disease was treated and how successfully;
  • is there a genetic predisposition;
  • whether there are chronic diseases, methods of their treatment;
  • living conditions.

Visual inspection consists in studying the skin, changes and rashes on the skin, if any.

Laboratory studies that need to be carried out to determine the degree of reaction of the body's immune system to stimuli:

The results of the analyzes help to reduce the likelihood of errors in determining the diagnosis of the patient after the examination and conversation.

Methods of treatment

No remedy guarantees a complete cure for allergies. But with the help of various methods, it is possible to significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease and prevent the development of complications.

You should pay attention to the state of immunity, the body must have the strength to withstand irritating factors.

The most effective method is considered to be aimed at limiting or eliminating contact with an object that emits an allergen.

Treatment is determined depending on the individual physiological characteristics of the patient's body, the severity and complexity of the disease. Immunotherapy is a method that allows you to change the susceptibility to allergens and prevent the occurrence of new manifestations.

Its tactic is to introduce allergens into the body and gradually increase their concentration. As a result of such actions, the immune system develops stable resistance to pathogens.

Allergen Elimination

The main method of dealing with the manifestations of allergy to cats is the removal (elimination) of irritating factors.

To do this, you will need to adhere to some rules in everyday life, which are also preventive measures to reduce the risk of developing the disease:

  • maintain cleanliness in the room, regularly carry out wet cleaning;
  • limit the presence of a cat in the bedroom;
  • put things and linen in closed cabinets so that the animal does not lie on them;
  • if possible, refuse carpets, bedspreads, bedding with long fur or pile;
  • thoroughly ventilate the room, always before going to bed;
  • use air cleaners or exhaust fans;
  • comb out cat hair every day, it is advisable to bathe the animal;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the cat tray, use an anti-allergic filler, change it in time;
  • avoid direct prolonged contact with the cat;
  • wash hands after interacting with animals.

Medical therapy

In the acute course of allergies, drugs of a narrow focus, fast and strong action are selected, since the symptoms of the disease develop rapidly.

Medicines with which you can cure allergies to pets are divided into several groups:

With nasal congestion or swelling, eye or nose drops "Xylometazoline", "Benzocaine" are used.

Folk methods

Many patients with mild illness wonder if cat allergies can be cured without medication.

Recipes of traditional healers who use natural natural ingredients will come to the rescue:

  1. Birch buds. The decoction is recommended to be taken orally 4 times a day before meals, itchy areas and rashes are wiped with a concentrated solution. To prepare a decoction, 1 tablespoon of the kidneys is boiled for 15 minutes in 3 glasses of water. Cool, filter, the entire volume is divided into 4 doses.
  2. With nasal congestion, sore throat and tearing of the eyes, motherwort infusion is used, which is used to wash or rinse the organs. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of dry grass with boiling water (0.5 cups) and leave for 2 hours.
  3. With allergic rhinitis, aloe juice is used. Remove the skin from the leaf, squeeze out the juice, instill 2 drops in each nostril.
  4. Baths with essential oils of coniferous trees will help from skin itching. Inhalations based on them will clear the upper respiratory tract.

What happens if the allergy is not treated?

Some patients who are too sensitive to allergens and refuse treatment may experience complications.

Irritation in the nasopharynx can lead to the development of anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema - an increase in the volume of the face or neck, leading to suffocation.

These same reasons can provoke asthmatic syndrome - attacks of bronchial asthma, which manifest themselves over a long period. These conditions pose a real threat to human health and life.

Are there hypoallergenic breeds?

Absolutely hypoallergenic cats do not exist, but there are some breeds that produce less than others, the amount of allergens.

Even if the breed is hairless, irritants can be found in cat saliva, skin flakes, or feces.

Least allergenic cat breeds:

When choosing a breed, it will be useful to take into account the fact that cats of a light or white color produce fewer allergens than colored or dark ones.

Allergic reactions to indoor pets are common. Cats are one of the most common causes of allergies in humans.

Cat lovers who are prone to this disease need to choose the safest breed for their health and follow the rules for caring for the animal.

Allergy is a disease that is often inherited.

In a person suffering from allergies, at some point there was a "failure of the defense system": the immune system mistakenly takes a harmless substance for an enemy. Scientists do not fully understand the mechanism of an excessive immune response, although research in this area does not stop around the world.

Allergies to cats of various kinds are found in a fairly large number of people. Unfortunately, with such a reaction of the body, it becomes impossible to have fluffy pets, despite the great love for them.


Allergies to pets can affect almost anyone at any age. But people with allergies to pollen and mold are most susceptible to cat fur allergies. It should also be noted that heredity is a factor in the appearance of allergies to cats in children. If your parents suffer from allergies to cat hair, chances are you will have the same problem.

According to confirmed data, cat allergies are caused by the following factors:

  1. Allergens that persist on cat fur after the street. A cat that has the opportunity to walk outside the house can bring pollen from flowers, fluff, dust or mold on its coat, which cause severe allergies.
  2. Proteins found in saliva, urine, dead skin cells of cats. These allergens affect the weakened immune system of the person suffering from allergies, causing a protective reaction of the body to irritants. Outwardly, this is manifested by symptoms typical of allergies.

Sufficiently reliable test to identify the causative agents of allergies in a particular person are the so-called skin tests. Skin testing involves the intradermal injection of a small amount of a potential allergen.

In practice, it usually looks like this: a specialist with a needle from a syringe inflicts several shallow scratches on the forearm of the subject and places a drop of a liquid containing a potential allergen - extract, infusion, etc. on each of the scratches. When a substance that is an allergen gets inside the skin, the mechanisms of the immune response are triggered - a noticeable inflammation forms at the point of contact.

Are there hypoallergenic cats?

Unfortunately, absolutely all cats can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people, regardless of their gender, age, breed, as well as the presence and length of wool.

However, cats have been found to emit and spread significantly fewer allergens than cats. Also, kittens emit fewer allergens than adult animals. As studies have shown, regardless of the breed and sex of the cat, allergic reactions often occur on dark-haired animals.

Cat Allergy Symptoms

Cat allergies can manifest themselves in different ways in children and adults. Some people show symptoms immediately after contact with the animal, while others experience symptoms after a couple of hours. Some of the most common allergy symptoms include:

  • watery and/or itchy eyes;
  • sneezing
  • skin rash resembling "";
  • nasal congestion or runny nose;
  • hyperemia at the points of contact with the animal - i.e. where the cat has scratched, bitten or licked;
  • asthma symptoms: wheezing, cough, shortness of breath.

The defeat of the respiratory system during an allergic reaction occurs if the allergen settles on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Depending on where the contact occurred, how much of the allergen reacted and what is the level of sensitivity of the body to this substance, there are several symptoms of respiratory tract damage and their severity.

Symptoms respiratory system disorders are:

  • nasal congestion;
  • cough;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • stuffy ears;
  • dyspnea;
  • cyanosis.

Skin manifestations of allergy to cats are also quite common. Their appearance is caused by the ingress of an allergen on poorly protected skin (dryness, peeling, irritation). In this case, the first symptoms will appear exactly at the point of contact with the allergen.

Symptoms skin lesions are:

  • rash;
  • angioedema.

Autonomic disorders develop when the allergen enters the bloodstream. Upon contact with cells of the immune system and specific antibodies, heavy allergen-antibody and allergen-lymphocyte complexes are formed.

Main vegetative disorders are:

  • heartbeat;
  • rapid breathing;
  • dizziness, nausea and loss of balance;
  • syncope (loss of consciousness).

The defeat of the gastrointestinal tract develops when the allergen is swallowed along with food. According to statistics, intestinal manifestations of allergy to pets in most cases are observed in children under three years of age.

Symptoms lesions of the digestive system are:

  • abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

Angioedema is known to many under the author's name - Quincke's edema. This is the most dangerous symptom that can occur due to an allergic reaction.

How does an allergy to cats manifest itself: photo

In the photo you can see how the symptoms of an allergy to pets can manifest themselves in the form of a characteristic rash.

Cat Allergy Treatment

It should be understood that without eliminating contact with the allergen, even the most competent drug treatment by no means guarantees complete relief from the symptoms of the disease and the absence of exacerbations in the future.

The following medications are commonly used to treat cat allergies:

  1. Decongestants. Used to reduce swelling and prevent mucus stasis.
  2. . They tend to block the body's chemical reactions that cause symptoms. Some of them are sold without a prescription, but more active drugs will require a doctor's permission.
  3. General anti-allergic medicines, which reduce the effects of allergens and help to cope with allergy symptoms. These may include steroids, which are available only with a prescription from your healthcare provider.

The danger of the presence of a cat next to an allergic person should not be underestimated, a sharp deterioration in the condition of a hypersensitive person is possible, the danger of a sudden transition to bronchial asthma, the development of angioedema, and even death.

What to do if you are allergic to cats?

If you categorically do not want to part with the animal, then you must carefully maintain cleanliness and try to reduce contact with allergens.

For this:

  1. Do not touch the cat, avoid the temptation to stroke it and even more so to take it in your arms.
  2. Thoroughly remove cat hair and dander (dead cells).
  3. Disinfect your pet's favorite place with a mild bleach solution. So you have the opportunity to eliminate the proteins (proteins) that the animal's body produces.
  4. You are not recommended to approach the toilet area even a meter. Because pet excrement contains a high content of allergens.
  5. Do not let the cat into rooms where you spend a lot of time, especially in the bedroom, and even more so in no case do not let her climb onto the bed;
  6. A good measure that allows you to do without treatment for a cat allergy for a long time can be the installation of ventilation, air conditioning and air purifiers in the house. If this is not possible, ventilate the room as often as possible, clean with quartz.

With a mild allergy, this approach may have some effectiveness, but even if all the measures taken do not alleviate your condition and the symptoms of cat allergy appear with a certain frequency, it is better to get rid of the cat. Otherwise, your health or the health of your relatives may be at risk.


In medical centers, you can take a course of allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT). Microscopic doses of the allergen substance are injected subcutaneously with a syringe with a very thin needle. As a result, the patient's body produces antibodies that block the immune response and prevent future allergic reactions.

The ASIT course lasts at least three months, the dose of the drug and the number of injections are calculated by the doctor. The frequency of injections gradually decreases: at first they are injected once a day, at the end of the course - once every five to ten days. ASIT can be done at almost any age. The therapy is effective for the most common types of allergies - dust, pollen, animals. The only thing is that you will have to regularly visit a doctor.

I would like to summarize the article as follows - even before getting a pet, you should make sure that no one in the family has an allergy to cats, as well as any other type of allergy. This will help in the future to get rid of many problems that negatively affect health.

They say that special very expensive breeds of hypoallergenic cats and dogs have been bred in the USA. But do not rush to apply for an American visa. We discussed the topic of cat allergy with Evgeniya Valerievna Nazarova, Ph.

Sources of allergens

The existence of hypoallergenic cats and dogs is a myth or a publicity stunt. All warm-blooded animals can cause allergies. The source of allergens are saliva, urine, secretions of the glands, or rather, the proteins contained in them, which are foreign to humans. Cats have more than 10 types of proteins that can cause allergy symptoms, and the ratio of these proteins varies from cat to cat. The main glycoprotein is Felisdomesticusallergen 1 (Fel d1). But not the only one! That is why when performing scarification skin tests with ready-made allergens, the result is often negative, and when testing with native allergens, i.e. with the hair of an animal living with the patient at home, sharply positive. Therefore, at the Institute of Immunology, we always advise patients to bring a piece of pet hair - this will allow you to be one hundred percent sure of the result.

An allergy to a pet can develop gradually. I had a patient at the reception who complained of nasal congestion and paroxysmal cough, which bothered him for six months. He had two cats at home for 3 years, and he was absolutely sure that he was not allergic to cats. At the next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of wool from both cats, and when performing skin tests with various allergens, including the hair of his pets, there was a pronounced positive reaction only to his cats. The patient was prescribed symptomatic treatment and advised to give the animals in good hands. At the next visit, 2 months later, the patient said that he gave the cats to his relatives, did a general cleaning in the apartment, and no more allergy symptoms bother him, and he does not take any medications.

The peculiarity of epidermal allergens is that their size allows them to stay in the air for a long time and easily penetrate into the respiratory tract, including small bronchi. Therefore, animal allergens are especially dangerous for patients with bronchial asthma. Animal allergens are found even in homes that have never had pets. They are stored for a long time (up to 2 years!) indoors, even if the animal does not live there.

Allergy treatment

Cat allergies can be cured. Now there are special therapeutic allergens based on cat allergens, which, after a course of treatment, can significantly reduce the susceptibility of an allergic person to cat allergens. Such a course of treatment is called allergen-specific immunotherapy, and this is really the only method in the world that allows you to achieve remission of an allergic disease. Allergen-specific immunotherapy is the gold standard treatment for house dust and pollen allergies.

With epidermal allergens, the situation is slightly different. There is no registered feline allergen for treatment in our country. In Europe and the United States, there are registered drugs for the treatment of cat allergies, but treatment is carried out only for a certain contingent: circus workers, veterinarians, animal trainers, i.e. those people who cannot limit contact with animals. Given the pronounced aggressiveness of epidermal allergens for patients who are able to limit contact with animals, it is more effective and safe not to have pets.

Allergen detection

To determine allergies to cats, several methods are used: skin prick tests, provocative tests and the determination of specific IgE to a cat allergen. Skin scarification tests are convenient because the result is known within 25-30 minutes and it is possible to check for allergies to your own pet. The result of skin tests depends on a large number of factors (methodology, medication, skin sensitivity, etc.) and can be either false positive or false negative if performed incorrectly. That is why skin tests with allergens should be carried out only in a specialized institution, by a specially trained nurse and evaluated by an allergist. Only under these conditions can we speak of the objectivity of this method.

To conduct provocative tests, a solution with a small concentration of the allergen is used, which is instilled into the nose or conjunctiva, after which the reaction (itching, redness, nasal congestion) is monitored, and a cytological examination of a swab from the nose or from the conjunctiva is carried out for the presence of eosinophils - cells responsible for an allergic reaction. This method is complex and is carried out only in controversial situations.

The determination of specific Ig E to cat allergens is carried out using a blood test in the laboratory. The result in this case can also be false positive and false negative. If the analysis showed elevated immunoglobulin, this means a person's predisposition to allergies.

When choosing a diagnostic method and making the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to consult an allergist working in a specialized allergological department.

It often happens that the patient is worried about the symptoms of an allergy, but he cannot understand what it is. In this case, it is necessary to collect a very detailed history and conduct an allergy examination with the main aeroallergens. These patients very often have a reaction to house dust, which, unlike a cat allergy, is successfully treated with allergen-specific immunotherapy. In the practice of the Institute of Immunology, there was a case when the symptoms of allergic rhinitis in a patient arose after contact with a cat, but all tests for a cat allergen were negative. The allergist found out that the patient uses natural sawdust cat litter. During an allergy examination, it turned out that the patient was allergic to tree pollen, and when the cat litter was replaced, all allergy symptoms ceased to bother. Patients very often come to me for an appointment, who bring a huge amount of expensive tests for 36, 64, 87 or more allergens. They never received an answer to the question of whether they have allergies. In 90% of cases, the diagnosis of allergy can be made with the help of a well-collected anamnesis and skin tests with allergens.

Therefore, if you suspect an allergy to a cat, do not rush and take tests in the laboratory. You can use a home test. It will help to find out if there is an allergy to the cat. And if you really want to get an accurate answer and find out what exactly you are allergic to, then you should definitely consult a specialist doctor and undergo an allergy examination in a specialized department. The volume and necessity of such an examination should be determined by an allergist.


Treatment of irritated mucous membranes can be carried out with the help of drugs that reduce the amount of fluid - diuretics. Also, if the nasal mucosa is irritated, drops or sprays with xylometazoline can be used, and if the eyes are irritated, special ointments can be used. If the allergy is very sharp and is accompanied by suffocation, immediately call an ambulance, a necessary series of emergency resuscitation actions.
Taken from here [link-1]

03.10.2016 15:48:48, RuslanaTina

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Everything you need to know about cat allergies. At the next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of hair from both cats, and when setting up skin tests with various allergens, including Allergy Treatment.

Everything you need to know about cat allergies. At the next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of hair from both cats, and when setting up skin tests with various allergens, including Allergy Treatment.

Everything you need to know about cat allergies. Can cat allergies be cured? Those. it is necessary - if not everything is done - to urgently do all the tests for INTOLERANCE and for allergies.

Everything you need to know about cat allergies. At the next appointment, at my request, he brought pieces of hair from both cats, and when setting up skin tests with various allergens, including Allergy Treatment.